Day 238
Every once in a while the dog will smell like a mouse. I don’t mean that the dog has the same sniffing capacities as a mouse, but that she actually smells like a mouse.
Tonight, when I got home and I got my welcome-home kiss … I could tell she had been sleeping because she had that moist, musty, earthy, woodsy, curled up “mousie” smell to her. I can’t describe it, but if you’ve ever had mice as pets – you probably know what I mean.
And I found it interesting that tonight, of all nights, she would smell like that to me … nature’s way of coming full circle and reminding me of what happened earlier today.
I was cleaning out the garage and had moved a roll of carpeting … and several (as in 5) mice scurried out much to MY surprise and that of Oscar’s. He was standing right next to me and I guess his sniffer isn’t what it used to be – so much for his smelling capabilities of late!
Anyway, he thought that was delightful fun … and pounced off in hunting mode. I’m not a fan of mice but I don’t mind too much because it’s a garage and the area is woodsy … of course there are going to be mice around. As long as they don’t come into the house – I’m perfectly fine with them taking refuge in the garage … as long as they don’t ruin anything or get into “things” that they are not supposed to. And most of my stuff is in bins anyway – so, I’m not too worried. (Famous last words.)
So, there I was cleaning and organizing and moving things around and I moved a stack of bins and a small fake tree that was lying on top and seconds later I saw THEM. I don’t know where they came from – whether they were atop the bin and I had brushed them off with the tree … or if they were next to the bin … but there were two of the teeniest, tiniest baby mousies I’ve ever seen. Both were smaller than half of my thumb, full fur, teeny tiny paws … and sooo cute and (gulp) half alive. One was dead and the other one was barely moving … I felt AWFUL. I FEEL awful.
I am an animal lover and these poor little creatures were so tiny. I would never intentionally harm an animal and it pains me that unknowingly I did. Don’t ask any questions, but I put the little one out of his misery and wrapped them both together in some soft paper towels and put them in a bag in the garbage, said a little RIP sweet mousies and continued with my cleaning … feeling guilty as hell.
Seriously. I know they were rodents. I know they carry diseases. But I’m a sucker for baby animals and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so tiny. They were even smaller than the pinky squirrel I rescued several years ago … and Baby Rufus was miniscule!
In any case … it was a rough afternoon. I know they were just MICE but I’m a softie. What can I say?