Day 311
Old King Cole was a merry old soul, a merry old soul was he … Nat King Cole sang one of my favorite songs of all time – Unforgettable … Cole Porter wrote songs that were lovely … port wine cheese is one of my favorite appetizers (cheap and yummy) … Yummy ice cream was my favorite brand when I was a kid … kids, these days, are not exposed to nursery rhymes – which would make Old King Cole very unhappy and his soul not merry at all.
And so go my thought patterns at any given moment. All sorts of nonsensical gibberish ping ponging around in the gray matter inside my head!
I’d love to see a mapped out circuitry of my thoughts over a span of even … 2 minutes. Can you even imagine the hard wiring it would take to follow all those pathways of thought?
I feel like my brain is going a zillion miles an hour … and then in an instant it stands still. I was looking at a picture of Tom Cruise today on the cover of some magazine and if someone tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a million dollars to name the man on the cover … I’d have had to pass. I could not remember TC’s name. WHO does that? EVERYONE knows TC.
There was a survey taken, years ago, of famous people’s faces … people were asked, all over the world, to name the faces in the survey … political leaders, famous writers, business moguls, tycoons, kings and dignitaries, athletes, musicians and Hollywood icons.
I think the ones that topped the list for familiarity were Tom Cruise and E.T. … not Gandhi or the Queen Mother!
If someone offered me a million bucks I’m sure I could have named E.T. … and am aghast that TC’s name eluded me. But for lack of any better reason – I’m blaming my memory lapse on the lack of sleep.
I have a new mattress (as of late August) … I’m not thrilled with it. I have new pillows … I’m not thrilled with them either. My head is pointing south (does that matter?). One would think that I should be sleeping like a baby … even at the hours which I finally hit the hay – or because of the hours I hit the hay … but I am not. I toss and turn like a chicken on a rotisserie spit. Except I don’t wake up in the morning golden brown. Pity.
In any case … I’m trying a new routine tonight. Bedtime before MIDNIGHT! Heavens … I honestly don’t remember the last time that happened. So, I’ll read a bit and lights out and we’ll see how I do. Experiment night #1.
Something’s gotta give … and my memory and sanity are not going to (continue to) be it! My brain is being drained and short circuited and I’m not liking it one bit!
So … maybe in a week from now my brain patterns will be less scattered … more concentrated and focused … and my memory will be better. Anything would be better.
In any case … I’m off to listen to a little Nat King Cole and Cole Porter while I enjoy a little ice cream!