January 15, 2025 … Wednesday night (cold/the “Siberian Express” is on its way … brr!)
And so it goes. Just when I had committed myself (sometimes I think I should commit myself!) to writing a blog post every day and I was in that mindset and geared up to tackle this self-imposed challenge … my road ended up being paved with nothing but good intentions. I hit a glitch with my hosting site. I had to update it before I could publish any more posts and was put on “maintenance” status until I did. But, that meant I had to update something else before I could update whatever was needed to publish … and none of it was working for me.
Of course! Technology and I are not exactly best friends. Me and anything machine-related are cordial at best. I haven’t had an electric can opener until recently – I’m still hoping I don’t saw off my arm using it! In any case, I finally figured the updates out. Glitch be gone! I took Spanish and Italian languages in high school. Some French later in life. And, I can speak about two sentences in about five other languages (including “the dog is good” in German) – but computer-ese? OMG – it’s beyond my comprehension! Somewhat like reading music to me, sadly – it just doesn’t equate or make any sense in this brain. The only thing I can play is the radio! And so I digress.
In any case – the site is updated and here I am … and have been for a day or two now finding my way back to my once-a-day postings and ruminating on what would be my word of the day for this post. A few days back, while it was cold, gross, and snowy out (I am NOT a winter gal/and have been looking for Amazon to deliver Spring for a few weeks now! It must be back-ordered!), I was in bed looking through facebook posts and I scrolled onto one that made me laugh out loud but also hit me to the core because that was – exactly – how I was feeling.
With all the political crap going on – and I fear my next week’s words will all be politically motivated – I’ve been trying my best to stay away from any/all of it but it is nearly impossible as it is in our faces 24/7 and you know who’s face is EVERYWHERE (and I want to smack it) – and us coming up on his 2.0 very soon, I kept thinking that this term would be most appropriate, if not indelicately put.
So, today’s word/term is … Fucktose Intolerant – the inability to take anymore bullshit.
Precisely. I am beyond done with all this bullshit that is flying around. (And yet – we’re just getting started – again!) My brother-in-law (who is now sadly gone) used to say, “When there’s a pile of shit – keep digging through it cuz somewhere there has to be a pony!” Well, I don’t see a pony – just more shit! So few in our political arena seem to have a backbone, an ounce of decency, ethical morality, brains, or common sense. It is beyond appalling and I am sick of it. And, because of it, I’m totally fucktose intolerant. Have been for a while now. And it’s only getting worse. Sigh.
And pardon my bluntness and profanity but at this stage of the game/where we are in this world with so much awfulness going on and our soon to be President is name calling and ranting on X in the middle of the night while people are losing everything dear to them or dying in natural disasters and man-made wars … it is disgustingly pathetic and horrendously immature and his behavior and mindset are deplorable and he is beyond unfit to lead and hold the highest office of our country. It sickens me to no end.
I’m trying to be that ostrich, but I’m not a very good avian pretender at the moment. Not sure if I will be in the future, either. But, I think to keep my sanity I’ll need to try harder … or I may forever be … Fucktose Intolerant.