Hurkle-Durkle …

January 19, 2025 ~ Sunday (a lazy, cold, wintry day)

One might think my cabin fever has taken over if I’m saying things like … hurkle-durkle. But, while I do have cabin fever (quite badly only after two days), that term really is a thing.

According to the Dictionary of the Scots Language (a modern day compilation of Scots words past and present), hurkle-durkle means “to lie in bed or to lounge after it’s time to get up or go to work.”

In short, to hurkle-durkle gives oneself the guilt-free pleasure and opportunity to laze. To linger in bed. To be a lounge lizard. To be present in the moment. To take in that which we don’t ordinarily take notice of … maybe it’s the sound of your dog’s breathing while s/he’s sleeping, or the shadows on your bedroom wall, or the breeze that is just perfectly luscious that comes through an open window. It also gives us a few moments to just BE … and who wouldn’t like to experience that?

So, on this wintry, cold (currently 16°) Sunday, I allowed myself to do just that. And with the weather being as it is … and that shelving unit still not completely put together (I’m getting there!) … I could have hurkle-durkled all day! But, I didn’t.

But, what time I did spend lazing in bed was … nice! Actually more than just nice. It was indulgent and luxurious and a little naughty! And, totally delightful. I got up, refreshed (which hardly ever happens), and got on with my day. I wasn’t even that annoyed when the dog brought in a frozen poop (supposedly to eat as a snack later! Uh, no sir, and he got a talking to!) … but, for the most part, I think it gave my morning a nicer, easier way to re-enter the world. And god knows that we all can/will be needing that in the days and weeks ahead!

So, I encourage you to cozy in … be indulgent … enjoy a little Scottish method of self-care. I know I am (and most of us are wired this way) not good at giving myself permission for downtime – even though I/we need it.

There is a quote from Robert Burns, “Nae man can tether time or tide.”

That basically means you can’t stop time. But you can sure hunker down and appreciate the moment, be grateful for what is and for what you have right now by just adding a few moments of indulgence and awareness by lazing away.

So, give it a try … cozy in and you, too, can be hurkle-durkling all day (or at least for a bit!).

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