January 3, 2025 ~ Friday (temperate, sunny, but still winter!)
Is it Spring yet? The flakes are falling – and I am not referring to snowflakes – but my dry skin. Sorry – that’s really gross! I know – fat chance of Spring and I’m in trouble, cuz I’m already wanting/needing its arrival … and I’m a good 5 months early.
It’s that time of year – after the holidays – when the anticipation and newness has worn off (especially when you realize it’s just the same ol’/same ol’ and we know what’s coming down the pike. Hard to get excited about a new year this time around).
It’s also that time of year when I take a look at my surroundings and say – NOPE! I need a change. So, I rearranged my bedroom today (it looks nice!) … oiled all the furniture as well as the floor and moved my art pieces around. So – a fresh start – at least in one room of the house!
So, as is the case with most everyone in early January, we are thinking of newness and change. How can I do something better or differently? What habit should I get rid of or adopt? How can I find more time for … x,y,z … that will make me feel better as well as be a better human?
And that is by RESOLUTIONS.
A resolution, according to the dictionary, is a firm decision to do or not do something.
In other words, a promise to take action and be resolute, to be unwavering in your determination and absolute in your resolve.
If that’s the case – I’m doomed! And I don’t want to be doomed! Just thinking about that makes me NOT want to make any resolutions … because it feels as if I’m setting myself up for failure. How about a resolution to not make any?
But, I can’t help myself … I am a creature of habit and I like making them – even though MOST do not come to fruition. At least my way is paved with good intentions if not good (enough) actions.
But, this year, and as much as I’d like to consider making resolutions, I think I’m liking the idea more about making short and long term goals instead. That sounds doable … and less likely for me to abandon in the next week or month. It also sounds more positive.
So, as par usual, I will say (as I always do) … I’ll lose weight (and not gain it back), walk more, eat better, write more, and blah blah blah.
This year – I hope to do those things – but will have better health as my root of purpose … how can I not want to keep that goal? And if I’m walking more and eating better (and getting to the core of my issues with allergies/sensitivities/imbalances, etc) and doing some deep breathing and stretching, too – I would guess that I’d also lose some weight and be stronger, more fit, more relaxed, happier (all those endorphins pinging around in my body!) … so, yeah. That sounds good.
So, my goals? To finish/publish my book. To engage in a hobby – knitting/watercolors? To NOT adopt another dog (god help me). To travel – back to the island … and then to England and (?) with my kids this spring and TBD as we go along. To try my damnedest to swear less … (not counting that!) … and have more patience (especially when driving) than I usually have. That one should be easy cuz ANY more patience will be more than I have now!
And a very personal goal … would be to resolve to be nicer to myself, too. I will give myself a break when I need it – mentally and physically. And let myself do more of what I love to do. And I think that’s something we can all think about … treating ourselves as we treat others and as we’d like to be treated. Too often that is not the case.
So, here we go. I resolve to not make any resolutions … but to, instead, alter my behaviors and doings, make and take a new path in my actions and deeds, and set some achievable goals for this new year.
Good luck to us all!