Perspective …

Day 52

Just when I was considering slicing a rotting cucumber to place on my puffy, swollen cried-out eyeballs … (stress from all that revolves around moving) and thinking about donning a party hat for my little pitty party I was having, I received a call that put my day into …


I almost didn’t answer the phone as I did not recognize the number on my caller ID (and thank god for caller ID – I have screened many-a-call with that fine little gadget!). In any case – I stood in my office contemplating answering the phone (because I was on my way out the door) and thought, finally, on the third ring – why not? It might be a business order (fat chance these days!) … but no, it was a friend from a lifetime ago calling to catch up.

And we did.

I filled him in, briefly, on what was going on with the move. He had received the email update I had sent to friends a while back and he wanted to see how things were going. It was nice. But I was feeling antsy (as I was trying to get out the door) and was not my chatty, usual self.  But I asked him how the kids were and he said the older two were good and fine … the grandkids were good and fine … and his 18 year old was caught (by he and his wife) doing crystal meth.


All my worries and stress revolving around moving and packing up what I have left to do (which is a LOT) and making my business product (which I have yet to start that is usually online by this weekend under normal circumstances and years) and selling this house (and getting all the issues ironed out before closing in three weeks) and finding a house (which is harder done than said … or easier said than done, surprisingly in this market) and physically moving across country with six animals … and thinking about WHAT IF I can’t find something by the end of the week (with evacuation date of early May looming and smacking me almost in the face) … went out the window.


None of that mattered. My heart broke for my friend and leaving the house seemed such a trivial matter – at that moment and the whole move itself.

My kids are healthy and good and fine with great futures ahead of each of them. I am healthy and good and fine with a great (although uncertain at the moment) future ahead of me. But aren’t futures uncertain anyway?


I thought – okay … so what if this house offer is not considered (I’m on offer #3 for the same house. The woman is not even considering it. I don’t think she wants to sell.) … on to Plan B … or Plan C … or whatever. It’ll be okay. I like camping.

In any case – it’s just moving. It’s just packing. It’s just STUFF. I’m not going off to war. I’m not going off to chemo treatments. I’m not going off to see my kid/s in prison or the hospital or on some tarmac with an American flag draped over their coffin. And I certainly am not watching them crumble under crystal meth.



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