March 6, 2024 ~ Wednesday (sunny and mild)
I saw a body get bagged this morning – as in a body bag – as in they would soon be on their way to the morgue. I felt awful, as just moments earlier, on my way to an appointment, I was more than muttering (as in verbally out loud to myself and the pink dinosaur that hangs from my rearview mirror) … “What the hell, people, just DRIVE!”
And then, I realized. The 17 cop cars, plastic drape being held up, and coroner’s van were a (dare I say … dead) giveaway. Sorry person – whoever you are – or were. RIP. I said a little prayer.
And in that instant of realization, my heart sank. I didn’t know who that person was, but I knew their life had ended. And I also knew that someone, somewhere, was on the phone or about to get a call that would change their life and turn their world upside down and inside out. I, again, said a little prayer. I know how it is to be on the receiving end.
My thoughts flashed back – like after a turn of a very fast dial on a microfiche machine – to my dad. It’s been over five years since he passed. Since I got that call. His was the last body bag I saw. I didn’t watch as they took my mom from her apartment … perhaps I had gotten over the morbid fascination that humans usually harbor. I didn’t want to see her like that. I didn’t want to see him, either, but I stumbled into the hallway where he was. The EMT’s should have told me. They didn’t. It was awful.
I hope whoever has to identify that person from the parkway today – has someone with them and that someone has the kindness to remove the bag before the deed is done.
I’m not a religious person. But, I am spiritual. I send prayers out to the universe and good vibes out to friends (and people I see along the way) as well as good wishes, be wells, and take cares … all the time. I send our little ditties to remind them that change is constant … that unease means we’re doing something new and growing (hopefully) … and that no matter what the day brings – to breathe and be grateful. Whether I know if someone needs a little boost or not, those wishes go out. Because, after all, don’t we all need a little lift/help now and then? What is the harm in wishing someone well?
So, I say a little prayer.
Our planet is in trouble. February marked the ninth warmest month in a row for good ol’ Mother Earth. Not good. Global average temps set records. Ocean temps set records. And not good ones like “You are the BEST ever!” … more like … “This is god-awful.”
Our country is in trouble. Far too many of those in or seeking office are known liars, frauds, convicted of sexual assault, Holocaust deniers, KKK clansmen, Neo-Nazis, radicals, thieves, criminals, misogynists, religious nut-cases, conspiracy theorists, destroyers of women’s rights, morally bankrupt, dictator wannabees, insulting, divisive, deceptive, spineless and ethically challenged, and even one who is telling the survivors of a school mass-shooting that they are “spoiled little bastards”.
I send out prayers for our planet and country (and us) every day. We need to get serious.
And, we need more help. So, please join me … and do more than say a little prayer.