Sweater Weather …

October 3, 2024 ~ Thursday (still in the 80s or higher here!)

Sweater Weather … the two words that bring coziness to mind along with crisp morning air, trees putting on their colorful displays, woodsmoke, and all things autumnal.

Well, it would if it weren’t 88° outside! Get goin’ Summer – we are done with ye! Adios! Sayonara! Ciao! In other words … Scram! Get lost!

I missed September with my posts – mainly because, I’m sure, my brain was fried. The longest, hottest, quietest summer yet – I didn’t like it. Put a fork in me, I’m done.

Typically, I love September as the lazy days of Summer wind down and you, all at once, feel that certain something in the air … a scent, a whisper through the trees, the air feels thinner … that something that says, “Autumn ~ it’s so close.” But not this year. Yeah – we’ve had a few chillyish mornings … nothing notable. Nary a cold temp. Definitely no snow. I got tired of watering my garden beds by late August – things were half baked or dead. However, still I kept doing so – just so I could get one more tomato (didn’t – the squirrel got it!). But, I’m letting whatever is left out there fend for itself now … my leggy tomatoes? You’re on your own guys! My deep purple stocks (that I finally got to enjoy cuz no slugs ate them like in the NW)? … I’m not watering you anymore! My lavender? … You’re half dead already – continue on!

But this year, Summer was too hot … too summery … too “I’m so sick of Summer I could scream” (well, I can’t scream/yet – but I can now talk! Finally! A very long three months!) So … September came and went. There was no yearning for elementary school supplies because it still felt like Summer. There was no wanting to decorate for Fall … cuz it was still Summer. There are no pumpkins marching down my front porch steps … I do not need to make pumpkin soup for the squirrels! (I love them but even I have my limits!)

I adore October but here we are … three days in … and we were 88° yesterday … 90° for the next two days … high 80s for all of next week. We have four days after that forecasted with temps in the 70s … and it won’t be until after mid-month that “seasonal” temps (60s) finally come around. Craziness. I don’t like it. I feel cheated.

Autumn is my favorite season (by far). Probaby 5x any other season. I do enjoy Spring – but not in CO. It’s snowy or it’s in the 50s through mid-May and then all of a sudden, it’s Summer and we are in the 80s and 90s – again – or worse. No spring here. And, apparently, less of Fall, too. Bummer.

I was curious, the other day, and looked up the average temps in September in the late 1960s in Chicago. I remember walking to elementary school (I loved that school) … and I also remember what I wore those first few days. We didn’t “go back” til after Labor Day – so, early September. The Fall clothes, the “fall-ness” … the new start of a new school year … it was all so exciting. My wardrobe consisted of cordouroy pants, plaid dresses with Peter Pan collars, Mary Jane or Saddle shoes (why were those ever in fashion?) with anklets or knee highs, and light sweaters. I had one sweater that had a “diamond” at the neck (as a button). I thought I was SO COOL. All 9 years old of me! Yeah – me and my Sugar Plum Fairy Pink cat-eye glasses and uneven bangs. Fashionista … not quite! But, I remember it all so well … and I remember it being COOLER. And it was. This September’s average temp in Chicago was 75°. When I was a kid … the average temp there was (du du du dun) … 66°! Hello climate change!

I put on a sleeved shirt today to run to the library. I thought I’d die of heat stroke before I got home!

I’m just ready for coziness. I’m ready to turn my heat on. I’m ready to snuggle. I’m ready to put pumpkins on my porch that won’t bake in the sun/temps. I’m READY. (Actually, I’m BEYOND ready!)

My house is decorated. My sweaters and cords are in my closet. My rust colored suede shoes are waiting to be worn (with socks). Another couple of weeks … I keep singing the “One Day More” song from Les Mis … but, honestly, I’ve been singing it for a month now!

In any case, I’m ready for Fall – whenever it gets here! Come on Sweater Weather!

There’s a lot going on now … and a lot to be concerned with. So, deep breaths. But pull out your sweaters cuz Fall’s gonna be here (hopefully soon).

Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Autumn.

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