Day 289
Today I decided to toss my work aside (which seems to happen quite often these days) and partake in a little retail therapy before the craziness and hysteria of the holidays. I needed to get out and do something normal.
As I left the house I drove through the woodsy area just south of me … the squirrels were busy this afternoon and I was astounded at the quantity in one yard. I actually stopped and counted … 15 … one black one (*my fav) and fourteen plump, gray ones all furiously digging up whatever was deemed buried treasure in that yard! I know – they are rodents and I know few who enjoy them as much as me – but I think they’re cute. And the ones around me are finally fat from the acorn laden oak forest around my home. But so many! It was like a squirrel invasion! Weird.
On my way past Squirrel Village I decided I’d go to a new mall. I heard it had a variety of stores and was relatively close – so, why not!?
Apparently, what someone forgot to tell me was that the variety of shops was a big box, a department store, and a whole slew of junior slut shops.
And I think it must have been Prostitute Appreciation Day today and had I on something skimpy I’m sure I could have landed a decent discount at any one of those (ahem) fine stores.
Seriously. BAD. Twilight zone bad. Far from normal.
So, I walked the mall – gawking at the fashions in the windows and on the bodies walking along (thinking I needed a chin strap to keep my mouth shut) – and left, empty-handed, not too long after my arrival. All I could think of, quite aptly, was … whatever!
Not being familiar with the area, I thought I’d drive around a bit and see what else was nearby and see if I could find a less crowded route back home. All I found were six parochial schools, tons of forest preserve land and a Chinese take out on every corner.
I got off the main streets and meandered through the side streets looking at the tidy homes of the area … (people do take pride in their homes here). It was about 4:15 and the sun had already disappeared. It was that twilight time that I like so much … that time of day when the light is soft and pretty and it’s not quite day, not quite night.
I was looking at the decorations … yes, Thanksgiving ones and quite a few Christmas ones, as well. I really liked when the homes displayed BOTH. I mean, who would get tired of looking across the street at an inflatable turkey next to an inflatable snowman on a motorcycle?
I really liked the house that had a full nativity scene out front right next to an inflatable Santa. (They are really big on the inflatables around here!) I thought that was a nice touch … bring everyone into the mix!
But my all time favorite was the house that had at least five big balloony statues including one giant inflatable Hello Kitty. I mean, what says HAPPY HOLIDAYS better than a giant Hello Kitty?
I am not understanding the people around here. Normal? My day, all around, was far from normal. I drove home in the gathering darkness, past the forest preserves, sure I’d see Rod Serling pop into my rear view mirror … do do do do, do do do do …