Victory …

Day 276

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y … that’s our victory battle cry!

All I can say is, I was a cheerleader for too many years.

I’ve been watching the election results all evening … holding my breath when each state’s results were announced. In my pre-presidential announcement angst I cleaned out and organized a closet, tidied my desk, did my nails, made cookies and ate a  bathtub-sized portion of popcorn.

And earlier than expected, the projected victory was announced … President Obama was declared the winner and has been re-elected to a second term as President of these United States.

And all I can say is … PHEW! Now I can breathe.

Quite honestly, I was really worried. I have good gut instincts about people and have learned to listen to them. And I didn’t like the opposing candidate at all. To say he kind of creeped me out would be about right. And I don’t know why – and he might be a wonderful man – but my gut told me there was something about him that I just couldn’t fully trust.

And then there’s the President. Though I’m not in love with the guy … or agree with everything that he does … I feel that he is a good and honest person – pro family, pro women, pro minority, accepting of differences and he’s going to do his best to help this country and lead us forward. 

I know many people do not share my viewpoint. And that’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just hope that people let go of the disappointment and (what seems like bitterness, hatred and anger) and come together to support not only the President and our elected officials … but each other, as well. And if we don’t like what’s going on – it’s our right … and duty … to voice our opinions to those that have been elected.

I’ve never seen the president’s job as a solitary position; it’s a cumulative effort that falls on all of us … the elected and appointed and the people at large. I believe we are all in this together.

E pluribus unum.  It is Latin which means, “Out of many – one”.

This was our nation’s motto early on … proposed by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin (my uncle, fyi), and Thomas Jefferson back in 1776. Originally the statement depicted the determination of our forefathers to form a single nation from a collection of states.

In the years since, the motto has come to reflect the continued desire of our country to make one unified nation of people from varying beliefs and backgrounds while still respecting the diversity that is the beauty of this (melting pot) nation.

I think we need to revisit that thought and go forward and make our nation stronger and healthier and better than it has been … and we need to do it together.



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