Trepidation …

February 6, 2025 ~ Thursday (the cooler creme filling of a sandwich cookie three days)

Funny where thoughts come from. Alarming, also. My 50th high school reunion is later this year. FIFTY! How the hell did that happen? Where did all those years go? I plan on going and will see people I haven’t seen in … well, fifty years! Crazy!

And, I’m sure that was the basis for an odd dream I had this morning. Yeah – funny where those thoughts come from and how they are all inexplicably tied together … past and present.

When I was in high school (and then in college) I dated a guy who was, as my dad said, “The most handsome kid in school.” And dad was probably right. Or at least this guy was in the Top 5. Handsome, yes – but …

Earlier this morning, I was lying in bed (after having let out the dog and then flopping back down onto it) watching the ceiling fan’s blades in rotation (while wondering if they were going in the correct direction for the season) – and doing some deep breathing – letting my racing heart stop racing.

Mac (my lab) woke me from a deep sleep and said odd dream – hence the racing heart. In the dream, I was in the back seat of a cab – (I suppose I was in my late 20s/30s) – and on my way to a dinner date with my then boyfriend (that old flame). I now don’t recall what I was wearing or where I was meeting him, but my heart was racing. And not racing in a good way with anticipation, excitement, or joy … but with those telltale racing heartbeats that happen when you are on alert, threatened, feeling in danger … wondering if you should heed those gut messages that scream, “Run!”

In said dream I remember thinking that, for whatever reason, I felt like that boyfriend was going to propose and I felt like I was on this out of control trajectory towards my future. But I wasn’t feeling thrilled or excited because I could clearly see my life play out before me … which would be one of deceit and lies, broken promises, disillusionment, and mediocrity.

And, I thought – I deserve better!

And then I woke up … racing heart and all.

Anyway, in real life that old beau and I dated (on and off) for eight years. And all the while the empath in me thought I could fix whatever was broken in him. He didn’t have a good role model growing up – his dad was a complete jerk, quasi mafia, with little ethos and less integrity … a drifter, a grifter, a cheating, slimy sleezebag of a human. Like father like son, I suppose … but surely I (and my love for him) could and would change him. I was up for the challenge! I could save him! He would become my … purpose! I would forego whatever desires and aspirations were mine so as to make him and his life better. So, was my thinking. Oh, the blind eye and insanity of young love!

And then I moved to Colorado, met Tim, and in the span of less than two weeks … I listened to my gut, saw what was my reality, and somehow the heavens opened, all the bells and whistles went off, ducks got in their proverbial rows, the stars aligned … and the rest is history. Tim was the one. Not that long-time on again/off again beau that my gut kept telling me to run from. Weird how things go.

Weirder still is how, at times, we don’t listen to our instincts. Those gut feelings are there for a reason.

And so, there I was this morning, with all those thoughts and dream bits swirling around in the wrinkles of my pink matter … quite like the blades of that fan … and I realized what I was feeling as I was in that dream and as I was awakening. And it wasn’t joy or anticipation, it was …


Which is the feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen. Otherwise known as apprehension, dread, fearfulness.

And I realized, as I got up to let the dog back in, that this is how I am now currently feeling. It’s been two weeks of astoundingly awful events, months of angst, and ten years of this orange dictator-wanna-be who is now our President – again: a lying pos who continues to make things up, mouth off, talk out of his ass, and go against any and all things/people/rules/decorum – all while being a completely disgusting, lawless, and abhorrent human being.

Every day something new is announced or denounced. Every day something else is demolished and destroyed – whether it is a value, concept, law, department, or program. Every day lives are being changed – damaging some beyond repair – and we are all hanging in the balance. But I don’t even feel like there is balance … it’s just all so unbelievable, incomprehensible, and one-sided. Things are ramping up and I feel that out of control trajectory again. I feel like I’m watching a time-lapse of something rotting. And, it’s not good.

And now my concerns and feelings are showing up in my dreams … making what I’m trying not to give into … making what I’m trying to be aware of but not dwell on … ingrained.

I keep thinking this is how people back in the late 1930s must have been feeling … living their lives, hoping for the best, watching things unfold that were beyond their control and so completely heinous that those things were out of their realm of comprehension of decency and humanity.

I don’t mean to be a downer and I’d love to be Susie Sunshine but I can’t be at the moment. I want to shake everyone and tell them (if they aren’t already) to wake up and listen to their guts. Listen to those messages in their heads that scream, “This is BAD! Run! Do something!” And especially the ones that scream, “WE DESERVE BETTER!”

I hope I’m wrong, but all I’m feeling this morning is … trepidation.

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Acceptance ~ it is what it is …

January 29, 2025 ~ Wednesday afternoon (sunny/cool, and a backhoe full of poop emojis)

And so, here we are … on a sunny but cool day … Day 9 of T 2.0 and all hell has broken loose. I feel like it’s been a year already! I am not going to go into it – but if you are following things – you know what is going on and it is disgraceful, absurd, reprehensible, shocking, and shameful … to say the least.

A lot of garbage, doo-doo, crap … and for lack of a better word … shit … has been (and is) going on. Not only politically – but, unfortunately, in my backyard, too.

The overflowing washing machine situation turned out not to be a dying washer with a cracked drum (which I didn’t figure out until the new one was hooked up and my old one carted away!) but instead a crushed sewer line and a major back-up problem. Can you say ca-ching?! So, yeah – a lot of poop emojis in my emails of late. And if I could figure out how to insert them here – I would!

Earlier today I started thinking that my word for the day would be one of those above but as it turns out, today’s word is … acceptance.

In (certain) instances, sometimes that is what is needed … and the best course of action.

Acceptance … ”the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered or the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable.”

When we accept something (be it a situation, behavior, or our own quirks/flaws/failings) or some other person’s … there is a shift in our psyche in the form of a more calmed emotional state of being. The result being a release of stress and anxiety. When we accept – we let go of whatever struggles we are facing which leads to a more peaceful existence. (Thanks AI Overview!)

The emotional effects of acceptance are many … along with less stress and anxiety are self- compassion, less negative emotions, less thinking about what could have or should have been, and empowerment.

And while acceptance is important – in so many areas of our lives – it’s doesn’t mean we have to be HAPPY about how is or what is the situation at hand. It just means we acknowledge it is as it is without trying to force change when it is not truly possible.

But, by no means, does acceptance mean acquiescence. You can have a calmer outlook (which might help your mindset/perspective/collective thoughts) but you can always push back, too.

Kind of an “it is what it is” scenario with a calmer outlook but with a twist. It might not be the easiest thing to do but it might be the game changer for your responses to what is.

I HATE what is going on politically. Everyone who knows me, knows I want that wayward alligator (or even better – Godzilla) to descend on T and make him into a nice snack. I don’t like anything about what is going on but if I don’t want to have a stroke or heart attack over it all, I’m going to have to learn to have some acceptance about it. I’m not going to LIKE it but I have to accept that this is how things are (for now) and go forward in a calmer, less stressful manner.

And that brings me to the poop emojis I’ve been using for the past few days and this sewer issue. I can’t do anything about this broken sewer line other than accept that it is broken and get it fixed (which they are doing right now – to the tune of about a zillion dollars). I don’t like it but I can’t live my life drinking water from the hose or with a port-o-potty in my backyard. It is what it is.

And with saying that … I am going to do a complete 180 and say that (for me) some things are just not acceptable … like racism, dishonesty, stealing, disrespect, bullying, cheating, selfishness, greed, bigotry, sexism, abuse, violence, manipulation, narcissism, and disregard. (I’m sure there are more issues but those first came to mind.) I’d say let’s throw in lack of empathy and compassion, too, but I know some people are just incapable of those things – somehow hard-wired to not accommodate those traits. The others, I think are more of a choice than inherent. But, I’m not schooled in psychology (other than Psych 101 in college which was basically useless) … these are just my opinions/thoughts. And, for what it’s worth, I will always (ALWAYS) call someone out on these issues.

In thinking this all through, it still remains confusing to me. How can I say that I accept what is going on politically (amongst other things) while I hate everything about what is going on? How can I say I abhor racism and all the other horrible things and still accept their existence? I know that I do so as to not have a cow fit (on an hourly/daily basis) but it bothers me to no end that this is how it is. Self-saving but scary … and soooo beyond my comprehension and behaviors. How can I really truly ACCEPT this all? How can we?

I don’t know, but I know it’s something to work on. But I’m also going to keep the “push back” option in mind.

Acceptance … it is what it is.

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Perspective …

January 22, 2025 ~ Wednesday (cold/snow on the ground/icy … you know – winter!)

The lobster lost a day somewhere/somehow … but here I am now.

It’s funny how one word can change your view on things. Funny, how that one word is the same as what it changes … perspective.

I’ve had this word in mind for a few days … and today I saw it twice in what I was reading and thought about it some more and well, today my thoughts are all on how we see and how we CAN see, the world around us.

It’s all about choice and putting things in relation to other things. Our viewpoint. Our take.

My washing machine has been dying for a while. It flooded the kitchen for the third time (or was it the fourth or fifth?) yesterday and I finally decided it wasn’t going to “get any better” so, the new washer arrives tomorrow. I was upset at first (those things are pricey!) but then I put it into perspective that … I have a washing machine. And have always had one. And I have enough money to get a new one. Instead of being upset about the one that is on its way out (though not joyful about it), I chose to be grateful instead that my life is so easy. I can’t imagine not having the ease of having an in-home washing machine and thought of how many people don’t have this luxury.

It snowed again and it’s cold. I, as I’ve said, am not a winter gal. And I grumbled a LOT (as in constantly) this cold, snowy, long (and dark) weekend. Did that help me feel any better? No. It, more than likely, made me feel grumpier and less patient (with everything). Snow? Yuck – who wants and likes snow? I felt like the Grinch … when his heart was two sizes too small. But this morning, I woke up and saw on the online news … videos of kids in Houston, New Orleans, and Pensacola playing in the snow … making snow angels, jumping around, and laughing with glee. They were thrilled! What a difference perspective makes.

And so it goes.

While driving today to meet my sister for coffee, I encountered a lane closure on the road I was turning onto. Did anyone let me in? Yes – but not until a parade of cars went by. I yelled at one driver after the next … and then laughed at myself. Yeah – short wick these days – as I realized that that wasn’t doing anyone any good. Especially me! The drivers passed, oblivious, and my cursing them out was doing nothing but causing me angst. So – I took a few deep breaths and felt better. I got where I was going – no worse the wear – and probably just a moment later than had someone else let me cut into the line of cars on that road.

Why had I gotten so perturbed? Irrationality. No patience. Not seeing the bigger picture. That all needs to change (as it’s just not productive or healthy).

I know that deep breathing releases tension and calms us down – no matter what the situation. So why don’t I do that more often? (Note to self: do that more often!) We are wired with the fight or flight response … and calming down allows ourselves to quiet our nerves and choose more constructive responses. A good thing to remember in any situation. (And calmness, when facing an adversary, is disarming – giving you more control.)

I have a dog who has taken to eating the frozen poop he digs up, from under the snow, in the yard. Yes – grossness to me, but an oh-so-tasty treat to Mac. And as much as this has (and does) bother me and as much as I command him to drop “it”… I’ve come to realize that I can do that without getting so riled up that I’ll cause myself a heart attack. By changing the perspective from one of frustration to one of guarding my health and letting the grossness of the situation go and dropping it from a 10 to a 1 (on a scale of 1:10) … I’m allowing myself to choose a different reaction. Yes – it’s supremely gross but it’s not going to kill either one of us.

And so it goes with everything else right now. My expectations of HOW this returning President (and his admin) should act/do/be like/etc … are never going to be met. EVER. They all seem incapable of meeting them (for one reason or another) … and I am incapable of controlling their behaviors or the situations to make that happen/to have those expectations met. I can’t control how others behave or what happens … but I can control how I react and respond to it all.

It doesn’t mean I condone their actions or behaviors ~ it just means I’m not going to allow them to make me upset. And, god knows, how easily that happens these days as there is so much awfulness (corruption, inequality, ugliness, etcetera – etcetera ad infinitum and ad nauseam).

I have a magnet on my fridge with the quote, “Today, I will not stress over that of which I have no control.” And, politically, right now – that’s pretty much everything. So, more deep breathing for me.

And, if I don’t want to go crazy (or allow others to hold my emotions hostage) – I need to put things more into perspective. As I said, my wick is short these days. I need to see the bigger picture – to have a more mature and broader take on what is (instead of a negative/defensive gut reaction) and to those things that are upsetting to me. This all too, shall pass. Maybe not for a while – but it will. Nothing lasts forever. And while I may not like how things are/will be going – and I can’t change them – I can change my perspective on it all … in turn, making it all less crazy/invasive/upsetting to me.

How’s your perspective these days?

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And So IT Begins Again …

January 20th, 2025 ~ Monday (a very bad birthday for MLK and a dark day for America)

I would be remiss, if I didn’t point out that it didn’t dawn on me until just this moment that my word of/for the day isn’t posted until the NEXT day. So, this should have been yesterday’s post – which you would have seen on the 20th/not today, the 21st.

Sigh. Sometimes technology gets the better of me!

In any case – I had a vast array of words, a plethora, to choose from for today but far too many to choose just one … disgust, trepidation, angst, fealty, dictator, oligarchy … among just a few. And then there was … disembowelment cuz I’m still hoping for that alligator attack.

But I just can’t get away from idiocy, spinelessness, hypocrisy, adoration, and adulation.

I tuned in to today’s inauguration just in time to see him leaning against the dais like a sloth and his f’g smarmy face and creepy-whispery voice laying out his immediate intentions.

And so IT begins – again.

This country voted for a 34x convicted felon who is also liable for sexual assault, an adulterer, a lying pos who is cruel, narcissistic, incompetent, arrogant, racist, unethical, without a moral compass or any empathy, a rotten businessman, an insurrectionist who is in bed with dictators and who seemingly thinks he’s Putin’s bff. Who brags about everything, who lies constantly, who is hawking a variety of shit – including a bible (which he did not take his oath on!). Who is a profiteer, unstable, acts like a child, defames and insults everyone (unless they like him), has imitated oral sex with a microphone, is corrupt to his core, and has marveled about the size of Arnold Palmer’s penis. Just to name a few of his intolerable, indecent, disgusting, amoral, corrupt and atrocious actions and characterless traits.In short – he is unqualified and unfit.

And yet – today he became the 47th President of the United States. A comeback for a non-consecutive term in office that only Grover Cleveland had achieved.

And so it begins. Again. And it’s more sickening this time because we know what he’s done, what he plans to do, and what he (and his billionaire cronies) are capable of.

It’s one of those days when I am glad my dad isn’t around to see this. It would have caused him so much pain. My parents were big on volunteering. My mom volunteered with Girl Scouts and her church. But, my dad spent most of his life giving to others. He was involved with the (then called) Chicago Boys Club, Little League, Rotary, his church, and was a Park Commissioner for over 19 years. They were both about the “common/greater good”. There was nothing selfish about them.

And today, that’s all I can think about … that this country is so full of selfish people. People who make so much money that they don’t want to pay their share of taxes. People who voted in this obnoxious piece of scum because they thought the prices of eggs were too high. People who couldn’t “get behind” a woman candidate. People who didn’t pay attention to what was said and done. People who didn’t care enough to vote for democracy (and it’s not just a privilege and right – it’s a responsibility!). People who, for some reason, idolize this disgusting excuse for a human – thinking he will cure all ills and make their lives better and all their problems disappear. I could go on. But, it all makes me sick and I’ve already had my quota of Rolaids and Pepto for the day.

And to make things worse – many are calling him … “daddy”.

Good luck to all of us. Buckle up – it’s going to be a bumpy ride and I assure you it’s going to be ugly.

It is a very dark day for America. But, as Martin Luther King said on the eve of his assassination, “Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”

There’s light at the end of this tunnel and there are stars. We have been asked to be the “keepers of the light” … hard to do in these times. But, if we don’t – who will?

And so it begins … again.

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Hurkle-Durkle …

January 19, 2025 ~ Sunday (a lazy, cold, wintry day)

One might think my cabin fever has taken over if I’m saying things like … hurkle-durkle. But, while I do have cabin fever (quite badly only after two days), that term really is a thing.

According to the Dictionary of the Scots Language (a modern day compilation of Scots words past and present), hurkle-durkle means “to lie in bed or to lounge after it’s time to get up or go to work.”

In short, to hurkle-durkle gives oneself the guilt-free pleasure and opportunity to laze. To linger in bed. To be a lounge lizard. To be present in the moment. To take in that which we don’t ordinarily take notice of … maybe it’s the sound of your dog’s breathing while s/he’s sleeping, or the shadows on your bedroom wall, or the breeze that is just perfectly luscious that comes through an open window. It also gives us a few moments to just BE … and who wouldn’t like to experience that?

So, on this wintry, cold (currently 16°) Sunday, I allowed myself to do just that. And with the weather being as it is … and that shelving unit still not completely put together (I’m getting there!) … I could have hurkle-durkled all day! But, I didn’t.

But, what time I did spend lazing in bed was … nice! Actually more than just nice. It was indulgent and luxurious and a little naughty! And, totally delightful. I got up, refreshed (which hardly ever happens), and got on with my day. I wasn’t even that annoyed when the dog brought in a frozen poop (supposedly to eat as a snack later! Uh, no sir, and he got a talking to!) … but, for the most part, I think it gave my morning a nicer, easier way to re-enter the world. And god knows that we all can/will be needing that in the days and weeks ahead!

So, I encourage you to cozy in … be indulgent … enjoy a little Scottish method of self-care. I know I am (and most of us are wired this way) not good at giving myself permission for downtime – even though I/we need it.

There is a quote from Robert Burns, “Nae man can tether time or tide.”

That basically means you can’t stop time. But you can sure hunker down and appreciate the moment, be grateful for what is and for what you have right now by just adding a few moments of indulgence and awareness by lazing away.

So, give it a try … cozy in and you, too, can be hurkle-durkling all day (or at least for a bit!).

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Hibernation …

January 18, 2025 ~ Saturday (17° out and 5″ of snow … where is Spring?!)

Hibernation … what I seem to be doing at the moment … is a seasonal heterothermy – ‘the physiological adaptation that allows animals to regulate their body temperature in response to seasonal changes in environmental conditions’.

That’s a mouthful. In other words … according to Google … it is ‘the state of deep sleep in which animals reduce their body temperature, heart rate, and breathing to survive the winter. It’s a way for animals to conserve energy when food is scarce and temperatures are low’.

Yup – seems to be what I’m doing.

We are currently 17° and dropping. Our weather turned from 51° yesterday to 23° in a couple of hours … and then the snow started and the temps kept going down. I think we are to be a balmy -7° tonight. Round up the dogs and put on an extra blanket! I was just out shoveling a path for the dogs and to my car (though I’m not going anywhere until Tuesday) and it seems we got a good 5″ of the white stuff … though it’s fluffy and light … so, easily shovelable. Though that still didn’t make it any more fun!

I am not a winter gal. Amazon must not have gotten my order for Spring!

Cabin fever set in about 7pm last night and I’m feeling like the velociraptors got out of their paddocks so I dare NOT go outside any time soon! So, it’s gonna be a long haul!

So, here I am drinking my hot water with lemon, looking at the bookshelves that need assembling (they’ve been in a box on the living room floor for a week now!) as I kept hoping the furniture assembly elves would come in overnight or the dogs would surprise me … but alas, no such luck. I guess it’s up to me!

But, I have a problem. It seems I am in hibernation mode!

Again, thanks Google, this is how hibernation “works” (so to speak) …

During hibernation the body temperature drops dramatically, sometimes to a few degrees above freezing. The heart rate rate slows down to a few beats per minute to conserve energy, and the metabolism rate drops to a small fraction of its normal value.

This all seems to be the norm with ME! All except the breathing rate which slows down to less than one breath per minute. I’m breathing just fine, thank you.

But, damn … I think I go through normal life in a constant state of hibernation! Animals that hibernate eat extra food in the summer and early fall, converting it into fat to use during the long winter. Well, the eating part is spot on but no conversion going on here! No furnace on in this body to do that! No wonder the pounds stay on me.

Animals that hibernate (the groundhog for instance) usually do so in a log, hole in the ground, cozy den … or in my case in a living room filled with boxes of shelving units that needs assembling. Snakes and reptiles experience what is called “brumation” – a sort of dormancy which is akin to hibernation. During brumation the animal stops eating for weeks or months. Certainly NOT what is going on here! My skin may be dry and reptilian but that is where the similarity ends! I’m still eating!

The dogs are snoozing – Frankie is wrapped up in his lavender fleece coat looking like a little snuggly burrito … Mac is on the big dog bed, sawing logs. Zzzzzz.

In any case … it’s cold out there! If you are anywhere where it is (real) winter, maybe a little luxury nap and extra coziness is in order. Stay warm. Snuggle in. Hibernate.

And just remember … we only have two more weeks until that weather predicting hibernating groundhog tells us when Spring will be arriving! Woo hoo!

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(Happy) Birthday …

January 16, 2025 ~ Thursday (mild/going for a walk before all hell breaks loose tomorrow)

Birth days … unless you are E.T. or have been hatched, you have one. The day you were born was your birth day. The anniversary of that date is your birthday.

I’ve known several people born on this date – now all gone … including my mom who was born in 1929 and passed last year just shy of her 95th.

I was thinking in bed last night, just before Mr. Sandman paid me a visit (late as he was) about birthdays and their celebrations and traditions (and why we do/don’t celebrate) in other countries/places? And who started that god awful “Happy Birthday” song? (And so you know … it was Mildred and Patty Smith Hill, sisters, who first published the song in 1893.)

So, with all that in my head … it got me thinking enough to have today’s word be … BIRTHDAY.

And so it goes … your birthday … another 365 days (unless it’s a leap year) under your belt. Another wild ride around the sun. Another day to do something special for yourself (or not) – and enjoy a little extra attention (or not). You do you, it’s YOUR birthday!

When the kids were little we always had dog and cat birthday parties! Such fun we had! Dog bone cakes for the dogs. Fish shaped cakes for the cats. Hats for everyone. I’m sure the animals just LOVED those days!

I was watching Oh God! the other day (w/John Denver and George Burns/circa 1977) … it was so awfully authentic with the shag carpeting and harvest gold colors everywhere – including kitchen appliances, cars, clothing. Dreadful! Anyway, there was good ol’ John – looking so young and peppy. And good ol’ George looking like he was 300 years old already! He lived to be 100 (and 5 weeks). Good for him.

He was in good company. The other centenarians that I was familiar with from my youth included: Bob Hope, Irving Berlin, Grandma Moses, Kirk Douglas, Olivia de Havilland, Queen Elizabeth, Norman Lear, Eva Marie Saint (who is still alive) … and, unbeknownst to me, over two HUNDRED others who are now 100+. The list was so long – I quit counting! Amazing!

And, in case you are wondering … the oldest person alive now is a Brazilian nun … Inah Canabarro Lucas. She looks pretty damn good for being 116 years and 221 days old! There is a very gray area around who the oldest person on record was (and I’m not sure I believe this!) … but there are a few people (two Turks and an Egyptian) who are said to have lived to be OVER 157 years old! WHAT???? That is a lot of birthday cake over the years and enough candles to set off your smoke alarm!

Longevity doesn’t seem to have a common denominator as far as diet or routine though but it sounds like a positive attitude and staying active is vastly helpful.

In any case – if you have a birthday coming up and want to celebrate it in a different way than you usually do (cake/candles) … maybe take one of these traditions and spice things up!

In Brazil – people decorate their homes with banners and brightly colored paper flowers and children eat fruit and vegetable shaped candies.

In Spain – friends will pull your ear, once for every year, and end with a big tug. It makes me wonder if old people in Spain have long ears?!

In China – people slurp long noodles … symbolizing longevity.

In Korea – it is customary to eat seaweed soup for breakfast in honor of your mother.

In Australia – it’s Fairy Bread they eat … bread with butter and sprinkles. Yum!

In Viet Nam – everyone celebrates their birthday on New Year’s Day!

And in the Netherlands, it is polite to entertain friends with sweets and tea or coffee. Friends come for a few hours early in the day and family for a few hours at a later time. They sit in a circle (called circle parties) and you stay seated for the party. Make sure you congratulate the birthday person – as well as all the guests. I have friends from the Netherlands and honestly, it sounds exhausting!

I think I’ll stay with cake and candles! And for what it’s worth … Happy Birthday, Mom.

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Fucktose Intolerant …

January 15, 2025 … Wednesday night (cold/the “Siberian Express” is on its way … brr!)

And so it goes. Just when I had committed myself (sometimes I think I should commit myself!) to writing a blog post every day and I was in that mindset and geared up to tackle this self-imposed challenge … my road ended up being paved with nothing but good intentions. I hit a glitch with my hosting site. I had to update it before I could publish any more posts and was put on “maintenance” status until I did. But, that meant I had to update something else before I could update whatever was needed to publish … and none of it was working for me.

Of course! Technology and I are not exactly best friends. Me and anything machine-related are cordial at best. I haven’t had an electric can opener until recently – I’m still hoping I don’t saw off my arm using it! In any case, I finally figured the updates out. Glitch be gone! I took Spanish and Italian languages in high school. Some French later in life. And, I can speak about two sentences in about five other languages (including “the dog is good” in German) – but computer-ese? OMG – it’s beyond my comprehension! Somewhat like reading music to me, sadly – it just doesn’t equate or make any sense in this brain. The only thing I can play is the radio! And so I digress.

In any case – the site is updated and here I am … and have been for a day or two now finding my way back to my once-a-day postings and ruminating on what would be my word of the day for this post. A few days back, while it was cold, gross, and snowy out (I am NOT a winter gal/and have been looking for Amazon to deliver Spring for a few weeks now! It must be back-ordered!), I was in bed looking through facebook posts and I scrolled onto one that made me laugh out loud but also hit me to the core because that was – exactly – how I was feeling.

With all the political crap going on – and I fear my next week’s words will all be politically motivated – I’ve been trying my best to stay away from any/all of it but it is nearly impossible as it is in our faces 24/7 and you know who’s face is EVERYWHERE (and I want to smack it) – and us coming up on his 2.0 very soon, I kept thinking that this term would be most appropriate, if not indelicately put.

So, today’s word/term is … Fucktose Intolerant – the inability to take anymore bullshit.

Precisely. I am beyond done with all this bullshit that is flying around. (And yet – we’re just getting started – again!) My brother-in-law (who is now sadly gone) used to say, “When there’s a pile of shit – keep digging through it cuz somewhere there has to be a pony!” Well, I don’t see a pony – just more shit! So few in our political arena seem to have a backbone, an ounce of decency, ethical morality, brains, or common sense. It is beyond appalling and I am sick of it. And, because of it, I’m totally fucktose intolerant. Have been for a while now. And it’s only getting worse. Sigh.

And pardon my bluntness and profanity but at this stage of the game/where we are in this world with so much awfulness going on and our soon to be President is name calling and ranting on X in the middle of the night while people are losing everything dear to them or dying in natural disasters and man-made wars … it is disgustingly pathetic and horrendously immature and his behavior and mindset are deplorable and he is beyond unfit to lead and hold the highest office of our country. It sickens me to no end.

I’m trying to be that ostrich, but I’m not a very good avian pretender at the moment. Not sure if I will be in the future, either. But, I think to keep my sanity I’ll need to try harder … or I may forever be … Fucktose Intolerant.

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Resolutions …

January 3, 2025 ~ Friday (temperate, sunny, but still winter!)

Is it Spring yet? The flakes are falling – and I am not referring to snowflakes – but my dry skin. Sorry – that’s really gross! I know – fat chance of Spring and I’m in trouble, cuz I’m already wanting/needing its arrival … and I’m a good 5 months early.

It’s that time of year – after the holidays – when the anticipation and newness has worn off (especially when you realize it’s just the same ol’/same ol’ and we know what’s coming down the pike. Hard to get excited about a new year this time around).

It’s also that time of year when I take a look at my surroundings and say – NOPE! I need a change. So, I rearranged my bedroom today (it looks nice!) … oiled all the furniture as well as the floor and moved my art pieces around. So – a fresh start – at least in one room of the house!

So, as is the case with most everyone in early January, we are thinking of newness and change. How can I do something better or differently? What habit should I get rid of or adopt? How can I find more time for … x,y,z … that will make me feel better as well as be a better human?

And that is by RESOLUTIONS.

A resolution, according to the dictionary, is a firm decision to do or not do something.

In other words, a promise to take action and be resolute, to be unwavering in your determination and absolute in your resolve.

If that’s the case – I’m doomed! And I don’t want to be doomed! Just thinking about that makes me NOT want to make any resolutions … because it feels as if I’m setting myself up for failure. How about a resolution to not make any?

But, I can’t help myself … I am a creature of habit and I like making them – even though MOST do not come to fruition. At least my way is paved with good intentions if not good (enough) actions.

But, this year, and as much as I’d like to consider making resolutions, I think I’m liking the idea more about making short and long term goals instead. That sounds doable … and less likely for me to abandon in the next week or month. It also sounds more positive.

So, as par usual, I will say (as I always do) … I’ll lose weight (and not gain it back), walk more, eat better, write more, and blah blah blah.

This year – I hope to do those things – but will have better health as my root of purpose … how can I not want to keep that goal? And if I’m walking more and eating better (and getting to the core of my issues with allergies/sensitivities/imbalances, etc) and doing some deep breathing and stretching, too – I would guess that I’d also lose some weight and be stronger, more fit, more relaxed, happier (all those endorphins pinging around in my body!) … so, yeah. That sounds good.

So, my goals? To finish/publish my book. To engage in a hobby – knitting/watercolors? To NOT adopt another dog (god help me). To travel – back to the island … and then to England and (?) with my kids this spring and TBD as we go along. To try my damnedest to swear less … (not counting that!) … and have more patience (especially when driving) than I usually have. That one should be easy cuz ANY more patience will be more than I have now!

And a very personal goal … would be to resolve to be nicer to myself, too. I will give myself a break when I need it – mentally and physically. And let myself do more of what I love to do. And I think that’s something we can all think about … treating ourselves as we treat others and as we’d like to be treated. Too often that is not the case.

So, here we go. I resolve to not make any resolutions … but to, instead, alter my behaviors and doings, make and take a new path in my actions and deeds, and set some achievable goals for this new year.

Good luck to us all!

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Abundance …

January 2, 2025 ~ Thursday (night: cold and dark … as nights usually are in January)

Nearly 13 years ago I challenged myself to this blog … to write a piece, of whatever came to mind, every day for a full year … ala Julie and Julia (without the cooking). And, in doing so, the “lobster” was born. And, here I am, 13 years and 568 posts later – challenging myself to do it again.

So, here goes.

I decided to take a different approach, however, this time around. Being such a wordie, I am going to take a word a day – something that is meaningful to me, something I need in my life, something that pops into my head, or some such word that pinpoints what is going on that day – and write about it. Wish me luck!

I woke up today and decided to take down the rest of my holiday decorations … everything is now neatly and well wrapped and packed away until next year – sans the small tree with all my dog/animal ornaments in the dining room and the 9 footer with all my (other) favorite ornaments in the living room. I’ll take those down over the weekend – I hate to say goodbye to the light and sparkle!

As I was wrapping said decs … I realized that I have an abundance of them … SO many. And I didn’t even use or put out all that I have! Someday I’ll live in a bigger house and I’ll want those items – so, I am not getting rid of them. Not any time soon … but yes, an abundance is what I have.

And that is when it hit me. I was thinking about what my first word choice would/should be … and it popped into my head like there was no other word in existence.

Today’s word is ABUNDANCE.

According to the Oxford dictionary, abundance means a very large quantity of something.

And it made me think not just of my many decorations and not just the tangible things that I have a large quantity of (like books, notecards, chairs, socks, dishes) … but the intangibles, too. The love and friendships I have. Those people in my life that make me laugh, care deeply about me, make me a better human, and nurture my soul.

I have talents, security, family, memories, health, privilege, ease … all abundant blessings.

I am so lucky and thankful.

So, as we go forward into this new year … maybe we don’t put our energies toward what might be but more towards what could be and also take a moment to be thankful for what is … the abundance that makes our lives what they are.

Here we go.

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And So it Begins … Again

January 1, 2025 ~ Wednesday night (dark)

And so it (the New Year) begins … again. The same/but different. How can that be?

Years ago in one of my early New Years posts I shared a quote from Dr. Seuss – ‘You’re off to great places, Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!’

Today was the first day of this new year and I kind of got on my way … but nothing as exciting as going great places. My reality was that I dropped off some of my xmas decs to my daughter’s basement!

But, I am getting on my way … to bed. I thought I’d do a little light reading before sliding under the covers so I read clips of past “Lobsters” ~ those hailing in a new year. And, yes … different but the same. The same but different.

Last year I didn’t post until late in the month and that was a repeat of a 100-word smash up post. My mom had died the week before Christmas (so, it’s been a year now) and I guess I just didn’t have any lobsteresqueness in me.

January of ’23, I wrote about my paternal grandmother and all the “Dutch” (fun) we had. She was something! I ended with saying that this new year held so much possibility, mystery, and just a few million memories worth sharing. So true.

January of ’22, I was still living in terminal twilight on the island (didn’t move til May of that year). I wrote that I was so “done” with 2021 … for all it’s garbage, crap, awfulness … and that I hoped a Hazmat team would come and clean things up before we got too far along in the year. See? Different year/but same ol’ sentiments! NOT good as the Hazmat team has yet to arrive. So much shit! Everywhere I went, I was double masked and still worried that the newest Covid variant would “get me”.

January of ’21, I wrote of a dream I had had … and how I was redecorating some woman’s dining room. It sounded pretty fabulous when I was done with it! My dreams are SO vivid!

There are no posts for January ’20 or ’19 … I guess Covid made me mum!

January of ’18, I wrote about some more memories … the “Good, Bad, and Ugly” New Years I’ve had. The post brought back a flood of visuals for me in nanoseconds. Amazing what words can do! They are so powerful. (Lesson here: be careful of what you say!)

New Year’s Eve of January 2017, was the year I shaved my head. I went from my normal “do” to Mr. Clean in minutes. It took two years for my hair to grow back. Done as research for a book … that I am still writing! The one that I will get published this year!

And the last new year’s post prior to that year was way back (as in WAAAAAY back) in 2013! Yes, I’ve been writing the Lobster for 13 years now! That post was about abundance. And, again, here we are … different yet same/same but different … as I have such an abundance of all things.

Again, I wish you a happy and good new year – as I always do! And to repeat what I said in 2022 …

‘I always have the expected staples … I wish for love, laughter, good health, good friends, financial stability, and fulfillment for everyone I know. But, honestly, that is what I wish for.

But, I also wish for solace for this country. I wish for truth and regard; for respect and integrity. Somewhere along the way those values have been lost (by too many). I wish for honesty, openness and compromise. I wish for the Golden Rule … for if people were to treat others how they’d like to be treated – I truly believe that so much would be different/better.

I also wish instead of people spending zillions (actually, upward of $450,000 per person) to have a seat into space – they’d donate those funds so local children have enough to eat … that teachers earn an above living wage … that they’d donate elsewhere rather than for personal folly. I wish that those whose bodies are frail and feeble and aging are eased of their pain and that they find comfort from their loneliness. And I wish people would wake up and realize we are all in this together … and that things are not going too well … and that unity is healing.

I’m also wishing that Mom Nature backs off a bit … that people come to terms with climate issues … that this pandemic abates and normalcy (whatever that is anymore) will be normal once again.

And, of course, drawing on the inner untitled beauty queen in me … I wish for world peace.’

And here I am three years later, wishing and hoping for all those things once again. I hope we all get those things and others that we want and need this new year – though my heart and head feel it’s doubtful. I think we are in for, yet another, bumpy ride.

I’ll leave you with a quote from the movie New Year’s Eve … 

‘The New Year reminds us to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by, to remember our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or times when we shut ourselves down in fear of getting hurt. The New Year is about getting another chance … a fresh start … a chance to forgive, to do better, to give more, to do more … and to stop worrying about what if and to start embracing what could be. Be nice to each other, kind to each other … all year long.’

And so it begins – again.

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Happy New Year … 2025!

December 31, 2024 ~ Tuesday (late morning/sunny but chilly)

Happy (almost) New Year. As I type, we’ve got another 13 hours (my lucky number) to go until we can close the lid on this year. And what a year!

I’m not sure when this will post but as happy as I am to leave this one behind … the trepidation with which I will be entering this new year is palpable … which, in a nutshell, really isn’t a good thing. Martha Stewart, and her famous – “It’s a good thing.” remark would be a negative one in this instance.

It’s a sunny but chilly day and the air felt crisply invigorating today. Not nice enough for me to take a long walk (as I should) but enough to make me feel alive and grateful for a new day. I was at a dr’s appt making sure I don’t have (what I was sure was) a nasty infection. I do not. I just am, apparently, allergic to everything and its brother. Fun times with allergic rhinitis. Oh yay!

And so it goes. It was a year of weirdnesses (if that is a word) and then some. It’s too exhausting to replay personal and political developments, blow backs, upshots, and after shocks … in one very meaningful, all encompassing word, it was a shitshow.

On the personal front – at least I am talking again! And, whatever weight I lost – found me again. Dammit anyway! Those (too long) months were not fun!

And, unfortunately, on the political front – it is only getting ramped up. I am worried, concerned, leery of what is coming (all too soon) for us and just thinking about it – before much else has happened – is leaving me weary. Not a great way to start a new year!

So, I’m going to have a bit of lobster (on sale at the grocery store – yay for me!) and a baked potato and ring in the new year – probably around 8pm with my one inch of peach wine that I can consume before breathing issues start. (I would like to start the new year breathing, so yeah – just a bit of wine!) And I will wipe the slate clean – using a bleach cleanser if necessary – and close this year in the manner akin to slamming a door. Enough already! Buh-bye … don’t let the door hit you in the ass 2024! Good riddance. Etcetera!

And, as is customary (and usually unfulfilled), I will make a few resolutions – which I have not even begun to think about yet – but having more patience surely should be on that list. The usual “walk more – eat less” has been a thing in the past – but I eat so little as it is, I’m thinking I should eat MORE. So, I probably should adopt the “walk more – eat more” philosophy/diet and see what happens. Wanting different results from doing the same thing over and over (and over) again is madness … and I don’t need any more of that in my life. I don’t think any of us do. More cuddles with the dogs – because they are ancient and their days are numbered. I don’t think either of these fur babies will see the end of this upcoming year. I will (as in yes, I WILL do it) get the grief book published (it’s only been in the works for 13 years – again, my lucky number!) I will travel more … I will take time to be artsy … I will maybe even perfect a signature recipe. I haven’t volunteered in a long time – so, that should be on my list. And anything else – like just being more grateful and thankful seems too easy NOT to do. So, count those things in, too.

In any case … I am also going to try to just breathe. Leave all this nonsense to the idiots who have caused it. My being an (informed) ostrich has started and I need to not let all this upheaval and these disgusting, sickening, repugnant, and contemptible (need I go on?) behaviors and actions make me an upset mess. Been there/done that. I don’t need it. I don’t want it. It makes me crazy. And I don’t need anymore help in the crazy department than what is already in my life!

So, with those thoughts, I will close this year out with a few toasts for the New Year …

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” — Benjamin Franklin

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” — Edith Pierce

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

Happy New Year to you and yours. May you find comfort in your relationships, challenge in your purpose, and joy in every facet of your life.

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Grief … It’s Complicated

December 18, 2024 (Wednesday/early morning)

Grief … I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Grief and the grieving process. I don’t dwell on it … it is just one of those things that pops into my head (and heart) from time to time – especially at this time of year. Especially this year.

I had lunch with a friend yesterday – we’ve known each other for over 30 years. A lot of life happened in that time. She lost her husband this past summer. It is her first “round” of holidays without him. We held hands across the table and she said not a day has gone by that she hasn’t cried about him … it has been 5 months. My eyes teared up as I know her pain/her heartache as it’s been 18 years and I still cry over my husband. Not all the time, but I can’t look at his picture without feeling as if a dagger were going through my heart. We lost him when he was 52 … he would have been 71 next week. Sigh. A lot of life has gone by without him. A lot.

Do I grieve those I’ve lost? Absolutely. Am I sad? Sometimes, but it’s more of a nostalgic feeling of melancholy (wistful longing) than true sadness. Do I carry grief with me? Every day. Is that weird or abnormal? I tend to think not.

After all – grief is complicated.

My mom passed away a year ago today. I will light a little remembrance candle later for her and try to conjure up some nice memories. But, do I cry about her? No. Do I miss her? Um, not really. Do I feel guilty about all of that? You bet I do. She rarely (ever?) showed much emotion … and our relationship was never what I hoped it would have been. I wonder if that ties in with how I feel. I moved back here and was with her for the last 19 months of her life. The last year of it was not good. The last six months, REALLY not good. The last few days, really pathetic and so very awful. Aging alters personalities. She was just shy of 95 when she passed … was in pain, didn’t want to be “here”, and made sure my sister and I knew that. It was hard to hear. She was hard to be with. In between the very few “good” times of conversation and memories, she was argumentative and stubborn. Beyond stubborn and beyond reason ~ making whatever patience either of us had … worn thin. By the time mom left us – we were depleted. It’s tough to grieve someone who made your life so miserable – and her own, in the process. She was demanding, unhappy, (mostly) unappreciative (at least to us), and just sooo damn stubborn/making everything we did or needed to do – SO hard … and yet, she was my mom. I loved her and she loved us all – in her own ways. I just hope someday I miss her. I just don’t – yet – and it’s a weird thing.

Grief … is weird.

I remember the week after Tim died … I drove to Target and sat in my car in the parking lot while I fished in my purse for some lip gloss. I wanted to put some on – just in case I saw him in the store, I wanted to look pretty. Um, did you catch the timing of this – a week AFTER he died. It took less than a nanosecond of sane thinking for me to realize what I was doing. What the hell was WRONG with me? I never saw him in any store in the 27 years we were together … why on Earth would I think I’d see him in a Target a week after he died? Yeah – grief is weird.

I’m about 80% done with the grief journal/guidebook I am writing. It’s taken me a LONG time to write this. Mostly, because I put it on the back burner for a million years … and then when I started compiling it, I could only work on it bits at a time because … however difficult grief is to experience and live with – it’s also difficult to write about. Everything floods back when you are recounting stories or dispensing advice (along the lines of “do as I say – not as I did”). I am a remedial griever.

When my first dog (a blonde cocker, named Moonie) died on the operating table while having a uterine cyst removed (she was septic but we didn’t realize it) … I was devastated. She was my first “baby”. It took me seven years (yes – 7!) to not cry about her when I talked about her. I’m not good with death or the finality of it. I just don’t like it. Grieving is a tough thing for me; it’s like a whirlpool – I just go around and around and around. But, I’m getting better at it. I’ve learned a lot over the years … but yeah, I’m a slow learner.

My dad died six years ago … the day after his 90th birthday. He left a huge hole in our hearts. His passing was unexpected and so sudden. We’d celebrated the night of his birthday and he drifted off from us while napping the next day. He was more fit than almost everyone else in the family – so, yeah, totally unexpected. I miss him. I miss his stories. I miss his interest, intelligence, and stupid jokes. I miss that he was what polar bears would consider a great treat … crunchy on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside. I laughed as I typed that – he would have loved that analogy.

See? I’m learning – not all grieving is bad or heartbreaking.

I know of eight people who died this spring/summer and I lost two good friends this year ~ one to death, the other to just drifting away. Grief encompasses all loss. It’s a package deal – loss/grief. Unfortunately we rarely have one without the other. Whatever the loss may be – grief tags along and is part of it all. It’s like a rotten BOGO. We can’t ignore it (believe me, I’ve tried) … and it’s something we just have to work through/come to terms with/live with. And, as similar as it is for all of us – it’s also completely different and personal for everyone … with different intensities and time frames for each of us. Yeah – did I mention that it’s complicated?

We all have someone or something we are grieving – maybe not actively all the time – but perhaps only now, at this time of year. Over time we carry grief with us … in some form … for that special pet, beloved friend or family member, a withered marriage, friendship, career path or ability (I can go on and on but you get the picture) and that grief might just be under the surface – there, but not bubbling. But it seems that during the holidays (because they only come once a year) grief surfaces and it gets stirred up in us – because of memories, events, music (all trigger factors) and it can be exhausting, frustrating, and/or overwhelming. If you are feeling this – take a step back and take a few deep breaths. The holidays are tough when you miss someone or something – even if it’s from long ago.

As the new year is in our sights and the year comes to an end … remember to share your memories – even if it’s with yourself – as they will light your way forward. I like to think that there is a little sieve area in our hearts … where we keep our losses. Eventually, the bad memories sift through and only the happy ones remain so that we’ll only carry the good with us. It may sound corny but – it’s comforting.

Just remember that grief is like arthritis … it’ll flare up from time to time (usually without warning) but (if you haven’t already) you’ll learn how to deal with it/live with it/manage it. I don’t believe that grieving truly ends ~ it just morphs into something else more manageable.

After all, grief is complicated.

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Happy (Whatever) Holidays …

December 7, 2024 ~ Saturday (sunny, chilly now but going up to 64°!)

It’s unusually warm here this week – with temps in the 60s this weekend. But, snow is forecasted for Monday! Welcome to December in Colorado! And, how did we get to December? In any case, it hasn’t felt like the holidays are around the corner (or have begun) and I was needing something to ramp up my holiday senses/spirit.

And then it happened.

I was in my car on my way to my daughter’s earlier this week – the heady scent of pine filled the car as the back was full of pine branches that I scavenged from the compost bin at the local Home Depot (bough trimmings that she will use for making wreaths). I peeled a tangerine and that yummy, clean, citrusy fragrance mingled with the pine and instantly … it was Christmas-time.

My kids had a scratch and sniff book (remember those?) …”The Sweet Smell of Christmas” (you can get it on Amazon/Target for $7.06!) and there were gingerbread cookies, oranges, candy canes, pine branches to scratch and sniff as the story progressed. Darling illustrations and a cute story – fabulous! And the minute I peeled that orange, in my mind I was (once again) sitting with my kids and reading that story. Funny how powerful the sense of scent is!

So, it has begun … the festive holiday season … whether it is Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or Festivus for you … or anything else … I hope it is happy and brings you much joy and happiness (especially this year as “things” have been a bit tense in this country/and elsewhere of late).

So, happy (whatever) holidays to you, dear reader. I say the “whatever” as not like a Valley Girl – “Whatever!” – or with an exasperated sigh – I just mean WHATEVER your holiday or observance leanings may be – may they be joyful, happy, memorable, and … yours.

My mom used to get miffed that I’d say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. She didn’t seem to understand that (as soon as mid-November came around) I liked wishing others a happy holiday – whatever that holiday was. Not everyone celebrates Christmas!

So, as I was eating my leftover Sesame Chicken this morning for breakfast (quite yummy and better solo than with the green beans that made my stomach feel like Mt. Vesuvius’s second coming last night!) … I got to thinking about holidays this time of year. How many are there? What also is observed and celebrated?

I was surprised. You’ll be shocked!

On this date, alone, there are 13 (count ’em ~ thirteen!) observances … it is the 83rd anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. But it is also Candle Day, National Cotton Candy Day, as well as (aptly) National Letter Writing Day … among others. And while not “holidays” some of these observances are as important to people as Christmas or Hanukkah might be to others. Personal interests/preferences/beliefs … I’m all for that.

So, how many of these special observances are actually in December? Ready for this? 250! Yes – two hundred and fifty holidays and/or observances are in the month of December! And, that’s not including the weekly and monthly observances for this month! So, dust off your party shoes cuz every day has a cause for celebration! I know I for one, don’t want to miss Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week – actually I just did/the last day is today! As was Old Driver Safety Awareness Week! But there are plenty more to celebrate!

As we slide towards the main holidays this month – let us not forget the other little bits of joy we can be reveling in and celebrating wildly, like … it’s National Bingo, Fruitcake, Pear, and Cat Lover’s Month! It’s also National Learn a Foreign Language Month (oui!), National Tie Month, and Operation Santa Paws observances.

Who knew? Here are some of my favs still coming up this month …

8th – National Brownie Day … Chocolate frosting or powdered sugar? Nuts or none? Cakey or fudgy? Anyway you like them … yum! It’s also National LARD day! Ew! But it does make an exquisitely flakey pie crust! Go hog fat!

9th – National Llama Day! I still have nightmares about that llama encounter I had on the island when I was doing a story on a cheese maker and she left me alone in the paddock with her goats and one very protective llama! He ran across the enclosure and stopped within inches of my forehead – his breath pouffing out my hair and his horrible brown buck teeth glistening in the sunlight. Ugh – too scary! I was so afraid he was going to bite my nose off! Obviously, he didn’t (I stood as still as a statue and didn’t make eye contact and eventually he got bored and wandered off), but if you’re going to have a llama encounter … maybe keep your distance and stay on the other side of the fence!

11th – National Bagel Day and National Tango Day … I wonder what it would be like to do the tango with a bagel in your mouth? Pretty satisfying, probably! Much softer than a rose!

13th – National Cocoa Day. Make yourself a mug and pile on the whipped cream, put your feet up and turn on a Hallmark movie. Every scene has someone drinking or making (the “World’s Best”) cocoa. I actually made some the other night – but mine had Amaretto in it. Even better!

16th – I’m liking this day’s observances … Barbie and Barney Backlash Day (ha ha) – who doesn’t love that? How many of us are STILL singing that purple dinosaur’s song when in the shower? It’s also National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! Yum! How about chocolate covered potato chips? Insects? Donuts? I’ll eat anything but the insects, thank you very much!

22nd – National Date Nut Bread day – now, that’s an observance I can sink my teeth into!

30th – National Bacon Day … now who doesn’t think that’s a great way to close out the year? Bacon, bacon, bacon!

If nothing else – look up/google “December Holidays” and you’ll get your fill. There’s always something to look forward to! Just pick and choose and enjoy!

With so many celebrations to choose from – I’m sure we can all have a very Merry and Happy (Whatever) Holiday season! Here’s to you and yours!

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Channeling my Inner Goldilocks …

November 22, 2024 ~ Friday morning (chilly, sun is rising, another day in paradise and political hell)

I woke up today thinking, as I have done so since the election, of all things politics. Not exactly the nicest or best way to start the day. With what is our political climate of late, it is best to say … it’s not good. The Orange Asshole is at it (in force) already and we are now in the phase of this post-election period where our anticipatory anxiety is ramping up and taking over because we (kind of) knew what was coming down the pike … but it’s all looking much worse than we envisioned. And it’ll get worse and worse as we go along. We are still two months out from the inauguration … then what? We were told what he’d do – why weren’t people listening?

Apparently not. So, we will suffer the consequences of those voting actions. We reap what we sow. We pay the price of our (or others’) actions. And right now and going forward – we will continue to do so. Thanks a lot people! The voices of the American people have been heard – and now we have to contend with what damage has been (and will be) done. Yeah – thanks a lot. It’s not good. NONE of it is good.

And, I’m sorry about the pay-cut, Rachel – I haven’t been watching TV (well, Hallmark movies but not the news)! I told myself for my mental well-being I had to cut back on my daily (and weekly) dose of media input/what is going on now. As a friend said, “I’ve seen better cabinet choices at IKEA!” Haven’t we all?! Sigh. Jeff Sessions is looking pretty good right now. I have been sighing a LOT but my blood pressure and anxiety levels are lower because I am being an ostrich. An informed head-in-the-sand ostrich – but an ostrich nonetheless. I am not dwelling on things I have no control over. It’s not healthy – not for me, at least.

I voted. I took my public and civic duty, right, and responsibility to heart. But, the outcome was far from what I wanted. l can make jokes about what is going on – a cushion against the unparalleled idiocy and domination that is marching across this country. The racism, misogyny, intolerance, white supremacy, the oligarchial dawning … it’s just too much.

So, I am thinking about pillows.

Yeah – you heard me right! I have promised myself I will not stress over that which I have no control. And that is a LOT. (Thanks, again, people!) So, I’m focusing on that which I can control … and right now that is my bed pillow situation. I want to be Goldilocks. In a world where nothing feels right – when I sink down onto my bed at night, I want my pillows to be perfect. Not too hard/firm … not too flat/squishy. In other words, JUST RIGHT. I’m calling it the Goldilocks Ideal.

I have pillows on my bed. I have pillows under my bed. I have pillows in storage. None are what I want. I used to have more beds, which meant – more pillows. Somehow, for some reason, when the beds went away – the pillows did not! I had an Air BnB for a few years and a guest room … more pillows! The old pillows would be stuffed into dog bed covers for my doggy daycare biz – so, I had a lot of pillow-stuffed dog beds around! I still do. The dogs don’t mind if the pillows aren’t new or ultra fluffy, but I do!

In any case – I have pillows … just not ones I LIKE! My bed looks like it should be in a display in the linen department at Macy’s! The pillows look plump and fluffed but aren’t quite … right. They don’t have that it factor. I hold onto the extras (under my bed and in storage) for when I have overnight guests. Has that happened? A few times but not enough to warrant my pillow accumulation! So why do I have still have those pillows under my bed? In case of a pillow shortage? Like the TP insanity during Covid? Hey everyone I know and love – if you run out of pillows – come on by. I’ve got you covered – I’ve got extras! Egad. I don’t know what sickness this is but it’s got a hold on me! LOL.

So, with that (and fully, embarrassingly aware that this is a first world problem), I’m on the quest again. I feel, at times, that I’m a pillow snob. Ha! But, seriously, I want a good night’s sleep (especially when it means I need rest to face what is coming the next day) and for me that means a good pillow where I can rest my weary (politically inclined/upset) head. I just want a standard-size (not king), good for side sleeping, supportive but not neck crunching or realigning, soft but not one that’ll flatten out during sleep, squishy and moldable enough, and also down-alternative so I don’t wake up with a puffed face from feather allergies! Is that too much to ask? Home Goods, Target, Costco, and Walmart all bombed out. So – I’m back to the drawing board.

In the meantime – I’m keeping my eyes on the dog beds! The dogs sure are sleeping well … and maybe, just maybe, those pillows are just right.

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Disgusted …

November 6, 2024 ~ Wednesday (early morning/it’s snowing/I’m crying)

It’s early morning after the 2024 Presidential election. I am on my way to bed – again – as sleep is alluding me. I can hardly get any words out of me. I sit here, chilled, fingers clicking away on my keyboard and I am shaking my head in disbelief. Something I’ve been doing all evening. It’s seemingly an involuntary action.

I am so disgusted. To put it mildly. But, I’m also angry and upset, disheartened, sickened, and …

The joyful baby we were expecting ended up being the devil. And I’m beyond disgusted.

I turned on the tv tonight and was watching msnbc … the results started coming in and the red tidal wave started to come ashore. I watched for awhile, feeling my stomach doing flips, and then switched the channel to watch something mindless. I couldn’t bear to watch the results. Not again. I did this half a dozen times – hoping beyond hope that the results would be better. They weren’t.

How was this happening … again? I was having PTSD from the 2016 election night. We were so hopeful … so ready … so stupid.

I am angry. I am angry at Biden for taking so long to drop from the race. I’m angry that from the moment he was elected, he didn’t say that he was a one (and done) term President. That would have given someone else four years to get their ducks in a row. Not 107 days as was the case now. I am angry that he backed Harris before letting anyone else come forward.

I am angry that the Democrats were too “nice” and not more forceful with their ads and speeches calling out the supreme asshole for the creep that he is (was/will always be).

I’m angry that all those who voiced their displeasure with T did it in the 11th hour. Oh, yeah – they said things but a little too late. But, some got good book deals out of their knowledge and insight. Lovely.

I am angry that the Democrats were stupid (again) to think the this country is advanced enough to vote for a female for President. Did we learn NOTHING from Hilary? Or any of the women who tried before her? Had we had a male presidential candidate and either a female or male VP, would we have had a better chance? Or is this country too far gone with idiocy? Damn … that Kool-Aid must have been tasty.

Before I turned off the tv at 12:30, I switched back and (unfortunately) caught a snippet of T’s speech … “… water, BIG water, lakes that weren’t there, of water … ” I guessed he was talking about North Carolina’s hurricane damage. He sounded like a 4-year-old. And this is who the majority of the people in our country think is fit and intelligent enough to run our country? To hold the highest office in our land? AGAIN? Wasn’t the first time bad enough?

Did we learn nothing from his first term? Did we learn nothing from all those who came forward and said he was dangerous, a menace, unfit, unhinged, mentally impaired? Did it not register that with voting this disgusting human into office – again – that he would now be totally untouchable with the Supreme Court in his pocket … without any legal repercussions or guardrails or guardians to protect our democracy saying that (among other things) maybe being in bed with Putin isn’t the best idea? That he would go unchecked, do whatever he wanted, have absolute power? Why weren’t people listening? Are people really that stupid?

I would like someone to explain to me – preferably a T voter – in a succinct, intelligent manner why they thought that this disgusting 34x felon, liable of sexual assault and a sexual predator who thinks it’s “okay” to grab women by their you know what, misogynistic racist, disparager of the military, law enforcement, the disabled and disadvantaged and those even wearing glasses, a thief, who calls his opponents names and cuss words, a narcissistic, vindictive and vengeful dictator wanna-be, bff with Putin, whose pals are criminals, who cares nothing about this planet or this country or it’s inhabitants, who incited an insurrection, who was impeached twice, who stands behind Neo-Nazis, who said to beat Covid we should inject ourselves with bleach, who has been bankrupt at least five times, who doesn’t pay his bills, who claims he is “so rich” yet begs for money from those less fortunate or hawks stupid products, who is unhinged and unfit, without a moral compass or ounce of compassion or empathy or grace, who is blasphemous, who is an adulterer, cheating-lying-fraud-con man who can’t string five words together to make a coherent sentence … in other words a moronic and repulsive piece of shit … was a better choice than Kamala or ANYONE else.

I would like someone to explain that to me.

This wasn’t an election between democrats or republicans … or even an election of gender – female vs male. This was an election between our democracy and a dictatorship.

Is this country that stupid? Apparently so.

As a woman, I think I may have voted in my last election. I see The Handmaid’s Tale as a very real possibility (but I’ve been saying that for a decade now). We are in trouble. It is so totally beyond my comprehension that this is happening – again – that I have no other words to say other than I feel dirty and that I feel like I need to take a shower.

I hope he gets eaten by an alligator before he takes office. But that leaves us with Vance … who might even be worse … the man who lied saying that immigrants were eating pets. THIS is the man who – in all likelihood – will (sometime in the next four years) be our President, as well. Another piece of shit.

This shows us all what morons live in this country … uneducated, dis/misinformed/reckless/cult-following. And, if you voted for T – I’m not going to apologize for what I think. Wake up and smell the dictatorship. Thanks a lot. I hope you’re ready.

I am more worried about the future of our country and for those I love than ever before.

And … sigh … I am just so disgusted.

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On the Eve of … Destruction?

November 4, 2024 (Monday morning – gray/mizzly/chance of snow … and destruction)

I feel sick. Anxious. I can’t sleep. My stomach is doing better flips than I did as a cheerleader in high school. Triple ones – I never did that. Broke my body before that ever happened.

I feel like I’m waiting for a baby to be born … will it be viable, healthy, burbling with joy? Or will it, as the ultrasound suggests … come out with horns, a pointy tail and be pure evil?

We will find out (sometime) this week. Unless this election is a landslide (either way) we probably won’t know the outcome for a few days … if then. Or you know who will throw us into some form of turmoiled chaos and extreme events will happen. More Tums for me.

“On the Eve of Destruction” is a protest song which was released in 1965 (I was still playing with Barbie’s) written by P.F. Sloan but sung by Barrie McGuire. McGuire was associated with The Mamas & the Papas and The New Christy Minstrels during his career. You may remember him/or not – I don’t remember him but I do remember the song – sung with such grit. I was thinking of this song this morning and thought I’d look it up. The bio for McG says he lives in Oklahoma City … and oddly, on this Election Eve, destruction came to OK in the form of damaging tornados. Hope he is okay. Kind of creepy how some things come full circle.

If you’re not familiar with the song – google it. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but these past few months (years) have left me with an increasing feeling/sense of dread … and god, I hope I’m wrong … but the song rings true to how I’m feeling. Here’s an excerpt …

“Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like coagulatin’
I’m sittin’ here just contemplatin’
I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation
Handful of senators don’t pass legislation
And marches alone can’t bring integration
When human respect is disintegratin’
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'”

And so we are here … on the eve of … WHAT exactly? Hopefully NOT destruction but I guess we’ll find out. I, along with almost everyone I know, am hoping for a beautiful, laughing, healthy and joyful outcome! (If so – party at my house!)

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Sweater Weather …

October 3, 2024 ~ Thursday (still in the 80s or higher here!)

Sweater Weather … the two words that bring coziness to mind along with crisp morning air, trees putting on their colorful displays, woodsmoke, and all things autumnal.

Well, it would if it weren’t 88° outside! Get goin’ Summer – we are done with ye! Adios! Sayonara! Ciao! In other words … Scram! Get lost!

I missed September with my posts – mainly because, I’m sure, my brain was fried. The longest, hottest, quietest summer yet – I didn’t like it. Put a fork in me, I’m done.

Typically, I love September as the lazy days of Summer wind down and you, all at once, feel that certain something in the air … a scent, a whisper through the trees, the air feels thinner … that something that says, “Autumn ~ it’s so close.” But not this year. Yeah – we’ve had a few chillyish mornings … nothing notable. Nary a cold temp. Definitely no snow. I got tired of watering my garden beds by late August – things were half baked or dead. However, still I kept doing so – just so I could get one more tomato (didn’t – the squirrel got it!). But, I’m letting whatever is left out there fend for itself now … my leggy tomatoes? You’re on your own guys! My deep purple stocks (that I finally got to enjoy cuz no slugs ate them like in the NW)? … I’m not watering you anymore! My lavender? … You’re half dead already – continue on!

But this year, Summer was too hot … too summery … too “I’m so sick of Summer I could scream” (well, I can’t scream/yet – but I can now talk! Finally! A very long three months!) So … September came and went. There was no yearning for elementary school supplies because it still felt like Summer. There was no wanting to decorate for Fall … cuz it was still Summer. There are no pumpkins marching down my front porch steps … I do not need to make pumpkin soup for the squirrels! (I love them but even I have my limits!)

I adore October but here we are … three days in … and we were 88° yesterday … 90° for the next two days … high 80s for all of next week. We have four days after that forecasted with temps in the 70s … and it won’t be until after mid-month that “seasonal” temps (60s) finally come around. Craziness. I don’t like it. I feel cheated.

Autumn is my favorite season (by far). Probaby 5x any other season. I do enjoy Spring – but not in CO. It’s snowy or it’s in the 50s through mid-May and then all of a sudden, it’s Summer and we are in the 80s and 90s – again – or worse. No spring here. And, apparently, less of Fall, too. Bummer.

I was curious, the other day, and looked up the average temps in September in the late 1960s in Chicago. I remember walking to elementary school (I loved that school) … and I also remember what I wore those first few days. We didn’t “go back” til after Labor Day – so, early September. The Fall clothes, the “fall-ness” … the new start of a new school year … it was all so exciting. My wardrobe consisted of cordouroy pants, plaid dresses with Peter Pan collars, Mary Jane or Saddle shoes (why were those ever in fashion?) with anklets or knee highs, and light sweaters. I had one sweater that had a “diamond” at the neck (as a button). I thought I was SO COOL. All 9 years old of me! Yeah – me and my Sugar Plum Fairy Pink cat-eye glasses and uneven bangs. Fashionista … not quite! But, I remember it all so well … and I remember it being COOLER. And it was. This September’s average temp in Chicago was 75°. When I was a kid … the average temp there was (du du du dun) … 66°! Hello climate change!

I put on a sleeved shirt today to run to the library. I thought I’d die of heat stroke before I got home!

I’m just ready for coziness. I’m ready to turn my heat on. I’m ready to snuggle. I’m ready to put pumpkins on my porch that won’t bake in the sun/temps. I’m READY. (Actually, I’m BEYOND ready!)

My house is decorated. My sweaters and cords are in my closet. My rust colored suede shoes are waiting to be worn (with socks). Another couple of weeks … I keep singing the “One Day More” song from Les Mis … but, honestly, I’ve been singing it for a month now!

In any case, I’m ready for Fall – whenever it gets here! Come on Sweater Weather!

There’s a lot going on now … and a lot to be concerned with. So, deep breaths. But pull out your sweaters cuz Fall’s gonna be here (hopefully soon).

Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Autumn.

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Lessons in Patience …

August 24, 2024 ~ Saturday (afternoon/need to go run errands but it’s in the 90s again!)

Patience. According to the Oxford dictionary it means … the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Uh, yeah. Something, apparently, I didn’t get enough of … or used up along the way. The older I get, the less patient I become. Not a good thing, I admit.

This summer has been a giant lesson in patience for me.

In May, I started on Wegovy – I’m not half sure I’m not poisoning my system with this – but it finally (FIN-ALLY) seems to be working in the weight loss department. Patience, my dear, patience. I’m down 20 lbs but … it’s been four months of supervised starvation (eating less than a toddler most days) and this is not sustainable. I’m nauseous, don’t have any appetite, nothing sounds good to eat except for bagels and cream cheese – things I don’t normally eat so my new diet consists of mostly fats and carbs. Great. Except at least it’s something in me as opposed to not eating anything cuz nothing else sounds remotely appealing or swallow-worthy. And since I’m not eating enough or well, my energy is flagging, and hence I am not walking (or in my case moving much at all), and because of that … I’m not sleeping well. I sleep but it might take me two or three hours to fall asleep. Stupid. And then I’m REALLY impatient. Let’s just say my mood hasn’t been great.

Add in 50 (yes, fifty) days of over 90° and that has just added fuel to the fire. (I’m glad I wasn’t here in 2020 when Denver had 75 days of over 90°! I’m pretty sure I would have died.) I like warmth. Heat is okay but couple it with blazing, searing sun and … nope, can’t do it. This little house retains the heat … I’m pretty sure the insulation is newspaper from 1911 when it was built. The sun bakes the house and the internal temps have been as high as 88° on some hot days … and that’s in the dining room with the blinds down, ac, and fans going. I’ve been living in darkness and closure all summer. Pretty dismal. I also don’t go outside because I’m just not a fan of heat stroke – so, I’ve been caving all summer. I’ve done nothing much more than read (30 books in two months) and I feel like a (well-read) bat!

I’m pretty sure being up in the NW for eight years messed with my internal temperature controls. My body reminds me of my parents’ fights over the thermostat … mom would put it up in the winter and down in the summer and my dad would always be doing the opposite until the other one was too hot or too cold and they’d adjust it again! My body is doing the same thing … but living those eight years in perpetual October for about nine months a year with outside temps ranging from 45-60 degrees … anything outside those numbers is now too cold or too hot. I get impatient with the weather … always upset that it’s too f’g hot cuz well … it’s too f’g HOT!

In June, I had vocal cord surgery … a testament in patience. The Summer of Silence was difficult at best. I wouldn’t recommend it. I still feel like I’ve got a piece of something stuck in my (still sore) throat. Not good. l thought I’d write notes, use gestures, nod … a lot. It would be FINE! But, nope. It was too hard. Too tempting to talk when I was with anyone – so, I found it best to not socialize. This was worse than Covid cuz at least then I could talk to people! The loneliness and isolation were really profound.

The first three weeks were completely silent/NO talking AT ALL. The next month was 95% silence … and I could use my voice to say a few words an hour (but not on the phone). Those words were usually directed at Mac, my lab – who would walk ahead of me and stop – which would send me flying over him or jumping off to the side of him, etc. I couldn’t yell or say anything more than “Keep moving!” “Go!” “Omg – MOVE!” all in a slight husky rasp. What I got from him were worried eyeballs and no cooperation. By late July I was practically good enough with my dismounts over him to be an alternate on USA’s gymnastics team! It’s now the last week of August and I don’t see my doctor for another month … I’ve been cheating more and more (but still not on the phone – it, apparently, is a strain on the voice) … but am still more silent than I ever thought possible. It’s been more trying than I expected … and (nearly) three months has seemed like an eternity. I have absolutely NO patience left with this issue. Zero. None.

The other day I was out running errands and I think I came upon a new record, even for me, in the road rage category. As my mother would tell you (if she could, but she cannot as she is no longer) – I have a potty mouth. I’m not exactly proud that I could make a sailor blush and of my less than creative cuss words … something I need to work on. But, in the course of THREE BLOCKS … I spewed out (in my soft, husky rasp) – more mouthing the words than actually saying them aloud – “Jesus, OMG – will you just DRIVE, GD it – go”, and my usual … “Do you drive much, dumbshit?” (Which by the way, Ted mimicked me when he was JUST starting to talk – some 36 years ago!) I also added in a new one … “For god’s sake go – you lame ass idiot.” Nice. I figured I’d best just go home and forego the errands.

Patience, as you can see, would be a very ironic name for me!

And then it all came full circle.

I was at Walmart the other day (yeah, the “bad” one with the armed security guards and a store in which I’m not sure I want to buy anything but dogfood and then take a shower once home). I was in the checkout line – six deep ahead of me (as they’ve done away with self checkout unless you have FIVE items) – and things were not going well. As in NOT going well or quickly. Someone needed a price check. Someone decided they didn’t need something. Someone else had 14,000 items. The gals at the register traded places. My pint of ice cream melted. By the time the woman in front of me was checking out, I wasn’t in the happiest of moods. I didn’t think checking out would take me an additional half hour.

I put my few things on the belt (more than five) … and waited. Standing there it gave me time to look at the items ahead of me. The woman buying them wore a headscarf and was deeply ebony. I’m not sure she spoke English. She stood there but I could sense a bit of unease or trepidation from her. She had very basic items … beans, rice, rolls, small bottles of gatorade and ensure (made me think maybe she had an older person at home she wanted to get some nutrients/electrolytes into), two white onions, a bag of potatoes. Nothing extravagant … no meat, dairy, paper products, cereal, or snack items that seem to cost a fortune these days. She gave me a sideways look as she put her card into the reader. It was denied. She had a SNAP card – she used that. Whatever was on that card paid for some of her bill. She tried another card. That, too, was denied. She gave me a sideways glance – like apologizing for the delay. I just smiled. I didn’t know what to do? I thought of paying for the rest of her bill … but something in her demeanor made me not do it. Something in the way she looked at me spoke volumes … that she’d rather have to put things back, than suffer the humiliation of having a stranger – albeit meant only in a helping way – assist her in this payment. She found another card and the transaction was completed.

It took a LONG time for her to go through that line. The checkout lady apologized for the delay and asked if I wanted to get a new ice cream. I declined – I’d be careful with this and not let it spill until I could get it in the freezer. I felt lucky I could get it – even if it was melted. My heart felt heavy for that woman ahead of me but also light at the same time. I didn’t lose my patience (as the woman behind me was doing) but I had a bird’s eye view of what unfolded in front of me … the toughness of the situation … the embarrassment … the heartbreak of (almost) not being able to pay for a bag of groceries.

I drove home and didn’t utter an obscenity at the guy who ran the red light or the bicyclist who cut me off (without even noticing he had done so) … as you can see – driving around here sucks!

In any case – it was a huge lesson to me … calm down a bit … don’t be in such a rush or jump on someone else’s case – everyone has a story. Maybe the woman was new to our country trying her best to keep her head above water. Maybe the guy going through the red light was going to the hospital. Maybe the guy on the bike was late for work. Maybe it could have been me trying numerous cards to pay for my one sack of basic groceries.

Patience … is a virtue. Something I need to keep working on. Perhaps we all do.

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Seeing Beyond Labels …

July 18, 2024 ~ Thursday (another hot day expected – oh joy!)

It has been one of those mornings. I’m grumpy due to the heat (more of the same) and isolation (my summer of silence due to throat surgery continues). I have had far too many friends and friends’ dogs and neighbors pass away in the last two weeks than I ever want to experience again. The political climate is too hot and a disaster. I’m on meds that are akin to a supervised starvation plan. And, I’m waiting for the Roto-Rooter guy.

Enough said.

And, I’m crying. But – not for any of those above reasons. I just read a blog post (about “labeling” …, written by my 39-year-old son (how did he get to be such an adult/of that age?) … and these are tears of sweetness … tears of understanding … tears of pride.

I have great kids. I don’t know how it happened but they both have this mindset – the one that my son wrote about today. Luck of the draw? Life of example? Society/environmental influences? I don’t know. What I do know is that in today’s world “things” seem to be going backwards by leaps and bounds for human and women’s rights, religious and love/relationship freedoms, racial and cultural acceptance, personal identities … dare I go on? And yet, I have two kids that don’t judge any person by the color of their skin, their cultural background, their personality identity, where they live or who they love. They see others as humans not the labels that society KEEPS putting on people for all reasons. I love and admire them for that.

I am in my Summer of Silence … on book #17 or so in a month. I can’t talk but I can read! And I’m reading fluff because it’s all I can stomach right now with all that is happening in the “real” world. This fluff takes me to elite cocktail parties, museum openings, and fancy galas in old Charleston … events dripping with southern gentility, silks, 24K gold jewelry, and mint juleps. All set in resplendent mansions filled with antiques I would die to see or in the lush, fragrant gardens of my dreams. Anyway – I can partake in all the festivities and never leave my chair! But, I’m writing the author because it’s been bugging me – she is very descriptive in her writing, however, the only “labels” she puts on people is that of “African American” characters in her books. Why label? Why is there that need to do so? Why not just describe the pretty shop keeper as the one with sienna colored hair and beautiful, burnished mahogany skin instead of African American? She describes someone else as a portly male with thinning silver hair and a florid complexion … we get the picture but she never says he’s Caucasian/White. I’m writing her. Why label? Haven’t we overcome that? Don’t we know better? Aren’t we better?

Apparently not. Sigh. I watched some of the RNC convention this week. I’ve watched and read the news coverage on several channels and from different outlets and it’s all too depressing. And scary. Our politicians and those supporting them are spewing vitriolic messages … most of their speeches are full of lies, innuendos, accusations, insinuated violence, ugliness, and pure hate. So much anger. So many lies. No integrity or conscience. I watched one woman, whose parents are both in jail for tax evasion and fraud – and yet she blamed the legal system. Is there no decency left? No humility? No knowing right from wrong not just what you can get away with or blame someone else for? How did we get here?

How did we get to a place, three months from another Presidential election – where our country’s two top candidates are who they are? How is that possible? One is a lying fraud who cheats, mocks, steals, incites violence, is an unethical sexual predator and racist, as well as a 34 felonies-convicted criminal (and then some) who consorts with criminals and is besties with global dictators and wants to be one himself … and the other one is seemingly 3000 years old, looking at best like he’s lost and needs help finding the end of the buffet line. He should never have said he was going to run for reelection – ever! How did we get here? These are out BEST choices? In a country of 333.3 million people – these are the most qualified and best????

(And an aside – which, oddly, just made me feel a bit better about all of this. I’m not one into angel numbers, etc but 333.3 is a very positive “angel number”. It is believed to set plans into action and lets personal strengths flourish and guides choices. It is also connected with optimism, creativity and intuition. So maybe this number will help guide us to being kinder, gentler, less hate-filled, compassionate, and understanding. Maybe.)

What I stated about our candidates isn’t about labels or opinion (well, Biden isn’t 3000 years old but getting close) but facts. Age is real. So is criminal conviction. What happened to the highest office in our country being revered? Remember when you were little and the BEST “job” someone could think of was to be President of the United States? Now it’s a very sad, scary, pathetic, hate-filled position. One of big bucks and power. We are in trouble.

The political climate is too hot. This is a country founded on freedoms … I just don’t know how we got here (again) and why everyone is so ugly, so hell-bent on getting rid of others that don’t think or look or act like they do. I have friends who no longer feel safe in this country because of their religious beliefs, ethnic backgrounds, and skin color. Now how awful is that for a country that is full of immigrants and says it embraces its melting pot mentality?

I long to live in a peaceful Utopian civilization/world where people – of every color, background, belief can co-exist, enjoy life, and learn from one another. Embrace, share, and learn from our differences. No hatred, no fear, no need for power, and certainly no labels. Afterall, beneath our skin and fears … we are more similar than most people think.

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Going Forward – Again

June 10, 2024 ~ Monday (a lovely cool evening)

I was going through my writing portfolio last night and came upon a story that I wrote in early 2021. I posted this on this blog in April of that year. And, I suppose, as is the case with anyone who writes … every once in a while we’ll write something that surprises even ourselves. This is one such story. Where did this come from? I haven’t entered a competition in quite some time – need to again – but this was from one such writing competition I entered that year.

The competition had 6100 entrants from around the world. We were each given a group (218 groups) and three parameters to meet. My group was given: art teacher/ghost story/therapy … and the story needed to be 2500 words. We had the weekend to submit.

The top 5 writers from each group would then continue on and compete in Round #2 with more parameters to meet … and a shorter time frame to write … until a winner was declared. I didn’t make the top 5 in my group … but came in at #8 and got an Honorable Mention. This is one of my favorite pieces.

Going Forward …

Lily was in a mood. It was Tuesday and her afternoon to volunteer at the Senior Center. Like she didn’t have a million other things to do but she had promised herself she’d give it a go. Promised to keep the New Year’s resolution of volunteering and getting out of her own head. She’d abandoned the same resolution twice before, but it was 2019 and she felt a greater need to stick with it. She needed to feel good. Do something nice. Give back. Heal her heart. Go forward. All that stuff. And, who knew what the future would bring next year? And yet, as she gathered her supplies, she grumbled under her breath. And to dampen her spirits, quite literally, even more … it was raining.

“Why is it always raining?” she yelled at the sky. Lily kicked the car door closed while juggling her laundry basket of paints and brushes, her open purse slung over her shoulder, unaware of things falling out and leaving a trail of lipstick, tissues and the entire contents of her wallet in a soggy wake as she hurried along.

Walter was walking along the sidewalk and watched the scene unfold. He watched Lily kick the car door and the contents spill from her purse, leaving behind a line of personal detritus from the curb to the Center’s door. He stooped down, gathered up the items and carried them inside.

“I do believe these are yours,” he said as he held out his hands to Lily. “They fell from your purse. You’ll see – it’s all there.”

Flustered, Lily grabbed, a little too brusquely, at her belongings, “Oh, dammit!” she spewed, “I’m sorry. Thank you so much, Mr. …?”

“Ferguson. But, please, call me Walter. Looks like you could use a hand.”

“Nice to meet you and thanks again. I’m Lily Davenport. Are you here for today’s class?”

He looked at her rather blankly. “I was always meaning to drop in but never got around to it. I guess today’s as good a day as any.”

The two of them hung up their dripping coats. No one else was in the room yet so Lily invited him to help her unload the basket and set up. Lily liked him immediately. He was like everyone’s vision of a kindly Grandpa.

The staff at the Senior Center had the room almost ready … there were long tables with chairs and empty spaces for those who’d arrive in wheelchairs. A few easels were also around the room for those who wanted to stand. Lily and Walter put out the paints, papers, brushes and water tins and in no time were ready for the group to arrive.

“I volunteer here … on Tuesdays we paint. Do you paint, Walter?

“No … can’t say I’ve ever painted – nothin’ but my house. Seems I’ve got nothin’ but time on my hands these days – might as well give it a shot.” He rubbed his hands together trying to draw the ache and coldness out. “It sure is nice and cozy in here; for the past month or so I’ve been having a tough time getting the chill out of me.”

Lily looked over at him and agreed, “It’s been an unusually cold and wet month. But spring’s almost here.”

Walter walked over to the front window and watched the rain. He looked back at Lily with rheumy, pale gray eyes that held years of experience, knowledge and the sorrow of deep loss. Lily held his gaze and felt the crush of loneliness and isolation. She knew what heartache looked and felt like.

“I’m coming to terms with a death,” he blurted out.

Lily came towards him and patted his arm. “I’m so sorry, Walter. Loss is hard. Grief is complicated. But you’re here now and maybe it’ll make you feel a bit better. I’m really glad you are joining us today. If nothing else, art seems to be good therapy for a lot of people, and it seems to help in a multitude of ways. I’ve even heard it helps release the soul.” She smiled and patted his arm once more. Her heart knew his pain.

The afternoon’s art class went along as all of the other ones had gone along since she had begun holding them at the Center … almost three months in and it was a lot of compliments and encouragement, small talk and spreading newspapers. Lots of picking up dropped brushes and wiping of spills. Lorelei tried to drink the brush water again. Lily was thinking this might not be the best class for her anymore. Max sat with a brush in his hand … staring off into space … the green paint dripping onto the paper. He was getting worse. Mr. Johnson painted a sun. Elaine said it was an orange and his feelings were hurt. An argument ensued and they were escorted to the snack room. Every week the same. Some days Lily struggled with her resolve to continue coming. Her friends agreed this would be good therapy for her. Get her mind somewhere else. Loss is hard. Grief is complicated. Some days she just wasn’t so sure it was worth it.

But today … there was Walter.

Walter must have done a remarkable job painting his home because his artwork was amazingly good. He stood at one of the easels and painted a landscape … pine trees off to the right; to the left, down a small embankment – cattails edged a small pond, a few ducks seemed to glide along. Across the pond was an empty bench facing the water, a few tulips bloomed nearby against the background of lushness of some overgrown garden. It was lovely. He had depth and contrast and a fine stroke. She was thinking that he was pulling her leg when he said he hadn’t painted before. This was truly done by someone with talent!

As Walter was cleaning up, Lily stood looking at his painting, “Walter, you’ve surely painted before. This is wonderful,” she remarked.

He chuckled and smiled, “I’m actually amazed at what came out of me. Honestly, I’ve never painted. My wife was a music teacher but crafty. She was always trying for me to do something with her but I always said that was her baby, not mine. Maybe I was wrong.” Lily collected the paintings and hung them on the clothesline to dry … she’d give them back to their Tuesday artist-owners the following week.

And that’s how it went … pretty much … for the next few months. Except, Max and Lorelei no longer came to class. Mr. Johnson and Elaine had started dating. And Walter came every Tuesday and painted the same scene. No matter how many times Lily tried to persuade him to do a still life or a sunset – his paintings came out almost exactly the same every week. A deeper pine green one week … more shadows or an extra duck the next. The tulips were replaced by dandelions as spring gave way to summer. But, for the most part, the sameness was uncanny.

One Tuesday in August Lily finally asked, “Walter, I just have to know, after all this time, why do you paint this scene every week?”

Walter chuckled a bit and said, “I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine. I just paint what I see.”

“Well, it sure is peaceful,” she added as she gathered up the brushes.

“Yeah, it’s peaceful alright,” he sighed.

Lily and Walter continued with nothing more than polite conversation during their Tuesday afternoons. No personal chatter. No cups of coffee after class. No nothing. She didn’t know why

neither one of them extended themselves, but they didn’t. She didn’t know what his occupation had been. Didn’t know how long he had been married or if he had kids. Didn’t know where his home was – though she supposed nearby as he always walked to the Center. Actually, over the last few months Walter had gotten quieter – as if talking took a lot out of him to do so. He offered up no more information about himself but seemed genuinely pleased to be spending his Tuesday afternoons in that manner. And Lily found that she, too, was as well. She felt lighter, happier than she’d been in a long time and found she was no longer grumbling as she parked her car on those volunteer Tuesdays. Maybe this was good therapy. She actually looked forward to helping the senior members explore their creative sides. Mr. Johnson’s suns were looking more realistic. Elaine started painting oranges. And every week Walter got quieter and painted the same scene.

Another month went by. It was now autumn and on those Tuesdays Lily brought in colorful fallen leaves, a few pumpkins, acorns she had gathered, some twigs. She thought people might like to paint them or add them into some scene of their own choosing. Walter did not. He was a one-and-done kind of guy. But he always seemed contented with the outcome of his work.

“Walter, the pond looks darker today,” Lily told him as she stood looking at the finished painting one afternoon.

“Storm’s comin’,” he replied.

The next week there were no ducks in the painting. “Walter, you forgot the ducks,” Lily said, looking at him questioningly.

“They flew South,” he remarked.

And so it went. October turned into November which then slid into December. The pumpkins and turkeys that she brought to class changed to bowls of ornaments and branches covered in moss.

One Tuesday Walter breathed softly, “This is perfect.”

Lily looked at the painting and it looked almost exactly like all the others he had painted in the past months … except some of the cattails were fatter or blown, their stalks and leaves tawny and bent. A few of them had what looked like frost on them. But, for the most part, it was the same painting … but she agreed with him and said, “You’re right, Walter. This one is perfect.”

The next Tuesday the rains returned but Walter did not. The following week, Tuesday came and went and no Walter. Lily hoped she’d see him come through the door, but he did not. She wondered and worried about him and was saddened by his absence. She had hung his last painting on the wall … she and it were waiting for him. On her way out the door she remembered that Walter had told her of some pink berry bushes a few blocks from the Center. “‘They’d be nice to paint,'” he had said. Always on the lookout for something natural to bring in, Lily thought that pink berries would be lovely this time of year. She chastised herself for not going weeks earlier and headed in the direction he had told her – zig zagging along the curvy streets through a tidy neighborhood of small homes and manicured yards. She was looking for the pink berry bushes when out of the corner of her eye came a most familiar scene … to her right was a green space with pine trees and a pond!

Lily couldn’t believe her eyes! She pulled her car over and ran to the sidewalk that encircled what seemed to be a small neighborhood park. “It’s all here!” she blurted out. “Oh my God. Everything is just as he painted it.” There were bushes to her right and across the lawn and before her was the stand of pine trees and down the sloped lawn to the left lay the pond – encircled by cattails – now, all blown out and scraggly.

This is amazing! she thought as she looked about. “This is Walter’s painting!” she said out loud. There was no one there to hear her – not even a duck – just the wind through the pines. Lily walked from the sidewalk, under the trees’ naked winter branches and stood looking at it all. And there, on the other side of the pond, was the bench. She walked down the grass and around the pond – twirling around and taking it all in.

She walked through the wet grass to the bench and sat down. She leaned back; the bench had a good feel … old, weathered and comfortable. Kind of like Walter. She sat for a while looking over the pond and the pines – amazed that she was sitting there. It was truly lovely. It was just as he had painted. She missed him but as she sat there, taking in the scene that had become so familiar to her, she felt peace settle in her at last. It had been a difficult few years but she finally felt she was ready to go forward. A new year loomed in just a few weeks – what would 2020 bring?

She sat for a while looking out over the pond, breathing in the winter air when she noticed what looked like a small fenced in area near the stand of pines. It had never shown up in Walter’s paintings. She thought perhaps it was the pond’s pump station but being curious, she got up and walked around the pond towards it; realizing as she got closer that that was the vantage point of all Walter’s paintings – his vision was from that spot.

As she neared it, she was surprised to realize that this small square of wrought iron fencing was not what she thought but enclosed a small cemeterial plot with half a dozen ornately carved headstones. The grass over these gravesites was lush and green and the headstones were worn and weathered and had been there a long time. All except one – the last one was newer. She could tell as the headstone was whiter, not as worn by the elements. She walked up to the end of the fence and as she leaned in against the wrought iron to read the words, she let out a gasp …

In Loving Memory * Walter Randolph Ferguson * Everyone’s Beloved Grandpa * January 18, 1932 – February 23, 2019

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An Early Summer Night …

June 8, 2024 ~ Saturday (evening/the robins are peeping their goodnights and the animals are restless)

There is a squirrel in my kitchen. Well, not at this moment … we chased him out. But about 45 seconds ago there was a squirrel in my kitchen. That wasn’t the first time. Nor was it the first time … today.

It’s my own fault. What can I say? I love my local rodents (Sciuridae – squirrels – in particular). I will forego the mice and rats … I just like squirrels. There are over 230 species (only 65 in the US) and include (I didn’t know this) chipmunks, flying squirrels, prairie dogs, and marmots! (My dad and I once fed a marmot black licorice when hiking Longs Peak – poor thing was probably dead in an hour!) I pass a prairie dog village on the way to my daughter’s … love seeing them out on their little mounds. So cute! They also have the most complex language (of all animals/other than humans) having over 120 different vocalizations. There are no marmots around here but the squirrels that like to visit us are about the size of my chihuahua, Frankie … but with bushy tails and smaller ears! Cute, cute, cute.

It was a busy day and about an hour ago, I thought I’d stretch out on the couch and grab a 12-minute cat nap (10 minutes = too short/15 minutes = too long) and I was just about dozing off when I heard the tin top of the dog treat canister hit the kitchen floor with a metallic clank. I knew in an instant what was going on. My tree squirrel had come calling for a snack. I admit it, I feed them. I can’t help myself. I buy them peanuts and give them stale crackers and granola bars and at times (yes) I’ve made them peanut butter sandwiches – cut on the diagonal (only kidding) and stuffed in the crook of the tree. Well, squirrels gotta eat, too. Right? Especially in winter.

For a while I contemplated moving to Henderson, NC … home of the White Squirrel. It is not an albino version … it is just white! They have all sorts of festivals and parades and such celebrating that critter. Sounded oh-s0-lovely to me until I found out that the KKK is really big in those parts!

There are black, red, brown, gray, and white squirrels … and roughly over 2 billion squirrels world-wide. I don’t know how they figure that out but I pity the guy who just got the job of being a Squirrel Counter. Modern scientific data collection! Who knows!

Today I helped move my son into his new apartment – here in town. I don’t remember the last time he had a residence in town. Has he? He is a world traveler and for the last two-three years has been off wandering and exploring, writing and blogging, pod casting and researching … a current day Vasco de Gama. (I picked VG cuz I like his name – flows off the tongue nicely – and he was the first explorer (that we know of) to voyage to India via the Cape of Good Hope and was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the Atlantic and the Indian oceans.) While Ted has not done that – he has been and has worked in India – and, indirectly, thanks to good ol’ Vasco.

In any case, Ted is back in town for a bit and we moved him in today. And the physical deed of either of us moving anything today should have been highly unlikely. Ted had a corneal transplant surgery three weeks ago … and I had throat surgery five days ago. So … smart? Um, probably not. But, we did it nevertheless.

And, due to my surgery, I am not allowed to talk … for a good long time. Like all summer. So it has begun … the Summer of Silence. And, due to said silence, today was exhausting. It’s hard enough NOT to talk … but add in hand gestures, mouthing words (badly), and some written notes and you have a very crude way of communicating. I like talking. This is going to be a long haul.

I had to laugh at times (not supposed to) because my actions/gestures reminded me of my daughter, Sam, when she was a toddler. Walking but not really talking yet, she’d use hand gestures signaling what she wanted. Her most memorable one was while standing in the kitchen, she’d pound her chest (ala a gorilla) and then point to the freezer … meaning she wanted an Otter Pop (those frozen, fruity ice sticks). Hilarious and well, she made her point. And hey, it was a hot summer and yeah, my kids got ice pops at 8:30 am! They survived quite nicely! Anyway – I felt like I was doing gestures that would easily convey my wordlessness – but I probably looked like a gorilla or chimpanzee in my movements!

And while it wasn’t exactly toasty out – I was still a slobberpuss of sweat while moving things into his building. And, my apologies honey, I looked like I’d been dipped in a pond before being electrocuted. I was wet and my hair resembled Einstein’s. Lovely. “Hi, I just moved in – this gross creature is my mom. She is mute and exceedingly sweaty and I don’t know what is going on with her hair.” I hope his neighbors forget about me and talk to him in the future.

There are a lot of sirens tonight. I notice them because the doors are open (hence squirrels coming in for snacks) and Mac, my lab, lets loose with a deep, mournful howl when they go down the next road over (where the Fire Station is). I jump out of my skin every time he does that!

In any case – that squirrel (or ???) was just back in the house. Since I am mute, I let Mac chase whatever it was out, barking all the way around the yard, stopping at my side fence. I can’t yell or talk to it so … good dog. But now there is something out in my neighbor’s yard making a very creepy scritching noise. Not that I want a squirrel in my house … I just hope it was one and not a … raccoon!

So starts summer!

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And just like that …

May 26, 2024 ~ Sunday night (lilies, lilies, so many lilies)

In the blink of an eye, two months have evaporated. It was late March when I last posted and just like that … it’s the end of May. How time flies when you’re doing …

What have I been doing? Someone asked me that today and it made me pause and think a moment before I awkwardly answered … I have NO idea.

It was two months ago when I was complaining to a friend that I felt like we would never “green up”. That summer was light years away. That winter would never end. And just like that … here we are.

Those months are a blur to me. I have no idea what I did … other than wish away that season of in-between and too many cold/snowy weekends. And all of a sudden, those 80 degree days, that I was sure would never come … are in the forecast. And we’ve already had a few. Finally. Fine-al-ly. It wasn’t a horrible winter. I am just not a winter gal and any winter (aside from a week before and after Christmas) is too much winter. I don’t like snow or cold or ice. A snow-bunny I am not.

And so we are here … June will be here in less than a week and we are in that season where I change clothes at least three times a day. I have my early morning outfit when there is still a chill in the air. And then it warms up and I’m too hot, so I change to something lighter or a tank top … and then the sun goes down or it gets cloudy and I find myself putting on something warmer, once again. I’ll take it. If all I have to wear is a sweater, I’m happy it’s not a parka.

I planted early – yay! It looks like my gardens have been growing for months – and well, they have. Early for here as usual planting is normally after Mother’s Day. I just couldn’t wait any longer so I planted in April. Unheard of. I didn’t care. I just couldn’t stand of empty garden beds. The lilacs bloomed early – and lingered late. Some of my favs. I have five large, old bushes here. They are lovely and were heavy with blossoms this year (timely pruning). My daughter’s lily of the valley were fat and fragrant. Also favs. My tulips didn’t come up (no/thanks to the squirrels, I’m sure) but my perennials are full and happy. I seem to have a lot of purple this year … crocus, allium, petunias, stock, salvia, lavender. I lost a rose bush – dead as a door nail – but my other one, almost in bloom is healthy and full of tight buds. I don’t remember which bush this is – guess I’ll find out. I have a feeling it’s the red and white striped one that only gave me a few blooms a year – but so pretty and omg – so sweet! How I miss my orange long-stemmed roses from the island, though. They were gorgeous!

In late April, while my son was off rafting the Colorado River somewhere along miles and miles of wilderness in the Grand Canyon, my daughter and I flew over him as we ran off to San Diego for flowers, food, fun … and a kiss from a walrus! I hated the commercialism of Sea World … but how many people do you know can say they have fed and been kissed by a 1200 lb walrus? It was fabulous and if a walrus can be darling – she was! Bucket list – check! We stayed at a resort (Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn) that was lovely with its torches and tall palms and more tropical than our places in Hawaii. We saw acres of ranunculus (flower fields), walked 15k steps a day oohing and ahhing over gardens and old buildings, we stood watching 300 sea lions (and hoping one would bite some idiot woman who was taunting it – sadly, it did not) and enjoyed the mesmerizing wildness of the crashing blue ocean. We ate our weight in shrimp and seafood (oh, the macadamia nut crusted mahi … so good)! California does food well! Colorado and Washington should take some lessons from them.

A week ago my son had a corneal transplant. He and it are doing well. Scary shit. I am still trying to wrap my head and heart around the bittersweetness of it all. He gets the opportunity for better vision (he is losing his) … but at what price for some other family? The weekend before the surgery I knew that someone (probably younger/probably healthy) was living their life, not knowing that sometime on Monday, they’d be dead. The tissue came from a 19 year old. That’s all we know. So, while I am (we are) oh-so-very grateful for this gift … it’s hard not to think about that person and their family. We are thrilled that the graft has done so well (so far, so good) … but someone’s family is broken and grieving and some young person is no longer. It’s all very bittersweet.

In a week I will also have surgery. Another throat surgery for me … I am ready/but not looking forward to it. The doctor said the surgery will be a breeze. The recovery will be a bitch. Oh yay. I have a vocal cord cyst that needs removal … that has been the cause of my 7-month-long sore throat. I’ll be glad when it’s all behind me. But – there is absolutely NO talking for a full week after surgery and then I am allowed to increase that by 10%. So said the doctor, until I pointed out that 10% of NO talking is still NO TALKING! So, he said 4 sentences an hour. Oh yay. So, I figure I’m in trouble cuz I talk to myself, the dogs, the radio, the tv, and my computer 10x that every hour! I’m going to have to tape my mouth shut and am thinking that blue painter’s tape will be my new best friend! We shall see! I should have full voice usage by September but another six months or so of hoarseness and huskiness. Time to do some sexy voice-overs.

I had a very nice day of celebrating another full trip around the sun. Starbucks, retail therapy, visits, chats, texts, emails, cards, flowers, gifts – you name it. And, my kids came that night and that was the best gift for me (and what they brought)! Along with a portable ice maker (I’m so excited!) … and other goodies … my daughter brought me 20 long stems of oriental lilies … the huge, extremely fragrant ones … in peach, yellow, and white. All week it’s looked like a funeral home here … or that I stole an enormous bouquet from some very posh hotel lobby! And because I’m so sensitive to these flowers, I’ve been eating pain relievers (for the fragrance-induced headaches) like candy. I’m surprised I haven’t fallen into an allergy coma by now. But, all is good. I’ve never had 57 lilies in my house before! And, oddly, the fragrance is reminiscent of Pledge furniture polish that my (oh-so-savvy) neighbor used to “let” her daughter and I spray on their furniture and wipe off (we were probably six!). We thought it was great FUN … little did we know we were DUSTING for her! Ha ha. In any case, the bouquet had to be divided into three vases … it was amazing and utterly stunning … but too many blooms in one vase! So, now, every room in my house has lilies in it! And for a lily-lover … this is fabulous! My body will feel better after they all die off … but I can handle a week of absolute indulgent lily-scented air … and when I can’t … I go outside for a bit! 830 square feet isn’t a lot of room to have any unfragranced air with 57 flowers in bloom! I’m glad she took home five of the stems … I’d probably be dead by now with another 25 blooms here!

And that’s what’s been going on. Winter turned to a weird and early spring which is now turning into summer … just like that.

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Yay for Yoga Pants …

March 28, 2024 ~ Thursday (spring like temps but still 6″ of snow on the ground)

Every so often I find myself out of the shower, not quite dried off, and wrestling to pull my yoga pants onto my damp legs. It’s kind of akin to wrestling an octopus in a confined space (because well, in this tiny house, it’s a tiny bathroom) … and losing.

But, the alternative options of clothing bring me to bouts of PTSD or tidal waves of gratitude that it’s not pantyhose I’m wrangling with. Oh, those were the days!

I remember in junior high (we called it junior high back then, not middle school) and my mom let me wear fishnet stockings! OMG – hallelujah! I had arrived! I was stylin’. I had white ones and orange ones (why?) … but damn if I didn’t LOVE those damn fishnets! Except for one thing … how to keep them up? There were no pantyhose those days … so, these were regular stockings that you had to use a (horrors!) garter belt with! Yeah – try wrestling one of those things under your clothes without looking like you’re smuggling hardware from the Sears tool section under your skirt! They were lumpy, bumpy, and if you could manage to clip the top of the stocking into the garter clip (without running it) – you had to do it three more times! Two for each leg, one front and one back. Stupid. But, we did it!

Then one day someone invented what I now would call the “leg scrunchee”. A large, covered hair tie rubberband of sorts that you rolled up your leg and around the top of the stocking on your thigh. No more garter belts! Yay! But, as easy as it was for those rubberband things to roll UP your leg … they also easily rolled DOWN your leg! So, you could be in the middle of English class, standing in the front of the room presenting your report on Clarissa Harlowe Barton (aka: Clara, founder of the American Red Cross) and you could feel that rubber band thing starting to roll down your thigh. So, you’d talk faster – hoping that you’d be done with said report before your whole stocking ended up at your ankle in front of your whole class. Trauma at its finest.

And do NOT get me started on those horrid sanitary napkin belt things. OMG. Guys – you have NO idea how easy you have it!

Anyway … for years I got up at the crack of dawn and put on nylons/hose/fishnets … and then finally pantyhose. Big thanks to pantyhose inventor, Allen E. Grant, who in 1959 came up with the idea while coming home from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on an overnight train to his home in NC. He originally called them “panti-legs” … but if he had this idea in 1959, why the hell didn’t we get them until 15 years later?! Because it wasn’t until the late 60s that manufacturers came up with a more affordable product, thus allowing to supply the average consumer. As early as the ’40s costumers were sewing stockings onto undergarments for dancers in movies. (Think how Ann Miller would look in those fabulous costumes without pantyhose!) Original materials were rayon or silk (aka: silk stockings) and in the ’60s the materials changed to nylon (aka: nylons). In 1974, Julie Newmar (Catwoman of Batman fame) patented pantyhose with a “butt band” (supposedly giving one’s behind a lift) and well, the rest is history.

In those “olden days” I’d get up and start my day by showering, drying and curling my hair, applying makeup, and getting dressed (always with pantyhose or stockings of some sort if wearing a skirt or dress). I’d pick out jewelry, eat something for breakfast, and run to the bus for school or work. All before 7am. The whole idea of it all makes me think … damn … that was CRAZY!

And who wanted to EVER wear pantyhose in the SUMMER?! Egad. Yoga pants or yoga capris are bad enough. It’s like wearing a wetsuit in a sauna!

In any case … the years of “dressing up” for school and work are behind me. Somewhere around the turn of this century, yoga pants came into style. They replaced the ever-lovely and oh-so-flattering stirrup pants (snicker/snicker – the ’90s saw them again rising from their popularity in the ’60s). Once again, all I can say is … yay for yoga pants.

I’ve been living in them ever since.

And do I DO yoga? Not on your life. But, damn if they’re not comfortable and (unless your legs are wet) easy to get on and wear.

And yeah, there are days when I miss dressing up. I sometimes crave a freshly ironed something and wearing “hose” and heels and something girly. But those moments and yearnings are fleeting. Every once in a while it is nice. But, on a daily basis? Um, no thanks. I am not Donna Reed or June Cleaver.

In the 1820’s (200 years ago – egad!) … women’s fashions were dresses with large, puffed, long sleeves, high collars, cinched waists, and gored skirts (tighter at the waist/flared at the ankles). They called this the Early Romantic Silhouette. I call it the straightjacket, sweatsuit from hell. I can’t imagine. There are days in the summer when I am about to faint wearing linen capris and a tank top. I cannot imagine wearing a dress like that AND the petticoats and undergarments required for such. I’d be like one of those fainting goats – falling over from heat exhaustion all time!

In the 1920s (100 years ago – when my grandpa was in his 20s and my dad was not yet a thought) … women’s fashions were mostly that of the “Roaring Twenties” flapper style ensemble. A functional dress (ranging from knee length to ankle), which was low-cut and which flattened the bust line rather than accentuating it. It was usually sleeveless or had sheer long sleeves. Extravagant accessories (strings of pearls) were the norm as well as donning a cloche hat. I have a photo of my grandmother wearing such an outfit. It’s amazing and she looked like a million bucks!

Anyway … as I was hopping around my bathroom this morning, trying to get my legs into my yoga pants without causing myself injury or losing a tooth by falling into the bathtub mid hop … I thanked the fashion designers of late for making my life easier than it was or could be. No petticoats, layers of undergarments, corsets, or even pantyhose for me. Now if I’d only dry off my legs better before getting dressed!

In any case … yay for yoga pants!

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Hannibal …

March 18, 2024 (Monday – over halfway through this month! Crazy!)

I was looking through my pantry last weekend while wondering what to make for dinner when my eyes spied a can of cannellini beans. That one little look brought this little ditty tumbling out of me! So weird how this brain works.



There once was a man named Hannibal – Smith, not Lecter – as one might suppose. He was mild and meek, somewhat of a geek, and wore shoes with holes in the toes.

He was older and gentle, this man they all feared – Nary an acquaintance or family had he. No friends or foes, just his home and his woes … word had him a cannibal, you see.

We were neighbors, not friends. But, as it turned out in the end, he was friendlier than friendly could be. One day he invited, and was so delighted, when I accepted his invitation to tea.

I thought a request for tea was better than dinner …  As such might mean I’d be the main course. But, I agreed, by decree as he was smaller than me, and I figured I could take him by force.

I, for one, simply thought tea would be lovely – outside in the breeze by the sea. My friends were aghast saying I’d be dinner at last, but their advice went unheeded, by me. Perhaps he was lonely and I was his only … a neighbor and friend I could be.

I thought to myself, “Be social. Be friendly. He’s harmless – a neighbor – you’ll see. ” My heart raced as I paced – uneasy and clammy – was the mood and description of me. As I went, I pondered … really, how bad could this be?

How bad could it be – a cannibal tea?

He proffered a dish of fava as I tried to chase the chills from my spine. I smiled and thanked him but said I would have to most surely decline – But he looked so put out, I said I thought I just might … And I then gobbled them up … smacking my lips with delight.

And as it was, the afternoon passed, and we had a nice and most agreeable tea! 

At first, I kept watch – and from him, a far distance. I was so nervous, fearful, and wary. But soon came to know him and laughed at myself as he was anything but wicked or scary.

As he opened his cupboards and showed me his wares, he revealed his folly of staples. He had oodles of noodles, soup, beets, and yams … Tins of all types … stockpiles of hams.

He said he wasn’t much of a cook, he liked more to just open and heat – But assured me he’d put – all tasty and good – something, for us, on the table to eat. I realized then that that we had him all wrong and he was actually so nice and so sweet.

And so it went, with Hannibal’s tea on that day. I’m so glad I went and sat at his table And figured out he’s not a man-eater, just a nice man who’s merely “can-able”.

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Let There Be … LIGHT!!!!

March 10, 2024 ~ Sunday morning (sunny/warming up … first day of daylight saving time this year! Woohoo!)

OMG … I can feel winter sloughing off of me as I type. It’s to be 65° today here, despite it being not quite mid-March. I’ll take it. AND … we turned the clocks forward last night. Hello Daylight Saving Time … how I will love you for the next seven and a half months (until Nov 3rd, when we “fall back”). Yes indeedy, I am thrilled.

Let there be LIGHT!

And so we have it. Thank god! Winter (here) hasn’t been horrible (I’ve gone through much worse) but six months of brown and ugly is about five months too much. I need green … and with this “springing ahead” of time – I know actual Spring is just around the proverbial corner and with that all things green and flowers. Yippe and yahoo!

We have sprung forward an hour which means, darker in the morning and lighter in the evening. Again, I’ll take it! I always thought (wrongly) that Daylight Saving Time first began to help out the farmers with their harvesting. Not so. Apparently, (after a little sleuthing), I found out that it was initiated as the “Standard Time Act of 1918”, a wartime measure for seven months during World War I, adding more daylight hours to conserve energy resources. Year-round DST, or “War Time” (as some used to call it), was implemented again during World War II. Huh. (However, Hawaii, Arizona, and the US territories do not comply with this – don’t ask me why, it’s too confusing!). And, just FYI – farmers were against this as it decreased an hour of morning daylight for them, meaning they had to rush to get their crops to market.

In any case, it will be lighter later here and I am as giddy as a girl on the day of a school dance. I’m as giddy as an unsupervised dog with an open bag of dog food. I’m as giddy as a hippopotamus being fed pumpkins. Well, you get the idea. Giddy and … happy as a clam!

And, while I’m happy this morning – my brain, like in a car on The Wild Chipmunk roller coaster, has veered around a corner and I wonder – are clams really happy? How does one know? How can one tell? The phrase “as happy as a clam” is derived from the full phrase “happy as a clam at high water.” Clams are collected during the low tide; and during the high tides, they are safe from fishermen. Who knew? (Maybe fishermen and clams!)

But, are they really “happy”? Oddly enough, a little click on the internet gave me this ditty:

How happy are clams really? Happy as a Clam? Not! | HuffPost Entertainment
Kerala, India – A highly respected scientist has determined, contrary to popular belief, that not only are most clams not happy, they are in fact severely depressed! Dr. Patra Gupta, of the Kerala Institute of Undersea Study, monitored over 1,000 clams closely for seven years.

I don’t know which is sadder … that clams are severely depressed (according to this study) or that some scientist spent seven years doing this study? WHY? What sort of benefit to mankind (or clams) was to be done with this study? So weird.

And speaking of clams … my dad used to replace the word “dollars” with other words … smackers, bucks, dough, moolah … and (the determined-to-be severely depressed) clams. So called “old-timey slang” that he, no doubt, got from his dad (who was born in 1896 and was in his prime in the 1920s and 1930s when this terminology developed). The slang term for money would have been popular among 1920s bootlegging gangsters, with the word clam being used as a term for a dollar. It was somehow derived and based on the use of shells as currency in ancient societies and some Native American tribes.

Doing a little research on this, made me think back to the holiday the kids and I spent in Copenhagen. It was glorious. It was fabulous. It was COLD! OMG – it was SO cold. I knew I’d never wear it again, so I didn’t buy one of the gorgeous fox stoles that were sold (everywhere) at the Christmas markets … but damn, I wished I had. They were so beautiful and would have kept me so much warmer. I’m not a proponent for fur sales/wearing but my god, they were beautiful … and dyed … magenta, emerald green, sapphire blue, ruby, eggplant, chocolate, mustard. Stunning! I should have gotten one!

Anyway – while there, we went to the National Museum. It was amazing! The display room I remember most was the “money room” (speaking of clams). This collection of Danish money is the most comprehensive in the world and is called the “Royal Collection of Coins and Medals” having over a half million pieces … money, medals, stones, and other objects related to means of payment. That’s a LOT of clams! And it was displayed like a jewelry store would display pieces … gorgeous! Glass encased drawers and drawers of coins and whatnot from centuries past. It was divine. I’d go back just to see that one room again!

And, here I am – having veered off course – again! I was going to write more on light today, and well, this is how my brain works … being happy as a clam, and then the brain railcar goes down the bivalve track and then veers off to the money route … which morphs into a visit to a museum … and well, hope you are following along!

Anyway, here I am now thinking of bivalves – again – (bivalvia – aquatic invertebrates found living in sediment – usually sand) … oysters, cockles, scallops, mussels, and (those severely depressed) clams … nice as shell souvenirs from the beach but I’m not a fan of eating any of them. My mom loved scallops. My daughter used to enjoy mussels – but I think she read something about them and decided not to eat them anymore. Kind of like me and lobster – the garbage cans of the ocean – however grossed out I am about them, it’s not going to stop me from eating one from time to time (so good)! Hey – I eat Hostess cupcakes and those things have a shelf life of 1000 years and will certainly kill me off before consumption of a little sea poop!

And, again, in thinking about all those sea creatures … and especially cockles (I had to look them up/a cousin of the clam but sweeter and less briny in nature) … and that horrible, horrible (tragic folk tale) song came to mind about Molly Malone who wheeled her wheelbarrow through streets, wide and narrow, selling cockles and mussels – alive, alive, oh! Egad. That is now going to stick with me for at least a week. Maybe two. Maybe longer.

In any case, clams (happy or not) be damned … I’m going to throw something on the grill later and am going to sit outside in the extra hour of sunlight we’ve got and enjoy the heck out of it!

As it was written, and translated from the Bible versions written in Hebrew and Greek, “light – let it exist” or as is stated simpler … Let there be LIGHT!

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Say a Little Prayer …

March 6, 2024 ~ Wednesday (sunny and mild)

I saw a body get bagged this morning – as in a body bag – as in they would soon be on their way to the morgue. I felt awful, as just moments earlier, on my way to an appointment, I was more than muttering (as in verbally out loud to myself and the pink dinosaur that hangs from my rearview mirror) … “What the hell, people, just DRIVE!”

And then, I realized. The 17 cop cars, plastic drape being held up, and coroner’s van were a (dare I say … dead) giveaway. Sorry person – whoever you are – or were. RIP. I said a little prayer.

And in that instant of realization, my heart sank. I didn’t know who that person was, but I knew their life had ended. And I also knew that someone, somewhere, was on the phone or about to get a call that would change their life and turn their world upside down and inside out. I, again, said a little prayer. I know how it is to be on the receiving end.

My thoughts flashed back – like after a turn of a very fast dial on a microfiche machine – to my dad. It’s been over five years since he passed. Since I got that call. His was the last body bag I saw. I didn’t watch as they took my mom from her apartment … perhaps I had gotten over the morbid fascination that humans usually harbor. I didn’t want to see her like that. I didn’t want to see him, either, but I stumbled into the hallway where he was. The EMT’s should have told me. They didn’t. It was awful.

I hope whoever has to identify that person from the parkway today – has someone with them and that someone has the kindness to remove the bag before the deed is done.

I’m not a religious person. But, I am spiritual. I send prayers out to the universe and good vibes out to friends (and people I see along the way) as well as good wishes, be wells, and take cares … all the time. I send our little ditties to remind them that change is constant … that unease means we’re doing something new and growing (hopefully) … and that no matter what the day brings – to breathe and be grateful. Whether I know if someone needs a little boost or not, those wishes go out. Because, after all, don’t we all need a little lift/help now and then? What is the harm in wishing someone well?

So, I say a little prayer.

Our planet is in trouble. February marked the ninth warmest month in a row for good ol’ Mother Earth. Not good. Global average temps set records. Ocean temps set records. And not good ones like “You are the BEST ever!” … more like … “This is god-awful.”

Our country is in trouble. Far too many of those in or seeking office are known liars, frauds, convicted of sexual assault, Holocaust deniers, KKK clansmen, Neo-Nazis, radicals, thieves, criminals, misogynists, religious nut-cases, conspiracy theorists, destroyers of women’s rights, morally bankrupt, dictator wannabees, insulting, divisive, deceptive, spineless and ethically challenged, and even one who is telling the survivors of a school mass-shooting that they are “spoiled little bastards”.

I send out prayers for our planet and country (and us) every day. We need to get serious.

And, we need more help. So, please join me … and do more than say a little prayer.

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Funny how things go …

February 23, 2024 ~ Friday (afternoon/sunny/warmer than Feb usually is – nice)

A million years ago (or so it seems), on this date, my childhood dog was born, Marvin. I’m thinking something like 60 years ago. How is that possible? The years seem to just melt away.

I am having a bad hair day. But, then, how can I tell? It seems all my days are usually bad hair days! But, today, things seem especially stupid in the hair department!

Foregoing any chance of looking like I wasn’t electrocuted, I gave up on my hair styling and went back to my desk. I was looking for a post and came across one from seven years ago (which also seems like a million years ago) … and oddly, it has to do with my hair. Go figure.

It was mid-February of 2017 … I was six weeks into my “hair experiment”. I had been interviewing women for the book I was working on (the same one I’m STILL working on) … specifically about their hair loss due to their cancer treatments. Almost all of them said they’d rather lose a breast than their hair. I was dumbfounded, confounded, amazed. WHY??? Hair grows back – breasts do not. Women are not starfish! They all (basically) told me I didn’t get it. I had no idea how hard it was to lose their hair … had no idea how it made them feel … that I was essentially, clueless. And … they were right.

So, on the eve of that new year – I stood in my island bathroom and did what I felt I needed to do … I shaved my head. I’m sure most everyone who knew me thought I’d gone off the deep end … that I lost my mind and marbles along with my locks. I’ll tell ya – I’ve never been one with a lot of hair. I’ve had LONG hair … but put it into a pony tail and it would look like a rat’s tail. The only thing ever consistently thin on this body has been my hair!

So, there I was, seven years ago – ruing my experiment … feeling sorry for myself … being done. I had less hair than a Chinese Crested … and wanted my hair – even the thin, baby-fine wispiness of it – back!

Here’s that post …

Put a fork in me … I’m DONE!

Posted on February 18, 2017 by Les

February 18, 2017 – From Hair to There

If I were a roast or loaf of banana bread or any other baked good or savory dish in the oven, I’d say … “Put a fork in me-I’m DONE!” But I’m none of those things … not a stew nor a baked dish. Too bad.

This (lack of) hair experiment has me pulling out my (proverbial) hair! Yes, it is beyond my control as to how fast or slowly it grows in/out. And, yes, that was part of this challenge to myself – to grasp the lack of control. And, because I’m a quasi control freak, this was to be a good exercise in patience and acceptance, understanding and empathy. And a life experience. I wanted to know. Yes, I get it.

But I’m DONE. I just want my hair back!

Remember seeing (or having) that one child in Target who was having the hissy fit of all temper tantrums in the toy department? I’m that child.

I’m done. D.O.N.E.

Come on hair – get with the program – grow like Rapunzel’s golden glory! Grow like Tressy’s auburn mane! Haven’t the slightest clue who Rapunzel is? Go read some fairy tales (for god’s sake!). Don’t know who Tressy is, either? Read on.

When I was 7 I wanted a Tressy doll for Christmas. She was the IT item of the year for me. No ballerina tutu or fun game for me … I pined for that doll. I’m pretty sure I broke out into a sweat when thinking about her as a possible gift from Santa! I think I folded a lot of extra laundry those days just to stay on the “nice” list to ensure my odds!

And, alas, Christmas morning revealed NO Tressy from Santa. But, hark! That afternoon, I opened a box from my grandparents and there she was … Tressy … in all her hair splendor. Tressy was a bustier version of Barbie (if that is even possible) but a tiny bit larger so that when you used Barbie’s clothing on her, the fit was a little tight – think Junior Hooker in the making. She had really pretty eyes and gorgeous reddish-brown hair. And that was the kicker … her hair. You could change the length! Talk about nirvana for girls who loved styling hair!

To achieve the length change, she had a key slot in her back and a round (rather large) belly button on her stomach. At the top of her head there was a pony tail. Now, when you pushed in the button, you could pull on the pony tail and more hair would come out (at full length, the pony tail was almost to her ankles)! And if you turned the key in her back the hair would magically wind back down into her head (and I’m assuming body) so that she had a short “do”, once again. It was FABULOUS! She was the BEST ever!

I can’t tell you how many hours I played with that doll. Her ensemble included brushes and combs, curlers and little hair toys and jewels … it was a hair-enthusiast’s dream doll! (And, I imagine, a vacuum cleaner’s nightmare! I wonder how many of those little curlers got sucked up over time?!)

Getting her was great and almost as good as getting one of those beauty school doll heads that you could put curlers on and put under a toy hair dryer hood. I always wanted one of those but never asked for one. I think I was a bit creeped out over a bodiless doll head! In any case, I loved that doll! I was such a hair-nut, it makes me wonder why I never went to beauty school or did anything with hair!

So, yes, I now wish I were Tressy or Rapunzel or anyone else who has more hair than I do at this given moment! I’m done with this experiment. I want life as it used to be. I guess I’m not that great with the reality of lack of control at times.

I remember feeling that way after Tim (my husband) died … it had been months and I remember standing in our closet, my things had taken over the space that once housed his clothing (as I’d removed most of his things) and I remember saying, “OK, come back! This test sucked. I don’t want to do it anymore. I’m DONE!”

How wonderful that would have been – to have the ability to blink my eyes or wave a magic wand and make that happen. (Though I had the awful feeling that if that happened, he would have been really upset with me for getting rid of his stuff!) But that’s not reality. Sometimes reality sucks.

And so, here I am today, thinking similar thoughts … “I don’t like this. This challenge is dumb and going to take far too long. I don’t want to do it anymore. I’m DONE!” Reality is looking back at me in the mirror with a head full of 1/4″ – 1/2″ hair spikes and I have no choice or control over the matter  … once again, I have no magical ability to change things.

I’m in this for the long haul! It is what it is and my hair will grow back in whatever time it takes … and I have to get a grip on the fact that it could be a really long time! Accept it!

And it’s when I look in the mirror and tell myself to accept it and to “get over it”, that I laugh at my ridiculousness over this HEAD. I know that I’m healthy and the hair will grow back and I shouldn’t make such a big, damn deal about it and that it’s okay and just go on with life and ignore the big, round, fat head …

BUT … then I have that wave wash over me … the one that sneaks up from time to time and makes me feel less like myself. The wave that strips my confidence and power and femininity.

And makes me feel so ugly.

Not bald, not short hair – I’m somewhere in between and I feel (still) so naked. Vulnerable. I don’t like it. I don’t want to say that there is a certain security factor or feeling of having hair … but there kind of is. I don’t want to say I hide behind it – but I feel so bare without anything there. Raw. Naked. Fat. Hair has a certain comfort factor and without it it’s like being in one of those dreams where you forget to wear your underwear in public (or in my case, a skirt too short that I have to go up steps sideways). It’s NOT a good feeling.

And as hard as it is at times, I did this to MYSELF! I wanted this! I just can’t imagine dealing with this hair (lack of/slowly growing/oddly growing) while also being sick and having this happen due to meds. It makes me think that hospitals and care facilities NEED (just not should) provide some sort of classes for people who lose their hair to illness or treatments. It is such a mentally difficult thing that I just have to imagine that the depressed psyche would somehow impede the healing process. Why isn’t a class on “inner beauty” and acceptance and gaining confidence in one’s new look a reality for people who lose their hair?

It’s been 6 weeks now (a bit more) and I’ve gone from naked chicken skin (which truly was disgustingly gross) to baby peach fuzz to feeling like a chia pet to Curly from the Three Stooges to militant spikes to … what I’m now calling this … the Awkward Stage. My hair is now, as I said,  about 1/2″ in length … well, in spots! Some hair is 1/4″ and some somewhere in between those lengths! I’ve got a lot of scalp going on – but that was a “thing” when I had a full head of hair. I must be follicle-ly challenged as I’m sure they are farther apart than is deemed normal.

In any case, I’ve got sparseness going on on the left side with some weird cowlick thing going on over the left temple. There is a silver circle over my right temple – that from afar looks like a bald spot. (Lovely, I know!) There is a huge (as in golf ball sized) swirling circular cowlick going on at the top of the back of my head … I’m calling it Hurricane Leslie. (It’s disgusting.) The top of my head has an arete of darkness which makes me feel akin to a Rhodesian Ridgeback. The only place my hair is actually growing with any consistency or length or without problem is at the base of my neck and that is just GROSS! I’ve got this Poindexter “do” going on with these longer wisps … like some wayward carny with a very bad mullet in the making.

So, you get the gist of this. I’m DONE. Or at least I want to be. I miss my hair. I want to get out a curling iron and some barrettes! (And at the rate my hair is growing – I’ll be waiting to do that for at least a year … or two!)

For someone who really likes hair – this really was a rough (dare I say stupid?) challenge. Yes, I’ll say I’m at the place where I’ll call it stupid (and that’s just because I want my hair back – NOW!) … but I know months from now that there will be redemption and I will appreciate this journey and gain insight and understanding and some really awful photos that I can finally show my kids.

I know all that and I know my hair will grow back … someday.

But for now … put a fork in me cuz I’m done!

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Your Dog’s Poop is Welcome Here …

February 11, 2024 ~ Sunday (Sunny, snow is melting and it’s the Superbowl ~ so what?!))

It snowed yesterday in my little corner of the world. I am not glad for it, other than it brings our thirsty trees and ground much-needed moisture; but I am thankful we only got the 5 or so inches … as it was a drier snowfall … and not the foot or so we could have gotten, if the system had more moisture in it. Be grateful for small blessings.

I just went out and swept off my car and windshield before the snow got too heavy (melting in the sunshine) and broke the glass. It’s happened before. I’m sure there’s a mathematical explanation/equation about the ratio of the weight of the snow, the psi, and the curvature of the glass, etc – but I don’t know what that is … and honestly, I don’t care.

Apathy. I seem to have a bit of it today. And, sadly, I feel it’s become a national epidemic. The unrecognized malaise of far too many. The invisible divider. Uncaring. Not caring. I’m too busy. I don’t want to help. Not my circus/not my monkeys. The “don’t bother me” attitudes.

The definition for that word – is lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Yup, pretty much sums up what I am finding everywhere … in the baristas at my local Starbucks, just about every wait staff or service person I’ve encountered in the last too many years, health professionals and their assistants. Sadly, too many people I know. When did this become pervasive? No one gives a shit anymore.

And, speaking of which … I was out walking the other day, pre-snowfall, and I was with Mac (my lab) and he did what dogs usually do while out on walks – he pooped. So, being a responsible dog owner/walker, I used my doggie bag and picked it up. Knowing we had a ways to go, I thought I’d find a garbage can that was out on the curb – ready to be picked up the next day. I figured, if it’s out on the curb, no one would really mind if I dropped the tied bag in with their other garbage. I spied a can … walked over to it … and on the lid was a rather large sticker reading … DO NOT PUT YOUR DOG’S POOP BAGS IN MY GARBAGE CAN!

Okay … got the message. But really? Is that necessary? Your can is filled with YOUR garbage already, waiting for the disposal company’s truck to arrive in the morning … why does it matter? I don’t live in an area where 75 people would be dropping off bags of “doody” in anyone’s garbage cans … so, really, why the ugliness? Why not a sticker that reads … YOUR DOG’S POOP BAGS ARE WELCOME IN THIS GARBAGE CAN. Why not? It’s better than leaving it on the sidewalk or someone’s yard. And, honestly, I’m not a good body “fluids” person, so carrying around a bag of dog you-know-what for a mile is supremely nauseating to me. Everything about it makes me want to puke. Almost. Seriously. (You should have seen me potty training my kids!)

Anyway – what happened to neighborliness? What happened to CARING about your fellow man? You need a cup of sugar? Sure, come on over. You need help shoveling your walk? I’ll come by. You need your plants watered or your cat looked after when you’re out of town? Sure, sure, and sure. The weather is turning, do you need something at the grocery store? I’m going. What happened to us?

I have one neighbor where I live now. I live in an odd/mixed area of the historic town here. I’m zoned residential/commercial so could do a dog grooming biz, since I’m zoned for it, if I wanted to. I did, at one time, but couldn’t because the city council said I couldn’t give a dog a bubble bath here. Something in the by-laws or rules or something said that I could do surgery here, but I couldn’t give a dog a bath. Huh! And when asked why not – I was told it was the way it was. Apathy abounds on so many levels. Not caring enough to change things or look into the odd ruling means I couldn’t do what I thought I could do … and I couldn’t have a dog bakery either. Another ruling. They could have changed it but no one really cared to. I’ve been around these issues (in the past) and it’s not worth me pursuing anymore.

In any case, I am surrounded by healthcare buildings and a house or two that have been changed into offices … a few apartment buildings and duplexes across the street – where I never see any signs of life. And then there is the hoarder next to me. I haven’t seen him in a good 15 years. He has a guy living in a shed (I kid you not) in his yard and I see him … seems like a nice guy. And we’ve chatted, exchanged wayward mail, petted the dogs but that’s about as far as we’ve gone in neighborliness. And it kind of makes me sad. But, I’m solo and don’t know this guy, and (judging) if he were really normal, would he be living in a shed? How neighborly do I want to get? But, I miss neighbors. I miss that connectivity. I miss that built-in camaraderie and oneness and helpfulness. There were still the local oddballs on the island on my little road … but for the most part, we all had each other’s backs. I just don’t see that all that much anymore.

And I find that very sad … but I can also relate. I find it creeps into my life and those around me too easily of late. Yeah – as I said, I’d like to be neighborly but is it safe? There was a guy this week, in his bathrobe, walking along … and I just hoped he’d continue on his way. Is unwillingness to get involved the same thing as apathy? I want a solution and help for homelessness … but I don’t want it done next to my house. Is that apathy or hypocrisy? Is there that fine of a line between all of those things?

Today is the Superbowl and honestly, I could care less. Apathetic? Perhaps to some, but I’m not a commercials gal or a professional sports person. I think they are all stupid. We have children starving in this country. We have BIG problems with unstable housing, food deserts, aging/aged/ailing, healthcare, addiction, education, inequality, environmental issues … need I go on? And there are grown men running around a field chasing a ball, risking brain injuries, making MILLIONS … and millions are watching them do so. Some are there – having paid thousands for a ticket (each) and at least $30 for a beer and a slice of pizza. I’d love to see some of that money go into education and food programs and housing assistance (etc) … it’s big bucks for everyone – except those that really need it. I find it rather disgusting.

In any case … it’s something I wrestle with … those fine lines of apathy and the could-care-less attitude, charity, and neighborliness.

I just want you to know, if you are out walking your dog and are near my house – your dog’s poop bag is always welcome in my garbage can.

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Diet Dew, Sushi, and Pepto … Judging/Not Judging!

February 5, 2024 ~ Monday night (cold, late, dark)

It’s funny when you get a look – however brief it may be – into another’s life. Even if you don’t know that person. So many things run through your head – well, at least, my head.

I stopped into my local Safeway today around lunchtime – an unexpected stopover as my scheduled appointment had been canceled – unbeknownst to me. Lovely. Anyway, I was near the store and thought I’d pop in for some fried chicken (I do love fried chicken – gas station or otherwise!) and an apple. And maybe dog food/kibble, if I could find the kind that I like for the dogs. I left with six other items along with the chicken and apple – but no dog food.

Funny how that goes.

Along with the said chicken and apple, I came home with … puff pastry, a can of white/sliced potatoes, a huge container of blueberries, half of a watermelon, two celery sticks, and a package of romaine lettuce. I wonder what that tells of my diet?

When I checked out, I grabbed the receipt as it was spat out at me from the self-checkout machine. I got home and realized I got someone else’s receipt … apparently it was the shopper’s that used the scanner before me. I didn’t see who checked out ahead of me … but it certainly made me wonder.

Diet Mountain Dew, sushi, and Pepto Bismol.

They spent $1.04 less than I did. I’m pretty sure I got the better deal. But it made me wonder about them … male or female (or fluid)? Young, middle-aged, or older? Introvert/extrovert? Maybe if they didn’t eat the sushi and/or the soda, they wouldn’t need the Pepto! Hmmm.

My puzzling mind started reeling. Certainly (in my mind) it wasn’t a young mother or someone struggling financially. No one would spend nearly $10 on sushi, if so. I pictured someone in the work force with a good amount of disposable income (who could afford $10 sushi for lunch). I was inclined to think it was a guy … but the sushi was a veggie combo and aren’t sushi portions on the lighter side? I would think a male would need more than a few rolls of sushi – but what do I know? I thought of the Mountain Dew … I don’t know many women who drink soda or Mountain Dew, for that matter. But, do guys drink diet soda? And the Pepto … well, it made me think of someone older than 40. How many under that age need an antacid?

Good thing I’m not a detective!

I could have been way off base … and the purchaser could have been a 22-year-old female … grabbing a quick lunch, eating in her car, getting a caffeine spike to finish off her day or be ready for an afternoon presentation … and downing a swig of Pepto to calm her stomach. Who knows?

I’m just going to make sure I grab my receipt next time I’m shopping when buying Cheetos and snack cakes. I don’t need anyone judging my purchases except myself!

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Oh, happy day … aka WEIGHT and see

February 3, 2024 ~ Saturday pm (cold, snowy, purple skies)

Good ol’ Punxsutawny Phil forecasted an early spring. Hooray and yahoo! However, maybe his prediction wasn’t to include this weekend. The dogs are snuggled on the couch; Mac is staring at me with expectation. No, we are NOT going out for a you know what! It’s still snowing … I think we are at 7″ now … and still it comes down … sometimes fat flakes, other times like sifted powdered sugar. In any case, it’s leaving a white landscape that I do not care to walk around in.

We had thunder last night … at midnight! And, it was 48°. It was LOVELY! As I climbed into bed, I was praising that darling, fat, famous groundhog for his early Spring prediction … I have been needing it. I am NOT a winter gal. I awoke this morning to a gentle rain … it was delicious. I looked out and thought I’d go for a nice, long walk – carry an umbrella, maybe pick up a coffee. It sounded fabulously springlike … and I walked out of my bedroom after getting my clothes, headed for the shower, and realized it was … snowing!


Yeah, I sound like the Wicked Witch of the West. Maybe I am her? I feel like it when the weather turns. Not that I’m bound to melt, just that words like, “Curses!” come out of my mouth. Like I said, I’m not a winter gal.

I’ve had the WW of the W on my mind lately. Odd but true. I was out, walking the other day in our beautiful 64° weather (it was glorious/and abnormal for late January – or Feb, March, or April! Yeah – Spring in CO sucks) … and I happened to look at my phone to see how many steps I’d taken. What was I averaging? How was I doing for this new year?

I was okay with the steps taken but was HORRIFIED when I saw how many calories – averaging/on a daily basis – I’ve been burning off. And how many you ask? A whopping 39.7 calories a day. Seriously! HOW is that even possible? I am sure a snail burns off more than 39.7 calories a day! WTF times 157!

I have NO metabolism. Sometime in my early 30s, after having two kids and seeing numbers on the scale that now would only happen if I endured amputation, my metabolism packed up and went south. Or east or to Europe; I don’t know, but it left me – for good. Without so much as a note. Sigh. And so it’s been my absolute pleasure for the last 35 years to do what so many women (and some men) have done … diet/exercise/curse the mirror/and have a closet of four different sizes of clothes. I’ve tried just about everything aside from surgery. And I won’t do that. I’m up 20 lbs from when I moved here … 20 months ago. Yeah, curses!

When I had my tonsils out, I lost 10 lbs in a week … of course, I couldn’t open my mouth and I sipped tea and broth for that time. When I actually could get any sort of food in me – I gained the poundage back … and an additional three pounds … in about ten minutes. Go figure.

And this all got me thinking, again, about the WW of the W and her hourglass. I’ve never had an hourglass figure (nor an actual hourglass, either). I’ve always been one of those rectangle girls/women … broad shoulders, thick waist, no hips. In other words, a smaller version of Refrigerator Perry. But now I’m a medium version of him. Oh, happy day!

In any case … I just shoveled the walk (and yes, I did take the dog for a walk!). I left the driveway to melt or be iced over for the next month – whichever comes first. Usually, the neighboring parking lot’s plow drivers also plow my drive – only right because the clients/staff for that building also tend to park (all too often) in my driveway or park blocking it. But, today the plow didn’t get near my drive. Oh well. Such is life. But, I’m not going to break my back (or have a heart attack) shoveling off this driveway. I’m not going anywhere tomorrow … and on Monday, I’ll cut through the plowed parking lot. I’ve done enough shoveling for the day … month … year! Surely that had to burn off more than 39 calories – apparently my caloric intake allotment for any day if I want to maintain this weight (which I do not). So, guess I’m down to water, tea, some tasty celery sticks, and air. Wonder if I sprayed a fruit-scented air freshener and took a few deep breaths if that would be cheating?

Sure am hoping that rodent of rodents was right … and that I can figure out how to get this poundage off me. Guess we’ll have to “weight” and see.

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100-Word Smash-ups …

January 22, 2024 ~ Monday morning (unseasonably warm – I’ll take it!)

I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year – but we are already three weeks into this new year – so, I’ll wish you a Happy (three weeks in/not so) New Year, instead. Hope it’s a great one for us all.

It’s been a while, again. The lobster has been absent for a couple of months and I feel it in my soul when I don’t write – but I have been “elsewhere” in my thoughts and time.

Mom died the week before Christmas … she was ready, and we were ready (is anyone EVER ready though?). She went peacefully, at home, and that is all anyone can really hope for. She missed her 95th by a month … a long, pretty-easy life. The night she passed, I came home late; I was grumpy and sleep-deprived, stressed and sad, and I brushed past my tree to hang up my coat and knocked off one of my favorite ornaments and watched as it shattered into a million pieces on the floor. I wondered why my heart didn’t do the same. The dogs had been in too long so I had messes to clean up. I got grumpier. Could I take one more thing? And then, in the laundry room, there was a (still alive – and squeaking – omg) mouse in the trap. OMG. Horrors! As I put him outside – all I could think of was that it was a day of slow, lingering death. I came inside and shouted at the ceiling, “I can’t do this … I hope you made it Mom. I hope to God you made it!” … and as the last word left my mouth, one of the light bulbs in my kitchen fixture blinked off and on. WTF?! I exhaled … and took it that Mom “made it” – she’d made it to Heaven. I whispered a very soft … thank you. That was good. A few days later, I brushed by the tree again and a small cluster of bells, hanging on one of the branches, tinkled softly. Okay … I get it … another sign. I took that that Mom got her wings, too. Atta girl, Mom.

This month has flown with holidays, packing up her apartment, arrangements, and all that losing someone entails (contacting whatever friends she had left, sifting through bits of a 95-year-old life) … which also included complete and utter exhaustion. Stress does a number on the body and when you stop for a moment after being on “high alert” for so long … the body (at least mine) turns to a glob of goo or a pile of mush and it’s really hard to get a glob of goo or a pile of mush to do anything!

I’m working on my next book (yay) and came across these this morning … old 100-word smash-ups from when I lived on the island. The local arts center would hold contests from time to time and you were allowed 100 words – no more/no less. Two local actors, one female/one male, would sit on the stage and read the stories out loud. Behind them on a large screen would be a photo of a “mock-up” book with the title of the story and the author’s name. It was always such fun! I was most tickled when the woman read my Ima Goen story. She did such a GREAT job with it. These are all better read aloud – just fyi. I placed 2nd and 3rd in two different years; I now don’t remember which stories won, but it was exciting! Big crowds in the performing arts center … and always a rush to hear someone else read your work. I miss my friends from there, but man, I miss the beauty and green and the culture … and having a reason to write a 100-word smash-up. Enjoy!


By Myself … (Feb 2017)

Countless diaper-changing, bottle-feeding nights. Sleep-deprived days of colic and firsts …  I wished for a moment by myself. 

Giggles, swings, tadpoles, and cat birthday parties. Wading pools, dinosaurs, dolls, legos. Hours of Barbie, Disney songs that still haunt, slumber parties with Mary Worth til dawn.

I wished for a hot bath – by myself – without toys.

Back packs, packed lunches, soccer, piano, scouts. Friends galore, empty pantry, family vacations. Pizza boxes reaching the moon. Mountains of laundry. Whirling days of car pools and errands.

I wished to catch my breath. 

Quiet house. Husband passed. Children’s wings spread. 

By myself. 


I am NOT Scarlett O’Hara  (Feb 2016)

I am NOT Scarlett O’Hara.

Though I do believe that “tomorrow is another day”, I keep hoping it ends up being something other than what it always is—Another. Day. 

It’s been years since that horrible, worst day—not the day he died (though not great in itself)…but the day AFTER he died. After 9,926 days together how was I to go on with my life…a life without HIM?

My shattered heart is mending—apparently too slowly—because everyone thinks I should be “over him” by now. 

I am NOT Scarlett O’Hara…and frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.


The Light (Oct 2015) (This is a two person read. Italics = person #2)

The light comes intermittently—not like a blinking firefly but steady and streaming—reminding me of the lighthouse beacon at the cove.

Her pupils are not responding.

The voice is clinical. It talks about me—but not to me.

“I’M HERE!” I shout. But the words never pass my lips and echo in my head. I feel hollow. Do I feel?

I’m sorry. There’s nothing we can do.

It is then that the sobbing begins. I hear the heartbreaking slump of bodies against each other—my parents.

The light returns but it is different—warmer, brighter—beckoning me towards it.


My Fairy Tale  (Oct 2015)

Snow White had it made!

Seven boyfriends—Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Bashful, Happy, and Doc. Not great names and albeit short in stature, but she was adored by industrious, doting miners in a one-bedroom, cozy cottage deep in the woods.

What’s not to like?

A girl can dream. Right?

But, in my fairy tale, they would be tall, dark, and handsome with names like Hunky, Sporty, Funny, Wealthy, Smarty, Arty, and Chef.

However, life usually isn’t a fairy tale and sometimes you get Lazy, Sleazy, Slimy, Horny, Drunky, Stupid, or Broke.

But sometimes, just sometimes, you get a Prince.


The Day After (Feb 2015)

I remember it like it was yesterday; because it was yesterday. 
I should have heeded the warnings. I knew it was coming. And yet, I ignored all the signs. And then it was upon us. And they were upon us. 
Scenes from nightmares: tattered and armed, skeletal, fang-toothed, and bloody; lurching and scurrying with a hundred feet. 
I turned out all the lights – hoping they would pass me by and not stop to feed on me to sate their unquenchable hunger. 
I endured hours, hidden in the darkness, praying for them to be gone. 
Thank God, Halloween is over!


Ima Goen (Oct 2014) (Best read with a slow, Southern drawl – female voice)

You’d think my mama and daddy were humorous folks. Not so.

Contrarily, my name defies their stern nature. My name is Ima Goen…and that’s what I plan on doin’.

I’m sick of saying Ima Goen…cuz I know someone’s gonna ask me, “Where?”

It ain’t funny. So, I’m a goin’. I don’t know where…and I don’t know when but I’m a goin’ somewhere where I can breathe air so fresh my lungs will laugh.

Today’s not the day. But one day I’ll just go. And when I do, I’ll no longer be Ima Goen … I’ll be Ima Gone.


Ode to Leggings (Jan 2015)

Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a pair of long, shapely legs … 

Once upon a time, and long ago, (probably whence I was in 4th grade) – I owned a pair of legs – bar non, from sticks and pink were made.
For twelve seconds, that is, those “sticks” were mine, between baby and adult stages of chub. Good thing I don’t live in Borneo where cannibals would rename me … Grub.  Bob Evans and Jimmy Dean would love me – don’t give either of them a fork … cuz my legs, these days, are no longer sticks, but look like fat sausages of pork!


Realization (Nov 2014)

Realization. It had been a long time in coming. I stared down at my left hand as I slipped the band from the fourth finger. Subtly … like a hurricane gale or a marching band … it hit me and swept away my denial. Awash in grief, I could do nothing but quell the primal howl inside me and try to breathe. Breathe. Keep breathing. Road signs around me silently screamed their directions: STOP, MERGE, WRONG WAY, CAUTION, DEAD END. DEAD. END. I felt sick. Again. All the sleepless nights, unshed and shed tears, my shattered heart … finally it set in … realization.

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Not for the Faint of Heart … or Throat

November 7, 2023 ~ Tuesday night (another day/another night/more meds, please)

I consider myself a healthy person – relatively speaking. Yes, I’m sensitive to almost everything on the planet, allergic to a few others, and a sesame seed away from living in a plastic bubble – but then, it would have to be something other than plastic, because I can’t handle that, either. But, I’m rarely sick.

But when I found myself in the Urgent Care exam room twice in as many months and needing antibios. I wondered. And, when both docs suggested that I have my tonsils looked at, I wondered more and I did. My primary recommended an ENT and a month later, there I was sitting in his office with my mouth open like an ungracious cod fish with him peering down my maw with one of those baby flashlights. He stood up, made eye contact, and said, “Wow.” Oh great! NOT what you want to hear from your ENT! He began furiously scribbling on whatever sheet was on his clipboard (yes, people still use clipboards! I love them – mini-tables / tables on the go – I digress.) … he stopped whatever he was writing and looked at me and said, “Yeah, we’re gonna take those out.”

And so that is what happened last Thursday.

A quick trip to the surgery center, a couple of warm blankets, and a nice chitchat with a very friendly preop nurse (who told me she kissed a walrus when she was 5). Seriously, I did not dream that – that was before I had any drugs in me! The anesthesiologist gave me a very (way too) graphic run-down of what was going to happen and told me that in an hour or so, I’d be waking up – tonsil-free and raring to go.

Well, in theory. I fought everything. I didn’t, but my body did. I fought the anesthesia. I fought the breathing tube. My body refused to give up the goods. Enormous tonsils + a very tiny airway = prying the jaw open. I can only picture myself looking like a human Pez dispenser for an hour or more. Too bad I’m not full of brick-like tasty candies!

The operation took twice as long as expected. The breathing tube abraded my esophagus, they wrestled with the tongue and tonsils, and somewhere along the line, I think a crown got chipped. Apparently, I also have very sharp teeth. My bottom inside lip, tongue, and sides of my mouth were all cut up – making me feel like I’d been chewing on glass shards. My tongue was swollen, black and blue, and too sore to move. (Really creepy.) The roof of my mouth is toric and (still) feels like it’s been on the receiving end of a mouthful of burning/too-hot cocoa or hot cheese. I also had a bruised neck, sore right knee and hip. What – did they drop me? Sit on me? I doubt it – but odd pains in places that should not be associated with a tonsillectomy.

In any case – gentleness was not being had. This was not one of those poetic moments or Dylan Thomas scenarios … “Go gentle into that good night.’ This was, “Get the damn, unwilling-to-leave-the-body tonsils out, and let’s go have lunch” times.

And, so, post-surgery, I woke up (rather slowly), didn’t remember anything the doctor said, was taken home, and had a very sleepy first day and night – drugged up but good. But, I’d been thinking … I’ve had a C-section without anesthesia – this should be a walk in the park, right? 6-year-olds get their tonsils out – how bad can this be?

Let me tell you – pretty $%&(*+$#(%@#@ bad!

So, this past week was a lot of sleeping and a lot of pain meds (that didn’t really seem to work as well as they should have) and broth and tea. Lots of tea. Honey is my new best friend. I am the Goldilocks version of tonsillectomy recovery because the temperature of anything in my mouth has to be just right. Anything hot was too hot, anything cold was too cold and burning … tepid is/was best. And forget about anything dairy (lactose intolerant), or fruity (applesauce/jello/fruit pops = too acidic). What I wouldn’t give for a barbacoa burrito!

In my mind, I’m one of those creepy fish in the depths of the ocean that have that little lightbulb hanging over their mouths — wide mouths ready for food. Well, I’m ready for food – but my body isn’t having it – yet. Willing but not able. It’s been a week!

So, why am I not eating yet? Well, the prying open of the jaw will do that. Jaw hinges don’t really like being pried open! I have ear and jaw pain still and can only open my mouth so much. The first few days I couldn’t do anything but sip … then I got a cracker in … then a baby spoon. So, I can get in broth, tiny bits of scrambled eggs, and have been nibbling on crackers until the ends get soggy/mushy (disintegrated) enough for me to swallow down with a sip of tea. I can now make a cracker last an HOUR! Today I got some noodles in me with the broth – progress!

I know sleep is good when recuperating – it’s the time when the body gets rid of toxins (aka meds/anesthesia/etc) and cells are rejuvenated. I need a lot of cell rejuvenation on a regular day! So, I slept a LOT this past week. And, that’s fine by me – I didn’t really feel like doing much else. Sleep masks pain (usually) and I was in no mood to feel like I was swallowing glass shards or knives all the time – I am not a circus performer. So, sleep was a good escape. I’m perfectly fine, albeit a little woozy/weak from lack of food (hey – and 10 lbs lighter!), but able-bodied and ready to go … I just can’t swallow without major pain!

But, this too, shall pass – and heal … I’m already feeling the gross coverings coating my throat (sorry tmi) and in another week, I’ll be back to my old self. And as in “old self” – the doctor already told us he wouldn’t do this surgery on someone of my “advanced” age in the future. Okay, sonny – nice to know! In any case, I wouldn’t recommend it – not really the staycation of my dreams. Covid was more fun.

And this? Unless you’re 10 … it’s not for the faint of heart … or throat!

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Run Free, Baby, Run Free …

October 24, 2023 ~ Tuesday morning (the last few days of 70-80 degrees are upon us)

I set myself up for this. I know I do. I’ve done it before … and I’ll do it again. But, it never gets any easier.

Last Saturday, I said a very tearful goodbye to my sweet lab, Mr. B. Another trip to the Rainbow Bridge. This was my third time taking a special pup in under a year. And, no – it does not get any easier. Ever. I don’t know why I think it would or should … but it doesn’t.

Mr. B was my last lab adoptee. A big, 13.5-year-old, white-yellow lab, with a heart of gold, a permanent mischievous grin, and eyes that could melt your heart like a chocolate bar on a hot day. He was a goober. Plain and simple. He was not of the peanut variety – but just silly, funny, playful … just a goober.

His journey started some 13 years ago … we never had his early info … but he was (technically) in foster care from the time he was 18 months old. And, knowing him as I did as a 13-year-old adult, I can only surmise he was a monster as a youngster (probably why he was relinquished early on). A lovely couple took care of him for those ten years after his puppyhood – loving him like their own – not wanting to let him go/biding their time for the perfect family for this dog – not realizing they had already found it. He was their sweetheart for all those years until they could no longer take care of him – and then he became mine. Lucky me.

Mid-November, last year, my lovely lab, Annie, lost her battle with cancer. It was fast and ugly and unexpected … and I was heartbroken (once again). Knowing it took me nearly 18 months to find her after my last lab passed, I put in an application with lab rescue, thinking this could take some time, and a mere 4 days later Mr. B was climbing into my car for the trip to his new home.

That was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, last year. It all happened so fast! I got home with this 85 lb, huge, male dog and wondered … what did I just do?

But, it was all just perfectly fine the minute we walked in the back door – he sniffed Bea (my teeny chihuahua) a very chill “hey” … and we were on our way. I just had no idea our little lovefest would end not quite a year later.

B (as he came to be known) was pure delight. I think he made me laugh every day … all 333 days … that he was with me. I’ve never had a dog whose sole mission (or soul mission) was to bring joy to everyone and everything he came in contact with. He did just that.

The Friday after Thanksgiving, I had an Open House. I was a little worried – bringing so many people into the house, with a new dog. How would he do? Would he be overwhelmed? I needn’t have worried one single bit. With each arrival, B greeted them as if they were long-lost friends – going to his toy basket and giving out toys, one by one, to the guests. If no one was coming in – he’d toss his toys in the air like a performing juggler. He was the hit of the party. He gave new meaning to Party Animal!

And so our days went. And do I have any doggie regrets? Yeah – one. Aside from not having more time with him – something I had no control over – I never got him to a dog park to run freely. He was always on a leash when we were out walking (lesson learned one day when he got out of the back fence, in 7″ of snow, and ran around the neighborhood with 3 adults chasing him for 20 minutes – until (thankfully) he triggered an automatic door at the local pharmacy and walked in and we grabbed him!). He was a runner. I couldn’t take my chances with him off-leash except somewhere contained. We went to the local dog park twice – both times to leave before getting out of the car. I’m not a very trusting person and a lone guy with a pit bull just didn’t seem like a good idea. TWICE! But, we walked at Wash Park and around our neighborhood and he played and ran around in our yards with my daughter’s dog and visiting dogs. And, while not deep enough to swim in – he’d sit in creeks and pools. And, he was always so happy. But, as happens, time and life got away from us and I never got him back to a dog park. I would have loved to see him run free.

He was so playful. If I wasn’t throwing him a toy – he was tossing it up in the air himself. He was silly and cloddy and more than once would fall over a branch, toy, or something in the yard and look back at me with a look on his face that was like – Oops, did you see that?

I’d throw a toy to him – and he’d run and get it, toss it into the air, and look at me with that face that said, This is the best thing ever! And, then I’d do it again – and I’d get the same reaction. It was always like he’d never seen a toy before and this was, indeed, the best thing ever! We did that over and over and over again – until one of us was too tired. It was usually me!

His former owners and I kept in touch – sharing photos and stories of this goober that we shared and loved. I sent a photo showing that B had dug 3 holes in my back garden beds – photo evidence of the holes and dirt-black legs proving his feat and glee. I was sent back a photo of a hole that B dug years prior – one that rivaled any archaeological dig site! He must have been a beast in his heyday!

But by the time I got him, he was a gentle, old guy. He’d play like a 3-year-old with any visiting pup (for 20 minutes) and then go take a nap. But, he’d be raring to go again later. He was accepting and friendly to all humans and animals. On a few occasions, I found him taking toys out to the squirrels. Was he wanting them to play with him? I just had to laugh – toys encircling the tree on the patio – squirrels chattering away up high – and B waiting below, expectantly, with that silly, happy face hoping to bribe playmates.

And that’s how I’d like to remember him. He was a smiler. He found delight in anything and everything. He was always smiling. Well, until this last week.

About a month ago he had what we thought was a bout of vertigo. But the symptoms didn’t go away and some worsened … he listed, he was wobbly and unsteady, his head was cocked to the left. I thought his vision was impacted. We wondered if something else was going on – a brain tumor? Infection? One day on a walk he seemed to forget how to walk … the next he seemed to forget how to eat. But he was always sweet and loving, patient and playful. Another visit to the vet – and all seemed fine. But it wasn’t.

We took our last walk last Tuesday. He slept a lot that day, which I thought was really odd. He just didn’t have much left by the time we walked to the corner – so, we headed home. He looked tired. The next two days he didn’t eat (much)/stood out in the yard in odd places … by Friday night he couldn’t hold down water. I knew something was up – obviously – but what?

I wondered if he had eaten something he shouldn’t have? Was there a blockage? After lab work and xrays, after a trip to the vet Saturday morning, we had our answers. What we had questioned came to light – his number valuations were off the charts for everything possible, there were shadows, organ enlargements, and he was in various stages of organ failure. We had to say goodbye. So – thinking I’d come in to “fix” whatever was wrong, instead I found myself giving him a very unexpected final hug.

He was ready. I was not.

And, so it goes. And even with little Frankie here, the house is so empty. My heart is broken and if I could stop crying, my eyelids might stop hurting. I don’t think my heart will though.

A friend comforted me this week by saying – “Hello is easy – most goodbyes are not.” Too true. And, I set myself up for this heartache when I adopt the oldsters. But, it’s what is in my heart – even though I know it’ll get broken (time and time again) – I’ll do it again. I want to be part of that last chapter.

And, not yet being completely cried dry, I couldn’t sleep and was lying in bed last night counting the days I had him … after all, I am a numbers gal … and came up with 333 days. I thought there might be some significance to that number, so I looked it up. And while I’m not into numerology or angel numbers or those sorts of things – I am open to what might be.

Apparently, (the angel number) 333 means positivity, mental peace, and abundance in life. And, biblically … divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection. Sounds like B, right there! Why live another day if that is you in a nutshell? I kept reading. The ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras (remember him from math class?), considered the number 3 to be a near-perfect number. It depicts harmony, wisdom, and understanding. It was also the number of time – past, present, future; birth, life, death; beginning, middle, end. It is thought that people who encounter this number will grow in their relationships and in life. It is a sacred number in these realms. In numerology, it is a sign to embrace your creative abilities and express yourself authentically. So, I guess I’m doing that now … as he did.

Thank you, former owners, for allowing me to take care of B for the time I was given. He was complete joy for me. And thank you, B, for being such a silly, sweet, loving, goofball goober. I will always love you.

Run free, baby, run free.

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Whitey the Goldfish …

October 12, 2023 ~ Thursday (Fall has arrived … it’s 48° and fall-chilly … finally!)

As a kid growing up, we did not have fish. No tetras or goldfish in aquariums or bowls on any tabletops. And, for that matter, not many dinners of fish sticks, halibut, trout, mackerel, or salmon either. We did have tuna salad and my mom served pickled herring (terrifying to me and always in some horrid mayo sauce) at their New Year’s Eve parties. And, I think we may have brought home a goldfish or two from some school carnival but those mysteriously disappeared within a week. But that was it.

My brother had scads of tadpoles (in various stages of froghood) in buckets and containers in the backyard, crayfish were in others, but fish were not our thing. One such tank was as best to be described as a small cattle trough. Where on earth did he get that thing? It must have weighed a ton! I imagine he got it out of my paternal grandfather’s basement – a haven to spiders, a scarier-than-hell dark storage area for us kids, a boundless treasure trove to my Grandpa. He was born in 1896 and was a quiet, scrappy man – always working – and he saved anything and everything … just in case he or someone should need some bit of whatever. And apparently, that tank was needed to house more tadpoles … but never fish.

We were not a fish family.

Except for Whitey.

When I was, I don’t know, five or six, I entered some “fishing derby” at the local mall. That sounds weird, I know. It was a newer shopping mall but one of those that has now come back into style with outside entrances and covered walkways. It was lovely and beautiful at the time and at one end was a big pond and a working mill waterwheel. What someone didn’t count on was that the fish they originally stocked the pond with would GROW and multiply and soon they were overrun with very large, very hungry “goldfish”. I have no idea what they were – koi seems improbable, but they looked like koi and were huge! But, that’s from a six-year-old’s perspective – and one who had very poor eyesight at that!

Anyway – in order to thin out the growing fish population, the shopping center had a “fishing day”. I think a person paid some nominal fee to enter the fray and one was given a fishing pole and some bait and whatever fish they caught they could take home. The fish were weighed and whoever got the weightiest fish got a prize. Except for the WHITE fish. For some reason – they were to stay in the pond.

So, there we were, I don’t remember anyone else being there except my dad and me. He got my pole ready (cuz I certainly wasn’t going to hurt any worm!) and I remember being so excited that I was going to catch a big goldfish and take it home. I figured I’d name it Goldy (doesn’t every kid?) and we’d live happily ever after – forever – or at least until I got married.

And, there I was, this dorky kid with sugar plum fairy pink metal cat-eyed glasses on my little face, filled with anticipation to nab my first real fish pet … and yep, I caught a white one! I think I must have started swearing with that catch! Maybe that’s where I get the “sailor salt” from?!

The officials came over and unhooked the fish and unceremoniously tossed him back into the pond and that was that.

Or so I thought.

Not long after the fishing day, my dad and I were back at the mall. Dad LOVED the Sears store! We were always in that store – in the tool section – which, by luck, was by the candy and hot nut counter. I’d troll the counter while my dad trolled the Craftsman tool section! I don’t recall either of us getting anything from either counter/area – but it was fun to go look! When I was older and had allowance/earnings money – I always got Dad a tool from Sears for Christmas! (And, I’d get some hot nuts for myself!)

Anyway – on one of these outings, my dad said let’s go take a look at the fish. So, happy little me was thrilled. We walked to the far end of the mall (the other end from Sears) to the pond and we saw a few fish – as in NOT MANY. So, we were looking and walking along the railing, and all of a sudden a white fish popped up from the surface! I’m sure he was hoping for some fish food or whatever people would throw down – but my dad said it was the fish I caught – coming to say hi to me! (It didn’t enter my little brain that since the white ones were thrown back that MOST of the fish in the pond were then white and that this was just some random white fish!) But, being impressionable and wanting that human-animal connection, I hopped on the “that’s my fish” story in the making. Of course, I named him Whitey … and we would go and visit the pond whenever we were there and of course, “Whitey” was always at the surface to greet us!

In the fall of 1958, the groundbreaking ceremony for this soon-to-be mall, on some 88 acres of farmland set aside for the Chicago area’s eighth shopping mall in the northwest suburb of Niles, took place. It was a big deal for this fledgling city. And my dad liked “big deals”. I remember him taking a group of us kids (his own plus neighbor kids) and walking (3 miles) to see the construction. I was really little and don’t remember being pulled in a wagon, so maybe he carried me some of the way? I don’t recall – I just remember being on some of those hills and feeling like we were the only ones in the great expanse! Probably how pioneers must have felt at their time. At the time it was all onion fields around us – so, we could walk over prairies and hills (and cut through farmland) to get to the site that eventually became subdivisions and strip malls. And, at that time, it was a beautiful wilderness expanse. Probably made my mother crazy that he traipsed us out there and back!

The open-air shopping center took two years to build and opened on October 13, 1960. (63 years ago tomorrow! Weird!) It was called Golf Mill (at the corner of Golf and Milwaukee) and someone thought it would be catchy to add a pond, some bridges, and a working waterwheel (hence the play on mill). There was also an office building structure that was supposed to resemble a golf ball (a play on golf) but I never thought it looked like one! The anchor store was Sears and the mall ended up having over 1 million leasable square feet! The place was huge for the time. One of the stores even had caged monkeys in it! Egad! It was a great place to walk on a snowy winter’s day – all open air and then you’d pop into a store and that rush of warm air could make you feel all cozy and melty inside. Then you’d go back out and the brisk air would sting your cheeks but it was okay because you knew another store was a few steps away and all the while the aroma of greasy burgers and fries permeated one end of the mall – thanks to the Woolworth’s dinette!

A few years later the pond and mill wheel went away. I can imagine it probably caused all sorts of legal, safety, and sanitary issues. Or maybe they just needed the space for more parking! A theater in the round was built at that end and a Millionaire’s Lounge (notorious mob/gangster hangout!) was added later. But, for the time it was there – it was a lovely little area to visit. The mall is still there and is being considered for a $440 million dollar renovation with ideas to bring back the mill pond.

This memory was sparked yesterday while at lunch with a good friend. She was telling me how animals are drawn to her daughter. When out in open water – the manta rays surround her. It sounded lovely. I always wanted that animal magnetism. I always fantasized about walking the woods and having all the wild animals coming to walk with me – kind of like a combo of Jeremiah Johnson and Snow White!

Anyway, RIP Whitey – all of you white fish in that pond – you made a little girl feel very special!

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The Chronicles of Travel and Pining for Penises …

October 9, 2023 ~ Monday morning (Summer’s last hurrah this week – 80s before 50s!)

It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that there are a lot (as in a LOT) of bad things happening around the world and in this country these days. I looked through my news site last night and every news bit was awful … the Hamas/Israel/Gaza Strip siege/bombings – innocent lives going about their nightly rituals – snuffed out in rocket blasts that leveled so many buildings. Kidnappings/killings/the slaughtering of innocent people … the war between Russia and Ukraine – more innocent lives lost … FOR WHAT? What is going on?? This week ongoing political strife is rampant in our own country … continued court cases, the minority taking the majority hostage, the blind following of a disgusting human … it’s ridiculous (maddening, frustrating, and scary). And I, for one, can’t handle it. All this suffering is in the air I am breathing and it is absorbed by my soul. I am in the midst but soooo far removed. I know nothing of discomfort (first-hand) yet it is overwhelming at times to know that so many are suffering so greatly and here I am … just back from vacation and eating lobster/being carefree … witnessing their misery in the comfort of my cozy home. Life certainly isn’t fair. One of those things that I’ll never understand about life – the unfairness. And humanity – how can people be so evil … on so many levels?

So, here I am on this beautiful October, Monday morning, snug and cozy in my home. It’s to be Summer’s last hurrah this week with temps in the 80s for the next 3 days before Fall finally comes blasting in with a high of 50 and frost! CO does like dramatic changes!

In an effort to get my mind off “things” (as in world/country affairs) – I am going through my stack of mail left from while I was gone last week to the Northeast. I thought I’d go see some friends and leaf peep – but Mom Nature showed me no colors … well, maybe 5 trees from Boston up to and through ME, NH, VT, NY, NJ, PA, DE. It was nice to get away from everything while gone – but I could have done without the allergy-induced bronchitis that came home with me.

In any case – I’m sure that the news is a bombardment to you/your senses as well … so, here’s a little escape … something I wrote while at the airport … the first leg of my trip. Peace to you and yours.


It is 4:15 am (“my” time) but I took the red-eye to the East Coast and where I am, wherever I am, it is two hours later, 6:15. The people in this airport (Newark?) are WAY too peppy and cheerful for this time of day!

I am sitting, bleary-eyed and feeling gross and way too tired, at the gate for my connecting flight to Boston. I keep telling myself – by noon I’ll be eating lobster!

But what I’m stuffing into my mouth at this hour isn’t all bad – either! New Jersians apparently know how to eat – and drink – as I passed airport bakeries that would make anyone with a Danish or croissant fetish swoon (there are no/few bakeries in Denver – why have a bakery when you can have a Starbucks or a yogurt shop?). I chose the cheese Danish (over the almond croissant) and am NOT disappointed. Yum! I passed several other early morning eateries (this place puts Denver’s airport to shame! Well, most airports put Denver’s to shame!) – lox and bagels were the most common items listed on the menu boards. Astounding! The choices were plentiful and amazing (and not badly priced). And other than bakeries – there were bars. As in OPEN bars at 6:15 am local time! And they were gorgeous! I passed a wall of liquor bottles that gleamed and glistened (how is that possible in airport lighting?) which made me think of Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Dark and moody spaces, crystal glasses, amber liquids, good backlighting … they were beautiful spots! In any case, here I am – the sky is lightening out the window in front of my table – looks to be a nice day. How could it not be with cheese Danish at 4-6 am? Maybe I should go get a brandy!

I sit here wondering … whose brilliant idea was it to take a red-eye flight? Apparently – mine! It was either drive at 7 pm or 3 am … I opted for the red-eye thinking I could sleep on the flight. No such luck! I don’t like driving highways or driving in the dark – so, I left the house around 7 pm – for my flight at midnight – hoping to have some light on the way to the airport. It was dark by the time I hit the highway ramp. So much for good planning! And, egad, people in Denver drive like bats out of Hell – no matter what time of day or night! Slow down, people!

Our flight was full and I found myself seated next to two guys who were either seasoned travelers or escapees from some asylum. The guy next to me was wearing a bathrobe (as a coat) and proceeded to insert earplugs and don a sleep mask before I was even buckled in. The other guy was wearing a onesie that I can only describe as that belonging to a Teletubbie. Yeah – on airplanes or life in general – I’m a magnet for weirdos.

Try as I might over the next nearly four hours, the only thing that fell asleep was my arm. I keep telling myself that the 16-minute semi-conscious rest I got will surely carry me through my day of driving and sightseeing!

The flight wasn’t bad – compared to others in the past – other than the initial 15 minutes of taxiing. I began to wonder if we were going to drive all the way out here! I think we finally lifted off at the Kansas border. However, the night sky was beautiful and clear and the stars were plentiful (and so twinkly). The lights of the towns we flew over sparkled below us. I felt like Santa in his sleigh (sans the reindeer).

For those of you who don’t know me – I have dachshund/pug legs … yeah, yeah … short and squatty. No long, lean Golden Retriever legs on this body! How, with my short little stumps, could I not get comfortable? How does anyone who has an inch longer than a 29″ inseam fit on an airplane without their legs needing to fold up like origami? Comfort was not mine. I am also a realist … a logical thinker … and the mere happenstance of flying just does not make sense to this brain. I can be told til I’m blue in the face about how technically it is possible, blah blah blah … but my mind still screams out – we should not be up in the air! Needless to say, flying is not my favorite thing.

So, while up in the air, while trying to get comfortable and take my mind off of why we weren’t plummeting to earth instead of floating along (so to speak) … my mind wandered over to penises. (No, it’s not what you think!) And, yes, weird where the mind takes you! The house I live in now was the house my daughter lived in – which started out 20 years ago as Tim’s office space. While she lived in the house, Sam kept bully sticks on a shelf in the laundry room above the washer and dryer. (And, in case you don’t know what a bully stick is – someone in the butchering realm got really smart one day and instead of throwing away the bull penises, they dried them and began selling them as dog treats. VERY pricey and apparently, very tasty dog treats!) Delicacies come in many forms.

Anyway, while living in the house, Sam’s dog – Rhodie, would get her bully treats on a regular basis, waiting patiently in the laundry room for her mom to give them to her. Fast forward to me moving into the house and still, after 15 months, whenever Rhodie visits, I can find her in the laundry room – staring at the (empty) shelf – pining for penises.

Why was I thinking of that? I have NO idea. But those thoughts absorbed a good 14 seconds of my white-knuckled/sleep-deprived first flight to the East Coast.

And, here I am, my mind in vacation mode and being one leg closer to lobsters and the open roads of the Northeast. I hope it’s a good trip.


Coda: I drove 1700+ miles, saw five trees that had colored leaves/luxuriated in some beautiful country/had a good time with friends and family/drove on breathtaking, windy, back country roads as the only auto for miles/and ended up getting sick for two days from the lobster!

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It Was a Dark and Stormy Night …

September 8, 2023 ~ Friday morning-ish (eating breakfast – this has been bubbling inside me for hours)

A little short story for you today.


It was a dark and stormy night …

If only.

Danielle always wrote better when it was cooler, during a rainstorm, or in the wee hours of the night. But she was on a deadline. Again. She stood in the back doorway, holding her empty coffee mug, and looked over at the heat waves shimmering off the black asphalt of the parking lot next door. That lot’s too close for comfort. Too hot for comfort! It’s too f’g hot. But then again – that had been her first thought every morning this summer. “Hottest on record” – climatologists said. “Hoax!” – said the non-believers.

“Jesus!”- she said aloud. At least no one had heard this outburst. She’d become very “religious” this summer. But purely (only) in a blasphemous way. It wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that she had murmured (or shouted) that name more often these past three months than a bunch of nuns. And not just a bunch, but a whole herd of nuns. Her aunt, Jaye, was a nun – what would she think of this language? Besides offending nuns, her language could probably make sailors blush – she’d been peppering it with swearing so much all summer. The cursing was worse when it was hot – and it was always hot. She thought she should probably control that … her cursing/not the heat … but, god damn it, it was September and STILL well over 90 degrees. When would it finally cool down? “Tomorrow,” the weatherman said. Yeah, right – always tomorrow.

Walking past the dog food bowl – she noticed that Frankie hadn’t eaten breakfast – again. Hmm … she hoped it was just the heat for him, too, and not his age or some health issue flaring up. She worried about this sweet oldster.

It had been a wasted day. Starting and stopping and deleting until her fingers were numb. She had nothing to show for her hours of sitting – except a derriere that was so asleep it was practically dreaming. Her laptop was great and so easy/efficient … but how she missed her old typewriter … her heavier than a steamship, maroon red, IBM Selectric II. She used to love the click-clack of the keys, the just-right pressure needed on them or she’d have a whole line of whatever letter she was last typing, the hum of the machine, the zip when pulling out the paper, and the crunch of crumpling up the not-so-good writing. She didn’t miss the reams of paper wasted – thrown basketball-style into the garbage can – but she missed the movement of it all. It had a certain dependable rhythm to it. A symphony of sound … a ballet of writing. Words seemed to flow more easily using it.

She sat down at her desk (aka the dining room table as using the desk in her office was akin to sitting in a sauna), sighing audibly. The dog would surely have looked her way if his hearing was acute. It wasn’t. Sighing again, she looked at the blank screen of her laptop and saw only her reflection – which reminded her of a quote from the movie, Chapter Two. It was written by the late, great Neil Simon – as a play and adapted into a movie starring Marsha Mason and James Caan (back in the late 1970s). The quote went something like … ‘Walter Mislansky looked in the mirror and saw what he feared most – Walter Mislansky.’ Dani liked the line/liked how it rolled off her tongue. Except she was not Neil Simon, nor Walter Mislansky … nor Marsha or James, for that matter. She was Danielle Ophelia Turner … acclaimed writer, best-selling novelist, and children’s lit award winner (if only in her own mind). As a child, she was called by her initials – DOT – which she hated. So, as soon as she could, she started asking to be called Dani. And here she was … a starving author with a looming deadline and an upset agent. Ugh this is going nowhere! Focus!!!! Your name is going to be MUD, if you don’t get a move on! You have a book to write, woman! Stephen has given us an extension to the deadline (again) … get going! THINK!

Her inner critic/cheerleader was absent. Only nagging echoed in her head. The first deadline had come and gone. The second one also. Her agent said she needed to get the draft to him by the weekend or else. It was Thursday. She closed her eyes thinking that would clear the thoughts that were flying around her head like so many twisters of nonsensical snippets, book ideas, projects to do, letters to write … and that’s when IT popped up and was forefront and yelled out the loudest … do worms have ears? She shook her head and wondered if she was, indeed, having a stroke. What the hell is wrong with me??? Why am I thinking about worms and if they have ears? Dear God!

She picked up her coffee mug – thinking that perhaps by staring into it, it would magically fill up. But, it was still empty as she was too lazy to actually make coffee. It’s the heat, she thought. Maybe a trip to the local coffee shop would help spur me on and corral these thoughts. So, off she went. An hour later and $11 dollars poorer, she was back home with the dregs of a not-very-good iced coffee and a few telltale banana loaf crumbs on her shirt, and not a book idea in her head.

She looked at the dog, he blinked back. Sure, he was cute and tiny but there was something about him – she just wasn’t sure what it was. He was a recent “acquisition” … an orphaned 13-year-old in questionable shape. She’d only had him about a month. His owner had died – an old, eccentric man who had named the chihuahua Poe – after his favorite author – Edgar Allen. But, somewhere along the line of rescue homes and foster care, this little dog was renamed Frankie. Frankie or Poe – it didn’t really matter as the dog seemed deaf anyway. But, the family (who could not take him) said that their father always was carrying on about this special dog – about their great conversations, etc. Yeah, that owner was eccentric for sure! In any case, Dani had somehow wrangled this sweet, little nugget into her care, and yet as much as she talked to him – nary a word or comment back from the dog! Not one peep. Conversationalist my ass!

She stripped off her capris and took a deep sigh, stealing a glance back at the dog (laying across the chaise looking like one of those limp Dali watches) – acutely aware of the absurdity of what she was wearing. Was she looking at Frankie in concern or out of fear of being judged? I’m losing it! The dog doesn’t care what I’m wearing! She slowly sat down on the cool chair – only in a tank top and underwear – glad there was a cushion beneath her so her thighs wouldn’t stick to the wood. She realized that this had been her white-trash home uniform of choice this summer. But – hey, if you can’t be somewhat comfortable at home – where can you be? She looked at the thermostat … it read 88°. In the house. No wonder they were hot.

The house … was built to withstand the test of time … but not climate change. It holds the heat. Good back in the day but now? Nope. Sure, it slants – anyone would too if they were 112 years old. It was originally built in 1911, in what probably was a lovely little neighborhood, a block and a half from the downtown Main Street in this (now) historic town. The stumps of long-ago trees dot the neighborhood – massive cottonwoods once stood along with pines and spruce. Dani often wondered if a horse ever lived here. In the 1910s there were only 500,000 cars in the United States. It’s probable the original owners of this home didn’t have a car – but maybe they had a horse. There certainly would have been room in the backyard for one. But, maybe not. Who knows? There are only a few houses left in this area as more than not – they have been torn down and replaced by office buildings or duplexes, renovated into business spaces … or far too many parking lots. Dani knew that when she left this house it would also be one of those torn down and replaced. Sad to think about – this sweet little house – but the land is too valuable to keep it as a single/old/slanting/hotter-than-hell in the summer/colder-than-the-North Pole in the winter dwelling.

Dani stared at the white screen. Get a grip, girl! This is important. But nothing was forthcoming. Not even anything bad. Nothing.

She got up and paced – angling the fan “just so” towards her workstation and another one towards the dog (who wasn’t really moving about much) … checking the outflow of cool air from the window a/c unit (which was really not doing squat). She sat down on the chair in the corner and peeked through the closed blinds (better down than up when it was so hot) onto the still shimmering, too-close asphalt. NOTHING came to mind. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Garbage. The day turned into evening. She had done housework and scrubbed the not-a-speck-on-it range thinking that might ignite some brain cells. It did not. She stopped and started writing half a dozen times – deleting everything as soon as she typed. I’m toast – this is ridiculous. Why am I not coming up with anything?

Dani thought about making dinner. She decided on scrambled eggs for her and Frankie; that sounded good/easy and she knew he’d eat that. But not yet. She sat back in her chair – put her feet up on the one next to her and rolled her head towards where the dog lay, not sleeping anymore, just looking at her with those old, watery eyes. She called out to him, “My sweet pup, what should I do?” She had just turned her head back toward the screen when she heard the dog say, “Why don’t you start out with – “It was a dark and stormy night?”

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Once in a (Super) Blue Moon …

August 30th ~ Wednesday (hot afternoon, semi-wilted/baked/fried)

Today I had an early morning dog-drop. 6:30 am to be exact. Early morning to some, normal morning time for others, pretty much “middle of the night” for me! Having finally fallen asleep around 4am – thanks to the dogs that either wanted to go out (B) or who barked (my daughter’s dog) on two occasions, and with such ferocity/jolting me awake – making me think that Freddy Krugger and his buds were advancing on the house and not just that she caught a whiff of a roaming raccoon or hunting housecat. There is some comfort in her “on guard” nighttime patterns but I am exhausted! Let’s just say it was a fitful night of semi-slumber.

So, there I was, at 6:15 this morning, up and at ’em, bewildered at how NICE it was out at that time of the morning. Birds were chirping, the dogs were playing, the breezes were practically singing. It was like being in a Disney movie sans animated bluebirds! Albeit one in which I was in my pajamas … but okay, a Disney movie nonetheless!

My being up and (almost) completely awake at that time, I assure you, happens once in a Blue Moon. And, how apropos that TONIGHT is said BLUE MOON!

So, what does that mean and what is a Blue Moon? Glad you asked – even if you didn’t!

The phrase “once in a Blue Moon” means that something is a fairly unusual (infrequent) event, one which doesn’t happen often enough to pinpoint when it might happen again.

Tonight is a Blue Moon – which is a second full moon during one month. We had a full moon on August 1st (also a supermoon), and tonight it will be a full supermoon again – but also called a Super Blue Moon because not only is it a supermoon but it’s the second one in a calendar month. There needs to be at least 29.5 days between full moons – so, February, even in a leap year, will never have a second, or Blue Moon.

A supermoon (so first called by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979) is when the full moon is at the closest point of its orbit around the Earth. Tonight’s moon will be the closest full moon at roughly 222,043 from us on this planet. About 100 miles closer to us than the full supermoon earlier this month – so, it will seem impressively large and bright. There are typically three or four supermoons each year and they always happen in consecutive months. There will be another supermoon next month, in September.

But, still – go outside tonight and take a look – as the next time there will be a Super Blue Moon will be in 2037.

Some say that Blue Moons bring good luck. As for me – I think I agree as I might be up late into the night just gazing at that glowing orb … knowing I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn for anything. That sounds like good luck to me! Maybe I’ll get up again that early, in 2037, as they say … once in a (Super) Blue Moon.

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Going, Going … Almost Gone

August, 29th, 2023 ~ Tuesday (before my coffee, a very pleasant 76°, and nicely quiet)

I could say it’s oddly quiet – but that might conjure up eeriness and disquiet. It’s the opposite of that – calm, sunny, a slightly cooler breeze is riffling up the dog’s fur as he sleeps, and the temp is in the mid-70s (which I feel we haven’t had in eons). I can hear a plane far off in the distance and the caw of a crow but other than those benign (and somewhat soothing sounds) – not a dog, not a train whistle, not a car horn. It is lovely. This quietude doesn’t come around very often here where I am amidst parking lots and humanity.

We had rain the last few nights – so welcome and so nice – and a lovely way to cool off the still, but waning, hot days of this summer. Having led a semi-vampiric lifestyle up in the NW for eight years, being cool and dark (forested and barely any sun), these last two summers have been HOT and SUNNY. This summer was better (more well-tolerated than last) but still – hot and sunny is HOT AND SUNNY when you are not used to either.

But, with the rain, there was the first hint of seasonal change. I stood in the doorway listening to the thunder and the steady downfall of drops but on the air, there was a different scent … one of wistfulness and decay and change. I could almost hear whispered, through the downpour, wait and see … it’s coming.

In the morning, yellow leaves littered my deck – greeting me under cooler breezes and more temperate air. Ahh … so this is what breathing again feels like?! I feel like I’ve been holding my breath all summer. Stuff with mom, stuff with the political scene (always so much angst), stuff with the kids and family and friends … life! Just stuff. I think my tolerance for all “stuff” goes down the tubes and out the window when the temperature rises. Now that (the end is in sight) cooler days are coming – my patience and tolerance are gaining in strength and nature. Good. I think I’ll need that going forward!

I’ve planned a trip for myself to visit the NE next month. I hope my timing is so that the paths and roadways are lined with trees in full autumnal splendor and littered with the leaves of same that have let go and flitted down to the ground. I am an Autumn person 100% … my absolute favorite time of the year and I am beyond thrilled that I can spend some of it in a place that makes my heart sing and my soul soar.

I plan on eating my weight (the ONE great thing about this semi-walrus body) in lobster and blueberry anything while in ME. I’ll toodle up the coast from Portland to Wiscasset – grab a lobster roll (my first of a few, I hope) – and end up at a lovely, Victorian BnB in Rockland. From there I’ll amble along up to Camden (have always wanted to see it) and then mosey on up (full of lobster/ocean-willing) to Freedom, home of The Lost Kitchen. I am practically a stalker of this woman who has transformed her life and chef skills into a destination, lottery-seating-only mill restaurant in the middle of nowhere. I’m not lucky enough to go to the restaurant, but at least I will SEE it.

And from there it’s visiting in the countrysides of NH and VT … hoping to see more leaves, more gorgeous trees, maybe a bear or moose … and then I’ll drop down to explore Delaware. I am thinking that might be my next landing place. We’ll see. Lots to take in.

In the meantime, I’ll endure another week of 90s heat and blazing sun … and get my yard ready for fall by corralling my yard toys and putting my extra tools and supplies into bins for the cellar over winter. I feel I’ve hardly been out there enjoying my lit tiki torches or abundance of yard candles – it’s been too hot, too buggy, or it’s just not been in the cards. And so it goes – right? A little bit of wistful regret is mixed in with this burgeoning anticipation of cooler days and colorful trees and all things acorns and pumpkins. I am not quite ready for rusts, ambers, and olive greens or cozy, textured sweaters … but it’s coming.

Next weekend we will hail in the start of another month and September will be upon us and with it, another season. I can feel summer quietly slipping away … going, going … almost gone.

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Passports Not Required …

August 3, 2023 ~ Thursday (HOT afternoon, chance (again) of thunderstorms)

Despite the forecast stating we were to be in the low 80s these past two days – we are in the high 80s/low 90s with humidity, instead. I’m sticky, grumpy, and hot. Again.

I fry in the sun if I’m outside … shrivel and melt, at best, even on the deck in the shade. So, what do I do when I need to get away from the heat? I stay inside … window a/c unit cranked up/blinds down/fans going full speed/dogs lying around like the limp watches in that Dali painting. The last thing I want to do is even think about my to-do list.

So, I travel.

I lie down, put my feet up. At my fingertips, on the chairside table, I have a glass of something iced … and I travel my afternoon away.

Yesterday, after some too-hot errand running, I came home and went on a Seabourn cruise – where I spent some time in the cool, clear, aqua waters of the Caribbean – indulging in a floating champagne and caviar bar – a mere few flutter kicks from a private beach. It was exquisite.

I could have gone to Cairo next – but it sounded too hot/too dusty. So, instead, I opted for Menorca, Spain … where I sat, under a spreading palm, on the terrace at Santa Ponsa, a luxuriously restored 17th-century farmhouse hotel a few miles from the island’s southeastern coast, and sighed and lingered. This was NICE! I watched two parrot-like birds with tangerine breasts and lime green backs coo to one another. Love birds. How sweet. And NOT the love birds from the movie The Birds as Tippi Hedren was not in sight. Good thing – as we all know how that went. Looking beyond the birds and down across the stone walkways into the sunken terraced gardens, I could see the orange, lemon, fig, and pomegranate trees – their leaves fluttering in the breezes. Bliss.

I could have followed that loveliness by boarding a luxury, private jet for a tour around the world … but I had to be home soon to feed the dogs.

So, next, I opted not for Switzerland, where a friend of mine is currently traversing the Alps (ala Maria von Trapp), nor for the lobster on the Holland America cruise lines served with a blush wine so perfectly delicate, I was sure it would be just kissing my lips. I didn’t go to Tel Aviv, Amelia Island, the Channel Islands National Park, or the Amalfi Coast. I also didn’t opt for the fjords of Norway, the untouched, pristine beaches of Bahrain, or to go losing myself in Istanbul’s palaces, mosques, museums, or Grand Bazaar. Though I could have, I also decided to forego animal refuges and resorts in Africa – missing out on seeing Victoria Falls as well as fat, watery hippos grazing at twilight.

Instead, I walked in my son’s recent footsteps and lost myself in the majestic lakes, lava-spewing volcanoes, and unparalleled beauty of Guatemala. I spent a lovely piece of time in Antigua, the capital, taking in its food and art scenes, enjoying dinner at one of the many exquisite restaurants … grilled snapper and purple cabbage floating in a broth so sinful, if he knew about it, the Pope would have blushed. All the while I breathed in the fragrant air while soaking up the idyllic beauty of the surrounding landscape.

After that, I took a boat ride across Lake Atetlán, passing Mayan villages that dotted the shoreline, with the breezes whipping my hair and the water’s surface glittering like a million diamonds in the waning sunlight. The jungle and the lavish estates seemed to call my name but, they would have to wait for another day as I was off to watch the volcano and its evening display. I can tell you – climbing the summit to see that was grueling but worth it!

Anyway, I had quite the few hours. What a trip! All those places and delights, and more to come … and all from the comfort of my sage green living room chaise. If you’d like to roam the world, opt for a subscription to Travel + Leisure magazine. No passport required.

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And here we are … with Frankie and Franklin

July 2nd, 2023 ~ Sunday night (68° at nearly midnight/tomorrow is to be warmer – hello dog days of summer!)

Nearly three years ago – at the tail end of the “dog days of summer” (the hot period of summer between July 3 – August 11, which the ancients so named due to the intense heat they believed was caused by the brightest star – Sirius/the dog star – rising and setting with the sun), a tiny little chihuahua walked her way into my life and took up residence in my heart. I named her Bea. My little wandering ancient pup came to me after someone cast her aside, or dropped off in the middle of town – knowing someone would scoop her up – the casualty of a domestic squabble, or who merely walked out the door – the owner none the wiser. She was also known as Aunt Bea … or quite simply, Baby. She was a lovely, 21-year-old, hedgehog of a dog who left us earlier this spring. I know she’s out there romping amongst the clouds with all my other baby darlings that have gone ahead over that bridge.

And, there will be yet another one joining that group of mine – but hopefully not for a long while. Yesterday, a 13-year-old, deaf, 7-pound, rust-colored, fox-eared and doe-eyed chihuahua traveled with me to his forever home. Here. His owner passed and before securing his care, that man’s grown children left this sweet morsel of a dog – alone – in their father’s home for six weeks – coming, only sporadically, to refill his water and food dishes. Poor Frankie!

I originally went onto the chihuahua rescue site last week … just to “look”. (A dangerous thing to do as we all know how that turns out!) I filled out an app and then looked at the available dogs. None tugged at the ol’ heartstrings on the first page. Halfway down the second page, I saw … HIM. A white-faced, big-eared, toothless sweetheart with watery seal eyes … and my heart melted. If it had been made out of chocolate, I (and my computer) would have been a gooey mess. It was his eyes that got me! But then I found out about his back story and well, that clinched the deal! After a few back and forths (another family had requested him first – and then backed out) … I was next in line to “see” him. So, I went up north yesterday to visit with this pooch. The dog foster mom was delightful and the minute she waved his little paw at me through the front window, I knew I wasn’t just coming to “see” him. He was mine. I was his. However that works.

So, old, sweet Frankie (I like to think his whole name is Franklin – he could fit into that!) came back with me – to his last home. After such trauma and displacement, I was a little worried about how he’d react in another new place but, Mr. B gave him a fine howdy/homey welcome and that was that! He ate some dinner, found all five dog beds, walked the yard with me, and then promptly conked out on my bed and slept until 9 am. I think he did just fine! He is sweet, cute, almost charming … and I already can’t imagine my life without him. He is so, completely home … enjoying the last chapter of his doggy life in the land of the old/home of the dog treats.

And, speaking of Frank/lin and dogs/dog days … cue the segue …

Around this date, 247 years ago (yes, 1776), 56 men gathered to sign the Declaration of Independence – a document that we now celebrate by roasting hot dogs, setting our yards on fire, and blasting off fingers. The oldest delegate (inventor, astronomer, scientist, printer, and fellow dog-lover) to sign this document was another Frank (of sorts) … my ancestor, Benjamin Franklin. He was 70 years old at the time of the signing, born January 17, 1706, in Boston, MA, and went on to be one of our nation’s most famous countrymen. He wore oval-shaped glasses (as did I in the 7th grade causing my sister to tease me by calling me, “Ben”. Lovely.) and was notably known for his many inventions (bifocals, the lightning rod, and swim fins amongst them), his scientific discoveries, his writings, and his dedication to this country (in many ways). He was the founder of the first library and the first fire department, as well as the University of PA. He was the only founding father that signed all four key documents that led to the formation of this country … the Declaration of Independence (which he also helped draft) in 1776, the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778, the peace treaty with Great Britain in 1783, and the United States Constitution in 1787. He believed in a democratic form of government, civic virtue, political activism, and enlightened thinking based on science and reason. (Sounds good!) He had three children, adored his son’s Newfoundland dog, had two pet squirrels, and lived to be 84.

And oddly, that is the age of my Frankie, now. Hmmm … I’m going to pretend that cosmically, there is a full-circle connection here with the full moon and the dog star, the 4th, our lineage, and our shared love of dogs.

Thanks Uncle Ben for your help in securing our democracy … and thanks little Frankie for bringing new doggy joy into my life.

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What’s in a Name? … Part II

June 22, 2023 ~ Thursday (torrential rains at the moment/marble-sized hail/craziness!)

Happy Solstice and Happy Summer! It’s been a while – guess the lobster was vacationing – off at a clam bake or something. Actually, the lobster was on vacation and then brought back Covid as a souvenir, and well, with everything else … time escaped … and here I am, two months after my last post.

It’s still raining, but the hail and sheets of rain have gone eastward – on their merry way to squash other gardens and make many a windshield into crackle-glass. Glad that was not my story today. Just a LOT of water! It might take my raised garden beds through the weekend to dry out. Guess I don’t have to get the hose out later!

Unfortunately, the storm whacked out the alarm system across the street and that has been going off now for about 20 minutes and the dogs are going CRAZY! Good times.

So, there I was, this morning, planning on picking up Roving Theodore from the airport (in a bit) and I got a text from him informing me that somehow he put “Ted” on his plane ticket from Colombia. No problem except that is not the name on his ID nor his legal name … and, well, airlines won’t let you check in, much less board, if your ID has one name and your ticket, another. They are kind of picky that way. So – instead of getting in this afternoon – he’s getting in after midnight – if all goes well with flights, connections, luggage, Ubers (cuz I’m not driving at midnight!), etc. Being an international flight – it took some doing. Oh, traveling is such fun!

So, it all got me thinking … with all his traveling – how did that happen? Easily. He travels a LOT … as in more than most of my readers and me – combined. And yet – there’s that easily done human error of mixing up your “going by” name and your legal name. It made me wonder how often that happens and what a headache it is, not only for the airlines but for those who inadvertently make one slight human error and then are displaced – aren’t able to board that flight and are stuck – financially as well as location-wise – until they can get things figured out and changed.

I’ve done this myself as I ALWAYS go by Les. Hardly anyone calls me Leslie (except for at Starbucks cuz it’s on my card!) and my sister and mom. NO ONE else calls me Leslie and if someone does – I know they don’t know me. Everyone in my family has had this issue or goes by a name that is not their legal name. So many of us have nicknames … or derivatives of our given names … or shortened names of that legal moniker.

It got me thinking of the names that you shorten … like Timothy to Tim … Leslie to Les … Samantha to Sam … but if you are Susan, you could have multiple options … you could be Suzy, Suzz, Sue, Susie, or even something else. Barbara could be Barb, Barbie, or Babs. Jennifer could be Jenny, Jenna, or Jen. And, if you are Edward, you could be Ed, Eddie, Ted, Ned, Ward, or even Woody.

These shortened names/nicknames are called a hypocorism … which means a pet name, nickname, or term of endearment — often a shortened form of a word or of the name itself.

So many names have other derivations! Think about it. It took me seconds to think of all the names that have “other” name possibilities to them … Margaret can be Maggie, Mags, Madge, Marge, or even Peggy. John can turn into Johnny but also Jack, Jay, or Zane. If you are an Elizabeth, you could be known as Liz, Lizzie, Liza, Lisbeth, Beth, Betsy, Bess, or Betty!

The most common names in 1950 were James, Michael, Linda, and Mary. Okay, so 73 years ago, four names could be used, but more than 15 people could all be called something different yet have the same legal name! It expands out to James as Jim, Jimmy, Jamie … Michael as Mike, Mikey, Mick … Linda as Linds, Lin, or Lynn … and Mary as Mare, Maisey, May, or even Polly. Wild!

But, what are the names that just stand on their own? They are probably mono-syllabic … and perhaps rare? How about Quinn … Owen … Ari … I wonder how many there are?! It’s hard to come up with more than a dozen (in my brain) that do not have some form of nickname or shortened version associated with them.

In any case, unless your name is Ace or Ada or some other stand-alone name, the next time you are making your airplane reservations, check your name on your ticket a few times before you complete your sale to make sure you put down the one that the airline likes – your legal name!

Go have a good day – yeah you – whatever your name is!

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With a song in my heart … or stuck in my head

April 15, 2023 ~ Saturday (tax day in America … a sunny, cool, spring day – at least it’s not snowing!)

I need to do some things – like go to Home Depot and get more mulch and soil (I emptied 65 bags of such on my front yard two days ago – I am so sore, even my toes hurt!) … treat myself to a Starbucks cuz I’ve got a freebie coming my way … do some laundry.

You know – important stuff.

But, I can’t seem to get my motivation sparked in the slightest. One of those days. And if the lack of motivation, complete body soreness, and an out-of-nowhere sinus headache were not enough … I’ve had this damn song stuck in my head since … whenever. Long enough.

(And – WARNING – you might have these songs stuck in your head after reading this post!)

What is it with some songs? You hear them – and I’m talking about even some you first heard 50 some years ago – and there you are innocently brushing your teeth one morning or just about to doze off to dreamland one night and … BAM! … “Afternoon Delight” is playing (loudly) in your head! Where the hell did that come from?

I don’t consider myself a musical person. I don’t play anything other than the radio. I can’t hold a tune – not even in the car or shower. But, here I am – stuffed with thousands of songs that insidiously play over and over again on that endless reel in my brain and make me half crazy. Where are those things stored? Is there a special room in the brain for commercial jingles and bad song lyrics?

There is a radio station I listen to, only while driving, here in Denver – Legends 95.3 FM – that plays oldies. And, I’m talking oldies to ME, which are mostly songs from the ’60s and ’70s … but then a few other older oldies are thrown in from time to time. And there is even a show dedicated to “one-hit wonders”. I have a love-hate relationship with this station.

I love the songs they play – well, most of them. They fill me with nostalgia and great memories and I know almost all of the words to these songs. I find this last bit amazing because if I want to sing a song if I’m nervous or in the shower … I can’t think of ANY song to sing and if I do, it’s something that I don’t really know the lyrics to and then it is even more pitifully awful. Like Neil Diamond’s “Forever in Blue Jeans” – I thought it was about some hip pastor … a reverend in blue jeans! Duh! But – when the radio is on – I’m belting out the lyrics as if I wrote them all myself yesterday! Why is that?

Anyway – I’m sick of songs sticking in my head. I’d like a song in my heart – but not ones stuck in my head (endlessly)!

And this happening is actually very common. I thought it might be some sort of syndrome but such an occurrence is actually known as an “earworm” – which, in itself, sounds supremely nasty but it’s not an actual parasite but just a very common thing and happens mostly with popular songs or tunes. It’s also known as Involuntary Musical Imagery (which sounds much better than an earworm) and it’s said that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, who have high sensitivity or have just plain ol’ good memories are subject to this. Oh, lucky me – three for three!

This past week I did a lot of driving around. So – as a ride-along, I flip on my trusty companion radio and take a trip to Tune Town. The first day I got in the car and turned on the radio (set to Legends) and what assaulted my hearing organs? That utterly horrible song about some jerk who left the cake out in the rain! Seriously (and I’m sorry because now you’ll be singing that song for weeks) – it was an awful song. Was then – is even worse now! Jimmy Webb, the lyricist of that song should have been banned from writing anything else – ever. Why? Why write a stupid song like that? And, of course, it is one of those that haunt me and sticks in my brain for days and days and weeks on end.

The next day I got in the car, not thinking too much about “MacArthur Park” and that stupid cake in the rain anymore, and what came on first? “Gitarzan”! OMG – seriously? You know that one – it’s Gitarzan – he’s a guitar man – he hangs by his knees as he swings from the trees without a trapeze – in his bvd’s ... THANKS, Ray Stevens! Yeah, thanks for NOTHING except a pounding headache and these stupid lyrics that have been stuck in my brain since 1969. Seriously, 54 years of that. Horrors. And the worst of that is, I can sing all the parts and all of the voices, including the chimp’s, during that song – belting it out like I’m Whitney or Babs!

Later that day Marilyn McCoo was lamenting about Bill and her wedding bell blues – oh, she loved him so … and I was thinking I lucked out with that one but the very next song was “My Sharona”. WHY???? Was I being punished for something? Of course, then my brain linked that song to Weird Al’s rendition of it as “My Bologna” and … just OY!

Some days I really think I need to switch to talk radio!

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Another Trip to the Bridge …

March 10, 2023 ~ Friday (Amazingly nice out – we must be expecting a surprise blizzard!)

I like rainbows. Dorothy traveled over one. Israel (Izzy) Kamakawiwoʻole sang (so beautifully) about “somewhere” over one. Sunshine after storms creates them. They are the symbol of love and acceptance. And who doesn’t like the rainbow-shaped marshmallows in the Lucky Charms cereal? (After all, they are magically delicious!)

And bridges … suspension, wooden, covered, rope … they are wonderful. I love any bridge (especially in Paris, Germany, or London). There is a beautiful one spanning the channel on the north side of the island, where I used to live. Gorgeous truss work. While in South Carolina once, I watched three swans walk over a stone bridge – it was ethereally beautiful and a vision that is etched into my memory. My great-grandfather was a bridge tender (as they were called) across the Chicago River when my dad was just a boy. I have a photo of 10-year-old me straddling the international marker on the bridge between Canada and the United States. You cross any bridge and you are somewhere else. Bridges are lovely. Other than the height, what’s not to love?

But when you put them together, you get something beautiful but also heartbreaking. Sigh. It’s been too often, and I, personally, need a hiatus from all things rainbows and bridges for a while as it seems that I’ve been visiting the “Rainbow Bridge” way too often of late.

Not quite three years ago on an oddly quiet and no-dog day, I got a neighbor’s notification that a little dog was picked up at a busy intersection in town. (As in busy, I mean one street tee’d into the other with only one stop sign and if there were more than two cars, it was considered to be “busy”. The speed limit was a whopping 25 mph but people usually drove at 18 mph – meaning it was a typical road in that sleepy, island town of fewer than 1000 people). But still, that was no place for a very tiny stray dog. The neighbor wanted to know what to “do” with it. I said I’d be RIGHT over.

And that is how Aunt Bea came into my life. In the time of masks, Covid, isolation, and uncertainty – with the U.S. surpassing 170,000 deaths on that date – a sweet, tan and white, somewhat furry, snaggle-toothed, roughly (per my vet) 19-year-old, 8-lb chihuahua-wonder wandered into my life … and made herself at home in my heart.

At first I was calling her Baby … and then it was shortened to B. And then, as I was hoping someone (but not really hoping all that much) would call me to claim her – I told her I just wanted her to be home. Cuz, at the end of the day, there’s no place like home. And it was then that I decided to call her Dorothy. But, as the days went on – that name didn’t quite stick or fit. I kept calling her “B” and one day I was thinking about home and comfort and thought – everyone should have an Aunt Bea. And there ya go … “B” became (Aunt) Bea.

I’d never had a dog that tiny before (she must have been like a gerbil when a puppy!). She was like the Cocker Spaniel pups we used to have but never got bigger than their fourth week in size. She had medium-length fur, a tan spot on her right side that looked like the silhouette of Mickey Mouse ears, tiny pencil legs, and long, slender, squirrel-like toes. No one claimed her and after a few days I had grown so attached, I was worried someone actually would! But, try as I might (and I did try!) … no one ever did. Lucky me. And just like that, somehow, I had a new dog.

And for the next 928 days I lived with that toothless (I had all of her oh-god-so-rotten teeth extracted) gummy baby who twirled circles when she was happy, pawed at my feet for her breakfast, threw a toy around a whole 2x, and who had a penchant for licking (up) noses. She was a funny little hedgehog of a dog who skittered around the house … scurrying here and there for a bit, eating whenever and whatever she could get her little pink gums on, and then sleeping the other 22 hours of each day.

I made her homemade food (no teeth/hard to eat much of anything) … and no matter what she ate – and man, did she eat – she always had room for doggy dessert. I hate to admit it, but the girl loved her cake!

As time went on, her hearing left her … her eyesight in the past few months, too, and she increased her sleeping by at least another hour. She was the potato of choice in the house.

And, as life goes and after a rough weekend with her having seizures, I found myself driving with her to the vet’s office, earlier this week, as I tried to prepare myself for the heartbreaking task of saying goodbye to my sweet little companion for the last time. That damned Rainbow Bridge was before us and … even through the tears and aching heart and not wanting to … I knew she needed to go. But, damn, it never gets any easier!

I had her wrapped in a cozy towel and we were led into a candlelit room with a sofa and soft music. (Soooo nice!) And there on the end table below a lovely little picture of dogs and cats running in green grass, by a bridge and under a rainbow, was a basket with a banner on it – “Rainbow Bridge Buffet”. And in my heartache, I laughed … it was just the sweetest thing. Containers of bacon strips, cupcakes, Oreo cookies, mini candy bars, a variety of dog treats, and a tub of chocolate frosting were in the basket for the “last treat” of whoever was un/fortunate enough to be in that room.

I brought a powdered donut (aka: cake) with me but chocolate frosting! Fabulous – that topped the cake! Literally! So, I gave Bea some donut and then scooped out some frosting and let her lick it off my finger. Heaven! (Well, almost – but not quite yet!) The vet came in to take her back to get the IV set and after we chatted, he gently took Bea from me and then winked at me and said, “We’re taking the tub with us!”

Ten minutes later, Bea was settled in my arms, wrapped in a sweet little blanket – all ready for her journey. I kissed her one last time and a few minutes or so later, she was gone – off to the Rainbow Bridge – with 1/4 tub of chocolate frosting in her tummy and a hint of it on her lips.

I can’t think of a better way to go. Maybe I’ll put in an order for that for myself.

Thank you, Bea, for being such a cute, sweet, little love bug. Go have fun, you little goober.

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Ode to the Groundhog … or not

February 2, 2023 … Thursday night (Groundhog Day … stupid rodent predicted six more weeks of winter!)

And so I start off on a lovely note.

I am one of those people, crazy perhaps, that thinks that the celebrity and hype of Punxsutawney Phil – the prognosticating groundhog – is a fun thing. Or used to be a fun thing. As I get older and the winters (seemingly get longer … as in January having 14,387 days), I dare say I’m not much of a fan anymore!

MORE winter?! Oh, Phil! How could you do this to us????? I was really counting on you!

I am an animal lover – from birth, I might say. Anything slimy, scaly, furry or feathered … I’d love to hold – at least once in my lifetime (well, except for a tarantula, snake or one of those giant, hissing cockroaches). And so it goes for the famed groundhog. They are just so darn cute! I’d love to hold one, assured it wouldn’t eat my face off … but, where does one go to hold a groundhog?

Maybe to Punxsutawney, PA … where the weather forecasting rodent resides. (Although he really lives, not out in some forest, but in the library building.) I don’t think anyone can really get near “Phil” unless one is in the Groundhog Club (yes – there actually is a Groundhog Club – consisting of a dozen or so lucky members who take care of Phil year-round!) and one super-lucky member who is the “handler” of the furry guy gets to hold him during the ceremony. But, still, it would be exciting to hold one of those chunky, furry bodies. Are they soft? Coarse? Oily? Do they have that mousey-smell to them or are they more like a dog? I’d like to find out first hand!

The infamous movie Groundhog Day – was playing today … over and over and over again. I laughed about that. If you haven’t seen the movie – you need to. It’s where character Phil Connors gets “stuck” in Punxsutawney forever and a day before he figures out his life. And fyi – someone calculated out how long he was actually stuck there reliving that day over and over again and it was something like 33 years!

Anyway, a million years before that movie came out, I was a kid, and I’d watch the celebration on some morning TV program and marvel about it. And every year before Feb 2nd’s arrival, I’d dream of going to PA to be part of the celebration. Every year I’d wonder what it would be like to go? Well, being young and not having the means to do so, I never went. And back then, it would have been me and another 57 people. It was sweet, quiet, unassuming. Today it is insanity run amok with 10,000 to 20,000 people attending the festivities. Oh my and no thanks!

Sources of all things groundhog say that the origin of this weather-predicting rodent was brought to the States by Germans settling in PA (who also brought with them the lore of Christmas trees and the Easter bunny). In Germany, however, it was either a badger or a hedgehog that was the forecasting animal.

Since badgers and hedgehogs were less plentiful (non-existent/not native to the area) than groundhogs in the mid 1880’s in Pennsylvania, the animal was changed to the groundhog (apparently there was a plethora of them). And while one might think the groundhog (marmota monax) is like the prairie dog in its existence, it is the most solitary of the marmot species. There might be a lot of them in one area – but they don’t necessarily have any organized social structure and are not reliant on each other. They really are just big squirrels (without the tails) and can weigh up to 15 pounds. They are hibernators and are dormant for months – usually emerging from their dens in February (hence, the timing for this tradition). Groundhogs only live a mere 3-6 years. A group of them is called a coterie and babies are called kits. In various parts of the country, they are also known as woodchucks, whistle-pigs (for the sounds they make) and land beavers.

So, how did this all get started? An early diary entry, from 1840, has writings about a weather-forecasting rodent … however, most people think the official ceremony started in 1887 when people gathered at Gobbler’s Knob to see when Spring would arrive via their tried and (not so) true weather forecasting rodent tradition.

The whole thing is as such: if the groundhog comes out of his burrows and it’s a clear day/so that the sun is out and he sees his shadow … he is surprised and frightened and scampers back into his hole – meaning that there is surely at least six more weeks of winter. If it’s a cloudy day and he doesn’t see his shadow … then it’s an early Spring.

This is all backwards to ME … because, if I were a groundhog and I woke up from my nice, cozy den and looked outside and saw that it was sunny out – I’d for sure say, “HOORAY! Spring must be right around the corner! Yipee! I’m going to go find me some clover.” And if it was gray/cloudy – I’d emerge and see the sky and scoot right back into my nest of leaves and say, “Oh, the hell with it/it’s still winter/ I’m going back to bed!”

Anyway, I’m not a groundhog. Pity. Cuz I’d like my prognostications better!

In any case – the stupid rodent saw his shadow today and oh, surprise surprise – we are in for more winter. Like we needed a groundhog to tell us that! It was -9° here over the weekend and more snow. I don’t think most of us need a rodent telling us that we are still in winter’s vise grip!

In any case, rodent or no rodent (there’s a weather predicting white squirrel in NC and a lobster named Lucy in Nova Scotia) … Come On, Spring!

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What’s in a Name? …

January 13, 2023 ~ Friday (am needing coffee but though sunny, there’s still too much snow on the ground for this lover of green) …

Well, earlier this morning, something came to my mind and I thought … Oh, that would be good to blog about. Well, a few hours later and I realized that that thought had gone out of my head as fast as a rocket to the moon! So, I sat down to write – thinking sitting in front of the laptop would conjure up those lost thoughts from somewhere deep inside me – but I came up empty!

So here, instead, is what came to mind.

Argh! I am a pirate today … at least for a while until my nerve block wears off later. I had eye surgery yesterday – and am wearing a patch. I (finally) got that ghost glob sucked out of my eyeball – a lovely leftover souvenir from my cataract surgery/retinal detachment. It’s been a long and annoying 2 years and yay … it’s finally gone! Today, I’m seeing cross-eyed without the patch – due to the nerves still being woozy; I feel like I’m going to fall over or like I have vertigo without it. So, patch it is! I will just have to hunt and peck on this keyboard while I write and I’ll still be a better typist than Bluebeard any day!

Speaking of Bluebeard … how did he get that name? Wanting to know, I looked it up (thank you Google and all things internet) and now kind of wish I hadn’t! Yes, I have instant edification and enlightenment but ew … I was gravely (no pun intended) mistaken. Bluebeard was never a pirate though he has always been linked to piracy. He was actually a horrible character (a multi-murderer with a blue beard) in a (very gruesome) fairy tale by Charles Perrault which first appeared in 1695 titled Contes de ma mère l’oye (in English: Tales of Mother Goose). Who knew? This was far from the Mom Goose stories I read to my kids at bedtime! The story (however made-up) was influenced by a real-life pedophile and murderer. And, apparently, the term “bluebeard” is now short-hand (in some circles) for serial killer.

Sometimes enlightenment is horrible. Ew.

The pirate I’m thinking of was, instead, Blackbeard (real name: Edward Teach) who was nicknamed as such for his black beard and fearsome appearance/nature. He was an English pirate (previously a sailor?) who sailed around the West Indies in the early 1700s. He was killed in action (stab wounds) in late 1718. In any case – I’m going to put the creepy Blue/Blackbeard images out of my mind and just think of Johnny Depp. A far better pirate in my (patched) mind’s eye.

Anyway … this all got me thinking about names. Names are important(even a pet’s) and can shape a person’s personality and even future. If you get the chance to name someone or something – be careful when choosing a name … do some research! Joseph Schmo might sound lovely but you know someone is going to shorten it to Joe Schmo and … well … there you have it! Some names are lyrical or pretty sounding. Some meanings are sweet while others are far from it. I’m glad I’m not named Ursula as I think of the skinny, fan club president in Bye, Bye Birdie or of the sea witch from The Little Mermaid. Not the best name (though Ursula Andress was quite the dish back in the day). But, some other names seemingly are destined to become best seller novelists or ball players. Ernie Banks is a name that well-fits a baseball player. Good thing Arnold Palmer ended up being a golfer cuz his name sounds like one. Ernest Hemingway was meant to become an author with his name. And, it’s a good thing Walt Disney wasn’t named Walt Voulgaropoulos or some such other hard to pronounce name. It just wouldn’t have had the same ring to it to say you’re going to Voulgaropoulosland! Sometimes things are just destined to be.

And, sometimes names are just a mouthful or they play on one’s tongue … like the kid’s name in my 7th grade class – Draghi Rahdnich. And, years later, my mom worked with a woman named Doberslava Bisamaczic … or thereabouts. Their names have stuck with me for decades! We had a little dachshund when I was young … her name was Ginger. But, we called her Marvin. It was far better – that moniker just fit. I once knew a Hu Wu as well as a Betty Betty … both nicely rhythmic. And, for what it’s worth, my maiden name was Leslie Leske … say that out loud 3x and you’ll know why I shortened it to Les and then was happy to take on my married name! (What WERE my parents thinking?!)

And, I’m sure you remember those silly fake book titles from jokes in the ’70s or so … Shell Collector by Sandy Beach … Yellow River by I.P. Daily … Ape Antics by Hu Flung Poo or made up names like … Kandy Kane, April Showers, Summer Brown, Whitey Teeth, and Jim Shoe.

And it being Friday, the 13th – I thought I’d look up names that don’t have the best meanings or that bring bad luck (sorry folks if you have one of these!). Molly translates to “bitter” … Tristan means “noisy” … Portia means “pig” (not overly flattering unless you were one) … Kennedy means “ugly head” (and btw, supposedly, there hasn’t been a child named Kennedy in England since 1999!) … Diablo means the Devil … Deidre implies sadness … and Mallory and Jonah … well, they both just bring bad luck all the way around!

And then there’s Ima Goen … the character I made up for my short-story smash years ago while living on the island. There was a contest for 100-word stories (no more/no less – exactly 100 words) and the entries were read by actors in the performance arts. Fake book covers were displayed on a screen and the entries were read/performed one Saturday night in the little theater. All great fun.

Here’s “Ima Goen” again … (best read with a Southern drawl in mind) …

“Ima Goen”

You’d think my mama and daddy were humorous folks. Not so.

Contrarily, my name defies their stern nature. My name is Ima Goen … and that’s what I plan on doin’.

I’m sick of saying Ima Goen … cuz I know someone’s gonna ask me, “Where?”

It ain’t funny. So, I’m a goin’. I don’t know where … and I don’t know when but I’m a goin’ somewhere where I can breathe air so fresh my lungs will laugh.

Today’s not the day. But one day – I’ll just go.

And when I do … I’ll no longer be Ima Goen. I’ll be Ima Gone.

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And so we start … 2023

January 9, 2023 … Monday pm (a big melt today/less snow – hurrah!)

Happy New Year! If you’re in anything like my mindset, the holidays seem like eons ago … and that the eve of this new year wasn’t a mere week in the rear view mirror.

And so we start … 2023.

There are so many things I’ve had on my mind to write about since we hailed in the new year … but the one thing that has been laying heavily these past few days has been the memory of my paternal grandmother. I always find it a bit mysterious (and a bit eerie) when someone from my past makes me feel such a presence … a memory urgency. Why now? Are they around? Trying to send me a message or just say, “Hi!”????? I don’t know. One of those things.

But, regardless, there I was the other day … minding my own business and turning over my 2022 files to hold what will come this year and she popped into my thoughts. And not only did she pop into them – but along with the memories was this tsunami of bittersweetness … one of utter happiness along with absolute sadness that she was no longer. Was I feeling nostalgic while sorting through receipts? Did some bit of paperwork catch my eye that sparked the neurotransmitter which then sparked the memory of the woman I have not had in my life for nearly 40 years?

What can I say? I don’t know what sparked this all but I do know this … she was a gem … and I miss her.

Irene Churan Leske was my dad’s mom. She was born on a temperate day (you can find anything on the internet) in August, 1903 … in Chicago … the city she never moved from. She was of Bohemian heritage (where I get my big, fat knees from!) … one of five kids (4 girls … (Molly, Lottie, Blanche, Irene) and Uncle Eddie). I don’t think they had much money but they were a tight-knit bunch. By the time I came along and had any decent memory, the three oldest sisters had passed from breast cancer. Grandma would be afflicted with that cancer, as well, but somehow her treatments worked – where her sister’s and niece’s hadn’t – and lived a full life until it came back and claimed her when she was 80 – a week after she became a great-grandmother (of twins). We all know she waited for those babies to arrive!

If I could use one word to describe her it would be … classy. But, that is just one dimension of her complex and lovely being. She was very fashionable. She was always “dressed to the 9s” – no matter what she was doing. I have a photo (circa 1931) of her (and my dad as a toddler) in a long wool (or so it looks) winter coat with a huge fur collar (and cuffs) … a beautiful jaunty hat with a veil over her eyes does nothing but enhance her high cheek bones, petite nature and love of style. She was pure class.

She was an amazing saleswoman. She could sell ice cubes to polar bears and sand to camels. She had interior design skills beyond any schooling – it was just innate with her and she was always leading the “newest thing” by about a year. She (and my Grandfather) were incredible ice dancers … skating in a club for years in their Chicago area. She was so graceful; and they both were so fluid. It was lovely – even at a young age I knew that was something special to behold – watching them float over the ice so effortlessly.

She was an intrepid “L” rider – often telling anyone sitting in the first seat of the first car that it was her grandchild’s first train ride and would they please give up their seat so I could sit there and experience the train as a conductor would. EVERY TIME we rode – she’d ask! I probably sat in that seat 50x – always as a “first timer”. LOL. We went all over the city together – but usually to Marshall Field’s department store (when department stores were department stores!) … with 8 floors of goods, a restaurant where we’d lunch, and a Tiffany ceiling. The store was magnificent and our outings were always so special. And, if I didn’t come home with a souvenir from the store – a punch out balsa wood monkey that hung on my milk glass at lunch or a knock-off Barbie outfit – I’d still be filled with memories to last a lifetime.

She was the one who cooked for days and days (and days) for 20 of us at Thanksgiving. She was well known for her 13 vegetables gracing the table (and the most perfectly cubed turnips!). She set a pretty table with varied and tasty foods and I have to think that she must have slept for 3 days after the holiday! But before she rested and before we all went home … after about 2 hours after the dinner was done and the kids were playing in their cavernous (fabulous) basement and the women were drying the last dish (no dishwasher there!) … she’d lay out another gargantuan feast of sandwich goods, leftovers, and desserts. She was something!

But the thing I think I miss most about her was her twinkly sparkle. She was one of those people who was just lit from the inside. She was a tremendous story teller – always using her hands and sound effects – very animated – and anyone listening was purely enraptured. But besides being spellbound – everyone would be hysterical because she’d have everyone laughing until they were crying and she’d abandon her story for a bit until everyone could all regain their composure and then she’d start in again. She was truly wonderful. Her eyes sparkled … and she knew how to make anyone (and everyone) feel like they were the most important person not just in the room – but on the planet. To me, she was the female version of the wizard from The Wizard of Oz.

Whenever we got together she’d say that, “We had Dutch – didn’t we?” … and that meant the very best of times.

And, honestly, yes – we did.

When I was little I’d stay overnight on Sundays … after a family meal at Gma and Gpa’s. She’d fill their huge, cast iron, deep soaker tub with bubbles and plop me in for a good soak while she finished the dishes. After I was dry and tucked into cozy pajamas, she’d pop popcorn and we’d settle on the floor of the living room to watch The Dinah Shore Show on TV … but not ANY TV … it was a portable – on a wheeled stand – and (omg) … COLOR! We’d eat buttered (so much butter!) popcorn and since I was all about glitz and glamour (I started early) … we’d ooh and ahh over Dinah’s ball gowns (the peach sparkly one was a show-stopper with encrusted crystals on the bodice and a billion yards of flowing chiffon as the skirt). A million years later and I remember that dress! Yes, we had Dutch!

So, why that day was her presence so strong? I don’t know. But, yeah, I miss her … and the ones who went after her. She was sick but attended our wedding; from that day I have one rare photo of her talking with someone in the receiving line … and that’s it. Too bad. But, I remember her whispering to me as she kissed me congratulations, that Tim was charming and a “keeper”. Yeah – he was … and then some. I hope they are having Dutch!

In any case … a shout out to my Grandmother who I remember with much love and fondness. Later this summer I’ll do something fun in her honor on the 120th anniversary of her birth. This is my year to remember, in depth, those that were so important to me.

And so we start … 2023. This new year that holds so much possibility, mystery, and just a few million memories worth sharing.

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The Season of Brown

December 7, 2022 ~ Wednesday morning (too early)

For those of you who know me, you know I’m a night owl – not an early riser. Yet – here I am. I was awakened by pounding on my front door this morning a bit after 7am. I live in an area where I’m not about to open my door at that hour … so, I have no idea who it was or what they needed. Probably one of the many homeless looking for assistance. I’d like to help but …

So, here I am writing the piece that was in my head yesterday as I drove up to my daughter’s home to drop off my empty holiday decoration bins. They’ll stay there until three some weeks from now, when I’ll need them again to refill after taking said decs down. Oh the joys of a small place with no storage!

As I was driving, a wave of recollection washed over me. I lived in this area for 34 years … how can I forget (so completely) some things about being here? I don’t know, but I do/I have. And as I was puttering along the backroads, looking out at the scenery, I realized that the fifth Denver season – that I had somehow forgotten about – had most certainly arrived (obviously, some time ago, but I was just realizing it). Oh, most places have four seasons … Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Here, taking up a good chunk of time between Fall and Spring, is the season of Brown.

Everything here is brown. Or at the very least, a shade of it … beige, chocolate, tan, taupe, puce, khaki … you know, BROWN! Bland, blah, boring. You get the idea. For a gal who loves green … it’s horribly ugly and a bit depressing. The leftover fallen leaves are brown, crunchy and munched up lying in brown heaps … the sidewalks and grassy areas melt into one beige, tawny landscape … the now naked tree trunks and branches are brown … the fencing is brown … the local roofs are brown … the foothills in the distance are brown … the whole Denver area seems to be BROWN!

I was thinking, as I was driving along, that it should be illegal (somehow) to use brown brick and/or paint in this area. Why add to the already blighted surroundings with man-made structures of anything brown? Why not go the way of those in the Nordic regions? Blues, yellows, reds? Those colors would have to be better than the ubiquitous, obnoxious, eye-wearying, brain-numbing, soul-sucking brown. Or if not that bright … how about grays, maroons, and greens? Something other than what is now the norm. Right?

There are good browns, though, too … Brown University … Charlie Brown … James Brown … the brown of a sweet prairie dog or the brown yumness of a Hershey’s chocolate bar.

I digress.

Anyway – as I was driving, I was looking west over the foothills (also so, sooo brown). Some of the hills are dotted with trees … dark freckles on the hillsides … and some of the hills are completely barren except for grasses (also brown). Sigh. I miss the greenness of the island! I don’t miss much from the island (other than friends and that damn gas station chicken) but I do miss the greenness of it. The lush, always green forests and roadways. I’m living in a land of insipidness. Toto, we are not in the NW anymore.

Along the way I passed the backside of what I thought was an old, seemingly abandoned, military outpost. However, I don’t think it is abandoned but is still being used as a mental health facility. I might be wrong. Hopefully I am as it, sadly, just looks like some chilling, horror movie set! There were acres and acres of old barrack buildings, mountains of discarded whatnot (grills, machinery, ???) … if it’s actually still in use – clean it up Colorado! It’s depressing, unsightly and more than a bit creepy.

Past the weather-beaten prairie grasses of the area, there was a small lake. I slowed down to watch the geese as they came in for landing. I’d been watching several groups flying overhead as I was driving … so perfectly lovely … and now some of them were coming in for a rest. I’ve watched this phenomena a few times this week – lucky enough to catch the flock just at the right moment of descension … wings spread and wafting, feet forward … they seemingly drop from the sky like parachuted skydivers, landing perfectly … sometimes in between two other geese … without a feather out of place on any of them. It was mesmerizing and I realized I needed to pay more attention to the road than the geese. The perils of driving the back roads are many for me!

Like train whistles (which were non-existent), geese sightings were a rarity on the island … few would fly over the island and even fewer lived there. And, I’m referring to Canada Geese. It’s been a novelty for me, this season, to see them again. It’s a lovely, calming autumnal thing for me … watching them fly overhead in their V-formations. According to all things internet … “Geese fly in v-formation to conserve their energy during long migratory flights. They do this by using the slipstream created by the bird in front of them to make it easier to fly. You can often see one side longer because of crosswinds.” … and I thought one side was longer just because there were more birds on that side!

Canada Geese fly around 40 mph but can go as fast as 70 mph with strong tail-winds. They can fly for as long as 24 hours and sometimes cover 1500 miles in a single day! Researchers think that the honking heard from the flocks is a positioning statement … keeping the integrity of the flock and for changing positions during flight. Each bird flies a bit higher than the bird in front of him/her. When one goose gets tired, it will fall back and another will take its place … kind of akin to one honking – “I’m beat/I’m going to take a breather and fly at the back for a bit.”

While Canada Geese don’t have the night vision that cats do (kind of eerie), they have excellent vision and memories which enable them to spot landmarks in the air and on the ground. In the dark they can see 12x greater than humans and they also see color better than we do, too.

Migrating flocks can be 30-100 birds but each V-formation could be a smaller group of that same flock. Migrating patterns and routes don’t change much – so the geese you see this year around your local pond or office park, quite possibly will be the same as next year. While most birds don’t remember their family members after their first year, Canada Geese do and sometimes migrate with their families. They also mate for life and can live up to 15 years in the wild (but some pet geese have been known to live far longer … into their 40s!). They weigh between 5 and 14 pounds – typically, males are heavier than females.

A group of geese (on the ground or in the water) is called a gaggle; when in the air – a skein, team or wedge. And when they are flying very close together, they are called a plump.

As I am writing this, I just heard honking from above. How apropos! Maybe they are announcing their arrival … or maybe they are honking out, “Man, it’s brown here!”

It’s a bit more than two weeks til the Christmas holiday and the season is in full swing – after all, I’ve been watching Hallmark holiday movies since late October! My house is decked … but no boughs of holly (too spiny) … the tree is outside waiting for me to bring it in and adorn it (soon) … cookies will be made (next week) … packages will be wrapped (tomorrow) and cards will be send out (soon enough). It doesn’t feel like the holidays yet – maybe I need more music? Or maybe a little Christmas goose? (Not cooked, just outside on my lawn … a friend to the squirrels who have adopted me!)

I should thank whomever pounded on my door for getting me up. The morning light that is filtering through my (hard water spotted) windows is lovely this time of day. I am not usually up to notice it! By the time I’m up (an hour from now) the sun is angled differently and it no longer makes its way into the house … and by noon, due to the building next door … it might as well be twilight! There is no sunshine in the house again until late in the afternoon when it oh-so-briefly shines though my back kitchen window before it disappears over the rooftop behind me.

It’s time for me to fly off for the day. Hope you enjoy yours.

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Good-bye, Baby Walrus …

November 7, 2022 ~ Monday (a difficult day)

Today I said a (very, very) tearful good-bye to my sweet companion of 17 months … Annie.

She came into my life on an extremely hot (for the NW) day in June 2021 as an 11 year old, relinquished, sweet old lady, black lab. Her owner had dementia and she needed rehoming. A friend of mine worked with the local lab rescue and had placed my last lab rescue (Clara) with me a few years back. She knew I was yearning for another.

And so, on that day – the day after I arrived back from Colorado with my 92 year old mom, in the middle of a high 90s heatwave, and 11 dogs on my calendar to be arriving at my home for doggy daycare the next day – I got a call saying there was a dog, and the gal in charge wanted no one but me to have her. How could I refuse?

And so, Annie came home. Home for the next 512 days.

I am so grateful I had her in my life. So thankful the rescue group thought I was worthy. So heartbroken that she is now gone. She was a beautiful big old girl … 90 pounds on a lean day, sleek black fur, a big square head, soulful brown eyes, and the heart of an angel.

Today was Euthanasia Part X for me. She was the tenth pet I’ve put down … and I tell you, it seems like it should get easier each time. But it doesn’t. She was the hardest one yet. I didn’t want to let go of this dear, sweet soul. And yet – I had to.

From the start, Annie fit right in … easy, sweet. She’d wake up from a nap and come find me and plant a big, fat dog kiss on me. Just a little “something” to remind me of her love. She was that way.

She’d lie on the couch with me, head in my lap – asleep … or just looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes. She was a constant companion. Lovely, loyal, loving.

Last fall, she underwent surgery for lipoma removal and dental issues. She came through weary, but intact and happily healed. We went on countless walks down the cliff road … I’d take her to the forest … we’d go up to the top of the meadow where the off leash dog area was … and we’d walk the beach. I loved watching her run into the water. She’d swim about – showing off her mermaid and synchronized swimming skills to all the local walkers and birds. She loved the water. I loved our outings.

She loved people … and she seemed to love other dogs.

But, late last year things changed. Not with people – she still adored everyone, but she’d had enough of other dogs – mainly small ones. Her arthritis was increasing and she didn’t want to have other dogs around her … “fear of pain” is what the vet called it. So, I put up gates and she was relegated to the front of the house … and Bea, my tiny, old chihuahua and other small guest dogs, were kept in the back of the house. She didn’t mind bigger dogs – so, if I had one, they were welcome to hang out with her. It worked out very well.

Before the move this past Spring, I noticed her slowing down … more pain/aging body. So, we up’d her meds and kept an eye on the lipomas which started popping up again. She was a lumpy old gal. Her back legs were wobblier than ever … and I think it was around then that I dubbed her “Baby Walrus” because her movements were like one. She’d flounder around, back legs caving in and I’d lift her up and get her going again. She’d climb into the back seat of my car with relative ease – but when getting out of it, she’d practically fall out like jello plopping out of a mold.

Her body was not cooperating but her loving ways continued. She was always ready to give a kiss or show her pleasure with a body/tail wag. And, boy, did she love her food!

On the second day of our trip from Washington to Denver, she got her front paw wedged under the driver’s seat as she was trying to extricate herself from my tiny Fiat. It was horrible. There we were, at a dusty rest stop in Utah, with people thinking I was beating my dog – both of us crying. I finally managed to push her walrus-like body back into the car and get her paw loose. She limped for a week. I felt AWFUL.

And that leg never really got much better. She favored it. I noticed a lump at her shoulder. Small/I’d keep my eye on it. Was it from the incident? Or, was it something else? Over the next few months, she slowed even more … I thought it was the heat. Cuz, god knows, it was an awfully HOT summer in Denver … the coolest of days here could compare to our warmest island days. We were roasted and I attributed her malaise to the summer heat.

A few weeks ago, she was not moving much. I had to help her stand … help her wiggly old legs hold her body up to go outside/to walk to the back door/to get her down and up the stairs. I used a harness … hoping my back wouldn’t go out before hers. A visit (and xrays) to our vet confirmed back and neck issues (one of the worst backs he’d seen, he told me) … he wondered why she wasn’t paralyzed. But, a bit of prednisone and some careful, slow walking seemed to make things a whole lot better.

Until this weekend.

She had been favoring that right front leg more and more. As I snuggled next to her on the floor on Saturday morning, I was telling her I was going to take her to a chiropractor to align her spine and that she’d feel so much better. My hands massaged her body … flanks, head, legs … and then under her neck and to her shoulders. It was then that I realized that the golfball-sized lump was now about the size of a softball and it was as hard as a rock. NOT good. How had this gone unnoticed? It dawned on me then that we were dealing with something very aggressive for it to grow in size, that much, in the matter of a few weeks.

I cried all day but made the call to have a service come to the home to relieve her of her pain as soon as they were able … I couldn’t let her go on. All weekend I hugged and fed her, petted and talked to her, helped her outside, and kissed her until her lips were chapped (well, practically). I cried my eyes out and second guessed my intentions. Maybe I could do … x,y,z? Maybe this or that? Maybe surgery? Maybe … whatever? Needless to say, it was a rough weekend.

But then, I remembered what I told a good friend when she was facing the end of life for her sweet, little dog. I said that we never regret helping them along too early … but we would always regret helping them along, too late. I needed to heed my own advice. I knew she wasn’t going to get any better and why prolong things? Why put her through pain or any discomfort, knowing that I was just putting off the inevitable? I could tell my sweet baby was uncomfortable … so, I gave her a few extra pain pills here and there … I figured they couldn’t hurt.

This morning I woke to her without use of her legs … she was worse than Bambi on the ice. I got her standing upright, then walked her outside – me straddling her, arms under her tummy, crab-walking along – and then back in. I was glad I made the call. I gave her a hearty breakfast and an hour later a second breakfast. Why not?

The attending vet arrived at 10:30 … and was so sweet, kind, patient, and compassionate. If helping a pet to go forward could be peaceful and beautiful and “good” … it was all of those things. She looked Annie over and thanked me for making this hard decision. She looked at the mass on her shoulder and said she’d seen these before – they start out small and then all of a sudden they are massive (and inoperable). She said my timing was good … as another few days and it could have resulted in a fracture of that leg … or impaired breathing. I was thankful for her reassurance. It made it all a bit easier.

Annie was on her dog bed, snuggled in a purple blanket, with a little pillow under her head. She looked like she was all cozy in a sleeping bag, ready for a nap.

I gave her a million kisses, talked to her, petted her head and legs, fed her chicken and a chocolate cupcake. The sedative took effect after a few minutes. Her breathing was deep and she looked so content and relaxed. The next injection was the lethal dose … and after a few minutes, the doctor told me that Annie’s heart had stopped. She was gone. She left this world peacefully – with crumbs on her lips and knowing she was so very much loved. What more could I ever ask for her – other than more time? And, once it was all over and the vet had left with her, I stood, with a broken heart, in what felt like a too-empty house … and cried my eyes out again.

It’s going to take me a while to rehydrate from all these tears shed … and to have that hole in my heart start to heal. I’ve had plenty of other pets … lovely animals all … but I don’t know what it was about her … but she was a special gal. One of those soul-connectors. I am so thankful I had her in my life. I am so thankful that rescue chose me to care for her. I loved her dearly and completely. She will be sorely missed.

Good-bye, my sweet girl. Good-bye, baby walrus.

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Ahhh, November!

October 31, 2022 ~ Monday (night/10:46 pm)

I should be in bed. There, I said it. I’ve been thinking it for the past hour but something is gnawing at me. I am unsettled. Perhaps it was that today was Halloween … and so unlike the “old” Halloweens of years past. How I miss them!

Today was a beautiful day in Denver … 67°, sunny, a slight breeze. A true TREAT. I think back on the years when the kids were young and it always seemed that Halloween was cold. As in FRIGID. As in make sure their costumes fit over their parkas or snowsuits! I remember one year driving the kids from house to house in our neighborhood … I think we made five houses and then we went home to thaw out and drink hot cider.

This year there were no trick or treaters … NONE. That wasn’t much different from other years, though. I’ve never lived where costumed groups of kids would be ringing doorbells. Well, some – but not many. When I lived by the park, our street had only five houses – a park across the street, a pond and a school. No one wanted to come our way – too remote. My neighbors and I would count how many kids we’d have come by … it was a treat for us to hand out candy to six kids … four of them being our own! When I lived in Illinois, I was across from the cemetery … and only my neighbor’s toddlers came by so I usually went over to my parents’ who seemed to have hordes of kids … witches, pirates, ghouls. Such fun! On the island everyone around me was ancient and asleep before 7pm! And here? The only ones possibly ringing my doorbell would be the local homeless. I turned off my light early.

And, horrors! I didn’t even put costumes on the dogs this year. The dog costumes (and my stash of socks) are somewhere in with my things stored. And, I thought it kind of silly just to torture the animals in costumes just so I could laugh for a few minutes (at their expense)!

But, how I miss the days of yore! And the days of gore!

When my kids were little (elementary aged), we had parties every Halloween. I loved it! I’d spend all week prior to the day thinking up an indoor scavenger hunt … finding prizes to put at the end of the strings that I wove into a giant spider web in the living room – each kid getting the end of one string … they’d have to go up and under, all at the same time, winding up their black yarn strings to get their prizes. It was like a 3-D Twister game!

We played spooky music and had cauldrons of dry ice “fog” … ice hands (gloves filled with water and then frozen) were the ice cubes in the punch. Chocolate cupcakes with gummy worms crawling out of them awaited small hands – along with other treats, popcorn and candy.

We had costume contests … we played “Hot Potato” but with a skull or stuffed ghost or bat … the kids wrapped up partners with toilet paper/the first “mummy” covered from head to toe won. We made mazes to crawl through and made up creepy stories and passed around “body parts” (grapes for eyeballs, spaghetti for intestines, etc.) … all so ghoulish!

And then the kids would go out trick or treating. We let them loose out into the neighborhood – never fearing that a pedophile would be lurking nearby. Never worrying that a neighbor would poison our children. Never worrying that they’d be harmed or get into trouble or not be safe – at any time.

I was talking with a friend today and she said that her grandkids don’t know what a “real” Halloween is. Not like what we had as kids … not what our kids had as kids. And that was sobering and dismaying … and a bit sad.

I’m so out of touch with what this day means anymore … I’m hoping it is better for all these younger kids than what I’m thinking.

But then, as the evening wears down, I think of November – which will be arriving in 57 minutes and I let out a contented sigh. I do NOT know where October went … or June through September for that matter … but I am certainly happy that November is upon us.

Ahh, November.

I think it might just be my favorite month (at least in the top three). I am of Pilgrim stock … and maybe it’s in my genes … but I like that there is no glitz or glamour … no gifts or costumes … no changing of decorations or seasons. Thanksgiving comes at the end of the month – a final hurrah to my favorite season, Autumn. And, it is a time for settling in. It is Mother Nature’s way of telling us to breathe it all in. Cherish what is. Prepare. Fill our souls with quiet.

November seems to give us a breather … in between the heat of summer and the cold of winter … between the busyness of summer and the sometimes hectic nature of the holidays. I feel it gives us … almost makes us … slow down.

It’s a month for breathing in the crisp air … for watching the squirrels find treasures and then bury them/all the time with their fluffed out, question-marked tails twitching. The last of the leaves, the ones holding on tightly to be the last one, slowly flutter to the ground … filter through nearly bare branches and join their buddies in piles at the base of the trunks. I will never get enough of Autumn’s carpet.

This is the time of year when I want to cozy in. I read more. I write more. I eat more. Not necessarily in that order – or as a good thing! But, it’s a time when I take a step back and just let it all soak in. I take deeper breaths. I sleep more. I look at the sky more. It’s almost a primal thing … like some ancestral, primitive chord starts strumming inside of me – telling me to hunker down … slow down … relax … savor.

And then, there’s Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday – by far. Oh, yeah, I love Christmas and the winter holidays with their glitz, glitter and glamour … but I really love Thanksgiving with its simplicity and meaning. What’s not to love about being grateful and thankful and (hopefully) sharing time with those you love and who mean the most to you?

But, that is 24 days from now … I have over three full weeks before the turkeys are roasting or (if I’m lucky enough, the wild ones are gobbling outside my windows as they have in the past!) … where I can enjoy cozy sweaters … the waning sunlight of a crisp afternoon … the honking of geese as they fly overhead, their V formations filling the sky … the gray stillness of a local pond … mournful train whistles … and chimney smoke that lingers and tickles the nose.

The colors are more muted in November … all the splash of October is past. What color is left is softer and one leaf blends in with another that blends in with a still blooming flower or seed pod or grass stalk and it’s this soft blur of nature … a landscape awash in monochromatic watercolors.

I might miss the old days of the fun and noisy Halloweens … but I know when November comes around each year, the days will be the same – always.

Lovely, peaceful and comforting.

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Homesick …

September 25, 2002 ~ Sunday evening

I’ve been here for four months now and I’m finally putting the final touches (so to speak) on my office. That can be narrowed down to finally hooking up my printer/scanner … dusting (for the zillionth time) … organizing the last of what was on my desk … rehanging wall art … putting things on my bulletin board … and going through roughly a million magazine clippings I’ve saved over the years of silly cartoons, dog pics, and whatnot.

And in the pile of whatnot, I came upon a poem I wrote for a small town in North Carolina. Morganton. I was traveling about, searching out a new hometown at the time (May 2021), and had been receiving their local newspapers and online event flyers as the town sounded so wonderful – on paper/online. When I arrived there, well … to be kind, I’ll just say, nope. Not so much. But, at that time the Chamber of Commerce was asking for entries about what a small town, more specifically – their small town – meant to the locals.

I wasn’t a local and it wasn’t about their town, but to me it’s the town I keep searching for. My someday small hometown.

Homesick …

Homesick … for a place I have never lived – never been. Where trees and hills cradle friendships, neighbors lend a hand, crickets sing their songs in wild concert.

I long to belong to a place that supports whomever you are or hope to be. Mainstreet welcoming strangers, strangers becoming family.

Evolving, caring, encompassing – where sunsets linger as long as neighbors on porches, sprinkling stories in periwinkle twilight and the calls to come home.

Home to a place I have never lived – never been. Where I can lay my head and breathe while fireflies kiss my dreams. Always welcome and embraced.

So I will never, ever again be … homesick.

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The Need for Cows …

September 22, 2022 ~ Thursday (very early morning – yawn!)

I can’t sleep. So what’s new?

I’ve been here, now, for 4 months. Time flies when you’re sick and unpacking boxes! It also flies when you are doing everything else.

I was lying in bed (mere moments ago) thinking of greener pastures. Literally. On the island I was surrounded by nature and all things green. Here … I am surrounded by concrete and all things beige. So, as I was trying to conjure up visions of green grass and sheep and counting what I miss about the island, my mind switched from all things ovine to all things bovine. Yeah – it sounds silly but … I miss the cows. Oh sure, I miss my friends. I miss the absolute beauty and tranquility of the island. I miss the natural surroundings and the wildlife and the slower pace. I miss the small town ease and familiarity and walkability. But, yeah … I miss the cows, too.

I am a small town girl at heart … a country-bumpkin one might say … but one who wants a Trader Joe’s nearby, too. And a few local cows wouldn’t hurt either!

I lived in Langley, on Whidbey Island, WA, for eight years. I could walk just about anywhere from my location – into town, to a winery, to the water, to the arts center, to the forests, and to a very sweet, very lovely little working farm.

The farm had goats (once) and has tons of flowers and produce and also … cows. I’d walk over to see them, from time to time, from my house (12 minutes or so … down my street, right down another, across the main road that leads to town, up the hill and around a curve) and feed them apples. Usually, I’d bring my own supply with me, but in autumn, I’d let their local apple trees provide the fruit. I’d glean whatever had fallen and using a trusty pocketknife, I’d cut the apples into quarters and hand feed the cows through the wire fencing. Nothing like a sticky, saliva-y, fat, white-pink tongue slobbering over the palm of your hand trying to suck in an apple! I loved it!

What can I say? I like cows!

While I favor just a handful of cow “types”, there are more than 70 recognized cattle breeds in the US and over 1000 worldwide! The “Oreo” of cows (the Belted Galloway) is my all time favorite. They are a bit shaggy, are a good beef cattle, and are an exceptionally calm and quiet cow. And, I just find them damn cute! And, for whatever reason, it seems they appear more often in folk art paintings than other types of cows. Why is that? Perhaps, it is because they are easier to paint than Holsteins (the black and white dairy cows). I know that if I were painting a pastoral setting, I’d do better painting a black cow with a white stripe around its middle than a spotted one … which, with my skills, would probably end up looking more like a Dalmation out standing in a field than a cow!

My other favs are Black Angus … they are primarily the nation’s “beef” cattle and the most common breed. I fell in love with these hunky beasts when I first came to Denver. We went to the National Western Stock Show (January 1980) and I couldn’t get enough of their stocky, muscular bodies, short legs, big heads and gorgeous black-velvet fur. If a cow can be beautiful, this one is.

But, I kind of think they are all beautiful, in their own ways. I think it’s the eyes. I love when an animal really looks at you … and when they do (to me) there is a little flutter in my soul. What is it with animals and that connection?

I also fancy Guernseys. They look like Holsteins but are a pretty caramel brown. They have straight backs, no horns, and are also gentle milk producers.

I like Jerseys, too. They are like the Guernsey and Holsteins in stature but are typically fawn or cream with cream markings with deer-like faces. They are docile and sweet and if you’ve ever looked at one of these creatures in the eye … your heart would surely melt a bit.

And, of course, Holsteins – the quintessential cow. Whenever anyone sees the word COW, I’d bet that is the image that comes to mind … the infamous black and white dairy cow … the image everyone draws or conjures up in thought.

I think my first encounter with a cow, when I first fell in love with all things COW, was when I was about five or six. Maybe younger. We had milk delivered to our house – the nice, old-fashioned glass milk bottles (with the cardboard stoppers) were brought to the doorstep by the milkman. I’d sit on the back steps awaiting his arrival. He used to come in a horse drawn cart … before my time … but when old enough to wait, I watched ours arrive by truck. And what a truck! It was a white truck from the Borden Dairy (established in 1857) with their logo on the side of a cow with a daisy behind her head. The cow’s name was Elsie. How I loved her! I even had a stuffed animal of her. It had a rubber/plastic head on a yellow/brown stuffed body which was in a sitting position (like a dog would sit – not how a cow would sit! That always bothered me!) Anyway – I loved that goofy cow cuddle baby. And my love affair with cows started with her and continues on!

In the Hindu religion, the cow is sacred (believing it to be a gift from the gods). Whenever I see a cow, I kind of have to agree. They are just some magnificent animals … offering so much and needing so little in return … and what faces! One can’t name a cow any ordinary name. No cow can be a Linda or a Karen or a Michael. The names Bossie, Flossie, Moo-Moo, Elmer, Milk Dud, Buttercup, and Bess come to mind. Yes, it needs to be special … a cow can’t have just any random name.

If I had a pet cow it would be named Emmaline, Mabel, Clara Belle or something like Eunice, Ruby, Violet, or Daisy. A good old-fashioned, sweet old lady name. And while I’m fantasizing about having a cow – I’ll go one step further …

On nice days (and in a fantasy – all the days are nice!) … we’d lie in the meadow (awash with wildflowers and grasses) watching fat dragonflies and dainty butterflies flit from flower to flower. All the while she’d be chewing her cud … her tasseled tail flicking off flies from her flanks … her long eyelashes lazily blinking in the sun … her front legs curled under her chest … her big, beautiful cow eyes looking lovingly at me … her softer than soft fur just begging to be petted. A girl can dream, right?

And, as much as I do love cows (on island or not) … I hate to say it as some (me included) would think me hypocritical … but I am also a huge fan of eating beef and liking leather (sueded/soft as butter/or pebbled – it doesn’t matter). All I can say is, well, it is what it is. I love my cows … and I admit that I like them just as much with a little char on them and maybe some onions and mushrooms on the side or as a nice pair of shoes or a pretty purse!

In any case … I need some cows!

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A Trip Down Memory Lane …

September 9, 2022 ~ Friday (night/it’s raining and now blissfully COOL!)

Hello Autumn! While this summer was brutal (in so many ways/and notice the PAST tense) … I’m not sure I’m quite ready for Fall. At least not in ONE DAY. What happened to the gradual sliding into the next season? But, with these much/much cooler temps, I think it has arrived. Yesterday was 99° … as were the past 5 days (somewhere between I’m-sick-of-sizzling 97° and bake-your-brains-out 99°). Today we topped out at 72° (maybe) and right now, at nearly 10pm – it’s raining and an unusually cool 52°! What a difference a day makes!

Tomorrow we are to warm up to 54° … tomorrow night we dip to 44°! Crazy. But, I’m not complaining. I’ve roasted this summer and right now I’m not getting a year’s worth of rain in one day – like southern CA. I’m not being evacuated because of a raging wildfire – like in too many places in the West. And, I’m not preparing for a hurricane (on both coasts) to whip off my roof/flood my streets/and make my life miserable.

Instead, I get to wear a sweater!

I tried one on tonight – as I’m pretty sure I haven’t had anything on my arms (but maybe once) since the first week in June. My arms took to it like my last dose of penicillin or if I’d taken a sip of champagne … ITCH-CITY! This is going to take some getting used to! The older I get the more sensitive I get to just about everything … clothes, food, animals, environmental anything. In another 10 years I’m going to have to join a nudist colony … in a bubble!

I’m not sure I’m ready for “sweater weather” (though I love it) … but as I look at the next two weeks’ forecast … we’ll be dropping into the low 80s and high 70s. Today and this weekend are just a jolting reminder that the summer heat will not last (thank god!) – but it’ll come back for a last hurrah and by the end of ten more days, we’ll all be really ready for the cooler temps of autumn.

I’ve been realizing that being back in Denver poses the same issues as whenever I’ve moved before … as in, I need new doctors (dentist/derm/primary/eye). Yesterday I drove to my eye appointment. The dr. is new to me … well, not completely. Her parents were our first neighbors when we moved to Denver in 1979! I knew Amy when she was an infant. And there she was – forty years later with a two year old at home herself – examining my old eyeballs! Full circle.

I loved the drive to her office. I drove up (old) South Broadway which is now known by locals as SoBo. It is a busy 4-laner which goes from one end of the Denver metro area to the other (north/south) and right through downtown. Now that old area houses an eclectic mix of craft breweries, eateries, rooftop patios, antique stores and about a million pot shops (my friend today regarded it as “The Green Mile”). Back in the 1980s and ’90s when I knew it best, it had a much different feel … a bit more run down … mostly antique shops … some old, crappy (don’t you dare go in) taverns … too many vacuum and razor stores. Times are a’changin’ once again … as gypsy Madam LaRue’s shop (complete with crystal ball readings) has been replaced with a Starbucks.

And while I remember some of it from those decades when I lived here before, I wish I could have been in a time machine just to see what that strip of 3-4 blocks looked like some 60-70 years ago … back in the ’50s and ’60s. I imagine the corner shop was a drug store – complete with a soda fountain and a jangly bell on the door. The quaint windowed double store front was possibly a diner with a jukebox. I could just imagine those pink or red booths and a black and white tile floor. The worn down (and now some empty) shops once housed the neighborhood “necessary” shops … block after block of what made a community a community … butchers, bakeries, barber and beauty shops, book stores and cleaners. The shops that the locals walked to … the delis, the shoe stores, the women’s boutiques.

As I drove along I saw an old touristy motel with its large, rotating sign atop a tall pole … the Lucky ‘U’ Motel … complete with a big cloverleaf. I remember going by that place eons ago when they were filling in the parking lot swimming pool. I felt a wave of nostalgia as I passed by. It’s now filled in with tired landscaping and the whole motel is looking like it’s seen (much) better days. Oh how I wished I could have a minute’s glimpse of a hot summer’s day back in 1963 with city visitors laughing, going down the pool’s turquoise curved slide and tossing striped beach balls to one another and splashing around in its cool waters.

A far cry from the tattoo parlors and liquor stores that seem now to be on every corner in that area.

All that made me wish I could pop back to 1968 or so … when I was old enough to go to the shopping center with my girlfriends and walk around by ourselves! Someone’s mom drove us and while she shopped, that gave us a whole hour or so to be on our own! Delightful!!!! So, what did we do with this new-found freedom? We headed straight to Woolworth’s. OMG. I’d love to walk through an old Woolworth’s today! They had EVERYTHING. If you’ve ever been in one, you know what I mean … from fish to aprons to toys to hardware … cosmetics, slips, shoes … and the BEST luncheonette anywhere on the planet.

As I type I can almost smell the greasy burgers frying on the flattop. We girls sat at an aqua booth with the laminate table top that looked like little colored boomerangs were embedded in it. (My brother’s desktop was the same laminate. Lucky him!) We’d order cokes and fries (using as much ketchup as a football team) … and just enjoyed smelling everyone else’s lunches. We didn’t have the money to buy “real” food but those fries and cokes were heavenly. And the freedom was, too!

As an adult, and new in Denver in 1979, I worked at an oil and gas company in the “mailbox building” downtown. It never occurred to me (what an IDIOT I was!) to bring gym shoes to work and slip them on when I ventured out at lunchtime to walk the downtown corridor. Oh no! I was too cute to be sensible! I’d walk from my building to the old Woolworth’s building – roughly 6 blocks. I walked blocks and blocks and BLOCKS (in any weather – snow/rain/sun) in my lilac suede Candies slip ons with the 4″ heels (I called them my “hooker shoes” – for obvious reasons)! I’d walk all the way down to Woolworths, buy a slice of the BEST pizza anywhere in town, and carry it back to my desk/inside a wax paper envelope. By the time I got back to the office and my desk/my feet were sore and the grease from the pizza had saturated the wax paper. It was a glorious lunch break!

I thought of all this in a matter of minutes as I drove along passing all those old shops and places. Good thing I didn’t run a red light while so distracted. It would have been hard to explain to a young cop (but an old one would have enjoyed the memories with me and given me a warning, I’m sure!) There’s nothing like a nice trip down Memory Lane.

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Time is Fleeting …

September 4, 2022 ~ Sunday (late night/Monday early morning … 95° today though blissfully cool in the house now – finally/for once!)

It’s after midnight … I just turned off my window a/c unit but the three fans are still whirring up the dust in my tiny (now all autumn-decked) home. I should be in bed, waiting for Mr. Sandman to visit, counting sheep and/or luring all things slumber-related to come my way … but, here I am/sitting at my computer needing to get this out.

We all know I’m a “one and done” kind of gal … if I don’t get my thoughts down on paper – (aka my computer) as good/or otherwise as they may be – they are gone – as fleeting as Ethiopian marathon runners, first glances and teenage crushes.

I am organizing my office (still) and realized tonight that I’ve been here 100 days (and then some). Where does the time go? I have asked myself that very question several times tonight as I perused the contents of my files … old copies of this and that and then I came upon my writing folder …

I started a novel one day, long ago, as I sat at my kitchen counter. The words just poured out of me. I wrote for hours. It was a luxury and fabulously freeing and I remember the peace and contentment that washed over me when I stopped that afternoon … and whenever I’d pick up the story and add more to it.

Tonight I found a date on it … farther in the past than I ever expected … April 1993! WHAT???? I wrote that nearly 30 years ago??? How can that possibly be? I was so taken aback that it had been so long ago when I started that story. I dug farther into my file and found another story I wrote back in 2004 … and yet another all the way back in 1977. I was immediately awash in disbelief and a bit of (what I can only describe as) sorrow. How many years have I let go by without doing SOMETHING with these writings? How many stories are still in my head? How many titles and snippets of ideas are written down on scraps of paper/packed into that portfolio? Too many.

What have I been doing all these years?

Life. I’ve been “doing” life. You get busy with the day-to-day … with your marriage and house and kids and all those things that go with all those things. And suddenly, it’s 30 years later and you’re sitting on a loveseat in your living room at midnight wondering where the time went.

And, as I sat on that loveseat, in amazement at how quickly the time has flown and, at the same time, I was equally amazed at how it seems like no time has passed at all – like it was yesterday that those words flowed from my fingers.

Time … it’s elusive. We tend to think we have so much of it … but this year – probably because I’m now carrying a Medicare card – I’m feeling the crunch. That little voice inside me is suddenly not whispering anymore – it’s stronger, louder … telling me to DO SOMETHING!

It’s human nature, I think, to do our chores/make a living/put others and other things before ourselves. At least, I know, on my ever-present to-do list … anything personal is at the bottom and rarely gets done. But why do we do that? That which brings joy to our soul should be on the top of our list … or at least in the top half!

I know someone who wants to quit their job and seek out that which brings them joy and fulfillment. It’s a scary, gutsy and risky decision. But, from personal experience … the time is never right. It’s never the right time to quit your job, have a baby, move. Whatever that “thing” is … there is never a perfect or right time. You just have to do it.

And why not take that leap? That proverbial leap into the unknown … before life passes us by? It, this life/this time, goes by too fast to wait any longer. What am I (we) waiting for?

There’s a quote up on my bulletin board that states, “We can’t become what we desire, while staying who we are.” It’s time. The days are fleeting. Go pursue your joy.

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Gadzooks … it’s Bazooka!

It all started the night of my last blog post. It was late and my sweet tooth was wide awake. I’m not much of a “sweets” person but a hot, gooey, melty chocolate chip cookie from the oven sounded pretty good. And in “a cookie”, I mean FIVE!

I have a tub of Pillsbury cookie dough in my refrigerator. It is the bane of my existence! I am having the same relationship with that damn tub as I have with my computer or my sewing machine or pretty much anything else that doesn’t work when it should … one of love/hate.

So, after baking and eating said yummy delights, I needed to brush my teeth well. I didn’t need any residual cookie (albeit goodness) anywhere attacking my pearly whites. So, there I was getting ready for bed and I pulled out the tube of toothpaste from my cabinet. The last time I was at the grocery store, I grabbed a new box of toothpaste off the shelf and threw it in my cart. I’m a Crest gal and without my reading glasses on – one Crest box’s graphics look like another’s. If it has the name Crest on it – it goes home with me. Well, what I didn’t know – until I squished some out onto my toothbrush and popped it into my unsuspecting mouth – was that I picked up a tube of “Kids Crest” … which is, omg, BUBBLEGUM FLAVORED!

My initial reaction was, “Gadzooks … it’s Bazooka!”

And then … why would anyone buy this? How many tubes are sold a year? (There I go counting things again!) Who came up with this and why did they think this was a good idea? And why, for God’s sake, is the “Kids” part of the logo so tiny that it kind of blends in with the Crest letters, making it all too easy to miss that part and take it home and use it (at least once).

So, there I was with a mouth full of bubblegum toothpaste and instantly I was transported to some Halloween of yore when getting bubblegum – specifically Bazooka – was such a treat. Dubble Bubble was okay … but Bazooka was the best! Not only did you get pliable, somewhat long-lasting, chewy bubblegum (and big bubbles) … but you got a COMIC, too! (Keep in mind that I’m a child of the late 50s and it was a simpler time! So, this was a thrilling inclusion!)

All of this flashed in my brain in a nanosecond of thought while my taste buds were trying to figure out if they were supposed to be delighted or repulsed! Was I to chew this mouthful of toothpaste or spit it out as soon as I was able?

And it all made me wonder about that gum but even before the thought of gum entered my mind … I thought of the downfall of society! Why did we always have to make things so cushy-easy for our kids and future generations? When I was a kid, we didn’t have bubblegum flavored toothpaste and we turned out pretty good! We brushed our teeth with nasty baking soda powder cupped in our hand and mixed with a little water (from a stream or if we were lucky a hand pump at a well). We did so with horse hair bristles that got stuck in our teeth … while walking 5 miles to school every day, after getting up at dawn and doing hours of daily chores … in 2 feet of snow … uphill … both ways … 24/7/365.

Okay – so maybe that’s not believable. I get it. I grew up in Chicago and there were no hills. But also no bubblegum flavored toothpaste.

After I got over the shock of the flavor (and I spit it out) – my mind quickly went to that good ol’ Bazooka bubblegum.

When was the last time I had a piece? Why was there a comic wrapping the piece of gum? Who made up those little blurbs? Why was the guy named Bazooka Joe? And why, for God’s sake was he wearing a turtleneck sweater all the time? Who, besides Waldo (of “Where’s Waldo” fame) and Diane Keaton wears a turtleneck 24/7? And is this yummy bit of chewy goodness still around today? So – I did a little research.

Here are my findings:

We can thank Walter E. Diemer for inventing bubblegum in 1928 (by accident during a work break) while working for the Fleer Gum Company. His original concoction was an unappetizing gray in color so – he added red food dye (the only color he had on hand) and it turned the gum pink. This gum became known as Dubble Bubble and opened the floodgates of bubblegumdom. He was 93 years old when he passed in 1998.

Originally a Topps Chewing Gum Company product, Bazooka bubblegum started production in 1947 but was repackaged with the Bazooka Joe comics (Bazooka Joe and his GANG/as they were referred to … consisting of seven different characters) and new colored wrappers in 1953. I couldn’t find anything that explained why they decided to wrap the gum in a comic or the origination of the name. But it was novel and I imagine it brought in a lot of sales. Woody Gelman and Ben Solomon were the brains behind the first comics and Wesley Morse was the original artist. There are 1535 different comic-strip wrappers … dating from the beginning until sometime in 2013 when they were discontinued. These comics contained silly, childish jokes … ads for “must have” merchandise like pop-guns and Sea Monkeys … and a fortune at the bottom (akin to what is found in fortune cookies). Remarkably, they are now collectibles.

In 2012, due to a decrease in sales, Bazooka Candy Brands (then owner) announced they were discontinuing the comic wrappers. They did however make a new wrapper that would include brain teasers, instructions, and codes that could be used to unlock videos and video games (oh, changing times!). Bazooka Joe and other characters would appear on the new packaging from time to time.

Strauss-Elite took over the brand in the 1980s and Bazooka bubblegum is still in production today. And, as gross as it sounds … there is also Bazooka flavored marshmallows as well as flavored milk! Ew!

So, there you have it. The incomplete history of Bazooka bubblegum! And, what was the most profound bit of info I learned? … that Bazooka Joe was NOT the character in the turtleneck! What??? Joe was the kid with the baseball hat on and an eye patch! What was with that? Was he a ball playing pirate? Why the patch? And all these years I thought Joe was the “other” guy! Huh!

Hopefully you are now enlightened about bubblegum … and all because I grabbed the wrong toothpaste! Chew on!

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Things Have Been Heating Up …

August 18, 2022 ~ Thursday (night … 11pm … a lovely 68°)

It’s one of those balmy nights that usually don’t happen in this area. Usually, in the summer, the nights turn cool once the sun goes down. We are high desert, after all. But, this summer has been anything but usual.

If anyone knows anything about me – it’s that I’m a numbers gal. I count. I walk and I count steps (I hate it, but I do it). It must be an OCD thing. While other people walk and take in the sights and solve the problems of the world … I count. Like I said I count my steps … but I also count bunnies and deer (or at least I used to on the island) and certain colored cars, etc. I’m a counter.

As of today, I am roughly 23,822 days old. I’ve lived in CO for roughly 12,000 days. My dog, Annie, is roughly 4,213 days old. I walked 7826 steps yesterday. And I was in WA just shy of 2880 days. And so it goes.

I’m also obsessed with all things weather. So, it should come as no shock that I count things weather-related or at least take stock in the numbers pertaining to certain seasons … mainly the temperatures. It all kind of goes hand in hand. I should have been a meteorologist or at least a researcher for the NWS (National Weather Service). I always thought that if I was a TV weather personality, my nightly closing quip would have been, “Darkness … clearing by morning”. I realize now, I probably wouldn’t have had that job very long!

So, tonight I wanted nothing more than to sit outside on the deck, under the Edison bulb lights strung in the tree branches over the table and read. I thought I’d listen to the cricket-song and take in the breezes. But, my neighbor decided on having a pot-fest and the smell of skunk permeated the air so I was forced back inside. The air inside wasn’t much better – the breezes just wafted all that odorous air into my house! And … I had taken a walk earlier in the sun and 88° heat and it kind of melted my brain and fried me (once again) from the inside out. It’s been like living in a giant microwave oven this summer. So, instead of being outside, I found myself cooling off by the fan and counting up these past summer days according to their temperatures. Not including heat indexes … just good ol’ plain temps.

I’ve been here now for 93 days. I arrived on the 20th of May to temps in the 30s and two hours before 7″ of snow. That whole first week we didn’t make it past the mid 60s. The day before my arrival (and all that snow) was 89°. Crazy weather here. Crazy weather everywhere.

Of the remaining 87 days … there were 59 days over 85° … 46 of those days were over 90° … 21 of those 46 were 95° or higher. Two of those days were 100°. No wonder I’ve been feeling like a rotisserie chicken on a spit! For a NW wimp … this was a brutal reacquaintance with the season. For what it’s worth – I put in my order for a summer of high 70s to mid 80s. And … had I stayed in Langley, I would have gotten those days! The island is having fabulously luscious summer weather. All it took was for me to leave!

I left CO back in 2012 … the state’s hottest summer on record. Back-to-back days of 105° were recorded … the hottest ever in Denver. And to have multiple days … well, I’m just glad I was not here. I was sweltering in Chicago … I remember those 3-cold-shower days well! But, that summer in Chicago was nothing compared to the summer of 1934. My parents were five years old and they lived through the hottest day on record – ever – in the Windy City … 109° sizzling degrees!

Just two years ago, in 2020, the summer here was hot … having 75 days of 90° or higher temps. This year, in comparison, with a mere 46 days … I don’t know what I’ve been complaining about! It’s hard to have perspective … to me this summer has been dreadful. But, I’m coming off of eight years of NW island summers where a “hot” day was if we hit 72° and when I had to worry about my neighbors having heatstroke if the temps went any higher! Those mild days are a far cry from the roasty-toasty days of summer we’ve had here.

Tonight I looked at the forecast coming up for the rest of the month and for these last two weeks of August, we will be averaging out at 84°. I am breathing easier … and breathing a sigh of relief. I can do 80s! This lobster won’t need to worry about broiling any longer … but to be on the safe side, I’ll be staying away from melted butter.

In any case … I need to stop looking at the weather forecasts … and counting things up … it’s not going to change how hot it is or where the seasons ahead are headed. Scary as things do keep heating up – which makes me wonder why on Earth, I ever thought I could live in the South?! I’d be a fried sweet potato in no time!

Here’s wishing you cooler temps/wherever you may be … and a good rest of Summer. It’s going to go by in a flash and soon enough we’ll all be counting the days until its arrival once again.

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The Honeymoon …

August 9, 2022 ~ Tuesday afternoon (hiding out in the dining room with the window a/c cranked up as it’s a sunny and roasty 95° outside … hotter tomorrow!)

I’m still organizing. Filing. Sorting. Purging. Setting things aside to “look at later”. Funny how big that pile is getting!

In going through my office piles and files, I came upon this story. It is the 1000-word story that I wrote for a short-story challenge last Fall. I advanced to the second round with this and then had to write another story in a 24 hour period. I put off writing the next one til the night it was due (typical) but … that was the night that Annie bit Bea (she/we ended up traumatized but fine) and well, story #2 never materialized before the deadline. Too bad as I love these challenges.

There were four requirements for this challenge: maximum word count of 1000 words … it must include a dam as the location, there must be a lizard in it, and the genre was romance/suspense. Hope you enjoy.

The Honeymoon …

“Damn!” he hissed.

His words sounded more like water escaping a tea kettle than an expletive. Exasperation, expectation, exhaustion were all wrapped up in that one word.

We stood there gawking. We’d come to the end of the road … well, metaphorically speaking. We had been making our way through forest undergrowth and now stood atop a high cliff – the only road in sight was the one we needed to get to. Below us was nothing but pine trees, rocky soil and a huge body of water; to our left was the road and the dam’s concrete structure – gray and foreboding. It reminded me of the witch’s castle in The Wizard of Oz. We’d fended off a wild pig earlier … I was in no mood for flying monkeys.

“You mean DAM!” I quipped, as I pointed at the massive walls. “At least I can take as many dam pictures as I want. Right?” I smiled, hoping to lighten the moment.

I am a Film Studies teacher and had watched so many movies in my lifetime. How many of those had dams in them? Life imitates art and everybody lives happily ever after, right? No jail cells?

I needed to clear my head – so, I did what I thought would help … I pulled on Liam’s shirt and drew him in close and kissed him. Not a peck on the cheek, but a slow, soft, lingering kiss. It didn’t help with my head, but it was good. Damn good. Or should I say … dam good.

“Whatta we do now, Butch?” I asked him when our lips parted.

His name is Liam but I’d been calling him Butch. The name on my birth certificate is Loretta but my folks, being the hippies that they are, have always called me Sundance. His nickname seemed to fit our situation.

You can understand why visions of Redford and Newman were running through my head. Butch and Sundance at the top of a cliff – nowhere to go … I was hoping this pairing didn’t have to resort to jumping.

I checked the small cage I was carrying – the lizard was fine. She had no idea what danger we were in or how important she was. You lucky innocent bitch, I thought.

What were we doing? We had come all this way to get married and somehow got embroiled in an international smuggling scheme that involved, of all things, a rare lizard! Who does this?

Apparently, we do. Or I should say, I do … as I did … but my husband-to-be didn’t. He dumped me at the altar. I needed to get away and so went on what was to be our honeymoon with some guy from the Save the Lizards group. They needed a woman … the pieces fell into place, and here we are.

“We get to the dam, do some acting, and then hand over Sheila.” he looked at me with those big, chocolate pudding eyes. I could get lost in those, I thought. Along the way he had named the contraband reptile, Sheila. She’s a Shelia as much as I’m a Loretta. He, however, fits his names nicely.

He shrugged off his pack – a regular Sherpa. We wanted the officials to think … a crazy, pregnant couple on a hiking babymoon. What wasn’t normal about that? Everything! We weren’t a couple, I wasn’t pregnant, and we were helping smuggle an endangered, highly valuable reptile out of a foreign country … under a specially padded shirt! I just hoped my acting skills were up to feigning labor and that the ambulance would arrive before the police. Our hand-off contact was the delivery doctor at the hospital. I was rather proud of myself for coming up with this part of the plan – after Fools Rush In. If Salma Hayek could go into labor atop a dam – why couldn’t I?

Liam was Macgyvering our ropes for the descent. His given name fit better now. It was more serious. And this was serious.

I secured the cage and we roped together. Rappelling would come back to me, right? Thanks, Mr. T. for the climbing wall and ropes course in PE! I took a deep breath.

Liam went first and I followed. I supposed if I fell then he’d catch me … or I’d knock him over and we’d both go down the mountainside. I pushed off the rocks but there were so many overhangs and tree limbs. For a moment, I felt like we were in the tree in Jurassic Park. Thankfully the lizard we were harboring was a bit smaller than the ones in that film. Stealthily we lowered ourselves adjacent to the dam road.

We sat, going over the plan as we watched the sky turn from blue to pink. I hoped it was a good omen – a cotton candy sky – but what did I know about omens? More than I knew about rare lizards, that was for sure!

I tucked the cage into my shirt as we set off towards the dam wall – rocks skittering under our feet. There was no one around as he pushed me up onto the ledge of the wall; with a slight thud, I landed on the other side. Scaling a wall with a valuable lizard on your belly is no small feat! Liam jumped against the wall and climbed to reach the ledge. Mr. Parkour scrambled up like he’d been doing this all his life. Who was this guy?

We strolled along as tourists would do and then gave an Oscar-worthy performance. The ambulance whisked us to the hospital. As soon as the doctor entered the delivery room, I handed over Sheila. Liam and I stood beaming as if I’d actually given birth to her.

The doctor looked inside the cage and back at us and asked, “What the hell is this?”

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When Nothing is Everything …

August 5, 2022 ~ Friday morning (already too hot at 93° at 10:30 am … )

It’s my first extended summer in CO in ten years … and, to put it mildly, there’s been a LOT to contend with. The first six weeks had me fatigued and feeling a need for more O2 … and the dual ear/sinus infection didn’t help matters, either. The upside was I realized I had no free-floating organs or I certainly would have coughed one up. The heat/sun were furnace-like especially compared to the NW temps I had just left … where a warm summer day hovered around 68°. And I had to find places for things that used to fit into 3000 square feet of house … and fit them into 830 square feet instead. I won’t even mention the difference in traffic from the island to here … and the noise … or the constant bombarding over-stimulation.

I’m feeling MUCH better … have gotten rid of most of the ailments, except the cough (and yes, I tested for Covid = neg all 4x), have gotten used to the thinner air and altitude – I am no longer gasping at night while sleeping, am getting used to using a vat of lip gloss and lotion on a daily basis, have liters of cold water waiting for my needed hydration, have set up the house having unpacked 4 million boxes, and while it still feels like I’m on an extended vacation – I’m settling in.

This morning I let the dogs out and left the back door open so they could come and go and I could flop back down in the bed at 7:03 … too early for me. However, I fell fast asleep again, weird dreams and all, and woke up feeling HOT. I should have corralled the dogs and closed the outer door (early on) as the house was already a whopping 82° – with three fans and the a/c going full blast. This house, built in 1911, holds the heat … or it leaks like a sieve and lets the heat in. I guess I’ll find out this winter … if I’m cozy or freezing!

Anyway, as I was lusciously, lazily laying in bed … I was thinking about “things” as one does when their thoughts aren’t focused on anything and then the brain does a free-fall and goes to places one has been too busy to dwell upon … akin to an in-box with a “tend to later” file.

So, there I was thinking over the last 10 weeks (yes, I’ve been here since late mid-May!) … and I was thinking of how often someone will do something for another and say, “Oh, it was nothing.” … when, actually, that deed, gesture, utterance, connection or assistance of some kind was, indeed, EVERYTHING.

And it’s usually not the BIG things we think of when this comes to mind. It’s the small things that truly are second nature to someone … an open door, a helping hand, a sweet compliment or smile … that hit the core of our being and makes our souls lighter … our hearts soar … our spirits lifted.

I remember back sixteen years ago when my husband, Tim, had just passed. It was the day after. It was the first day in over 27 years that he was not in my life. I felt hollow, shattered, numb. I was pretty sure my heart was going to fall out of my body and break into a million pieces as it felt like it was going to do every day for the 148 days before his passing. It was late morning and I was sitting on the front porch reminding myself to breathe and I noticed a woman walking past the house, along the sidewalk, with a box in her hand. She turned up our driveway and I got up to meet her. She said she was from a neighborhood women’s group – had heard about Tim’s passing – and she handed me the box and said they had put together lunch for us. I don’t remember if we hugged. I have no idea (to this day) who this woman was or who was in that group or how they knew (???). I don’t remember what was in the box. I just remember being so deeply touched by this lovely, out-of-the-blue, simple gesture of neighborliness and empathy. I think of that offering often.

And, not to say that everything else we received during that time wasn’t so profoundly appreciated – because it was … but this was a complete stranger. She couldn’t have blown me away any more than if she sprouted wings and flew up into the clouds. An angel amongst us.

But, I’ve had many angels in my life. I hope, in reflection, that when reading this you realize that you, too, have had those moments of “nothing being everything”.

This past month I lunched with a good friend. We met a million years ago (roughly 33) when my son entered her kindergarten classroom. She is the one who told me I didn’t ‘know what I had’ (meaning: brilliant Ted). Sam was fortunate enough to have her, as well. I’m certain there was no better way to start out their educational journeys than with Miss Linda! We became and stayed friends, through thick and thin (life and bodies), and there I was sitting in the coolness (it was another blazing hot day) of her dining room. The table was set with placemats and cloth napkins and sweet bunny napkin rings of pewter. We had chicken salad and I just remember thinking that it had been a LONG time since anyone made me anything to eat … and that this was just so lovely. I think it also came at a time when I was just DONE with all that I was doing and was tired/hot/finally feeling human again but exhausted and spent. And this sweet outpouring of caring, nurturing, friendship and love filled me up (along with the chicken salad). And maybe that all played into the specialness of that lunch but maybe not … it may have been just a casual “nothing” lunch to her and her husband … but it was everything to me.

And so it goes … it’s the small things. The whipped cream pup cup at Starbucks because the girl saw the dog in the back seat on a horribly hot day when we were coming home from the vet’s office … sitting side by side with my daughter in the movie theater, jumping out of our collective skins when dinosaurs popped out of from their hiding spots in the newest Jurassic Park movie … a random call from my son, late at night, to talk about his recent podcast.

All day-to-day normal things … seemingly nothing … but, at the same time … everything.

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The Value of …

July 17, 2022 ~ Sunday afternoon (currently 85° inside the house/99° outside … another scorcher!)

My island friends are probably shaking their heads at me … muttering “be careful what you wish for” and all that. I wanted more heat than the current summer temp of 59° in Langley/on the island for my summer. Well, I certainly got it when I moved! Since my arrival we’ve had two days of 100° … 19 days over 90° and a forecast for six more before the month is over. Yeah – be careful what you wish for. This is ridiculous. It’s just too hot! Global warming/climate change. Yep.

The house and yard, with the exception of a large “What do I do with this stuff?” pile in my office, are done. As in DONE. The sod and bark are in. The flowers have been planted – sometimes twice because they fried in this intense sun and heat. I’ve forgotten what it is like to have to WATER! Oops – sorry plants! The house is put together and sans some reorganizing in my office and a few projects here and there (painting the bath/extending the deck) … I’m done. Yay.

I need a nap!

Actually, yesterday I got one. And after waking up from an apparent Rip Van Winkle slumber where I slept through a wind storm (big branch off the front tree) and torrential rain (for an hour), I was thinking about the value of a good nap. Yesterday’s nap wasn’t the best … I woke up upside down on the chaise/face planted nearly 3″ from the box fan/too warm/too groggy. I think I had been drooling. But … apparently, it was needed.

But a “good” nap is one where you slip between cool, soft sheets and there is a lovely little breeze and upon closing your eyes, and before even realizing it, you are transported to dreamland. Those are invaluable nap times. I need one of those (but won’t get one until it cools down).

But that nap got me thinking about value. And not just the value of a good nap.

Yesterday I participated in a grief workshop. Not thinking the content would be too new/thought-provoking, I did it mostly to support my dear island friend who specializes in grief therapy and sudden loss. I didn’t think I was a workshop therapy type of gal. I was wrong. There was a lot of value in that time spent. The workshop was nothing but eye opening (in a good way) and soothing. I learned more than expected and I liked her approach … not one of “get over it and move on” which is often the course of these programs. Along the way we did a grounding exercise with deep breaths and I think that is what transported me to Comaville and my nap after the class. I was so relaxed! I had not “stopped” doing something … packing, unpacking, organizing, purging, loading, unloading, gardening, tending, moving, driving, decorating, etc etc etc … since early March. I stopped doing yesterday for 3 hours and turned into a pile of mush. Also in a good way. There is value in slowing down/stopping/relaxing. I need to do that more often. Don’t we all?! (And if you or anyone you know is having a hard time with a loss – recent or not – please check out: … I know it would be beneficial. Dr. Jennifer Levin’s clients are of all ages/backgrounds/areas and she has a variety of offerings.)

And in taking her workshop, I was reminded of the value of a good friend. I miss my island buds who are still there and those who have also fled the rock for various locations. But, I love that I can now see my good, “old” CO friends … ones that ten years ago I said good-bye to and since then our contact has been mostly online, on the phone, or at rare times as in-person visits. Some friends I lost along the way. Such is life. It happens. But, those that stayed with me … thank you, dear friends. It’s lovely to be back and pick up right where we left off. I just went to lunch with a friend whom I haven’t seen in person for over 3 years … and it was like we’d been doing lunch all that time. I finally saw my beloved sister in law today … not a beat skipped. It has been lovely. I value all my friendships … island or mainland … near or far.

And then there are the other values … the ones where not everyone sees eye to eye about. The contentious ones. The ones that cause friendships and relationships to strain and break. The values or lack of that make many of us question … WTF?!

There is too much political strife going on these days … it seeps into our personal lives and it is exhausting and upsetting and scary. Where do we go from here? If you haven’t read The Handmaid’s Tale, I urge you to do so. In no uncertain terms, it’ll scare the shit out of you. I read it when the candidates were vying for nomination back in 2014. The book was published in 1985 (which is shocking to me) and was so horrifying to me in a “this could be our future, if we’re not careful” sort of way … and well, it’s all starting to look like a too- real possibility.

I value free speech. I value our freedoms. I value life and the right to life … and that also includes 6-year-olds in school classrooms and 10-year old pregnant rape victims. All of a sudden the abortion issue is in our face again and the right to life advocates are in a frenzy. How about the right to live without fear? How about the right to life without being ripped apart and dying by gunfire when you’re a child learning your ABC’s because assault rifles are still okay to obtain? It seems that more people are concerned about protecting a fetus than the elementary child. The dead have more rights to their bodies now than women. How is that possible? What are people thinking? What happened to us? How about some good old, ethics, integrity, common sense, intelligence, morals and values by our politicians who are supposed to represent us? How about the same from each of us? Is that asking too much?

It’s all about values. Who has them. Who does not. Who and what are we aligning ourselves with? Do they share our same values? If we don’t know or haven’t thought about it for a while, it’s probably a good time to take a look and see what and who is of value to each of us. (And then do something about it.)

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This and That … Fireworks, Freedom, and Feeling Good

July 6, 2022 ~ Wednesday afternoon (82 lovely degrees/sun with puffy clouds)

I’ve started this post in my head half a dozen times in the last two weeks. One day it was about something … the next day it was about something else … and today, I can’t remember anything that seemed worthy of writing about.

I’m blaming my frizzled brain cells on the Colorado heat (too many high-90 degree days w/10% humidity)/dust/intense sun … the altitude that fogged my brain … and the antibios that made me feel worse not better.

The 4th was this past weekend … on the upside I watched Yankee Doodle Dandy starring James Cagney. I’ve seen it before but it was fabulous (again) and made me want to get new tap shoes. That guy could dance! Move over Fred and Gene! Movies were movies in 1942! On the downside, my new neighborhood was like a war zone on Saturday night. Why are pop-up firework sellers able to sell illegal fireworks? We all know people will shoot them off! Annie was so terrorized (the dog that hears very little) that she was climbing onto the chaise with me at 11pm and tucking her head under my arm. If there was room in my pajamas for her to climb into, she would have! Poor baby. What are people thinking? Aren’t there enough vets out there with PTSD for others to think that maybe firing off 112 pounds of explosives might not be a good thing?

Don’t get me started on what the people of this country are thinking … banning abortion rights, enacting voter suppression laws, loosening gun regulations. God forbid any 20 year old (or anyone) should have to have a background check before purchasing an AR-15 rifle – a gun whose bullets travel three times faster than a typical hand gun. It is a semi-automatic. Not something you’d go quail hunting with unless you just wanted feathers. This destroys anything it hits – it rips apart flesh and organs rendering whomever/whatever is hit with irreparable damage. This gun’s sole purpose is for shooting PEOPLE. No one needs this gun. And yet, gun regulations are relaxing. And here we are with yet other mass shooting. Highland Park, IL isn’t too far from where I grew up … a beautiful area – north of Chicago/right on the lake, big trees, old homes, a quiet/lovely town. Sickening. There have been 314 mass shootings THIS YEAR … so far. What the hell are we waiting for?

Pro-gun advocates cite and defend the 2nd Amendment. I don’t buy it. Too bad the writers of the constitution were talking about muskets and single shot weapons … about defending their homes and families and not about the abuse and recklessness that is now associated with this ideology. No one at that time could have foretold how far things would go in this country some two hundred plus years later. I can only imagine how dismayed and disgusted they would be that their words were taken at the initial level and not including current-day common sense, intelligent thinking or codas.

SOMETHING has to change. Not much is happening to quell or stop these incidents. It’s time for us to ACT. I don’t know how – but I think voting is a good start.

If that doesn’t work … Portugal is looking better and better.

Every 4th I think I’m going to read the Declaration of Independence. And, except for a handful of years, I have not done so. But, the week isn’t over and I still think I’d like to do that.

I had someone ask me last week, if I could go back in time, what career path would I now choose? Good question. I’m one of those people who could never do just ONE thing for my lifetime … well, except for being a mom. What careers would I have done? Or maybe, what SHOULD I have done? So many options in the Land of the Free.

I always think I haven’t used my brain power as much as I should have. I pretty much messed up my body in a fall in high school – so, anything physical would have been out of the question … but my brain power hasn’t been tapped enough. I love animals … and at one time I wanted to be a vet. But, I don’t do well with body fluids (of any kind) and so, that was not to be. BUT … perhaps some sort of research would have been a good choice. At the time I was in college I didn’t know what my options were.

I would have made a good private eye … again, I have good research skills and am a stickler for detail. I’m a puzzle solver. Maybe one of those Fed code breakers would have been a good option.

For a long time I wanted to work at the UN … not as a translator but as a tour guide. I love museums and tours, old buildings, educating people. Maybe I should have been an historian. (Job options akin to having a degree in Russian poetry.)

I’ve always loved to write … and (yet) I’ve still got all those kid/pug/fairytale books in my head! I also have an eagle-eye and love the editorial process and the written word – perhaps I should have done more editorial work?

I thought journalism would be fun until I realized I wasn’t willing to put in the hours (on call for a fire alarm at 3am) or covering the local Jam Making/Canning Contest – stuff I didn’t care a whiff about.

Had I the talent, perhaps I would have been a stand-up comedienne or a country singer!

I don’t know what I would have done … I just know I loved my oil and gas job and all my years in sales. And I’d do the mom-thing all over again, if given that chance. That was so much fun!

So, yes, a thought-provoking/good question which led me back to the issue of Freedom and the 4th. We are afforded such limitless freedoms (sometimes too much) in this country. Why aren’t people (generally speaking) nicer, better, happier, more helpful, and more educated? I just don’t get it. It is one of those things I find myself pondering when I’m sitting on the porch reading or when in the shower and my mind wanders.

In the wake of recent political and national news and continued Covid infections … I hope you take the time in the next month or so to determine if you are not happy with the direction this country is taking; and if not, that you decide to take some action. That is how we change things … it is one of our basic freedoms.

And, finally … I am feeling better. It’s been six weeks since I arrived here in CO. I’ve been sicker than a dog for almost five of them. Between the air quality/pollen/altitude issues/dust/unpacking/sheer exhaustion/and heat I managed to whip up a good dual ear and sinus infection. So, aside from still not hearing anything – I am (finally) feeling more human and better/good.

Wishing you well and good thinking.

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Landing in Littleton … another new start … sort of

June 6, 2022 … Monday (84 degrees/cloudy/stormy skies in the distance)

And here we are … again.

I left Littleton on a sunny May morning back in 2012 (Chicago-bound) and arrived back again on another May morning … ten years later … with snow in the forecast. The major difference I notice is that the trees are bigger. Oddly, much of everything else has stayed the same.

Over two weeks ago I stuffed a suitcase, a few favorite small plants, some valuables, and the dogs (Annie/12 yr old/93# lab and Bea/19 yr old/8# toothless chihuahua) into Gus the Fiat and was blown off the island, CO bound, by high winds. And, here we are back again … a place that I landed, by all intents as a temporary summer stop-over back in 1979, on yet another May morning. Funny what life holds for you.

My last post was from our hotel room in Ontario, OR after 11 hours in the car and 468 miles under our proverbial belts … the dogs and I were, well, dog-tired. The floor was too slippery for old Annie and she splayed out like Bambi on the ice. Poor baby. Somehow I wrestled her baby walrus body up onto the bed with me and there she stayed – snoring away – until I woke her in the morning. It had been an easy drive – except for the high winds battering the car for at least 8 hours. But we had long stretches of lonely highway (which I love) – just us and all that nature surrounding us. Unfortunately, because of the high winds and the severe dust storms/dust in the air – we didn’t see much of anything distant. Every once in a while I’d get a glimpse of some mountain or formation – but much of the day it was a blur … akin to bad pollution or smoky skies.

We left the little (clean/thankfully) motel on Thursday morning around 9:30 and thinking I’d put in another 500 miles and call it a day – we started out. I didn’t really want to put in any more miles than that since the day before Annie and I were stiff from sitting so long and 10 hours is LONG ENOUGH driving. Bea didn’t seem to mind the crate (as I had worried about) and she slept most of the trip. More winds, more blur and far more traffic accompanied us along our journey. Somewhere before my turn off to I-80 eastward, my sister texted me asking where I was going to stay to wait out the storm.


Apparently, the local radio stations (when I could get one) said NOTHING about a storm coming! I was a day ahead of a whopper of a spring storm that would bring 2 feet of snow to the mountains and 7+” to the Denver metro area. Fabulous. Just GREAT! Exactly what this little trip needed … snow!

So, I pulled off for a bit to do a little research on what was coming behind us, and sure enough, my only option was to just DRIVE and hope I got into Denver before the storm. I was NOT going to hole up with two dogs and a moving van awaiting my arrival, waiting out a storm in some flea-bag-no-tell-motel in Podunk, Nowhere unless I really had to!

After a long first day – I wasn’t really cherishing finishing the rest of the drive in one sitting but … I-80 was already closed to smaller/lightweight vehicles (me)/too windy – so, we had to go south to Salt Lake and up and over the mountains (which I did NOT want to do). But, my only option. It added hours to our drive … longer, uglier, and more congested. So fun! And, as it is – I hate that drive! It took us over 3 hours to get through the SLC area … 7 lanes of bumper-to-bumper traffic. My creative swearing got a workout! It was seriously heinous!

I was about an hour west of the CO border when night fell (I do NOT do well driving at night) – but followed some truckers (w/their high beams) and was only solo for about 15 minutes of the remaining 6 hours! I felt safer behind them and their additional headlight beams helped a ton! When I lost one/I seemed to get behind another soon enough. I was very thankful for their (unknowing) guidance and help! There was a lot of traffic (storm runners, like me) but I stayed in the right lane and went only as fast as I wanted … a lot of curves along the way, so 45 mph was my max at times. I get nervous driving in the mountains – (PTSD from a really awful drive over the pass one winter) – but in the dark, I couldn’t see the drop-offs and just kept telling myself we were driving flat roads with meadows where sweet cows were sleeping. Nothing like images of sweet, sleeping cows to soothe one’s nerves. (Unless it’s French Bulldogs in pajamas!)

With no rain/no snow and no problems (phew!) … we made it without any worse weather or incidents … but it was 17 hours in the car and more than 1000 miles for Day 2. INSANITY! We drove into the driveway at 3am … to find out that the kids didn’t tell me where they hid the key – so, we were locked out! More creative swearing! I ended up at my sister’s and got a whopping 1.5 hours of sleep before the movers were to arrive.

But, they didn’t! It started spitting at 5:30 am (just as I was falling asleep) … and it was light rain and would have been MUCH better than the heavy/sloggy slush/snow-rain that was falling at 1:30 pm when the guys finally showed up! They didn’t seem to care if ALL of my stuff got wet … I guess being HIGH will do that!

Anyway – everything is here/nothing damaged or broken … and it’ll be all good/fine once I’m all unpacked. The 6 U-Haul pods have been unloaded and are gone from my driveway and the dogs and I are now tucked (quite literally) into the 830 sq foot house in downtown Littleton. It’s a charming 1911 cottage that we purchased almost 19 years ago and renovated to be Tim’s office. Our plan was to keep it for 3 or 4 years and then sell. Again, funny what life holds. It’s gotten plenty of use over the years by this family and it’s now my turn to live in it/love it before the ol’ bulldozer gets at it. It has 2 bedrooms, bath, living, dining, kitchen w/laundry nook and ONE (count ’em 1) closet. All small rooms but it’ll be really darling once I’ve unpacked (and purged) the remaining 138 boxes that have taken over most of the floor space!

I’ve rearranged the furniture about 18x trying to fit things in and I think it’s okay … we’ll see. The yard is cute and fenced … have some plans for it … and there is a nice back deck and front porch. So – it’ll be good. And, bonus – friends and family!

I have seen some friends, some family, and have shared some long-awaited hours with my mom and am slowly settling in. So many boxes to go! I now have TV but no internet/computer service yet so (darn it anyway) I’m at Starbucks (once again) and am enjoying a little A/C and a frapp. It’s warmer than the island ever is (with exceptions) so, along with the altitude (which is kicking this lobster’s butt), the heat (meaning anything over 55 degrees) is taking some time to get used to. But, that’ll happen and it’s good to be here.

And, it’s so nice to sit out in the evenings (and not be cold or wet) … the air feels so good and has been filled with cricket-song and omg … train whistles!

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Buh Bye, WA … Hello, Open Road …

May 18, 2022 ~ Wednesday night (nearly midnight mountain time/468.1 miles under my belt)

Greetings from the road tripping Lobster!

It’s been a while since my last post … I’ve been a little busy.

Yesterday the moving van came to collect what was left of the furniture/things that I had not packed into six U-Haul pods the week before. I hope I have some muscles to show for all my packing/hauling/loading after this is all done! Annie and I spent the night sharing a dog bed … not horrible … but the motel bed we are sharing tonight is much nicer!

I loaded up the car, popped Bea into the crate in the front seat and stuffed Annie into the back seat atop a mountain of pillows … and barely had room for my body and water bottle after everything else was smashed in. The car is SMALL! Rearranging needs to be done before tomorrow’s trek!

But, here we are … in Ontario, Oregon … a mere 468 miles from Langley and the house that was my home for the last (almost) 8 full years. I moved in on July 3, 2014 … and today, May 18, 2022, I moved out.

We (the dogs and I) are on our way back to Colorado … where friends/family/my mom and a cute, little, 1911 house await me. I’m hoping to be back by Friday night. We’ll see. Snow is in the forecast for Colorado and possibly Wyoming – along my route. Of course. Happy Spring in CO!

Today I left the house/drove down – one last time – the road that I walked so many, many times and said goodbye to the deer and the views. I stopped at the gas station by the highway to get some chicken. Yes … chicken, but not just any chicken – the best chicken on the planet. I planned this trip to coincide with my leaving the island. I was looking forward to this chicken. They were closed. Bummer. I then went to the bagel shop. Gluten and yeast be damned … a salt bagel with cream cheese sounded equally appealing and decadent. There were 7 people in line and the shop is notoriously slow. Nope, not waiting and missing a ferry. The winds were whipping the trees around and the Sound waters were choppy and the ferry sailing was rougher than any I’d been on before. The morning rain showed up again as we left the terminal. Seemed like a fitting send off!

I looked back over the island as we closed in on the mainland and the dark clouds over the sea and land could have been out of some movie. Lightning and Poseidon coming out of the waters were the only things missing. The mainland was sunny and dry. And people wonder why I couldn’t wait to get off that rock?!

90 minutes after I left home for the last time I drove off the ferry … I will NOT miss that trip. But there are plenty of things I will miss … like the quiet, serenity, greenness, wildlife, beauty, my guest dogs and their families, and certainly my friends. And yes, also that gas station chicken!

If the winds were blowing from the west/eastward we would have arrived in this far eastern section of Oregon far sooner than 10:30 pm. But, as Mom Nature would have it – the winds seemed to be coming from every direction but from the west and we were buffeted for 8 relentless hours. It wasn’t until we were in the Pendleton area that the winds abated … perhaps it was because of the topography. Very hilly there.

We passed the 45th parallel … had I not zoomed past the sign at 75 mph or had a rather large semi behind me, I would have taken a picture. The 45th parallel is half-way between the equator and the North Pole. Fun trivia.

Around Pendleton, the landscape reminded me of a miniature train-scape. All the hills looked to be made of olive velvet, draped just so … or astro turf mounds with little bottle-brush trees set here and there … a cardboard looking house in the distance … a horse running through a meadow/mane flying behind … it was idyllic. And it would have been just one smidgeon better if the train in the distance had blown its whistle. There are no trains on the island … I’ve missed that.

Driving so far/getting dogs in and out of the car/sleeping on a dog bed have made this little lobster very tired. I’m turning off the lights … but more to come on this journey back “home”.

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Valentine’s Day … revisited

February 11, 2022 … Friday afternoon

It’s sunny and 46 degrees out which means only one thing in mid-February in the NW … I have to get outside and take a walk with the dog!

This is a piece I wrote for the island magazine (omg – 7 years ago! How time flies!) … Enjoy!


In a few days Cupid’s arrows will shoot through the air and countless hopeful/hopeless romantics will have their day. I love Valentine’s Day. I don’t know if it stems from my extreme fondness of all things pink and red, or my love of everything shiny, glittery, or lacy, or that I just love that people have “an excuse” to express their adoration.

Whatever the reason, I love it— and that I, too, am one of those romantics doesn’t hurt, either.

Valentine's Day card

VIt is the time of year when gloom seems to reign and a bit of glittery pink and red is welcome amidst whatever winter might be bringing

Who doesn’t like Valentine’s Day?

I remember, as a child in school, the excitement of decorating our tissue boxes for the Big Day. I couldn’t wait for all those sweet and cheesy love notes! Apparently, the apple didn’t fall far from my family tree. My grandmother, born in 1903, saved her Valentines from year to year and then stuffed the whole lot into her decorated box leaving her classmates imagining that she was the most popular kid amongst them! Perhaps not the most popular, but surely the most cunning!

When I was little, an elderly neighbor dropped off a Valentine for me…it was one of those cards (in the early ‘60s) that was a cut-out of an animal with fuzzy “fur” on it. Inside was a little cellophane bag of red hot candies. It was probably my first Valentine from someone other than family and I felt so very special. I owe old Mrs. Wisniewski for the early pitter-pattering of my heart.

Lilies for Valentine's Day

LA few years later, I entered a contest for the best homemade Valentine at our local grocery store. I used a shirt box, gold and red doilies, a ream of construction paper, and a vat of glue and glitter. I won first place! Woohoo … and my prize? An inflatable plastic bull! Whatever that had to do with Valentine’s Day I have yet to figure out, but hey—I won! With that win my creative and inner artist came ever more alive and Valentine’s Day, for me, was never the same ever again.

I love Valentine’s Day because you get to be a child again—you have reason to get out the glitter and glue, you can write an entire love letter using only candy conversation hearts—and then your intended can eat it, and because everyone has the opportunity to profess their adoration, via simple or grand gestures and indulgences that on any other day might seem nonsensical or overly extravagant.

Or maybe I’m just a sentimental soul for all things LOVE.

Tolstoy said, “Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love.”

NECCO said, “I C U R A Q T.”

Some people think that Valentine’s Day is one of those “Hallmark” holidays manufactured by the greedy business owners of flower and candy shops portraying love by dollars spent and fueling consumerism and commercialism, striking guilt into the heart of people who forget, causing arguments amongst those who don’t buy into the whole “holiday” and heartache for the forgotten or unattached.

I’ve seen my share of jewelry store ads this week; I know commercialism and consumerism revolve around this holiday. And yet, I don’t seem to mind. I say, “Bring it on!” I am tickled with the thought of a holiday that honors all that is love and romance and matters of the heart whether man-made, natural or store-bought.

Hearts in a Nest

HI have no problem whatsoever with heart-shaped boxes of candy, red ribbon-tied boxes of lingerie, or anything homemade. If it comes from the heart, how can you not love that?

But how, you may ask, did Valentine’s Day come about? Read on.

Saint Valentine’s Day (according to my online sources and a very fragile 1910 encyclopedia) is a holiday observed on February 14th honoring one or more of the Christian martyrs named (yep)…Saint Valentine.

There are three renditions of how this all started. In the first story, Saint Valentine was persecuted as a Christian, and after Roman Emperor Claudius II failed to convert him to paganism and Saint Valentine failed to convert the Emperor to Christianity, he was executed. However, before his demise, he performed a miracle and restored the sight of the jailor’s blind daughter. That story isn’t exactly romantic nor does it make me want to get out my construction paper and doilies and start making hearts.

photo 16

The second rendition comes closer to providing a connection with romantic love. Here we have Roman Emperor (Claudius II again) ruling the lands. Seeking to expand his army, he allegedly ordered that all young men remain single, believing that married men did not make good soldiers. In steps good old Saint Valentine—herald of conversation-heart candies and singing telegrams (not really)—who in defiance of the edict and in the name of love, married the young men to their betrothed. When the Emperor found this out he was not pleased and threw Saint Valentine into jail…and soon thereafter had him beheaded. This also does not make me want to get out the glitter and glue and red, shiny heart stickers or eat chocolate-covered cherries.

Version three has Saint Valentine, for whatever reason, in jail. On the eve of his execution he (got out the glitter, glue, red and shiny heart stickers, construction paper, and doilies) and made the first-ever “Valentine” card. He sent it to the jailor’s lovely daughter, signing it “From Your Valentine,” leaving her with his heart for all eternity and (apparently) opening up the gates for the modern-day greeting card industry!

Oh, I just love a good story!

So, whatever version you like, we owe it to Saint Valentine’s devotion to love for this lovely little holiday and the excuse to eat one’s weight in chocolate … always that much better from a heart-shaped box.

Share the versions of the stories; if you really want to impress your love, recite the real poem stating that roses are red and violets are blue. It dates back to 1784 and was found in a collection of English nursery rhymes in Gammer Gurton’s Garland:

The rose is red, the violet’s blue. The honey’s sweet, and so are you.

Thou art my love and I am thine: I drew thee to my Valentine.

The lot was cast and then I drew, and Fortune said it shou’d be you.

Any holiday that promotes showing your love to someone else and eating candy all day long is a good day! Those that truly balk at this holiday, I figure, just need more chocolate!

photo 10

So, make it special. Give a kid a Valentine, stuff your neighbor’s mailbox full of hearts and candies, smile at a stranger, give yourself flowers, write a poem, hold hands with someone you love, go eat some mussels or pop some champagne! 

You still have a few days to come up with something extra special for your someone special (plan a walk or picnic, get or pick floral anything, buy or cook up some chocolate, purchase or share a special piece of jewelry, plan a day at a museum or gallery, dine at your favorite restaurant, opt for a tour, class offerings or concerts) … or stay closer to home and make it a special DIY date. Go ahead, on this one day, unleash your inner Cupid!

And if nothing else comes to mind…you can always get out the glitter and glue.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Pay Attention!

February 4, 2022 ~ Friday evening (balmy/NOT raining/periwinkle skies in the NW)

I had every intention of writing about Groundhog Day … but, it came and went and even if we don’t have much of a winter in these parts, I was NOT happy with the prognosticator of prognosticator’s meteorological prediction of six more weeks of winter. It made me grumpy and not feel like writing. Stupid rodent. He’s so cute – but what does he know?! But, then, my son told me of another groundhog (Staten Island Chuck in NY, not Punxsutawney Phil in PA) who has predicted an early spring. I guess I shouldn’t rely on weather predicting rodents – all I’d need to do is just look around when I was out on my walks. Our daffodils are a good 5″ up already. The rhodies have big, fat buds. Some of the bushes along my cliff walk have leaf buds and on some hydrangea bushes, the leaves are already unfurling. Yep – I’d say an early spring is on its way.

For the last few days I’ve had something nagging on me … my body/my brain/the universe … all saying to me, “Pay attention!”

My body hurts … yes, arthritis … but suppose if I actually listened to it? How much better would I feel? My teeth have suddenly become overly sensitive … same thing. So, I’m trying to pay better attention … to myself and my surroundings … being more mindful. Heedful, thoughtful, receptive.

Yesterday I went out with Annie for a walk, late in the afternoon. It was later than we had started out in a while – still somewhat light out: nearly twilight/no gray skies or clouds to be seen – just perfectly periwinkle. Nice. I’ll take periwinkle over gray any day! I take these walks to get out of my head/move my body/sort out whatever is on my mind. I take in what I can and more often than not, I do pay attention to what is around me. But, sometimes I get lost in thought or I’m looking down to avoid the dips and puddles … but it’s nicer when I notice the flower buds and emergences; the tiny buds that are so early, the old berries still holding tightly to the naked branches and the multitude of deer and bunnies at every step. As we walked down the road I was lucky enough to see a pair of bald eagles flying back to their nest – homeward bound. They soared over our heads, making me spin around and watch as they glided into the giant pine 20 feet from me and 60 feet above. Back to their nest for the night. I’d love to know how big they are if standing next to me – wings outstretched – because even 60 feet overhead, they are enormous!

For an instant, I imagined myself an air traffic controller … Ground to Eagle 1 – you are cleared to land in the treetops on roadway Noblecliff, Pine #9. That is Pine Niner. Copy. Eagle 2 – circle ’round. Over and out. They took my directions flawlessly. I watched in awe as they both just glided in – wings spread wide out; I could see their feathers ruffling.

It reminded me of when I was in the south; I was driving down some road and off to my left in the side gully was a circle of vultures! No lie! It was amazing! I’d never seen one in person – and there must have been ten or more! It was so creepy and exciting! I slowed the car and did a U-turn and drove back towards them and parked not too far from the group. (A group of vultures is called a wake; seems appropriate.) I sat there watching them – busily eating some roadkill that had been tossed to the side. They reminded me of a circle of witches over a bubbling cauldron (adding an eye of newt … or in this case, an eye of rabbit) … their black, feathered robes draped around their hunched (amazingly tall and big) bodies … bent on whatever was before them for lunch. It was gruesome but I was so glad I saw that and that I was paying attention!

Today I had the walrus (Annie) in the back of Gus (my Fiat) and we were zipping around running some errands. This time for more dog meds; it’s like a pharmacy over here! I was first at the stop light waiting for the green arrow to turn left onto the highway and as the light changed, I looked to my right and watched a guy in some beat up old SUV go barreling through the red light. He actually waved at me as he did so. What!? Glad one of us was paying attention.

As I turned into the hardware store parking lot there were some people brandishing “Let’s Go, Brandon” signs and flags and other signs stating their dislike for mandates and masks and a very large “F” Joe Biden flag on the back of someone’s truck. Well, if they can voice their opinions, I thought I would, too. So, I opened up my sunroof and gave them all “the finger” as I drove by. Sadly, they thought I was supporting them! I wanted to go back and tell them that the gesture was meant for THEM. But, it wasn’t worth my time.

Today was another perfectly perfect November day, again … but this time in February! Our weather belies the seasons. And, thusly, I never seem to be in the correct one! I’m still thinking I should be seeing pumpkins on front porch steps even though my house is now adorned with all things Valentine! Annie and I left the house at 5pm … still “light” out (not daylight but not dark) … and without rain or clouds, it was lovely. It’s been so cold and raw lately, that today felt almost balmy. We stepped out on the deck and before we were even in the road, woodsmoke wrapped around us and … oh my! It was heavenly! (That’s the best thing about my neighbor – she burns good wood!) We walked, again, towards town (it’s a shorter walk for the dog; any further and I practically have to carry her up the steps once home!) and I looked up in time to see the same two eagles flying to their nest – AGAIN! I heard their tell-tale high pitched whistle-speak. It was wonderful to see them coming back to their pine.

The sky was a light, soft lilac when we were on the road. I closed my eyes, willing myself to imagine breathing in the scent of an armful of lilacs; my favorites that won’t make their appearances for another three months … but a little car was putt-putting along as I closed my eyes and I got lungs full of exhaust fumes, instead! Oh well; I’ll have to wait a bit longer for the flower scents! I’ll keep my nose in check and keep my eyes on the skies. Further along our walk the sky turned to periwinkle again … and by the time we arrived back home, it was a deep cobalt. What this island lacks … of all things … beauty is not one of them. I will miss this serenity.

And so, I’m home. The dogs are fed. I’ve got a pot of soup on the stove. And, I’m going to do some stretches before I sit down and watch something on TV. See body? I’m listening. What a nice couple of walks lately and as I go forward, in all things, because life is so much better then … I’ll make sure that I pay attention.

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Wrapped up with a bow on it …

January 23, 2022 ~ Sunday early evening (cold/gray/foggy in the NW)

It’s one of those days when I felt like doing nothing. And that’s pretty much what I did! Mission accomplished!

I just took granola out of the oven – first attempt at homemade (so damn easy/and so good)! It smells like a bakery in here. Yum.

Annie was giving me the ol’ puppy eyeballs earlier and so we went out for a walk. We just went down to the corner and back … half a mile or so … and got at least some steps in for me/some sniffs in for her. I was pretty sure I froze my butt off … but, nope, got home and there is was still – right behind me. Darn it anyway! My fingers, however, were lost along the way and I arrived home with icicles in their place. I don’t do well with cold. I never really did but after nearly 8 years here … I’ve turned into a NW Wimp!

It’s been another week of too much news … too much angst and disappointment. So, I did what I like to do to get away from reality – I read. I’m a cozy reader. Not that I’m cozy – which I usually am – but that is what the books I read are characterized as … “a cozy read”. Light/easy/fluff. And who doesn’t like a good fluff read now and then?

I read a variety of genres but mostly biographies, historical fiction, and mysteries. And those mysteries are usually (light) murder mysteries … nothing gross or gory. I like the books with a female lead (usually) who owns her own business (scrapbook, candy, tea, antique or book store, beauty salon or doggy daycare) and said heroine is exceptionally gifted in the art of sleuthing. The murders usually have to do with a n’er do well who ended up in a swamp, down a well, poisoned, or stuffed into the wall of an old house. Think Colonel Mustard in the drawing room with a candlestick type of murder. No blood. No guts. No evil. Just a dead body mentioned once or twice. I especially like when the books are visual and descriptive and when they take place in the South … all that dripping Spanish moss and those high society parties!

Nothing can take me away from the political/Covid/weather/trials of daily life than steeping myself in a good book.

It sounds silly but I ration my reading. When I let myself read (because once that book is opened, I kind of forego EVERYTHING else) … I’m like an addict. Food? Sure, if I have to – maybe I’ll gnaw on a raw potato while turning the next page. Water? Only if I have to and I’ll take a sip from the faucet while washing my hands. Dogs? They’re on their own! LOL. Well, I’m not that bad … but have been known to tell myself as I crawl into bed at 11pm that I’m just going to read ONE CHAPTER or for half an hour … and then it’s going on 2am and I’m still reading.

Friday night was such a night. After four nights of reading – I decided I’d just take the evening and finish off the book. One needs to know something first – I am a SLOW reader. As in a turtle could read faster than me, if a turtle could read. I think about the words … was that the best descriptor? Could that visual have been better stated/more in-depth? I re-read a paragraph if it’s especially lovely. So, yeah … slow!

Anyway … there I was cuddled in on the couch and 4 hours in and nearing the end of the book at 1:30 am. I was really tired but I wanted to finish it off. I wanted to know if I had figured it out and to get the author to wrap it all up. I finished a chapter – thinking I had about 20 pages to go and … NOPE! It had ended. The rest of the pages were a preview of another book! What the … NOOOOO! So, there I was at the end of the book but NOT at the end of the story! The author had bailed … making whomever read this book, read the next in the series. Darn it anyway!

Call me crazy, but after five nights of reading and trying to figure out “who done it” … I want the last chapter of the book to finish it all up/divulge the killer and motive/and wrap it up and deliver it all to me with a bow on it. I don’t want to have to wait FOR THE NEXT BOOK!

But, here I am. Waiting. I went online and checked the publication date and, luckily for me, said book was printed in 2014 … and the next book in the series was published a year later (and 12 more since! A prolific writer!). So, unlike the readers of that book when it first came out, I only have to wait a week or so to get the next one from my library … I don’t have to wait a year or longer like they did!

In any case … I’ll start some other book tonight. But, I’m not going to stay up until 2am reading. And, when I come to the end of it, days from now, I hope the book ends with the author wrapping things up and putting a bow on it!

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On the Lighter Side …

January 17, 2022 (Monday night/Martin Luther King Jr. holiday)

I could go on a political rant … or musing … or pondering of some such something … but I won’t. I’m kind of sick of all of it and need a break from the on-going and exhausting voting/covid/political insanity.

So, today I decided to go through some of my old, saved files … and came upon a treasure trove of random trivia, thoughtful quips and unanswered questions.

Here is a sampling of things I’ve thought important enough to save over the years and here’s hoping they’ll give you a little laugh or something to think about:

Random Trivia: More than 40% of Australia is wilderness; the US is 5%. The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour is 500,000. It is impossible to lick your elbow. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. The first novel ever written on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer. While Obsession, Aquaholic, Happy Ours and Seas the Day have been popular boat names in the past … lately Social Distancing has been gaining popularity. Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. There is no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Vitamins. Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks; otherwise it will digest itself. There are 253 ways to make change for a dollar. The only food that doesn’t spoil is honey.

Thoughtful Quip: Attitude … The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude is more important than fact. It is more important than experience, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a home, a person. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past and we cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the future or the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. Life is 10% what happens to a person and 90% how that person reacts to it.

Unanswered Questions: Why didn’t Tarzan have a beard? Is there ever a day when mattresses are not on sale? Why do people run over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner then reach down and pick it up/look at it/then put it back down on the floor and give the vacuum one more try at it? In winter, why do we keep the house as warm as it is in the summer when we complain about the heat? Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak? Why does someone believe when they are told there are 200 billion trillion stars in the universe but check when told that paint is wet? Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white? And, whose brilliant idea was it to put an “s” in the word lisp?

Hoping this made you smile. And, I bet you tried to lick your elbow!

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A Perfect November Day … in mid-January

January 15th ~ Saturday (but it felt like Sunday all day/gray and foggy)

If the Creature from the Black Lagoon ever needed a vacation home ~ I’m sure he’d be able to find one out here … gray skies, deep forests, marshy bogs and swirling fog. The ideal environment to carry a damsel in distress into or out of!

It’s Saturday today. One of those days that feels so much like a Sunday and when you realize it is not, it’s like getting an added day to the weekend. Bonus! Earlier this afternoon I was out walking Annie down the cliff road and found myself half looking over my shoulder now and then to make sure some creepy fish creature wasn’t following us! The fog has that affect on me! It’s just so ethereal. It hides things … and then reveals what you didn’t know was there. It’s so fluid … and it’s kind of creepy, kind of cozy, kind of mysterious all wrapped up in cotton batting. I’ve never seen the movie (The Creature from the Black Lagoon) and am half-tempted to watch it if I can find it online tonight. But with heavy fog blanketing the house … I’m just not sure I have the guts to do it!

I still think I should hire a turtle to walk the dog … 1.5 miles in just under 50 minutes. It’s hard to get my steps in when she is SO slow! It felt like we were going 6 feet a minute but after quick calculations, we were going a speedy 165 feet a minute! Yeah – whatever, a turtle could have beaten us home!

But despite the chill (or because of it), today was one of those perfectly perfect November days. The lighting whispered November … wood smoke curled up my nose (I couldn’t see it but I sure could smell it. Lovely!) … and I could hear the eagles signaling along the cliff (an unlikely high pitched screech-whistle) but couldn’t see them until one emerged from the fog and silently glided over our heads. Amazing! I watched him circle around and disappear back into the fog at the cliff’s edge. Gone in an instant … as if I had just imagined him.

From fall to spring the landscape doesn’t change much in the forest/here on the island … evergreens, as always, are emerald. The grass is kelly green. The laurels are all a shiny deep pine. The naked trees are still bare but the rhodies already have fat buds nestled amongst their leaves. The moss is thick and bright lime. Today the tree trunks stood out against the sky like black silhouettes reaching up, up – only today to gray cotton batting (and not storm clouds or blue skies). As we walked along I noticed how quiet it was … the silence of the fog. When we’d pass one house – another one further up would come into view … peering out of the grayness. The houses more than two beyond were lost in the haze. Looking up I noticed the treetops were swallowed up but every once in a while a ghost image would appear and then be gone again.

Something about the air and the coloring and light made me feel like I should go home and simmer some cranberries or whip up some mashed potatoes! It was unusually cold/raw but it was invigorating just the same. But, I wasn’t exactly dressed for a slower than turtle speed walk and by the time we got back home my thighs were cold and I could feel the coldness emanate off me once back inside in my cozy kitchen.

And there it was … a perfect autumn day! It sure makes for a shorter winter when an autumn day comes two months late and yeah, I’ll take another November day (one of my favorite months) whenever I can get one. If water is rushing through the roadside gully, that means that there is no snow or ice and that spring is just a breath away. I’m all for that!

Our winters are short (though wet and dark) out here and I know that in a few weeks those fat buds on the rhodies and azaleas will become fatter and the willow trees will start turning more golden yellow than they already seem to be … and the two inch daffs and iris leaves pushing up through the wet dirt in my driveway garden bed will be another few inches taller. Already! And every little thing will start waking up and preparing for early spring. We’re getting lighter every day … and maybe just by one minute at a time but that’s okay! We’re on our way!

And it is even better when we get a perfectly perfect November day … in the middle of January.

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And So it Begins …

January 10, 2022 ~ Monday (late afternoon/the sky is periwinkle/terminal twilight)

And so it begins … Happy New Year! I say it every year … well, yes, we all do … but this year, I really mean it. As in REALLY mean it. I hope this is a good and happy NEW year.

I was so done with 2021. I kept saying that everything wasn’t bothering me … the political strife/upset … the weather – extreme as it was … the global pandemic and it’s variations … the abnormality of life in general. But, with the onset of the new year – I became acutely aware that yeah … I was bothered. As in a LOT. Basically, I was finished with it all. Someone put a fork in me – I’m done!

So, the new year was a goal to get to … I couldn’t wait. But, so far (as in the first 10 days) this year has been a continuation of last year’s (and 2020’s) … for lack of a better word … garbage. Even if I say it with a French twist … gar-baaj … it sounds nicer but really doesn’t make it any better. I think that since those years had so much sh*t going on – there has been an overflow of excess crap into this year. I’m giving it through the weekend to finalize the spillage. And then I will be saying Happy New Year – anew! Hopefully the Hazmat teams can go home!

I’m vaxed and boosted/wear double masks so it looks like I’m performing surgery/keep my distance/wash my hands and sanitize to the hilt/etcetera … etcetera … etcetera … as I’ve been doing for nearly 2 years now. However, I’m still wary. I have a feeling we’ll all get the variant at some time or another … but honestly, I don’t want this virus! I have been a textbook case 3x in my life and I am always the one that doctors look at and shake their heads and say they’d never seen such and such before in person – only in text. I don’t want a baby arm to grow out of my neck from a side effect of the Omicron or future variant … cuz I know I’d be the one! Those doctors would all be looking at me, shaking their heads and muttering that they’d never seen this before!

It took me four extra days, nine delayed or canceled flights, missing the shuttle, a night in the airport, a delayed ferry, and slip-sliding along icy and snow-packed island roads (we got 9″!) to get from Denver to my home after Christmas. I’m a little leery of traveling again any time soon. And with the virus ramping up – again – I don’t really want to but my mom is 93 (this weekend) and I’m just feeling like I need to. So, I will … but I might look more like the mummy in transit than a surgeon.

Last week I was at the grocery store and caught myself telling the cashier that I couldn’t hear her because of my mask. I realized how stupid that sounded as the mask wasn’t over my ears obstructing my hearing. It’s just how this body works.

I remember when I used to wear glasses (thank you cataract surgery) … if you wanted me to hear something, I had to make sure I had my glasses on. Isn’t the impairment of one sense supposed to keen the others? Not so with me! So, if I should see you out somewhere or in the airport and I don’t respond – it’s not personal – it’s because I have two masks on and I didn’t hear you!

It’s been a weird month. I have to rehome Annie, my lab, as she’s showing aggression to other dogs. She needs to be a one and only and I’m heartbroken over it. She is so lovely (with humans) … my big baby walrus. I’ve cried a lot over this dog. Bea, is good, but had a massive seizure the other night … not totally unexpected as she’s about 300 in human years! She is ancient but still tootling around – my little hedgehog dog. And, there has been a mass exodus from the island amongst my friends. My good friend and his sweet golden moved to Southern CA … other dog parents/friends relocated to Bend … another couple and their pup just transferred to Tucson and another couple just bought a house in NH. All good friends. All I can say is, it was my idea first! No fair! I’m hoping my time will come sooner than later.

It rained again today (why am I not surprised?) … welcome to January/winter in the NW. But, at least the snow is gone. No one owns a shovel up here – so, a dustpan does the job … but with a lot more bending over! We’ve been getting (so they say) lighter for a month now – our solstice arrives around the 12th of December and then we start adding on a minute of (so called) daylight every day. So, by the New Year – we were some 15 minutes lighter than the darkest day. And here we are almost two weeks in, with more minutes adding daily to our total hours of daylight and I’m still feeling like I am living in a cave. Terminal twilight. Gray/gloomy/wet and darkness clearing by morning (well, LATE morning). But, it’s green. If it weren’t for that snow – I’d still have flowers blooming! Crazy. It’s a far cry from warmer, so brown and dry CO.

So, with the turning of the calendar page to January … what do I wish for in this new year?

I always have the expected staples … love, laughter, good health, good friends, financial stability, and fulfillment for everyone I know. But, honestly, that is what I wish for.

But, I also wish for solace for this country. I wish for truth and regard; for respect and integrity. Somewhere along the way those values have been lost (by too many). I wish for honesty, openness and compromise. I wish for the Golden Rule … for if people were to treat others how they’d like to be treated – I truly believe that so much would be different/better.

I also wish instead of people spending zillions (actually, upward of $450,000 per person) to have a seat into space – they’d donate those funds so local children have enough to eat … that teachers earn an above living wage … that they’d donate elsewhere rather than for personal folly. I wish that those whose bodies are frail and feeble and aging are eased of their pain and that they find comfort from their loneliness. And I wish people would wake up and realize we are all in this together … and that things are not going too well … and that unity is healing.

I’m also wishing that Mom Nature backs off a bit … that people come to terms with climate issues … that this pandemic abates and normalcy (whatever that is anymore) will be normal once again.

And, of course, drawing on the inner untitled beauty queen in me … I wish for world peace.

And so it begins …

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Looking forward …

December 12, 2021 ~ early Sunday morning

I am one who cherishes the journey ~ whatever it may be. The destination is great to get to but the journey is the thing that matters … it’s to be savored, enjoyed, learned from and remembered.

But, with 19 days until the New Year … I just want it here. Right now, I’m all about the destination. If I skipped Christmas this year, that would be okay with me if it got me to the start of the new year sooner.

Stupid, I know.

But, I’m weary. I think we’re all a bit weary. It’s late in the year … and it’s been a year and then some. And the gray/cold/raininess/early darkness and continued bad news (on a daily basis) don’t help at all. I had lunch with a good friend today and she said she was tired. And I had to agree with her. It’s not just the fatigue from every day stuff or a bad night’s sleep … but from the past 5 years of … LIFE. For non-Trumpers the Trump era was lousy. And that political craziness continues to make it so. I don’t think I know anyone who can honestly say it hasn’t been exhausting – all this political strife … uncertainty … the Covid conundrum … social unrest … mass shootings … extreme weather … life in general.

I love a clean slate. It gets to be about this time every year (maybe a bit later/like the 27th … so, I’m a good two weeks early this time around) that I start getting antsy for the calendar to turn to January. A do-over … a clean page … so many possibilities … such promise! And, like always, that’s what I am expecting for 2022. But, I’m antsy already and I just want the new year to begin!

It’s been a wearisome few years. A LOT of changes in our country and in our personal lives. My dad died in 2018 … I packed up their home/and my mother and moved her out of their long-time home and across the country. That was hard. In the middle of all that, both of my old dogs died. 2018 did not end well.

And then came 2019 … things were better … mom was settled … I was going to move to NC … things were going along (pretty) okay. I closed my long-time business and was looking forward to a new chapter. And as the year came to a close there was word that a strange virus was spreading.

And then came 2020 … it had a good ring to it … but then Covid happened. My plans to move were delayed – again. And, we all know what came next – NOTHING. Shut downs/stay at home requests/don’t go anywhere/don’t see anyone/wear a mask/socially distance. On top of a pandemic, there was too much political craziness/social unrest/etcetera … etcetera … etc! It was an onslaught of everything … and also the uneasiness of nothing. I kept my distance from everyone/including my dear older neighbors … not wanting to risk infecting them somehow – and then one died. Heartbreak all over again. But then glimmers of hope and good … a little chihuahua adopted me, Trump was dumped and Covid vaccines began.

And then we turned the page to 2021 and Covid continued to rage and spike – again … still. And, more of the same including an insurrection. Ups and downs, masks/no masks/masks again … social distancing/closures/worry/uncertainty/variants … more social unrest … more political craziness including that failed coup … you name it. And then a sweet old lab came into my life. But, above everything … with certainty … I can say it’s been a wild year!

And I for one – just want it over.

I hate wanting to push ahead and just “get there” as I have friends and family to see/enjoy … holidays to cherish and make memories from … things to experience … people to love and share life with. And yet … I am antsy and just. want. this. year. over.

I need that new clean slate … I need that calendar page to turn … I need the promise of change and possibilities in ALL things. I need to believe that this journey – while full of lessons, joys, celebrations, love, friendships, rewards, challenges and hardships – will be calmer/better/easier a mere 19 days from now. In this new year … I’m hoping for less craziness. More intelligence and understanding. Less angst. Less worry. Less fear. More laughter. More patience and peace. And far less weariness.

I know that going forward will ultimately lead us to our destinations … whatever/wherever they may be. But I also hope that we are less wearisome on the journey getting there.

I am … looking forward.

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Good-bye November …

November 29th, 2021 ~ Monday evening (Covid/variants still a thing … closer to home this time … political chaos … wild weather)

Evening came early today … I looked up from what I was doing at half past three and realized my day was nearly gone. I took one look at Annie, lying on the rug in the den … gave her a silent nod and away we went … out for a walk along the cliff. I knew if we didn’t do it then – we wouldn’t do it.

Unbeknownst to most of my friends and family, November is my favorite month of the year. There is no glitter and glam, decking the halls, or wrestling of wrapping paper like in December … and no trick or treaters to watch out for at the end like in October … it’s a quiet month of gratitude and woodsmoke and Mother Nature tucking her world in for the winter.

I used to have squirrels in abundance here – before I had so many dogs on a daily basis (they got wise!) … but lately, I’ve been putting out peanuts for my furry friends (only in the day or the rats get them!) and I have a couple who come to visit and gather. If no nuts are out, the squirrel will sit on my deck railing looking into the dining room with those imploring eyes … begging me, “Please sir, I’d like MORE!” All my squirrels are now named Oliver!

I love watching them scamper away … sometimes they’ll stop by the violet circle out front and dig a little hole and drop said peanut into it and then pat the dirt down over it. I love watching them do that. It’s just so sweet. I’m sure they don’t remember they’ve just left a tasty morsel in the ground, two steps over from the garden frog keeping watch over the shaded garden patch … from all the peanuts I’ve dug up when gardening, I certainly think they do not remember! But I love watching them, hunched over, their question-mark tails behind them twitching. We have native squirrels (brown) and then “brought in ones” (gray – people have a fit over them) and some chipmunks. I like them all. More peanuts for everyone!

November is a peaceful month … one of deep blue-gray skies and quiet steel seas. It is emerald green lawns and a proliferation of autumnal flowers that I don’t know names of but that doesn’t stop them from blooming. The tree trunks, limbs and branches are dark against the sky and greenery and it’s all just so pretty. The sheep are nibbling away in the meadows – their shorn little bodies white or black against all that greenery.

And this year it came and went in the blink of an eye. I was gone until the 1st … and all of a sudden we are saying hello to December. Today was our first walk all month – how can that be?

I had that nasty virus (non-covid) and wasn’t feeling up to walking … then it was raining and I was busy building an ark (just in case) and then it was too windy or too raw or too dark or too all of the above. And then there was today … a break in the rain and not yet dark and away we went on our familiar journey.

We had another wind storm over the weekend (resulting in another 15 hours of power lost) … and branches scattered here and there, littering yards and driveways, stuck hanging on overhead wires. I passed several trees where limbs were dangling – not quite completely severed – I felt like I should have taken my clippers with me to relieve their stress.

Annie is a slow walker. As in a S.L.O.W. walker. I keep thinking of hiring a turtle to walk her … but then I’d miss out on our moseying. Nose to the soggy ground (hers not mine) we went down and back … admiring the new landscaping at the new house (beautiful!) … noticing that the Madrona tree must have gotten a good trimming (by Mom Nature and/or the tree company) – either way, it looked happier/lighter. The deer were out in the meadow … I wonder if they ever get dry these days. I would hate (so much) always feeling wet. The horse property with the barn that I love so much is putting in a new drainage field … big diggers dot their property and their pasture has long troughs dug out of the deep green grass.

The roadside ditches are brimming with run-off … we’ve had so much rain lately. We are completely saturated. I watch the water moving along and then hear the gully washing in the random drains along the road … gurgle gurgle swish. Further down there is a little creek bed that is nary a trickle at times but it’s cutting a path to the cliff from the forest. I don’t dare get anywhere near the edge – the ground is so unstable – being so wet – but I hear the water spilling over the edge and am sure there is a waterfall somewhere along that cliffside. I wish I were in a boat sometimes to see the cliff walls and know what they look like from that perspective.

On our way home the scent of woodsmoke curls up my nose and it is exquisite.Why does burning wood smell SO good? And what kind of wood is that person burning in their wood stove? Heavenly! Due to that, even though I’m wet and kind of cold, I’m cozy. It’s far balmier than expected – almost springlike – but there’s a chilly dampness that just permeates everything.

We arrived back home and I resumed putting away my fall decs and all things turkey. I put my autumnal decs up almost 90 days ago … how could that be? Early Sept … and here we are … tucking my treasures away for another day – just like that little brown squirrel. (But, unlike that critter, I’ll remember where I put my things!)

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I always think of the pair of wild turkeys that were warbling under my window a few Thanksgivings ago. I woke to the strangest sound and couldn’t figure out what it was … I thought perhaps an injured animal was in my yard. I looked out of my bedroom window and there by the fence were Tom and his mate (what do you call a female turkey? Henrietta? Trudy? Lurkey?) … gobbling away in my yard. They were my neighbor’s … and probably due to be dinner at some point. I went out and let them out of my yard through the front gate and whispered to them to, “FLY! FLY – my pretties!” I never felt more like the Wicked Witch of the West ever! I didn’t hang around to see if they made it home or heeded my advice but that was a random, very cool thing … and on Thanksgiving!

I’ll finish wrapping up my pumpkins and fall leaves, wreaths and autumnal what-not. I hate to see it go back into the bins. But, glam and glitter wait for no one!

Good-bye November … see you next year!

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Feeling a little nostalgic …

November 12, 2021 ~ Friday morning (gray/foggy/drippy, raining like crazy; day 15 of nasty virus/non-Covid)

It’s one of those perfectly perfect November days … if you like fog, rain and gloom that is.

It just so happens that I do. Not all the time, mind you, but on days (like today) when the universe presents a perfectly gloomy/wet day … it’s lovely.

I’m in my living room, a pretty cup of hot tea with honey within reach, at my desk facing out the big picture window to my neighbor’s property. Their home is empty (except for 2 weekends a year) but well maintained. The green metal roof glistens when wet and is a nice contrast again the rustic dark brown shake shingle siding and the stone driveway. Some bush is all aflower – big, white blossoms – and plenty of evergreens and grasses abound and make for a very pretty scene. Their yard also holds the most gorgeous burnt orange and deep raspberry colored leaved trees … there are two of them nestled amidst more evergreens and their graceful limbs reach out over the cedar fencing towards the road. It’s really very picturesque. I’m so lucky this is what I look onto. Beyond the house and extended (double lot) lawn to the left of my home, is another … tucked back in the forest amongst so many pines! I can only see their lights on … so, it’s like looking out towards a little gnome home. So cozy/so hygge! Further down is the darling red box house, also with metal roofing … which is surrounded by greens, huge pine trees (I cannot see their tops from here) and a tree of mustard leaves. I see all that out my other picture window to my left.

Behind my neighbor’s home (straight ahead) is an old barn of a house with a lovely cupola on top and a weather vane and turbine. The roof line has disappeared in the mist and it’s mystical in the fog. Closer to my window is my dinner plate maple whose branches are nearly bare sans the whirlybird pods that never dried or dropped – maybe still? The rusts and deep golds mingle with a few lime greens and the furry emerald moss and sage lichen on the branches … the brown seed pods cling tightly … the limbs are black-gray (where not fuzzy green). I have the window open a crack so I can hear the rain … steady as it goes … trickling away or giving the earth a good drink. The grass will be eight inches before I know it with all this rain … leaving me to think I’ll need one more pass with the mower before winter.

Whenever I leave here, I will miss my views.

I have ten (10) dogs here today – only one is a day-sit. All the others are over-nighters. What a fun pajama party we’ll have tonight! No one would ever know I have any dogs here as all of them are sleeping or lying about my feet/legs/desk. I am in good company. I have a golden, a standard (15 yr old/yesterday) poodle and Annie, my lab. Everyone else is old and small … chihuahuas, an Italian greyhound, a terrier, a schnauzer, and a cocker … my Bea being the oldest/smallest. I’ve got a candle lit and it smells like autumn. I’ve got my favorite gray sweater on and I don’t think I could get much cozier … unless I was tucked in bed under my fluffy comforter! I might have to do that later!

This all brings me to feeling nostalgic and a little melancholic … and perhaps a bit wistful.

For whatever reasons, today reminds me of when I was a kid and I’d go walking through the forest preserves with my Dad. We must have gone on Sundays as I remember coming home and mom would have a baked chicken dinner waiting. So yummy! Nothing better than coming in from the cold to the smell of roasting chicken and warmth. Nice! We must have had chicken on other nights – but this always reminds me of being a Sunday. The woods would be empty (except for us) and the usual dirt paths would be littered with fallen leaves … reds, pinks, yellows, rusts … I hardly looked up on those walks – eyes on the prize/the foliage at my feet.

It probably was a combination of their beauty and my poor eyesight that made me look 3 feet down rather than 30 feet up! I loved that time alone with my dad … walking in the woods – just us and the dachshunds. I miss those walks. I miss my dad.

I have three visitors in my yard …. a doe and her twins. The babies are getting almost as big as mama now. They are out munching away in the grass – nibbling on whatever is tasty. They hear something and all three tails go straight up – revealing their white underside. Alert! Alert!

Today also reminds me of one of my many sick days as a kid. I don’t know how I got through elementary school … I was never there! I was always home or in the hospital – sick with something or other. And not just your run of the mill virus or slight infection … I had textbook stuff. Osteomyelitis … gastroenteritis … ear infection after ear infection … mastoiditis/mastoidectomy … staph aureus … you name it, it was mine. I don’t know how my parents did it – all the worry – let alone the cost! I think back and I’d been in the hospital three times/one surgery by the time my parents were 35. Crazy. A lot of responsibility and worry to heap on young parents!

While home bound/bed bound I colored a LOT. Crayons (Crayola, of course) still bring me an inner peace – just opening up a box of them can bring me such bliss! They smell sooo good! (My neighbor invented the sharpener on the back of the box of 64!) I always had some sweet neighbor kid bring my homework home and I’d do that and I had extra workbooks (which I still love/wish there were some for adults/maybe that’ll be my next project!). I had a mess of coloring books and I’d color everything – even the backgrounds. My favorite was a one of the Flintstones … I loved coloring their fur dresses and the chunky jewelry that Wilma and Betty wore. Ha ha. I think back on that and wonder why that made such an impression on me?! I also read a ton … by the time I was in third grade I’d read and pretty much knew by heart all the Little House books. Ma, Pa, Laura, etc were my extended family! I was also the recipient of many get well cards from my classmates. I was always the reason for a good art project/quiet time for any teacher! And what did I do with them? I graded and edited them, of course! The guys that bugged me all flunked … big F– in red crayon on their cards … misspellings all circled three times! The girls who could draw well – usually troll dolls – got A+++. I still have those.

It’s probably also from this time that my love of rye toast came into play. I remember lying on our couch – under a ceramic elephant head-handled, red umbrella (it was raining outside) – watching Captain Kangaroo and being as pleased as any sick kid could be … munching on rye toast and being oh-so cozy!

I hope I thanked my parents for taking good care of me as a youngster. If not – thanks mom and dad!

One of the Christmases when I couldn’t go outside (due to whatever ailment had taken over my body at that time), I wasn’t allowed to go on a nighttime walk with the family to go see the neighborhood lights. But, that was okay by me … we had five in our family/I shared a room with my older sister … and rarely was there just ME (my mom was somewhere in the house/probably cleaning up something) – alone. I remember being in the living room with the tree all lit up and pretty and it was so quiet. So nice. There was snow outside and that absorbed all the outside noises – nature’s muffler. That year I got a Tressy doll … akin to Barbie but BETTER! I look back and think I should have gone into hair design as I was always fascinated by hair! I’ve mentioned this doll in another blog – she was just the best! She had a button on her stomach that when pushed in/you could pull her pony tail out of the top of her head and her pony tail would reach nearly her ankles! Rapture! My own Rapunzel! And there was a tiny T shaped key that you’d stick in her back and wind the hair back into the body cavity (seems gruesome and kind of Frankenstein-y now) to whatever length you wanted. It got as short as a shoulder-length flip. She looked ridiculous in a bikini with that button and key spot … but so elegant in an evening gown! Anyway – I sat in the living room and played for what seemed like hours – all by myself – putting her hair into tiny rollers and then taking them out again and changing her outfits. Best gift ever!

And speaking of best gifts … I knew I was a shopper-in-the-making even when I was young. I have and always will be a consumer. The Sears Christmas catalog would arrive and my family wouldn’t see me for days! I’d be holed up in the front hall closet (my secret hideaway) next to the vacuum cleaner/under the coats with my flashlight – reading that thing from cover to cover … oogling and drooling over all the toys (the beautician doll head – omg, fabulous) and dish sets (always my favorites) and circling one or two that I thought I’d just die without. Ah, the good ol’ days. What I wouldn’t give today for a Sears Christmas catalog. Sounds utterly delightful to sit and go through all those goodies!

Guess I’ll have to settle in and read one of my magazines, instead … Living … Yankee … Southern Living. I’m having a few friends for Thanksgiving … perhaps I’ll read up on how to make the best version of whatever I’m going to make. It’s still raining … still foggy … still a perfectly perfect November day.

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The Eyes of a Child …

November 8, 2021 ~ Monday evening

I drove up island today to have a wellness exam … you know all those women’s issues/things that you’d like to talk about, at my age, with another woman with knowledge on the subject and life experience under her (proverbial and literal) belt.

No such luck. The female doctor I scheduled with was replaced by “the new guy”. “Wasn’t I lucky?” the nurse asked me. NO – not really! I wanted a mature woman to talk to – not Doogie Howser fresh out of med school. Egad.

When I was little, we always played “nurse” and “doctor” … I was always the nurse (cuz I was a girl) and David M. (my neighbor from down the street) was always the doctor (cuz he was a boy). It was the 60s … I was young and innocent and had no idea that females could be doctors … no one told me otherwise! Anyway – we made a great medical team, David and I, doing many surgeries on stuffed animals off the fold down door of our Ford Falcon. (Why we were playing in the driveway – I have no idea!) Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if David M. actually became a real doctor … he was a brain in high school. And my thought today was … I’d rather have 5 yr old Doctor David chatting with me today than the one who was.

He talked to me like I was the most ancient human he’d ever encountered. He suggested I remove throw rugs from my home (trip hazards). I should have called him “Sonny” at that point. I asked him about hormones (he didn’t know what I meant) and weight (told me to stop “knocking back the desserts”) – that was the point when I wanted to smash his young stupid face. Soon after he actually patted my knee and told me, at 64, not to worry as I had “a lot of life left in me”. Somewhat like something he’d say to the tire salesman who was pushing a new set on him! WTF.

We’ll skip over the mortification of the breast and vaginal exams (with a stranger – guys/you have it SO damn easy!). He didn’t ask me about my sexual history – I’m sure the dust bunnies spoke for themselves!

Island medicine leaves much to be desired. But, after that horrible encounter, I stopped in at the local grocery store and got my Moderna booster. Woop dee doo and hooray for me! The doctor couldn’t help me much – but the grocery store sure did. Go figure!

Anyway – I digress. I was going to write about my yummy Starbucks and how almost navy/velvet the sky looked before it turned SO dark, SO early … (I can feel hibernation mode already descending upon me) and how I loved watching the lights of the jets as they circled the field doing their touch and go’s. The sheer volume of their engines practically had me driving off the road – they were so loud!

I was also thinking that I should have been a meteorologist as no one ever gets forecasts right and they still get paid, etc etc. But then I’d have had to change my name to Wanda or Stormy (as in Wanda the Weather Bunny or Stormy Weathers). I always thought my exit line would have been, “Darkness clearing by morning.” Except I’d have had to work somewhere other than in the NW where that’s not necessarily true. Today was a dry day – our first all month … and soon to be only for the next foreseeable future. So, darkness might not be clearing by morning as it’s going to be gray, gray, GRAY and wet, wet, WET!

And, all this was swirling in my head as I entered Walmart – cuz what up-island excursion is complete without going to the only chain store on the island (other than Safeway, fast food, Rite Aid, Ace and Walgreens)?

And that’s when I saw … HER.

She was the youngest of four kids tagging along with a disheveled man who was pushing/leaning on a cart. I’m not good with ages. Was he her father – but older/worn or perhaps her grandfather? He was pretty rough looking. She was the only girl in the group and she must have gotten distracted, leaned into him or stepped on his shoe or something as she was close to his hip … and that angered him. Whatever words he spat out from his moist and rubbery lips were full of ugliness and hurt and aimed right at her little face.

I was pushing my cart down the main aisle when they appeared. I heard him snarl “stupid” and “careless” … and I took the scene in as you would like coming upon a horrible accident. I didn’t want to look at them/yet I couldn’t look away.

She was a little waif of a thing … maybe 6? Maybe a bit older or younger – like I said, I’m not good with ages. She didn’t see me … but I certainly saw her. She was looking at him – the one putting holes into her soul – with her eyes … those big, beautiful, round eyes.

It all broke my heart. I thought I might throw up. I wanted to stop and tell him to be nice. That she was just a little girl. To have some patience. To treasure her because she was precious. But I didn’t. In this day, and certainly here where there are so many “off” people … I wouldn’t dare. I don’t need to be a headline on the nightly news about a woman being shot in a Walmart. I tried to justify not saying anything … it’s not like he HIT her … I was trying to convince myself. But, it wasn’t working and as I wheeled off … gutted by the pain I saw on that little face … all I wanted to do was go back and give her a hug and tell her that all would be okay. But would it? Because those eyes told a story that this was not the first time he spat at her, tore down her confidence, stomped on her happiness and innocence. How many times in her brief life had he already told her she was worthless? Stupid? Just a girl? How long ago had she started believing it? The invisible scars of verbal abuse aren’t known but by the ones carrying them in their hearts.

That young girl might not even know how wrong that man was in saying what he said … how ugly and damaging his words were. That, good or bad, words matter. This might have been just another day for her – where this was “normal”. I don’t know. I didn’t stop. I wheeled away.

But, I am haunted by the eyes of a child.

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Finding Joy in the Small and Little Things …

October 25, 2021 ~ Monday evening (blustery, rainy, and a bit spooky)

Halloween is approaching. Until a few years ago, when I purged my stash, I had almost as many Halloween decorations as I did for Christmas. And that is saying something! I wasn’t known as the Halloween Queen for nothing! But, with just me and the dogs spiriting these halls … my decs are now more autumnal … except for the last two weeks of the month.

Then, I pull out the bare bones skeleton (he’s seen better days and is now missing a leg/hands/feet = more gruesome) and hang him outside to blow about in the wind, a few bats are stuck in planters, I turn the ceramic pumpkins around so their faces now show to the rooms … and I put batteries into my plush frogs that are nestled inside a plush cauldron, who shake and quake and sing about what will happen to them when the witch comes back. I love them. I won’t let any witch near them to make them into stew. They bring me joy.

It’s the little things.

I have a beautiful photo of a mass of Bullwhip kelp on my fridge that whenever I look at it – a smile twitches across my lips along with a slight chuckle – if not a full belly laugh. Sam took that photo and sent it to me years ago – reminding me of the time she slipped and fell on one while on the beach in Oregon and omg – getting slimed in the process with the most foul smelling liquid (kind of a combo of rotting meat, sewage and anything else horrible). It was so bad. As in SO BAD … but also hilarious. Sorry hon. That picture (not the actual incident – okay, yes, the actual incident) brings me joy, too.

The pen and ink drawing of a runner with an alligator behind him (Ted’s art) hangs in my bedroom … the dog toys strewn across the floor … the plaque hanging on the wall that reads “You are here” and the handmade clay pot holding my favorite Peperomia …

Those and so many small things bring me happiness (and glee, as well). When someone says don’t sweat the small stuff … I don’t. I cherish it … take it all in … enjoy the hell out of it and add it to my nest. And, the other part of the saying is … it’s all small stuff. I don’t know about that – but okay. I’ll bite. I’ll enjoy it all.

I have stickers on my darling little Fiat (Gus) … a llama that is so perfectly sweet looking … a stick figure T-Rex eating a stick figure family (I love that one!) … one about spreading kindness like glitter (cuz that shit gets everywhere) … that straws suck … the beautiful octopus on my gas tank cover, and one about telling your dog I say hi! I love them (and my car) … more small stuff. More joy.

I’m sitting in my living room – I’ve rearranged the furniture again. Tim used to say how happy he was that he wasn’t blind – cuz he’d go to bed and wake up to a different house. Lots of bruised shins for the unsuspecting. I’m listening to Mom Nature’s Bomb Cyclone blowing the leaves off the trees and howling through a few still open windows. I’m (once again) so glad I’m not out on a night like this … so thankful for my cozy home. I tried to take the guest poodle for a walk earlier, but it was just too windy … neither of us needed pine needles imbedded in our faces.

But, while this walk was abandoned, it brought to mind my walk from Friday evening. It was downright balmy – the calm before the storm. It was 70 degrees at 7pm – warmer than most of our summer days! It was luscious and lovely and I walked slowly down the cliff road – accumulating colorful leaves and tiny acorns, small pinecones and wormy windfall apples. My pockets bulging with treasures by the time I got home.

And on that walk, I watched an eagle soaring overhead … floating on the thermals along the cliff edge and I stopped to watch him. It was remarkable … he’d fly up over the meadow and then he’d head toward the cliff and just glide down … catch a draft and fly back over the meadow and do it again … and again … and again. And as I watched him do this over and over it made me think that it looked like he/she were sledding on an invisible snow hill … and I wondered … was this animal experiencing joy? It certainly seemed like it.

And it made me wonder – what animals play and have joy in their lives? I watched a video of an otter juggling a rock a week or so ago. They are playful creatures. Dogs, cats, birds, dolphins, chimps and apes … all play for fun or show happiness. Just knowing that that eagle was not just looking for dinner … warmed my heart.

Joy in the little things.

I am a nester and am surrounded by things that bring me joy – on a daily basis. The tin plate that holds the fat, furry, acorns from a Bur Oak gathered on a walk with my daughter last summer … photos of my kids (from some 30 years ago) … a cross-stitched pillow a (now gone) friend made for me … an ancient Underwood Noiseless typewriter that urges me on and reminds me how easy writing is on a laptop … and now, seasonally, I have bowls of leaves and berries and pumpkins here and there and a small, blobby, rubber skeleton named Buster reclining on my chaise. It’s the little things!

I’m off to give a cookies to the dogs – just mine here tonight – so, Bea and Annie will get a few extra. They bring me immeasurable joy – every day. I’ll be handing out candy in CO this year so I’ll miss putting the costumes on the dogs … I’m not sure they’re as unhappy about that as I am!

Wishing you a Happy Halloween … much seasonal and daily joy … and tell your dog I say hi!

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Wouldn’t hurt a fly …

October 20, 2021 … Wednesday (gray, wet, and blustery up on this NW island)

I watched Annie (my old lab) watching a fly the other day that was buzzing around her. She’s slow and lumbering and I was chuckling to myself that she didn’t have a chance in hell in getting that fly – until she did! I watched her snap and gobble. One chomp and that fly was history. Good girl!

I hate flies. Despise flies. There might be some good use for them but I can’t think of one. They’re icky, annoying, dirty, buzzy and when you squish them, their guts are just plain disgusting! So gross! So, one less fly, who am I to complain?

It made me think, though, that while I consider myself a very gentle person … would I hurt a fly? No – not consciously … but, yeah, I’d smash the living daylights out of one! I’d do it so quickly – he or she wouldn’t feel a thing! Here one minute/gone the next! No hurting involved!

I think back to when I was a kid … my brother was always running around with a butterfly net, nabbing some unsuspecting butterfly or moth or insecta minutiae out of the sky. I wonder how many hundreds of insects he wiped off the planet? Of course, we didn’t know about ecology and saving species, etc etc at the time … but my apologies to all those Monarchs, Tiger Swallowtails, Morning Glories, Japanese beetles and fireflies that ended up dying on an alcohol soaked cotton ball at the bottom of a jar … ending up on a cotton batting/mounted in a wall frame. Kind of gross to think about having dead insects framed in your home. Especially ones that you murdered yourself. But, it’s what was done.

Anyway – I digress. I am as guilty. How many flies and June bugs have I swatted or drowned? How many spiders (even though not “really” insects) have I smashed to smithereens? I hate to guess – but thousands, I’d imagine.

But how many others have I saved? I feed honey water to the fat bumblebees in early spring when they are all but goners … or how about the ones I’ve scooped out of the dog water bowl?

If I have a moth in the house – I capture it and release it outside. There was a beautiful emerald green one this summer on my screen door … so itty bitty and absolutely perfect. Teeny tiny circles dotted it’s miniature wings. It was a beautiful little thing. I opened the door and blew gently on it until it flew away.

When I lived in Illinois I had an old gas pipeline removed from the den. The house was pristine when I moved in (can’t say the same for when I moved out) … and nary a bug or spec of dirt in the place. Except for that one Rhinoceros beetle! If you’ve never seen one, look it up. They are a good-sized (this one was about an inch long) with an armored body/exoskeleton and a horn (akin to a rhino’s) atop it’s head/snout. They are harmless but look really scary with their barbed and creepy legs! This particular Oryctes rhinoceros was living in said gas pipe and when the gas guy removed the pipe – out plopped this beetle! I scooped him up in a Tupperware container and took him outside to show my 3 year old neighbor and to afterwards deposit said bug in the park (well, actually, it was a cemetery but that story is for another day). But, before I could get him into the container, this little monster stood on his hind legs and waved his other four at me – begging for a fight! Egad, bud – chill out – I’m saving your life!

I can’t say the same thing about the June bug (many of millions that summer) who flew at me while I read out on the patio. I swatted it and it veered off somewhere … actually, drowning in my glass of iced tea. I didn’t know where it went until I picked up my glass for a sip sometime later. Needless to say – I went inside after that!

When in college I took an Entomology class (the branch of zoology focused on the study of insects). I loved it! It also didn’t hurt that I think I had a crush on the teacher and had a little background in it (all those killings as a child!). Sadly, the only thing I remember from that class is the latin/scientific name for bedbug … Cimex Lectularius. Weird.

While on our honeymoon in Hawaii, we were on an architectural tour of the city (I know – what geeks!). I remember standing on the grounds of the Iolani Palace of King Kamehameha and I looked down and on the top of my shoe sat a 4″ walking stick (Anisomorpha buprestoides … say that 3x fast!). I’d seen several in my lifetime and so didn’t panic, but continued on our tour with a 6-legged stow-away along for the ride and the rest of the tour group none the wiser.

I have a friend who has witnessed the return of the Monarchs in the south … millions of them. She “grows” them … getting little baby butterfly caterpillars and feeding them milkweed and keeping them safe as they grow and munch and eventually make their crysalises and fly the proverbial (and real) coop. She is a butterfly farmer of sorts and I admire her wherewithal and dedication to this endangered species.

As for me – I’ll rescue insects (some) and plant flowers for them to feed on – outside – but if they’re in my house – they are in MY domain and are, in all likelihood, goners!

My oldest friend (as in years I’ve known her not in age) had a chocolate lab years ago, Frango. A naughty, naughty dog but particularly endearing (if she wasn’t yours). In the summertime, she’d eat her fill of whatever insects she could gobble up but her favorites (possibly because they were so slow and big) were the cicadas. She’d eat dozens of them a day and by evening throw back up a huge pile of body parts and iridescent wings. I laugh every time I think of that … but I wasn’t the one picking this grossness up all the time!

There aren’t many insects up this way – except for spiders which Orkin takes care of for me and flies – which, apparently, Annie takes care of for me! So, is said … all good on the western front. At least, bug-wise!

Wishing you a lovely day … birds singing, bees buzzing (don’t kill them – we need them!) … and tonight when you go to bed I hope you sleep tight and don’t let the Cimices lectularia bite!

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What I Know for Sure …

October 7, 2021 ~ Thursday (sunny, puffy clouds, blue skies – a rarity here)

“Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way.”

I have that saying written on my bedroom wall. I wake up to that every morning. It’s certainly a nice way to start my day.

Last night we had a thunderstorm!!!! I’m using a lot of exclamation points because in the seven years I’ve been here, I think we’ve had eight claps of thunder … including last night’s three! Woohoo! It was a good downpour made even better with some thunder!

However, lab Annie, didn’t think so. Apparently, she’s not a fan of thunderstorms.

I was fishing about through my online files and thought I’d share a few things today. Yesterday was a rough day. I cried all afternoon – for a “kid” I never knew and will never know. But, to me, the news “hit home” as he stood for all of our adult “kids” … our children, our nephews and nieces, our friends’ adult children. This mid 30 year old was someone my daughter knew back in her college days. He moved/life happens/blah blah blah … but they reconnected a year or so ago. He was a youth hockey coach. He owned his own construction company up in Aspen. He sounded like a nice guy.

And, after six weeks in a coma in a Denver area hospital with Covid-19 … he died.

Just like that. One week a strapping mid-30 year old good guy … and the next, unfathomable anguish and heartbreak for his family and friends and poof … he’s a memory. He was not vaccinated. And that made me think of all the “kids” his age that I know, that my kids know, that are the children of my good friends or my kids’ best friends and I collectively grieved. This age group thinks they are immune by just being who they are/how old they are. I think it’s the “I’m fine/”it” won’t happen to me.” attitude. I don’t know but it breaks my heart. Thirty year olds should not die from a virus. And yet he did … and many more have and many more will as well unless precautions are taken – masking/distancing/vaccines. Tell your friends … this could have been anyone.

I didn’t know this guy … yet his passing made me take stock and remind myself that life is fragile. It is to be treasured – every hour of every day we breathe … it’s a sacred gift. How lightly and for granted some of us take it. How arrogant we are in our assumptions that it will go on – forever. We all know that’s not true – but live like it is anyway.

So, when I was up in my office, I unearthed some past writings and here is something that kind of hit home for me … an idea for a book that I wrote eons ago …

Things I Know for Sure:

  • When you think you have life all planned out … you don’t. (YOUR plan is never THE plan.)
  • Life can change in an instant. (As in a nanosecond.)
  • Worrying is useless. (Spend your energy on doing something about what bothers you.) 
  • What you think about you bring about. (“If you think you can’t – you are right.” – Henry Ford) 
  • Believe all things are possible. (If you don’t try – it will never happen.)
  • What you send out to others will come back to you. (Good or bad. And, we all know karma’s a bitch.)
  • Manners matter. Be polite. Say thank you. Help others. (It’s never wasted.)
  • Smile – it increases your face value. (Even when you don’t feel like it – it’ll make you feel better and it might just make someone else’s day.)
  • Be thankful for unanswered prayers. (How many times have we realized that?!)
  • Wisdom doesn’t always come with age – but life. (Thank you to the 100 year olds with a lifetime of experiences and four year old cancer survivors who are wise beyond their years from what they have faced.)
  • Doing good deeds makes life better. (Always.)
  • Experiences are underrated. (Sometimes the only way to know is to do.)
  • Love with wild abandon. (Not just baby animals and ice cream.)
  • Do your best in whatever you do. (You may not win or succeed … but you’ll know you gave it your all. There is satisfaction in knowing that!)
  • Donate. (Your time, efforts, possessions, money, hair … whatever! Do it!)
  • Live life with intention. (We are never guaranteed a next breath.)

There is a saying, “The Past is behind us. The Future is ahead and uncertain. Today is a gift – that’s why it’s called the Present.” Cheesy – but true.

Go make today a good day – fill it with passion, purpose and intention. Sprinkle kindness and love like it was glitter – that shit gets everywhere!

This I know for sure.

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Perpetual October … (aka: any month except July in the NW)

October 5, 2021 ~ Tuesday (gray/heavy skies/wind advisory … aka: a normal day)

Happy October! I’m a few days late in my monthly salutation … my intentions were good/my actions were lagging. This month is one of my favorites … and as much as I like it, I really ONLY like it when it is actually October. Living in the NW, pretty much any month (aside from July and maybe August) feel like this month – over and over and over again.

I never really know what month it is here … are their pumpkins marching down my front porch steps? No? Then it’s not late Sept/Oct or November … even though the temps/skies/and everything else might belie that thinking.

Up here, on this rock, it’s “October” for about 9 months of the year … maybe 10. This past year (thank you global warming) we had a lovely warmer (not hot – except for that HOT long weekend) summer that lingered (most days) through September. It was nice.

I really love October with the leaves changing and the pumpkins and gourds and the rusts, cranberry, and mustard colors all around … it’s exceptionally nice when it actually arrives.

We are pretty green up here still … a few trees are donning their autumnal gowns but for the most part, due to the severe dry summer, the trees are stressed and probably will just drop their leaves without much color change or fanfare. Too bad. My dinner plate maple is loaded with clusters of tan whirlybird seed pods … they must not be ready to fly yet because with the winds we are having, I’m surprised they are not flying off the tree up to Alaska already.

I drove up island the other day … thinking it would be nice to take a drive, get a coffee, grab a few groceries. It was a sunny day with bluebird skies … I didn’t think it would take me nearly 4 hours. But, Annie (lab) was with me and she was happy because she scored a handful of chicken nuggets from Burger King (surprisingly tasty – for us both!) … and she got to get away from the house. We haven’t been to the beach lately – too cold/wet and she’s been limping more than usual – walking is now only short jaunts. I’m considering buying a turtle to take her on her walks she is so slow!

Today is one of those days … my daughter chipped her tooth on her coffee mug and lost a contact on her bike ride … I tried to flip a stray hair out of my eyes and gouged my forehead with an unusually (for me) long nail and now look like I’m Triclops. I’m off to lunch soon with a friend and hope I don’t spill my soup into my lap or that my house hasn’t blown away before my return (or after). I’m also hoping the power stays on.

Yesterday I was looking back on some of my past year’s October posts. I read the one from last year and am so thankful we are post-Trump (as much as we are but don’t get me started on all the crap going on) however, Covid is still a nightmare. You’d think we’d be better off than this now!

Here is the start of the post from a year ago … sadly things have changed so drastically … yet stayed so much the same:

“October 3, 2020 – Saturday (Covid-19 running rampant = nearly 7.4 million cases in US w/209,000 dead, wildfires still raging, election going off the rails, you name it … )

It’s been a week.

And that’s putting it mildly.

If the best part of the week was me swallowing my temporary crown … yeah, it’s been one for the books. Read on!

We are now at nearly 7.4 million Covid-19 cases in the US with more than 209,000 deaths. Worldwide there are nearly 35 million cases and 1,000,000 deaths. Disgusting. Upsetting. Completely heartbreaking.”

Today, October 5, 2021 … we are now past 44, 781,000 cases in the US with nearly 725,000 people having died in this country from Covid-19. And the numbers continue to rise. More than half a million MORE than a year ago. Worldwide there have been more than 219 million cases with nearly 5 million deaths. The medical community is now saying that over 200,000 deaths here in the US have occurred SINCE the vaccines were available. The vaccines don’t guarantee 100% prevention from getting the virus (there are still chances of breakthough cases) – you need to still do your part. However, if you do get it, you’ll have a much milder case, probably won’t need hospitalization and you won’t die. Why is this still such an issue?

From last year … “The wildfires continue raging making this “fire season” in the western US (OR/CA/WA) the worst in at least 70 years. I don’t know the size of an acre but I can visualize how big a football field is … and in these states, to date, over 5.7 MILLION football fields of homes, businesses, forests and land have gone up in flames. That is roughly the same size of the state of New Jersey. What is left is a blackened landscape of charred dreams, towns and wilderness. Aside from the horrific personal tragedies of people and lives lost and all the animals and wildlife lost … and complete towns being decimated … the air quality has been, at times, the worst on the planet and the drinking water supplies are now having issues meaning health issues for all in these states as well as across the globe.”

And … this year has been worse. The fires in the west (CA/WA/OR/MT/ID and BC) have outpaced those from last year’s historic “fire season”. And, yes, “fire season” is now a real term.

Schools are opening and realizing that they are incubators for this virus. Elementary schools to universities are fighting hard to come to terms with a new normal for this school year … just as they did for last year. However, the virus is hitting kids. As of last week 64% of the new cases were in children under the age of 19. Astounding. And people balk at wearing a mask and social distancing and vaccinations.

Businesses continue to be closed or have closed permanently or are suffering because they cannot get workers to work. This virus has been so hard on so many.

Mask and vaccination mandates are in effect for some states and agencies … but we need more done.

When I wrote this last year the election was just around the corner – god am I glad that is over (and I used the term “over” lightly in light of all that has happened since). New voter restriction laws are taking shape in 16 states and continue to plague the voting process with venomous spewing from the Ex-President, himself, concerning voter and ballot fraud, a rigged election, and his continuation in office. A year later all this shit continues. Stupid is as stupid does.

So, it’s been a year … and most of it was spent in weather that was like today … mid 50s/on and off rain/wind/gray skies … perpetual October.

More of the same coming tomorrow.

Except now I have those pumpkins marching down my steps and I know it’s really October.

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Humanity … Be Better!

September 27, 2021 ~ Monday morning (gusty and gray outside)

I’m tired. 106 dog sits (166 including my own dogs) this past month have done me in!

Once again, this is not the blog post I was thinking of writing yesterday – not the one I was thinking about while at my friend’s memorial … but it’s the one that is bubbling out of me today. Things change … yet, in this instance, things have so disappointingly, stayed the same … or have gotten worse.

I am disappointed in my peers, family, friends, neighbors and fellow countrymen. Not everyone – but if you’re not doing what it takes to be part of the solution – then you are part of the problem.


This has been going on since March of 2020 (or thereabouts) and here we are 18 months later and people are still being foolish, rebellious, selfish and well … stupid. But, why am I surprised?

I’m not liking the American public (generally) at the moment. How and when did we get so stupid?


I’ve been in the educational arena – perhaps peripherally at times – for most of my life. I went to school/s until I graduated from college when I was 22 years old. So, do the math … 17 years of education. I took night classes (for fun) when I also worked 2-3 jobs after I moved to Colorado. Less than 10 years after I last sat in a classroom, I was back again as a mom of a kindergartener. And for the next 24 years I was, one way or another, associated/affiliated/injected into and a part of the local school scene … room parent/advisor/some board or another/student/chairperson/president/association or committee member/special something/tutor/substitute teacher … you name it, I pretty much did it.

I know that my education platform was different than the ones my kids got – theirs was much more tech-focused. I know that my education platform was so very different than my parents’. But somewhere along the way – I have to think that my parents got a far broader/more encompassing/deeper and richer education than either I or my kids got … and we’re talking about education in the 1930s and ’40s.

I know they didn’t have all the technology back then – but their studies were, if nothing else, rigorous. I know nothing of mythology, classic lit or music, or actual history. I never had to take an accounting or economy class. And still, I flew through my early years, was an honor student in high school, placed out of basic classes in college. I always got As and Bs (except for those geometry/trig classes!) … but I feel I know nothing!

It might not be necessary in today’s age to know how to diagram sentences … but my mom can do it with any sentence you give her. It’s astounding and so impressive! I’m lucky I can identify an adverb … forget about passive voice and dangling participles or prepositional phrases or modifiers! Egad. At times, I wish I knew about these things but I never learned them and now? I am not that turned on by them to find out! I could (and probably should) but I’d like to use these brain cells (at least at the moment) on other things.

My own lack of knowledge of English comp aside, somewhere along the way, sometime in the ’90s, I remember thinking that I was witnessing the “dumbing down of America”. It was bothersome. What used to be taught in 3rd grade was now being taught in 5th – or not at all. Cursive writing was an after thought (even back then!). The science fairs were mere poster boards along with colored carnations or potatoes growing vines. No real science! I had a conversation with one teacher who told me if my son got additional/higher course work – that he’d know too much. I remember staring at her and wondering how that was even possible?!

What was also bothersome, at that time, were the “Participation Trophies” that everyone had to purchase for every team and every sport that their kid was active in. It went against my nature to reward kids for playing a sport and just being part of a team. What happened with rewarding skills and cooperation? Who started that “trophies for all” shit?! Hard work was no longer really necessary. Teamwork – eh! Winning – why put in all that effort! Good sportsmanship – what was that? All kids, regardless of ranking, were going home with a trophy. I’m sorry – life’s just not like that! None of us leave here with a participation trophy or medal around our necks. You have to EARN what you get.

And, right now – I believe we are getting what we earned. What we deserve. And that is this country is a pathetic, disgusting mess. There are no trophies here. We’ve voted in politicians who are far more concerned about keeping their jobs than doing their jobs. Some of us are following people who lie about everything and what they spout out is taken as the truth. Conspiracy theories, politicizations, so much screaming that no one knows what anyone is saying anymore. How did we get so angry? How did we get to be lemmings? The winds through the trees might be just wind – or it might be our ancestors groaning their disgust. How did we get to be such a mess?

I don’t know if it’s the political mayhem that has been the norm for the past 5 years … or the blind eye that has been around for centuries … or if it stems from people’s (lack of) educational backgrounds or broken family units or from watching our political leaders lie and cheat their way up the ladder or from seeing sports figures and entertainment icons making zillions of dollars for chasing a ball … or all those that have “made it big” without putting in the time/effort … or all the crap that is fed to us via 24/7 media input/output … but we are missing something here. Collectively, we have become so selfish and so blind to what is real … what is needed … what is necessary. “All for one and one for all” is no longer a thing. It’s me for me – me, myself and I. What happened to the Common Good? What happened to the spirit of Community? What happened to the Golden Rule? What happened to common decency, integrity, empathy and compassion?

When did people stop caring, listening, helping … THINKING?

How many accidents happen because someone follows their GPS signal when it tells them to take a left turn – off a bridge? How many kids were scuttled through the educational systems (on points for bringing pencils to class) just so they didn’t have to be around another year? How many graduated not knowing how to read? How many believe the insanity that is spoon-fed them because they were never allowed, told or shown how to think on their own? How many believe the lies because the hate-speak makes them feel empowered or like they are not alone in their deranged thinking? How many think truth is whatever is spoken or written, seen, heard or projected? How many blame others for what is wrong here without looking inward to the responsibility that is ALL of ours?

Currently, we (the US) have tallied nearly 43 million cases of Covid-19. Nearly 689,000 Americans have died in the last 18 months. Horrific stats that, seemingly, no longer really bother people. A year ago when we were told 500,000 deaths might happen, we were appalled. Now? We have become complacent to this on-going horror. This is the worst, most fatal pandemic in our history and we now have the means to squash it … and people still do not take those steps to do so. WHY? Over 2000 people a day are DYING from this virus. STILL. And now, with the vaccines – that is so avoidable. WHY are people not acting on this? Studies show that wearing a mask, washing up, keeping your physical distance all help with stemming the virus … and getting the vaccine pretty much guarantees you will not get sick and if you have a break-through case, you will not die.

Are we lazy? Tired? Overwhelmed? Stubborn? Or are we just that stupid?

I hate to think that, but I do. I have a friend who says it’s “media’s fault”. REALLY? Since when did we give our brain function over to media – social or otherwise? Do we no longer think for ourselves? Do we not trust in science? Since when is everything politically based, biased and agenda’d? Use your brains, people – our children are getting SICK … some are dying. KIDS! OUR KIDS! This is outrageous!

This all makes me crazy, nuts, bonkers … because it is so simple to abate. Keep yourselves, your family, your kids, your neighbors and community safe and healthy – do your part!

This past week I’ve been walking earlier at night as it’s been getting darker (so much) sooner each evening. That means, I’m home and eating dinner at a different time and I’ve discovered the History Channel’s programming of “Cities of the Underworld”. It’s fabulous – if you’re looking for something amazingly informative, chilling, creepy, educational, and/or enlightening – tune in!

And, what has been my take away from watching these mere eight shows of history? I know so little! And, humankind is/has been so awful … generally speaking! No matter when – no matter where … humanity has been cruel and devious and ugly!

These shows revolved around life underground – the underbellies of society. The nefarious doings and dealings of criminals and businessmen since the dawn of time … or at least the last 5000 years. It explained how a trap door in a western saloon would make an unsuspecting patron an oarsman on a slave ship to China – thousands of men each year. Human trafficking in the 1800s (and even still) was a big business. Russia would take over entire towns (in the 1960s even) and everyone within those walls were then owned by the government – say goodbye to life as you knew it. You were now (pretty much) a government slave laborer. In other places, if you were in the wrong place – you’d be shot/questions asked later. Human sacrifices … floods … hundreds of years of famine, disease, drought and peril. I watched programs where people were going about what then was “daily life” wearing gas masks. It was all so enlightening and horrifying!

And, it made me feel terribly fortunate … and terribly sad. We have it so easy. SO EASY! We live in a time when anything we want is basically at our fingertips. ANYTHING. You want to know how big a kangaroo joey is at birth? Look it up on the internet (about the size of a grape!). You want music? Turn on your phone, radio, computer, tv, or talk to Alexa. You want take out? Call a restaurant and have it delivered! You want more education? Go online/get started! You want a job? There are plenty. And yet – people fritter their lives away being complacent, selfish, lazy, stupid … or all of those.

And, here we Americans are – living relatively lovely lives compared to SO many others around this globe – and instead of improving our lives and mankind – we put energy into protesting things that will help save our lives and keep each other safe and happy and healthy and thriving. What a stupid lot. People would rather risk their children’s health and safety and their lives than wash up, physically distance and wear a mask – not a heavy, metal gas mask but a nice, soft piece of cotton over their mouth and nose. And now, we have the vaccines and only 56% of our country are fully vaccinated. Children now account for nearly one-fourth of all new cases. It’s astounding … and disturbing … and pathetic.

I don’t know how we can stop this downward spiral and all the rantings about this being unjust and politically charged … media input or not … but people have to start thinking again. How do we get our neighbors to use their brains? Get more education – on anything? How do we go forward with more hope?

I guess we have to keep talking … keep trying to get the good messages out there. Do something positive every day. Help your neighbor – help yourself. Get a shot. Wear your mask. Be nice. Be smarter. Be good. Be BETTER.

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500 and counting …

September 10, 2021 ~ Friday

I sat down to write a totally different blog piece today. It’s gray and cool out – very autumnal. I look out my dining window and see my (badly needing pruning) maple – branches heavy under the weight of so many whirly-bird “helicopter” seed pods. They are turning brown … and soon they will flutter down and cover my lawn and clog my mower.

Last night was luscious. I walked the cliff under a cotton candy sky … striped pink and baby blue. My 9000 steps carrying me home past deer, bunnies, too many slugs to mention (so gross), and one kitty who walked with me for a bit – meowing the whole way. Nothing like a little kitty cat chat! It was nearly 70 when I walked back through my gate in the increasing darkness. The cobalt skies seemed to arrive sooner each night this week … last night it was dark by 8:15.

But, that post – the one I was pondering while on my walk – will have to wait because today I realized that I have written 500 blog posts! While I am thrilled and surprised by that achievement, part of me thinks that number should be more as I did start out challenging myself to write every day for a year … making that a good 365 posts. And in all these years since I’ve only posted another 135? That doesn’t seem right … but I guess it is!

So, I’m thinking of all things 500 … and here are a few things that pertain to that number.

The big 500 … or “D” if we were using Roman numerals. Seems funny to have one letter for such a big number. Which got me thinking about – who still uses Roman numerals? Are they all that common? There are only a handful of them – so, why haven’t I memorized them and their combinations? (I = 1, V= 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000.) If you see XIX that is the number 19 … 10 + (10-1). Apparently, around 1300 a.d. Roman numerals were replaced by the Hindu-Arabic numbers that are used today. But, you can still see those fancy antiquated numerals still carved into building cornerstones and used in movie credits and titles. They are also used in names of monarchs, popes, ships and sporting events (think the Olympics or the Super/Puppy Bowl) as well as being used in chemistry to denote groups of the Periodic Table and in the field of astronomy to designate moons.

The Indy 500 is an automobile race held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway which is in (oddly enough) Speedway, IN. It is usually held Memorial Day weekend/the last weekend in May. The 200-lap, 500 mile race is on a 2.5 mile oval race circuit. It was built in 1909 at the cost of $3 million ($86 million in today’s money), covers 560 acres and is the largest (and probably the noisiest) sports venue in the world. The venue is nicknamed “The Brickyard” because the original surface of the track was paved in bricks. This year was the Indy’s 105th race.

The number 500 is also what is known as an “Angel Number”. (I don’t make this stuff up!) It represents a combination of energies and attributes that symbolize major life changes related to the process of one’s spiritual development.

In numerology, it also signifies change of cycles and phases in your life, endings of important things and situations, and making space for new ones … as well as potential and new/fortunate opportunities, adaptability, resourcefulness, freedom, independence, adventure, learning lessons from experience, wholeness and making significant decisions and choices. It is also a sign of intelligence and creativity. Number 500 also promotes the courage and personal freedom to live and serve your soul mission as your intuition and inner-knowing dictates.

Hmm … maybe I’m onto something here!

Mathematically, the #500 is an even composite number composed of two prime numbers multiplied together. And if you want to be impressed even more with my mathematical prowess … it has twelve divisors.

500 seconds is equal to 8 minutes and 20 seconds. To count from 1 to 500 would take you about half that time. 500 hours is almost 21 days. 500 days comprise 16.5 months and 500 months equal about 41.7 years. 500 years are 5 centuries.

Roughly 500 gumballs fit into an average gumball machine. (Get out your pennies!)

The $500 bill, which is no longer in circulation, has President William McKinley’s face on it. The $500 bill dates to 1918 and was in use for 50 years until 1968 when it was discontinued for (surprise, surprise) lack of use/need!

The common commercial laying hen lays about 500 eggs every two years.

The Nigersaurus (an ancient sauropod that looked strangely akin to a platypus – in a cute, reptilian way) was discovered in the Republic of Niger (hence the name). It had 500 teeth that were stored, in vertical columns, in its muzzle at the front of its mouth. Each tooth lasted only about two weeks before a replacement moved into place! Something like a Pez dispenser – dino-style!

There are approximately 500 species of beetles … creepy crawlies, one and all. Well, except the ladybug who is a sweet and darling little insect and a good garden dweller.

This year in history … 500 years ago:

The 12th Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Jiajing, came into power. He apparently, was not a likable guy, and his mistresses plotted an assassination against him – it failed. He lived but they were all executed. However, he later died of mercury poisoning – which he drank in a quest for eternal life. (Hmm, beware idiots as it sounds vaguely familiar to the Lysol and ivermectin “medical” treatments for Covid-19!)

Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortez brought down the last of the Aztec Empire, tortured the Emperor and ultimately had him executed because he failed to produce treasures and gold. Brutal!

Historians believe that Catherine Howard was born this year. She ultimately became King Henry VIII’s fifth wife at the ripe old age of 17 or so. He was 50. Gross me out. She was found to have had other lovers and was (like her cousin, Ann Boleyn) beheaded.

And who can ever forget about Ferdinand Magellan – the explorer we all learned about in 4th grade. He was the originator of the journey to circumnavigate the globe. His crew finished the trip after he died – being killed in a battle – prior to the journey’s completion and arrival back in Spain.

I’m seeing a very gruesome and bloody past here. Yuck!

On a lighter note – there are roughly 500 seeds in a packet of zucchini seeds! No wonder when you plant one packet you get enough zukes to feed an army! I’m making oven fried zukes right now!

And with that – I just walked into the kitchen to check on the zukes and the clock on the range read 5:00! How coincidental. Another 500! Time to feed me and the dogs.

Here’s to (maybe) another 500 blog posts! Go Lobster!

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What a load of crap …

September 4, 2021 ~ early Saturday morning (flanked by dogs/in bed)

Warning: don’t read this while eating!

It’s early (for me) on this Saturday morning. The sun has barely appeared in the eastern sky and the fan is drawing cool air into my room/wafting over me and critters. I don’t want to get up but I need to get these words out. I don’t usually write from bed – but today that is warranted. I’ve got six dogs here and I’m flanked by three of them – all nestled, somehow, under or atop my comforters and bed linens and it’s just too cozy to get out of this cocoon of dog warmth and yumness. Everyone’s been out – even the blind/deaf one. On my way back from the yard, I grabbed my laptop as we all jumped back into bed. Ahh … so nice!

So – here I am … amidst snoring dogs and coziness thinking about … poop.

Yeah, me … the one who can barely muster the verbalization of the word without gagging. I didn’t go into the medical field because well, I just can’t handle body fluids. Of any kind. Spit, pee, poop, blood, vomit, pus (ugh) … NO. CAN. DO.

Or as what is on my mind today … NO. CAN. DOO-DOO.

I love dogs. I do; but when you take care of a whole herd of them – there isn’t much to be said about all of their “leavings” except … what a load of crap! 

In my opinion, it’s the worst part of owning an animal … definitely the worst part of taking care of other people’s fur babies. But, as with all living things … they ingest and ultimately, they have to get rid of that intake. We all do. So, why does it always sound so awful and why is it such a taboo topic?

Maybe cuz it’s just gross! Honestly, I hate it. I hate thinking about it. I hate talking about it. I hate picking up the yard. It’s disgusting. But, every living thing does this process. I just wish we could come up with a better term for it. (I am a wordie, after all – one would think I could come up with some nicer word for it!)

When my kids were little, potty-training was the bane of my existence. Truly. If there was ever an “accident” – I’d throw out the underpants instead of washing them out. If it was worse … the whole ensemble went into the garbage, too. I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to deal with that … well … crap!

As people age they seem to get more comfortable in the topic of all things poop related. My grandfather said 17 words to me (well, so it seemed) in the time we shared air on this Earth … but he had NO problem and was never tongue-tied about his daily doings. (I could almost throw up now thinking about it – but that would be another body fluid I can’t tolerate!) We’d be at the Sunday dinner table – the table heavy with dishes/a feast fit for royalty (Grandma had been cooking all day) and out of the blue Grandpa would say, “Buck, I had a BM today.” Gee – thanks for sharing Grandpa, and please pass the mashed potatoes. UGH.

My dad never spoke of his own personal eliminations (sounds like a game or reality show happening – who gets eliminated on tonight’s episode?). But the man used that one cuss word freely. Maybe a few damns or hells along the way – but mostly dad was a crap man. (And maybe that’s why I’m thinking about this now – this week it’ll be three years since his passing and since I last heard him utter … “That’s a load of crap!” Sigh.)

My mom (sorry mom) throws around the words “bowel movements” as easily as if we’re talking about what’s on TV or the day’s weather forecast. I’d rather be talking of puppies, my kids, or flower-filled meadows instead. I can’t stand it. (My sister is equally squeamish and hears this all much more than I do.)

And, maybe it is an age thing … cuz here I am … sitting in bed, thinking about all things poop and WRITING about them. WTF?! All of a sudden I feel I’ve turned a page in the age journal! Not good.

In any case … what got me thinking of this is that this summer has been busy. As in B.U.S.Y. with dogs and feedings and tossing sticks, balls and stuffies and well, all their “leavings”. In July I booked 81 days of daily doggy care. That’s a lot of dogs and meals and well, eliminations. I’m looking at my upcoming month and I’ve got 6-8 dogs here each day for the next week or so. Do (or doo-doo) the math on that one. Ugh. If there was a Poop Van Scoop business here on the island, I would have hired them for these summer months. Truly. My daughter used to hire a service to clean her yard when she had Brutus, her 182 lb. Great Dane/St. Bernard mix. Best $30 spent a month – EVER!

So, here I am, snuggled in thinking about a better word choice for all things poop. I have to because, unfortunately, I have clients/dog owners asking me about their sweet fur babies and their eliminations … which is a hard topic for me … and a better word choice would be easier on me. Too much poop talk could lead to puking – and puking is never a good thing – and on a client would be even worse! I don’t need these gut reactions all the time. (Even though – one would beg to differ as I’m still writing about it!)

What words could I replace for the dreaded crap word? And I’m just talking normal BM’s – not the dreaded “Big D” (diarrhea – which is bad enough but why does it have to be so hard to spell?!).

What else could I use instead of … poop, poo, dung, logs, dump, pile, doo-doo, droppings, leavings, eliminations, bowel movements/BMs, shit, poo-poo, potty, turds, doody, defecation, excrement, scat, waste … (and my all time favorite)… feces?

Sadly, I can’t come up with something less gross. There’s no really good, nice-sounding, prettied-up word for it. When it comes down to it – trying to make it sound any better is really … just a load of crap.

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In the Blink of an Eye …

September 1st, 2021 ~ Wednesday (cool and sunny on this NW island)

Merely two blog posts ago I said that in a blink of an eye it would be September.

Guess what?!

I returned home late (late!) Monday night from a little trip to CO this past weekend … a six day trip always sounds like a good amount of time to be away. (More than plenty of time – I think!) But when two of those days each consist of 12 hours of travel (from/to and back again) … those four full days go by in a blink of an eye.

Just like this summer has.

Wasn’t it JUST May? I was getting ready to go on my trip down south. I was excited to get my second vaccine. The whole summer lay before me. Seriously – where did it go?

Blink. Blink. Gone!

I came home from that trip mid-June and I turned around, took a breath, and it was late August. Crazy! In the time I was gone (this trip) I was (mostly) removed from the news and pretty much anything else. I went rogue and didn’t take my laptop this time around and I was sort of unplugged. It was nice. I needed a break. If aliens had landed somewhere on the planet, I’m pretty sure I would have been oblivious to their arrival.

What I did notice, though, when I got back home was the arrival of Autumn. Amazing what changes a few days away will bring.

I’m ready though. I’ve now been up in the NW for over 7 years (omg) … and I’ve adjusted to the temps. I’m still not a fan (even with this being our warmest summer that I can remember) … but the time I spent in Denver was practically an assault on my system. It was HOT! In any location, this body is not meant to be in 90-100 degree temps. I just don’t do well. I loved the balmy evenings but those are only possible when the days are steamy or scorching. The daytimes I could have done without! And, as much as I wanted to stay and see friends/family more … I was glad to get back to my bed and the coolness of home.

It is the summer’s great last heat, It is the fall’s first chill: They meet.  – Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

I know that fall doesn’t actually begin, according to the calendar, for another 3 weeks (September 22nd) but according to MY calendar … September/October and November comprise what is Autumn and so, here we are. And, it sure feels fall-esque to me today. It got down to 48 degrees last night … and today’s high was 68. Balmy in the afternoon but that fall chill was present this morning.

Autumn days come quickly, like the running of a hound on the moor.
Irish proverb

To me, fall has begun but it officially occurs in a measly three weeks (another blink of an eye). It is then that we’ll be observing the autumnal equinox. The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,”and nox, meaning “night.” On the date of the equinox, day and night are roughly equal in length. Roughly – except in the northern regions where it’s still light out later. (It is also the day when my neighbors dance (naked) around a pole in someone’s backyard. Or maybe that is solstice. Thankfully, I’ve missed these events.)

In any case – it’s feeling autumnal and I’m watering my front lawn and flower beds hoping to revive my plants and lawn. We have had 2-3 rain showers since May and it is hideously dry – even for our summer drought standards. Driving home from the grocery store today I noticed the first colors of autumn that have popped up on various trees.

In the blink of an eye.

I took yesterday and today “off” … no guest dogs and just luxuriated in wearing a sweater and being with my dogs. I continue to get the hero’s welcome whenever I come in from moving the sprinkler around or out of the bathroom. It’s nice to know I was missed and that I am loved by my sweet furry creatures. I’ve been doing all those post-vacay chores and lazing around. I even got caught up on some of my recorded shows and news programs. This slower pace has been nice especially after the craziness of oh-so-many furry and human guests that I hosted over the summer months. I feel like these days have been a gentle slide into the new season and it is most welcome.

I’m now going up to the attic to pull down all things autumnal. My favorite season means I decorate early and leave everything up until the Monday after Thanksgiving. Especially splendid! I’d never do well living in Australia … all things fall fill up my soul and all the browns, rusts, and cranberry colors just wouldn’t be the same during spring! I can’t wear bifocals because I’d be falling down all over the place – my brain doesn’t adjust that way. I just can’t imagine it trying to figure out the opposite seasons “down under”.

And, thank god for the changing of seasons because the thought of bringing out my fall decs heralded an hour of dusting every surface in the house today. Don’t ever give me the white glove test – unless it’s at the beginning of a new season. Otherwise, I’d flunk!

I picked up a bouquet of dahlias and zinnias from the local farm on my way home today … deep reds, mustards, magentas and orange … the colors of the seasons – mixed together so beautifully. Goodbye Summer – I’m so ready for fall.

Tonight I’ll put on a cozy coat and walk the cliff. I’ll count the deer and bunnies and see what else has changed, even subtly, in my short absence. I know I’ll see or feel a difference.

Happy (almost) Autumn! It came in the blink of an eye!

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The Life of Riley …

August 22, 2021 ~ Sunday night

The house is quiet. I love it like this. There is nary a whisper or breeze outside … just the slight tick of a clock and the soft puff of breath from a slumbering lab … that I can hear. The dogs are all sleeping. The lamps are dimmed and there is a candle lit. There is a certain glow at this hour … soft and cozy. The house is completely still – as if a warm blanket has been draped upon us. It’s lovely.

It was another crazy/hectic/fur-filled week/end. I had 8 dogs for the last few days which entailed (no pun intended) a lot of dog meals and pats, cuddles and corralling, throwing of sticks and balls, cleaning up messes, and so much juggling between the big and small, young and old.

And as I sit here looking back on all of it, I feel so very grateful, once again, that I am living the life of Riley.

And then I get to wondering … who the heck is this Riley? And why do we think he has or had such a great life? Why do we aspire to have a life such as his? Why don’t we aspire to live the life of Gwendolyn, Arrabella or perhaps … Simon? Why this Riley fellow?

Apparently, the American idiom living the life of Riley first appeared in the early 1900s. Somewhere along the way, an urban myth of sorts began around a certain fabricated gentleman named Mr. Riley who lived a lovely and carefree lifestyle – free of any concerns. People who lived a life such as that – aka: the easy life – became known as those who were living the life of Riley.

So, yeah … I guess one could say I live such a life. And one could say that MOST of the people I know also do. Oh sure, we all have our woes … financial worries, some health concerns (ailments or even serious illnesses), loneliness, aging issues, family or relationship problems, heartbreak, etc … but very, very few of any of the people I know directly or indirectly know what a hard life is.

I know of three people who have lost homes to natural disasters. Three. They all survived those terrifying and trying ordeals. But, other than those women, I don’t know anyone whose home was ravaged by a forest fire … covered in lava … reduced to rubble by an earthquake … or washed away by a flood. I don’t know anyone who has had to leave their children unattended and take three buses to get to their second job just to try to make ends meet. I don’t know anyone who is beaten on a daily basis (or at all) or who worries about their safety. I don’t know anyone who is hungry. I don’t know anyone who has had to leave their home and the only country they’ve known, with a bag of their worldly possessions (if they are that fortunate to have even that), waiting for days – hoping to be evacuated to safety and a new life – anywhere – where they know no one nor speak the native language.

I watch TV and the images of Haiti are haunting – again. The ones of Afghanistan are gut wrenchingly heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine such hardship. I lead such an easy life.

And yet … I grumble. Oh, I had too many dogs this week. The weather is cool and cloudy – it sucks. The arthritis in my fingers is awful. My back hurts. Blah blah blah. What I need to remind myself is that I have the freedom and the means and the opportunity not to work for anyone else. I set my own hours. I do what I want/when I want/how I want. It is my business. Too many dogs? How can that ever even be a thing? The weather is cool and cloudy … so what! I’m not a farmer. My livelihood doesn’t rely on warmer or sunnier weather. I should be grateful I can be outside and enjoy it any time of day. I can come and go as I please. And if it’s cool, I can put on a sweater or coat. I have plenty. Luxuries to some. The next time I complain about the pain in my fingers – I need to remember that I have fingers. They enable me to communicate and write and type. I can brush my teeth and feed myself and pet all those too many dogs. I can fold warm laundry and scratch my own nose if it itches. So many are not that fortunate.

Yeah … whatever you want to call it … the life of Gwendolyn, Arrabella, Simon or Riley. I am certainly living the easy life. Most of us are.

Remember to count your blessings.

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Resilience …

August 11th, 2021 … Wednesday (Sunny and 79 degrees on this NW island)

Resilience … the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

This word has been swirling around in this noggin of mine for a couple of weeks now. I have started this post half a dozen times – usually while out on my nightly walks – far from any computer or pen/paper and by the time I re-entered my front gate, the words were as gone as if the crows flying above me had carried them off into the sunset.

I sit here hoping that some nuance of what was in my head will emerge – but that’s not happening. Not yet, anyway. I have a quasi “day off” today … only one guest dog along with my own – not the herd that I’ve had lately. That means I have a little free time – maybe a Starbucks is in my future (a drive up island) and a walk on the beach. Sounds good to me. It’s been a summer of dogs and people. And it’s gone by too fast and I know in the blink of an eye it’ll be September, once again.

It’s been a summer of overlaps and visitors and at times – sorrow: my mom was here … my daughter for a week … my son for a day. I had out of town guests and booked 82 dog care visits in July alone. I drove 1800 miles in a week in the South, endured an historic heatwave in the NW, had two sets of renters in my basement suite, and lost a good friend. It’s been a busy summer!

My mom was here for a month. At 92 she came back with me to the NW from Denver for a “short visit”. Time flew and a month later I had her on a plane back home. I feel that heart tug … a need to be near her in these waning years. Mom has seen a lot in her 92 years … happiness and heartache, good health and ailments … in all forms. Resilience comes to mind.

On my way home from the airport that day, I learned that my dearest neighbor had passed away. I wasn’t ready for her to “go”. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t either. The week prior I walked down with the dog for a little evening visit. Jo had been an avid dreamer and she told me of a recurring dream she’d been having – one where she was going on a trip. She laughed and looked at me with her cherubic face and said, “I wonder where I’m going?” I guess we all now know. Sigh. A stroke hit her a few days later and a week later she passed. She was the epitome of resilience … in her 90 years she, too, had seen a lot. She lost two children and her adoring husband … fought cancer and illnesses numerous times … lost a home in a house fire … was disfigured after a car accident … a lousy first husband … but she bounced back with such joy and zest – every time. After the stroke, as before, I expected her (didn’t we all?) to bounce back. This time there was no bouncing. I am having difficulty with her passing. It’s a year, this week, since her husband passed. I miss them both so much. I’ve never been good with death. It’s just so damn final.

Tim’s 15th anniversary was last month. How can it be 15 years since we lost him? This date hit me harder than some in the past – I think because it meant that for nearly half of my daughter’s life – he has been absent. That broke my heart all over again. Those fifteen years went quickly … and I think my own mortality was wrapped up in my thoughts of how quickly the next 15 might go … I’ll be nearly 80 then. I want time to slow down. When it comes to all things Tim … resiliency is far from anything I can muster.

I think of my kids … living their lives without their Dad … for so many years now. They are both so strong and so grounded and good. He’d have been so tickled to see how they morphed into adults. Ted’s position and wanderlust have taken him to far off places – and due to the pandemic – to the confines of his tiny apartment. The “kid” is like Tigger – he bounces back with everything he’s got. He turned all last year’s restrictions into opportunities. Daughter, Sam, has a wedding floral biz … who got married last year? NO ONE! Everything canceled due to the pandemic … and what did she do? She forged ahead developing online classes and kits for her biz … and rescheduled those cancellations so that this year she’s booked and making everyone’s floral dreams come true. Both of them are amazingly resilient (and wonderful and creative).

It’s a beautiful day here … sunny, a slight breeze, 79 degrees at 1:30 pm … it’ll probably get a bit warmer – which is unusual for us. This has been a WARM/hot summer for us … and I am loving it. I’ll take anything warmer than 68 degrees – otherwise, it’s just not summer!

I’m off to take the dog (Annie – my new, old lady lab rescue) to the beach so she can go swim. I look at her … all gentle/sweetness … and smile. I acquired her after a gentleman was required to surrender her due to his increasing dementia and inability to care for her. I am so grateful to his caretakers that they found me to be her late-in-life forever home. She has adapted so well to this new environment … to all my guest dogs … to her old dog little sister. Talk about resilience! She is joyful and loving and ever bouncing!

I don’t know why this word has been in my head for a while … it came from somewhere and then I kept hearing it and seeing it (the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon – also known as “frequency illusion”) … and then I just couldn’t let it go. I am a wordie (like others are foodies) … I like certain words and like to hear them and let them roll off my tongue. The word resilience has a nice feel about it. It also has the word silence within it and I tend to find we are most resilient when we can sit in silence and let our mind and body regroup/recharge/reset … and then go forward again.

I find that silence when I’m walking the cliff walk in the evenings. I take in the natural beauty around me … say hello to the slugs and deer … count the bunnies and hope the eagles don’t get one. I stop and smell the cedars and look at the leaves on the poplars and watch the clouds and water and listen to the silence. It’s lovely and it all let’s me reset.

There are days when I think I’m doing okay … and others when I feel far less resilient than I’d like. The ebb and flow of life. We can’t always be on that trampoline. My plans to move to the South have changed. I’m no longer looking there – it is off the table. My last trip to find Utopia (or at least a cute/quaint/livable small town) did not pan out. Far from it and it was gut-wrenchingly disappointing. As the plan stands now – I will (more than likely) move back to CO next spring and do just that … regroup/recharge/reset … and then go forward again. I’ve got a little more resilience in me … and a lot more bouncing to do.

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And we’re back …

June 29, 2021 ~ Tuesday (the day after a record-breaking heat wave in the NW)

October has arrived, once again. At least, tonight’s cooler temps remind me of some early autumnal evening. And, for once, I’m okay with that.

For the past four days the NW has endured an historic heatwave that culminated in shattered records and a weekend for the history books. Meteorologically speaking, at least.

If I had a lobster on my shoulder, as this blog states, it would have been cooked and I would have eaten it. And maybe the heat of the weekend would have been more tolerable after cooked lobster with gallons of melted butter! Alas, no lobster!

The whole NW was HOT … including this island. Friday we topped 90 … Sat 91 … Sun 94 … and Monday was 100. The humidity was high and the heat index was higher. Stifling is the word used by most of my neighbors to describe yesterday when the air was stagnant and nary a whisper of a breeze could be found. I was half roasted in the second floor bedroom and found it fairly impossible to sleep. At 1am I was grumbling. Around 3am the marine air moved in and I pulled up the comforter. Bliss.

I like heat. I like sun. But, when you live in an area that is usually still in the 60s in late June (and for that reason is not so affectionately nick-named Junuary) … and, all of a sudden, it is 30+ degrees hotter than normal … it’s quite something. Seattlites steamed through 107 degrees. Portlanders sweltered at 116. On the island, in my neck of the woods, we were hotter than hot. At one point, I was too hot to talk. Now, that’s saying something. Or in my case, at that moment – not!

At this moment, the guest cavalier is sleeping on the deck – I can see her fur ruffling in the night’s breeze. My new big baby is asleep on the den rug. The guest terrier is in the yard barking (need to get that one in!) … and Bea is licking my late-night yogurt bowl. What a difference a day/night makes. By this time last night, I had given all dogs 3 cool baths (each) and myself 3 cold showers. The dogs were restless and bug-eyed and their tongues nearly reached the floor – even after the baths. I was hoping I didn’t look the same. A few garments less and my mom and I would have fit into any nudist colony. This house is built with cinder blocks and it holds the heat in … and man, did it hold the heat in! After four days of uber high temps – it was pretty unbearable!

And then the air changed and it was liveable, again.

Tonight I’ve got on a 3/4 sleeve top/capris … at about 4pm that replaced my tank top as the cool air continued to come ashore. I just peeled off the sweatshirt I had on while I walked the cliff road. I needed it when I left … tied it around my waist when I was returning. Walking warmed me even though the winds whipped up the water and white caps dotted the surface. I left when the sky was still light and walked through my gate as the sky was that deep cornflower blue – somewhere between Wedgewood and cobalt. For whatever reason, it reminded me of Danish china.

I passed a 6″ slug on my way home – all chocolate brown and slimy. He was lovely! Further along, I passed by a cornucopia of more chocolate brown slugs (actually, that’s what a group of them is called!) … and I wondered if they were all okay – or if one of them was dead. I’m not sure – but I didn’t want to poke any of them! Were the others gathering around one of them, paying their respects? Or were they gathered around him to EAT him? I didn’t really want to hang around (hours) to find the answer to those questions. I’m pretending they were saying their fare-thee-wells or listening to an elder … kind of like a Tedtalk – slugfest style.

It was hazy tonight – pink cotton candy sky melted into a line of cantaloupe before dipping into the water. I’m not crazy about cotton candy – but it’s magical … don’t you think? And while I’m not crazy about it, what’s not to like about spun sugar that is wispy and light, that comes in a rainbow of pastel colors and melts on your tongue?

As I walked home, I wished I had one of the ice cream cones of my childhood. We didn’t “go out” often for ice cream – but when we did, we’d go to Cock Robin. It was always a sweltering summer night (it was only open in the summer) … and their scoop didn’t profer the typical spherical ice cream scoops … no, this place’s scooper was cube shaped. So geometric and cool! I’d always get a sugar cone … and (somehow) we were allowed a triple decker! I wonder, now, what those cones cost! I’d always get the same … orange sherbet, lime sherbet and grape sherbet – each cube stacked neatly atop the other – in random order … unless we specified which one we wanted on the bottom. Tonight’s sunset reminded me of that cone … with the orange sherbet on the bottom.

Wherever you live – I hope you have weathered the weather as well as you could have. It was so hot that we are still recuperating and at least for a while, October’s coolness is fine by me.

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Happy Summer!

June 21, 2021 ~ Monday (the first day of Summer)

If Summer could be encapsulated into one lovely 24 hour day … it could very well look like today … the first day of Summer … NW style.

It was warm … as in VERY warm (mid 70s) by late morning. We’d already surpassed our regular summertime highs before noon. Delightful!

The NW isn’t notoriously known for its heat. But, today (and by the looks of it – this week) we were notably warmer than warm, sunshinier than sunshiny – if that’s a thing. In other words … it felt like SUMMER!

It’s good to be back home. I was gone 3 weeks to CO/and the southern states. After a week of dogs, returning to normal life, having my mom here with me … today felt GOOD. I’m my happiest self – in the summer months – when it’s 80-85 degrees. Okay – maybe 78 – 88, if I am a bit more realistic. But because I’m up in the NW – we might only get a handful of days ALL summer that reach 80 or more degrees. I miss that. So, the temps today made this day especially glorious.

We drove up island for Starbucks and Burger King. Simple pleasures on a simply beautiful day. We nosed around the Dollar Store – more simple pleasures. My mom says “Now she’s lived.” cuz she’d never been in one before. Her age is that of a radio station … 92.5. That’s quite a feat!

We drove through forests and beside crop fields; our noses were sniffing non-stop the entire trip as we passed meadow grasses, fresh mown hay fields, Scotchbroom, flowers … it was fabulously aromatic. We ate looking out – over the water – and watched two eagles making lazy, wide circles in the sky (and thanks to them, I have the song from Oklahoma! stuck in my head!) … on our way home, we passed waving wheat fields (more of the Oklahoma! song in my head!). We went up and down hills, drove past marshes and vast water, beaches and mountain vistas. We moo’d at cows and ogled oyster beds. We ended up eating fried chicken, watermelon and potato salad at the table on the deck at 8pm without a hint of chill or twilight.

After dinner I sat on my front steps (I’m a step sitter) and read through my mail (mostly catalogs but I gave a few of them my attention). It was just so nice to sit and listen to the leaves rustle in the maple … a soft, warm evening breeze moving them ever so slightly. I have six dogs here this week … three of them were at my sides. Lovely.

I haven’t walked the cliff walk in a month – gone/crazy week – so, I ventured out tonight. I only did half of my normal route but it was good to bid goodnight to the bunnies and peeping robins and to thank the light post as I walked under it for it’s guideance as the light turned on (I have an uncanny knack for that!) – even though, the light was not yet needed. I ooh’d at the progress of the house being built down the road (they’re making progress). The storybook look of the tumbled boulders that formed its chimney had me thinking, once again, of the Three Bears. They’d like this house. I passed a house for sale – on the cliff/pretty/good property – they will get tons of offers (over listing price) on this one. After reaching the end, as I turned to go back home two deer jumped out of the bushes ahead of me – startling me (and perhaps themselves). The sky wasn’t even pale lilac when I went through my gate … the sky stays light until well after 10pm these days. The best part of summer on the island.

I just let the dogs out once more before tucking them all into bed … the stars were like diamonds in the vast deep blue sky. Breathtaking.

I’m off to bed. It was such a lovely day and I am grateful I got to spend it as I wished … and with my mom. What gifts. Happy Summer!

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More Observations from the Road (or … from the Air)

June 7, 2021 – Monday (now back in Denver but this was written on the plane enroute)

I am restless. I’m on my way back to CO – flight #1 of the day – from Charlotte. A flight of a whopping 40 minutes in the air. I’ve dropped my magazine between my seat and the wall and can’t reach it and in trying, I jiggled my (obnoxiously priced) $5 cup of Starbucks and spilled it onto my leg and into my shoe. I’m off to a good start.

Whatever altitude we are at, we are flying just above a layer of light gray cotton batting. Through a few “holes” in the endless blanket, I can see puffy clouds below us – wisps of popcorn and then the ground far below. Today, from up here, everything looks blue.

It reminds me of the other night when I was driving into west North Carolina. Tooling along the two-lane roads at twilight, I came around a curve and the Blue Ridge Mountains were before me – layer upon layer of blue and haze. I passed by a few poofs of what I thought was wood smoke – but realized later it was the fog or scuttling clouds that are so prevalent in that area. All so pretty and ethereal.

Far out in the distance, through my little porthole of a window, there is a thunderhead. It is massive and practically glowing with the sunlight on it. I don’t know what is happening below the cloud cover – but above, it is spectacular!

Eons ago I was flying home from Rhode Island, having dropped Ted off at college for his first semester. During the flight we encountered storm clouds. I’d never been in the air (before or since) amongst such enormous, beautiful clouds. I remember feeling so very tiny. I kept expecting to see angels with harps flitting around – their wings outlined in gold reflecting the sunlight. Due to the enormous clouds around us (and apparently lightning) – we had to make an unscheduled landing in Atlanta and wait out the storms. We sat on the tarmac for 5 hours that day. Thankfully, there was an empty seat between me and my row-mate. And, thankfully, he was a congenial man and a good conversationalist. The time (unlike our plane) flew by. He was rather a rotund man with a pure white, long beard and lovely nature. I often think back on that flight and think I had the good fortune of sharing time with Santa.

I am not a great nor eager flyer. I’m not exactly a nervous or anxious flyer … but I’m more incredulous or perhaps dubious. The idea of flying still makes no sense to me. I understand the dynamics … but it still just seems so iffy and impossible. I would have been the one telling Wilbur and Orville they were crazy!

Airports are a great place to people watch. Today’s parade of hairdos, outfits and tattoos did not disappoint. People are funny creatures. There were the twins … older women with platinum, bouffant hair and enough Coppertone spray tan lotion on them to cover an entire beachside of people. It was not a good look on either of them. But, I guess being twins – if it’s not a good look on one, it certainly won’t be a good look on the other! There was the larger woman with the faces of (presumedly, her own) children tattooed on her arms, shoulders and neck. I thought maybe someone should tell her not to have any more kids cuz she was running out of skin. Then there was the couple with the matching Harley t-shirts on and donning cowboy hats – sweet that they were holding hands down the concourse … and also, extremely annoying that they walked down the middle – impeding all others. The list continued with the oh-so-tight (how did she get them on?) white pants and crop top … the gal with 3 scarves that she could MacGyver into a clothesline or tightrope … the woman with the hair that looked like she had a head of rope coils. I am, of course, perfect so I notice these things!

When I walked into the airport, I was behind a father and (late teen) son. The son looked to have CP – as he had a variance and unsteadiness in his gait – and so, was leaning on his dad … one hand on his dad’s shoulder for support. I watched as their steps were in sync … two moving as one. I also noticed that the dad’s posture was a bit hitched to one side – and he walked a bit tilted – years of having that hand on his shoulder, no doubt. It was all so extremely touching.

As we descended, I reassessed the popcorn clouds that I had seen before as we lowered into their midst. They were more akin to the stuffing that is left on my carpets when a guest dog guts one of the dog toys. Poor Lambchop! They were all soft and airy – not popcornesque at all. The lower we got, the more I felt like if I could open a window, I could touch the trees (instead of just being sucked out)!

For whatever reason, it seemed like a really slow descent into Atlanta. I saw everything from a bird’s eye view … the huge quarry to my left … the city in the distance, much more spread out than I thought it would be … enormous, white-roofed warehouses … fat swaths cut from the forests where power towers marched down the green corridors. As we got even lower, I could make out signs … LA Fitness’s parking lot was jam-packed – everyone must be there because no one is on the highways; they are empty.

After a slight layover … I am now on Flight #2 … Atlanta to Denver. I was expecting another luxurious high vantage point view of the area as we climbed towards the clouds on this flight. I was amiss. Our ascent was much faster than the descent for landing on flight #1. Before I realized it and all too soon, we were above the dog toy stuffing clouds and everything was once again a blur … this time of green. So many trees here! All but the highways were filtered in soft greenness … but the roads stood out below the clouds … wiggly spaghetti strands snaking their way through the trees … towards home.

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Stories and Thoughts from the Road … NC

June 4, 2021 – Friday (somewhere in the South)

Greetings … from North Carolina. I am at my new best friend’s place … Holiday Inn Express … in the tiny town of Apex, NC. Think country meets new build meets tourist town all within a square mile. Just about. At least the traffic is doable!

I just got back from Chili’s … I know – I’m out of town and I should be sampling the local fare. But, I’m tired and crabby and know what I can handle food wise and I had a hankering for a yummy $5 margarita. That place never disappoints. And, no C’s on the island, so a treat for me! I am a fan of the “chains”, people; I can’t help myself!

When you’re traveling alone and can’t find anything on the radio to keep yourself company – there’s just so much Bible talk, or southern local radio or country a girl can listen to – and the mind starts to wander. I think that’s the case for everyone – but for me, my mind doesn’t just wander – it’s off to the races! Before I go two miles it is 400 miles ahead of me!

It was another perfectly beautiful day for a (long) drive … blue skies, white puffy clouds, 86-88 degrees and plenty of sunshine. I had the windows down and the a/c up. And while I had plenty of miles to contemplate things … here’s a few things that came to mind or I observed along the way …

Raccoons … there must be a huge abundance of those critters in these parts. Dead ones, mostly. So much road kill along the highways these past few days … raccoons, opossums, one deer and many indistinguishable, messy lumps. I’d fly by each one and say an “Oh, baby.” or a “RIP, sweetie.” and by the time I was done whispering my lauds, I’d have seen two more and do the same over again. I wanted to pull over and wrap their puffed little bodies up in a soft, little, pink blanket and give them a proper critter send off. I realized today I’d be needing a lot of little, pink blankets.

There were a LOT of shredded tires all over the roads, too. Dead tires. As sad as dead tires are … I wouldn’t need pink blankets for them.

Yesterday I left the Atlanta area … if you haven’t been in that area for a while or ever, I’d say stay away! Ha. SO much traffic. The speed limits were 70 mph in most places and I was going 80 and they passed me as if I were standing still. Today I was in Chapel Hill and the speed limit (for all streets/including the small highways) was 35. I can’t even idle the rental at 35 mph. I figured I can’t move there – I’d be getting speeding tickets on a daily basis! (I also realized today that my Google maps gives the speed limit on your screen where you are … fabulous cuz so often NOTHING is posted!)

Use GPS … and watch your speed. Yesterday’s GPS kept sending me to a cemetery telling me I’d arrived at my destination. I didn’t care for that. NOT funny. She was freaking me out. That’s when I decided to go my own way – but didn’t know the speed limit … so, I thought I’d follow the 1972 Camaro with the amp’d up muffler package that was loud enough to scare cats – three counties away. Probably not my best idea. That’s also when the cop, behind me, turned on his lights and pulled me over! DAMMIT! Not knowing where to go since we were at an intersection – he proceeded to give me directions on where to go over his LOUD SPEAKER. Um, yeah. I’m THAT person! So, he approached the car and I gave him my license and he asked me how my day was and I said, “NOT GREAT.” He laughed and said that he’d make it better cuz he realized – after flashing his lights about my EXPIRED TAGS – that it was a rental … but he had already committed to pulling me over so he had to follow through! Ha ha. He didn’t give me a ticket but he did give me directions to the highway. Thank you officer.

Billboards. What is with those? You forget – when you live where I do, or where anyone does where there are none – what an eyesore they are! They are so obnoxious – especially the ones that have flashing lights! They are everywhere throughout the south here. Obviously, they work cuz by the time I opened my hotel room door last night all I really wanted to do was eat a Chick Fil-A sandwich, buy some fireworks (preferrably at Big Billy’s) and buy some Geico auto insurance!

Bring an extra pair of sunglasses and a head band. There was not much traffic on certain two-lane roads … just me, the a/c on, sun on my shoulder and the wind in my hair. It sounds lovely … and it was … but it would have been lovelier if the wind hadn’t been whipping my “at that length” hair into my eyes. Annoying! My sunglasses are amber … and too yellow for cloudy days but it was too bright to do without them. I needed an extra pair. No hair toy or extra glasses, harrumph! Do as I say, not as I do!

Clouds and sky … while driving yesterday and today from Atlanta to Morganton and then down to Apex … I had a lot of time to watch the clouds and sky. I thought maybe the far west gray clouds would bring a storm but I out-drove those clouds or they veered course. Far ahead on the horizon the sky was a pale blue and the clouds looked like little tiny popcorn puffs suspended above the roadway … above me, it was cerulean with fat, puffy clouds with flat bottoms. They reminded me of a painting … the artist’s name came right to mind while I was driving. Right now, it escapes me. But, they were beautiful … all wispy like cotton candy. I looked up at one big cloud and it looked like an elephant’s profile – trunk up in the air, his little triangle mouth open – as if laughing. I looked back up a bit later and his trunk was gone. Today, oddly, I saw another elephant in the clouds! I must have elephants on the brain!

Yesterday the gray flat-bellied clouds doused the landscape in front of me … I came upon wet pavement but no rain. The windows down, the fresh air poured in … bringing with it the smell of silage (fermented grass) and memories of our trips cross country from Denver to Chicago many moons ago. Each summer I’d drive the kids to my folks’ place and we’d sniff the entire 1000 miles. All those good road trip smells … the best being in Iowa … cows and grass and crops. Yum. Yesterday’s silage smell made me think of Tim. Almost 15 years. How can that be?

Yesterday’s forests smelled moist and earthy – as if I were driving through a terrarium after it was watered. Today the forest air that wafted into the car was pungent … more mushroomy and of decay. Interesting how things change – including the aromatics of locations.

Wear your glasses. Somewhere along the way yesterday, I now can’t recall which town I was in – but it was later in the afternoon and I was getting tired of sitting and driving and was having trouble with seeing the street signs. Even with GPS, I like to make sure I’m turning where I should be especially when on small roads. My eyesight isn’t the greatest after my surgeries and while I can see well enough to drive – I can’t really see signs. And, dear god, all the names of the streets were three words long … Singing Bird Lane, Daffodil Shoot Road, Little Pond Parkway … and then they started adding on directionals … Dogwood Creek Parkway NW! OMG … can you imagine how tiny that lettering was?! I was so thankful for my GPS … even if she sent me to a cemetery!

Yesterday’s travels were down forested lanes and oh-so-beautiful gentlemen-farmer’s acreage with stunning homes. I found where I’d like to live – if only I had an extra $3-$4 million! The lanes wound through the hills and trees and it was so peaceful. Ponds dotted the landscapes … lush foliage and an occasional horse were in the yards and pastures … and everywhere there was the fragrance of gardenias! They are in bloom and omg … so very fabulous!

Last night and tonight I heard the frogs … no cicadas or crickets yet but the frog song was so nice and sweet. There’s a plethora of insects down this way. My car grill and windshield both need a GOOD cleaning! Tonight on my way in to the hotel I took a photo of a large (4″) black, fat-bodied centipede (of sorts) with his articulated body and orange feet. I stood and watched him flowing easily over the pavement. He was amazing.

As were the vultures I saw yesterday! A lot of road kill means a lot of scavengers. Mom Nature feeding her babies. As I drove past the black fences I noticed a few “things” on the side of the road and slowed down to catch a glimpse … five or six vultures were hunched over, munching on some road kill. I turned around and went back to try to get a photo of them at their lunch. I was unsuccessful … but they were so BIG and so cool to watch. Gruesomely awesome!

Today’s trek was another long one. I arrived in Morganton last night in the cloak of darkness and even in the dark I could tell it was yet another crap mountain town. And in the daylight it didn’t look much better. I was holding out for this place. Darn it anyway! I’d like to see what it looks like in another 15 years. It has potential and some beautiful structures and a LOT of construction/renovation going on … and seemingly a good community that has a vision and money. But I don’t have 15 years of patience.

I flew along highways and back roads and drove at 75 and was at a standstill at 0. The standstills made me long for the 28 mph that I sometimes am forced to drive when I am behind someone on the island highway. The lush greenery of yesterday’s green corridor driving gave way to open stretches of very Colorado-esque dry and rocky landscapes today. Not a fan. It looks dry here. I prefer the green. GA was a lot more lush.

Today’s drive was through a whole mess of small crap towns. It made me think that the US is primarily made up of these small towns. A few pretty, tidy houses here and there – porches with bright red petunias spilling from hanging baskets, and well trimmed lawns -were the exceptions. For the most part, it was abject poverty. Crappy houses with crappy yards – many mostly dirt. It made me feel ugly.

The red clay is everywhere … not just GA. It was more prevalent in western NC than here – or maybe I just noticed it more there. It’s not the loose, loamy, black-gold dirt of the midwest (which was so phenomenal to garden in. You could put your hand shovel in the ground and your arm would go down 12″ without a problem or rock or pebble!) or the odd, hydrophobic soil in my garden beds in Langley … but an orangey-red. Hot. Dark. Menacing. If soil can look angry or aggressive, this looked like both. If I lived here I’d never be able to wear white again.

Watch the skies. Not just for clouds and rain but for flying objects … including birds. I had one hit my windshield yesterday – startling for us both! I assume he/she did not survive as it hit and bounced over my roof. I didn’t look back. Poor baby.

If you’re going on a road trip remember to take more water than you think you’ll drink. Hydration is key. And take some ice, too. It’s amazing how fast a 32 oz. cup of ice melts! Plan something fun along the way. Take healthy snacks. Stop for a treat. Tepid Starbucks coffee tastes dreadful on Day 4 – after sitting in the car and being watered down and days old. I beg of you – don’t do it! And, don’t forget the sunscreen – if for nothing else than your driving arm – mine now looks like a Thanksgiving turkey leg fresh from the oven.

Tomorrow I’ll be Scarlett O’Hara again as tomorrow is another day and I’ll get up and do this all once more. Searching … searching!

Happy trails!

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Lessons from Laurel (and other places South) …

May 31, 2021 – Monday (for another 42 minutes … Memorial Day)

I’m on my Southern “nosing around/hope to find a new hometown” trip. So, greetings from nearly Atlanta. I’m tucked into my clean (ahhhh) hotel room on the outskirts of town … marveling at the mountains and many trees that seem to be in abundance. Who knew? (Apparently, not me!)

When planning this trip, I decided I’d just go to GA and NC and not go to MS. I don’t want to live in MS. Until yesterday, I’d never been in MS (arriving in Alabama and driving to Mississippi, I got two more states off my list of not-seens/yay! Just four more states to see … North Dakota, Alaska, Louisiana and Arkansas!). But, as life goes, a few weeks ago, I watched an episode of HomeTown (again) and that weird little flicker in my gut said, “GO!” … so, I just had to.

If you know me – you know I’ve been yearning for Laurel, MS for quite some time now. Every time I’d watch the show, HomeTown (on HGTV), something in me would say … “These are your people. This is your place.” So, this trip down South … was, in part, to figure out if Laurel was “my place” or not. I figured either I’d be buying a house come tomorrow … or I’d be saying it’s not my place.

And, well, after all this yearning and wondering … it is NOT my place. Very much NOT. SO very disappointingly NOT. Definitely NOT!

If you are familiar with the TV show – HomeTown – you know the town I’m referring to … but you know only what is shown on TV. To those watching, it’s the little, quaint town in Mississippi that is beloved by so many. Ben and Erin Napier and their friends/families have been breathing new life into this town for awhile now. However, there is so much “not seen” and so much left to do.

I hate to say it, but Laurel itself is a (sorry people) crap town. Kudos to all of those who are doing their darnedest to clean it up … revitalize it … revamp … reconstruct … bring it back to life. It’s going to take YEARS to bring this town around. MANY years. As in maybe another 15-20 or more … if they can do it.

Even when driving to the town, I wasn’t sure where it was. Laurel is SE of Jackson and just up the road from Hattiesburg … in the southern section of the state. It is pretty flat – so, I understand now why tornadoes seem to happen often. Hot, steamy summers and oh-so-much flatness = prime tornado conditions.

I flew from Denver yesterday (was it really just yesterday?) and 2 flights, 3 airports and a 3 hour drive later I arrived in Laurel. I booked a hotel online not knowing that it was on the wrong side of the wrong side of the tracks. Dreadful. I still hope I was the only one sleeping in my bed! No bed bugs welcome! Despite the floor not having a vacuum on it for about a month – and me practically wanting to sleep with my shoes on – my bed was comfy and I was happy to be there.

This morning, I drove around Laurel … about 9 times. The downtown area is pretty small and with all the construction/road work many of the streets were closed, so I just kept going around and around or up/down the same ones – slowly – and looking around. It being a holiday, a few other tourists and I were about the only ones on the road. I knew many places would not be open … and I was right. I nosed into the Mercantile (smaller than expected/pricier, too) … Ben’s General Store (workshop) had fewer items than my local cheese shop and goods from … WASHINGTON! Yes – they were selling Seattle Seed Company goods. I found that more than a little ridiculous! I then went into two small antique stores that were less antiquey and more fluff, gift shop with paint your own tiles (or something) along with selling hard drinks and lemonade. Weird. And that was pretty much it. The few other places I wanted to go into were closed … but mostly, there wasn’t much there!

I drove the beautiful 3-block area, near downtown, of palatial homes … gorgeous spreads/big trees/beautiful homes. Old money lived in them and omg … they were all so lovely. One different from the next and then different from the next. I ooh’d and ahh’d over the verandas and porches, porte-cocheres and gazebos, botanic garden and golf course worthy landscaping and lawns. I drove past (again even slower) and took it all in. Breathtakingly beautiful. And when I was out of those three streets, it was nice for a bit … and then it wasn’t. Pretty crappy, actually. Very run down. Past tired. LOTS of empty store fronts and buildings and run-down homes and neighborhoods.

I was told to go to Vic’s for breakfast. I was also told it was “the best in town”. If that was the best in town – these people need more places to eat. I walked in and I walked out. I wanted to go to PDI (closed) and ended up at McAlister’s Deli which was a step up from a Subway but with 100% better sandwiches. I got “The Italian” minus the brown spicy mustard … a warm/Italian sub that oozed melted cheese and balsamic vinegar dressing. It was fabulous. I thought I’d save half of it for dinner because it was so gigantic … but a few minutes (and 780 calories) later – it was all gone. Guess I was hungry! I almost wish I’d gotten another one and saved it for now!

I had visions of going to Pearl’s Diner for pie … but it, too, was closed. I saw pictures of the food there and … well, I’m not into canned green beans, watery collards or banana pudding. So, guess it really wasn’t too bad I couldn’t go in.

On my sixth pass through town, I wondered when this town’s peak was? As it seemed to have been in (pretty much) tatters for a LONG time. But, there were so many beautiful OLD buildings. How long ago was the town’s heyday? Tonight, before I sat down to write this, I looked up Laurel, MS. According to Wikipedia … Laurel was incorporated in 1882. So, yeah – it was a bustling town a LONG time ago. Yellow pine forests in the surrounding areas made it prime for the timber industry and lumber mills sprang up, seemingly overnight. Laurel’s lumber mills shipped more yellow pine than any other lumber mill – in the world – after WWI. The lumber boom peaked in the 1920’s (producing over a million feet of lumber daily – about 189 miles worth!) but continued until the late 1930’s. The population peaked around 60K in 1960 but has declined to about 20K currently. Oddly, with all the trees, the city was named for the laurel thickets in the area and not the pine trees. Just think – it could have been Yellow Pine, MS.

I was surprised at how much of the town they don’t show on TV (and it’s bigger than you think if you watch the show – the downtown area is pretty much all that is covered). I thought this as I passed the HELLFIGHTERS 50′ sign at the edge of downtown (motorcycle shop). You never see that … or the empty and/or run-down buildings and homes in the adjacent areas. The area is pretty sad.

And speaking of Hell … no one in the South drives the speed limit. It was 60 mph in some places, 70 mph in most. I, personally, LOVED going that fast as on the island our speed limits are 55, 30, 45, 20, 50, 35 … and that’s within 2 miles. Most of the time on the island I am stuck behind someone (most everyone) going 28 mph on the 2-lane highway. So, yeah, I love the speed limits down here. However, I did NOT like that this is pretty much the Autobahn of the South as NO ONE was driving 70 mph on the highway. I was afraid of getting run off the road so, I drove 72 … then 75 … then 78 … and I capped it at 80. That’s as fast as I wanted to go – but still – everyone was passing me and on my ass (even in the right lane)! There are no Little Old Ladies from Pasadena here … and if there are – they now all drive like bats out of Hell!

So … after spending the night/day in that HomeTown town … this is what I’ve learned. My lessons from Laurel (and other places South) …

The term “y’all” is alive and well and my just being in the South for some 30 hours, I’ve already adopted it into my vocabulary and I’m not letting it go. Y’all will have to get used to it!

Bless your heart … in a nice way … can mean just that. But, there are probably 347 ways that term can be used and I think most of them basically translate to … you idiotic, pathetic, simple-minded, moronic, clueless dolt. Basically.

I’m hoping not to adopt … “Yessiree, Bob” … but I’ve already got a “hankering” for some other Southern fancies. I’m “fixin'” to incorporate some of the verbiage. Yes, ma’am, I am! Yessiree, Bob.

Southern people (in general – not the witch at the gas station) are very nice. As in VERY nice. Very friendly and chatty and helpful. My kind of people.

Sweet tea is practically given by IV. My teeth hurt just thinking about it. I had “unsweet” tea … and y’all have to ask for it that way or y’all’ll get sweet tea. No thanks. I don’t need any more sugar in my diet. And from the looks of most of the Mississippians I saw … neither do they. (And while I’m not exactly a svelte Good and Plenty myself, they are a very chunky lot!)

I don’t think they serve coffee anywhere in the South. Just tea. I never did see a coffee shop around town. The only one I saw was Peet’s in the Birmingham airport and the only Starbucks sign I saw was in Oxford, AL … some 260 miles east of Laurel. I wanted to stop but I didn’t want to be up until 3am from the caffeine. Though I am now wishing I had!

Barbecue sauces and pickling spices have their own sections in the grocery stores. I love looking around other stores when I’m out and about to see what are local favorites. Today I was in a very sad little Piggly Wiggly (love saying that name but wanted to take a shower once I left the store). I noticed that most of the cake mixes were pineapple upside down, yellow, white or red velvet. I couldn’t find a bagged salad to save my life and they had the most fried chicken in the deli case than any grocery store I’ve ever been in! Fried chicken is pretty much sold everywhere! (And, from one who gets her chicken tenders from the local gas station – I love that!)

Train whistles are non-stop. I also love that! Something comforting about a train whistle. We have no trains on the island. I miss that sound.

Primary education is not as great, in most states down South (6 of the bottom 9 are southern states), as what I’m used to. MS ranks 43rd in the nation (it used to be 50th). So, I really shouldn’t have been TOO surprised when the young gal at the sandwich shop (yes, friendly and chatty) said she was going “abroad” to school soon. When I excitedly asked WHERE? … she said she was offered Paris but chose HAWAII, instead. When I gently told her that Hawaii wasn’t really “abroad” … as in another country … she said that it really was as it was far away and not really part of the US. Okaaaay. I didn’t want to get into it and tell her that Hawaii became our 50th state in 1959 and that she needed to do some homework! I figured she’d never see me again so I just told her she should see if she can switch to Paris and left it at that. Sheesh!

Tourist towns are just that … tourist towns. They are pretty much the same – anywhere/everywhere – with varying degrees of touristy goods and whatnot. Disappointing at best. I live in one. I know how it is. They are not sustainable for the locals. I hope Laurel is better than my town. It actually seemed to be … some nice shops/but still touristy … but there were so many empty store fronts. So much more needed … more shops, restaurants, galleries. But, I can’t blame newcomers for not coming. I also don’t blame Laurel’s residents for jumping on the band wagon of commercialism and consumerism while they can. But everything was touristy and pricey and just not that great. I commend their vision and energy and desire to do what they can. But …

And while the surrounding area and in the neighborhoods of the downtown area have trees … if I were to have one suggestion to the town’s people it would be to plant 1000 trees. The downtown area (under immense construction/road work – again, kudos to them) is soooo much concrete. And today, the end of May, was 87 and HOT. They need trees in the downtown area. I hope planting is in their master plan!

I left Laurel around 3:30 today … knowing my drive to Atlanta would take more than a few hours. But, leaving MS wasn’t too hard … the areas I saw were just not that pretty. Green in spots but already the highway grasses were looking like winter wheat that hadn’t been harvested. I don’t know what their weather is or has been – but I hope they get some rain. It was looking pretty dry. I drove across the state of Alabama – the entire state – and it is far prettier, greener and hillier (dare I say mountainy?) … than I ever expected. Driving into Birmingham is where the mountainy terrain started … part of the Appalachians. I had no idea! (Bless my heart – in not a good way!) The weather was perfect for driving and I had the windows down and the tunes up and it was a glorious day for a 5+ hour road trip. I enjoyed every mile.

The dream of Laurel is gone, but that’s okay. I needed to find out. I’ll go to bed and be like Scarlett O’Hara … as tomorrow is another day!

This took longer than expected … happy June. Y’all wish me luck on my quest.

And, bless your hearts … in a good way!

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Just a Mizzly Monday Evening …

May 3, 2021 – Monday (raining = mist/drizzling)

If, indeed, April showers bring May flowers – then they are here.

I’ve been inside all day with four dogs and the remnants of a lingering headache. (Reaction to vax #2? Or the flowers I have all around the house? My guess is the flowers. I’m allergic. Enough said.)

I needed to get out and walk – regardless of the weather. It “rains” here in the NW all the time (well, not in the summer and not as much this spring, either) … but it’s not rain-rain. It’s not REAL rain … which I LOVE. This is saturating light misty drizzle that I call mizzle. It’s a lovely thing if you are home cuddled up, by a fire, reading or listening to some jazz … but annoying enough if you have to do something outside. Anything except walking. It is the perfect walking rain. You’re not going to get wet – ever – just moistly damp – all over. If you don’t take an umbrella you’ll be saturated soon enough. If you use an umbrella and are “seen” by another NWerner … you are considered an idiot. It is their claim to fame, apparently. An umbrella? Who needs an umbrella?

Apparently … me! Like my American Express card – I never leave home without it.

I was mulling over some things and walking helps me sort those thoughts out. I didn’t end world hunger or the thing I was thinking about but I did rescue some slugs and enjoyed the walk through this green nature preserve that I live in. Tonight there was an added bonus – fog! Not the creepy – Creature from the Black Lagoon – fog that we sometimes get – that envelopes the house and makes me wonder if I’m breathing! This was the light, swirling cozy kind … reminiscent of fall evenings. I live in perpetual October.

As I walked towards the end of the cliff road, I marveled in the flowers. Such an abundance now. The horsetails that I was so happy to see weeks ago are now all fluffed out in their Seussian splendor – some are over 15″ high. The azaleas and rhodies are riotous; they are natives here and grow everywhere (except in my yard). I pass bushes covered in magenta blooms. The next bush shows off light pink sprays. The next one is carmine. Tulip petals are closed for the day but are everywhere, too. The daffs are gone but the tulips peek out under trees and bushes and in clusters around the homes. The lilacs are early this year – some bushes are in full bloom while others are just starting.

As I walk down towards the end of the road there is a small farm. The sheep that used to live there is long gone. I miss him/her. It was always so sweet to walk by and see a sheep out in the pasture. It reminded me of a childhood game we used to play … Sheep,  Sheep  Come Home. It was a sidewalk version of tag where everyone was a sheep – except the tagger who was the wolf. Mama sheep would stand down the ways and call out “Sheep, sheep, come home … but beware of the wolf!” and we’d run towards her hoping that the wolf (hiding behind a bush) wouldn’t tag us – squealing (with delight and fear) all the way to safety! Funny what sparks memories.

There are three ancient apple trees along the roadside … remnants of the area-wide apple orchard that used to be. That, too, is long gone – except for a few trees here and there along the roads and in yards. These gnarled and old trees remind me of the apple trees in The Wizard of Oz … but they don’t talk (that I know of). The blossoms on these trees are enormous and so fragrant. I can smell them from two houses away. I wonder how old they are?

There is the small empty lot where the new owner has put in a bench overlooking the water. I think that area is shifting so I won’t step foot on that land or sit on the bench. I’ll admire the view from the road – hugging the far side. I don’t need to be tumbling down the cliff. Tonight I can barely make out the outline of the island across the water – it looks like a large gray tadpole in the mist. The mainland is lost in the fog. It swirls out along the water and reminds me of those stories about ghost ships appearing out of the fog after 100 years … fiction/nonfiction/too much rum or whiskey drunk by sailors? Who is to know! It’s creepy all the same and my pace hastens a bit.

The pink blossomed trees (cherry? crab apples?) hold their buds – tight and fat – still not ready to bloom yet. Almost. In another few days their pink blossoms will burst open. More lilacs and azaleas. I pass the cedars whose trunks are surrounded by candy tuft … it reminds me of hippos getting pedicures. The bases of the gray-brown trunks reach out resembling toes (why do they grow this way?) … and the white flowers looks like cotton. Squint and you can see it!

I watch my step as I go along … my favorite umbrella (tan with a smooth/worn wooden handle; it’s big and was Tim’s) in my right hand … my left hand reaching for slugs on the road. I’m always debating whether to move them or not … what if they don’t want to go where I put them? Some are blue-black/gorgeous big ones … others are brown or gray/clear/tan … varying sizes … varying slime. But all gooey. I move them nonetheless.

My mind goes to what a friend emailed me yesterday. She is teaching a class on racial awareness. It has made me think. In three weeks I will be a 64 year old, white female and never once in my entire life has the color of my skin ever been an issue for me. Never once has it been a concern or worry. Never once has it been a problem (or someone else’s problem). Never once did I ever have to question my safety while walking any neighborhood – including my own. Not for one minute. NOT EVER.

It makes my heart sick and sad to know that I am so naive to all of this. Until lately. I am disheartened that in this day and age, skin color is STILL an issue. Why was it ever? Shame on everyone. It’s disgusting and sickening and so ridiculous. No one is born biased or racist … it is a learned thing. And it’s awful. Stop teaching your children and grandchildren to hate. Stop allowing your neighbors and friends. Stop doing it yourself. By not realizing this is an issue we are all part of the problem – not the solution.

I also wonder why people of color are called Blacks or African Americans or Black Americans. Why am I not categorized (all the time) as White or European American or (because I’m not exactly white) a Pinky-Ecru American? Somewhere along my family tree my ancestors came over to America from Denmark, Poland, Bohemia and England. I am an American … but I don’t really consider myself a “native”. And lucky me I was born with a skin tone that doesn’t get me racially profiled. Never once have I ever felt unsafe because of it. My friend is married to a “man of color”. His life experiences have been vastly different than mine … just because of his skin tone. That is something she is trying to share with others – some awareness of what that is like … how impacted their lives are … how it shouldn’t be a thing.

I mull all that over and I wish her luck. I can’t even imagine having to live in fear because of my skin color or for one instant have that even be an issue. I want to say that people will stop hating. That all these stupid beliefs that turn into huge issues will fall away. That there are so many more important things to concern ourselves with. But, I am pessimistic. We go forward – one small step at a time; but it is too small of a step … and lately, I feel like we are leaping backwards. It’s all very upsetting and humbling. And it makes me profoundly grateful and a bit guilty that I was born with this pinky-ecru shell.

And that’s all our bodies are … just shells of what is inside. I think of those slugs … all the same … different colors … but they are all the same. No shells for them. Just gooey-ness … and aren’t we all just a bit gooey inside? We all want the same things – love, safety, security, family, health, happiness, friendships, love and a lifestyle of acceptance and value that allows us to attain all of it … regardless of the color of our shells.

I pass under the silver poplar tree – its leaves now almost silver dollar in size. Everything is almost in full leaf … the maples have popped this week. The mountain laurel leaves are so green (deep pine) and shiny. There are so many flowers and trees and bushes I don’t know names of … all sweet and smelling wonderfully springy. If I sniff too much my headache will be back!

I drop the pilfered lilacs at home – crushing their stems with a hammer (thanks, Sam) so they drink up more water (fyi – that works w/all woody plants) – and drop them in a vase. I go back out and walk to the end of the street in the other direction. I pass the orchard of dogwoods – now fully in bloom – not quite white/not quite yellow but somewhere in-between. I see a very wet cat by a driveway. I tell him to go home – there are coyotes nearby. He sits and looks at me and then slinks off.

As I near the ravine and all the tangles of raspberry bushes (so many berries to come!) … I hear … music! It’s not the birds twittering in the rain or the slight pitter patter I hear (every once in a while) but something like … marimba! At the end of the street is a lovely old building … brown, square, brick with some architectural adornments here and there … the old high school (circa 1940). It’s a beautiful building that now houses a dance studio. Next to it was the middle school (same brick) … but is now a community center. And tonight there is a xylophone class practicing. Quite random – but it is lovely! As I walk towards the end of the street the music gets louder and my steps get peppier. I feel like Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain. Too bad I can’t move like him! Anyway – it’s fabulous. I stand and watch them for a while and listen as the music wafts out of the open windows. My own private concert!

I walk home taking in the cul de sac … still mulling over the race issue and keeping an eye out for slugs and that coyote. I pass by a friend’s house – it is so charming … so storybookish. Boxwoods line her driveway and are clipped into perfect spheres … making it seem like giant peas are rolling towards the roadway. Across the street is a home with a tumbled rock chimney and wall – all smooth and rounded, in blues and muted reds and pinks and grays. It looks like the Three Bears should live in that cottage. On a night like this, I’d like them to invite me in for a bowl of porridge. It just looks so cozy. Woodsmoke tickles my nose. Perfect!

Almost home and I see the deer … they are looking a bit bedraggled tonight. Like how I feel. I’m dry but not really. The dampness creeps in and the air, being so saturated, eventually gets whatever you’re wearing heavy with moisture. I never wear socks as they always are the first things to get wet. The toes of my shoes are wet … my leggings and sweatshirt damp. I don’t dare touch the umbrella fabric.

And, just like that, I’m home again … I’ve seen flowers and animals and rescued some slugs and heard some music. I’ve enjoyed 6000 steps and while I haven’t solved any world problems, I realized I have deep respect for people whose skin tones are different than mine and at the same time – feel so at a loss that this is still such a horrible reality. My life is so easy. I hope to come up with some ideas to help my friend … help explain that people like me are not always consciously idiots. We just are ignorant. No excuse … but a place to start with education. It’s time to open our minds and hearts and share what we learn.

We’re to have a dry week … but I’m hoping I’ll have some more clarity and am already looking forward to my next mizzly evening.

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An Ode to the Oscars …

April 25, 2021 ~ Oscar Sunday

Tonight is the night of nights in the film industry. It is the live presentation, to the best of the best, of the Academy Award of Merit. The prize of prizes is a gold-plated statuette – a knight holding a sword and standing on a reel of film – otherwise known as an Oscar. If you are fortunate enough to get one – you have done well. Extremely well.

There are theories about the origin of the name of the statuette … but none are certain. The most likely theory is that the statuette was named after the uncle (Oscar) of a librarian who worked at the Academy. Who knows? I had a cat named Oscar. Good name.

It was ninety-four years ago when Louis B. Mayer, head of MGM studios, founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The first Academy Award ceremony took place two years later at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on May 16, 1929. My parents were mere infants at that time. Tickets for that first ceremony and private dinner cost $5 each and was hosted by Douglas Fairbanks. It lasted a whopping 15 minutes.

In comparison, tonight’s festivities began three hours ago with the Pre-Red Carpet camera interviews, followed by the Red Carpet arrivals and in another hour the real show begins … which will last 3 or so hours itself and then the arrival at the “After” parties will be aired and then the network will do a rehash of who won and critique what people wore. My how times have changed! I haven’t turned it on yet … as I haven’t seen any of the films up for awards. Last year was, undoubtedly, an odd year for movie-goers.

I do know that an octopus film is up for an award. I’m always an underdog for animals. I hope the octopod wins! … “And the Oscar goes to … THE OCTOPUS!”

I grew up on movies. I’m a sucker for a good movie. I’m a sucker for a bad movie! I’m particularly partial to a musical … and nothing compares to a musical from the ’40s-’60s. And no one can beat my boyfriend, Gene Kelly, in his dancing prowess. Sashay and jete over, Fred, as Gene was more to my liking in his athleticism and charming cuteness.

When I grew up we had a finished basement in our home. It was a great place – cool on hot Chicago summer days and cozy on cold winter nights. No one else seemed to use that basement as much as I did. There was a long counter with stools – plenty of room to craft, color, paint, assemble puzzles and eat popcorn while watching TV shows or movies. The TV down there was a red boxy thing with a green circular screen – black and white, of course. We didn’t get a color TV until I was about 8. But, no matter, there was never a happier camper than me, on any given day, to be downstairs watching the likes of Esther Williams – diving her way into pools or doing acrobatic underwater stunts in Million Dollar Mermaid, or watching Lucy and Desi collecting rocks in their Long, Long Trailer or Gene dancing with Debbie and Donald in Singin’ in the Rain. 

Once a year, I’d walk three houses down the street and sit on the living room floor of the neighbors’, with their white fluffy cat on my lap, and watch – mesmerized – The Wizard  of Oz. They had a color TV and omg … it was fabulous! It has always been one of my favorite movies and it holds a special place in my heart as it was my Grandmother’s introduction to the movie industry. It was the first movie she ever saw – and she was 34 years old. I can’t imagine living half my life without seeing a movie!

Judy Garland was only 16 at the time of the filming in 1938. She won a special Juvenile Academy Award for her portrayal of Dorothy Gale in that film. (That category has been long gone.) As good and iconic as that film is and was … it did not win best picture that year. Another, little film, known as Gone With the Wind, beat it out. And for what it’s worth … the last living actor from the (TWoO) film passed away in 2020. He was one of the Lollipop Guild munchkins.

When I was in high school I had the option, senior year, of taking English Lit or Film Study. Duh! It was an amazing and enlightening class. Along with making our own movies (boy, I wish I still had that masterpiece!) we were introduced to the classics … The Seventh Seal, Citizen Kane, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, The Maltese Falcon, The Graduate, Rear Window and so many others. We watched Westerns and Musicals, Documentaries, Dramas and Mysteries. I was the envy of my friends who were reading “Beowulf” or the “Canterbury Tales”.

The worst films we watched were the documentaries of the concentration camps during WWII. Anyone who thinks these atrocities didn’t happen or that it was “ok” needs to see those films. Horrifically horrific. Those films haunt me to this day.

When I was a pre-teen I’d sneak downstairs late on Saturday nights, while the rest of the family slept, and sit close to the screen with the volume on low and watch movies that I wasn’t supposed to (sorry mom). Those usually were some sort of sci-fi or campy, low-budget horror movies. The last one I remember watching was The Tingler. It was a combo sci-fi/horror flick about a large centipede that wiggled its way into a person’s body (through their ear? nostril? eye? I now don’t remember but it was heinously awful!) and wrapped itself around a person’s spine. It’s a wonder I ever got near my Creepy Crawler machine after that! That one did me in and I stopped watching the late night movies after that. Too scary! And forget watching those Saturday night late movies while I was babysitting as a teen! NO way in hell! Well, I actually did watch a few – but learned my lesson quickly! After watching one too many, I was sure The Creature  from the  Black  Lagoon was hiding in some closet or under a kid’s bed or that Vincent Price would be sitting in a nearby chair, at any given moment, with a monkey’s paw on his shoulder.

I’m all for a good musical or drama or rom-com (or yes, Hallmark movie) … but the ones I love the most are the action-packed/ridiculous … especially the ones with dinosaurs and people. Giant iguanas and lizards licking plastic mannequins always brings me a smile. Imagine how my heart stopped when I watched Jurassic Park for the first time! If there is any movie playing on TV portraying humans and humanity in peril – I’m your girl! Get off the couch – it’s ME time! I will drop everything and watch (or at least record) any movie involving a natural disaster … Volcano … 2012 … Earthquake … Sharknado! Poseiden  Adventure still can give me chills. I can’t hold my breath! Shelley Winters had amazing lung power! Throw in aliens and I’m there for Mars Attacks … ET … Independence Day …  The War  of the  Worlds (1953 version), Star Wars or any other Close Encounter (s of the Third Kind).

There’s a title on the tube with a giant animal in it? Pop me some popcorn! I’m all in for anything Godzilla … King Kong … or Jaws! And if they are battling each other – even better but I’ll always root for Godzilla! Lizards over apes any day … sharks, too. And for that matter … I’ll watch any animal movie. Milo and Otis is the reason we got a pug! And how did they find all those animals that talked in Babe?

How many times have I watched Legally Blonde … Groundhog Day  … Runaway Bride … The Help? … Christmas Vacation? Dozens! I’m a sucker for anything funny, romantic, sweet or redeeming. I’ll stay up late to root on any underdog or unknown Prince Charming. I even love animation … Rio …  Shrek (all of them) …  Monsters, Inc. All so very good!

When my kids were little we told them that my dad played Conrad Birdie in Bye, Bye  Birdie. I’m not sure how it got started … but my dad was an extra in a couple of films (Babe – the baseball movie – and Home Alone) and it just kind of took off from there. Anyway, I chuckle as all the grandkids thought Gpa Jack was Conrad until they all were well into their teens (or older)!

Today I turned on the TV to have “something on” and was sucked into the Land of the Lost. I saw a dinosaur running after Will Ferrell and I was hooked! So what if I was in my pajamas until 1pm! It was Sunday! The flick was so insanely inane with junior high school level humor … I loved it! It was fabulous in all of it’s ridiculousness. I can always count on those movies to provide me with a few good laughs. And who doesn’t benefit from that? As I’m typing I’m watching Night at the Museum. I love these kinds of transportive movies for their simple entertainment. Movies like Jumanji,  Zathura, Bedtime Stories … I don’t have to think – just enjoy! They are a wonderful escape from everyday life.

My sister-in-law sent me socks that I received yesterday. She knows me well. On one of the cozy foot coverings is – “If you can see this” … and on the other is “Don’t bother me – I’m watching a Hallmark movie.” So true. Friends gave me a shirt with the same message on it as a holiday gift. They, too, know me well!

I like the Oscars in all their glory and pomp and fanfare … the glitz, the glamour, the ceremony. Do I watch most of the films … or any of them … that are nominated? Not usually. I’ve seen my share of award winners but I tend to like what I like … the funny, romantic, disaster and zany. I’ll take them over the artsy/deep/contemplative ones, every time.

Jon Williams (composer) holds the title of the most nominations (of any living person) … 52. He has won 5 of those times. Walt Disney had 59 nominations and won 22 times. (Holy Mickey!) Meryl Streep has been nominated the most times as an actress … 21 times. She’s won 3 times (I thought it was more!). Katharine Hepburn holds the record of most wins for an actress at 4. Jack Nicholson and Daniel Day-Lewis share the awards most won for an actor – both have won 3. There are three movies that have won the most awards in one night (11) … Ben-Hur, Titanic, and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

And though I don’t always like who or what wins, that doesn’t stop me from watching the show. And as it just turned on – I need to go. If I were there, I’d be wearing a floor length, halter-neck gown … bronze pailettes (big sequins) over the bodice and a flowing beaded organza gown – likely with some crystals on it, too. Since I don’t own such a thing and it’s just me and Bea (my chihuahua) on my couch … I’ve opted for the chocolate yoga pants, eggplant fisherman’s sweater and pink fluffy slippers ensemble. I did, however, apply a bit of gold glitter eyeliner earlier. A girl’s gotta dress up for these things!

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Change will come …

April 20, 2021 … Tuesday

It’s been one of those days … so, I needed one of those evenings.

Today’s guilty verdict in the George Floyd death brings me no joy or happiness or even satisfaction because I believe it really won’t change anything. It won’t bring him back. It won’t heal the broken hearts of his family and friends. It won’t change the behaviors or attitudes of some people. It won’t change the abuse and killings of blacks by whites. And it won’t change how things will remain until … I don’t know what. What will it take to make real change?

Twenty-two years ago we watched in horror as high schoolers were gunned down and tumbling from classroom windows at Columbine. I drove by that school that morning, thinking what an idyllic setting for a high school … adjoining a beautiful park and lake … unaware that by the time I got home the gunmen had started their rampage. Some of those kids would be 40 now. They have all been gone at least 4 years longer than they were alive. We all thought that was a one and done. Nothing that horrendous could ever happen again. Until the next one did. And the next one. And the next one. And the 229th one. And still no bans on assault weapons. Columbine wasn’t the end of it; it was the beginning. We were aghast at Sandy Hook … because the kids were … KIDS. Practically babies. And still nothing. What will it take to make real change?

I went for a walk this evening as it was muchly needed. My heart was very heavy today. I left the house when the sky was lavender and returned when it was nearly cobalt. I left after 8 and returned before 9 … and it was still light enough to find my way. A bonus for those living here … late sunsets in spring and summer. It (almost) makes up for the 1pm twilights of winter.

I’m fine … but last week I fell. I was coming down from my office, arms full of art supplies, and as I got to the base of the stairs I leaned forward as I lifted my right leg over the doggy gate. And, instead of clearing it – my slipper got snagged on something and well … that was that! I pitched forward, legs folded behind me – knees first – and fell over the gate and smashed onto the hallway floor – which is the location of a heavy metal heat exchange grate. I hit the edge. NOT good. My left knee took the brunt of the fall … I sliced open my knee and laid on the ground assessing my injuries … what was broken? It felt like I had broken my knees … but I could move them. It felt like Tommy Two-Toes and Bugsy Malone came into my home and whacked me good with a crowbar. If someone says they’re going to break your knees if you don’t do something – do it. It hurt like hell.

Sunday’s xray showed I’m not broken – just really, really bruised. I’ve been icing/heating/elevating etc all week and I have lots of pain and what looks like a cadaver leg attached to my body. My toes are purple, my foot is baby blue. I’m bruised black and green from knee to toes. Very pretty.

In any case – I’m fine – at least bone-wise. It’ll take a while to get the swelling/bruising down/gone. My foot is so puffed it looks like biscuit dough is oozing out of my shoe. Nasty. Hopefully I didn’t do anything severe to the soft tissue – I guess time will tell. But, I’m carrying on. I’m a little slower/but I’m out there. I am finding a rhythm in my walks and miss them when I don’t take them. So, I’m slow – but walking.

I reached the end of the road tonight – no sunlight on the beach neighborhood. It looked pretty sleepy. The Cascades – off over the water – were mere silhouettes as night descended over the twilight and the last of the sunset.

I turned and walked home … slowly … and watched the sky. No eagles tonight like the other day. In the far west the sun had already set but the bands of sunset were still thick and colored … rosy coral at the bottom, then peach, then yellow. Above that was a gray-green and then light blue. I looked over the water to the island across the way and saw where the sunset ended and where night began. It was coming behind me turning colors into purples and blacks … the outlines of leaves and buildings started to blur and become shadows. Nightfall.

The streetlights turned on. Uncannily, I always seem to be under one when they do. I say a little thank you as I go.

I spotted a light twinkling in the sky and said my nightly wish on the first star. It may have been an airplane. That’s okay – I’ll wish on an airplane if I have to.

I was the only one walking tonight … lovely when that happens. I have the whole place to myself. I listened to the robins peeping their goodnights … and in the background – further up the road – were the frogs. With one last peep, the robins were done. I pictured them all tucked away in their cozy nests, red and white striped nightcaps on their heads, their round eyes closed, heads nodding before succumbing to slumber.

With the robins asleep … the frog concert was in full swing. The spring peepers and whatever else is out there were busy giving me a solo performance in all their amphibial glory. I walked past the skunk weed – still stinky – and the horse tails and rushes. The frogs got quiet when I passed the marsh but started in again once I was a good distance past. I walked past the tiny shack of a house that looks like it should be in some documentary of Appalachia … it’s darling in it’s rustic-ness. The woman who lives there is usually out smoking on the front porch. She wasn’t there but the smoke lingered and tickled my nose as I walked past and I was immediately transported to Copenhagen.

The year after Tim died the kids and I met up there for Christmas. Ted was working in Turkey at the time and he suggested that as a good place. It was a great place. We walked around the Tivoli gardens (amusement park) one bitterly cold night … and I guess, as it seemed everyone in Europe smoked (at that time), there was plenty of smoke. The pungent scent hung in the frigid air and that’s where I “go” when I smell cigarette smoke.

I continued on towards home, Copenhagen and nightfall behind me, and walked past plumeria and apple blossoms … sniffing until I thought I’d pass out … trying to fill my lungs with their sweetness. I passed the remaining bunnies – still eating – telling them to go home before an owl got them. “Nibble quickly!” I scolded. I don’t think any of them heeded my advice.

I turned onto my street as the sky was turning dark periwinkle. It was a good walk. I needed to clear my head and breathe in the sweet air to make my soul lighter. It’s been a day. “Things” are shifting and change will come … but at what price? And how long will we have to wait?

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Going Forward …

April 13, 2021 – Tuesday

Below is a story I wrote for a competition … enjoy!

Lily was in a mood. It was Tuesday and her afternoon to volunteer at the Senior Center. Like she didn’t have a million other things to do but she had promised herself she’d give it a go. Promised to keep the New Year’s resolution of volunteering and getting out of her own head. She’d abandoned the same resolution twice before, but it was 2019 and she felt a greater need to stick with it. She needed to feel good. Do something nice. Give back. Heal her heart. Go forward. All that stuff. And, who knew what the future would bring next year? And yet, as she gathered her supplies, she grumbled under her breath. And to dampen her spirits, quite literally, even more … it was raining.

“Why is it always raining?” she yelled at the sky. Lily kicked the car door closed while juggling her laundry basket of paints and brushes, her open purse slung over her shoulder, unaware of things falling out and leaving a trail of lipstick, tissues and the entire contents of her wallet in a soggy wake as she hurried along.

Walter was walking along the sidewalk and watched the scene unfold. He watched Lily kick the car door and the contents spill from her purse, leaving behind a line of personal detritus from the curb to the Center’s door. He stooped down, gathered up the items and carried them inside.

“I do believe these are yours,” he said as he held out his hands to Lily. “They fell from your purse. You’ll see – it’s all there.”

Flustered, Lily grabbed, a little too brusquely, at her belongings, “Oh, dammit!” she spewed, “I’m sorry. Thank you so much, Mr. …?”

“Ferguson. But, please, call me Walter. Looks like you could use a hand.”

“Nice to meet you and thanks again. I’m Lily Davenport. Are you here for today’s class?”

He looked at her rather blankly. “I was always meaning to drop in but never got around to it. I guess today’s as good a day as any.”

The two of them hung up their dripping coats. No one else was in the room yet so Lily invited him to help her unload the basket and set up. Lily liked him immediately. He was like everyone’s vision of a kindly Grandpa.

The staff at the Senior Center had the room almost ready … there were long tables with chairs and empty spaces for those who’d arrive in wheelchairs. A few easels were also around the room for those who wanted to stand. Lily and Walter put out the paints, papers, brushes and water tins and in no time were ready for the group to arrive.

“I volunteer here … on Tuesdays we paint. Do you paint, Walter?

“No … can’t say I’ve ever painted – nothin’ but my house. Seems I’ve got nothin’ but time on my hands these days – might as well give it a shot.” He rubbed his hands together trying to draw the ache and coldness out. “It sure is nice and cozy in here; for the past month or so I’ve been having a tough time getting the chill out of me.”

Lily looked over at him and agreed, “It’s been an unusually cold and wet month. But spring’s almost here.”

Walter walked over to the front window and watched the rain. He looked back at Lily with rheumy, pale gray eyes that held years of experience, knowledge and the sorrow of deep loss. Lily held his gaze and felt the crush of loneliness and isolation. She knew what heartache looked and felt like.

“I’m coming to terms with a death,” he blurted out.

Lily came towards him and patted his arm. “I’m so sorry, Walter. Loss is hard. Grief is complicated. But you’re here now and maybe it’ll make you feel a bit better. I’m really glad you are joining us today. If nothing else, art seems to be good therapy for a lot of people, and it seems to help in a multitude of ways. I’ve even heard it helps release the soul.” She smiled and patted his arm once more. Her heart knew his pain.

The afternoon’s art class went along as all of the other ones had gone along since she had begun holding them at the Center … almost three months in and it was a lot of compliments and encouragement, small talk and spreading newspapers. Lots of picking up dropped brushes and wiping of spills. Lorelei tried to drink the brush water again. Lily was thinking this might not be the best class for her anymore. Max sat with a brush in his hand … staring off into space … the green paint dripping onto the paper. He was getting worse. Mr. Johnson painted a sun. Elaine said it was an orange and his feelings were hurt. An argument ensued and they were escorted to the snack room. Every week the same. Some days Lily struggled with her resolve to continue coming. Her friends agreed this would be good therapy for her. Get her mind somewhere else. Loss is hard. Grief is complicated. Some days she just wasn’t so sure it was worth it.

But today … there was Walter.

Walter must have done a remarkable job painting his home because his artwork was amazingly good. He stood at one of the easels and painted a landscape … pine trees off to the right; to the left, down a small embankment – cattails edged a small pond, a few ducks seemed to glide along. Across the pond was an empty bench facing the water, a few tulips bloomed nearby against the background of lushness of some overgrown garden. It was lovely. He had depth and contrast and a fine stroke. She was thinking that he was pulling her leg when he said he hadn’t painted before. This was truly done by someone with talent!

As Walter was cleaning up, Lily stood looking at his painting, “Walter, you’ve surely painted before. This is wonderful,” she remarked.

He chuckled and smiled, “I’m actually amazed at what came out of me. Honestly, I’ve never painted. My wife was a music teacher but crafty. She was always trying for me to do something with her but I always said that was her baby, not mine. Maybe I was wrong.” Lily collected the paintings and hung them on the clothesline to dry … she’d give them back to their Tuesday artist-owners the following week.

And that’s how it went … pretty much … for the next few months. Except, Max and Lorelei no longer came to class. Mr. Johnson and Elaine had started dating. And Walter came every Tuesday and painted the same scene. No matter how many times Lily tried to persuade him to do a still life or a sunset – his paintings came out almost exactly the same every week. A deeper pine green one week … more shadows or an extra duck the next. The tulips were replaced by dandelions as spring gave way to summer. But, for the most part, the sameness was uncanny.

One Tuesday in August Lily finally asked, “Walter, I just have to know, after all this time, why do you paint this scene every week?”

Walter chuckled a bit and said, “I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine. I just paint what I see.”

“Well, it sure is peaceful,” she added as she gathered up the brushes.

“Yeah, it’s peaceful alright,” he sighed.

Lily and Walter continued with nothing more than polite conversation during their Tuesday afternoons. No personal chatter. No cups of coffee after class. No nothing. She didn’t know why neither one of them extended themselves, but they didn’t. She didn’t know what his occupation had been. Didn’t know how long he had been married or if he had kids. Didn’t know where his home was – though she supposed nearby as he always walked to the Center. Actually, over the last few months Walter had gotten quieter – as if talking took a lot out of him to do so. He offered up no more information about himself but seemed genuinely pleased to be spending his Tuesday afternoons in that manner. And Lily found that she, too, was as well. She felt lighter, happier than she’d been in a long time and found she was no longer grumbling as she parked her car on those volunteer Tuesdays. Maybe this was good therapy. She actually looked forward to helping the senior members explore their creative sides. Mr. Johnson’s suns were looking more realistic. Elaine started painting oranges. And every week Walter got quieter and painted the same scene.

Another month went by. It was now autumn and on those Tuesdays Lily brought in colorful fallen leaves, a few pumpkins, acorns she had gathered, some twigs. She thought people might like to paint them or add them into some scene of their own choosing. Walter did not. He was a one-and-done kind of guy. But he always seemed contented with the outcome of his work.

“Walter, the pond looks darker today,” Lily told him as she stood looking at the finished painting one afternoon.

“Storm’s comin’,” he replied.

The next week there were no ducks in the painting. “Walter, you forgot the ducks,” Lily said, looking at him questioningly.

“They flew South,” he remarked.

And so it went. October turned into November which then slid into December. The pumpkins and turkeys that she brought to class changed to bowls of ornaments and branches covered in moss.

One Tuesday Walter breathed softly, “This is perfect.”

Lily looked at the painting and it looked almost exactly like all the others he had painted in the past months … except some of the cattails were fatter or blown, their stalks and leaves tawny and bent. A few of them had what looked like frost on them. But, for the most part, it was the same painting … but she agreed with him and said, “You’re right, Walter. This one is perfect.”

The next Tuesday the rains returned but Walter did not. The following week, Tuesday came and went and no Walter. Lily hoped she’d see him come through the door, but he did not. She wondered and worried about him and was saddened by his absence. She had hung his last painting on the wall … she and it were waiting for him. On her way out the door she remembered that Walter had told her of some pink berry bushes a few blocks from the Center. “‘They’d be nice to paint,'” he had said. Always on the lookout for something natural to bring in, Lily thought that pink berries would be lovely this time of year. She chastised herself for not going weeks earlier and headed in the direction he had told her – zig zagging along the curvy streets through a tidy neighborhood of small homes and manicured yards. She was looking for the pink berry bushes when out of the corner of her eye came a most familiar scene … to her right was a green space with pine trees and a pond!

Lily couldn’t believe her eyes! She pulled her car over and ran to the sidewalk that encircled what seemed to be a small neighborhood park. “It’s all here!” she blurted out. “Oh my God. Everything is just as he painted it.” There were bushes to her right and across the lawn and before her was the stand of pine trees and down the sloped lawn to the left lay the pond – encircled by cattails – now, all blown out and scraggly.

This is amazing! she thought as she looked about. “This is Walter’s painting!” she said out loud. There was no one there to hear her – not even a duck – just the wind through the pines. Lily walked from the sidewalk, under the trees’ naked winter branches and stood looking at it all. And there, on the other side of the pond, was the bench. She walked down the grass and around the pond – twirling around and taking it all in.

She walked through the wet grass to the bench and sat down. She leaned back; the bench had a good feel … old, weathered and comfortable. Kind of like Walter. She sat for a while looking over the pond and the pines – amazed that she was sitting there. It was truly lovely. It was just as he had painted. She missed him but as she sat there, taking in the scene that had become so familiar to her, she felt peace settle in her at last. It had been a difficult few years but she finally felt she was ready to go forward. A new year loomed in just a few weeks – what would 2020 bring?

She sat for a while looking out over the pond, breathing in the winter air when she noticed what looked like a small fenced-in area near the stand of pines. It had never shown up in Walter’s paintings. She thought perhaps it was the pond’s pump station but being curious, she got up and walked around the pond towards it; realizing as she got closer that that was the vantage point of all Walter’s paintings – his vision was from that spot.

As she neared it, she was surprised to realize that this small square of wrought iron fencing was not what she thought but enclosed a small cemeterial plot with half a dozen ornately carved headstones. The grass over these gravesites was lush and green and the headstones were worn and weathered and had been there a long time. All except one – the last one was newer. She could tell as the headstone was whiter, not as worn by the elements. She walked up to the end of the fence and as she leaned in against the wrought iron to read the words on the stone, she let out a gasp …

In Loving Memory Walter Randolph Ferguson Everyone’s Beloved Grandpa January 18, 1932 – February 23, 2019


The competition was earlier this year and had 6100 entrants from around the world. We were each given a group (218 groups) and three parameters to meet. My group was given: art teacher/ghost story/therapy … and the story needed to be 2500 words.

The top 5 writers from each group continue on and compete in Round #2 with more parameters to meet … until a winner is declared. I didn’t make the top 5 in my group … but came in at #8 and got an Honorable Mention. I had a ball writing this.

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The Cicadas are Coming … Ho Ro – Ho Ro!

April 13, 2021 … Tuesday

When I was in fourth grade, many moons ago, I took piano lessons for a little bit.

A little bit being approximately four months. Yeah, a very little bit.

I stopped taking lessons after one balmy (or sticky) Chicago summer night. My brother and I were outside playing “500” (a ball game in the street) and an ambulance came wailing by. We never saw an ambulance in our neighborhood – so, we did what any 9 and 12 year olds would do … we jumped on our bikes and followed it!

Our street was nearly a mile long and ended a house or two past where my piano teacher lived. And that ambulance stopped at her house. I didn’t really care for her – she was about 300 years old and smelled of roses and old fruit. She probably doused herself in some rose cologne to mask the cigarette smell oozing from every pore and article of clothing. The old fruit smell … well, that was all her.

The best part about those four months of lessons was that she had a mini-schnauzer. He was an old thing and would lay across our laps – mine on the bench/hers on a chair beside me. Her thick lensed glasses made her eyes larger than they were … and as she leaned in to see the piano book, she’d teeter a bit too close for (my) comfort … a bit frightening for a 9 year old! But, I loved her dog.

So, when we stopped, huffing and puffing, after biking at break neck speed, chasing said ambulance and realized it was Rita’s house … the thing I was most concerned about was … of course … her dog. I don’t know what happened to the dog … but Rita died. And that ended my piano lesson days. I guess I wasn’t that interested and it wasn’t important enough to find another teacher. Whatever. I can play the two songs I know on the piano quite well!

Unfortunately, one of those songs is “The Campbells are Coming” … a traditional Scottish song from the late 1700’s. It has some fun piratey grunting in it but is mostly hideous and catchy and will stay in your brain for weeks!

Anyway – today I was reading about the Brood X … 17 year cicadas … that will be emerging this year in areas of the country. I missed the emergence in Chicago a few years back. I love cicadas and their singing … it’s such a Summer sound … but when you have millions climbing out of the ground and singing for a month – non-stop – and chewing everything in sight … it’s a little disconcerting … like some new type of horror flick.

At the time of the last emergence of their 17 year cycle, my good friend had a lab who loved cicadas. I mean … she LOVED them. Loved, loved, LOVED them! Or they annoyed the hell out of her. Either way – Frango (a chocolate lab) would stand totally still and then lunge as one flew by and she munch and swallow. And she’d do this all day long … nabbing unsuspecting cicadae out of the humid Chicago summertime air … enjoying a day of free snacking. Until later when she’d puke them all up in a globular, slimy mass of iridescence and wing parts!

So, if you’re in the mid-Atlantic states or the Midwest this summer … get ready. They’re getting ready to pop up and enjoy life above ground again for a month or so!

I’d suggest you get some ear plugs … or start making up some new lyrics to the old Scottish tune … something along the lines of “The Cicadas are Coming … Ho Ro, Ho Ro”!

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Oh, my aching … !

April 11, 2021 ~ Sunday night (One shot in … the other vaccine shot coming! Woohoo!)

A million or so years ago – you know, somewhere between when the dinosaurs roamed the planet and now – I was in high school. A high school junior – soon to be senior, actually. The year was 1974.

And what prompts me to think of this time of my life at this time of my life? What has made me think of that particular summer and a particular incident while I am making lacy oatmeal cookies on a quiet Sunday night in April 2021?

I lifted a spoon.

No – it was not a 100 pound leaden, weighted spoon. It was not made of some super extraordinarily heavy metal/material … it was an ordinary teaspoon. A spoon from my silverware set … black resin handle and stainless steel (or so I surmise).

And what is it about this particular spoon that has me thinking about a summer 47 years ago?

My shoulder “went out”. No, not on a date or to take out the garbage … it dislocated.


It was the Summer of ’74 (quite unlike the Summer of ’42) … and I was a mere infant of 17. All tanned body, toned muscles and waist length hair. I, along with most every other 17 year old, had perky boobs and a nice ass. And, I weighed pretty much next to nothing. Let’s just say I was practically a fetus. And there I was … Captain of the Cheerleading squad … the coming year would be my fourth (being one of only a handful, in the nearly 75 year history of the school who made the team as a freshman) … all energy and pep and wool skirts (yes, even in the heat of a Chicago summer) … doing my best at practice to jump higher and cheer louder and execute a roundoff double back handspring better than Clark Kent himself – if he were a 17 year old female cheerleader doing gymnastics.

To make a long story short … I knew something was “wrong” while upside down in the air. I felt if I continued, I’d land on my neck. NOT a good thing. So, mid-flip, I bailed … and came down on my left, outstretched arm, with the sound in my ears of one sitting on a bag of potato chips. Only there were no chips. Just me. Three (or four) days later I emerged from the hospital with a 90 degree angled (heavier than hell) cast on my left arm – from fingertips to arm pit. I had shattered my wrist (potato chip bag) … dislocated my elbow and shoulder. Cracked three vertebrae and somehow managed to mess up both knees in the process as well. That was some fall!

In lieu of surgery on my wrist – the doctors set it three times. Breaking it again after each of the first two sets when it wasn’t “right”. Fun times. The third and final set was “good enough” cuz as they put it, “It’s not like you’re going to the Olympics.”

And while there, in that hospital for those three days waiting for the inflammation to subside (so swollen) and to see if the set was a good one (apparently not x2), I had an unusual “wardrobe”. Now back then, maybe they didn’t give out “gowns” but for some reason (and I’m putting all the blame and shame on my mother for this) … my mom brought me pajamas from home to wear. First off, why not bring me a tank top and some shorts? I wasn’t sick. I was just bed-bound waiting to see about this messed up arm. Secondly, she didn’t bring me pajamas as much as she brought me my “baby dolls“. Think every teenaged boy’s fantasy of sexy girls having a pillow fight – and what they might be wearing.

In my case, it was a baby pink shortie negligee type thing with a low cut, empire lace bodice (almost showing my nipples)/chiffon-poly flowing nightie that skimmed somewhere just below my shapely little 17-year-old ass! It had matching bikini panties. Did I mention it was virtually see through? Think Victoria Secret crossed with Junior Ho. Cute at home in my own bedroom … QUITE inappropriate for a hospital setting. What the hell was my mother thinking? I look back on those days … and now can’t remember but I must have had a good number of young interns checking on me! Dear god. Thanks Mom!

Anyway, lingerie trauma aside, good enough in 1974 didn’t turn out to be good enough even by 1979. I could forecast weather disturbances three days before any weatherman on TV. My wrist throbbed and hurt like crazy with any change of weather or movement. It bends back to only about a 45 degree angle … making putting my palm flat on anything (think pushing open a door or trying to do yoga) … impossible. The brain info highway in that arm is one extraordinarily gnarled traffic jam … info meant for my fingers gets lost in translation. The brain sends the message for me to wave at a person with that left hand … and instead the message received says, SLAP SELF IN FACE! If I carried a hanger or picked up an empty file folder the wrong way – that shoulder would dislocate. It always went back into place – eventually – an hour, a day, a month later. But this has been going on now for all these years. I’ve had back pain since my early twenties. My knees groaned even before I was pregnant or gained weight or tore my meniscus. One adrenaline stoked misstep and I’ve had a lifetime of … oh, my aching …

Good enough they said. Yeah, not so good enough.

And tonight, as I was making these oh-so-yummy lacy oatmeal cookies … I picked up said spoon and that damn shoulder went out again. Ridiculous. Thanks 1974 doctors! It’ll pop back in – eventually. It feels, as is apt, out of place … like it’s stuck on something. I’ll try to coax it back “in” … but sometimes that shoulder has a mind of its own and will take its sweet time.

In the meantime … I’ll eat another cookie and get into my onesie pajamas. No baby dolls for me and … no interns either!

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The Rushes are Up!

April 4, 2021 – Easter Sunday

Hoppy Spring! From my dried raindrop spattered dining room window (boy do they need a good cleaning!), the sun is still above the tree tops … at nearly 7pm. Yay! I took my daily constitutional (walk) earlier than usual today while the sun was still high in the western sky. Once that sun drops, so does the temp and tonight is to be around 27 degrees. Too chilly for this bunny to be hopping around at twilight!

I have a lab in my back yard … a sweet guest who is not social and cannot be trusted to be with the other dog guests I have here at this time. Too bad. She’d be lovely as a one and only … but with 5 others in and out the back slider door and running through the house and taking naps on my bed … it is not an option to have her up here with us. And that hurts my heart. She is happy, though, outside most of the time. If I bring her in when she’s not ready to sleep (with the other guests tucked safely in my bedroom), she stands on her hind legs and scratches the door or windows wanting out. Odd. I’ve never had an unsocial dog here before. This is new for me. I bring her in as early/late as she’ll let me … and as has been the pattern, around 4am, she is ready to go out and camp again. So, needless to say – with her going out at 4am, I as the doorkeeper … have been up, too. I am, for pun’s sake – dog tired! I’m also not thrilled that she had dug up everything I planted this week in my 4 garden beds … or that she killed a juvenile bunny (and buried it in my garden) after jumping off my deck. (I’m thankful she didn’t break a leg as it’s a good 8′ high!). She goes home on Wednesday and I hope I have her departure date correct as I am ready.

Today was to be rainy and 37 … we got 46 and sunshine. I’ll take it. I dropped a chocolate rabbit at a friend’s earlier … she had two gray whales as guests on Friday night … singing in the sound while gulping down ghost shrimp! I wish she had called me. It would have been delightful to hear a little whale singing.

It’s been a week of yardwork and dogs and sore muscles and my first vaccine. Let the trumpets blare! The light at the end of the tunnel is no longer a train! Yahoo.

Spring has sprung across this island and my first tulips are opening up … red and yellow … the parrot/fringed ones are still fat buds waiting … my daffodils are almost gone. The early fruit trees … are now almost bare … tiny green leaves replacing the white and pink blossoms. The late fruit trees and forsythia (which means “spring sunshine and anticipation”) are in full bloom. Fat branches of heavy aroma. Something, unseen to me, fragranced the air so delicately it stopped me along the way and I just had to stand and sniff. It was lovely!

By the time I get off island for my next eye appointment, the cherry trees at the University of WA will be all in leaf … their gorgeous, pink, perfumed petals will be scattered along the walkways. Too bad I’ll miss them. It’s a gorgeous sight.

Tonight’s hour walk was the same route I take almost daily … out my front gate, and fifty steps to the streetlamp … take a right and go another 2000 steps to the end of the cliff walk. I saw a handful of bunnies … none of them had baskets of chocolate, so I am assuming that none of them were THE Easter bunny. Too bad. I could have used a jelly bean or two. When I was a kid we had this big book … I mean a thin book, but large (maybe 20″ tall by 10″ wide). I wish I could find that book again. It was an Easter book and had the most beautifully illustrated drawings of all things Easter and Spring … bunnies, chicks, eggs. I don’t now remember if the image of what I think the Easter Bunny would look like comes from that book or another or my own imagination … but I picture him as a white bunny with a black top hat and cane … carrying a sizable hand basket, wearing a vest and colored, patchwork pants. Hmmm. I had plenty of antibios as a kid so I’m wondering if I was on something at the time of this image-forming!

Today I noticed a new front archway in front of the house just past my favorite Silver Poplar (the tree with glossy, deep green leaves on one side/soft, white fur on the underside that are on slender stems causing the leaves to quiver in even the slightest breeze). The new archway will look pretty when finished. As with most everything on this island … it’ll take a while to complete as “island time” doesn’t mean mai tais or coconut slushes here … it means something that should take a week will take 3 months to accomplish.

The chi-weenie further down, Melvin or Morris or some M name, who is a yapper … was not out today. All was blissfully quiet on the western front. A deer walked through the meadow – completely ignoring me. I came to where the empty lot is (I think that area is sinking!) and looked out over the water – deep, deep blue today and a few white caps – no whales, no birds, no boats – just bright, shining snow-capped mountains beyond and the little beachfront area of town bathed in sunlight below the cliff – all looking so picturesque on a lazy Sunday afternoon. The tide was really far out … sandbars were visible that I haven’t seen before. The gentleman at the end and I chatted – he pointed them out to me. Crazy what you miss if you aren’t “looking”.

On my way back home, I was looking in the gulley area … the ditch alongside the road. And that’s when I saw my first one. The rushes are up! Horizontally striped, brown and green, rather penile looking (Mom Nature can be so graphic!) … there one stood … in the grass alongside the ditch. Now, normally, one wouldn’t even notice this 3″ beauty but I’ve been looking for these things for 2 months now … and today, there it was. I continued on and saw another … and then two more … and then a cluster of 20! As I got closer to the marshy area where the last of the skunk weed was still putrefying the air (omg – so pretty but so stinky!) I saw the little heads of the rushes peeping up … hundreds of them! Yay! They are here! I’m not sure how much longer the skunk weed will be flowering but … seriously, so bad. All last week whenever I’d walk past, I’d hasten my pace and hold my breath as much as I could until I was past that stretch. It was so bad I could taste it. Yuck.

Anyway – in the week to come I’ll be watching those rushes unfurl their top flowers and become some character out of a Dr. Seuss book … all Grinchy green and fuzzle-wuzzly.

I came home, got some water, checked on the furry ones and went back out on the second half of my walk … down the street, around the cul de sac near the corner into town … through the woods. The tall, tall trees stand at the end of the road before you turn to town … all piney and dark. The pinecones have fallen and the trail was littered with them. They haven’t been pulverized yet by footsteps so instead of looking at the holly bushes that tower over my head or the ferns and fauna … I watch my footing. The cones cover the root knobs and I’m not in the mood for a face plant. One hundred and twenty paces later I’m out at the road, take a left to that light post and another left back onto the street towards home. In the waning sunshine my shadow walks ahead of me – looming vastly taller than I am. I am hoping that somehow the sunlight has distorted my width but I’m pretty sure the girth is all mine! I tell my fat shadow to keep at it!

Once home I turn on the radio … set to the local news station … and turn it off after a minute. I’ve been removing myself from the news as much as possible. I’ve had enough political strife to last two lifetimes. But, when I do watch or listen to one, why am I not (that) surprised to hear that the idiocy is still going on? Another lunatic/more officers injured and dead. More assaults on Asians. More this or that. Laws to restrict voting. People thinking mask wearing is political. What is wrong with our society? And, why can’t our elected officials (both sides) just do their damn jobs … without breaking the law, without paying (underage) women for sex, without causing harm or “joking” about racism, hacking into an opponent’s emails or calling for executions of people who are not like-minded? When did this all become so … normal?

I should have left the radio off. I’ll play some music instead. One newsletter that I subscribe to had squid music this week … maybe I can find one with whales singing. I think if the rushes heard them … they’d grow faster.

Have a nice night!

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Again …

March 23, 2021 … early Tuesday

It’s nearly 3 am … I’m allergic to the chihuahua on the pillow next to mine and scenes of Columbine are swirling in my head. I’m having PTSD flashes and the night is not going well.


We have had another mass shooting – and again, in Colorado. My heart is heavy and I am sickened again by the senseless and horrific violence that one person can bring on other humans.


This is so beyond my realm of understanding.

I’ve lived in both the Chicago area and the Denver area. Both places will forever be home to me. And when something happens in CO … it’s home territory and it’s exceptionally upsetting. I know people there. My kids know people there. I have family there – related or not. Is everyone that we know safe? How many people are up tonight, in complete anguish, because their answer is NO?

Twenty two years ago, on a peaceful April morning, two high school students who had concocted a plan to kill as many as possible at school – brought an end to 13 others and themselves after their rampage. As in a playground stand off, I want to point at them and shout, “They started it!”

I don’t remember mass shootings before Columbine. I can’t forget the ones after.

Still. Another. Again.

We think 15 lives were lost that day … but how many really were affected? How many MILLIONS remember that day? How many of those surviving students and faculty, now so many years later, go into panic mode if they burn something on their stove and the smoke alarm goes off? How many of them can’t go into a library or a cafeteria? How many family members and friends … neighbors, schoolmates and staff, community and team members and absolute strangers still think of those that lost their lives that day?

I know I do. And I, so naively, thought it would never happen again. And then it did. And it did again. And again. And then the Aurora movie theater killings happened and five months later it was Sandy Hook and six year olds were gunned down in their classrooms. SIX YEAR OLDS. I thought surely things would change then.

Surely our politicians would be brought to their knees knowing such innocence was slaughtered. Laws would be made. Things would change.

But they didn’t. It happened again. And again. And AGAIN. And then some upset teen shot up my kids’ high school, leaving one girl dead. Both of my kids had graduated by then – but we knew staff and students in the building that day. My kids lamented that the shooter came through the doors they used to go meet the Cross Country team. It was personal to them.

All of these shootings are personal to most of us. If you’re a decent human being – how can you NOT be affected? How can you not think – There by the grace of god … 

There have been 229 mass shootings at schools, in the US, since Columbine. How many more have happened in places of work and worship, post offices, stores, restaurants, music venues, theaters and nightclubs … and now in a grocery store?

This is the second mass shooting in a week. A WEEK!

I have little faith that gun control will ever be a reality in this country. I’m all for protecting yourself – but no one … NO ONE … needs an assault rifle.

Something needs to be done. This isn’t okay. This can’t be our norm. What is it going to take so that this doesn’t happen … AGAIN?

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Just another day …

March 12, 2021 ~ Friday (Covid has claimed 532,000 American lives, vaccines are forthcoming, Spring is in the air)

After a year of feeling like everyday was Sunday … today felt like Saturday. Except it was Friday. I am so messed up with my days! Not working/no real routine/Covid isolation and restrictions … all have caused me to live a life of deja vu … wherein every day feels like it’s the same … and most like a Sunday. Weird – even for me. Every once in a while I’ll get the day right – but I have to think about it first! I don’t know why it felt like Saturday today … but it did. Well, bully for me – I have an extra day this week!

For the past (2 to 3) weeks the signs of Spring have been becoming apparent. Early, even for us, but oh-so welcome. While Denver is hunkering down for a possible historic snowstorm this weekend … I’m charging my battery to finish up weed whacking my yard. It’s already been mown and edged. I can’t imagine having feet of snow to contend with. Though – never could. My daughter is a winter gal … I find it rather barbaric.

I’ve been walking for the past 6 weeks. I’m counting steps and miles … just under 250,000 steps and a bit over 110 miles. What my son managed to do in 29 hours running an ultramarathon, I did in 38 days. Kind of makes my self-given pats on the back seem kind of silly in comparison! And one would think with all the endorphins floating around this ol’ body, I’d be happier/have some pep in my step/feel better/look better and maybe – just maybe – have lost a few ounces.

NOPE. Nothing. I’m still winter-island grumpy. I’m exhausted. I still look like Winston Churchill on a bad day and have no pep in my 7000+ per day steps. And not one damn ounce has gone by the wayside. But, I have been enjoying the emergence of a new season and watching each day’s new arrivals … critter or floral.

I usually walk along the cliff road. This week I’ve seen 7 eagles! Four of them flew over my car as I drove up island the other day … it made me feel like one of those people that have an encounter with a UFO. One minute I’m driving and the next there are four huge birds flying over my car. In an instant they were gone into the trees and I was left driving with my mouth open, staring at the sky (not the road). Did I really see that? My dad would have loved the dinner table “story problem” opportunity … if you are traveling northbound at 62 mph and 4 eagles cross your path flying westward at an eagle’s rate of 80 mph (they actually fly 75-99 mph) at what time will a train from Chicago arrive in New York City?

Today I missed seeing a whale by 7 minutes. I was walking down the road and saw the gentleman who lives at the last house before the estate at the end. He’s usually sitting out with his doodle-poodle and we chit chat – your usual stuff … Nice day. Gorgeous view. Glassine water today. Look at those mountains! Omg – it’s so nice to have the sun out. Blah blah blah. This afternoon as I neared his home he was standing at the edge looking out towards the water and told me I missed a breach. Dammit. I’ve been here nearly 7 years and have yet to see ONE whale! I am reminded again, it’s all about the timing.

Our neighborhood is overrun with rabbits. I’ve mentioned this before. Domestics are the beautiful cinnamon, black, or white ones and there are your usual wild bunnies, too. The domestics are due to a long-ago 4-H event run amok. Today the robins were out peeping about … I love when they hop around. They are so cheerful. If I’m out at twilight I love to listen to them peeping their good-nights. I’ve been walking earlier these days and I am missing that … along with the lilac and cobalt evening skies.

It doesn’t feel like Spring yet … it’s been too cold. Mid 40s are too cold for Spring temps. On today’s walk I wasn’t dressed for the cold and was not as comfortable as I could have been. Spring? Already? No! Yet, here we are. For weeks the trees have been teasing explosions of blooms. Their buds are big and fat. A few trees were ready mid-Feb … which was crazy early. Those trees, having one branch of flowers, made me think that they were mostly dead and this was their last hurrah! But, no … they are now filling out. Ornamental plums seemed to be the earliest … some apples and pears are already following … cherries and fruit plums, too. My dwarf daffs are up and open … my crocuses (croci?) are nearly gone … purple and striated ones … so pretty against the green grass. The raspberry vines and rose bushes are already showing leaf buds … tight and deep crimson … they’ll open up soon. My violets are blooming. They encircle a stone frog I have under my birdfeeder and hanging fern hook. The rabbits will get them soon.

Primroses and some snaps are in bloom … the tulips will be another while. I’ve been watching the grasses at the side of the ditch on my walk … they are about a foot tall now. By mid summer they’ll be 10-12 feet and tower over everything and keep us from the blackberry hedge just beyond them. I’m keeping an eye out for the zebra stalks … I have no idea what they are but they start as striped shoots/stick straight coming out of the ditches … about 8″ high … and then they slowly unfurl and open up … very Grinchy hair looking. They’re not very exciting in the summer … they look like ordinary grasses … but as they grow and open they put on quite the show!

I live in an area of old growth. The trees are giants and old. The island was once all forest … and areas were clear cut for homes and towns. There are still many stands of pines and deep woods … along with vast meadows and fields. I wish I liked it better because it really is a beautiful place.

Along the cliff walk there are 10 huge, old cedars set 15 feet apart from the next … all lined up along the roadway. I think it would take 3 people to hold hands to encircle each one. They are stunning with their rough, linearly grooved bark and heady scent. Near that stand is a madrona. It’s a gorgeous tree. Huge with a twisted trunk and widespread branches … the bark a swirl of burgundy and mustard. The silver poplar further along is massive. In the summer the leaves twirl and flutter on tiny stems … one side of the leaf a deep, glossy green/the other velvety and white. There is a enormous oak even further down … Pollyanna would have loved to have climbed this one. Whenever I move I will miss those trees.

It’s been a fabulous week. We don’t get sunshine a lot or many days in a row at this time of year and the views across the Sound have been wildly beautiful. We didn’t just have sunshine, we had crystal clear skies … no haziness … and the white-capped peaks of the Cascades looked like the Alps. No photos did them justice. I wished my daughter were here, she would have lost her mind looking at them!

Along with sunshine and blue skies come blue waters. The Sound was mostly mirror-finish this week … smooth and nary a ripple along that surface. Baby blue skies and water changed to deeper blues and cobalt as the sun set. It was astounding.

I trimmed the wisteria this week. It grows along my back fence line … and when it blooms I have 50′ of blossoms so fragrant I can’t mow the lawn without getting a headache! Last year that vine bloomed 3 times! I can’t wait to see what it does this year. I’ll endure as many headaches as it takes. There is a flowering quince along that fence, too … I’m thankful for my neighbor’s plantings as they spill over to my yard. I wanted a small yard with mature plantings and trees … I got a huge yard with 2 trees and a clean slate. The upside of being here for nearly 7 years is that my gardens took 5 years to mature and I can now enjoy them! And while I have one enormous pine and one enormous dinner-plate maple … I miss the old oak forest from Illinois and the 22 blue spruce from our yard in CO.

There are 5 dogs here tonight and through the weekend, snuggle buddies … I’m still waiting my turn for the vaccine … daylight savings is in two days (can’t wait) … and it’s my witching hour. I’m off to sip some brandy and read a bit before turning in … and waking up to another Saturday. Lucky me.

I’m reminded and grateful that I get just another day …

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This Gruesome Reality …

February 25, 2021 ~ Thursday (Vaccines available … Covid still raging)

It’s a gray, leaky day up here in the NW. It matches my mood. If you do not know me or have not read some of my writing, I am a passionate person. I’m deeply sensitive (maybe too much at times) … and hence, “things” bother me. Sometimes greatly. I’ve been feeling gray and leaky for a few days now … after a few months and after almost a whole year of feeling that way. The NW rains and gray skies do not help with any of this. But … here we are and it would be remiss of me not to mention this week’s milestone.

A year ago I was two weeks out from flying off to CO to see family/my mom/friends … and then leap-frogging to NC to nose around and “find my spot”. I’d already packed up over 100 boxes since that new year (2020) began in hopes that moving would be sooner than later. I was ready to find a place to move to … to call my new home. Nothing was gonna stop me.

Until … it did. Covid-19. I was town/house hunting in northern NC when the news of this new virus went, um – for lack of better description, viral. WA state was having an abundance of cases (something like 20) – in nursing homes – but there were grumblings of closing the state’s borders/airport … keeping everyone in or out … and I felt an urgency to get home before any of that happened. It felt far-fetched, but I wasn’t going to chance it.

So, I canceled my plans, changed my flight and flew back home mid-March. And I’ve been on this rock ever since. I’ve seen my kids. I’ve eaten a frozen dinner solo for TG. I have face timed and zoomed and Portaled … but it’s not the same as being with someone else. I am craving human contact! I know so many of us are. I’ve eaten out with a friend – sitting outside – freezing our butts off – paying stupid prices for a cold lunch in the cold air on a cold seat – hoping all the time that the person 6 feet from me wasn’t sharing any cooties. I didn’t do it again. I got in an argument with an assh*le at the pizza window – he was carrying his mask. It’s a town mandate to WEAR one (not carry one). That and the cold lunch have been the only things I’ve gotten from restaurants (other than drive thru when I’m on the mainland) in almost a year. I hate to say that because I’d love to support them … but, I’m not taking chances … and honestly, their food has never been worth the price (except for the pizza) … Covid or not.

Last spring I was obsessed with Covid. As in OBSESSED with the daily tallies. I kept a log … the Corona Chronicles … and kept tabs on the cases and new death totals around the globe. At the end of January there were 6 cases in the US … at the end of February, there were 68 cases and 1 death. March exploded with 207,000 cases and over 4800 deaths. I quit keeping tabs on things sometime in April. I just couldn’t do it anymore. It was too sad … too terrifying. And I know I wasn’t the only one who was thinking … Am I next?

Thankfully, our family has been very fortunate. So many others have not.

This past Monday, February 22, 2021 … we reached that horrific and unbelievable milestone of 500,000 dead in the US from Covid-19. In less than a year we lost more than all the US lives lost in WWI, WWII and Vietnam – combined. Most of us don’t know what 500,000 of anything looks like. It’s a hard concept to grasp. I know what 1 person looks like – the space that person takes up … but half a million bodies?

If you were to stack 500,000 humans, head to toe, that line would reach from the Earth to the moon. And BACK again. Even that is hard to fathom as not many of us know how far away the moon is.

The US is roughly 3000 miles from the east to the west coasts. Roughly. A mile is 5280 feet. Taking the average person (male and female combined) = 5’6″. Let’s, for ease, say the average is 6 feet. If we were to lay out 500,000 people, head to toe, from coast to coast … we’d have to do it 2,640,000 times … 2 MILLION, 640 THOUSAND times. Statistically that is staggering.

But even that is hard to get a handle on. Let’s say we drove that distance … driving 1000 miles a day … it would take a person 3 days to drive from coast to coast. In order to make that trip 2,640,000 times – one would need to drive 17 hours each day for 7,920,000 days. Or, broken down into years … roughly 21,700 YEARS. Taking into account that rounding up, the average American lives 80 years … that would be just about 272 lifetimes. Horrific.

But if you take the math elements out of the equation … we are talking about PEOPLE. Cherished loved ones … brothers and wives and husbands and parents … best friends and sisters and favorite aunts … beloved grandparents. And sweet, innocent children. Lives lost – cut short. Agony. Fear. Loneliness. Despair … for so many. The loss is unfathomable. It is too, too much to bear. I am not the only one who has a heavy heart with this gruesome reality.

I thought of typing out 500,000 “hugs and kisses” (x and o) … but realized that would take me days to do. So, here are a few …

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo … that’s just 500. Now, I can cut and paste or duplicate that another 1000 times … or we can simply realize that is a huge number. Huge. Gigantic. Enormous.

I know some of you who are reading this have lost a dear friend, a parent, a brother or someone dear to you … my heart is with you and I am so sorry. It is and has been so devastatingly awful for so many families. Losing a loved one is never an easy thing. But this all has seemed so unnecessary. So cruel.

But, along with the pain that this virus has inflicted … we cannot forget WHY this happened … and must make sure this never happens again (as much as we are able).

The ineptitude of this country’s past leadership was largely at fault. This never should have been politicized. Never – ever. But, also, the American people need to take some responsibility for their actions and for these horrific numbers … and for those that continue to get infected and get sick … and those that succumb to this virus. I know I’m singing to the choir here – but it is through us, our voices, if we keep saying, “Mask up! Be physically distant! Wash your hands!” … and DO those things … and have some common sense so that maybe someone will also do those things that they might not otherwise. I hope. Because this virus is still raging. And we all know that some idiot politicians will say it’s okay to lift the restrictions and unmask way before it is safe and socially conscionable to do so.

The vaccine is getting into the arms of many of us … (my 92 year old mom among them) but for many, WAY too many, it is already too late. It’s a horrible thing – this virus … and the mutations that keep occurring. I keep thinking of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when I hear about the mutations. I wish it were as simple as pizza-eating, crime-fighting reptiles. But it’s not. It’s not funny. And, I find it downright scary.

I hate this time in our lives. And even though I have not been THAT impacted … (I can’t travel and see my mom/kids/family/friends … oh, woe is me. Such awfulness! Hardly!) … it’s put a crimp in my lifestyle and my attitude in general. Yeah – my income has been impacted – but I’m okay. I don’t have any worries of homelessness or food or job insecurities and all the angst that go hand in hand with those issues and others. I am so, so fortunate.

As are most of us.

Except there is that heartache … from knowing someone who lost their life or a loved one to this very ghastly disease or just hearing the continual climbing numbers of deaths over the months of this past year. We all feel it. Some more than others. But, we all feel it.

500,000 Americans have lost their lives in less than a year. How many more? Where will the numbers stop? WHEN will the numbers stop?

I know we are all so very exhausted with how “things” are – still. But, we need to keep going along … be patient a little longer. The tide is turning.

In the meantime … Mask up! Be physically distant! Wash your hands! Be safe! Get the vaccine when you can. Any vaccine is better than no vaccine. Get it.

Look out for yourself. Look out for each other. Let love and kindness and science lead us through this gruesome reality.

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A Day to Remember or One Not to Forget …

February 9, 2021 ~ Tuesday (Covid still raging, vaccines slowly finding their ways into the arms of Americans, former President Trump’s second impeachment trial begins)

Today was a day unlike any other day that I’ve had in my life.

I need to back pedal a bit when I say that, reassure everyone that all is well (w/me personally) and that today was like ANY other day in my life – pretty much – except for one thing.

Today it was sunny (shocking!). I walked to town and had a piss-poor quiche lunch (not good/pricey/this new place will be gone in 6 months). I touched up the paint on my walls and trim throughout the main floor of my house. I wrestled a baby lambchop from the jaws of the poodlette that is a guest.

Oh yeah … and I witnessed the death of the Republican party.

Let’s face it – it’s been ill and ailing for a long time. But I kept thinking that people (of that party) would “come to their senses” and bring it back to life. That the Trumpism voodoo magic Kool-Aid they’ve all partaken of would wear off … that they (collectively) would have the sense, decency, brains, and conscience to say they were led astray … that the President had lied to them and the American people for so long that they just started to believe everything as the truth … that they were wrong … that there was no fraud … that the election was not stolen … that the former President is an unstable and dangerous man and that he incited violence on the Capitol and those inside before he left office. In other words – address the elephant in the room. Few did. TOO FEW did.

The elephant is insurrection … The Big Lie … believing what is not true … inciting violence when their way is not the way.

My dad was a staunch Republican for most of his lifetime. Pretty much all of his lifetime. I’m actually not sure if he EVER veered from the party – maybe voting an Independent once or twice – but a Democrat? I’m just not sure he could do that. However, if he were alive today I can guarantee you he’d quit the party. Because the remaining “real” Republicans from what used to be the Grand Old Party are few. Today’s GOP looks like a 70’s cross dresser in a rain storm … mussed up, make up running, fishnets torn, hair matted … equal parts morally bankrupt ass-kissers, conspiracy theorists, White Supremacists, QAnon believers, and anyone else with a rage issue and a gun.

I watched the first hour of the (second) impeachment trial of our former President. And was stunned to hear of the vote (56-44) to continue on. The question at hand was … was it Constitutional to try a former President once he had left office? According to the former Senate majority leader – they wanted to wait to try Trump after the inauguration date – once he left office. Once that came and went – they then said it was unconstitutional to try a former President once he left office. What? So much blather!

It was, to me, sickening to realize what I was watching … people unrelenting in their support of a lying lunatic … unable to even vote that this trial was constitutional after it was so very obviously shown that it was. A fourth grader with minimal knowledge of anything about how this country is run would know that it’s Constitutional. I don’t know the numbers but how many of them are or were lawyers? They KNOW THIS STUFF! They know what is right and true. So why vote against it? Are they all so busy kissing Trump’s ass trying to save their own? Or … what? If they are unwilling to vote even for this – FACT – what hope does anyone have that they will abandon their devotion to the former #45 – ever?

Most of those congressional members were on the Capitol grounds the day of the riot. Many were hiding under desks … wondering if the mob would storm through the doors to where they were … phoning loved ones and saying their good-byes. They watched on their phones as Trump incited the mob, telling them to FIGHT! Then, when the mob was inside the building, saying the Vice-President did not do his job, the mob’s ire grew and they shouted for his hanging. Later, hours later, the President told the insurrectionists that he loved them and that they were special. I’m fairly sure that all who have watched the tapes of that day – federal workers, police, laymen – felt relief when no congressional leaders were injured or killed. It could have been so much worse than it was. And that is not saying anything lightly with 7 dead and over 140 police wounded/injured – some extremely severely.

How on Earth could those Republican leaders watch those videos of Trump spewing his lies and directives and not think that this was an impeachable offense? That will be determined later. But, how could they sit there and not feel a twinge of remorse, duty or conscience to do what they have to know is true and right? How could they vote to not continue this trial … giving full reign to anyone (in the future) to commit horrible offenses – and have NO consequences once they left office? How could they, but for their own gain, rewrite the Constitution? They said that the trial was too soon. Then they said it was too late. Nothing made sense. And those watching were left with a pit in their stomachs, I’m sure … just as I was.

I found it pathetic, nauseating, truly disgusting and disheartening. No backbones. No consciences. No logic. No value of truth and reason. No regard for the law or life – or apparently each other. No standing by and protecting our Constitution as it was written almost 234 years ago – as they all swore to do.

I’m so tired of it all. There is no talking logic or truth to someone who has decided not to listen. There is no showing evidence to someone who is turning a blind eye. I have never had a problem with the Republican party … but I have problems with those who call themselves Republicans but truly are not. I have problems with people who are against America and all that it stands for and all that it could be. They have let the worms of untruth and conspiracy, greed and contempt eat away at what was remaining … those maggots of ugliness, violence, hatred and disregard emerged today … surfacing with each nay vote.

For all of us who watched, with horror, the unfolding of events on January 6th – those images and that soundtrack are etched into our souls. People say it’s a day to remember. Like today … when the Republican party died in front of our eyes.

As for me – it’s less of a day to remember and more of a day not to forget.

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Midnight musings …

February 3, 2021 – early Wednesday (Groundhog Day, Covid raging: 447,000 US dead)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I should be in bed. It’s nearly 1am and my brain is on over-drive … and singing rodent ditties … not conducive to sleeping or even drifting off to dreamland. So, maybe this will help.

I was in bed – trying my best to summon Mr. Sandman and then the song started in my head (the one sung by The Chordettes … Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream…) … that was replaced by the woodchuck ditty and well, that was the last straw. So, I got up and started researching woodchucks. And, according to some wildlife guy – if a woodchuck could chuck wood – it would be roughly 700 lbs. Who knew?

I’m up and very chilly because my thermostat is set to go down to 63 at 11pm … so, the house has had a few hours to cool down. It reminds me of our trip to Copenhagen, the Christmas of 2007.

Sam and I met up with Ted. We were coming from the States … he, from Turkey where he was working. We met in Copenhagen because, well … Turkey isn’t exactly a Christmas hot spot. We had a wonderful trip … I remember vividly those canals – lit by torch light – sparkling like bronze ribbons of glitter. My! They were gorgeous! And boy, was it COLD! As a last minute thought I threw in silk long-johns and my furry boots. I’m pretty sure I wore them all the time. Thank goodness for last minute decisions; I surely would have frozen to death!

While there – we saw such great museums and walked everywhere. One day we visited a hotel bar that had a 20 foot ceiling (or higher) … it was small and intimate with dark paneled walls, booths with candles and a grand piano in the middle of the room with a pine tree, hanging upside down from the ceiling, holding 1000 glass ornaments. It was breathtaking. We ordered hot toddies or laced coffees as we were so cold! We were going to go to an ice bar (one of those places made completely of ice) … but decided that we were already practically frozen solid and needed the comfort and warmth of our hotel room, instead. If you have a chance to go – go at Christmas time. It’s enchanting.

Tonight I was reading about Leatherback turtles in Trinidad. I’m a turtle lover from way back and it was astounding to me to learn that one in a thousand of those baby turtles ever survive. Damn! Horrible stats! I had no idea. We had box turtles when I was a kid. We’d be on vacation and my dad would pull over the Ford Falcon station wagon (no seat belts) and go run back for a turtle he saw on the road. We acquired Penny and Hardy that way. We had 5 of them … and they had full run (so to speak) of the house. They must have loved our two-tone green shag carpeting! We’d gather them in the bathtub to eat worms or raw hamburger. They loved berries, lettuce and cantaloupe the most. Their digestive systems were pretty fast and we’d leave them in the tub to “do their thing” and lift them out and clean them and the tub the next morning. We had shallow bowls of water that they drank from … and they’d line up at the base of the fridge – where the warm air blew out – for warmth, any time of year. When I was a kid, I hate to admit this – I made a “turtle face”. I can still do it. (I’m hoping I don’t have any permanent wrinkling from those days). I think it drove my sister crazy.

It was 70 degrees in Denver today … my daughter was at the zoo watching lions eat “rabbit popsicles” (so described to her by the zookeeper). Ugh. I saw the video. Let’s just say I would have loved being in the zoo, in early Feb, in 70 degree weather – but I’m not one for animals eating each other. I can’t even watch the Nat Geo channel.

It was 70 degrees there and it was 44 here … rainy, gray and just so wet. Saturation has set in. Actually, it set in a while ago … the white picket fence that I repainted in 2019 and power washed 4 months ago is now light green. My gutters are sprouting trees and my roof is going to look like a thatched cottage by Spring. The limbs on every tree are fuzzed over with moss and everything growing is a varying shade of green … spring, emerald, fern or parakeet … lime, basil, pear or chartreuse …

I am challenging myself to a 28 day walkabout … and am glad I didn’t choose March, which has 3 more days in it than this month. At least now, I’m glad. I’m hoping this becomes a habit once I turn my calendar page to the third month. We’ll see. Anyway, it’s about 4500 steps/2 miles and since I’m a slow-go and always looking out for deer and whatnot it takes me a good 40 minutes. Today I started off from home and walked west – along the cliff road towards the road that leads into town. I stopped to take a picture of one of the old, gnarled apple trees along the way – limbs bare and mossy … branches loaded with lichen. (I’m lichen it!) I get to the end of the road and turn back/taking in a small cul de sac before coming back out to the cliff road and past my street and continue on down to the where the cliff road dead ends. It used to go through but Mom Nature swept a good chunk of the hillside away and took the road with it. By the time I got to the end of the cliff walk and turned around back on my way home, the sky was turning from the blue-gray of the day to a light lilac … further along it turned periwinkle … and I watched the edges get darker until it was nearly cobalt by the time I walked back through my gate. I’ve been watching the skies more lately – they fill me with joy and awe. Mom Nature sure is marvelous.

And that brings me to NC/SC/GA … via thinking of Mom Nature … and ultimately climate change. It’s still snowing in the midwest (two feet and counting) and a nor’easter has brought similar amounts to areas along the east coast/mid Atlantic states. I wouldn’t mind a snow-globe snowfall … one of those glitter snows that dust things and sparkle like crazy and melt once the sun comes out. We haven’t had snow in two years here … not that I want any … but it sounds nice – as long as I don’t have to go anywhere in it. But only that soft, pretty, sparkly sugar snow. The rest everyone else can keep and deal with. I grew up in the Chicago area/lived in Denver for 34 years and endured some three to four foot snowfalls. No thanks. Been there, done that.

But, I think of NC/SC/GA … and all this extreme weather also means HOT summers. I want more warmth than what is usually up my way (I do not consider 70 degrees or even 75 degrees summer temps!) … but I certainly do not want 90 degrees from May through October. So, I’m going to have to continue my research taking climate also into consideration and have that as one of my priorities when making my decision about where to move. Still hoping that happens before the end of this year. Again – we shall see!

I am getting dogs this week … a few daytimers and good ol’ Sadie – my semi-resident golden who will be with me for a couple of months. The more dogs the merrier and my life feels better – as does my heart – with more furry bodies to take care of. Bea is getting to be an old hat with this doggy daycare stuff!

And in saying that idiom … it makes me, again, so aware at how uneducated Americans – in general/on a whole – are when it comes to language. Most of us speak one language (and some have not exactly mastered the one!) … and I think how difficult it would be to learn English. We have idioms coming out of our ears! I’m not pulling your leg or pulling the wool over your eyes with saying this! And, the spelling inconsistencies! Damn/dam … it would/wood be/bee so/sew hard … which/witch one/won to choose/chews?

In any case … I am thinking my Advil PM is kicking in and I need to get to bed before I snuggle on the carpet in the hallway on my way to my room! I started my day cursing the world’s cutest rodent this morning for predicting six more weeks of winter. I guess I can’t be too upset that he’s a lousy weather predictor … after all, he’s a ground hog! I watched his exploits from this morning … and then tonight I watched Groundhog Day. It felt only fitting. I needed a good laugh … and got several.

I am off to bed. I’ll snuggle with Bea while thinking of sea turtles and a fat weather forecasting woodchuck. How much sleep could a tired gal get if a tired gal could get sleep?

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In the dark …

January 14, 2021 – Thursday (still covid, still Trump era, blah blah blah)

You know the saying … that someone is “in the dark”? Well, that’s been me – figuratively and literally.

Last night I was under my covers, flashlight in hand, reading – like some 8 year old sneaking pages of Charlotte’s Web after bedtime. I didn’t last long … restlessness overtook me and Advil pm helped put me to sleep. Power outage 30-something since being on this island – maybe more – sent me to bed at 7:15 pm dressed as if I’d put on everything in my closest. If I had rolled off the bed – I wouldn’t have felt a thing!

After 28 or so hours of being in the dark (and cold), this morning I woke to the hum of the furnace – ahh, blissful warmth. I am so spoiled. The last I checked before climbing into bed for the 8th time last night, the thermostat read 54 degrees. When I checked this morning it was a warming 58; otherwise known as a nice, balmy day in June around here – but in the house, all day, in January? A tad on the chilly side. I scampered back to bed and grabbed the dog, for extra coziness, for another hour while the house warmed up.

Today’s hot shower was more than warranted and appreciated. I am such a wimp! Anyway – power is on! Yahoo! I warmed up and purged my fridge at the same time. And here I am … oh, computer … how I missed you!

I also missed watching TV yesterday and all the political things that were going on – an historic day in our country. A second impeachment for Trump. Who would have guessed? (Just about everyone.) And thank you people of reason and sanity in our government who voted for it … and those that didn’t? How is that even possible? This is not a partisan thing. This is a vote to do something good and protective for this country. Disgusting. Where the hell is your conscience? Where is your integrity? What were you thinking???

Every few hours I’d sit in my car and blast the radio and heat, recharge my phone and catch up on things while I thawed out a bit. Radio is good. TV is better. Cars with heat and a recharger … fabulous.

And as I sat there listening, I was again – in the dark – about what the Senate was doing. I am not understanding why a vote was not taken today or for that matter, why Trump wasn’t ousted by Pence before 8am last Thursday. In my opinion Mitch McConnell is a damn coward. He said there isn’t enough time to call Senators to session and vote. I beg to disagree. If someone wants to get something done – they make it happen … come hell or high water or anything else. He is pathetic. Get it done, Mitch. You weenie. (Pence is just as much a weenie, too. All this brings out my 9 year old playground self. Disturbing.)

I browsed through FB the other day … after the siege on the Capitol (which gets scarier every day as they release more info) … and came upon a post from a long-time friend – hailing our disgusting President for all his “goodness and virtue”. I didn’t get through it. I was stunned and sickened. After what happened on the 6th … this is posted? REALLY? Again, I was in the dark about her beliefs. I guess I chose to ignore things as the years went by … or maybe things didn’t “come up” in those xmas cards and short emails. I’ve said before that I’ve lost friends over this political administration … and, well, there goes another one. It saddens me. I can overlook some things but to post THAT? Can’t do it. I just don’t understand how anyone can think he’s so great (or even a decent human) after all this time and especially after last week’s incitement. And it took him a WEEK to say anything to his supporters about violence not being a good thing – and was it enough? I’m not going to get into it – it’s disgusting and disturbing and we’ll all be watching it all week.

But, it all has made me review a few other friendships/associations and those I will also be walking back on a bit. The thing that I hate about this President the most is that he’s made me HATE. And I HATE that! But all of this has also opened my eyes to some things and made me more aware so I’m no longer in the dark about some people or their beliefs. I’m not going to change anyone. I’m just so deeply saddened and disappointed that those are their views. That our alignment is so off. We are off in different universes when it comes to certain things. And, I find that profoundly sad and just something I can no longer ignore.

But, life is short – so, I need to find the goodness and light and play with those that bring that to my life. I don’t need anymore disappointment or angst. None of us do.

I have been thinking a lot about my dad lately. Gone now 28 months. I don’t know what sparked my thinking last night – maybe wondering what a staunch Republican would say about all this recent awfulness or if I had ever sat out a power outage with him? I don’t know what it was … but it got me thinking of all the things he’d seen/experienced in his lifetime of 90 years. He wasn’t great at words or writing … how do(due) you(ewe) know(no) which(witch) one(won) word to(two/too) choose (chews)? Right(write)? But give him a math problem or anything mechanical to figure out … he was your guy. I think I fell asleep thinking about our dinner table talk when I was a kid … as he’d always give us a math problem or riddle to figure out. I’m not sure I loved or hated them … but I always tried to get the answer. As dad-goofy or complex as they were, it was his way of connecting and enlightening (though that insight didn’t come until years later).

So, here I am … looking forward, a lighter address book, a lighter (but saddened) soul, happy to be warm and cozy and no longer in the dark.

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Chaos …

January 7, 2021 – Thursday (day after the insurrection/coup attempt at our nation’s Capitol)


My daughter emailed me that last night. That’s how she felt. I couldn’t have agreed with her more. I think a lot of us felt that way. I hope a lot of us felt that way. What happened yesterday was horrifying and disgusting and disgraceful. And in my opinion, anyone still supporting Trump’s false claims of a stolen election is just as culpable as he is for what transpired yesterday in D.C. (and at other locations around the country). I find the whole thing tragic and disturbing.

Today I don’t feel much better. Not a great night’s sleep … not even an iced tea at my elbow and a lasagna in the oven seem to help quell that bile that wants to rise in me. I don’t do well with conflict. I am a rule follower. I don’t like gray areas. I know what is right and wrong. And what happened yesterday, on so many levels, was so wrong. SO wrong.

But, I need to back up from the chaos of yesterday and my jittery nerves of today. I think a deep, calming breath would do us all good. In through the nose, hold, and out. If I do that another 200-300 times, maybe I’ll feel a bit more at peace. Maybe.

I tend to freak myself out. I don’t want to say I’m psychic (I can hardly spell the word) but I’m a forecaster … and even that’s not right. This is how it is: a name or something will pop in my head and another week or so will go by and whatever I was thinking about comes about or is in the news. Maybe it’s just being aware … maybe I am “in-tune” … or maybe I do have some sort of sensory whatever … I don’t know. But, what I do know is that it happens a lot. As in … A LOT.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a word gal. (Hence these blog posts! So wordy!) Did I want to play Monopoly as a kid (or now)? Nah. But if anyone wants to play Scrabble, I’d be the one waking up from a coma to play along! I like words and sometimes they stick with me. Each year I pick one word that seems fitting and go through the year expanding on that word … a theme of sorts.

So, last weekend and earlier this week I was trying to come up with my word for the year. And I came up with some good ones to chose from but, no matter how hard I tried to dismiss it, the word CHAOS kept bobbing to the surface of my thoughts. I couldn’t get rid of it. And then yesterday happened.

And here we are. I’ve lost some friends over this administration. They think their political leanings are fine/right/even spiritually backed. I can’t go there. If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know that I think Trump is a disaster of a human being and should never have been given this office. He has disgraced it before he was even first elected. And for people, after all this time with him in office, to still think that he has the heart and safety of the American people as priority one … I just can’t agree. He is a loathsome, delusional and dangerous oaf and, in my opinion, should be removed from office before you are even reading these words. The safety and sanctity of our country depend on it.

Anyway – where I was going with this is that I feel violated. And that knowing people who support this President, makes me feel like I, and anyone feeling as I do, don’t matter. I know it’s projecting … but it’s all entwined and intermingled and connected. And, it’s painful. As I said before … I don’t like gray areas. I don’t know how anyone can support his baseless lies and his inciting violence and egregious fawning to supporters and his lunacy and then say they were sad or upset about what happened yesterday. It’s all the same. Either you stand with him – or you don’t. There is no gray here.

So, today, I’m feeling unsettled, disgruntled, sickened and hurt. Perhaps sometime in a past life (if we have those), I was a Patriot or held some office or worked in the doings of some past administration. Or maybe I was an architect or builder who helped construct the buildings in D.C. because I feel an inordinate connection to those structures. When I saw people scaling the walls of the Capitol and breaking those beautiful windows and stealing things from the offices, I felt physically ill. I don’t think that is normal. Yes, it was horrifying to watch that mayhem but there was a deeper violation. And yes, it was horrible to watch the police being taken over and to see them (wtf) taking selfies with some of the rioters. (I don’t understand all of it. I just know that other protestors, most recently the BLM defenders, were treated vastly differently than what we witnessed yesterday.) … and the whole scenes of our elected officials crouching/unsure of what was going on and fearing for their lives … and the angry mob making their way into the hallowed halls of our democracy … it was just too unsettling.

I am cooking up dinner … and letting the aroma of the bubbling tomato and cheese concoction in the oven waft over me. Comfort. I’m trying not to watch the news (maybe 5 hours instead of all day). I took a walk. I went to the post office. I checked in on a neighbor. I’m calmer but I need another focus.

So, today I’m working on my new word for the year. No, it’s not chaos … as much as that has been stuck in my brain … but preserve. 

It’s a good word. It reminds me of Smuckers commercials and jelly jars of the Flintstones. It also conjures up memories of the days I’d go walking the forest preserves with my dad while mom cooked Sunday dinner. It also reminds me that we need to be responsible for this planet we live on and do our part to protect it. It’s goodness and calm and peace and responsibility all wrapped up in one word.

So, I will go forward into 2021 and make it mine.

I read somewhere that in less than 30 years much of our park lands in this country will be gone. I read somewhere else that the giant Gippsland worms of Australia will be goners, too. (Look them up – amazingly intriguing and disgusting at the same time.) Some preservation needs to happen here.

I usually start the New Year, taking stock of what I need to do, what I’d like to accomplish during this new year/this wonderfully clean slate … what I can do to protect or keep, use or  preserve. And that’s how I came up with the word. And also, because I got two small jars of jam over the holidays and was eating jelly on crackers while musing.

Preserve … with that one word, I hope to maybe make a difference in a rain forest (by donating money or not using certain products) … to use up what I have before I think I need MORE … to reuse, redo, repurpose and reduce. I’d like to think that I’ll preserve some memories while making new ones. And that somehow I’ll find peace during this on-going Covid lifestyle that we will be in for many more months and preserve my sanity.

But that word also brings me back to the chaos of yesterday. Every person of the Senate and the House … along with the President and the Vice-President have been sworn in and vowed, under oath, to the best of their ability, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Yesterday, our democracy felt the impact of people who lied and betrayed that oath. We need to do whatever we can to help get this country back on her feet. Maybe it’s contacting your senators. Maybe it’s having a hard conversation with someone whose view is different than your own. Maybe it’s one small act of kindness to another.

I would hope to think that if we all find a word that we can use this year … that it leads us to a better place by the end of it. One step at a time to be a better person. One something done to make a difference to someone or some thing. One more candle lit in the darkness.

I want to believe that would be helpful … because it’s so much better than chaos.

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Black and White …

January 4, 2021 … Monday (before noon/still in pjs/raining)

Bea and I just finished brunch. Her dog bowl is full but she won’t touch it until she’s finished off whatever I’ve been eating. Today was pork sausages and oatmeal. As it is a pork sausage and oatmeal kind of day.

I awoke to the sounds of rain … which in the NW, one would think that is every day in the winter. Not so. While we usually have complete air saturation (everything is drippy/wet/mossy/slippery) … we rarely get a good, solid, nice sounding rain. Today the pitter patter of raindrops coming in from my open window was music to my ears. A light breeze wafted in and I could have sworn it was April.

But, we are not in the midst of spring! It’s early January (happy New Year!) … and 45 degrees. Gray, mizzly, solid rain and twilight days … all before noon are the norm. Hello winter!

Because of covid, it being winter, my general sloth-like quasi-hibernation mood/energy level, and that my schedule has been tremendously freed up due to not working/fewer dogs … on days that I can sleep in, I let myself do just that. I could be Rip Van Winkle’s rival, if allowed.

I am also a dreamer which makes getting up/wanting to wake up more than difficult. I want to see where this is going. I want to finish off this dream/movie I’m in. It’s hard to let a good thing go. I am also one of those that can remember every detail after I wake up and who can rewrite dreams while they are happening. If I don’t like the way it’s going – I just rewind and go another path. It’s great … like a choose your own adventure storybook.

Sometime this morning, after the alarm was silenced and before I dragged myself out (I never pop out! I am NOT a morning person.), I was helping an older woman redecorate her living and dining rooms. I have to say the dining room is as far as I got in this dream – but it was stunning!

I put my xmas decs away over the weekend … leaving a light adornment of pine/cones hanging/draped in my chandelier and small (faux) green-leaved wreaths hanging by black and white checked ribbons in the windows in my dining room. Two of these wreaths are also hanging in the windows of my den. They add a little something. 

I’ve gone a bit more black and white this past year getting a buffalo checked rug in my living room and tying the rooms together with my accent colors of mustard (honey dijon not yellow), olive and aqua. All woodwork and fireplace surround are white. My hard furniture is mahogany or painted black. My soft furnishings are olive, burgundy, taupe or tapestry. I have a lot of brass in my home as well (I like the sparkle) and greenery … it’s very comforting and cozy. The check adds a bit of country flair but grounds the spaces together with the black and brings brightness at the same time, with the white. I have a lot of lamps/and some plants have white lights. In this part of the country, extra light is a good and needed thing.

So, in my dream – I just expanded on that theme but this room turned out so beautifully, I think I’ll draw it up later and save it before I forget. Side note … when I was in 4th grade I had a dream about my science teacher’s home … her furniture was all made out of pale blue ostrich feathers! That was the first time I realized I dreamt in color.

Back to the dream … the dining room was a rectangular, dirty white berber (horrid option!) carpeted room with ecru walls … one long wall had a fireplace, the other would (later) have an antique sideboard. One of the two shorter walls had two windows with blinds/sheers (with a small wall space between them) and the other short wall had a swinging door leading to the kitchen (off to the side). The rectangular dining table ran parallel to the long walls in the middle of the room. Pretty normal/typical/boring dining room – except for maybe the fireplace.

Anyway, I must have had my new black and white palette on the brain as I redid this “dream” dining room. The long wall without the fireplace was painted a deep charcoal. If I wanted a statement wall – I succeeded because it made quite the statement! Mushroom taupe was the rest of the room with all white trim and brass fixtures. The chandelier over the table was a long waterfall piece of brass and crystal … classic but with a touch of whimsy. The carpets were pulled up and (of course, only in dreams) the underlying wood flooring was in perfect condition. Nothing that a little buffing wouldn’t enhance it to extraordinary in all its walnut glory (no yellow here!). The windows were stripped of their blinds and sheers and replaced with brass rods and swags of black fabric with rolled edges of black and white plaid. The table was antique white, with two of the upholstered chairs in the matching black and white plaid from the draperies and the other four side chairs being all black. They had round backs and graceful lines. The carpet under the table was a beautiful Aubusson black and taupe with a hint of pink in the roses. It was lovely – trust me!

Just before I woke up we were marveling over the carved fireplace surround I acquired … one of light rose-pink alabaster. It was exquisite. I have actually seen one like this (funny where things come from in your dreams) while on a trip to Wisconsin, years ago. I was searching for a small town until I remembered I hated winter and WI would then NOT do … but ended up in some 800 year old woman’s home looking at her rose alabaster fireplace. It was carved with angels and roses and was the most gorgeous thing I think I’ve ever seen. The stone was smooth as silk and gleamed like some Italian sculpted masterpiece. It was breathtakingly beautiful. And I would have stayed and admired it longer if the place hadn’t stunk so badly of decay and urine. (That story is for another time – but a good one.)

Anyway – I woke up laughing at the name of my company: Les Izmor Design (get it? … Les IS MORE?). It was not any better though than another design company name I came up with eons ago … “Ruby Slippers Design (Redo/Reuse/Repurpose) … Because There’s No Place Like Home”. So kitschy!

But, now I have the itch to redo something! The design desire runs deep in me … maybe someday. That’s a gray area in my life … to go down that path or not. Think I’ll wait ’til it’s more black and white.

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Time Goes By …

December 29, 2020 – Tuesday (Post holiday/still Covid/let’s get this year over with)

I have notepads … 12 of them/each one printed with seasonal things (snow, hearts, rainbows, leaves, etc …) and the month … that I put on/take off of my fridge at the beginning and end of each month. I’ve had these for years now ~ apparently, I don’t make many lists from my fridge. But, it’s a ritual/habit I’ve gotten into and one that I like … not unlike the passing of a baton or a turning of a page on the calendar. A leap of faith … a closure and new beginning all at once.

Today I clomped up the stairs and deposited my December pad back in the drawer and pulled out the January one and put it up on the fridge. I know I’m early. I know there are three days left of 2020 … but I just can’t take any more of this year. Nothing happened today, I’m just done. It’s over. Out with the old and in with the new. I will look at that pad on my fridge for the next 3 days and I can already feel the tension lightening and the ascension of hope in my spirits knowing that 2020 will be behind us.

We need a do-over. But, not a last year do-over … we need a NEW do-over. And it’s coming … in about 47 hours (from when I’m writing this). Phew. Good. Hallelujah and AMEN to that!

There are 12 months, 52 weeks or 365 days in a year … breaking it down even further, we’ve got 8760 hours or 525,600 minutes or 31,557,600 seconds. What did you do with all that time this year?

Being that I spent most of my time pent up due to Covid-19 (trying to not get it), upset about not seeing my mom or being able to travel or move forward with my life (in general), full of angst about the political arena/election/general awfulness of it all, worried about friends and family, getting used to not doing much (semi-retirement/Covid restrictions), and then caught up in the protests/riots/natural catastrophes … I am exhausted.

And more than a little dismayed that I didn’t do more with my time.

For many of us it was the Year that Wasn’t. My son was to be on a 3-month sabbatical in Indonesia … he had to come back to the US; it wasn’t his year to do that. I was planning on moving (I have an attic full of boxes to prove I was making headway); it wasn’t my year to do that. My daughter had 30 some weddings on the books to provide flowers for … again, it wasn’t to be. I expected to visit my mom monthly in CO … nope. I thought without my business, I’d go on a “nice” vacation – somewhere. Nope … that didn’t happen, either.

It also wasn’t the year that I: learned piano, exercised every day, lost a ton of weight, re-learned French or Italian, honed my knitting skills, wrote children’s books or baked the perfect round of crusty bread.

But, it was the year I: got to see my kids five times throughout the year (… which was fabulous cuz that never happens!), was adopted by a sweet little dog – we both (I like to think) needed that, started and finished some personal projects, and I had time to just BE.

Not a total loss when thinking about time.

I also said good-bye to a very dear friend of mine. We all knew his time was ending … his roughly 33,430 days on this Earth. As sad as it was, I was privileged to sit with him during his last two. They were not easy days but I am thankful I got to spend that time with him.

Time. That elusive thing we all try to hold on to … or tick away as fast as we can.

When we are young, we want to be older. When we are older, we want to be younger. We want it, at all times, to be kind to us and hie when needed or linger when able. For all of us control freaks … time is that one thing we will never be able to take charge of. And that is hard.

But … with the new year, maybe a little planning, foresight, and action will help us use it more wisely. So, as we go into this New Year (and omg, I can’t wait) … I’ll take the playlist of this year … this year that was and wasn’t … and do what I thought I should have done in 2020 … and expand it as we go forward into 2021. A little more yoga, a little less sitting … a little more green smoothie, a little less caffeine … a little more joy, a little less angst (ok – a LOT less angst) … but you get the picture.

In the next three days until the clock chimes midnight, I’m going to work on adjusting my attitude and start the new year on a better note/in a better mood. I will lighten up. I will look forward to the new year without trepidation. I probably won’t be eligible for the vaccine until summer (sometime) but I know how this all works now – I’ve got it down pat. I just need to add some piano playing, knitting and writing to the mix!

I know I’ve been fortunate during this time. I haven’t had to worry about a paycheck or food or home security. I count my blessings for the ease of my life. And, I will look at the next 6 months as a wonderland of possibilities. So much I can (and should and need to) accomplish … before life returns to some new normal … to make my life (and others’) better/happier/more fun/more purposeful.

I will map out my plan in the next few days as I write out my calendar for the new year and write my list of to-do’s. I’ll add in check points for personal reflection and goal adjustments. Things change as a year marches on … but I know one thing for sure … no matter what … time goes by.

Thanks for reading. Wishing you an extraordinarily happy and healthy New Year – 2021.

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It’s still Fall …

November 29th, 2020 – Sunday (Day 333 of this Covid-19 year)

Today is day 333 of this strange and angst-ridden year. Amidst America’s raging virus stats and daily case numbers that rival complete year numbers for other countries … and the political scene that is still in turmoil … we have arrived at this special day.

This is a magical day if you are into numbers. 333 … it means that we only have 32 days left of this year. Something, I’m sure, we can all celebrate! It also is a triple “3” … and that is really good. It is a power number and means you are to take a little personal inventory of the path you are on. Are you going where you want to? If not … there’s time to make some adjustments before the clean slate of the new year.

The number 3 represents confidence, power, creativity, joy, and inspiration. If that is your favorite number that means you strive for self improvement every day – even in the smallest of ways. Each one of us has at least a couple of skills or talents which make us special and unique. This number might serve as a guide to help you along your journey.

If you happen to see 3:33 on the clock or as an address or as the next to last day in November … stop a moment and take stock. Be aware and leave yourself open to the power that is YOU.

I am at my dining room table, now laden with the autumnal trappings of my seasonal decorating, and was going to write about other things but I am inclined to write about all things Autumn. Because, after all, it’s still Fall! On the calendar we have another 3 weeks until Winter “officially” begins, but December 1st starts the winter season for me.

I know many friends have already decorated their homes for Christmas but I can’t do it. In my heart, it’s still Fall until the clock chimes midnight on November 30th. And being that it’s Sunday and I have a whole ‘nother 30 hours until (my) winter begins … I’m going to revel in it.

I’ve known the end of this month would mean putting all this away. I’ve been hesitant to accept that I need to take down my decorations. Every year I fall in love with Fall all over again. I bring out my bins of pumpkins and leaves and squirrel figurines … and dress the house. If I felt comfortable doing this in August, I would … but, it’s still Summer until I turn that page to September.

I sound a bit rigid! Where’s your flexibility, Les? Egad! I hate to admit it – but I’m a stickler for seasons. They are clearly delineated and cannot be merged!

Winter is December, January and February. Spring is March, April and May. Summer is June through August. And Fall is September through November. And nothing more or less.

So, as much as I love watching the Hallmark holiday movies before I’ve even bought candy for trick or treating … and as much as I’ve already signed and stamped my holiday cards … and as much as I love Christmastime and all things holiday … I can’t give up on Fall – yet. I have one more day.

I fancy Fall. I adore Autumn. I love leaves. You get the picture. So, even though I’ve gathered my autumnal splendor up and am ready to pack it away tomorrow … I’ll eat dinner on this table and give one more look to my pewter squirrel and the plaster one that makes me smile. (He has seen better days as he’s now without a foot and looks a little weary but I still love him.) If Autumn could start in August, I’d be thrilled! Another month of all things pumpkin spice would make me a very happy camper! But, who am I to mess with the calendar?! I look over what I’ve amassed here and am surprised at the amount that is on my table. I thought I had put out more but I guess when spread around, a little goes a long way.

The ceramic pumpkins will be carefully wrapped and tucked into the bins amongst the faux foliage and zip locks of acorns, gourds and spiny sweetgum pods. I’ve got grapevine pumpkins and a glittery beaded one … and everything in between. I’ve got two big fake ones … a large, fat green one and a smaller black one with a twisted stem. They look almost more real than my real ones do! I’ve got nut and seed pods, real and faux leaves, baby pine cones and another cluster of something – I’m not sure what – but they are spherical pods with an elaborate pattern on them. There must be a nut inside each pod because they rattle when I shake the small branch. Perhaps they might be from a buckeye tree.

I’ve got a special bin for my Thanksgiving decs … this year I only brought out one thing. A dinner plate sized/turkey-shaped tin candy mold . I found him at some antique shop years ago and it was love at first sight. This year he sat on my dining room table surrounded by those nut pods and leaves … looking ever so regal all through November. At night the candlelight shimmered off his silver surface. I usually have a vase of lilies on this table … I’d like to think he enjoyed them as much as I have.

I’m working with one good eye still. So, my collection of things has been hit or miss. I’ve gone through each room three times. It wasn’t until that last walk-through, with my one eagle eye searching, that I spied something I’d missed before. That small pumpkin in my pothos … the bittersweet entwined with my cooking utensils … the acorn wreath on the door. I’m sure I’ll find some leftover something in April. I always do.

I feel like a squirrel … safely and tenderly tucking my treasures away for another time. And when I do so, it brings me such comfort and a rare sweetness. I know nothing is certain … but I like to think that I’ll unpack all these lovelies again when the calendar turns to September, next year.

On Tuesday, I’ll bring down the bins that hold my holiday decs and start putting things around and making my home all things Christmas. I pine for pine boughs, and delight in whites, greens, and reds. I’m a sucker for silver and gold and anything that glitters, twinkles or shines.

But tonight and tomorrow … I’ll enjoy one more evening and day of the rusts and umbers … the mustards and olive greens. I’ll look over my stash of squirrels and pods and reflect on another Autumn gone and done.

Christmas can wait another day … because, after all, it’s still Fall.

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A Time to be Grateful … Turkey Day Revisited

November 25, 2020 – Wednesday … (the day before Covid-19’s Thanksgiving)

We are in unprecedented times. How many of us thought we’d still be hearing those words … NOW? TEN months after the onset of Covid-19 in this country? I thought by now we’d be back to normal. We are anything but as spikes continue … cases rise … hospitals are at full capacity … and the death toll climbs.

And yet … all I want to do is be grateful. My kids are doing well. My mom is healthy. My eyesight – though not as great as I’d like – has returned after unexpected complications of surgery/bad eyesight and age. The election went the way I’d hoped. My home, once again, has a little dog in it. Life is good.

When I first started blogging … my self-imposed 365 Day Challenge … I had no idea that eight and a half years later, I’d still be writing … and that people would still be reading! I love that I am and that you/they are.

Thanksgiving is (and has always been) my favorite holiday. Maybe because, in part, it’s that I hail from Pilgrim stock … maybe it’s in my DNA. When I was a kid we’d gather at my dad’s parent’s apartment in Chicago. Grandma must have cooked for a week prior to our arrival! We all sat around a massive table .. 20 some of us … aunts, uncles, cousins that I only saw on that day … the uncle we ran from when he offered a chiropractic adjustment … we’d rather run on down to the basement and play ping pong or pretend not to look for Grandpa’s old Playboys. There was an oven in the basement (next to the wringer washer) … and the turkey was in that one (the upstairs one had the “sides”) … and all of us kids were practically basted in the aroma of roasting turkey by the time dinner was on the table. Grandma was a master cook … we’d always count and she’d have at least 13 vegetables. Not that I’d eat more than one or two of them – but they were there … resplendent and worthy of praise by Julia herself. As soon as dinner was finished the kids ran back to the basement to play and the women cleaned up. I have no idea what the men did! Soon after, the table would be piled high – again – with sandwich meats and cheeses, pickles, olives, leftovers and desserts. How anyone had any room left to eat one more bite was beyond me – but we all did! Those were fun days. I am very grateful for those times and for those with whom we shared those holidays. So many of them are gone now.

A year or so before we were married, Tim and I went up to Seattle – the reason of that trip escapes me now. But, we had car trouble and ended up having TG dinner in a Denny’s. I remember feeling so horrible for the people eating there … that THIS was the best they could do. No friends, no family had bothered (or existed) to invite them in. I found that so profoundly sad.

After we married, Thanksgiving became “my” holiday. I always loved it for it’s simplicity and underlying message. No commercialism, no shopping sprees (we were NOT Black Friday people!) … just a houseful of family and a few friends … and Pictionary in the evening. We all laugh, even now, so many years after Tim got the word – Zeus. Let’s just say he was not up on his mythology and being the artist drew a very intricate solar system. Somewhere in his parochial schooling Zeus was introduced (or assumed by him) as an extra planet. He was mortified. We all had a good laugh (at his expense, sadly) … and his team lost. It was funnier in person than I could ever recount … poor Tim. But whenever I see or hear the word Zeus … I feel a special longing in my heart.

The year that he died I wished we had done something different for Thanksgiving that year. ANYTHING else would have been better than looking down the table to where my dad sat knowing that was Tim’s chair and he was not in it. I didn’t eat anything that meal. I pushed the food around on my plate knowing if I opened my mouth – nothing but a guttural howl would explode from it. Not the best day.

After that and my moves, TG was hit or miss. One year Sam had it at her place for just Ted and I and it was simply lovely. One of my favorites. Intimate and candlelit … her table was as gorgeous as the roasted bird and trimmings were tasty. Even though that was the year my dad passed and my mom was in the hospital … that was a best day. I was with my two favorite people and my soul was very happy.

And here we are … 2020 … the year of Covid and so much angst and upset … sickness and loss – on so many levels. And yet … I am so grateful. I am still on the island – not where I thought I’d be, but it is what it is. I have good, very helpful friends here and I love my guest dogs. My family and I are healthy – though apart. Sam is setting her dining table for herself and her dog. She dreamed they shared a bowl of mashed potatoes. And knowing her – that might be what they do. Ted is off with his “bubble” … hopefully staying Covid-free as they weather Southern Cal together away from all things reality in SF. My mom is in her retirement apartment and having dinner with a hall neighbor. And I’m here with Bea, a guest poodle and Marie Calendar. I’m going to make some candied yams to go with my frozen dinner and will call it good. I’ll watch a movie, do a little Pilgrim research and have a nice, little relaxing day. I’m kind of looking forward to the non-fuss/no-mess for once. And, though alone, I will be enjoying a day of coziness and phone calls, emails, texting and face-timing with those that I hold most dear. We all might be alone but we’ll still be together … in some way … even if it’s only in spirit.

The local ads keep telling people to stay home … forego the travel and the “normal” traditions of this holiday this year … as this year is anything but normal. An alone TG means no ICU Christmas. Let’s all keep that in mind and keep each other safe and here.

And eventually, this pandemic shall pass. But in the meantime I’m going to count my blessings and be grateful for all that is … and all that isn’t. Whatever that might mean to me (or you).

And along with being grateful for vision and my family and friends and all the blessings that comprise my life … I am ever thankful for puppies and spring rain … the smell of bookstores and crayons … twinkle lights, fall foliage, silly hippos, craggy coastlines and green meadows, fragrant lilacs and lilies, and fat blueberries … and … the ability to express myself at any time and for all the love that is bestowed on me that keeps me glued together.

I am also so very thankful for YOU.

Have a great day. Count your blessings and have a happy, happy Thanksgiving!

(If you want to read another piece … go to Nov. 22, 2012 and revisit that post!)

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Just a Tuesday in November …

November 17th, 2020 – Tuesday (garbage day)

The winds of change are blowing again … and they are good and strong and bringing hope.

I find it sad and a bit startling that the only way I know the days, as they are speeding by, is by when my garbage is collected. Oh, it’s Tuesday – again – quick, run out to the street. It’s a good thing I live on a rather rural road … the deer are used to seeing me in my pajamas. They don’t care. If I throw them an apple – they care even less. Many of my friends have started (or finished) decorating for Christmas. I can’t do that yet because the only reasons I know it’s still November are by the pumpkins marching down my steps and the explosion of all things fall inside my home. For a person who is a bit of a control freak in personality, this year has been tough because there has been so very little one can control. I need to stay to whatever “schedule” I can … whatever is deemed as “normal” … so, I’ve got two more weeks of acorns and everything pumpkin spice … rusts, mustards, browns of all shades … before I trade in for the twinkle and sparkle of all things Holiday. I love my seasons … I’m just not ready to let go of this one yet.

Prior to my first cataract surgery (a month ago already), I rearranged the furniture in my den and living rooms. It was done in anticipation of my new couch’s arrival. Good timing, too, as I spent the next 2 weeks face down on it after an emergency retinal reattachment. Some retinas seem to “fall off” the back eye wall like a piece of unglued plywood … sturdy, in one sheet, easy to stick back on. My retina peeled off like old wallpaper (I’m envisioning sweet, pink rosebuds on an ivory background) after a flood. Shredded, the doctors did the best they could with the reattachment. I have vision (hip hip hooray) … but it’s wavy and distorted. I’ve been told to “get used to it”. I’ll do my best.

Anyway – the couch isn’t the comfiest … I bought it online … but it’s adequate for the price, the color I wanted and has one of those changeable chaise cushions and ottomans that can be moved to either end. Always good to have options. And while I was face down on this new, cozy, taupe chenille couch … it was nice to breathe in virgin couch cushion smells. Ah factory scent, how I love thee!

My late husband always quipped that Helen Keller was lucky she didn’t live with us as I was always rearranging something! He’d go to bed and wake up the next morning to a completely different house. It’s “my thing” – what can I say?

A week ago I moved my bed back to where it had been for the past five years … near the corner windows. I moved it on a whim a few months back and though the new placement made the room feel bigger, I didn’t really like it. It didn’t feel right. Maybe something was “off” in the feng shui department. So, I pushed things back to the previous layout. This morning I reaped the benefits of that change.

Oh, it was lovely! We are expecting a storm to come in (soon) today … high winds, gale warnings, rumblings of trees coming down and power outages in many areas. Oh joy! I’m ready. We had a similar day last week and were out of power for 14 hours. I’ve perfected the art of tossing perishables from the fridge in lightning speed! I hate the waste and the cost and was lamenting this to a (far wiser than I) neighbor and she bluntly asked me why I didn’t use my cooler on the deck? Throw some ice in it and put all the perishables into it and it won’t get warmer than 40º out there – same temp as my fridge! Brilliant advice! Not once in the 6 years I’ve been here (and many storms) had that ever occurred to me to do! So, I’ve dug out my cooler and the next time I need it, I’ll be ready. I haven’t restocked anything in my fridge so all that is safe and I could basically be out of power for two days before I’d have to worry about the freezer goods. So winds … come on! I’m ready for ya!

Anyway, with this storm blowing in earlier this morning … so, were the beginning winds. We don’t get southernly winds often … but when we do they arrive softly at my window and they are the best reason to stay in bed. So, I did what the dad did in the story “The Night Before Christmas” … I sprang from my bed and flew open the sash! I opened the window a bit higher than usual and let those balmy, spring-like breezes waft over me as I snuggled back under my comforter. It was heavenly. While there, enjoying the fresh air, I told myself I’d get up after one … maybe two … more big gusts. And then the ivory lace curtains would billow and poof out and the breezes would wash over me and I’d tell myself I’d get up after another one … or two … or five.

We are in a pandemic. Where am I going anyway? Stay in bed and enjoy those breezes. The highlight of my day today was taking out my garbage can to the street. I live in an area where we have slugs and snails. They eat my garden and gather in my trash and recycling bins and I am constantly rescuing them from a garbagy death. Today there were so many I told them they were on their own! It’s one thing to rescue one or two … today there was a party and not one of them was wearing a mask!

Speaking of which – (in my opinion) we, as should be the rest of the nation, are on a lock-down of sorts. I know we all want life as usual to resume. I am all for normalcy … believe me – I am as sick of this shit as anyone else. But “normalcy” is not going to happen until we get a handle on this virus … and if that means, wearing masks, washing our hands til they fall off, physically distancing ourselves and taking some civic responsibility in closing up until we can reopen … so be it. As of today over 11 million Americans have/had Covid-19 … and nearly 250,000 deaths in this nation. And still no federal mandate … or real help. Pathetic. So, friends … do your part. We can do this!

Thanksgiving is next week. It is my favorite holiday. Maybe it’s my Pilgrim heritage … (I’ve got the Mayflower relatives sitting up in my family tree) … but I love the no-pomp of it all. I love the gathering and the food … the sharing of bounty … and mostly what the day represents … gratefulness … being thankful. Taking time to count our many, many blessings.

This year will be very different for most of us. I’m envisioning a microwavable Marie Calendar’s turkey dinner with a side of candied yams for me and the dogs. A far cry from the full-table holiday dinners of the past. Keep in mind it’s just ONE DAY … we will miss the relatives and Uncle George’s corny jokes and Grandma’s hugs … but there are so many ways, in this day and age, to be alone/together. Call, Skype, Zoom, Facetime, use your portal, your phone, your computer … now, more than any time in our history, can we still be together while being apart. And isn’t it worth it to protect those we love … so that we can continue to hear those jokes and get those hugs? Don’t infect your family and friends this holiday season … cherish them enough to let everyone enjoy another holiday with them.

I know too many families that will be without a loved one at their table this holiday … I know too many families that will be without a loved one at their table – ever again. Do your part. It’s not a partisan thing. It’s a health crisis. Protect yourself and those you love. And even those you don’t. This, too, shall pass … but we need to be part of the solution/not the problem. I’m not preaching … just reminding. This is important.

Covid-19 has turned out to be more like Covid-25 … or 30 (lbs) for many I know. Including yours truly. We eat for comfort. We eat out of loneliness. We eat out of frustration or despair. We aren’t out and about. The pounds pack on. There is a hippo at the Cincy Zoo that I’m in love with, Fiona. I’m feeling I’m starting to resemble her more than I’d like! I keep thinking if I had the chance to do a stand-up routine now, I’d open with … “Does this mask make my butt look big?” I’m thinking it does! For that reason, I’m hoping that the new year is known as Covid -45 … and maybe I (we) can lose some of this extra poundage.

On the political front … our president is acting like a child throwing a hissy fit/temper tantrum in the toy aisle at Target. Again. Still. Those enabling his ridiculousness, ineptitude and disgusting, irresponsible behavior should be ashamed of themselves. I hope the nation is noticing their reprehensible behavior as well. Shameful. But the winds of change are blowing … and they are good and strong and bringing hope.

Mask up. Keep your distance. Wash your hands. Stay healthy. Check on your neighbors. And, when you can … let the winds of change blow over you.

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Oh, Happy Day!

November 7, 2020 – Saturday

And the election results are FINALLY in and … Biden and Harris WIN!


I lingered in bed this morning, knowing that when my feet hit the unusually cold floor that we wouldn’t have any new news – so, why bother getting out of bed, yet? The dog was still asleep; I was cozy. I had turned the heat off last night and I was not ready to get out of my cocoon of comforters quite yet … so, I lingered. I stretched. I counted my blessings. I listened to my sweet little Bea snoring. (How do I always get the dogs that snore?)

I got up, turned the dial on the thermostat and listened for the familiar rumble of the heat coming on. Ah, nice. And then I looked at my phone.

I was wrong. We did have news! I saw Mary’s post first … “SO FRICKIN’ HAPPY!” … I was thinking maybe Arizona had been called. But when I turned on the TV … I realized I was wrong again!

OMG … “we” got PA! OMG! OMG! OMG! Biden and Harris WON!!!!


My son kept telling me to be patient with all this … that the mail-in ballots tend to lean blue. And, they did.

I looked at the TV and looked at the crowds that had gathered already in celebration – all over the country – and burst into tears. Tears of joy mixed with tears of relief. SO MUCH RELIEF. I cried in the shower. I cried eating breakfast. I cried on the phone with my daughter. I cried while I emailed friends. I cried while I folded laundry. I was weepy and wet all day! And, whenever I watched the news or stopped to think about what significance today’s results meant and everything that will come about in this country because of this election … the tears started flowing again.

And, to my friends who voted for Trump … bear with me and my fellow 75 million Americans in our glee. This election was NOT stolen. People are not still voting. There are no illegal ballots being tallied. No fraud. Trump lost. He is lying to you. Stop listening to his ridiculous crap. He makes you look foolish. And I know you are not! I and those who did not vote for Trump in 2016 have endured his presidency with gritted teeth, disgust, misery and at times horror. You had your time. Now it is ours. And, I guarantee you won’t have to endure anything like what these past years were for us. Kindness, respect, compassion, intelligence, sanity are coming back to the White House … get used to it!

And for what it’s worth … those attributes are non-partisan … they are what decency looks like.

This country is a democracy based on rights and laws. One of which is the Freedom of Speech. I respect that. I also respect my friends and their opinions and their practicing their freedom of speech. I ask the same in kind. I have lost friendships over this election. I find that heartbreaking because, frankly, Trump isn’t worth it. I know some people “overlooked” everything else about him because they liked his policies … but I don’t know which ones those were … because I’ve been too stuck on the ones that set us back 50 or more years.

And, aside from his immaturity, criminal activities, abuse of power, bullying and constant lying … I don’t understand how anyone can support a man whose policies, statements and actions encourage the denouncement of science and climate change … that allow for polluting of our waterways and air … that endanger animals, people and the desecration of sacred lands … that promote the caging of children and the tearing apart of families … that watched 240,000 of our family members and dear friends die during this pandemic without the inkling of a plan (even the wearing of a mask – which he ridiculed) and claiming no responsibility … that did nothing to help all those Americans who lost their homes and livelihoods … that incited violence and used intimidation and fear tactics … that called immigrants rapists and murderers … that did not denounce conspiracy theories or white supremacy … that tried to ban religious freedoms … that turned a blind eye to racism … that put millions of dollars into his own pocket … that called our military suckers and losers … that called our journalists stupid or nasty … that had questionable ties to foreign countries … that grabbed pussy … that filled government positions with family members, donors, golf buddies or pals who had no experience or clearance … that caused dissolution of ties with our allies and organizations … that said nothing when bounties were put on the heads of our military … and that spewed humiliation onto so many including POWs, the aged and the disabled.

Explain that to me.

As I said before, in this election I voted for decency to come back to the White House. And with it, I am so very hopeful that this country will be open and mature enough to welcome in these leaders and the rest of those elected so that we can go forward … better, stronger and more united. This country has a lot of work to do. And that means we need to be selfless and look after our neighbors more than we look after our 401K. We need to go forward peacefully to make the needed changes. All of us. I am hopeful but there are 70 million in the country that align themselves with Trump. We have a tough road ahead but we can do this together. We need these changes for the betterment of all of us … now and for the future … for ourselves, our kids and their children.

It’s been said many, many times before that there is so much more that we have in common than what we don’t. I would like to think that (among other things) we all love our families, truth, honesty, this country, each other … and want equity, a healthy planet, progress, unity, prosperity and peace on earth. I believe we have more in common than what actually divides us.

I am hoping we all take a deep breath and can go forward tomorrow and choose to help rebuild this country … better, stronger, happier, safer … embracing us all.

But tonight … I’ll celebrate.


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Sunrise to Sunrise: Life in the Balance …

November 3rd, 2020 – Tuesday (Covid-19 = 93,581 new cases yesterday and more than 237,000 deaths in US to date … and today we have a voice.)

It is Election Day in the US today. My body (first) woke up at 5:40 am … the middle of the night for me. I went back to sleep. I woke up again at what could be called our sunrise at 7:03 … not much of a sun anything today as it’s mizzly and gray. I went back to sleep, again.

But, before I did I wrote a blog post … just in my head … about today’s significance. About good and evil. About having our voices heard. And when I fell asleep those words swirling around in my head were absorbed into my pillow and lost … and you now get 10:28 me. I’ve been up for a while – hoping that those words would come back to me – but they have not. Gone back to whence they came! But, damn … they were good ones!

So, here I am trying to recall from my dreamscape what I was thinking and nothing is coming forward. Except this … somewhere between today’s sunrise and tomorrow’s our lives will change.

And I’m hoping that they change for the better because I don’t like this balancing act. And, now, as I sit here – looking out my front window onto the gray skies and my silver maple that turned mustard yellow in the last day (somewhere from sunrise to sunrise) – I realize how much change is needed. I don’t like that this is what life looks like except for when it’s actually dark out. We have gray and dark. Literally and figuratively. And I feel like that is apparent in too many aspects of our lives. Covid, civil unrest, climate change/Mom Nature ravages, lost jobs, lost loved ones, isolation/loneliness, financial burdens, exhaustion, worrying, kids/elders, political craziness. Sometimes we get a slanting of sun … like a video of a hippo twirling in water (thanks Fiona/Cincy Zoo) … but life does need to change. For all of us.

And whether or not we like the outcome of this election.

Life in the balance. The balance of life. Balance. I haven’t had much lately. I’ve been very lopsided. It’s been Covid, eyeballs, isolation and politics … and mostly missing my life. I miss my friends. I miss my family. Missing what was or could be. Worried about what is or might be.

I voted weeks ago – by mail as is how it’s done in WA. Easy-peasy. People are fools if they think there are issues with this method of voting. The United States Postal Service delivers 472.1 MILLION pieces of mail EVERY DAY. Well, except Sundays and holidays. It also processes 182 MILLION pieces of first-class mail every day … so (doing the math) on average, it processes 19.7 million mail pieces each hour … 327,838 each minute and 5,464 each second. Pretty impressive. I think they can handle things.

Estimates for 2020 mail-in voting are around 67,000,000-80,000,000 … more than double what was mailed in in 2016. But, with the Postal Service’s record of handling so much mail on any given day – why the big fuss about the ballots? They’ll get where they need to – all in a day’s work!

Unless of course, those ballots are derailed by idiots thwarting a fair election and cheating their asses off to do whatever possible to win! Voter suppression is wildly and openly happening and shame on everyone doing anything of that kind. That is a criminal offense (state and federal) and I hope everyone doing anything is duly “rewarded” for their actions. How stupid can someone be to do that? And lose their own right to vote in the process! Pretty stupid. We’ve seen what is going on. Pretty damn stupid and utterly pathetic. And yet – our current President leads the way with these actions. Disgraceful.

And to set the record straight on this election day – I don’t care what party anyone favors. Just because a person favors the Republican party … doesn’t mean they automatically carry a gun. Nor does it mean that the Democrat is off skipping in a meadow, smoking pot and singing Kumbaya. What I don’t understand is blind following … throwing out people’s own decency by staying true to their party. Either party. WTF. Vote for the best person/people. In this election I truly have NO idea how anyone can think that Trump is that person. He is a disgusting human being. Forget everything else that he’s said and done and just focus on this one thing … we’ve all seen Trump make fun of the disabled. It’s on tape. He did it in a speech at one of his rallies and appalling as that was – it was gut-wrenching to see/hear his supporters laugh along with him. Where is the humanity? If that same group saw a middle schooler doing that – would they say something or would they laugh at that, too? People are standing with guns in front of voter collection boxes – even here on the island. Why are people from that party allowing this? I think if you turn a blind eye you are just as guilty. I don’t get it.

But, I never have.

When I voted, I voted for the Biden/Harris ticket. Even if Trump had done everything else perfectly … squashed Covid by April, economy and growth were good, jobs were soaring, international relations were best yet, every person who needed help got it, affordable housing, education and daycare were free, homelessness/racism/hunger/poverty were no longer issues, universal healthcare was intact, fair wages and no sexism/agism/color inequity were all in order. You know, and a chicken in every pot! Everything including world peace … and I STILL would not have voted for him – just for the decency factor alone.

This election I voted for decency.

I’ve said it before that Biden was not my first choice (or second or third) … but if a llama had the chance of defeating Trump this time around, I would have voted for the camelid.

But when I voted BLUE … I voted (as I always do) for the best people (at this time) to take us forward. I voted for honor, respect, character. I voted for compassion, strength, knowledge, experience and intellect. I voted for families and children, healthcare and education, jobs and fair wages. I voted for balance and rights and love and help. I voted for unity, trust, tolerance and our future. I voted for truth and conduct and equity in all ways. I voted for science and climate change. I voted for protection of lands and animals. I voted for fairness and humanity. I voted for clean air and water. I voted for goodness and kindness and principle. I voted for our international allies. I voted for decency and for our democracy. I voted for America. In a nutshell … I voted for the soul of our country.

I know people talk about taxes … and they should be fair. I hate the big tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy. Everyone should pay what they need to pay. I hear grumblings of “socialism” that some people think the Democratic Party is now representing. Well, hate to break it to some people but how do you think hospitals, fire/police departments, the post office, schools, roads, bridges, zoos, museums, parks, and the like are paid for?

Today marks not just 4 years of angst but probably 5 or 6 – when Trump reared his ugly, coiffed head and threw his name into the political race game. It’s been ongoing since. I can’t take much more. And hopefully, we all won’t have to. The day after Trump’s election (I’m still shocked) in 2016, he was talking about 2020. The very day after. So, we’ve been hearing him spew about MAGA for all this time. From where I sit … things don’t look so great, Donny.

And what happens if “things” don’t go the way I hope? The way so many of us hope and need it to?

I’m writing this on Tuesday morning. We have hours of polling left until the polls close … and I hope you’ve encouraged anyone who had not voted yet to do so because by the time you read this – it will be all over. As in ALL over. I think we’ll know sooner than later the results. I hope things are peaceful and calm. I think America (and the world) will know before sunrise tomorrow. So, when you read this – I’m hoping it’s with a lighter heart. A sigh of relief. A weight lifted from your shoulders. I know I need that.

But what happens if the unthinkable happens … again?

We’ll throw a little hissy fit. We’ll swear under our breaths … or out loud. We might curse humanity or god or the system. We might wish unwanted things to happen to unsaid individuals but we won’t do them. And we won’t go and destroy our towns and burn things down. And as disappointing as it’ll be – for a moment, we’ll feel a teeny tiny bit better for throwing that hissy fit and cursing at the walls. But then reality will seep in and we’ll realize that America as we’ve known it in the past has died. And we’ll grieve.

I truly hope that is not the case … but if it is, somehow, we will go forward. We will continue to go on. We will continue to make a difference. We will continue to help our neighbors. We will show that we will be okay by our daily actions and how we live our lives with purpose and decency and a deep hope that what we do will make a better tomorrow. And it will because that light that shines in all of us will lead us forward to another sunrise.

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Gratitude …

October 30, 2020 – Friday (Covid-19 is worst yet at >1000 deaths/day and 90K new cases per day, over 9 million cases and nearly 230,000 deaths to date in US alone and still no federal plan … neighbor Jo’s 90th … non-Halloween is tomorrow … I still have only one working eyeball and there are now only 4 days until the election of our lifetime.)

I’m contemplating buying stock in Rolaids (parent company Sanofi – a French pharmaceutical company based in Paris). I was thinking I might just have to go check things out (after Covid as France is spiking like crazy) and then dug a little deeper and the company making this product is in Chattanooga. A walk along the Tennessee River just wouldn’t be the same as a walk along the Seine. Scrap that idea.

Anyway, at this date, antacids of any kind would be very welcome! I don’t trust the polls that say Biden is ahead … we’ve been here before and I’m having a bit of PTSD. I just want this election over. Trump’s ramped up his attacks on our democracy – openly cheating voters out of their votes/changing rules/messing with the USPS/lying every chance he gets about everything/you name it. It’s pathetic and disgusting. Yesterday he declared victory on Covid. Yesterday was the highest case and death rate we’ve had to date. He’s a lunatic and unfit for this office. And it’s appalling to me that the Republican party has let itself be desecrated by enabling this man, in every way – including not calling him out on his overt and blatant calls for violence specifically against Biden and Democratic leaders.

Where do I start??? I’ve been off my computer for 10 or so days. It feels like a lifetime. I had not realized how much I missed typing! I did, however, realize how much I hate texting and typing on my phone! Fred Flintstone fingers and auto-correct are not my friends! Computer, sweet computer – how I love thee!

All these days I’ve been thinking of what my next blog post would be … would it be “Magazine Junkie” (inspired by me looking sideways from my couch vantage point at my magazine rack with 17 mags waiting my perusal) … or an ode to all the errors in every single Hallmark movie I’ve watched this past week (and there were way tooooo many! Trees in full green foliage in the snow scenes! Cactus in a front yard in “Alaska”. Mountains that looked like the Dolomites in a scene of Denver! NO!!!! Details people, details!) … or would it have been a piece on being a “Creature of Habit – Rut or Routine”???? Or another tirade on our dying democracy and lack of decency by this president? Or simply one of gratitude for the out-pouring of friendship and concern and help I’ve experienced this week?

And so here I am … still not sure what’s coming forth … just glad to be sitting upright and typing on this laptop. Giddy almost!

After my cataract surgery (eyeball #1), “things” were great! Vision was clearing, the correction was amazingly crisp (my god, that tree has individual LEAVES!) and then 4 days later, the light show started and as beautiful and amazing as the neon lights were (and they were!) – I really don’t want to go through that again as it was the act of my retina detaching. NOT good. So, here I am another 10 days out having spent the last week lying on my puffy and oh-so-wrinkled face for much of those days (well, as much as I could). I was to be face down for 50 minutes every hour. Um, no – not possible. It took me 5 minutes to walk, face down, to the back door to let the dogs out (Bea and a guest)! But, I did the best I could.

And, after 10 minutes face down, my sinuses started going crazy and I’d get stuffed up. And then I couldn’t breathe. Breathing is good. Always good – even when it’s into your couch cushion. Ten minutes later my back would start to spasm. My old gymnastics injuries tend to rear their ugly heads when I’m face down. Let’s just say being face down is not the best position for me! So, I’d sit up and keep my face to the floor or prop myself up on my (now chaffed) elbows with my face facing my couch. (So glad I ordered that new couch! Was hoping it would absorb some fat cells though – but that didn’t happen!) Ten more minutes of being propped up and I started having muscle twinges in my neck. (Arnica gel – unscented – is great!). Ten minutes later I’d have ants in my pants! If I got up, I had to walk stooped over with my face to the ground (more back ache). Ha ha. I’m so out of shape even lying on my couch was a task! And so went my days! So, a week of being face down wasn’t the greatest (or easiest) but it certainly could have been worse.

Bea, my newly-found sweet, old lady chihuahua, has been my nursemaid. She must have had an ailing former owner because normally she doesn’t spend much time with me … not the best cuddler … and is found sleeping most of the day and throwing a baby lambchop around or eating the rest of the time. This past week she was glued to me! I had to wear an eye patch (a nice wenchy pirate look to go with the Einstein hairdo) and was glad for it as she licked it constantly! If nothing else, she has been a lovely little companion and made me laugh with her antics.

The retinal light show resulted in that left eye’s vision as looking through pond scum water. It was amazingly gross and I’m sure there was a tadpole in there somewhere! I could see at the top and left sides of my vision. Nothing more. So, emergency surgery was scheduled but by the time I got there, the blob had gone past my center line of vision and now required a different procedure – one that I’d have to come back for – the next day.

Living on an island has its challenges when something like this arises and you need assistance OFF island (and can’t drive yourself). I put out an APB to my friends/neighbors/dog parents and had a multitude of help in minutes! It was extremely humbling and I am so very, very thankful and grateful to all of them for their kindness and help in my time of great need.

Surgery was … painful. I do not do well with medical things. I’m the Queen of the 1% of oddities and weirdnesses that textbooks talk about. Who has ever had a mastoid? Me! Who has had osteomyelitis? Me – again! Who shattered a wrist/dislocated an elbow and shoulder/herniated discs and messed up her knees in one fall? Yo! Who was in labor for days and then needed an emergency C-section? Yours truly. Who had complications during pregnancy that no one had seen before/resulting in a lost baby? Um – me. Who had another C-section – this time without anesthetic? Yeah … that would be me, again. So, when I asked the surgeon if I should be feeling what I was feeling during the procedure and he asked, “You can feel that?” … I wasn’t surprised. Being that it was near Halloween I kept thinking that my eyeballs were like mozzarella balls with slices of green olives on them being skewered for party nibbles. Not so great. But they took care of it – eventually. I was secretly hoping they’d yank out my tonsils at the same time as I’ve wanted them out for years but don’t dare do a voluntary surgery knowing my history! This was voluntary enough!

Anyway – it all ended up fine with me face down on the couch for a week. And, after yesterday’s post-op, with the doctor saying everything was going along as it should and I didn’t have to be face down anymore but to lay low and blah blah blah … here I am. No trampoline jumping, no flight travel, no mountain climbing and no lying on my back. So, no overturned turtle impressions for awhile. I think I can handle that! There is a gas bubble holding the retina in place and as that dissipates/gets absorbed and normal eye fluid replaces it … (it makes me squeamish just to write this!) … the vision will increase. It might take 6-12 months for it to be fully “ok” … it’s now just a matter of time and hopefully things will progress every day. But, what I can see now (that upper 1/3rd of vision) is crisp and clear and fabulous. So, I am thrilled. And, that also means cataract surgery/eyeball #2 can be done – once I get the go-ahead – hopefully before the end of the year.

I am still a one-eyed wonder … as I have to patch this left eye or I’ll fall over as the sight/bubble thing is too weird/wiggly for even this brain to sort out and manage. But, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere … just laying low for a few weeks until I (hopefully) get the all-clear before TG.

And, yeah, this might happen again with the other eye … but it might happen next week or never, too.

So, here I am … thinking about the things that I was thinking about when I was face down and clogged up … and aside from how much I love magazines and flipping through them and looking at the pretty pictures and reading what someone else has written … and how much I love routine and that I’m really a routine kind of gal and when I’m out of said “rut”, I’m kind of off-kilter more than I like (glad to be back to a better semblance of normalcy!) … and how much I need more exercise/stretching in my life … as well as music … I (again) realized how very fortunate I am in my life, friendships and loved ones. Near and far.

In the blink of an eye – literally – my world changed from independence to being reliant. I’m not good with that! But, a few emails later I had rides and time spent (some days were up to 10 hours long), pizza, soup, groceries, a latte, a candle, muffins, nuts, canned pears, offers to help with whatever and well wishes by the armloads.

I know that whatever comes my way … or comes our way as in the outcome of this election looming before us and what will be going on the days after … ALL WILL BE OKAY. If anyone needs help – you call me! We will weather whatever and friends help friends. It’s a wonderful thing. Thank you my friends.

I am very grateful.

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I Wonder ~ Eye Wonder …

October 18, 2020 – Sunday (Covid-19 ramping up in 42 states w/spikes and highest numbers of cases and deaths to date, nearly 200,000 Americans dead and counting, country upheaval on so many levels, political mayhem and the election now 16 days away)

I hope I never lose an eyeball.

I know – that sounds a bit “out there”. Not one of your normal thinking points, for sure … not like the usual ones like – how much do baby hippos weigh at birth … or why does one’s nose keep growing throughout their lifetime … or if a train leaving Chicago going eastbound at 500 mph passes a train going westbound, what is the conductor’s name of that second train?

That’s my brain. That’s my brain normally. My brain on Covid-time is _____________.

Anyway, I digress. We all can relate to Covid-Time Brain Syndrome. I haven’t known what day or month it’s been since March! And I’m afraid my gray matter is getting mushier by the minute! But, seriously … I hope I never lose an eyeball. Sight is a wonderful thing.

This past week I had the first of my two eyes “done”. As in cataract surgery. OMG. I’ve had glasses since I was seven. Sugar Plum Fairy Pink cat-eye plastic frames were the first pair in my repertoire. They were beautiful and omg … opened up the world to me. I remember lying on my back in the Ford Falcon station wagon and looking out the windows and I swear I could see EVERY LEAF on EVERY TREE as we drove down the roads homeward. It was fabulous. It was beyond amazing.

Fifty-five some years of glasses and contacts later … here I am thinking about only using readers! Amazing! I had so many glasses over the years including etched/mauve metal cat-eye frames and powder blue ones (both horribly awful on me) and small tortoise-rimmed ovals (which prompted my sister to call me Ben … as in Benjamin Franklin) and huge/half my face clear/tortoise or black framed glasses. I experimented with soft contacts and went through six pairs in the first year (sorry dad). I contaminated them with hair spray or deodorant or ripped them with my nails or tore them with a mascara wand. There were many years of hard lenses (I did have one pair for 9 years! They were great but finally got so thin I had to replace them.) … lost ones and uncomfortable ones necessitating a gazillion eye drops and a few scratched corneas. Along the way I added in reading glasses of various strengths. Corneal edema caused me to switch to gas perm lenses but still the same thing … uncomfortable, lost, eyes changing, dry eyes … and then after 40 years of plastic discs in my eyeballs, I’d had enough so I went back to glasses. And more frames … mostly dark and rectangular or big aviator … until now … my blackish/dark olive ones with the zebra striped arms. I actually like these!

Yesterday, fifty five years later … I had the same experience as my seven year old self – without the Ford Falcon.

I had taken off the patch and was letting my eye acclimate to the extraordinary brightness of my kitchen (and I’m now so glad yesterday was gray and mizzly cuz I would have not been able to cope with any sunshine). As I stood at my kitchen sink I looked out over my yard and realized I could see the leaves on the wisteria vine at the far end of it (and my yard is really big). It was astounding! I’m pretty sure there are berries on my neighbor’s bush, too! Who knew?! And for that matter, my neighbor has a bush I’d never seen either! I don’t think I’ve ever had correction like this – even with contacts all these many, many years.

I was sitting at my computer yesterday at my dining table and looked out my living room window and realized I can see my neighbor’s house! Now, maybe they cut down a bunch of bushes on Friday or maybe my chair is over a bit – but I swear I’ve never seen that mulberry-sided house before from this room!

This has been an amazing “eye wonder”.

Eyeball #2 is scheduled in two weeks. Good. Not soon enough. This new sight is an extraordinary thing but for these two weeks I think I’ll be doing a lot of napping and Hallmark movie watching and catching up on shows/movies on Netflix because I am upside down/cattywompus/off kilter with one eyeball corrected and the other so … well, NOT!

I can manage about 20 minutes of both eyes looking around before the headache starts creeping in … maybe. I can’t focus to read or type (this is an exception). So, I’m finding it best to cover/patch one up and only use one eye at a time. However, when I do that there are issues.

If I cover either eye my depth perception is gone … I put peanut butter on my finger today/not the cracker of my intention. Not that it matters (cuz I’m not going anywhere and no one is coming here) but if I cover my right/bad eye with the patch – I look like a pirate. If I cover my left/good eye with the patch, I have to wear my glasses for my right eye. The glasses catch on the patch and things are a little skewed and I look like a pirate with glasses. You know … one of those dorky pirates that are last picked for the dodgeball team. And if I use only my good, left eye – I can’t see anything up close. Everything is blurry until about 15″ away! My arms aren’t long enough – so, I need to dig up my old readers. I know they’re here somewhere but until I find them, more than not, I am covering up the good/done eye for now. And that’s really okay, too … cuz there are so many floaters still that they are making me crazy!

But, seriously … for those of you with glasses … this is amazing! Life changing. Wondrous. Eye-wondrous.

But, aside from the sheer enormity of being able to see “far” without aid, which in itself is magnificent … the COLORS are so different. I so wish my dad were still here – he was the one I wanted to talk with first about this because I remember him being so awe-struck after his first operation. As am I.

This color change is not something I was expecting! I close my right/undone eye and through my left/done eyeball every line is sharp, crisp and the details are amazing. How did I live without seeing this – for so long that I don’t recall things looking this GOOD? The light is much cooler in nature … it’s whiter/bluer/brighter. I have a poodle guest here this weekend and I can barely look at her without sunglasses on – she is brilliant! (Let me clarify that that is in color only!)

I close my left/done eye and omg … my right/undone eye’s vision is like looking through amber lenses with a soft pink filter! The difference is like having a 100 watt cool blue halogen bulb on as opposed to a 40 watt soft white with a pink scarf over the lamp! The undone eye’s vision makes things have a more Dutch Masters tone to them (I like it!) … and everything is much softer/muted/amber in color. A bit of a soft glow. Blended. It’s cozier than the harsher/blue light. But, I look at my skin through my right eye only and I look like I have jaundice! The color change is so crazy. But, honestly, I’m not sure I like it!

It’s all just so amazing to me the DIFFERENCE!

The only real problem I’ve had is that now I can see EVERY DAMN WRINKLE and every CREASE and every PORE and every SUN SPOT … and OMG … is this what I REALLY look like? I am going to suggest to my opthalmologist that he pair up with a plastic surgeon and offer a combo package … a little lift/cataract bundle. I might not have gone for it with the first eyeball … but pretty sure I’d go for it with the second!

I wonder how things will all look two weeks from now … I know the political scene won’t look any rosier … but everything will be clearer. Sight is an amazing thing. Eye wonder!

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It’s been a week …

October 3, 2020 – Saturday (Covid-19 running rampant = nearly 7.4 million cases in US w/209,000 dead, wildfires still raging, election going off the rails, you name it … )

It’s been a week.

And that’s putting it mildly.

If the best part of the week was me swallowing my temporary crown … yeah, it’s been one for the books. Read on!

We are now at nearly 7.4 million Covid-19 cases in the US with more than 209,000 deaths. Worldwide there are nearly 35 million cases and 1,000,000 deaths. Disgusting. Upsetting. Completely heartbreaking.

The wildfires continue raging making this “fire season” in the western US (OR/CA/WA) the worst in at least 70 years. I don’t know the size of an acre but I can visualize how big a football field is … and in these states, to date, over 5.7 MILLION football fields of homes, businesses, forests and land have gone up in flames. That is roughly the same size of the state of New Jersey. What is left is a blackened landscape of charred dreams, towns and wilderness.

Aside from the horrific personal tragedies of people and lives lost and all the animals and wildlife lost … and complete towns being decimated … the air quality has been, at times, the worst on the planet and the drinking water supplies are now having issues meaning health issues for all in these states as well as across the globe. If you have not seen the photos of the apocalyptic skies in San Francisco – please Google them. This affects everyone. Shall we continue to deny that there is climate change? I’m thinking we should all send brooms to Trump so he can come to these areas and start sweeping the forests once the election is over.

Schools are opening and realizing that they are incubators for this virus. Elementary schools to universities are fighting hard to come to terms with a new normal for this school year. Either way – it’s not pretty nor easy. How does a Kindergarten teacher, any normal year, teach 30 little 5 year old bodies? How does one teach them NOW?

Businesses continue to be closed … citizens continue to need assistance with food, shelter, meds, childcare, health and safety issues … and times, for so many, are so difficult. People are getting tired of this virus and are getting complacent … spawning new hot spots of the virus and the numbers of cases keep increasing. Despite this, government officials keep “opening up” in areas that really should not be. And still no federal assistance or mask mandate.

Election woes continue to plague the voting process with venomous spewing from the President, himself, concerning voter and ballot fraud, a rigged election, and his continuation in office. He wants to make us all think that this election’s results will be the decision of SCOTUS … possibly bullying people into NOT voting as a “why bother” ploy.

This week was the first (and possibly only) Presidential debate (debacle). If you watched it, you know how difficult it was not to have a stroke while doing so. I’m thankful I ended the night unscathed … though, there were moments when I wasn’t sure what would explode first … the TV or me. Thank God for Lamaze breathing techniques! Trump’s behavior was a pathetic display of a grown adult behaving like a 3-year-old having a tantrum in the toy aisle at Target – exceptionally undignified and behavior not representative of nor becoming the leader of our country. He was rude, demeaning and callous. He called Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ … lied about Biden’s son. Hunter … had no moral or empathetic morsel for Biden about his dead son, Beau … ridiculed the military … incited violence and intimidation against voters and on and on. He broke the rules of convention and interrupted the moderator and his opponent – continuously. He bullied and lied his way through 90 minutes never answering a question and refused to disassociate himself from the violent, White Supremacist far-right and instead told them to ‘stand back and stand by.’ In my opinion, the debate should have ended at that point and he should have been escorted off the stage. His words and actions was overly offensive, exhausting, disheartening to watch and listen to … and embarrassing, at a global level, that this was the behavior of our President. I don’t think anyone was a winner that evening but I certainly think all Americans were losers.

And that was only Tuesday!

As we marched through the week my pre-op Covid test induced quarantining was lifted because someone at the hospital tested positive for the virus. It was not me. All elective surgeries were canceled and my cataract/eyeball renewal now won’t be til mid-month. Fine by me – I get to have a sparkling clean OR when I go in! My appointment to attach my permanent crown (on the molar I broke last week) was moved up a few days due to the tasty snack I had on Thursday … yes, that’s when I swallowed my temporary crown! Yep – right down the gullet! Let’s just say I won’t be needing that anymore.

Later that night, after a full week of events/the debate/travel, Trump (and wife, Melania) announced they had tested positive for Covid-19. I have to admit I was a little elated. I don’t want him to die – because ultimately I’d love to see him in jail. But, I do want him to be sick enough to realize that this is a SERIOUS issue. That this is not a political “thing” … that it’s a non-partisan health crisis and that everyone should be doing everything they possibly can to avoid spreading it so we can get people back to work, our economy stimulated, and our country back up and running in some sort of normal fashion – as soon as possible.

I don’t want to send him an email saying, “YOU’RE AN IDIOT – SERVES YOU RIGHT!” but when one plays with fire – ultimately one gets burned. Mask wearing shows that it helps prevent the spread of the virus. It’s that simple. Add in washing your hands and having social distancing of at least 6 feet and no physical contact – you are doing your part in helping to keep that virus away and at bay. And yet, this President has been avoiding and politicizing it and mocking those that do since the beginning of the pandemic and when it was stated that mask wearing was beneficial. Stupid is as stupid does.

Apparently, the Rose Garden ceremony (when he nominated to fill the seat that RBG left by her passing) was a high-spreading event. How many times fast can you say Super Spreader? And think back to everyone he was in contact with this week (mask-less, of course) and all the places, homes, events, airplanes, he’s been in and of all of the people he’s been in contact with … I’m sure we’ll be hearing of more and more cases of Covid-19 due to this week. As of today, there have been 13 confirmed Covid-19 cases of White House personnel and journalists who were at the events this week … with thousands more now needing to be tested and quarantined.

Friday kept up with the garbage of the week with Trump being admitted to the hospital for observation as well as being administered a trial drug (controversial at best). The WH and hospital are being rather mum on his condition – but how can we expect anything like truthfulness, communication or transparency with this administration? We will all be following this closely as the next few days unfold.

If that wasn’t enough, the Texas gov’r demanded the removal of all but one ballot drop-off box per county. Meaning that one box is to be sufficient for all residents of Harris County which is roughly 2000 square miles. Many states have mail-in voting (as well as absentee ballot voting) and the military votes by mail … and there is NO evidence of fraudulent voting by this means. This is a tactic, by this gov’r and whomever else is doing similar things, to lessen the amount of Democratic ballots/voting (more dems vote by mail).

What happened to “let the best candidate win”? What happened to fairness? What happened to decency? I can’t take much more. Maybe it’s a good thing we’ve only got 30 days left before the election.

I don’t know about you – but I’m exhausted! Today, here in the NW, it is our third day of fog, gray skies and chilly temps. Earlier today I was sure the Creature from the Black Lagoon was hiding in the swirling fog on my deck. I wanted to get my mail but I’ll wait til later as I didn’t dare – cuz, ya know, I didn’t want to risk anything else happening.

After all, it’s been a week!

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There will be cows …

September 24, 2020 – Thursday (gray, heavy cotton candy clouds, waiting for a storm)

Today I fed … COWS!

As much as I’d like to, I’m just not sure I can convey how happy that makes me! That sounds so silly … and more than a trifle weird … but true.

If you could see my smile you’d think I just won the lottery. Well, in a way, I did! I was coming home from running my last errands before self-quarantining after my pre-op covid test tomorrow (cataract surgery next week – woohoo!) and pulled off the road and stopped by the farm uphill from my place – as the cows were out. The minute they saw me by the apple trees they started moseying over to the fence.

Too many flies covered those placid faces and too much cow-snot or saliva were on their broad, thick noses … but I petted them anyway. I cut into quarters a handful of apples. I used my car key (changing over to my handy-dandy pocket knife I had in my car) and cut off the wormy parts and handed them over and through the charged-wires to gaping mouths – so ready for sweet treats!

I’m not sure if the farmer saw me or heard my giggles – but I hope he knows how much pure joy I got out of my little stop over.

I wish I liked living where I do SO much more. I think if I were 10-15 years older, it would be a great place to be. I’d be slower, more retired, more settled with what I do. (I hope.) But, I’m chomping at the bit to go and do and shop and see a museum and have good food and that’s just not going to happen here on the island.

I do however love the beauty of this island … the bluffs and hills and green. The tall trees, the quiet, the slowness and well … here, we have cows.

Aside from the lack of “summer” … it’s unfortunate that there is such an “inconvenience factor” for me. I’ve said it a million times … if I’ve said it once … I hate that a typical “shopping day” takes me 7 hours. I try to leave at a decent time and then my day is spent with 4 or 5 hours driving/ferry/traffic … it costs $25 + gas … and I end up with 2-3 hours of actual shopping, if that. And, while doing so – I’m running (like a lunatic) from one place to another so I can get all my stops “in” and done so I can catch the ferry (without having to wait hours) and be home at a decent time (that rarely happens). I also have to plan where I’m going if getting groceries and do that last so they don’t sit in my car for hours. And along the way I sometimes grab take out cuz I’m starving and it’s taking longer than expected. All in all – it’s not your quick trip to the craft store!

Covid has helped with my need to go “overseas” (to the mainland) as I don’t like going anywhere these days unless I can just stay in my car and zip around. So, the need to go over and shop or wander has been corralled. However, I am stuck due to this virus – here – instead of somewhere else … or somewhere else looking around, checking things out. I keep telling myself … all in due time.

But I’m antsy. I want to know where my next landing spot is.

I keep thinking that all this time … all these months past (and to come) … all this isolation/quarantining/social distancing will make me hone in on what I really want next. What is important to me? Because the next move will be where I hope to settle into. Put down roots … get involved … maybe meet someone … reopen my businesses … play.

I don’t play here. I was involved, a bit, but am no longer. It’s too personal and difficult to explain. There has been a lot of loss for me on this island. But, a lot of growth, as well. Either way, I’m past needing to move on.

I have been doing more research (table top vs in person) and am narrowing my options … revisiting places I had questions about … seeking out new ones … saying no to others that I thought might be “it”. It’s a process … and I’ve been doing this leg of it for a long time! I just so want to complete this journey!

I know there will be hills and lush greenery … warmer summer temps and some skin-softening humidity. I’d like hardwoods and good soil … along with some body of water (it can be a pond!) … and a nice, little, involved community. Beautiful autumns and crisp (but not necessarily snowy) winters and long, flowering springs.

I’d like friendly, decent people as town-folk and neighbors … some sort of countryside nearby – orchards, wineries, pasturelands. And, a bigger city and airport about an hour away. I’ll find it. It’s out there.

The one thing I know for sure … there will be cows.

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The Art of Eating …

September 17, 2020 … Thursday night (The base of this post was originally written October 15, 2014 when I was a blog writer for Whidbey Life Magazine … 2014-2016)

I had an anxious day. Anxious because we are still in covid-stages of reopening and our restaurants are not yet open here on the island … and the thought of facing (and cooking) another dinner solo/that I myself had to put together was upsetting. I know – first world problems. But, you need to know something. I like to eat.

Each of us has our own gift, that thing we are good at without too much effort: baking the perfect pie, writing the perfect song, painting the perfect picture. You get the idea.

My gift is eating. Yes, I am an eater.

It’s not to say I don’t excel in other things. I make a mean box of Kraft dinner, I can cut-in a beautiful ceiling/wall line, I can tie my shoelaces without them getting undone. But one of the top things I excel at is, well…eating.F

I’m not a food critic. I am not a gourmet nor am I a gourmand. I don’t cook like Julia (though wouldn’t that be something?!). I just like to eat. And, more than anything, I like to eat something that I don’t have to make myself.

Which brings me to this anxiety I have over dinner. I’m tired of making stuff. I want to go OUT. I want to go somewhere and have someone WAIT ON ME. I want someone to bring me a glass of wine and something yummy to eat and I don’t want to have to think about it, cook it, or clean up after I’m finished. That sounds glorious.

So, tonight while I was thinking about dinner … I was inputting my writing portfolio (still) into my computer and came upon this blog post – about food on the island. It was a nice little jaunt down memory lane and while reading, I figured out I had enough leftovers to make a tasty fajita. So, dinner solved but oh, how I miss eating out!

Usually by the time I realize I should eat something, I want food NOW. As in right this minute. Immediately. Do not pass GO. If I had to pull out a cookbook and look up a recipe, I’d end up eating the book. And, on occasion, I have been known to eyeball the dog’s dish. So, yeah … I don’t take the time to pull out my Dutch oven and whip up something yummy (though on occasion that does happen). I simply throw together something easy, on-hand and quasi-tasty and call it good. Or, at least, I call it dinner.

That is why when I venture out, I want it to be FABULOUS. I want the trifecta of dining experiences. The establishment must have some sort of notable ambiance—cute, classy or charming—but always clean. The wait staff has to be personable and know their food and want to be in the service industry. And, lastly, the food should be tasty, attractive, and sufficient.

In other words, I don’t want to be served a dot of lemon-basil cream next to one seared scallop with an accompaniment of foam by a snotty waiter while sitting next to the back door. I want to be pampered and I want it to be pleasant and attractive. And, I want to EAT.

In other words, I’m kind of picky.

Someone once said, “Il cibo si mangia prima con gli occhi.” Or if you don’t know Italian, “Eat first with your eyes.” That is so true, and I am such a visual person, that the plating and presentation and eatery surroundings are almost as important to my experience as is the food. I don’t want to be seated next to the bathroom or the kitchen or any wait station. If the place has a window, put me there. If it’s got a fireplace, I am practically sitting on the hearth. If it’s tiny and noisy, put me smack dab in the middle of it all and let me dine on the noise and the aromas and the atmosphere—along with the food.

I’ve been here now over six years … and a lot of things have changed since those early days. Oddly, all of my favorite eateries have gone bust. Gone. Closed. Too bad because I could really go for dinner at any one of them about now! What we have left is pricey and mediocre and not worth my time, money, or risk of a public outing. But, pre-Covid and when I wrote this post, I’d only lived on the island for three months and somewhere along my new path I had decided to eat my way around the island. I had a long tasty road ahead, and had many meals at these favorites places.

Plentiful Penn Cove Mussels (photo by Sam McCarthy)

Plentiful Penn Cove Mussels from the Knead and Feed in Coupeville (photo by Sam McCarthy)

Knead and Feed in Coupeville (up island from me about 40 minutes) was a hidden gem. It was lovely! My daughter and I would have missed it had we not stopped in the bakery along the main street (for a sniff and a cookie) and were told about the restaurant around the corner and down the stairs. The place was very tiny (seating 34) and reminiscent of an old-time schoolhouse: white walls, heavy wood, thick mouldings and a wall of windows that opened to the Passage. We sat at our rustic wooden table looking out onto that beautiful waterscape. Sam enjoyed every mouthful of the succulent Penn Cove mussels that arrived piping hot to our table. Again, I’m not a food critic but the mussels were enormous (and from the waters on the other side of our window), the serving was huge (47 … we counted!) and they were served in a large bowl with a fragrant wine broth and a side of French baguettes. I am not a mussels fan, so I opted for the Reuben sandwich which was really so good. The rye bread was chewy and toasted perfectly with a good amount of lean corned beef and a palatable ratio of sauce to kraut. It was simply divine and a lovely, charming place for a tasty and inexpensive lunch or dinner.

(Knead and Feed has since changed hands. I’ll give them a try once the cafes are open again.)

Café Langley in Langley was soothing and wonderful. I don’t know if it was the window seating, the music, the well-dressed and pleasant wait staff or the Mediterranean cuisine (or perhaps all of those things), but I had dined there a few times and oh, how I wish I could go back again.The place was along main street in town and was another small cafe. Maybe 12 tables. It was “old world charm” in the Village by the Sea. It was cozy and welcoming and always a good meal. It had tables and booths tucked into the window alcoves and was just perfectly snug and charming and the food was simply delicious. The first time there I dined with my son and daughter and let’s just say all conversation ceased when we started in on the mussels (again, Penn Cove natives) in the garlic and saffron infused wine broth and the pasta with the chicken, mushrooms, artichokes and caramelized onions in an aromatic white cream sauce. The only sounds emanating from our table were mmm’s and ohh’s. It was quite embarrassing (and so tasty). 

CL was owned by brothers and sadly one became ill and passed away. The restaurant changed hands but went downhill immediately and closed soon after. I really miss that place! It has since reopened as a seafood restaurant/bar … but they fall into the very pricey and not very good categories. Disappointing as we need a good place in town.

Tasty salads from Whidbey Pies Cafe (photo by Sam McCarthy)

Whidbey Pies and Cafe in Greenbank was like eating lunch at Grandma’s. Known mostly for their pies, this cute little place was settled on the oldest Loganberry farm in the country – until the farm changed into a dog park. Some of the farm buildings remained and WP was housed in one of them next to the pond and gardens. Again, out with my daughter, we shared the huckleberry, glazed pecan and Gorgonzola salad (with warm huckleberry vinaigrette) and the turkey panini with cranberry chutney, Havarti and baby greens. It was like eating Thanksgiving – in a sandwich – in October. The salad and sandwich were equally fabulous. It was a wonderful split. The wait staff was always friendly and welcoming. The café was always so darling and farmy-charming with small wooden tables and some outside for garden seating. We ate there several times … and sadly, usually not remembering to leave room for PIE!

WP Cafe is under new ownership, a new name and is in transition. When reopened we’ll see what they will be serving. The place is just so cute, I hope to be back!

And then there was the Glass Alley Cafe in Freeland (up island about 12 minutes). This establishment had it all. I loved this place and it was definitely my favorite place to go. The name was deceiving (better fit for a stained glass studio) but it was the cutest, small Italian bistro. It was simple, it was cozy, it was fresh. If I wasn’t going to go there and heartily enjoy their bruschetta, lasagna, fettuccine alfredo, Caesar salad, complimentary breads, tomato bisque, or cheesecakes, I’d go just to sit and have a glass of wine and a small plate because there was a fireplace, walls of windows and a little seating area that was off to the side and private. Just so nice. But I’d go for the food because it was (for lack of better words) to die for! And, Andrew (think Johnny Weir without the ice skates) – the maitre d’, was nothing less than exceptional in his position—he got it. He treated diners like royalty and made each of our visits more than special.

Sadly, this place closed all too soon after I found it. The owner became ill and had to move and the space was taken over by a real estate office. So sad.

A dinner plate at The Glass Alley Cafe in Freeland (photo by Les McCarthy)

I miss those places. I’m not really fond of anywhere else on this island (other than the pizza place in town). Call me weird, but I’m not too keen on forking over a lot of moolah for a ho-hum dinner. Pricey and mediocre we are known for. I prefer some place special.

And that is what dining out should be—special. It should be that trifecta of goodness: ambient, pampering and oh-so-yummy. And that same dining experience should leave not only your stomach full but also your soul.

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Relieving weariness …

September 13, 2020 – Sunday evening (covid raging, fires in the west raging, tempers raging … patience and tolerance flagging … 50 days until the election of our lifetime )

I am tired. Aren’t we all?

I just read a post that basically said what I’ve been thinking for a LONG time now … and it’s true. You are bombarded by so much (mentally, physically, emotionally) that you get to the exhaustion point and you stop caring about X, Y and Z.

It’s a good tactic because it works. Bombard your opponent with so much chaos that exhaustion sets in … and when exhaustion sets in one’s focus is honed to survival … water, food, shelter. Everything else is extra. And when you’re exhausted – there is no time/energy for anything extra.

I think that is the “tactic” (if they have one) of the Trump administration … bombard us with so much SHIT, on a daily basis, for months and years … that eventually we will stop caring what he and those that support and enable him do.

We are tired. But it’s time to rally. We have roughly 50 days until the election. Keep talking to your neighbors, family, friends, co-workers. We have to have everyone turn out and vote this election. Sanity, decency and our democracy are what we are voting for and what needs to be chosen this November. I BEG of you to keep on keeping on.

And, while you are doing that … I thought we could all use a little humor. And in “little” I mean a gigantic amount but I’ve got just a little here for you.

Whenever I would gift my dad (in the past), it was usually a food basket of selected goodies that I thought he’d enjoy (and not buy for himself) and a goofy t-shirt that he could wear to the gym. Yes – even on his 90th I got him a silly t-shirt. He was a chemist so I got him one that spelled out, using the periodic table of elements, “I (Iodine) Na (Sodium) P (Phosphorus) Periodically”. Ha ha. I thought it was clever. The day after his 90th, Dad passed away while taking one of his periodic afternoon naps. He was not wearing that shirt.

I’m just glad I refrained from getting him the one I was really wanting to … “My last chance of having a smoking hot body is cremation.”

Even though it would have been appropriate, I’m glad I went with the other. I’m thinking I should order that one for myself.

Anyway – I’m always, still, on the look-out for silly t-shirts with good slogans or a play on words. Here are some I saw in a catalog this week. I hope they relieve a bit of your weariness …

My body is a temple – ancient and crumbling – probably cursed or haunted

I just did a week’s worth of cardio after walking into a spider web

I’d grow my own food if I could only find bacon seeds

Drummers can’t be beat


The universe is made up of a lot of “ons” … protons, neutrons, electrons and morons

If history repeats itself I am SO getting a dinosaur

Zombies eat brains – you’re safe

Ambitchous – the desire to become a better bitch

I disappear into books. What’s your superpower?

So, apparently I have an attitude

A moment of SCIENCE, please!

Make lies wrong again.

Enjoy your day. Keep on keeping on …

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Dorothy and Gertie with a Penis …

August 29, 2020 … Saturday (end of Covid – nowhere in sight/Autumn right around the corner)

It’s late August. How did that happen????

I’m biding my time. I want to get off island but told myself I can’t until I mow the lawn (but I don’t want to do it). I need to vacuum – I don’t want to do that chore either. I have five other things I should do so I can get them off my today’s “to-do” list – and yup, you’ve got it – I don’t want to do any of them. So, here I am.

It’s the Saturday after two weeks of political conventions, marches, racial unrest, political disrespect and criminal activities, a bad eyeball, lots of dogs, a no-care doctor and Mom Nature being ugly again. And that’s not mentioning we have surpassed 182,000 Americans dead due to this virus and a projected death rate of an additional 140,000 by Thanksgiving. It’s been a bit much.

So, I thought I’d just kind of ease into the to-do’s and ferry lines and get this off … a little something lighter for us all … before I get busy.

Nearly two weeks ago my neighbors found a little chihuahua in the street in town. Because of their dog, they couldn’t keep her; I said I would until the parents came and claimed her. Well, she’s still here.

I immediately contacted the police and local shelters, went back and put up signs/rang doorbells/talked to neighbors in the area. NOTHING. Put my info on all alert websites for dogs/our island. NOTHING.

So, here we are – 13 days later – looking at each other. I wonder what she’s thinking? I know what I’m thinking … I’m thinking she’s MINE!

Last Friday I took her to the vet to make sure she didn’t need meds (that she wasn’t getting) and to get a tooth pulled that was grossly rotten and dangling. She was checked out and that snaggletooth pulled – and a molar came out while they were in there poking around, as well. The rest of her teeth, what she has, are black or green. A mouth of moldy decay. Super nasty. It’s like kissing a sewer pipe … and she is a kissy girl. Yuck! We are getting that fixed this week – cleaned or extracted – it’ll be better by Tuesday night!

The vet thinks she’s been dumped – for whatever reason. My heart breaks a little over that possibility. She’s scuttles along like an armadillo. She is tiny (8 lbs) and old (12-13), deaf and her eye-sight is failing and she might have a little incontinence issue. But – aside from her geriatric nature and dental work needing to be done – she’s healthy and good. She’s gotten along with a houseful of dogs all week. And she is very sweet.

I was looking into her cute little fox face the other night, trying on name 231 for size … was she Hazel, Wilma, Delores? Was she more of a Bella or Bea or Gladys? Or maybe she was Sweet Pea, Violet or Kitty? I sat there as she looked back at me and told her that I just wanted her HOME. Her old home … or this home … I just wanted her safe and secure and home cuz … there’s no place like home!

And then it hit me … she’s DOROTHY!

And if she’s Dorothy – lost and far from Auntie Em and home … maybe that makes me Glinda! I could go with that!

So, we’re trying that name out on her. It’s a bit old-fashioned (as I wanted), I’ve known a few good Dorothys and it is nick-nameable (as I wanted = Spotty Dotty). Also, the name Dorothy means Gift from God. So, maybe she was a divine gift for me … to ease me back into having another dog.

Last fall I had a pug guest and wrote this …

I’ve left the warmth of my bed and the soft purr-snuffle of a sleeping pug with stenotic nares. The heft of his body nestled against my back has been comforting.

I’ve been visited by an angel-pug this week … and it was both glorious and so painful. I miss my dog. 

Pugs are similar in looks – for the most part. Their bodies are similarly shaped. Coloring of the face is pretty much the same. The eyes and tongues might be different … but all in all, they’re pretty similar. 

I was blessed with taking care of Iggy this week. A sweet first-timer, Mr. Kisser, and wow … talk about a pug-clone. Yes, pugs have similar attributes but, this one could have been my sweet Gert … with an add-on.

So, all week he was called “Gertie-with-a-penis” … at least in my head.

Grief is weird. I know she died. I held her in the sunshine as she did so. It was a year ago. And yet … my head was trying to tell my heart that she had come back. That this little male clone was actually her. 

And in the right light or angle or from above … or in shadow or when walking … it was her. He was HER. 

I have cried all week. My heart, not quite sure whether to laugh or cry when I looked at him or snuggled with him – decided that tears were what was best. So, we had some pretty soggy moments. 

I know he is not her … but this has been the strangest week with having him here. He is just so similar in every way – coloring, head/body shape, sounds, face – esp. his left side/profile… he is Gert! His right eye is a bit different and there is an extra wrinkle on his face and his nostrils are tighter (after all, Gert did have a nose job to enhance her air flow!) … but otherwise, it was eerily Gertie. 

And for all those years I tried to get Gert to kiss me (she rarely did) … I had to practically fend off this little guy. I had a hard time stopping Ig from kissing my skin off! He was always kissing me/licking any exposed skin! I’ve never been cleaner! 

So, if this was you, Gert … it’s been a lovely week. I miss you so much. And if this was just a sweet pug named Iggy, thank you for all the love and joy you’ve brought to me this week. You’ll forever be known to me as “Gertie with a penis”. xoxo

I lost Gertie and Clara a month apart almost two years ago … right after my dad. Cumulative grief is hard. I always thought I’d get a baby pug or a frenchie or a rescue lab (by now) … but that has not been the case. And then this little bundle of chihuahuaness shows up and … who am I to not accept a gift?

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Think about it…

August 26, 2020 – Wednesday (RNC week/177K US dead from Covid/hurricane looming/fires burning/civil unrest/BLM marches and riots/election woes/political absurdities/economic downfall/jobs and lives lost/isolation/uncertainty…)

Maybe if you just read what follows the date (above) you’ve had read enough. Me, too. I feel like I have waded through enough upheaval and strife to have lived 1,000 lives since January. Don’t we all?

And, still I can say that all this has affected me minimally. Except for the stress part of it. And the loss part. And the isolation and uncertainty … and the political absurdities and the economic downfall. But, otherwise, I’m good.

Aside from my empathetic nature which pulls me down and makes me feel as badly as if this were all happening to me … as if I had lost my job/partner/home/security.

But, in a way – haven’t we ALL? In some fashion – this year – lost so much? Think about it.

I watched a movie last week and it made me so nostalgic. I sat there and rued about sweeter times … the good ol’ days … when people shopped without masks, gathered together hugging and laughing … loving faces, with disposable incomes, enjoying life in scenarios that seemed from SO LONG AGO. Even the commercials were carefree. No masks, no agendas, no political nonsense or campaigning. And then I realized I had only recorded it a few years ago. Yeah, the good ol’ days!

I used to sell cosmetics/skin care … (one would not know that by looking at me now) … and even if it’s neutral – I wear lip gloss. Well, I’m a slow learner! It’s been months of mask wearing and what do I do before I put on my mask? Put on lip gloss! So, I put the mask on and with my first inhale it immediately sucks onto my lips! It’s like I’ve used Super Glue!

So, this week … I finally learned … NO lip gloss before the mask. So, off I went to the vet’s office (another story) and was proud of myself that I didn’t have my mask stuck to my lips because I hadn’t put on any gloss. Kudos for me! However, when I got back in the car, I looked in the rearview mirror (apparently it had been HOURS since I looked myself over) and I had itched my left eye – smearing my eyeliner from the my eye to mid-cheek in a nice, somehow lovely, curving arch. If I had added a diamond teardrop, it would have made for a good sad clown face.

Maybe it was a subliminal display? It’s been a rough few weeks … months … year.

I watched the DNC last week … four nights. I found the first two boring, depressing, and dismal. Disappointing at best. The third night was GOOD … liked all the speeches. Felt better about even the people giving them and saw a human side to Kamala Harris that I needed to know about. That was a good thing. The last night struck me as a church service. Not being a church goer, it didn’t resonate with me – except negatively. Where’s the separation of church and state? I didn’t like it. But, I felt more hopeful after Joe’s speech than I have in some time. I think that was what resonated with everyone I talked with or email chatted with in the days afterward … we felt a bit of HOPE.

And I don’t care what your political stance is … who doesn’t like HOPE? Even if it’s a glimmer?

This week I vowed to watch the RNC … I had it on. I passed by the TV gathering snippets of the speeches. I couldn’t stomach it. I wanted to smash all their faces with their fake Barbie-doll looks and perfection and lies. I watched MSNBC to gather clips and their takes on what was said. And I came away with gut feelings of despair.

It made me wonder why during speeches aren’t there fact check statements running along the bottom of the screens – like captions or sub-titles – so that people can see if what the speaker is saying is true or not. EVERY speaker. EVERY time.

Better yet – have each speaker wear a shock collar. Whenever someone would say something a lie or offer some promise they knew they wouldn’t keep – they’d get a shock. It works for training dogs or keeping them in their yards … why not use it on politicians and political speech givers? I laugh thinking that most would get some jolts … discomfort at best. Trump would be on the ground as if he were tasered within minutes. Before the end of his speech he’d have electrocuted himself.

Think about it.

If you told ANY lie to your boss/family/neighbors/community … they’d think less of you. There would be repercussions. Trust would be lost. Maybe your livelihood – maybe your family and/or friends or community standing/position. Why is this not so with our leaders? Why do we give them carte blanche … when really WE are their bosses. We hired them! If they’re not doing a good job … or are not honest, trustworthy people who are decent and capable … why keep them?

It made me think that we need stricter rules or people with a backbone in these offices. How does a President use the White House as a backdrop for his political campaign? It’s not allowed. Yet he did it. How does anyone use a federal building for the same? And yet he did. How did he hold a funeral for his brother with 150 attendees – in the White House – when no gatherings of over 50 are allowed in DC? How does the Secretary of State take a political stance? He is a public servant. When he took that oath of office, he relinquished his personal viewpoints on politics. He cannot speak on behalf of a political party or nominee. How does anyone with any empathy or decency, use people in a naturalization ceremony for his political gains? Especially someone with his history regarding immigration. And that was the tip of the iceberg. I don’t know why our president and his aides/appointees get away with all this. WHY? HOW? Are all the watchdogs dead?

And, again, it should matter to EVERYONE that he/they are doing this. Regardless of your political affiliation as it’s an affront to us as Americans. If you don’t see this as a problem – maybe you should look deeper. Perhaps you need to look into Trump still having active businesses that have funneled millions of dollars from his campaign, foreign governments and the US government (our tax dollars) to his personal bank accounts from expenses paid at his personal hotels, clubs and holdings. One small bite of this complex, messy, illegal as hell meal we’ve been served.

Think about it. Would you do that? If not – then why should we stand for the leader of our country doing that?

We have 68 days until the election. MAKE THEM COUNT. Do something. Hang a sign. Encourage your neighbors to vote (and early). Contact a campaign office and offer your time. I implore you to help get out the word that this country is in trouble and we need to act NOW.

I sit here and think … Wow, that sounds pretty dire, Les!  And then I realize … it is.

If for no other reason (and we all know there are MANY) … we need change. This administration is not working as WE THE PEOPLE need it to be. All of us need help. The Covid virus is still running rampant and until it is squelched, our economy will suffer, businesses will remain closed, people will not have jobs and kids will not be safe at schools. And, personally, I need a HUG! This is not a partisan problem – we are all in need, as Americans, of help and a new way out of this mess. Trump just can’t do it. He doesn’t have the capacity and is too wrapped up in all things DJT to worry about you or me or anyone else.

I’ll be the first to say I’m not a huge fan of the choices this year … either side. But it’s what we’ve got and there is only ONE choice that is clear and shows us a better tomorrow. I’m not asking for perfection. I’m asking for decency and empathy … for diplomacy, courage and responsibility. I’m asking for experience, selflessness and love of country. I’m asking for respect … for science and health, for all people regardless of where they are from, the color of their skin, who they love or what they are capable (or incapable) of. I’m asking for leadership. And in saying that is what I’m asking for … that means I’m asking for change. Change from what is.

I didn’t start out writing this as a political blurb … far from it. I started out thinking that there has been so much stress and strife and upset in the past few weeks that surely, today, I could come up with something funny to chat about. I’m thinking if this were my stand up comedy routine, I’d surely get boo’d off the stage! I’m thankful there is no big hook on my computer!

We’ve got a changing climate … our country is heating up/burning up and in line for a deadly hurricane season. We can’t do much – immediately – to change those things. Mom Nature is going to run her course. But there are things we CAN change … we can change the political course we are on. In fact, we are the ONLY ones who can do that … and we do that by voting. Make your voice heard!

I heard yesterday that UW’s mapping of the virus projects another 140K deaths in the US by December … bringing us up over 310,000 deaths by that time. If that’s not enough to make you want change – I don’t know what is.

Wear a mask. Socially distance. Be responsible and caring and respectful. Be good. You might just save a life … and it may be your own.

Think about it.

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Give it a day …

August 14, 2020 – Friday (still in covid/things are not improving/no end in sight)

I lost a good friend yesterday.

It’s been a tough week. A brutal week at times. And the one thing I kept telling myself was … Give it a day.

I seem to say that a lot … this year, especially. Friend’s parents have died of Covid-19. I lost a brother-in-law to ALS. A few of the dogs I have taken care of have passed – one is on his way to that bridge. Our country is a mess. Our President is inept and scary. We are still in the middle of a health crisis that, seemingly, is never going to go away because our leaders are idiots and the American people, at large, are selfish and confuse rights with respect. I’m no closer to moving than I was a year ago.

And it seems every night before I go to bed, I say to myself … Give it a day.

I said that on Tuesday when I sat next to my good friend and neighbor, a lovely man whose fight with cancer had run its course. He was losing ground. Every day for the past two weeks we saw him slip further and further from himself. I sat with him as he struggled to stay with us … fought to stay by his beloved’s side … whispered, “Bye-bye, honey” to my tear-stained face.

I cried all day and went home that night hoping he’d go forward and leave that emptied body and be free.

But Wednesday dawned and he was still there … still struggling … still fighting the fight. It broke my heart. But that night, as I sat with this man that had come to mean so very much to me, I knew he was slipping away – painfully slowly – as he was unresponsive … away – somewhere else – while I regaled him, again, with my renditions of Heaven.

Tuesday I told him that all who went ahead before him would be waiting at the gate for him – welcoming him home … his two kids, his brother, his parents, a multitude of friends and his beloved fur babies. I said a parade was starting to get into formation … he was the Grand Marshall and it was in his honor – so when he was ready, they’d start to march … confetti and ticker tape. To that he cooed, “Wonderful.”

Unlike the NW, I told him all days were temperate and the sunsets were pink and golden. And he could fly around the world seeing everything he wanted to that he hadn’t – or revisit places he loved. No plane or passport required.

A buffet with everything imaginable would be on a long table and he could eat black cod – his favorite – and have as much as he wanted of that or ice cream – or both.

I told him he could do anything he wanted in Heaven. Heck, if he wanted to kiss a walrus, he could kiss a walrus. He smiled at that. My heart ached as I knew it would be my last “Jim smile” – slightly crooked/full of wonder.

That “Tuesday night face” – that “Jim smile” is the face I want to remember. Not the face of Wednesday night – when he laid on the bed, me by his side, so little breathing. He was fighting so hard … to stay? to leave? How do we know?

Hospice up’d his morphine when I voiced my concern about his comfort. I was glad for that. This man had been through so much. Too much. In his last hours I wanted at least more comfort for him.

I met Jim and his wife, Jo, five or so years ago. They were my parents’ age … Jo a few years younger … Jim two days younger than my mom. My dad was a year older. Jim and Jo had an old, black pug dog, Duke. I had an old, fawn pug dog, Gertie. They were buds. When Jim and Jo were having some health issues and thought they’d have to put Duke down because they could no longer care for him – I brought him to my house. He and his diapers settled in for a few months. Jim and Jo rebounded and Duke went home to be with them for another year or so. They were so grateful to have him back and I was more than happy to have helped.

And that’s how our relationship was. Jim would come down and fix a gate for me. I’d go down and fix them lunch. We’d go see the spring tulip fields – his car/I’d drive. We’d go as a group with another neighbor and the four of us would stop for lunch or dinner or a snack … those little field trips were such fun. When something was going on at the local arts center – they always asked if I wanted to join them – knowing I would be less apt to go solo. If any of us had a hankering for Chinese food – we’d get the Mu Shu Mobile up and running and go to dinner. Jim cut the spindles and helped me drill the holes for my fence and told me what screws to get to put them in. Along the way we shared stories of our lives … and I grew to love them – both of them – but Jim especially.

He built their homes, fathered two children/raised four, carved statues of seals. He gave of his time, talents and money and touched the lives of thousands with his countless hours of volunteering and help in the community. He was a good friend and neighbor and a fine man and a decent human.

And yesterday, in the morning, he left us. I want to say, “Finally.” but that catches in my throat and my eyes and lips get tight and the tears start anew.

During one of our last conversations he said he wanted to walk the bridge again (Deception Pass). I remembered the stories of their kayak adventures under that bridge (crazy people – way too dangerous) and the smile on his face as he told me about them.

I popped in to see Jo, knowing Jim was gone – body cold but still at the house, spirit free and flying over the fjords of Norway, no doubt. She was being cared for so I left knowing where I was going and what I needed to do. I drove north an hour up to the pass and walked the bridge for Jim. I was hoping to see a dove or an eagle or something that I could pretend was him … but nothing. There was construction on the bridge and one side’s sidewalk (the best side) was blocked from pedestrians. I had to chuckle. Jim would have loved seeing what they were doing. His friends called him “911” cuz there was nothing he wouldn’t drop and rush over and help fix.

So, I walked the bridge and gave a shout out for Jim as I faced the west and watched the sun sink lower in the sky … it was pink and golden.

I stopped at Taco Bell and picked up some comfort for Jo … two tacos. Her favorite. I brought them to her – cold by the time I got back (but reheatable) … and told her she’d be okay. We’d all be with her and she had good support and we loved her and knew this sucked so badly but that we’d make sure she was never alone or scared or wanting. Her family and friends would make sure of that. I told her I knew all too well that she was thinking this was not how she had envisioned it … that she couldn’t make it without him. And that as cliche as it sounds … time does help heal the broken heart.

And as I kissed the top of her head good-night (through my mask) … I said to her, “Give it a day.”

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The Acquisition of Oscar …

August 8, 2020 – Saturday

More writing portfolio findings …

The Acquisition of Oscar – 10/12/2004

The cat is sitting on the stool next to me – staring into my soul – willing me to understand his intentions/needs/thoughts. I look up at him and ask, “Do you need food? A hug? Got a new idea for this novel of mine that is going nowhere?” 

My brain is certainly clogged as I am not even open to cat brain waves this morning. I grab him up in a big hug, hoping that was what he was needing. It did me good.

He is a big boy … black and brown tabby – 18 plus pounds – and all of it love. I’ve had a few cats in my life but Oscar will forever be my baby. He was mine. And he was special. And I can’t imagine my life without this one-of-a-kind feline. 

I came upon him before the holidays a few years back. I was on my way home from a holiday luncheon with good girlfriends and being near the local shelter, I thought I’d stop in – take a peek – and give a donation. 

Our lovely cat, Emmy, of 14 years had passed away three weeks earlier and with another cat at home and an aging pug – I really didn’t need another cat. I didn’t even want another cat. My heart was still broken over Emmy. 

So, I was not prepared when I opened one of the cage doors and peered inside. All I saw was a huge blob of fur huddled at the back of it. I swung open the door and clucked to him and out ventured the largest cat I’d ever seen! He stretched his paw out to me (as if introducing himself) and then climbed onto me, wrapping each front paw around my neck and then burrowed his face into my chest. I could not have pried him off of me even if I had wanted to.

And … I didn’t want to. My heart had already melted and I was his.

I’d like to say I gave the shelter my money and that Oscar and I went home that day. That would have been nice and easy – but nice and easy was not the way he ultimately ended up with us.  

It was instant love at first sight for us both. But, I decided I’d best go home and get my daughter for her ultimate approval. I did not want to show up with a “replacement cat” if she wasn’t ready. Emmy had been like her little sister and the cat’s passing had been a difficult loss, especially for her.

An hour later, just before the shelter’s closing, Sam was holding Oscar. She was beaming … and if possible, I think he was, too. I left the two of them hugging in the back room and went to fill out the adoption paperwork. After filling out all necessary pages, which were many – I handed them over to the gal at the counter. She rifled through them (ever so briefly) and looked up at me (ever so politely) and told me they “would never adopt to the likes of me.”  

WHAT??? Me??? The animal lover of all animal lovers? The stray dog rescuer? Queen of the Tadpoles? I had even stayed up all night once with a rescued pinky squirrel that had fallen from its nest in our tree – who I then transported two hours north to “Squirrel Rescue” the next morning. 

Me? They wouldn’t adopt to the likes of ME? There must be some mistake. Had I said we were satanic or used to doing animal rituals? That we had a nice recipe of Stew of Cat at home? That we were involved in cat fighting? WHAT!?

I didn’t go ballistic. I didn’t throw a tantrum, get indignant or yell. I did what I always do when I’m angry, confused, hurt – I cried. Through the tears of my daughter’s and my own I heard that we were not a good “fit” because we already had a cat at home. We had a dog and a dog door and heaven forbid, that the cat should “get out” that door and be able to enjoy some fresh air! I should have lied and said I was the only one at home, no other pets, I’d never let him outside, blah blah blah. But nope – I told the truth and was sent home.  

Sam and I left, our faces tear-streaked and before we even got our seat belts buckled, “Operation Rescue” was in place.  

My sister and her daughter were our accomplices. They followed us to the shelter the next day. We parked half a block down and told them what he looked like/the name (Rufus) on his cage and what to say to “pass” the adoption process. After searching half an hour for him – they were told he was being “fixed” and he wouldn’t be available until the next day. Undaunted, we made a plan to return.

Day three of “OR” dawned and as much as I wanted to go back as soon as they opened, we needed to wait until school was out for the girls. So, at 4pm, back to the shelter our two cars went … determined to get Oscar and bring him home. We were on a mission! We arrived there – my sister and her daughter went in … Sam and I were parked, again, half a block away. I didn’t want anyone to recognize my van! I was taking no chances! 

But, alas … NO CAT! 

My sister was told he had been part of an ADOPTION DAY promo at a local pet store across town. As in … WAY across town! Frantic, Sam and I sped off, through the Friday before Christmas rush-hour traffic to the pet store miles and miles away… trying to get there before they closed. We parked and practically flew into the store. We walked directly to the adoption area and sweet-talked the dorkiest 17 year old worker I could find. I didn’t want ANY trouble.We asked about any tabbies they had. The kid opened up one of the cages … and there he was … OUR (soon-to-be) CAT! Hallelujah!

Pointing at Oscar I said (heart racing but as cooly as possible), “We’ll take that one.” I filled out the paperwork – all incorrect information, of course – my middle name as my first, last name something else, a made-up address. I was beyond panicked that they’d ask to see my license – thankfully, they didn’t. (Phew!) As I was doing that, I gave Sam the keys and told her to take the cat OUT TO THE CAR – (90% of ownership is possession, right?). I could feel every single second ticking away – interminably – while I waited in line to pay his all-cash/non-traceable adoption fees. I thought I’d faint. Was it hot in there? Transaction completed – I was wished a happy holiday and I, as nonchalantly as possible, walked out. My heart was still racing. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I felt like I had just robbed a bank! 

And that is how Oscar came to be our cat. 

Footnote: The above was written in 2004. Operation Rescue took place just before Christmas 2002 and we had my sweet kitty until the Spring of 2013. We think, from the vet’s determination, that he was over 18 at the time I had to put him down. As he grew older he got into a number of fights along the way … with a raccoon … with a fox … other cats. He was a monster – always protecting us/the house/the other animals. I watched him chase a coyote from our yard, even. We had an old pug, Yoshi, whom he adored. She was paralyzed and he’d sit with her and groom her for hours … and then when I put her in the yard in the sun or shade … he’d go sit with her and look after her. He was a doting boyfriend!

He never liked a display of emotions. Always biting or swatting if someone was too rowdy, crying, or otherwise upset. When I moved across country from Denver to Chicago, I had four dogs and two cats in the minivan with me. Yoshi, Oscar’s girlfriend, was not doing well and I made a pit stop at the local vet before we even made it to the highway. She was dying and I had to help her to that bridge. I got back in the car – sobbing my eyes out, thinking what would I “tell” the cat – I had just “killed his girlfriend”. He walked from the back of the van and put his little paw on my shoulder and just mewed. It broke my heart but I think he was telling me he knew and it was okay. I cried all the way to Omaha.

We nicknamed him “The General” because of his stoic nature, courage and display of punishment. If the dogs were being too rambunctious – barking at a passerby or the mailman – he’d go over to them and smack their butts! He kept them in line. He often chased (unsuspecting) dogs and people off our sidewalks – including one little girl on a tricycle! He was ruthless – but he was also a sweet and loyal guy … and a loving, comforting friend and companion for many years. He was lovely.

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Porcy and Minnie …

August 7, 2020 – Friday

(Day 14 billion (or so it seems) of Covid-19. As of yesterday there were over 4.9 million cases in the US with over 160,000 deaths. We are losing ground and hot spots are now in 28 states. Worse than ever. Globally there are over 19.2 million cases and over 716K deaths. The US has 4.25% of the world’s population and yet we also have > 22% of the the world’s covid issues. NOT GOOD! This is not a drill! Mask up, people! Mask up!)

Still working on my writing folder … here’s another tidbit from the past.

Porcy and Minnie … (12/11/2004) 

It’s mid-December in Denver and 64º outside ~ our weather is bizarre. It snowed 14″ in the mountains yesterday and we incurred such high winds that, overnight, practically the enter contents of our pond blew out and away.

We have a pond in our backyard – not a nice, natural “Mother Nature” pond … just a small pond we put in for aesthetics. And when I say “small” ~ I mean … SMALL! As in smaller than a bathtub but it serves its purpose. Over the years it has housed dozens of fish and tadpoles and temporarily had one errant Cocker Spaniel that fell in, one playful Malamute that dove in, one Lab that thought it was her private spa, and a very large raccoon who decided it was a diner. 

So, here I am filling the pond and thinking back to my favorite tenants … Porcy and Minnie … our tadpoles. 

We’ve had a LOT of pets over the years and our fair share of tadpoles in that mix, as well. I’ve since lost count of their lineage number – calling a squiggly creature Porcy XVI is a bit pretentious anyway. But there were MANY!

When the kids were little we (as in me, myself and I) thought it would be fun to “grow frogs”. Hence – our first acquisition/generation of tadpoles.  

The kids were in charge of naming them (still have NO idea where the kids thought these up from) and hence, Porcy and Minnie came to be and were promptly given a prominent space on top of the kitchen peninsula’s counter. (I look back and surely some of my friends must have thought I was crazy and/or been grossed out!) Their abode was a nice little fish bowl – complete with a pretty colored rock bottom and ceramic mermaid to keep them company. (I do NOT miss cleaning those fishbowls!) 

Sadly, Porcy and Minnie (I) didn’t quite make it to frog-hood. I’d forgotten to put the screen back on top of their house one night after cleaning … and well, when I came into the kitchen the next morning, I was horrified to find the bowl – empty. There was NO sight of them anywhere … and the cat was giving me NO clues of their disappearance, either.

I went back upstairs and as I passed my daughter’s room, I noticed something on the carpeting next to her bed … and sadly, yes, it was Porcy and Minnie! Their little, chubby bodies were laid out, in perfect alignment, side by side (our cat was VERY precise) … I presume as a gift for my daughter. Thankfully, she was at a sleepover and not in her bed (phew) … and as I left the room to get a towel for them … the cat sat close by looking so proud and happy. I think she was actually smiling. 

Not wanting to face the DEATH issue (and all that that entailed) – I did as many parents have done when a pet has died … I raced to the garden store and replaced them. And, as I’d hoped … no one (but me and the cat) was any wiser for my efforts.

(Side note: this is not advisable … but you can do this and get away with it with tadpoles and goldfish… maybe a hamster, mouse or gerbil but anything else your kids will know the replacement is an imposter!)

So, that’s how the line of Porcys and Minnies started. We had P and M II until the next spring – whereas, by then, I was pretty sick of having tadpoles on my kitchen counter and they hadn’t yet so much as sprouted ONE little froggy leg!  

I decided that releasing them in the creek, across the way, would be the nicest act of kindness to bestow on these fair and loyal creatures who we had incarcerated for far too long. I felt like Jeremiah Johnson – communing with Nature – being one with the Universe. I’d release those babies from captivity and all would be well in the world. 

That’s not exactly how things went. 

The kids and I carried these tadpole treasures to the creek. We said our good-byes and plopped them into the water. Now this COULD have had a very happy ending with us watching them swim away in the calm shallow water – in and out of the reeds – enjoying the sun on their now freed backs as it filtered through the waters. But noooo – we had to release them the day after a heavy rain … the day when our little, trickling creek had transformed into a raging river – rapids and all!  

Without giving it a second thought (why?) we plopped them into the water and their little bodies shot forward at lightning speed – they were probably pummeled to death before we even turned our backs! I was horrified (again) – what had I been thinking??? 

My kids, however, thought it was FABULOUS! As if we’d just strapped these little life forms onto a rocket ship or a wild roller coaster! Wheeeeee! They giggled and chattered all the way home about HOW MUCH FUN Porcy and Minnie must be having on their wild ride. My thoughts were more along the lines of … RIP. 

We continued, for whatever reasons (which now totally elude me – other than I’m a glutton for punishment), to have tads over the years. The kids, obviously, now knew that these were NOT the original P and M – but the names stuck and all tadpoles henceforth would also be named Porcy and Minnie.  

Somewhere nearing the Porcy and Minnie XX generation we had THREE make it the froglet stage. (And yes – they were all named P and M/even if there were more than 2 tads! Kind of like George Foreman’s family.) These tads had actually sprouted little, chubby, froglet legs! Hallelujah!!!! Success! We were ecstatic!

We gave them larger accommodations. They lived in the pond in the summer but cold nights, frost and snow made me feel really guilty and I eventually put them in an old fish aquarium (another pet disaster story) in the laundry room – next to Charlie, the guinea pig. (I nicknamed him Tuna and I loved him dearly. But, eventually felt sorry for him being in a cage and gave him to a neighborhood family with lots of kids and other guinea pigs and they all (children and pigs) had free-range of the fenced yard and Charlie Tuna lived to be the oldest, happiest guinea pig on the planet. Or he was eaten by a fox; I’m not sure.) 

Winter finally ceded to spring and warmer days arrived and the froglets were to be moved into their summer home – the pond – within the week. I don’t know who was more excited – me or the tads. Probably me. I’d been delighted and diligent in my motherly tadpole/froglet duties all winter – feeding, cleaning, talking/singing to them, encouraging them to grow more legs, etc. 

But one morning I realized one of the froglets was missing!  Uh – oh … not again!  Sadly, an extensive search turned up his brown, lifeless little body on the family room floor. Once again, the cat looked mighty happy.  

A few days later my husband walked into the laundry room (to what he could only later describe as a scene from some gruesome horror movie) to find another froglet – dead on the counter. (Amazingly enough the cat had nothing to do with the undoing of this one!)

Apparently the froglet jumped out of his enclosure and dangled his little front leg inside Charlie’s cage (I can only imagine in some sort of nice, friendly wave or greeting) – where upon Charlie promptly chomped off the froglet’s leg! I don’t know how much blood a froglet has in his body – but it was clearly enough to upset my husband and have him say to me, “DO NOT GO INTO the laundry room!”. Graciously, he cleaned up the mess. (Apparently, the poor little one had hopped around and well … use your imagination.) 
So, froglet #2 was a goner. After that I stopped calling the pig Tuna and went back to his first name … Charlie … adding Manson as his last name. Sadly, it fit. 

So, after four months of pampering these froglets we were down to ONE. We made a BIG deal (pomp and circumstance to the hilt) and we ceremoniously placed him into the pond. In preparation I had gotten a whole bunch of new goldfish and more tads to keep him company and they were already in the pond waiting for his arrival. Woohoo – finally!

We were all so excited to have this little one go to his new home. Each of us gave a little speech about this little loved froglet and how we all wished him a long, happy life and continued growth into a real frog. It was lovely. A froglet has never been more loved.  
Personally, I don’t think he lasted 12 hours! That night a large raccoon came visiting the Pond Diner and wiped us out. New fish, new tadpoles and our one lovely froglet … all eaten. Even my plastic alligator decoration had his legs chomped off! (I still have that alligator!)  

After that I gave up on tads – too emotionally draining! Kids, dogs, cats, rodents … I can handle … but it was too sad losing those little ones. After each and every demise I’d cry my eyes out. I couldn’t continue with the carnage (and in reality, I was pretty sick of all things tadpoley, too). So, that is the story of our tadpoles … Porcy and Minnie I through ????.
I haven’t had those little critters since but I somehow miss them and every spring/summer the smell of tadpoles is in the air and I get that distinct motherly pull to make a run down to the garden center. 

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More revisiting …

August 4, 2020 – Tuesday (as of today the US has >4.85 million cases of Covid-19 and over 159,000 deaths … and things are getting worse)

I am trying to focus on niceness during my days. I read yesterday that the brain tends to gravitate towards negative thoughts and things … I already knew that … but it’s a good reminder to purposely seek out the good in your day. Large or small.

As of right now the sun is slanting off the edge of this planet and it is shining on the bush/tree across the road from me and the foliage looks like it’s wet … or covered in silver glitter. It is sparkling in the sunlight and is absolutely beautiful. As I was gaping at that … two deer walked by – mom and fawn – heads bobbing in unison and then – just like that – the fawn hopped over my neighbor’s fence … and then mom followed and they were gone. Lovely. By the time I finished writing that sentence, due to the earth’s rotation and the ballet of the solar system the sun rays moved off the foliage and they were mere green again. I’m so glad I didn’t miss that sparkle scene!

I put corn cobs and some half apples out for the deer – just beyond my fence line. Just for extra mid-summer treats. It’s not like I owe them anything – they seem to help themselves to my garden bed buffet more often than not! The violets seem particularly tasty these days. But it makes me feel good to feed the little ones.

I’m still going through my writing folder and came upon a few more stories … more ideas than anything full-blown or developed. But for what it’s worth … I thought I’d share. Enjoy!


Man of her Dreams … (not dated) 

There was something about a man who wore glasses. 

Perhaps it was the element of vulnerability; or the rakish, bookishness that exuded sexuality; or perhaps, yet, it was the Clark Kent/Superman mystique. Whatever that something was –Morgan Whitney liked it. 

She liked it a lot. She liked it a whole lot.  

There he was, again … the man of her dreams … walking toward her on the crowded sidewalk–tall, tousled blonde hair, ruggedly handsome, a muscular build … Adonis in glasses. 

She had seen him three, maybe four, times before. She slowed her pace, yet her pulse quickened; she looked at him–willing him to look her way. But like the other times before … the crowd swallowed them both –and he was gone. She could just see the back of his sport coat as he edged towards the street and crossed amid blaring horns. 

It was not the horns that roused her from her sleep, but the alarm clock; the furry alarm clock … Mr. Quigley (Quigs for short) –her silver tabby. Hungry, as usual. How could an 18-pound cat always be starving? 

“Morgan, get a grip.” she chided herself, “You’re late. Get a move on!”

She stepped into the sunshine from the subway stairs … nearly blinded from the light she bumped into an old woman and a poodle. Mumbling her apologies, she veered off to the right and squeezed into her favorite coffee shop glad that the line wasn’t too impossibly long this morning. She ordered her usual (a 2-shot vanilla soy latte, no foam) and waited.  

“I believe you dropped this.” 

Morgan turned around and there stood a man holding something out to her. Again, holding the paper out closer to her, he said, a little louder this time, “I believe you dropped this.” and handed her the fallen coffee receipt.  

She stood there, looking at him, mouth agape like a stunned codfish. What is wrong with me? she thought. “Um, thanks. Nice sweater.” Nice sweater? She was mortified but just stood there blinking at him. Her mind was reeling. 

He introduced himself as he put his hand to his chest, “Oh, thanks. Yeah – I love these Fisherman sweaters. A bit warm when you’re inside – but great when you’re out of doors. Hi. I’m Marvin. Marvin Davies.”  

She winced inwardly … MARVIN! Who names their child Marvin! Marvin and Morgan … that is horrendous! She had named her childhood, female dachshund Marvin! This would never work! 

He continued talking. “Family name – I know. What are you going to do?” he laughed. “Thankfully people call me MD.” 

She smiled at him and kept looking at that face. I can’t wait to tell mom that I met a “doctor”! She’ll be thrilled! 

He wasn’t gorgeous and he wasn’t blonde …but he wore glasses.

And there was just something … 


Trollop! … (also not dated) 

Trollop! Of all the names she, Rebecca Ann Matthews, had ever been called this one sounded the nicest; why then had it hurt the most? 

Tramp. Bitch. Home-Wrecker. Slut. Hooker. Whore. Those words were ugly. But this word actually sounded nice–something like an amount of dessert topping. 

Oh, thanks ever so much; I’d love a trollop of that sweet cream for my pie. 

It wasn’t the word itself, then, nor even its meaning ~ which she fully gathered and assumed she had earned ~ but its delivery.  

Rebecca saw the woman far before the encounter; they were walking towards each other on the crowded sidewalk. Why Rebecca had honed in on this little woman in the crowd and why she had focused on her was puzzling to her. The intensity of the woman’s eyes? Though they were now faded with age – they pierced Rebecca’s soul. Her stature? She was small, slight, but straight as an arrow and amazingly elegant in the way she carried herself.  

What brought these two together? Was it fate, destiny or simply something else … 


And, that again, is all she wrote!

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A diversion …

August 3, 2020 – Monday night

I need a diversion.

A friend of mine is dying. I adore this man and I hate to have him gone from my life … but that is all I want right now – for him to go.

It’s hard watching his decline. This last week it’s been a slow slide … the last two days there have been gigantic changes. I don’t want him to suffer any more … I just want him to let go and GO.

2020 sucks.

In so many ways.

I’m looking for a diversion but …

I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of being home. I’m tired of doing projects. I’m tired of wearing a mask and of covid and of all of the horrible pain and suffering of so many … too many. I’m tired of the mounting deaths. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of freaking out if I go to the grocery store more than once in 10 days. I am tired of all this political crap. I’m tired of stupid Trump and his ineptitude and excuses and moronic jumble of words that are supposed to pass for coherent sentences. I’m tired of his immature power plays and his empty promises, his lack of responsibility and I’m so tired of his voice and his orangeness and all his lies. I’m tired that he’s still in office. I’m tired that there are so many enablers in this country’s government. I’m tired of all of that crap. I’m tired of losing people I love. I’m tired of not having a dog of my own. And I’m tired of the weather.

And I laugh at myself as I write that because it can be ANY year and I will ALWAYS be complaining about the weather. It’s not warm enough. It’s too wet. It’s too dry. It’s something else. I’m sure whenever I move I will once again be able to complain about it being too hot! But, right now – that’s not an issue. Even on one of our warmest days – I’m off walking the cliff in the evening with a sweater and a coat. It’s August! WTF.

And I realize … that has been my diversion … my nightly walks and animal counting. Last night and tonight were prime nights for slugs. The roadway was mowed and that left a nice, cool, damp buffet for anything slug-like. And there were plenty of them. Last night I quit counting at 25 … I only saw 10 tonight. However, tonight I got a really good photo of one climbing up a flower stem. It must have smelled yummy to put in all that effort! These slugs I’m talking about are all brown or black and are fat things … think squishy, somewhat melted Tootsie Rolls. They all are about five-six (or so) inches long but can curl up into a fat, blobby ball when touched. Tonight I rescued about five of them from the road … putting them back into the grass. I sure hope I didn’t return them from where they were starting out if they wanted to get to the other side! If so, oops, sorry fellas! I wiped my hands on my pants and continued on … the slimy, sticky goo is hard to get rid of. But … I’ll do it again if I see one sliding along mid-road!

And this made me wonder … what are these things? Snails and slugs. I have both at my house. They appear on my deck at night, on the siding, or on my garbage can … they can be ultra tiny (and so cute) or rather fat and grotesque. The snails live on the front of the house – more by the flowers and in my gardens. They hang out on my siding and in the lattice work around the bottom wall and in my flower boxes. Sometimes after a rain I’ll find ten or so of them in the grass … like they’re having a small snail rodeo. Where do they live? What is the difference between a slug and a snail? And where do the shells come from?

So, while eating my perfectly ripe watermelon after my walk, I did a little sleuthing and this is what I’ve come up with:

Snails and slugs are gastropods. I knew that – thank you, Mr. Guthrie from junior year’s high school geology class. I don’t know why we were talking about these guys in that class (you’d think it would be covered in bio) … but I distinctly remember joking around with the guy I went to prom with in that class about said slugs and snails! (Maybe they were in fossil form!) Weird.

Anyway – they are in the phylum Mollusca … as are all snails and slugs whether from saltwater, freshwater or from land. And they are in the same family as octopus, clams, squid and oysters. Who knew?

Snails have exterior shells … and, contradicting websites say that they can/not leave their shells. Baby snails are born with their shells. Slugs have no shells. Both have two sets of tentacles … the top pair is where their eyes are located … and another set, lower down, is for smelling. They live in moist/rainy/wet areas. Since their bodies are made up mostly of water, they tend to dry out quickly. They are nocturnal and prefer to come out and feed at night or after rains. They secrete a mucus to protect their bodies over hard or sharp/bumpy terrain – as it helps them to glide over surfaces without harm. It’s also a deterrent to predators as the mucus is not tasty! A group of snails is called a rout or an escargatoire of snails … a group of slugs is called a cornucopia. Most land snails/slugs live 1-5 years but most are annual. And, if need be, they can go into hibernation (which also happens over the winter) for 3 years!

So, that’s about all I want to know right now cuz I’m envisioning what is under the siding of my house … it’s probably just lined up with thousands of slugs that come out at night and others that are hibernating or sleeping … and ew … that’s just too gross … even for me!

And, yet … I do love my slugs and snails … and they are always a good diversion.

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Eternity …

July 30, 2020 – Thursday (Covid-19 day 3, 456,789,023)

I’m sitting here in my dining room with the windows open on both sides and the soft breeze is wafting through the screens. It’s to be 78º today. Lovely.

I’d like to be outside inputting my writing files into my computer, but I’m having connectivity issues today and my wifi is so slow inside the house, I know it would be non-existent outside … even 6 feet from the door. Sigh. So goes internet service in my location. I’m kind of in a dead zone. The locals don’t think a tower would be healthy for the locals. As in wildlife. I, on the other hand, am all in favor of making life a little easier for the other locals – the citizens of our town. I have been ruled out on this. As well as with the brighter lightbulbs in town. I’ve begun to call the lights in town “dims”. I’m all for eco-conservation-dark nights, etc … but two blocks of brighter lighting (than a nightlight) in town – even until 8 pm (because everything pretty much shuts down way before then) would be wonderful. But, it’s not like there’s anywhere to go in town now anyway.

Anyway, I digress. I told myself I needed to work on getting all this writing into my computer and it’s taking a long time to do so. I have another two inches of papers in said file. It’s been fun re-reading things I’ve written. Some I remember, some I don’t. I re-read something I wrote from last week and have NO recollection of it! Was I asleep writing it?!

This morning I thought I’d give myself a little boost … a perky “pick me up of plum” … a slight “hint of heliotrope” … a little “shimmer of lilac” … a lingering “kiss of violet “. But, no, that didn’t happen. I sit here typing with hair that is a solid, deep, intense eggplant! Entire head. No shimmer, hint, gloss, or kiss of whatever was promised. Oh well, it’s not like anyone will be seeing me anyway. Covid-19 … day 3,456,679,082 and counting …

Here is one of my stories from a while back. Wrote this one night after Tim and I had been to Olive Garden and overheard a couple’s argument. It wasn’t pretty. But the food was great!


Eternity … 10/12/2004 and revisited 07/19/2020

“Loneliness washed over her like the waves that crashed upon Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster in the film From Here to Eternity.”

God! What is wrong with me? I couldn’t believe I had just written that. Like that would ever sell in a novel. I definitely was having writer’s block. My agent would throw that in the trash without a second look. My brain hurt. My heart hurt more. 

Eternity – my favorite cologne … yes. The time between now and my deadline … no. The length of some wedding vows … doubtful.  

I had been told, once again, while in the waiting area of Olive Garden (of all places), that I was “too difficult”. “Too hard to be with”. “Too hard to get along with.” “Too hard for him to continue on with … us.”

Really? This is where you choose to end our life together?

I walked out alone and dejected – leaving him, the pager, and my heart on the foyer’s wooden bench. 

Hard to be with? Difficult to get along with? ME? Seriously? Please! 

I’d give the shirt off my back to anyone. Of course, then my back-fat would show – but what’s a little fat between people – especially one in need? And for that matter, what is it with that stuff? I’ve been dieting and denying myself for years … my workout routines rival professional athletes’ for God’s sake. I barely have an extra ounce on me and yet I still have back-fat! How is that even possible?

My mind was all over the place. The clock was ticking. I needed to focus. 

I was at first hurt. Then I was steaming. How DARE he?! He was throwing this ON ME!? He was blaming this ON ME!?  

Okay … maybe I was a bit difficult and a tad hard to be with after all of this. Maybe I was tired of not being his Number One. Yeah, let’s make it MY fault that he had a string of women on the side. He didn’t even know I knew that. But, I was so in love with him, was so affixed to him … I let it pass. I always told myself he’d see his ways. He’d come around to just me. He’d choose me above all others.  

He didn’t.

We had history. We had vacations. We had parties. We had made love a thousand times and then some. We knew each other. We tolerated the little things that creep into a relationship but are overlooked because you want the other person to be happy and be themselves and you want it to just … be.

I couldn’t stomach not being with him. I thought I’d be sick.   

My friends knew. They knew all about this “arrangement” I’d let happen. They chided and scolded me. Told me that I was asking for trouble. Told me I was being stupid. But then they supported me – telling me when it fell apart, they’d be there for me and they’d wrap themselves around me and help me back on my feet. Good friends. I suppose I knew they were all right – from the beginning. 

But, I couldn’t let go. I couldn’t live without … HIM. 

He was my life! He was my everything. He was my AIR! 

God, how pathetic am I? I should write that in my novel!  

I got up from the chaise and took my laptop over to my desk and started in … letting all of what had been flow out onto those keys. Letting go of the past. Letting go of the hurt and anger and sorrow. Letting go of all the what-ifs and could-have-beens. Letting hope about the future seep in … one key stroke at a time. Wondering what would come next? Wondering what he’d do next? Wondering how he’d be? 

Wondering if his wife knew? 

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Summertime …

July 28, 2020 – Tuesday

IT finally arrived. SUMMER!!!!

I know many of you have been trying to keep cool in the sweltering heat; weeks on end of 90º + temps … I’ve had three days now of not having my heat on and I’m ecstatic!

Yesterday was IT. Nearly 80º … a slight breeze that was as light as butterfly kisses … bird song … sun … blue, cloudless skies. THANK YOU, Mom Nature! Seriously. I’ve been waiting so very long.

And I took advantage of it as only one does in the NW – knowing that that kind of day is fleeting (by 7pm it was a mere 76º and I was feeling chilled!) … and that before too long we’ll be back in the 60s … and that this might just be our ONE SHOT at this season … this ONE PERFECT DAY.

So, you do what you can.

And, I did.

I laid out in the sun. As in … laid out … in the sun. Slumber mask over my eyes, tube top on, (dare I admit) shorts! … flat out on the chaise in the yard … lemonade within reach. It was GLORIOUS!

And no, I don’t think I even got a tint of color even though I was sure I’d have reached a hint of pink after 20 minutes of said sun-soaking. If I was a steak I was sure I’d be “medium” … but the sun isn’t that intense up here and well, I’m just glad the rays reached us, even if they were weak. After 60 degree temps … nearly 80º was HOT! And I loved it while it lasted!

And, the nearby rooster must have been lulled to sleep by the heat (or half-cooked) in his enclosure so no cock-a-doodle-dooing all afternoon long! Bliss! (I usually love it – but his clock is off and he doodles ALL day long … every 20 minutes his rooster alarm goes off!)

I’m a water or tea drinker. I’m not a sugary-sweet cola/anything drinker but I drank ice cold lemonade. LOTS of lemonade. So much so that after a few hours I was sure my teeth were going to fall out. They didn’t. I do best with non-sweetened anything … but, hey … it was Summer!

I ate an ice cream cone at 5pm. Not a very good one, but an ice cream cone – in the yard, in the sun, in 79º weather! Before dinner! Fabulous!

I ate dinner after 7 … a shrimp taco with onions, asparagus and corn-off-the-cob. It was so lovely to dine on my deck with the breeze wafting over my still bare arms and the hum of the hummingbirds sipping nearby.

For dessert I ate cubes of watermelon – perfectly ripe, perfectly cold, perfectly crisp. I couldn’t wait for my nightly walk as I was feeling a little water(melon) logged!

It was so nice that I emailed, read and pretty much stayed on the deck or the stairs – moving the hose and sprinkler (I ran through it, too) until I decided I’d best get a move on down the road. I went solo – I could have taken Sadie but she’s a horror on the leash and too many deer are out early evening. I’d have road rash head to toe and I didn’t want my one day of summer to end that way!

It’s to be 72º today. Maybe. It’s now 68º and early afternoon … we are slow to warm up. It’s nice but this warmth now seems inadequate compared to the magic that was yesterday … Summer – in all her glory. We were just missing fireflies and a roasted something over an open flame. But, I’ll take what today brings! Like I said, these days are fleeting!

The other day I shared with you a story about our cocker, Sera … here’s another glimpse of her story.

Twenty-three Pounds of Sugar – 10/9/1998

I came home today to a quiet house. My personal “welcoming committee” didn’t greet me. No flash of black fur jumping at me. No curly ears flapping. No stump tail wagging. 
I wondered … where was she? She always waited for me by the door. 

It was a cold winter’s evening when Sera first came to us. I was at home, looking over mounting bills–pregnant with our second child and our nine-month-old son, Ted, was asleep upstairs. My husband, Tim, was finishing up a double-shift of part-time work. It had been a tough first month of the new year. Ted had been rushed to the ER with an eye injury. I was having major pregnancy issues and had just been ordered off my feet and bedrest (which I wasn’t doing at that moment), Tim lost his job and it had been three days since our beloved dog of six years died unexpectedly while undergoing emergency surgery. She had been my  “first baby” and I was devastated by her passing. 

Tim came home and I got up to greet him and as I approached him a bit of black caught my eye … a dear, sweet, Cocker Spaniel puppy’s face peeked out at me from around the edge of our couch. It was love at first sight. She was so beautiful. We named her Sera (pronounced Sarah) as it means “evening” in Italian and the night he brought her home was the best evening we’d had in a while.

She stayed by my side for the next two months … through the death of my grandfathers and the death of our unborn son and for the next 13 years she has stayed by my side and been my constant shadow and loyal companion.  

So, where was this twenty-three pound bundle of sugar? 

Instead of being at the back door, as always, my darling Sera sat on the kitchen rug with her back to me, head cocked, looking away across the room. She hadn’t heard me come in … hadn’t heard the door close … hadn’t heard me call her name. 

My dear sweetheart turns 13 next week. She is now deaf and won’t hear us sing “Happy Birthday” to her as we have done all these years–since my son was a baby. She is getting old. Her eyes are filmy and her vision is failing. She’s had a year of eye infections and gradual vision loss. I walk behind her or carry her up the stairs at night if I think she’s having trouble judging the steps. I know her vision is diminishing by the way she’ll cock her head – adjusting the angle to get a better view. She sleeps more. More than once I have found her asleep (in our bed) well after mid-morning. I let her sleep–the bed can be made later – as I don’t want to disturb her. 

We don’t have any older family or friends in our lives and yet it dawns on me that over the past year our family has adjusted living with an elderly family member. Sure, she might just be “a dog” to some people, but she is family to us and this wonderful creature is teaching us all about adapting to an elderly being. 

I suddenly realize how very important Sera is in our lives–not just because of her undying loyalty, affection and unconditional love–but because we are all learning so much from her at this stage in her life. We have watched her grow old–gracefully and without complaint. We have watched her adapt to her diminished capacities and capabilities with that same grace and acceptance. 

Tim’s parents were not in our lives much before they passed away. They lived 1000 miles away and lived in a nursing facility. My parents live farther away but are just turning 70 and are healthy and youthful. We are all learning how to care and cope with an aging loved one’s abilities and issues through this little wiggly-tailed bundle of love. 

We are gentler, kinder, and take more time with her because we sense she needs it. We are slower to scold and quicker to hug. We are less apt to judge and more likely to assist. Our patience is longer and our bonds are stronger – not only with her–but with each other. Our behavior, towards her, now spills over to how we treat each other as respect is greater and petty annoyances are ignored. I realize both kids (10 year old daughter, Sam, as well as teenager, Ted) hug and kiss Sera and tell her they love her before they go to bed or off to school. If she can’t hear them, I like to think she can sense their affection and what they are saying. I hear them and it melts my heart.  

I realized all this in the moment it took to walk from the door to the rug where Sera is sitting. I walked around in front of her–so as not to startle her if I touched her from behind – and all at once … she saw me! The black fur jumped at me, the curly ears were flapping and the little stump tail was rotating so quickly – I thought it would lift her from the floor. Yipping and licking she wriggled about me as I sat on the rug petting her in her excitement and joy. The “welcoming committee” was in session and I was getting the greeting that I so desperately was hoping for. 

There will be a day when she is no longer with us … and as heart-wrenching as it is for me to even think about that eventuality I know that all of our lives will have been changed, for the better, by this wonderful dog … all twenty-three pounds of sugar.  

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Remembering …

July 27, 2020 – Monday (and yes, Covid is worse than ever)

I like to think of myself as a sun baby … but truth be told – I’m a shade baby. Yep – for all my griping about the weather here … once the sun comes out and the temp gets above 70º, I find myself a nice, comfy spot in the shade.

I love being outside – I just can’t tolerate the sun. How was I ever a lifeguard?

Today, per Alexa, it’s 77º .. our warmest day this year (I’m pretty sure) … we might even hit 80º! Woo-hoo! Summer has arrived! Well, for today. It won’t stay this warm – never does (we’ve never hit 90º on this island – ever). Today might be one of a handful of 80º days all year; I’ll take it. But, if it stays warm for any length of time it’ll have all of my neighbors so disgruntled I won’t hear the end of it! They know I like Summer to be warmer than 68º. They’re having a tough time taking off their polar fleece vests.

Anyway – it’s to be in the 70s all week and I’m going to spend as much time as I can outside. This is MY time. I’m on the deck with a tray table and there is a soft breeze and it’s so quiet the only thing I hear is the soft breathing of Sadie, the golden, who is asleep at my feet. I’ve hosed her down and have a fan on inside for her – she, like my neighbors, thinks this is too HOT!

I hate to admit it but I’m wearing a boob-tube … a tube-top. I’ve had this thing for eons and it’s what I wear when I sit for my 15 minutes of sun when it’s upper 70s here on the island. No one can see me … except for the birds and the hummers that are feeding. It’s not the best look, but they do not judge. And, I get a bit of sun and no tan lines!

Today I made my dad lunch. Well, symbolically speaking as he’s been gone now almost 2 years. Time flies. Yesterday was Tim’s 14th anniversary. How can that be? We met over 40 years ago – how can THAT be?! My brother-in-law has passed and it’s already been 10 days. Time. So elusive. So defining.

Before I moved to the island, I lived in the Chicago area for 2 years. Do I miss it? No. But there are aspects of it that I miss: I loved the balmy summer nights and the fireflies (but not the 3 cold showers a day to stay sane with limited a/c) … I loved the Italian beef sandwiches from anywhere … I loved the kids I tutored (but they are all grown) … I loved going into any grocery store – large or small – and having one full wall dedicated to sausages and a deli counter. I never bought much – but I’d go and look – gawk – as it was like a sausage museum. I miss the International grocery stores – they had everything; half of which I didn’t recognize and had no idea how to use. I miss the oj and chicken salad at Marianos. (I seem to have spent a LOT of time in grocery stores during those years!) I miss the trees and the autumns and the pretty streets lined with pretty homes and pretty yards.

I also loved my little house. It was as perfectly perfect as it could get. Every inch was functional and it fit everything I had, well … perfectly. I was at the edge of an oak forest so my upstairs office was shaded and was like being in a windowed tree house. I loved it. I had a darling yard but no privacy as it backed to my neighbor’s driveway. The kids would wave to me from their drive (while playing basketball) while I was sitting on my couch! Walking around other than fully dressed was never an option! I could have put up a fence (as the next owner did) – but that would have meant the kids would have had to go around the house to get a bball that had gone over into my yard – instead of just hopping the 3 foot chain link. I couldn’t bear to make them do that. So, I just made sure I was clothed and loved having them wave to me and the dogs while we were watching tv!

My parents were there and that was the reason I went back to the Peyton Place-esque town of Park Ridge, IL for those years. They’d both been doing the revolving door thing at the local hospital … my dad one month, my mom the next, etc. So, as I really needed to jump-start my life and get out of the big, family home in CO, I went that way feeling they needed me.

They didn’t. I got there just as things were getting better on the health-front for them and my “help” with anything was seen as interference and a thwart to their independence. So, I did what I could … but that really wasn’t much. My dad was like the smart pig in the Three Little Pigs story (you know – the practical one who made his home of bricks – not straw or twigs). I’d say I’d help him trim the tree and be over at 9am. I’d arrive and he’d be coming down the ladder from said tree – having already done the pruning. I got wise to his ways … but he always seemed to beat me to the punch. I finally gave up – telling him that mom could call 911 when he fell from the roof. I was only half joking. We butted heads a lot. As in a LOT. They were in their early 80s and didn’t want to be reminded that their bodies were aging. I didn’t want to find one of them dead at the bottom of the stairs or ladder. If it was a contest, they won.

At that time my dad was still very active – riding his bike/walking long distances. And, as we were so close, there were times he’d walk my way (I lived only 1/2 mile away – to the west) and he’d surprise me with a little visit. I loved those spontaneous times. And sometimes I made him lunch. He always resisted … saying he was “saving himself” for dinner. But, I’d chat with him as I made “me” a sandwich … always something grilled … ham and some cheese … and some sort of olive or artichoke tapenade or aioli on it with a side of kettle chips, fruit and sweet pickles. I’d make a fuss that I wasn’t that hungry and make him up a plate with half the sandwich and the rest … and we’d have lunch. He’d say that I should save it and I’d say it’d get mushy and so he’d acquiesce. It was nice. Today “we” had that lunch … grilled ham with artichoke/jalapeno schmear on dark rye … kettle chips and pickles. I wished he could have been here with me. I gave a little salute to the sky as I ate my half sandwich.

Last night I did my cliff walk … I signed up for a 5K to support my sweet hippo friend at the Cincinnati Zoo – Fiona. She was the premie baby who at birth, weighted only 12 lbs! I have been following her progress through their zoo-cam. It’s great! To get in my mileage, I walked the cliff and then the ‘hood and then another neighborhood and through the woods … getting home just before dark. (It’s getting darker so much earlier!) … my animal total was 13 deer, 3 cows, 4 ducks, several dogs, 1 sweet cat and as I rounded the corner home, an eagle flew over me! I didn’t count the bunnies – wish I had as there were millions out last night! I walked part of the way while talking with my friend in Chicago … best friend in high school … still buds. We’ve seen a lot of life. She called to see how I was doing – 14 years later. And my answer, as is hers (she lost a son) is always the same … it is what it is.

After 14 years my heart no longer aches – but I fear it is numb instead. There are times when I look at his picture and wonder if he really happened. Our life together seems so very long ago – like I watched it as some Hallmark movie or someone told me about him and not that he was  mine for 27 years. It’s all weird. And it’s weird to think that he’s been gone for over half the time we were together. I say I am OK with all of this loss … but I look at his picture or remember something and there it is, that deep, resounding echo through my body and then I’m flooded with tears. Guess I’m not as numb as I think.

Covid is still raging and getting worse/not better. We need a do-over and we need it NOW. We need a federal mandate to mask up and stay home for 2, 4, 6 weeks so we can get this under control. Only then can we start to reopen … like the other countries have done. Like ALL of the other countries who have successfully quelled this virus have done. And yet – I know in my heart it won’t happen here because our leadership verges on insanity and the American people – at large – are too selfish and ignorant and continue to think that mask-wearing is political (or patriotic) and an assault on their personal rights. I’ve been doing “the right thing” since mid February and I’m getting really tired of doing it when so many others are not. This virus will continue on and on and on … and take how many more thousands with it – needlessly – because we are unwilling to stay home and mask up? Ridiculous. It’s insane and I’m tired of it. And as much as I, too, want this to “magically disappear”, I know it won’t without our intervention. Mask up people, mask up!

Sadie is back for the week – the world’s sweetest (and biggest) golden. She’s 94 lbs … but looks more like 110! I tell her she just has big bones. (Like me!) I am so tickled to have her back with me. I so miss having my own dogs. Have been looking at pug babies and Frenchies … but don’t really have an extra $3500 for a puppy! That is insane! So, I keep trawling the rescue sites … hoping, hoping. One day my pup will come. It’ll happen.

And speaking of dogs … here’s a little something I wrote a while back … meaning circa 2001 about our sweet, sweet Sera. Some things never change.

 I look at the clock – what time is it? Time is fleeting – a day flies by, a month, a year – I want more time. 

The Rolling Stones sang about time “being on their (my) side”. I say, in my case, that doesn’t pertain. Time goes by too fast. It has always been elusive for me – always slipping away – always going by much too quickly. A day of 30 hours still wouldn’t be enough. Whomever said that time stood still for them … I’d like to meet them and find out their secret. 

It’s 2am … once again, I find myself in the kitchen, eating cookies and thinking of my darling, black cocker spaniel, Sera. It’s been two weeks since I took her to our vet and had her put down. She was over 15 … times flies. Where did those years go? She wasn’t just an animal – a pet – she was part of our family. She was by my side for over one-third of my life. A lot of time. I have friends and some family that think … “it’s no big deal” … others know how I feel. 

She was a pup when Tim brought her home … a mere 9 weeks old … a beautiful black-velvet bundle of love. Ted was just a baby when she arrived … he is now driving. Time … where did you go?

A huge hole has opened in my heart and I feel its emptiness echo through my soul. 
How and why is it so difficult to lose a beloved pet? And yet, I know the answer before I even ask the question. She was my confidant, my shadow, my friend. She spoke volumes with her chocolate brown eyes and little wiggly stump tail. Her love for me and my family was without question. She was the house mother of all the other household pets. And her absence makes my heart ache. 

I’m not good with death anyway. I never have been. I just don’t like it! I don’t think it’s often fairly timed … and as far as I’m concerned, it’s much too final. In my life (thus far) I have lost four grandparents, a handful of friends, a few pets, an unborn son; none of them have been easy. Yet, with time – their loss does get easier but my love and missing them is never diminished.  

The saying “time heals all wounds” runs through my head. “Give it time” I hear people say. Time. I want more time.  

I suppose as we grow older we learn from life’s lessons which prepare us for the next passing. When it comes to losing a loved one–I’m a very slow learner. I still hurt. I still want the ending to be different than it is.  

The cookies don’t help–much–but the tears ease my sorrow and clear my head. I sigh and think before I go back to bed that she was a good dog; a treasured, loving companion and a sweet creature. She lived a long and very healthy and happy life in a warm home with a family that adored her. What more could a pet want? What more could I want for her? 

More time. 

Wishing you more time with all those you love. Tell them that you love them and go make today a good day.

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The Winds of Change …

July 16, 2020 … Thursday (Summer (?) of Covid)

Time. Even now with all the time I’ve (we’ve) got ~ there never seems to be enough of it.

I left the house tonight around 9:15 on my nightly walk. We are expecting rain after midnight and under the gathering clouds I walked the cliff road.

On my way down the road there is more water to see – the angle of the houses and the road offer me more of a water view. On my way back, I see more homes and trees.

The clouds were gray and thusly the Sound … it always reflects the sky. It was steely tonight … cold and a bit scary. The winds were brisk and small white caps could be seen here and there.

The winds of change.

I passed under that glorious Silver Poplar and stood, eyes closed, and listened to the swish rustle of her leaves. Below those many branches fallen leaves lay on the road and scuttled along it in the breezes. The last few nights there have been more and more leaves on the ground.

It feels like Fall is in the air. I know it’s coming … I’m just not ready. As much as I love autumn … and as much as I love pumpkins and all things cozy … I’m not ready.

I guess I could be … we’ve had our TWO DAYS of Summer. It was 71 yesterday and today. I know we’ll have warmer days to come … maybe we’ll have ONE 80º day before we head back down to the 50s … but I’m not counting on it.

I’d like more Summer and I’m not ready for Fall. Not now. Not yet. Not THIS summer. I want a REAL summer … I want hot days and warm moonlit nights and to experience ice cream melting down my arm from a cone that I cannot lick fast enough. I want a (mild) sunburn. I want to wear a tank top and NEED it. I want to sit outside at 10pm and not need a sweater and a sweatshirt over it to be comfortable.

I want a summer do-over. Hell, I want a 2020 do-over.

Tonight I saw the neighbors who walk their dog … the dog that gives me kisses. They are lovely – the people and the dog kisses. A real perk. Tonight as I passed them I felt a pang, a twinge … I wanted to hug them both. I’m missing human connection and not just for myself –I feel this country is aching for a hug.

I’m a little melancholy. The winds of change have been swirling around and I’m not ready for them to be here. Not now. Not yet.

As I walked tonight there were no deer and I counted only eight bunnies … I told the last one to scamper on home before a hungry owl found him – to go snuggle with his babies. It made me sad.

This pandemic has kept so many of us from snuggling with our babies. Friends and families are apart … parents from children … grandparents from their babies’ babies. It has kept us from being who we are … doing what we love. As I walk by the homes and lights (which were on tonight) I was heavy-hearted. I want this to be over. I don’t want another 100,000 people to perish. I want life to resume and go back to some semblance of normalcy. Yet – for hundreds of thousands of Americans and for millions, worldwide – life will never be normal again. And for far too many– life will never be again.

My thoughts were all over the place as I listened for the frogs and the birds … there were none. Not tonight. Too windy? Too late? I thought of my uncle who has Covid … I hope he and his caretaker will be okay. I thought of my mom’s friend – they have been friends for over 70 years – she won’t see August. My brother-in-law might not see tomorrow. My heart is heavy and I feel the winds of change blow stronger.

I watched Rachel tonight … that is always a balancing act between keeping in the know and maintaining my fragile sanity. We have to vote in November to ensure that this current President does NOT get re-elected. The winds of change need to blow him out of office (and into prison). I fear our country will not survive unless we do.

As I walked back home I could smell the island mix of sea air and woodsmoke. It was heavenly. Someone was having a gathering … a political rally or poetry reading? I know not. I do know that they weren’t dancing, naked around the solstice pole frying whatever brain cells were left from the massacre in the 60s – that was last month.

As I continued along I could see the last slivers of the sunset … deep pinks and vivid oranges … so strikingly beautiful and promising a good day tomorrow. As I stepped under the poplar, once again, a single leaf fluttered down and landed atop my head. I plucked it off my hair and held it out in my hand and watched it blow off down the lane behind me.

The winds of change … they are blowing.

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More writing from long ago … Leaf Pile Perfection

July 15, 2020 … Wednesday (Day 2,456,987,456,345 of Covid-19 and not an end in sight.)

Here is one of my favorites from my writing portfolio … purely fiction, my friends!

Leaf Pile Perfection – March 19, 2007 

“Leaf pile perfection!” I heard that exclaimed – accompanied by giddy laughter – through the grogginess of post-nap re-entry. Re-entry into the real world … the world of laundry and schedules and a dog needing grooming.  

I opened my eyes and it took me a second longer for my surroundings to register. I was on my son’s bed … book in hand. I let my eyes skim over the remnants of his childhood … stuffed animals and dinosaurs, countless books, his keychain collection, an E.T. poster. I was enveloped in the cocoon of his youth – safe and warm, wrapped snuggly in innocence and trying to remember why I was there. 

It was the end of autumn and earlier that morning I had taken my car to the shop as I needed new tires – with winter and snowy roads in the near future it was time for the change. After dropping off my car I walked to my office at the university where I teach Cinema Studies. It was such a perfectly crisp autumn day that I decided to take my work home instead of staying in my cramped, windowless office. The streets in our area are cobbled and I felt like Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain as I practically danced my way home along the leaf-littered streets through the falling leaves. 

Once home, the prospect of work seemed less inviting – so I decided to catch up on a little class reading in my son’s second floor bedroom. We always said he had the most comfortable bed in the house and the best view of the yard. I was watching the leaves flutter from the large, red maple and apparently fell asleep on his bed. I awoke from my nap and haziness – still with the unopened “Mastering Symbolism in Film” in hand. I could hear chatter and laughter coming from the yard and was perplexed … who would be in our yard … in the middle of the afternoon … on a weekday?

And there they were … in that leaf pile of perfection … reenacting the beach scene in From Here to Eternity … no, not Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr, but my husband, Jim, and his intern – Bambi. Her name really wasn’t Bambi, but at the moment that could have been her name – those doe eyes fawning over him. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them even as I felt the bile rising in my throat. They were lying in the leaves – our leaves – kissing like I hadn’t been kissed in ages – ever? Hands groped and felt their way to places they shouldn’t have been. I wanted to stop, to scream out, but I was mesmerized … like when you pass an accident scene or watch a horror flick and you want to turn away, you know you should turn away but you are paralyzed in the moment … transfixed with horror and fear and awe … and you watch, raptly. 

I stood over them – how could they not hear my approach? Bambi (who, by the way, was wearing a very pretty, purple, satin and lace demi-bra) was the first to notice me. That look of … what was it … not quite fear, not quite guilt, not quite sorrow . .. conquest? I don’t think it was that either … but she was saying his name so many times I don’t know how he couldn’t have heard her – maybe he needed a hearing aid? And yet he kept mumbling, “Baby. Baby. Baby … ” I’d give him that – she was a baby! All of what? Nineteen? Twenty? Old enough to be his daughter … young enough to be his daughter. The bile rose again. 

I wanted to ask her if she knew which pharmacy to pick up his Viagra prescription from – for future reference. It now seemed like she’d need to know more than I would. And was this a good time to mention his receding gums and soon to be receding hairline? In a strange and totally absurd way I felt a kinship with this lovely – yet morally corrupt – young woman … how could I deny her him? Jim was irresistible. He was model handsome. He looked far younger than his age, he was in great shape, he was charming … and I’d do the Fatal Attraction number on him if circumstances were different and if given the chance. I just hoped she’d never seen the movie. 

I was feeling like Carrie at the prom … of course, I had nothing dripping off of me except dignity … as I watched them, in slow motion, untangle their limbs and lips. Jim was the first to stand up – and ever the gentleman – gallantly leant a hand to the concubine – who, much to my dismay, looked even better with twigs and leaves in her hair than without – helping her to her Manolo Blahnik clad feet. (Who wears those with jeans? Who wears those in a pile of leaves? Who wears those?) 

Jim stammered … “I’m confused – your car’s not here. I thought you were at work.” I shot back (with more force and venom than I knew was possible), “I’m confused. I thought you were faithfully married.” Bambi somehow extricated herself from the leaf pile (of perfection) and slowly backed away from our little cluster and headed for the backyard gate. As she laid her hand on the latch she called out … “See ya!” All I could think of was Clueless … the movie and adjective. 

Jim and I stood facing each other and all of a sudden I was astronaut Frank in 2001 … A Space Odyssey … floating off into the abyss of space. I looked at Jim’s face … the face that I loved, the face that I had awakened to for more than 27 years … and realized I’d seen that face before … 

It was the face of guilt and anguish and secrets. I’d seen it before; but I thought it was the face of fatigue and stress and overwork. This was the face I’d seen after so many, so-called late night department meetings, out-of-town conferences, spur-of-the-moment seminars. 

This was not the first time for him; just the first time he’d been caught. He looked so resigned, so much older; but oddly, not sad. Had he looked sad I would have felt and acted differently. Without much discussion he agreed to leave–immediately. I told him I’d pack a suitcase for him and he could pick it up on the front porch later. 

I knew what I had to do. I dragged up the largest suitcase I could find in the basement and took it out to the backyard … and proceeded to hand pick the leaves from the leaf pile of perfection and fill the case. Winter was in the air – and it was time for change. 

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Romance Novel … Part II

July 13, 2020 … actually a nice day out here in the NW!

For whomever might be waiting for this … here is Part II of my attempt at a Romance Novel. Originally written in April 1993 … when days were so much simpler!


Romance Novel … Part II

Suddenly the impact of his words hit her heart. Her body became numb as her thoughts and his words swirled in her head … no proposal … leaving … France … good-bye. Was this really good-bye? Emily remembered little of leaving the restaurant or the drive home. Matthew walked her to the door, kissed her lightly on the cheek, said a few words of parting–that she would never remember … and was gone.


She entered the dimly lit foyer of the old house and realized that Grandfather was not yet home. How she could have used his wisdom and comfort. Tonight was his night to go visit Mr. Ferguson and play checkers. Emily always got a chuckle from the moniker that her grandfather had given him as Mr. Ferguson was only a few years older. “Old man Ferguson” would intentionally lose, Emily was sure, just so Grandfather would keep going to see him. Grandfather always came home happy on checker night.  

With that thought Emily renewed her scanning for shore–she knew Grandfather would be worried if she came home later but the fog was still thick and she couldn’t see any sign of land. The boat gently rocked and glided effortlessly along the current … out to sea. 

The woman on the rocks was holding a tin lantern. Emily watched it sway in the wind–back and forth, back and forth. The woman, who looked oddly familiar, was shouting something to Emily but her words were lost to the wind. Emily was almost sure the woman was calling her name. 

Emily woke with a start–her little boat was rocking along with the waves and somehow, she had been lulled to sleep. The wind has picked up and the salty water sprayed in her face and dampened her dress. The fog was still thick and she had no way of knowing where she was … or how far or how close she was to land. She realized she must have been dreaming but the image of the woman haunted her. Why had she looked so familiar? And why had it seemed like she was calling Emily’s name?


Emily left the house and walked down the hill to the beach and strolled along absent-mindedly until she came to the pier. She walked along its weathered wooden structure – out to the end – where the boat was tethered. She left her silk heels at the end of the dock and untied the boat–thinking she’d just row out a bit and catch the last of the sunset and think about what had just transpired. She stepped into it and oared out. 

It had been a warm day, unusual for these parts, and the sun was getting lower in the sky. The Pacific breezes wafted over her and soothed her soul. She realized she should have changed her clothes but she wasn’t thinking logically. She tried to push Matthew from her thoughts but his words burned at her brain … “France. Paris. Good-bye.” She was looking out towards the end of the point when suddenly it appeared – the light in the old, abandoned lighthouse. It flickered against the water. Had she imagined it? Was it a reflection of the setting sun on the waves? She rowed toward the cape staying clear of the inlet rocks were the currents were strong. She went around a sea stack to get a better view and decided to go out a bit farther into the cove to get away from the rocks lest she crash into them. She turned around just in time to see the light flicker again against the waters. She wasn’t imagining–someone was in the lighthouse. But who? 

She was so fascinated with the light that she hadn’t noticed the fog creeping in until she was completely enveloped. She had forgotten the ultimate rule of the sea–never turn your back on it. She had and she sat regretting her poor judgement.  


The wind had picked up and Emily’s small craft was now being tossed about like a cork on the sea. Trying to quell panic, she held tightly to the boat’s sides. She didn’t have time to wonder if she would be thrown overboard or go down with her vessel when with a sickening force the boat crashed onto some rocks and splintered into pieces. Emily somehow grabbed onto a rock and clung to its wet and slippery side–hanging on and groping around the slimy seaweed for a good hold. She gasped for air and took in a mouthful of salt water. Her mind reeled … Grandfather–I can’t be another loss to him! 

The waves were pushing her into the rocks and somehow she found a fingerhold and worked her way up the side of the rock and up and out of the surge of the surf. It was a large outcropping and rather flat where she was–she was fortunate, she knew. The area was covered with spiny barnacles that cut into her feet and hands and ripped her dress. But she was safe. She knew the tide was going out and by the time it would be coming in someone surely would have seen her. She sat, huddled in the wind–thirsty, cold and frightened and so thankful to be alive. Yet she wondered when the fog would lift and how long she might be stranded on that rock.

It was dark now and Emily sat shivering on the cold, small haven in the ocean. She laughed into the darkness and the sound of her voice startled her, “How could I be so foolish? I know better than this! I know so much better than this!” She wondered what time it was and tried to judge but she could see neither moon nor stars. At least the winds seemed to be blowing away the fog. She burrowed her face into her arms and curled up into a ball–her head tucked into her chest, her back to the wind. She felt like a half-drowned mermaid. She called out, “Hey … HELP!” but her words were lost to the wind scarcely after leaving her lips.  

Emily envisioned the local newspaper headlines to read: Witless woman found on rock at sea.  Or LOST at Sea!  Or better yet … Died of Exposure. She couldn’t bear dying – not only for herself but what would Grandfather do? She had been stupidly irresponsible and he did not deserve such heartache from her mistake. Her mind drifted to Matthew again and realized that she wasn’t as shocked – or even upset – as she thought she should have been. Predictable Matthew had surprised her after all. Maybe he was right in ending things. What had she been thinking–a proposal? What did she really know about him? It had been quite an evening and not at all how she had thought it would end up – lest with her relationship and life, literally, on the rocks.

Emily tried to keep her mind off of where she was and how cold and frightened she was. She turned her thoughts to her newest endeavor. She had recently signed the rental papers on a small store front on Main Street. She needed to paint and decorate the space and get her name out to the community but she was so very excited about it. She was tired of working for someone else and for years she had fought the urge to do something on her own … until one day Grandfather asked, as only grandfathers can do, ‘What she was waiting for–an invitation?’ So, the next day she started looking for the right space and out of pure luck she had come out of the coffee shop and practically bumped into the owner putting a FOR RENT sign in the window of the next building. 

It had been that easy. It was a cute, little place with a high, tin-paneled ceiling, two long interior walls– perfect for mirrors on one side and a ballet barre on the other. The two front windows brought in plenty of light. There were two smaller rooms in the back – one could be for changing and storage and one for her office. There was also a washroom. It was perfect and she signed the papers before she could even think twice about it. She had so many ideas for it! She would open a dance studio and share with the people of Otter Cove the joy of dance. 

Emily lifted her head as she sensed the wind dying down. She was above the water level and was no longer worried about waves but did not want to move about as the barnacles were too sharp. She was adjusting herself on the spiny bits when a light appeared – it was again from the lighthouse. She realized the fog was much thinner as the light cut through it with an eerie glow. It seemed much closer than she thought she would be in relation to the lighthouse peninsula. The fog had disoriented her and the crashing sea and the cold had numbed every part of her–her toes, especially, so she massaged them – realizing then that her feet were cut. She dared not get up and walk about as the rock was too slippery and too spiny.  She shouted out to the sea, “I’m sorry!” By now Grandfather would surely be back home from his checkers game and seeing the note on the table, assume that she was still out with Matthew–having a wonderful time. 

Emily began shouting, “Help! Someone … help me!” … all the while wondering where she was exactly and if anyone would find her before the tide came back in.


Clayton Williams pushed his drawing away. He was seated at his drafting table and sat staring out the windows. He loved his new job and new digs. Keeper of the old lighthouse. Who would have ever thought that he would be doing this? He was watching the evening sea and the sunset when he thought he saw a figure in a boat rounding the sea stack. He jumped off his stool and raced to his telescope and aimed it in the direction of the boat. Yes! There was someone–a female someone–alone in a small craft. Clayton watched, as if in slow motion, as the fog drifted in and engulfed the boat and its passenger. 

He knew what he had to do. 


And, folks, that–as is said–is all she wrote!

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Revisitations … the Romance Novel (Part I)

July 11, 2020 … Saturday (yeah, yeah – Covid is still raging)

I’m tired. As I’m sure all of us are. I’m not just physically tired – but mentally. I am SO tired of everything! I’m tired of the angst, ire, conflict and abysmal neglect from our government officials–lest I mention the criminal activity that has me going nuts. I’m tired of being home, worrying about my loved ones and friends and if I am/are they “next” to get this virus. I’m tired of this on-going/never-ending/end-of-days pandemic that continues on due to the stupidity and genuine on-going idiocy of our President and government officials and the American people at large. I’m tired of the grocery store prices and empty shelves and people STILL – even though it’s a state and grocery store mandate – not wearing masks.

I’m tired of wondering how we will all get through these next 4 months until the election with the daily shitshow that is now our country … and what then?

I’m tired of the uncertainty of everything–not just my move/future. I’m tired of the hate. I’m tired of living in a country where the color of someone’s skin still defines them. I am an entitled white girl and have NO idea what people of color experience and I cannot walk even a step in their shoes because I am lily-white. I will never be able to experience that fully. I want the color of one’s skin to be as inconsequential as the color of their eyes or the size of their feet. Instead, why don’t we measure people by the size of their heart … like in the “Grinch”? Every life matters but until we realize that Black Lives Matter, too … NO lives matter. We cannot continue this discord … we cannot continue on this path. There is NO reason for this hatred towards other human beings. NONE.

I’m tired of watching our American values go down the proverbial latrine. Everyone needs to get out and vote this November. It is our right. And it is our civic duty. Be like Nike–Just Do It! And make sure everyone you know votes also.

We are currently under a water advisory (day 3) here in town so I have been/am continuing to boil my water before I filter it. It’s inconvenient and I’m tired of doing it (but I still have water – so can’t complain too much). And I’m really tired of October days masquerading as Summer. I’m not sure we’ll make it to 60 degrees by noon. I have doors and windows a jar hoping to let some air waft in, but I’m in sweater/pants – so I have turned on my heat. Again. I’m tired of freezing. It’s SUMMER, Mom Nature – get with the program!

I’m tired and can’t think of anything upbeat to write about because I am quite deflated by all that is happening politically and otherwise. I let it affect me too much, I think … but that is me. I’m passionate and things affect me. I have extended family members in peril – Covid and otherwise – and it makes my heart hurt.

I’m just tired of it all.

And in the midst of all my tiredness, yesterday I had one of those “aha-omg-out of the blue-where the hell did that thought come from” moments when I realized that the majority of whatever I’ve written for most of my life was sitting in a file cabinet in my office … poems, songs, stories, notes, ideas, my attempt at a mystery and one ratty piece of paper towel with stains and some scribbling on it. And I figured I’d best get them transferred/input on my computer … asap. So, I’ve begun to enter them in (tedious project) but am having fun revisiting my past works.

I hope to think that my writing has improved with age. I came upon one bundle of parchment papers tied together and wondered if I’d found someone’s writing from the Revolutionary War. Parchment? When the hell did I write (long hand) on parchment? Who am I? Betsy Ross?!

Anyway, here it it … the parchment papers … written (gasp) in April of 1993. I was shocked to see that I wrote this nearly HALF of my life ago and as I was re-reading it, I remembered it as if it were yesterday. So – enjoy this embarrassingly cliche attempt at my only Romance Novel …

The fog rolled in quickly. Emily suddenly found herself alone, lost and adrift at sea. She  hadn’t meant to journey so far from shore but the light in the old, abandoned lighthouse was lit and it beckoned her seaward. Now she silently scolded herself for being so impulsive and short-sighted. She knew the sea and its evening fog–a person could drift far out to sea in it.

She tried not to think of her fate–instead she intently searched for the shoreline or the light, but could see neither. As she sat in her Grandfather’s dinghy the waves gently rolled her on the water.

Fortunately, she was within the curve of the cove and it was a calm night. It was quiet except for a distant owl and the lap of the water against the side of the boat. Emily knew the fog would eventually lift and she could then steer for home–if she hadn’t drifted too far out. She tried to relax and keeping her eyes alert for lights or shoreline her thoughts drifted to earlier that day …

Matthew had called and asked her to an early dinner at the BayShore. They had been seeing each other for nearly two years, on and off, when he was in town. Matthew Randolph Winston IV was an art dealer and traveled a great deal. He made his home in Boston but came to this small Oregon village as much as possible–more to see Emily than to find great art treasures. But it was actual treasure that brought him here in the first place and Emily was grateful for that.

She smiled and softly sighed as she thought about him. He was as nearly perfect as a man could get–in looks and being–a real Prince Charming. Her real-life brunette Ken doll. He was rather tall and muscularly built with a (dare she say) chiseled chin and lustrous chestnut hair. He always sported tortoise-rimmed glasses. And, of course, he came from an upstanding, proper East Coast family with old money. As in OLD money. And, lots of it. She had never met his parents and wasn’t quite sure she was ready, even now, but if tonight’s dinner ended in a proposal–which she was fairly sure it would–she would soon have to meet the formidable Matthew Randolph Winston III and his pedigreed wife, Regina Mavis.

Emily had dressed carefully, picking out a light peach vintage silk dress–one of her favorites. It had been her Grandmother’s. They were both small waisted and delicately boned and both had green eyes. As her Grandfather always said, As green as emeralds. The dress was ankle length and fit her perfectly showing off her trim and well-toned body. Her deep auburn hair cascaded down her back to nearly her waist in flowing waves and curls. She brushed it out, applied her favorite Peach Melba lip gloss and was ready. Before leaving the house she wrote a note to her Grandfather …

To dinner with Matthew. Be home later. Hope you had fun. Love – Em.

She waited for Matthew on the front porch of the home she and her Grandfather shared. She had lived here almost her entire 26 years. Her parents had been killed in an automobile accident when she was three and she had gone to live with her grandparents–Joseph and Shannon McKelvey–her father’s parents–at their home.

“Violet Hill Farm” was in the quaint fishing village of Otter Cove off the mid-Oregon coast. The house wasn’t really a farm but Grandmother had chosen the name for the hilltop home for its many violets. Early in their marriage they had a few sheep and the “farm” part stuck. Grandmother Shannon was a warm loving woman whom Emily (and her grandfather) had adored.

Tragically, Grandmother Shannon (as she was always called) disappeared one evening when Emily was sixteen. It was a horrible time for them and their tight community. Some townspeople ventured that she was swept out to sea by a rogue wave. Others surmised she fell to her death while on one of her cliff walks or from a craggy peak. They never did find her body. The search continued on and on but finally ended without any answers. It is said that, “The sea seldom gives up her dead”. No one ever knew what happened but how they missed her. Her absence left Grandfather devastated and heartbroken and he and Emily were left alone in that home that they cherished, at the top of the hill.

Matthew drove up and Emily’s thoughts were brought to the present. He looked dashing, as always. She smiled as he greeted her. “Funny”, she thought, she had never seen him dressed casually. She could have described his appearance even before she laid eyes upon him–khaki pleated trousers, a crisply pressed long-sleeved white shirt, a burgundy tie and a navy blazer with gold buttons … and on his feet – polished loafers. He always looked like he stepped out of a high-quality men’s catalog for the Nantucket Club. Had she not known better she would have thought they were headed to his yacht.

Emily couldn’t help but smile. They turned many heads when out together–as they were indeed a very attractive couple. She shivered as Matthew took her arm and led her from the porch to his rental car–always the same sleek, black sedan with leather interior and gorgeous woods. His car choices were always predictable – as that was his trademark. No surprises with Matthew. Tonight’s car was no exception and he held her hand as she slid onto the smooth seat.

The drive to the BayShore was a beautiful one. This area of the coast is heavily wooded and forests march down to the sea … rocky shores and black pebble beaches … water and land wildlife galore. Emily couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The winding forested lane that led to the secluded resort was lined with lush foliage … amazingly tall ferns, cedars, moss and wildflowers. The resort was hidden amongst the trees and ferns and greenery. The restaurant was at the end of the cliff and overlooked the ocean below. It was quite breathtaking, especially at sunset but tonight’s dinner was early and the sun poured in over them causing Matthew to ask for the shade to be lowered into place. Emily was disappointed as she loved the view but some of it and the sun still squeezed through the semi-closed blinds. She had always wished the windows opened so they could hear the roar of the surf and the barking of the sea lions below on the rocks.

While the view was simply wonderful– the interior was a bit too overdone with the brass and smoked glass and deep woods. It was beautiful and the wood tables and railings gleamed from constant polishing but it was a bit too haughty or stuffy for her. Matthew always said it reminded him of home. But Emily couldn’t know –  not even once had she  seen his home. 

All through dinner Matthew seemed somehow detached and far away. Emily dismissed his distance as nervousness at the ensuing proposal. Barely able to sip her espresso she sat with near giddiness until he said, “I’ll be leaving in the morning.”

Emily had already known that he’d be going back to Boston the next day and wondered why he seemed so stiff and ill at ease when telling her. Then, without looking into her eyes, he added, “France. I’m leaving for Paris.”

Emily was a bit surprised for he hadn’t mentioned a business trip to France to her before then. “Paris?”, she asked. He took her hand and looked at her with his incredibly deep blue eyes and said, “I’m taking a position at the Louvre–head of gallery acquisitions.” He faltered a bit and added in barely a whisper, “This is good-bye.”

Okay folks … that’s the end of this segment. If you want to find out what is next you’ll have to come back for more of this untitled romance about Emily. What happens? Is this the end of her and Matthew? Is she still adrift at sea? Segment II will be coming in a few days …

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A Call to be Better …

June 29, 2020 … Monday

We are still in the midst of this pandemic. We are going on month five of issues/escalating cases, hospitalizations and deaths, resurgences, steps backwards and chaos. I have four friends who have lost parents to this virus. It is real. It is scary. And, as things are going, there is not an end in sight.

I’ve been reading a lot (as in a LOT) during this “down time” (aka: Covid quarantine/stay home/stay healthy/stay alive time). Months of time. Months of reading.

Every once in a while I’ll come across something that brings me to tears. Today was such a day.

You know what I think of our President. This pandemic is not a political problem. It is a health problem and we are in crisis. Our President thinks it’s based on partisan politics and he is the problem.

Instead of simply wearing a mask – as has been found by other countries and our own – to quell the spread of this disease along with physical/social distancing – he refuses. And in doing so tells his pro-Trump base to do the same … undermining that which those of us wearing the masks are trying to do. Stop this virus, save lives, get the economy back up and get our lives back to some semblance of normalcy.

Instead of mandating that the country wear masks in public – he shames those who do. He criticizes and makes a mockery of science, health leaders and the media who share this info. Instead of wearing a mask and getting this country on the same team … he is divisive and deadly. Because of him people are and will continue to die.

Today I read an article about the end of WWII. The war ended nearly 15 years before I was born … and by the time I would even think of asking anyone in my family about it – another 15 years had gone by. In home nor at school did we really go over much of the every day life of how the war affected Americans during those years. But my parents, friends, their families all lived during that time.

And during that time, the country came together. Men who were at work – went off to war. Women, who otherwise had been home, went off to work. Kids pitched in doing everything from cooking meals, babysitting, working and saving scraps. People organized local rubber, scrap metal and paper drives. Everyone collected. Women gave up their hosiery. Rations of all kinds pervaded the entire country. Shortages and outages were not uncommon.

And what did all these people do … who had loved ones gone … or worse/killed in action? They rallied around their neighbors, communities and country. They grew gardens. They shared. They protected others. They sang songs. They worshipped. And they gave.

That war lasted five years. They were called on to be better … and they stepped up and were not just better but extraordinary.

I got an email notification recently as a reminder to wear face masks due to the statewide mandate put in place on Friday. There was one comment attached to it and it simply said, “No.”

I broke into tears. No????? WTF is wrong with people!?!

Why is this country so selfish? What happened to us? My parents and their parents were called to war and did what they had to do for the betterment of their communities and country – without grumbling. Without saying no.

We’re not talking about going to war for five years here … we’re talking about wearing a mask for a few weeks or months – staying in and watching TV.

We need a President who will lead us. One who will bring us together and guide us through difficult times like this by example, reason and intelligence. A President who is compassionate and understanding but also no-nonsense. One who is backed by science and experience and trusted advisors. One who loves America and her people and who holds decency at the core.

We do NOT need a President: who grabs pussy, is an egocentric lying POS, who retweets videos chanting “White Power” and praising violence, who violently removes peaceful protestors away for a photo op, who tries to kill affordable health care for millions during this crisis, who down-plays this virus and the strain on our country’s healthcare systems and providers, who is misogynistic and racist, who is a hate monger, who deepens his own pockets through taxpayer monies … nor who has zero response when told that our troops were handed over to bounty hunters by his Russian pal.

What we need is for our President to wear the mask and to call on the people of this country to come together. We don’t have to go off to war. We don’t have to worry about shortages (talking to you – TP hoarders). We don’t have to do anything but stay home and if we must go out – wear a mask. How hard is that? Compared to what people did 80 years ago … it’s embarrassing. It’s pathetic. And, it’s shameful.

So, if our President isn’t going to call the American public up to be better – it’s up to us. Make sure you tell every one you know to wear the damn mask and keep their distance. And please remind them to vote in November. We need decency back, we need true leadership for this country and we need everyone pulling together to make that happen.

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21 Bun(ny) Salute …

June 24, 2020 – Wednesday (yes – we are still battling Covid 19 … day 2,456,897,052)

I must have been a cow in a former life. Seriously. The older I get the truer it seems.

I’ve taken to an evening walk in the past months. Sometimes a week goes by without me ambling down the road … other weeks I’m out their nightly – rain or mist, clouds or clear skies. Sometimes sunshine, too. The sunsets have been phenomenal.

The other night I went out walking … Saturday, June 20 … the first night of Summer. It was lovely.

I seem to venture out my picket fence sometime between 8:15 and 9:30. We stay light til nearly 10pm now … it is fabulous. It’s a nice evening window … some nights I’m back home before the street lights come on … other nights, like tonight, I’m walking home after 10pm under their soft glow. I love walking when the lights are on … it’s somehow very cozy. With the gathering darkness I know I’m being watched by deer that I can no longer see; their shapes blend in with the blurred landscape but I can feel them watching. I’m glad they aren’t lions.

The other night I left the yard and latched the gate behind me sometime after 9pm. I like walking later – usually I have the road to myself. Sometimes I see neighbors walking their little, sweet poodlette. I like when I see her because I get a little bonus dog kiss on my way. I leave my yard and make a right and go one house where the road T’s … (my neighbor’s home looks like some hurricane winds picked it up somewhere in New England and plunked it down on the corner of my street – all brown shake-sided and Nantucket-coastal looking. It adds a nice element of eastern charm to this corner of the NW.) At the end of her property is the cliff road (Edgecliff) … I turn right and wander down it until it dead ends at the property that I’d love to snoop around on. It’s a big beautiful old house with a pond and another cottage … beautifully landscaped lawns and their front yard falls into the sea. It just rolls right off and over. I have no idea how they mow it! The road used to continue along until, years ago, the storm took out that side of the cliff and the road with it. Once at their gated driveway I turn around and retrace my steps home. Sometimes I sit in the empty meadow on the cliffside – looking out over the sound towards the east and the mountains/cities; most of the time I don’t and I just continue on towards home.

Anyway – on Saturday night when I got to Edgecliff and made my turn, I started counting the bunnies. They are plentiful on this island and now is the time of year when they have their cute babies hopping about. Local lore has it that years ago someone let out the domestic rabbits from the 4-H barn during the county fair. And you know what rabbits do … and pretty soon, the island, at least our end of it, was inundated with rabbits and bunnies. And these weren’t any rabbits and bunnies … but coal black ones, fat apricot ones, pure white or brown and white spotted. They are big and beautiful and every once in a while I wish I could touch one – they are just so pretty! Now and then you’ll see a wild rabbit – but it’s the wild-domestic ones that stand out because well, they don’t blend in! The coyote population determines the bunny population. I’ll take a herd of 100 rabbits any day over one coyote.

I set out on Saturday evening with the sky a cerulean blue and streaked with clouds the color of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. It was gorgeous. (The water reflects the color of the sky so it was exceptionally stunning that night.) I usually start out at a decent pace … I’m not on a race here … but I’m not shuffling along – until I’m on my way home and then I slow down a bit more. My knee is bothering me but I like to look around and that makes my walking slower. I’m a counter … and I know that it’s roughly 3000 steps (round trip). I always mean to count the houses from my house down to the end – along the water side and the land side – but somewhere along the way I get distracted by deer in a meadow or bunnies nibbling near my feet or an eagle soaring overhead … or the way the breeze ripples the reeds growing in the water culvert at the side of the road.

Saturday night I lost my house counting track because the Silver Poplar tree was rustling. It’s lovely when that happens. It’s almost musical. Not too unlike what I’d imagine to be the swish rustle of a ballgown with petticoats under it. This Silver Poplar is a huge tree – probably 80 feet tall with several sizable white and black (like birch trees) trunks. The leaves of this tree are a 5-pointed, shiny, emerald green and the backside of the leaf is a soft, velvety white. The leaves are on stems, like aspens leaves, and they shake and twist in even the slightest breeze. We had one of these trees in our backyard when I was growing up. My dad planted it when I was a baby. It grew but the trunk split and he chained the two trunks together and it grew and grew and arched gracefully over our patio for 20 years. They are graceful and beautiful trees.

Along the way that night I lost track, again, of my house count … but I managed to count 1 cat, 13 deer and 21 bunnies! The most I’ve counted in a single one-way walk since I’ve started walking. I figured they were all out celebrating the solstice and it was a 21 Bun Salute to Summer!

Today, due to me trying not to venture out and grocery shop unless absolutely necessary, I am down to the last of my fruit … a few apples and an orange. I’ve had summer fruit (berries/melons) on my brain for a week now – I’m feeling deprived! As I walked out of the gate tonight I noticed the sky … not a cloud in it and such a clear blue … the blue that is the water on any globe you’ve ever seen in any elementary classroom. I walked along the cliff walk/road and looked over my shoulder (west) and the sky was that blue streaked with the color of a perfectly ripe cantaloupe. By the time I had reached the end of the road and was heading back, the sky had darkened to that of a papaya … and as I was reaching home it was a mouth-watering watermelon. It was truly breath-taking … and I realized it’s also time to get myself to the produce department!

Summers in the NW arrive at the same time, on the calendar, as everywhere else … but in temperature, we’re behind by a few weeks. And most of the time we just don’t get up to what most everyone would deem “Summer” temps. Today we were 69 … maybe this week we’ll hit 70 but I won’t hold my breath til it happens. We might have 2 days next week of 72 … wonders never cease! But, again, I won’t hold my breath and that’s HOT for us. And while Summer still means you need to wear a sweater or sweatshirt at any time of day and certainly in the evening … it can be extraordinarily lovely with a slight breeze wafting the island scents around … clean air, flowers, grasses, sea.

As I walked home tonight I heard nothing for a while – absolute silence. No water lapping on the shore below me … no birds or frogs peeping as it was too late and they were already abed. I passed by the house for sale with the 2 acres and perfect old barn and if I had $1.3 mil I’d buy it in a heartbeat. The house sits on the cliff/the barn is across the road … in the event of a catastrophe I’m glad they thought to keep the animals safe while the house would probably slide off the cliff! Further along there is a house – a super tiny cabin with Edison bulbs strung along the front porch. It’s half hidden behind an enormous cedar but I can see the rocking chairs and it looks like it belongs in the Appalachian Mountains somewhere. I can smell the honeysuckle that drapes over their old shed/garage long before I see the house. It’s perfect. It’s also next to a freshly mown hay meadow … and I walk very slowly past this house and the field … inhaling the perfumed air until I’m sure I’ll hyper-ventilate and pass out.

These are the times when I think I must have been a cow in a former life – it all just smells so wonderfully good! It’s all I can do to stop myself from running into that field and rolling around! There are enough weirdos on this island that maybe no one would think twice about it! Maybe I should keep it as an option while on a future walk.

As much as I say I want to leave here – it really is a beautiful place. And however cool our Summers may be … it’s a lovely spot for a late evening walk and a 21 bun salute to Summer.

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Quarantine Fatigue aka: The Blues …

June 12, 2020 … Friday (Day 1,234,567,890 of Covid-19 Quarantining)

I am sick. I am tired. I am sick and tired.

Of Covid-19.

And is it Covid-19, Covid19 or Covid 19? I’ve seen it all ways! And being one who is obsessed with grammar (even if I do not do it well myself!) … this is annoying! But, any way you spell it … I am sick and tired of it. Aren’t we all?

And I didn’t even have to sit in a 2.5 hour line (this time) to take a test to confirm that! Innately I knew! And there is a new term for this … and even though I have self-diagnosed, I know I have …

Quarantine Fatigue … aka: The Blues.

This has been a week. From (omg, I’m such an idiot to think of it as a low point) Trump wielding a Bible like it was a newspaper he was going to swat a fly with … to the vandalism and violence during the protests due to George Floyd’s horrific murder by a police officer, to the in-our-faces racism in this country, to our President’s conspiracy theory belief of an elderly protestor, to Mom Nature going crazy around the globe, to our stock market plummeting and our unemployment sky rocketing (twice as high as the all time high during the Great Depression), to more Covid cases/deaths, to voting snafus in Georgia, to other political mayhem …

It was too much to take. It was a week.

And then, to either bring me a bit of peace or heartbreak (or both) … I had an injured fawn in my yard.

I noticed her on Monday … thought she was lying oddly against a neighbor’s fencing. I watched her all day and until it got dark – hoping Mama Deer had just left her while she was off grazing. But when the rains started in just before 2am and baby was still out in the open/too near the road/not sheltered at all, I went over and picked up her spotted little feather-light body (all eyes and legs) and brought her into my yard. That was a first for me. I’ve never touched a deer before. There was nothing to her. I put her under the canopy of the big maple – on the lawn next to some bushes and flowers. She was perfect. Except I knew that something had to be wrong for Mama to leave her there. I live where there are woods/lush over growth … this was not a place to shelter a fawn.

I watched her all day/every day – from my deck, from my dining and living rooms – sometimes with binoculars to get a closer look. I worried about her when night fell and when I figured she was still alone. I so badly wanted her to have warmth and comfort. I was in touch with my vet’s office and knew that mama deer leave their babies. I learned that if they are in distress, the baby’s ears fold back like spent flower petals. Her ears were fine. She was perky. Mama must have come under the cloak of darkness and let baby (Jane Doe) nurse. I felt so relieved.

But, I never saw her stand up and I wondered if mama had told her to lie low. But when I saw her do a GI Joe crawl on her inside-out (as they are) front elbows and drag her little spotted and striped body a few feet across the lawn … with no movement in her back legs … I knew something was definitely wrong. And I knew I had to do something.

So, the wildlife people were texted photos and I was not given much hope. It looked like her legs were broken and possibly her spine. She didn’t seem in any pain so I figured she had no feeling in the back end. Had she been hit by a car? My heart fell … again … like it had all week … to another low.

My vet’s angel techs came out and assessed her and determined she needed to be put down. So, I softly scratched her head and told her she was beautiful and loved and they gently crated her and took her back to the clinic to do the deed. I was thankful I didn’t have to witness yet another euthanasia. She was such a perfect, sweet little creature; I just couldn’t bear it if I had to watch.

So, today I am at home … alone … again. No dogs. No baby deer. Watching the news and more Covid cases/hospitalizations/deaths (1000/day in the US) … and people are antsy and wanting to “open up” and are being incredibly stupid and selfish. Yeah, I get it – I’m sick of this, too. But the authorities are saying that ANOTHER 100,000 people will DIE by September if we keep this up. Seriously people … 200,000 of us in this country will be dead! It’s needless. It’s insanity! I hate it as much as you do but … stay home! Stay in! Tell everyone you know to do the same. OMG … no one really needs to go to Target or get their nails or hair done!

Stay home and let’s quell this stupid virus! Yeah – it’s making us all crazy or crazed or antsy … but sometimes, if we let it … it allows us to reflect and slow down. It allows us to connect. It allows us to breathe and calm down and just BE.

And sometimes it makes us creative. Find something else to do. Start a hobby. DO something. Become active in a local campaign – you can help from home. Clean your house. Alphabetize your spices. Write your (even non-existent) grandchildren letters to open up on their wedding day or their 21st birthday. Paint something. Adopt a pet.

Today I’m rapping … so, get your bad-ass on and rap along! (And if you don’t like rap – you can also read it like a Dr. Seuss poem!)

Quarantine Fatigue aka: The Blues

Another day … I am at home … all alone. Come on Covid – throw me a bone!

It’s chilly and gray and Junuary cold. Ugh, oh man … this is getting real old!

It’s gloomy and rainy – this is not Summer! Our temps are 50 – man, what a bummer! 

No visiting friends or having guest dogs … I’m just cleaning the attic – oooh, Lincoln Logs!

I could go for a walk. I could phone for a talk. I could talk on the phone when I’m out on a walk.

I could sing me a song or dance me a dance. I could sing and dance like I have ants in my pants!

 But I don’t want to walk or talk or sing or dance. And I certainly don’t want ants in these pants! 

I’ve got Quarantine Fatigue aka: The Blues … and I’ve got them bad from my head to my shoes. 

I could do a jumble, crossword or wuzzle … but my brain is mush and can’t do a puzzle. 

I could read an old book. I could cut my hair. I could purge my closet and see what (still fits) to wear. 

But I don’t want to puzzle, purge, read or snip. I’m getting antsy yet feel like a drip.  

I’ve got Quarantine Fatigue aka: The Blues… and I’ve got them bad from my head to my shoes. 

I could cook stew or roast … but, my expertise (lately) has just been toast. 

I could learn to speak Andalusian or French or learn how to use a crescent wrench.  

But I parlo italiano and I know how to use tools. And come on, it’s Summer – I just want to jump in some pools!

I could very well do more exercise or just sit around and swat some flies.

I could totally do it – every bit and all … but need to pace cuz I’ll be here come Fall (2021). 

I’ve got Quarantine Fatigue aka: The Blues … and I’ve got them bad from my head to my shoes.  

Funny thing is – I’ve been barefoot since mid March! Stay home! Stay healthy!

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On a roll …

May 26, 2020 – Tuesday (still sheltering in place – Day 2,465,839) …

I’m on a roll. A lobster roll! Ha ha … omg – wouldn’t that be terrific if I WAS on a lobster roll … or was at least EATING one! Yum. No lobsters here in the NW – except for me!

As our friend Mr. Rogers said – more than once, ‘”It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”‘ It’s sunny (yay) and to be mid 60s today. If you live about anywhere else, you’d think I was crazy to write home about mid 60s temps … and yet here I am! Woo hoo … SUMMER weather! I know, I know. It’s pretty pathetic … but I’ll take it!

When the temps (here) surge past 58 it’s gonna be a good day. Then I can wear only one sweater! If the temps go up to 62 … I might break out the 3/4 sleeved tshirt … if it’s to be 64 or 65, I will venture out with a short-sleeved tshirt (but might still have a sweater handy) … and anything above 68 … it’s tank top all the way! I’m thinking if I move anywhere that has temps higher than 72 I might just have heat stroke repeatedly – until I get acclimated!

However, I have noticed that when I’m in Denver and it’s 72 degrees, I’m freezing! Go figure!

My mom gave me a book for my birthday – a country year ~ living the questions by Sue Hubbell. I emailed a friend this morning and told her it will be coming her way after I’ve finished with it as the author was a beekeeper (and my friend’s husband has also “kept” bees). It’s an interesting read but I’m not liking the author – she seems a bit hard-edged/caustic to me (and I could be totally wrong) and it reads like a text book in some areas. There’s so much latin (as in bug/flower/bird identification) I’m feeling like Julius Caesar … not fluent in Latin but wishing I were dead as it is in the book … ad nauseam! See? It’s rubbing off on me!

I much prefer Gladys Taber’s writings of all things country in her “Stillmeadow” books. They are lovely. I can curl up anywhere and feel like we are just two gals having a chat about her life in the country – with a sweet dog (or two) by the fireside. If ever I have a dinner party where I’m allowed to have people attend who have passed (that is always a Miss America question, you know) … she’d be on my list. And Abraham Lincoln. I’d love to pick his brain! Metaphorically speaking only.

It’s another quarantine day … “Shelter at Home” – “Shelter in Place” – “Stay Home-Stay Healthy” … whatever it’s now called. I’m still here/at home/sheltering. Well, MOST of the time. I was out “getting air” the other day and drove through town to see if anything had changed since I’d last been there – which now seems like lightyears ago – and the aroma of pizza made me park my car and stand in line for a slice. (Said line consisted of one woman ahead of me – not in line – but tangled up in the leashes of three chihuahuas and clogging the sidewalk.) She ambled away and it was my turn. I had my mask on – I have been wearing it from the onset – since way back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

It’s a “rule” in our town that I’m all for. The guy behind me, an apparent mask-free visitor, stood grumbling and swearing under his breath about freedom and justice and f*g masks. I turned around and smiled sweetly (and then remembered he couldn’t see me smiling with my mask on) and told him it was a city rule … for the benefit of everyone. He grumbled louder. There are signs all over town telling people “No Mask – No Service” … good! He walked 2 car lengths and retrieved his mask and HELD it. I was a bit po’d by his attitude so I told him he wouldn’t get served unless he was WEARING the mask and for emphasis, I pointed to the sign in the window. HOLDING his mask wasn’t going to cut it.

More grumbling and swearing – at me this time. He said he didn’t need a lecture from me. Well, apparently he did – cuz he continued to hold the mask. Lovely. Go home, idiot. We are trying to do our best for each other and our community so that life can get back to some semblance of normalcy as quickly as possible without a resurgence of this virus. We would like our shop and restaurant owners to get back on their feet … we would like all of our “first responders” to catch a break and catch their breaths. We would like our older population to remain vibrant and if wearing a mask and keeping six feet apart keeps this vastly older community from being six feet under – I’m all for it. Idiot. I left with my pizza, muttering loud enough so he could hear me, about how good it was … and he was still (holding the mask) on the sidewalk arguing with the pizza guy in the take out window.

Butter. There is no segue from pizza to butter but here I am. I had an English muffin earlier for breakfast/brunch – with a perfect egg – and the last of the whipped butter. I rediscovered whipped butter a year or so ago. How did I exist so long without it? I don’t know! It’s a mystery! It’s just SO good. The same about pre-cooked bacon. My store has a store-brand (Essentials) pre-cooked bacon that is ready after a minute in the microwave. It’s perfect … tasty/crispy and done in 60 seconds (or less). And it costs a fraction of any of the other bacons! Thank you universe!

While those are great (and yummy) things … sadly, I have a body by butter and bacon. A while back I tried a Keto diet. Apparently I wasn’t doing it quite right. I gained 15 lbs! Leave it to me to gain weight on a diet. Anyway, thanks to said diet and having those things back in my life … I am now eating whipped butter and pre-cooked bacon in moderation (well, sometimes). If I look like the Michelin Man by the end of this covid crisis – so be it. I’ve gotta find comfort somewhere!

And, thinking about that … I find comfort in writing. Solace comes in many forms and mine is the written word … hence, this 3rd post in a week! So, if you are reading this – I hope you enjoy it. And while so nice, I do this more for me. I’m on a roll! And speaking of which … I could find comfort in a lobster roll, too. And, omg, I just remembered I bought a tail for my bday that I haven’t eaten it yet … so, huh! Wonders never cease – I know what’s for dinner later! I’ll thaw that baby out and … yum! But, I’ll have to venture out to the store, though … I need more butter!


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Hair again …

May 23, 2020 … Saturday (Day 128,973 of quarantining … or so it seems)

Here in the NW we’ve been under “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” orders for a while now. A LONG while (or so it seems) … and I’m not sure when the new release date has been set – but I don’t think it really matters. I’m not going to be going anywhere. Certainly not anywhere where anyone can breathe on me at a close range … like at a nail or hair salon. If you can cut my hair from 12 feet away, with a mask on and disinfectant simultaneously being spritzed into the air … I’m coming in! But otherwise, nope. I will be doing it myself – per usual. And, while I’m thinking of it … why are dog “salons” called dog groomers and why aren’t salons for people called “human groomers”?

The little poodlette I was taking care of for the past few days just went home. I combed her out as best I could (as she was looking a bit scraggly) trying to untangle her funny, frizzy hair without causing her distress. Poor baby really needs a day at the groomer’s.

Funny thing … as I stood looking at my imagine in the mirror this morning that’s exactly what I was thinking about myself! Poor baby really needs a day at the groomers! Don’t we all?

My hair is now below jaw length … don’t ask me how long it took to get here (a year? longer?) … my hair grows at a painfully slow rate. I think it must be hormonal. In any rate … the grays are coming and the hair is growing (a little) and I’m trying to not let it all bother me … too much.

The problem lies in that I have baby fine hair. As in BABY. FINE. Wisps of cotton candy or clouds are thicker than my hair strands. I get any sort of millimeter of extra length on said head and the hair hangs off me like the long ears of a basset hound. Not exactly my best look. How can such thin hair have such weight?!

I usually cut my own hair. Have for a million years. I have gone to salons and walk-in clip shops but it’s always the same … I sit/they snip twice/I pay. And it doesn’t really matter if I paid $100 at a salon or $15 at the strip mall place … it never looks that good and I go home and recut, whatever is left, myself. I never am satisfied with a salon cut. So, why go?

So … that’s what I do. But, I’ve decided during this quarantine time to just “let it go” … let what I can’t fix – just float away. Be an aeronaut of hair – just going along on the breeze, letting nothing phase me … letting my hair do what it wants. I’m going to great lengths here by saying this. Well, not great lengths but I’m giving it a shot. Maybe I’ll be able to change things up a bit – other than the normal (hideously awful) “page boy”. I can already make a pony tail (which is extremely exciting) … it’s a small, ill-looking, dinky one for sure … but it’s a pony tail nonetheless.

I can also sport pigs! Yes, I look like my body is 80 and my hair style is that of a 4 year old and those who don’t know me might think I’ve escaped from some facility … but I can make pig tails! Glory be!

I’m waiting for another few inches so that I can maybe braid some strands or do long Shirley Temple curls. Probably neither a good look but they are options! And that might take another year. Or I can do a partial updo … as it is now most of it is a down-do as I don’t have enough to go UP … but a few more inches would be helpful.

Why is hair such a thing for me? For women? For men?

Years ago when I shaved my head for research (that was a really horrible experiment) it took almost all year to get me sporting a longish pixie. Told ya my hair grows slowly. It was not a good thing. But, I learned a lot. Mostly how to tie scarves around my head. They looked nice. But they weren’t normal. Not here. Had I lived in some other nation where head dressings are common – I would have looked great. Here, I got mostly those pity eyeballs from people thinking I was sick. Too bad. I kind of liked that scarfed look.

Every now and then I’ll color my hair. It’s normally a bit TOO mousy for me … brown, brown and brown. Oh and gray. What started out as a few strands have now morphed into shocks. But only at the temples and they are mostly under other strands … somehow.

My hair has been a number of colors … mostly darker ones cuz I like the contrast with my light/pale/ivory/sickly skin tones. In the summer (a real summer – not a NW summer) I tan … but most of the time I’m just kind of pasty. Which is always a lovely way to describe oneself! So, to offset that (or complement or whatever) I tend to go more brunette. The dark color kind of tints my scalp (probably not a good thing) and gives the appearance of MORE HAIR which is always a good thing.

I’ve been darker brunettes and some really awful auburns but never a blonde. I don’t think that would be good on me. I don’t like the skin color and hair color being the same. Once I tried (what looked to be a beautiful shade on the box) a plum color … that started out really pretty for a few days and then after a few shampoos it turned kind of like a sick raspberry hue. I kept thinking I looked like some whipped jello concoction from some 1960s ladies’ luncheon. That was bad. Really bad.

I’ve been purple … well, not really totally eggplant (as I’d love) but dark black cherry with some eggplant streaks. In order to get total eggplant (at least the last time I checked) I’d have to strip my hair and I don’t want to do that. It’s so porous I’m afraid I’m permanently damage it.

Besides being porous and baby fine – it is also sparse … meaning, not many strands on this noggin’. So, I plod along with hair that you’d find on a semi-bald infant. Lovely.

My mom says I had “a lot of hair” when I was in high school … well, to qualify that I had LONG hair; it went down past my butt. And if hair was an academic subject – in length I would have been an A+ student. In thickness … um, I would have failed that subject completely. What my mom tends to forget is that in humidity my hair would (for lack of a better description) … pouff out. If I had short hair it certainly would have been the envy of anyone with an “afro” hairstyle. White girl/pouff-city.

What happened in the midwest and my hair was that it pouffed out but because it was long, it pouffed out sideways. I could wrap that hair around me like a blanket! Also not a good look.

When it was wet … if I was sporting a pony tail … you’d swear I had a very thin garter snake hanging from my neck down my back. Seriously. I could fit all my hair into one of those rubber bands made to hold braces together! Well, maybe not … but it seemed like it.

My mom is 91. She has always had hair. I mean GOBS of it. If she doesn’t get a haircut every 6 weeks or so we’d never find her face! My dad had thin, but nice, hair … I got his hair. How sad to note that the thinnest thing on my body is my … hair. (It couldn’t have been my legs or arms or chin … it had to be my hair!) My kids have good hair. I like it when Ted has a little length to it – and I’m not talking John Lennon … more like Robert Redford. He’s got good hair. My daughter has gorgeous hair … so many highlights … reds/coppers/blondes/several shades of browns … it’s long and so pretty. Tim had a great head of thick, almost black hair … wavy, shiny … a gazillion hairs on that head. I guess our kids got his hair. Good thing.

Anyway – I have a feeling we are going to be under this “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order for a while longer … and even if the state doesn’t mandate it, I will probably volunteer to do so. I’m not willing to risk getting this covid crap.

So … I might just experiment with a color (again) as I grow this out. A month ago I put in blonde streaks (which ended up turning out more like polka dots on my head) … so, I might give one of the newer purple hues a try.

And if it’s a fail … I can bring back the scarves or just wear it in pigs. It’s not like anyone is going to see me anyway!

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Day 23,011 … and counting

May 21, 2020 … Thursday 8:30 pm

I’m a numbers gal. Today is Day 23,011 in my life – not in Covid quarantining – though it does feel one and the same. You do the math.

I sure know how to celebrate a birthday. I went and got a Covid test and then got fried chicken at the gas station. Who says I don’t know how to party? Or that this island doesn’t have fun things to do/places to eat?

Actually, the chicken at Naomi’s is fabulous! Just fyi. Better than many restaurants here. Yeah, I know … sounds pathetic. Next year’s celebration will be better. The bar has been set pretty low!

The town had free testing … thought it was my “civic duty” to subject myself to the almighty Q-tip. It was nothing. Why do people make such a big damn deal about things? It took all of 10 seconds (maybe 8) and I was on my way home. I waited in line for 2 hours but the test itself was nothing.

I have a fur baby here today. It’s nice to have a little bundle to talk to – I’m kind of tired of talking to myself! We have three days of doggie bliss ahead of us.

I’ve been walking the cliff lately … that sounds much more Heathcliff-like than it is. And I’m not actually on the cliff/no little footpath in the meadow with the raging seas below me. I’m on a road … houses on either side of me – but the sea beyond. It’s a beautiful, peaceful walk. There is very little traffic because the road dead ends … it used to go through but the road and someone’s front yard fell into the sea during some storm years ago.

It rained off and on all day today … and I’m not sure we got above 50 degrees – so, rather cool/wet. But, the skies cleared in time for an evening stroll. I was going to take the dog but it took us 20 minutes to get past my neighbor’s and well, that wasn’t working … so, back in the house went little doggy and I went on my way.

There are 20 houses along the cliff from the end of my street to the dead end along the bluff. Width-wise some of these houses have about 30 feet of lot … others have almost a football field in size with a main house and a garage and one or two separate other buildings … an art studio or yoga room … a family house … an office. I know one little place is a rental (with a killer view). Some of the homes are hidden behind tall wooden gates and when the gates are open I peek inside … and most of the time determine that they are better off with the gates closed!

Most of the homes are sizable beauties, woodsy in nature and nestled amongst the madronas and cedars. The azaleas and rhodies are in bloom everywhere. Some lawns are manicured like golf courses … others, well – not so much. One or two of the houses are mere cabins – and it’s likely no one has touched them up since being built – probably 50 some years ago. But, if anyone was giving one of those properties away, I’d gladly take it off their hands! The views out over the water/past town and to the west off to the left and the mainland and the mountains off to the right are beyond stunning.

I am a numbers gal. Tonight I counted 4 rabbits and a little bunny, 1 cat, 2 dogs, 5 deer and lots and lots of birds.

The other night (I’m trying to make this a nightly thing) I walked down to almost the end – there is an empty lot that does crash down to the sea before the end of the road. So, I was sitting at the edge of the meadow/almost on the road just taking in the view … wispy gray clouds scuttled overhead … the sun was setting and it shone like glitter on the water … the mountains (the Cascade Range) rose up, in the distance, on the mainland … so many perfectly peaked, white-capped volcanoes … foreboding but beautiful. Camano – the island across the water from us – looked lush and green with a few house window panes sparkling – reflecting the lowering sun. It really is beautiful here.

I was sitting watching the swallows flit (they move like bats) over the grasses of this little cliffside meadow … they were so fast! I heard a woodpecker off behind me … heard some robins peeping … other birdcalls (which I don’t know) resounded … and then I heard the flapping. I heard him before I saw him … a bald eagle … swooped up from the sea and twirled over the meadow and me before heading back west. His wings flapped a few times and I wondered how heavy he was. A big bird … with such a tiny little voice. I watched him as he flew along the line of the sun on the water … it reminded me of the ending scene in Jurassic Park when the pelicans are flying low.

I ambled home – glad I can finally make it down to the end of the road again. It’s been a few years of foot/ankle/knee problems where I haven’t been able to walk that far (and it’s not really THAT far) … but since we are in this Covid shutdown – I have to do whatever I can do to exercise this knee (tear/arthritis/sliding knee cap) because PT and the pool are not open. So I am walking. And it’s nice that I finally can.

Tonight’s walk held no eagle sightings though I know there are two eagle pairs and that they have nests along the bluff. No eaglets out flying either. Maybe earlier in the day.

I was going to sit out on my deck steps, one of my favorite places to sit, and read for a bit but it’s just too chilly. I love listening to the birds chirp their good-nights. The robins are always last. Peep peep. And I say goodnight to them all and tell them to be cozy in their nests and to have a peaceful and sound rest. Sometimes if I sit long enough I’ll hear the owl’s first hoo-hoo of the night. That’s always so lovely. Sometimes I talk to him – sometimes he (or she) answers back. That is always a (dare I say?) … hoot! It’s still light out – we are now closing in on about 9:30 before it’s dark out. Mid-summer it’ll be an hour later. I love that about the NW in the summer. So much light … but just wish it was warmer. Right now 50 degrees is not cutting it for me! But, it will come … at least a little warmer. I just need to be patient.

The sun is down but the sky is still light … puffy gray clouds move fast as I look out my window … I can see the edge of night off to the east. Time to go read.

I’m a numbers gal … what will I be doing when I turn 25,000 days? I hope it’s somewhere as beautiful and peaceful as here … but hopefully it won’t include a nasal swab or chicken from a gas station!

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We’re all in this together …

April 25, 2020 … Saturday … Day 918,245 of quarantining

“We’re all in this together.”

Yeah – I know. How many times have you heard that this month? This week? TODAY?

A lot. Just yesterday I saw a “BINGO” game on FB that you could play while watching TV … and you could fill in a space every time a commercial came on that used the words … challenging, trying, unprecedented or uncertain times … or safety, distance, apart or simply … we’re all in this together.  

I won 12 times in an hour. It wasn’t fun after that!

So, I went outside and sat on my front porch steps to listen to Mom Nature and see what I could see/smell/feel. It was a lovely day … soft, springtime breezes scented the air with the blooming lilacs and wisteria that were hanging over the picket fence … birds were chirping … the tulips were open and happy … people walked by with their masks on. Yep … just another ordinary day of Covid quarantining.

I have a new subscription to “Smithsonian” magazine. How did I live so long without it? It’s fabulous! I’m forcing myself to read things I usually would not. My covid promise to myself is to educate and enlighten. (And exercise but I fell off that bandwagon early on!) So, yesterday, while sitting on said porch steps, drinking my tea and reading about a retired Thoroughbred farm in Kentucky and viticulture in the desert of Israel, I realized that not only was I enjoying the articles but I was loving the ads.

I read slowly because I’m a word person. I read and savor. I roll some words around in my mouth like printed marbles. I say them out loud. I sometimes replace them (the editor in me). I like the ebb and flow – as mesmerizing as watching waves on a tropical beach … and love how words are strung together – like pearls on a long necklace. They are jewelry in print. I’ve always been a glitter girl … anything sparkly, pretty, glitzy, glam … that’s me. No one would ever know that about me from my unpolished nails and yoga pants … but that’s me. Inside. With words.

So, as I was reading I’d catch snippets of loveliness and could feel my body relaxing. Lean in to it, they whispered. It’s all good, they suggested. Whomever put these pages together did a great job because after our fearless leader suggested people get injected with disinfectant to clean themselves as a cure for Covid … I was feeling a bit rattled, unnerved, upset, disgusted … (Need I go on?). Anyway – the words were soothing … soul balm in print.

I opened up the magazine anew and leafed through it … concentrating only on the wording of the ads and articles. I was being caressed by the words. I sat out there for about an hour, paging through and being comforted by this magazine. I could transport myself to Kentucky or Israel or England in the articles … but for a few moments I was on my front porch steps just being. It was lovely. And calming. And I thought of all the people in the world, who due to this virus, are forced to be still. Slow down. Relax. Chill. Breathe.

I feel Mom Nature is doing the same thing. I can almost feel the whole earth taking in a huge breath and letting out a contented sigh. I sound goopy when I say this (especially out loud/in print) but I think the Earth needed this. As horrible as it has been for millions of people … and the deaths and financial upheavals and everything … I think the Earth needed this time to just be. As we all do. And I hope we all take a step back and realize that life doesn’t have to be hurried and crazy – all the time. That it’s okay to slow down a bit … sit, read, rest, be … from time to time. Walk. Bike. Get outside. Bask in some sunshine. It’s okay. Let some lightness in.

It is what it is. It’s a weird time. But, sickness aside, you have the opportunity to have it be as good or as bad as you are wanting to make it.

I scanned the pages gathering words just as I had collected the lilacs earlier – with joy and abandon … support, special, relevance, earth optimism, restore. treasure, create, paradise, warm thoughts.

There were ads that suggested international sights without international flights … come visit the coast when the coast is clear … recharge/life’s essentials here (Costa Rica) …  a future where we don’t have to worry about the future. It all sounded so good … like a warm milk bath – but with some candles and maybe a brandy on the side.

I realized my breathing slowed (who needs yoga?!) and I was taking in the air and scents and words that were all so comforting at this time that is uncertain, trying, unprecedented and challenging.

So, do something simple. Breathe deeply. Read something. Rest. Get some air. But stay safe/wear your mask/stay away/stay okay. And keep in mind … though we are apart – the distance is for our safety. Everyone’s safety.

And remember, we’re all in this together.

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Quarantine Day 17,896 …

April 94th, 2020 … Saturday (actually, it’s only the 18th)

BUT … it seems like it’s the 94th of April and day 17,896 of quarantining. Oh, life, how we all miss you! Covid – I don’t know where you are – but stay away!

I am writing this in jest … but with an underlying VAST concern for the well-being of my friends and family and their friends and family and for all those that I don’t know – everywhere. Be safe. Be smart. Be well.

I watch TV and shudder at the marches by people who want to get back to normalcy. We all do. We hear your cries. We know it’s tough. And tougher for so many with the virus or caring for someone or who have lost someone or who are trying to juggle financially or home/food security. But, why be stupid about it? Ignorance is really tough to swallow when science and death is in your face all day. I want to tell them to turn on the TV – not be ON it! Read something. This global pandemic is NOT the makings of the media or the democrats! It’s just not. Be smarter than all that. Egad. It’s disheartening and upsetting and … frightening because they are NOT helping the leveling out of this problem. And our leadership sucks.

So, with all that said … what have I been doing? Well, apparently not what so many (more creative) people have been doing! I haven’t painted a mural in my living room … I haven’t made a movie or made a CD … haven’t had a “hot tub” Zoom friend meeting in my bathtub … haven’t organized my books in alphabetical order according to title and then again by author … haven’t learned a new language or how to make Korean bbq … haven’t done a WHOLE LOT. I feel like I’ve actually done a WHOLE LOT of NOTHING!

Except … I’ve gone through my dad’s memorabilia and found some interesting articles and items … packed up a few more boxes for my imminent move to Anywhere … bleached my bathtub (who now doubts that I am one fun gal?!) … did some yard work ( including gutters) … fixed a fence … made some (pathetic attempt) masks and also made some good dinners and some horrible cookies … and I’ve been in touch with an armload of people whom I haven’t been in touch with for a while – so, that has been really nice.

I’ve also fallen in love with Andrew Cuomo, Tony Fauci, Randy Rainbow and a baby hippo named Fiona from the Cincinnati Zoo. You need to look her up and watch the videos … it’ll make your day! Hippos, River Horses, were my favorite animal as a kid. No kitties or bears for me … no, I wanted a pink hippo … or, better yet, a real one. I’m still not convinced a baby pygmy hippo could not fit in my bathtub! Well, any other bathtub … mine is pretty much a Motel 6 reject!

I’m letting my hair go/grow … and have plucked my eyebrows so well that I could be in an issue of Glamour magazine – as a “DO”. I am also wearing quarantine gear that would land me in the same issue under what NOT to wear as in a dreaded Glamour “DON’T”. I also like that with a slight muscle twitch of either said eyebrow I can give the best evil eye without really trying!

Son, Ted, is still here … which has been REALLY nice. Nice for ME … not sure how well he’s doing as he was to be roaming the Asian countryside for 3 months and well, now, he’s stuck in the NW with mom! So – can’t speak for him – but I’m loving having him here and cooking for someone else other than me, myself and I.

The long-term dog, Sadie, has gone home to her owner. I have her for months each year and the house is so empty without her. I am really needing a pug baby or two or three! And a lab. One of these days I’ll SNAP! … and surprise everyone (and myself) and decide it’s time. It IS time … I just need to act on it!

And, honestly, quarantining for me hasn’t been a hardship. Life is not too unlike what it was before our shelter in place order … which makes me think I really need to GET A LIFE! How sad is that?! I realize I don’t really go anywhere/do anything/etc etc … so, yeah other than not being able to travel … I think it’s time to shake things up!

And I’ll start with my singing debut. Lucky you! And since I can’t hold a note … you’re going to have to sing the words for me … in the shower or out … hope they bring some joy to your day.

My version of “I Dreamed A Dream” from Les Miserables … 

Les’s Miserable …

I dreamed a dream I had some dogs … furry butts and income would be so welcome.  I dreamed I could meet a friend and hug … sit together and eat pizza.

I was (not so) young and unafraid … pre-Covid was pretty blissful. There was no ransom to be paid for wanting sanitizer and non-essentials.

And the trucks, they come at night … bringing us covid-free groceries. Not exactly what I want … and certainly not any Tee Pee eee eee eee eeeeeeee! 

I dreamed a dream of time gone by … before this awful, horrid Covid. Before so many of Trump’s new lies … before Cuomo was my boyfriend.

June, July and maybe August … maybe later before we are normal. I just want to go and see a friend …

I dreamed a dream … I killed Covid-19.

Ha ha .. I’m not really miserable! xoxoxo Stay safe! 😷 

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Lessons from Geese …

April 5, 2020 … Sunday

Happy Quarantine Sunday fellow lobster followers. Actually, I’ve been having issues when posting – so, you may not get this until Monday or Tuesday … but, regardless, hope it’s a happy day.

Ted is across the dining room table from me – the “aroma” of nearly burnt coffee is wafting in from the kitchen. He likes his coffee dark/strong. The smell kind of gets my stomach to flip around … like it needs any help these days.

Nice to have him here … nice for the company. Nice for the safety I feel. All the tracking numbers and the trajectory estimates and rates of this mushrooming virus are unnerving. It’s comforting to have another body in the house with me. And even better that it’s his.

Sadie went home today. We are now dog free. I need to vacuum as my house is not (fur free). With this quarantine comes an end to having dogs here … they are all at home with their owners – keeping them company instead of me!

The pull for a pug baby (or two … or three!) and a lab has been really strong the last week or so. I’m not good without an animal by my side/at my feet/under my covers. I’ve been looking at website …

I’ve been whiling away my time in quarantine by going through piles of paperwork I brought home with me after my dad died. It’s actually a good thing I have this time as I’m not sure I’d ever get it done otherwise. Dad was very involved in the local Park District when I was growing up and I’ve been perusing yellowed and brittle 1960s newspapers for a week now … sorting through and cutting out the articles that he is in … photos, columns, letters etc. It’s been a bittersweet journey.

Last night I unearthed photos of his paternal grandparents … my great-grandparents … my kids’ great-great! I’d never seen them before. It was a family photo of the parents with their surviving 8 (of 10) boys and families gathered for their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married in 1894 … so this photo was from (I’m assuming) 1944. Wow.

And, there, taller than anyone, was my dad – all 16 years of age – standing next to a handsome man – his dad/my grandpa – all of 48 years. I only knew grandpa when he was an older man – stooped by age and arthritis. He was in his late 60s by the time I could remember much … 70s from when I truly remember. It was lovely to see him so young and handsome! His wife, my grandmother, was about 40 in that photo … quite the beauty. But, then again, she always was a stunning woman.

There was another photo of Anthony – the patriarch of the family – at a print table. It’s amazing to me that he, too, was in the printing business. That connection flows through the generations, on that side, intentional or not – great grandpa, grandpa, dad, me … all associated with type/paper/the print media industry of some kind.

When going through dad’s things I came upon a stained, wrinkled, torn and very much folded piece of paper .. a story – one he must have loved and held close. He was involved for years with group meetings/panels/organizations and the public and I have to think that somewhere these lessons wove into his soul and these were words he lived by … lessons that he practiced.

So, on this Quarantine Sunday … which is really only the 3rd or so on this journey but feels like the 17, 486th one … now, more than ever, it seems a good time to take a look at the wisdom of the geese. Let’s take these lessons and practice them, as well.

Lessons from Geese – Angeles Arrien  

Whenever a goose flies out of formation, it quickly feels the drag and tries to get back into position. Lesson: It’s harder to do something alone than together.

As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for others behind him. There is 71% more flying range in V-formation than flying alone. Lesson: People who share a common direction and sense of common purpose can get there quicker.

When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies at the head. Lesson: Shared leadership and interdependence gives us each a chance to lead as well as opportunities to rest.

The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. Lesson: We need to make sure our honking is encouraging and not discouraging.

When a goose gets sick or wounded and falls, two geese fall out and stay with it until it revives or dies. Then they catch up or join another flock. Lesson: Stand by your colleagues in difficult times as well as in good.

Stay in/stay away/stay healthy. Be smart. Check on your neighbors/friends/family. STAY SAFE! And, if you have to go out – wear a mask!

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March Madness – of another kind …

March 17th, 2020 … Tuesday

Friday the 13th … I should have known then the date falling on a Friday and affiliated with a full moon would wreck havoc. Yeah – I should have known. That combination brings out the crazies … but that day was different. It was much more than the usual lunacy.

I’ve returned from my trip to Colorado and North Carolina – nothing like scheduling a personal trip during a global virus outbreak. However, myself and both places were Covid-19 quasi-ignorant at the time of my departure. But things (as in “virus”) were changing daily/hourly and I cut my trip short and hightailed it home – back to the NW (infection city) before the airlines were shut down or the WA borders were closed. Neither has happened … yet … but I was worried they would. I left my home when the death toll in WA was 6 … 10 days later we’ve reached 50 people gone. While NOT GOOD … the virus, as of today, has taken nearly 8000 worldwide! It is beyond time to get serious.

I was in the airport in Charlotte when WA state was announcing school closures … when a friend of mine texted me that the grocery store supplies were at apocalyptic lows and the NBA had suspended play. I had left the basketball craziness in Greensboro but was experiencing my own kind of March Madness.

I watched the TV above my seat in the boarding area. Watched how our illustrious President – the Ignoramus in Chief – blatantly lied during a press conference and then took ZERO responsibility for the lack of direction coming from his office. Later he gave himself a “10” for doing so well with all things virus related. OMG. It’s apparent we cannot count on our highest office to offer any solace or direction. We need to be smart.

I feel like tossing my Girl Scout cookies but figure I’d better ration my cleaning supplies! And … what is it with people hoarding cleaning supplies? Cleaning supplies, sanitizers, food and … toilet paper. TOILET PAPER?!

What gives with the TP?! Yes – we are now in what the WHO is calling a global pandemic with the Covid-19 virus. Yes – it can be deadly for some people but the majority of people who get it will have mild to severe flu-like symptoms (2-14 days after exposure) … malaise, aches, fever, coughing and shortness of breath. If you experience any of those symptoms call your health care provider or 911. You might need medical attention (difficulty breathing) or maybe you might just need some rest and chicken soup.

But you will not need 120 rolls of toilet paper!

I started this post when I was in the air – 30,000 some feet up – and joked with my seat mates as we wiped down our areas well enough to make any HazMat worker proud – that if they had to use the plane’s bathroom, they’d better do it before some looney stole all the TP to sell on the black market once they arrived home!

Little did I realize how true that may have been! What is with people?! I joked (as in ONLY KIDDING!) with a friend that I’d been to 3 hotels last week and could have stolen a good dozen rolls and paid off my mortgage from selling them when the time gets right. I could have stuffed them into my sweater and if anyone said anything I’d just look sad and say, “Bungled boob job.” Alas, I missed my chance!

The guy sitting behind me on that flight – yeah, the one with the loud voice, the one coughing his fool head off and not covering his mouth, the one who turned his phone on before we landed – you know, the ass of the plane … was (presumedly) talking with his wife telling her to “make the rounds” and get as much as she could of said TP.

I wanted to engage him in a civil conversation about such ridiculous behavior but knew I couldn’t be civil. I figured an altercation somewhere over Utah probably wasn’t in my best interest.

I know this is unprecedented … I know this is scary … I know we are not in control. But hoarding things does not make any sense! And it certainly doesn’t help out the person who REALLY needs whatever you’d got 200 of.

People … (as my dad would say) … this is a dangerous and scary situation for many. For most of us – if we get it – our symptoms will be mild or non-existent. We’ll simply be carriers. Lock down, etc. will be a mere inconvenience for us – not life-threatening as it is for those compromised or elderly. And, yes – on the flip side there are financial hardships along with all of this. The trickle down effect from closing big businesses to those self-employed will have great impact … and may be absolutely devastating to some. And, the stock market will be in trouble. This outbreak has economic implications as well as health-related ones. But – do not panic. We will rebound. We will go forward. We are resilient. We can do this. And if we stay away from each other – this will all go away sooner. Or so we hope.

I am self-quarantining. I am not taking the chance of passing this along to any of my older neighbors. Am I worried about them? Yes. Am I worried about my 91 year old mom? Yes. But I have to have faith that people will be smart and do what they are told and the lack of social contact will be the demise of this virus. It will just die out. Eventually. In the meantime, stay in … stay away … stay safe.

Will we go stir-crazy before that happens? Maybe. But I am one of the lucky ones. I will not be that impacted. I could be in my home 6 months and still have projects to do and food to eat. It might be dog food – but it’s food. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen … but, if it does, it does. For those of us so fortunate … read a book. Be creative. Write some letters. Give a (gloved) hand. Clean your house. Play with your kid. Share some stories with others (mail, email, phone, social media, etc) … we do not have to be isolated while in isolation! It doesn’t have to be “awful” or so hard … financially for some yes – emotionally/mentally NO! Now is your time for a stay-cation. Relax into it and do not stress (it weakens your immune system)!

And I say this so easily because I am not scrambling for financial security. I am not worried about money for medication or food. I am comfortable in my home. I am not worried where my next house payment will come from because I’ve been let go from my job. For many of our neighbors this is complete reality and it’s scary. Be helpful and understanding as much as you can be. Be a light in the darkness. What control of this we have is to be cautious and care for those that now need assistance most.

I was around a LOT of people last week; I hate to think that I might be a carrier of this virus. I have no symptoms but without testing – how do I know if I’m positive or not? How do any of us? No one knows if they have it or not if they don’t have symptoms … and those with symptoms aren’t sure if it’s the regular flu (it is flu season) or a cold or allergies (spring) … so people continue on with their lives as testing is not available. I’m just not taking any chances. Nor should anyone else. This is not the time to be flippant.

We’ve been told to stay home. Hunker down. Wash our hands. Shelter in place. Practice social distancing. Limit our errands and the like. Yet, nowhere in any of these directives does it say to hoard toilet paper.

I’m not making fun of the situation … this is a frightening time for many people. I’m just poking fun at the idiots around us. I understand that this is so different for most of us because unless you are in your upper 70’s or older … we’ve never had a national emergency. We’ve never had to limit buying. We don’t know what it’s like to ration. We’ve never had to quarantine. But we don’t have to be jerks.

I saw on Facebook the other day a post that said, “Your grandfathers were called to war. You are called to stay home and sit on your couch. YOU CAN DO THIS.”

Exactly. We can do this. But we need to be respectful and responsible and helpful. Stop hoarding stuff. Ask your friends and neighbors how they are doing and if they might need anything – and maybe, just maybe in your time of need – someone will spare a square.

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Be Like Dori … or Heidi …

February 27, 2020 … Thursday

It’s sunny out today! And it was sunny yesterday, too! Woohoo! An anomaly for us here in the NW. It’ll get gross again soon enough – but wow … 2 days in a row! I should go buy a lottery ticket!

Yesterday, to help my knee (did not) and to escape the chaos of the upcoming election (ugh – 8+ months to go) and the impending doom/pandemic (Covid 19) … I went up island to the club to practice my mermaid skills. There’s nothing like a little water therapy to soothe the soul.

I still say the water in that pool is too cold … I’d stay longer but after 30 minutes I’m chilled … after 45 minutes I’m lucky to get out of the water and into the hot tub before I turn into a popsicle.

Anyway – as I was perfecting my stealthy Navy Seal (not a ripple) strokes, I got to thinking about well … swimming. And I thought about Dori (from the movie Finding Nemo) and that her “motto” was “just keep swimming”. So I did. And it got me thinking that no matter what is going on in our lives … health issues/political crises/work issues/day to day stuff that gets everyone down (oh, the “horribleness” of 1st world country issues – like wanting a piece of melty cheese for your cauliflower and you realize you just fed the last piece to the dog)… we need to JUST KEEP SWIMMING.

Going forward is always a good thing. But, there are days when – for whatever reasons – going forward is just TOO MUCH … so, tread water. Stay where you are and relax into it and just tread. Keep your head above water and let yourself be. You expend little effort, you can regroup, you survive whatever big or little issue.

At the end of my lap time I do a few lengths of the pool of lunges and leaps (as much as you can lunge and leap in 4 feet of water!) … I walk on my toes, I walk forward and backward and I hop … and I also tread water. I’m up to 10 minutes before I get bored and too cold and then it’s time for the hot tub and sauna.

But yesterday as I was treading water in that calm pool, feet from the side, positioned in the sunlight that was filtering through the glass roof onto the pool (oh, it was so nice and warm and sparkly!) … it got me thinking. And it got me thinking about Heidi.

I just read a story about her. She and her male companion live somewhere out east/near water and one lovely day they went off for a day of boating. It was a lovely day – until it wasn’t. They were having a lovely time – until they weren’t. Something happened and the boat started taking on water. They were miles from any land. They were unable to radio for help. There were no other boats near them. As the skies darkened, the boat capsized and Heidi and her companion were separated by the waves and darkness.

With nothing to cling to and not knowing in which direction land might be or if she would bump into her friend – Heidi did what she had to … to conserve energy, to regroup, to survive … she treaded water.

Fortunately, a fishing boat came by and saw her and plucked her out of the water … 11 HOURS LATER! Her companion was also rescued and, after being checked out – they were reunited.

True story.

So, when life throws an extra dose of whatever at you – tread those proverbial waters and be thankful you’re not actually wet.

Oh, and by the way … Heidi? She’s a German Shepherd.

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A Little Bit of …

February 19, 2020 … Wednesday

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain.”

So here we are at this time of our lives … aging daily as in bodies, careers, dreams … with declining or passing parents … embroiled in political maelstrom … with changes of all types occurring or looming ahead – health, job, kids, home.

And here I am … experiencing it all (along with everyone else) and wondering …

Where is the light?

I find myself saying (a lot) … “I don’t like this time of my life.” … all this angst … uncertainty … change! But that is life! It is what it is. And either we can be miserable and feed into it and be eternally grumpy … or we can learn to dance in the rain.

So, I’ve got my dancing shoes on as I need some lightness. Some humor or some lovely little something to lighten my load. I need a little bit of …


It was actually sunny here in the NW today. An oddity for sure – but oh, so nice! I woke up to two snoozing dogs bathed in golden rays on my bed. It was really a treat (the sunshine/not necessarily the dogs!). Today we (in this part of the country) had roughly 10.5 hours of daylight. I use that term very loosely because (where I live) first light is around 6:30 am and last light is around 6:10 pm … and for those hours in between – if it’s not rainy, overcast, gray, gloomy, dreary, or mizzling – it’s your typical day where twilight arrives shortly after breakfast. Daylight – perhaps; Sunshine – no.

Sunshine might not be a big factor up here but daylight is … and tomorrow we’ll have 4 more minutes of it … and the next day a few more … and by the time we are leaping around on the 29th we will have added a whole 30 minutes of daylight to our days.

I lived in Denver for 34 years. It was always touted as the city that had 300 days of sunshine. Well, Denverites – sorry, that’s not exactly true … but, you do get around 245. Chicago = 189 … San Fran = 259 (really?) … and Seattle a measly 159. And, if you live in Yuma, AZ then you need lots of pairs of sunglasses as it’s sunny 90% of the daylight hours!

So, wherever you live – until the days lengthen and the political climate sweetens … we can bring a little more light into our souls by learning how to dance in the rain.

Or in this instance … tell Alexa or Pandora to play some of these tunes and you can dance TO the rain.

“Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” – BJ Thomas

“Come Rain or Come Shine” – Ray Charles

“I’m Singing in the Rain” – Gene Kelly

“Stormy Weather” – Lena Horne

“Have You Ever Seen the Rain?” – Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR)

“Here Comes the Rain Again” – Eurythmics

“It’s Raining Men” – The Weather Girls

Go dance!

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As The Stomach Churns …

February 18, 2020 … Tuesday

“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.”

One Life to Live Days of Our Lives … All My Children … who doesn’t remember those titles of old/bygone soap operas?

I have to admit I was an AMC fan for eons … me and AMC go WAY back! I remember eating lunch in COLLEGE and watching it! So – yeah … I watched good ol’ Erica Kane go from a hefty size 3 to a size 00 and grow younger and thinner as each year passed. Only on TV!

How many of us were sucked in to watching at LEAST one “soap” at one time or another? How many of us knew (and cared) who shot J.R.?

And how many of us haven’t fantasized about meeting someone ruggedly handsome or flawlessly beautiful with a name to match? I can tell ya I’ve never met a Langston Wild, Fallon Carrington Colby or a Lionel Lockridge in real life. When I lived in Chicago everyone’s name was Joe or Smitty. In Colorado it was Bill or Sue. Here in the NW it’s Leaf or Sunshine. Not one single Jackson Montgomery in the bunch.

I remember getting hooked on OLTL when I was pg with my daughter … 30 some years ago! I wasn’t feeling well and I was eating saltines in the kitchen flipping thru channels and I came upon some dream scene with angels. It was actually a coma scene (of course!) … silly me! And, anyway, I was an instant fan! Who could resist all those fluffy angel wings and a fog machine working overtime?

Alas … the days of Dynasty, Falcon Crest,  Dallas and all the daytime soaps are past. I miss them because the only soap opera I turn into these days is the Rachel  Maddow  Show and I wish to god it was made up!

Every damn day there is something unbelievable in the news – mainly from our current President. (If you know me, you know how I feel about him. If you don’t like it – don’t read my stuff.) Last week it was a plethora of things … the month before more … the month before that more of the same and then some. Nothing is THAT shocking anymore – which is shocking in itself! It’s just a continuous onslaught of garbage and disgusting bits of what – for anyone else – would be abhorrently disgraceful and people would be calling for him to be out on his ass. Every day brings something new and fresh and just as disturbing and disgusting and it all kicks us in the stomach and fills us (well, at least me) with dread and despair and … dare I say it? Indifference. There are days when it’s just too much and I feel so helpless and see what I know this country to be just slipping away … like the coast of CA in one of those disaster movies (2012) when it all slides off into the ocean. Today it was the presidential pardon of the former governor of IL … who (up til today) was in a CO prison fulfilling his sentence. No longer. He’s already on his way home. I’m glad my Chicago-born dad is not buried as he’d be rolling around like a chicken on a spit today.

I can’t stand it anymore. We have a democratic party that can’t seem to get their shit together. They are attacking each other so that at the end of the day – we are all so disgusted with EVERYONE – why would we want to vote for ANY of them? I’m just asking them to pick someone. ANYONE. Any warm, living, decent human being with a brain. OMG. Get everyone behind this person and blow FA* (*use your imagination) Trump out of the water/White House. We don’t have that much time left to get the message out that the Democratic nominee has to be the ONLY choice. Time’s a’wastin’ kids! Stop cannibalizing your supporters and each other – band together! Unite and get back to decency. OMG.

(And I’m not on a political rant – per se – and I do know that the economy is good and that some good things have happened with this presidency (I’d have to really look to find them but there’s got to be something) – but there has been SO much damage … environmentally to us/going forward and globally and with our allies. It’s pitiful. We need to get back to decency!)

I’m sick of the angst. I’m sure most of the country is, too … whatever “side” you are on. It’s overwhelming. It’s exhausting. And I’m so tired of it. I love Rachel but I’d love her even more if what she was talking about wasn’t so gut-wrenching and upsetting … every damn day. EVERY. DAMN. DAY. If her show were not the RMS … it could be As The Stomach Churns. I just can’t take it anymore.

We have 259 days until the election this year … sounds like a lot. I know it’ll go by – as years always do – too quickly – but I don’t want my next 259 days angst-filled only.

All I tend to hear is negative news. It’s all around us. So much negativity … and that makes me grumpy. And I really don’t like being grumpy. So, today I decided that I’m going to bring, on a consistent basis, a little levity to our world … a little slice of Heaven (maybe without the fluffy angel wings) … a little bit of joy and a little bit of sunshine … in whatever form it comes to me in … a quote, a story, a joke. We’ll see.

As my friend said tonight, “One has to have some relief from the unending assault on our sense of decency and our hope for humanity.”

So, true. So starting tomorrow I’m going to start a new lobster campaign and try to spread a little cheer … a little hope … a little something NICE to my fellow lobster fans and friends to give us some relief.

If nothing else – it’ll give my adrenals a little support, my stomach won’t be churning (as much) and maybe, just maybe, I won’t be so grumpy!

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The Armchair Traveler …

January 20, 2020 … Monday

I would like to think it started with the Baltic Sea … but I would be wrong.

It started years earlier when we signed permission for our, then 17 year old, son to go on a trip with his language class to Germany.

The travel bug bit hard! I should have known but I was naive … thinking this would quell further desires. Oh, yes it was great to broaden his horizons and open up his world – at the same time making it smaller/more accessible. But international travel was not in our wheelhouse. It was (dare I say?) … foreign to us.

We had no idea how far that one trip would take him or where both of these kids would eventually go.

I should have known when I got the photo of Ted in the Baltic Sea. Yes – IN the Baltic Sea. IN the commercial fishing lanes. IN a kayak … holding onto a buoy. Oh boy. But – he was smiling!

What can I say? That travel bug bit him as a teen and for the other half of his life – he’s been following his heart and filling up the pages in his passports. My daughter’s bug bite was lesser but she was still bitten. I can still see her beaming face as she sat at the kitchen table with her 3 girlfriends – just after they hit the “send” button on her computer booking their backpacking trip to Europe. That was an exciting day!

That was also the day I started buying Tums and Rolaids by the case! Nothing makes the stomach juices start overproducing than a photo of your son on a buoy in the Baltic Sea or the mere thought of your beautiful teen daughter wandering the countryside in a foreign land.

I’ve managed to make the rounds of a few countries in Europe. I’ve been to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. But my travels and experiences do NOT compare with that of my kids’.

And because of them I’ve traveled the world … 40 plus countries, 5 continents and a variety of vast bodies of water. I’ve been in ponds, rivers, streams, lakes, bays, cays, seas, and oceans … and I’ve barely even gotten wet! I’ve been in deserts, savannahs, mountain peaks, jungles, and forests. I’ve been in the countryside and in all sizes of cities. I’ve traveled not knowing one word of the native language.

Last week the Taal volcano erupted. Ted sent a “Remember When” photo to me from 4 years ago from when he was standing on its rim. Lovely. (As in OMG! What the …)

He was in South Africa when Mandela passed. Oddly enough he was in Cuba when Castro died, as well. He missed the Russian invasion of Georgia by 2 days (or less). He was in Syria before the war started and Sarajevo (Bosnia/Herzegovina) after their war ended. He was just in Lebanon where there were protests. He’s passed through security scrutiny that makes me nearly physically ill when he just relays the arduous and intimidating procedures to me. He’s been in places I’m sure he probably should NOT have been.

Some stories I know. Others I don’t. Some I’m sure I don’t want to know about. The stories about bribing the border patrol and out-running some crooked police make me glad I don’t know them all.

I’m content to look at pictures from the comfort of my armchair. From there I can’t get thrown into some foreign jail, snacked on by a shark or lose an ear due to frostbite! (Not that any of that has happened to either of them! But just sayin’ … )

Sam just got back from Hawaii. She’s an adventure girl and I think I eat more Tums and Rolaids when she’s gone than when Ted is off on his escapades. The what-ifs of a woman traveling solo are always in my head … obviously, that’s not the case with Ted. I worry differently about him.

This past week was very rainy (as in VERY rainy) in parts of Hawaii … and seemingly where Sam was particularly so. One of her Instagram posts was of her on a very muddy, slippery/slimy jungle trail – leaning over some bushes while photographing some yellow raging river/waterfall that plunged some 400′. I’m at home in said armchair yelling at the images on the phone telling her to BACK AWAY FROM THE CLIFF. I knew she was alright because I had just talked with her and the images were from the previous day’s hike … but still! Her next day’s hike was canceled due to deadly and dangerous conditions where people were being emergency air-lifted from the trail. Yeah – more Tums. I did the same thing last month when she was on a teeny tiny loose gravelly mountain trail with a mountain wall on one side and a sheer drop on the other. I’m pretty sure the trail was less than 3 feet wide and had an incline grade of 30%. I knew she was home feeding the dog but it didn’t stop me from yelling at the video saying, “STOP RUNNING! STOP RUNNING!” I can still hear the loose gravel skitter away beneath her feet.

My kids don’t have kids. They don’t get it – yet.

But, because of my kids I’ve traveled the world! Through their adventures I’ve been swimming in a pristine (and extremely cold) mountain lake in Switzerland … I’ve been air dropped and skied in the Canadian Rockies. I’ve hiked and biked Moab and Zion and the Grand Canyon. I’ve hiked 14’ers and other mountain peaks – with and without technical gear. I’ve taken breathtaking snapshots of the Tetons at daybreak (Wyoming) and a haunting image of a shepherd girl (Syria). I’ve snorkeled with sea turtles in Hawaii and I’ve gone free diving in Mexico – all without getting sweaty or wet (or having to put on a bathing suit! Bonus!)

I’ve eaten guinea pig outside of Machu Picchu (Peru), fried grubs (Mexico City, Mexico) and questionable street foods (Everywhere). I’ve climbed countless steps – with a 40 lb backpack – in Cinque Terre, Italy as well as ancient ruins in Mexico and the pyramids (Egypt). I’ve run marathons across the bridge spanning the Bosporus River in Turkey between Europe and Asia and between villages in Italy. I’ve run with packs of wild dogs in Ankara (Turkey) and Bangalore (India) … and moose in the mountains of Colorado.

I’ve seen Notre Dame (Paris, France) and Aleppo (Syria) intact before the ravages of fire or senselessness of war. I’ve been to World Heritage Sites that are no longer. I’ve wandered spice markets and catacombs ands swam in turquoise waters. I’ve seen the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors (China). I’ve stood in Red Square (Moscow, Russia), been in awe of the spires in Prague (Czech Republic) and have strolled along canals in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Amsterdam (Netherlands). I’ve even bungeed off the world’s tallest bridge (South Africa) … and I didn’t even throw up. (But after he told me about it – I wanted to!)

I’ve shared stories and dinners with locals almost everywhere. Smoked a cigar in Havana (Cuba) and mentored talented minds in Gaza (Gaza Strip). I’ve slept under the stars and stayed in tents and huts and cabins, hostels and 5-star hotels in jungles, beaches, deserts, cities and mountains all around the world. I’ve visited the temples in Malaysia and Thailand. I’ve seen artwork and architecture that is awe-inspiring. I’ve seen lions and giraffes on safari, sat with the Fossey gorillas and walked with the Maasai warriors (Africa). I’ve even spent 13 days in an ICU unit in Delhi (India). (Yes – that was scary.)

And that is the tip of the iceberg of travels (and oddly, no one has been on an iceberg!).

Do I feel that I’ve missed out and wish I had been in on their adventures? Most of the time – no. I’m not that adventurous. They got that bent from Tim. I’m very content to see their photos and hear their stories (and sometimes not hear their stories). Do I wish to go off with them – somewhere – sometime in the future? Sure! I’d love to zipline through a Costa Rican jungle or hold a koala bear (before they are extinct) and certainly I’d love to go to The Netherlands or Brussels, or to Paris or Copenhagen (again). But I’ll leave the adventure travel to them – I’ll see the photos and hear the stories later. But, for the most part, I’m content to stay home, sit in my armchair and eat Tums.

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Short Story Challenge …

January 19, 2020 – Sunday

This week son (Ted) entered a short story contest. I was too chicken to sign up for it … deeming my writing skills “too rusty” compared to other works I’ve read lately. However, I still wanted to know the instructions he was given so that I could “dip my toes in” without really doing so.

The first phase of the contest is (less than) 2500 words – genre: romance, character: woodworker and subject: getting organized. If you don’t use these parameters you are disqualified. Finalists are chosen and they then go on to Round 2 and are given another assignment … until it continues to a winner.

Here’s my unofficial story …

Twilight. My favorite time of the day. As I sat beneath the oak tree in the yard – it hit me. No, not the answer to world peace or how to feed our nation’s hungry … but a perfect little acorn! Pointy end down it hit me – right on top of my head – and along with it the idea of what to do with the task at hand. The seed of the tree became the seed of my idea. From small things grow great things. I rubbed my head and hoped I was right.

He planted the tree before I was born. Our initials are carved into its trunk. He was always hopeful. Who plants a tree unless you are hopeful that there will be a future and someone who will love and enjoy it? He was always believing that there would be tomorrow. Always believing that I would come.

He was the love of my life.

He was decades older than myself but people seemed to understand. He’d known me almost my entire life. It was love at first sight – for both of us. And that’s just the way it was … and continued to be.

Until it wasn’t.

Professionally I am Jacqueline Dumond – aka: The Curator of Clutter. Seriously, that’s my title. Otherwise, I’m known as “JD”. How I got to this point, I’m not really sure. One day I was helping a neighbor organize her linen closet and the next I was juggling talk shows and book signings about all things clutter and organization. That then morphed into curating – saving and displaying what is special and loved as masterfully as in any museum. Which then morphed into the realm of interior design and well, here I am today – kind of a Jacqueline of all trades – but mostly I am the queen of all things clutter. And now … wood.

“JD – I’ve found a tree. Come!”

I hear his voice in my dreams. Husky. Comforting. Reminiscent of wood smoke trails on gloomy autumn days.

I pocketed the acorn – thanking it as I did so – and hurried inside to my tablet. I am an old-fashioned girl … I love my laptop but I can’t live without my legal pad and black fine point.

I snuggled into the corner chair – one of my necessities. I tell my clients, Live with what you love. It’s not a splurge so much as a necessity. That seems to quell their fears of spending too much money on things that they would never think of spending any money on. I have never understood why people buy 4 chairs that are $100 each that they don’t really like – instead of 2 chairs at $200 each that they really love. If you don’t really love something – why buy it?

Love it – Keep it. Loathe it – Lose it. That’s kind of my mantra. It helps keep the clutter (of mine and apparently my clients and followers) at bay. If you don’t love it, need it, use it or are absolutely emotionally attached to it – get rid of it. I can sometimes be more ruthless than I’d like.

An organized whatever – desk/closet/home – is not only calming but efficient.

That’s also more of my mantra. It sounds a little snooty (or corny) … but it’s true. And, who doesn’t like calm and efficiency?

My thoughts wander as I sit in the chair … down-filled cushions slip-covered in a chintz of roses. Even in winter, when the snowflakes dance just beyond the windows behind me, this chair makes me happy. Live with what you love.

He was a craftsman. A chemist by education – a woodworker by passion. His hands could take the roughest materials and turn them into treasures as smooth as marble. He whittled as a boy – then moved on to carving decoys. As his skills progressed he found the treadle lathe to his liking … making candlesticks and table legs by the thousands. But his true love (aside from me) was carving wooden utensils … spoons, ladles, spreaders and the like. Thousands of those, too. I am so grateful that I can, without guilt or angst, continue to give them away. I have no worries of ever running out – there are so many.

The woods, back behind the house, supplied the materials for his pieces. He’d go for long walks and almost always bring home a windfall … poplar, maple, cherry … hardwoods were best – not too porous. The black walnut was his favorite – soft enough to carve, hard enough to last. And, if the branch had any nuts on it – bonus! We’d make ice cream.

“JD – I’ve found a tree. Come!”

Those words echo and swirl in my head and heart. How I loved him!

There are people who favor photographs to remember people by. I tend to organize items of sentiment and remembrance into display cases. Labeled, orderly, neat, tidy, safe. (Something like my life.) Nothing I’ve ever put into a case was a great artifact but each one was something cherished … something that touched someone’s soul. Select items that made their eyes glisten and childhood or special memories from eons ago seem like yesterday.

I love what I do. It is exhausting at times but it’s almost always rewarding.

But now there are these spoons. Boxes and boxes and shelves and shelves of spoons and ladles … pie servers and spreaders. I used to call them utensils (collectively) and he’d laugh and say, “No, they’re my-tensils. Get your own!” Silly things we remember. But I guess they are now my-tensils.

I plucked the acorn from my pocket and brought it up to my face. Looking over my glasses I studied its glossy casing and finely criss-crossed cap and sturdy stem. Not a worm hole in it. Its pointed end obligatory for planting itself firmly into the soil after falling from the mother tree. Absolute perfection. I wondered, not for the first time, what it would taste like if I were to eat it.

I opted not to find out and put it on the side table. Because of this perfect, little nut I knew what I needed to do – at least with some of his wares … and the workshop.

I began sketching out my ideas … one page after another. A bowl of soup and a glass of wine later, the sun having set behind me hours ago, I got up to stretch and wiggled out my stiff fingers. I felt at ease. Content with my progress. My heart ached but I know he’d approve.

Our love was one of absolutes and fairy tales. I was his princess and he was my prince. We were never cross with each other. There was never a mean word or hurt feeling between us. We were both so genuinely happy to be in each other’s company and orbit.

When he smiled – his eyes sparkled and little crinkles formed at their edges. His hair was as black as nut hulls – wavy and thick; the envy of many his age. We laughed. We sang songs – sometimes old, sometimes silly, sometimes both. We danced. We shared secrets and our innermost dreams, desires and reflections. He brought me gifts from the woods … a fallen nest, bits of lichen and moss, a length of bramble – heavy with fat, juicy berries, bittersweet, birch bark; things that no one else would consider finery. But I loved them all … and him for thinking of me and so sweetly.

It was late and too windy for my liking but I decided to go into the woodshop and nose around – get my bearings. It was nothing more than a room carved (so to speak) out of the old garage – but it was warm and cozy and filled with a variety of wood – in a variety of stages of work. Piles of branches in one corner – not yet touched since his gleaning. In another corner were boxes of finished spindles and table legs. In yet another, more of the same and then some. The shelves were lined with his carvings – latest and old – spoon upon spoon – spooning together for ages. Shavings piled under and around several work stations … some piles thick and curly while others were fine as dust; their size depending on what was going on above. It held that woodshop scent … clean, crisp, woodsy but also with a hint of oil and musk.

I looked around and my heart felt heavy. As a kid I had a guinea pig and how he loved his cedar shavings. And here I was – wishing I could be like him and burrow deep under the piles gathered on the floor and dream all this away.

This was his domain. This is where he turned ordinary into extraordinary … a chunky branch into a curved soup ladle. Another stick into a delicate demitasse spoon. He worked and caressed the wood like no one else and brought out its inner beauty. He was an artist, a romancer of wood; he was masterful in his doings.

I sat on a stool and fiddled with one of his micro tools … so tiny. A mass of them were strewn about on the workbench. That used to drive me crazy – the disarray. This was the one area I was forbidden to dig my hands into. Until now.

I now knew what I’d do once I started to work on this space. I’d organize the daylights out of it! I’d make display cases for some of his finest works … but then I’d turn to the drawers and shelves. I could see them pristine – all labeled and alphabetized – holding blades, chisels and grinders. Others for planers and sanders. The oils and towels would be in metal tins – tucked neatly beneath the labeled and contained carvings on the shelves. The branches would be stacked and sorted according to wood type. I had big plans for this place.

I moved through the space with critical eyes – refining my drawings and taking notes as I walked through the shavings … footsteps behind the mice who lived here. Live with what you love.

I was deep in thought and jumped half out of my skin when I heard the thud! on the roof and the soft swish-rustle and another thud as it hit the ground. I knew what had happened – a limb had fallen and hit the roof and then slid to the ground. I went outside into the inky night – the light from the woodshop spilling out to where I was standing.

I smiled through my tears as I dragged the limb into the middle of the work space. Once the leaves were off I’d put it in the corner where the other branches lay. I had a lot of work ahead of me. But not tonight. I grabbed a handful of what lay on the floor and turned off the lights and closed the door softly.

As I walked back to the house I called out to the heavens above, “Grandpa – I’ve found a tree. Come! I’m making ice cream.”

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Gleaning …

This is another blog post that, somehow, did not get published. So – a here’s a little something from late Summer.

August 23, 2019 – Friday

The days go by quickly …. the weeks and months more so and I wonder how can this be? Next week will be a year since my  dad passed. He is gone – yet life has and continues to go on. I seem to measure time in years by deaths … 1 since my dad, almost one by Gert, 13 since Tim. Shouldn’t we measure things by LIFE? 

Languid. We had a rain shower today – far from normal August weather for us – and the cool breezes that brought the little storm to us and that remained after it marched on eastward made me feel all snoozy and peaceful. Languid. Such a good word. I looked it up and there is actually a Sherwin Williams paint color with that name … it is a cross between a soft pale sea glass and a pale, dusty blue … not aqua or sky or navy … but somewhere in between. The color name was spot on. Perfectly perfect. 

We’ve had a string of lovely days … not wanting to press my luck, I’ll cross my fingers for more. We don’t get summer up on this NW island … more like a warm spring for a few weeks and then we slip into perpetual October weather – which I love but when it’s October. It was 71 last night at 10pm. It was glorious. That was warmer than most of our summer days. I hated coming into the house. I wanted so badly to sit on my steps and listen to the songs of the peepers and crickets but the peepers sing their songs in the spring … and we have no crickets here. 

I am reading a book that is so unbearably sad there are times while reading it that I don’t think I can continue doing so. The heartache is almost too much to bear. But I have to find out what happens so I will continue on … telling myself it is only fiction. But I know this girl. This character is now in my soul and she will forever be with me … and part of me. I’d love to have that impact! I need to let this author know how she has moved me.

The political scene is too difficult these days to watch/keep up with … too absurd, too disappointing, too atrocious. I am at a loss and feel so helpless and yet how can I stand idly by? I don’t know what to do and hate thinking that it wouldn’t matter anyway if I did something … but what would I do? Decency. What happened to common decency? 

We should all be so very grateful … nothing is given. Life and all that it entails is such a gift.  And with that I think … we (whomever is reading this) all have so much. Why would any of us act without civility or decency to each other? We are so fortunate – shouldn’t niceness and all that be inherent and just a normal way to live life? Why is there even room for nastiness, egotism/vanity, greed? For shame!

I am dogless. It’s an odd thing for me. No personal dogs and no guest dogs for another week. It’s been a few days here and there since Gert and Clara passed last fall that I’ve been solo. It’s amazing how much I sweep off my floor! I’m used to having a houseful … or at least a few … and it’s so lonely by myself. I have no one to share my dinner with. No one to clean up the floor by the stove. No one to fill a water dish for. I don’t like it. 

We must be sliding into fall because I’m ready for pumpkins. There was a day last week when the air felt different … it had a different scent and I knew … the seasons are changing. Fall is coming. I love this time of year … now until the end of November. I am a fall baby. I love every autumnal thing … even the shortening of the days. It signals that it’s time to start cozying in … it’s time to get ready for the quiet and rest of winter. We will be deep into autumn when I will find myself in the Carolinas. I am determined to find “my place”. I know it’s out there. I will find it. I need to find it.  

Summer’s ending and I find myself shifting … businesses, plans, wardrobe. We are always evolving … sometimes I’d like to not. Sometimes I wish I’d just get the journey behind me and be at my destination. Be my better self. Be where I’m supposed to be. Know that I’ve arrived. The laugh’s on me. 

I have favorite quotes taped to my wall/my lamp on my desk … they sit around me and share my space and for the most part – go unnoticed … until once in a while one flutters down and catches my attention. The one that caught my eye this week was “Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in your journey.”. These little nudges from the universe or loved souls are precious to me … reminders that I’m on the right path … I’m going in the right direction … I’ll get there. Be patient. Glean.

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It …

November 12, 2019 – Tuesday

35.9943° N, 79.9353° W

Those coordinates might not mean anything to anyone else … but to me they (hopefully) will mean HOME.


Yes!!!! After 9 years … umpteen “research” trips … thousands of towns … so many gross breakfasts … way too many charges on my credit cards and a million stories (including the crazy old lady and the frog in her basement) that will someday be in a book entitled Searching for Utopia While Living in the State of Confusion … I have found … IT!

35.9943° N, 79.9353° W … Jamestown, North Carolina

It is NOT the Jamestown of the first settlers who on May 14, 1607 (then known as the Virginia Company of England) established a settlement named Jamestown (Virginia) after sailing off and yonder. It’s importance is noted because it was the first successful, permanent colony in the New World by the British. This is not the same as the landing site of the Mayflower which landed thirteen years later, in Massachusetts, with my ancestors aboard.

It is NOT the Jamestown of the famous flood in Pennsylvania in 1889 that wiped out the entire town in less than 10 minutes killing 2209 people and countless cows and other livestock. That was Johnstown.

It is NOT the Jamestown where in 1978 more than 900 members of an American cult “drank the Kool-Aid” and perished in a mass suicide-murder in Guyana. That was Jonestown. And fyi – it was Flavor Aid not Kool-Aid that they drank.

So … what is so special about this place? This Jamestown? I can’t tell you … not exactly. I drove through on my last morning, on my way to the airport, and as I came upon this little town … I just knew. You know when people say that about their significant other … “I just knew.” … well, I just knew. It felt good. After so many places that felt wrong … this felt right.

It’s cute. It’s quaint. It’s 12-20 minutes from anything I’d ever need. 90 minutes from 2 airports and bigger cities. Perfectly located. Large lake. Beautiful parks. Tons of trees. Pastoral. Lovely. Affordable. It was GOOD.

More to come … but the ball is rolling … and I’m very hopeful. And if I’m not to find a home at 35.9943° N, 79.9353° W … it’ll be pretty darn close! I’ll keep you posted!

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Clarity …

October 17, 2019 – Thursday

(Somehow this didn’t post … so, here it is now!)

I roused myself from my warm bed long enough – to dash through the bedroom, avoid the slumbering dog on the floor, and grab my laptop from the hall counter where it was sucking up its nightly juice – before freezing.

I was thinking I’d have to sit in the dining room – letting the moonlight wash over me as the cold seeped into me – when I realized I could steal away BACK to my cozy bed and write. Oh, the luxury of wifi! 

I started this blog a few days ago but it didn’t feel quite right. I needed to let it settle – there has been turbulence within me, like a paper boat at sea, and I’ve been having a hard time figuring out what is going on.

Until tonight. 

Thoughts had been rolling around in my head and I knew I had to get up and write them down or they’d be gone – like the stars at daybreak – as I am a “one and done”creator.

I was toweling off from my shower when thoughts came speeding into and then out of my brain … like one of those emergency bulletins at the bottom of the TV screen warning you of impending thunderstorms or tornadic activity. Except whereas the TV keeps streaming those blurbs (how else did we midwesterners learn the names of our neighboring counties than by those repetitions?) what comes into and then goes out of my brain happens only once … and then is gone. Forever. I try to conjure up what those words were … wisps of thought flit through … jumbled and tumbled words and letters like some forgotten code or alphabet soup but nothing more. Sigh. Those words are gone. I need a magic wand to get them back. 

Alas, no magic wand. How many times have I wanted one of those in my lifetime? So, there I was wet-headed looking more like Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid than I really cared to – trying to get what was in my head through these fingertips before the thoughts were gone. The little poodlette by my side was not helping as she was peeping every 3 minutes, like a live squeaky toy, and was driving me slowly insane. Well, not exactly insane … but significantly distracted.

Paris has been in my thoughts … everything Parisian has been swirling around for a while but moreso this past week. I had guests in from Paris – sailing through – and they were lovely. I wished I could have visited more with them. I wouldn’t even have had to have been in on their conversation … I could have just sat and listened and drenched myself in French.  Oh, that extraordinary language … lilt and musicality … it poises on the tongue and then floats out leaving mouths pouty and lips suggestive. I can almost see the words visible in the air … gilded and in sumptuous calligraphy like a formal wedding invitation. 

Ah, Paris. I long for it. How long has it been that I have been pining for a place I have only visited once – and so briefly? I long for it like a lost lover, a gone parent or childhood. The air is the same there as what I am breathing here but yet it is so vastly different. Love, light, and depth are infused into it somehow … amidst the gargoyles and baguettes, art, bridges and trumpeting buttresses … I imagine even in ash. Very few days go by when my soul doesn’t whisper to me … return

I just finished reading the book … The Little Paris Bookshop  – which oddly isn’t about a little Paris bookshop at all but of a gentleman’s life. He has a book barge and it is known as a Literary Apothecary. He knows exactly which books to offer people to heal their souls. An interesting concept. I borrowed it from a neighbor who borrowed it from her friend and so, one to another we share the threads of this book – this writing – that has shaken my soul.

This is what has been causing the turbulence. 

It is one of those books that I read and put down and picked up again a few days later – not my normal book devouring. This one was a difficult read and took me a while to realize why. When first reading, I thought I’d return it but was told to keep going  … so, I plodded on finding the main character so troubled and pathetic. I was impatient with him. Get a life! –I kept thinking. But the more I read, the more I found myself relating to him and his plight as it’s less about books and more about life’s journey and love and loss and grief and finding your light again. 

While reading I was bemused that my French wasn’t cutting it with my stuttered pronunciations of towns and words (wasn’t the 6 week class I took from the local junior college a million years ago enough?!). I am glad I was not reading it aloud as I butchered the language so well that Oscar Meyer would have been proud. 

As I got more into the book, however, I realized where my impatience stemmed from … that the difficulty in reading this story was that the main character was … me. He was me! The realization took hold last night and it’s with slow seepage that I’m letting it find a place in my being. I feel like I’m in public – naked and vulnerable – for all to see and witness. I don’t like it … but there it is … in black and white and well, French.  And I felt compelled to share the power of this writing – even if it exposed me.

In reading those words,  something has shifted … as the character was finding his way – so was I! An epiphany of sorts had occurred and it’s as if years of darkness have been cast aside and something has been sprinkled about me … the soothing lilt of French conversation, moonlight, glittering seas, knowing that grief takes time – and who is to say how much? Not so much demons but emptiness … hollowness and loneliness creep into the crevices of your soul when there is no light.

And suddenly … through Monsieur Perdu … there was light. I traveled his journey with him – at least part of it – and have stepped into the light of a million stars. I could say sunshine – but it is night that I love more … when the velvet sky wraps around us and the sky sparkles with a million diamonds. I’ve always been a glitter girl.  

It was sometime late last night, between when I put the book onto my nightstand and before I drifted off – just when I was thinking about the seal pup I saw on the beach and when I was marveling at the moonshine coming through my bedroom window – when I felt the shift … literary therapy had come full circle. Life imitating art. 

And so, in the pre-dawn hours I vowed not to continue on the path that I have walked for so long. The time of healing – the in-between time of having to say goodbye and choosing to say goodbye – the long (or short) period of grieving/of mourning – gives way to going forward with all that was as a new beginning. I don’t mean to sound so dramatic – but there was such clarity. Sadness takes up a lot of room in one’s heart. Great things are ahead – for anyone who is missing a loved one – if only we allow them!

Which brings me to my blind date.  In about a week I will be on my way to NC, again. My 4th/5th time?  I have a date (not in the traditional sense but perhaps with destiny?) and am hoping that this is IT! I know – been there/done that all before – and I know I’ve been saying (for a long, long time) that I have to get off this rock. But, I’m actually giddy! I’m apprehensive but excited … and something feels different this time around. So, I will go to the middle of the state and check out the Triad area (Winston-Salem/Greensboro/High Point) and amble, soak up the sights and smells and sounds … kick up some leaves … and figure this out. Once and for all. 

I know it’s there. It’s time. I’m ready. My future is before me. Life awaits. C’est la vie!

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The Car of the Future …

July 18, 2019 – Thursday

I have a problem.

And, it’s sitting in my driveway. My 24 year old Honda Odyssey van is on its last legs (so to speak). I shouldn’t be surprised … given its age and that it’s driven this family and others and stuff around the country all these years going a whopping 226K miles (and then some).

It started smoking last month. I thought someone was having a BBQ on my way home from being off the island. Imagine my surprise when I came to a stop and smoke started billowing out from under my hood! Not exactly a good sign.

I limped to the ferry line … had 3 over 75 year olds tell me what I needed to do (all told me something different) … limped home … smoking all the way. But, I made it!

Time to get a new/er car. Sigh.

I let it sit in the driveway for a few days – hoping that if I just let it sit there it would regenerate itself into working order. It didn’t happen. So, I got it towed to the local shop (I will not go as far as to say they are good or reputable but they are on the island). When the tow truck driver looked under the hood, he was the one to assess the problem.

I had a dead rat against my fan/lodged into it, actually, and before it died, it chewed my lines and drank my antifreeze … and then got twisted in my front fan … hence the over heating and billowing of smoke, etc. It cost me $511 to remove said rat.

Sam had a dead opossum in her furnace a few months back. That cost me a lot more. What is it with us and dead animals in places they should not be? How long were both of us breathing in dead rodent fumes? Ew!

So, while the shop was fixing the lines and getting the rat’s dead/toasted body out of the fan – it was determined that I also have a leaking distributor … along with a few other things … and a cracked axle (that I knew about before). So, yeah – REALLY time for a new/er car.

But … I’m on an island and without much here to 1) look at 2) sit in 3) compare 4) test drive … I needed to go off island to the car dealerships “overseas”. So, my first dog-free day I ventured out (using a loaner car/thank you neighbors!). I went to every car dealership in the north area … even the ones that looked like if I bought a car with a dead rat in it it would be the best car on the lot.

Absolutely NO luck with Makoto, Alex, Manny or Spencer. I didn’t get the names from others. I just wanted some Purell.

A few days ago, my next dog free day and now with my own car, I ventured across again to go in a different direction. After waiting 2 hours to get off the island and turning into the first decent looking place, I met up with Paul. He surely would have lost to a sloth or a turtle in any race. The man was as slow as molasses in January. In an igloo. SLOW. We finally got out to a car I wanted to see … and he had grabbed the wrong set of keys. OMG. Torture would have been nicer.

The 800 year old Asian grandpa was the salesman at the next dealership. And while faster than Paul – I had to hold him up while we walked the lot. As I left he grinned at me and said, “I may be slow, but I’m not an asshole.” Slow yes, asshole no.

Next I met up with Tommy. A nice young kid who met me at the door and said he’d help me. Great. Someone who could walk without a walker and quickly and had the right keys! He showed me one car and then disappeared. Someone else came out and said they’d help me as T. was with a customer. Excuse me? I went back into the office and told T. that if he didn’t have time for me, he shouldn’t have met me at the door.

I grumbled off. This was not going well.

Over the course of the next 3 hours I met Larry, Steve, Ismael, Morgan, Komal and Matt and a handful of others whom I told had lost a sale because they didn’t even have business cards. As I left I said, “Vista Print … $12 bucks! Order now!”

Kudos to Matt for not being ancient, slow, pushy, impatient or an asshole. However, he didn’t have anything I wanted.

The problem I’m having is that I’ve been driving the same car for nearly 25 years. Modern technology has advanced (as far as I’m concerned) at the speed of light and I sit in these new/er cars and the dashboard might as well be one of a 747 Boeing airplane. Scary. Intimidating. So high tech. So many buttons/dials/screens!

I want simple. I am intimidated by my washing machine! Simple cars/dashboards are (apparently) a thing of the past. And, I’m on the shorter side … I sit in these cars/mini suvs and I can barely see over the steering wheel/hump/back up camera/everything else that is now lodged on the dashboard … and never mind about trying to see behind me! It’s one of the criteria that I can see out of the vehicle if I’m considering purchasing it!

So, here I am – back on the island (after another 2 hour wait to get back the other night!) – doing online research. Again. Baby suv? Small hatchback? New or used? Cash or 0% APR for 60 months? Do I want to buy something new knowing that right now, at this moment, 25 years after purchasing my last car that my best/most affordable option is still fossil fuel reliant? I thought for sure we’d be in Jetson-like hover crafts by now! Electric is not an option where I am. Do I want to go hybrid? Or do I just “get something” so that I can retire the Mom Mobile and think this through a few years down the road when the hybrids become better/more reliable/more affordable? Do I really want to sink $X into ANY car?

I honestly, back in 1995, never thought I’d have this car still (who would?!) … it’s taken us 12,136 miles short of taking us to the moon. (The moon being 238,900 miles from Earth!) This is a big deal. It’s been a great car. My kids were 8 and 10 when we got this car! We went on countless trips to Chicago … drove to the east and west coasts and everywhere in between on family vacations … drove to WA on my last move. Both kids learned how to drive in this car. I listened to countless hours of giggling in “the way back” when they were pre-teens – like I was just a chauffeur or completely invisible (or deaf). (What? Did they think I couldn’t hear them?)

We had some great times in that van … and here I am, getting ready to say good-bye. I’ll donate it to some organization. Maybe someone can fix it up. Maybe they’ll dump it. I don’t really want to know.

In any case – I have to find a new/er car cuz there is a problem in my driveway and it’s not resolving itself even if I ignore it (as I have been). I am a bit optimistic in hoping a new hover craft vehicle, that car of the future, will be on the market in the next few weeks … how I’d love to zoom around above the 200 year olds driving on this island!

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Ode to water …

May 23, 2019 – Thursday

Last night I got BOMBED! No, not in the sense of an explosive incendiary device or that I was drunk as a skunk … I got BATH bombed. I filled the tub and put one of those bath salt/bath bomb things into it – you know, those ones that are to make your skin smooth as silk or chiffon pie. Or something like that.

I envisioned those TV commercials from when I was a kid … the mom up to her neck in steamy water, luxuriating in a tub full of bubbles, candles lit, jungle fronds and gardenias (somehow) swaying in the breeze of her bathroom. Calgon … take me away!

My experience was a bit different than that one … mostly due to no jungle fronds or gardenias but also because my tub is a reject from the Motel 6 variety of bathtubs. Anyone can sit in that tub … but recline? Submerge? Not even possible. I’m not sure a toddler could even lie down in that tub … it’s short, slanted and shallow. The trifecta of awfulness for a bathtub! If you sit in the tub, then the top part of you is cold … if you submerge, your legs rise out of the bubbles like the Sand Hills in Nebraska … minus the cranes.

During my 4 minute soak (as long as I could endure while the song Baby Shark kept looping through my brain) … I realized how much I like my bathroom. Now that sounds pretty weird, even to me … but it’s yellow and cheery with accents of black and brown, aqua and tan and when it’s sunny out (which is not often, especially in the fall/winter here in the NW), it’s the sunniest room in my house. I’ve even thought of setting up my tray table in the tub and working in the room … it’s cozy, quiet, warm, sunny and close to the commode, if needed! What more could I want? Simple pleasures.

I was thinking of my bathtub (again, weird) when I was crossing over the continent on my way home from the Carolinas earlier this month. I was thinking that the next place I move to will have to have a decent bathtub! And as I was thinking that we popped out of some cloud cover and I peered out my airplane window like some high flying bird – somewhere, 30 some thousand feet over some rugged terrain – and I was mesmerized by the green, jagged slopes of ??? I have no idea what as I had no idea where we were. No flight tracker on that airplane! I looked down and saw mostly green hills, jagged and lush, as far as I could see and every once in a while a building would come into view. A teeny tiny Monopoly house or barn or warehouse – in the middle of nowhere. Roads, vehicles, people and animals were diminished to ant-size but I could make out structures. And rivers. A LOT of rivers.

I watched as one started up north and meandered its way south past my view. It was an old river, horseshoeing its way through the land … snaking along in a sinuous ribbon of olive green. It was beautiful with its curves and oxbow lakes here and there. And then it was gone … we’d flown beyond my sight line. But it made me wonder how old that river was, where it was, and what it had seen?

Was it there when the herds of buffalo roamed the prairies? Who were the first people to drink from its waters? How many fish swam in those curves?

A few days after my return home, I was still wondering about that river … and how much water was in this country? And on this globe? And in us?

So, here are my findings … amazingly, 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Wow … I knew it was a lot but not THAT much! Good thing I know how to swim! And, nearly 97% of that water is oceanic in nature. Again, amazing … as well as a little terrifying!

The United States is roughly 7% water … less than I would have thought. And, (this I knew but thought it was higher) … 60% of the human body is water … and if you break it down even farther … the brain and heart are 73% water (I had NO idea!) … kidneys – 79% … lungs – 83% … skin – 64% and bones – 31%!

So, it’s sunny out but my wifi doesn’t carry to my deck and the rest of the house is in shadow – so, I think I’m going to set up my tray table in my tub, get a glass of water and get busy working while I enjoy the sunshine!

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Carpe Lobster …

March 6, 2019 – Wednesday

One might say it’s a dreary day … the cloud cover is such that the sky is nearly white. The twigs and branches I see outside my living room window are brown … behind them the trunks in a stand of tall pines – their dark green tops out of sight – are all a light gray; my neighbor’s house, nestled amongst them, blends in with the surroundings and is faintly seen in its gray-brownness within nature’s camouflage. Earthy but yeah … drab, dull, dreary.

I am feeling the same.

Along with just about everyone else on this planet, I am winter weary. Enough already. Denver was 3 degrees the other night. Chicago has seen record cold. Tahoe will be digging out until August. Even Hawaii, LA and Las Vegas have had SNOW! Speaking of which … the NW had a very different winter … less rain, more cold, more snow. And, as I type, I am seeing yet again – SNOW FLAKES!

These are the teeny tiny dry flakes – not the big, wet, pretty snow globe ones that I don’t mind. These are nothing but mere nuisances … nuances of moisture … teasers to my too-early sprouting bulbs.

But, we did get those snow globe snowflakes a while back … 12 inches of them in my driveway … 2 FEET of them on my deck! Armed with my ever-ready broom and dust pan I shoveled my way out … a path about 3 feet long and then stopped before I broke my broom or my back! I stayed in for a week! My old van (233K miles – thank you, Honda) does go along the roads in snow – but only sideways – so, I decided in the interest of safety I’d stay off the roads until they were clear. And since we don’t really have snow removal capabilities here … it was a long week.

I want Spring. I know we are (calendar-wise) close. Spring solstice is a mere 2 weeks away … but I want it NOW. I’m ready. I’m past ready.

I shouldn’t really complain. I really shouldn’t. And yet I do. The snow is gone – the only remains from weeks ago are the softball sized lumps in a few yards here and there … remnants of snowmen with bamboo arms and goofy stone smiles … made by giddy adults (no kids in my ‘hood) as snow is such a rarity here. Our yards are green and a few vibrant eggplant-hued crocus have opened and are showing off their golden pollen – waiting for the first bees to feed. Those bees are elsewhere still – or wearing parkas and hiding out in their hives … it’s just been too chilly!

I should be grateful for those flowers … the first colors of seasonal change. I should be grateful that these few flakes are just flakes and not a blizzard or high winds whipping through those tall gray trunked pines causing power outages. And yet I’m having to push myself to seize the day.

Seize the day – Carpe Diem! What a wonderful saying. However, I’m feeling a little bit like Carpe Diem … Schmarpe Diem!

We had another death in our family. My niece’s husband – gone in an instant. He was 41. Who dies when they are 41? A friend of mine emailed me a week after telling me her 51 year old son had died in his sleep. Who dies when they are 51? Too young. Too soon. It happens far too often.

So, I’m trying to put all this loss into perspective … trying to find purpose, reasons, understanding. I am still processing my dad’s passing, the dogs, Jeremy, my friend’s son … it’s been a rough 5 months. It’s been draining and emotional and exhausting … and it’s made my heart hurt and feel a bit … dreary.

But there is that little flicker of … something … that burns deeply within me and whispers … “Seize the day! Do it. Life is short. Just do it! SEIZE THIS DAY!”

We never know when that proverbial bus will turn the corner and run us down. We need to capture these days and relish what is … regardless if they are gray and gross and cold and wet. That little flicker is like an elbow to the gut … “Be grateful.” it pokes. “Savor.” it nudges. “Seize the day.” it insists.

Those gray twigs and branches are readying and will soon be filled with birdsong and lush, green leaves fluttering in a soft spring breeze. The snowflakes are watering (what are now very dry) garden beds … giving sustenance to those budding bulbs and potential perennials. Wait. Watch. Weather the weather. If you don’t like what is – give it a day or two! It’s coming. Things are changing. Be patient.

My kids are out and about – again. Ted in Thailand, Sam in Hawaii. Life is rough. They work hard and play hard and know how to seize any (and each) day. The woeful weather and happenings of life can get me down … or seem to go on forever … and I need to remind myself to stop and smell the roses (even if they are from the store) … but the one thing that is always constant is that I am so truly grateful that my kids know how to live. They seize the moments. They squeeze out the last drop of every day. Good or bad – they experience it. They live! They are wondrous teachers. Carpe diem Ted and Sam!

The snow has turned into snow globe snow … thick, fat, slow-falling flakes. It is pretty outside with the gray branches and evergreens with a fine, white dusting. We probably won’t get snow again for a long time. Spring will be here soon enough. Enjoy the day. Relish what is.

Life is sometimes too short – even when it’s 90 some years long. Seasons are well … seasonal. Weather is constantly changing and usually not what we want – but this too shall pass. So, seize the season. Seize the day. And because life really is sometimes just too short – and because I got a really good deal at the grocery store – I’m having lobster tonight. Seize that!

Carpe lobster!

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Coming up for Air …

October 16, 2018 – Tuesday

I am coming up for air.

My dad has passed away. My heart hurts. Grief is weirdly different for everyone.

I know those things for sure … and yet, I don’t know what to do with that knowledge.  “Things” are slowly seeping in. After all, my parents live/d 2100 miles from where I am. Quite the distance … and it wasn’t like I saw Dad all the time … a few times a year at most. But his “presence” was strong and I knew he was around if I needed to call or email.

That is no longer and it is so weird. I don’t like the finality of death. Never have. After a little while I just want the person/animal back! I don’t like it.

We (the family) met up in Denver for his 90th last month. We had dinner and, quite unexpectedly, Dad passed the next day while taking a nap. My suspicions are that he read his directives wrong regarding his meds after a dental procedure and threw a clot. Quick and easy for him … devastating for those of us left behind. We were not ready to let him go.

I was unable to attend his memorial service so asked what is below to be read. This is an abridged version:

 We each have our own perception of people … we see different sides that others may not … my “take” on my Dad is different than that of my siblings, or my mom, my children or anyone else. We could all say something about him and we could all say something different. This is my take.

Some of my dad’s most memorable words come in this story …

Kermit and Miss Piggy want to buy some investment property together. So, they went to the bank to see Mr. Paddiwhack about getting some money. Paddiwhack told them they would need to provide the bank with collateral to secure a loan. So, Kermit and Miss Piggy spent the next few nights wracking their brains over what they could provide the bank that was of the utmost value to them. And finally Kermit figured it out. So, the next day he hopped on down to the bank and presented loan officer Paddiwhack with a tiny little statue. The loan officer looked at it and tried not to laugh. Kermit, not to be crushed, asked to speak with the manager. So, the manager came over and Paddiwhack explained that Kermit wanted to secure money for his land purchase using the statue for collateral. And the manager said, “Yes! That’s perfect.” And Paddiwhack, now astounded, said to the manager, “How can we use this as collateral? It has no value. What is it?” And the bank manager put his hand on the loan officer’s shoulder and said, “It’s a knick knack, Paddiwhack … give the frog a loan.”

Yeah, I know – pretty bad but my dad was full of these stories. He loved a good laugh. And this story has a moral to it … which is: what is important to one person may not be important to another. Treasure what is important to you. Hold onto your values and what is of value to you.

Whomever is reading this … whether you knew my dad or not … I want you to know that this man mattered and he was valued.

This was no ordinary life. This was a life well-lived and well-loved, and a life that will be deeply missed.

What you might know/not know about my dad:

Dad was frugal. If something could be fixed for the millionth time – he’d fix it. It might not look good, it might not run well … but it was fixed! NO need for a new … whatever!

What you might not know is that he was also very generous. Pretty much his entire life he gave of his time and talents, energy and funds to various organizations … he was proud of his affiliation and support with the Neighborhood Boys (and Girls) Club of Chicago. He was proactive with Little League from early on for years and years and for 17 years he worked tirelessly as a Commissioner and at times President of the Niles Park District. He was instrumental in acquiring land and properties (a golf course, various pools, playgrounds and parks around town) and initiating programs and income for the park system. During his 39 years at A.B. Dick Company, Dad was involved in TAPPI, Rotary, and sports teams. He was involved with this church and for the past 20 years he was Treasurer. He gave of himself to so many, so often, so quietly. He helped all of us kids get our first homes (and then some) … he paid for our educations and those of our children. And supported us along the way all these years.

Dad loved to bike. What you might not know is that for many summers he biked 1500 miles … mostly during May through September … in and around the Chicago area. The last time he was on his bike, it was early summer. He pedaled 8 miles wanting to check the flood level of the local river! I talked with him after he got back home and he said there was something wrong with the bike and that he wasn’t going to take it out again … it was all wobbly and didn’t go very fast! I agreed with him that the frame must have been bent and that to be on the safe side he probably shouldn’t ride it anymore. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that at 89 – it was his balance and strength and not the bike that made things wobbly and slow.

Dad was a walker. What you might not know is that he also walked 1000 miles those summers. As kids he’d take along one or two of us and a neighbor kid and walk from our house and walk for miles and miles across the onion fields, prairies and empty lots – where another town is now. Sundays we’d walk the forest preserves. I loved those outings with him.

For years and years he’d walk from the house in Park Ridge to downtown Chicago (16 miles) … many, many, many times each year. Sometimes he’d go down and walk Navy Pier or the river walk … and others he’d just go to the basement of Marshall Fields and get his free rootbeer and then take the “L” home again.

Dad liked to eat. What you might not know is that Dad had an iron gut. Seriously, the man could eat anything. He loved popcorn, caramel corn, licorice and pizza. Anything chocolate – especially turtles and malted milk balls. I’m pretty sure that while growing up he ate more of our Easter and Halloween candy than we all did – combined!  He was also a big fruit and salad bar fan. His last lunch was of a liver sausage sandwich. Gross to me (and most of us) but man he loved his liverwurst!

Dad loved to hum and whistle. What you might not know is that he knew every word to every Broadway musical. You might also know that he loved movies. What you might not know is that he was IN two movies … he was in Babe (about Babe Ruth not the singing pig) and he was an airport terminal extra in one of the Home Alone movies. His biggest claim to fame in the movie genre never really ever happened … though we all told our kids that it did! I think I started it but we told our kids that Dad was Conrad Birdie in Bye, Bye Birdie. When they’d say Conrad didn’t really LOOK like Grandpa – we just said that Grandpa was younger then. People change. The same story went for the guy in the green shirt, dancing at the carnival at the end of Grease. Dad loved those claims to movie fame!

Dad loved sports and fitness. What you might not know is while he cheered on all Chicago teams (well, maybe not the White Sox) – his heart belonged to the Cubs. We were all so thankful Dad got to see his Cubbies win the World Series! Dad, in earlier years, was a golfer; he played handball, softball,  and as a kid – football. For Christmas, one year as a kid, he got his first football. It was the first one he’d ever seen … and he didn’t know what it was! How we’d laugh when he told us he thought it was a big NUT! Dad was part of the Lunch Bunch Fitness Group at Lutheran General Hospital for 20 years. Always Mr. Fitness! Up until his trip to Denver, he’d go to “Fitness” 3x a week … and at 89 the man could still hold a one-minute plank! Amazing.

Dad was unusually brilliant. He beat the pants off of all of us when playing cards or games – his memory and strategy were astounding. He crunched numbers … he was a fantastically quick mathematician. He loved doling out brain teasers and playing with his grandkids and great grandkids. He could fix anything. He always won when playing ping pong. He loved to drive. He loved the view of a descending plain. He loved Chicago and Colorado. He could touch his tongue to his nose. (I wish I were at that service because I’m pretty sure people were trying to do that after this was read!)  He was funny and loyal and sometimes REALLY headstrong. He was kind and giving and always an advocate for kids and community. And he loved telling jokes and stories … the cornier the better. Even if we groaned because we heard them 400 times … I know we’ll all miss those!

Dad loved to garden. What you might not know is that Dad loved to grow tomatoes and that each summer he’d categorize them … tennis ball sized ones were “A”s … a little smaller were “B”s … and then smaller still were “C”s. He was very proud of his crops! Last year he grew 413 tomatoes!

One year he packed about 40 tomatoes, each separately in newspaper and bubble wrap, for us to take on our drive home to Colorado. By the time we reached Omaha, the tomatoes had cooked in the hot car and we had moldy, hot tomato soup in a cardboard box in the back seat! Thanks Dad!

Dad loved animals. What you might not know is that Dad loved turtles. He had a box turtle as a kid and then every time we found one on the side of the road, on one of our many family vacations, we’d bring it home! He also loved dogs and had a dachshund in his life for roughly 83 years. He started out with Blackie … and ended up with Lady. He made up a song about them. He wrote a story about them. He loved his dogs (and his granddogs.)

Dad loved his family … wife, 3 kids, 6 grandkids, 3 great grands. What you might not know is that while he loved all of us … he loved his grandchildren fiercely. When left in his charge, he’d make them sandwiches of peanut butter and bananas … Dad called it lunch from Jacques Fancy Restaurant. It wasn’t until later in life that Dad became a hugger. He wasn’t exactly an in-your-face with the emotions kind of guy. He was more like an m&m that was left in the sun … a bit hard shelled but gooey on the inside. He showed his love in different ways … with trips on the “L’ and  brain teasers and story problems … with the sharing of stories and corny jokes … with unheeded advice and criticism. It was his way. He loved that each of the grandkids were different but yet shared similar traits … brainy, athletic, sweet, quirky, driven, grounded.

He was a fair and decent human being. And, we will miss him terribly but we are all so fortunate we had him in our lives for so long and that his passing was quick and nothing but sweet slumber for him.

Thank you for letting me ramble on about this man – who meant so much to so many. I’m going to end with this story …

After his passing, I was cleaning out the desk drawers in his room. So much stuff. I mean, SO MUCH STUFF! A mish mash of black and white 60s photos of some work party, receipts from the dawn of time, current financials, a random ping pong ball, pens and old film containers (organization was not his forte!) … and as I pulled out this stack of stuff from one of the drawers … I heard the little tinkle of a bell. My arms full of papers and envelopes and pencils, I started taking things off the top of the stack … until I uncovered a teeny tiny little silver bell. My eyes welled up because I knew what it meant. One of Dad’s all time favorite movies was It’s a Wonderful Life … and at the end of the movie a bell tinkles and the character Zuzu says, “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.”

Atta boy, Dad … you got ’em.


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The Dog Days of Summer …

August 10, 2018 – Friday

It is a beautiful and warm morning on the island (rare for us) … the sun is peeking over the mountains to the east … I’m still in pj’s eating breakfast (leftover chicken and noodles from last night’s dinner) – yum. I’m at my dining room table and am watching the hummingbirds flit and sip at the container of coral snap dragons on the deck as well as a fat, lazy fly trying to find its way outside through my window pane (try the door, honey – it’s open).

And that leads me to ask NOT, who let the dogs out? But … who the hell let them all in?

Apparently, it was ME cuz I’m the only one here. Want a dog? I’ve got several … today, this weekend, this week, this month, this SUMMER! If you’ve heard the saying The Dog Days of Summer … they are HERE! At MY house! In this yard! On this deck! In this house! IN MY BED!

I haven’t been sleeping well. And I wonder why? The poodle-doodlette sisters were here last week … they are big standard poodle-sized doodlettes. They doodle all day … as does, as of this week, the damn rooster who somehow came to live next door (in a ‘hood where roosters are a no-no). The guy has been doodling for HOURS each of the mornings this week  – starting around 5:30 am. Is he confused or over zealous? I’m not sure; but let’s just say I’m not a fan of the rooster. I’ve now given him the name I give all roosters … Sunday Dinner. (He is probably Sunday Dinner VI). We’ll see how this pans out (hopefully, with a nice gravy and mashed potatoes).

Back to the doodling … the dogs, not the rooster;  they insisted on sleeping on my bed. It’s bad enough to share a full-sized bed with Gert – the land manatee/pug – but add on 2 doodle dogs and the bed gets smaller by the minute. And, if you’ve never slept with a dog – somehow even the smallest one who is light and as airy as a cloud during the day turns into a 40# sack of cement once asleep on your bed. Truth. So, Gert was dismissed to her dog bed and the others were told – unsuccessfully – (1,400 times over the course of the night) to go to their (OWN) bed.

Now, it’s doable to sleep with doodles … even two of them … but then add in a possessive (but sweet) Border Collie and a playful (omg, so playful) King Charles Cavalier Spaniel puppy and the bed ends up being about a 4″ square slumber pad for moi.

Sleeping (or not sleeping) aside … it’s the quantity I somehow accumulated last week. And, as I write, I have learned my lesson (or not) – STOP SAYING YES!!

But they are dogs … they are sweet and cuddly and loving. (Well, most of them!) … how can I say NO?! I had the doodlettes, my two (Pug/Lab), another Lab, the Border Collie, the fox dog, and 2 itty bitty, teeny tiny Chihuahuas (who spent most of their time in my arms or in my room so no one would think they were snacks!). Yeah – count them up … 9 dogs! The following day the spaniel arrived along with a 13 week old (gorgeous) black Lab/Golden mix puppy. The doodles left that evening and the fox dog was a day-timer only … and thank god I had 2 puppies to wear each other out in constant, playful wrestling … but still … omg … LOTS OF critters!!!! And with those days behind me, today is a breeze … I’m “only” (ha ha … yeah, ONLY) at 6 (including my two) … all regulars … all know each other and all are “good dogs”.  (I only take GOOD dogs!) I tell them all to behave, and to be nice … and they do just that. We are family.

But, when you get past the quantity of 4  – as I’ve found out first-hand – the pack seems to expand exponentially! At times it seems like no one is here but me (dog snooze-fest) and other times it is a wild, blur of running, playing, barking craziness … not too far off from the stampede sequence in Jumanji! Heaven help the squirrel who isn’t fast enough!

The darling of the bunch is the Kind Charles Spaniel … as in DAR-LING!!!! So, so  damn sweet, cute, loving. But he is a puppy so he always wants to play … as in ALWAYS. CONSTANTLY. ALL THE TIME. ENDLESSLY. Except when he’s sleeping … which is about 12 minutes every hour. I’ve thrown his orange “bouncy thing” 14 million times in the last week. I’ve got a call now into the doctor for rotator problems and PT. (Seriously.) I love having him here but, this dog pees on his legs. He can’t help it – he’s a puppy – he’s still learning. But, he STINKS! And, I certainly don’t want him on my BED! So, when I’m not throwing the ball, a gutted and bedraggled Lambchop, the orange bouncy thing or kissing his face (which I do A LOT.) … I am giving him a bath … either in the shower with me or in the kitchen sink. He is “fixed” but somehow still likes a good  humping … so dog beds, pillows, throw rugs, and poor chewed up Lambchop and slow-moving Gert are targets of his lust. More than not he tends to sit on the chair next to me at the dining table – watching me as I type (waiting for me to throw something) – until his big, watery eyes get heavy with puppy drowsiness and he slumps down into peaceful doggy slumber. As just happened. I need to type faster as I’ve got 11 minutes before he wakes up!

There is a lab here who I have for the ENTIRE MONTH. I realized this morning (hence this post – I have to vent somehow!) that I have another 3 WEEKS of her here. She is old, she is sweet, she is deaf and stubborn and clueless and most notably … she is food aggressive and possessive. The first time I had her here she ate a dozen muffins I had in a basket on the dining table for my bnb guests … and an apple that was on the counter … and my sandwich which was also on the counter. So, yeah – she’s a counter surfer and if you’re not used to that, it takes a while to REMEMBER not to leave ANYTHING out on the counter. Not the fruit bowl, not fixings for lunch or dinner, not one little m&m … NOTHING. God have mercy if I even have a cherry pit or part of an eggshell in my sink … wild-eyed she stakes out her claim and will guard that part of the kitchen. Her turned- white masked face and wide eyes say it all … Stand away – THIS SINK IS MINE! Heaven forbid that there be a wayward piece of kibble on the kitchen floor from someone’s dish as she’ll find it … she’ll hone in on that morsel and will pretty much gut anyone in her way to sucking it up. Hence, Gert’s little tiff yesterday. (She’s fine.)

But, as sweet and old as she is … she is exhausting. I am always on alert! Vigilance is now a way of life. I’ve nicknamed her Duck Dog as she only eats raw, ground duck patties … hence the 86 frozen duck patties in my freezer! I might lose weight this month – there’s no room for ice cream!

Then there’s the Australian terrier who has so many issues … diabetes, neurological issues, an extra long tongue, doggy Parkinsons (if that’s a thing)  and dietary issues and timed feedings. His head seems to be attached by a spring and he is as akin to a bobble-head dog as any dog can be. He always dons a red vest over his little rust- colored, wiry terrier-furred, fox-like body … scruffy fur wisps escaping from under the vest in all directions cause a scraggly, disheveled look about him. In looks he is the dog version of Fagin from Oliver! His feet turn up and he dances/prances when he walks … reminding me of a marionette or jaunty Englishman or Scotsman going off to the pub (or coming home after one too many pints).

The Border Collie and I have a special relationship. He is one of my favs, my Sleepy Badger … sweet and lovely and my protector. We walk 2x a week and other days, I’m lucky enough to have him here with the clan. He’s outside now on deer and squirrel duty. He is easy and loving and he’s the one I give the most massages to as he seems to enjoy them more than anyone else – or at least he shows his gratitude the best. Perks of the job – for us both!

Gert is easy – she eats, takes her meds and bumbles along – thwarting unwanted advances and finding the best spot on the rug for a snooze. She is aging daily (aren’t we all?!) but is still going along. She is constantly underfoot and in the wrong place at the wrong time but it takes her so long to get there, that I just gently move her aside or jump over her. I’m glad she’s not taller as hurdles are not my thing! Clara is continuing on despite all of her issues … she is still not eating well (nothing now but hot dogs and/or chicken, hand fed) and one of these days the cancer (or one of the other issues) will take her … but for now she is the Alpha of the pack (one down from ME) and lets dogs know when she doesn’t want to be bothered (which is pretty much all the time). No biting, no fighting – just a snarly upturned lip that seems to get the message out of: DO NOT BOTHER ME – and it works! Everyone leaves her alone – even the pups, which I find so interesting!

My favorite dog arrives today for a week. This dog is the epitome of what a dog is … sweet, gentle and 90# of pure doggy love. She is a gorgeous, big golden and absolutely lovely. As long as I don’t have her out on a leash – she’s good! She’s the one who bolted (last year) from a dead stop after seeing a bunny and lifted me off my feet and dragged me down the road. Yeah -that was fun! My bent index finger will never be the same but she has given me thousands of kisses to make up for that mishap since! She can be sound asleep and then wake up, come over to me and plant a big, wet kiss on me and then go back and lie down for more nap time. She is pure joy. I can’t wait for her arrival … what’s one more furry body?

Everyone’s been fed and it’s now, apparently, mid-morning nap time. I was thinking this would be the perfect time to do something else, except the spaniel just woke up … so, I guess it’s time to give him a bath or throw something!

I love what I do … and I love my “Dog Days of Summer”.



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Summertime and the living is … Part II

July 16, 2018 – Monday

Okay, okay. No hysteria over 2 lobsters back-to-back.

And yes, as per yesterday’s post, Summer has arrived on the island. And … omg … this morning was glorious … a sublime 73 at 11am, a gentle breeze, wind chimes chiming, ducks and chickens and crows squawking and cawing (okay, maybe that part wasn’t so sublime – they’re just damn noisy!) and Summer really IS easy.

But Summer here isn’t easy all the time … unless I don’t go anywhere. If I want to sit on my deck and walk the ‘hood, I’m good. But if I want to drive anywhere or walk anywhere or go anywhere or eat anywhere or – Heaven forbid – go off island … then things become problematic!

And so, “Summertime and the living is easy” morphs into “Summertime and the living is FRUSTRATING”! Hell yeah.

I hate to say there is a “problem” with Summer. Who doesn’t love this season? Well, someone who likes warmth, hot days, humidity, fireflies, balmy evenings, bare skin, green grass, no wait lines (anywhere) and tank tops might find issues with the Summers of the NW (aka: me)!

Not to mention … we have to wait 10 months for a Summer that lasts a month or two with a few highs in the 80s, some high 70s but mostly low 70s and high 60s. Too cool in my book. No wonder there is no outdoor pool on the south end of this island. Who would go in it? Vacationing Polar Bears? It’s not warm enough to swim in a pool – unless you have your wetsuit on! The weather factor is a big issue here … frustrating at best when one wants to sit on the deck for dinner without having to don pants and a sweater. All last month we were light until 10:30 pm … but it was just too chilly to be out and enjoy it. I don’t want to have to wear a COAT when it’s June or July!  The NW weather is a lesson in frustration and patience.

The other thing that arrives when Summer does is the burn ban. It goes into effect the  minute it stops raining and it gets warm enough to want to sit out and chat at night around a fire. So, all the wood I’ve stacked for myself and my guests by my firepit will remain untouched until fall … when the ban is lifted and the rains start and it’s too wet to have a fire. So much for my vision of s’mores and fire-lit nights. I keep hoping for a different outcome but it’s been the same way the last four Summers!

Another issue is that it is dry here. As in DRY.  How can a place that has high humidity and be surrounded by water be dry???? It confounds me! Before I moved out here, I never thought that the NW was EVER dry. Wrong! The rains stop around July 4th and don’t start again for another 75 days and everything that was nice and green and lush and happy yesterday is brown, crispy, half-baked … or dead … today. It happens that quickly! And this year, the rains stopped sooner, meaning we were dryer a month earlier. I’m onto this, Mom Nature, and have been watering my hydrophobic soil (diligently) for the last two months and what do I have to show for it? A high water bill, that’s what!

My flowers look like I haven’t even pointed a hose in their direction. The annuals I planted have already been pulled out and thrown into the compost heap. The day lilies are parched, the lavender has seen better days and even the red hot pokers, daisies and moss roses (that grow on ROCKS and in the desert) are days away from a decent funeral. My grass is so crispy and brown it’s like a lawn made out of Rice Krispie Treats! And whatever flowers and fauna have weathered the weather … the deer have tasted or eaten and the slugs have finished off the rest. Who said gardening up here was fun? It’s not!

We have waited so long to have lovely weather … no soggy anything anymore … but we are not the only ones loving it. I drove into town the other day, delivering pies, and my first thought was something along the lines of  …”I’m so glad Summer has arrived. But I can’t wait for Autumn! OMG – THESE DAMN TOURISTS!” How can I so desperately want the season I’ve waited so long for to pass me by? I  know I live in a tourist town! People are idiots when on vacation. I know this. I am one of them! Tourism benefits my dog and bnb businesses and our town in general … but, people! Learn how to drive! Learn how to walk! Be a considerate visitor! I know you’re on vacation and rules no longer apply to you and yours … but please, for the love of god … watch where you are going! Driving in town until October will be brutal.

Extra bodies also mean extra traffic, extra dangers and extra wait times on the ferry (2 hours wait time in both directions this past week) … making any trip to even TARGET over 8 hours of just travel time before I include shopping time. Who does that?

Extra bodies also mean that the restaurants are crowded and we have to wait (okay, that’s fine) and that the grocery stores are busier … fine, too. I know this is all so incredibly good for the island community and economy … but it’s also frustrating. Be VERY careful in those parking lots. NO ONE is looking where they are walking or driving or parking!

Yesterday was our warmest day yet … 82 heavenly degrees … and I spent the better portion of that marvelously warm day power-washing my deck. I could have been on a picnic, or out riding my bike, or off doing 100 other more fun things … but, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from living on this island, it’s that you take advantage of the good days to do what you need to do outside – because you might never get the chance again! As in EV-ER. The forecast might say 80 degrees again – but nothing is ever for sure. It could just as well turn out to be a 65 degree day!

Power-washing is a lot more fun when you do it when it’s 80 degrees and sunny out as opposed to 65 degrees and cloudy! Been there – done that. Not fun. But, while my deck is now gorgeous and moss-free … and my hand is permanently shaped into a claw from holding the spray nozzle … I would rather have been doing something other than ridding my deck of the slimy moss that accumulated over the last 10 months. But, it’s now done.

But, it’s frustrating to know that one of a handful of days that we’ll get (over 80 degrees) was spent doing this stupid task.

So, yeah, it’s Summertime and the living is easy but it’s also frustrating (at times). But I live on an island and have learned to take the good with the not-so-good. These frustrations, nuances of living here, are to be expected … even if it not so pleasant. And, to help keep this all in perspective, I’ve had a few gut punches recently and while I can bitch and moan and be frustrated about a whole variety of things … I am not the friend who is dying of brain cancer … I am not the friend who had an unexpected hip replacement while on vacation … I am not the handful of family/friends of advanced ages who deal with failing health and bodies every day.

It’s Summertime on the island … and even if it’s for two weeks, I’m going to let go of all the frustrations and enjoy the hell out of it cuz I know – all too soon – it’s going to be 65 and cloudy again!

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Summertime and the living is …

July 15, 2018 – Sunday


Summer – FINALLY – arrived here in the NW, a few days ago … on Wednesday, the 11th of July. Yeah, a bit late by anyone’s account. But it has arrived! Woo hoo!

You might wonder … how do I know this exact time? I have my ways.

Last Wednesday I took my neighbor to the mainland for some scans (thankfully bypassing a 2 hour long ferry wait – each way – because we had a medical pass).  The long waits for the ferry are indicative that it is Summer – whether or not the weather is cooperating seasonally. I figure I won’t be going off island again unless it’s late in the day or later at night … or until it’s late September … cuz I’ve waited in those lines and I’m not doing it again! But long lines are a good indication that the seasons have changed … more traffic.

While over “on the other side” I thought I’d forego the PTSD that always ensues when I am in a hospital (bad memories from when Tim was sick) and decided I’d go walk around the university campus that was just beyond the med center’s front doors. A much better way to spend a splendid summer day – being outside rather than inside a fluorescent bulb-lit hospital waiting room – and I’d go back and pick up my friend later.

And not only did I have to get out of the hospital … I just NEEDED to get out into that warmth and sunshine. I’ve been practically writing letters to Mother Nature asking for her arrival … and I needed to get out, see if the forecast was right, see if she indeed had arrived and shed my winter skin!

The University of Washington is a nice campus … not as pretty as others I’ve been on but nice enough. I walked past a few ornate, gothic buildings and well-kept rose gardens and a big fountain that looked like it should have been in some Italian movie (something like Gidget Goes to Rome) and soaked up the sun and warmth … and soon realized that it was actually HOT out! When one is used to 58-68 degree temps as “Summer” temps and then it spikes to the 80s – one is not used to that. And in that “one” … I mean ME! Why on earth did I choose spandex as my fabric of choice for the day? I felt like I was wearing a rubber wet suit! I couldn’t find shade fast enough! The person who was practically praying to the universe for hot days and endless sunshine was feeling like the Wicked Witch of the West after water was thrown on her!

I was melting!

I skip-jumped from one patch of shade to another and completely cut across some construction (NO ADMITTANCE) zone just to get to the shaded sidewalk on the other side! After just a few minutes of said sun and warmth, I had become a slobberpuss of sweat! I looked like I had jumped into that fountain! Even my earlobes were dripping sweat and by the amount of rivulets running down my front and back, I figured my boobs had already drowned and my butt was next. I was very glad I didn’t have a mirror as I’m sure I looked just lovely … in a drowned rat sort of way. But, strike up the band … Summer had arrived!

Now you have to understand that up on this island and in the NW, Summer is fleeting … like a day or week or two. No, seriously … we don’t have “SUMMER” like everyone else has Summer. While other people (in other non-NW areas) are bbq’ing and wearing shorts, we are under a burn ban so no grills are fired up (and everyone is basically vegetarian here and tofu doesn’t exactly do well on a grill anyway) so no fragrant sizzling steak aromas. The grass is dead so no yummy fresh mown lawn smells. No kids playing cuz everyone here is at least 10 years my senior. At least. And no one is outside cuz either everyone thinks it’s too hot (due to their still wearing a jacket or lightweight polar fleece) or once the sun goes down … too cold. Ridiculous.

And, crazy to me because I want warmth and sunshine and all things Summer! I want fireflies and humidity and thunderstorms … fresh mown lawns, croquet and chicken on the grill … hot, sticky days and balmy nights, and lemonade on the porch! You know … SUMMER!

I know I’m not going to get those Summer things here but I’ll settle for warmth and sunshine. And if I have to go about the first few days of our NW Summer looking like I got hosed down – so be it! I’ll survive the humiliation of over-active sweat glands … but I’ll enjoy the hell out of the warmth and sun.

And so, here it is Sunday night … the last few days have been over 80 degrees on the island. At 10pm we are a wonderfully luscious 68 degrees (which is warmer than our highs for the past month or two). I can take this! I can forego all the other Summer things I miss (for a while) but to have a few fabulous over 80 degree days is really wonderful and it reignites the fire in my cold and soddened soul. I’ve had the windows open for 3 days and nights (omg – unheard of!) and am loving all the little breezes that come in any of the wide open windows – carrying the music of the wind chimes with them.

I’m off to sit under the stars for a bit and enjoy this yummy air.

After all, it’s Summertime and the living is … easy.

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Thanks, Dad!

June 16, 2018 – Saturday

Summer of 1967 … no, Summer of ’68 … no, I can’t decide … it’s too hard.

I was a decade old when the Summer of ’67 rolled around. It probably couldn’t have come any faster, as any 10 year old will tell you. Endless summer days … of … what the heck did we do? We were out of the house in the early morning and home for lunch and then back out … and then back home for dinner at 5. We got to go back out to play until the street lights came on – then it was back home, a bath and bed.

I filled my days with friends and my brother. Reading up in the maple, making jig saw puzzles in the basement (when it was just too hot to go out), endless hours in the local pool, playing Barbie, riding bikes, playing Red Rover and freeze tag, catching fireflies at twilight and making buttered popcorn for my dad at night.

The days were carefree and endless and we did those same things day after day, week after week, month after month – until school rolled around again in September.

Except for 2 glorious weeks when we went on a family vacation. Now, it could be we only did this three or four times … but in my cobwebbed memory, it seemed like we went somewhere every year. And maybe we did.

But the 2 trips that stand out the most were the ones in the Summers of 1967 and 1968. Maybe because my brain cells had gelled enough to remember stuff … and had not yet morphed into all things teen, but those summers stand out. In any case – those trips were epic.

Now, I have to thank my mom … who, undoubtedly, was a saint … remember, these were back in the days of EVERYTHING cotton – which meant, everything (as in EVERY LITTLE THING) needed ironing unless you wanted to look like a vacationing family of raisins.

So, thanks, Mom … for washing and ironing and packing for 5 people (and sometimes we had the dogs, too – but on these trips we didn’t) and putting up with 3 wild children and CAMPING – as was almost always the case. Which also meant packing up a kitchen and towels, etc etc …

And, that leaves me to the navigator/driver/instigator/coordinator/planner (down to the nanometer of distance) … my Dad. He was the one who packed the tents (as in 2 tents … one was a kitchen tent – we “glamped” when glamping wasn’t even a thing yet!), and cots (yes, we had cots and one was a bunk bed!), and rugs and lanterns and sleeping bags and tent poles (that didn’t fold up) and a huge water bottle and a cooler and omg … you name it … whatever was needed for a family of 5 to survive in the wilderness of the US of A during the ’60s, that could fit into a station wagon (without leaving a kid behind), was packed in. I’m pretty sure he was the inventor of Tetris but didn’t cash in on it.

Thanks, Dad.

I look back with absolute AWE over those travels.  A family of 5 in a station wagon for 2 weeks … eating sandwiches off the back fold down door … no A/C … warm pop to drink. The early morning smells of coffee and donuts. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one with heat stroke and car sickness! It was fabulous for us kids (at least for ME) … but I’m sure it was long, hot days for my folks. So, thanks, again!

We criss crossed the US those summers … I’ve only 4 more states to hit before I make it to all 50 … and in the Summer of 1967 we left Chicago for all parts EAST … Niagara Falls, Expo ’67 (which was up in Montreal, Canada  and my first international trip – no passports required!), then to Killbear Park in Ontario (where we ate 19,000 lbs of blueberries off the land), down to Lake George and Ticonderoga, NY … and any and all places in between before going back home again. A zillion miles! It was fantastic!

Thanks, Dad.

In 1968 my Dad secured a “destination car” … someone needed their car delivered to California. So, we packed that puppy up and with a dent in the rear fender we pointed the car WESTWARD and high-tailed it to sunny CA. I can’t even begin to tell you everything we saw on that trip. If it was a sight to be seen – we saw it  … and then some!

Somewhere along the way we stopped at a gas station (“filling station” back then) and looking at the dent in the fender, some old farmer local-yokel with a nasal twang said, “Looks like you’re missin’ a corner.” We thought that was a hoot and a half … and must have been road worn cuz to this day we all get a good chuckle out of it whenever someone says that!

And somewhere along the way, Arizona or somewhere desolate and hot, I was the one to flag down a passing motorist when we ran out of gas on a lonely stretch of heat-wavy highway. Thank you good samaritan for getting my dad (and the can of gas) back to us safely before my mom had a panic attack or the coyotes got us – either one. My mom must have been a wreck!

Anyway, on that trip we were in LA and got to see the ocean for the first time! We spent a day (or two) in Disneyland, visited with old neighbors (I remember the walnuts from their tree hitting the roof of the house – such a heavy, pleasant sound!), camped amongst the ancient redwoods and for the first time for us kids – we boarded an airplane and flew home! Very exciting.

I look back and I wonder, how the hell did my folks afford these trips?  My dad worked a normal job. We were a one income family. How did they do it?

My Dad was 30 when I came on the scene … with 2 other kids already and a house mortgage, and one car (for a long time) and dogs and other critters and bills (and I contributed to them greatly with glasses and always being sick!) … a lot to shoulder at that age.

He worked at the same company for a million years. Up at 7 and home by 5 (ish) every Monday thru Friday … day in/day out for 41 years. Yikes! He’ll be 90 this September and has better memory retention and recall than I do. Up until a few years ago, Dad was quite athletic … he was always involved with handball or softball … and he rode his bike … as in A LOT. For years he’d ride that bike of his 1500 miles in the summer months … and walk another 1000! Crazy! He still goes to the Fitness Center and works out. He’s amazing.

I even have a video, on my phone, of him doing a plank … he’s a bad ass at 89!

I got my poor eyesight from my dad … (thanks tons) … but also my deep appreciation for nature, tomatoes, dogs and the love of the land. I got my gypsy blood from him, too. When the winds warm and the sun has that certain shimmer – there’s nothing I’d rather do than pack up the car and head out – anywhere! It doesn’t matter … that road trip fever hits me and I am once again 10 … going off to sights and places unknown … without a care in the world.

So, thanks Dad … for showing me so much of our country from the back of a Ford Falcon. For taking us on all those fabulous summer trips … for instilling in me appreciation for a job well done, for a trip well planned, for money well-earned and saved and spent … for animals and nature and home-grown tomatoes … for simple things … and that there is fun to be had in a car full of family. All those things and a million, billion more.

And, oh yeah, for the love of buttered popcorn.

Thanks Dad. Happy Father’s Day!


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It’s June!

June 10, 2018 – Sunday

I woke up today and it was October. No, I am not waking up from a coma  and as far as I know, all of my marbles are intact … but it’s still October. Except it’s not. It’s June. Almost MID-June.

And yet – I am experiencing autumn. Again. Always.

The NW is a bit uncanny this way. I love autumn with all its colors and changing, falling leaves, pumpkins (but not pumpkin spiced latte everything or anything – ew!) …  jewel-toned colors and cozy sweaters … and all things hygge (hoo-guh: the Danish word (and apparently US obsession) for being cozy) … start in October. And all through October and November … I LOVE it. I can’t get enough of sweaters and that crisp edge and dead-leaf smell in the air (when it’s not raining!) and pumpkins marching down front porch steps.

But, waking up to that October chill in the air day after day, week after week, month after month, has me feeling a bit Bill Murray-esque (though I’m not learning French or the piano) and I am stuck in my own sort of Groundhog Day … but with old dogs instead of a fat woodchuck. And Ned Ryerson is no where to be found.

This morning was no different. I lay in bed, snuggled under my comforters and before I opened my eyes I visualized my room in my last home in Illinois … I loved that bedroom. It was so sweet and romantic. The old windows, at the head of my bed, rattled in the wind and I could see out to my little yard and the oak forest that my home was nestled within. With eyes closed I could see the lonely maple across the street with its rust and golden and crimson leaves … the singular dash of autumn in a sea of brown oaks.

Still, with eyes closed, I can smell it … IT … that autumn crispness that is ONLY autumn. (Well, usually only autumn.) And, if I strain my ears a bit more … I can hear the high school band finishing up their practice notes, readying for the day’s football game.

I get this all in a nanosecond of consciousness somewhere between slumber and wakefulness. And I open my eyes and I’m not in that cozy room with its sage-colored walls, dove white built-ins and the plush taupe carpet. I’m here … in this NW bedroom with the painted blackboard wall reminding me of passion and purpose, the shabby chic closet doors (that I made myself because nothing is square in this house and no store-bought doors would fit!), and the fluffy sugar-plum pink area rug that my toes touch first thing out of bed.

And it’s JUNE.

The blueberries should be ripening soon. The sign up off the highway should be up any day, hawking the farm’s quarter-sized blues … but I still feel like they should have their sign up for pumpkins, instead!

My calendar business winds down in October. I take the final orders and count my fortune or losses (usually losses) and I keep having to remind myself that it is JUNE and I need to build a fire under my butt to get myself into any semblance of work-mode because my brain is stuck in all things FALL.

My heat is on. I’m wearing black leggings and a soft rust-colored tunic (very autumnal). I guess if I dressed for summer, it might feel more like summer. Or it might feel like the dead of winter cuz I’d be freezing my buns off!

Today it’s 56 sizzling degrees. We have what the northwesterners call “sun breaks” (as in it’s partly cloudy, people) … some clouds, some sun … it changes every 10 minutes or so. Big puffy clouds and low lying, scuttling gray ones share the skies above the navy blue of the passage. It’s breezy so there are a few white-caps today. Maybe we’ll get rain.

From inside it looks like it could be 80 degrees outside! My tree is in full green leaf … my magenta and orange geraniums are in wild bloom in my flower boxes off the living room windows … the rose bushes on my deck and the south side of the house are displaying pink with magenta stripes (so sweet smelling!)  and long-stemmed coral and bright orange blooms the size of my palm. The multi-colored snaps dragons are happy in my deck containers – ready to sing at my command – and are so bright this year they look like they are lit from within.

And yet … I go outside and it feels like October. I close my eyes and instead of the containers of flowers on my deck, I imagine a hay bundle and pumpkin display. Gourds and squashes and a fat, Cinderella pumpkin taking center stage amongst the small groupings of purple asters and burgundy mums.

I just have to tell you – it is the weirdest thing!

I’m in this seasonal time-warp and unless the weather warms up – here I’ll stay … as I have been since … October! The endless autumn! 8 months of autumn! Even for me, that’s a bit much!

But, there is hope and seasonal change in sight. I looked at our forecast last night and I only have to wait ONE MORE WEEK and it looks like we’ll be warming up to the (omg) 70s … and (OMG!!!!) even a few days of (dare I even type this?) … 80s! My neighbors will all be sweltering (anything over 68 degrees and they start complaining about the HEAT! I just say, “Take off your coat!!!!”). SUMMER is coming! It is in the wings. She is waiting for her grand entrance.

And, as much as I truly love all things autumnal … I can’t wait for outdoor dinners, tank tops, and the sweet warmth of summer’s sun on my skin.

It’s about time. After all, it’s JUNE!

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An Ode to Mom …

May 11, 2018 – Friday

Mom’s Day is coming up and I’m feeling detached from the one whom I call mom and from the two that use that term for me! I’m 2079 miles away from my mom – and 1345 miles in one direction and 842 miles in another from my kids. The dogs on this day don’t count.

Too far away from everyone. I don’t like it.

My mom’s mom (my Grandma) was sick a lot and I think that’s when the “nursing bug” bit my mom. She never went to college but she would have made a good medical person. I think she got enough practice just with me (when I was a kid) to become a doctor without med school.

I was a sickly thing … always some odd, textbook ailment for me! So, with a family of 5 and no dishwasher and everything made out of 100% cotton so that even underwear (or so it seemed) needed ironing (I remember her ironing a LOT!!!!) – she found time to tend to me.  I have no idea how she found the time (or the patience) … but she did.

Thanks, mom. Chicken in the Biskit crackers, ginger ale or rye toast always make me feel better. Crayons, too. Those were always “at the ready” for me! I was probably a big worry! Sorry about that!

We grew up in your typical suburban 1200 square foot ranch w/carport … 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, eat-in kitchen, full (finished) basement, great yard. Think Father Knows Best meets Leave it to Beaver – but better!  It was a really nice house to grow up in in the late 50’s/60’s. My dad went off to work every day (for a zillion years) and my mom stayed home to tend to the house (and whatever child was not of school age or sick … which was, in both instances … me!).

She was a savvy decorator (unique/personal touches everywhere) and she kept a tidy home … even though we had a veritable zoo of animals living with us! Not sure how she did it! We had dogs and litters of dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs and my brother’s room was filled with tanks of tadpoles and toads, lizards and caterpillars, emerging butterflies and moths and if that wasn’t enough – five box turtles and one crooked-tailed iguana had the run of the house! My mom was a saint!

And as a stay-at-home mom … it meant that she just didn’t STAY AT HOME … she was a super woman! In order to keep house for 5 people, without modern day conveniences – everything (but the yard) was on her shoulders.  She was a maid and a cook and a nursemaid … and a seamstress, teacher, gardener, Girl Scout leader, church volunteer, nanny, gopher, laundress, entertainer, pet keeper, household manager … you get the picture. In other words … she was a MOM! Our hero!

Thanks, mom. I know some times really couldn’t have been very easy.

There are 3 kids in our family … I am the youngest (and best – and most humble! Ha ha!) and I’m sure it wasn’t easy juggling everything she did (or needed to do) with us rugrats running amok all the time – smuggling turtles and puppies into beds, reading late into the evening under our covers with flashlights, getting virtually little or no help from us – seriously, what kind of “help” can a 4 yr old give?

As kids – and kids with friends – we did a ton of crafts at the basement counter (a fabulous thing!) … most of which included glue and glitter. No problem. Or paint. Not an issue. My brother would bring home an armload of frogs and she’d never even blink an eye! The only time I remember her screeching was when she picked up (what she thought was a piece of paper) – a squishy piece of turtle poop! If you’ve never smelled turtle poop – count yourself amongst the lucky ones. They eat worms … enough said. Anyway – of course we laughed our heads off … and it was even funnier cuz we were messing around with the reel-to-reel tape recorder in the basement and caught her reaction on tape! Sorry mom – still funny.

I can’t think of anything special my mom would make for dinners … except for chipped beef on toast. Still, to this day, one of my all time favorite comfort foods! I jazz it up a bit with wine and mushrooms now, but if I’m needing food solace that is my #1 go-to meal! And though she didn’t have a signature dish – everything she made was yummy. Well, except for the beef kidney pie she’d make for my dad! Walking home from school I could smell it from the mailbox, seven houses away! Those were the days I just kept walking to my best friend’s house and stayed there for dinner! (Sorry again, mom … but that BKP was disgusting!)

My mom always set a pretty table (even still) – even on normal, everyday week nights. Sometimes she would put half a pear on a piece of lettuce (on a separate salad plate – so it was “fancy”) and drizzle over it a bit of thinned mayo and top it with a few chopped walnuts or pecans. I hated that salad! (The visual of the pear syrup mixing with the mayo sauce makes my stomach flip to this day!) But it was so pretty!

Thanks, mom! I learned a lot from you!

We were the party house for friends and relatives and holidays and the many, many, many sleepovers as well as all those birthday parties … so many fun times! And she endured them all with homemade treats and handmade Halloween costumes! She was a trooper and always, ALWAYS out-did herself with dinners and decorations.

So, thanks mom for all the ironed clothes and yummy dinners and parties of my youth … the crackers and ginger ale and pizza rolls … the love and support along the way … pretty houses to live in and for all that you infused in me as I was growing up that I didn’t realize until I was a mom myself.  And, thanks for your patience and ease for all things kids and animals (including grandkids and grand-animals)!

You are a special lady. We all love you. I hope this will be a really nice day for you – your 66th special day of celebrating you as a mom!

Happy Mom’s Day!



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Just Wednesday …

April 18, 2018 – Wednesday

I know it’s Wednesday because Property Brothers was on when I turned the TV on this morning. Their shows run all day, on Wednesdays, on HGTV. Not a good sign that I recognize days by what programs are on Tv … and yet I do.

The other night I had a guest in my bnb space … he left a day early commenting that the house was TOO NOISY. It bothered me that he said that … yet at the time I didn’t have my Tv on but had 3 snoozing dogs and me laid out on the couch reading. If he could hear the soft whimper of a dog in sleep and the turning of pages (from my basement) – I have to hand it to him for his supersonic hearing. However, after thinking about it – I do think it was the occasional “thunk” of Clara’s head on the floor that this guest was referring to; Clara has no (working) neck muscles and when she lays down the top half of her body hits the floor with enough force that I’m always surprised she hasn’t knocked herself out! Thunk = noise. I guess. (But in the 14 months I’ve had her and hundreds of guests that have graced my space – he’s the first to mention it!) Odd.

Which leads me to dogs (and oddballs) … dogs first. I come from a long line of dog lovers. I’ve had a few myself over the years and Clara is my most recent rescue. She was found by a rancher in his field – caked in cow manure and mud, freezing, starving, painfully thin … and wounded. Basically, she was a mess. I had signed up on the local lab rescue site on a Weds (I guess I wasn’t watching Property Bros that day!) and got a call the very next day. Did I want her? I didn’t know.

So, Gert and I drove the 2 hours south and met up with this sweet, skinny, old lady. Her leg looked charred – was she burned? Road rash? Mange? It didn’t matter – her eyes told her story and it was one full of pain and sorrow and longing and we could do nothing less than bring her home.

And, here she’s been for the past 14 months. I didn’t think she’d last this long – her being what the vets guess around 14. She’s not demonstrative with her affection (no kisses – ever) but at times she’ll give me a tail wag (which is a big deal!). But she is here and ours and she is comfy and loved and well taken care of. However long I was/am to have her I am the one who is blessed by this creature. She has drained my pocketbook and filled my heart. What more could I ask?

But, her little earthly doggie days are numbered … she has cancer, Cushings, and her back end is atrophying. She eats … sometimes … and twice a day I am wrist deep in warmed up kibble, meat and gravy – because she’ll only eat from my hand.

And then in the blink of an eye things change.

Yesterday something happened and she ended up in the bathtub – a wild feat in itself as she doesn’t really bend her legs much! Was it an anxiety attack? A stroke? Some odd internal happening? Earthquake? (Come to think of it two of my wall pictures were crooked this morning!) … whatever and however, she got in there. When  I found her she was panicked and panting and I was so worried she’d have a heart attack. Since then (due to a stroke or injury or ???) her back legs are folding up like some giant origami creation whenever she tries to stand.

Numbered days. Sigh.

We are trying Prednisone but if she continues not to eat and fold up like a paper swan, I will have to take decisive action. Never what I want to do. It’s always an odd feeling having to make that decision for an animal … too godly for my comfort.

And speaking of odd and godly … I’ve run across my fair share (or inordinate share) of oddballs lately. I’m not one to judge (well, actually, I am) but, I’m feeling a bit oddball magnet-y lately and feel I need to burn some sage or clean my aura or some such thing!

This past week I read an article about a woman who recycled and repurposed for a year and her total garbage (actual stuff she didn’t upcycle or recycle) fit inside a mason jar. Good God! I remember thinking that was ODD. Yeah, kudos to her for being so “green” but come on! Did she live in a cave for a year? Did she purchase anything?

The day I was mulling this over was the day the plumbing crew (I use that term loosely as it was 2 guys and a back hoe) were chomping their way through my backyard, laying 100 feet of new water main. I was thinking not only how earth friendly I would be but how nice it would be to reuse and recycle as much as I could in the next few months … to cut back, absorb the cost of this expensive dig, etc.

As I was thinking this over I was unpacking a bag (paper/reusable) of goods I had picked up that morning. As I looked at the 6 items on my counter, I realized that not only was nearly everything wrapped in a plastic film but with just these few things, I had already more garbage waste than that woman had for an ENTIRE YEAR!

The new toothbrush was encased in plastic inside a cardboard box. But my old toothbrush was plastic and not recyclable (around here) and I already had saved others for cleaning purposes, so that was garbage – along with the plastic wrapping on the new brush. The flea treatment for the dogs was hermetically sealed (more plastic) as was the microwave popcorn pouches I had purchased for my guests. I was beginning to think that the guy in The Graduate was right when he gave the advice to “Ben” about PLASTICS!

Anyway, the salmon was in a foil pouch (not recyclable) and in a matter of minutes I had accumulated “a year’s worth of garbage”. So, as much as I admire someone for doing that – I had to think that she must be some sort of oddball living off of nuts and berries and brushing her teeth with a twig. Who lives like that? Certainly not me. Which isn’t to say she’s wrong and I’m right – or vice versa … I just found it odd … as in confirmed cave dweller!

The dogs have all been fed, even Clara ate (yay!) and nighttime meds have been given. They are all sleeping, no thunking going on – just soft doggie snores and whimpers. And, it’s still Wednesday. Before I go to bed, maybe I can take the plastic off the lemon pound cake I got today and have some dessert while I tune in and catch one more episode of Property Brothers.

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Pushing the Season …

March 7th, 2018 – Wednesday

It’s March. We are sliding into the second week and I’m feeling like I watched the NYE ball drop not too long ago … and wasn’t I just cheering on Punxsutawney Phil last week? Time flies whether or not you’re having fun.

And it’s March … 9 weeks into this New Year … already! I know – if I keep saying it, maybe it’ll sink in! But how can that be? Where did those weeks go?

It’s a gray and chilly day here – par usual; the soft, white-gray cloud blanket is overhead and rain is likely. Again. I know it’s only early March but I feel like the days should be noticeably longer and warmer … and they will be but not yet. It’s still gray, wet and cold – and will be for quite a while. Daylight Savings is this weekend so we will be “springing ahead” which means more daylight hours in our evenings … and while that is all well and good … our daylight is more akin to twilight – at any time of day. Sunshine is rare. And I am feeling a very strong need for it. I NEED Spring. REAL Spring. Warmer weather … sunshine … birds … spring smells.

The Spring of my childhood … or movies or fairy tales. This soul of mine needs sunshine and flowers and that yummy warm, damp earth smell. I need robin’s eggs in nests and flowers swaying in a soft breeze and the pitter patter of raindrops on the awakening earth and that smell … that fresh, rain smell that permeates everything and exclaims … “It’s SPRING!”

But that Spring isn’t here. Nor will it be. We are always wet – a high saturation point doesn’t allow for those springtime smells. The robins have been peeping around for months but they and their nests are in pines – hidden away from sight.  Bambi and friends are sheltered in the woods … they don’t wander into the yards now. It’s still too early, too wet.

But, I want it. I need it. It gets to be this time of year and I don’t care how harsh or mild the winter has been, I need Spring. But since it hasn’t sprung up here in the NW … and truly won’t for a while – I’ll be pushing it a bit.

I can’t do anything about the weather or lack of sun or trees in bud but I can change my wardrobe to more springy attire. So, as of last week – I kicked off my socks. Literally. I’ve been going bare ankled  as soon as I turned that calendar page … going sans socks whether warranted or not!

And in this instance … not! Yeah – when it’s 39 degrees out and I’ve got naked ankles, I’d say I’m pushing the season a bit! I’m freezing my butt off (ankles, too). But, I’m antsy.

While the eastern seaboard is bracing for a third nor’easter this month and the Sierra mountain range just got feet of snow in the past week, I’m being selfish and channeling Mom Nature and begging her for Spring!

And perhaps she’s listening! I was out on a dog walk today … we saw the white deer (yes, white with brown spots! Although I think he might be mixed with llama!) … and noticed buds on the trees. Yes!

I wanted to shout out … but I whispered to the dog at the end of the leash … “It’s coming!”

I am thinking of moving – always thinking of moving – and with our one week of “winter” a few weeks ago (seven full days of gloom and snow accumulations of 7″ – a rarity for us), I have begun to question if I really … as in REALLY … want winter again in my life? As the week wore on I realized why I was so grumpy. It wasn’t just that I had so much “fun” when I had to shovel my deck and sidewalk off with a hoe (I no longer own a snow shovel)  … but I was COLD and wet and the dogs were cold and wet and muddy … and stinky. And everything just seemed to be cold and wet (and muddy and stinky) because of the snow and cold and wet! I’ve lived here for four winters now and have become a winter-wimp. I kind of like the green grasses and flowers poking their heads up mid February! Winter? I don’t think I want it again. Which alters my research for a new hometown. Again!

I certainly am not fond of the gray and mizzly days that will certainly stay around here until well after the 4th of July. I like seasons – maybe not so much winter – but distinct seasons. Seasons are odd here. I always feel like I’m in a perpetual autumn – without the colors. Fall morphs into Winter here with a decrease of a few degrees on the thermometer and an increase in rain … which then morphs into Spring with an increase of a few degrees on the thermometer and an increase in rain … until after the 4th of July when all of  a sudden the rains stop and everything dies off and goes dormant and the thermometer spikes to the 60s until the rain and gray skies return and the temps go down again sometime in September. I do not miss the cold and snow and ice and slippery streets that “normal” winter brings but 9 months of drizzle/mist and gloom? No, thanks. I need more than that.

And, I am needing it NOW. I think everyone else is just as ready (or those with harsh winters more than ready) for Spring’s arrival. And as much as I am dismayed by the heavy skies, wetness and gloom … I have enjoyed purple crocus blooming for weeks … primroses bloomed all winter – even peeking out from under their blanket of unexpected snow. And my spring green grass has been lush, mossy and tender (just ask all the bunnies out there nibbling!) since October.

I look at my garden beds and the daffodils are showing yellow buds and the tulips are 5 inch shoots and my perennials are peeking up and showing their small mounds of leaves. Yes – early! I shouldn’t complain … as my winter has been a non-winter – for the most part. But I still need Spring!

And even if the weather continues on (as it will) for 4 more months … I’ll be pushing the season every day. No socks this month. Maybe I’ll be brazen enough to wear 3/4 sleeved tees by April … and capris by May! I’ll still be freezing – but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

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You Go, Girl!

February 9, 2018 – Friday

I am usually a fairly even-tempered person. I try to live my life following the Golden Rule – treating others how I’d like to be treated. Few things get me angry: injustice or unfairness, ignorance, blatant disregard or disrespect or abuse of any form.

I wrote this blog post in the shower this morning … problem is I’m no longer IN the shower! My words were better under that hot stream of water! I do my best thinking there (always have) and by now all my Pulitzer and wise words have swirled the drain and have bubbled up at the other end of my leach field as nourishment for my clover and small prairie daisies. Not a bad exchange but some days I’d like a bouquet of words at my table instead of flowers!

Today is one such day.

Our country is in trouble. We have real problems. I’m feeling we are a bit lost … our core values have been pushed aside and the Golden Rule is just a “way of the past”. Yes, that’s my opinion and perhaps not yours. If you don’t like what I’m saying – stop reading. Your choice. We have a man at the helm, in the highest office of our country, and he is a bully. He has displayed this time and time and time again by his actions and his words. And still there are people supporting him. I do not understand this! I know I’m not the only one here who finds him and everything he is repulsive, offensive, dangerous and disgusting.

I don’t think I’ve ever said that about another human being. I take no delight in saying this and it makes me sad that I think this way about someone else – regardless of our differences. This world, our country, humanity, is built and based on differences. We can’t and shouldn’t all think and look alike. We’d never learn anything new. Never discover  another thing. But that’s not the path I’m taking today.

Today I’m upset about bullying. Plainly and simply. And why do any of us tolerate it when one (or more) person targets another using strength or influence to intimidate or harm (usually for their own personal gain whether real or imagined).

Years ago when I substitute taught in Colorado, we had anti-bullying segments of our day … teaching kids empathy and compassion while sharing values and ideals and connecting. I’ve seen how destructive bullying can be. I’ve read horror stories of children being taunted and teased resulting in suicides. We’ve all experienced it at one point in our lives – somehow – and we know it feels awful to be at the receiving end of pithy nastiness. So why does it continue?

This week my daughter wrote an anti-bullying blurb and posted it to her instagram account. I’m not much for social media so I didn’t see it until she sent it to me. She’s a good writer. She’s a wonderful woman … grounded, educated, giving, talented, responsible … an intelligent, beautiful, and decent human being. And she was being bullied by others about her day and how she chooses to live her life. And how is that? She went skiing. On a Tuesday.


She has her own business. She works a second job. She has bills and responsibilities just like other adults and she chooses to work hard and play hard and to live life in the moment and put everything she’s got into everything she does. And if she can manage to sneak in a day of playing in the snow under bluebird skies up in the high country, on a Tuesday, because it brings her joy … all I can say is, “Congrats, honey. Hope you had a great day! You go, girl.”

Yeah – I know. That saying is from 1995 or something, but I still say it cuz it still is relevant. You go girl! You do your thing! You enjoy the hell out of life – even on a Tuesday!

And so, being rather disgusted by some comments made to her – she posted her anti-bully blog and lo and behold – someone (she knows well) wrote in “dissing” her post. REALLY? You are being a bully on an anti-bully post? Wow. Amazingly ironic. Validation that idiots are among us.

But maybe this person is not an idiot … maybe he is just jealous? Envy is an ugly emotion.

I tend to wonder why anyone is reading someone’s posts if they disagree with them so much or are so upset by or envious of them. As an adult with real life responsibilities, wouldn’t you think that they’d have much more important things to do with their time than troll the internet? Obsess over someone else’s life? Why aren’t they taking that time and investing in themselves – in their education, their home, their talents, their family? Or sharing time with their family or friends or children? Or taking their dog for a walk? Or helping someone else? And if they are online, instead of being nasty, why not support that person’s lifestyle and say, “Congrats! Hope you had a great day! You go, girl!” We all have the same 24 hours a day. Maybe they need to look at their life and make some adjustments and spend their hours more wisely, productively, joyfully.

My daughter is making her life work – on her terms, in her way. After all, it’s her life. We all learned 11 some years ago that life is short sometimes. Losing Tim changed our family. Obviously. Now, I think we each look for more depth and light. We are less cautious, more accepting – of everything. But it also changed us on imperceptible cellular levels. For years my body knew when I was taking the same path to the hospital – and I’d feel nauseous until I passed it. For years it knew, before I realized, when it was the 26th of the month as my heart was heavy. And for each of us, small petty grievances became enormously annoying and intolerable. One day after Tim died I passed by a couple arguing, in the dairy section, about which flavor coffee creamer to purchase. I wanted to scream at them that people were dying and children were starving and they were arguing about coffee creamer! Do something better with your time! Be nice to each other! Enhance your life.

Enhance. Your. Life.

How does bullying enhance anyone’s life? I know people do it because it’s easy. The internet makes cyber-bullying easier still because there is NO face-to-face contact needed. Say something pithy and hit ENTER. Lovely. I know bullies pummel others with fists or words to feel better about themselves and to make themselves seem and feel more important … like they’ve conquered something.

This is totally beyond my comprehension. I simply don’t get it. How can making someone else hurt and/or cry and/or want to disappear or feel inferior or like they do not matter make someone else feel BETTER about themselves? Surely this is not how they’d like others to treat them! Why treat others this way? Why be so ugly? So negative? So toxic?

So, I say to my fabulous daughter to live her life on her terms … as she wants with whom she wants, how and where she wants. Leave the toxicity behind. Those people do not deserve your warmth and humor and light and love. You go work and play your life how you want and where you want and when you want … and to hell with all the nay-sayers and bullies and those that tread and prey on others for pleasure – in any form. I want to say to them, “Be better! Be nice! Live your own life!”

But there will always be bullies. We just have to call them out whenever and wherever we see them. It might not help – a ton – but it might help a little. Maybe they’ll think twice the next time. Maybe.

In the meantime, I will shout it from coast to coast and mountain top to deepest valley that my daughter is one tremendously fine person. She lives life. And isn’t that what we all should do? LIVE?!

You go, girl!

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Abracadabra …

January 25, 2018 – Thursday

“Language is wine upon the lips.” wise words from Virginia Woolf.

Whether written or spoken, I am all about language. It rolls off my tongue and out of my finger tips and I am never not enamored by the sound or rhythm of the spoken or written word … regardless of whether it’s Italian or French, Swahili or English. Language is not only wine, but life for me. Words are everything.

Today is Thursday… which means it’s WRITING DAY! This is a new “make time for” happening for me—a New Year’s resolution of sorts. And though my day is nearly done, I’m going to find/make the time to do what my soul craves… write.

I don’t know what about… I never know what I’m going to write about when I sit down to post a blog. It is one of those mystical things that I continually find remarkable. I can sit down with whatever thoughts are floating around in this head and an hour or so later I have created something. I’m not out to win any Pulitzers or get my name on a Wikipedia page… and even if what I write is not a post but an email to a friend, I find it totally amazing that there is nothing on my screen (or paper) and then there is. The brain’s power to transform my invisible, wildly scattered thoughts through the workings of my hands and fingers to actual readable words on paper or screen makes me giddy. It’s like participating in a magic show—every time!

Abracadabra! Words, thoughts, ideas, stories… whatever and wherever my mind wanders can be caught, for the moment, and recorded.

Virginia Woolf once said, “Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.”

I tend to agree. If you look at our lives what do we record? Births, deaths, weddings, sales, accomplishments… recorded on film or tape, on plaques or trophies or written down in baby books, scrapbooks and ledgers as the years go along. Or, they are preserved in our journals or memories. Lost to all others but ourselves at some point in time. Only I recall the lazy pinecone walks with toddlers (collecting cones to be adorned with glitter and beads or peanut butter and birdseed once home), lilac and peach sunsets over the mountains, watching the rolling clouds of rainstorms from the front porch, the advancing of the height markers on the kitchen door jamb, the smell of snow before the first flake. These things and all that we remember had to have some significance, some reason for recording them (if only in our minds) or surely we’d forget them. Those moments that are etched were important for us to remember them… to record their happening.

Coincidentally, today marks the 136th anniversary date of the birth of English born Virginia Woolf… renowned modernist writer of the 20th century and pioneer in essays on women and power. And though she’s been gone 77 years (longer than she was alive)—her works all seem terribly relevant these days.

And yet, I’ve never read anything she’s written. The only thing that comes to mind when someone says, “Virginia Woolf.” is my wondering whether or not I should be afraid of her! And from the photos I’ve googled, maybe I should be a little bit… (she was a rather scary looking woman in some of her later photos)… reminding me of who we were to see in mirrors at pre-teen sleepovers! Mary Worth or Virginia Woolf … maybe one in the same!

And with that said, I looked in the mirror this morning and wondered aloud, “Who are you?” My hair is at last growing in (or out) and it’s now at the “in-between” stage of too long to be short and too short to be long… in other words, it’s now at the Royal Pain in the Ass stage!

And not only is it doing stupid things, but it has faded from its nearly aubergine to a mousy brown. (Note to self: time for a dye job!) But, I have hair! And that is so exciting! And even though it’s a pain in the ass (and yes it is!)… it’s wonderful! I now understand Samson!

From Hair to There… when I shaved my head nearly 13 months ago I was on a quest of knowledge, compassion, understanding and empathy. I’d talked to enough women who’d lost their hair to cancer’s ravages that when they told me they had a harder time losing their hair than losing a boob, I was astounded. I said that their hair would grow back, and since they weren’t a starfish, their breast would not! And yet – they would rather lose a part of their body than their hair—even if the loss of hair was temporary. And, after talking with these women and having them all tell me I didn’t understand, I came to the recollection that, NO! I really didn’t! Hence, the razor and Brylcreem!

I’m pretty sure everyone I knew thought the NW dreariness had done its job on me and that I was one marble away from losing it. And that’s not to say that the NW dreariness didn’t have some “push” about my decision to actually go through with it… but I have and always have had plenty of marbles.

In any case, here I am now… past all the undeserving “Pity Eyeballs” and nods of understanding, the extra scarves I learned how to tie onto my head and all the little caps that kept me warm (it was a chilly experience!), and months and months of looking like Curly from the Three Stooges (never a good thing—even for Curly) and with PITA hair.

But I’ll take it. It’s growing and it’s a journey and I didn’t have to go through cancer and all that to gain what I did… as I now have complete and total understanding about the power of hair (especially for a woman). I’ll write more about it some other time… but today, my time’s up as the skies have turned from gray to midnight blue and it’s time to feed the dogs. I’ve been lost in the lusciousness of words and writing and all that that entails while enjoying the bubbly joy of words magically appearing on my screen.

So, happy birthday, Virginia—thanks for the inspiration. I’ll try to keep the magic going.




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I’m here …

January 12, 2018 – Friday

If you know me, you know I am a talker. If you read my blogs, you know I can get a bit wordy. I am a Scrabble game lover, a letter writer, and word puzzle aficionado. Don’t let me get near your Jumble… I’ll have it done before you get your pencil sharpened!

Words for me are as food is to others. Except, if I were on a deserted island and only given words to eat, I’d starve. Well, I’m good with words… not so much with analogies!

The other night, my dear friend/neighbor and I were out for dinner. She told me that her daughter has this tradition of choosing one word at the beginning of each year and practicing that word for the next 360 some days. I now don’t remember her daughter’s word, but my friend also chose one and her word for the year is PAUSE.

Pause… to listen, to take in the moment or day, to catch your breath, to watch, to slow down.

I loved the idea and loved her word. What a delicious way to be conscious about your life… take one word and let it weave its way through your days. What changes in life await!

So, thank you friend for this idea as I will adopt it into my life starting … now. I’ve been mulling this around for a few days now… trying to come up with THE ONE WORD for the year. My partner for the next 11 some months … my mantra.

And the only thing that has really come to mind is that I am not a one-word person. As infants, even then, we start dabbling in our native language with a variety of one and two syllable words – usually those of familiarity … mama, dada, ball, etc. I’m sure I did that, as well, but one of my early words still strikes a chord with me…goggigle (as in gaw-gee-gull) … it meant oatmeal cookie. (Always the foodie!) I don’t know – still sounds to me like a descriptor for a yummy cookie with oats and raisins!

In any case, I’ve been mulling over a plethora of words. I’ve been giving my Merriam-Webster a run for its money! But nothing has popped out at me … zip, zero, zilch, nada, niente, niets. So, I thought I’d ruminate for a while. If I were a cow, I’d be off in my meadow chewing my cud for a few days, pondering what (flowers to eat and) words I should choose. Or better yet, which one word to begin with!

Of all the 171,476 (currently used) words in the English language – I only needed ONE!

And it couldn’t be a word that I have a handle on already … I’m GRATEFUL, so that wouldn’t do the trick. COMPASSION, REGARD, INTEGRITY … all threads woven into my life already. And sure, they might come up again during the year for a refresher, but I needed something new!

So, yesterday, after much consternation and brain drain, I decided to throw the idea out to the universe and see what I NEEDED in my life – because it can’t be just ANY word or one that won’t help me grow, gain enlightenment and flourish. I needed to be patient. And PATIENT might be a word I use later on … but I needed something better. I needed to just think and sit here.

And there is was … HERE.

Now an odd choice, you may say… but let me explain.

Here, is a multi-function word – it can be an adverb, a pronoun, a noun, an adjective or an interjection. By definition, it means: in, at, or to this place of position or process … as in, “Come here.”

Or as in:  in this instance, “Here we agree.”

Or it can be used to make a statement more forceful: “Hey, there are a lot of iguanas here!”

Or it could also mean: appearing or happening now … as in, “Spring is here at last!”

And it also means: at this point in the process… as in, “I paused here for a moment before continuing on.”

And to delve deeper to that point… because aren’t we all in the process of doing something? I want to be HERE … present, aware, awake, centered, focused … here!

I broke a glass this morning. I turned around and in one swift movement I swept it off the counter and it shattered into a zillion pieces on the kitchen floor. Thankfully the dogs were not nearby. I was multi-tasking and not fully present in any one thing of which I was doing. I was here, but not HERE.

The other day, while at a client’s home for a dog walk, I stepped down one step into their garage to hang up the leash and my mind was elsewhere and I missed the second step! One minute I was on the stairs, the next I was on the cold, cement floor of their garage with the contents of their recycle bin on top of me! Yeah, took that down with me! My foot’s puffy and my pride was a bit bruised  and I had a tuna can stuck in my hair but both events have made me painfully aware that I need to be HERE maybe more than I am.

Be present. WAKE UP! Be HERE!

And, taking that even a bit further… I’m HERE as … here on this island. I have been here now for 3.5 years. And I knew, shortly after moving here (oh, I used it as a point of reference, location and for emphasis – a triple whammy!) I knew I was not where I should be. Wrong island. Wrong coast. Wrong weather. Just a LOT wrong. But, I thought I’d try the old adage of “fake it ’til you make it” … nah, it hasn’t really worked any magic! But, I’m HERE for a reason (or two or a hundred) and I’m figuring that out.

And, as much as I ponder my next location and where that might be and when I might leave, I’m still HERE. So, I need to be here … focus on my life now – being in the moment … being HERE. Present, awake, aware, focused, centered. What brings me joy? What can I change? What do I need to do to just be here and live my life and enjoy and really be in the moment of being HERE? Every day?

So, that is my word. I’ve got a lot of thinking to do. Oh yes, I’ll adopt another word soon enough because I am not a one-word gal but I think I’ll play with this one for a while and see what I can do with it.

I’ll get back to you … but if you need me, I’m here.



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Happy New Year … the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

January 2, 2018 – Tuesday

Happy New Year… 2018!

It is once again a new year … time to get out our erasers and wipe our slates clean … turn the proverbial page … make a fresh start.

Or as Dr. Seuss said, ‘You’re off to great places, Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!’

365 days of newness … well, because I’m writing this on the 2nd, 363 days of newness! How exciting is that?! Oh, the possibilities! The adventures! The enlightenment, knowledge and wonder that await us!

I’ve never been good at resolutions. They seem too confining. I like the broad general ones… like, GET HEALTHIER instead of the ones that demand I lose 40 lbs in X amount of time – cuz unless I’m amputating something, that ain’t happening! I’m a short term wonder. I can do anything for a small amount of time. So, my thoughts lean towards increasing activity and veggie consumption for the next month. It won’t make me drop those 40# I’d like to instantly… but it’ll get me on the path to getting healthier. And then the next month, I can change things up a bit and continue down that path. So, that is Plan A.

Plan B is to sit on my chaise and eat bonbons until Valentine’s Day.

Let’s just hope I stick with the first one!

I spent a much-too-quiet NYE by myself this year. I’m not much on celebratory gatherings on that night anyway… too many drunken lunatics out and about and why tempt fate? So, I made myself a nice appetizer plate and watched some of New Year’s Rockin’ Eve (as much as I could get being on the west coast) and was glad I was warm and snug surrounded by peacefully snoring dogs and not wearing a diaper in the record-breaking cold of NY’s Times Square. I saw the ball drop just fine, thank you… and I didn’t have to get frost bite and wet my pants to do so.

I sat and looked at the critters around me and thanked each one, as they slept, for the joy they have and do bring to my life. Somewhere in my heart I knew they wouldn’t be around for whatever next year’s celebration may be. They are getting old and their bodies, large and small, are giving out.

What now seems like a zillion years ago, Tim and I got this idea that we’d spend NYE at some posh party at a local hotel and spend the night. The kids were little so it was a good 20 some years ago. It was the fanciest New Year’s Eve we ever had and probably the fanciest party we’d ever been to. I wore a dreamy vintage strapless, raspberry colored, taffeta ball gown. It was my mom’s dress. I have one photo of her in it when she was apparently the size of a fetus. Perhaps her first Christmas with my dad… 1950? I somehow fit into it (apparently also being the size of a fetus at that time) and there is nothing more delicious than swirling around a grand ballroom in such a gown… especially when my normal day-to-day attire consisted of stretch pants (probably with stirrups!), a stretched out sweater (with a baby formula or some sort of stain on it) and gym shoes that probably had a bit of dog poop wedged in the tread from being out in the yard. (Hence, the no shoe policy in my house!) In any case, that was a lovely and most memorable evening.

I was the youngest of three kids in our house and my folks had a very large group of friends. So, on those New Year’s Eves of yore, my siblings were off with friends and I was flying solo while my folks held NYE parties in the basement. I loved those nights! I would help my mom cart plate after plate of food down to the serving counter and I’d get to say hi to everyone and I loved the chatter and laughter that would waft up the stairs. Oh, early 1960’s were so fun! I’d be watching TV in the living room, stuffing my past-bedtime face with pizza rolls and french onion dip. If I wanted to get an extra earful, I’d open the hall closet and while lying on my stomach I’d wedge my head into the laundry chute. The hole in the basement ceiling was right where all the “action” was and sometimes I’d hear (a bit clearer) something that should have been off-limits to my innocent little ears! Thrilling!

Those were GOOD New Years.

The year following Tim’s passing, New Year’s 2007, was the roughest one I’ve had.  I am a numbers person… always counting… and the stroke of midnight not only brought a new year but profound sadness. Tim had been gone since late July the previous summer (158 days to be exact… 10 more days than from his diagnosis to passing) but knowing that the new year brought a year without him in it – at all – was devastating. My heart shattered all over again and the thought of facing a new year without him was practically unbearable. Thinking that you’d feel better if a steam roller had run you over is never a good thing. With the last stroke of midnight a year without my love began and the 27 years (nearly 10,000 days with him in my life) faded into the past. I’d no longer have a new year’s kiss from him. I’d no longer have a year in which he’d be a part. It was all no longer.

That was the BAD New Years.

Last year, I was shaking my can of Barbasol as the clock hands crept towards midnight and as the clock struck twelve ringing in 2017, I was looking more like Mr. Clean than Mr. Clean himself. Bald as a cue ball. My babies had more hair than I did… and that’s not saying much cuz they were bald until they were two! I shaved my head in a quest for understanding… to gain empathy and compassion. And yes, it did the trick. Hair is a funny thing. I always thought it was just an “accessory” but until you don’t have it, you really don’t realize that it is so much more. After a year of letting my hair grow out (and I say “grow out” lightly because it’s still not to the nape of my neck!) I look back and realize what a number (not having hair) did on my psyche! Talk about feeling badly about oneself! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yeah… but even with a well-tied scarf around my head that actually enhanced my appearance better than any mouse-brown hair would, I still felt god awful, frumpy, fat, blah and just badly.

That was the UGLY New Years.

And so, here we are… 2018. I look forward, as I hope you are doing as well, and think anything is possible. There is so much to grasp, to see, to do! Life is short… we all need to go after it. So, here’s to the next 363 days… make them wonderful. Make the most of them. Enjoy the hell out of them.

‘You are off to great places, Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!’

Happy New Year!



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Have a Holly Jolly Christmas …

December 20, 2017 – Wednesday

It was December 1964; I’m not sure the Norelco Santa commercial was on TV yet (one of my favs – a cartoon Santa sitting on an electric razor head, shaving a path, as he glided over hills of snow!) and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and A Charlie Brown Christmas were, as yet, mere twinkles in someone’s eye. I was 7. Yes … an impressionable 2nd grader and all agog over Santa and flying reindeer and all that. I think that was the year I was recovering from osteomyelitis and I had a penchant for hair styling and all things Barbie. I couldn’t really go outside and play much (due to my illness) but I did get the Tressy doll (hair galore + curlers, etc! DREAM DOLL!) from Santa and spent many cold winter vacation days doing up that doll’s hair. And when I tired of doing her hair, I put the itty bitty curlers onto the ears of my dachshund, Marvin. That poor dog – what I didn’t put her through!

In any case, back in 1964 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (cartoon) made its debut. Now Rudy had been around since 1939 (in book form) before this cartoon came to be …  but the cartoon was fabulous! Especially for a talking animal crazed 7 year old!

(And it dawned on me, just now, that I’ve been singing that he was a RED NOSE reindeer all these years instead of a RED-NOSED one! Huh!)

Anyway, it’s the same cartoon that is still on TV these days, aside from a few tweaks done in the early years. And, as I was looking this up, I uncovered something that has been a mystery all my life! During the story Yukon Cornelius (the lumberjack) keeps licking the end of his pickax after plunging it into snowbanks. I never knew why he did that – until tonight! In the original broadcast after one such ax tasting he shouts out that he’s found what he’s been looking for … a peppermint mine! The subsequent version of the TV special had a different ending than the original showing and in order to maintain the same length of film – they cut that scene. Now it all makes sense! He wasn’t just an ax licking weirdo! Burl Ives replaced the original singer and “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” will be forever etched in my brain (and everyone else’s) and whenever it comes on the radio, as it did this morning with my wake up alarm, it instantly puts me into a sugar plum happy mood while it pops me back to those early elementary school days when Christmas-time held nothing less than magic.

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas … and seems like I’ll get one this year as I’ll be away from the NW. I was watching White Christmas the other night … for the umpteenth time … and became curious as to the ages of the cast and how tiny Vera Ellen’s waist really was! So (thanks Google) I found out that Bing Crosby was 51, Danny Kaye was 43, Vera Ellen was 33 and Rosemary Clooney was a mere infant of 26! And as for Vera Ellen’s waist measurement? An itty bitty 17″ … meaning from side to side she was a bit more than the width of a piece of notebook paper! Wow … just like me!

This year I’ve been watching the Hallmark channels (too much) and all the Christmas movies. Actually, I’ve been watching them since late October! I am a glutton for punishment (of the Hallmark/sappy Christmas movie kind)! Tonight I’m giving myself a break and … do you hear what I hear? It’s the snoring of dogs! I have four here … a regular slumber party … and it’s a symphony of snores, whimpers and heavy breathing! Very sweet but not exactly a silent night.

When I was little I couldn’t wait to watch the holiday specials … because nothing came on in OCTOBER … and we didn’t have VCR’s or DVR’s to record the programs; they were on once and gone … so, it was critical that we saw them as they came only once a year. And back in the 60’s the specials were especially wonderful with all the glitz and glamour … the dresses were so lovely and “fancy”. I am part crow … I love anything that glitters! I laugh now thinking about how excited I’d get to “be able to” stay up (til 9!) and watch Dinah Shore or Perry Como, Andy Williams or Dean Martin.

Speaking of Dean Martin … now there’s a guy! I recently got a t-shirt that has written on the front Baby It’s Cold Outside and whenever I wear it I can think of him! I don’t know when I first fell in love with him … a martini in one hand, a cigarette in the other and scantily clad women draped over each arm … just crooning away with that gorgeous head of hair and handsome face. He was so easy to love! He may have been my first crush (aside from my dad!).

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way …. I have a charm bracelet that I wear, only during this month, as it’s made out of tiny bells … so, wherever I go I jingle. When I meet friends and tell them I’ll arrive “with bells on” … I actually mean it! I find it sweet and lyrical. However, I’m pretty sure others find it enormously annoying. Wearing it makes me think back to high school when I was a cheerleader. For the entire month between Thanksgiving and Christmas break the squads would wear jingle bells (big fat, loud ones!) tied onto our gym shoe laces when we wore our uniforms. And for some reason – during that time, an overlap of sports perhaps, it seemed like we lived in those uniforms that month. How the teachers must have HATED us by the time break came … 30 girls with jingle bells on … jingling down the halls, during lectures and filmstrips, during tests and in study hall. Gad!

I’m off to pack for my trip which will seem like visiting the North Pole with the temps we are expecting. That’s okay … ’tis the season! I just hope I can get the partridge I’m taking with me through security.

And with that, God rest ye merry gentlemen (and ladies), make the Yuletide gay and have yourself a holly jolly Christmas!

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Out of darkness comes light …

November 14, 2017 – Tuesday

It sometimes takes being hit over the head with something for me to grasp it. Well, not literally. It’s not that I’m a slow learner … it’s just that, at times, I’m a slow realizer.

My last post was of a (not so) dark and stormy night. Well, we’ve just had two dark and stormy nights. I’ve gotta tell ya … I’m not a fan!

How did the pioneers do it? All that rain battering your cabin or sod house … the wild animals hunting you at the creek … the blizzards raging … the scorching heat! I would have jumped off the nearest bluff. Given myself up to a panther in the trees by the river. Hitched a ride with the next wagon train going anywhere! You get the picture. Nope – that “withstand anything” pioneer mentality isn’t in me.

Yesterday I stood in my cozy dining room and watched the winds whip through my dinner plate maple’s brightly colored leaves (the first year I’ve witnessed actual color change!) …  except for a handful of hearty leaves it was denuded instantly. One moment full foliage, the next – bare branches. I watched the whole million leaves whip through the air and scuttle along the road and go over the bluff … out to sea. I was glad I witnessed their departure but without leaves those branches looked menacing – reaching towards the house with outstretched limbs. I moved from the window. Too creepy. Too windy.

Wind makes me crazy. Another non-pioneer thing in me. I’d have been writing the first chapter of Little House on the Prairie and the prairie winds would have picked up and I’d have been out the door looking for that bluff or cougar!

We lost electricity at 2:44 on Monday morning … something woke me up and I think it was the darkness. Or maybe it was the porch furniture and decorative ladder that had fallen over and been scraped across the decking that I heard. In any case … IT WAS DARK! And stormy! Winds whipping rain sideways … quite the blustery night.

We get rain up here in the northwest but it’s usually piddly drops … mizzly drizzle, saturating wetness that just is in the air … not actual RAIN. Yesterday we got RAIN. And I loved it. I could have done with out the wind and I would have loved it more had I had electricity! For a total of 19 hours it was out.

It came back on at 10am meaning 7 hours without refrigeration. My thoughts immediately went to what was in my fridge that should no longer be? I googled the subject … most safety postings said 4 hours was a safe bet. After that, things needed to be pitched. I asked my neighbors and they all said everything was FINE. Unless I had left the door ajar, things were good. Um, I was hesitant. Food poisoning is not my friend. But, I thought, what’s good for my neighbors should be good for me, too. Right? So, I left things as they were … the cooked chicken, the yummy may0-laden chicken salad, the new tub of whipped cream cheese.

I luxuriated in my warm and powered up home … the vacuum and carpet shampooer were in use, the washer was in full agitation mode, my computer was recharging, my fridge was happily humming … and then we went dark. Again. At 4pm on a rainy, dreary day in the NW, it’s dark. It’s dark up here regardless if it’s raining because after October, twilight arrives sometime soon after lunch. So, by 4pm … it was definitely getting to the almost dark-dark stage!

Good thing I have more candles than Martha Stewart cuz I was using them! But, even with all the candlelight I found it hard to settle in. I was antsy. I wanted to watch TV. It had been all of a few hours and I missed my Hallmark channel! I wanted to be on my computer. I was in the middle of working and I wanted to continue. My comforter (that the guest puppy had thrown up on the night before) was still in the washing machine. The fridge was silent. My computer was cold. As was the house. It’s amazing how fast warmth goes out of this structure when the heat isn’t on!

I put on an extra sweater and found my flashlight and lantern – both at the ready. The dogs were restless – the wind’s whine annoyed us all. I was on edge. I wanted a glass of wine. Nope – in the fridge. Maybe I’d eat an early dinner – I had baked up chicken earlier. Nope – that had already gone through 7 hours of no refrigeration … how much salmonella could a girl take? So, I had peanut butter on crackers and water.

By 6pm when two of the guest dogs were picked up, I’d felt like I’d been plunged into darkness for days … WEEKS. (Note to self – never move to Alaska!) What was I to do? I thought I should play the piano … you don’t need more than candlelight for that! But, I don’t know HOW to play the piano. My phone had no service so I couldn’t pick up Pandora. The house was quiet except for the snoring of the pug, the rain against the windows and the constant clicking of Clara’s toenails on the floor as she nervously paced the living room. I snuggled with the puppy on the couch and tried to read by flashlight. I wasn’t very successful … so we just had a nice one-sided chat.

By 9pm the guest puppy had been whisked home and the girls and I, feeling like it was the middle of the night, headed for bed. I haven’t been to bed at 9pm since I don’t know when! It was a fitful slumber … Clara got me up half a dozen times. She would go outside into the inky blackness with my lowly flashlight beam guiding her way and then she’d lift her head into the rain and turn and look at me and come back inside. Was she checking things out? Figuring out the storm’s longevity? The wind direction? I don’t know – but she did this 5 more times before settling in. Gert got me up a couple of times, too, but wouldn’t do much more than stand in the rain on the deck and look at me pathetically – silently begging me to let her back in. So, I did … and then she wet the bed. So, I was up, in the dark, stripping my bed, grumbling not so quietly about aging dogs and stupid blackouts and this/that being so inconvenient and it wasn’t until I was on my way to the kitchen with an armful of bedding that I realized how lucky I was.  Hit over the head, figuratively, with wet linens in the darkness … the light had come.

I was inside. I was dry. I was warm (and while I wasn’t toasty … I wasn’t wet or freezing or outside!). I had a roof over my head, a refrigerator and pantry full of food, my dogs and I were safe and comfy and cozy and … I was so lucky because there are so many who do not have the luxury of what I have. Of what we all have.

Just as I was snuggling back into my naked bed, at 4am, the power came back on. So, I got up and ran around and turned whatever was on at 4pm off. The furnace kicked on and the dogs and I slept like babies.

The questionable perishable things in my fridge have already been picked up with today’s trash, my bedding is in the dryer and the dogs have calmed down and are asleep. I’m off to the grocery store to restock my festering mayo, salad dressing and cream cheese. While there I’ll pick up some extra supplies for the local food bank and purchase one of those Thanksgiving dinners for families in need. It’s the least I can do. I encourage you to do the same. We are all so fortunate.

Who would have thought darkness could bring so much light?



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It was a dark and stormy night …

October 30, 2017 – Monday

It was a dark and stormy night…somewhere. Not here. Yeah, it’s a bit chilly and we’re bound to have fog in the morning but it’s been a decent month for us up here in the NW. Oddly dry, too.

I always thought that I should have gone into meteorology. I just love weather-related things. My catch phrase would have been “darkness clearing by morning.” Yes, I would have been great – the next Wanda the Weather Bunny! Especially after I shattered my wrist in a high school cheerleading gymnastic routine … because after that bone-crushing event, I could always tell when it was going to rain three days before the storm arrived. I would have had it made with forecasts!

But, since my move up here I’ve lost my wrist-ability. That wrist has given way to the frost forecasting fingers and the aqueous anticipating ankles. And it’s sort of a moot point here in the (dare I say it again) … North WET … as we are usually always soggy (at least in the fall, winter and spring) and my broken and bent bones are always talking to me.

However, we’ve had 4 months of dryness but the rains are to come in another day but if they hold off that’ll give us a dry Halloween for all the goblins and ghouls to trick-or-treat. That is,  if we had any that roamed our neighborhood. Not many here – which is so disappointing for me. I love trick-or-treating and seeing the kids costumed up!

And, so I’m here on this eve before All Hallow’s Eve thinking all things Halloweeny and Vincent Price and monkey paws and crawling hands and ghosts crying for Elizabeth to jump off some cliff to a raging ocean below or some vampires insides made of blocks of colored gelatin. It seems I’ve read far too many creepy stories or watched too many late night Creature Feature scary movies (while alone babysitting no less!) because all those images haunt me still. It’s been 50 years since I watched The Tingler in my basement on the old black and white tv set and the mere thought of the 18″ centipede attached to some poor guy’s spine nearly does me in!

I’m glad it’s not a stormy night as I’m creeping myself out! It’s bad enough that it’s dark out! My imagination around Halloween goes wild and thoughts turn to vampires and werewolves and witches and chain saws. See? Too many scary movies!

When I was a kid we must have had 200 kids on our block – or so it seemed – especially around Halloween. More kids than you could shake a stick at … or a peanut butter kiss … either one. My mom made our costumes … my favorite one was the year I went as a cannibal. I wore a black leotard and tights and we made a skirt out of brown burlap. If you’ve never fringed burlap – go out and buy some right now and do it. It’s oodles of fun! I strung steak bones that our dogs had cleaned off around my ankles and wrists and as a necklace and had another one in my pony-tailed hair (hairdo ala Pebbles Flintstone). If I do say so myself, I was darling. It definitely beat the Little Bo Peep costume from another year that my mom stuffed with rags to “froof out” the side pockets of the costume. That skirt weighed about 258 pounds! Why didn’t we stuff the pockets with tissue paper?

We had great parties when I was a kid … and when I had kids we continued the Halloween traditions … parties and homemade costumes every year. What the hell was wrong with me? I laugh now and think I must have been out of my mind channeling Martha Stewart in late September to get the costumes done in time and to out-do the previous year’s party. But we had SO much fun!

I made a full T-Rex costume one year and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle the next.  There were years of the kids being a pirate, Tinkerbell, a princess and of course, Ariel – the Little Mermaid. Living in Colorado, we never knew what it was going to be like at the end of October … it could be 60 something out or 3 degrees and snowing! I remember, too many years, trying to stuff the kids into their winter coats or snowsuits with their costumes underneath – somewhat visible – or over the coats. One year we drove the kids from house to house is was SO cold out. But, there were other years when it was perfectly perfect  … a crisp breeze, fallen leaves on the sidewalks, scuttling gray clouds before a full moon … a lone coyote sending chills up our spines.

We had fabulous parties. I miss those days! We had the bubbling cauldron of dry ice, the house decorated with spider webs (seriously, Halloween was a troubling time for me with my hatred of spiders!), skeletons singing, bats hanging upside down in strategic corners or on bathroom mirrors. The kids played all sorts of games but my favorite was when an adult would tell a spooky story and we’d sit in a circle (in the dark) and pass around bowls of witch fingers (pretzel sticks), bones (dog yummies), guts (cooked spaghetti), and brains (jello) … and the kids would squeal with a mixture of delight and disgust. Good times.

I carved a sugar baby (pie pumpkin) the other day – I’ve got him lit and he’s keeping me company on this dark and not-so-stormy night. He’s the first pumpkin I’ve carved in a long time. And while my house is decked out for fall and looks like something out of Autumn Monthly,  the skeleton hanging by my front door is about as Halloweeny as I get these days!

I’ll wear black and orange tomorrow. I’ll put costumes on the dogs. (Oh, yes – they love it!) And, I’ll be ready to eat the leftover candy (it’s a tough job but someone’s gotta do it). But most of all, I’ll be reminiscing about all the past All Hallow’s Eves and how much fun they were.

I’m off to bed and hopefully I won’t hear any things that might go bump in the night … but if I do, my inner meteorologist will calm me down cuz I know that the darkness will be clearing by morning and if I hear a chainsaw, I’ll tell myself it’s just Gertie snoring.

Happy Halloween!



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Vasco da Gama and those other guys …

October 5, 2017 – Thursday

I don’t know if it’s because there is a maple tree outside my window that is doing it’s “fall thing” and turning more crimson by the hour or if it’s that everywhere (as in everywhere) I look there is some sort of Pumpkin Spiced something within view. I am all for everything pumpkin but seriously, do women need panty liners that have that fragrance?

I digress.

In any case, I’m sitting here at my dining table gazing out my windows … out one window the trees and bushes are green and I see flies dancing in the air so it looks like it could be warm out; summery. The other window beholds the red maple and another tree that is turning a bit golden; it’s autumn on that side of the house. Ahh, the changing of seasons … it makes me nostalgic.

I’m here listening to my snoring pug and the (constant) forlorn braying of the neighbor’s neglected beagle. I think of that poor lonely dog and instantly my brain runs with “beagle” which makes me think of, for whatever reason, the HMS Beagle that naturalist Charles Darwin was aboard in the early 1830s. One of those beautiful multi-sail “pirate” looking ships that went around the world – navigating some 40,000 miles all the while with good ol’ boy Chuck accumulating specimens to bring back to England for study and edification -all which led to his theory of evolution.

Some 180 years ago.

And yes, after all that and all his troubles, we still have people thinking the world is flat (hello, Flat Earth Society members!) and that evolution is a made up idea begun by pagans and non-believers (of Creationism). In this day and age? People! It’s scientifically backed! Wake up and smell the curvature and the transmutation of species (or Neanderthals – your choice).

I digress, again.

So, back to the brain engaged on the Beagle and Darwin and the bravery he had…

Naturally, since I bore easily, my thoughts now take the fork in the road to the path with the weeds in the middle of it (lesser traveled) and I’m no longer thinking of beagles or the Beagle or Chuck but of 50 some years ago when I’m at my elementary school wearing the cutest, short-sleeved turquoise and brown plaid plaid dress (with a bronze metallic thread in it and of course it had a Peter Pan collar!) – stiffly starched (thanks, mom) and white anklets (horrors). It was a fall dress … hence, I’m thinking all things autumn – apparently.

Back to School (after Labor Day) held such promise! It was an exciting time! Who can deny that the scent of paste and oil cloth doesn’t bring some sort of comfort to them? Well, not me! I look back with much fondness to those days. I was a good student. An eager learner. I was well-liked by my teachers because I was easy. A pleaser. (You want the black boards cleaned, Miss Luschek? I’ll do it!!!) I was probably the teacher’s pet but was too unknowing to know it. Not a brown-noser as I had nothing to gain from them liking me – just an easy kid. School was fun and came easily for me. (Can I read another triple black diamond SRA – PLEASE???) Anyway, somewhere along the line while wearing said dress I had to do a report on an explorer … and my guy was (drumroll please ….)

Vasco da Gama.

I’m pretty sure it was the luck of the draw that I got him and not Columbus, Balboa, Magellan, Cortes, Sir Walter Raleigh, etc. but I remember being somewhat thrilled as his name was so EXOTIC! In a world of Roberts and Jimmys and Davids … no one I knew was named Vasco! Who the hell was he? At that point in my life I had no clue – at this point in my life I vaguely remember the name. I don’t remember at all (sorry Vas) what he did … or didn’t do … or what his contribution to society then/now/forever was.

So, the internet has come to my rescue. I could have looked him up in my 1960s Golden Book Junior Encyclopedia set (which I still have!) because back “in the day” that’s what we did. And if you were lucky enough to have a set at home (as we did) – you were, well … golden. No pun intended.

So, here’s the scoop: Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer and the first European to reach India by sea. Arriving in harbor a mere 459 years and 1 day before my birth. Now why that was relevant to 10 year olds back in 1967, I have no idea – but apparently learning about 500 year old conquistadors and explorers was easier and less controversial than discussing the current civil rights movement.

And while I’d love to go into depth about school subjects, my love for paste or that good looking explorer, my thoughts have already zoomed forward from 1967 and have landed back here on this dining room table while I stare off through the windows wondering if my summery trees will change colors this year and how those guys did what they did.  I’m left thinking how brave those explorers were. Did they just wake up one morning and say – “I think I’ll get aboard a big, wooden ship and sail to the unknown.” Kind of akin to astronauts who strap themselves into a metal tube with mega tons of explosives underneath their butts hoping they won’t disintegrate but will have the trip of a lifetime in the final frontier. Who does that?

My hats are off to those guys and to all those who have guts (including my kids). I am pretty gutless when it comes to explorations or risks or getting out of my comfort zones. Well, when there’s personal harm involved, anyway! Nope, you won’t catch me out on running trails by myself. I don’t run, so, no – you wouldn’t find me out on those trails but if I did run, I still wouldn’t be out there. I watched The Lone Ranger on Sunday mornings – I know just where that cougar is hiding amongst the rocks waiting to pounce! Paddle boarding? I don’t care if it’s a river or lake … I saw Jaws and I’m not doing it! Roller coasters? Nope – been there, done that – have been greener than I ever need to be ever again. Sailing off into the unknown or strapping myself to a rocket? Um, not in your lifetime.

So, as the leaves begin to turn and fall and the air becomes cooler and all things pumpkin abound … I will send off a little thank you to our forefathers for their wisdom, courage, fortitude and perhaps dumb luck. Kudos to you guys.

And, with that – I’m off to get myself something pumpkin spiced and am hoping by the time I get back that that beagle has stopped braying!

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Heartsick …

September 5, 2017 – Tuesday

I am heartsick. Plain and simple. Too much bombardment to the soul today. One can only take so much.

I awoke this morning to skies heavy with smoke. At 9:30 it seemed like twilight. The light was other-worldly and eerie … all white and hazy. It didn’t change all day. Under the small orange ball that was the sun, my car had a fine layer of ash on it. I’m getting over bronchitis and walking pneumonia and with labored breathing and a smoke-induced nagging cough, my voice is rough and gravelly like a 4-pack-a-day chain smoker. The acrid smell of smoke that wafted on whatever breeze came around was replaced later by the smell of fish at low-tide. For once I was glad for it.

Seemingly, the entire NW and Western areas of the US are on fire. Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California. The interactive map that is making the rounds is mind boggling and terribly frightening.

I think of all the people and their homes and possessions. I think of all the animals—wild with fear. I think of all the trees. I am heartsick.

From one natural disaster to another … these fires come after Hurricane Harvey hit Houston and areas up and down the Texas and southern coasts. Devastating flooding. Horrendous property damage. Lives lost.

Irma is gearing up to hit somewhere in the next few days. They say this one could be worse. The worst. EVER.

I feel Mom Nature is trying to tell us something. We aren’t listening!

I don’t see myself as a political person. For most of my life I’ve just kind of bobbed along on the sea of politics … going along … not giving it much time or consideration or energy. However, this past year (or so) has gotten me riled up. I’m not going to get into my reasons but most of you know I can’t stand our President. Free speech allows me to say I think he’s an ass. And that’s putting it mildly. I don’t usually say much … but today I have to say something. I am beyond disgusted … I am heartsick.

Today our President said that he’d like to have our undocumented immigrant children deported. Some 800,000 … to where? If to their homeland, then there wouldn’t be a problem because America is the only home many of them have known. They arrived as infants. Some as children. Some a bit older. But, all call the US their home.  Most are fine upstanding young men and women … working hard, going to school, willingly defending the country that they love and call home. America is the home they know. For some, the only home they’ve EVER known. Where does he think he’ll send them? It’s insanity. Where is his basic decency? If we allow this … where is ours?

I have two favorite places on this planet … well, three. Paris being one. The Oregon coast being the second. And, the Columbia River Gorge area being the third. I have never lived in any of these places but my heart is in all three … floating along the Champs Elysees or in front of Notre Dame … on the beach by the Devil’s Punchbowl and Otter Rock or at the overlook of both … or on the bridge at Multnomah Falls or on the trails that wind through the area’s lush, green forest secured by stone walls and breathtaking vistas.  Today the gorge is on fire. The beautiful old lodge may not be standing by morning. Tears flow freely when beauty is destroyed. I look at the photo here on my desk … we were young, full of hope and promise and so much love when our engagement photo was taken there 36 years ago. It is/was such an incredibly beautiful place. I can’t imagine it being burned and blackened.

Today was a black day … for too many reasons. My heart feels blackened, too. Too much. I am heartsick.

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Nothing going on … just life

August 28th, 2017 – Monday

This lobster needs a reprimand … as it’s been absent, missing, gone, away, errant, delinquent … you get the picture.

I started a post several times … maybe half a dozen … but then I sat. I haven’t had writer’s block, exactly, but either I was so busy that I couldn’t think or I thought nothing was worthy of writing. Just things. Life. Too much or too little. Feast or famine.

But what life doesn’t run that course? Haven’t we all had nothing going on and then all of a sudden you have several  invitations or commitments that all fall on the same date? My life since becoming an island girl has slowed down and my social life has pared down—considerably—and yet I’m finding myself with not one, not two, but three activities I’d like to participate in on Thursday night. I have nothing—as in major cricket factory—going on for the next MONTH (and then some) and then 3 things on one night! Why does this happen?

My last post was July 4th … I was feeling all red, white, blue and sparkly… and I can say that really “nothing” has gone on since this lobster has been away. But I’d be amiss.  Life as we know it—goes on. Exciting or not.

This is what has transpired in the last 55 days …

The Northwest experienced “Summer” … that rare season that falls between Independence Day and Labor Day—though it looks like we may be extending our summer for another week or so. Fine by me as I’m not ready for more coolness and the rains to start yet. “Summer” here is a scorching 72 degrees … on a warm day. Today was 85. Fabulous. It is going on midnight and it is still 68 degrees outside. That is a usual temperature for most of our summer days. My neighbors are all sweltering … I’m luxuriating in the warmth and the open windows and doors so late at night – or ever! We are to be warm again tomorrow and I can’t wait! I think I’ll be playing hooky as I have no guests (human or canine) and it is my one day for the next month that I can go play or do whatever I want to and it’s going to be warm and lovely out. So, I might just forego work and go have some fun! Maybe I’ll take big dog. Clara, to the beach!

In the past 55 days … my daughter’s flower business is dare I say—blooming, she drove out to the NW w/her co-pilot enormous-dog Brutus to play with me for a week (GREAT fun!) and her best friend had a baby girl. All wonderful things.

My son has been to Turkey, Israel, Georgia and the Gaza Strip (and probably somewhere else) and came home to a new job offer. In that time he’s been halfway around the world and I never got off the island!

Not wanting to get (too) political, I cannot even begin to take into account what has been going on in our country—on any given day, nearly every given day—abhorrent actions, hate, lies, idiocy, spinelessness, malice, stupid-ass Twitter rantings…and that’s just from our president. Too disgusting for words. It all makes for many sleepless nights. Wake up country! Do the right thing! Be nice! Love your neighbors! We are one family!

In the last 55 days, I’ve hosted guests for 42 of those nights (yeah, I’m tired of doing laundry!) … and have had 35 days of dogs (7 total on one crazy, crazy Saturday). One of my recent guests was from France. He was eyeing our local bunnies and slugs—commenting on ‘so many rahbeets (so tastee avec moustard) and escargot—oui?’ I didn’t have the heart to tell him these were more like pets to me than dinner fixings.

I’ve had 2 dogs in weddings recently, a Frenchie was a flower girl and a Corgi was a ring bearer. More weddings this fall—with dogs in them! People are so silly with their animals! (So says the woman who has a miniature sombrero that every guest chihuahua has to wear while getting its photo taken!)

My garden has already been harvested—thanks, completely, to Gertie (the pug) for doing that job. We had one tomato plant and 6 small tomatoes that made it this far into the season before succumbing to the jaws of death! Alas, she managed to climb up the vine and eat each last one whether it was green (most of them were) or slightly ripened. Way to go, Gert! I’ll never be known for my farming skills!

As far as my other “garden” … Mom Nature has had her way with us up here—she needs to even things out a bit.  Sans the 17 raindrops we had one Sunday a few weeks back, we are now on Day 72 without rain.

While the south will have had 3-5 feet of rain in the last week (my heart is with those in the south. Scary, scary times for so many!), I’ve been watering my flower boxes and flower beds and am paying exorbitant water bills to apparently grow sticks. What flowers somehow survived the drought, my hydrophobic soil and feeble (though expensive) watering attempts have been devoured by the roaming deer and silver-trailing slugs— leaving sticks in their wake. I know they have to eat … and I really don’t mind sharing … but I wish the deer left some flowers behind as well as silver glitter like the slugs do and not snacks for the dogs in the form of bb pellets!  Mmm, so tastee—oui?

Some time along the way, I managed to fall while moving my exercise equipment (yes – the most exercise I’d gotten from that machine in the past 6 months was while moving it!) and bruise the backs of my arms from elbow to shoulder. Pretty! I picked up bronchitis and walking pneumonia (feeling better now!) and discovered I actually have abs under this protective layer of blubber because I think I pulled at least 6 muscles while coughing. I also visited my dermatologist who went a bit crazy with  the liquid nitrogen canister and let’s just say 39 “leper” spots on one’s face, neck and chest are not a pretty sight! However, those have faded, as will the black and blue arms… and my hair is growing in so that now I actually am having some bad hair days! I think I’m at the 3″ mark and gee—it only took me nearly 8 months!

The eclipse happened … not much of a difference for us up on the island. But, I’m sure if you were one of the lucky ones in “the path” it was quite exciting! Day to night, night to day. I’ll have to go to Carbondale the next time! The last time I was there, I was 17 on a camping trip with high school buddies and my best friend wore his boxers on his head to keep warm. Seems like several lifetimes ago!

I’ve also fixed my bike! As of late, one could find me zipping around along the cliff road with the wind rushing through my locks (well, kind of) and the small prairie gnats getting stuck in my teeth! Extra protein. I’m not complaining. I however know my limits and have been side-lined since breathing has been more important then biking. My dad, however, took himself off the sidelines and pedaled his bike 8 miles one day! In 85 degree heat plus humidity. On the shoulder of a rather busy road. This is a man who used to bike 1500 miles every summer but has been off his bike for some time. Due to an accident he tilts to the right. Due to being a month shy of 89, he also tilts forward. Whatever possessed him to get on that bike? I’m still trying to figure out if I should be impressed or really upset with him!

And somewhere in these past 55 days I’ve had my heart tugged and I’ve lost a little bit of it, too. My brother’s dog died and I wish I could give him a big hug in person. I worry about a dear friend’s cancer battle. Three friends here have recently moved away. And, the darling 3-year-old I was babysitting has also moved and I now have fewer pals and no one to play dinosaur tea party or have a gorilla dance party with. The dogs will have NO part in either!

And so those were the last 55 days. Filled with doings and happenings and yet, with all that, “nothing” really has been going on. Nothing to write home about. Nothing that any blog writing lobster would think anyone would want to read. And yet here I am. Nothing, everything, just things … just life.




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Happy Independence Day …

July 4th, 2017

Happy Independence Day! Otherwise known, among others, as the 4th of July or Day of Picnics and BBQs or the ER’s Worst Day Ever!

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal … ”

Powerful first words, from the Declaration of Independence, penned in the summer of 1776. The Second Continental Congress met on July 1st of that year and the next day 12 of the original 13 colonies adopted the idea of independence from Britain by passing Richard Henry Lee’s motion. For two days the congress debated the original text authored by Thomas Jefferson and on the 4th of July, the revision was passed. The document itself took 2 full weeks to write, in a clear hand  – with ink on parchment, and was not signed until almost a month later. Your history lesson for the day.

Too bad our current political arena doesn’t reflect these wise words.

I’m on an island that has a military base … so, our military’s presence (jets and uniforms) is visible to me – mostly when I go up island to Walmart and Home Depot because that is where the base is located. I go up that direction more often than I care to confess – I miss my chain stores!

In any case – I see the jets in their training field and a lot of men and women wearing camo. I used to try to follow the soldiers and then “casually” stick in an off-the-cuff “thank you for your service” but there were so many of them I was feeling like a ball in a pinball machine trying to thank them all and also rather stalkerish! So, now, if someone is near me or I see an isolated person in the parking lot, I’ll make an effort to thank them. It’s the least I can do.

My family isn’t a military one. The last person to wear a uniform in my family was my paternal grandfather, Joe. He was born in 1896 and died 90 years later – having endured whatever atrocities he did in WWI … also known as the “War to End All Wars”.

We know that didn’t happen – wish it had.

Yeah, Grandpa never mentioned the war to me – don’t think he shared much with anyone about anything but particularly not the war. I have a photo of him in his uniform … taken sometime between the war’s start – July 28, 1914 and it’s end on November 11, 1918. He couldn’t have been more than 22 at the time but he looks like a boy – he was so young! It makes my stomach flip. My kids are older now than he was in that photo …

My neighbor is a retired military doctor. I saluted her the other day as I was leaving and she said, “You’re doing it wrong.” So, she taught me the proper way to salute. It’s not as easy as it looks! The thumb has to be tucked up just so (apparently, I have a short thumb as it doesn’t bend and tuck as it’s supposed to!), fingertips at the temple and a strong, sweeping motion downward. I’d been using a cupped hand and going outward. The sad thing is, afterward, my shoulder hurt for days!

I just came across an article about a servicewoman who lost both of her legs (below the knee) and is now fitted with amazing prosthetics – allowing her to do what her doctor’s told her she’d never be able to do … to be independent. To walk again. To have a purposeful life! And not only is she walking – but  she’s running and water skiing and you name it! Incredibly amazing!

I want to hug her and then go and hug and thank all the people who came up with her new “legs” – allowing her (and so many others) to continue being independent! All those visionaries and engineers and imagineers and whatever they are called … brilliant minds.

Independence … it means so much in so many ways.

I babysit a darling little girl. She just turned 3 and her favorite phrase is, “I don’t want to.” I see the independence dripping from her. She wants to forge her own way. Make her own path. Do it alone. And do whatever she wants – on her terms. Miss Independent. Good luck, baby.

I have a friend whose mom just had to relinquish her car keys. Her shrinking stature made it difficult for her to see over the steering wheel, the numbing hands and feet made it difficult to grasp and use the pedals and at 86, let’s just say her reflexes – mental and physical – weren’t as good as they had been (or should be) to drive a car. The whole family is dealing with that loss of independence. A hard call but a necessary one – one that, I imagine, we are the last to “see” when we are the ones losing those keys. But, my thinking is – I’d rather pay for a taxi than risk injuring or killing a kid cuz I wasn’t at my best while driving. No independence is worth that!

Washingtonians are really big on pyrotechnics. I moved to this island 3 years (yesterday!) and the first night here I’d thought I’d moved to a bombing site! The whole weekend was mortar shells going off. It’s been oddly quiet this weekend! But, last night there was a display over the harbor. Did I go? No! I just couldn’t stomach the throngs of visitors here this weekend and the traffic and we are light so late – the display doesn’t start ’til sometime after 11:00 pm! But, there is a family, just down the road, who (usually) puts on an incredible private display … so, I’ll mosey on down later and watch from the road and silently thank them for being festive and for celebrating all that this day stands for with fire and their fingers in harm’s way.

I just read that I’m one of the 22% who are NOT going to a BBQ or picnic today … 78% of Americans do. So, if you are one of them – have fun! I’m feeling out of it! No one I know here celebrates or entertains … and I’m tired of always being the one to do it. So, I’m voicing my independence today and staying at home with the dogs! I’ve got enough ribs and potato salad for the 3 of us! I, however, will be the only one drinking the spiked lemonade!

If you are military and are reading this – or have family members who have or are serving – please know I thank you all for the sacrifices made – as plentiful as they are. And to all of you Icky Mucky’s out there who may be thinking of holding firecrackers this afternoon … don’t be stupid. You don’t need to spend the evening in the ER. Today is not the day you need to lose a finger or set your hair on fire!

And one last shout out to John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and my great-something uncle – Ben Franklin … the men who revised the language of the Declaration of Independence. Fine work gentlemen, fine work. Thank you!

Happy 4th everyone!


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It’s Summertime …

Friday, June 23, 2017

It’s SUMMERTIME!  Finally. As in FIN-AL-LY! OMG.

If our weather was to be 56 and rainy/gloomy/gray/gross this weekend – even for a smidgeon of it – I was ready to jump off the cliff or pack up the dogs and drive somewhere.

ANYWHERE! Just to get away from this moss producing nastiness.

Yes, officially Summer arrived the other day. I know that from the calendar and because for days now the neighbors have all been dancing around some solstice pole down the street. The bongo drums have been beating and I’m half expecting Goldie Hawn to come prancing and gyrating down the road doing some dance like she did in House Sitter. You see, usually, for us,  warm weather does not arrive until well after the beginning of what is commonly known as “Summer”.

Summer’s customary arrival, at least around here, comes late in the game. Usually not until after the calendar page turns to July and precisely not until after all the fireworks have gone off and the potato salad has seen a better day – do we dare to say that summer has arrived.

And yet – here I am … doing just that!

I certainly hope I’m not tempting fate  but I’ve looked at the forecast and it seems that our gray and mizzly days of mid 50’s are in the past and that our “summer” temps have arrived. And when I say “summer temps” I mean mid to upper 60s. So, yeah, you people in Arizona and southern Cal … we are gearing up to enjoy what is  “parka weather” to you!

However, I am very excited for this weekend because we are having a virtual NW heatwave. We are to hover around 80 degrees … aka HELL for islanders. Except for me. I am waking up early and going to bed late and I am going to soak up every single ray of sunshine and degree of warmth that I possibly can!

This lobster is ready! Give me a weekend of blazing sunshine! Give me a weekend of temps that make northwesterners bitch and moan! Give me at least 2 days of glorious SUMMER and then I can face the typical 60’s with some patience – until the next “heat wave”.

This lobster has been absent for a while. Hibernation is what my excuse is. I literally took the groundhog’s word for 6 more weeks of winter to heart – but up in the NW 6 weeks translates to 5 months. Around here, one can’t tell Feb 2nd from July 2nd – except that in Feb the grass is greener and there are less flowers as mid 50’s seem to be the norm for any given day.

What is that saying? ‘My longest winter was the summer I spent in San Francisco.’ … ??? Whomever said that never spent Sept-July in the northwest. Or as it is so “affectionately” called … the northwet!

But, it’s SUMMERTIME! Those glorious 2 maybe 3 months where the temps top out in the high 60s and everyone here (except for me) is practically having heat exhaustion! I keep telling them to take off their jackets – but they don’t listen. Layers are a constant here even in summer.

But this weekend it will be HOT by NW standards and I’m ready. I’ve got a stack of magazines (from April, I think) that need to be read. I’ve got dogs to walk and ribs to cook and meals to eat out on my deck. I have a chaise lounge that hasn’t been sat in in months. I’ve got white peach sangria waiting to be made and a firepit just aching to be used. I might even roast me a marshmallow or two (or three).  I will revel in (what my neighbors will call) the blistering heat. While they are inside with cool cloths on their necks, I’ll be on my deck soaking up every single droplet of golden sunshine – I might even wear a tube top! I might even break a sweat! Now, wouldn’t that be wonderful?!

I’m getting up early tomorrow and watering the gardens and planters … our rain days are over and once that happens we’ll be lucky to get ANY rain from now until September. The NW is weird that way. Rain, rain, rain and more rain and then nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. My once lush, spring green grass is already turning tan and crunchy … my garden beds, despite yesterday’s watering, are parched and wilted.

In any case … it’s SUMMERTIME! The inside chores can wait until Monday when it’s to be back in the mid 60s but for the next 48 hours I’m going to play outside as much as I can for as long as I can! I’m going to work and play and do nothing at all! I’ll drag my hose around and powerwash my deck and fence and lie out in the sun and read and then do absolutely nothing but enjoy that sunshine.

Those of you who don’t live here, I know, you think I’m nuts! What’s the big deal? Well, this is a big deal up here! FINALLY we have nice, warm weather! FINALLY it’s not wet! FINALLY there is SUN! We had a weekend in May and before and after those lovely 2 days it has been phenomenally putrid. Ask anyone. So, this is a big deal. And I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it!

Sandals get ready! Charcoal briquettes – here I come! Dogs – get on your bikinis cuz I’m hooking up the sprinkler! I’m not going to whine about getting sunburned … cuz even if it’s only for 2 days … it’s SUMMERTIME!

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Feeling old doggy …

April 30, 2017

It’s a sunny Sunday here in the NW … an oddity by all accounts. From inside my cozy home it looks balmy, breezy, inviting … and yet it’s about 48 degrees and is anything but. So, I sit here pretending that the breeze that sways my flowers awaiting planting is warm and not biting. The flowers can wait another day or week for their new homes; the planter boxes will just have to stay naked. I’ve lost my midwest edge when it comes to being cold. By the time this is posted, it’ll be the merry-merry month of May and probably, once again, gray and blustery and just so unspring-like! But I’ll be one more day closer to summer … which, as I recall, begins here sometime mid-August.

Old doggy … in 3 weeks I turn another decade. I’m feeling old doggy. This is a big one and ten years ago it seemed light years away. Well, time travel is speedy and here we are … looking down my non-bifocaled nose at another decade of being a seasoned AARPer. Where does the time go?

And, unfortunately, this is one old dog that some new tricks cannot be taught. I got a fitbit a week ago. It took me a week and a bit of a fit to figure out how to work the darn thing. Silly me! I thought it was battery operated and not synched into my computer and making calculations that flew off to Mars before coming back to me in the form of graphs and pie charts and more calculations than on my SAT test so many moons ago. I just want to count my steps! So, after much grumbling, I returned it. Old doggy. I got a pedometer. All is good. I’ve gone a whopping 2317 steps today. I’ll be lucky to crack 3000. Time to get moving if I want to reach 10,000!

I have two old doggies … and my “new” old doggy did something new this week … Clara decided to engage with me – for the first time since her arrival 3 months ago and bring me a toy to play with! Not just for me to play with, but for me to throw and for her to – amazingly enough as her name suggests – retrieve! So, we played with baby Lambchop for a few tosses until that was enough for the old gal. But, it was something and a step in the right direction. Maybe she didn’t learn a new trick … maybe she’s just finally feeling at home and comfortable enough to show me what she already knows. Good dog, Clara!

I babysit during the week and caught whatever creeping crud the little one had oozing out of her. So nice to share! So, feeling a bit under the weather, I decided to make a green drink and load myself up with some slaw and lettuce, berries and oj, flax seed and whatever else looked on the verge of spoilage … plus a couple slices of frozen banana. If I knew what was in here I could make a fortune in town with a smoothie truck! I don’t know if it’s helping my cold any, but it sure is tasty.

I’ve been working on my Woof on Whidbey website for the past few days … a slow go. But, it’s coming together and I’m very proud of my success. For being non-technical I’m learning a lot. Could I tell you what I did or how I did it? Probably not. But I’m making progress and haven’t blown up my lap top – yet! So, in my world, that’s not so old doggy!

It’s been a week of guests and dog and guests with dogs and jerky guests and jerky dogs, babysitting and business … and so it goes. One of these days I’ll let you in on the books I’m writing … once I start writing them! Again, with the time!

I’m now at Day 120: From Hair to There … and yes, it’s growing out but ever so slowly. Maybe I need more green smoothies! I’ve got a silver halo going on – others like it; I don’t. I’m itching to color my hair … but how do you color something that is an inch long? But, I might still do it! I need more color. I feel washed out. I see the difference in the photos from month to month but it’s still so short that I am still surprised when I look in the mirror! One would think, by now, that I’d be used to this short-do … but apparently NOT! It’s still a shock! The Curly look is hanging on far too long – my face just looks huge and round! A friend told me she thinks we reach a certain “look” and that is what we always expect to see in the mirror and we’re surprised when those images don’t quite match. Well, if that’s the case … I’ve been surprised since I was 23!

Old doggies … my neighbors are collectively over 195 years old (88 yrs each or thereabouts) and they have subscribed to Hello Fresh – one of those boxed dinner companies. They are having a ball with it – learning new cooking techniques, experimenting with new foods and flavors they otherwise would not venture to try, and having a great culinary experience over all. Not so old doggies! Good for them!

Gert, is my old lady pug … and my other old doggy. She’s been having more and more seizures in the past weeks … each and all very upsetting (to us both). Meds don’t seem to help much – so, we are playing with dosages – but with an up’d dose I have a bug eyed eating machine that falls asleep in the middle of the hallway and stays there for the next 6 hours until the need for food wakes her up again! So, we are trying to figure things out. More old doggy stuff.

And that’s it for me today. If you’re feeling old doggy – go try something new … even if it’s a green smoothie.


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Step by step …

April 11, 2017 – Tuesday

Yesterday, April 10th, was the 100th day of the year. My how time flies.

I was lying in bed last night, before Mr. Sandman visited, thinking about what I had done … I mean REALLY DONE in all those 100 days. And, much to my dismay, I can’t really state that I did much of anything … important or otherwise.

Except … I adopted a dog. Now that might not seem like a big deal – but I guarantee you that it’s a big deal to her. She came to be mine via the local lab rescue group here in WA. I signed up one day and received an email the next – they had this poor old lady dog who was in need of a new home. Was I game?

Was I game? Good question.

Obviously, I’d wanted another dog – specifically a lab … hence my signing up with the rescue group in the first place. I just didn’t think it would be an immediate thing! But, who am I to question timing? But it wasn’t as immediate as was originally planned. She was a little sick; I was a LOT sick – so, our union was put off for a week and then another and then another still. We were both well enough to “visit” and so, Gert and I drove 3 hours to southern WA to see her. She was a bit on the thin side and had a leg that had seen better days … but she had soulful eyes and she didn’t eat Gert or myself … so, how was I going to say no? She needed a home. We had one.

So, she was ours.

I had been mulling over some names since that first email and settled on Clara. When I was in 5th grade I had to do a report on someone famous and for some reason I chose Clara Barton (founder of the Red Cross). I guess I like the name … and I thought that Gertie and Clara sounded cute together – like a couple of old spinsters hanging out on the porch sipping sweet tea and reminiscing over old times. I think there’s a children’s book in that thought somewhere!

Anyway the vet thinks Clara is roughly 12 years … give or take a year or two. She could be 7 for all I know! She is deaf but has come to understand my sign language but that doesn’t stop me from talking to her!  Some days I wish I knew her “story” … other days, I look into that sweet salt and pepper face and am glad I don’t. All we know is that a farmer found her in his field – caked in cow manure, bony and starving. How long had she been on her own? It was a cold, wet winter in WA this year. Did she get separated from her family? Did she love someone and did they die or have to leave her behind for some reason? Did someone discard her because she was now too old? Did she escape an abusive situation?

I just know that after 3 months of being with us, she is still settling in. Step by step she is feeling more “at home”. She huffs and puffs and clears her throat so loudly, I’m sure my neighbor can hear her at times. She carries her “babies” (mostly stuffed Lambchops of varying sizes) around the house when she is happy – which on a good day is a few times. She is old. She is grumpy. She eats a lot. She sleeps more. She drinks and slobbers water more than those two things combined. She has a favorite dog bed and if Gert gets too close, she lets her know with a growl and lip curl. (I don’t like that and we are working, still, on manners and sharing!) She flinches when petted … was the hand that touched her in the past one that only hit her? Or is she in pain? She’s on meds and has some issues … the emotional ones we are working on. The physical ones that can be helped are being treated … but she has a stance – one hip higher, a leg that looks off kilter, naked, almost charred … a rib sticks out on one side. Was she hit by a car? Or, again, was she beaten? Yes, it’s probably better for me not knowing her history.

She is what they call a black lab – but I’m not sure she doesn’t have some sort of shepherd in her – Alsatian maybe because of her extra hind dew claws and coat. I don’t know what she is mixed with but her fur isn’t that of a lab’s. She has a fine, almost human-hair undercoat (that really grosses me out!) and her fur is long and coarse. But what she sheds off is baby fine and plentiful. My sciatica is not liking all this vacuuming! She is nothing at all like labs that I am familiar with. She has put on some weight but needs about 5 more on her before the vet will do some dental work. She’s got some issues that need tending, but we’ll have to wait until we get more meat on her. It’s coming. Wish I could give her some of mine!

And that is what this post was going to be about … my lightening up … getting rid of some of my “meat” … my plan for the next 100 days. I didn’t do such a great job in March (my “ME” month) … so, what better day to start anew – again – than on Day 101 … or as I’m calling it Day 1. I’m going to get things done. I’m going to be productive. I’m going to be creative. And I’m going to be moving – my body, that is. I’ve got my pedometer set and I’m going for 10,000 steps a day … which means, over the course of these 100 days … I’m planning on going 1,000,000 steps. Step by step … I know I can do it. I sit a LOT, so this is going to be a good thing. Maybe I’ll even wear out my gym shoes! Or better said, maybe I’ll even WEAR my gym shoes!

The only problem is that I think I’ll need longer days as today I didn’t quite hit even half my goal! But, I’m not going to beat myself up over it – it was a good start!

So, I’ll let you know how we’re doing (as I go along, I’m sure) or I’ll just fill you in on July 20th. By then Clara will have been with us for 6 months and I’m sure there will be a lot of changes for all of us. Baby steps … one foot in front of the other. Day 1 is over … 99 to go!


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Pipes and Stems …

April 6, 2017 – Thursday

Today’s choice was writing or working. Guess which one won out? I spent the morning cleaning woodwork. White woodwork. Lots and lots of white woodwork.

I recently adopted a “black lab” who has an undercoat of the grossest human-like hair I’ve ever seen on a dog. And she’s shedding. It’s almost eerie, as she has what used to be akin to my hair … brown, baby fine, falling out! I can brush her every day and get a grocery bag of this disgusting baby hair off of her and go in the house and it’s like she explodes upon re-entry. Fur-hair, once again, everywhere. I think the last time I had a black dog I vowed to never again have a black dog. I should listen to myself more often in the color department. But, she needed a home and color didn’t come into play. So, now I spend an inordinate amount of time sweeping and vacuuming and brushing and furminating and wiping down white woodwork and laminate floors – both of which seem to be absolute fur-hair magnets. It’s disgusting! I’ve even taken to vacuuming the dog!

And, she is never in the bathroom – so, why does it look like I’ve had the cast from Planet of the Apes taking showers and drying off in there? There’s hair everywhere! Seriously. It grosses me out to even write about it! The only time the dog comes in (and it’s only her head) is when I’m in there brushing my teeth. She’ll nose the door open as if using a battering ram and stick her head in with eyes wide open as if she were going to catch me doing something nefarious! Nope, just using my spin brush and some Crest. She eyeballs me and then gives me a quick dog nod – as if saying, “Ok, carry on.” and moonwalks back out of the doorway. She reminds me of an eel I saw once on one of Tim’s scuba videos … sucking back into his watery cave in some rocks.

I laugh every time she does this however, because it’s funny and endearing and her eyeballs are so big and so white in that salt and pepper face! What does she think I’m doing? Eating something in the bathroom that she’d like? Sneaking a smoke? She’s like the teachers and hall monitor that used to blast into the high school girl’s bathroom (the gross, dimly lit one by the cafeteria) – hoping to catch someone illicitly lighting up. What they found – at least when I (and my peeps) were in there, were girls with too much mascara on applying a 15th coat of the stuff. And, when they’d barge in – one of us would end up poking ourselves in the eye or smudging something … their arrivals were so abrupt!

And while I’m thinking about that bathroom … why anyone chose to smoke in that one is beyond me! It was always the one that teachers and the google-eyed hall monitor poked their heads into. (Go to the 3rd floor by the language rooms – those bathrooms were so deserted they were creepy! Fastest pees ever!) But, perhaps, that was part of the risk … daring to do something that brought with it a good chance of being caught. Well, by one of the teachers … the google-eyed hall monitor could only see with one eye – the other was trained on the ceiling – so, I guess your chances were 50/50 with her!

I digress.

I was on my Gazelle this morning (am not on it enough – kind of an elliptical thing) and was bemoaning my “stems” … not any flowers I have in the house (my daffodils are just fine, thank you) but my legs. Except for a fleeting 18 minutes while I was at some gawky, thin, super odd stage in my life while in 4th grade – I’ve always had meat on me. If I was ever in a group captured by cannibals – they’d let everyone else go and just keep me! Jackpot! The village is having a feast tonight! I can just hear them arguing over who gets the legs! Seriously … never going anywhere that has cannibals. I won’t even watch The Silence of the Lambs!

Stems. They sound so much more willowy and lengthy than what I’ve got … which are pretty much trunks. Tree trunks. Think sequoias … giant redwoods. Seriously. Except for those 18 minutes, I’ve always had trunk-like legs and in the past few years they have gotten ever more so tree-trunky. Sigh. Hence, the Gazelle. I need low impact but lately I’ve been getting LOWEST impact … so, that is changing. I might have tree trunks as legs but I can walk and workout and change them into those of alders or aspens or at least dinner-plate maples! Keep going, Les! Move those stems!

Yesterday I read a quote that said, ‘Just because I can’t sing, doesn’t mean I won’t.” I love that. I love to sing. I just can’t. I’d sing my kids to sleep and I think they fell asleep faster just so they wouldn’t have to hear me anymore! I have not been blessed with a good set of pipes. I can hum on key (most of the time) – but make me put words to that rhythm and the pigs will be running home in no time! Sooie!!

I remember once, eons ago, I put on my (omg, I’m aging myself) … walkman and untangled the (always tangled) headset/headphones (no little ear buds back then!) … and popped in my daughter’s Beauty and the Beast (pertinent these days with the new remake) tape (yes, not even a cd) … and went for a walk around my ‘hood. It was evening – my favorite light comes at twilight – and it was lovely and I decided that since no one was out, I’d sing along and I got carried away with the lyrics and I found myself practically skipping down the sidewalk belting out, “… there must be more than this provincial life!” when I practically bumped into some guy taking out his garbage cans. All he said was, ‘”I couldn’t agree with you more!”‘ Good thing it was darkish out – he couldn’t see me blush. I think that’s the last time (except for when behind the steering wheel) I’ve belted anything out in “public”.

And, I find that sad. So, I’m going to change that – today. I’m going to make a playlist on my phone and go for a walk and morph these stems and use my pipes. I’m gonna belt out every Disney tune I know and anything else I want to sing and my neighbors are just going to have to understand. Just because I can’t sing, doesn’t mean I won’t!

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The Good, The Bad and Africa …

April 3, 2017

I should have put aside what I was doing this morning and written this post. Ideas and thoughts swirled around in my head and I thought … I’ll remember. I’ll do it later. 

Problem is … it’s later. And, I don’t remember.

I learned in college that I’m a one-time wonder. On my way to class one day, I pretty much wrote the best term paper of my life. It flowed out of me like some masterful manuscript of knowledge, understanding and Pulitzer-fabulousness. Problem was, it was only in my head and by the time I got to class – it was gone. Gone into some void in my brain. Sucked into some vacuum … some black hole where all good ideas and writings seemed to go if not captured by pen or keyboard immediately. The paper I ultimately turned in wasn’t half as good as the one in my head. Alas … the post was gone. Sucked into that void.

I have few days and nights when it’s just me and the two dogs … many nights (as of late) I have a human guest (airbnb – bed and breakfast) or a dog guest (dog bnb – bed and biscuit) or both … or I’m babysitting during the day or I’ve got some such other plans or errands or appointments that pull me in various directions – away from home, away from my office, away.

Today was no such day. I was home and it was blissful. Only the five of us … me, myself and I … and Clara and Gert. Easy peasy. I slept in. I read. I breathed in cedar in the sauna. I made myself a mochaccino with whipped cream and sprinkles using my new whale mug. And, it was SUNNY!

Now that in itself is something to celebrate. Maybe not where you are – but certainly for here in the NW! We were forecasted with “an immensely soggy” weekend/week and we are on Day 3 of sunshine. It’s cool and yes, we had a few odd spurts of hail … but for the most part it’s been sunny. I actually read on the chaise today – with sun streaming through my den window and it was fabulous! Warmth, sun … loveliness! If I were a cat, I would have purred like a maniac!

And before the yummy egg sandwich and the sauna and the leisurely email reading of the morning … I woke up in Africa. Those nanoseconds, hair-breadth’s of time, just before you are fully awake are so luscious to me because reality and dreams meld and mingle and I cannot discern which is which while lying snuggled in bed, Gert warm by my side … eyes not yet open. The chickens were heralding the sun-filled morning but from my dream-state they were exotic bird calls and I was in Africa. I woke up expecting to see giraffes in a savanna and now have a yearning to watch Green Card. (If you haven’t seen it, watch it – it’s lovely.) It made me want to speak French, own a greenhouse and go to Africa, for real.

As I was making breakfast, I was channeling Mr. Rogers … thinking it was a wonderful day in the neighborhood. And that made me wonder if any men still wear cardigan sweaters? Did they die out with the passing of Andy Williams and Perry Como (and said Mr. R.)? I’m curious!

My “baby” turned 32 yesterday. Of course, I did what any mother does when wishing their adult child a happy birthday – I burst into tears on the phone! Poor Ted! All the years of memories flooded my brain and washed over me and the tears bubbled out … memories of Ted and parties and Tim and the four of us and celebrations … where did those years go? I miss my kids … miss Tim … miss those times.

Today my daughter experienced the best and worst of people. As she left her driveway, she discovered someone backed into her car and dented her passenger door. A hit and run of sorts. Thanks moron! Who hits a car and leaves? It’s not like you don’t notice you just backed into a car!

Later today she was at FedEx, sending flowers to her boyfriend’s mom … the clerk was an older gentleman who took the time to explain her options – even though there was a line. The man behind Sam was a jerk … muttering (loudly enough for everyone to hear) about how she was taking her “sweet ass time deciding” and that he “was a gardener and those flowers would be dead by tomorrow and she was sending death” and other lovely sentiments. The clerk helped Sam make the best choice, said he’d pull some strings to get this package to Smalltown, IN by tomorrow morning and with that – she burst into tears. The clerk came around and gave her a hug and told the guy behind her to “be cool”. Humankind’s best and worst.

So, with these things on my mind and another mochaccino waiting for me, I bid you good night … and hope that your dreams are lovely and that you experience only the good of people when you wake tomorrow – perhaps in Africa.

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Waxing nostalgic and other things …

March 24th, 2017 – Friday

It’s Friday! The weekend is tomorrow – yay! And I always find this funny – that I care – cuz I work from home and to everyone else, I have a perpetual week of weekend days! And, in a way, I do … but that’s not going to stop me from enjoying a good work-free weekend!

Tomorrow we (a few neighbor-friends and I) are going daffodil viewing. Now, that’s not exactly the newest olympic event nor do we have to train to do this … just drive up island and over to the fields that are east of us and ooh and ahh to our heart’s content over fields and fields and fields of sunny yellow. If you’ve never seen bulb “farms” – you really need to do so … they are lovely. But, as lovely as daffs are … my heart cannot wait (another few weeks) for the tulips.

I’ve always loved tulips. And perhaps it started with a dress I had when I was about 4 years old. It had cap sleeves and a rounded neck with dark pink piping trim. The bodice and skirt were white with pink, yellow and purple tulips (w/green leaves) in rows all around. The skirt had one of those attached netting under slips under it so that the skirt itself puffed out ever so Cinderella-like. And there was a wide, dark pink sash at the waist. It was lovely. I have several pictures of me wearing it. I have pictures of my daughter wearing it, as well. I’m thinking that whatever grandchild comes first I’d like a photo of them in that dress. Pity the grandson!

In any case … tulips have been and remain one of my favorite flowers. They are a reminder to us that spring is here … shed the woes of winter and breathe deeply. It is but fleeting and fragrant and remarkable. Enjoy!

I was in the sauna this morning. Something I don’t do often enough – silly me. When the body quiets, the mind can be heard. So, I sat in the warmth,  surrounded by that yummy cedar aroma (after reading my teaser supplement of the new Magnolia Journal – which looks to be a fabulous new publication) and opened up my body with some deep breaths and the memories started flowing.

I love times when memories surface – things you didn’t forget exactly, but haven’t thought about or that haven’t come to mind in so long, just pop up.

I went to a large high school in the Chicago suburbs. A beautiful, massive building with 3 stories and a cool, storage basement (think the ending of Raiders of the Lost Arc), a “real” theater/auditorium, a field house with an indoor track and basketball court, and 2 pools. One of which I’m sure still has 18″ of murky water in it hiding Jimmy Hoffa’s body. It was creepy then. I’m sure it is creepier now with all the crumbling mosaics and mold. Our high school was 4x larger than the town I now live in. We had more kids in my graduating class than are in my town here on the island. Kind of puts things into perspective.

Our school, if you were to divide it by faith orientation, consisted of the kids that went to Campus Life or who went to Temple. Most of the kids I hung out with were Jewish. I went to a lot of lavish Bat and Bar Mitzvahs and Sweet 16 celebrations between 7th and 10th grades. They were fabulous … so different from the celebrations in my life. And those kids were all smart. Every one of them was brilliant. I don’t know what their mothers drank or ate while pg or what was in their genes … but, even then, I knew they had “something” … a potential that others didn’t. I’ve lost touch but hope they flourished. I want to think that they have been fabulous contributors to society. Nice, funny, brainiac kids. They all had such promise. I hope they have had wonderful lives.

Weird things, like this, pop into my head when my thoughts are silenced. Gone for a moment are the consuming thoughts that wonder what bills are due and when will it be nice enough outside for me to de-moss the roof and fix the fence. When I sit and just let myself BE, life shifts.

And in thinking about these things … I realize we, my graduating class, turn 60 this year. How can that be? We all were just babies! (By the way, happy b-day, Sue! I loved you from that first day with your purple shoes!)

Day 83 and the hair is growing in. I’ve lost the “Hurricane Leslie” swirl on the back of my head. The hair is now a bit longer so it’s just rotating around but not as noticeable – laying flatter, not so swirly! I’ve got little sideburns and I’m almost (not quite – but almost) to the point where people might think this is an intentional really short “do”. Another month and I might be at pixie stage. Maybe. It still surprises me to see myself in the mirror – who is that? Oh, yeah – it’s ME! And, I swear, every day the hair grows a bit more, it seems darker, which makes my face look rounder. How is that even possible? I’m more moon-faced than I’ve ever been! If I were to put phosphorescent paint on my face (which I am not about to do), my neighborhood would have a full moon in the area every night! I have the roundest head in the world! Charlie Brown move over … I now own this title!

In any case … it’s growing (the hair, not my head). Slowly. It’s been easy/no care and very simple and never even a thought as far as “what do I do with my hair today? cuz there’s been so very little of it. Kind of nice on one hand.

On the other hand, I have so much empathy for those that went down this path due to illness or treatment or some other not-so-good reason. It really does a number on the self-esteem. Kudos to the millions of women who have endured this while being sick … and worried about their life’s outcome while feeling and looking so terrible. I can’t even imagine what a “number” this does on a person when they’re battling (usually) cancer. It can’t help heal. Days have been hard enough, feeling so dreadfully ugly/androgynous/naked – and I was healthy! With my whole heart, I applaud you women who have gone down this path.

And, here we are sliding into the last week of March. Where do the days go? Though the calendar says that Spring has arrived, we are late up here in the PNW. It’s still cold, still rainy, still not springy enough for me. I am antsy. I want warmth and sunshine. And even though daffs will come tomorrow – I want flowers. The robins arrived a few months ago – I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them sporting raincoats and ear muffs lately. They are probably wondering where spring is, too!

The mind is waxing nostalgic. The hair is growing. The soul is waiting for spring.

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Oh, Martha!

March 19, 2017

Well, it being Sunday and all, I had a “come to Jesus” meeting with myself this morning. All these years I pretty much thought that Martha Stewart and I were twins … not in looks but in our lives … but, alas, I have come to the realization that we are not. Sigh.

Deep breaths.

And how did I finally come to this earth-shaking revelation? Over breakfast this morning, I opened up my March edition of her Living magazine and on page 2,  life, as I knew it, came to a screeching halt.

Perusing her “Martha’s Month – Gentle reminders, helpful tips, and important dates” calendar, I realized that the little bitch has out grown me! How dare she?!  How dare I, her mirror-image, be washed (with a homemade vinegar spray and a chamois made from the hide of one of her dead barn horses) from said mirror?

I’m crushed. All those years spent making radish and carrot roses for garnishes … forming the dog food into the shape of a bone before giving it to the dogs for each meal … the gathering, drying, crushing and distilling of lavender oils to infuse into my homemade air freshener and linen water … all this time I was fooling myself.

I didn’t have to read further than the 1st day of her March calendar when I got a roiling in my gut … could it be we were no longer soul sisters … twins in spirit?

March 1st: Test garden soil for nutrients … I am not about to slog around in the rain with a nutrient tester device determining if my soil has what it takes to grow anything other than what is already growing. I feel myself fortunate that anything is growing in this soil (other than swamp plants) in the first place. During the rainy months my yard turns into a pond … in the dry months, my yard is a desert … my soil is hydrophobic (repels water). Need I say more?

I read the next day and the next … the churning in my gut getting more and more worrisome …

March 2nd: Start cabbage, brussels-sprout, and broccoli seeds. March 3rd: Schedule post-winter spa appointments. 

Oh my god! First off, I wouldn’t be caught DEAD planting Brussels sprouts (and Martha, it’s a capital B in Brussels and no hyphen, darling) and I’m to schedule “post-winter spa appointments”??? WTF! Who does that?! Now, my stomach was flip flopping around like a fish on a dry dock.

My life was again flashing before my eyes … all these years I have folded socks (not rolled them into a ball) to let them rest … alphabetized my spices in my spice drawer lest I reach for cardamon instead of caraway … I put essential oils on my toilet paper tubes so that with every “go” the air would be like relieving oneself in a meadow.

How dare she leave me behind?! How dare she dry clean her winter coats at a green dry cleaner (who owns a dry-cleanable coat)? How dare she have her stables cleaned (do it yourself, woman!)! How dare she bake 1500 teeny tiny rocket ship shaped cookies and decorate them perfectly in one afternoon while prepping for a gala and checking her dogs for Lyme-disease?

I continued reading and between sobs and having to wipe my glasses off (with a hand embroidered hankie I made years ago with the lace edge – that I learned how to do from Martha’s online course – “Tatting in 157 easy steps”) I realized how far apart we now were.

March 8th: Jude’s birthday … March 16th: Bake Irish soda bread … March 22nd: Bring fresh eggs to office. 

I sunk back into my chair (hand upholstered by me in my sleep), melting into it like an ice cream cone on a hot summer’s day (one preferably hand churned, from peaches gleaned from your own orchard and a waffle cone made fresh on your sizzling waffle iron) … I hate soda bread, I don’t have chickens or an office to go to and I don’t know anyone named Jude!

At the end of my rope and kleenex (in the hand-crocheted covered box) – I saw it … what I thought was redemption. Maybe this was just an “off” month. Maybe this last entry was one I could hold onto to convince myself that we really were still twins at heart …

March 31st: Wear sweatpants.

Oh my god … OMG! She and I are soul mates! She wears sweat pants … and so do I! Joy! Rapture! I am more than ever convinced that she is my twin from another mother.

But wait, my glasses are a bit smeared from all that crying and I wipe them off (with a natural, everything free, piece of cloth I tanned and made from an imported banana tree leaf) … oh dear god, the entry doesn’t say “Wear sweatpants.” . It says …

March 31st: Weed sweetpeas. 

Oh, Martha! 🙁


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Mizzly Days …

March 15, 2017

Rain, rain – go away! Come again some other day. 

It is raining and rainy. So, yeah, what else is new? I live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) … it ALWAYS rains. Well, that’s not really true but during the winter (and fall and most of spring and well, yeah, early summer) it rains. And rains. And RAINS.

And I can’t say that is actually accurate, either. Because while we say it’s “raining” – it’s not really “raining’. It’s more like heavy misting … or dribbling or drizzling or showering or some such thing is going on that drops water, of varying quantities, from the skies. On the radio today, while driving my 20 year old van up island, I marveled at the weatherman’s creativity in his report … “Thursday we’ll have storms, Friday showers, over the weekend: intermittent drizzle and rain. Next week we’ll see a mixture of precipitation and “heavy moisture.” … and as he went on about the forecast, one thing was very clear. It didn’t matter how many ways he said it … we’re going to be WET!

Rain, rain – go away! Come again some other day. 

We all know the sing-songy nursery rhyme about the old guy bumping his head…

“It’s raining, it’s pouring. The old man is snoring. Bumped his head and he went to bed and he couldn’t get up in the morning. Rain, rain – go away! Come again some other day. 

I often wonder why we sing these horrible songs and read these horrible nursery rhymes and fairy tales to our innocent children! We’re singing about this guy – who somehow bumped his head. What? Should we be concerned? Was he looking out the window to see if it was raining hard? Was he looking for an umbrella to go out and get his mail and while doing so cracked his noggin on the door frame? Should we be calling an ambulance? Does he have a concussion? Did he perish? Do we need to notify his family? It’s these things that keep me up at night.

When I was a kid I was sick with all sorts of usual and unusual illnesses. I had your garden variety of head colds and far too many ear infections but then I had the hospitalizations for textbook maladies and oddities known only to those who, I assume, knew of them from other textbooks from the Dark Ages! I had so many “itis-es” I’m surprised my folks didn’t trade me in for a newer, illness-free model! (Thanks Mom and Dad for not doing that!)

Which simply boils down to … I was home a LOT as a kid. My homework was brought home by my neighbor and it worked out. I didn’t flunk 1st grade (or 2nd or 3rd). I did however flunk several of my classmates who so graciously (forced is more like it) made me such nice get well cards. All the girls I liked drew flowers and Troll dolls on them and their printing was perfectly perfect. I graded these cards (yes – like a teacher grading school work!) and gave all the girls A+++ (unless I didn’t like them and then they got Bs) … and most of the boys got C– or Ds or Fs. There were plenty of Fs.

On many such days of being homebound, I listened to a Peter, Paul & Mary album (their 1st actually). Vintage vinyl for all you youngsters. On the “stereo”. My mom played albums all the time … Harry Belafonte, Nat King Cole, the Hatari soundtrack, Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker. But it was the Peter, Paul & Mary one that I loved most. And they sang, in beautiful folk-songy three-part harmony, the “It’s raining” song.

Rain, rain – go away. Come again some other day.  

I’ve always loved the rain. Well, let me rephrase. I’ve always loved the rain … until I moved here! Yeah, this has kind of spoiled it for me. I used to look forward to rain. Not anymore! As a really little kid, too young for school, I’d pop open a red umbrella with a ceramic painted elephant head as the handle (think Mary Poppins’ parrot umbrella, but not talking and an elephant). I’d lie on the aqua and black checkered couch, nibbling on buttered rye toast, watching Captain Kangaroo under my red umbrella – my legs too short to even hit the crack between the cushions, the halfway mark on the couch. No, it wasn’t raining inside the house. But having the umbrella open was like cozying into a little fort all my own. It was wonderful. I wasn’t singing the go away rain song then!

When I lived in Colorado, our home faced west over a large park towards the mountains. It was lovely. We’d sit on that covered front porch and watch the storms approach … kind of akin to the Black Death that descended onto the first born in the movie, The Ten Commandments. We’d watch the clouds pour over the mountain tops and cascade down the eastern facing fronts. They’d billow and roll as they approached and the layers of mountains would disappear in puffy gray batting. We’d watch the lightning zig zag across the sky. If it was a hot night – it was purely heat lightning – and the electricity sparked through the pink and lavender skies with sideways fingers of light. If it was an electrical storm, the bolts would shoot down from the sky and reach the ground in white-hot flashes – sometimes pulsating once or twice – and we’d count … one, two, three, four, five … how many miles away was this storm?

We could always smell the rain before it arrived. Luscious. Earthy. Cleansing.

But here I don’t get those visuals or smells or sounds as we are in a forest and the ground is always wet. Soaking. Saturated is more like it. Even when we have that elusive sun break – everything from roofs to grass remains just WET. Water, water and more water.

Rain, showers, drizzly, mizzly, drippy, misty, stormy wetness. I miss the “old days” of rain. I miss Peter, Paul and Mary. And I wonder about that guy who bumped his head.

Rain, rain – go away. Come again some other day.


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And the Oscar goes to …

February 28th, 2017

And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to …

We don’t know. We’re not sure. Something seems awry but we’re going to pass the problem (nice going, Warren) and have our co-presenter read it anyway. Poor Faye Dunaway – she never saw the bus.

That was astounding to me. Okay – errors happen. Glitches are sometimes unavoidable. But, if you have a question and things don’t look “quite right” or you are confused, why pass it off to someone else? Why not own it. Why didn’t he just take a moment and say, “I think we may have the wrong envelope.” ???? Baffling to me.

All of what happened next could have been avoided by just questioning.

And, yet … as quickly as I am (as we all are) to judge and question someone else’s actions – we can be so acutely oblivious to our own. Is this the right job? Is he/she the right one? Am I fulfilling my potential and purpose? Am I living wisely? Is this a good look? Is this the body I want? If fear and money weren’t factors, what would I do, where would I live, who would I be? If I eat popcorn, can I count it as a vegetable?

How often do we QUESTION ourselves?

If you’re anything like me, that answer is … daily … but I never stick around with that thought long enough to answer!

So, on the eve of yet another new month (where have these past two months gone?!), I am declaring March … ME month. I am going to stick around long enough to answer those questions. I am going to exercise. I am going to eat better/healthier. I am going to figure out some answers! I am not going to pass it along to someone else – cuz that someone else would be the dog and well …

As parents we are nurturers and as women (sorry guys) it’s our nature to be even more so. All those years of having kids and a husband, home and critters, etc etc etc … I was last on the “take care of” list. You know what I’m talking about. And, even now, no husband, kids have flown, and yes, I have a home and critters and they STILL come first over me! So, it’s time to put me first. I’m trying to answer some questions and change some ways here for these next 31 days and see what new paths I can uncover – or at least prompt.

And I’m not talking grandiose gestures of self discovery (yet that would be nice) or selfishness … I’m not going to let the dogs starve and I will feed them before I get on the floor for some stretching … but I will get down on that floor and stretch! I will allow myself 20 minutes of “me” time. I’m talking about small things … because when you do small things, take small steps … every day … they all add up to a bigger piece of the picture being finished in your jigsaw puzzle of life.

Ask questions. Figure out answers. Prompt changes. Put those pieces into place.

I know one question that I will be answering as soon as tomorrow … “Why don’t I use my bath towel more completely?” I will be keenly aware of this when I get out of the shower tomorrow and actually use it for DRYING OFF MY LEGS. I tend not to do that. It’s not that I’m in a rush … it’s not that I’m lazy in the drying department. I just don’t dry them off completely and just assume they are “dry enough”.  Not so. I just need to finish the job!

If you’ve ever watched the sitcom Friends  and the episode with Ross and the leather pants – you’ll have an idea of what I’m talking about. EVERY DAY I get out of the shower and put on yoga pants or leggings before completely drying off my legs. And every morning I hop around the bathroom with my legs stuck halfway in the leggings or yoga pants with what look to be walrus flippers where my feet should be and the pant legs are not pulling up … because my legs are wet! I flop around like a seal out of water and I owe it to my good sense of balance (from doing “flamingo poses” while waiting in line at the post office) that I haven’t yet completely lost my footing, fallen and chipped a tooth on the toilet or busted a chin on the tub!

So, tomorrow I’m starting early and I’m starting small and the question of “Why don’t I dry off my legs?” will be a thing of the past! I think I’ll move on from there to the bigger issues … diet and exercise are givens  … but the question of “What do I want to do when I grow up?” is always looming. It’s been out there, over my head, the monkey on my back, in my dreams, ever-present on every notebook, doodle and to-do list since the dawn of time … so, I’m kind of sick of looking and thinking about it. I think I just need to figure this out and then DO IT! I’m giving myself a month.

It’s a “soft blanket” day today … the sky is mouse gray and though solid – there are puffs here and there like the folds of a blanket. It is thick overhead yet somehow comforting (not oppressive). The view out my window is of my deck railing (with twinkle lights glowing), my neighbor’s shake shingled house next door and her side yard a-twitter with birds at her bird feeder, a carpet of spring green grass, and across the road, on the bluff, is a little red cottage with white smoke billowing out of its chimney. It’s a very cozy scene. The dogs are deep asleep in their morning naps and I’m readying to make breakfast … and to start asking some questions.

And this time I’m going to answer them! Join me!


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Put a fork in me … I’m DONE!

February 18, 2017 – From Hair to There

If I were a roast or loaf of banana bread or any other baked good or savory dish in the oven, I’d say … “Put a fork in me-I’m DONE!” But I’m none of those things … not a stew nor a baked dish. Too bad.

This (lack of) hair experiment has me pulling out my (proverbial) hair! Yes, it is beyond my control as to how fast or slowly it grows in/out. And, yes, that was part of this challenge to myself – to grasp the lack of control. And, because I’m a quasi control freak, this was to be a good exercise in patience and acceptance, understanding and empathy. And a life experience. Yes, I get it.

But I’m DONE. I just want my hair back!

Remember seeing (or having) that one child in Target who was having the hissy fit of all temper tantrums in the toy department? I’m that child.

I’m done. D.O.N.E.

Come on hair – get with the program – grow like Rapunzel’s golden glory! Grow like Tressy’s auburn mane! Haven’t the slightest clue who Rapunzel is? Go read some fairy tales (for god’s sake!). Don’t know who Tressy is, either? Read on.

When I was 7 I wanted a Tressy doll for Christmas. She was the IT item of the year for me. No ballerina tutu or fun game for me … I pined for that doll. I’m pretty sure I broke out into a sweat when thinking about her as a possible gift from Santa! I think I folded a lot of extra laundry those days just to stay on the “nice” list to insure my odds!

And, alas, Christmas morning revealed NO Tressy from Santa. But, hark! That afternoon, I opened a box from my grandparents and there she was … Tressy … in all her hair splendor. Tressy was a bustier version of Barbie (if that is even possible) but a tiny bit larger so that when you used Barbie’s clothing on her, the fit was a little tight – think Junior Hooker in the making. She had really pretty eyes and gorgeous  reddish-brown hair. And that was the kicker … her hair. You could change the length! Talk about nirvana for girls who loved styling hair!

To achieve the length change, she had a key slot in her back and a round (rather large) belly button on her stomach. At the top of her head there was a pony tail. Now, when you pushed in the button, you could pull on the pony tail and more hair would come out (at full length, the pony tail was almost to her ankles!)! And if you turned the key in her back the hair would magically wind back down into her head (and I’m assuming body) so that she had a short “do”, once again. It was FABULOUS! She was the BEST ever!

I can’t tell you how many hours I played with that doll. Her ensemble included brushes and combs, curlers and little hair toys and jewels … it was a hair-enthusiasts dream doll! (And, I imagine, a vacuum cleaner’s nightmare! I wonder how many of those little curlers got sucked up over time?!)

Getting her was great and almost as good as getting one of those beauty school doll heads that you could put curlers on and put under a toy hair dryer hood. I always wanted one of those but never asked for one. I think I was a bit creeped out over a bodiless doll head! In any case, I loved that doll! I was such a hair-nut, it makes me wonder why I never went to beauty school or did anything with hair!

So, yes, I now wish I were Tressy or Rapunzel or anyone else who has more hair than I do at this given moment! I’m done with this experiment. I want life as it used to be. I guess I’m not that great with the reality of lack of control at times.

I remember feeling that way after Tim (my husband) died … it had been months and I remember standing in our closet, my things had taken over the space which once housed his clothing (as I’d removed most of his things) and I remember saying, “OK, come back! This test sucked. I don’t want to do it anymore. I’m DONE!”

How wonderful that would have been – to have the ability to blink my eyes or wave a magic wand and make that happen. (Though I had the awful feeling that if that happened, he would have been really upset with me for getting rid of his stuff!) But that’s not reality. Sometimes reality sucks.

And so, here I am today, thinking similar thoughts … “I don’t like this. This challenge is dumb and going to take far too long. I don’t want to do it anymore. I’m DONE!” Reality is looking back at me in the mirror with a head full of 1/4″ – 1/2″ hair spikes and I have no choice or control over the matter  … once again, I have no magical ability to change things.

I’m in this for the long haul! It is what it is and my hair will grow back in whatever time it takes … and I have to get a grip on the fact that it could be a really long time! Accept it!

And it’s when I look in the mirror and tell myself to accept it and to “get over it”, that I laugh at my ridiculousness over this HEAD. I know that I’m healthy and the hair will grow back and I shouldn’t make such a big, damn deal about it and that it’s okay and just go on with life and ignore the big, round, fat head …

BUT … then I have that wave wash over me … the one that sneaks up from time to time and makes me feel less like myself. The wave that strips my confidence and power and femininity.

And makes me feel so ugly.

Not bald, not short hair – I’m somewhere in between and I feel (still) so naked. Vulnerable. I don’t like it. I don’t want to say that there is a certain security factor or feeling of having hair … but there kind of is. I don’t want to say I hide behind it – but I feel so bare without anything there. Raw. Naked. Fat. Hair has a certain comfort factor and without it it’s like being in one of those dreams where you forget to wear your underwear in public (or in my case, a skirt too short that I have to go up steps sideways). It’s NOT a good feeling.

And as hard as it is at times, I did this to MYSELF! I wanted this! I just can’t imagine dealing with this hair (lack of/slowly growing/oddly growing) while also being sick and having this happen due to meds. It makes me think that hospitals and care facilities NEED (just not should) provide some sort of classes for people who lose their hair to illness or treatments. It is such a mentally difficult thing that I just have to imagine that the depressed psyche would somehow impede the healing process. Why isn’t a class on “inner beauty” and acceptance and gaining confidence in one’s new look a reality for people who lose their hair?

It’s been 6 weeks now (a bit more) and I’ve gone from naked chicken skin (which truly was disgustingly gross) to baby peach fuzz to feeling like a chia pet to Curly from the Three Stooges to militant spikes to … what I’m now calling this … the Awkward Stage. My hair is now, as I said,  about 1/2″ in length … well, in spots! Some hair is 1/4″ and some somewhere in between those lengths! I’ve got a lot of scalp going on – but that was a “thing” when I had a full head of hair. I must be follicle-ly challenged as I’m sure they are farther apart than is deemed normal.

In any case, I’ve got sparseness going on on the left side with some weird cowlick thing going on over the left temple. There is a silver circle over my right temple – that from afar looks like a bald spot. (Lovely, I know!) There is a huge (as in golf ball sized) swirling circular cowlick going on at the top of the back of my head … I’m calling it Hurricane Leslie. (It’s disgusting.) The top of my head has an arete of darkness which makes me feel akin to a Rhodesian Ridgeback. The only place my hair is actually growing with any consistency or length or without problem is at the base of my neck and that is just GROSS! I’ve got this Poindexter “do” going on with these longer wisps … like some wayward carny with a very bad mullet in the making.

So, you get the gist of this. I’m DONE. Or at least I want to be. I miss my hair. I want to get out a curling iron and some barrettes! (And at the rate my hair is growing – I’ll be waiting to do that for at least a year … or two!)

For someone who really likes hair – this really was a rough (dare I say stupid?) challenge. Yes, I’ll say I’m at the place where I’ll call it stupid (and that’s just because I want my hair back – NOW!) … but I know months from now that there will be redemption and I will appreciate this journey and gain insight and understanding and some really awful photos that I can finally show my kids.

I know all that and I know my hair will grow back … someday.

But for now … put a fork in me cuz I’m done!


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Going somewhere … getting nowhere

February 3, 2017

Making time. Planning. Taking action. Following through.

It all sounds easy enough. I’ve done it before. And yet, here I am … another day, another week, another month have gone by and I haven’t made time, made plans, taken action.

I’m moving from this island. I don’t know when I’m going and I don’t know where I’m going … all I know is, I’m going.

And even though I know I’m going … I’m not making much progress along this course. I’ve done this before. And perhaps that is why I have not made time nor plans or taken said action …

It’s exhausting! It’s expensive! It’s time consuming! It’s scary!

And, yet, I know that this is not “my spot”. Home is where the heart is and my heart yearns for home. Yet – it’s not here … so, from where do my heart strings tug?

I’m not being unrealistic. At least in my mind’s eye I am not being unrealistic. I’m being opportunistic. I’m not being cavalier when I say I have some sort of freedom in my search. I have a business that I will take with me. I can go anywhere. Which on one hand is simply wonderful and on the other makes my search far too broad in scope for decisiveness.

I’m not looking for Utopia (even though there is a book in the works that is somewhat about that …). I know no place is ideal. I know Mayberry was fictional and yet I know that some semblance of that town exists … somewhere! But where?!

When I moved to the PNW, my rationalization for moving to this island was … why not?! I could. It was a drive or ferry trip from the mainland. It was pretty. Affordable. And, if I was going to come all the way out west and be near water … why not really be near water?! So, an island just seemed logical.

Funny thing about trips where you cover a lot of territory … things blend, places intermix and the memory fades. When I decided to come to Whidbey, it was with the thought that I could just jump the ferry and be in downtown Seattle. I figured I could go to the market, get fresh flowers and fish EVERY WEEK! I could go to plays and museums and concerts. Take a class at UW. See my son (when he still lived here). I could shop at the exquisite grocery store in town. I could volunteer at the Reserve (formal gardens). I could go down the road and help out at the marine mammal sanctuary. What I didn’t realize (until I got settled in) was that the ferry going to Seattle is off of Bainbridge Island not where I had landed on Whidbey! Wrong island!

Seems I didn’t do my research as well as I should have.

So, here I am. Vowing to do better in my search and yet I am frozen. And not in a good way like a dark chocolate covered coffee and almond Dove ice cream bar … but in a bad way … with fear and angst and trepidation. What if I don’t choose well this time?

And yet, I am unsettled. My heart is not home. I want to find home. I need to find home.

It’s said that when a loved one dies, a part of you dies with them. When Tim (my husband) died, a whole CHUNK of me died with him. I’ve said before that my life didn’t go into a downward spiral as much as I got shot out sideways – like a boomerang – into a void and all this time I’ve been making my way back. I’m making my way back to me. Finding my way home. But, it’s taking time. And in finding my way back, this journey has led me to live in different places and meet new people and experience things I would not have if I had stayed put. To do so was not an option. And even though this is not my forever spot … it is where I was meant to stop. At least for awhile. For now. Until I find my way home.

So, here I am again … wanting to find somewhere new … wanting to find where my heart is supposed to be. Yes, the thought of moving makes me queasy … all those boxes! All those styrofoam peanuts! All that work! But, it is with an underlying air of excitement that I find myself casually looking up “quaint towns in …” … the “best towns to start a business” … “the best kept secrets of … ” .

I just need to make the time to research. Make my plans. Take action. And follow through. Or I’ll certainly still be here – wanting to be going somewhere but getting nowhere.

Note: I’m thinking I’d like to maybe open up a B&B or at least continue with an Airbnb and expand my dog care. In case you have any grand suggestions for me … let me know! Rolling hills, stone walls, good autumns, historic, maybe a college town or some tourism, four seasons (but milder winters), easily accessible, southern hospitality but not necessarily the south, open-minded and friendly, affordable. And I don’t really want to be in the path of hurricanes! I keep coming back to the MD/DE/VA/se PA areas. I think I’m done with the West. Don’t want super South. NO to the SW. NO to the NE. NO to anything west of Indiana. Any ideas?

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Escapism found in a marmot …

February 2, 2017

It’s Groundhog Day!

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Image result for are woodchucks rodents

Hmm … seems like an inane question even for an animal lover or environmentalist so, I’m not going to even try to figure out an answer to that hypothetical question. Instead, I’m going to escape from the political angst that is bombarding this country and run off (if only in my mind and via my Dish network) to Punxsutawney, PA where the festivities happening there will be front and center and focused on only the cutest of rodents … P2.

P2 … Punxsutawney Phil … is the most famous weather-forecasting groundhog and today is all about him and his keen abilities to discern the coming of spring from more winter. I often think he does a better job than most meteorologists!

I have to confess, before I get further into this, that I am a rodent lover. As in a lover of rodents … squirrels, beavers, woodchucks, chipmunks, porcupines, etc. You get the picture. Ever since seeing Uncle Billy’s pet squirrel in the movie It’s A Wonderful Life, I’ve been fascinated with them and would love to “have” one. I do not, however, wish to have rabies or my interior electrical cords chewed on so my love for rodenta stays outdoors.

(Except for the one that fell out of our tree and the cat brought to me and we rescued and named Baby Rufus … but that’s another story.)

Beyond the comfort zone of some – I feed “my” squirrels regularly. And if there happened to be a groundhog or woodchuck nearby, I’d feed him, too! I like them. I think they’re cute.

So, imagine my delight when, as a child, I realized there was a WHOLE DAY (a holiday of sorts) surrounding the good old groundhog! Simply fabulous! That delight continues to this day … and ever since I’ve wanted to be part of this crazy, special rodent day!

According to Wikipedia (thank you internet) the lowly groundhog (Marmota monax) is also referred to as a woodchuck and is indeed a member of the rodent family … belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.

(My Dad and I hiked up Long’s Peak in CO (to the Peacock Pool, past the boulder field, one year) and fed the last of our lunch and some licorice to a marmot. I’m sorry Wildlife people and National Park rangers who are reading this … we were idiots! Everyone knows marmots shouldn’t eat licorice … they prefer peanuts and Snickers. But I digress!)

Groundhogs are also known as “whistle-pigs” because of their short, high-pitched vocalizations (akin to a whistle being blown). They are also known as “land beavers” but are most commonly known as groundhogs or woodchucks. And they are quite common in North America living as far south as Alabama and north into Canada and Alaska.

A few nuggets of info with which to impress your friends today, while eyes and ears are all things groundhog …

The actual word “woodchuck” (aka the sweet groundhog) is of Native American origin and believed to be from the Narragansett or Algonquian languages: wuchak. So, since a woodchuck really has no connection to wood, maybe they don’t chuck any?

Groundhogs (and their kin) make amazing and complex homes. They burrow into the ground and make homes that have several exits and chambers, walkways and rooms. “Homes” tend to be anywhere from 8-66′ in length and have separate rooms for sleeping and “bathroom duties”. Smart and tidy critters!

They live for about 8 years. Apparently, P2 is immortal because he’s been giving weather predictions for over 130 years!

They (unlike their prairie dog cousins) are asocial … groundhogs are solitary animals. Males and females come together to mate and then the male is off on his own again. Stud-muffin supreme. The female raises the young and shortly after they are weaned everyone goes their separate ways. See ya later, alligator.  Good luck, Chuck! So, suffice it to say – no family reunions for these guys!

They are sleepers! Groundhogs are “true hibernators” in that they can lower their body temperature to roughly 41 degrees F and reduce their heart rate to only 5 times a minute! They hibernate from late fall until early spring and while they are cozied in their burrows – they don’t sleep constantly, nor have their body temperatures that low all the time. They wake up for 3-4 days and then go back to sleep and they do this about 20 times during their hibernation stint. (The way I’ve been sleeping, it sounds like I might be part groundhog!)

And it seems they have impeccable timing and instincts … they emerge too soon to mate or have babies – there are no mates to be found or the babies don’t have enough food. So, where there are woodchucks/groundhogs and “it’s time” they all seem to pop out of their burrows at once! Their window of opportunity for mating and survival is very narrow so it’s a good thing they have such good instinctual timing.

In any case, I could use some diversion from what is going on with this country politically, so I am very happy to lose myself, even for one hour, in all things groundhoggy and whistle-piggy.

Some day I’d like to be there for the festivities … and join in on all the merriment … top hats and all! But only once … not like Bill Murray’s character in Groundhog Day!

So whether Phil sees his shadow (six more weeks of winter) or doesn’t (meaning an early spring), I’ll be happy to see his cute face emerge from his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob and give his forecast to the top-hatted insider who gives the proclamation of our fate. Winter or spring … which shall it be?

Thank you and three cheers for Punxsutawney Phil and his incredible (even if inaccurate) meteorological forecasting (and cuteness) and for all the folks who continue with this wild pomp and circumstance, revelry, ritual and celebration over, of all things … a groundhog.




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Moments in Time …

January 29, 2017

At 3:46 pm yesterday, Spring arrived on the island. I know … it’s January! Spring is a good six some weeks away and yet there they were … SEVEN robins … peeping and bobbing around my backyard on an uncharacteristically sunny PNW Saturday in January.

PNW for those of  you not up with the PNW lingo, means Pacific Northwest.  Every time I just use NW, I get corrected! So, there. It’s only taken me 972 days to get that right.

I’ve been here now, on this island, for 972 days! Wow. Guess I should have a party or something next month when I hit 1000 days! Another moment in time to celebrate or at least commemorate.

This morning I was in bed, snuggled with Gert under my antique satin comforter that was used by my grandmother who is long gone, luxuriating in the cool breeze as it came through my open window and billowed out my lace sheers before wafting over us. It was wonderful. Decadent. Blissful. 9:42 am.

Today, as I was on my computer, new dog Clara came over to me (from a dead sleep) and gave me a nose kiss. Her first one. What prompted that? Some doggie dream? I don’t know – but I took it … 12:23 pm.

The other evening I read an article that stated that everything and everyone in life is limited. It’s not a profound statement and yet it is. There is a limit to everything. We will never do all that we want to do. Be all that we want to be. Learn everything that we want to learn. Or live as long as we want to live. We will never go to all the places we’d like to visit or spend as much time as we want to with the people we love. Everything in life is finite.

And yet we don’t go about our lives with that in mind. Well, most of us don’t.

Time is fleeting. Decide what ‘s important.

I’ve been mulling this over and I’ve decided to slow down and be more aware. And, maybe, that is why the robins hopping around the backyard stuck with me. I could have easily dismissed them as just “birds” or not noticed them at all … but how could I not smile and take delight in a harbinger of Spring? In January! That was a moment in time. I might not remember the exact time or date by next month … but it’s certainly made a difference in my weekend!

Cherish what we can. Make a list and prioritize. Set yourself free to do what you want.

I found a “to-do/bucket list” of sorts that I started in 1989 … way back when the kids were toddlers. I added to it as the years went along and now, nearly 30 years later, I look at some of the entries on that list and laugh … because they are still on my “to-do list” for this year. Chances are I need to prioritize and be realistic instead of idealistic … and separate out the should-dos from the want-to-dos. I can only do so many things in my lifetime – why not do the ones that I REALLY want to do? The ones that are important to me? The ones that will make a difference to myself and others? Instead of just having a long list of things that compound the feeling that I never get enough done?

So, off my list is: the name of some record company that I thought I should contact (what was I thinking of doing – cutting a demo?), learn how to change a tire (uh, it’s called AAA people), see a moose (ooh, I’ve done that!) … and about 50 other inconsequential things that pertain to pets and houses I no longer have or interests that are no longer, well, of interest.

And, as much as I think I’d like to learn how to crochet, speak another language or bake a souffle … if it hasn’t happened by now, and it’s been on my list for 30 years, chances are it’s not that important to me!

We’ve only got so many moments! We should do with them what is gnawing at us. What is in our gut. What is our passion. What we wake up thinking about … and those things that we’d really like to do. Right?

So, on my list I’m keeping … work on my kids’ books, start my Woof biz, learn piano, stretch more, write more, be more open, share time with those I love. I believe if we throw things out to the universe, the universe answers.  So, at 7:05 pm on this Sunday evening I’m making a decision to lighten up and get that long list of “should-dos” off my back and allow myself to focus on the shorter list – the things that are more important to me. I’m throwing them all out into the universe and hopefully I’ll look back, six months from now, and say, “I’m happy I made time for … “.

So, tonight before I go to bed, I’m going to get out my new journal (that I thought I’d start with the new year but have yet to crack open) and start in and make some plans and set aside some mornings to work on those ideas and dreams, that which as yet, have only been on my wish list. I’m going to start … one small step at a time … to realize those dreams and make sure I relish the process.

Because it’s in the everyday and in the journey that we take notice of those moments in time.




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Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia …

January 26, 2017  … Day 25 of “From Hair to … There”

I’m laughing as I type. Who would have thought that shaving my head would bring me such amusement?

Certainly not I.

The gross, naked chicken-skin was very quickly replaced by velvet fuzz … and that was nice while it lasted. It was kind of fun to run my hands over my head … horse muzzle soft one direction, tickly-spiky the other.

My head now just looks a bit … confused. The top right side and back of my head have always had more hair/faster growth. Why is that? I don’t know … but it’s always been a weird phenomenon.  So, I now have part of my head with teeny, tiny (less than 1/4″ strands of hair) lying flat on my head. The rest of my head still has the ready for battle militant-spikes sticking straight upwards. I kind of have this angry baby chick thing going on.

And then there are the silver areas … circles more precisely … which make me look like I have bald patches. Nice!

And let’s not forget about the 17 cowlicks. Those are really fun and attractive! I actually looked up this strange term and apparently at some point in time, someone thought someone else’s unruly hair looked like it had been licked by a cow and so the term came to be. Well, I can tell you I have way too many cowlicks and I haven’t been around a cow, licking or non-licking, in a long time. So, what gives?

Anyway, you get the gist and the visual and if I haven’t said it lately, I’ll say it again … “This ain’t my best look!”

In any case, I’m realizing now that I should have purchased a Chia Pet when I started this experiment and we could have been in this together! What was I thinking? We could have had a race to see which “hair” would grow the fastest … unfortunately, I’m pretty sure I would be out-grown by said holiday landscape novelty. Pretty sad.

But, what’s a girl to do? This is what I wanted. I wanted to see what it would be like to be sans hair. And I’m finding that out … day by day … week by week. I feel my hair is growing so slowly that I’ll finally be sporting a pixie “do” sometime two or three years from now! Perhaps this wasn’t the best of ideas!

But, it is what it is. I’ve, remarkably, found out that I (for the most part) forget that I don’t have hair (or much of it) … because, still, when I look in the mirror I am surprised. I still look like Curly (from the Three Stooges) … but lately with this fuzz and spikes I’ve been thinking of Sammy Davis Junior doing the Laugh-In skit “Here Come de Judge” but the words have changed to “Here Come de Fuzz”.

Ah, hair. Oddly, I don’t really miss it. Well, I don’t miss “dealing” with it … but I do miss how it makes me feel prettier. I’ve been feeling rather homely these days. It’s quite a blow to the old ego! However, beauty is only skin deep – or so it’s said. For someone who sold “beauty” for 23 years I’m trying to remember that!

I run out of the house, off on errands, only to remember mid-trip that I forgot to wrap my head and have no scarf or hat in the car. Do I care? Nope. Not really and that, too, surprises me. I’m far too vain to not have this really phase me and … well, it really doesn’t! Well, not at least for myself … I cover up more for others. The eyeballs I get question, “Chemo hairdo?” I wrap myself to make my hairlessness easier on others. I don’t want them (needlessly) worrying about me.

What I miss (aside from the femininity factor and how it makes me feel more attractive) is the insulation hair affords the body. I’m CHILLY! I’ve never been a hat person – except for our wedding (had a quasi Gibson Girl-Victorian hat … it was lovely!). I’ve never liked hats on me. I always felt like they made my round face look even rounder – never a really good thing! And, I don’t like my head covered. I don’t like the confinement. Maybe it’s a claustrophobia thing?

However, I’m now finding that if I don’t have some sort of head covering I get chilled. So, I’ve been wearing hats and wraps. I’ve become quite adept at wrapping a scarf around my head and making it not look like I just piled a king-size bedspread onto the ol’ noggin. I do, however, look like an extra from Coming to America. It was touch and go there for a few days, wrapping and unwrapping, getting myself tangled up … but I got the hang of it. The real problem is – though while cozy and more attractive than my fuzzed-up giant head looming about – I end up having ridiculous headaches from the pressure of the wrap! Even though they aren’t tight, they’re something! I’m just so delicate! That must be it! So, while home I’ve taken to wearing a soft, knit beanie of sorts … not necessarily good looking, but it does the job and keeps me warm!

So, here I am on day 25 … spiky and fuzzy … cowlicky and flat … dark coverage with silver circles … hair confusion reigns. I’m now kind of wishing I were Rapunzel … or maybe, at the least, a Chia Pet.


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The March …

January 23, 2017

Let me just say this … I am not an activist. I am not a flag nor bra burner. I am not a rally- rouser nor sit-in sitter.  I am a writer. I march to the beat of  a different drummer … it is by pen, not feet, that I opt to wield my voice. I believe if you want to be heard, go directly to those that make the decisions and policies and let them hear your voice. I’ve written plenty of letters in my day!

Write your congressmen/senators/local government or businesses … whatever/whomever you need to hear what you need to say. Put the pressure on them to be your voice, to take action, to make change. Make your needs heard by the power of the pen. I am not of mob-mentality. Walking/marching, to me, isn’t going to make a difference.

And yet …

I marched. I marched for a friend. I marched for the experience. I marched for myself. I marched for a neighbor who could not. I marched to be part of history. I didn’t understand the “pussy hats” … they were pretty, they were colorful and cozy-cute, they were plentiful … but if you don’t like the derogatory intimation (and who likes/uses the p-word, really?), then why promote it? I didn’t get that part.

I marched with about 1200 others from one end of my small town to the other and then back to our starting point. Impressive, for a gathering of this size, because our population is roughly 1000. So, I have no idea where everyone came from as there were spectators, too, and two other marches up island. It was a sea of pink hats and signs, banners and people (of all shapes and sizes and ages and gender) – for as far as one could see.

It was pleasantly peaceful … however, there were some angry outbursts and it was startling to me because I kept thinking, “We’re going along this route together – who are you shouting at? Don’t yell in my ear. I’m on your side!” And while I didn’t fully “get it” … it was impressive the amount of people that showed up in our little corner of the country doing what they thought would help or at least to make a statement and share a voice.

As impressive as our numbers might have been, more impressive were the numbers of marchers around the country … 500K in DC, 400K in NY, 250 in Chicago … from a small town in Alaska to Miami, from Maine to Hawaii … from sea to shining sea … and across the PLANET! Countries that most of us will never get the chance to visit. Women, men, children coming together to display their displeasure and concern over what is going on in our country. THAT was impressive to me.

Google … … for photos from around the world and more info from The New York Times. Amazing.

In any case, I was part of something big. HUGE. Did we make a difference? Who knows. Did we make a statement? You bet.

I’m not an activist and that was my first and probably my last march. Not my thing. But, voices need to be heard … whether via marching or letters. And, I’m riled enough to get out my stationery and start writing. No emails for me, but REAL letters. I want my voice heard by the people who represent me/us. To me, that is how to take action. Let your state reps hear your concerns. Send a letter to the White House. Make yourself heard. They are our voices in the legislature … at least until we vote them out for not listening.


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The Eve of Uncertainty …

January 23, 2017 (repost from January 19, 2017 – system glitch)

The dogs were all sleeping … that is until I opened up the cheese stick I brought to the table and then I had three awake-from-the-dead dogs glued to my side. I am a dog-mother and a dog sitter and along with writing, this is what I’m meant to do. It’s one of those “this is right” things.

A week ago, it was just Gert and I floating around our happy little home. Plenty of dog beds and tidbits a-plenty for her. A day later, I got “the call” as our local rescue had an old lady lab for me … and well, being one of few (or in this case, the ONLY one) who wanted an old lab with issues … we now have dog #2 and Gert has a sister. The geriatric fur factory is once again growing! Our new adoptee is a large, black lab, about 12 years old … a little salt and pepper in her muzzle and weakness in her legs. She was found starving and caked in cow poop in some farmer’s field in south WA. I need to get some weight on her (I’ve never had a problem fattening up a pet!) and get her strength up … but that’ll come with time. For now we are just lazing and loving and getting her used to all this newness. I’ve named her Clara. I wanted an old-fashioned name as I could just picture Gert and Clara, two old spinsters – sitting on some sweet cottage’s wrap around porch in their doggie rocking chairs, knitting and telling stories about days gone by. I think a children’s book is in my future.

And today, Sadie, a sweet and beautiful Golden, joined the ranks. She’ll be an on/off guest for half weeks for the next 3 months. So, I went from one little pug to having three happy tail-waggers in a few days’ time. Life is good and the dog beds are full.

I came home today from errands and the rain was a bit sideways and the winds were whipping through the pines (typical NW winter weather) and as I approached the deck, I noticed that one end of my American flag had been ripped from the pole and it was now hanging upside down. It gave me a chill as an upside down flag is the official sign of a country in distress. On this eve of the inauguration, or as I am calling it – The Eve of Uncertainty – I couldn’t help but wonder if Mom Nature was trying to tell me something.

I’ve watched the movie The American President at least a dozen times. Maybe two dozen. Michael Douglas plays the role of the President of the U.S. running for re-election. (He plays the role so well!) Anyway, in the movie Douglas gives a speech about patriotism and opposition and it makes me reflect on the transfer of power tomorrow … and how we got here.

How on Earth did we go from Obama to Trump? I feel like we got caught in some whirlpool eddy and I have a feeling it’ll take a long time for us to be spit out … hopefully still intact.

“America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship and you’ve got to want it bad cuz     it’s going to put up a fight. You say you want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage, advocating at the top of his lungs that which you’ve spent a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this is the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that.”

I love that speech. I wish I knew who wrote that. It’s so real and true. We have free speech in this country. I may really oppose and dislike (enough to have my skin crawl and stomach churn) what our president-elect has said (and will say) … but we live in a country where he has the right to say whatever he wants. It may not be smart. It may cause some problems. But he has the right to say it.

Just as I have the right to say what I want to here.

On this eve of the inauguration of our country’s 45th president, I’ll be sending off an extra prayer for guidance for our president-elect. I think he needs it. I think he will continue to need it. I think he’s in over his head. And I don’t think his billionaire cabinet buddies are going to do this country any good, either.

So, it’s up to us … we, collectively … as in “we the people”. Exercise your right to speak freely. Get educated. Voice your opinions and concerns. Get involved. Send out a prayer to your god or universe asking for direction for our country. I think we need all the help we can get.

As for me … I’m going to watch The American President tonight, one more time. And before bed I’ll read the entire United States Constitution and say aloud the preamble and send that off as my prayer. I hope it somehow is heard.

For now, the dogs are sleeping … metaphorically and literally. But tomorrow things will change … and I think Trump has a whole mess of cheese.


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Does Being Bald Make My Butt Look BIG?

January 23, 2017 (repost from January 12, 2017 – system glitch!)

I have a big head. Not in the egotistical way, but physically/structurally. And not only does it seem big, but it seems inordinately large. As in huge. Massive. But only when I look at myself in a mirror from the neck up. Guess it must be due to all the brains inside!

However, as contradictory as this sounds, being shorn makes my head look small when compared to my body because being hairless makes the rest of my body look enormous!

Just what I need … a shrunken head on an enormous body!

When I started this hair journey – or shaved journey, as it is – the first thing I noticed was the size of my head. It loomed in the mirror and all I could think of, at first, was how much I looked like one of those aliens from  Mars Attacks!

As the days passed, other alien beings came to mind … especially the one inside the head of the dead guy in the morgue in Men in Black. I think he was the Royal Emperor or something … huge head, gigantic eyes (which oddly, always reminded me of my grandmother’s).

It’s all been a bit unsettling.

I never really studied the size of the head compared to the rest of the body. I’ve never taken an anatomy class – the closest thing I’ve ever gotten to dissection was an earthworm in 7th grade. There may have been a starfish involved, also – but I have super sensitive olfactory abilities (which is why my kids called me The Bloodhound when they were teens) and a queasy stomach and I’m pretty sure I spent the starfish days in the library doing some report instead of puking on the laboratory table.

But I digress.

Aliens. Roswell. Area 51. ET. Me. I kind of lumped us all in the same group last week. I didn’t mind, too much, being alien-esque, as long as said alien was more akin to ET than to the actual aliens in any of the Alien movies! But, I’m now past the alien stage … the completely bald, naked stage … the cold, clammy and weird plucked chicken stage … and am on to the velvet stage.

I know what’s next. Coming soon is the Militant look!

When my husband, Tim, was fighting cancer, he lost his hair. Our son, Ted, did the honors of shaving it off.  Tim had a gorgeous head of thick, dark brown/black hair with enough body and wave to be the envy or many (males or females). He had better (thicker, fuller, more lustrous) hair than I ever did. Ever will. So, when that hair came off it was really a change for him/for us. He said he felt shorter (I just feel wider!). I don’t think I ever got used to his no-hair look. I always felt like there was a stranger in the house … kind of like having Mr. Clean as an unexpected house guest. Or Yul Brynner.

Tim’s baldness didn’t last long though cuz he was one who could shave in the morning and have a good five o’clock shadow by 1:30 the same afternoon. So, despite the chemo cocktails, his hair grew back but it came in fierce and dark. His head was soon covered with a million little spikes of fury and vengeance. He looked very militant. And scary.

I feel the militant stage coming on. However, my hair is changing a bit in color and I noticed I have a patch of silver coming in over my right temple! So, I might sport more of a tie-dye militant look in the next week or so. Not so scary!

The one odd thing I have noticed, so far, is the imbalance between head and body size. It’s what I’m calling the “Butt Factor”. Okay, not so much butt as well, the boob factor. I can’t see behind me to see if my being hairless makes my butt look bigger … though I imagine it does as everything seems to make my butt look bigger. A plane could be flying overhead and my butt somehow looks bigger. However, having no hair makes my shoulders look like I could take on Johnny Weissmuller (along with any stray alligators) and my boobs look bigger, too! (If you don’t know who JW is, first off – shame on you and secondly, google him!) Anyway, I’m sure it’s just an optical illusion or someone would have already figured this out and there would be a lot more bald exotic dancers!

Think about it … without hair on my head, my head looks smaller (aside from the fact that it is seemingly huge) compared to my body … so, my body parts look bigger (hence, why I’m not too upset about this double chin – it’s all just an optical illusion!). Think of a bowling pin (or my high school math teacher) … the top part is really tiny compared to the rest of it – but put a miniature wig on said pin (or math teacher) and the top portion wouldn’t look so small anymore! When my hair grows out – which, I’m pretty sure, will be years from now – I’ll remember this and be more inclined to have a beehive or updo to balance out the size of my body!

In any case, this experiment/challenge is starting to have effect … it has given me new found empathy – even if it is for aliens, my high school math teacher … and bowling pins.


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Unrecognizable …

January 23, 2017 (repost from January 10, 2017 – system glitch)

Apparently now is the time for me to become a spy or secret agent, private detective or some such profession where it is best not to be recognized.

Today I was in the vet’s office … Gert is now fine, but at the time she was having a rough time coming out of a seizure episode and I needed to get her some help. I carried her into the office and told the two front-desk gals that we didn’t have an appointment and what was going on and both asked if this was my dog?

Now, that would be understandable for a lot of people, but I’ve been in that practice twice a month for the last year and they know me! Yes, they know me … however, neither of the gals recognized me since they hadn’t seen me “hairless” yet. If I wasn’t so worried about the dog, I would have laughed.

However, when my doctor came out and scanned the room for “me” … her eyes came over me and then passed without even an inkling of recognition! I called out to her while pointing to my head and we both had a good laugh. We somehow came to the conclusion that all I needed was an orange jumpsuit to complete the new look.

Funny, how much having (or in my case, not having) hair alters one’s appearance and recognizability!

I’m now 10 days into this little hair experiment and am no longer totally “naked” … no more creepy, clammy, tacky chicken-skin scalp for me! I’m now at the “velvet” stage.

Which sounds lovely, right? Smooth one way when touched – like a horse’s nose – and spiky when petted against the nap. When I think of “velvet” I think of a plush purple number I’ve worn in years past during the holidays … or of deer antlers … or Elvis paintings.

However, when I look in the mirror I don’t think holidays, Bambi or Elvis … instead I end up thinking I look far more like Curly from the Three Stooges than any woman should. Have I said yet that this is not my best look?

But, I’m past the initial stage and growth has begun and today I’m thinking I’m now channeling Demi Moore’s look in G.I. Jane … of course sans the bone structure, chiseled chin line and muscles.

So, yes, I have velvet but I still look more like Curly than Demi … but I’m moving in the right direction. At least I am back to being female!

When I “took this on” … this self-imposed challenge, I wanted to put myself into another’s shoes … at least in some small way … to glean some insight, to walk a new path, to gain familiarity with something so foreign to me. I’ve had a few “pixie” cuts in my day but nothing ever this drastic.

Tonight when watching President Obama’s Farewell Speech, I had one of those goose bump moments when he quoted Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, ‘”You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”‘ 

Exactly. That is what I’m trying to do … gain that personal understanding. I feel a need to know what’s it’s like to not have hair – if only once in my lifetime. And, hopefully, this will be the ONLY time as I won’t willingly do this again. (My head is too cold … and the “ugly” factor is rearing it’s militant looking head!)

This year I’m wanting to finish my book … Surviving Grief  ~ Stories and Lessons from a Remedial Griever. I’m considering adding a sub-title … Do as I Say, Not as I Did!  It’ll be a compilation – funny, moving, workbook, advice – and knowing that grief comes after any kind of loss (job, love, life, a move, ability, body functionality, tragedy, etc.) … I thought getting out the ol’ razor (or in my case a brand, spanking new one) would be better than poking out an eye or chopping off an arm or any other sort of thing. I’ll just go so far in the name of research!

Am I grieving the loss of my hair? Not exactly … but it’s still early on! Catch me next month!

In any case … I’m going down this path and we’ll see where it takes me. How patient I am with this whole process. What I learn. What I gain. How things go along the way. Today the gals not recognizing me was a surprise to me cuz I am on the inside looking out – I think I look the same as I did last week. I don’t even think about me not having a head of hair (even as thin as it was, it was something!) and it was a bit shocking to me not to have them know who I was!

So, one week or so down … many, many more to go. I haven’t figured out how to add images to this post (yet) so, if anyone wants to see pics … go to my Facebook page.

And until the next post … I’ll be contemplating spyhood, feeling the velvet and trying to recognize myself all while trying to keep a sense of humor during this bit of research lunacy.

Nyuck … nyuck … nyuck.

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From Hair to There …

January 23, 2017 (reposted from January 4, 2017 – system glitch!)

And so it goes.

Here I am, fourth day into this new year, the lobster is crawling around the dining room table (metaphorically speaking only) and raring to get started on this writing/chronicling journey. And it just dawned on me … I have much in common with said lobster.

My exoskeleton is not as hardened but I am as hairless … you see, on Saturday – prior to the ringing in of the New Year – I shaved my head.

And so it goes.

From hair to … there.

No, I have not gone off the deep end nor am I physically sick. The usually dreary NW with it’s soul-withering gray and wet days has not turned me into a lunatic nor have I lost any of my marbles. I’ve counted; I have them all.

This is merely a challenge to myself … an exercise in research (for this blog/and a book I’m working on) and a few hundred lessons in humility and self love and acceptance and being in someone else’s shoes. For how are we ever to know someone else’s journey if we do not experience or share it?

This was not one of those ideas that popped into my head and I said lightly, “Oh, yeah, I think I’ll bald myself for New Year’s.” It was a slow morphing of chats and magazine articles read and (as I’ll relay along the way) a culmination of things that brought about an “aha” moment and it just felt like the right thing to do.

I’ve never had great hair … I’ve had long hair in high school which when wet looked like a brown shoelace trailing down my back. So, yes, I’ve had length but not volume.  Unless it was humid out! And for as long as I can remember, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with whatever was on my head. So, this wasn’t as hard for me as it might have been for others.

I’ve had friends and a husband who have lost their hair to cancer treatments. And, along the way, I told all of them when they were faced with losing their locks, “It’s just hair! It’ll grow back!” My girlfriends confided that they’d rather lose their breasts than their hair. It was unfathomable to me. They’re not like starfish that can grow a new limb! Hair grew back, breasts didn’t! What was the big deal?

And yet – when my son, Ted, shaved my husband’s head during treatment, it was devastating to me. I was the photographer of the event … putting on a smiling face during the shaving … and when it was done I went across the street and sat in the park and cried myself silly. I knew that Tim wouldn’t live long enough for his hair (he had gorgeous hair) to grow back in. For me, his hair represented so much more than just hair. 

How hypocritical of me to feel one thing and tell others something else?

Hence, part of my reasoning to shave. And, since for the last 40 some years (or more) I’ve been fighting with the 17 cowlicks on my head and the baby fine strands that would not give up their will to do whatever for any amount of mousse, gel, pomade, or spray … when the razor went over my head and the hair came off, I had a certain amount of “Take that!” vengeful satisfaction.

Oddly, I was fine with the process (a little tender-headed, but fine) and not emotional for myself, but I couldn’t help thinking about those who had gone this path before me and what this must have meant and been like for them. Instantly I could tell how crushing this would have been … instantly.

So, here I am. I know it’s different doing this under the reason of choice rather than necessity. And yet I am grateful for the opportunity I’ve given myself to experience this loss (of hair) first-hand and to see how this feels even though I know it is vastly different for all those others who had no choice. However, it’s a step closer to understanding.

And I think life, in general, would be easier/nicer for all of us if we took a little time to understand something we didn’t.

So, come along with me on this journey … pop in and see how I’m coming to terms with the baldness, the social aspects, the personal acceptance, the cold and other things along the way!

I do know one thing … I look far more like Mr. Potato Head than I ever imagined possible! Which isn’t all bad … I’m rather fond of potatoes!

And so it goes …


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Happy New Year 2017!

January 23, 2017 … repost from January 3, 2017 (glitch in system!)

Happy New Year … 2017! Hope you had a delightful and safe NYE and that whatever “resolutions” you made have not already been broken!

I promised, a while back, that the lobster would be climbing out of his hole and that we’d have a reprisal … and here were are! Yay! The lobster returneth!

However, this lobster has had a few days of technical difficulties and along the way caught some sort of crummy creeping crud. So whatever creative brain cells might have been functioning last week are now covered in sticky cough syrup and are doped up with antibios and this crustacean cannot think … let alone keep my tentacled eyeballs open!

So, the lobster needs one more day!

Until then, I’ll leave you with a quote from the movie New Year’s Eve … 

“The New Year reminds us to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by, to remember our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or times when we shut ourselves down in fear of getting hurt. The New Year is about getting another chance … a fresh start … a chance to forgive, to do better, to give more, to do more … and to stop worrying about what if and to start embracing what could be. Be nice to each other, kind to each other … all year long.”


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Some Wine, A Nap, and Stuffies …

Friday, November 28th … evening

Perhaps it was holiday let-down or due to extended exhaustion but for whatever reason after nearly 7 months of packing and unpacking and painting and 1178 tasks (per week), I came home from a late lunch and snuggled on the chaise with Gert, under a marshmallow-soft throw the color of spring butter and fell asleep.

This might not be unusual for some people – but for me it is highly unusual. I don’t nap. I just don’t. Unless I’m sick. As in really sick.

So, I’m thinking that finally I am settling in. Perhaps I finally don’t feel that I have 28,673 things on my to-do list still to do … NOW … and that I always have to be go-go-going.

Perhaps my body and mind have bonded together and said to each other, “It’s the day after Thanksgiving – chill – take a nap.”

Or perhaps it was the very large glass of sweet Riesling I had with my late lunch!


Regardless of the reason I suppose it was (very) needed and it was thoroughly enjoyed. I clicked onto the Hallmark channel, with its never-ending holiday movies and commercials, and snuggled in for 15 -20 minutes of dog coziness.

I no sooner had positioned myself than Gert dug her way under the blanket and before her spot was even warmed up – I was gone. I didn’t drift off to dreamland – I took the express route! I was sawing logs louder than the dog in mere seconds (or thereabouts)! Yep – guess I needed it.

I didn’t sleep like a baby – as the adage always refers to – simply because no baby of mine ever slept very well! I sleep like a baby nowadays … up in the middle of the night, waking several times for a drink or repositioning or whatever. Today I slept like a log (if logs could sleep)! Better yet, today I slept like teenaged boy! (Or, one could also say, like someone who was exhausted and who consumed a large glass of wine at lunch!)

I was konked out. Zonked. Gone. Dead to the world. And then I roused … aware of voices and giggling … and in that grayness between wakefulness and fuzzy/foggy/hazy slumber I realized the voices were either the movie or a commercial … and I was out again.

The seemingly endless, high volume, on-every-other-minute commercial this year is for those little kid stuffed animals with the (7) hidden pockets and where the kid is saying, “Thanks Grandma!” They are the quasi-cute/quasi-creepy (I would have made them cuter) Stuffies stuffed animals … and this year they have BABY ones, too!

In any case, just as one would learn a new language hooked up at nighttime while they were sleeping, I was hooked up to movies and commercials. And let me emphasize – more commercials than movie.

And, I did this for 2 HOURS! Yes, apparently the wine took its toll … or the 5-7 months of non-stop packing/unpacking/house fixing/etcetera … whichever.

And, as much as the sweet snooze was needed … I now have this incredible yearning for a STUFFIES!

Now that I’m awake, and Thanksgiving is behind us, and things are on my mind … I think I’ll go write my letter to Santa!


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Musings, writings, and 30 bucks …

Wednesday, October 29th … just before midnight

I should  be tucked into bed already—but, obviously, I am not! I am up, drinking tea, eyes sleep-weary and half-closed and still I type. One would think I’m on some sort of official, or at least important, deadline—but I’m not. It’s just me, myself and I wanting to share—needing to write.

I think it’s an obsession, my writing, but there is nothing I’d really rather do. At all. And, I guess that means I need to do it! Plain and simple. Or, as grammatically correct as that should be—plainly and simply!

And, I am happy knowing that I am taking steps to get myself “out there” in this, my new, community. My book, “148 Days ~ A Journey of Love and Loss” is in the local bookstore. I’m to drop a copy at the library and another 3 local book stores/book sellers are “looking at it”. I met a book seller from Bellingham and he wants a copy, as well.

Tomorrow my 4th blog post, “Life’s Luxuries”, will appear in the island’s art and cultural online magazine. Check it out at:; I’m “The New Kid on the Block”. (If you’d like to subscribe, it’s free, and every Thursday you’ll get an online e-newsletter sharing what’s what on and around this lovely little island of  mine.)

And, tonight I was honored with second place in a writing contest. I submitted a story, two hours before deadline, just on a whim, for fun, and for a little exercise in writing. The contest was the Whidbey Island Center for the Arts (WICA) 100-word Short Story Smash. This was its 7th year—complete with judges, cash prizes, stage setting, and an appreciative audience. And, had there been a barrel and some monkeys, I’m sure I would have had more fun than they.

There were two performers (readers) on stage (one male/one female) and they read the stories—throwing in accents, pregnant pauses, a look or raised eyebrow when needed for emphasis. The stories were all varied—some funny, some sad, some thought-provoking—and it was easy to sit back in that theater and get lost in the 45-second readings of scenarios that transported us to different places and time, cultures and climates.  It’s amazing what can be said in 100 words!

I’ve never had any of my stories publicly read (blogs and calendars not included!) and it was supremely thrilling to have someone else totally nail the character that somehow came out of my fingers onto my screen.

So, things are coming along…slowly, one baby step at a time…but I’m moving forward with this writing mind of mine. I’ve got a lot of stories in me waiting to get out. I keep telling myself to hurry up but to also be patient. It’s sometimes tough to do both!

So, here’s the $30 second-prize winning 100-word story…Ima Goen. (Read it with a slow, southern drawl and enjoy.)

Ima Goen—

You’d think my mama and daddy were humorous folks. Not so. Contrarily, my name defies their stern nature. My name is Ima Goen—and that’s what I plan on doin’.

I’m sick of sayin’ Ima Goen…’cause I know someone’s gonna ask me, “Where?”

It ain’t funny. So, I’m a goin’. I don’t know where…and I don’t know when…but I’m a goin’ somewhere where I can breathe air so fresh my lungs will laugh.

Today’s not the day. But one day I’ll just go. And when I do…I’ll no longer be Ima Goen—I’ll be Ima Gone.


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Waking up Winston …

Wednesday, September 17th 9:53 pm

Some days waking up is not all that it’s cracked up to be.

Today was one such day.

In years past I’d wake up and not think too much about how I looked. That first glimpse image I saw in the bathroom mirror was fairly decent. No complaints. Well, not many, anyway.

Funny how the progression of age silently creeps up on you until one day you look in the mirror and don’t recognize who is standing there. How did this happen? Funny? Well, I don’t think so! I see no humor in it! Not one bit!

I used to think, seemingly now eons ago, that I was (dare I say?) attractive. I had my moments. Not many, but some. Sadly, in my estimation, the last good photo of me is some 25 years ago! Seriously. Then I was Ariel. Well, Ariel without the flowing auburn hair. And, okay, Ariel without the seashell bra and mermaid tail. Okay, I never looked anything like Ariel.

Perhaps, I venture to think, I looked more like a chubby Diane Keaton or Jacqueline Smith (on a really, really, really good day – while looking in the mirror without my glasses on and while squinting – and maybe with a glass or two of wine in me – under soft pink lighting).

Those were the days.

Today was not one of those days.

Today I woke up looking like Winston Churchill.

And, that, my friends, is never a good thing. Even for Winston Churchill.

Alas, the hands of time have caught up with me and quite honestly, have not been too kind (in my estimation). Gravity and the loss of collagen are quite apparent. Stress has played a factor, I’m sure. And, so has diet. Who knew that Cheetos and Hohos were so detrimental to one’s skin? Exercise – or, in my case, lack of exercise hasn’t helped either. And then there were the summers spent sunbathing with baby oil slathered on my body. Sunscreen wasn’t invented yet or was (ignorantly) scorned. I even sold it for years – but never wore it. Who, me? Why be lily white when you could be golden bronzed thanks to Coppertone Deep Tanning Oil and a folder covered in tin foil held under your chin? Our beautiful roasted Thanksgiving turkeys were paler than I was after a summer in the sun!

I’ve named the deer in my yard. I’ve named the slugs on my deck. I think I should start naming my age spots! “Hey Cecily – looking darker today.” “Fred – nice of you to show up.” “Randy – how’s your twin brother?” Sigh.

There is a saying in the cosmetic world that “at 20 you have the skin you were born with, at 40 you have the skin you have created, and at 60 you have the skin you deserve”. Apparently, I deserve this.

As I looked in the mirror, less with horror than indignation and resignation, I thought of what ol’ Winston said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”

And then it dawned on me…maybe this is the worst I’ll look? Maybe this is my hell. So, just keep going. It’s the natural thing – right? The ebb and flow, the yin and yang, up and down. Maybe I’m just in a valley and it’s all up from here?

I doubt it –  but a girl can dream (or be completely delusional)! But I have a plan. More creams, on the face/not in the body … more sleep … more exercise … less Cheetos. Well, maybe not that last part.

In any case, I know I’ll never look like Ariel or a young Diane Keaton – a Disney movie lead nor plastic surgery are in my future – and I’m okay with that.

But, I really don’t want, anymore, to be waking up Winston!




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The RAT trap …

Monday, September 8, 8:38 pm

I was doing just fine until he carried in the rat trap.

Yes, a RAT TRAP. For my basement. In my HOUSE.

I recoiled in horror as he entered through my patio doors carrying it and I yelled out, in what I can only assume was something sounding akin to a screech owl, “What the HELL is that for?”

(Which, again, makes me realize how ingrained the Chicago-speak is in me with my unnecessary preposition use! And there I go, again!)

Obviously, Mr. Pest Man gave up his day job as comedian to do this pest service position because he answered me, “Well, it’s not for buffalo – that’s for sure.”

Very funny, Trap Boy.

If I had taken the two seconds needed to read the writing on the largest trap I’ve ever seen, I would have read Rat Trap on it and would have known that it was a trap … for rats (not for buffalo, that’s for sure)! But seriously? For MY basement? MY house?

Apparently, the island is known for its rats. Island Rats! No one bothered to tell me this before I moved here. I haven’t seen one (yet) … do they wear hula skirts (or is that another island??) … or do they look like Templeton – all beady eyed and, well, ratty looking?

The pest control guy was very calm as he helped me down off the chair that I had climbed up onto when he walked in carrying THAT THING. I am not faint of heart (only with spiders – hence why I had a pest control guy in my house in the first place). Spiders are one thing … but rats?

He explained to me that the “evidence” he had seen near my furnace looked quite old – but he was just taking a precautionary measure. Apparently, island rats need sweaters in the winter – or raincoats – and come INSIDE where it’s nice and cozy – usually snuggling up in/near someone’s furnace. FABULOUS! That wasn’t the word I originally used but it started similarly. I’m just glad the dogs aren’t parrots lately or I’d be washing their little beaks out with soap all day long!

The pest guy (whose name now escapes me but I’m thinking it was Perry – but that’s too lyrical … Perry the Pest Guy) was very thorough and sprayed the perimeter and every crack and crevice in this house! I know this because as he went room to room with his Ghost Buster pack on his back, I was not too far behind. I wanted to see him annihilate whatever he came across! He said the spiders I had already killed (squashed beyond recognition) were common wood spiders and wouldn’t cause me any problems. (Well, not any more cuz they were DEAD!) I guess he doesn’t consider having a heart attack in the shower a problem after seeing a spider crawling towards your bar of soap! But, again, this is coming from a guy who stuck his hand up a dark and creepy 8″ hole without batting an eyelash! I have goosebumps still!

He also went on to tell me that it was a good thing I called him NOW – as the next two months are spider mating season! Who knew? Not I and I certainly don’t want any dating or mating going on in my house – unless it’s done by ME!

He checked the attic … all good (pest wise), except the insulation is old and upside down. How nice! My attic is staying nice and toasty in the winter! He also pointed out several cracks, holes and areas where insects, vermin, bats and (again) buffalo could wiggle through and be nice and cozy all winter long. He recommended I call an insulation team to remove the old insulation, caulk, seal, screen and insulate.

The money pit continues to eat my savings.

Lyrically named Perry continued through the house – pointing out “areas of entry”. I’m more open than the U.S. borders! Where is Homeland Security when you REALLY need them?

After our interior rounds, he went outside and in one fell swoop (after spraying) knocked down a wasp’s nest the size of Georgia (or a small basketball) from the eaves on the south side of the house. Of course, this was the exact area over which I’ve been working all week! How did I not notice this creature-made monstrosity over my head? He took it home to show his kids. It was most impressive. I was just glad it wasn’t filled with spiders or rats!

He’s coming to check on the trap next week (I haven’t heard or seen anything, so I think we are in the clear) … but if I hear a SNAP! you can bet I’m calling Perry Pest Control back to deal with it. And, personally, I’m hoping if something IS caught in it – that it’s not a rat or a spider but, instead, maybe a buffalo.

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Things are good …

Wednesday, August 13 11:56 pm

Things are good. Although, slug slime is actually quite gross. For those of you who have never picked up or moved a slug, I thought I should inform you! I went out tonight and Seymour must have been having a party. My favorite 7″ slug had several friends on the deck tonight – must be due to the moisture as we had rain today. I went to throw something into the garbage can and one big slug was on the handle and another was IN the can. I scooped him out advising him to stay OUT of the can or that he’d be garbage himself! I don’t think he’ll heed my advice, though, as he looked pretty happy sitting atop that cupcake wrapper. Slimy yes – stupid, no!

With all the walking I’ve been doing and all the missed meals (aside from cupcakes) and all the unpacking, I’ve noticed I’ve lost some weight. Yay! However, the only place I’ve noticed it is in my ear lobes. Yes, you heard me correctly, my ear lobes … they are smoother and less creased! I’m serious. So, I got on the scale tonight and yep, I’ve lost 5 pounds … and since I haven’t noticed any other areas that seem thinner on my body, I apparently have the fattest ear lobes on the planet! I mean really, since I have two ears that’s 2.5 pounds per ear lobe! That’s disgusting! Worse than slug slime!

I have now been here 40 days and 40 nights … time enough to sail around in an Ark or to be embalmed (according to ancient Egyptian practices) … but not time enough to be unpacked. I am still in disarray, without my bedroom or office set up and nothing yet put into the attic and though I know things are coming together – I’m just less patient this time around. Thankfully I have beautiful scenery to walk around in when I get a bit crazed with all the work! And it’s a good thing I’ve been needing those walks because I’m so happy with my new, slimmer ear lobes.

Seafood … I’ve always joked I’m on the Seafood Diet … except I spell it See-Food – as in “I see food, and I eat it”! However, I’ve been too busy for normal meal times and well, I just haven’t been doing much eating lately. But, I also haven’t had any (as in ANY) seafood since I’ve been here – which is really odd considering I am in the NW – with coastal waters and shorelines teeming with crab, mussels, clams, salmon and other edible creatures.

I thought maybe I’d say that the NW was the Seafood Capital of the U.S but that would be incorrect. I think. But who is to say what area holds that title? I’ve looked – I can’t find it. The folks in Maryland would beg that they do because they market 75% of the crabs in the states. However, in the early 1900’s Biloxi, MS was actually known as the Seafood Capital of the World due to its rich abundance of oysters and shrimp (but hurricane Camille in ’69 put an end to that). Needless to say, the entire Gulf area is known for its seafood. There’s lobster in Maine, the quahog is the official state shellfish of Rhode Island, and who can argue the abundance of Nemo and friends in Alaska or Hawaii? In any case, the NW has its fair share and all I’ve had since I’ve been here is some canned tuna! So, I need to up my seafood/shellfish/fish intake because not only is it tasty but it’s good for me and it’s plentiful. I read somewhere that (per person) Americans eat (sorry vegetarians) 112 pounds of red meat, 64 pounds of chicken and only 16 pounds of fish each year. I think it’s time to walk away from the cluck and moo (at least for a while).

Rain … today was the first (what I and most people would think of as) typical rainy NW day since I’ve moved here. It was glorious! I slept in – not completely understanding that the green glow and groaning sound I saw/heard when I was awakened at 3:30 am was not some swamp gas or spaceship landing but a nearby generator blowing due to the storm (which, in all honesty, was NOTHING) … but, apparently, this is quasi-common and so for 5 hours we were without power. Lovely. In any case, it allowed me to sleep in (due to no alarm going off) and because of the dark and rain the next door non-rooster (who really is a rooster) wasn’t doodling his morning song and no dogs wanted to go out and brave the raindrops – so, I snuggled in with Gert and enjoyed a cozy morning. I didn’t leave the house until early afternoon but even then there were traces of fog still lifting and in areas over the water by the bluffs it was still blankety-thick. Where I was in the forest it was just a puff here, a puff there … like driving through a bunch of baby Caspers.

In any case, I’m off to let the dogs out one last time for the night. It’s raining again and it sounds wonderfully musical as it plops down on my neighbor’s metal roof. I’ll check to see if I need to rescue any cupcake eating slugs from the garbage can and before snuggling into bed I’ll plan out a seafood dinner for tomorrow and, once again, admire my thin ear lobes. Things are good.

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More Miscellany … Drew, asbestos and the non-rooster

Friday, August 8 10:23 am

It has been less than 9 hours since my last post – but, I guess, I want to give a glimpse of my new island life … to whomever wants it … in more than one posting.

As usual every morning, after letting the dogs out and tending to feeding tasks, I sit down and go through my emails. And, lately, each morning, I have 5-10 separate emails from the island’s version of Craig’s List … Drew’s List. It’s fabulous! And while I have yet to buy or sell something on it – it seems to work remarkably well. The south islanders all know about it and instantly you can sell or get what you want! This morning, had I been in the market for such items, I could have purchased (among other things) a pair of Muscovy ducks, a 2-year-old Jersey cow, a full leather biker outfit or a handmade oriental rug. I have to be honest – Dilly, the cow, was a temptation!

But the list is more than what is for sale – it’s community. There are postings on what is going on around town, what markets are open, who is playing their music where, who needs help, volunteer opportunities, family events, whether the whales are here or not … and it’s EVERY DAY!

Today I’m walking over to WICA – Whidbey Island Center for the Arts – (just down the road from me) and I’m helping with their annual mailing. Help wanted. I’ll go and help out, meet some people and share some time and come back home and continue with what I have to do here. Nice. Nice for me, nice for them.

I now know what markets are open and where the Flower Lady will be, who is playing their cello or drums at what cafes over the weekend and that some gentleman is leading a “Digging for Dinner” how-to clam adventure at a local beach early on Sunday morning.

If I want to participate in yoga at the farm, I can. If I want to learn how to play the didgeridoo (that wind instrument that Indigenous Australians developed) I can do that, too. If I want to help in a local beach clean-up, well, that’s available to do, as well … along with a myriad of other opportunities and events.

Thanks, Drew!


“Ahh, I love the smell of asbestos in the morning!” Well, that’s not how the quote goes, and I know you can’t smell asbestos – but, we’ve got it! Yep … the house in CO had the entry/laundry room ceiling fall in and due to all the rain and frequent hail we’ve got roof damage/rot and well, we’ve got asbestos … and mold … and rotted wood … and a nice insurance claim going on, too. If anyone needs the name for special services or an abatement team or an insurance guy – I’ll be happy to pass my info along! They have been fantastic! And yes, it’ll be pricey, but it is what it is … nothing to do about it now other than FIX it up! And that we shall!


Since my arrival on the island I have a new haunt … and I know my friends will be shocked when they hear this but … Starbucks – MOVE OVER – you’ve been replaced! This place is far better than ANY SB I’ve ever been in … and tastier, too! The place? WiFire Coffee Bar in Freeland, WA … about a 10 minute (or so) drive up the road from home. It’s an awful commute though … to get there I have to drive through the forest and see deer munching on the plants near the roadside or out in the meadows … or I drive through town and have to look at the Passage and the islands beyond and the boats as they sail or go past. It’s dreadful! (Sarcasm here people!) …

Anyway, WiFire is a tiny little cafe, nestled in town and housed in the same building as the telecom company. Inside there are tables and leather chairs, a big screen TV, a gas fireplace and plenty of computer/device-friendly counter space with charging stations galore – and free wifi. The baristas are all sweet and friendly (Hannah and Savannah are my favs) and serve up the menu’s items with flair and a smile … paninis, desserts and drinks are the offerings. (And the frozen blended soy latte with a large dollop of homemade whipped cream is … oh, so good!)

But, it’s not just the fare or the inside ambiance or the niceness of the owner/baristas and the people who frequent the shop – go outside and you are literally in Paradise. At least am in Paradise. Every sense is delighted in this place … there are aromas and fragrances, the breeze is gentle and you can feel it in your hair and on your skin, the air is scented, the water feature and rustling of the gardens add delightful, soothing audio components and then there’s the coffee or treats your mouth is enjoying … Paradise.

There are tables outside by a small waterfall and the patio tables (in sun or shade, high tops or low tables – your choice) are surrounded by gardens. And not just any gardens – gardens fertilized by (apparently) some special concoction … or the gods. I’m not sure which.

There are Stargazer lilies … white ones with blooms the size of salad plates with 8-10 blooms per stalk. Each stalk is a good 6-8 FEET tall and there are 5 (or 6) groupings of them … and in each grouping there must be 30 or more stalks. We are talking 150 or more stalks … we are talking upwards to 1500 blossoms! I can’t tell you how good it smells in this area. I’ve driven by in the evening and know I’m getting close because I can smell the lilies from the road! And aside from smelling so fabulously – the flowers are insanely gorgeous!

But, it’s not just the lilies that are (basically, to die for) … it’s the cantaloupe-sized hydrangeas that cover the VW Beetle-sized bushes (just to give you size comparisons!) … and there are 8 of those bushes. There are perennial grasses, roses, daisies (deer do not like these!), tons of lavender and … I found out yesterday … BLUEBERRIES!

I was talking with the owner telling him how wonderful this place was and he asked if I had eaten the blueberries yet? Well, NO! I didn’t know that there were blueberries! So, on my way out he told me to grab a handful whenever I was around … and so, as I walked back through the garden to my car, I did just that! And nothing is quite as good as a warm blueberry, ripe off the bush, popped into your mouth when you are standing (apparently) in Paradise … or apparently in some little corner of the cafe garden called WiFire.


I’ve been here now for a MONTH! Wow … how time flies when you’re unpacking boxes! My neighbors, on either side, are very nice and friendly. I’ve chatted more with the woman south of me – the one who has all the chickens and ducks – and she is chatty and nice. She told me that they only have females in their brood – because they didn’t want to deal with a rooster. I guess they are too grumpy/bossy and the whole crowing at dawn thing doesn’t necessarily go over well in a neighborhood – even one like ours.

Well, apparently you can have a chicken and not really know it’s a rooster for a while … until it starts its alarm-clock antics at daybreak. I thought maybe they had a “non-rooster” that was just feeling it’s oats and doing what chickens do! I don’t know! I know nothing about chickens – except that if they fly out of their coop they are really hard to corral and get back in – like nailing Jello to a tree! (However, I’m getting better at it as it’s usually Ethel that flies out and I just now talk her back in – usually by telling her Lucy needs her!)

After three weeks of being Cockle-Doodle-Doo’d out of bed each morning at 4:54 (or there abouts) I went a few mornings without my usual wake up call! Horrors! I was worried that the non-rooster had been … EATEN! Because, as is the “country way” … a noisy rooster usually gets a new name which is usually  … “Sunday Dinner”.

But, I talked with my neighbor and the little non-rooster really IS a rooster but he hasn’t been waking up “his girls” lately because they have left the hen house door open. Apparently, if the girls can get out in the morning he doesn’t have to wake them up – but if he is “locked out” he feels a need to tell them to get up and out – hence his doodling days have been squelched. At least during the warmer weather. I have a feeling his days are numbered and well, if I’m invited over for dinner some Sunday – I think I’ll stay home!


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Miscellany … Hydrophobia, Pie and Slugs

Thursday, August 7 … 11:13 pm

Ideally we should all learn something new every day. And it doesn’t matter what we learn … just that we do it. That would be a good thing.

Unfortunately, I learned recently that my soil is hydrophobic. No, it’s not afraid of water~but it hates water. And in hating it, it repels it- COMPLETELY! I’ve never seen soil do this before. It’s crazy and cool and amazing to watch the beading up of the water on the soil’s surface – like that super hydrophobic substance you spray on your shoes to keep them dry! Cool for shoes – but not for soil because this condition really makes it hard for water to reach the roots and it takes the fun out of gardening!

The first round of flowers I planted were, stupidly on my part, a nice buffet for my local Odocoileus virginianus (white-tailed deer). Those flowers never had the chance to be hydro-anything! The second round of flowers I planted (seemingly not so tasty and deer resistant) withered and dried up leaving me with dead poufs and stalks. It would have been great if I had planted a garden of mini tumbleweeds!

It wasn’t until a trip to my local garden center that I was informed of the negative ions of the water repelling the negative ions of the soil (and vice versa) … and I was told to AMEND! So, I took home a cartload of vermicompost (aka: worm castings/doo doo) and poultry fertilizer (aka: chicken shit) and worked it into the silty soil in my flower beds and soaked it with a few thousand gallons of water making what looked more or less like quicksand/wet cement and I then planted round three.  I’m hoping my new plants will survive and that the third time’s a charm … but, we’ll see and I’ll say AMEND to that!


Pie … The Greenbank Farm is a 151 acre parcel of land that sits between the Admiralty Inlet and the Saratoga Passage on Whidbey Island, WA. The area was probably used by Native Americans for a very long time prior to a family purchasing the property in the early 1900’s. The barn, the oldest structure, dates back to 1904. About 15 years ago, after years as the largest loganberry farm in the states and subsequently a winery, the property was purchased by islanders wanting to save its natural beauty. Today there are several art galleries, a wine and cheese shop, a working farm,  a pond and it is a venue for weddings, picnics, dog walking and hiking … and then there is the pie.

Whidbey Pies Cafe is located on the property and when you walk through the door to the cafe, you seemingly walk back in time – pretty much to any grandma’s country kitchen … (think Aunt Bee) circa 1950. It smells of coffee and roast turkey and sugar-sprinkled pie crust and the checkered curtains complete the picture and it is charming and just so darn cute (and it smells great, too)!

Before getting my pie I walked the hay meadow … a trail, of sorts, that winds up and down and around a hill overlooking the farm/area, forests and water. At the top I sat on a bench and was just awe-struck by the beauty everywhere around me. And the very best part is that I LIVE HERE! I am just so thrilled that I am here! It is just so gorgeous!

I sat there, atop that hill, looking at the waters off over my right shoulder with the mountains and forests of the Olympic peninsula beyond to the West. In front of me and to my left was the passage that flows past my home – beyond the sparking water was the mainland. I just soaked up the serenity of it all and sat there for the longest time watching the butterflies flit through the field and the white sails of sailboats out on the passage … until my thoughts turned to PIE.

Everyone (pretty much everyone) has told me I had to try the pie – so, I walked back down to the cafe and got a piece to go (in keeping with the history of the farm, I got loganberry – a hybrid of a blackberry and a red raspberry).

Well, it wasn’t until tonight that I actually ate that piece of pie. And I don’t know if it was better because it was midnight or just because it was from that cafe – but it was a mighty tasty piece of pie. I think I’ll try the huckleberry (similar to a blueberry) next time … or maybe the peach or blueberry or apple …


Slugfest … Since moving here I have come to realize I love snails! Not to EAT (not escargot) … but, specifically, slugs! And, I’m sure, you’re thinking that I’ve lost it if I find watching a snail entertaining – but they are cooler and move much faster than you’d think!

My back deck is home to many of these creatures (shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusks) which come out after dark and frequent my back door area – clinging, like wall-art, to my siding and sliding door. And I find them … well, cute … in a soft, slimy sort of way!

I’ve named the biggest one Seymour – he is about 7 inches long – brownish/tan with spots and when he is tooling around in his slug-way his little eyeball antennae are out waving around. I don’t know, but I get a kick out of him! Every night that he is out I sing to him – in my best “Audrey” voice – “Suddenly Seymour” (the song from Little Shop of Horrors). I don’t know if he likes it – but the dogs sure do and show their appreciation with a whole lot of body/tail wagging!

And, what did I learn today? I learned, while singing to Seymour (and the dogs), that if my neighbors hear me – belting out a song, off-key and to a slug – I don’t care. And, I think that’s a pretty good thing.

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Welcome Home …

Tuesday, July 22nd 5:36 pm

Today I received a formal welcome to the island. I’ve been welcomed wherever I’ve gone in the last two weeks by the very friendly people who live here but today was different. I felt oddly like Dorothy when the mayor of Munchkin City (in the County of the Land of Oz – aka: Munchkinland) gives her the key to the city. However, in that nano-second flash of connectivity between the movie and reality,  something made me wonder … and it got me thinking so that when I arrived home I had to do a bit of research. Though I always presumed she got one – I didn’t remember Dorothy actually receiving a key to the city!

And well, she didn’t! What she got was a nice song and welcome from ballerinas, a giant lollipop from some tough guys, a promise for a bust in the Hall of Fame and though pretty, red, and sparkly – (silver in the book by Lyman Frank Baum) – a used pair of shoes off of some dead chick.

What I got today was nearly as good. And while I didn’t have to drop a house on some witch, I didn’t get a key to the city or have ballerinas or tough guys serenade me nor was I promised a place for a statue or given (darn it anyway) sparkly shoes or slippers … but I did get a grand welcome. Complete with a bow! (Not a gift wrapping bow – but a bend at the waist, holding my hand, bow – like one does for royalty)!

I was treated to lunch today (by two wonderful new friends) at the Prima Bistro – a lovely little cafe with an outdoor patio above the Star Store (cute in its own right) in “downtown” Langley. I sat overlooking the passage and even though it was gray and we couldn’t see the mountains in the distance – the water was so blue and so flat and it was just so gorgeous and the view overlooked the water, the islands and the mainland in the distance. NICE!

I truly feel, on a daily basis, that I have been dropped down in the Land of Oz! This is nothing like Illinois. And we aren’t in Kansas anymore, either.

Anyway – after gobbling up my (enough for 2 people half portion) delectable shrimp Caesar salad (with enough anchovies on it to make me think cats might follow me home) I decided to wander. And so I did.

I picked up some fried chicken for dinner later (at the Star Store deli) – I’ve had the chicken twice and not a day goes by, since first having it, that I haven’t thought about it! It is SO good. Colonel Who? And then I just wandered. I went in to the Chocolate Flower Farm shop that is the cutest place on earth and smells totally of chocolate – soaps, lotions, candles, edibles, plants! It’s lovely – as is Marie, the owner.  I didn’t see her but bumped into her later on my way out of the post office.

And that’s where I bumped into Mark, as well, the local Chamber of Commerce guy who gave me information earlier.  I wandered into a few shops … got an iced coffee at the South Whidbey Commons bookstore/coffee shop that supports locals needing a new skill.  I stopped at the Pilates studio (since I don’t bend, I thought it might be a good idea to get started with a class) … met the vet tech at the new vet’s office and got some names of pet sitters … and stopped in at the darling library to linger in the kids’ section for a bit and marvel in the remarkable space they have.

It was when I was walking up the street from the library taking in THAT VIEW (as the entire town has a water view) that I noticed a man across the street waving in my direction. I thought for sure he was waving to someone behind me because I don’t know any men in this town.

And that is when the welcoming began.

He called out to me – “You have a wonderful smile.” (And no this wasn’t one of those crazy people who stand on a street corner. At least, I don’t think he was one of those crazy people who stand on a street corner!) And then I felt like an idiot for walking down the street like, apparently, a smiling, drooling idiot or the Cheshire Cat! But, we got to chatting and I said I had just moved from Chicago and I guess that’s why I was smiling because I’m just so glad to be here. It was then that he took my hand and bowed, with a grand sweeping gesture, and stood back upright and simply said, “Welcome to Langley. Welcome Home!”

He made my day. And that was so much better than getting any key … to Munchkin City or anywhere else!

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Home … as an Island Girl

Tuesday, July 8th … 5:29 pm

And, she’s home. Me, that is …

My traveling companions and I landed on the island and set foot in the new abode on the 3rd … and, having done this sight-unseen buying house thing now for a second time, I think I’m excelling at it! The house is GOOD.

Lots of to-dos and my unpacking/project list is a bit daunting … but I’ll get to it and it’ll all get done to my liking, probably sooner than later – knowing me! So, I will be up for visitors soon – and the welcome mat will be out shortly!

In the meantime, I’m reveling in my surroundings and getting used to being an Island Girl.

Whidbey Island … some 55 miles long, north-south, lies 30 miles northwest of Seattle in the Puget Sound. The beautiful waters of the Saratoga Passage are a mere 2 homes away from me … what views! What solace! Whidbey is the largest island in WA (it ranks 4th largest in the contiguous U.S.) and home to roughly 60,000 people – most of them in the northern half.

The northern part of the island houses the naval air station and the southern end (where I am) houses artists, authors, agriculture businesses and entrepreneurs. In the middle is the area where Penn Cove mussels abound; so, if you like them – this is the place to be! I am in my element! Vibrant people, farm-to-table markets and critters abound!

I sat on my deck this morning under brilliant blue skies and sunshine, marveling in the absolute QUIET of the area … I could hear the bees and bugs humming as they flew by me, the leaves swish-rustling in the cool breeze and a few dogs barking in the distance. And that was IT. No airplanes, no fire sirens, no traffic.


My nightly wanderings have been nothing short of dreamlike as I walk down the lane and take in the breathtaking views of the mountains and water and boats sailing past from my cliff top path. And, every night I’ve been accompanied by an inquisitive cat or deer!

On the 4th we saw 4 eagles flying overhead … this truly is a wonderful place!

I knew I was looking for something and I’ve finally found it!

Yay … the Island Girl has arrived and the lobster is HOME!





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Leg 2: Poop happens …

June 29, 9:47 am

I could grab your attention by starting out with something like … sh*t happens. Cuz it does but dog poop (which has been stepped in and rolled in) in a car is not a good thing. But, I’ll get to that later!

We have arrived in Denver!!!!!

The entourage of freaked out animals and myself left our cute (very pet friendly) Cozy Inn east of Des Moines mid morning. We got a much later start due to trying to get 3 dogs fed and walked and into the car and the car packed and something for breakfast (for me) all without losing a dog or my mind. Mobes was pretty out of sorts and panicked.

And all I wanted was a Starbucks. No such luck.

We rounded up the wagons and headed westward again under gray skies and a brisk headwind. I knew it was going to be a blustery go of it down the highway but at least it wasn’t hot and muggy with a blaring sun (that would come later).

For some reason (my guess is fatigue or anticipation – or both) Iowa seemed interminable. We were 90 miles east of DM for what seemed HOURS. I felt for sure we had somehow driven onto a very large “moving sidewalk” and were staying in the same place! But DM finally came and went as did the rest of Iowa – eventually … but, at least, it was a cool drive and the low, blue-gray clouds made the contrast between the greens of the fields that much more noticeable. Nothing wrong with having a pretty Iowa farmland scape as scenery for mile after (even interminable) mile.

As we headed on the farms dotted the wide open spaces on either side of the highway and we could see far and wide – farms and trees clustered together, dotting the hills and valleys. And it was SO green! The sun would peek out from time to time and shine down upon an area, like its own private spotlight for the moment,  and the area highlighted seemed to sparkle and changed from emerald to lime green when the sun kissed it. It really was a pretty drive accentuated by the sweet meadow grasses that perfumed the air. Luckily for us we were able to appreciate them with the windows down and the winds in our hair/fur. It was luscious. It also made me miss Tim … he would have known if it was Timothy or alfalfa or clover we were sucking in through our nostrils.

Around mile marker 80 to 70 and then again another 20 or so miles westward were wind farms. We passed one of the blades being transported and it was huge! The ten miles of  windmills were beautiful to drive along … dotted along the hills and highway were 100 or more gigantic, gleaming white tri-bladed sentinels standing guard over all that was earth and air. They made the semis driving eastward look like small toys in comparison to their hugeness.

Towards Council Bluffs the topography changed, again, and instead of rolling hills the area was more like an array of terraces – all covered with green … crops or meadow, but it looked like some advanced terracing carvings of ancient gardens or gods. It was quite pretty.

And then we crossed over into Nebraska. I am not a fan. Never have been. I know people who have lived in Omaha and I have one question for them … WHY? It is just so awful. The whole I-80 corridor still, after all these treks across America that I’ve taken over the years, has yet to present to me some redeeming factor! The landscape flattened out and, except for a brief showing of some sand hills further west, it is flat and old and everything looked beat up and tired. Gone were the tidy, pretty little farm houses … old ranches and industrial steel farm buildings and sand pits and cattle replaced them. Accompanied by really horrible, eye-stinging, breath-holding cattle smell.

There were a few times when I did my best impression of Shelly Winter’s Poseidon Adventure breath-holding feat … but she was much better than I was … and I’d have to come up for air and I’d still get a lung-full of cattle stench. (Try as you might,  a few areas are too lengthy in distance to safely hold one’s breath while driving a vehicle! It was then that I tried breathing through my mouth – but then I tasted the cattle smell!) Bad!

Iowa’s cow smell was of a few cows munching happily on grasses in lush fields. Nebraska’s cow smell is of vast cattle feed lots and mud and manure and urine and ammonia. And there were plenty of them. I kept thinking the dogs were having gas problems (caused by the cheeseburgers and ice cream cones I’d been feeding them) but nope – it was the great outdoors smelling so wonderfully! Ew! I drove a little faster through those areas!

At one point the smell was so bad … and then I realized it was coming from INSIDE the car. I will save you the (gross) details but poop in a car with a little dog rolling in it is not for the faint of heart. Luckily it was just the dog and her bed that were (to put it nicely) soiled – so, the bed got cleaned off (I brought LOTS of paper towels) and with the extra jug of water I doused the bed and the dog until I felt all (including me) were decently clean (for the time being). Thank god for plastic bags and paper towels.

On our way, once again, after a major slathering of Purell, I was still wondering WHY anyone would live in NE. And I might have just found it … the sky was the absolute perfect Crayola crayon sky blue color. White puffy, find-the hidden-animal-shaped clouds in beautiful sky blue skies. Not hard to take, at all, since there was little else to look at because, by that time, the sun was out and it was HOT and everything had that glaring, bleached-out whiteness to it that comes with sun intensity. I needed better sunglasses!

The Platte River oxbows its way through the area along I-80 so there are a lot of trees (mostly old cottonwoods) on either side of the highway which limits one’s views of what lies behind them. It would make for an interesting view from a helicopter but the drive feels very closed in and the view is of road-side shrubbery, grasses, trees and a glimpse of the brown river from time to time. It’s just not fabulous mile after mile after mile. NE also seemed interminable. And having done this drive 20 some times … we can safely say NE is not my favorite state. I could easily do without ever having to drive it again. Even though it does have the first Pony Express Station in it (Goethenburg) … which is pretty cool and a Starbucks in North Platte. I only had to wait 8 hours for my morning coffee!

And then down the road the sand hills made a brief, pretty appearance and it was about then that I realized I had zipped past my last town/last food place/last motel and was headed for the great expanse and desolation of NE Colorado. Meaning, I had passed Ogallala and was committed to finishing up the drive, whether I really wanted to or not. It wouldn’t have been so bad but, I was tired and it would be another 4 hours of two-way traffic, darkness, construction and animal pit stops for walks and chicken tenders (the dogs weren’t eating their food, so I had to improvise!) before our arrival.

However, I did get to see another beautiful sunset and omg … STARS!!! (And not as in STARbucks but real, actual stars!) It has been a LONG time since I’ve seen stars (pretty much non-existent in Chicago’s lit-up orange glowing sky) … the CO night sky was amazing!

I could have done without the last 2 hours but we arrived around midnight … 787 miles of driving in one day (1084 total); 15 hours of driving for the day and not a bit of help from the four-legged passengers! But Gert kept me company as my co-pilot and that was helpful and we are HERE. I have yet to see my mountains – but that will come this afternoon. In the meantime, we are all just lying low and relaxing. The dogs are taking a late morning nap and I think I’ll join them!

Stay tuned for more as we start on the next leg of our Island Bound adventure in a few days!




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And we’re off …

June 27th, 11:57 pm

The moving van came yesterday – the day that I, for so long, never thought would come and all of a sudden the van was outside my door, loaded and at the end of the day full … and my house – empty. It looked so big – my tiny little 1261 square footer!

Today I signed off on the house here … it is no longer mine. And the paperwork for the other is in transit.

As are we!

Our first leg … getting TO the highway was 27 miles which took us a whopping 90 minutes in horrid Friday afternoon, get-out-of-Dodge traffic … except I don’t know where everyone was going because as soon as we hit I-80 we were fine.

Fine is relative, though, because if one is talking about going the speed limit, we were fine. If one is referring to finding a radio station that was pleasurable to listen to – at best, and tolerable – at worst,  well, we were not fine!

Somewhere around mile marker 20, somewhere between the ultra green Land of Oz-esque glittering corn fields of Dixon, IL and the IL border Cyndi Lauper’s brother was (apparently) the DJ or the guy had a major crush on her because he played non-stop every CL song ever recorded … hit or not! I found myself wanting to wear a vest and perm my hair as I sang along and belted out, in agreement, that girls do just wanna have fun!

When I crossed the mighty Mississippi I also crossed some apparent, invisible time dimension, as well. Nothing but the 70’s music to be had … except for one odd station that I picked up that was reminiscent of Lawrence Welk but with a polka twist thing going on! In any case – I was left thinking that Iowa needs to come into this century with their music selections!

As we headed westward, without a/c (it’s a 19 year old car – I’m not going to push my luck) the breezes flew through and buffeted the car cooling down the dogs who were half-baked from the 90 minutes of  88 degree, 56% humidity, blaring sun in stop and go traffic. Mobes and Dori were on the dog beds in the back … Gertie, my co-pilot, was next to me in the passenger seat. The dogs, asleep as they were, missed the best part of the trip so far … the beautiful rolling hills and farmlands of mid-Iowa.

Somewhere around mile marker 265 in Iowa (after we passed some very much over-its-banks river) the scenery was similar to what I’d already passed but the topography changed – where once there was long “as far as the eye could see” vistas of farms and acre upon acre of fields … the hills replaced the flat lands and the patchwork of fields were woven together like a rumpled bed quilt of greens and browns. The hills hid the farmhouses and as we gobbled up the miles, one or another, big farmhouse would surprise me hidden in a glen here or a valley there – so, perfectly perfect and farmy and picturesque in their pure simplicity and beauty.

There is something innately comforting about farmhouses. Perhaps its their presence … one of strength or duty or family. I don’t know – but I know I like them.

I also like the smell of cows. Somehow traveling along the highway with the summer air coming through the open windows and the smell of cows, takes me back to my childhood (must have  been all those road trips) and it’s exhilarating and comforting all at once.

I lost track of the miles as we zipped along … the heat of the day giving way to the cooler temps of evening. The humidity was so high you could see it in the air – a sort of foggy gauziness that shrouded the trees in a gray veil of mystery and mist. I can’t remember the last time I watched a sunset and this one did not disappoint … all watercolory in its pinks and blazing oranges. It was lovely and the dogs missed it – still asleep – as that fireball slipped from view. It was 9:00 on the dot when the sun actually set and still light out for a while longer as we continued driving westward.

I wanted to continue on – wanted to watch the twilight (my favorite time of day) creep in in its lavender beauty … but fatigue overtook me and my senses acquiesced to the idea of stopping for the night.

And so we are here … an hour or so east of Des Moines and I’m ready for bed. As for the dogs? They’re still sleeping!

And, as Scarlet said, “Tomorrow is another day.” and come 9am I’ll be saying, once again, … and we’re off! Stay with us as we journey across America!

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Put a Fork in Me … I’m DONE!

June 24, 2014 11:57 pm

The title of this post pretty much says it all …


Two words (well, actually, three words if you break apart the apostrophe) that tell nothing (really) … and encompass everything.

I’m done with WHAT?

I’m done with the low-flying planes that incessantly fly overhead all day/all night long to and from the airport that is a measly six miles away. They say good-night to me as I lay in bed and weave their constant hum into my dreams and wake me well before I want to be awakened. I’m done with rearranging my crystal so the stemware doesn’t clink together when the big planes fly a certain pattern. I’m done with them.

I’m done with the Midwest’s oppressive heat/brutal winters/torrential downpours/frigid temps/heavy shoveling/sultry humidity/muggy-sticky-I-need-another-shower summer days/and short seasons (except winter). I’m done with them, as well.

I’m done with the traffic … the horrendous traffic that is made even more awful and intolerable by the Midwest heat/brutal winters/torrential downpours/frigid temps/sultry humidity/and muggy-sticky-I-need-another-shower summer days … as well as by the awful drivers who are: un-licensed, too old, too slow, too unknowing, too something. I’m done. Thank God, I’m done!

I’m done with the complacency … the attitude by too many that good enough is A-Okay, top-notch, and well, good enough. I find it abjectly pathetic that “the bar” is set so low. I’m done with trying to understand.

I’m done with listening to the crime statistics which state a bad weekend is 48 (known) shootings in the city, a typical one is 22, and a good one is under 8. I’m done with hearing about children being shot at as they walk to/from school. I’m done with hearing about the random shootings that kill innocents. I’m done. Disgusted at why people treat each other as they do … and done with wondering why it’s so prevalent here.

I’m done with hearing about the politicians who are caught with their hands in someone else’s pocket. And they aren’t reaching for a mint, either. The standing joke is that IL politicians serve two terms … one in office, one in prison. And those that are convicted end up in CO facilities. So much for IL taxes at work. I’m done with trying not to be shocked by what seems to be shrugged off as “normal”. I’m done with it.

I’m done with the mentality of a small town that requires a parking sticker to park on your street. A small town that requires you to cut down a tree then fines you for cutting down said tree. A small town that charges you to move OUT of your own home. I’m done with the small town that taxes its home owners 3x what I was taxed in another state for 1/3 of the house I used to have. I’m done with trying to figure this place out!

I’m done with trying to talk to people at the grocery store … the same ones I have seen – on a consistent basis over the past two years – who look at me like I’ve got 3 eyeballs and antennae sprouting from my head every time I try to engage them in conversation. It’s called friendly chit-chat people! I’m not an alien! I’m done.

I’m done with so much else, as well … but I’m done bitching about it. I’m just done.

And, more importantly than all that … I’m done with my packing. We are at T-minus 2 days and counting for the moving van! I will leave this all behind me and go West, just as Horace Greeley said, and move into my new island home and feed my soul and nurture my spirit and breathe the air and savor the silence and joyfully welcome each fabulous day and savor the beauty of the area around me. The adventure begins in 2 days …

And in the meantime … stick a fork in me … I’m DONE!

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Death, Taxes and Stuff …

January 20th … 12:34 pm

The lobster has been pinching me lately … ever so gently, until this morning, when I got pinched – BIG TIME!

So, here I am – my loyal (few) followers … sharing with you the musings of my rambling mind on this snowy and cold day in Chicago.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about death. Not MINE … and that seems to be my problem. I don’t think about my own demise – but I should! Lately, I’ve been trying to urge my parents to pack up, purge, lighten up and move to something that is more suitable for their needs (which makes a whole helluva lot of sense at their age). I keep saying it would be nice for them to enjoy a new place while they can – before something happens (illness, accident, worse). I look around their home and there is STUFF everywhere. They are not hoarders by any means … the house is tidy, comfortable and well-appointed but it holds a lifetime of gathering. A book here, a trinket there, and well, after 85 years these things add up. And I think – what am I going to do with all THAT STUFF? (And even more so – what am I going to do with all that stuff while dealing with an emergent situation?!)

I am moving. I am hoping to be out of here and up enjoying the whales’ songs by August. My self-imposed time frame; it’ll give me enough time to (leisurely) pack up and get my ducks (or in this case whales) in a row. I’m moving for a variety of reasons but one of them is because of the taxes here. I don’t understand why anyone willingly lives in this town – the taxes are so offensively high and out of control! But, no matter where I go there will be at least some taxing – I know that. (And for that matter, no matter where I go there will be death – I know that, too.) Because, as Uncle Ben (Benjamin Franklin is my uncle for those of you unaware) stated, “The only things certain in life are death and taxes.”

So, while I can’t argue with that, I can add to that … that there is also – STUFF! The only things certain in life are death, taxes and stuff . (And well, there’s also change. But that’s for another posting!)

I look at my parents’ home and cringe at all their stuff. And slowly, over these past few weeks (as I’ve been putting away my holiday decorations) I’ve had a mini-revelation as I’ve been looking at my own things … that I, too, have way too much stuff. Let’s just say it kind of dawned on me when I was packing away my 19th bin of Christmas decorations!

Doctor heal thyself!

So, with the idea of lightening my load (cuz hauling all this stuff 2000 miles is going to be brutal) and the burden I would put onto my children’s shoulders if that proverbial bus were to come around the corner and run me over … I am getting rid of my STUFF. I am purging, giving away, and selling what I can/don’t need and am not emotionally tied to.

This past weekend I started going through bins of old linens and mementos and clothing.

Will I ever fit into that beautiful, wool, sized 7 dirndl skirt again? No – (not at least without liposuction and/or amputation)! But someone else will and they will love it. It is gone.

Do I really need to save my 4th grade report card? I passed; I went on to 5th grade. I think we all know that. It has been recycled.

Do I really need the cards and letters that my friends and loved ones have sent/given me along this life’s journey? YES INDEED! Some things you just have to keep … cuz those things are songs from the heart – not STUFF.

In any case … I’m feeling like a very confident psychic … because I see a large offering being taken to Goodwill, a profitable garage sale this spring, and far less stuff in my home for me (or my kids) to contend with. Now that I’m getting a handle on the stuff … let’s see what I can do about death and taxes.


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Sumtumn …

Monday, August 19th 11:23 pm

Greetings from the wayward Lobster!

Summer arrived in Chicago this morning. Finally.

Unlike last year when summer seemed to arrive just after Valentine’s Day … this season’s long-awaited arrival, oddly enough, coincided with the first day of school for many children in the area. Mom Nature waited until the third week of August to bestow pool-worthy temperatures upon us – just in time for the kids to be seated at desks instead of splashing around in cool waters like so many fishing line bobbers. What an odd “summer” we’ve had. I think Mom Nature has a bit of a cruel side to her.

Our summer, as for many, has been cool, wet and oddly absent. I’ve had my window air conditioning units running three times in the last 3 months. VERY odd for here. But, mind you – I’m not complaining. Well, okay, I am complaining but half-heartedly.

I’ve missed those warm summery mornings when the air is moist and the scent of warm earth makes me feel like I’m living inside a terrarium … all earthy and wormy. I’ve missed those warm nights – heavy with breezes and the songs of crickets. I’ve missed the sunshine – so white-hot you didn’t really want to go out into it – at least not for very long – but you still would. The bugs only chirp when it’s hot. It’s been oddly silent (except for those damn tree frogs!).

But yet – I’ve enjoyed the coolness. I’ve enjoyed not being a slobber puss of sweat. I’ve enjoyed sleeping under my marshmallow soft comforter in the middle of the summer. I’ve enjoyed not needing 3 showers a day or feeling like I needed to jump back in once I was dried off. I’ve enjoyed not weighing my options between wearing shorts and showing off my cellulite-laden thighs or wearing capris and risking collapsing from heat stroke. I’ve enjoyed not having heat rash!

This is the first summer I can remember where I wore pants, capris and long-sleeved tees – on a regular basis. One where, more than once or twice, I wore a jacket – during the day. As the seasons change I will not have to reintroduce my feet to socks – for all summer long they have been well accustomed to their warmth and coziness.

Yes, to put it mildly – it’s been an odd summer.

And today, with the sun on my face and the yummy earthy smell and the cicadas singing long and loud, I felt like it finally arrived. This week and next are to be in the 80’s with maybe a thunderstorm (or two)! Hello Summer – where have you been?

All of a sudden I want to lie in a hammock and read my favorite summer books from my childhood. I want to make fresh-squeezed lemonade – so tart my face will hurt. I want to go to the beach and walk in warm sand. I want to find a caterpillar and let it tickle my finger with its little suction cup feet.

However, as much as I have looked forward to this season – it is to be short-lived – as  I feel Mom Nature may have a few surprises up her sleeve.

Today, just when I was reveling in the niceness of a beautiful summer morning, I happened upon the first hint of autumn at my feet – a scattering of baby acorns across my driveway.

So, I’m adding a new season to this year … even if it’s for a few short weeks. Sumtumn. And it started today.


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Finding my way back …

Today – June 2nd, 2013 10:43 pm 

Tonight as I was eating (my second helping of) coffee ice cream I had an “AHA” moment. One of those brain flashes when instantly things are clear and realization hits you subtly … like a wrecking ball.

And the realization wasn’t that I’m lactose intolerant (as I am) and that I really shouldn’t be eating ice cream (let alone a second cup of it) … but that I’ve been kind of absent from my life. And not from other people (at least I don’t think) … but from myself.

I feel as if I’ve been gone. Out to lunch. Away. On holiday (without the holiday). Too busy with life to actually participate in it; too busy doing to actually enjoy what I did. That shouldn’t make any sense, but it does.

I’m busy. I’m ALWAYS busy. But what do I do? Oh, I can list the things that I do and have done in this past year of Chicago-newness … but that’s not what I mean. Those things are chores. Lists upon lists of to-do items. House projects and work projects and animals to care for and things to fix and do and file and whatnot. But what have I done for me?

Tonight I was, once again, looking for my passport. It’s here somewhere but it is hiding on me. I put it “somewhere safe” and now can’t find it since the move. I imagine I’ll find it someday … maybe. But in my search of it tonight I found something else … ME.

I think I’ve been gone for a long time. I think Tim’s passing (almost 7 years now) was much harder on me than I thought. Than anyone thought. Not exactly a downward spiral – but more like a boomerang effect. I got shot off sideways into space and I am on the rebound journey … coming closer to my starting point.

I was going through the twelve built-in drawers that are behind my office desk … some which have not been opened since I closed them nearly a year ago after filling them with “my stuff”. Tonight it was like unearthing treasures from a pirate chest (sans the gold coins – darn it, anyway).

So, THIS is where my colored pencils are! My stickers and confetti. My stationery and goofy magazine clippings. I opened a drawer of craft goods and crayons and card stock. I came upon stampers and ink pads and a box of my secret treasures … little things that used to be on my desk – way back when. What happened to the girl who used to use these things? Where did she go?

Those many years ago when my world turned upside down and inside out all those “things” were pushed aside and left behind and forgotten. I was too busy breathing … working … running a business … surviving. And as the years continued on all the busyness of the days and weeks and months piled up and all those fun and frivolous things (that were ME) were forsaken for the reality of what was imminent … important … necessary … dire … solely upon my shoulders to do. Who had time to send someone a funny magazine article? Who had time to draw? Who had time to paint or write or read?

I looked around my office tonight and then down in my “library” of a living room … I am surrounded by books I have never read. I’ve had every intention of doing so … curling up on the chaise, pug-dog at my feet, snuggled in on a cold, snowy evening. Except those cold, snowy evenings instead found me doing laundry or shampooing carpets or painting woodwork or catching up on the day’s business needs. The most reading I did was of my mail. The most writing I did (other than my blog for a bit) was while paying my bills. The only painting I’ve done has been of walls and trim.

I have missed me. I need to get back to who I was. I miss writing – a LOT – not only my blog entries but letters. I email so much and I love my correspondences but I miss pen and ink. I miss the feel of the smooth paper beneath my hand. I miss watching the mystery unfold from my pen of what is inside my head become what is on paper. I miss the art and flow of cursive writing.

I miss doing crafts. And as silly as it sounds,  I miss glue sticks!

So, instead of turning on my laptop tonight after my ironing is done and the dryer sounds its final beep and the hum of the dishwasher is quieted … I’m going to write a letter. And then I’m going to grab a book and climb into bed and enjoy reading it. And tomorrow I’m going to open my craft file (yes, I have a craft file) and pick one to do next weekend. And I’ll do it – even though the laundry and dishes and yard might need tending. I’ll forsake them – not myself.

It’s been too long since I was around and here … in the moment. Finding time for me. I’m finally finding my way back. I’m close. I’ll let you know when I’m home.

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A (Very) Solid Foundation …

Today … Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:27 pm (to be precise)

We’ve all been there. Well, perhaps not the men who might be reading this. And for all you guys I will say this now with fair warning. Men – go read the sports page. Abandon all hope of understanding this as you will not “get” this entry. It will not hit home. You buy your under things in packages of 5 and they always FIT! There will be not the slightest resonance. You might get a little laugh … but I guarantee you that most woman will be chortling and snorting and nodding their heads while reading this. Guys you have it easy.

Women … we’ve all been there. At some defining moment in our pre-pubescent lives it happens.  Whether the desire is spawned from some doll we own or some National Geographic photo we lay eyes on, we realize we want THEM.

THEM … as in … BOOBS!

And we don’t want just ordinary lady-boobs … we want BARBIE-boobs! Symmetrical (none of this A on one side, B on the other), perky (aka: no sagging), perfect melon-mounds (aka: no sagging and nothing under a D cup) of what we equate with  Womanhood.

Oh, to again be so young and so naïve.

And along with the boobs … we need bras to put them into. Foundations. Under garments. Lace and all things pretty at best … functional at the least.

Today I went “foundation” shopping. It’s been a while as I have somewhat foregone the conventional undergarments of most females for a camisole or sports bra at best. I have problems with nylon, spandex and anything latexy … so, unless I want hives, an incredibly itchy rash or look like I’m doing the Watusi as I stroll down the street I wear camis. And though comfy … they are not exactly supportive and let’s just say the girls aren’t where they used to be.

At this time in my life I envy my friends who are somewhere between an AA and a B. No folding of boobage needed for you ladies! No rolling them up to fit your cup. No tucking them into your waistband. A friend of mine recently had a mastectomy … she is recovering nicely though one side of her is a perky C boob of some fresh-faced 17-year-old and the other boob is a 44 … LONG.

I know … it’s sad. But true. I’m moving into the long category myself. And if you’re not there yet … I guarantee you, you will be at some time.

So, there I was in the dressing room armed with an arsenal of lace and underwire … trying to find something that would “lift and separate” and not cause me angst or cost me an arm and a leg. Fast chance on either. (When I finally checked out the cashier asked me if it was still raining? I told her I had no clue. I’d been in the dressing room so long it could be TOMORROW for all I knew!)

Before finding … (sound the music) THE ONE … I tried on 20 (count ’em … twenty) bras before I came upon the one that didn’t have (too much) back fat or side-boob fat overage flowing from under/over or around the cups or band areas. Sadly, while trying on most of them I kept thinking I looked like a container of biscuit dough that was oozing out inappropriately. NOT a good sight.

I USED TO BE CUTE! I used to be perky! Damn gravity! Damn pregnancies!

So, after being successful and finding ONE bra that actually was okay enough to take home. I thought I’d continue the day’s torture and proceed to Part II of the foundation quest. I decided I should get some sort of undergarment that would smooth out all the bulges that have accumulated on this body over the winter. I am going to a wedding next week and I want to look like the Michelin tire man as little as possible. However, I’ve waited a bit too long for that to be even remotely possible. My only recourse was to purchase one of those full-body rubber girdle torture devices … (aka: Spanx-like apparel). So, off to the fitting room I went again … armed and dangerous … with enough spandex to clad a large group of scuba divers.

I chose a black one-piece spandex slip with rubberized hem (so apparently it could adhere to my tree trunk-like legs where it ended so as to keep it from springing up and wrapping itself around my neck). Anyway … I chose black because I figured it would look more slimming. As in an Orca whale looks slimmer than a Gray whale. But, honestly, nothing says gross-me-out faster than a nude colored foundation on a ghastly white haven’t-seen-the-sun-in-6-months body.

Ok, so I took the article into the dressing room and got it off the hanger. So far, so good. I didn’t take into account that spandex tensile strength is comparable to that of iron beams used in high-rise towers or in the making of aircraft carriers. This was quite the solid foundation! I managed to get one forearm into it and lower it over my head and over one shoulder when I realized … I was STUCK. It was like trying to force a dolphin-sized skin over a large whale. This was NOT working … however, I was getting quite the workout trying to remove myself from the slip.

I tried again … and before I even got it over my arm I lost my grip and it snapped out of my hands smacking me in the face and nearly plucking my eye out! Nothing like going to the wedding with a black eye (or missing eye) from a dressing room spandex-accident!

So, I tried again … determined to put this thing on me … going at it from a different angle. I thought if I just kind of dove into it, arms overhead it would just slip (hence the term for slips) over my body – somehow sucking in every little jiggle as it quasi-floated over me in a nice full-body spandex hug.

I realized 17 seconds into this attempt that I’d be lucky to get out of the dressing room alive … or clothed … or without needing a defibrillator. In my writhing I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I was actually red-faced! This really was not good for my blood-pressure.

And then … again … I was STUCK.

And stuck good. I was imagining myself stuck there until the store closed … locked in the Penneys store – stuck in the ladies’ dressing room with this contraption on me, cutting off my circulation – overnight or at least until someone came to clean out the rooms.  I was wondering if I’d be able to get this thing back over my head without actually dislocating my shoulders … or at least one of them … when I turned into the Grinch and found the strength of 10 Grinches … plus two! With a few more groans and tugs and a strong yank I extricated myself from the wet-suit material and thought, “Who does this?”

Well, perhaps Beyoncé  because she’s got the moves to get into and out of such a garment … or someone who weighs 96 pounds who doesn’t really need one in the first place. As for me, I’ve use but no talent or patience to get into one of these all-in-one-suck-up garments. So, if you are trying to find me next week at the wedding … look for the lumpy one. I’m sure it’ll be me.

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Finding comfort …

Today … April 7, 2013 11:48 pm

There is something oddly comforting about sitting in a laundromat waiting for your clothes to dry. Yesterday I found myself sitting in such a place waiting for my faux feather bed to tumble its way out of the commercial-sized dryer … and as I sat there, flipping through my magazine, I realized I was perfectly and absolutely content.

Perhaps it was the familiar sounds … children giggling, moms chatting, the machines humming away. Or maybe it’s just that I love the smell of fresh laundry or fabric softener. Whatever – I found it sweetly soothing and in it I found comfort.

Today I emptied twenty bags of mulch onto my garden beds. I need another ten to finish the job but the garden is looking happier. I planted pansies. I raked the yard. I cleaned the flower beds. I painted a plant stand. And though weary with fatigue … I found comfort in doing it all.

This past week/end I was up in WA … as in Seattle and surrounding areas. It was fabulous to spend time with Ted. What can I say? I like my kids! And while out there, more than once, I found myself surrounded by water as we crisscrossed our way across the Puget Sound and various channels of the NW waters. And in that, too, I found comfort. And it wasn’t just because we saw two whale spouts … I have thought, for a long time, that I must be part mermaid. I am a water baby. And though I’ve spent my entire life away from water (it’s not like Illinois or Colorado are exactly coastal) it’s water I crave. Along with trees and mountains. Not such a tall order … if one is in Washington.

In any case, I was on my search (again) for that elusive Utopia. That place I know is out there – somewhere – just waiting for me to find it. That place where mountains and trees and water blend together. Where orchards and wineries and farmers markets and u-pick berry farms are ever-present.  Where people are friendly and intelligent, where flowers and vegetation grow with wild abandon, where energy is high. Where there are hills and rain and wildlife and four seasons (but with mild winters). Where my soul feels like it’s home.

I find it funny that I’ve come full circle in my thoughts … that life has led me back to where I started. It also possibly reinforces that I’m a slow learner … but I find it comforting that I know what I want (it has just taken me a while to realize I knew what I wanted a long time ago). The NW has been on my radar for 35 years.

Five some years ago when my thoughts of moving and beginning this search were in the formulation stage – the first town to come to mind was Gig Harbor (WA). I’d never been there but it had a certain something that whispered to me – a little something that stirred my soul. It has been on the back of my mind ever since. And yet – I dismissed it – for whatever reasons – and didn’t listen to that whisper all these years and looked elsewhere. And, after visiting ten other states and hundreds of other towns over the years, last week I visited that town … and it quite possibly may be where I end up.

But I don’t know yet. Not for sure. And that’s okay. There are places (near Seattle and on the islands) that I need to re-visit … places yet to see that I couldn’t fit into my trip this time around … places to consider before I say that I’ve found IT. So, while I might not have my next home town pinned down yet … I do know I will end up up there. In the NW … in western Washington … as I need the mountains. I need the trees. I need the energy. I need the water!

And even though nothing is settled or truly decided … I am at peace knowing that it’s up there and that I’ll be on my way after a bit. I finally feel like I’m going home.

And in that … I find comfort.

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Don’t wave those tentacles at me …

Today … March 19th, 2:54 pm

I am sitting up in my treehouse office looking at something that is a rarity in this area … a blue sky. I mean a REALLY blue sky. It’s sunny, the sky is blue, it looks lovely … except it’s about 24 degrees today and the wind is gusting and biting and it is hideously cold and bitter. I guess winter wants to go out with a flourish as tomorrow marks the first day of Spring. Woo-hoo … we are to reach 26 degrees by then!

I am ruing the lateness of the season while “doing my taxes” … and with that I mean I am doing anything BUT my taxes. I am going through drawers that haven’t seen the light of day since I moved in. I am reading old blog posts. I am organizing my pen drawer. I am arranging my magic markers according to color. I am doing anything and everything I can possibly think of to avoid doing what I really need to be doing.

And that includes destroying the EB’s. I have a confession: I pluck. Big time. And I don’t mean as in playing the banjo. I am an eyebrow tamer … or more accurately, an eyebrow ridder. An EB destroyer of sorts. I have posted before about this as I have this THING about eyebrows. I do NOT like them. Well, I like them just fine when they are nice looking … tame, trim, well-shaped … and NOT MINE!

I was on the bus last summer with my dad, who has, himself, grown quite the specimens of EB’s (eyebrows – if you haven’t already figured that one out). However, there was a gentleman sitting near us who had a supremely bushy set which I could have practically braided – each unto itself, into a fine, tight, Jamaican do! The Grand Poobah of great EB’s!

My mother has somehow my dad’s father’s eyebrows. How this happened I have no idea. So, genetically, I was doomed from the start. Bushy isn’t quite the adjective I’d use for them  … as now, since my “plucking in earnest” days began they are rather sparse (and quasi non-existent). Sparse yes … short, um … NO! Length seems to be a factor with mine which I tend to find completely gross and disgusting! Where are my scissors? Where are my tweezers? I have plucked and snipped until I have nary anything left. Not exactly the look I was going for … but at least I’m not waving, unexpectedly, at people!

In any case, I don’t think any lady should have two inch lengths of eyebrow hair. I find that almost nauseating! I don’t think anyone should have two inch lengths! Ew!

And perhaps it stems from years ago when tentacles, antennae, eyebrows all blended together and became synonymous to me – even though they really shouldn’t be as they are different things.

My brother was a budding lepidopterist when we were children and every day (practically) since I have had a fleeting nanosecond image of some insect’s antennae … as we peered at in on its stick, leaf-perch or my brother’s hand … long and flailing, searching the air for signals, scents, sounds (whatever those things do). So, somehow eyebrows and insects have become enmeshed in my brain and perhaps that is why I don’t like them.

In any case … I’m sitting here thinking that I should get back to the task at hand but I can’t help wondering, during my childhood, how many teachers looked at me and thought … “Don’t wave those tentacles at me, young lady!”


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Beware the Ides of March …

Today – March 15 … 7:15pm

Good ol’ Julius should have taken heed when he was warned by the soothsayer. But no, he instead went on to the senate gathering where he was stabbed to death. In hindsight he really should have listened!

Looking back … March hasn’t, historically, been a great month for me or ones I love either. Tim was diagnosed in March, as was a friend’s mom. I lost a good girlfriend one March. I’ve also lost a baby and a dog during Marches past, as well.

I’d also like to say that it was a March day when I washed my jeans containing my really good diamond earrings in the pocket … but I’m not sure in what month that happened. Though it did happen!

The 13th has always been a good date for me … my lucky number in college. Tim was 13th of 16 kids. My first pug and one of my dearest friends shared their birthdays on that date as well.

And well, let’s just say though we are only mid-month, I’d like this month over.

And then there were four …

Two days ago on the 13th I had to put my beloved cat, Oscar, to sleep. He had suffered a stroke (or at least that is what we think) and his condition was steadily declining. I couldn’t put off the inevitable any longer. And so, without him that leaves my pet count at 4 … Mobes, Dori, Gertie and old Henry.

That same day, with puffed eyes and a stuffed nose (from the allergies from the cat and from crying) I entered the local ER to find out what was going on with my dad as he was having some difficulties with his left leg and promised me a visit to the hospital.

A day later/yesterday he had brain surgery. He’s ok. Remarkably ok. For a man who is nearly 85 he has made a most impressive comeback from a subdural hematoma and operation to reduce the swelling and bleeding. let’s just say the man has more brain power than I will EVER have. Last night his major concerns were his partially shaved head (Mr. Vanity!) and what was on the dinner menu in his intensive care unit. Yes, I’d say he was doing remarkably well.

Today Ted was biking and was thinking how negative things in his life were recently … and bam! He hit a parked car, tearing off the side view mirror (the third mirror-mangling in our family!) and wrecking up his body and bike in the process. He’s also doing remarkably well. Amazingly he is just bruised … nothing broken (except the bike and the mirror) … and he has once again managed to go to the ER in his new town. This marks the initial visit for him in WA … having visited/needed an ER in every state and country he’s lived!

In any case … Beware the Ides of March!

I’m off to the hospital to check in on Dad … and am no longer worried about anything happening the rest of today. Things happen in 3’s and we’ve already met our quota for these nasty Ides of March.


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The Lobster Rides Again …

Today … March 10, 2013

Greetings, lobster lovers! Draw me some butter … I’m back (once again)!

I wanted to “catch up” and throw out a thank you to all of you who have been loyal “Lobster” followers … and to say how very touched I am that you have missed these postings so much. Thanks! I am so tickled you think my blabberings worth reading!

I was in Denver last weekend (glorious!) … and had a dear friend visit Chi-town this weekend and have talked with a few of you over the past week who are near and dear but nowhere near in proximity and the same sentiment resounds … continually and constantly and loudly … 

I have WONDERFUL friends.

It has been a year. And you know this, too, because you followed my year-long blog postings. You were with me and yes, it was quite a year! 

I packed 647 boxes. I unpacked most of them.

I moved across country … far from Sam, friends, people I loved, familiarity.

I designed my 8th calendar and sold less than I needed to but more than I ever imagined my little publication would warrant.

I lost a dog, a very good friend and some pounds. I’ve had the pounds come back … wish it were the dog and friend, instead.

I took on a part-time job … scared to death that I wouldn’t be able to learn anything new … and yet I did. Sadly, a chimpanzee could do what I do. I should have more confidence in my abilities! This was a good lesson for me.

Mr. Oscar had a stroke a few weeks back (or so we think) and has not bounced back as we thought he might. I hate this part of having an animal in my life … and yet I am grateful for the option that lies before me. I never thought he’d be my “next one” to go forward … but it seems so. I, once again, am a crying mess over one of my beloved. These animals!

Friends. True friends.

You know me.

You laugh with me. You cry with me. You guide me. You tell me I’m being too hard on myself. You nudge me forward when I need it most. You are like Kuner beans … firm, yet tender.

Today my friend visiting said this year was going to be a good year for us both … she felt it in her bones. I told her it was just arthritis!

I hope she’s right and that I am wrong. I need a good year. (And not the tires.)

It rained last night and today … and despite the 8 inches of snow still on the ground (which is now crispy slush) … it smelled like (dare I say it?) … SPRING! I let the dogs out tonight and something within me … stirred! That glimmer of hope … that sense of anticipation as the seasons blend one into another. The winds seemed to say as they swirled around the house pushing the fog along … “It’s coming … IT’S COMING!” (And I’m pretty sure they meant Spring and not the Creature from the Black Lagoon – though from the thickness of the fog, I’m sure he was around the corner!)

I am contemplating, again … another move. I know this comes as no big shocker to most of you – knowing me, as you do.

Once, again, across country but sans the 647 boxes. I will still have too many, but not that many! I am daring to think of my life in a place that is more me. Hills, orchards, wineries, farm-to-table, markets, an artsy area, more temperate climate, lush greenery, vibrancy, energy, small town, and ever-present water (and the animals that are in it). I have had my eye on the NW for over 30 years now and almost daily I ask myself, “What am I waiting for?” I don’t know.

Permission? From whom? Myself? I don’t know. But, I’m getting closer to figuring it out. It’s time for me.

So, thank you to the friends who encourage me. Thank you to the ones that said it took courage to move here … and courage to dream and to go somewhere else. Thank you to the one, who less eloquently, said it took balls … even though I don’t have any (not even golf). Thank you to my friends who GET me … who seem to know me even better than I know myself. I listen to you. You are my voice of reason when I second guess myself. I know you have my best interest at heart. I know you love me and want my soul fulfilled and my spirit happy. So, quite simply … thank you.

I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

And to all of you out there … the ones I was so privileged to see on my trip west and those I didn’t and haven’t in a bit … the new friends and the old ones … I love you back. Fiercely.

To all of you … I’ll keep you posted. I’m makin’ plans. The Lobster will ride (and write) again!



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The Return of the Lobster …

Day 2/23

Today is the anniversary of my childhood dog’s birthday … Marvin. She was a standard, red dachshund named Ginger … but for some reason, we kids, changed her name because she just looked like a Marvin. I don’t know what a “Marvin” looks like – but, apparently, she looked like one! I used to dress her up in doll clothes and push her in a baby carriage down the sidewalks as she happily napped! Happy Birthday to you my sweet angel companion.

The lobster is back … well, sort of. I had this overwhelming desire, the last few days, to “touch base” so … here I am. Having completed my yearly blog experiment I have found myself feeling as if I have willingly deposited myself into solitary confinement! My deposition from being Queen of the Lobsters is complete!

And though it has been less than three weeks since my last post I feel as if decades have passed and that all that was near and dear to me has faded.

In any account … it’s been odd. Weird. Lonely.

I hadn’t realized how much my writing the blog would mean to me.

It’s been one of those months that is sliding into the past far too quickly without my being able to (seemingly) get even the slightest productivity accounted for by the time I fall into bed … which is, as usual, far too late at night.

I have too many projects going on so even if I get a bit done on all of them – it never seems like I’ve accomplished anything because I am not “done” with any of them. No completion. It distresses me!

I find myself writing as if I were chatting with someone one hundred years past … the cadence that comes to mind and the words that flow forth are not my usual banter. It is as if I have just emerged from some other place, caught in a time warp from my return from back in time to present day and my language lingers in the past when speech and writing were more rhythmic and poetic.

I have a tendency to do this. Eons ago I found myself home from a week in Dallas for Director training and it took me weeks to shake  honey-pie, darlin’, and y’all from my daily language!

I just finished reading And Only to Deceive (Tasha Alexander) which is an historical-based fictitious mystery set in Victorian England/Paris … which, for a lack of any other word, enthralled me. I am a slave to books … and I don’t care if they are children’s stories or literature masterpieces … I am lost in the written word.

Hence, I do not allow myself the luxury of reading very often as I have the tendency to put life on hold as I do not want to do anything but read … and normal daily doings are put off and thrown to the wind as I am plunged head-long into whatever book I open and the entrancement begins!

This last story transported me to London and Paris and as I followed the young widow through the City of Light, once again, I found myself longing for Paris as one would a long-lost lover. What is it with that city that captures one’s soul so completely? It most definitely must be in the air because, while there, I know I didn’t drink the water!

Which brings me back, once again, to Paris. The dream I turn back onto whenever I need a moment of calm, delight, beauty, diversion. Seriously, what is it with that place? I think I need to go back, if for no other reason, than to prove to myself that it really isn’t so fabulous … and if I’m wrong … how wonderful that would be!

On a personal note … the last two-some weeks have been uneventful and yet I feel that I have never been busier. I am working part-time at a studio near home … the dryer and fridge both died (but were fixable) … I’ve thrown myself into some computer classes and programs at the local library … I’ve had a massage … I’ve planned four trips … I’m working like a fiend in my office … and Oscar, my dear/sweet/wonderful Oscar, has suffered a stroke or something that has left him a shell of his former self. He is healthy but not “him” (whacked-out … for lack of better verbage). I hate that pets get old!

In any case … I miss writing. I miss the discipline. I miss the creativity. But most of all I miss the connection … with you! So, I will pop in from time to time and … connect.

This old crusty one needs that for the soul … you haven’t heard the last from this lobster yet!

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Into the woods …

Day 367 (technically, THE LAST ONE)

Today brings an end to my year-long challenge. I need a break and …

I am off to the woods.

That one sentence sounds perfectly lovely to me. So simple. So carefree. So quiet.

If you haven’t gathered the inference in my other posts, I’ll fill you in … it’s NOISY here!

What sounded like a train running into my neighbor’s house woke me early this morning. There was no collision – just the snow plow guy dumping his truck at the corner. I don’t know where he got the snow because the roads are clear. But he was “tapping” his plow on the asphalt and well … let’s just say I’ve had gentler wake up calls!

Not long after that the garbage trucks came by. As garbage trucks do they rumble along … and these new trucks pick up, empty and place back down the big plastic bins that line the streets in my area. Long gone is the noise of metal can lids being thrown on the ground and empty metal cans being tossed around … but still!

Then the planes started. Well, they didn’t start as they have been constant (CONSTANT) since I moved in. I was just now aware of the thunder-rumble that enveloped my space since I had been so rudely awakened. I could not, however, hear the clinking of my stemware in my china hutch from my bed – though I knew it was happening (which is also constant)!

And then as I was figuring out whether to get out of bed and acknowledge Moby’s face in mine, complete with her little purple pillow of friendship for me … the sirens started. It’s the first Tuesday of the month. The city in which I live has emergency preparedness sirens for every catastrophe known to man … and then some. I think there is even a siren to warn us of attacking porpoises! I wouldn’t know though as I never got a “Siren Decoder Booklet” when I moved in. So, anytime I hear a siren I just figure we are under some terroristic, natural or alien attack … which from the frequency of the sirens … is pretty much all the time!

I want quiet. I want peace. Basically, I want peace and quiet.

I want to go off to the woods.

If you’ve never been in deep woods – go. Hell, go now! Drop what you are doing and just go. Your soul will be centered like no other place on the planet (unless of course your soul is centered in the middle of a rock concert or on a surfboard riding a giant wave or on a bustling city street … well, you get the picture). Anyway, go!

I’ve often imagined a life like Ted Kaczynski’s … you know, the Unabomber guy. All alone, living up in some little cabin in some cozy woods. But that would mean that I was spending my days plotting against humankind and making bombs and well, that seems a bit off, even for me.

So, maybe instead …

I could be like the witch in Hansel and Gretel who lives in a darling little cottage made of candy, deep in the woods. When I needed something sweet, I could go out and snap off a piece of peppermint bark or a nice, plump gumdrop … but then again, I’d be eating my house which would be counter-productive. And I’d be kidnapping and eating children which is just, well, not my thing.

Or …

I could live in the woods in a wonderful little cottage with a thatched roof and all the wild animals would be my friends, and I’d sing and the birds would land on my shoulders and chirp along and I’d have seven little housemates to help with the chores and to keep me company … and, oh, wait. I’d have to be Snow White. And then I’d have a wicked, evil stepmother and poisoned apples to contend with. Even though there is a handsome prince involved … I don’t know … it still sounds ify.

In any case … I just want to go to the woods. I want to fling my arms around a Redwood or Sequoia … or maybe even a basic White Pine or Oak. I want to smell their bark. I want to see moss and lichen … and all things green. I want to hold a slug. I want to photograph a forest mushroom. I want to be somewhere where I only hear my footsteps and my breathing and maybe a bird or two singing hello as I pass. I long for the crunch of twigs underfoot and that fragrant earthy mustiness. I want to hear only the wind rushing through the treetops and see a deer drinking from a stream and its white tail before it is hidden again in the underbrush. I want the peace. I want the quiet.

And so … thanks for reading and until you hear from me again (which you probably will) – if only in my mind … I’ll be in the woods.

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Now is the winter …

Day 366

Well, I knew it had to arrive at some point … even though I was secretly hoping it would pretty much pass us by. But it didn’t.

“Now is the winter of our discontent … ”

At least my discontent.

Winter has arrived.

I am grateful that Old Man Winter was off on vacation for the past two months as December and January in the midwest could have been brutal. The last winter I spent here (1979) it snowed 79 inches … nearly 7 FEET. 79″ in ’79 … it wasn’t as cool as it sounds.

People used to ask me why I moved away … um, HELLO?! I am not an Eskimo. And though I really love Eskimo pies … I’d rather be sitting on a beach eating one that feeling like one for four months of the year.

Anyway, I’m back and so is winter. It started snowing here on February 1st. A few inches that night … and then a few more. Despite Groundhog Phil’s prediction of an early spring, it snowed a bit more and then overnight it snowed again … and so it has continued. On and off the flakes keep coming. On and off they keep piling up. I shoveled a good 7 or so inches today … mostly an accumulation of the last few days. I keep thinking the snow will melt here. Fat chance. This snow is going nowhere.

I don’t even think a blow torch could do the job! This stuff is here for the long haul.

But, being that it is February … I can’t complain (too much) … as March will be here before we know it and the seasons will be changing, once again. 

On one hand I know I shouldn’t complain as it’s been so mild. But on the other hand, I will complain because I’m done with winter. I put in my order for spring before the end of last year … I’m still waiting. If there was a complaint department for Mother Nature I’d be first in line. But, then again, on the other hand (which now makes me three-handed) … it’s been so mild that I should be ashamed of myself for wanting something other than the niceness we’ve gotten. 

But still … I want green. I want water. I want freshness! I want flowers!

I saw a commercial today with a couple on a cruise ship. I found myself resenting their existence! I saw another commercial with an orca whale flipping out of the water. I found myself resenting its existence! And then I figured the only one who is really flipping out is me! I’ve got spring fever badly. I’m not a winter person anyway and the last few years the urge to have spring’s arrival coincide with the new year has been exceptionally strong.

Alas … it is not to be.

But that doesn’t make me stop wanting it … or I think almost need it. I am feeling a need for greenery and flowers, balmy air and fragrant breezes. I am needing the smell of the ocean, the sound of sea lions in the distance, the crashing of the waves nearby.

It gets to be this time of year and I need a break … if only mentally. So, I’ll grab a travel guide and snuggle into bed and let the snowflakes swirl around outside of my windows while I peruse the pages filled with information and pictures of tropical destinations near and far.

My soul yearns for warmth … and I’ll get it soon. Now may be the winter of our discontent … but spring is just around the corner.

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Closing in …

Day 365

Well, here I am … closing in on the end of my year of blogging. I must have messed up my numbering somehow as I came up with 367 days this year! Don’t I wish. I could have used an extra 24 hours even after that leap year day. But knowing me, I would have used it cleaning out a closet or doing something equally as stupid. Squandered time!

It’s been a journey … some days I really didn’t want to write anything, but isn’t that what a challenge is all about – to push yourself to do things especially when you don’t want to do them?  I don’t know if it’s made me any better of a writer. More disciplined? Yes. More creative? Yes. Better? Um, not so sure.

But whatever … it’s been great and I’ve enjoyed it.

It feels good to have accomplished this because when I was starting out I was about a week in and said to myself, “Girl, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?”  But I’m glad I did this. I’m glad I stuck it out.

I’m not sure how I feel about this all coming to an end … I guess I have two more days to really decide if I want to continue … or not. Maybe I’ll do it … but not every day. Who knows? We shall see.

And actually, it came at a good time in my life. I had a lot of changes this past year and it was therapeutic for me to write so much and it kept me in contact with so many … even if it was a one-sided correspondence (hint, hint – email me!).

In any case, I learned a lot. About topics I researched, about my soul that I searched, about me – what I want, what I don’t. And I learned that I can sit down without any idea of what I’d want to say and half an hour later I’d have published 500-1000 words. I have always gotten a kick out of that brain-hand connection … and sometimes I don’t even pay attention to what I’m thinking as it just flows along some hidden circuitry from my little pink brain to my hands on this keyboard.

I find it amazing and exciting, freeing and totally fun – kind of like standing up in a convertible while it’s going down some country road. (Not that I’ve ever done that – but I think it might be a similar feeling!)

And it makes me realize that this is what brings me great joy. Writing. Plainly and simply … writing is what I should do. Writing is what I need to do. Now I just have to figure out HOW to go about doing it!

I watched Beyoncé during the Superbowl half-time show tonight … marveling at her thighs of steel. No one will ever (and I mean ever) marvel over my thighs (of jello) … but I know that some marvel over how easily the written word flows out of me. A gift, I suppose. A nice one.

Over this past year I’ve learned that I do a LOT of thinking while in the shower or when driving – so much, in fact, that I’m thinking of installing a shower in my car. I’d just need a computer in there and then I’d be all set. Throw in a coffeepot and it would be Heaven!

In any case … I’ve enjoyed this year of writing and I appreciate the comments and emails back saying how much you, my dear readers, have enjoyed them, as well. It’s nice to know that I have breakfast with so many of you … and put so many of you to sleep at night (in a good way, hopefully)!

I’ve got two more days … so stay with me, I’m not done  … YET!

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Happy is the rodent …

Day 364

Happy is the rodent who predicts an early spring …

Well, I don’t know if the rodent is happy … but I sure am!

Today is Groundhog Day … the best holiday on the calendar. Nothing sacred, nothing commercial, just folly and gaiety surrounding a rodent’s ability to predict the future/weather. Now how much fun is that?!

I am pretty sure my kids and I have seen the movie Groundhog Day a handful of times … each. Today there is a marathon going on some channel with back-to-back showings of it. All I have to say is … “Ned? Ned Ryerson?” FABULOUS!

I laugh just thinking about it.

And I know some people don’t “get” that movie. I think it’s far deeper than most people think and they just see the repetition and don’t “get” that Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is given such a gift … to live his life over and over and over and over again … until he gets it right!

There are certainly days in each of our lives when our head hits the pillow and we say, “Oh man, I’d like a do-over on that one.” In the movie the main character gets that chance … and in doing so changes his life and the lives of those around him. He relives one day, Groundhog Day, again and again, all the while figuring out what really is important … love, friendship, helpfulness, caring, joy, laughter … without it taking him his whole life to figure it out. I think it’s lovely.

I classify this movie/day with one of those comfort things in life … you know what to expect … you know the ado is pomp, silliness and fabulous fun. Experiencing the Groundhog Day festivities is on my “bucket list”. I mean, really, how often do guys dress up in tuxedos to laud any other animal? I don’t see anyone dressing up for a gazelle or an ox or a lion … just the lowly, darling-faced, chubby, gnawing groundhog known as “Punxsutawney Phil”.

And here’s the low-down on him … “Phil” is a groundhog (Marmota monax) which is also known as a land-beaver, whistle-pig or woodchuck. (How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?) Actually, a groundhog is part of the large family of ground squirrels more commonly known as marmots. Their size can be anywhere up to 2 feet long and they can weigh up to 9 pounds. They live mostly in the middle, eastern and northern regions of the United States and all over Canada. 

These rodents typically live 2-3 years in the wild (but can survive up to six years) and in captivity they can live as long as 14 years! So, here’s hoping “Phil” has a long and happy life ahead of him in his home in PA. These cute critters are mostly herbivorous, eating plants, nuts and berries and getting their water intake from leafy greens … but are also known to eat bugs and small animals. Much like the familiar prairie dogs they sit outside their burrows and watch for danger and alert their fellow colony members by emitting a high-pitched whistle … hence the name whistle-pig.

And unfortunately, for me, they are also highly aggressive – so my dreams have been dashed in regards to snatching up a lost and lonely groundhog while driving around and bringing him home as a pet.

In any case … thanks “Phil” for the uplifting pronouncement.

It’s currently snowing but I don’t care … happy is ME who has heard the prediction of an early spring!



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Mmm … cheesecake …

Day 363

In organizing some kitchen files the other day I came upon a folder of mine full of cheesecake recipes … 79 to be exact!

Who needs 79 cheesecake recipes?

Apparently I do. Or, technically, did … as I tossed the vast majority into the recycle bin and kept 27 of them. So, if I wanted to work my way through this folder of recipes this next year I’d be making a cheesecake every other week. And by the end of the year I’d be weighing an additional 27 pounds. So, as luscious as that would be, I don’t think I’ll be doing that.

And aside from the potential girth gained … I’m really not much of a dessert person. I’m just not keen on sugar (in that form). I’m not much for cookies or cakes or pies … unless, of course, it’s chocolate. Then I’m pretty much game for anything (at anytime).  If I have to eat dessert it, for the most part, has to be chocolate, ice cream, crème brûlée or yes … cheesecake.

Cheesecake has been around longer than most desserts. Greek athletes at the first Olympics ate a dessert akin to cheesecake back in 776 B.C.. The Roman historian Cato (not to be confused with the Green Hornet’s sidekick, Kato) once described a cheesecake-like concoction 600 years after that. Hopefully it wasn’t the same one the Olympians were eating, as Cato died shortly thereafter.

No, I’m kidding. I made that up about him dying. Well, he did die but not due to cheesecake (that I know of).

Anyway, throughout the Middle Ages in England and continental Europe (not to, again, be confused with middle aged Englishmen or Europeans) cheesecake existed in a variety of flavors and types.

But it wasn’t until the cheesecake arrived in America (hopefully just a recipe and not an actual cheesecake in someone’s suitcase) did it come into its own.

Most cheesecakes rely on cream cheese as their ingredient of choice for the smooth, rich, creamy “cheesecake texture”, however, mascapone and ricotta are also used.

I am pretty sure if you look on the inside of a box of cream cheese you’ll find a recipe for cheesecake. Which brings me back to wondering why do I need 27 recipes for this dessert?

I don’t know. But somehow I find it comforting to know that if, some evening, I decide, by some wild twist of fate or the planets align and I have a moment of clarity and direction and that I decide at that instant to become a world renowned cheesecake baker … I will have the recipes to do so.

And I’d like to say … “Yeah, like that is ever going to happen.” … but ya know … never say never. Wouldn’t I be upset if that actually happened and I only had the one recipe on the inside of the box of cream cheese to fall back upon?

In any case … today I got rid of the diets and menus I’d saved from the early ’80’s. Nice. And tonight I think I’ll tackle pies and cookies (I have at least 300 recipes for those). And if I get really ambitious I’ll also sort through the cake file. So many desserts … so little time!

And, lucky for me (which again makes me wonder about those 27 recipes) I’m good friends with Sara Lee and I think, while sorting, I’ll just have to have a piece of (non-homemade) … cheesecake!

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Oh, my aching back …

Day 362

Today was a really bad sciatica/back day. The double whammy of back badness. Practically intolerable. Days like today I vow to DO SOMETHING about it. But, other than some exercises, getting a massage or downing a horsepill for pain … I just kind of wait it out. It never is great … but it gets better. I don’t even want to think about surgery.

Anyway … I had the television on briefly today and I found myself watching a commercial … for what, I have no idea, but there was a 71 year old jumping on a trampoline.

I was so envious.

And then I was intrigued. I thought, “Hmmmm … if I were to jump like that, it might be a good way to meet a guy!”

Yeah … I hear EMT’s are really nice!

I figure if I jumped on a trampoline that first jump would be my last … and possibly forever. I am as stiff as a board. NOT good. Lumber does not bend easily! I used to be so flexible. I used to do gymnastic maneuvers. There are days now when I can barely bend over to put on my socks!

I was reading an article “Live Longer & Better” … it was one of those quiz things in the paper – and it got me thinking …

The article was one of those that asks questions like … “What is the best way to stay young after the age of 50?” My answer would be to keep saying you’re 49.

The first question asked, “What is the best thing to do to improve your memory after the age of 50?” My answer was … “What? What was I doing? Was I reading something?” Actually the answer was to take a walk. Walking is more beneficial than solving sudokus or crossword puzzles. Just imagine how much you’d remember if you do those AND walk?! (Note: though do not attempt at the same time.)

The next question/statement said that if you are physically active and sociable you can add a whopping 5.4 years to your life! That is a LOT of time. So, keeping that in mind and thinking I’d like an extra 5 years someday … I went to a concert tonight at the library to hear a Russian jazz vocalist. I parked far from the front door (walking) and arrived at the concert (quasi-social). The closest the singer got to being Russian was maybe dating a guy named Vladimir at some time in her life. I left after the second song. Well, I guess I’ll have to settle for 2.7 years added as I increased my walking but didn’t add to my socialization tally.

My favorite question was, “What is the best way to motivate  yourself to be physically active after the age of 40?” I picked option C … which was to put a photo of first lady Michelle Obama’s biceps up on the fridge! I mean, really … have you seen her arms????? Anyway, that was NOT the correct answer (but a good one). Adopting a dog was the correct answer. I guess that is if you actually play or take said dog for a walk more than once a month! Unless you call mopping, vacuuming and shampooing the floors being physically active.

In any case … there I was still thinking about these tidbits of info while watching that guy on the trampoline … thinking how freeing that would be to jump around like he was! In my dreams (only) as I really don’t want to spend the rest of my life (or any time) in a body cast and that’s exactly what I’d be sporting if I jumped anywhere even near a trampoline! 

I was still thinking about this as I came down the stairs – my knees creaking like I was crunching corn flakes underfoot. The article mentioned the best treatment for creaky, arthritic knees was to take up Tai Chi.

So, this weekend I’m going to the Rec Center and look into it. And after trying it out maybe I can up my walking and some day aspire to be like Fauja Singh … she finished the 2011 Toronto Marathon in 8 hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds … at the ripe YOUNG age of 100!

There’s hope for me yet!

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What I learned today …

Day 361

Although I’ve only been up a handful of hours today, already I’ve learned much.

I’ve learned that sleeping with two dogs and a cat doesn’t help one’s sciatica in the slightest. In fact, it might exacerbate the problem.

I’ve learned that no matter how strong you think you are – you can never get three animals out of your bed if they don’t want to leave.

I’ve learned that sometimes the hot water is hotter than you think … or the cold water is colder than you think. Always test your shower before stepping into it.

I’ve learned that it can rain for 24 hours straight in January … in CHICAGO. I’ve learned it can also thunder and lightning, too.

I’ve learned that when your yard is saturated and the grass seems to have dissolved and you are left with only mud … there is still going to be more mud in your house than in your yard.

I’ve also learned that dogs (well, my dogs) really like mud.

I’ve learned that when fog develops in low-lying areas here it is very creepy. VERY creepy. Last night my whole house was enveloped. I’m also pretty sure the Creature from the Black Lagoon may live across the street from me. (Maybe not … but maybe.)

I’ve learned that just because a veterinarian has “hours” listed on their business card – it doesn’t mean they are open or there.

I’ve learned finding a new vet is not easy.

I’ve learned that eating ice cream when you are lactose intolerant is really not a good thing.

I’ve learned that I really don’t need the file folder of post-pregnancy exercises I saved from 1987. If I didn’t do them then, I certainly am not going to do them now.

Same goes for the hordes of recipes I’ve collected over the years. I’ve learned I really don’t need 79 recipes for cheesecake. I learned that the 27 I kept are and will be more than sufficient and that some day in the future when I purge that file, again, I’ll be wondering why I have 27 recipes for cheesecake.

I’ve learned that when your refrigerator starts sounding like a lawn motor in motion – a little jiggling and pounding makes that sound go away. Pretty much.

I’ve learned that said maneuvers are why I don’t have a Fix-It shop.

I’ve learned that if a person has a business for sale it doesn’t always mean they are going to call you back – even if you express a deep interest and leave several messages. 

I’ve learned that somewhere west of me is a foghorn. Why? The lake is east.

I learned that if I send out 1000 pieces of mail this year with the new hike in postage it’ll cost me a whopping $10 extra. Well worth it.

I’ve learned that people can make a HUGE fuss out of practically NOTHING.

I’ve learned that a phone call from a friend is warmer than a blanket fresh out of the dryer.

I’ve learned that hot soup really does taste good on a cold day.

I’ve learned, as the days loom closer to the end of this year of blogging, that a year can go by entirely too quickly. 

And I’ve learned that in the span of 5 hours on an ordinary day – you learn more than you ever thought possible.

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Reckless abandon …

Day 360

Today I ran wild with reckless abandon.

Well, staggered with reckless abandon was more like it. My back is a crunched up, twisted mess again. However nothing was going to deter me from being wild and carefree today – not even a bad back.

It was 63 degrees here today. Hello … you’re supposed to say, “WOW!” at this point because this is JANUARY … in CHICAGO! I know, I know … WOW!!!!

I knew it was supposed to be “nice” today after peeking at the forecast. Let’s just say that Chicago nice and my nice are two different things … however, it was still NICE!

I dressed in capris … my ankles were naked! That’s the reckless abandon part … NO SOCKS! In January! In Chicago! I dare say that is pretty reckless! And wild!

I ran errands today with my car windows … DOWN! OMG. More reckless abandonment on my part. I didn’t care if it was raining in my car (which it was) … it felt great to have that soggy goodness and sweet wet earth smell permeate my car … as well as my soul.

Like I’ve said before … I’m a rain baby … part mermaid, I’m sure.

I heard, too, that it was to rain today. So, after errands I hooked up Mobes, put on my chameleon-green raincoat and we headed out to walk the ‘hood.

We walked past the cemetery, southward, past the house with the tree growing out of its driveway … past the hidden, windy road that splits in two to accommodate a tree in the middle of it, past the oak forest where the gnomes live (or at least it looks like gnomes  should live there) and past the house that almost always has a black squirrel or two playing on the lawn (no squirrels today though).

We walked a couple of blocks and headed home … knowing that that was far enough for the 12 year old and far enough as the sky was turning darker with each step we took as well as getting to be an odd greenish-gray color. Never a good sign in the Midwest!

I wasn’t worried about a tornado … but I know enough to know that rain was imminent and probably a LOT of it was coming. No sooner than 10 minutes after we arrived home the skies opened up and the torrents began!

It doesn’t rain like this in CO – ever! It’s been raining since before 3pm … nearly 10 hours now! The ground is still cold and hard so the ice melt from last week had already flooded low-lying areas. There is a LOT of standing water around. My backyard is a disgusting mud pit/pig wallow. My entryway doesn’t look much different!

In any case … the rain is to continue and then change to snow over night and tomorrow with our temps plunging down to the 20’s and teens and single digits in the next few days the yard will be transformed into a skating rink!

But that’s okay. I had today. I don’t care if Mom Nature has Alzheimer’s and can’t remember what season it is. I enjoyed  today’s little tease of Spring and savored the smells and damp goodness and warmth … with every part of me. Especially my naked ankles!

It was a great soul-charger and I did my best to meet it head-on with (my version of) reckless abandon.


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The 50’s Itch …

Day 359

As much as I think I would have loved to have lived in the 1950’s … all Leave It To Beaver-esque … I probably, more like undoubtedly, would have been miserable.

I don’t sleep well now … how would I have gotten any sleep sleeping on rollers? Every woman went to bed with a headful of curlers/rollers. Every woman! Every night! Egad!

And in the morning you undid the rollers and teased the heck out of your hair and sprayed your head with an entire can of Aqua Net aerosol hair spray. I wouldn’t have had any hair left. Nor lungs!

If married, how could I sleep (even without the sleep depriving rollers) with my husband on a double bed? There’s barely enough room now for me and a small pug dog … let alone another human being of 200 lbs! And add in some sticky hot summer nights or a child or a furry dog or cat … it sounds dreadful!

And I can’t even begin to think about the long-line bras they wore that squished whatever midriff fat you had up or down, leaving you looking as if you had two sno-cone holders taped to your chest … the bottom points facing outward! Oh my! Where do you think Madonna got her ideas? Not unlike the BB gun out of the movie Christmas Story … you could poke an eye out with those things!

And … who invented those rubberized bath-mat-like girdles!Seriously. They were more akin to turn of the century (and I’m referring to the 14th century) torture devices. How did those women ever breathe? Or go to the bathroom? It took 20 minutes to wrestle out of one of those things and another 20 to wrestle and pull it back on! If you had a bladder infection you’d spend you entire day in the bathroom!

And nylons. Just thinking about those things makes me break out into a sweat! One of anxiety and of adverse reaction. The pulling on, the runs, the garter belts, the washing, the cost!

The mere thought of all of that makes me itch. Well, makes me itch more. I am allergic to nylon products … elastic and nylon fabrics.

Today I must have had more than my fair share of them on me as I couldn’t wait until I got home from work to “detox” my body! For the last few hours I’ve felt like I must have rolled around in a patch of poison ivy as I am an itchy, itching mess. When I got home I practically dove into a bottle of lotion after ripping off my entire outfit – even if it only had a teeny bit of nylon in it. 

From the lotion bottle I dove into all cotton apparel. Ahhhh. The commercial has it right … the touch, the feel of cotton, it’s the fabric of our lives. At least it’s the fabric of my non-itchy life!

Anyway … as much as I loved the cotton dresses of those by-gone days I’d have had to have been naked underneath them and barefoot to survive! Good thing I was born when I was … I don’t have to contend with rolling my hair or ripping it out, breathing in unwanted chemicals, stuffing my body into torture treatment undergarments or wrangling my sausage legs into nylon tubes.

I’ve thrown out all my curlers and panty hose … my straight hair, sports bras and yoga pants suit me just fine!


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Musings on a Sunday evening …

Day 358

I am up in my office, my treetop room … thinking.

When I was little there used to be a television program on that was Treetop House … a stay-at-home nursery school of sorts. It was on around the time of Romper Room and Captain Kangaroo. Treetop House … it has such a lovely ring to it. And sometimes that is where I feel I am up here with the trees all around me … just without the Play-Doh.

Too bad because I really like Play-Doh.

Anyway, I am up here being clawed at by Gertie. She is trying to get my attention about it being a bit past the dogs’ 6pm dinnertime. Her toe nails need clipping as they just got caught in the knitted cable of my sweater. A sweater that I put on when I want to be extra cozy. It is something I only wear while in the house as it is twenty some years old, baggy, stretched out and absolutely awful looking and just about the coziest thing I’ve ever owned.

I was doing a little tidying up on my desk when a flash happened outside my windows. My first thought was my neighbor – he is learning to drive and I saw him, earlier, going up and down the driveway. But that didn’t make sense as I didn’t hear a crash. And then it happened … THUNDER! It is 32 degrees out and we just had thunder and lightning.

The roads were just wet when I left work this afternoon – the sidewalks were pure ice. An ice storm was pelting us (gently but still pelting) but the temps were rising … good thing or we’d be encased by now. As it is the dogs were practically ice skating across the patio when I let them out a bit ago – the whole area and my outdoor furniture glistening in a shimmering ice coating. Again, I wanted to go out and lick something … what is it with me to want to stick a hot tongue onto a freezing cold metal something? I take comfort in knowing I’m not the only one with such desires. And my children can take consternation knowing that both of their parents have done so/want to do so. Sad. 

And speaking of sad … I am having a hard time getting that dolphin out of my mind. I wish I had not come upon the story (and if you don’t know what I’m talking about skip this part~!). I was a bit concerned that a dolphin was stranded in that polluted canal in New York. I was upset when I heard not only was he in the canal but he was near the wall of the canal – with people watching him … and he was bleeding. Whomever was “in charge” of rescuing that animal did not.  The video was disturbing … the result tragic. The animal died while officials were waiting another day to “see what would happen”. I could have told them that myself – the animal is going to die without intervention.

Sometimes I don’t understand why people aren’t open to animal communication. It made me think that this poor animal went towards people for assistance. And we offered none. Very sad.

In any case … (ooh, more thunder) … I have my own little communicator – giving me the sad puggy eyeballs and the clawing on my sweater. It’s doggy dinnertime and not time for more musings on this Sunday evening.

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Ode to poundage …

Day 357 … (or as I am feeling today … Day Whatever)

I am disgusted.

And I only have myself to blame. And my body. And my resolve. And probably in there somewhere, even if only a little, my genetics and hormones. And what the hell … I’ll blame the government, too.

Last year I lost 30 lbs. Bam … they fell off me like raindrops on a newly waxed car. I shed them like fur. It was fabulous. Every time I got on the scale I was another pound or two down. Woo-hoo. It was great fun.

I felt good. I looked good. My clothes fit. Actually, clothes fit that I hadn’t had on my body in YEARS! Again, it was fabulous. My scale was my best friend.

In the last 3 weeks (or so it seems) I have gained 16 of those pounds back. I was not looking for them. I lost them in hopes I would never see them again … but here they are, back again, like a bad photo that I thought was deleted but that someone keeps posting on Facebook! I had lost the hams in my pants … but the hams are back!

I could use all sorts of cute text letters here … OMG, WT*, Holy Sh*t (well, you get the picture) … but when it’s all said and done, all I can say is … DAMN!

At first it was a few pounds … I thought, “Oh, water weight.” I didn’t pay too much attention to the scale as I was paying more attention to the mirror.

I liked what I saw (most of the time). I was toned (well, more so). I was longer (not really, but I looked longer without such stumpy legs). It was great.

But then I discovered new things I wasn’t so thrilled about. I had sagging skin. I had WRINKLES. Thirty pounds is a lot of filler. So, when I lost that amount it was most noticable in my face … no longer full and moonish (thanks someone for saying that to me one day, years ago, as it stuck – badly!) but thinner with these LINES. Oh damn. I didn’t like those. With the extra weight all those little lines had been filled in! Nice and plumped out!

I figured I could do with some wrinkles if it meant the lines on the sides of my mouth had vanished. You know the ones … the jowl lines. The ones that make you look either like a bulldog … or like you have a mouth of a marionette.

Well, just call me Marion. They’re back – along with the hams.

One day, in the middle of Weighloss Heaven I found lumps on my arms. I was a bit concerned until I looked up on Google what they might be … to my shock and joy … MUSCLES! OMG. Who knew!

I also had an “angular” line to me. One I hadn’t had since 4th grade when I was thin for about 9 days. I had shoulders! For the first time in some 20 years I could see my clavicles. (They have since disappeared again.)

In any case, the yoga pants I always wore actually made me look like I was doing yoga … or at least working out or doing Pilates. I thought,  “Hey … I’ll buy REAL pants.”. So, in September I got some cords thinking that though a bit large, they’d shrink. I must be really bad at laundry cuz they are mighty snug. Again, DAMN.

So, with the new year comes my resolve for another “New Year ~ New You”! I’ve given up so much … I’m eating more salads. I’ve given up junk (well, kind of). I’ve even given up wine.

Though not for the caloric intake more so because I’ve found wine makes me breathless … and not in a good Marilyn Monroe kind of way; more of in a throw me an Epi pen or get me a ventilator kind of way. Disappointing to find out I’m that allergic … yes. Frustrating … even more so. Scary … um, yeah a little bit.

And with everything else I’ve given up, I’ve even given up exercising!

Oh … and there lies the problem! Well, that and I’ve discovered Archer Farms Espresso Chip ice cream at Target. I gave up Starbucks and had to fill my coffee needs somehow – right?

Anyway, since I am no longer lifting ladders and cleaning gutters and pruning bushes and planting flowers … or moving furniture or lifting and unpacking 647 boxes and painting until the wee hours of the night and more than not I am sitting on my butt writing and working and reading … I have decided I’d best get ACTIVE (once again).

So, to the gym I go … next week. Right now, I’m going to sit and eat some ice cream.



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Lightness and snow …

Day 356

I, once again, am writing this post in the wee hours of the morning. The middle of the night. Breakfast time, if I were an owl or vampire.

However, if could be late afternoon. Okay, late afternoon on a very gray day … but afternoon nonetheless.

It is so LIGHT out, that just a bit ago while I was letting the dogs out for their final roaming of the yard, I sat in the family room with all the lights off and could actually ALMOST read the print in the magazine I had been reading. The room was that light! Weird.

I still think the lightness here is whacking out people’s biorhythms.

At least I think it’s whacking out mine!

I don’t ever seem to SLEEP!

And that’s not by choice … or defective mattress … or physical pain … it’s just so light out all the time, I lose track of time or I can’t fall asleep or I can’t stay asleep. It’s ridiculous. I’d be a horrible resident in Alaska! I’d need those room darkening shades pulled down tightly and I’d have to wear a cute eye mask all the time. Don’t think I’d like that though I probably should do it here!

And, while Chicago is NOTORIOUSLY illuminated (those crazy, orangy light-bulbed street lamps cast an eerie, alien-ish glow) … it is even more so when there is low cloud cover or … snow.

And yes, we have snow. Finally! After 335 days Chicago finally got snow. And at a whopping 1.1 inches … it’s the first snow in 11 months and the latest snow of any winter season! Ultra weird!

I “shoveled” just as easily as I could have swept today. I realized that nothing melts here like in CO and thought I’d best get the foreign white stuff off my driveway and sidewalks before it froze. And with a corner lot I have a LOT more sidewalks than I ever imagined! I was really glad the snowfall was dry and like fluff.

However pretty this is, I’ll take rain over snow any day.

Ted up in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) says he’d take 20’s and clear/cold over 30’s/40’s and rain whenever possible. He said it has been unseasonably warm and dry up there this past week and he ran in shorts tonight. Better than running in rain any day!

Sam says she’ll take 60’s/70’s and bluebird skies any day. But yet she’s a rain/gray sky and snow person, too. It’s been in the 60’s there this week … warm and dry with nary a flake in sight.

My brother saw a butterfly, a honeybee and a hornet all in the same day last week … in JANUARY … in COLORADO. Weird. Mother Nature is messed up! The northern front range had its first forest fire of the season last week, as well. NEVER a good sign when the fire season starts in January! Unless they have a wet spring, this summer could be devastating.  

Anyway, as much as I like rain the snow is pretty and I know it won’t stay around too long. We are to be nearly 50 come next week. I feel fortunate that this winter, so far, has been so mild. I know Spring won’t be too far off.

Well, it’s late, though I wouldn’t know it from the lightness outside. I’m off to bed … guess I should go find me an eye mask!

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Trust …

Day 355

It’s not every day that something new happens or that you experience a “first”.

Such as a first step, first kiss, first date, first taste of escargot, first perfectly baked soufflé, first car … you get the picture.

Yesterday I had a first that I never thought I’d have.

During a tutor interview I was asked if I was a pedophile.

Now, before you gasp or recoil in horror … I knew before the words were even out of this man’s mouth what he was going to ask me. I could tell by his uncomfortableness (if that is such a word). His body language told me to get ready for “it”.

And, oddly, I welcomed his question. It made me think that these parents were on top of their parental game. They wanted to make sure that whomever they chose to share time with their young son was not some weirdo-creepster-sicko.

Because there are too many of those types out there.

And who was I to them? They never met me. They don’t know anyone I know. They don’t know anything about me. Why should they trust me? Why should they trust what I say?

In the nanosecond after it took for my ears to hear the words and my brain to register that he had actually asked me that and for my lips to start talking  … two things came to mind:

1. If I actually was a pedophile … did he actually think I would TELL him? Would I say, “Oh, yeah. You caught me.” or “Oh, is that a problem?” Wouldn’t I just lie? Did he honestly think, that if I was, I’d say YES?!

2. I wanted to respond with humor … saying something like – “Oh, I can’t be a pedophile because I don’t even know how to spell it.” … but then it dawned on me that I was interviewing to be their son’s TUTOR and shouldn’t I have exemplary spelling skills?

These things raced through my mind before I even knew that I was saying, “No … but really how is anyone sure I’m not? You have access to my background check and fingerprints on file. I have a long list of referrals whom you can contact – and I urge you to do so. But, when all’s said and done … you just have to go with your gut and trust I am telling you the truth and trust that I’m as decent as everyone will tell you.” (Or at least I hope that is what I said!)

Which made me think. How does someone know? REALLY?

I’ve tutored with kids for over 4 years now. I was a soccer coach for both of my kids’ teams. I was a girl scout leader. I’ve been in classroom situations for 20 years. You name it. I was with kids a LOT over the years … and I was trusted with these children. These families’ most precious gifts and “possessions”.

In talking with this family it really made me think how much trust we put in others … when we really don’t KNOW.  How blind it is.

And it’s just not in tutoring … we trust every day … small things.

We trust that when we are crossing the street the car sitting at the stop light doesn’t decide to run us down. We trust that when we give our credit card to the nice waitress she doesn’t take down our information and use it later for an online shopping spree. We trust when we go in for a haircut that the stylist doesn’t slip with the scissors and render us looking like Van Gogh. We trust that the guy who comes to check the sump pump is telling the truth that a new one is needed.

In any case, his question got me thinking. Trust. It’s such a powerful thing … yet leaves us so vulnerable.

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Oh Martha …

Day 354

It’s one of those days where I’ve been fighting a nagging headache for a few days already and today the light in my office seems to be searing into my brain. Not good.

So, the light goes off again and I’m in a dim room as it’s gray out and I just realized … snowing. It’s not much and barely noticeable but there they are … ultra tiny flakes flitting and swirling  around  … never seeming to alight onto anything.

I can hear Gertie snoring from her perch on the chaise down in the living room. That dog does know how to snore! The rest of the house is sleeping … and for 2pm it’s a quiet, cozy day. Too bad it all makes me want to take a nap instead of being at my desk and productive.

Sam is home sick with the flu or the plague … making me wish I wasn’t 1000 miles away. I’d rather be with her and say, “Tsk, tsk. I wish you felt better.” than have to do so from afar. Though I’m not a good nurse at least I could bring her some soup or plump up a pillow or something. Kind of hard to do that from here.

Anyway … to cheer her up in a few days I will send her a couple of articles I ripped out of my Martha Stewart Living magazine last night. After reading them I wondered which of her 5 (or so) houses she (Martha) was in so I could go over and beat the sh*t out of her. Though, she’d probably dry it and use it as fuel or sanitize it and use it in her new human-waste composter ultimately using it to fertilize her many heirloom varieties of endangered plants in her handmade greenhouses.

Oh Martha. I love her magazines. I love that she is so crafty. I love so many of her ideas and decorations. And, I hate her guts.

One of the articles I read last night was about her new “glass house”. She tired of the hoop houses and the cold frames and wanted more (who doesn’t?) such like a glass house. Again, who doesn’t?! So, she had one built. Of course she did. And she probably did it herself, in the middle of the night, while simultaneously knitting mittens from the wool of the sheep she sheared on her sheep farm earlier that day (after washing and carding and spinning it) … and after she made a 14 course breakfast for her farm hands which included jams and jellies and chutneys and pickled items that she canned herself last autumn.

The woman exhausts me.

The “floor” of this glass house is more or less a basement dug out filled with layers of sandy loam and compost and well-composted top soil. Of course it’s also perfectly pH balanced for optimal growth of most vegetables – even endangered varietals.

Of course this glass house has a high, peaked roof and is in a protected, yet sunny location. There are fans and doors and grow lights and hoses … and even a heating system.

I think my house is less decked out than this thing! The picture of it is amazing with its rows of lettuces, chives, tomatoes and whatever else is in there. And there are tropical plants, too. This is their winter home.

I’m wishing it were my winter home.

In any case … kudos to Martha. And Sam will get a kick out of the article. The dogs are still sleeping and as for me – I’m off to clean the litter box and you can be sure I won’t be using it for fertilizer.

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Alas. Such a pity …

Day 353

I’m defining myself … or at least partially defining myself. I consider myself a foodie. But I’m not really. Not in the actual sense of that word or meaning.

I like food … yes. But I’m not a gourmet or a gourmand. I just kind of like to look at it and watch people cook or prepare. I like to see markets and shops and beautiful displays. I’m in love with all things Food Network … the magazines, the shows. I’d have the channel on 24/7 if I allowed myself!

Tonight I was perusing a stack of magazines. And yes, I get just about every food magazine published. I search them for ideas for the calendars and see what the new superfoods are and get great tips and insight and recipes.

Yes … I love looking at the foods and most of the time I’d like to taste them, as well. That is … if someone else made them for me.

I’m just not much of a cook, chef or baker. Alas. Such a pity. Too bad. What a shame.

I always feel badly that I’m not more patient with food. Usually when I’m hungry I want it NOW … or about 15 minutes earlier. I am then in NO mood to slave over a hot stove and usually end up shoveling whatever is closest and easiest into my mouth while standing in front of an open fridge.


Again … alas. Such a pity. Too bad. What a shame.

And now and then I am almost GLAD I am not a foodie. Almost GLEEFUL that I do not own sharp knives. Almost GIDDY with my simple palate.

Aside from duck confit and anything with a beurre blanc sauce on it I could get along in life very easily with a well grilled steak or roasted chicken or a nice bowl of mac and cheese. I’d eat eggs 5x a week if I wasn’t allergic to them. Come to think of it, I shouldn’t be eating that mac and cheese either!

Anyway … let’s just say I’m easy. Not complicated. Not too fussy. And, more than anything, not adventurous. I admit … I’m not a sushi person. I’m not going to eat veal or lamb no matter HOW good they are. I’m not going to eat an oyster (raw or Rocky Mountain). I’m not into calamari (even fried) and don’t even get me started on organ meats. And I’m certainly not going to eat what was in the basket tonight on Chopped.

Lamb fries.

Before the package containing said ingredient was lifted from the “Mystery Ingredient Basket” I had never heard of such a thing. Lamb fries? I thought it surely must be French fries with some sort of lamb sauce. Fries with a twist.

Well, something was twisted … as lamb fries are not fries … but lamb testicles. Ew. Ow. Baaaaad.

In any case … I was so thoroughly grossed out and repulsed watching this group of chefs chop and saute and prepare these disgusting (in restraint of saying what I want to say knowing I’d really gross whomever is reading this out … I’ll just call them … ) “items”. It was nauseatingly awful to watch them cook these “items” up … and I was just glad I wasn’t one of the judges to whom these (ahem) “items” were to be served.

No thank you. Along with the other foods mentioned – I’ll also pass on the lamb fries. I guess I’m less of a foodie than a Food? Eeeeeeeeeee! when it comes to certain “items“.

Alas. Such a pity. Too bad. What a shame.

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Happenings of the day …

Day 352

I think Oscar has the Big D.

Yep … just what you’re thinking … DEMENTIA!

I am thinking he’s lost his sense of smell or eyesight or  brain power as I put his food down the other day and he was looking at me with a face that said, Where is it? and he was standing in the bowl. I’ve also found him sitting in the kitchen looking at the corner … as if in a self-imposed “time out”.

I think he’s losing it. The geriatric fur factory just got a bit more interesting.

Dori fell down the stairs tonight. At 13.5 years (or nearly 95 in people years) falling down a flight of stairs is never a good thing. She seems fine though it sounded like a herd of elephants were going down the steps. From what I can tell she tucked her spindly little pug legs and her round little body into a ball and rolled down them – landing at the bottom a bit shaken but no worse for wear.

I gave the dogs green beans with dinner. Let’s  just say I’m paying for it dearly now. Where is that air freshener???

Those were the happenings of my day. But if I looked outside my little circle of life I’d realize that today was the public inauguration of President Barack Obama. He was sworn in for his second term of office. 

And instead of talking about that … I’m commenting on dog gas. 

Seriously, where is my common decency?

Today was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I should be commenting on his life as well … and yet I’m wondering why I fed green beans to dogs in the first place.

And as I’m thinking that I should be more on top of the happenings of the day I’m thinking about green beans and how I will never to move to Siberia … as the Siberian Express has blown into town and brought with it the lowest temps this region has seen in years. And aside from being brutally cold it has given me the strange desire to go out and lick a lamp pole.

It is these things that I am thinking about instead of the happenings of the day. Which is … too bad.

I should be saying I was so afraid President Obama wouldn’t make it through his first term. I was so afraid idiots had other “plans” for him … would compromise our country and deny him his office and life. I’m glad he’s safe. I’m glad he’s where he is. And it did my heart good to see he and the First Lady dancing and sharing a kiss on this, another historic night.

I can only think that somewhere in Heaven Martin Luther King Jr. is hosting the biggest party ever! He had a dream … and what a reality it came to be. Can you just imagine?

Which makes me think of John Lennon’s song “Imagine”. Imagine all the people … living life in peace.

I know there are people who don’t understand or agree with equality. Who deny it with every fiber of their being. Who resist it. Who stop it whenever possible. And there are those that wage war and make peace an impossibility. It makes me angry and saddened that there are such people and views. Views which turn into bad actions … which turn into tragic deeds and upheavals and pain and the loss of so many. 

I find people like that cowards. Unlike those who try to make change for the betterment of others when they know there is such anger or hatred or ill-will against them or their ideals. The courage they show is amazing to me. I’m sure some see it differently … but I see it as amazing.

On a night like tonight – when there are so many reasons to be aware of the happenings of the day – I should be thinking about these things … instead of cat dementia,  the Siberian Express and dog gas.


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The resume …

Day 351

What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday it was 51 degrees … right now we are at 12 going down to -1 by sometime tomorrow.

And what a difference a mere 34 years makes!

Tonight I did something that I haven’t done since 1979 … put together my resumé. Seriously. I put together my last resumé using a typewriter … back in the days of typing not keyboarding. Back in the days of carbon paper. Before white out and correcting typewriters and those amazing IBM Selectric II’s! Back in the days of the dinosaurs … or so it now seems.

I have to say it was a challenge because I can’t remember what I did all those years ago (let alone what I ate for breakfast today – if I ate breakfast today) or what I did last week or last year!

So, what did I do?

Professional experience … I was a secretary/receptionist (now it might be called an Administrative Assistant) and geological technician for an oil and gas company. I used to think, back then, that if I was of Native American descent my given name could have been – One Who Colors Maps … because, basically, that is what a geotech did at that time. That and take well reports – none of which I understood! I did that and a myriad of other odd jobs in the company until they folded 5 years later.

After that I put on make-up … mine and that of thousands of other women! I was a consultant and sales director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. The highlights of my 21 year career were earning a car, helping women achieve their goals, being asked to be a speaker at the regional conference (for 9 states), and sitting in Mary Kay’s bathtub (I have a picture to prove it)! The records I broke and accolades and awards were nice but not highlights.

At the turn of the century (which still sounds weird to me) I started subbing in our local school district. I was known as the “Fun Sub” and subbed primarily in the gifted and talented program and for the Dean of Students. I did that for 13 years until I moved from Colorado. I have also tutored for the past 3 years.

Seven years ago I assumed the CEO role in my current business … which means I am the designer, coordinator, marketer, advertising specialist, creative director, sales person, editor, customer service rep, computer technician, shipping manager, accountant, secretary and chief executive officer of the company. I ran a quarter of a million dollar business that first year on 4 hours of uneasy sleep each night … not knowing much about the business. I can surmise I did okay as I’m still at it 7 years later.

The resumé included my university credentials and my contact information and some characteristic traits that are my strong suits … highly efficient, excellent sales skills, supremely organized, ethical, genuine, reliable, reliant, responsible …

What it didn’t cover were life experiences which, in my opinion, should be accounted for. No mention of a 27 year relationship with a wonderful man. No mention of that loving and faithful and happy marriage. No mention of the heartbreak when it ended. No mention of the book I authored or of this blog I’m writing. No mention of the many parties, holiday dinners or gatherings I hosted. No mention of the offices I held at all the schools. No mention of the endless committees and boards I was on or chaired or of the thousands of volunteer hours I gave.

There was also no mention of the thousands of miles driven to sporting events, lessons, friends’ houses, long-distance travels and grocery store runs. No mention of the scrapbooks and photo albums I put together. No mention of the house redo that took 11 months or the animals cared for or a count for the times I used the vacuum cleaner or the number of allium in my front flower bed (110 last year).

And no mention of the BEST job I’ve ever had … that of being a mom. Nowhere on that sheet of paper did it say what my best feat was … that of raising two incredible human beings. Nowhere on there did it ask if I could wipe away tears of frustration or anger or pain with a kiss.  Nowhere did it mention that my fridge was always adorned with art from little people with tiny hands and big imaginations or that our home was always full of laughter and crafts, pets and parties and friends. Not once was it mentioned, because of and for them, that I could juggle volunteering at 2 schools, writing newsletters, counting girl scout cookies, coaching a soccer team, sewing Halloween costumes, planning a flower sale and a talent show, doing laundry, making dinner, painting the bathroom and washing a dog, simultaneously, all while being half dead with the flu. And nowhere did it mention my immeasurable pride and remarkable joy for these two humans who I have been blessed to share my love with and who gave me the time of my life.

Too bad … cuz all the rest of the information on that resumé pales in comparison as that’s the most fun I’ve ever had and the best I’ve ever done.

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Soul full …

Day 350

Today it was, again, Springtime in Chicagoland. I think we reached 51 degrees before the winds started blowing the warmth towards the lake. We are awaiting the “Siberian Express” to deliver the coldest air Chicago has seen in over 2 years.

Man, when it comes to weather … I sure pick the places! Record heat, record cold, record winds. Fabulous!

And as much as I think it feels 12 degrees out when it’s actually 40 … I can’t wait to see how I fare when the temps dip to below zero! Yep – looking forward to it!

Um, sarcasm people! All I can say is … I guess it’s due. It’s been a reasonably mild winter and no snow … so, whatever. Bundle up and shut up, Les!

Today, as it was so nice out, I decided to go meet some of my local shop owners and deliver calendars to them – the ones in downtown Park Ridge. Yes, my timing wasn’t the greatest because I should have done this in December … or November. But, whatever. I stopped in to a few of them and met the owners … shook some hands, exchanged casual hellos, commented on their stores, bought something if I felt it was warranted.

I stopped off at Hay Carámba first … the cute Mexican place that has a 10 for ambience and a 4 for food and margaritas. I wanted to tell the owner … but didn’t. Imagine how well they would do with GOOD food and drinks?! It’s mind-boggling! I didn’t think walking the streets with a watery margarita or a bowl of chips would be wise – so I passed on a purchase there. Darn it anyways! They received mostly Spanish calendars. Go figure.

A few stops at the jewelers and the real estate office (no, didn’t buy anything at those places, either) and I found myself in front of Gumbo Joe’s …

I thought it was new but on the door it said something about being around since 1955! Well, not in this location! But I did find out that they ‘d been there for 5 or so years. The place is darling … exposed brick wall, can lighting, clean and upscale seating area … lots of black and tan. And great prices on pizza, sausages, salads and sandwiches. I’ll have to try it out sometime. It was really cute and clean and it smelled SO good!

I then stopped at Nancy’s Sells Flowers. They delivered the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers to my mom on her birthday (from my brother) … all pink and white roses, carnations, lilies … it was stunningly beautiful. I thanked her for her always beautiful flowers and talked with her for a bit, offered my services if she ever needed help, and gave her a handful of calendars as well. It was a well stocked place and tiny but I couldn’t help think, as I left, how much cuter it would be if I could get my hands on it for a weekend!

My next stop was at the new Farmer’s Market … a darling little shop that sells primarily produce. It’s like walking through a time warp to the 50’s as soon as you walk through the door. I felt like Barney Fife might walk out from behind the back curtain talking about Thelma Lou while I was buying my Honey Crisp apples at 99 cents a pound (they’re $3.99 at Jewel this week!). This is the place I got the pomegranate that was as big as a cantaloupe and a cantaloupe that was as big as my head. I’ll be eating that thing ALL week!

And my next to last shop was the All on the Road Bakery and Catering establishment. This space is combined from two as one can figure out by the two doors out front – kind of confusing. I chatted with the owner and was told they’d been there now for 16 years! All I can say is their food must be outstanding because the place looked like it was a small shop that you’d find on a lake after the season was over and everyone had gone home. I wanted to grab a broom and sweep whatever was under the front tables and put some cute table cloths on them and rearrange her seating area and hang hearts and snowflakes in her two big beautiful windows. I took a to-go menu home with me and found 7 typos in the first half of the page. Yep … their food must be fabulous because the other areas needed some attention. I bought a pecan ball (those ones that are coated with powder sugar and proceeded to breathe it in and gagged myself silly) … however, if their cookies are any indication of the rest of their food … they are GOOOOOD. Yum!

In any case … I chatted with the gal in the Toy Emporium … a cute little toy shop down the street, bought a trinket and then headed home. My day was a success … I met some new people, I helped the local economy, my calendar bag was empty and my soul was full.

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A Work in Progress …

Day 349

Here we are at day 349 … I have a bit more than two weeks left of this challenge … not that I’m counting or anything. It has been a good exercise for me and let’s just say, a work in progress. 

It’s amazing how quickly the time has gone and I look back on all these past days and think, “WOW … a LOT has happened.” 

I am in such a different place now than I was then … literally and figuratively.

And yet, there are days … most days … when I think that I got NOTHING done, NOTHING accomplished, DID NOTHING. And I have to remind myself that my to-do lists are never-ending so, of course it always seems like I got nothing DONE because I just keep adding to them!

I have to tell myself, “Chill out, already!”. And sometimes I listen. And, well, sometimes I don’t.

Today I did chill out though, literally. It was 40 degrees out and I went downtown for a meeting and thought I’d wear a light jacket. Um, not a good idea in winter in Chicago … even though today marked the 326th day of no (measurable) snow … it’s still winter! Snow or no snow! In any case … 40 degrees here feels like 12 degrees by Denver standards … so, I learned my lesson and won’t be so cavalier about “warm temps” again!

In these past 349 days I added an extra day to my life (Leap Year day) … I sold my house … I packed 647 boxes … I purged and I moved. I drove cross country – solo w/5 animals. I had a dog and several friends die … along with a portion of my new lawn. I unpacked about 620 of the boxes (the others are in storage), painted nearly the entire house, recarpeted, redid the landscaping, redid just about everything that I could. I said good-bye to my former tutor students and hello to my new one, designed and sold the calendars, ran the business for the 7th year, sold more books, and today I secured a part time job at a massage studio as one of their customer service reps.

And in the midst of all this … I signed up for a 21 day challenge (at to “figure out my life”.  Like I haven’t been busy enough! Today is Day 9 of the challenge … and I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew … or at least figure out … in this short amount of time.

I am finally coming up for air with the house and move and have not started on the 2014 calendars (yet) … so I have a little time to decompress, evaluate, ruminate and veg before the hamster wheel starts calling to me again. One might think I’d like to take it easy … oh no, not me. Let me try to figure out life in 21 days!

And in the middle of all this … my ideal retail space has come available. I am open to it falling into my lap, would welcome it immensely and am actually hoping that is what happens. I’d know then that “it” was meant to be and that “this” was my time to incubate my dog boutique/bakery dreams and give it a try. We shall see.

In any case … 349 days … a LOT has happened and before my posts come full circle I will have finished the 21 day challenge … and hopefully will have figured out my life … and so much more.

Sometimes we don’t give ourselves credit for what we accomplish because we don’t slow down and look at the big picture. Small steps are being taken every day. Some days seem really slow … but I know I’m moving forward.

Let’s just say I’m a work in progress.

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Here’s the buzz …

Day 348

It’s past the middle of January so I can now safely put up my Valentine’s Day decorations without feeling too weird about it. Nothing like pushing the holidays/seasons a bit. I don’t care … the sooner winter ends the better. I heard we are to be 11 over the weekend. My spring fever is so bad I think I have a real fever as my head is buzzing.

In any case … with the decorations still in a bin in the basement my thoughts turn to bringing them up and all things Valentiney and late winter. Late winter makes me think of spring … which makes me think of flowers … which makes me think of bees. Hence the buzzing in my head!

So … in thinking all these things I could say … (a bit early) … Bee Mine … or Hey Honey … or What’s buzzing?

I read an article the other day about honeybees. I have this quasi-fascination with them. I like bees but hate (hate!) wasps and know (just KNOW) that someday I will have some hives. I don’t want to be the bee-keeper (or apiarist) … I just want to be a landlord – as in provide housing for bees and let someone else take care of them and collect the honey and beeswax.

In fact, I like bees so much that my laundry room (this one and my previous) are decorated in a bee motif – complete with tiny straw skeps and painted bees on my walls. (The Queen even has a glittery tiara on her head … how else would I know she was the queen?!)

Anyway … there were some interesting facts which amazed me  – such being that bees have to fly 55,000 MILES to produce ONE POUND of honey! That is farther than going around the world … TWICE!

The White House established a beehive in 2009 and two years later it produced 225 pounds of clover honey. Do the math people … that’s 12,375,000 miles that those bees had to fly!

Wow … I certainly will cherish the liquid gold that is housed in that plastic bear in my cupboard from now on!  No wonder honey was once used as currency.

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of clay and straw hives that date as far back as 1000 BC. So, though said not to spoil … I’m not sure I’d like to try 3000 year old honey on my English muffin!

Without bees there would be far fewer plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables … due to pollination, of course. Certain plants not only rely on bees but exist solely due to bee pollination. Peaches and plums rely 70% on bees, apples and avocados rely 90% and almonds wouldn’t exist at all as they rely on bees a whopping 100%! I would imagine with the dying off of bee colonies in the US these past few years the almond growers are mighty nervous.

I always thought that bees were bees … but when doing a little research on them, I found that there are over 20,000 species of these little buzzers!

In any case … I like bees. I think (no pun intended) that they are sweet … or just their honey is! And soon (oh, hopefully soon) spring will be upon us and we’ll be seeing the first flowers of the season popping up and the bees will once again take flight after their long winter of clustering together in the hive keeping the Queen warm and snug.

I know I’ll be looking forward to seeing them. But for right now, with cold temps still around us and no bees in sight (at least where I am), I think I’ll go make myself some tea with honey and cozy in a bit.


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Hello, Dalai …

Day 347

 “If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.” … so said the Dalai Lama.

All I have to say is, “Well, hello Dalai!” That is one really, really astute llama!

I was thinking about something today (not exactly worrying, just thinking) when I came upon that quote. It made me feel better in a que será, será kind of way. (As in Doris Day … whatever will be, will be …)

And yet … something was still nagging at me. Doris Day and her chipper outlook be damned.

And when something nags at me, historically I go for a drive. Something about the wind in my hair with the radio blasting kind of clears my head and brings everything back to center. Well, I wasn’t about to do that today because I wasn’t going to roll my windows down in 20 degree weather or have icy blasts whip through my hair and I still have yet to find a decent radio station here.

Anyway … instead of that, I drove to town to get my mom a pastry. (It’s her 84th birthday. HB, Mom!)

And while out, for whatever reasons my thoughts wandered to a day when Ted was about 3 years old and while driving around we came upon a house that had those fiberglass deer out front. I slowed down the car and pointed them out to Ted … who, of course, in all his 3 years didn’t know about fiberglass (well, he might have cuz he was such a brainy little one … in fact, I think he invented fiberglass!) … anyway … he thought they were REAL. So, there we were looking at the family of (fiberglass) deer and as we drove off he whispered breathlessly … “They’re so still.” He had not a care in the world … just utter amazement at how close he had come to nature.

I still chuckle at that … he was so darn cute and who was I to burst his bubble and tell him they were FAKE?!

Anyway, fast forward to just before last Christmas. While driving past my neighbor’s house I slowed to gawk at the three fat geese that were nibbling his grasses. They were so beautiful and so fat and (it wasn’t until I saw the big red bows around their necks that I realized, like the deer of long ago, they were) … FAKE!  (And so still!)

So, fast forward (or go back to) today. I had dropped off said pastry and was on my way home again – still with this thing nagging at me – and as I drove past my neighbor’s house I thought that he had added another goose to his yard. As I got closer I realized it wasn’t a goose … but a very sizeable, very real HAWK sitting atop his fresh kill … an unfortunate squirrel … in the lawn!

I pulled off to the side hoping to snap a picture as he was about  six feet from me but the bird flew off (squirrel and all) and I missed my chances of having a photograph in National Geographic! Darn it anyway!

But that brush with nature made me feel how Ted must have felt so close to those (unbeknownst to him – fake) deer … it was so exciting that I found myself breathlessly whispering aloud, “Wow, that was  cool.”

And in that moment … when nature gave me a glimpse of something special … all the worries of the day (or week or month) kind of melted away and that nagging something disappeared completely.

And it made me want to thank the hawk (and the squirrel) … for bringing me full circle and back to center. And I realized how very true that quote on worrying is … because when all is said and done … worrying about something doesn’t stop it from happening. I’ll figure things out and change what I can and if I can’t, there’s really no sense in worrying about it. Que será, será.

Yep … that is one smart llama!

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WT*! …

Day 346

There come moments in each of our days when something you hear is so ludicrous or so stupid or so awful or so whatever … that the only thing that comes to mind or out of your mouth is … WT*!

* … YOU can put in your favorite word (hay, heck, expletive)!

Seriously. And today was such a day. 


This morning I was giving a quick glimpse to the MSN headlines (as I am not a newspaper reader or a news watcher but get my info from the internet or from the local talk radio station while in my car) … and what should I read?

Security personnel had confiscated a shipment of human heads at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Human heads? Seriously? EW! I don’t care if they were coming from Italy after being used in scientific research and on their way to a crematorium that is under investigation. I don’t want to know about it. I don’t want to know that a crate containing 18 human heads (I won’t go into the other graphic info) was found … at the airport … or anywhere else. Can you imagine those guys who opened it up? OMG! And I certainly don’t want to know about it while I’m eating a bowl of blueberries and milk. WT*!

Today while driving home from tutoring I was listening to the news on the car radio and caught snippets of the latest Lance Armstrong “thing”. I did NOT realize that the United States Post Office sponsored his cycling team from 2001-2004 to the tune of $30 MILLION DOLLARS. WT *! First off, I’m infuriated that he (apparently) thinks he is above the law and decency and sportsmanship and I hope that he is imprisoned for fraud. Secondly, why is the USPS backing a cycling team in the first place when they themselves are having so many financial problems? Again … WT*!

And then there was the story about horsemeat being found in what grocery store patrons (in Britain and Ireland) thought were 100% beef patties. Well, more like 71% beef/29% horse. Though not a health risk, people were voting NEIGH on horsemeat for dinner! Seriously better than Soylent Green but still … WT*!

And then I heard that the movie theater in Aurora, CO where the shootings occurred last summer where 12 people died and so many more were injured and emotionally wounded was inviting the victims and victims’ families for a tour of the redesigned facility. I hope the whole thing was better than it sounds as it sounds so horrifically insensitive on so many levels. Kind of like saying … You or your loved one was a victim in a vicious massacre … and come see where it all happened. Popcorn will be served. Seriously  … WT*.

Our headlines and newscasts are filled, all too often, with these stories which, lately, seem to be far too commonplace.  And, personally, I’m tired of saying or thinking WT* but I can’t help it.

Because there are far too many stories like the ones mentioned above and like the one about some brainiacs affiliated with a New York youth soccer club who have banned high fives and fist bumps during the games “to avoid the spread of the flu”. Seriously? These people don’t think that all the sweat and slobber that is spewed around a field during a game not to mention the sharing of water bottles and oranges would somehow be a concern as well? And if you think your kid is not feeling so great and might have the flu … shouldn’t he be home instead of playing soccer?

Again, WT* people … WT*!





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Her final wish …

Day 345

I used to be a member of CPR … Colorado Pug Rescue. I was one of the transport people. When someone relinquished a dog or if a dog needed transportation across state … I’d be that person or I’d take a leg of its journey.

That’s how I came to have Dori and Yosh. They were an emergency rescue meant to stay with me for the afternoon. Then a few more after that. And then just a few more after that.

By the third month I knew they weren’t going anywhere and that I had, officially, flunked my foster mom-hood as I ended up adopting them both.

There is simply something about pugs that once you have one you realize you are a goner. They are just so darn goofy and snuggly and cute!

In any case … today I got an email from CPR. They needed immediate help with a sensitive matter. Someone called in saying an elderly woman at a nursing home was failing and she had one last request … a dying wish …

And that was to hug a pug as she left this life.

I don’t know if the rescue group had gotten such a request before. I was overtaken by emotions … wondering who this woman was? Did she have a pug in her lifetime? If so, did she long to be with a favorite once again? And if she never had one … was it the one dog she always wanted?

I found it so sad … and yet so sweet. And even sweeter still that someone would go to the extent in actually trying to grant this woman her dying wish. How lovely is that?

In the past two days I’ve heard of two people’s passing. Cancer sucks. One of them was a client’s husband. I’d been following his CaringBridge posts for a long time. Too long of a time to be fighting as he had been. Though heartbroken for the family and my client, I was grateful that her husband was finally at peace (her final wish for him). It made my heart lighter to know that she could be by his side helping him go forward.  And I hoped that if he had a last wish, that it was simple enough for her to grant it for him.

Those passings and the scare of my dad’s head trauma yesterday and today’s email has made me think … if I had a dying wish (that could only be for me) … what would it be?

And the first thing that comes to my mind is … not dying! Duh!

But if that wasn’t an option … what would that wish be? It certainly wouldn’t be for jewels or riches. You can’t really take those things with you when you go. It wouldn’t be for a bigger house or newer car or fine clothes. Again, what good would they do me?

In fact, nothing material would be fulfilling. I wouldn’t really need more patience or intelligence or understanding. So, most of the intangibles would be out the window as far as options, as well.

And in thinking about it – I think that woman in the nursing home has a good thing going with her wish … how much better would the end of your life be if you could go forward while hugging a pug?

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The Iceman Cometh …

Day 344

Well, little did I think that the rain I was so enjoying as I fell asleep last night would … due to the upper air disturbance which caused a change in the jet stream pattern allowing the Arctic air/cold front to push out the regional warmth … turn into ICE.

As it did.

The Iceman cometh. Well, I don’t know if he did … but Old Man Winter sure showed up for a bit. I went out my front door this morning to get my Sunday paper and slid down the railing and hopped over the last 2 steps making a safe 7.9 landing (points taken off for swearing and my toes went over the edge of the sidewalk into the grass). I owe that score all to my past gymnastic moves.

My dad, however, was never a gymnast and wasn’t so lucky.

He is okay (now) … and after a day in the ER, a CT scan, much scraping and poking, a Tetanus shot and 9 (count ’em, nine!) staples in the back of his head … he’s okay and at home. Hopefully resting well. That’ll teach him to be nice and take his neighbor’s paper from the driveway to his neighbor’s porch!

What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished.

All I can say is … OW!

I was to go to the show with my mom today and at the end of our conversation about when I was going to pick her up she said I could look at my dad’s head … as he “took a spill”.

Not a good thing at any age. A really not good thing to do when you’re 84. But it didn’t sound so bad so when I got there I asked to see his head, curious but not wanting to interfere his football viewing and not thinking I’d see much more than a bump. 

OMG. As in … Oh. My. God. Um, Dad … we’re going to the ER … and NOW. My father (yes, you DAD) is as stubborn as they get. Donkeys and goats have nothing on him. I gave him 2 options … me or an ambulance. He opted for me. Good thinking, Dad. At least I knew his cognition was not impaired because I knew he was thinking about the cost and insurance nightmare of a 911 call.

Anyway … I hate hospitals. I don’t know many non-medical people who really like them – but I really hate them. Too many bad memories of all the days/nights we were in the hospital with Tim, I suppose. They were never good times. Not much “happiness” in hospitals. However, this group was really good today.

I was actually surprised how quickly he was seen … CT scan taken, results back (all clear), head scrubbed (more ow!!!), numbing injections (ew, even more ow!!!), and 9 staples.

And that’s when I fainted.

No, ha, only kidding. I didn’t go into the medical field (veterinary was my field of choice) because though I find the scientific/biological sides intriguing … I just do not like the, for  lack of a better word … goo … that is in bodies. And head wounds have a lot of goo  … and this one was no exception. (The NP said she loved the goo. Better her than me!)

He said he didn’t feel anything and that the scrubbing was the worst of all of it. I took pictures for him – before and after the stapling. Bloody head photos are always a nice addition to the family album. In any case … he did a good job and managed to cut open his head leaving a nice 2″ A-shaped fissure on the back of his head.

Yeah … OW!

In any case … he’s got a nice turban-wrap going on until he gets a recheck and the staples get pulled in 10 days. I’m hoping when they call him in to the office, they’ll just say, “Here’s Jack … the Iceman cometh!”

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Liver Pops and rain …

Day 343

Unknowingly, I have moved to the NW. Or better said, the NW weather has descended on the Chicago area. Fine by me.

It’s raining … again.

And I am loving every pitter-patter moment. The dogs, um – not so much.

I let them outside for their last rounds of the night and left them out a bit longer than I normally do. What’s a little winter rain? A little nighttime bath never hurt anyone. However, I now have three VERY wet dogs, a VERY muddy entryway and one pug who is, at the moment, rolling around on my comforter drying herself off. Lovely.

In any case … I opened the door and they flew past me as if  shot out of cannons – running to the kitchen, ears back with the racing wind of motion. I was glad one of the cats wasn’t sitting on their cushion in the dining room – someone certainly would have been trampled. Yes, it was wet out and they wanted to come in … but more than that I’ve created monsters.

Monsters for Liver Pops!

They know I give snacks at bedtime and because I’m a sucker I give them their usual treat and then everyone gets one Liver Pop (cats included!).

Usually Mobes gets a big-dog MilkBone, Gertie gets a “stick” – one of those pressed rawhide chews that look like pencils and Dori gets a handful of mini bones. And then, due to all the excitement and activity and twirling of pug butts – the cats come into the kitchen and want treats, too. So, I throw a handful of cat niblets on the floor and whatever they don’t get Dori is happy to clean up for them.

That is how it usually goes. And then, more than not, the extra treats of the super yummy … LIVER POPS!

I started giving this treat a long time ago when I couldn’t get the dogs to come into the house. I’d call and call and they’d look at me from somewhere out in the yard and give me that look that said … Yeah, right … and then go back to their sniffing. It was frustrating. My backyard had 3 tiers and bushes galore … the dogs (and whatever wildlife) could get lost in those things for hours … days! So, to assure their safe return (or speedy return) to the house I’d call out “Liver Pops!”. I’m sure, to this day, that Gertie thinks that is her name because she responds better to those two words than when I call her by her given name! Whatever works! (I do wonder, though, if my neighbors ever thought I had renamed her Liver Pop!)

Liver pops are actually Hollywood Stars Liver Flavored Dog Snacks. They look like miniature Tootsie Rolls and come in what looks like a child’s school lunch milk carton – but with a dog’s face  on it instead of a cow’s!

The treats look so much like Tootsie Rolls that my mom actually ate one once thinking I had left some candy out on the counter. Bet she won’t do that again! Ew!

Anyway, if you have a dog and you’re at Walmart buy a few boxes while there (they’re something like $1/box) … the best, cheapest dog treats you’ll ever get and your dogs (and cats) will love you forever.

And if  you want your animal to come into the house all you have to do is yell, “Liver Pop!” out your backdoor and your dog will come flying and your neighbors will think you renamed him Liver Pop!

In any case … the Liver Pops have made my animals happy and the rain has made me happy (except for the mud and wet comforter) … a nice way to end our day!

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Music to soothe the savage beast …

Day 342

Some days  you just have to forget everything and turn up Nat King Cole or Michael Bublé or Adele.

Today was that kind of day.

Nothing wrong … just a day for music. It soothes the savage beast.

And apparently … me. And, apparently Moby.

I, probably unknown to most of my friends, sing to my dogs. My kids know it cuz I’m always doing it. And it’s not regular songs … it’s tidbits of songs and ditties I’ve made up … specially for each animal. What can I say, I’m a song writer.

Mobes is the one I sing to most often … and I want to say she likes it … but I don’t know for sure; she’s never really told me. But I kind of like to think that she’s partial to my singing as she gets very tail waggy and usually goes and grabs a “baby” (one of her many stuffed animals from the basket or the closest one lying about) and carries it around for a bit.

I call her my Wonder Lizard. I have NO idea how that started … or when that started. We’ve had her for 6 years now – our rescue lab from some guy up in the mountains who was using her as a breeder bitch. She mothered 30 babies for him before he was “done” with her.  When I saw the ad in the paper, I pulled Sam out of school and the three of us (she, Tim and I) drove up for a “look” at this dog.

Before we could even say whether or not we’d take her she was in our van – all ready to go. I guess you can say she adopted us before we adopted her.

Tim was less than enthusiastic about another animal … but I think before we even got home he and the dog bonded and were soul-mates. He kissed her last when he left in the morning and first when he got home.

I think she grieved more than I did when Tim died.

Her name was Silver Snow when we got her, but that didn’t quite fit … and the day I found her in the backyard pond, in 40 degree weather, with the goldfish marooned on her back, only her head and tail out of the water (tail thumping wildly on the rocks), making soft woo-wooing noises – just like a whale … her name changed to Moby … as in The Great White Whale. It seemed to fit.

And I think it was shortly after that we discovered she liked being sung to. She’s a musical one. Always liked when Ted played the piano. Comes up to sleep next to me when I have Pandora on.

In any case I sing to her when she’s awake or sleeping (and even if she’s sleeping – she wags her tail!) … Mobius the Wonder Lizard … Wonder Lizard and Friends. She has friends who are lizards, she has friends who are not lizards … and they all love her … because she is sweet and lovely … and then I add in whatever else I want to at the time … something about breakfast or that she is a big bad wolf or that she doesn’t really know any lizards, etc.

Yes, I am a songwriter. However, I didn’t say I was a good songwriter!

Anyway, I sing … to the dogs … mostly Mobes. And though I call it music (barely) I don’t think Adele or Nat or Michael have anything to worry about from me.

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Good, better, best …

Day 341

As the days slip away and we slide into the middle of January … I keep wondering when WINTER will make an appearance?

Not that I want it, mind you … I’m just wondering.

If the season decides to skip us completely – you will not hear one complaint from these lips. That would be fine by me! I don’t mind the occasional snow flake … but a Midwestern winter? Um, no thanks! And yet, I’m here! 

Today I heard from a friend in Naples (FL not Italy) that it was 88 degrees. It’s always warm down there in January – but this was hot, even for them. Record breaking, actually.

And, here in the Chicago area it was 44 today with 55 forecast for tomorrow. And right now? It’s raining cats and dogs!

Actually, I’m glad it’s not really raining cats and dogs because then I’d have to rescue them! But it is pouring … and the sound is music to my ears. A bit of  light rain was in the forecast for tonight. This isn’t exactly light but I’ll certainly take it … it’s fabulous. 

It looks like Spring. It smells like Spring. It feels like Spring. And though I know it’s not and I know that it’ll fall down to the 20’s again come early next week … I’ll take this because I’ve had Spring Fever since right after Christmas!

And though we’ve got 70 some days until Spring actually arrives … I’ll take what I can get. When I can get it.

Yesterday I raked the yard. It felt good to be outside – doing something in the yard. It made me yearn for tulips and that damp terrarium smell of springtime.  My lawn was looking a bit haggard (the dogs have done a number on it) but is now getting a good soaking – maybe that will help make it look better as this rain was needed. The news casts were calling for people to water their properties this weekend as it’s been so dry and warm. No need to now. Thanks Mom Nature!

I love rain. Always have. I sit here listening to it pound the roofs and hardened ground and beat against the neighbor’s  car. It’s lovely. A symphony of wonderful wetness. And I can almost convince myself that the not-so-distant rumble is thunder … and not actually the planes coming in for landing. Like I’ve said before, the airport is too close!

Anyway … I’m a rain baby. Part mermaid – that’s me. So, living in Denver (aka … a high desert) for 33 years was not my ideal location. I needed more water. More water around me. More water in the form of rain.

So, here I am. Not my ideal location either – but at least I’ve seen more rain in the last 8 months than I did in the last few years in Denver. And it’s been nice. Really, really, really nice.

Tonight is a good night. And not just because it’s raining.

I met my dear old friend for dinner. She is in town for a bit and though we haven’t lived in the same city or state for the past 38 years … we pick up every time we see each other like we had lunch last week. We are sisters of the heart.

I came home with a face ache. I haven’t laughed that much since I moved here! So, besides Spring-like rain in January, a yummy dinner and laughter with a great friend … this has been the best night!

And yet I seem to remember seeing a brownie mix in the pantry … so, I’m off to bake a batch of brownies. Hmm … the best just got better!

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All that glitters …

Day 340

Dark and naked. Naked and dark.

So seems my house and yard right now as I’ve taken down my Christmas decorations and lights. The house feels empty and already I am missing the lights and sparkle! I miss the lights reflecting off the ornaments and silver. Everything seemed to shimmer … even faintly.

One must know I am part crow. Crows like shiny things and are said to steal items (I guess from people on picnics or on their patios) and stash them away in their nests.

Crow or not … I’ve always been a sparkle-princess.

I got my first pair of glasses when I was 7. The frames I picked out were “Sugar Plum Fairy Pink” … soft mauvy-pink with small sparkles in the frame material. They were FABULOUS!

Fast forward to the 90’s and every item of clothing I have on in every single picture was adorned with rhinestones or beading or studs or glitter. I am appalled that I went out of the house in those outfits. I am appalled I put those outfits on and even stayed in the house. Horrors. My clothing made Cyndi Lauper look like a nun.

Anyway … here I am thinking the yard looks bare (and dark and naked) without my 6 reindeer tending the lawn and my white lights swagged along the fence. Funny how little strands of white lights added so much ambiance and light to that small yard. The front door is so bare now without the garland, lights and ornaments. It really looks naked!

And the house … emptysville. I liked the shimmer and sparkle of the ornaments and the soft lighting. I plugged my lamp in tonight where my little tree had been and was practically blinded! I think I’d gotten used to reading by twinkle light! This 75 watt bulb is going to take some getting used to!

In any case … whenever I can add some shimmer or sparkle to my home (and life) I will. It just makes things prettier and I like that. If someone were to ask me my favorite color I’d have to say glitter! It’s just the kind of gal I am!

So, with Valentine’s Day a mere 5 weeks away I don’t think next week would be too early to start putting out my Valentine’s Day decorations … hearts and lace and red and pink candles. I’m sure I can find some shimmering something in my decoration box.

I might just try my hand at making some Valentines this year, too … and lucky me … because along with the construction paper and lace and doilies … there’s GLITTER!

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The Queen of Idiots …

Day 339

I live with the Queen of Idiots.

I have been working up at my desk for an hour or so and I have been hearing some swishing going on in my bedroom … accompanied by little yips now and then.

What was going on?

So, I ventured across the hall to see my antique salmon pink satin comforter moving around on the floor – seemingly on its own … until, of course the little yips came up out of its downiness.

Gertie … the Queen of Idiots … was underneath.

Apparently she was trying to get up on my bed when she used her talon/claws to accidentally pull down my comforter on top of herself. I’ve seen her use those “fingers” to get an m&m off a table! She can put an ape to shame with the use of her paws … she’s downright creepy!

Anyway … yeah. A good laugh and an unveiling later I hoisted her up onto my bed where she is snuggled in now. A nap before bedtime.

Today was a busy day for this little Pug. Earlier I let her in from being outside and I don’t know if it was the fresh air or the thought that she was going to get a yummy … but she ran inside the house … ran up the stairs to the dining room … up the stair to the kitchen through the hall into the living room and up onto the chaise in the corner (her  lookout) … tongue hanging out she crouched chest down – butt up and took off again to the back door where I let her out again to play with the rest of the group! Idiot.

Earlier still I came upstairs to see what more yipping was about. I thought maybe she was bothering Moby while Mobes was napping. Gert has a tendency to want to play just as Mobes gets comfy and falls asleep.

No, it wasn’t Mobes Gert was bothering … it was my new Mold-O-Rama rhino! Heavens!!!! I took that away from her pronto!

When the kids were in town last week we went down to the zoo to explore and see the holiday lights. We walked into the Pachyderm house and what should greet us (no elephants) but a Mold-O-Rama machine! It was fabulous!

For a mere $2 a person could watch hot plastic being pumped into a mold of a rhinoceros (we subsequently saw more machines and a variety of animals shapes). It was fascinating! So, of course, I forked over my two Washingtons and fed them into the machine and the three of us watched as the machine did its magic and then out of the vending machine slot at the bottom … plopped a hot, gray plastic rhino!  Wonders never cease!

Although, with all due respect to the Mold-O-Rama rhino mold makers this one looks more like a prehistoric Wooly Rhino than an actual modern-day rhinoceros. Whatever. I love it.

And apparently Gertie did too … as it had fallen off my shelf and she was circling it and barking at it like it was some threat to our home.

In any case … she is a goofball … a major idiot. 

I’d even dare say she is the Queen.

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Connections …

Day 338

Connections …

I ventured outside today to put out the garbage cans for pick up tomorrow, to get my mail on the front porch and to lean out the door to let the dogs out and then back in the back door … and never once did I leave my property.

And yet … today I was in Canada and Florida, Washington, Iowa, Indiana, California, Colorado (several locations there) and Illinois. All without leaving home.

The phone system is an amazing thing … we can call anywhere we want to and be connected to ones we hold near and dear … even though they may be far and dear.

Today I had a good long chat with my friend up in Canada. She surprised me with a phone call just as I was starting to put away my Christmas. (I’m done, by the way, Andrea!) We are friends of the heart … friends via internet … penpals of cosmic proportions. We have never met and yet I feel we are sisters. She is going through an exceptionally hard time – facing breast cancer treatments and surgery on the heels of her husband’s cancer treatments. Her grace and sweetness make me cry knowing what is going on in her body. I want it out. I want her well.

I also chatted with my kids … which is ALWAYS a good thing. Sam called me. Ted called me. I called Sam back. Connections. We are connected … and though one is in Colorado and the other in Washington, we are together always in our hearts.

I also sent pictures and texts to Sam and a few friends. These cells phones are amazing pieces of technology. Staying connected has never been easier or more fun!

The postal service is an amazing institution. Where else, for 45 cents, can you put a letter outside your house and in 3-5 days it arrives at your friend’s house? I think that is just shy of miraculous! Talk about cheap connections! I received a newsy letter from good friends in Iowa today (sorry about your house and crops, guys!) along with a holiday package from my dear friend, Beth, in CO. Just when I had run out of holiday chocolate … there she was with more for me (in a cute reindeer holder, too). Sweet sustenance! Sweet reindeer! Sweet Beth!

The internet service/system is an amazing thing. I still do not know how this all works … and I really don’t care to understand it. Let’s just say it’s one of the great mysteries of life to me and I’m okay with that.

In the blink of an eye I can type a note to a friend in California and she gets it. I “chatted” via email with a friend in Indiana this afternoon … after receiving a really sweet email from a friend in Colorado this morning. I sent out 15 emails this afternoon to friends in CO … just “you’re on my mind” ones … and got several back in reply. I chatted, again, with Andrea up in Canada … and Sam … and Ted. I had a quick correspondence with a client here in Illinois and a long letter with a friend in Florida. Connections. Connectedness.

I visited with so many today and never left home. Amazing.

In any case … connections. They keep us close … even when we’re not.

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Comfort …

Day 337

I’m comfortable.

And that’s not good.

Well, ordinarily comfort is a good thing. It’s a wonderful thing. It means life, in its many forms, is good and easy and cozy.  And I’m all for good, easy and cozy.

However … comfort in another sense can mean complacency. And that is not good.

Currently for me comfort (complacency) means that it’s the 6th of January and I really have no desire to take down my Christmas decs yet. They’re pretty. I’m enjoying them too much.

It also means I haven’t dusted in a good week (or two or three) and I simply do not care. A little dust never hurt anyone.

It also means that I’ve gained back 13 of the 30 pounds I lost and though I’m better off than when I started … I’m not as good as I was a few months back.

It also means that an apple can be my dinner … and turkey soup can be my breakfast and I can go to bed at 2am. Well, honestly, I don’t see anything bad in that!

The dogs really do not mind if I’m still in my nightgown at 1pm … as long as I feed them breakfast and then dinner they don’t care if I stay in pj’s all day … however, it’s kind of odd to be working from home in my robe!

Anyway … it’s time to shake things up. I’m a bit too comfortable for my own good!

And shaking up means getting busy. Or in my case … busier. I’m almost finished with my house project list (yay for me!) … and the old files are almost boxed and the new files are almost in place. In a few days those things will all be finalized and finished and all things 2012 will be in the past and 2013 will be zipping along and our first month of the year will be half over.

I can finally spend some desk time doing things that I didn’t have the chance to in the last few months … January is my catch-up month. End of year business stuff. Miscellaneous oddities that cross my desk’s path but aren’t in crucial need of my attention … and have waited a week or two or six months for me to tend to them!

The calendar for next year is formulating in my thoughts. I send out my business notes of thanks. I send out emails for sales. I continue on.

I hunker down. I get creative. I get active. I get busy.

It’s a good feeling. Comfort is one thing … complacency is another. And when the two mix and meet … I know exactly what I have to do.

So, I will.

But it doesn’t mean I won’t be doing it in my pj’s at 2pm or 2am and eating turkey soup with a little dust on my desk.

 After all, comfort is a good thing.

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Musings on a snowy, wintry day …

Day 336

No sooner do I say it looks like snow … and it snows. I should have been a weather person. I was telling a friend, earlier today, that no snow is forecast, but it sure looked like snow to me. Ten minutes later the white flakes started falling.

It is beautiful out. It’s one of those weekend days where I have a few things I HAVE to do … go to Target and get cat meds is one of them. It’s important, he needs them. 

And so with the thought of obligation in my head I ventured out in my faux sheep skin cheap parka (which is one of the warmest things I’ve ever purchased!), hooked up Mobes to her leash and went out for a walk in the snowy winter wonderland instead. Sorry Oscar!

I’m glad I did because the flakes were the big, fat kind that stick to everything and immediately change the landscape from brown/green to pristine white. The kind of snow that doesn’t last long because it either stops or changes to smaller flakes as it gets colder. I knew my window of opportunity was small. 

As I sit here, up in my snug room looking out my tree-house windows, I see that the grassy areas are now almost completely covered and the snowfall has almost stopped. Pity. Snow is really pretty … as long as it could just stay on the grassy areas and off the sidewalks and streets! If that could happen, I’d be okay with four FEET of snow!

In any case … on our walk we headed north around our corner and then east down the block … down another two side streets southward and then back west. I was surprised how many Christmas decorations were still up. Nearing the end of the first week of January and it still felt so festive. It was really pretty and nice. Outside wreaths were lit and looked so pretty and green with the snow coming down. Inside the cozy homes I could see their Christmas trees still up with their lights on – twinkling in their front room windows. And though it’s never quiet here (due to the constant planes overhead) for a brief few moments in between landings there was a muffled stillness and it was … BLISSFUL.

I miss quiet. I don’t know how these people do it here. It is always noisy … like thunder in a canyon … booming echos go on and on. And it is constantly light. The Chicago street lamps cast an eerie orange glow over the area at night – so it’s never really dark. And there are no stars either. I miss all that … and it makes me miss my old park with its quiet, dark and millions of stars.

Anyway … there we were walking along, counting squirrels (the black ones are still my favorites!) and trees. My neighbor to the south of me has 13 oak trees on his property. I have 3! All of them are enormous – I cannot get my arms around any of them and their branches start to spread out a good ten feet over my head. They are beautiful and were even more so with the contrast of their darkened, wetted trunks – black against the white of the snow.

I let Mobes lead us about she’s always eager to go for a walk but we don’t last very long these days. Her age (12) is catching up with her. The cemetery was not calling today. It seemed too sad on a snowy day. All that loss. I think she somehow felt it too.

Instead we ventured down the secret road on our way back up to the house. It’s a narrow, wiggly road lined with homes tucked amongst the great oak forest with one of the trees rising out of the asphalt in the middle of the road! It’s amazing no one has knocked it down in all these years. The road is really narrow in that part and flanked by big trees on either side and it’s as if gnomes live in that section.

It’s a lovely area in the summer with the canopy so leafy and green. And was just as lovely today with its bare branches and the snow filtering down.

It was a beautiful day for a wintery walk with my good old girl, Mobes.

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Diary of a Mad Snow Shoveler …

Day 335

Ahhh, snow. Who doesn’t like those first few flakes? The glitter snow that falls from the heavens that transforms the bleak landscape into a sparkling fairyland? Who doesn’t like those big, fat, wet flakes that fall from the skies … the ones that blanket an entire area in the blink of an eye … the ones that stick to your eyelashes … the ones you can actually taste as they melt on your tongue?

I’m not a winter person … but even I like those snows. I love the snowglobe snows … the ones that swirl around or fall straight and adorn every limb and fence railing with lacy whiteness.

And though there is no snow in my forecast I thought I’d share this with you as there may be snow coming your way soon.

This is an altered redo of a story that has been going around for a long time … you may have read it already. I couldn’t find who originally wrote it – but kudos to him! I still find it funny after these many years … and, I know many of us can relate!

Diary of a Mad Snow Shoveler or 30 Days to a Nervous Breakdown –

December 6th … 6:00 pm … it started to SNOW! The first snow of the holiday season, how timely! My wife and I took our cocktails and sat for hours by the window watching huge, soft flakes drift down from the heavens. It looked like a Grandma Moses print. So romantic and lovely – we felt like newlyweds again. I LOVE snow!

December 9th … We awoke to a big beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic sight! Can there be a move lovely place in the whole world? Moving here was the best idea I’ve ever had. Shoveled for the first time in years and felt like a boy again. Did both our driveway and the sidewalks. I’m glad we live on a corner – more to do! This afternoon the snowplow came along and covered up the sidewalks and closed in the driveway, so got to shovel again. Lucky me! What a perfect life!

December 12th … The sun has melted our lovely snow. Such a disappointment. My neighbor, Bob, tells me not to worry, we’ll definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on Christmas would be awful! Bob says we’ll have so much snow by the end of winter I’ll never want to see snow again. I don’t think that is possible. Bob is such a nice man – but I don’t think he has any idea how much I love snow!

December 14th … Snow, lovely snow! 8″ last night. The temperature dropped to -20! The cold makes everything sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I warmed up shoveling the driveway and sidewalks. This is the life! The snowplow came back this afternoon and buried everything again. I didn’t realize I would have to do quite this much shoveling, but I’ll certainly get back in shape this way. Wish I wouldn’t huff and puff so.

December 15th … 20 inches forecast. Sold my van and bought a 4×4 Blazer. Bought snow tires for the wife’s car and 2 extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. The wife wants a woodstove in case the electricity goes out. I think that’s silly – we aren’t in Alaska, after all!

December 16th … Ice storm this morning. Fell on my ass, on the ice in the driveway, putting down salt. Hurt like hell. The wife laughed for an hour, which I thought was very cruel.

December 17th … Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go anywhere. Electricity was off for 5 hours. Had to pile on the blankets to stay warm. No TV. Nothing to do but stare at the wife and try to irritate her. Guess we should’ve bought that woodstove she wanted, but I won’t admit that to HER! God, I hate it when she’s right. I can’t believe I’m freezing to death in my own living room.

December 20th … Electricity back on, but had another 14″ of the damn stuff last night. MORE shoveling. Took all day. Goddamn snowplow came by twice. Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel but they say they’re too busy playing hockey. Jerks. Called the only hardware store around to see about buying a snowblower and they are all sold out. They MIGHT get another shipment in March! I think they’re jerks. Bob says I HAVE to shovel or the City will have it done and bill me. I think he’s a jerk.

December 22nd … Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more inches of the white sh*t fell today, and it’s so cold it probably won’t melt ’til August. Took me 45 minutes to get dressed up to go out to shovel and then I had to use the bathroom. By the time I got undressed and dressed again I was too tired to shovel. Tried to hire Bob, who has a snowplow on his truck, for the rest of the winter but he says he’s too busy. I think he is an as*hole.

December 23rd … Only 2″ of snow today. And it warmed up to 0! The wife wanted me to decorate the front of the house this morning. What is she, nuts? I don’t have the time – I HAVE TO SHOVEL! Why didn’t she tell me to do that a month ago? She says she did, but I think she’s lying.

December 24th … Another 6″. Snow packed so hard by snowplow I broke the shovel. Thought I was having a heart attack. If I ever catch the son of a bi*ch who drives that thing, I’ll drag him through the snow! I know he hides around the corner and waits for me to finish shoveling and then he comes down the street at 100 mph and throws snow all over where I’ve just been!

December 25th … Merry Christmas. 20 more inches of the &*#&$ slop overnight. Snowed in. The idea of more shoveling makes my blood boil! God, I hate snow! Then the snowplow driver came by asking for a donation and I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife says I have a bad attitude. I think she’s an idiot. If I have to watch “Christmas Story” one more time, I’m going to leave her.

December 26th … Still snowed in. Why the hell did we ever move here? It was all HER idea! She’s really getting on my nerves!

December 27th … Temperature dropped to -30 and the pipes froze. *&$&^# fantastic!

December 28th … Warmed up to about -5. The snowplow guy is suing me for a million dollars and the wife/bi*ch is driving me crazy!!!!

December 29th … 10 more inches. Will this ever stop? Bob says I have to shovel the roof or it could cave in. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. What kind of idiot does he think I am?

December 30th … Roof caved in. The wife went home to her mother. Another 6″ predicted overnight.

December 31st … Good news/bad news. The bad news is … I set fire to what’s left of the house. The good news is … no more shoveling!

January 4th … Happy New Year from the sanitarium. The doctors say I’ve had a “minor” breakdown and that I’ll be released in a week or so as soon as they feel it’s safe to untie me. I’m thinking of moving to Florida.

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Small changes …

Day 334

My old postman called me the Catalog Queen. Since my move I have been demoted to Princess. I don’t get as many catalogs.

My new postman, however, begs to differ.

I still get a lot. As in a TON. As in 21 in ONE DAY. Hence my title.

I received 13 in today’s mail … 11 of which I don’t plan on looking at, don’t like their offerings, don’t need, don’t want, etcetera.

So, I decided to turn over a new leaf (no pun intended) and save a tree or two or two hundred. And opt-0ut of the catalogs I no longer want to receive.

I’ve done this before and then got lazy about it and new catalogs took the place of the old ones and so it went. So, today I went to and plugged in the necessary info and hopefully my mailbox (and my mail carrier’s pack) will be lighter in the future.

I plan on opting out next week, too … and the weeks after that until all the catalogs I no longer want will have been notified. I’ll set aside the catalogs I no longer want and opt-out from the mailings in one fell swoop or a week at a time.

According to the National Resources Defense Council (which, to me, sounds like some bogus group made up by people who’d like to show up to a party and say they’re with the National Resources Defense Council so they sound important.) … Americans receive 19 BILLION catalogs annually.

I’m pretty sure I get about half of them! Ask my postman! 

That amount is equivalent to (catch your breath) … 53 MILLION trees. Sickening, isn’t it?

So … though I love my catalogs (and I do) … I will start being more diligent in opting-out of the ones that I really don’t want. It makes sense all the way around. I mean, really, do I need a catalog for American Girl dolls?

And even though catalogs are recyclable (and I do recycle mine when I’m finishing reading them – or I pass them on to neighbors) … it still takes an inordinate amount of resources: trees/paper, water, and energy to manufacture and transport that catalog to my doorstep.

I’ve gone one step further and opted-out of online issues as well. I  know it doesn’t save a tree, in this instance, but I don’t need to clog up my inbox with stuff I don’t want or need either … so, less “delete” time for me and a reprieve for my index finger!

Recycling … it’s such a good thing, I’m surprised that more places (this day and age) don’t offer it as an option. Even at Starbucks and the grocery stores. You pay with a plastic gift card and instead of them recycling them they are thrown away. I picture my grandchildren climbing mountains of rectangular gift cards instead of jungle gyms. Something needs to be done.

I don’t know what … but for the time being, I’m trying to be more aware of what I buy and what I use and what I need and, more specifically, what I don’t. I take my reusable bags to the stores. I reuse/recycle/reinvent. I don’t buy water in plastic bottles. I don’t buy plastic bottles (if at all possible).

I’m working on it. Saving a tree here, a forest there. Small changes make big differences. Join me … make a fresh start and do your part.

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Hair Apparent … III

Day 333

Dorothy Hamill. If you were around in 1976 you know who I’m referring to. She is a world champion and skated her way to a gold medal in the Olympics that year. And you also know about her famous haircut – The Hamill Wedge. And you probably heard references to her innovative redo of a skating maneuver called the Camel … which has since been renamed the Hamill Camel.

Her wedge haircut/style was ALL the rage for a while. Her camel, well, unless you were an ice skater – not so much.

I, again, cut my hair. It looks kind of like a Hamill Wedge … but the more I look at it, it looks like the Hamill Camel cut it. Yep … leave it to a dromedary with two toes to wield a scissors over my head in my bathroom late at night.

In any case … Dorothy has nothing to worry about … except any reference of my hair resembling her style because she is much cuter than what is going on here on my head. In fact, what is going on on a camel’s head might even be cuter.


It’s winter. I was bored. It was the new year … why not try something new? Well, I would have been better off trying something new as this “new do” is eerily reminiscent of the one in my 5th grade school photo!

It wasn’t flattering (in the slightest) then … so, you can imagine now! Again, whatever.

I have friends with hair that grows so fast the Locks of Love people are sick of seeing them. (Well, almost.) I have friends who have such thick hair that they have to have it thinned. (Is that actually possible?) I have friends who seem to have what I’d deem to be “normal” hair. And then I have one who has none.

And I think every woman on the planet, at one time or another, would like to try the “no hair look” some time in her life. Hair is frustrating. It shouldn’t be such an object of time, cost and stress.

It should be an accessory.  And it shouldn’t matter what it looks like – if it’s long or short, frizzy, fro, straight, thin, thick, or purple … or none.

It shouldn’t matter.

And yet it does … to (our) society.

I was flipping through (yet another) magazine last night and I should have counted the hair advertisements … thickeners, defrizzers, straighteners, volumizers, shine enhancers, boosters of one form or another. It was daunting. And kind of disgusting.

So, what did I do? I called up the nearest beast of burden and had him cut my hair in my bathroom at 2am! Or so it looks.

In any case … I’m not daring enough to go the no-hair look. Though at times I’d like to. How freeing! But society makes women who are hair-impaired feel that we are not “as pretty” as our Rapunzel counter-parts. Shame on them.

And shame on us for buying into those thoughts.

So … instead of being bold … I’ll snip away at what is left on my head and try a gel or mousse to make something out of the chopped mess – hoping for some semblance of cuteness, once again.

I am sending my dear hairless friend a hug … you are brave beyond words. And I’m sending Dorothy Hamill (and her Camel) my sincerest apologies!

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Abundance …

Day 332

Here I am on the first day of the new year … thinking of matters of the heart, matters of work, changes I’d like to make in both my life and work this year. I could fill a notebook with thoughts that race out of my head but with fingers too slow to write them down (or type them up). So, some are lost … and some are kept. In any case, I have an abundance of thoughts.

Abundance … an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity of something. That’s me. It seems, at this time in my life, that I have an abundance of just about everything.

And I mean material things … food, clothing, goods. Not the intangibles like patience, talent, or intelligence. Too bad.

I have enough food in the pantry to last me several months, if needed. I have enough food in cold storage (freezers/fridge) to do the same and then some. If I ran out of water I could drink wine or margaritas or juice boxes. I’d last for a bit.

I have more clothes than I know what to do with. I have enough costume jewelry to open up my own Claire’s and enough lotions and potions to open up a Bath and Body Works. I even have  enough cosmetics, nail polishes and shampoos to open up my own salon! Seriously.

What is the dividing point between an over abundance and … gluttony?

I went and saw Les Misérables (the movie) last night. I am pretty sure I was the ONLY one in the theater who was expecting a love story. Why I didn’t know much of this story I have no idea. However, after 2.5 hours of watching poverty and suffering and pain and death I came home so utterly depressed that one would  think that my life of abundance would have been a comfort.

But it wasn’t. It made me feel gluttonous.

Luckily for me that feeling wore off by this morning! But seriously … coming home to what is mine made me think (more than usual) about such matters.

So, my challenge begins … I am using/reusing whatever I’ve got on hand and in stock. I am challenging myself to a no-cost/low-cost month or two or three or twelve. We’ll see how I progress. I am excited to see what I can use up as I do have so (so, so, SO) much.

Paper and pet items are the only things I see me needing for a while … and I am going to keep track of what I use and what I buy. Using up is a good thing. I don’t need this much. I shouldn’t have this much.

So, the using and purging will begin. What I don’t think I’ll use (non-food items) I will give away or sell. I think after a few months I’ll feel lighter, better, healthier … emotionally and physically. As I said, we’ll see.

In the meantime, I’m taking inventory of my abundance … and silently shaking my head at some of the things I have on hand. I guess I should start digging into the 13 can supply of tuna and anchovies! At least I know what I’ll be eating for the next month or so … time to get creative with my meals.

Tuna and anchovy casserole sounds pretty gruesome. I hope I have an abundance of Tums, too!

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Resolutions …

Day 331

There are 8 hours until midnight and the new year begins … eight hours to carry on with my old habits and ways … eight hours until the slate is, once again, wiped clean and a whole new year lays before me clean and fresh where anything and everything is possible.

I love these new starts.

I love them for many reasons but because it makes me check how I’m doing … am I eating what I should? Am I honoring this body – the only one I will get? Am I busy but not productive? What habits have I slipped into and should do away with?

I get to take account … and be creative at the same time.

A few years back I resolved to no longer make resolutions. Instead I make changes. Give myself challenges (such as this blog). Do something every month or so that scares me but empowers me – nothing dangerous but something technical or tool-worthy that I normally or haven’t ever done.

So … here are my wants and desires, needs and changes …

1. I’ve said this before but in this new year I will laugh more. Laughter is good medicine. And it’s free. And it’s fun. And I’ve never known laughing to make anyone feel worse!

2. Book #2. I wanted to write this book before the other … but figured a prequel was needed. I want and need to get this one out. I think it’ll help me move forward – faster.

3. Find an agent. I need some help so for this book I will find an agent. I would like to expand into children’s books so … I need someone who has experience in that arena, as well.

4. Eat better. I’m allergic or sensitive to almost everything on the planet (or so it seems). I need to listen to my body more than I do at times. What you put in, you get out. Be nice to your body and your body will be nice to you. I need to remember that.

5. Go to bed. My bedtime has been that of a vampire or owl for too long. I need to give myself a break and hit the sheets and pillows before 2am (or later)! Sleep is when the body restores itself and files away information. I need to do this.

6. Exercise. Yeah, yeah … we all say we are going to exercise. I’m not talking about getting a Universal Gym or going to spinning class or even yoga … I’m just going to hit the pavement and walk. Get some fresh air. Get my body moving. Speed up my metabolism. Go!

7. Write at least one letter a week and send via snail mail. I am a huge fan of written letters and lately I have been very lazy in my efforts. I like writing them and I like receiving them … so, check your mailboxes people!

8. Travel. I am antsy. The kids are flung far and wide. I have friends who are far and wide. I need to go visit. I’m hoping maybe an overseas trip will be in the cards later this summer. I hear the waterways of The Netherlands calling my name.

9. Watch my spending. Okay … not a great thing to put after saying I want to travel! But, I am putting myself on a hugely restrictive financial diet starting at the stroke of midnight. Watch for my unveiling plans! This will be good!

10. Figure out my life. Figure out what I want to do. Where I want to go/live. When. How. All those good things. I have a nice long, cold wintry January ahead of me to get a good, good start on this project!

11. Finish all house projects. I don’t have very many left. This shouldn’t be too, too hard!

12. Read. I haven’t counted (yet) how many books I have in my various libraries around the house … but we are talking hundreds!I’d like to read at least 20 of those books this year.

13. Be aware. I’d like to be in the moment. Awake to possibilities. Open to new things. I want to use my senses. I want to make sure I count my blessings and show my appreciation and gratefulness. I want to share and I want to give back.

If I let myself I could go on and on talking about taking classes, cooking more, organizing and cleaning and purging even more. But those things will come as the months progress and as I turn over the files for the new year for home and business.

In the meantime … I wish you all, sweet blog readers, a wonderful New Year … filled with happiness, love, health, peace and laughter.

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On the eve of the eve …

Day 330

The nest seems emptier today than it has in a long time.

Not really liking it much.

Back when the kids were in high school Tim and I used to fantasize about what our “empty nest days” would be like … long chats over candlelight dinners … exploring the city … jazz clubs on a Thursday night … taking a class or two together … spontaneous nights out … a few short weekend outings … travels to see the kids … Paris.

Not once did it ever cross my mind that he would die before we had the chance to do any of that.

The kids were here for a few days and are now, again, gone to their respective cities and homes. I am here left with leftovers and the animals and quiet that has seeped into my bones even though the TV has been on to replace their voices.

It’ll take me a few days to get used to this emptiness again. A month or two of days … maybe three.

I am a pack animal. I do best in a big group. I like the noise, the chatter, the laughter. I should have had 10 kids or maybe I’ll urge my kids to marry into big families or maybe I’ll just adopt myself into one instead. Or maybe I’ll just open up a boarding house!

I think that’s why a B&B always sounded so enticing to me. I like the energy and the flow and people. I, however, do not like mornings … but am sure I could get around that little obstacle by hiring in help to cover the breakfast portion of the deal.

And as much as I like to be in a group … I do like my space and solitude. I love my kids. I love being with them. And, yet, when they left I loved my alone time … for a few hours until the “missing them” seeped back into me. The glow of having them around wore off fast and I was back to missing them, once again, in no time.

But I know this will not be forever. I am not one to be away from my kids. I don’t like it. I can do it but I don’t want to do it. And so, I’ll figure out what my next step is in my journey.

One of my New Year’s bits of homework I am assigning myself … FIGURE OUT LIFE. Yeah … just something small to work on!

So, with the rest of the house projects and business doings and whatnot … I will be figuring out my life! It’s nice to have that option. Not everyone has that capability or opportunity. 

So, I will do some research and figure things out … and by this time next year … on the eve of the eve of the new year … I should have it somewhat figured out! At least I hope to.

And maybe my nest will be empty still … or maybe it’ll be filled with others or maybe it’ll be feathered in a different place. I don’t know – but I’m looking forward to seeing what the new year brings.

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Anticipation …

Day 329

It gets to be this time of the year and I start feeling that anticipation building.

I have butterflies for the new year.

I look around my house and even though I’ve been doing nothing but non-stop redoing and unpacking and decorating and organizing since I moved in seven months ago … I see things I need to do in the new year. Redo this, finish that. Recaulk this, repaint that, reconsider something else.

I look around my office and think I could be locked in this room for a month and still not make a dent in the things I need to do. Correspond. Write another book. Paint. Read. Organize. Start calendar 2014. Email. Sometimes I feel like closing the door and walking away … but not at this time of year.

And, honestly, I don’t know which reason keeps me from doing so … the sheer delight I have in tackling a new year’s project or the fact that if I ventured outside at any given moment I’d turn into a human Popsicle because it’s so cold out.

And, my kids keep reminding me … it’s really not that cold out.

And, sadly, they are right. I am going to have a hard time with this midwestern winter that is for sure as I’m not liking it one bit and have put my order in for spring weather already! I have a feeling it’s going to be a long, LONG winter!

In any case … the new year …

I am getting antsy. Tomorrow I’ll gather my lists from the past and look at what I thought I’d accomplish for years long ago and for this year in particular. I’ll see what I got done and where I fell short. I’ll see if my goals are something I’d still like to pursue or if they have gone by the wayside and others have replaced them.

I used to make resolutions. I resolve to … sounded so regimented and I felt like I was setting myself up for automatic failure. So, I’ve changed my resolutions into wants/desires/goals/challenges. I’ll go through my lists tomorrow and see what I come up with. More butterflies!

As always I plan on organizing my office … going through my files (once again) and reorganizing them. Purging old/outdated info … getting rid of things that no longer pertain or hold interest … relabel file folders … archive the old, full and worn … add in the new, empty and fresh. Nothing like the smell of a fresh, new file folder to get one’s blood pumping! 

Anyway … my office will be the first project … then my office closet … then the hall closet … and then on to the project list. I won’t take holiday decs down until next weekend. Sometimes that seems a bit late … but it’ll give me an extra week to enjoy my pretty trees and holiday lights and decor without thinking I have to get this or wrap that or do this or do that.

The holidays … here we are midweek between Christmas and New Year’s and it seems like the dinners and gift openings and hours shared were months ago and not just three days! I guess that’s okay … it means I’m ready to move on. The kids have flown to their respective homes and the animals and I are getting used to the quiet once again.

And New Year’s is almost here. The anticipation is mounting. The butterflies now have friends.

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Finding Peace …

Day 328

A while ago I was introduced to a remarkable website that sends me a daily message … more of a life lesson at times … and more than not it is eerily appropriate for the day when read. 

Check out … it’ll do your soul some good.

Today’s posting was about peace. Fitting as it gets to be this time of year when I’ve read and re-read the holiday cards and a lot of my friends wish peace on each other. And though that’s really nice, it got me thinking that if we want peace for others we should really want it for ourselves … maybe even before we wish it for others.

Not in a selfish way … but in a manifestation of sorts … a do as I did-this is how it’s done sort of way.

Finding peace is not as easy as it sounds. In order to attain peace you must give something up. That in itself is a difficult thing to do. Letting go of something is hard because it is uncomfortable. We hold on out of habit or comfort or discomfort … but whatever, it’s familiar and gives us something to lean on.

The first point from today’s post was: Let go of old regrets and excuses. Good advice. Life happens. Sh*t happens. And no matter how hard we try we can’t always choose what is going to happen in our life. What we can do is choose how we are going to feel about what happens in our life. Things that happened in the past are over. Done. History. Maybe we could have done something differently – maybe not. But it doesn’t matter now because it’s old news. There is nothing we can do about it now … it’s merely stuff that already happened. Stop leaning on old, empty excuses for the things that did or didn’t happen in your life. Make peace with your past … and move on.

The second point of today’s post was: Having a burning desire to have all the answers. Let it go. Bad stuff happens. Good stuff happens. We may figure out WHY something happens sixty years from now. We may not. Are you going to waste all your tomorrows trying to figure out why something has happened in your life today? Let it go. Make peace with not knowing. You may never understand something but you can accept it. Open your heart and trust that life will go forward as it should. You don’t have to know or understand it all.

Thirdly: Having false hope of a pain-free life. Pain is part of life … it’s the ying-yang way of things. There are physical and emotional pains along life’s path. Sometimes they are great, sometimes small … but they are always constant. It means you are breathing and still here … growing or moving … and that’s a good thing. Just take it easy and be kind to yourself and ride through the rough, painful times. Things do get better. When you know great pain you are able to know great joy.

The fourth point was: Having ties to insensitive people. If you are to have peace you need to let the universe do its thing. There will always be someone who is disrespectful or ugly or who is upsetting to you. Don’t give in to their negativity. Walk away. Be the bigger person and remember that karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around. They’ll get theirs.

There are more points but you’ll have to visit that website and read them for yourself. Peace is attainable … we just have to work at it a bit.

Let there be peace on Earth.

And let it begin with me.


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Laughing all the way …

Day 327

Once again, it is late. Too late/early for my own good. A habit I plan to change in the new year.

A habit I plan to continue (and do more of) is laughing. And I don’t mean just in the song “Jingle Bells” where everyone is laughing all the way … I mean deep, belly laughs, and fits of laughter that make my sides hurt, me practically wet my pants and tears flow freely. I plan to continue that kind of laughter.

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”  Winston Churchill.

Wise words from the man who most babies look like.

Anyway … if my plan is to continue and do more laughing then I best be planning a visit to Colorado where I seem to laugh the most and laugh the hardest with certain people.

I’m sure I’ve posted this story … but in regard to laughter it must be repeated. In the fall of 2006 my dear friend Suzzette proposed she go with me to Brown (where Ted was in school) for Parents’ Weekend. Being that Tim had passed away she didn’t want me to go alone … and so, we took a trip out East.

And, well, we were pretty much laughing all the way. Unless we were eating. Which we also did a lot of.

I sit here smiling and laughing outwardly so much that I just woke up the dog who was snoozing beside me. The evening we arrived in Providence we had been up for some ungodly amount of time … like 30 some hours. To put it mildly we were a bit silly. We called Ted from outside his apartment building and asked him to come down and help us with our bags. Unbeknownst to him we were going to jump out from behind the car (with gorilla masks on) and scare the living daylights out of him. At least that was our plan.

So, there we were rummaging around in the trunk for the masks when we saw Ted approaching us. Not having time to get the masks on – we decided we’d just jump out and scare him. Which we did. With a minor glitch … the young man wasn’t Ted! It was some random college boy who recoiled in horror screaming, “Eeeeee!” who then quickly ran down the sidewalk leaving Suzzette and I in absolute fits of hysteria on the ground. That poor unsuspecting kid was jumped by two overly tired middle aged mothers! I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to throw up.

That is real laughter. I want more of that!

A month earlier Sam and I were walking the Oregon coast. It was moving in day and we were taking a final stroll on the beach before heading back to campus to move her into her dorm room.

I am currently looking at a photograph that made me cry my eyes out yesterday (with laughter) and again I am laughing just looking at this picture. And what is it? A photo of a large tangle of bulbous seaweed. One might find this odd that it dissolves me into hearty yet teary laughter, but it does …

On that day Sam and I were walking the beach and one moment she was beside me and the next she was DOWN … in the sand … in the middle of a tangle of giant bulbous seaweed. This particular plant has long rope-like tentacles and hollow bulbs which fill with seawater. When stepped on, or fallen on, the bulbs explode spewing out their contents … which usually smells like a combination of dirty diapers, spoiled milk, vomit and sewage. So, there she was … having slipped on one of the seaweed ropes … in the middle of this tangle … dripping with the goo from those bulbs. She had been severely slimed and it was nasty

In other words … she stunk! And BADLY!

So, I’m sure she made quite the impression on her new roomie … “Hi, I’m Sam – I always smell like this!” Anyway, they became good friends … and I am left with a hilarious memory. Sam doesn’t find it very humorous … but I think it’s a riot.

Those stories are priceless to me. I plan on making more this coming year. And I plan on … laughing all the way.

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Holiday Eating Tips …

Day 326

I should have sent this out earlier but better late than never … and the holidays are NOT over yet! As is said, “It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings.” And she might be waddling around more than usual with the holiday season winding down but she’s not singin’ yet!

Holiday Eating Tips …

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the holiday spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they’re having a good time and serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It’s rare. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It’s not as if you’re going to turn into an eggnog-aholoic or something.

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That’s the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat volcano. Repeat. Repeat again.

4. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a holiday party is to eat other people’s food for free! Lots of it. Hello?

5. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year’s. You can do that next week in January. This is the time for long naps which you’ll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

6. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa or shrimp the size of your fist, position yourself near them and don’t budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They are like a rare antique. If you leave them behind – you will never see them again.

7. Same for desserts. Pies: apple, pumpkin, pecan, mincemeat. Cakes: chocolate, coconut, raspberry filled. Have a slice of each. Or two of each. Cookies: shortbread, gingerbread, sugar, anise, jam thumbprint, spritz. When else do you get to have more than one dessert … Labor Day? And while you’re at it – go fill up your plate one more time.

8. If someone kids you about your third plate full of food – say you’re getting a plate for a friend. Nod and wave (in some direction) at that imaginary friend and go eat your plate of food away from the Holiday Spoil-Sport.

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it’s loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but AVOID it at all cost. I mean, really … have some standards!

10. One final tip … if you don’t feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven’t been paying attention. Re-read these tips. Start over, January is just around the corner!

The countdown to the new year has begun … go eat something! Happy Holidays (still)!

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Christmas …

Day 325

Merry Christmas! We woke up to … SNOW! Right after I wrote that the odds were slim to none for getting any white accumulation on Christmas … Mother Nature proved me wrong, yet again!

But, I’m happy to be in error as it looks like a giant powder sugar sifter swept over the area … as we just got a dusting and it was just enough to cover the mud and the browning grasses and transform our hamlet into a winter wonderland.

Santa comes tomorrow … actually, Santa came last night but we are waiting until tomorrow to open gifts. Sam arrived today and it feels so good to have her and Ted here. The energy in the house is different. The whole place feels more alive. It’s wonderful.

Christmas … a zillion years ago when I was little Santa brought me a pink cardboard kitchen set. I loved that thing and for years I played with it in my pretend house in the back of our basement. It housed my rosebud china and fake plastic food. There is a picture of my dad putting it together … all 300 pieces of it laid out on the basement floor with him trying to find tab A201-G that would go into slot A201-G. It must have been a nightmare to assemble.

When Ted was little Santa brought a TMNT (Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle) Technodrome (aka: house). I think the box had printed on it … Assembly that even a child can do.

Yeah, if Einstein was available and a child at that time he could have put it together. It took three adults five hours to try to figure out how to piece together that thing! The Chinese directions were of little help!

Oh, what you remember!

When I was 4 Santa brought me a large pink stuffed elephant. I could sit on him he was so big. When I was 6 Santa brought me Heda Get Betta … a doll that had three faces (sleeping, awake, with measles – hence the “get betta” part of her name). I LOVED that doll. When I was 10 I got a pink stuffed hippo … he could fit into a regular sized shoe box and was soft and plushy … I loved him, too. And somewhere in there I got a Tressy doll … a cousin of Barbie’s (or something like that). She had a button on her stomach that you pressed and a long pony tail of hair came out of the top of her head. There was a key hole in her back and when the key was inserted and turned, her hair would go short again! She came with brushes and curlers … Fabulous!

Every year I got a Lifesaver book … that was when there were 10 rolls of Lifesavers in it and each roll was a different flavor AND there were clove lifesavers – my all time favorite. I also got a book … some Judy Bolton or Nancy Drew mystery. I couldn’t wait for bedtime!

Our trees were always fat pines with large colored lights plunked down in the middle of the front windows in the living room. From the age of 7 on I wore glasses … so, at Christmas I’d stand at the end of the room and take off my glasses and look at the tree … and the bulbs appeared as giant colored starry blobs. It was fantastically beautiful.

So, one more day of Christmas … I can hardly wait to see what Santa has brought.  I just hope I don’t have to assemble anything!

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Christmas Eve …

Day 324

I am sitting here thinking how nice it is to hear movement in the house below me. No, we are not having an earthquake … Ted is home and the house, once again, feels alive.

Living by myself has a different feeling. It’s much more quiet. When there is someone else here the energy is different … it just feels better.

It also smells better. I don’t bake for myself. But I baked for the kids. Mountains of cookies!

Sam gets in tomorrow … so we are postponing Christmas until the 26th. Maybe we aren’t postponing it as much as we are lengthening it. Fine by me. One more day of holiday cookies to stuff into my already round face!

Last night I finally decorated the sugar and gingerbread cookies. I quit decorating the gingerbread men when they started looking more like scary clowns than edible ginger-men. Hence, now I have naked gingerbread men. X-rated Xmas!

There are pretty white snowflakes (of varying sizes) with coarse white sugar crystals. There are candy cane and Christmas trees shapes and a few sizes of stars and hearts, as well. And then there’s the traditional holiday animal shape … usually it’s a teeny tiny alligator but since the move I can’t seem to find him. He is hiding out somewhere and I’ll find him, when I’m looking for something else, months from now. Maybe it’ll be in time for him to be the traditional holiday animal for Valentine’s Day!

In any case … this year’s animal shape is a hippo. And quite appropriate because this year I have a light-up hippo in my yard. And he’s purple. I always wanted a hippo as a kid (a real one to keep in the bathtub) … and well, now I (sort of) have one! And we have cookies to match!

Anyway … cookies. We have pfeffernusse, sugar and gingerbread with sugar crystals or icing or non-pariels or all decors atop them. We have thumbprint and shortbread. They are little bombs of sugary goodness that’ll rot out our teeth if given the chance. I see the dentist in January … I’m covered!

And yet, I don’t even like cookies that much and yet I am stuffing my face like it’s the Mayan prophecy all over again! (Aka … no tomorrow!)

It’s that one time of year though … that I don’t care what I eat. I have a week until the new year starts and I’ll be damned if I’m going to deny myself the sugar rush of the last week of December. The New Year looms ahead with so many empty days just ripe for long walks and workouts to help shed the extra holiday pounds. (I know that won’t happen but it’s a nice end of year fantasy!)

Try as I might to deny my cookie eating frenzy there are tell-tale signs of my weakness … all of my clothes have powdered sugar on them and today I noticed a pink non-pariel on my eyebrow. It’s that time of year! And, frankly, I don’t even care!

My folks were over for dinner tonight … it was a different “eve” than in the past. Different because we were here with them and missing Sam … and not in our old home, just the three of us, having our traditional dinner by the tree and fireplace as we have done for so many years.

And as long as it’s been since the kids were kids … I still miss all the hubbub of keeping track of Santa’s whereabouts and hanging the stockings and reading the stories and the general excitement and anticipation of this time of year. I’m a sucker for nostalgia.

In any case … an extra day of Christmas … four days with the kids … seven more days of cookies and candies and edibles I don’t normally eat or drink. Let the merriment continue … the end of the year is nigh and there are a lot of cookies left to eat! I’ve got my eye on a hippo next!

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Day 323

Today is the 23rd … or was the 23rd as I am writing this, once again, way too late for my own good. Somehow my days have turned on an axis and my bedtime of late has been of late … around 2:30-3:00 a.m. … exhausting just thinking about it.

Stupid is another word.

And it’s not like I’m solving world problems … I’m just doing what I normally do … but at ungodly hours!

Today Tim would have been 59 years old. Get out the birthday horns and … toot! Oh, he would have looked so handsome with graying hair. More handsome … if that could have been possible. He was an extremely attractive man. Dare I say … hunky? 

On his birthday these past years we have done something to commemorate his being … trying not to focus on his death but rather on his life. We celebrate that he lived.

One of the years the kids and I went downtown to the Titanic exhibit at the museum. Tim would have liked that. Another year we were in Copenhagen; Tim would have liked that, too. And yet another year we spent the afternoon at the aquarium because Tim liked diving and the underwater world. He would have liked that, as well. We’ve picnicked in our favorite spot atop Daniel’s Park … we’ve eaten chicken … we’ve toasted the setting sun.

And today I spent seven hours tidying up end of the month/end of the year paperwork on the business that was once his baby. Not exactly a picnic or a stroll by the Little Mermaid statue … but it meant that his business that he worked so hard for and on … is still going. Oh, yeah, there have been better years … but we’re still going! So, get out the celebration horn and … toot! For me … because I picked up the pieces while being so shattered myself and forged ahead and learned this business and have kept it going for these past six and a half years. 

People have asked me what it was like … and I liken it to not knowing how to swim but jumping off the high dive and just hoping there was water in the pool … knowing that a constant dog paddle or thrashing could keep my head above water. Better than no water at all and splatting on the bottom of an empty pool!

And our kids are great and grounded and wonderful … so, get out the congratulatory horns and … toot! I am so proud of them. Watching their dad die was so awful … and they both faced the ugly reality with such grace and strength.

I draw a guy … more or less a smiley face with wild hair, tongue sticking out, hands up by it’s non-existent chin. For birthdays I add a party hat to its head and a tooter horn in its mouth. It always makes me smile. I always loved those blow out horn things at kid birthday parties. Or, okay at adult birthday parties or New Year’s Eve.

In any case … I’m tooting my horn for keeping the business afloat … and I’ll toot it again for the kids for being so fabulous … and again for our wonderful Tim on this the 59th anniversary of his birth.

Loud and clear … toot!

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Holiday musings …

Day 322

Abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz …. What is missing?*

Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen and Olive – Who’s Olive? **

Today I dispensed candy canes along my route as I did my errands. Anyone within arm’s reach got one. I’ve done this for years on the last weekend before Christmas – wherever I go. And I always find it funny the kinds of reactions I get. Some people are thankful, some laugh, some are incredulous, some don’t want it. I got mostly looks of disbelief today from people. I wanted to tell them I wasn’t handing them $100 bills or paying off their mortgages … I was just giving them a holiday candy cane … a seasonal gesture of good will … NO BIG DEAL. And the others I wanted to tell them I wasn’t handing them a BOMB – as they recoiled from me in abject terror! 

The ground is white with a fine crust of ice/snow. We’ll have a white Christmas here – albeit, crusty and not fluffy – but white is white. Fine by me. I don’t remember the last time we had a white Christmas … just like the ones I used to know …

Actually, depending on where you live in the country, white Christmases are rather rare. If you reside in a state that actually has snow your chances of having snow on the 25th of this month vary. But most places your chances are pretty slim.

If you live in the mountains of the west and northwest, upper Minnesota, Maine or the UP … your chances of having a white holiday are a whopping 90%! Get out the snowshoes and hope Santa brings you a snow mobile, parka or some super warm mittens! Wow!

If you live in New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Michigan, Wisconsin, the Dakotas and eastern Montana your chances are still pretty favorable … being between 61 – 90% that there will be white stuff on the ground. Enough at least to make a few snowballs or a tiny little snowman. Or miniature snow rhino. Or snow turtle. 

Elsewhere … don’t bet on it. More than 2/3rds of the country have less than 50% chance of snow and more than 1/3rd of that area has less than 5% chance! Get out the sunscreen and bathing suits!

So, why when I think of Christmas do I always (as in ALWAYS) think that it is like a Currier and Ives painting? Pure white blankets of snow mound on rooftops, branches of trees are laced in snow, windows are frosted over, horses are pulling sleighs … I can almost hear the bells!

Someone (Irving Berlin had me dreaming) did me a disservice as that is the picture that I now always want … and yet, seldom, if ever … get. At least there are no horse drawn sleighs around here … or anywhere that I’ve ever been!

Tonight my mom and I went to a brass concert … the last song played was Sleigh Ride. They even had sleigh bells … it was really pretty.

In any case … we have snow. A white Christmas it will be. And as of the 26th I’m putting in my order for spring weather! One can never start too soon! It can warm up and rain until May for all I care … that would be better than what I know awaits us around the proverbial corner.

And for all of you not living in an area with humidity … I have one thing to tell you … ENJOY IT! It’s COLD here! Snow or no snow … it’s cold! That bitter, biting, bone-chilling cold! Brrr.

And all I can say is … if I’m going to be this cold … I’d better be on a one-horse open sleigh, gliding through mountains of snow, with sleigh bells ringing and very hot cocoa waiting for me. Watch for me, I’ll be the one handing out candy canes.

* No l (Noel)!!!!  ** Olive, the other reindeer!

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Hap-happiest time of the year …

Day 321

Well, with an hour or so to go on Doomsday Friday … we are still here. I think I’m safe in saying … we’re okay.

Today I was trying (key word here) to drive the two miles to the downtown Hallmark. I thought, okay … it snowed, it feels festive, I’ll go do a little window shopping and get a few cards.

BAD MOVE. The drive took me 20 minutes. By the time I parked and walked the block to the store I was not exactly in the best holiday spirit. Traffic was horrendous. People were practically running down pedestrians in the cross walks! I know it’s Friday on a holiday weekend … but come on!

I, contrary to what I felt I should be, was not so happy.

I, personally, would like to know what medication Johnny Mathis was on when he sang the lyrics … It’s the hap-happiest season of all …

Seriously. I can only surmise the guy was on some heavy-duty pain blockers to think that … or maybe he didn’t think it, but just sang it. Or perhaps he was in a lovely recording studio in Hawaii being plied with coconut drinks and macadamia nuts during the holiday season. And just maybe he had his assistants do his shopping and he was driven around so he wouldn’t have to contend with the traffic and idiotic people.  If so, then I’d guess he’d be pretty happy.

Yesterday we had snow. The forecasters were posting WINTER STORM WARNINGS all afternoon. Unbelievably the airports cancelled flights. The rain was to change to snow … and it did. By  midnight we had 17 snowflakes and this morning we had a cold, crusty dusting on the grassy areas. That was it.  And with that snowfall Chicago area surpassed the record holding date for the latest snowfall in a season. Honestly – that is perfectly fine by me.

I’ve had my pre-holiday snow. I’m done! Snow here isn’t like snow in Colorado. Here after two days it’s gray and black and stays that way until March. Snow in Colorado is white and dry and if you don’t want to shovel the 5″ on your driveway you wait a day and it’s melted. Gone. If we don’t have snow for a while or for the rest of the winter, I’ll be a very happy little elf.

Back to the “hap-happiest season of all” … I suppose “the reason for the season” would make some people happy but all too often it’s the hustle and bustle (and not like in the song Silver Bells) … but more like the streets of reality where everyone is doing too many things in an ungodly short amount of time and things are too commercial and expensive and the days are getting shorter and it gets dark at 3:30 on a gray day and it’s COLD.

Yep … whomever wrote that song (actually, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” was written by duo Edward Pola and George Wyle in 1963) must have been in Hawaii … or some other version of Paradise … or those drugs were really swell.

Did I say it was COLD? We are mid-winter and though our temps have not been (much) below freezing (rarely) I have enough clothes on to make an outdoor hockey player envious. I am like the Michelin Man in tights. This is ridiculous. I’m not prepared for this kind of bone chilling cold. It was 34 balmy degrees today … I am in real trouble when it actually gets cold! 

In any case … there are three days until Christmas. Step back, deep breaths, smell the cookies, bundle up, slow down. And maybe then it really can be the hap-happiest time of the year!


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The End is Near …

Day 320

Here we are on the Eve of Destruction.

If I had a poster board I might make a sign … The End is Near … and put it atop one of the reindeer in my yard. Fancy that.

I am not sure what to do … call my kids, scoop up some espresso chip ice cream or cook up some bacon? Perhaps with Doomsday coming in a few hours I will do all of the above. And have a margarita to boot.

And if the Apocalypse doesn’t happen, I can spend the 21st eating Tums all day. A plan. Not the best plan I’ve ever had, but a plan nonetheless.

The Mayan Prophecy (the end of the world on 12/21/12) is supposed to happen tomorrow … a scant few hours from now. And if it comes true well, it’s bound to be one hell of a show. (No pun intended!)

I can tell you one thing. Just before midnight I’m putting on lip gloss. And I’m going to wear it until the aliens come, the meteors strike, the sun flares fry us, God comes a’calling, the bombs explode … or whatever is to happen – happens. I just know I’m going to go out with glossy lips! Maybe even flavored (and scented) glossy lips! Ooooh! Won’t those aliens be impressed!

I have one friend who really thinks we will have an alien encounter. If that is so … I call E.T. to be the one to come get me. I’ve always been a fan.

Another friend thinks that some global awareness will happen. Not exactly a shift of the axes but more a shift in consciousness. I, personally, think that would be a good thing.

Another friend, who will remain nameless, has enough water and supplies stored to withstand a nuclear fallout. I didn’t ask if their basement is lead-lined but if nothing happens tomorrow, they are going to be drinking bottled water and canned tuna for a long, long time. So long, in fact, that they’re going to wish the Apocalypse did happen.

I am hoping for an alien encounter. But only if they are nice aliens … like the aforementioned E.T. … I don’t want any creepy ones that are going to insert insects along our backbones or microchips that make us want to eat toilet water and worms and then our brains ooze green goo before our bodies melt from the inside out. No, not those kind of aliens.

(See? Too vivid of an imagination! I could never watch horror movies … I’d never sleep!)

I’ve seen enough disaster movies (I LOVE them!) to know that I am ill-equipped if the world is going to be encased in ice and snow. Even with all the clothes I have on – I will not be prepared. I can barely stand 39 degrees. Sub-zero temps for a prolonged period of time would do me in quickly. I’d be freeze-dried in seconds!

I don’t foresee any tsunamis getting me … unless one happens on Lake Michigan. And well, an epic flood could happen … I am kind of near a river. But I have my new handy-dandy sump pump … that should be able to keep up with floods of biblical proportions for a few minutes at least! And well, any number of natural disasters could happen and I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

And just in case aliens or God do come visiting, I’ll put on a pot of tea. And if they don’t … well then, I can snuggle in and drink my tea and eat my Tums and see what kind of global awareness I can come up with for myself!



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The Twelve Days of Christmas …

Day 319

Well, not many of you know it, but I had a boyfriend for a while. Actually, he was kind of a true love if ever there was one. The man was generous to a fault. On the first day of Christmas he told me he would be bringing over gifts for each day. I thought, “Wow … what a catch!”

Um, not so much. The guy turned out to be a real creepster.  

On the first day of Christmas he gave me a partridge in a pear tree … at first, I thought it was kind of sweet.

But in looking back I think the man had lost his marbles. Plain and simple. Who gives a partridge as a gift? It’s a bird.  They’re messy. They’re noisy. And unless you eat them or get rid of them before they peck your eyes out … they probably will live a long time and are quite the responsibility. And unless you have a decent sized yard to plant that pear tree – that is really a rather inappropriate gift.

And then on the second day he brought over two Turtle Doves. And on the third day it was three French Hens. And the fourth day it was four Colly Birds. What was it with the avian gifts? Had this guy never seen the Hitchcock movie?

It was about this time I was thinking I’d have to break things off. 

But then … REDEMPTION! The man comes forward on the fifth day with five gold rings. How sweet! How thoughtful! Okay … the birds can stay. For awhile.

And, well, that was a mistake because it opened up the gates from Hell. I don’t understand the bird-fetish but apparently this guy had a thing for lavish gifts and a real thing for birds. It was just too much.

The man gave bird gifts again on the sixth and seventh days. I mean really – who likes birds this much? Is he Marlin Perkins?  This time it was six geese and seven swans. And I tell ya, with that many fowl … p-u, stinkiness! Geese were laying eggs, swans were trying to swim in the bird bath. The French Hens were flying around messing up the lawn. It was a nightmare. And have you ever heard Colly Birds? They are Blackbirds … caw, caw caw! They never shut up.

Day eight rolled around and if he brought another bird, of any variety, I was going to tell him to hit the road. But instead, he brought over eight maids. I thought …”GREAT – they can do a thorough cleaning of the house.” But none of them had dusters and he said they were “Maids a’Milking”. I’m not sure what they were milking because I don’t have any cows or goats … and I’m pretty sure they weren’t lactating. I was just very confused with this gift. They all seemed nice enough but it was just kind of weird.

Day nine came and my true love gave to me nine ladies dancing. Yep – there they were on my doorstep in tutus and tights. It was an odd but nice gift. The house is kind of small so I had them out on the patio … performing Swan Lake. I thought they were pretty good … and the neighbors and swans seemed to like it, too.

Day ten and lover boy brought over ten guys. He said they were “Lords a’Leaping” whatever that is supposed to mean. But they actually were leaping. Like frogs. They were amazing but honestly, they were landing in the bird poop and bothering the maids and it was getting pretty weird out in the yard with all those people and birds … too much leaping, dancing and squawking. 

On the eleventh day, my honey brought over a bunch of pipers. Eleven of them. I’m really not one for bagpipes or flute music or recorders and they were piping all over the place. Some people might have liked it – but the dogs got to barking and it was really quite obnoxious. Enough already.

By this time I was beyond begging the soon-to-be former beau to stop with the gifts. But he just wouldn’t hear of it. Sigh.

The twelfth day finally arrived as I was really tired of entertaining all these extra people and having to deal with all the squawking and the smell! My food bill was astronomical and I had to keep going to the store to get bird seed and toilet paper.

Anyway, on that fateful twelfth day, the ex-boyfriend brought over a band of drummers. Twelve of them … drumming like maniacs. I love drum music but with the pipers and those weird lords leaping everywhere and the ladies dancing and the maids flirting with the guys and all those damn birds … I’d had it. (And, actually, I think those “maids” were Playmates. I never saw them dust or milk anything in the four days they were here!)

I told the guy we were through. He wouldn’t hear of it – so I called the cops. I have a restraining order on him and he and his entourage (and the birds) can’t come within 500 feet of me.

Things are finally getting back to normal here.

Oh, and there is one bright spot. I kept those gold rings … with the price of gold these days – they are worth a fortune!

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One of those days …

Day 318

Yes, it’s been one of those days.

I, unheard of for me, was up at 7 a.m. to greet Mr. Sump Pump man who was installing my new sump pump. Don’t ask. Another zillion dollars literally down the drain. Sigh. The Money Pit house continues to suck big bucks out of me.

Anyway … here I am 18 hours later wondering what I did all day other than spend money on a machine that I don’t know anything about … other than I need it.

This morning, I thought I’d try a “new do” and add some shine gel to my hair before “styling” … which is pretty hilarious because I don’t actually style. Well, no sooner did I have the hair gel off my hands and in my hair than I realized I had a Gomez Addams thing going on. Not exactly attractive on a female (or anyone else for that matter). I tried rinsing it out and re-styling and shampooing it out and re-styling … and well, it changed a bit and let’s just say I walked around looking like k.d. lang most of the day. Not my best look.

I had allergic reactions all day long to … ???? Something. My bottom lip has been itchy and puffed out all day. I’m giving Mick Jagger a run for his money! What did I eat? Did I pet the cat? I don’t KNOW!

But between the hair and the puffed lip … I’m super attractive today! Cindy Crawford … watch out! 

I decided to run up to The Gap after tutoring to pick up a hat that I had the clerk put on hold for me for Sam. I saw it in a magazine and decided I was tired of practical gifts and this one would be completely and utterly frivolous and fun. It was a white, faux fur, Elmer Fudd, trapper hat … and so hideously awful looking I now understand why it was shown NOT on a model and why it was half off. I tried it on and it looked like a giant furry marshmallow atop my head. At least it covered my Gomez-lang look though! (I did NOT get it!)

It ONLY took me an hour to find the store and it was well worth the 7 minutes I was actually in it! On the way home, I got lost and was coasting on empty because that part of  the universe apparently has banned gas stations in the area because they aren’t fancy enough or pretty enough or bring in enough revenue or something. I finally found a station … driving on fumes … and thought I’d pull into the Popeye’s Chicken next door to eat something because I was pretty sure I hadn’t had any food all day. They didn’t have what I wanted. How can a chicken place run out of chicken?

So … I came home, fed the animals and before I could turn around … the cat puked up dinner … on my pretty area rug. Nice!

I thought I’d round out such a special day by re-painting the two closet doors that I painted last night. The white I painted was supposed to be white-white … like the rest of the gloss paint/trim I’ve painted. But somehow this can is more yellow. So … the doors looked stupid. So, I decided I’d paint them the color of the walls instead … so I did.

Or so I thought. I have 3 beiges in this house and I picked the wrong can … so, though beige, the doors are darker than the beige on the walls.

I just can’t seem to win today.

Time for bed cuz it’s just been … one of those days.


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Happy birthday, to you …

Day 317

Nine thousand, one hundred and thirty two days … 

That is how old my “baby” turned today. How can that be? Every holiday letter I’ve sent out in the last 20 some years has said the same thing … Sam will be x in a few days – how can that be?

And in the blink of an eye she is 25 … HOW CAN THAT BE?

Twenty five big ones. A quarter of a century. Nine thousand one hundred and thirty two days!

I got married two days after I turned 25. That would be like Sam getting married on Thursday! Weird to think about my life in comparison with those of my kids. I look back and think I was so young to be getting married. We were babies! What did we know? 

Twenty five years … on one hand it seems like a long time. But, in reality, it’s just a blink of the eye. Where did these past twenty five years go?

It was JUST yesterday that we were bringing her home. Our beautiful pink bundle. The picture of us bringing her home, with Ted looking SO disappointed with that (does she really have to come with us) look on his face, is priceless (and also one of my favorites)!

In any case … where did those twenty five years go?

Sam was our Native American baby. Not really, but she could have passed for a baby of that heritage or a baby of Inuit culture or maybe Polynesian or Hawaiian … she had such a round face and a head full of coal-black hair.

I had her without anesthetic. I also had her via C-section … so that was one nasty delivery. She came out absolutely perfect, though … so all was good. (Not that I’d want to do that again, though!)

Early on she wouldn’t smile for me. All day long I’d be home with her … caring for her, feeding and changing her, singing to her, playing with her … and nary a smile from her beautiful little face. Baby Grumpus.

And then Daddy Tim would walk through the door and she’d be so happy to see him that sunbeams would shoot out of her fingertips and she’d smile like the Cheshire Cat and be lit up like a Christmas tree with joy!

(The little sh*t!)

She was a roly-poly little thing … women in the grocery stores would stop us and comment on her being a “healthy” baby. Yeah, I’d think … What made you think that, lady? The double chin or the 7 rolls of fat per leg? She was our own baby chub-worm!

She walked earlier than Ted did … talked earlier too. But for a while she communicated with her own style of hand/body language. I am practically hysterical now as I remember it!

The summer Sam was pre-verbal she fell in love with Otter Pops. Those fake juice sticks that you freeze … she loved them! And because I was such a wonderful mother, I fed them to my children … morning, noon and night!  And since she wasn’t speaking, and wanted them, she would pound on her chest (twice) with one fist and then point to the freezer while saying, “Ot!” and repeat this little scenario until we “got” what she was trying to tell us. It was almost like having a trained chimpanzee in the house. But Sam was far cuter and I didn’t have to buy as many bananas!

Pre-school and elementary days whirled past … full of parties and soccer, girl scouts and sleepovers, friends and animals. Middle school came and went and then it was high school … cross country and friends and more parties, driving and vacations, clothes, make-up, boys and more parties.

Tim died the summer after graduation and before Sam left for Oregon for college. The house was VERY empty that fall. But she came back at break and we developed a nice adult relationship.

And here I am five years later in Chicago, missing her terribly, and there she is in Littleton … 1000 miles apart … which makes it really hard to share a dinner of french dip sandwiches and wine at our favorite little downtown Main Street restaurant.

Twenty five years … it all happened in a blink of an eye. And if I could do it all over again and watch her transform into the beautiful creature she is today … I’d do it in a heartbeat … as she is lovely and fun and smart and grounded and fabulous.

Happy birthday, Lamby.


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Sources of comfort …

Day 316

I have come to realize what I do when I need comfort. 

And before I disclose what that actually is … I’ll tell you what I do NOT do. I do not clean my house. I do not go out for a jog, run or walk. I don’t pour myself a drink or take a bath – or do both at the same time.

What I do is light a lot of candles … and in A LOT, I mean the smoke detector could easily go off … I watch tv non-stop and I eat.

This weekend I think the TV was on for the majority of each day/night and programmed to any sappy holiday movie (which I had plenty to choose from but most were pretty lame) or the Food Network for a change of pace.

My eyes are bleary. I’ve practically run out of candles. And I’m feeling really disgusting from my dietary intake.

Which basically was non-stop (like the TV) … and comprised of a half gallon of espresso chip ice cream and nearly a pound of bacon.

Yes, I admit it. I’m a baconator. I’m a hog. I’m a pig for pork.

And, for the moment, let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything about eating a mountain of espresso chip ice cream … and we’ll really pretend I didn’t mention that the frozen dairy bliss included whipped cream and toffee bits.

Bacon. Okay vegetarians and vegans, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you find this repulsive. Close this out and read no further. I can’t help myself. I am a T-Rex at heart. I’m sure if there were mammals when the dinosaurs roamed the planet some dinosaur would have invented fire so that he could roast a pig and have BACON.

I had bacon on an English muffin today. Forget that I’m not supposed to have gluten, as apparently, TOO BAD was my motto for the weekend. And not only did I have an English muffin – but I put cream cheese on it, too. Close your ears as I’m not supposed to have dairy either. (Hence I am not mentioning again the ice cream or whipped cream!)

I had bacon on my salad (oh, yes … I had a salad! REDEMPTION!)  … but I’m pretty sure there was a larger ratio of bacon to lettuce in my bowl.

Then, later, I actually had 3 slices of bacon … AS A SNACK!

What the hell got into me today?

I actually was watching Food Network and their mystery ingredient for the show was … of course … BACON. So, it was just fitting that I should be eating some while watching them cook with it. Right? They even made bacon wrapped bacon. Hmmm – as much as I love the stuff … that concept was a bit lost on me!

But seriously … bacon, soft lighting, sappy holiday movies and ice cream did the trick. I felt so much better (well, emotionally) after my gluttony and sloth-like demeanor all weekend.

In any case, if I survive the night without having a heart attack or gastrointestinal bloat or a colon-eruption … I’ll be very happy!

And, just fyi … after the gorging pork-fest of this weekend I can honestly say I’d still like to eat more bacon in the morning. Too bad I ate it all! But, I do believe there is still some ice cream …

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Martha Stewart’s Holiday To-Do List …

Day 315

In light of the recent tragedy I thought I’d go completely in the opposite direction of emotion and throw out something humorous … if for no other reason, than to relieve, for a bit, the heartbreak we all feel.

This is a revamped oldie but goodie …

Martha Stewart’s Holiday To-Do List …

December 1st: Blanch carcass from Thanksgiving turkey. Spray paint gold, turn upside down and use as sleigh to hold holiday cards.

2nd: Have Vienna Boys Choir record outgoing Christmas message for answering machines/in all 5 houses.

3rd: Collect pinecones, twigs, nuts and berries from acreage on property and make wreaths for community neighbors.

4th: Email family Christmas letter to Pulitzer committee for consideration.

5th: Pick nutmeg and grate. Collect eggs from henhouse and make homemade eggnog.

6th: Take pig out and find truffles. Make infused oil for gifts.

7th: Check on order for 1 partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtle doves, and 2 french hens (oh, make that 3 – they are so tasty).

8th: Add jingle bells and bows to all the dogs’ collars.

9th: Collect dentures. Use as pastry cutters and for adding decorative edges to pie crusts and cookies.

10th: Install plumbing in gingerbread house.

11th: Replace air in the tires on the Lexus and Mercedes with Glade “Holiday Scents” in case tires blow out.

12th: Adjust legs of chairs in dining hall so each holiday dinner guest will be the same height when sitting at his assigned seat.

13th: Dip sheep and cows in egg whites and roll in confectioner’s sugar to add festive sparkle to pasture.

14th: Drain city reservoir; refill with mulled cider, orange slices and cinnamon sticks.

15th: Float votive candles in toilets.

16th: Dig moat around house and fill with glitter.

17th: Seed clouds for a white Christmas.

18th: If seeding doesn’t work make artificial snow. Spray house and entire property.

19th: Do annual good deed – take homemade potpourri to all my inmate friends.

20th: Build snowman in likeness of God – or myself.

21st:  Have all solar panels repositioned for best sun exposure.

22nd: Write new music for 12 drummers and 11 pipers – it’s outdated.

23rd: Build goose pen. Move 7 swans and 6 geese to it. 

24th: Bear son. Swaddle. Lay in color-coordinated manger scented with hand-cut pine boughs.

25th: Make dinner and clean up house and have 100 guests for dinner and do all by myself because I gave the servants time off to be with their families. Only joking – have servants make dinner, clean house and serve 100 guests.

26th: Appraise 5 gold rings.

27th: Call security to remove the 10 leaping lords and the 9 dancing ladies.

28th: Dust and turn all bottles in wine cellars. Sample at will.

29th: Design make-up mirror to look like ball in Times Square.

30th: Make resolutions. Vow to be more organized.

31st: Get in jet and welcome in new year in all time zones around the world.

Hmmm … this list is eerily similar to mine! Happy Holidays!!!!

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Shattered lives …

Day 314

I am heartsick. 

IT has happened again. Every time children are gunned down I think that it cannot possibly happen again – EVER. And yet, it does.

Shattered lives. Shattered families.

I do NOT understand this. I just don’t. I am practically sick over this and yet – I knew none of them. I am one of millions of people who don’t know any of these families. Never had the chance to meet any of those children and yet we are feeling the same thing … utter heartbreak. And, as parents, we are all thinking the same thing … those kids could have been MINE.

My heart is broken for those families. I can barely comprehend such a violent act … on children … and then compound it with it happening at school … before the holidays. I can barely stand it. I don’t want to think about it – and yet that is ALL I am thinking about.

I have a few friends who have lost children … I still do not know how they continue to breathe.

I used to live 10 miles from Columbine High School. It was not an area I frequented and yet I drove right by the school an hour or so before the shootings began that fateful morning. Never in my wildest dreams could I have thought that I’d return home to the news of that day. We watched that tragedy unfold and it was horrific.

And that scenario has played out again and again and AGAIN in the last few years.

Schools are supposed to be safe. These are CHILDREN we are talking about. Children dying. Children killing other children. I have worked in schools for the past 20 years … they are full of mobiles and music, laughter and excitement and joy and the smell of paste. There is not supposed to be fear and gunfire and death.

My heart is just broken.

Tonight I kept thinking about those mothers and fathers … how do they go on? I think maybe mom was out getting that special Christmas gift at the time that this rampage was going on. How do you, as a parent, get past knowing your child was in the midst of such carnage when you were strolling the aisles at Target? I think I would have a very difficult time not feeling incredibly guilty that somehow I didn’t know my child was in such peril or lay dying. 

I know as parents we are not super human. We do not have special powers. We are not able to do all/see all/be all … and that bad things happen that we have no control over. And yet …

I sit here shaking my head wondering why no one had an inkling this young man was so volatile? So angry? So desperate? So LOST?

And maybe people did … but didn’t act on that gut feeling … or thought someone else would notice … or thought it was “a phase” or that he was just having a difficult time finding his way. 

I am sickened at what transpired today … on so many levels and even though I don’t want to, I can’t help feeling sorry for that kid who was responsible. The whole thing is just so, so wrong … and so, so terribly, terribly sad.

I purposely haven’t read or listened to much of what happened today. I came home and read online what transpired and had a good cry. It made me want to hug my children – oh so many miles away – and never let them go.

But that’s not realistic … life happens. You love them and let them go out into the world … your heart walking around outside your body … and you hope against hope that they will be safe and happy and that life will be good. And sometimes it is really, really, really good.

And then … sometimes it’s like today. 


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Virtues of a squid …

Day 313

The other day I was at the post office – standing in a long line of pre-holiday patrons awaiting my turn up at the counter, just like the rest of the people in line were awaiting their turn. The line was not moving. At all. And so I struck up a conversation with the very chatty 4 year old who was standing in front of me.

She was a cute little thing … holding tightly to a stuffed antelope. It, too, was a cute little thing.

I asked her a few questions and her chattiness turned into sealed lips in seconds as I was not getting much more than a shrug as a shy reply until prompted by her mom. I then got an answer when I asked her what her favorite animal was … and if it was the little antelope that she was holding.

Her reply was not what I expected – which was … “No, silly … my favorite animal is a SQUID.”

Like I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN this tidbit of personal information! She practically rolled her eyes at my stupidity!

Okay, two can play at this game kid. I continued asking her questions and she continued supplying me with answers …

Why is it your favorite animal? – Because they are cute.

What is so cute about them? – I like their legs. They move fast.

Would you like to hold one? – Yes. I’d like to kiss him.

Do you think they smell funny? – Yes! (complete with scrunched up nose) – They’re stinky!

Have you ever seen one? – Just in a book but mom said there was one in our yard one night.

At this answer the mom was laughing so I figured there was some behind-the-scenes story that I was not privy to!

And so our little repartee went until we were nearly at the front of the line. The mom had been chuckling for a while but listening to us and encouraging this continuation of the conversation. And as they were summoned to the counter the mom turned back to me and said, “SKUNK. She meant to say SKUNK … not SQUID!”

Ha … okay, so she wasn’t such a little weirdo!

In any case … it made me think back to when my kids were little and animated and fun and into their “babies” (aka: stuffed animals). Sam was into the “normal” ones … the ones easily found in any toy store … bunnies, lambs, kitties, pigs, hippos, seals. She wasn’t too particular as she pretty much adored anything cute … and so she had a LOT of furry babies! I think my favorite of hers was the tusked walrus … complete with baby (whom she named Fudge). Too cute!

Ted was another story. He always wanted the unusual animals … the nearly impossible to find. Stuffed animals that always demanded a trip to the zoo gift shop or specialty toy store … the manta ray, the chameleon, the anteater … and even then it was slim to none that I’d find the ONE animal he wanted for Christmas.

One year he wanted a TAPIR. What kid even knows what a damn tapir is … and Ted had his heart set on getting one from Santa. This was 20 some years ago … pre-internet searches and Amazon … so, a LOT of footwork and phone calls were made in tracking these critters down!

Traditionally, Santa would come early and leave a stuffed animal on the doorstep for each of the kids before bedtime on Christmas Eve. Santa always somehow dropped off his early gifts when the kids were brushing their teeth. We’d hear his bells and we’d race down the stairs to find the animals on the front porch and of course, Santa would be long gone – back to the reindeer and the skies! The kids would drift off to sleep cuddling their new “babies” and the newest members of our family would be glued to the kids for days and days and weeks and weeks!

Oh, those were the days. I’m not sure who enjoyed those stuffed animals the most … Ted, Sam … or ME!

And somehow year after year Santa found the wanted animals. Even the tapir that year. I’m just glad no one ever asked for a squid!

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12/12/12 …

Day 312

Today was 12/12/12 … one of those rare phenomena that happen in one’s lifetime. Today is my 312th post and I’m posting it around midnight. Go figure. I love these happenstance coincidences. 

Every once in a while you’ll hear that a baby was born at 06:07:08 on 9/10/11 … or something like that. I always think that’s pretty neat.

On average there are roughly 11,000 babies born EVERY DAY here in the United States – a number which sounds ridiculously large (enormous) to me. And, as one might hope for or expect … one of those babies, a boy in Wisconsin, was born today at 12:12 (pm) … something for the record books … 12/12/12 at 12:12. I’m just hoping they didn’t name him Dodici, Doce, Dwanascie or Tolv. Although Tolv (twelve in Swedish) is pretty cool!

And speaking of Wisconsin … land of cheese and dairy farms and babies born on special days … I was up there today. It sounds weird, even to me, to say … “Oh, I was in Wisconsin for the day.” because in my head I’m still in Colorado and Wisconsin is rather far from there! But actually I am only about 45 minutes from the Wisconsin/Illinois border. Who knew?

I spent the day walking around the first town I researched to move to … a darling town north of Milwaukee … Cedarburg. It’s quaint, it’s charming, it’s darling. It’s also brutally cold in the winter and I for one am not as hearty as I may once have been. Colorado thinned my blood and being in that dry climate for so many years anything more than 17% humidity has me grabbing for an extra layer and another pair of socks! Despite the cuteness of the town, the area was nixed for a few reasons … one being I would be a human Popsicle up there for sure from November until May!

In any case, today I spent browsing the shops and having lunch and chatting with a dear sorority sister. And I found myself doing something that no one really seems to do much of in these parts … LAUGH. So, we chatted and reminisced and caught up and laughed (a lot) and it was really fun and good to get out and exceptional for my soul.

We strolled the Woolen Mill with its many and varied shops … stopping in the winery in the basement for local wines. I picked up a blush with a hint of cranberry (the world’s largest cranberry grower/packer being not too far away). We had lunch at the local diner (yum – Reuben!) – where, according to the old menu on display, at one time a person could get a full breakfast for 40 cents.

We went into half a dozen stores that had 10-20 foot pressed tin ceilings … all filled with holiday decorations and garlands and birch branches and grape vines adorned with twinkle lights. It was so festive and just so lovely. It gave me just the right infusion of holiday spirit that I was needing … and the area even had a little snow on the grassy areas!

There was the cookie cutter store … Downtown Dough. One could spend hours in that little shop alone as they have over 2000 different shapes of cookie cutters. You want a rooster? They’ve got it. A golfer? Yep. A dump truck? Yessiree Bob. Amazing … 2000 different ones!

There were garden shops and antique stores, boutiques and toy shops and candy stores … jewelry stores, holiday shops, a paperie, a pottery/artisan store … three blocks of wares, eateries and establishments.

We stopped into Amy’s Gourmet Apple shop … HUGE caramel apples in the windows and gorgeous chocolates in the display cases. It was beautiful and SMELLED SO GOOD!

We stopped in at the Cedarburg Coffee Roastery (one of four or five coffee houses in the historic area) and sat at “the bar” (if a coffee house has a bar, this was a bar) which was a seating area configured around their coffee roaster. The roaster was huge and ancient and so very cool looking! No roasting going on today but the aroma of coffee permeated the quaint one room shop. We had hot chocolate and coffee … that alone was worth the trip!

Today was special for many reasons … good ol’ 12/12/12 … but what I’ll remember most of my lovely day is that I spent it with a dear friend … one whom I’ve been a “sister” with for 36 years. Hmmm … gives added meaning to … 12+12+12.

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Brain drain …

Day 311

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, a merry old soul was he … Nat King Cole sang one of my favorite songs of all time – Unforgettable … Cole Porter wrote songs that were lovely … port wine cheese is one of my favorite appetizers (cheap and yummy) … Yummy ice cream was my favorite brand when I was a kid … kids, these days, are not exposed to nursery rhymes – which would make Old King Cole very unhappy and his soul not merry at all.

And so go my thought patterns at any given moment. All sorts of nonsensical gibberish ping ponging around in the gray matter inside my head!

I’d love to see a mapped out circuitry of my thoughts over a span of even … 2 minutes. Can you even imagine the hard wiring it would take to follow all those pathways of thought?

I feel like my brain is going a zillion miles an hour … and then in an instant it stands still. I was looking at a picture of Tom Cruise today on the cover of some magazine and if someone tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a million dollars to name the man on the cover … I’d have had to pass. I could not remember TC’s name. WHO does that? EVERYONE  knows TC.

There was a survey taken, years ago, of famous people’s faces … people were asked, all over the world, to name the faces in the survey … political leaders, famous writers, business moguls, tycoons, kings and dignitaries, athletes, musicians and Hollywood icons.

I think the ones that topped the list for familiarity were Tom Cruise and E.T. … not Gandhi or the Queen Mother!

If someone offered me a million bucks I’m sure I could have named E.T. … and am aghast that TC’s name eluded me. But for lack of any better reason – I’m blaming my memory lapse on the lack of sleep.

I have a new mattress (as of late August) … I’m not thrilled with it. I have new pillows … I’m not thrilled with them either. My head is pointing south (does that matter?). One would think that I should be sleeping like a baby … even at the hours which I finally hit the hay – or because of the hours I hit the hay … but I am not. I toss and turn like a chicken on a rotisserie spit. Except I don’t wake up in the morning golden brown. Pity.

In any case … I’m trying a new routine tonight. Bedtime before MIDNIGHT! Heavens … I honestly don’t remember the last time that happened. So, I’ll read a bit and lights out and we’ll see how I do. Experiment night #1.

Something’s gotta give … and my memory and sanity are not going to (continue to) be it! My brain is being drained and short circuited and I’m not liking it one bit!

So … maybe in a week from now my brain patterns will be less scattered … more concentrated and focused … and my memory will be better. Anything would be better.

In any case … I’m off to listen to a little Nat King Cole and Cole Porter while I enjoy a little ice cream!

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My holiday carols …

Day 310

Besides visions of sugar plums dancing in my head … I have lyrics of yet unwritten songs spinning around in there, as well.

I have been humming and singing bits and pieces of holiday carols for a few weeks now … but when I don’t know the words I have been adding my own in as replacements. 

And since I do this when I’m out driving … they usually go something like this …

Oh, you better watch out, that lady can’t drive, you better not pout –  put your foot to the gas pedal … State Farm is really going to hate me (for moving here).

Sigh. No, I have not been in an accident (since 1979 … which was, come to think of it, in Chicago … go figure!) … but I think my chances of being plowed into – more than likely in a parking lot – are pretty good since I moved to this area.


I am serious. Everyone driving is either license-less or has a license but should not because the last time they took a driving test was 40 years ago and they are now 250 years old and their reflexes are like a sloth’s. It’s SCARY out here!

Sleigh bells ring, don’t back into me … in the lane … or on in the parking lot. A beautiful sight, we’re not happy tonight … get your frickin’ car away from me.

And so it goes.

Yesterday I was in a parking lot waiting for some woman to back out of her parking space. Since there were no other spaces available and I didn’t want to walk 3 miles in the dark, I waited. And waited. And waited. I could have knitted a scarf, or two, in the time it took her to back out and drive off. And I don’t even know how to knit … so, I would have had to learn how to knit first and still I could have completed two scarves in the time it took her to back out and go. OMG!

Dashing through the snow in your land yacht that’s too big … oh I’m so stressed out and I’m not laughing at all today! Figure out which lane – you want to be driving in, and stay there please and let me pass and don’t you dare hit me.  Oh …

At one point in the Hobby Lobby parking lot I was actually going to park my car, mid-aisle, and go and see if some woman needed  help. I honestly thought she had a stroke or something happened because “things” were not progressing but her car was in motion – somewhat.

I’m dreamingactually I fell asleep it’s taking you so long to move your car. It’s going to be Christmas before I get home.

In any case … I don’t think my versions of the carols would make Irving Berlin nervous (maybe roll around in his grave a few times, but nervous – no) … but I’m enjoying being a lyricist for the time being. It helps calm me down and if I’m singing I’m less apt to yell out the window at someone about their driving skills.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree … how lovely are thy branches … you drive like cr*p, get off the road … you can’t see over the dashboard even … Oh – oh my god, Oh – oh my god … I hope I get home in one piece.

Happy holidays!


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Clearly confused …

Day 309

I was going to write earlier today and then one thing led to another and time, as has been the case for the last 20 some years, flew by!

I was out driving today and passed a home that had half a dozen Christmas statues in the front yard. Always so nice to look as if you dumped the contents of your garage onto your front lawn at holiday time! People out this way are serious about their holiday decorations. The lights are really nice … the other things, um – not so much. If a yard has one blow up balloon thing, it has six! My neighbors are testament to that … I noticed a new one the other day … some hideous Mickey Mouse configuration. Lovely.

Anyway … at this house I passed today there was a nativity scene, some dancing Santas (seriously, their legs were moving) and something that I can only surmise was the Abominable Snowman. As I passed I thought, “Man, that’s PRETTY UGLY.”

And I had to laugh … because I love oxymorons.

They are the only morons I truly love!

Oxymoron … according to good ol’ Daniel (Webster) … is a figure of speech that has seemingly contradictory terms appearing side by side … such as exact estimate or virtual reality.

It reminded me, back in the day, when George Carlin came out with his stand-up comedy routine where he talked about JUMBO shrimp. To this day that still makes me laugh!

As I was driving I was noticing the stores around me and though not ideally oxymoronic … the proximity of stores made me chuckle.

I passed a Dunkin Donuts which was next to a Weight Watchers location. Further down the road was a Marriage Counselor’s office next to an Attorney at Law specializing in divorces. The dry cleaners was next to a BBQ joint and so it went.

It seemed everywhere I looked the incongruity of the store locations was hilarious. The butcher shop next to the Vegan Cafe … the dance studio next to the hospital supply company (with wheelchairs out on the front sidewalk) … the Chinese take-out place next to the pet shop (ew!) … the Spy Shop next to the Christian bookstore.

In any case … how many times a day do we all say these absurdities? Oh, that was almost exactly (exactly is exactly – not ALMOST) … or now then (well, which is it – now or then?) … and if you’re splitting something who doesn’t want the larger half? (a half is a half – pieces are equal!) and so it goes.

I think of the movie The Night of the Living Dead … which makes me ask … are they living or dead? How can they be living dead?

Tonight I was watching (another) holiday movie on some channel that has a zillion cheesy commercials and this one actually said that an original copy would be sent to the buyer. Really? Oh yay … an ORIGINAL COPY! The commercial continued saying that the product was a genuine imitation. (What is a fake imitation? REAL?) I was waiting for some spokesperson to come on and give their unbiased opinion on the product! Yes … and people buy this stuff!

In any case, all I can say is … I find that seriously funny!

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Remember me fondly …

Day 308 

There are days when I worry that Alzheimer’s is creeping up on me. It started when Tim died. Stress, grief, hormones, lack of sleep, poor diet … all combined to totally erase and eradicate any short-term memory cells and storage.

Seriously. It’s gone. And since I wasn’t sleeping (and am still not, either) I didn’t get any of the short-term memories filed away in the long-term memory storage – so, everything was basically going in one ear and out the other.

And for six years it (pretty much) has continued to do so.

Because of that I have a paper brain. If I need something or need to do something I write it down and then I can function … I get/do whatever is on my list. If something isn’t written down … it is out of my head. Gone. Lost. Like it never existed as a thought, idea, need, whatever.

And lately, I haven’t been very good at writing things down. Or I write them down – and then leave my list at home. Which is JUST GREAT!

Today I was at three stores … my list was at home. At each store I stood like a codfish, mouth agape, in the middle of some aisle looking around to see if anything popped out at me that said, “THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME IN HERE FOR.”

Merchandise spoke but not the stuff I went to get!

I got home without wrapping paper (why I went out in the first place). I forgot my receipt for the thing I was returning at store #2. And I got home without the twine I specifically went out to get from the third store. Good grief! I did happen to come home with other things however, just not what I wanted/needed in the first place!

I am a good multi-tasker … and sometimes I wonder if that is my problem. I am doing two or three things at one time and not fully in tune with any of the things I am doing. Maybe if I slowed down I’d be more efficient. Maybe I am just short-circuiting myself out!

Today I was drying my hair after my morning shower. I don’t have much hair – so it really doesn’t take too long for it to dry. So, one would think that I could just concentrate all of the 3-5 minutes it takes to fully dry my wisps without doing anything else. But oh no …. not me! I have to be busy all the time.

So, today while drying my hair – hair dryer on in one hand … I decided I’d refill the dog water with my free hand.

Um … yes … you see where this is going.

My idiocy with water and electricity stems from my ancestry … Ben Franklin is a Great-Something uncle. I will blame the lack of brain cells in that area on his lack of judgement and from being zapped while out in that electrical storm flying that kite! I’m sure this lack of sense is hereditary.

Anyway … I’m lucky I’m not toast as it wasn’t until after I poured most of the old water down the sink (still with the functioning dryer in the other hand) and was almost putting my free hand INTO THE BOWL to swish whatever water was left to clean it out did I come to my senses! NOT A GOOD IDEA to stick one’s hand in a bowl of water while operating a hair dryer!

I could have been like Mel Gibson in the movie … What Women Want. Egad!

So, with all that in mind, I have one request …

Remember me fondly when I’m in the loony bin.

I think they’re getting my room ready right now!


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English – as a second language …

Day 307

Okay, I have a short wick. I know it. I have always been like this – well, as long as I can remember. My patience is short and sometimes my tolerance is shorter. And if there is injustice or something that just doesn’t seem “right” about something, then  my wick and tolerance is even shorter still.

I graduated from college in 1979 with a degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in the Spanish language. At that time … some 33 years ago … I thought that Spanish might come in handy some day.

Apparently, that day has come.

I was reading the ads in the newspaper today (after scooping off dead squirrel #2 off my property – this one was the victim of a hit and run) … and an ad caught my eye that has me contemplating writing a letter to the company and/or boycotting their products.

But since I’m a chocoholic and it is the holiday season … boycotting is not in MY best interest at the moment. I might have to wait to boycott until after the New Year.

Anyway … the advertisement is for Hershey’s. It’s a one page flyer in a coupon/advertising packet. In large white letters are the words … Disfruta las fiestas con Hershey’s. In smaller yellow letters UNDERNEATH the Spanish is … Enjoy the Holidays with Hershey’s.

REALLY? When did English become the SECOND LANGUAGE? (And for that matter – when did the word holidays need to be capitalized?)

On the coupon Spanish is listed first (Ahorra/Save) … (en cualquier 2 de/on any 2) … the rest of the coupon is in English.

BUT STILL. Spanish is listed FIRST.

Aren’t we an ENGLISH speaking country?

I would like to say yes. But lately I have begun to wonder.

In the stores around town there are times when I am pretty sure I am the only English-speaking person for aisles around. And it’s not just Spanish I hear … it’s Polish, Russian, some dialect that is of slavic nature or from the Middle East,  or sometimes it’s Korean or Chinese.

I know America is a melting pot … and I think that is great. But my mindset is that if you live in this country – you learn the language … which is ENGLISH.  For the last hundred or so years when people immigrated to our shores they brought with them their cultures, their recipes and foods, their traditions and beliefs … and very few came knowing the language of this country and yet they learned.

I’m sure it was very difficult. And very scary. BUT THEY DID IT!

English as a second language … I am having a VERY difficult time with this. I just don’t like it.

I don’t like that coupons (let alone street signs) have Spanish on them … and I certainly don’t like Spanish being portrayed as the dominant language. I do not live in Spain or Mexico or the countries that comprise Central/South America. I live in the United States of America where our language is English.

At least it was … until today.

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R.I.P. Rocky …

Day 306

Today as I walked across my lawn to check out the neighbor’s yard mauling/sewer repair job I nearly stepped on a dead squirrel.

For someone with a very stiff back who doesn’t bend very well or move quickly all I could think of when I jumped over the fat little body was … where is Mickey Rooney when ya need him?

I mean … there I was doing a mean jitterbug and I could have put any of his old-time musical partners to shame with my quick side-stepping, high-hoofing and jumping!


Anyway … yes, a death occurred on my property. Apparently, Rocky (the not so good at) Flying Squirrel met his demise from what I’m surmising was a miscalculation in tree limb management … or high winds … or both. I’m thinking the poor little guy fell from my tree. And I have BIG trees … so, it was a long way down.

I barely saw him lying on the ground … he blended in so well with the dirt and the brown/gray grass. My breath caught in my throat – before I started leaping about – as it was so startling.

At first I thought he was just lying there – snoozing … but upon closer inspection (which really wasn’t too close) I realized he wasn’t just taking a rest or sleeping … he was pretty much dead.

He was gray and brown … nice and chunky with a big, beautiful full tail. And he was also hard and quite solidly dead. It made me wonder, actually, how long he’d been out there. Was he out there yesterday? The day before that? It made me feel badly.

I like squirrels. I know, many people think I’m an idiot. But I think they are sweet. I throw out extra crackers and peanuts for them. I don’t care if they are rats with bushy tails. I like my squirrels!

In any case … I got a box, my gloves, some plastic bags and a shovel from the garage and deposited his hefty little super stiff (like he was taxidermied in a sleeping position) into the bags, into the box and said a little prayer as I laid him to rest. In my garbage can.

All this brought old pet memories to mind … how many animals did we bury as kids in our backyard? We had a veritable graveyard going on in the back garden area … turtles, hamsters, a guinea pig and a rabbit. We didn’t bury anything bigger than the rabbit back there … but I always stayed away from the daisies cuz I heard that so and so was pushing them up … and well, it made me wonder if my parents had an after-hours thing going on!

I don’t think my kids buried anything at our home in Colorado … maybe a couple of tadpoles … maybe a hamster or two … but now, I honestly can’t remember. Not nearly the graveyard of my youth.

I live across from a cemetery now. I’ve always thought cemeteries were lovely on one hand … usually so pretty and well-tended and I actually like walking the old ones to see the intricate headstones and carvings and old dates. And on the other hand, I find it supremely morose to have decaying bodies in a park. A dead-people park. That’s just kind of gross!

When I went to Virginia the first time to look at property I had my eye on 3 acres of woods and an 1890 farmhouse that would have been fabulous for a bed and breakfast … except it was too far out from town and … the family plot was located about 10 feet from the back patio! Just a little something the realtor “forgot” to tell me about before I flew 2000 miles to see the house. In any case, I  really didn’t want to have to entertain the dead Elliot family every time I was outside – as I’m sure I would have felt the need they were all so close to the patio! Drinks anyone?

In any case … rest in peace, dear Rocky.

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Sorority girl …

Day 305

I am a sorority girl.

A zillion years ago … twenty some years back in the last century … I became an initiate, at the University of Illinois, into the Greek sorority of Alpha Chi Omega. Little did I know what friendships would blossom from my signing that pledge card. Somehow I just knew that that was the house for me. Luckily they liked me, too … because out of 21 houses that was the only one I chose. It just fit.

The other day I had the pleasure of sharing a few hours with one of my sorority sisters. She came down, we chatted, we laughed, we had a deep discussion, we ate, we caught up. It was wonderful. I honestly don’t know the last time I saw her … three years ago? It didn’t matter … all that time melted away and we picked up where we left off.

I’ve done that three other times with two of my other sorority sisters since moving back here. It’s been fabulous and I know – deep in my heart – that I am so fortunate to have those deep, lifelong friendships. Those bonds of sisterhood are strong and true.

Not everyone can say that. I know how lucky I am.

I also belong to another sisterhood … a larger sisterhood that comes from just being a woman … the Sisterhood of Women. I can be sitting in a waiting room and start a conversation with a woman next to me and an hour later leave and feel like I just spent time with an old friend. Women can do that. There is something that ties us … some commonality that makes it easy and natural to open up and chat – about anything – at any time. It’s wonderful.

There is also a connectedness that I have come to know as the Sisterhood of Business. Ninety-nine percent of my customers and contacts are women in the health care business. I think that is because we are nurturers and it’s just a natural thing for many of us. I work with women who help children and other women.

In any case … when I took over this business when Tim was sick I began to notice the support that was sent our way. After his passing I was amazed by the outpouring by all of those women who knew Tim (but not me) who were just wanting to help somehow – knowing I was trying to make my way – and each of them held my hand as the weeks and months went forward … sharing the information they had, making the transition and learning curve less overwhelming for me. Six years later I am still awed by that outpouring those first few months.

Today I received three emails from customers … one was about my blog (which I’m always so tickled to find out that someone is reading) and just a nice little sharing of info and chatting. The other two were business related but all were heartfelt and sweet in saying how much they enjoyed working with me, how cozy our communications were, how easy our notes. It was deliciously lovely.

I was a part of something great back in Colorado. For thirty some years I was in the Sisterhood of the ‘Hood … my buds from my old neighborhood and around. We are in constant contact and it’s great and sometimes it makes me forget that I’m 1000 miles away from them and home.  We share that rare “call me at 3am if you need me” friendships. I always thought people might have ONE of those if lucky … I have tenfold that many.

And then I have the Sisterhood of the Soul. There are those people in life that come to you, somehow … by being a neighbor, by being a pen pal, by happenstance of sharing a classroom wall … but you know your souls connected and time and distance and age melt away because when you chat you are one. I’ve been lucky to have a few of those relationships as well.

Today I stopped in at my mom’s “girlfriends” luncheon. There were six of them … gabbing and laughing and sharing stories … all in their mid 80’s. They’ve known each other for almost 70 years. That is true sisterhood … love and sharing that lasts a lifetime.

So, to all of my sisters, near and far … and to those of you who are no longer here … thank you for being in my life. As we head into this holiday season I just didn’t want another day to go by without telling you that you have given me so much joy. I wish you the same … and then some.

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Elf Season …

Day 304

Just when you think your day is turning rather crappy … you notice the plumber’s van parked in front of your neighbor’s house. Your day isn’t crappy … theirs is.

Actually their basement is. Ew.

Yes … my poor neighbors. Yuck. They had a severe clog and subsequent (unknown) sewage back up. And just when they thought the plumber would work his magic and undo the clog and be on his way … the backup (according to my neighbor) exploded through the pipe and spewed (yes, you know what I’m talking about) all over the walls, ceiling, floor, contents of bathroom and basement … and plumber.

It was so bad … the plumber went home.

Professionals are on their way to clean the house. In the meantime, my neighbor was pretty distraught as I took a load of wet laundry that she had washed at the laundromat from her to dry in my dryer. The whole thing sounded ultra gross.

And as gross as it sounded … it’s even grosser (if that’s a word) to have to contend with it in person. I know. Been there, done that.

And haven’t we all? As homeowners there is always some joy of home ownership to contend with. The leaky faucet, the clogged toilet, the broken window, the faulty outlet.

Unlike when you back into the closed garage door or have a spaghetti sauce eruption on the kitchen stove … those other things happen mysteriously. I think elves come by and assess the house and decide that “things” are just going along too smoothly so they break something. Because, as is the case, something works fine one day and it is dead or broken the next.

Elves. I’m blaming such matters on elves.

The same elves sneak in at nighttime and deposit 5-10 pounds onto people’s bodies. I know this, too. I can go to bed weighing one amount and the next day I am a good 5, 7 or 10 pounds heavier. It’s not like I ate a lead sandwich for dinner … but there they are … those extra, very unwanted pounds the next morning. It wasn’t the espresso chip ice cream with whipped cream for dessert for a week (or two … or three) that added the weight … it was those elves! I’m sure of it.

And as long as I am blaming elves for things … I’ll add missing socks. I know my dryer is not eating my socks. I can only surmise that elves are stealing one sock at a time, again, while I’m sleeping. They make one visit and break something, add poundage to my already thundering thighs, and steal a sock.

I’m tempted to set up one of those spy cameras. But, I’m pretty sure they are like vampires and are invisible on film. Rats!

When I was little there was a holiday decoration/toy of sorts that was an elf. Tonight I took a walk down memory lane while looking through the Vermont Country Store catalog. There were LOTS of old products I’d long forgotten about – it was fantastic!

Anyway … as I was flipping pages … there was that elf!  Elf on a Shelf! I guess you put him out and about (and move him around your home) so he can keep an eye on the youngsters of the family and then he tells Santa which list they are on … naughty or nice! Cute concept.

Except now I’m feeling deprived! And I’m feeling like I’ve deprived my children of this tradition. Why for the past 50 some years was I unaware of such a thing? I, sadly, googled it and found out it’s also sold at Target and Walmart and probably any bookstore. 

I’d be tempted to get it if there was anyone here besides the dogs and those stealing/poundage adding elves … but I already know they all are on Santa’s naughty list.

In any case … watch out for the elves … ’tis the season!

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Winter wonderland …

Day 303

Deck the halls with boughs of holly

I’m sure whomever wrote those lyrics didn’t have any kids or animals in their home at the time.

I mean, seriously, who decorates with HOLLY? The leaves are spiny and wicked!

Well, apparently I’m the only one who thinks that as the spininess doesn’t deter the zillion people who use this plant as decoration in their homes during the holiday season.

Unlike the poinsettia (whose leaves are poisonous) the holly is not toxic except for the berries to humans – so don’t eat them!  The leaves, however, can be steeped for tea … so, if you run out of tea this holiday season – just go take apart your wreath or dining room centerpiece and steep away!

The holly plant is very old (dating back millions of years almost back to when the dinosaurs were steeping tea). There are roughly 400-600 species of the plant all over the planet, however most live in tropical and subtropical climates. Who knew? I thought holly was strictly a holiday ornamental in northern regions!

In any case … I don’t decorate with holly. It’s too prickly and painful! I had some growing in the front and back yards for years … but never wanted to get near it. If a ball was lost in it – I’d get the rake … no way was I reaching into that bed of wild spininess and risking being scratched to pieces!

If it were up to me, I’d change the fa la la lyrics to … 

Deck the halls with bouquets of gardenia, lilies of the valley and stargazer lilies, too!

If that were the case – can you just imagine how fantastically fragrant your home would be? I’d have a constant headache, but you can bet I’d be sniffing those flowers all day long!

And, being all white, the flowers would make gorgeous bouquets and look so pretty nestled in amongst dark green magnolia leaves or other greenery – okay, even holly! However, none of those flowers are long-lasting, so in the long run, using them in holiday decorating probably wouldn’t be the best choice of floral options. But, for a short while they’d smell and look fabulously!

I learned a while ago that white flowers are more fragrant than their colorful counterparts because since they don’t have color to attract birds and insects for pollination they have to use their strong aromas as attractants instead.

Today I was out walking marveling in the fragrant earthiness of the air. The air here is so different than in Colorado. You can actually smell it! And, as I walked along sniffing, I was thinking how fabulous it was to be outside without a coat or sweater on enjoying the 71 degree Spring-like day even though we are (almost) now in the season of winter! 

In any case one thought blended into another and there I was walking around humming …

Walking in a winter wonderland …

And it made me smile and think … YES ! This is one fantastically warm and lovely winter wonderland!

And as I passed a yard full of little reindeer I started singing …

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen … Comet and Cupid and Sleepy and Grumpy … 

Rats! I get about half way through that song and I start mixing up the reindeer with the seven dwarfs!

In any case … I’m going to go to bed so I can have visions of sugarplums dancing in my head … or at least visions of chocolate cake and soy vanilla lattes.

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Reindeer wrangling …

Day 302

The fog rolled in – sometime in the last hour – and, once again, swallowed up the trees and surrounding homes in my “neck of the woods”.

I let the dogs out before bed and was met at the door by a heavy mist and clouds swirling by … cool but creepy.

It made me wonder if I was once the Creature from the Black Lagoon because I am so fascinated by the fog. I almost (well, for a nanosecond or two) contemplated going for a walk in it – but quickly came to my senses.

I never thought I was afraid of the dark … but the fog, cemetery and darkness all combined make it rather, well, CREEPY out there! Too many monster movies when young, I suppose, that spark my imagination. 

Just beyond my fence I’m sure there are werewolves and real coyotes and giant worm creatures with horrible teeth ready to eat me!

But I am inside my fence … and, for the next month, I have added protection from wayward werewolves and the like because I have guard-reindeer!

The last two days I have spent reindeer wrangling. Oh what fun it is to wrangle …

Not really.

I, somehow, have acquired a herd of reindeer. Not real ones – though I’d prefer real ones as they are cuter, cuddlier and probably easier to manage – but the white, light-up, holiday decor kind. I think my herd is expanding yearly. I’m thinking there must be some reindeer nooky going on in my garage as I started out with just a few and now I have six.

Anyway … of course, what should have taken an hour took two days. Holiday lighting is known to make the strongest of people go insane. I being among them. I have a low frustration threshold … and today that level was off the charts within three minutes. None of the lights worked. So, I ripped off all the old lights and put on new ones … but before doing so I had to go get more lights – which also meant my fourth trip to Target (in the last three days). Enough already!

So, after my lovely shopping trip I wound the lights around the reindeer and set them out … only to discover that the outdoor electrical outlet I had specifically installed earlier this summer for holiday lights was not working. Great. So, off to the store, again, to get a longer extension cord.

Besides Target, Ace Hardware and Walgreens are also loving me these days!

Anyway … after much repositioning and legs falling off (the reindeer’s, not mine) and a head or two falling off and me getting poked by metal antlers and a few choice words from me at the reindeer, I finally got the animals standing and where I wanted them. Only to have the pug/lab herd come barreling through the yard and topple two of the deer.

So, after more choice words (at dogs and deer) and more reindeer wrangling and repositioning of the extension cords and no doubt loading the circuits to the max I’ve finally got my outdoor display done. Until the dogs or wind knock the reindeer over once again.

In any case – they are now upright and look pretty neat all lit up … little white beacons out in the fog.

Look out creepy monsters and werewolves … I’ve got guard reindeer on duty!

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Weathering December …

Day 301

Weather. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … it’s fascinating to me. I should have studied meteorology at some point in my life.

I’d make a great weather-gal … I could point to suns and clouds like the best of them and say things like … “There is a high ridge of low pressure … ” and “Darkness clearing by morning.” 

Today was another quasi-Spring-like day. December 1st and it’s 59 degrees at nearly midnight. Craziness! I know it’s technically almost winter and our temps should be colder; we are to have highs twenty some degrees colder coming later this week … but I’ll take days like today as long as I can get them! I feel like I’ve been transported to Florida!

It’s wet out. It’s not raining or even misting yet my concrete patio is wet … the air is saturated and carries the scent of earth and rain and decaying leaves and a hint of nostalgia. It’s wonderful.

The feel of the air … soft and damp … transports me back in time some 40 years to my first trip to Florida. My family drove down for Spring break … I was in Junior High.

I remember passing trees with Spanish moss hanging down and was mesmerized by the beauty and creepiness of it. I’d never seen anything like it before. And then we arrived in Panama City … palm trees and ocean. It was Paradise.

We walked the beach that first night … stepping around and over washed up Man o’ War – their blue and pink bubblegum bellies puffed up against the sand. We walked around the brown, rubbery kelp that stretched along the shoreline like miles of  discarded rope. The tang of the air tickled our noses.

The air smelled so good … so fresh … so clean … so salty. It was that unmistakable smell that stays with you long after you’ve  gone home … that combination of humidity, ocean salt spray and sand. Yummy!

I remember watching the mussels disappear into the sand and watching for the squirt of water rising up from their holes as they settled in.

Tonight the air here is such air. If I didn’t know better I could close my eyes and except for the absence of the sounds of the ocean, I’d say I was at the ocean. So, this weather can continue … I don’t mind feeling like I’ve been transported to Florida. I get the benefits without having to waste a day on travel. I don’t have to worry about Jaws or sun poisoning and yet … I am there. Ahhhh … deep  breaths.  

I’ve decided to gift myself each day and take a walk every afternoon at twilight  … despite or in appreciation of the weather. The light is so pretty after the sun goes down. So, I started off my month walking in the balminess of Florida, soaking up the damp air and enjoying the holiday lights in the gathering dusk as night starts to settle in. 

All too soon the winds of change will be blowing around here again … bringing colder temps and inevitably … snow. 

I don’t know what weather surprises lie in store for the rest of this month … but I do know I won’t be disappointed.

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Twelve wishes …

Day 300

Well, here I am … day 300! I’ve made it this far … I’m rather tickled with myself!

I’d say I’d wish I could rewrite some entries … but it is what it is … and I wouldn’t want to waste a wish on anything as trivial as that if I had wishes to make.

I watched part of a movie the other night … another one of the continual holiday movies that are playing on a few cable channels … it was about some girl and the twelve wishes she was granted.

Now, if I had twelve wishes … I certainly would not squander them on a good hair day for a friend or new shoes for myself (as the girl in the movie did). I’d go bigger, grander, global.

Which, makes me think, actually, WHAT WOULD I WISH FOR?

If I had those twelve wishes … what would I wish for?

I’d like to think that I’d wish to go back in time and change Tim’s fate. But I know in my heart that that is an impossibility – even when I’m dealing in the realm of make believe and wish granting – I know it was his destiny. I maybe could change that he died of cancer … but I truly believe that was his day to go forward and nothing – even wishes – could change that. So … as much as I’d like to … I think I’d be wasting a wish.

World Peace. Of course that would top my list. John Lennon’s song Imagine comes to mind whenever I hear those two words. Imagine. Just imagine what this world would be like … what people could do … how much better lives would be … without war and hate and revolution and chaos. World peace would top my list.

The end of worldwide hunger. I don’t often think about it … but there are some days or times when I am eating and I can barely swallow whatever food is on my plate. I know that what I’m eating is more than some families have to eat in 2 or 3 or 4 days. Or more. And I don’t just mean some third world countries … there are children in our own country who go to bed night after night hungry.

I’d wish for the end of child abuse, neglect and exploitation.

I’d wish for clean water.

I’d wish for enough money to provide for my friends and family a worry-free existence and enough money to make a difference to those in need – whatever those needs might be.

I’d wish for the end of sickness and disease and pain.

That takes me through only half of my wishes. I know if any of those were to come true the whole balance of our world would be thrown off-kilter … but I’d be willing to see what would happen.

I envision the neighborhood of Leave it to Beaver … when actually it would probably look more like I Phelta Thigh frat house on some college campus.

In any case … I’d have to give some thought to this wish thing and tweak it a bit … but I’ve got a good start if ever the opportunity arises.

What would you wish for?

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The Present …

Day 299

Wake up!

If you are reading this you are certainly awake (or a very talented sleep reader) … but though awake … I would like you to wake up!

Yeah, wake up and smell the roses … or coffee … or whatever it is that you would like to wake up and smell … metaphorically speaking.

This morning I was emailing a friend and we were chatting a bit back and forth and she was commenting on how she couldn’t wait for (xyz) to happen next month. And that she had (something else) planned for the following month and she couldn’t wait for that either.

And it made me think … yes, she’s excited about these events … but it felt like she was wishing away the time until they happened. That she was so engrossed in the happenings of tomorrow that she wasn’t present in the happenings of today.

And it made me wonder … how often do I do that?

I know there are times when I just want “things to be done” … such as the move, the packing, the unpacking, the redoing of the house, the yard … and looking back … all that got done but was I really present while I was doing it? Or was I just going through the motions of my daily life getting through what I had to do and looking forward to that next thing down the road?

I’m sure I did. And I find that pretty sad because today is all we really have. We need to wake up (those of us who are guilty of not living in TODAY) … and enjoy the obvious. Enjoy the present because that is all we’ve really got.

I know I do this … and I’ve noticed others doing it … my friend, my daughter, my mother. I think it’s kind of human nature … but I think it’s something we need to be more aware of.

At the Thanksgiving table my mom was saying what she was going to make for dinner on Christmas. I remember thinking at that time … why was she even thinking of that six weeks away? Why wasn’t she enjoying what she was eating NOW?

I, personally, am looking so forward to seeing my kids at Christmas this year. And yet, as much as I “can’t wait” to see them … I hope I don’t squander or wish away the time that lies between now and then.

I know that life is short and that we will never get these current moments back. Once they are gone … they are gone. Make the most of today. Make the most of now. Enjoy what is the moment.

Yesterday is the past. It is gone. Done. Over. History.

Tomorrow is the future. Maybe it’ll happen. Maybe it won’t.  We can look forward to it, but shouldn’t count on it because it just might not happen (Mayan prophecy, proverbial bus).

Today is filled with precious moments. It is what we’ve got … for sure. Right here. Right now. It is a gift. That is why it’s called … The Present.

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Commercials …

Day 298

It’s the holiday season … I’m doing stuff around the house … I have the TV on, in the background, for company. Every third minute, or so it seems, some commercial is blaring out louder than the programming that I have on at a mere whisper level.

I am being bombarded by commercials.

It’s the beginning of the cold and flu season. I know. I get it. There are commercials for nasal sprays and mucous busters and migraines and the whole lot. What I don’t get is that Ricola  commercial … a soothing lozenge for sore throat sufferers. Why do they always ask if someone has a Ricola (rih-CO-la) and then they have that Swiss guy at the end of the commercial yelling out … RICOLA (as in … REE-coh-la)?

It makes me crazy! Does this not bother anyone else? If I go into the drugstore what do I ask for … a rih-CO-la or a REE-coh-la?

I was up late the other night and kept the TV on out of sheer dumbfoundedness (if that is a word) as it was one amazingly wild product promotion/commercial after another.

My favorite was definitely the ear wax vacuum. Seriously. Someone has made a tiny vacuum that sucks out a person’s ear wax. Eww! The commercial showed some moron shoving a Q-tip into his head so violently I’m surprised it didn’t pop out the other ear! I guess if people were gentler with those cotton swabs there wouldn’t be a need for an ear vacuum. Go figure – another person making their fortune off of idiots!

The other commercial I just “love” is the one where the guy is shouting about some laundry product. The original guy died … and the company apparently thought screaming at potential customers was the way to go, so they hired another guy who shouts. And he’s Australian. So, a shouting Australian is supposed to make me want to buy their product. Um, don’t think so.

Have you noticed how many people on commercials are Australian lately? Where do we live? I’m confused.

Of course, this is the time of year for all sorts of toy commercials … the most annoying of which is the commercial for Stuffies … some stuffed animal toy with secret compartments. Mom will love that when she finds Junior’s left over (moldy) peas smushed in a secret pocket come next week.

Where are the holiday commercials of my youth? Where is the snowman gliding along hills of shaving cream on his Norelco electric razor? Where are the funny commercials about “eating the whole thing” for Alka-Seltzer? Where are the Jolly Green Giant and Mr. Clean? What happened to that guy who shoved Salvo laundry detergent bars up from the inside of the washing machine? And where IS G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu grip?

I miss them.

I have laughed at a few lately though … my favorite being the commercial for the Oikos Greek yogurt saying if you eat it, then anyone you are looking at turns into John Stamos. It’s pretty hilarious. The women do such a good job. Watch for it – it’s pretty darn funny.

I’m still a sucker for the Folger’s coffee or Hallmark card commercials. At this time of year – they always get me. They should be followed by a Kleenex commercial. I’m sure Kleenex sales would rise ten-fold.

In any case … I think I’m commercialed out – meaning I need to turn off the TV. But before I do maybe I can get an important TV offer phone number … one never knows when they might just need an ear wax vacuum.



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Elvis on the brain …

Day 297

I saw Elvis today at the post office. Alive and well with thick side burn choppers to boot. He was not, however, sporting his light blue leisure suit … but jeans and a black jacket. Somehow the outfit was not complete.

I was never an Elvis fan. I was too young when he came onto the scene and if I were to ever pick him to be a singer or an actor, I’d say the latter. I liked his goofy beach/army movies so much more than his singing.

I just never “got” what all the hype was about him. Never liked his music either. And what is it about Graceland?

In any case … he was a few people ahead of me in line and I wanted to tell him as he passed by to get himself to a barber pronto because he looked ridiculous.

But I didn’t. I held my tongue. I refrained from insult. I minded my own business.

There is a dip at the post office (and I’m not referring to Elvis or any of the postal clerks) … I mean an actual dip in the sidewalk. And I know it’s there. I know it’s there because almost every  time I am at the post office I tell myself to watch out for the dip in the sidewalk as I go into the building … and on my way out I forget and am walking along and take that one step – where the sidewalk dips down about an inch more than the rest of it – and BAM! Those lightning bolts of pain shoot up my back and down my legs and the dip gets me again!

I feel like erecting a sign right at that spot to remind myself (and others) to watch the dip! It’s infuriating! It’s frustrating! It’s painful! It’ll never happen. And it’s also on government property meaning it’ll never get fixed.

It was Moby’s 12th birthday today. If the seven years of human life equals one year of dog life theory holds true … she turned 84 today. My big ol’ baby. (She and my parents are the same age!) I took pictures of her wearing her party hat, gave her a Little Debbie snack coffee cake and sang to her after giving her a nice doggie massage. She has a rough life! And before we all came up for bed we played Big Bad Wolf.

She lies on her back and I sing the “Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf” song and wiggle her feet back and forth … and then she wrinkles up her nose and shows her teeth when I’m done singing (though most of the time she needs prompting!). She’s a goofy, sweet dog.

And as weird as this is … at the end of the song tonight she made a funny noise … and it, somehow, sounded very much like the beginning of Blue Christmas by, you guessed it … Elvis!

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Patience, my dear, patience …

Day 296

If these posts were printed, I could say, “No sooner had the ink begun to dry than …”

But there is no ink … it is merely an illusion of ink. Cyber-ink I guess I’ll call it. So …

No sooner had the cyber-ink post about “Slowing down” begun to dry than I was in my car doing errands in a hurry and out of my mind with impatience.

The Chicago area is doing little to quell my road rage. Everyone here is old and slow. I mean REALLY old and REALLY slow.

I was in a shopping center parking lot today behind, I’m sure, Moses’ Grandfather. Yes, that Moses. As I sat in my car wafting between losing it and putting my car in park and asking the guy if he needed help, a little voice whispered in my ear … “Patience, my dear, patience.”

It wasn’t my voice … but whomever’s voice it was, it calmed me down a bit. But as I sat there watching this guy trying to park his land yacht I looked around me and realized I was probably the youngest person in that parking lot at 3pm on a Monday afternoon.

These people trudging around made my parents, who are 84, look like Spring Chickens … they made me look practically fetal!

On one hand I wanted to applaud their efforts for being out and about. I imagine it’s not easy moving around when you’re 300 years old. On the other hand I wanted to shout out, “Get out of the way!” “Move your butt!” “Drive much, dumbsh*t!” “Arrrrgh!”

Finally the man got his car parked but I didn’t have another half an hour to watch him get out of it and see how old he really was, so I drove down the row and parked and was probably in and out of the store before the guy made it out of his car.

For 33 years I lived in a young city. Denver is (comparatively)young having been established in 1867 but it’s the population that is young – with half of its one million people being under 34 years of age. Where I was this afternoon the median age is 47. Big difference.

In any case … I’ve got patience on my holiday list this year. I probably should have it on my list every year because, at times (more than I’d care to admit), I don’t have much. My wick is short. My temper fast.

Yes, mild-mannered me! But only when driving. And in lines. And …

I’ve known about this little impatience problem for quite some time now. When Ted was little – about 3 – he was sitting up on the big bed one morning as I was getting dressed and he was playing with his fake car steering wheel toy. It was something that fit over his legs and had the steering wheel and a horn and some buttons and levers on it. Quite fun! And as I’m washing up I was watching him as I could see him in the bathroom mirror. And as he sat there playing “driving”, to my horror – he waved his arm out in front of him and shouted, “Do you drive much dumbsh*t?”

Hilarious but horrifying. And he was much more polite than I ever was … I never asked it as a question. Out of the mouth of babes. I should have learned then.

Ah, patience my dear, patience.

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Slowing down …

Day 295

There are five days left of November … 26,27,28,29, 30.

My house is decorated (sans the tree). All the autumnal decorations and empty holiday bins have been put away. The leftovers have been eaten. The house has been washed and waxed and dusted and polished – it is sparkling and gleaming.

This is unheard of.

I mean … really. I don’t know if this has ever happened before in the history of (my) homemaking! I don’t know what to do … well, I do … but all of a sudden I have … TIME!

That thing that NO ONE has during the holiday season. It’s uncanny. It’s weird. It’s so foreign I’m afraid I might squander it … elusive, precious TIME!

Thanksgiving fell early this year giving us an extra week between it and Christmas. If I were more musical I’d sing the Hallelujah chorus right now!

The rush is on … but I don’t feel rushed. I am oddly tranquil … calm … serene … at peace. Like I said, this is really weird!

But I like it! I could get used to this! 

Every year for the last zillion I’ve had a holiday party … which meant figure out the date a month prior, send out invites, clean the house after TG (which I usually hosted and had out of town family at my house), take down autumn and put up Christmas decks, make/get food for party, have party, clean up from party. 

Collapse should have been the next thing on my list to do – but I didn’t have the time. I was already behind! 

The rest of the season I was running to catch up … do the shopping, wrapping, sending out of town gifts, holiday letters and mailings, etcetcetc … and so on.

Makes me exhausted now just thinking about it.

This year things are already different. It’s a breath of (brisk) fresh air! I’m enjoying the holiday movies that I’ve been watching (way too much of) … laughing at (or crying at) holiday commercials … figuring out if gingerbread cookies count as a high fiber breakfast.

The key words in that last sentence were … enjoying and breath (no not fiber!). And it’s not that I didn’t enjoy those times of the past … I did. I just don’t think I took time to breathe. Every chore or event or to-do flowed into the next and there was no time to step back and sip that cocoa … or take a nap by the crackling fire.

This year I intend to (and will) do that. Although a nap by the crackling fire might have to be sourced by a candle!

But that’s okay. I am slowing things down. I’m going into Santa Sloth-Mode.

I’m going to get my cards done – leisurely. I will wrap when I please and not in some holiday frenzy leaving me fit for a padded cell. I will hum Christmas carols in the shower and in the car without thinking that I want to kill off every chipmunk on the planet.

Okay, maybe that will still be the case … because, face it, chipmunks were NOT meant to sing.

In any case … the holiday season is upon us and I am going to enjoy this one as much as I can.

And if the Mayans are correct in their prophecy about the 21st and my holiday season gets cut short … well, all I can say it … I’m going to be royally pissed.


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Fog …

Day 294

I woke up the other morning to an odd light. I don’t mean there was a spaceship in my backyard – however exciting that may have been – but the lighting was well … odd.

I stumbled down the stairs as I do most mornings, in my “not yet awake stupor”, holding onto the wall with one hand and Moby’s collar with the other (I figure we both need each other for support on our descent).

The base of the stairs opens into the living room and the room, even with the blinds closed, was bathed in unusual light. And again, I thought it … odd.

I didn’t see why the lighting was as it was … until I got further through the house and could see out the windows. Well, I tried to see out the windows.

We were fogged in!

I let the dogs out the back door – glad we have a fenced in yard and hoping that I wouldn’t have to go fetch deaf and blind Dori from the swirling mists. The dogs walked out about 8 feet and disappeared!

It was cool. It was eerie. And I really hoped, as I stood inside the back door, that all that came towards me from the denseness were the dogs … and not, well … ZOMBIES!

It was a perfect zombie fog. Not that I know much about zombies or fog – but think Night of the Living Dead or any other horror film that has creepy guys, werewolves, zombies, the Creature from the Black Lagoon … they all come walking OUT OF THE FOG!

And I’m across from a cemetery … come on! Think about it!

So, to my relief … two little pug bodies and one large lab body emerged and came inside. No zombies.

Anyway … it was really beautiful in an odd, ethereal way. I sat on the couch for a bit watching the trees across the street come into view and then disappear again. I could see the swirling of the fog clouds as they enveloped the house and the trees and the fence. It really was quite something.

It made me glad I was inside … all cozy … and not out walking in it or worse – driving.

It reminded me of the last trip I took to the bay area with my mom. We were in a lovely restaurant in Sausalito – seated at a table next to the window overlooking the bay and the Oakland Bridge. There was a quartet playing a few tables away and we ordered wine and appetizers. It was wonderful. And as we sat, we watched the fog roll in and swallow up that bridge. It was amazing.

I guess I’d never really seen rolling fog before and it really does do just that … it rolls in and swallows up everything. It was quite phenomenal to watch.

Carl Sandburg wrote it as such …

The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.

This fog came in more on lion feet – heavy and big! And as far as fog goes – it was pretty neat while it lasted … even without the thrill and creepiness of zombies.


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Unblocking …

Day 293

It’s nearly 1:30 am on Friday night/Saturday morning … and I’ve done it … again. I’ve waited too long to sit here and write … my assignment … my challenge … as my brain is BLANK.

I am stopped up. I am stuffed up. I am empty.

In the light of day I have all these thoughts swirling through my head and I always think I’ll remember when I sit down here … but I never do. Whatever genius or hilarity came to mind has already gone to sleep or left the building. In either case – I am left on my own with a brain that is begging for some pillow time and not doing what I’m doing – keyboarding in the dark.

So, here I am left to my own wiles … waiting for that elusive something to magically appear on my screen … something that comes forward from some wellspring of knowledge or humor or wisdom.

But, I am blank. The well is dry and all I can really think of is that I need an allergy pill!

I just finished reading an article about a writer (whose name now escapes me even though I just read the article) who moved from California to the tiny fishing village of Brooklin, Maine to “unblock” himself. He was in the middle of writing a novel that was going nowhere and he needed inspiration.

So, he rented an old farmhouse on 20 acres with an even older barn and hayloft office and proceeded to spend, what sounded like, a large quantity of time … eating lobster and watching the locals build ships.

That was his unblocking process. Focus on something else and the answers will come. Open yourself to new things and energy will flow back to you.

And, as it happens, the time he spent along the shore and eating lobster and up in the hay opened him up and he went on to write and publish two novels not too long afterwards.

I was so enamored with his writing style and what he did. Maybe if I moved myself to an old farmhouse on 20 acres and moved my computer/typewriter into the loft of an even older barn and ate a ton of lobster then I could get “unblocked”, as well. Maybe book #2 would magically appear. 

There was something about his writing that stirred in me what apparently stirred in him while watching those men handcraft those ships … the knowledge that from nothing comes something.

Something that has a life of its own … something that takes you somewhere else … something that is yours but belongs to everyone …

On a whim I looked up Brookin, ME … wondering how tiny is tiny. The population is under 800 … including the lobsters that are brought in daily.

And while reading I came across an interesting tidbit about this coastal town … E.B.White, author of Charlotte’s Web, was a long time resident. It just happens to be my favorite book of all time!

Good ol’ Wilbur. Good ol’ Charlotte. Good ol’ nasty Templeton.

This book was the sole reason I first decided that sometime in my life I would own a pig and that I would write. Not necessarily in that order.

In any case … thank you un-remembered author for unblocking me. Thank you for reminding me of sweet Wilbur and the value of friendships. Thank you for transporting me to your days spent along the shore watching the workers and the boats. I was beside you when your own labor of love came to be in that hay loft in that old barn. I was there with the ebb and flow of the tide and your words.

And maybe that’s why I’m all stuffed up now … I’m allergic to hay and shellfish!

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Black (and Blue) Friday …

Day 292

I find it utterly pathetic that American’s have taken a holiday of togetherness and thankfulness and turned it into football and shopping … and I won’t even get into the gluttony part of it.

Actually, I won’t even get into the football part of it. I am not a fan of “professional sports”. I don’t understand why the best minds in our country get paid what they do … while a select “few” are paid zillions of dollars for PLAYING SPORTS. I think it’s insane and disgusting.

So, I guess that leaves me with … shopping. Worse still.

Tomorrow/today is Black Friday. It used to be that stores would open at 10am on the Friday after Thanksgiving with fabulous sales and the holiday shopping season would begin.

Well, times have, sadly, changed. And yes, the holiday sales season starts in some stores in early August … and just increasingly gets “worse” as the months go by. 

Hence, tomorrow’s Black Friday now begins today on Thursday.

The newspaper that arrived today was in three separate bags. I wish I had weighed it. I was just glad it was still dark out when my paperboy heaved it out of his car onto the curb because no squirrels were awake yet and if it was light out it would have surely killed off a squirrel, if a squirrel happened to be sitting there. 

The bags/paper contained little news and mostly ads. I threw them all into the recycle bin. I can’t even burn them in my firepit with all that color ink on those pages. What a waste!

A few years ago the stores started opening at 8am on Friday morning. Then a few thought they’d get the jump on their competition and open at 6am. The following year some stores opened at 4am … while others decided that they’d open at the stroke of midnight.

Well, today some stores where actually open all day. Others opened tonight at 8pm with “Pre-Black Friday” sales.

I don’t get it. Does one really need a $10 toaster for $8 at 4am? I mean, really? Do you really need that 82″ plasma screen with 5  screen projection, gaming station and a built-in popcorn maker – even if you do save $40?

When did we, as a nation, turn into commercialistic gluttons? How did society allow itself to become a mob of stampeding morons in a Walmart store … just to get a discounted electronic gadget or game or toy … that is not truly needed in the first place?

I find it disheartening … disgusting … and disappointing. I like to think we, as a people, are better than that. Apparently not.

In any case … you won’t find me at the mall tonight or tomorrow or anytime this weekend … I don’t need to be anywhere near that lunacy and frenzy.

Every year we hear of someone being crushed by the hordes streaming through the newly unlocked doors of some SuperCenter . Who risks death for a discount? Who fights and get a black eye over a Cabbage Patch doll? Who comes away from shopping with black and blue marks from the jostling crowds? I guess it takes all kinds … and I’m just not one of them.

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Gratefulness …

Day 291

Today when many people are thinking about when they are going to join the throngs of (idiot) shoppers for Black Friday – all while stirring their cranberry sauce and looking at the ads – I am not.

I am thinking not about Pilgrims either … or football … or leftover turkey sandwiches. Okay, a little about leftover turkey sandwiches.

But mostly, I am thinking about being grateful.

I, and most of the people I know personally and closely, are very fortunate. Which makes me think that I either need to broaden  my circle of friends or that we are a large group of incredibly lucky people.

We are lucky not only to have the “things” that making living  where we do so nice (liberty, opportunity, education, free speech among them) but for the intangibles that we take for granted every day.

I have never been somewhere where people live in war-torn villages … where gathering water is a life threatening endeavor … where walking outside is too dangerous … where if I were female my chances for a full life – or mere survival – would be minimal (at best). I have never been there – but I know these places exist.

I have never known hunger. I have never known tragedy (first hand). I have not been in conflict.

I have a home. I have a family. I have good friends. I have safety and shelter and food and comfort. I am free to choose how I spend my days and nights due to the business I own. I have money in my pocket and some in the bank. I am good.

And I should be grateful EVERY day for these things … and I am … but I don’t notice these things because they are “given”. I don’t wake up and say, “Oh, I’m so grateful for my home and the food on my table and my ability to buy whatever food I want on that table.”

These things are in a different category of gratefulness … the part that your soul knows how lucky you are. Your conscious mind is then free to be grateful for the smaller things. Like acorns and tree frogs and puppy breath.

What I do notice every day and that I am grateful for every day are my relationships … I have a loving family. I am truly blessed with two wonderful kids. I have fabulous, fun and supportive friends. I have unconditional love from my four-legged roommates.

I am also grateful for my laugh lines. It means I’ve had fun and good times and laughed a lot in my lifetime. And I have.

I am grateful for the ampleness of my body … a few too many pounds … but it means I do not go hungry. (Quite the opposite!)

I am grateful for my aging body – I am not Quasimodo (yet)! I can still function.

I am grateful for my abilities: I am a consummate communicator, have good gut instincts, set a gorgeous table, and I can unclog a sink and make a fabulous wine sauce (preferably, not at the same time).

I am grateful I know how to do a myriad of tasks. And I am grateful I know my limits.

I am grateful for a memory (though limited at times) that enhances the past good times … and helps fade the bad ones. 

And though there is so much more … I am also grateful for cloudy days and birdsong and stars. The smell of bookstores and babies. Lichen and reindeer and full moons. Forests in autumn, first snows, rocky coastlines and … you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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More musings …

Day 290

I’ve been wondering about a few things all day … mostly about food and how things come to be.

I mean, who made marshmallows? How did that come about? I can only imagine it was an accident with some sugary substance.  Something gone wrong that ended up so right. And imagine the baker’s surprise with the end result!

And who (genius!) decided that those said marshmallows should go on top of sweet potatoes? Why not on top of cabbage or green beans or beets? I mean, why sweet potatoes?

And in a world that contains so many different juice and water options … why is there not a strawberry juice? Or watermelon water?

It’s questions like these that plague me on a daily basis.

And, obviously, I find it really rather sad that my brain is not figuring out an end to world hunger or how to bring about world peace.

Instead I’m thinking of marshmallows, drinks and garnished vegetables!

I also was thinking today about how many uses are in a toothpaste tube? I mean, that is not important (usually) but I am sure there have been comparison studies between brands to figure this out. It seems I use the tube for quite some time and it always seems full … then the next day it’s half empty. How does this happen? Do elves come by and polish their pearly whites while I am tossing and turning trying to sleep?

Ah, sleep. That elusive luxury. At least for me these days. Sciatica and fractured vertebrae have made even the basic need of restoration a bit on the impossible side. Oh, I sleep … but it’s in between spasms and jolts of lightning and arms that have fallen asleep and are tingling with the resurgence of blood flow. It’s been a real challenge lately to get anything called quality sleep accomplished. Quantity hasn’t been easy to come by, either!

Today I folded and took one of my heavy duty pain meds … which means for most people no juggling chain saws, no using heavy machinery, no knife throwing practice. For me it means more along the lines of no going down stairs, no sipping hot soup, no knives other than spreaders!

In other words – I get a bit woozy/loopy. BUT … I can usually count on about four blissful hours of being about 75% pain-free and then just like Emeril … BAM! The pain starts again. And tonight it went just as always.

And to make matters worse … my glasses broke and literally fell off my face! I am blind and am now wearing my old, horrendously scratched glasses which now also means … no chain saws, no driving, no using heavy machinery and definitely no knife throwing. I just can’t SEE out of these things … but I can’t see AT ALL without them.

Anyway … if I’m woozy and blind maybe it’s just a good time to curl up and contemplate the important things in life … life’s greatest mysteries … who shot JFK? is ET real? who really did invent sweet potatoes covered with marshmallows?

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Twilight zone…

Day 289

Today I decided to toss my work aside (which seems to happen quite often these days) and partake in a little retail therapy before the craziness and hysteria of the holidays. I needed to get out and do something normal.

As I left the house I drove through the woodsy area just south of me … the squirrels were busy this afternoon and I was astounded at the quantity in one yard. I actually stopped and counted … 15 … one black one (*my fav) and fourteen plump, gray ones all furiously digging up whatever was deemed buried treasure in that yard! I know – they are rodents and I know few who enjoy them as much as me – but I think they’re cute. And the ones around me are finally fat from the acorn laden oak forest around my home. But so many! It was like a squirrel invasion! Weird.

On my way past Squirrel Village I decided I’d go to a new mall. I heard it had a variety of stores and was relatively close – so, why not!?

Apparently, what someone forgot to tell me was that the variety of shops was a big box, a department store, and a whole slew of junior slut shops.

And I think it must have been Prostitute Appreciation Day today and had I on something skimpy I’m sure I could have landed a decent discount at any one of those (ahem) fine stores.

Seriously. BAD. Twilight zone bad. Far from normal.

So, I walked the mall – gawking at the fashions in the windows and on the bodies walking along (thinking I needed a chin strap to keep my mouth shut) – and left, empty-handed, not too long after my arrival. All I could think of, quite aptly, was … whatever! 

Not being familiar with the area, I thought I’d drive around a bit and see what else was nearby and see if I could find a less crowded route back home. All I found were six parochial schools, tons of forest preserve land and a Chinese take out on every corner.

I got off the main streets and meandered through the side streets looking at the tidy homes of the area … (people do take pride in their homes here). It was about 4:15 and the sun had already disappeared. It was that twilight time that I like so much … that time of day when the light is soft and pretty and it’s not quite day, not quite night.

I was looking at the decorations … yes, Thanksgiving ones and quite a few Christmas ones, as well. I really liked when the homes displayed BOTH. I mean, who would get tired of looking across the street at an inflatable turkey next to an inflatable snowman on a motorcycle?

I really liked the house that had a full nativity scene out front right next to an inflatable Santa. (They are really big on the inflatables around here!) I thought that was a nice touch … bring everyone into the mix!

But my all time favorite was the house that had at least five big balloony statues including one giant inflatable Hello Kitty. I mean, what says HAPPY HOLIDAYS better than a giant Hello Kitty?

I am not understanding the people around here. Normal? My day, all around, was far from normal. I drove home in the gathering darkness, past the forest preserves, sure I’d see Rod Serling pop into my rear view mirror … do do do do, do do do do …

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A sad day …

Day 288

There are days when, for one reason or another, the last thing I want to do is this blog … and usually it is.

Today I had just finished laying insulation in the “meat-locker” aka: hall closet attic and was looking at my list deciding which of my other impending house projects to tackle  – when life intervened.

Sam contacted me saying she had to put her sweet harlequin Great Dane, Carli, to sleep this morning. A very sad day in our households. When we actually talked I don’t know who was crying harder – she or I. We are definitely soft-hearted animal lovers.

And for anyone who owns a pet … you’ve been there, done that, or know that your future holds the same sad happening. It’s the worst part of having a pet … and yet, at times, it might also be one of the best.

I don’t mean I like to have a pet pass or that I like to play God … but when you choose to have a pet put down – you choose. You don’t have to wait until they are suffering terribly. You don’t have to watch them fade away. You don’t have to wait until their bodies fail and finally quit. You can help them along.

I still wish we had that option with humans. I know, a very controversial topic, so I won’t get into it. Just my view on it. When you have a husband beg you to “put him out of his misery” you see life and euthanasia a bit differently than others. I’m not talking religion or ethics or even science … I’m just talking about humanity. The act and art of being humane.

My first dog, Moonie, was a hoot. She was an incredibly smart cocker spaniel with a very quirky side. She adored Ted and would go to his crib every morning and they’d have a little baby/dog chat. He’d gurgle and she’d make whining grr sounds. It was darling. She died on the operating table for a uterine cyst. I was devastated. It took me roughly 6 years to get over that dog’s death. She was my first “baby”.

Then came Sera, another cocker … the house-mother of the family. She wouldn’t go to bed until she knew the cats were in the house and the hamsters in their cages. She was one of the sweetest animals to ever walk the planet. I couldn’t bear to put her down and waited (in hindsight) too long. I kept hoping she’d die on her own and I wouldn’t have to make that decision … but I finally did. And the end was so much more peaceful than I had imagined I was upset with myself for waiting as long as I had.

Then it was Emmy … E. Normous the Wonder Cat. She was Sam’s baby sister … well, almost. She was practically boneless and so patient. Sam could pose that cat into any contortion and the cat just loved her all the more for it. She always brought me a gift on the first day of Spring – a dead worm laid out perfectly straight on the living room carpet. She had a very fast onset of kidney failure and I had to put her to sleep around Thanksgiving one year. It was horrible. She was so loved.

After that (not mentioning the tadpoles or hamsters that became cat food) it was Molly’s turn to go to the Great Beyond. She died the day after we got home from vacation – while I was out buying (of all things) toilet paper. Tim was with her, having taken her out to lie in the sun on her bed in the yard. She was an oldie and my first pug and I’m sure a part of my soul went with her.

This past May, the day I left Denver, I had to put dear sweet Yoshi down. I was not expecting that on my way out of town. I cried all the way to Nebraska … and then some. I’m not sure what it was about that little football shaped old lady pug – but I adored her. She was our piano player with the crispy tongue and just so patient and sweet. And even after her stroke and paralysis she hung around for a year or so … being old and sweet and happy.

And today … poor Carli. Giant breed dogs aren’t known for their longevity … but Sam was really good with her. Carli was a rescue and thought to be somewhere around 7 years old – so very much  an old, old lady for a dog that size. And if a dog can be elegant … I think that is how I would describe her. She was so gentle and almost regal.

At first I was a bit afraid of her (well, the size of these animals is a bit intimidating!) … but she also had baby blue eyes and I was never quite sure what she was thinking. But I grew to love her and knew that Sam did so much, as well. Carli loved to play with her stuffed babies (little Lambchops) and Sam would tuck a towel into her collar to keep the dog warm but it looked like she was wearing a cape – so I often thought she was Super Dog! She’d “woo-woo” when you asked her “What do good girls say?”  She was a sweet dog and I know Sam will miss her terribly – as will Sam’s other Dane/St. Bernard mix – Brutus. They were good buds.

I know how painful that decision for Sam was to make. I felt terrible that I wasn’t able to give her a hug in person today and be with her to help her through her initial grief. The downside of being 1000 miles away. Sometimes being a far-away mom sucks more than other times. Today was one of those times.

In any case … the rest of the house projects were put on the back burner while I took the day off and snuggled with my aging menagerie. I know all too soon I’ll be looking at one of my own leaving me … but for tonight we had a nice snuggle-fest and sent out a toast to Sam and to good girl Carli knowing that, in our hearts, good pets live on.

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Merry Christmas …

Day 287

Though it’s a week before Thanksgiving and I really hate to admit it … it’s officially Christmas-time. 

I know, I know. I saw Christmas stuff on the shelves next to the Back-To-School pencil packs back in AUGUST – but I didn’t want to acknowledge the wares displayed at that time.

The Christmas candy followed soon after placed right next to the Halloween candy and costumes.

I think the Christmas carols started filtering through the loudspeakers at the shopping center sometime last month. Even then, while softly humming along to Frosty the Snowman, I didn’t want to partake in the early seasonal displays and goods (though I did catch myself down those aisles anyway!).

However, yesterday I saw my first real Christmas tree lot (how do those trees last til New Year’s?) … and today, the grocery store’s front entry area was packed with wreaths and miniature trees and … yes, a Salvation Army stand. Complete with a nice, though cold, gentleman ringing the bell.

I almost always put something into the collection buckets but I don’t start until December. It’s mid-November! Even this is a bit too early.

I remember the days (of yore) when I was a child (and the dinosaurs roamed the planet) and the Christmas season didn’t start until after the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers were safely in the fridge. It didn’t coincide with my dad’s birthday over the Labor Day weekend as it seems to now!

Back in the day the major department stores waited until the day after Thanksgiving to show off their holiday window displays. It was always met with much hype and anticipation just as was seeing Santa at the end of the Thanksgiving Day parades. THOSE things marked the beginning of the Christmas season.

Fathers and sons would be out in the bitter cold, risking frostbite and electrocution, putting up their own lighting displays. This too was done after Thanksgiving – not in balmy September. Where’s the fun in that?

I remember waiting anxiously for the first Christmas/holiday special on TV … I don’t care who it was Dean Martin and the Gold Diggers, the King Family (I still don’t know who they were but they had a zillion people in that musical family), Dinah Shore, Donny and Marie … everyone who was anyone had a holiday show. It was fabulous. 

And then of course, there would be the animated cartoon shows … Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. And, if you lived in the Chicago area … you also saw Susie Snowflake and Hardrock, Cocoa and Joe! Now THAT was holiday television at its finest! And if you, by chance, missed them – too bad kid … you’d have to wait until NEXT YEAR!

And then there’d be the trips to the local mall and getting to sit on Santa’s lap (no I was NOT a teenager at the time). My dad was always looking at something in the Sears tool section and luckily Santa was usually across the aisle … so, I’d stand in line, right by the candy and hot nuts counter (ah, it smelled so good) … and waited my turn.

Now THAT was Christmas.

In any case … the “Countdown to Christmas” movies started two weeks ago and I’ve caught a few, though purely because I couldn’t stand to watch another reality show episode or rerun on the Food Network channel.

I still wish that anticipation was a factor – but it is long gone as we have been bombarded with Christmas goods and tunes for too long already. I’m sure those people working in retail can’t wait for the actual holiday to pass.

And as for me, even without all that I’ve mentioned, today would have marked the holiday season for me … I cried at my first  Christmas-edition Folger’s coffee commercial!


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Fare Thee Well, Twinkie …

Day 286

It’s a very sad day here in my household. I just read Alexandra Petri’s blog ( and learned that the Hostess company is planning on closing its doors. Who would have thought this day would ever come?

It’s the end of an era. It’s the end of the sponge cake. It’s the end of super whipped up hydrogenated oil … aka. creme filling.

Alas … the end of snack civilization as we have come to know it.

For those of you who don’t know why my heart is broken today it’s simply this … Hostess and I are buds. Truly. We grew up together. Well, I grew up but Hostess was already around for quite some time (coming onto the scene of baked goodies in 1930).

In any case, I spent every lunch period my sophomore year of high school ingesting a package of Hostess Hoho’s. Hoho’s and a carton of whole (probably outdated) lukewarm milk. Yum! Nothing like nutrition at its finest!

My lunch partner, Cathy, could imitate Ann Blyth so well from the Hostess Hoho commercial that to this day (some 40 years later) I still call her by her nickname … Hoho.

And how many of us didn’t love those Snowballs? Well, we loved the chocolate cake insides of the Snowballs – but the gooey, marshmallowy, coconutty outer covering was good for only one thing … flinging across the lunchroom table or sticking on some unsuspecting fellow student.

I can’t remember how many times one of us (high school girls can be so mean!) went over to one of the nerdy guys (who probably all retired before 40 and are right now relaxing on their private islands) and asked some stupid question and while doing so planted a glob of that coconutty gelatinous goo along the back of their shirt … so, when lunchtime was over they’d scurry off to their Advanced Physics class (probably taught in Latin) with this glob of ick hanging off of them and we’d be hysterical on our way to Home Ec.

And then there’s the story about Tim … aka … Twinkie the Kid.

Tim was a freshman on his high school’s varsity track team. Being the only pole vaulter he was immediately put onto the varsity team with all the older guys. Being the peon he was also the “snack boy” and was in charge of collecting their money and going to the grocery store and picking up the snacks for the team. 

One such day he was getting the treats and he picked up a package of Twinkies. Being hungry – he ate them, putting the package in the cart so he could pay for it upon checking out. Well, in going around the store, the package fell out. Tim got to the check out stand and there was the manager waving the Twinkie package in his face. Tim told him what happened – offered to pay (what were they at the time 15 cents?) but instead, the manager wanted to teach him a lesson. Nice guy. So, the manager called Tim’s mother … had her come down and pay the enormous monetary amount and get him out of the Dunn’s Shur Save detention cell! News of this quickly spread and forever more Tim was nicknamed Twinkie the Kid by his teammates.

So, sniff … fare thee well, Twinkie!

Stop what you are doing and go out now, while there’s still time, and stock up fellow snack lovers. Get enough so you’ll have plenty of snack cakes and goodies on hand to share with your grandchildren.  After all, those things are guaranteed to have a shelf life of at least 20 years!

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Teasing tees …

Day 285

I am a sucker for stupid t-shirts.

You know the ones … the ones that have quirky or pithy sayings on them. The shirts with the pi symbol on it made of all pumpkins (pumpkin pi) or in the same vein, a pi symbol with eight tentacles coming off of it (octo-pi) or the one emblazoned with Avon Calling with a picture of Shakespeare wearing lipstick.

The problem is I don’t wear t-shirts (pithy or not) so, my dad has been the patient recipient of said apparel over the years.

He’s corny and I figure it’ll get him a laugh from the guys at the fitness center when he wears the shirts to work out. But he now has more goofy t-shirts than he knows what to do with. So, I think he’s done (meaning, sadly, I am also) with the slogan shirts.

Too bad because this week, while flipping through a few catalogs, I found some good ones …

History buff … I’d find you more interesting if you were dead.

Back in my day we had 9 planets. 

There. Their. They’re not the same.

The Hokey Pokey Clinic – a place to turn yourself around.

Irony – the opposite of wrinkly.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

Listen and Silent … have the same letters. Coincidence?

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

I love animals. They taste great.

Where there’s a will – I want to be in it.

Visualize Whirled Peas.

I before E except after C … weird.

If life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.

Bomb squad … if you see me running – keep up!

And my favorite:

Let’s Eat Grandpa. Let’s Eat, Grandpa. (Commas save lives!)

In any case – I don’t know why I get such a kick out of these stupid shirts, but I do. If it’s a “good one” it elicits a smirk … if it’s a “great one” I laugh out loud. I figure, as bad as they are, nothing can be really all bad if it gets a good laugh.

I know my days of getting these type of t-shirts are behind me … unless I see one that I just can’t resist. But in helping to not overload his gym bag or shirt drawer I might just have to switch my obsession to bumper stickers. Sorry Dad.

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Creatures of habit …

Day 284

Once upon a time, in the far away land of Habit, there lived many creatures.

If I were writing a fairy tale of my day it would start as such … but I’m writing non-fiction and though a fairy tale might be more interesting, I’m writing this nonetheless. 

Everyone in my house is a creature of habit … the dogs, the cats and certainly myself. It’s almost embarrassing.

I noticed it with the animals long ago. I can feed them breakfast at noon and the clock chimes 6:00 pm and they are all over me for dinner.

I let them outside (Oscar, the cat, too, as he thinks he is dog #4) one last time before bed and everyone races back in to the kitchen for a liver pop dog treat (yes – the cat gets one, too. He’s a riot!).

If I find myself wanting to snuggle with pets all I have to do is sit on the couch and immediately I am surrounded. I am flanked by pugs – Dori and Gertie on either side … Mobes is on the floor at my feet and Oscar is nearby trying to figure out how to get passed a dog and into my lap. This configuration seldom varies … creatures of habit.  

Today I needed to stretch out and so I laid face down on the couch trying to get the electric jolts that were going down my back to stop for a bit … however, since I was lying down and not sitting the animals didn’t quite know what to do – so, Gertie and Oscar decided to jump onto my back.  Adding a 28 lb pug dog and an 18 lb cat onto your spasming back does little to quell any pain or discomfort. It only adds to it. They were trying to get “into position” but I wasn’t sitting and I could tell that these creatures of habit were confused as to where they should be! Mobes added into the lunacy by licking my face so hard my glasses fell off! It was a lovely moment.

So, there I was stuck under 46 lbs of animals – Gertie standing on my back like Rin Tin Tin with a tabby sidekick, blind, with a face full of slobber when the phone rang. It’s not an easy thing to get off the couch with animals standing on your back. I not so gracefully rolled off the couch, grabbed my displaced glasses and dumped animals as I did so in a heaping jumble of hissing fur onto the floor and yet somehow they all beat me over to the phone!

It was some guy saying I’d won some sweepstakes. Imagine my excitement and joy! I told him he should be ashamed of himself for trying to con people and/or acquire their private information. I speak my mind … creature of habit.

So, after hanging up I decided I really should make some business calls and the first four calls I said my name, company and that I was in Denver. Hello?! I’m no longer in Denver. I’m having a hard time not saying that … creature of habit.

The other day I removed a mirror in the hallway and replaced it with a picture one of the kids painted. I like it better there. Except I keep passing by it and expect to see my reflection. The first time I looked into the non-mirror I thought I had turned into a vampire.

I am not vain and yet I keep finding myself fixing my hair or checking to see if I have a piece of lettuce stuck in my teeth in that spot!  I wonder how many more times I will check my makeup or teeth before I realize that mirror is no longer there. Creature of habit.

And, the other day I had my car worked on and in the process my radio anti-theft mode was reactivated – so I no longer have a working radio until I reprogram. In the last two days I’ve probably turned that non-functioning radio on 15 times! Major creature of habit.

So, it’s 6:00 pm and time for dog dinner … they are already (no pun intended) hounding me. And as I go into the kitchen, no doubt I will look at that non-mirror and have a good laugh at myself for we are such … creatures of habit.



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What I’ve learned …

Day 283

Later this week will mark the one year anniversary of my book being published.

148 Days ~ A Journey of Love and Loss took me nearly 3 years to compile. It was written during Tim’s cancer journey but compiled from emails and notes, quotes and diary entries well after his passing.

I wrote to inform. I compiled to heal.

It seems weird to think that it’s been six years since his death and one year since the book was sent off to press.

Time flies.

Whether or not you’re having fun.

And as much as I hate to say it or openly admit or even acknowledge  … cancer has taught me a great deal.

Unfortunately, that education came at a very dear price.

With its highs and lows cancer taught me what the face of deep compassion looks like … and that of loyalty and love and friendship.

I now know, first-hand, how difficult and shattering heartbreak is. I also know that a broken heart doesn’t mend overnight … or in a year … or in five. That mending is an ongoing process that has advances and set-backs and is similar for all of us but at the same time, completely different.

I’ve learned that grief knows no pattern or time frame.  And I’ve learned that the kindness of strangers is as powerful as that of a good friend.

I’ve learned that saying something is better than not saying something at all … even if it’s weak or fumbled. I’ve learned that lasagna and lemon bars taste fantastic at 3am.

I’ve learned that hugs sent via email are just as welcome as they are in person … sometimes more.

I’ve learned that everyone has a story. No one is left unscathed. Everyone bears a scar somewhere.

I also learned that the ones who are left behind to survive – do so. Life goes on – whether you’re ready or not. So, hold on. Tightly.

I also learned that I am not unique … there are too of us who have had our lives changed because of this disease.

And, I’ve learned, too, that cancer has no mercy. It doesn’t care if you are loved and have a family or that your husband is a good guy. 

And that along the way you just have to … let it go … or it’ll eat you alive.

I’ve learned that life is short. Sometimes too short. And every day I try, though I outwardly grumble and moan, to count my blessings and be grateful for what is. To be open to the lessons thrust upon me and to try to leave the day behind a bit better than when it started.

And, more than anything I’ve learned that my plan is nothing compared to THE PLAN – whatever or whomever is responsible for that. And that in order to keep myself sane I have to believe that out of bad, good will follow. Out of pain and sorrow, enlightenment and happiness will come forward. And that there is always a reason for what happens. We don’t have to like things – but life is easier if we accept them. After all, it is what it is.

This is what I’ve learned.



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Needing anti-frostbite gloves …

Day 282

Today I learned two valuable lessons.

Do not go anywhere after November 1st without gloves in my coat pocket or purse while living in this area … and to keep smiling. 

It was 66 degrees here yesterday. It was 21 degrees this morning when I let the dogs out. What a difference a day makes. And yes, I know there are variances in weather systems and temperatures even during the course of one day. Denver was champion for having weather changes; kids would go off to school in shorts and need a sled dog on their way home!

But here … I am not (yet) used to the humidity factor because 21 degrees felt like -21 degrees with the wind chill on bare exposed skin. I thought for sure my thumbs (and all the other fingers) would just fall off my hands while I was out gassing up the car.

And I don’t know why this surprises me or why I haven’t expected it. I guess I just forgot that it’s just not cold here … it’s COLD here. 

So, I was digging out the gloves this afternoon from the front hall closet that I am now fondly referring to as “the meat locker”. I was going to throw some insulation up in the closet attic today but the rolls were in my car and my car was in the shop getting worked on after it died in the grocery store parking lot yesterday.

No biggie … just the starter and a handful of other things. Nothing major for a 17 year old car with 175,000 miles on it … and it’ll only cost me the equivalent of a round trip flight to Paris.

I think I’m going to have to hang an Eiffel Tower air freshener in my car because I have a feeling that’s as close to Paris as I’m going to get for a while.

In any case – the tow truck driver (Fernando, from Cuba) and I had a lovely little chat about the cold weather and the icy rudeness of people in this area – which was right before a rather nasty altercation from the man parked next to me who was blocked in (for all of 2 minutes) and wanted the tow truck moved, “PRONTO!” 

Fernando and I were commenting on how we longed for friendlier people who smiled and waved as you walked or drove by, people who said hello and wished us a nice day in return to our friendly greeting or well wishes – instead of the usual stares we get like we are some sort of oddity.

And I guess we are some sort of oddity because I have found few people here who are just basically … friendly. It’s a very cool area (in an icy, not hip, way) and I find it very sad when people are too busy or angry or out of touch or tired to share a smile with someone while waiting in line, walking along, or checking out at some store.

And though the reciprocity percentage is extremely low that’s not going to stop me from waving or chatting or smiling because every once in a while I’ll meet someone like Fernando who will remind me that there are people around who are nice and kind and friendly. 

But, sadly, for the most part it’s looking like it’ll be a cold, cold winter and that my chances of frostbite are pretty good. I’d better get my gloves out to protect me from Mother Nature and as far as for the nature of the people around me … I wish I had gloves to protect me from that!

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The Grumpy Pilgrim …

Day 281

I am surrounded by turkeys.

Not actual birds and I’m not referring (directly) to my neighbors, either. However, I am still surrounded by turkeys nonetheless.

My neighbors to the south and north both have those giant inflatable turkeys in their front yards.

I am not understanding this.

And maybe it’s because I hail from Pilgrim stock. Yes, seriously … my ancestors were Mayflower passengers.

And maybe because of my lineage and the possibility that it’s something in my DNA rather just than a personal aversion to those inflatable things, I don’t understand the need to put up a giant air-filled turkey in one’s yard.

Isn’t being thankful enough?

Is this holiday not commercial enough for some people? (And don’t even get me started on the football side of things.)

As history states the Mayflower set sail on September 6, 1620 with 102 passengers and about 30 crew members. The first half of the voyage was said to be “smooth sailing” but the remaining trip met with ravaging winds, terrible storms and high seas. After 2750 miles and going at a top speed of under 2 mph the 100 foot Mayflower anchored in Cape Cod at what is now Provincetown Harbor on November 11, 1620. (Exactly 392 years ago today!)

Though the voyage was long and at times very rough there were only two deaths during the sailing – a young boy and a crew member. Sadly, half of the group would die within months (from what was thought to be) pneumonia, tuberculosis and scurvy while living aboard the anchored ship where they sought shelter that first winter.

The following spring the remaining 53 passengers and 15 crew disembarked, made huts, began complex relationships with the Native tribes of the area, and planted the soil.

Months later – after a year of disease, hunger, uncertainty and diminishing hopes – their bountiful harvest was cause for celebration to give thanks. And so, with 90 some men of the Wampanoag tribe they held a three-day feast of gratitude and celebration.

In any case – I don’t need to sail rough seas for two months or face incredible hardships to know that one can and should count their blessings – large and small.

And for that reason I just don’t get the plastic turkeys. And part of me doesn’t want to get them.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because there is no fan-fare. No commercialism. No toys. No decorations – sans a few turkey images on plates and napkins. There has been no music piped into the stores since August with chipmunks singing songs about turkeys and pilgrims. 

It’s just a nice – let’s get together and remember that life is scary and difficult at times but worth pursuing and let’s give thanks for family and friends who make the journey better and let’s celebrate together and share what we are grateful for in our daily lives – kind of holiday. 

It’s nice. It’s sweet. And the only kind of turkey I want to see is one with stuffing in it on the dining room table … not an inflatable one in my neighbor’s yard.

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Another day in paradise …

Day 280

I’d like to do today over.

I don’t like wanting that. Even thinking that – I feel like I squandered a day … that I threw away a precious gift … that I didn’t enjoy something that I should have … that I didn’t appreciate something that I will never be able to get back.

I don’t like days like this. Life is too short to have stupid days.

And it wasn’t even anything bad or awful … just time consuming and frustrating.

I started out thinking that I’d go run a few errands. But then reasoned … while out – why not just do ALL of them? So, I started out with good intentions and things went down hill quickly.

I stopped at a store to get juice glasses. A silly little thing but I have two and would like a few more. They were all gone and discontinued. So, I stopped at another store (same chain) … no luck there, either.

Traffic was horrible and so this measly errand already took up too much of my day. I was close to Menards (like a Home Depot) and thought I’d return the smoke detectors I don’t need; except I found out after waiting in an interminable return line that I didn’t buy them from Menards (or Home Depot or Ace). Where did I get them?

From there I drove north … now 90 minutes into my trip … and missed my exit so took the “scenic route” to the mall. All the street lights in that area were not working. Did I mention that traffic was horrible?

I have not been to this mall since I was about 10. And I finally made it into the parking lot but was unsure which of the seven parking garages I should park in – so circled the mall, not quite knowing what stores were where and eventually I found a parking space … 20 minutes later!

I decided since I didn’t have lunch (which probably would have made my mood better) I’d treat myself to a Starbucks (which I swore off “for good” the other day). So much for will power. I wanted it and even my deep desire for that 3 pump vanilla latte with soy didn’t diminish my disgust at the price tag which accompanied the red holiday cup. I have renewed resolve to forego SB in the future.

I decided I’d stop in at Macy’s because they were having a one day sale on boots. I’ve been looking for boots forever. I have wide feet and wide calves and well, neither is a good thing when trying to find boots. Everyone on the planet was in this store’s shoe department. It was like Filene’s basement on a special sale day. It was a madhouse! I finally found a sales clerk to pull out a few pairs of boots from the back for me. But … no 9s, no brown, no wide toes, no good soles. I think she was just going in the back and taking a break and not looking for anything. She looked pretty weary. I left empty handed and unbooted.

At every store or department there were moms on cell phones with children running rampant. I don’t understand why parents do not parent. I see it way too much and it not only bothers me … it drives me CRAZY! I want to shake the parent and say, “You have children … supervise them! And while you’re at it, teach them how to be civil human beings!”

So … after getting home much later than I wanted and after an evening of doing house projects and not liking what I made for dinner and needing too many Advil to get rid of the headache from the smell of the pumpkin cookies I baked – I’ve been thinking I’ve wasted a day. I had such high hopes for getting so much done and just enjoying the thunderstorm and the oddly warm spring-like weather and being out and about … but here I am at midnight wishing my day had gone totally differently.

So, instead of having a do-over (since it’s not possible anyway) and even though I’m really tired, I’m going to cuddle up on the couch with the animals and watch Evan Almighty because it’s one of those movies that make me laugh so hard I snort.

And I can’t think of a better way to end this day … and begin a new one!


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Eldorado …

Day 279

Curse you Miss Luchek!

She was my 5th grade teacher and besides having a weird and complete fascination with all things Pooh (as in Winnie the …) and calling kids who did not do well on tests and homework assignments … dunderheads (can you imagine?) … she made us memorize poetry.

And for better or for worse … mostly for worse, I think … these verses pop into my head – seemingly out of nowhere – when I’m folding clothes or driving or, yes – once again, in the shower.

The textbook we used was The Roberts English Series – A Linguistics Approach (Grade 5). I remember really liking it at the time, but it’s been 45 years since and I’m really quite sick of having these poems pop to the surface of my brain like a submerged marshmallow in hot cocoa. I’m tired of my brain’s sound reel repeating First Sight or Sea Fever or Buffalo Dusk whenever my mind isn’t occupied with something more current or important. Which, sadly, seems like quite often these days!

And for whatever reasons Eldorado (by Edgar Allan Poe) is the poem that comes to mind most often … 

Gaily bedight, a gallant knight – in sunshine and in shadow had journeyed long, singing a song, in search of Eldorado.

But he grew old, this knight so bold – and o’er his heart a shadow fell, as he found no spot of ground that looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength failed him at length, he met a pilgrim shadow. “Shadow,” said he, “Where can it be – this land of Eldorado?”

“Over the mountains of the moon, down the Valley of the Shadow, ride, boldly ride,” the shade replied, “If you seek for Eldorado.”

Now WHY, after all these years, is that stuck in my head? I have no idea. But, if I ever forget the poem (which I highly doubt) I can look it up because I still have the book. Which really makes me wonder … WHY do I still have that book? Did I steal it? Were we allowed to keep books back in 1968? Did I find it in an antique store years later? I don’t remember how I acquired the book and yet I remember, clearly, the poems contained therein.

And every once in a while, again – for reasons unbeknownst to me, I’ll take said book off the shelf and flip through the pages and recite one of the poems. I don’t know why I bother opening the book because the words are forever etched in my brain and I do not need to look at those yellowing pages (however nice the pictures!).

And as much as it drives me crazy now – it was however, most probably my first introduction to accomplished writers … and maybe those writings got to me. I’ve been a bookie and a word fool for as long as I can remember. I’m not saying that my vocabulary is prodigious – far from it – but I like the way words sound. Some writers have a flair for stringing words together like well-worn pearls: smooth, luminous and luxuriant … and others throw words out like jagged shards of glass: scattered and painful and menacing. I tend to like the former but either way – I find them fascinating.

In any case … I guess I have the curriculum advisors to thank for having that book in the classroom the year I was in 5th grade -so, my thanks to them. But I’m still going to curse Miss Luchek.

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Oops, I did it again …

Day 278

Well, once again, I am the recipient of a bad haircut

And I only have one person to place all the blame onto … and that one person is myself.

No … I didn’t go to a pricey salon and waste a fistful of money having Claude or Rolf or Jorge try to make sense out of my baby chick fuzz hair. 

And, no … I didn’t go to a discount uni-sex hair salon and get my thin, limp and lifeless tresses (which, by the way, can hardly be called – tresses) cut or shaped or trimmed.

What I do mean is that I – myself – took a pair of small, sharp scissors to my head well after midnight last night. Again. I am notoriously turning my bathroom into a make-shift chop-shop (not to be confused with an actual beauty parlor) in the wee hours of the morning.

And all I can say is … “Oops – I did it again!”

(And I mean that in the least Britney Spears way possible.)

Right after I snipped off whatever growth I’d accumulated from the last six months I thought, “Huh, cute. Not bad for a middle-of-the-night, do-it-yourself haircut. Good job, Lester.”

I was feeling pretty cocky when I tumbled into bed.

And then, this morning I woke up, looking like a whole mischief of rats (seriously, that is what a pack of rats is called) … descended onto my head and chewed like crazy while I was sleeping.


And, all I can say is … “Oops, I did it again!”

And I have no excuses. This is NOT my first ride on the haircut merry-go-round. I have been cutting my own hair for eons … or if not that long … at least a few decades. And, amazingly, (usually) there is no wine involved and it is done perfectly sober and willingly.

Oh, I’ve tried those fancy salons and the old lady beauty parlors and the uni-sex shops and I’ve come away with the same thing … a leaner wallet and a haircut that looks like that same group of rats found me in the night and chewed on the ends (and top and sides) of my head … taking away what they could as nesting material.

So, I’ve given up on having other people attempt to make something of these forlorn sprigs of wispy, baby-fine, thinning strands that I boldly call … hair.

In any case … after half a can of mousse and a good dousing of extra hold aerosol hair spray I emerged from the bathroom this morning looking, quite surprisingly, somewhat decent! Almost like I had a real haircut by someone who knew what they were doing!

And the actual cuteness lasted for about 20 minutes before assuming it’s real “chewed on by rats” look. But, hey – I’ll take the 20 minutes of quasi-decency as it’s better than nothing!

And so, the baby chick fur has been chopped into something that is now rather swingy, wispy and fringy and if anyone asks me the style I’m thinking of calling it a Punk Shag or a Pixie Bob. 

Or maybe I’ll just say the style is called … Mischief.

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The Jellybean Lesson …

Day 277

It dawned on me today, some time after dawn, that I am too old to stay up until 4am twice in one week. Well, it’s not that I can’t stay up that late … it’s the unwarranted expectation that the next day I’ll feel, even remotely, decent.

Last night was a good night: the election returns were exciting and favorable, I got to spend time with my son, I chatted with my daughter, I was up with the vampires and owls – it was a great night. 

So, there I was this morning happy but feeling not so decent and quasi hung over (though the last actual hangover I had was some 30 years ago) – basking in my post-election glow blissfully lost in the thoughts that maybe people were more enlightened than I thought … that this country took seriously the responsiblity of voting, that women and minorities and our youth stepped up and spoke out, and that we could go on without campaign garbage bombarding us (as has been the case for too long) and we, as a nation, could set aside our differences and get down to business and go forward together to make this country stronger and a better place.

And then I received an email from an old friend … and the glow faded. I was smacked in the face by the ugly reality that some people are well … stupid.

And intolerant, nasty, racist and unaccepting. 

I was told by this friend that he was so proud of people, who normally might have voted “party” but voted for the issues at hand and a movement forward instead. He said he had a renewed faith in the people of our country as he was worried that the majority would let their narrow-mindedness determine their vote by what he could only describe as “closet racism”.

He went on to tell me that there were others who were quite open about their views. There were still far too many people, that he knew and had talked with, who couldn’t and wouldn’t vote for any candidate (let alone the incumbent President), not because they didn’t know the issues or understand the merits, but because he was black. They were solely voting based on skin color. 

I was sickened. It is 2012 and people, in this country, are still judging others by the amount of melanin in their skin. Really? In this day and age, for some people, their deciding factor in who leads the greatest nation on this planet comes down to skin PIGMENT?

Wow. I am so naive. I thought we were past that idiocy. 

A person is not born prejudiced … that is something that is learned. And shame on whomever taught the people today to think that merit should be determined by the color of one’s skin and not by the actions that that person takes.

And kudos to my parents. I was never taught how to be racist. It was never an issue as I grew up that people were different inside because of the color of their skin outside. It makes as much sense to me to discriminate against someone’s height or eye color or hair color. Or for that matter what their ethnicity is, their body build, or who they love.

In five words … I just don’t get it.

I sold Mary Kay cosmetics for 23 years and the most important thing I brought away with me was another five words … Is there any reason why?

I have used those words countless times in my sales efforts … Is there any reason why I can’t wrap this up for you?  In raising my kids … Is there any reason why you can’t hang up your shirt?  In subbing at schools … Is there any reason why we can’t keep the noise down a bit? In life coaching situations … Is there any reason why we can’t work on this?

I’d like to ask those people who can’t see beyond their own insane prejudices the same question … Is there any reason why you can’t see people for who they are inside and not for their outward appearance?

Except I’d probably not be able to keep my mouth shut and I’d probably also ask them … Is there any reason why you are so ridiculously ignorant and such a bigoted ass?

In classrooms where I’ve subbed most of the kids get a lesson in acceptance from me. It’s not on any lesson plan but I do it anyway when I can. I feel that the kids spend more time in the classroom with each other than at home and the classroom is their day-time family and they should look out for each and accept each other for the differences and special gifts that make each of them unique.

The lesson is fast and tasty. Everyone gets a jellybean. And we all know what jellybeans look like … they come in a large assortment of colors. I then ask everyone to look over their jellybean and remember its color. Then I tell them we are going to put the beans in our mouths (without chewing!) and let them sit for a bit. And then I have them take the beans out. And what does everyone have in their hand (besides a slimy, saliva dripping sugar bit)? … A translucent jellybean. The colored sugar coating dissolved and just left the clear sugar inside. And all the insides, no matter what the outside color was to start with, were all the same.

I go on to further tell them that those jellybeans are everyone in the class … that we might look different on the outside but on the inside we’re all the same. And we need to be nice to each other and help each other out and learn from each other, as well. We need to share our differences and our gifts because learning and life doesn’t just come from books.

And well, blah blah blah … you get the idea. And the kids get the message. And we go on with our day. And hopefully that little jellybean lesson sticks with them as they go through life.

And in thinking this all over … it saddens me to know that there are still too many people who have been taught something so ugly and who go through life with such a narrow and ugly view of their fellow man. 

I feel the need to go visit my friend … and take with me a ton of jellybeans.

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Victory …

Day 276

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y … that’s our victory battle cry!

All I can say is, I was a cheerleader for too many years.

I’ve been watching the election results all evening … holding my breath when each state’s results were announced. In my pre-presidential announcement angst I cleaned out and organized a closet, tidied my desk, did my nails, made cookies and ate a  bathtub-sized portion of popcorn.

And earlier than expected, the projected victory was announced … President Obama was declared the winner and has been re-elected to a second term as President of these United States.

And all I can say is … PHEW! Now I can breathe.

Quite honestly, I was really worried. I have good gut instincts about people and have learned to listen to them. And I didn’t like the opposing candidate at all. To say he kind of creeped me out would be about right. And I don’t know why – and he might be a wonderful man – but my gut told me there was something about him that I just couldn’t fully trust.

And then there’s the President. Though I’m not in love with the guy … or agree with everything that he does … I feel that he is a good and honest person – pro family, pro women, pro minority, accepting of differences and he’s going to do his best to help this country and lead us forward. 

I know many people do not share my viewpoint. And that’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just hope that people let go of the disappointment and (what seems like bitterness, hatred and anger) and come together to support not only the President and our elected officials … but each other, as well. And if we don’t like what’s going on – it’s our right … and duty … to voice our opinions to those that have been elected.

I’ve never seen the president’s job as a solitary position; it’s a cumulative effort that falls on all of us … the elected and appointed and the people at large. I believe we are all in this together.

E pluribus unum.  It is Latin which means, “Out of many – one”.

This was our nation’s motto early on … proposed by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin (my uncle, fyi), and Thomas Jefferson back in 1776. Originally the statement depicted the determination of our forefathers to form a single nation from a collection of states.

In the years since, the motto has come to reflect the continued desire of our country to make one unified nation of people from varying beliefs and backgrounds while still respecting the diversity that is the beauty of this (melting pot) nation.

I think we need to revisit that thought and go forward and make our nation stronger and healthier and better than it has been … and we need to do it together.



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Election Day …

Day 275

It is now technically election day … as it’s after midnight on the first Tuesday of November this election year. And though I say “day” it is roughly two-something in the morning and the polls will be opening, in a few hours, across the country. The campaign ads will cease to air and the candidates will end their last minute promise-making. In roughly 17 hours the polls will close and the decision of who will be the president of our country for the next four years will be announced, I am surmising, sometime late tomorrow night or in the wee hours of the following morning.

I haven’t been this nervous about an election since my first voting privilege back in 1978!

I’m not in love with “my” candidate … but I believe in him and his values and his vision and his decency. I feel he respects women and families and our veterans and generally the people across our nation despite or because of their differences and that is important to me in this election.

I respect that people have political affiliations (though I don’t agree with the whole party affiliation thing) and have different views on these men but to me this election isn’t about party politics … it’s about where the country is going in the next few years. What are the visions of these men? Who will be the best leader? Who will ignite the enthusiasm that this country needs to make positive change? Is the vision looking towards a forward movement (even if may happen in baby steps) or is it one that will plunge us backwards?

I see vast differences in these men and it honestly scares me. 

This country has real problems. We have economic woes. We have families losing sight of their homes, businesses and dreams. We have faltering educational systems. We have people out of work who need jobs all across this country. We have so many who are in need of attention … whether it be assistance or medical help … the disabled, the elderly, our veterans, the disadvantaged, this disconnected. And we have children who cry themselves to sleep every night because they are hungry or cold or scared … or all of those things. To know that any one of these issues exists in this country is heartbreaking; to know they all exist is unacceptable. 

We need change and we need it now. And whomever is at the helm had better take this seriously and take us forward.

We don’t just need ideas but we need ideas that will turn into solutions. The issue to me, isn’t about working hard, but working hard and making progress. Slow and steady. Tortoise and the hare. These problems didn’t happen overnight … they have compounded over many, many years and it’s going to take more time to iron out the wrinkles and get new practices in place. 

You can’t eat an elephant in one gulp. But you can … as long as you keep going … one bite at a time.

As far as I’m concerned this country has problems far greater than worrying about who is affiliated with what political party. This country needs a leader who will inspire and bring us together. We need to work together to make change and make this country stronger and better and healthier – in all ways. It shouldn’t matter who belongs to which party … or what they look like or what they do or who they love. We are ONE. We are UNITED.

Or at least we should be.

The time has come when our country will decide which of these men will lead us into the future. I hope that the final decision is the best one for all of us.

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Sunday evenings …

Day 274

I’m having deja vu …

Or maybe it’s just being a creature of habit that I feel like I’ve been here, done this before. As in, time after time after time- before.

This being what I normally do on Sunday nights. And that is …


I love Sunday nights. It is really the one night of the week that I don’t work through 8pm or eat dinner at 10pm because I’ve lost track of time doing something around the house or with work.

I eat at 8pm or 10pm because I want to!

Tonight’s appetizer is a small glass of very sweet wine. It is simply lovely and I’ve been nursing it now for about half an hour, drinking one thimbleful at a time. Maybe the slow seepage into my system will allow the allergens to be diluted before they render breathing difficult! We shall see.

In any case … Sunday evenings. A time of relaxation and anticipation of what the week brings. They have always been my own little private New Year’s Eve of sorts … every week I get a new beginning … a fresh start. And Sunday evenings are the springboard to that clean slate.

When I was little Sunday evenings meant watching Lassie in the living room. The three of us kids were piled around the emerald green folding table (damn, it was ugly) eating Chef Boyardee boxed pizza. We never had take-out pizza and (not knowing any better) we thought this cardboard version of pizza was fabulous!

In any case … we’d eat our flat, tasteless pizza and watch Lassie rescue Timmy from a well or Doc Weaver saving someone who fell off a fence or something. It was wonderful. And then after Lassie saved the day, once again, we’d settle down and watch  The Ed Sullivan Show. If Topo Gigio was on (that cute little French mouse) … my night was extra fantastic because I was in love with him. Granted I was about 7, but hey, he was cute!

In any case, I don’t have to have cardboard pizza or cute mousies to make my Sunday nights special. Over the past few years I’ve come to think of them as “my” night. I don’t schedule anything … I don’t start any projects late in the afternoon … I just look forward to lolling around and doing whatever. Tonight I’m watching some TV, going through today’s paper, catching up on some correspondence, making a “clean out the fridge” dinner and then later I’ll go through my planner and figure out my week’s activities and put my plans onto paper. My night of leisure. I might finish up a project or two – but only if I really want to (like changing out a curtain rod or organizing a closet) … or whatever. We’ll see.

In any case … the end of Daylight Saving Time brought darkness early today and so my evening feels a bit longer tonight. Lucky me … another hour or so of Sunday evening!

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Thoughts on a gray day …

Day 273

The ceiling is low.

No, I don’t mean my actual ceiling … but the sky, the cloud ceiling. It’s very low today.

The sounds outside on this gray day are amplified and muffled at the same time. The meows of the cats sound louder yet I can not hear the traffic from the busy street a few blocks away. It’s still and quiet and makes me sleepy.

Overhead there is a thick layer of gray clouds … dirty cotton candy blanketing the area. I can’t see individual clouds – it’s just more of a covering of batting. The coverage blocks out any sun rays and the light seems more like pre-dawn than late-morning.

The planes are flying in a pattern over the house today, as well … meaning the crystal in the dining cabinet is rattling. I never like that. If my glassware clinks from overhead vibrations then, in my estimation, the planes are too close. Meaning low flying. I’m glad I can’t see them. The other day it was clear and lovely and I could see the windows lit up as the planes were landing. I’m waiting for someone to drop me a bag of pretzels one of these days. But that would be a miracle … they no longer serve snacks!

One of these low-flying planes, later today, will be carrying extra precious cargo … Ted. He’ll be in for a few days. I am a stay-at-home mom with no kids at home. Something is wrong with this picture! It’s called life and growing up and away!

In any case, I’m not one who likes being away from her kids – I’ve said that before (and I’m sure I’ll say it again) … so, I am really looking forward to the time I’ll get to share with him this weekend. Short and sweet but great.

The other night when I was looking at the few trick or treaters that came by I wondered where the last twenty years went. There was a toddler in a Tigger costume and he could have been Ted in his dinosaur outfit so many moons ago. In a blink of an eye … they are grown.

Those years fly by in the time it takes to make a transcontinental flight. Fast and sometimes white knuckled. I’m not an avid flyer … low ceilings, high ceilings … it doesn’t matter. I don’t understand the logistics of keeping something that big up in the air … it just makes no sense to me. Hence, I’m a nervous flyer.

When I helped Ted move out east for school that first time my return flight was re-routed due to a huge rainstorm. We flew from Boston southward and ended up, eventually, sitting on the tarmac for 5 hours in Atlanta. But as we approached and side-stepped that system we went through the most gorgeous skies I’ve ever seen. I imagine if one can see Heaven – that was pretty much it.

Our plane was but a speck enveloped by these enormous white clouds … edges tinged with gold and pink. They were puff upon puff of cotton balls and for some reason it reminded me of a scene in the 1960’s movie Fantastic Voyage. Purple lightning snaked its way between the clouds and bright golden flashes of light were not uncommon. It was our own private fireworks display compliments of Mother Nature. It was breathtaking. I remember no one was talking on that flight. It seemed everyone was calm and silent as we glided through those puffball clouds watching that light show.

When there are gray days, like today, that flight comes to mind. Somewhere overhead I hope others are getting a glimpse of heaven before their landing. I hate to think that my crystal is rattling for nothing!

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Night owl …

Day 272

There are times when I’d like not to be a night owl. Tonight is one of them. I’m tired. It’s nearly 4 a.m. and I am still up and awake and doing things.

If I were a vampire I’d be eating dinner right about now … or at least a pre-bedtime snack!

But, I’m here … at my computer … conversing with a friend in Canada who also cannot sleep. I have been thinking about her so much these past few days. She has a better reason than I do for being up at this ungodly hour. Mine is because I’ve been cleaning and painting and working all day and I am just finishing up everything and am on my 4th or 5th wind and my brain just won’t shut down.

Her reason is that she had her first of several chemo infusions yesterday and the side effects are making her unable to sleep and she is uncomfortable and her mind and heart are racing.

She wins.

Cancer sucks.

And it sucks on many levels, one being that I don’t like going to bed because there are days still when I wake up with that tsunami of grief. It washes over me and I am never sure just why but it still happens. Maybe because I am such a vivid dreamer. I dream of Tim a LOT and when I wake up I am so disappointed that it was only a dream. And then the tsunami hits … or not. It strikes at random … so, I never know when it’s going to get me.

It also washes over me at other times … in the grocery store, if I see a couple holding hands, hear some song on the radio, tell someone about him … still after all this time. 

I keep thinking maybe I’ll wake up one day and “things” will be different … that that heartache will be gone and that I won’t cry when I look at Black Walnut ice cream. But maybe that day will never come.

And maybe I’m a night owl because I don’t like going to bed alone. Not that I have been ALONE with all these animals that worm their way up onto the bed and under the covers … it is fewer than before, though. Now it’s just Gertie and Oscar. Before I had Dori and Yosh AND Mobes! Good thing I had a king-sized mattress back then when the whole menagerie joined me. Every night was a pajama party!

Anyway … night owls. My friend, Katie, and I are owlet buds. We are both up way too late at night … or I am up and she wakes up and then can’t fall back asleep. We seem to be up at the same time most nights, though. Sadly. At least when I finally fall asleep I’m down for the count. Wild horses could drag me through a desert and I’d still be sleeping!

In any case … tonight’s night owlness is due to activity and thinking. Thinking how happy I am to be able to see Ted tomorrow and how sad I am that my dear friend has to go through what she is facing. The highs and lows of life … sometimes it just seems so unfair.

I know we can’t become what we need by remaining what we are … and sometimes adversity is the only way to get us to a different point in our lives … but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

I have that quote taped to my computer monitor. Must have been said by some wise old owl. And as for this old owl – I’m not as wise as just tired.

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November …

Day 271

Today is the beginning of one of my favorite times of year. It is November 1st. I happen to love the month of November.  I think most people find it a boring month; I find it perfectly lovely. I am one of those weird people who do. I think there are 3 of us.

It is that time of year when there are still leaves on the trees (well, some leaves on some trees) and the squirrels scamper about furiously digging up whatever treasures they can unearth (hopefully not my tulip bulbs) and they look so cute sitting on their haunches with their question mark tails curling up behind them.

The ones around me have been helping themselves to the pumpkins and gourds that are part of my front porch display for a week now. I watched one squirrel carry a rather large squash across the street this afternoon. I was quite impressed as it was nearly twice his size!

For being super scrawny squirrels earlier this summer, the ones around me have blossomed into beasts of beauty. Albeit rodents of beauty, but beauty nonetheless! They are chunky little guys with big bushy tails … most of them gray except for the BLACK one that was out front the other day! I’ve been thinking of kidnapping one (squirrel-napping, actually) from a few blocks away and bringing it to my property – but now I don’t have to. I have my own pretty black squirrel. Yay!

In any case … November is a peaceful month to me. A time for reflection and contemplation. A good month for walking as it’s brisk but not horribly cold and there is usually wood smoke in the air and the scent is so satisfying. There must be something primal to that.

There is no rush to the season … there is no hub-bub and it holds my favorite holiday. It’s a slow month, we get an extra hour (this Saturday), it’s the time of year when Mother Nature starts settling in for winter. She is readying herself and I like watching the slow slide into the next season. The remaining leaves will change and drop, the sky opens up, and geese will be doing more flying south now. And, without the tree canopies I’ll be able to actually see them, not only hear them, as they go by.

The garden is enjoying its last hurrah … as I have (amazingly) daisies and geraniums still in full flower. The fox glove is in its third blooming. The mums and snap dragons and celosia are still vibrant … and my roses are not only in bloom but their beautiful, glossy leaf-covered stems are loaded with fragrantly sweet apricot and pink buds.

The sky is gray (I love gray days!) and at times the clouds scuttle low overhead and it looks as if it might rain … which would be fine as my yard could use a little drink. The animals and I are cozy inside – finishing up the last of the house projects. Six months after I moved, I am still at it  … almost done – but not quite.

In any case, it’s almost time to bring out my old, tattered copies of Gladys Taber’s Stillmeadow Pond books. I read them every year about this time. They are lovely and she writes so that my heart skips a beat and my soul sighs gently at the same time.

Anyway … it’s November and I have twenty-nine more days to enjoy this wonderful, restful, beautifully natural and thankful month.


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All Hallow’s Eve …

Day 270

It’s All Hallows Evening … otherwise known as Halloween. And I know there is a bunch of history about this day – but when it comes right down to it, it’s really all about costumes, parties, bonfires and bobbing for apples, haunted houses, carving pumpkins, Linus in the pumpkin patch, scary stories, horror films and of course, trick or treating.

Oh yes, those things conjure up visions of Halloween but isn’t it really pretty much all about the candy?

If for no other reason I am ecstatic that Halloween is almost over (technically there are 19 minutes remaining) it is because I have gotten rid of my candy. (Well, with the exception of a few pieces.)

And thank goodness for that because if I had to eat another snack sized Kit Kat bar I’m pretty sure I would keel over in a diabetic coma. No lie.

My neighbors came over late and I nearly thrust most of the remaining pieces on these unsuspecting children. I’m not sure who was happier – the kids or myself!

No more Snickers. No more Kit Kats. No more Tootsie Pops, Dum Dums or PayDays. No more Twix. And no more Reeses. Hallelujah.

My blood sugar can now begin to get back to normal. I should be at that level in about a week. Egad.

Tonight was, honestly, a bust. A very boring Halloween here in these parts. A couple handfuls of kids and none of them in great costumes. I had to prompt them to say Trick or Treat, I heard ONE thank you, and I actually caught a little guy kicking my singing skeleton down the stairs – while his parents watched! What was with that?!

I sound like an old-timer when I say …

I remember Halloween when I was a kid … back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth ….

Well, no dinosaurs – not even dino costumes … but we had witches and ghosts and your variety of princesses. Hobos and gypsies were very popular, too. I think we were more creative back then. Granted most moms stayed home … so, many costumes were homemade or put together from actual wardrobes items.

My favorite costume was a cannibal. I blackened my face with a burnt cork (I guess we thought cannibals were all darker skinned!) … and strung bleached steak bones around my neck, wrists and ankles. I wore black leotards and a skirt I had made out of burlap. My hair was atop my head … ala Pebbles … with a bone in it. I think that was 4th grade. I loved that costume!

We used to have fabulous Halloween parties as a kid and when my kids were little I carried on the tradition. Great fun … and though I think of those parties I don’t think I, personally, have ever bobbed for an apple. Not once. I’m not big on horror films or scary stories, either. Never lit a bonfire. Went to a few haunted houses … but usually ended up wetting my pants … so, I stopped doing that!

And, up until the last few years, we always carved pumpkins. I haven’t done it in a while. Maybe I’ll carve one for Thanksgiving and start a new tradition!

Anyway … Halloweens as a kid were tremendous fun. Parties at school, parties at our house, hoardes of kids traipsing through the neighborhood in the dark – bringing home pillow cases FULL of candy. I think back and wonder, other than counting the candy and inventorying it … what did we DO with all of it?! I can’t imagine we actually ate it all!

Tonight I went to Chipotle to get my $2 Boo-rito. I wore a dinosaur mask … and when the girl asked me what I was I told her I was a Technological Dinosaur – inept at social media and most computer programs. I thought it was pretty funny. I got nothing but a look of pity from her. Wonderful. I don’t think she got it!

Well, I’ve got 3 more minutes before All Hallows Eve, otherwise known as the night of candy eating and costume wearing, is over. I still have time to eat one more snack sized candy bar – diabetic coma be damned!


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The Day of the Eve of Halloween …

Day 269

On the day of the eve of Halloween I found myself walking the aisles of my local Walmart.

Why? you might ask. Why indeed. I found myself asking that same question a few times during my visit.

I vowed last time I was there that I would abstain from going there again – unless it was absolutely necessary. And I either forgot or I figured looking for cheap curtains for my bedroom (as I can’t seem to find any anywhere else) was necessary enough to warrant a walk around.

And walk around I did.

And I have to say that Walmart really does have everything. And things that you didn’t even know you wanted. It’s like Ace Hardware in that respect. I can always find something that I didn’t know existed but must have in that store.

Anyway, across the aisle from the bedding and towels and shower curtains and bedroom and kitchen curtains and slipcovers and mats and seat cushions is a whole auto zone of car goods. Air fresheners to shock absorbers. An aisle over are mirrors and wall decs and lamps and framed art. I think the only thing missing was Elvis painted on black velvet. Give them time – I’m sure they’ll carry that someday.

Anyway … as I wheeled my cart past the plastic flowers and candles, paper goods and sewing supplies … I found myself following a woman (in her 70’s) in high heels and skin tight leggings (and for a woman that size/age she should not have been wearing either). The thought of a train wreck or really horrible car accident crossed my mind … I didn’t want to look but couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. It was either too horrible or too amazing not to look at. I don’t know which but it was like following a hippo on stilts. I was mesmerized and just had to follow her. And so, for a while, I did.

And as she turned one direction I went the other and what aisles did I eventually find myself in on this day of the eve of Halloween? Yes, precisely … the ones containing all the Christmas merchandise. Naturally!

You might think I’m crazy – but I would really have been crazy to try to get anywhere near the actual Halloween aisles … as they were overrun with children jumping about and mothers pushing carts with toddlers leaning out of them and teen girls and young couples all pawing at the mess and tangle of remaining costumes, candy and assorted accessory items. I passed by and again the thought of the train wreck came to mind. Again, I didn’t want to witness such carnage but I couldn’t keep my eyes from it!

So, my cart steered itself away from the madhouse of those seasonal aisles, past the pet aisles to the quiet corner which housed the holiday trimmings. And away from the madness of the day of the eve of Halloween I found momentary peace among the red and silver glittered balls and light-up reindeer, wrappings and trappings and ornaments and adornments.

And amongst all the glitter and gold I found something I’ve never seen before … and leave it to Walmart to have it … pine scented tinsel. I’m not joking – and I was tempted to buy it – but couldn’t bring myself to do so this early in the season. It was after all, still October and the day of the eve of Halloween.

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Life’s uncertain – eat dessert first …

Day 268 

While other people are hunkering down out east, in the dark, in the storm of all storms … I am eating ice cream. 

Hurricane Sandy came ashore today … I haven’t really seen many pictures yet. I am sure we will be inundated by them along with non-stop coverage and stories over the next few days and weeks. But for now I can only rely on my imagination. And though, hopefully, nothing like it – the images of the tsunami that hit Japan keep replaying in my head.

At times like these … when forces of nature cause catastrophic damage and loss of life … the best and the worst of humanity seems to rise to the surface.

We will, undoubtedly, hear stories of bravery and courage and helping strangers in their time of need … giving of and from the heart, and heroic measures … and we’ll also hear the ones about people taking advantage of others, thefts and looting, and sad selfishness. And then there’s the stupidity.

The early pictures showed people standing feet away from the end of piers with waves crashing around them. Why are people so blatantly stupid? People were pushing baby strollers in flooding streets … not just flooded streets but streets that were flooding. Rising waters! Idiocy. It’s things like this that are so hard to watch. I want to believe that we, as a nation, are smarter than those caught on camera … but when I see these images, time and time again, I begin to believe that maybe we are not so wise.

And it makes me want to move to England … or Brugge … or some lovely little village in the Netherlands where I think people have more sense. I’m good at languages … I could pick some foreign tongue up in no time given an immersion situation! I’d like, at least, to see how difficult it might be! 

The Perfect Storm … it’s unnerving when the meteorologists call a devastating storm perfect. I’ve been watching the weather and they keep saying they’ve never seen anything aligning quite like this one … high tides, full moon, winds from the east and from the west all converging on the New York area. Snow, rain, winds, high water. It’s perfect … as in perfectly awful.

Already there has been too much tragedy … the loss of that huge old sailing ship and two of its crew members. It makes me sad to lose such a beautiful ship … let alone for the crewmen and their families and friends. There will be many stories of loss and sadness.

The winds are whooshing around the house tonight. At my old place the winds would come down the trough that the park made and slam into the front of the house. I swear some nights it felt like we were moving from the foundation. But here, there is no place for the wind to pick up enough speed, so it just whooshes around the houses and through the trees and it has an almost ghostly sound to it. And being near Halloween and across from the cemetery, well, maybe it is more than just wind!

In any case … I am glad I am cozy in my home here far from where the storm is lashing. Of course, I wish people well, but know that it’ll be a long time until “things” are anything akin to normal, once again, for so many in that area.

And because of it I think I’ll be more mindful and really enjoy my life right now … which means, I’m off to refill my ice cream!

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Sugar baby …

Day 267

It’s astonishing that I didn’t have more cavities as a child growing up in the days before sealants and fluoride toothpaste.

Apparently, I also grew up in the days before Raisin Bran and Wheat Chex were popular cereals. Because, I’m pretty sure, all of the ones we ate were more or less some grains with about a pound of sugar per box.

There were Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms, Sugar Pops, Sugar Smacks (nice that they even had sugar in the name!), Captain Crunch (pre-Crunchberry days) and my all time fav … Cocoa Krispies. What kid wouldn’t love a cereal that makes the milk brown and chocolatey? I also liked Life … but that too had some sugar crystals and if it wasn’t sugary enough, we’d just ladle the sugar on … spoonful after spoonful!


I don’t remember having a lot of cookies around the house growing up … or candy – except for Charms. They were kind of a toss up between a hard candy and a life saver. I loved them because they were kind of sweet-sour and they were square, unlike most hard candies, and they felt funny in your mouth!

We had ice cream … usually chocolate. And Pop Tarts … frosted, of course, and always strawberry. But looking back we didn’t have a lot of other sweets. We had cake or pie from time to time but I  think if we wanted something sweet, we’d eat cereal.

I don’t remember how old I was … somewhere between 8 and 10 … when Space Food Sticks came on the market. They were marketed as something the astronauts were eating up in space … some highly concentrated/semi-dried out “food”. And I use that term very loosely. I have NO idea what they were made out of or what they were supposed to be (snack? treat? candy? meal supplement? vitamin?)  I just knew that they came individually wrapped and I loved them! They were a cross between a dry Tootsie Roll and a soft dog yummy. I don’t think they were on the market for very long (probably caused cancer) … but I loved the chocolate ones and the peanut butter ones, too.

And speaking of dog yummies. My sister is five and a half years older than I am … so, on occasion she was deemed the babysitter. And while being the one in authority it was then that she fed me dog yummies. I’m sure my parents know this (now) … but I’m sure they didn’t know it then. In order for her to play with me I guess I would agree to play “dog” … and she was my owner and she’d give me “Lollipups” … actual little round, flattened disc shaped dog yummies. They were black (who would make a black dog yummy?), red, green and yellow and I’d eat what she gave me and then she’d say we were done playing and she’d go off and play with her friend and I’d have eaten a dog yummy. Time after time. You’d think I would have caught on to her ways! Whatever!

In thinking about it and looking back – I did have my fair share of cavities, as a kid, and gastrointestinal issues, too … gee, wonder why? Couldn’t have been from what I was eating!

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Spring Rain Cloud Gray …

Day 266

I am on day something for painting my bathroom. I say, day “something” because this has been such a long process, I’ve lost count of how long I’ve actually been working on this teeny tiny bathroom … as in 20 square feet of floor space.

So, why has this teeny tiny space taken up so much of my time?

Well, it could be that I picked out paint without bringing a chip home and seeing how it would look in that room. Mistake #1. I brought home what I thought was a quart of lovely warm gray. When I put it on the walls it was more like giant sperm whale gray. Gun metal. Almost black. Well – that wasn’t going to work!

So, I mixed some white into the gray in a separate container and came up with what I thought would be a lighter, gentler color … which ended up looking like giant elephant gray. Still too dark.

After mixing more white, I finally came upon soft mousie gray. Or if I were to name the color … Spring Rain Cloud. A lot lighter than the elephant color and yet darker than silver. I think it’ll do.

So, tomorrow I get to put on coat #3. And WHY 3 coats? Because whomever painted this house before my arrival used a paint akin to a marine varnish. Everything just SLIDES off these walls and woodwork.

I (usually) love to paint. I find its rhythm soothing, I (oddly) like the smell and I can let my mind wander and go wherever it wants to while I relax and paint. Not so much this time around. The whole house has been a frustrating (and at times – nightmarish) ordeal.

I was just perusing a magazine as I finished with the painting for the night (at 1am) and was cuddling with the dogs for a bit. And an advertisement for a shower surround caught my eye … it asked, aptly, What would your bathroom say about you?

And I figure, right now, my bathroom would say that I’m a really messy painter!

It got to the point where if it dripped, I let it drip. So, there are drips and spatters on the toilet and floor, shower stall walls and door, the mirror and certainly all over me – even after scrubbing up! And at the moment, I don’t care. I might care tomorrow night when I’m cleaning up … but at the moment, I don’t care. It’s a mess, yes … but I know in 24 hours I will have a beautifully painted, scoured clean bathroom (and body). My new towels bars will be up, my toilet paper holder (finally) will be in place and it’ll finally be pretty and clean and me!

One wall is eggplant (the wall with the shower stall), all the trim, window trim, door and cabinets are gloss white, and the rest is that soft mousie/spring rain cloud gray.

In any case … the painting continues … but I’m getting there. After tomorrow I’ll have one less room and one less door on my to-do list!

And, if I really researched it, I bet I could go down in some record book for taking the longest and putting on the most coats of paint in one teeny tiny bathroom!


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Paris …

Day 265

I am in the throes of a love affair.

There are days when I think I would like to put an end to it … and then there are days when I wish for more. Much more.

I’m in love with Paris. The city not a person.

A friend of mine recently told me she’ll be spending twelve days in the City of Light next July. She’s forwarded me the apartment she is looking to rent. I want to throw up it’s so gorgeous. Seriously. It is a beautifully appointed, very French, tiny flat with a balcony. Wonderfully located and a view, from the bedroom, kitchen and living area of … yes, the Eiffel Tower. And not in the far-away distance but it’s RIGHT THERE!

I am so green I am practically a martian. Or at least a Granny Smith apple.

Years ago, after Tim died, I planned on going off to Paris for a month. To go breathe different air. I needed to go and collect myself. I was shattered and thought nowhere on Earth sounded better than the city that stirred my soul like no other.

I thought I could begin to heal if I walked along the Champs-Elysée, if I could sit at a sidewalk café while people-watching and eat a gluten and butter-laden croissant and sip a cappuccino. I planned on sitting outside Notre Dame for entire days … just looking at that incredible structure … soaking up every beautiful inch of it so I could preserve the memory … to bring to mind when doing mindless tasks once home. 

But, as life does, so often … it intervened and my plans fell like the financial market. There went Paris.

And every now and then … like every third day or so … I wonder what life is like over there. I think to myself that that night I’d go to the opera … another day I’d go to one of the museums … another day I’d sit and watch the artists. And all the time I’d write.

I’ve said it before but Paris got me. It infused itself into my soul and I am hooked. Hooked on Paris. I guess there are worse things to be possessed by … or madly in love with … because I am … madly in love with that city.

And, how long was I ever there – you might ask? I don’t truly recall but it was only a few days. But during the time there I walked every inch possible of that city, visited museum after museum, ate and drank, people-watched and took a boat down the Seine. It was fabulous … and somewhere during that time I simply fell in love.

So, while I am green with envy, I am so thrilled that my friend gets to experience the city in such an amazingly grand way. The apartment is fabulously stunning, the balcony is beyond  expectations … and then that view!

One day I’ll get back there … my love and I will be reunited. I will stroll the streets, sit at the cafés, go to the opera, wander through the museums, eat the baguettes – gluten and all. And I will breathe that different air and love, again, every moment.

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Bluebird of happiness …

Day 264

It hit me just now … I have 100 days left of my blogging experiment! The countdown begins!

Today I had a lovely, very unexpected little visitor.

I recently pulled down all my storms on my windows – so no more screens, just glass panes. However, I decided to open up my office window this morning because it was so nice outside, but instead of pulling the screen down – I just left the window wide open.

And a little bird took advantage of that and came into my office and paid me a little visit.

I was sitting here, as I do – seemingly – 80% of my day, and caught movement out of the corner of my eye … and there he (or she) was sitting on the window sill – just looking around and at me.

A little brown bird – not a robin, not a wren, not any colorful jay or woodpecker … just an ordinary sparrow of sorts. It stood on the sill for just a bit, looked at me, as if trying to tell me something (which I think was, “Go outside you fool, it’s beautiful out and the weather is going to change in 3 hours.”) …

So, I did what every self-respecting business owner does on a Thursday morning at 10:30 … I left my office and went outside.

And not only did I go outside … I tidied my patio (which was for naught because the winds just blew all the leaves that I had swept into the lawn back onto the patio in mere moments) … planted 100 tulip, allium, and grape hyacynth bulbs … put away my bungee chameleon that was hanging off my tree and my patio table umbrella … emptied pots, re-potted some things … you know, another general clean up on an otherwise normal day in October except it was 78 degrees and so balmy I could have sworn I was in Florida in April. It just had that feel to it.

It has rained (and is again now) for the last 2 days … torrential, soaking rains … and with the warmth of the days and the high humidity it’s been a little like living in a terrarium. Damp, earthy smells commingled with the rotting leaves and the breezes whipped all the scents together in some wonderful autumnal potpourri right in my backyard.

And to make things even better … my dad and I took Mobes out for her first walk in the forest (shame on me) since my move out here. We probably should have done it a few weeks ago when the leaves were just changing as now they were all down but again, it had that yummy earthy smell (an aroma one does NOT get – ever – in Colorado). I don’t know whose nose was sniffing harder – mine or the dog’s!

In any case – I think I walked a bit too fast for both of them and was really hoping neither of them would keel over this afternoon due to a strenuous walk! The dog has been sleeping all day … she could barely even walk over the threshold of the backdoor when we got home. She konked out on the family room floor and stayed there for hours! I have a feeling my dad did the same!

In any case …  today was probably the last of our really nice weather, so thank you little bird for telling me to go outside. 

Sometimes the bluebird of happiness is brown.

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Book junkie …

Day 263

I am a bookie. No, not that kind of bookie … but a lover of books. Without counting I would calculate that I have roughly  400. Maybe more. Not counting all of my educational and tutor books.

And, as sad as it is, I’ve read only a fraction of what I own. And I’m not talking paperbacks … I’ve got beautiful coffee table books, biographies, travel tomes, books on Egyptian history, architectural design, dog stories, gardening, self-discovery, writing, famous train crashes, you name it! Along with the unusual books that hold tidbits of wisdom, trivia and interesting info, condensed volumes of Mark Twain and a full set of encyclopedias (dated pre-internet).

I would like to read all of them. But the problem is I get consumed by reading. I don’t want to do anything else. I read until the wee hours of the night. Dream about what I’m reading and then wake up, baggy-eyed, only wanting one thing … to read some more.

Reading is like a drug to me. And I have NO willpower against it. So, I do not allow myself to read very often.

It’s been awhile since I have picked up an actual book. I’m a big magazine peruser … but books, not so much (for the reasons stated). So, when at the library the other day and my mom suggested a mystery I thought, “Why not? It would be nice to leisurely read a book.”

And I STILL think it would be nice to leisurely read a book because when I’m reading it’s not leisurely. I’m consumed. I’m on a mission. I can’t concentrate on anything else. I don’t want to do any work – home or office. I don’t want to shower. I just want to loll around and READ! It’s pathetic. 

I’m a book junkie!

Anyway, throwing all this self-knowledge out the window, I started the book last night.  I was so tired and yet I stayed up way too late telling myself … just one more chapter. I finally turned off the light when I jolted myself awake!

I dreamed about the story. I knew this couple … neighbors, friends, maybe I WAS this couple (or at least the woman). I don’t know. Dreams are weird – everything makes sense when you’re sleeping and nothing makes sense when you are awake!

In any case, when I woke up all I wanted to do was to continue to read. But I told myself I had to get up and shower, work and then paint. So, I did what any book junkie would do … I stayed in bed and read.

Around noon I finally showered and did some emails and some much needed business tending and then feeling incredibly guilty the whole time I was doing it – I read some more. About 200 pages more until I finished the book. I was possessed! I had to finish it. There was no stopping me! 

There I was a pitiful sight, in my paint clothes – not a paint brush in sight, curled up in my chair … reading away the afternoon. And I would have enjoyed it SO much more had I not felt so guilty about  allowing myself this small pleasure! 

When someone asks me if I’ve read … such and such book … I usually say no with my reason being … I DON’T HAVE THE TIME. And I usually get looks back at me that say … but you work from home, how can you NOT have the time?

But, as you can see from what I just described … I don’t. I have a business to run, a house to maintain, animals to feed, bushes to trim, a life to live. I can’t just cast all of those things aside (as I know I will) to just READ!

So, the other library book that I picked up – the one that is still on my nightstand, calling me as I type – is going back to the library tomorrow. Unopened. I’m going to put it in the car right now so I’m not tempted to open it up once I’m in bed.

I know myself. I know how I operate. And if I open that book I’m a goner. And frankly, I’ve got too much to do!

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Blind as a bat …

Day 262

Paint clothes = going on day 3. Painting actually done = minimal.

Yeah, I’m doing just swell with my painting! These clothes can practically stand up by themselves and I have yet to get any paint on them!

I did finish my room, however. Painted the windows and cleaned the glass, rearranged the furniture and put up the last of the wall decs. It finally feels like a bedroom. It only took 5 months!

Well, I’m not entirely done – the curtains will be finished this week. Then I’ll be done … with my room.

Still plenty on my list of to-do’s though. Never fret that I’m bored!

For those of you who do not know … I have horrible eyesight. I’ve worn glasses since I was 7 … so, a LONG time. I have worn contacts since I was roughly 14 – but after 40 years of having plastic discs in my eyes I woke up one day and was done with them. I was tired of the dryness and the pain and the problems. So, as much as I really don’t like glasses, I like contacts less. Oh sure, I’d get my eyes “done” … but I’m not a candidate for lasik and have to wait for the lens implant surgery to be more affordable.

Anyway … as most people (I would think) I do not wear my glasses in the shower. And when I take them off I am pretty much blind. As in … like a bat. Except I’m not hanging upside down.

Today I turned on the shower early – letting it warm up – and (apparently) not thinking, I reached across the shower stall to remove an empty bottle and was sprayed in the face by the water.

I can’t tell you how surprised I was! Which, in itself is  embarrassing, because I had turned the water on myself and it was running – so why didn’t I HEAR it … and why was it so shocking to get wet?

I don’t know. All I can think of is because I didn’t SEE the water.

Which made me think that just because you don’t SEE something – doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Like hope and faith and friendship and all those intangibles that are common to all people yet different for each of us. Success, integrity, belief, trust, love. You can’t see any of those things – but they exist and they are real.

Just as much as the water in the shower.

And I thought of how these things come about and how we learn them along the way … without seeing them. And it made me think of the other things that we learn along the way but can’t see … like hatred and bigotry and bias, ugliness and disrespect and brutality.

And it made me wish that all newborns came with an instruction tag around their ankle that simply said, “Teach me to embrace the things I cannot see … tolerance, decency, respect, humiliation, kindness and generosity.”

I think humanity would be better because of that tag.

Deep thoughts from a blind bat.

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Time …

Day 261

The dog is, once again, in the bathtub.

Mobes is not bathing or soaking in bubbles up to her snout … she is seeking refuge, as she has on and off for most of the day, as we are experiencing round after round of thunderstorms.

In October.

And though it is October it was more akin to and sweetly reminiscent of a rainy day in April. Odd. It was warm and balmy and rainy and very un-October like.

And even though it’s October … all of the rain of late and the winds have rendered most of the trees around me naked. Green one day, turning the next and then … bare branches. I know it didn’t happen overnight – but it seems like it. And it looks like November.

So, it’s October but feels like April and yet it looks like November. I don’t know WHAT month it is. And my days are immersed in working on a calendar for 2013 … so most of the time I don’t know what YEAR it is, either.

I get lost in time. It stands still and is fleeting.

To put it mildly. I am so confused!

Mobes must be, too. I’m sure she thought these scary storms were behind her. I’m thinking she senses the coming of snow with the cooler air and nights … she is very much a cold weather and snow dog. This long day of storms must have thrown her for a loop!

And it got me to wondering about the continuum of time for animals. They don’t read (at least mine don’t). Though I laugh because a few days before Tim passed he was so doped up on morphine and god knows what else that he was hallucinating and he pointed to the dogs and asked me, “Do they read much?” I answered him, “No, honey. I haven’t seen them pick up a magazine or book in quite a while.” He smiled and laughed a bit. I laugh now. I didn’t laugh then.

Anyway – they don’t read. They don’t cook or bowl or play piano. They don’t do much except maybe bark at passersby or a squirrel or two during the day. Sometimes Dori will watch TV with me … always growling at animals or bad guys. It’s actually pretty funny at her timing (especially for a deaf and blind dog!). Other than sleep and eat and go out and lick me … what DO they do all day?

Well … Mobes enjoys knocking over the kitchen garbage can and eating the cat food off the bathroom counter. She’ll also counter surf the kitchen if given the chance. Dori takes every single piece of kleenex out of my office garbage can and shreds it all over my office. And Gertie assists both of them with the garbage can pilfering and cleans out the litter box for me if I forget to put up the gate. So, I guess they do have hobbies.

I wonder if their hours seem like minutes? Or if there hours seem like years? I always seem to get a hero’s welcome when I come into the house from either being gone a week or gone 72 seconds from taking out the garbage. In dog time – how long was I gone?

In any case … time ticks on. Mobes is in the tub, it’s raining and thundering, and I’m pretty sure she’s thinking this day is lasting an eternity.


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Yay – it’s movie day …

Day 260

I want to wear the red dress Marisa Tomei wore in the movie Only You. Of course, I want to look like she did, as well. It kissed her body and was the perfect dress for a dinner in Rome while looking for Mr. Right. I wouldn’t even have to be in Rome … or eating dinner. I could wear it while dusting. I just want to wear it (and, again, look like she did)!

I also want to have tea in the courtyard of the hotel where she and Bonnie Hunt were staying. But then, I’d have to travel to Hollywood to some stage set and not to Rome! Sigh.

I can’t believe that movie is almost 20 years old! If you haven’t seen it – it’s a lovely little romance with Marisa trying to find the man of her destiny (who may or may not be Robert Downey, Jr.). It’s really darling. Watch it for the sheer fun and romance that it is and also for the great Italian scenery.

Anyway, I lucked out. Not only good movies, but romantic comedies (that I’ve seen) that I could have on in the background and enjoy while being busy … and busy I was, because today was touch-up and paint window day! Oh fun!!!! 

In any case … the first movie was Something’s Gotta Give (2003) with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson.  A cute “second time around” romantic comedy. And every time I watch it I enjoy it even more but always have to ask … does Diane Keaton ever wear anything but WHITE? Or varying shades of white? And sometimes black? Turtlenecks and white. Come on, Diane … get some color in your life! It’s cute despite her lack of wardrobe variety. 

After that one The Holiday (2006) came on. I’ve seen this movie a dozen times, at least. Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet trade homes (LA and England) over the holiday season. It, too, is a lovely romantic comedy. Eli Wallach, Jack Black, and Jude Law round out the characters. I want to live in Kate’s character’s home … a darling little cottage in Surrey, named the Rose Cottage. I think I watch this movie 15 times every December!

Failure to Launch (2006) with Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker came on after that one. I’ve also seen this a dozen times and pretty much, whenever it comes on, I’ll drop what I’m doing and watch it. I just get a kick out of it as it always makes me laugh. Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw are in it, as well as a few other familiar faces. Watch this one, too. Very cute … and very funny.

Ghost of Girlfriends Past (2009) was another Matthew McConaughey movie also featuring Jennifer Gardner, Emma Stone and Michael Douglas. It’s cute (but not in the same category as the other ones) and a nice little romantic comedy, if a bit on the odd side with it being along the same lines of A Christmas Carol.

And now I’m watching Only You. I’ve always been a Robert Downey Jr. fan. He and Marisa almost look like twins in this movie and their chemistry is so good it verges on incestuous! It’s a sweet film and I am eating up all the statuary and coastal scenes … and Marisa’s wardrobe is to die for!

In any case … it’s been nice to have the company of all these movies today but I think I would have gotten a lot more done had I just kept the radio on!

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Getting ready …

Day 259

Yesterday I put on my winter pea coat … complete with anchor imprinted buttons. What am I a sailor?

In any case … there I was putting on my cozy coat when I thrust my hands into the pockets and came up with … unfortunately not a $50 bill … but a receipt from Albertson’s (grocery store) and two monopoly tickets!

Oh … and that wasn’t the weird part of it.  The weird part was the receipt was dated 2/27/11. Yes, 2011 … not 2012. Which means I have not had that coat on in nearly 20 months. How did I go all last winter without wearing my winter coat?

I am finding that odd … and am at a loss for an explanation. Whatever. I’m sure I’ll get good use out of it THIS year. And well, I’ve already started!

In preparing for the change of seasons I found my snow boots. I didn’t think I had any – and still don’t know who these belonged to because I would never (in a million years) buy such ugly boots. Cheap maybe, ugly … no! So, I have snow boots – as mysterious and ugly as they may be.

Currently, as always as it’s an on-going thing, I’m trying to find regular boots. Now, with the umpteen million boot choices out in the world one would think that it would be a daunting task … how to choose?

Actually, I have it easy. I have feet like Fred Flintstone … extra wide and like fat bricks. I’d never make it as a foot model.

Anyway … besides having such wide feet, I also have very wide calves (all that cheerleading so many moons ago – very developed calves!) … so, boots are nearly impossible for me to find. Which actually sheds light on why the snow boots are so ugly – maybe they were the ONLY ONES THAT FIT!

I don’t remember being that desperate – but I don’t remember breakfast either, so it’s possible.

In any case … I’d love to find a beautiful pair of cognac colored riding boots (not that I do any riding) … but think I might be out of luck, again, as always. But that won’t keep me from searching!

I’ve gone through the bins and I’ve got scarves and mittens and gloves and all sorts of cozy goodness I can wrap around myself to keep me warm when the winds change and the falling leaves change to falling snow.

So, I’m not too worried about the changing of the seasons … the last few days have been upper 40’s and rainy. The sky has been a deep gray which makes the colored leaves stand out and because the trunks are wet they are dark brown or black and the contrast is just so pretty.

During the last week the leaves have changed considerably but they are not staying around … no sooner do they change and the winds blow them off the trees. Lots of early nakedness around these parts!

In any case … I’m ready with snow boots and my cozy winter coat and I think I’ll tuck $20 into the pocket so that the next time I wear it … I’ll be happy it’s something exciting and not just an old receipt.

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Someday …

Day 258

Well, my wish upon a star last night did not come true … and though I usually love rain … since my return back from Denver, I just can’t seem to get warm. The cold rain hasn’t helped.

The fact that my upstairs heat isn’t working hasn’t helped either. Great. One more thing to add to my ever-growing to-do list for this money-pit house! Sure – just add that on to all the other things that need my attention!

As I sit here I’m trying to figure out if I’m complacent, exhausted, running out of steam or just disgusted … but I’m just not sure what the problem is. All I know is … I can’t seem to light a fire under my butt to finish the last of the house projects.

I look around and nothing seems urgent anymore. The doors have not been painted or replaced. Eh … someday. The windows, if painted, have not been scraped of excess paint and if not painted – they need to be. Eh … again, someday. The hardware isn’t back on the windows in the living room. I need to do paint touch-ups. I have yet to paint my bathroom, the front door, the garage. The toilet paper holders are not up yet!

And, for all of the above, I think … “Someday. Someday. Someday.”

Well, “someday” is not on the calendar. I know this to be fact because I make calendars. Not a someday on there anywhere!

And so, I need to get my act together. Get that fire lit. Gain some enthusiasm and momentum. Get the lead out. MOVE! And, yet, I sit here thinking of all I have to do … and I make notes about what I need to get … gray paint for the bathroom, weather-stripping for the back door, fabric for curtains, two knobs for the bath cabinet … and on and on. And yet – do I go get those things? No.

When I’m out and about – which I try not to do much of – I think, “Oh, I have to get such and such, also …” (meaning I don’t want to take the time or I can’t remember what else I need to get) “… so I’ll do it tomorrow, or the next day.” Or the next day. Or next week. Or next month. And so it goes.

So, I’ve given myself a deadline. I would like the majority of my work done by November 2nd. That’ll give me two good weeks and two good weekends to get things finished up. That would be good. I am a deadline gal, so I need a goal date. None of this floundering about and thinking “someday” I’ll be done. We all know how that goes.

I have a step project that is not destined for that time frame. And the garage painting is not either or even the front door (unless it’s really nice out one day). But everything else on my list – watch out!

So, I’m off to get that gray paint and the fabric, weather-stripping and knobs. There are other things on my list – so I’d better find it cuz I’m not making two trips!

And upon my return, I’ll throw caution, and apparently my workday, to the wind and start in. I think I’ll start on scraping those windows and tackling the small, non-dirty/non-messy tasks first. Tomorrow sounds like a good day to paint … I can tackle that whole scene when I have a full day to contribute to touch-ups, a few doors and the bathroom.

So, I guess someday has arrived. I’d better get crackin’ – I’ve got a lot of work to do!

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Rain, rain – go away …

Day 257

Rain, rain – go away … come again another day.

It’s raining, it’s pouring – the old man is snoring. He bumped his head and he went to bed and he couldn’t get up in the morning.

If you couldn’t surmise … it’s been raining. A cold and dreary day with rain on and off with bursts of downpour – apparently only during the times I was outside walking to/from my car. Wearing the only coat I have without a hood. Naturally.

So, also naturally the Rain, rain – go away nursery rhyme popped into my head as I was getting doused. But along with it came a downpour of bits and pieces of centuries old nursery rhymes that I have not thought about in twenty some years.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean. And so between them both, you see, they licked the platter clean.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick – Jack jumped over the candlestick.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water – Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

I take it Jack was a common name in England in the days of yore. Jack Sprat was first published in 1639, while nimble Jack dates back to circa 1815. And, amazingly, Jack and Jill’s origin dates back to 13th century Iceland.

None of them are very good in my opinion … and on the surface seem rather tame (though historians go much deeper into the interpretations of these rhymes). I just think that one is rather piggy (licking plates) and the other violent (cracking heads open and falling down hills)! But, regardless of their meanings, they are catchy and obviously stick in people’s minds (or at least mine) for 50 some years!

Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down – hickory, dickory, dock.

I, personally, never understood this one. So, what’s the big deal – did the clock chime scare the mouse so it ran away? Was the mouse late for tea? I don’t get it.

Three blind mice, three blind mice, see how they run, see how they run! They all ran after the farmer’s wife, who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a sight in your life – as three blind mice?

Talk about gruesome. “Here, honey, let me tell you a nursery rhyme before you go to sleep.” Gee –  nothing like setting up your kid for a nightmare!

I prefer simple rhymes like … Eenie, meenie, miney, mo. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let him go – eenie, meenie, miney, mo!

How many times did we use that rhyme as kids? And how many times did we substitute the word tiger for something else – usually inappropriate!?

Mary, Mary quite contrary – how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row.

While I always, as a kid, thought this was about flowers … it actually has deep religious connotations … including nuns, executions and miscarriages. I’m not joking – look it up!

Little boy blue, come blow your horn. The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn.

It’s thought that this rhyme (first published circa 1744) is much older than its print date … when Edgar in Shakespeare’s King Lear alluded to it when the play first appeared in print in 1608. No religious anything tied to this one – ’tis actually nothing more than a rhyme about a sleepy shepherd boy!

Star light, star bright – first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might – have the wish I wish tonight.

This is, undoubtedly, my favorite … and I say it whenever I am outside and see my first star of the evening/night. I wonder how many times I’ve wished upon a star? I wonder how many wishes have come true?

In any case … I so wished on that first star tonight. And what did I wish for?

Rain, rain – go away. Come again another day!

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Pet musings …

Day 256

My cat, Oscar, is 76 … as of today. He is 15 in human years … and well above that in cat years.

He is a rescue cat. I stopped into the shelter one day, opened his cage and he climbed out (all 20 pounds of him), put his front paws around my neck, burrowed his head into my hair and the rest is history.

I wish animals were video chipped so that when you rescue them you can see their history. Was he on the streets? Did his owner move or die? I don’t know. He has some battle scars and some broken teeth so we think he had a tough life before we brought him home.

But he is a sweetheart – except for when he is swatting dog butts or chasing little girls or German Shepherds from our property!

It didn’t dawn on me until just this moment that except for Gertie, I have a house full of seriously old animals … Henry is 20 (96 in cat years), Mobes will be 12 around Thanksgiving (that’s 84 in dog years for a big dog), Dori is 13 (79 in dog years for one her size) and Gert, the baby of the bunch, is only 7 (a mere 49 in dog years for her), and then there’s Oscar coming in at 15 (or 76).

The geriatric fur factory is in full swing! Well, almost.

As I write Oscar (aka: birthday boy) – who fancies himself more of a dog than a cat – just walked into his newest “fort”. I have a built-in bookcase in my office and it is deeper than it is wide … maybe 10″ x 15″ … so, an awkward shelf for anything other than storage … or maybe a cat fort.

I put a cozy blanket in the bottom shelf a few weeks ago and no sooner was that in place than the cat claimed it. I wasn’t quite sure who would crawl in there – one of the small dogs or him – but he did and it’s obvious, even without a sign, that no dogs are allowed! It is his. If I’m up in my office, he is sleeping in there, near me.

In fact, except for Henry, everyone is always sleeping near me. I go in the family room and they follow me. I go upstairs and they follow me. I go back to the main floor and they follow me! They are probably all really happy when I settle in one place for a while – and once settled in nap time ensues! For them, not me!

And as odd as it is to have one animal fort in my house … I actually have two! The other fort is in a little cubby going down to the basement. It’s where I stashed the cat carrier after I moved in and almost immediately it was taken over by Henry. Sometimes Oscar is in it – but more than not, if Henry can’t be found in one of his other hiding snuggle spots … all I have to do is look into the cubby on my way down to the basement and there he is … all curled up and happily sleeping in the basement fort. 

I’m embarrassed to admit it but I have six dog beds in my house and one cat basket. Embarrassed because I keep thinking I need another one! There is one each in my office, bedroom and bathtub (Moby’s hideaway when there is thunder or the smoke alarm goes off – which sadly, is often!), two in the hall between the kitchen and the family room and one in the family room itself. 

Gertie seldom uses a dog bed – preferring my bed, the chaise lounge, couch or recliner. Mobes prefers the tile floor – though I know she is more comfortable with some padding, she prefers the coolness of the tile. Dori sleeps anywhere. I think she is  narcoleptic!

Anyway … tomorrow is the dog-cat’s birthday.  It kind of came up on me, so I am not prepared with a cake the shape of a fish –  like I made for our first cat, Emmy, on her birthday soooo many moons ago. I guess I’ll just have to put a candle into his can of cat food in the morning and belt out a happy birthday solo – don’t think the dogs will join in.

In any case … I’m grateful that my pets live long (and happy) lives. Guess I must be doing something right to have all these oldsters around for so long but I’m beginning to wonder if it’s less me that  brings them comfort, joy and longevity and more just the beds and forts!

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Day 255

Sometimes we need to just go with what the universe presents to us. Even though it might seem far-fetched … or not possible … or eerie. Even when it is, pretty much, down right creepy.

Before Tim died I had several friends remind me to “stay open” to signs. For awhile I was open … and they were everywhere. Little reminders of him, of us … it was wonderful … and also kind of creepy. Sometimes things were so coincidental that I really had to believe they were more than just that.

But time and life went forward and life intervened and I grew less open as my awareness and focus were placed on other things. It’s not that I didn’t think that signs were still out there … I was just busy. Life happened and I didn’t take notice.

A few weeks ago my dear pen-pal friend (we have yet to meet but I feel like she is one of my closest friends) was diagnosed with breast cancer … on the heels of her husband’s cancer journey. So, as devastating as her diagnosis was – it was far more for the family. Too much. Too soon. TOO MUCH!

We all want to believe that the mastectomy (possibly a double) will “do the trick” and that her treatment, though aggressive and difficult, will render her clean and clear when it is all done.

BUT … one always wonders and has that negativity nagging even when they want to think positively. All the “what ifs” nag constantly or lie in wait in the back of your mind, ready to pounce on your hopes and dreams when you least expect it. Nagging at you with worst case scenarios when all you want to do is beat all the odds and hope that you are the one with the best results your doctor has ever seen. Nagging you and paralyzing you with fear with the uncertain reality that lies ahead.

And then something happens that makes you think that all will be okay.

Today that something happened.

I was in the shuttle bus after returning my rental car. I was the only one in it and so, started up a conversation with the driver. His accent was really different, so I asked where he was from – and it just so happened he was Sudanese. We chit-chatted, idly, about the weather, what a beautiful day it was, how nice it was that I got my own personal driver …

And as we were sitting there he asked me if I was from Canada. And I said, “No – that I lived in Denver for 33 years and had recently moved back to the Chicago area.” He seemed uninterested.

He then turned to me and said, “You have a good friend in Canada.” And I said, “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.” And he looked at me and said in that thick accent, “She be fine.”

I said, “Well, she is going through a difficult health issue right now…” And before I could continue he looked right at me – like he was looking INTO me – and said, “No. SHE BE FINE.”

And he turned around and drove me to the airport without saying another word.

Goose bumps on goose bumps.

I have NO reason not to believe this clairvoyant Sudanese mystery man who was driving a shuttle bus at the Denver airport. And since I can’t come up with ANY explanation about that encounter, I’ll take it as some grand sign and go forward, whole-heartedly believing … SHE BE FINE.



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Saying good-bye …

Day 254

I hate good-byes. I am a big softie. I cry at Hallmark commercials and those ones at the holidays when the son comes home in the middle of the night and wakes everyone up by making coffee. When those things come on TV you’ll find me standing in my kitchen crying my eyes out.

Basically, I am a Twinkie with legs … spongy and soft on the outside and really soft and gooey on the inside.


And when it comes to good-byes, I am a crier. A major weeper. I turn into a blithering mess of tears at the drop of a hat. I cry at good-byes, at deaths of people and pets. I even cried when our tadpoles died! What can I say?

So, here I am, the night before I am to leave, again, back to Chicago and the thought of having to say good-bye to Sam and not seeing her or my friends again for who knows how long makes me nearly physically ill.

Internally I am a mess.

I am not one who is meant to be away from her close friends – let alone from her children.  I thought this move was a good thing … and yet, every day, I wonder as I’m not so sure.

All those years when Ted was out east at school, I had some diversions (namely Sam and Tim) and friends and pets to keep my mind off of missing him. Knowing he was fine and thriving didn’t help one bit – that wasn’t the problem. The problem was ME. I just missed him. I started missing him the January of his junior year of high school. I realized that he’d be going off to college and the crying over his leaving started 18 months before he actually stepped foot into his dorm room. All these years since – Turkey, Tahoe, Michigan, and now Seattle – haven’t eased the separation sorrow I feel. I am used to it, more or less, but it doesn’t mean I like it.

Sam went off to school the month after Tim died. A tough time for all of us … too many changes and emotions to deal with anyway and then throw in her going to the west coast for school into the scenario and forget it – nary a dry eye to be found under my roof for quite some time.  I came home from dropping her off to a very empty house. She moved back the next semester and it’s been nice these years since having her around. And now, since my move, that emptiness I felt being away from her has crept back into my life. I don’t like it.

In any case … I am leaving tomorrow and dreading the good-byes I will have to make … and am thinking how I can see this in a different light. But I’m not coming up with anything. I not only love my children and friends … I like them. Sometimes I think that is more important … and makes the good-bye saying even harder. Get out the kleenex!

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Eating my way through Littleton …

Day 253

I am an eater. And proud of it. If I could have one luxury in life it would be to have a personal chef … 24/7/365. I can actually say I don’t really associate with non-eaters. What fun is in that?!

In the past 3 days I’ve eaten more than I think I normally do in a week. Or two. And though filled to the gills, I’ve enjoyed every bite of my repasts.

After arriving in town on Thursday I had dinner with a good friend. We ended up at Chili’s because it was close and sounded yummy. And it was. I had a steak (perfectly medium) and a side salad that was large enough to make any rabbit very happy. They do, in my humble opinion, have the BEST ranch dressing (on the side, please) … and too full from the chips and salsa, steak and salad I brought the loaded garlicky mashed potatoes home to Sam.

A word about the chips and salsa … fabuloso! If you are in the mood for chips and salsa look no further than your local Chili’s … they are warm and salty and super thin and absolutely wonderful. The salsa is mildly hot and because I am a wimp with spicy things I usually begin breathing fire halfway through my portion … but I don’t care because the combo is that good!

Friday I had lunch with my dearest friends at Wash Park Grill. I haven’t been there in a long time and had I more time in town this trip I’d be going back – it was so good. My friend and I split the most decadent lobster and shrimp fettucine on the planet. It was cheesy with big chunks of lobster meat and was SO rich and oozy and creamy.  Total yumness. The herbed field green salad with currants and slivered almonds was a very tasty side. We finished off with a raspberry creme brûlée. Lunch and company  was a 10 out of 10.

Good thing my wardrobe consists of stretchy pants!

Friday night Sam and I went to “our place” (Delizio’s). A quaint little local restaurant housed where the vacuum cleaner store used to be. Just as you cross the bridge into downtown Littleton … there it is … as darling as can be. The outdoor patio is the perfect place on a summer’s night and inside the very tiny one room cozy quarters is the perfect place any other time. We didn’t even have to look at the menu because we cannot go there and not get the French Dip sandwich. It is so ultra fantastic I am surprised I have never dreamed about it. The roll actually melts in your mouth. I’ve never had anything like it. The beef is lean and there is melted Havarti and the combination with the baby field green salad with balsamic vinaigrette is superb. And even though I’m pretty sure I couldn’t eat another thing tonight – not even a raisin – that sandwich was so good I’d eat one now if someone gave it to me. If you are in Denver – go check out this gem of a place and have the French Dip! Seriously.

Saturday we met my sister-in-law and lunched at Terracotta … a darling restaurant housed in an old brick Victorian (also in downtown Littleton) with  local artist paintings hanging on the exposed brick walls. I had a good sized reuben (very lean corned beef), fries and a nice, big pickle wedge. I think the fries must be cooked twice as they are so nice and crispy on the outside and have such a wonderful fluffy, potatoey inside. YUM. The last bite made me think that since I was so full my navel would surely unravel and I’ve go flying across the ceiling like an untied balloon. It was a close call!

Saturday night, not yet needing Pepto-Bismol, I accompanied my dearest friends to Land of Sushi. A tiny, thriving place in the strip mall near the old neighborhood. They had sushi and a seaweed salad. I had the egg roll, miso soup and the best sesame chicken dish I’ve ever had. Hands down. The sesame chicken was battered and fried, hot and sweet and had the perfect balance of fried crunchiness and honey-sweet saucy goodness. What I didn’t finish was great for this morning’s breakfast. The wait staff was as exceptional as the food.

Today found us at Chili’s again … munching on those chips and salsa and (this time)  queso. I had the southwestern egg rolls and (again) a side salad (with that yummy ranch dressing). Sam had the chicken fajitas … soooo good. We rolled out of there with enough doggy bag leftovers to save her from making lunch all week.

And tonight … we walked ourselves down to the Pizza Bar on main street (down the street from Delizio’s). A rustic, tiny place with an open front kitchen (better to see them tossing the pizzas) and an exposed beam ceiling. We shared a huge wedge salad that had big chunks of bleu cheese, bacon and tomatoes with bleu cheese dressing and a very tasty thin crust pizza that was delightfully chewy and cheesy.

Somewhere in the midst of all that eating I also managed to down a few frappuccinos, two margaritas, a glass of Moscato and a delicious glass of plum wine … along with a (small) bag of chocolate graham crackers and a few chocolate turtles.

I am groaning – but in a good way. And am, honestly, thisclose to exploding … and if I do, boy … what a way to go!

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Lotions and potions …

Day 252

I am a lotions and potions gal. I’ve said this before. It’s no wonder I sold cosmetics for some twenty years … under all the dog furred yoga stretch pants I’m pretty much a girly-girl.

Lock me in a Rite Aid overnight with carte blanche to try whatever I’d like to and I’d be delirious with joy. You can bet I wouldn’t sleep one wink but I’d be trying everything even remotely possible from Witch Hazel and Wintergreen Tonic to the most emollient of night creams and body butters. I’d be in Heaven!

Some people don’t like staying at the homes of friends or family when they are off visiting. I am not one of those people. One of the things I like best about staying at someone else’s home is that I get to see what normal, everyday products they use … what is their shampoo – is it clarifying, dandruff, moisturizing, one for volume or anti-frizz? Do they use conditioner – and if so, what type and brand and scent is it? Is there shaving foam or gel in the shower? What soap do they use? And what color is their netted pouffy bath scrunchy?

Is there lotion around the house and if so, what kind? Is it for extra dry skin or a healing therapy type? Is it oil-free or extra emollient? Does it contain Vitamins A, C or E? What are its special properties? Is it a cheap bottle of water and glycerin with some fragrance? Or is it one of those high-end ultra emulsions with glycolic acid, tea tree oil, and rare botanicals from some rain forest where the bugs are the size of dinner plates? Do they use regular bar soap at the sink or is it a foam or a liquid? And whatever it is … is it scented, anti-bacterial or a deodorant type? And what is the brand?

My mom has enough toiletries to open up a small drugstore. I do as well. Sam, apparently, has the same toiletries gene (as my mom and I) as her bathroom replicates a small warehouse of personal care items.

I look forward to stepping into her shower – not only is her water hotter than mine and shower bigger – but her shampoo and conditioner are different. There are a few to choose from … fragrance-free, ultra hydrating humectant and one that promises sleekness and shine. And, in the soap dish she has an Olay beauty bar – unlike the trusty Safeguard deodorant bar found in my shower soap dish.

In essence, it’s like being at a spa … without actually being at a spa.

I look forward to opening up the cabinet drawer to use her hairspray (aerosol, not pump) and in said drawer are 8 other bottles of hair products … ultra firm mousse, dry spray shampoo, mega hold spray gel, nourishing foam maintainer (what is THAT?), a detangler and other items that make me wonder how on Earth can I possibly be living without them at my own home?

And then there are the lotions … extra care, super hydrating, nighttime restoration, protective daily skin shield, barrier balm, deep moisturizing therapy, extensive healing and the names continue on … all promising a soft, hydrated, silky epidermal layer.

Whatever any of them promise, I don’t really care. I just want products that will keep my skin from flaking off like an alligator, my lips from being chapped, my hair from being flat and frizzy … and it all has to smell really, really good.

And it’s always so much more fun if it’s found in someone else’s bathroom cabinet.



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For the love of dogs …

Day 251

If you are not an animal lover, specifically of dogs, go read something else … because you are not going to “get” this.

I currently have two pugs, a lab and two cats. If I could possibly have more – I think I would. Good thing I have some sense. Some sense.

I’m in Denver this weekend, on business, and am soaking up every mother-daughter moment I can and all the while I am being wooed by Sam’s dog, Brutus.

Brutus is a beautiful Great Dane/St. Bernard mix. And he is my boyfriend. Or at least, I’m pretty sure, he thinks I’m his girlfriend.

He is (currently after losing some weight) a mere 175 pounds. A giant lap-dog puppy of mostly  slobber and muscle. Mostly slobber. He is as soft as velvet, as gentle as a kitten, as big as a pony, and as strong as a buffalo. He is some dog.

And he has been mooning over me since I got here.

It’s pretty funny … and actually kind of endearing, too. From the moment I get here until the moment I leave the dog is at my side or on my lap or looking longingly at me with his big watery brown eyes. He is perfectly content to sit next to me and look dreamily at me for the longest time.

I don’t know what it is … some sort of animal magnetism, I guess … but dogs (usually) like me. He, however, is in love with me. I’m a dog dream-boat!

I have a friend who has two bulldogs … Ike and Lola … they are like baby rhinos running around. Stronger than oxen and hilarious idiots. They are riotous in their love for me, as well.

How can I not be touched by such sweetness and obvious affection?

I grew up with dogs (and a houseful of animals) and have had animals my entire adult life … I guess I’m such an animal person, that living a life without them sounds so lonely, mundane, lackluster … BORING.

Oh sure … I never leave my house without fur on every item of clothing I own – probably even on my underwear. I have stepped in more than my fair share of dog pee, vomit and poop. I have cleaned up more than my fair share of the same. I have spent, over the years at the vet, the equivalent amount as that of a third child going to college. I’m sure my vet has a nice yacht by now. I hope he’s named it after me. I can’t go off on vacations on a whim because I have to find pet sitters. I have to be home at certain times to let them out and feed them – because that has to be done, contrary to some beliefs, on a regular basis.

And still, with all that … I don’t think I’ll ever, willingly, be pet-free. Even with two cats in the house after our last pug died, the house felt too empty without a dog in it. So, what did I do? I went out and got a dog … and another … and two more after that!

In any case … the joy they bring to our lives far outweighs the aggravation and expense they can also bring. They are our confidants and buddies, our loyal friends and bed warmers, our driving companions and sharers of bad table food. They bring unconditional love and warmth, laughter and sweetness into our lives and make us better people by teaching us patience and kindness and give us a sense of purpose. They hold our secrets and share our lives.

And then, once in a while, there’s the dreamy-eyed wonder who thinks you are the best thing on the planet – even better than a giant Milk Bone. How much better can it get than that?

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The Small Stuff …

Day 250

In no uncertain terms do I have a complete list of what I’d like to do in and with my life. I have ideas. I know a few things for certain. And mostly I just know I am not one to dream of doing great things. It’s not that I am lazy or inactive or unmotivated … I am just a person who dares to dream of doing small things.

Small things that make a huge difference.

Like teaching a kid to read. It’s a small thing. It’s not curing cancer. But in teaching that one child to read … maybe that child will be the one to develop that cure.

Like showing a child that it’s okay to fail or not be perfect and take a chance might open up pathways to a vast array of life adventures and challenges they might never otherwise attempt because they were told to play it safe.

I am and will not travel to foreign countries distributing medicine and aid. That’s not me. But I will dispense compliments and smiles whenever I can. Sometimes those things are more needed than medicine or aid.

I am not a person who seeks public recognition … I’d actually  prefer not to have it … because personal gratification makes me feel better than any public applause. So, though I’d like to help others, I’d like to do it anonymously if I could. Be that silent benefactor. The secret good fairy. I think that would tickle me to no end.

I will never leave $1,000,000 to an institute of art. But I will hang up any artwork for display on my fridge that is given to me by any child. Making a child feel like a million bucks is better than actually giving it away to some institution.

I doubt I’ll ever be famous but I would like people, someday, to know I existed by something I’ve contributed. Even if it’s in a “My cousin’s neighbor’s hairdresser’s client’s tutor’s neighbor did …” It doesn’t have to be great – it just has to be remembered.

It’s kind of a think global, act local way of thinking/living. I want to make a difference by just BEING.

I want someone that I don’t even know go to bed happy because “that lady in the red van let me merge onto the highway easily” … or because I let them go ahead of me in the check out line or because I said they had a pretty color sweater on or their haircut looked nice on them.

It’s the small stuff.

And what is that saying? Don’t sweat the small stuff … cuz it’s all small stuff!

And it is. Very rarely do any of us do anything grand in our lives but it’s the small things that add up and end up making a big difference.

So, I’ll continue on in my life. Daring to dream of small stuff … and doing all that I can to make a big difference by doing it.

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Swim with sharks (and other things) …

Day 249

Maybe it was something I heard on the radio … but I don’t remember … but for whatever reason, I was thinking today not about things I WOULD like to do in my lifetime … but things I will (with a 99.999% probability rating) never do.

Take illegal drugs. I hate that society calls them “recreational” drugs. Like someone using illegal drugs is equivalent to playing a game of tennis. It’s not recreation … it’s illegal. Call it what it is.

Keep my mouth shut. I’m opinionated. And I’ll share my opinion. I don’t expect anyone to agree with me and I’m not trying to persuade them … I’m just saying what I think. Under the First Amendment I’m entitled to say what I want in this country – so, I will.

Tame a tiger. Or for that matter have a pet monkey.

Eat a bug, intentionally, plain or chocolate covered. Either way – no way.

Allow anyone to have a pet snake or spider in my house. Nope, not happening.

Go to the moon. Even if it becomes available sometime in my lifetime and it’s affordable … no thanks, I’ll pass. My ticket is yours.

Swim with sharks. Enough said. I saw Jaws … I’m still not comfortable with the ocean!

Go to China. No desire. None. I’ll see the Terracotta Warriors in the museum when they come around. I have no need to be with 18 zillion people at once nor to feast on dead things on sticks (scorpions, bugs, mystery meat). And besides, I get National Geographic and there are plenty of other places I’d like to go see!

Have a bikini wax. I’ve lived through a C-section without anesthetic but I’m not having that done to me.

Chug a beer. I had enough beer spilled on me in college that I’ve surpassed all need to be within 6 feet of anyone even drinking beer. I can’t stand the smell. Though I have a string of hops in my bedroom! Go figure!

Understand how computers and telephones work, how airplanes fly, why huge ships don’t sink. I know all the logistics … but it still makes NO sense to me. I’m content with not knowing.

Own a dairy farm. Oh, I’d love to visit one and try my hand at making cheese and go out and pet a few cows … but that lifestyle, that commitment, no thanks.

Live in the desert. I don’t mean a high plains desert … I mean a REAL desert … like in NM or AZ or parts of CA or the Middle East. I need water, trees and greenery. A desert landscape would make me crazy.

Dye my hair blonde. I’ve had red, pink, peach, almost purple, black, various shades of brown, frosted and streaks of gray … but I’ll never go blonde. I’m a brunette at heart. Who says blondes have more fun, anyway?

Bungee jump. Um, no thanks. I can barely stand to look at a merry-go-round and anything higher than 5 feet off the ground and I get queasy. No jumping off bridges for me.

And I know, in no uncertain terms, that I will never run with the bulls … because other than being an idiotic thing to do (in my opinion),  I want to be around to do the things that I want to do.


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Wardrobe changes …

Day 248

It’s raining. It’s also 45 degrees out. Add those things together and I’ve come to realize … I need a new wardrobe.

Ordinarily I love rain. The pitter-patter of it on the roof, the sound of it as it sweeps across the window panes, the constant drumming on the sidewalks and siding and lawns. It’s comforting. And we certainly needed it.

But tonight despite how lovely it sounds, with the temperature going down to 38, this rain has brought with it an unexpected chill and I can’t seem to get warm.

I have to relearn how to dress.

In Colorado I had an “all-season” wardrobe … with a few sweaters and velvets thrown in during the winter months. A scarf or two … some gloves … and closed toed shoes. I never owned a decent pair of boots. Or a parka. Or anything really wooly or wintry in nature. We never really needed it.

Well, things are about to change!

My thermostat says it’s 72 in my house. There is no way. It feels like 54. I’m freezing! So, besides now thinking I need more clothes I’m thinking I need to get the thermostat checked. I’m not used to the humidity … and though I’m not a turtleneck wearer, cuz it makes my head look like a tomato on a stump (I could have a mafia name of Leslie No-Neck or No-Neck Les) and as awful as I’d look in one – a turtleneck sure sounds good … in a warm and cozy way. I think I might just have to reconsider my style of choice and modify it more to a style of necessity!

I can’t wear wool. Not even cashmere. I’m so delicate. Well, I’m not really delicate, it’s more like I’m allergic to everything … so wool is out. As is anything nylon such as tights – though I like the look. I’ll have to find ones that are cotton. As far as other coziness … give me acrylic sweaters any day and a cozy scarf and I’ll be a happy camper. And I’ll be a warm one, too!

A week or so ago I went through my “winter” boxes of clothes … pulling out pants that I haven’t seen in eons that actually … FIT! Wow … even better than new are ones that you finally refit into after losing weight! Woo-hoo!

I found the suede skirt (to go with those cotton tights) and some cords and 3 pairs of suede pants. Not just ONE pair … but THREE. What on earth possessed me? I can’t fit into them (still) as they have never been worn. I’m thinking I got them on some fantastic sale thinking that I’d lose weight and be able to fit into them the following year … and so it went for umpteen years on end. Well, they are back in the bins, pristine and absolutely beautiful but unless I amputate a lower body part or become anorexic so that I look like Olivia Newton-John at the end of Grease (where she weighed 12 lbs) I will NEVER get into those pants. But just in case – I know where they are!

I also found my hidden stash of vests. I’m still hoping that that fashion trend comes back into style because if/when it does – I’m going to look like I stepped out of Vogue magazine (circa 1982, but Vogue nonetheless!).

Anyway … vests and amazingly tiny suede pants aside, I’m going to have to go get a few things to round out my wardrobe now that I’m in the midwest with temps that are low and humidity that is high and air that is damp and chilling.

So, next week I’m boot and parka shopping and I might have to throw vanity to the North wind and get myself a cozy turtleneck, too.

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Halloween candy …

Day 247

As is customary, at this time of year, my thoughts are focused. It’s my super busy time for business and with numbers to be crunched and customization art to be worked on and estimates to be calculated and orders counted and filled and shipped I have no time for frivolous nonsense or wandering thoughts.

And, as is typical for early October I can think of nothing else but … 

Halloween candy.

Yes, that is what my mind is focused on. I can think of nothing else BUT Halloween candy. Go figure!

I am a glutton for all things Halloween. I have the most delightful cauldron of singing frogs (thank you Hallmark) that I turn on whenever I pass the little creatures! If I could have a coffin in the front yard that had a vampire pop out of it every time someone walked by … I’d install it. If I could have 24/7 mist swirling around fake gravestones in the yard, I’d do that too. As is, I just have some pumpkins around the yard and on the porch and patio and a nice motion-detector plastic skeleton that heinously laughs every time a breeze moves it. It’s wonderful!

So, hmmm … this year’s Halloween candy. What will it be this year? In the past I’ve purchased things I didn’t like … thinking that if we didn’t have many trick or treaters then I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the leftovers. Well, what’s the fun in that?! So, this year I’m going to buy stuff I LIKE.

I’m in a new place and though I am at the end of a neighborhood – again – and across from a cemetery (instead of a park) … I’m hoping for a whole bunch of costumed munchkins at my door on the 31st. The dogs will be in costume … and I’ll have my cat ears on … so, we’ll be all decked out.

But that brings me back to WHAT candy to buy?

When I was little we’d take our pillow cases and disappear for HOURS and HOURS on end. We’d come home and dump our loot on our beds and run back out for more! It was insanity! And loads of fun! And, of course, when we came home we had to count our stash and take inventory and then do some trades. 

For some reason I loved those horrid little peanut butter kisses wrapped in black or orange wax paper. You can only get them at Halloween … and so far I haven’t seen any. I am wondering if they are no longer made?

Years ago, when my kids were younger we’d get skeleton bones … I think they were a SweeTart candy that were little packages of bones and you could assemble your own skeleton before eating him (or her). Great fun … and tasty too!

So, I’m leaning to little packages of things this year. I know quantity is not part of that equation … those little Milk Dud boxes are sure cute, but I think you get 3 duds in each box. Pretty pathetic but the box itself is a draw for me (for whatever reason!).

I don’t know … but I’m thinking I’ll go something non-chocolate this year … something that I wouldn’t normally eat or buy but that I like enough to have in case there is extra.

In any case … I’ll check out the store shelves (drug stores have better selections) and figure it out. And maybe then I can get my mind back on business!

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Pumpkin-mania …

Day 246

Peter, Peter pumpkin eater had a wife but couldn’t keep her. He put her in a pumpkin shell and there he kept her, very well.

That is GHASTLY! It’s a Mother Goose nursery rhyme dating back to 1825. I’d, personally, like to know what was wrong with that Peter? Pictures depict his wife living in a huge pumpkin … but why? What was with that?

In any case, horrid nursery rhymes aside, I love pumpkins.  Autumn arrives and my thoughts turn to pumpkins! Seriously, they do. When will they start showing up in grocery stores? Is there a pumpkin patch nearby? Can I find a Cinderella one this year?

I start scanning the outside bins sometime in September and as the end of the month nears the pumpkins start showing up. Little round bakers for pies and stews and soups and breads. Big Cinderella ones that are a gorgeous red and that could easily transform into a glorious coach if any of us had a magic wand. There are lumpy green ones and tiny orange ones and big, fat round ones.

Sam’s affiliation with the nursery allows her to get heirloom pumpkins … the pink ones, the warty ones. The unusual ones that are so lovely. They are beautiful specimens of the gourd-like squash of the genus Cucurbitus … in non-Latin words meaning a thick-skinned gourd-like squash, typically with orange or yellow flesh, round in nature holding pulp and seeds. Usually used for food and recreation. You know … a pumpkin!

I remember the days when we’d make a big thing about going and picking out our pumpkins. Sometimes we found a pumpkin patch, other times we’d go to the grocery store. But no matter where we got them – they always had to be just “right”. This was not a casual “pick the first fruit” you saw thing. This was the real deal! I always got a fat squatty one … Tim always got a tall one … the kids picked out whatever tickled their fancy that year.

And one special night we’d carve our pumpkins and it was always great fun. Guts and seeds all over. The kids and I would be done with ours and Tim would still be creating a masterpiece. It was the artist in him. Whereas the 3 other pumpkins looked like 6 year olds carved them (regardless of our ages), Tim’s was always a piece of art. Kind of like beauty and the beasts.

Except one year – when I rivaled his pumpkin and carved an E.T. face that was particularly fabulous! (If I do say so myself!)

It’s been awhile since I’ve carved a pumpkin. These days I fancy eating pumpkin bread and looking at my whole pumpkins inside and outside my house until after Thanksgiving. Then they are piled high and the squirrels get a feast!

Some years the squirrels were brazen and they’d start eating the pumpkins I had on display on my front porch. My front porch was always so pretty with a hay bale and mums and pumpkins and gourds … and as we got closer to Halloween the pumpkins that the squirrels chewed holes in would bake in the sun and they’d get black and squishy and horrible looking and I’d leave them just to gross out the trick or treaters! All thanks to the squirrels for their gruesome handiwork!

This year I didn’t go to a pumpkin patch but to the local grocery store … and came home with a few orange ones – big and small and a nice perfectly round one. And in the mix I added a few small ivory ones (they are so pretty) … and one BIG white one. I am hoping the squirrels leave it alone as it is my ghost pumpkin. It sure is a beaut … oooooooh.


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Time flies …

Day 245

How time flies when you’re having fun.

I just realized I am more than 2/3rds the way through my year of blogging … 8 months of writing. Seriously … how can that be?

I heard that the other day marked the one year anniversary of Steve Jobs’ passing. If someone had stopped me on the street and offered me a million dollars, earlier that day, to tell them how long it had been … I would have thought about it for a few seconds and replied, very assuredly, that it had only been a few months.

How did I lose that year?

Time flies … whether you’re having fun or not! It just goes.

The seasons go faster (I do not recall Spring or Summer this year) … months fly by (did we skip September?) and years peel away (weren’t we just readying for the Y2K bug?). 

In any case … it’s been 245 days of writing this blog … 245 hours of sitting (usually) at this desk and seeing what flows out of my fingers.

I usually sit down without any idea of what will I’m about to write about. Some days something happens and I know I’ll write about it later … but for the most part, these writings are spontaneous and unplanned and I sit and they just sort of happen. 

And I guess, sometimes that is a good thing … and sometimes not. Like when I sit here and think the doorknob is more interesting, at the moment, than I am. On more than one occasion I have thought that. And, as far as I know, it’s been true!

Today was cold. Again, not the snowy cold of Denver’s day, but the gray,windy, bone-chilling damp cold that the midwest  experiences when the temperatures drop and the sun hides all day. 

I sat in my family room last night and felt the breezes blowing from around the windows … making me realize that a couple of tubes of caulking were, very likely, something I’d be holding onto in the very near future. Like tomorrow.

Tonight, to take the chill off, I decided to make a pot roast. I’m not a cook. Every once in a while I stumble upon a dish of brilliance … a really good lasagna, a fantastic pot of potato soup, a marinara sauce so good I’ve been known to sip it (yes I have!). Tonight’s pot roast, if this were the Miss America pageant, would get 4th runner-up status! I will use the fragrant rosemary, thyme and red wine beef stock for onion soup later in the week. And freeze small portions of the roast and roasted carrots, onions and potatoes for the week after. I did good. And my house smells amazing … like comfort and warmth and HOME.

And here I am … at home. My new home. It’s been 5 months since moving and I honestly can’t tell you where they went. It doesn’t feel like 5 months … but I can’t exactly tell you how long it feels like, either. Does it feel like 2 years or 2 months? I’m just not sure. I feel like I’ve been packing and unpacking and organizing and purging and fixing and painting and digging and whatnot for a long time … and yet, at the same time, time stood still.

In any case … I lost it. It flew. And before you know it I’ll be saying I’m on day 365. Time flies.

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Similarities …

Day 244

Today was the coldest day I’ve experienced in months and months. NOT the snow that Denver woke up to this morning … but it has been in the 40’s all day with gray skies and high humidity -meaning it’s been damp and cold.

It was not exactly the perfect day … for a garage sale … or a memorial service … or a high school firelight rally and fireworks. But that was what went on today.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Today’s sale was a bit late in the season but, October or not, we cleaned out and purged and put out our cast-off junk onto our driveways in hopes that other people would come by and pay us for the stuff … unable to live without whatever that dollar or two or twenty would buy. 

The typical garage sale is when neighbors come over and nose around and joke. The political candidates come by to shake hands and pass out flyers. Children leave with wonderful treasures. And, if you are lucky you find a lid to the crock pot you’ve saved for the past ten years (saved just in case you found a lid to replace the one you broke the first time you used the crock pot). Everyone is jovial and camaraderie is high.

And the stuff that is left over, the stuff that everyone can live without will go to the donation bin and eventually find a home somewhere else … and everyone is content over what was sold or purchased.


And though far away, it was not the nicest day for a memorial service, either. Today in Denver was my friend’s husband’s service. He finally lost an eleven year battle with cancer. I was not there. At least I was not there in body … but I was there in spirit. And, as much as I would have loved to have heard the stories and given the family hugs … I’m also relieved that I had the excuse to be 1000 miles away because I do not do well at funerals. They have never been “my thing”. 

And that’s not saying that they are anyone’s “thing” … but I do not do well. When my kids were younger we knew a few parents who passed away. A death is never easy on anyone … but I remember, so clearly, how devastated those children were at the loss of their mother or father. I watched how it affected them for years before and after and my heart broke along with their own.

Along the way, we lost friends … and family members … and then Tim. We didn’t have a funeral for Tim. We did other things – good thing. I don’t think I could have done it. I was more than grateful to oblige his wishes. In any case – since Tim’s passing I’ve been to a few services but then made excuses for the others. I couldn’t bring myself to go … and sadly, there have been too many. The whole “thing” is too final. I am still too vulnerable and I’m sure people don’t understand that. But I think my heart would break all over again – just as the glue is finally beginning to set and I don’t want to risk it … as selfish as that may be.


Tonight was my high school’s pre-homecoming firelight rally … not the nicest night for that, either. I read about it in the paper last week and had every intention of going over tonight just to see what it was like … as the last one I attended was 38 years ago. I thought it would be fun to go back, since I’m now in town, and see what it is like nowadays.

When I was in high school the night before homecoming we had a big pep rally in the outdoor stadium and huge initials of the school were lit on fire and there was a big bon fire and it was fabulous and exciting.

I can’t imagine they still allow that … but I wanted to see what they actually did. But I forgot all about the festivities until I heard the fireworks … and I’m too far away to have made it in time and I was far too cozy to get dressed and go out into the damp, cold, quasi-rainy night. So, I sit here just imagining it was as wonderful as I remember it being all those years ago.


In any case –  I missed the memorial service and the rally and the fireworks … but I can imagine that friends and family gathered together to share in these celebrations and passages of life … and were filled with hope and community and spirit.

Sounds sort of like the same connectedness as at the garage sale but without all the junk. 



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Going Postal …

Day 243

I miss my old post office. Old – not as in antiquated but as in former. 

When I walked in I was like Norm on Cheers … everybody knew my name.

They knew me. I knew them. We had inside jokes. It was pleasant … as pleasant as a trip to the post office could be. I mean, really, it was.

And it was close to home. If I wanted to hop, skip or jump – I could have done that and been there. Well, almost … but you get the idea.

They were helpful. If I needed boxes … and I ALWAYS needed boxes … they had cartons of the flat rates for me. If I had prepaid boxes ready to go – either they helped me unload my car or they had me pull around to the “restricted area” and unload on the dock; or they’d help me unload on the dock. They were great.

I got to “know” them … as well as you know people in such a capacity. We exchanged stories about our kids … our dogs … our parents … our work. It was our own version of water cooler conversation … sans the water cooler. It was coffee break chit chat … without the coffee.

But it was always nice and they were always helpful and it made my work easier. And we even exchanged emails so every once in a while I’d get a funny joke from one of them or I’d send along a funny one back to them (usually postal related).

It was nice.

The post office here in town is not too far away, though I cannot hop, skip or jump there. The parking is not convenient … the lot is off to the side of the building and it’s quite the walk with the packages I’m usually carrying. The outside door and the inside door both open OUT … so that when you have an armload of packages you have to shift everything to one side or put them down to open the door. VERY poor design. I keep meaning to ask them about those doors. I notice these things because I have been there 3 or 4 times every week for the last few months.

You’d think they’d remember me. But nope. I’m a new face every time I’m there.

The interior of the post office is, at best, dismal. Ugly painted walls, fluorescent lights overhead, everyone in pale blue shirts and looking like death warmed over (from pale blue shirts under that lighting!) … actually, they all kind of look like Death’s been knocking on the door for a few weeks.

I thought yesterday that the energy of the four clerks at the front windows wasn’t even enough to light a pocket flashlight. They all looked half asleep or ready to go … well, for a lack of a better or less appropriate word … postal!

In any case on my last visit I got a lecture for needing some boxes. I was told to go to the website and order. I know how to do that. I DO do that. I just needed some boxes at that moment. I was going to take them home, fill them and bring them back and send them out. I needed boxes … not a lecture. And a smile wouldn’t have been so bad either.

Maybe they all just hate their jobs. Maybe they are all just bored to death. I don’t know. Maybe I just need to bring them some cookies. Maybe that would brighten their day.

At least maybe they’d remember me.


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A Loss for Words …

Day 242

Tonight, as fate would have it, I am at a loss for words. Very unlike me … I always have words. I can always talk. I can always write.

But, tonight, I am at a loss … and oddly, it makes me think of my aunt … who is never at a loss for words and it’s a shame, really, that she is not.

What an odd comment, I am assuming you are thinking.

More than twelve years ago my aunt had a debilitating stroke … I’ve mentioned her before in my writings. She was curling (the ice/stone sport) with her husband and friends and dropped – no warning.

It’s been a long road for her. Her life and everyone else’s in her family and those of her friends changed that day.

Last week I took Gertie to see her … to dispense some pug hugs. In all these years I don’t think I’ve been alone with her even once and before she even uttered a very labored, “Hi.” … she looked at me and said, “I hate my fortune.”

A glimpse:

Pre-stroke my aunt was an historian, gave tours of Chicago, was vivacious, had a contagious laugh, was aways talking, was fun and funny, talked with her hands so much one would think she was Italian, designed dinosaur tiles for her kitchen (but only allowed the nice dinos to adorn her walls) and was independent and active.

Post-stroke … after months and years of therapy she is practically strapped into a wheelchair. The right side of her body is useless, that eye looks to the ceiling. Her left arm is so spastic it is tied down at times; she cannot hold a pen or a spoon or hit a computer key with any precision. She has a full-time caretaker. She is fed. She is bathed. She is helped with everything that we take for granted on a daily basis. And though it’s difficult for her to communicate – her mind is sharp. She listens and she understands EVERYTHING.

Our genes run strong on that side of the family. She is her mother’s daughter … I share many of their same traits. Our shared commonalities include big laughs, limp hair, deep passion for anything we love, loyalty, commitment, the Italian hand thing, wide mouths, a love for dinos and the color gray, talking … oh yes, and our big knees.

Her speech, on a good day, is slow and labored and garbled so that it almost sounds like a record going at the wrong speed – slow motion. All too often I look at her and have to tell her I don’t understand … she shakes her head and starts all over again. It is heartbreaking. Her patience and determination are daunting.

So, when she said to me that she hated her fortune, it took all that was in me not to burst out crying because I hate it, too. She is a prisoner in her own body. I was thinking what she then asked me,  “Why?”.

I don’t know why. Why are some people dealt horrible challenges in life? Why was someone, once so vibrant, knocked down? What kind of lesson is here? What good?

I don’t know. It’s one of those things that simply have me at a loss for words.

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Observations while driving …

Day 241

My general mood today can be described in one word … pissy. A nicer word would be irritable or perhaps irritated because I wasn’t irritable until I was irritated. And I know my dietary habits of the day hadn’t helped … nothing sounded good and so it was back to the salt or sugar … or salt and sugar bad habits that occasionally take hold of me. You know, the ones that would make any nutritionist or cardiologist shudder.

In any case … there are days that go by fine and then there are days when every little thing is a hassle, every call presents a problem or every email makes me want to jump off the nearest very tall building. Today was such a day.

And so, after a very irritating, frustrating day I went out for a bit late this afternoon. I was destined for an appointment, but, as luck would have it – they were a no-show. Stuff happens … and it sometimes seems to happen all in one day!

So, on my trip back home I was trying to relax. Trying to let the woes of the day fall off me despite being stuck in traffic, despite being behind a stalled car, despite being stopped at every train crossing to let every train in the area go by. It was okay … I was going home.

People are an interesting lot.

It’s (for lack of a better word) amazing what you witness in a 40 minute car ride. And not even a “ride” per say … because I was driving … when my attention should have been more focused on the road than on my fellow drivers or those who were walking along the street.

But, traffic was slow … barely moving … so I had the chance to look at those around me.

The twenty or so people talking on their cell phones was of no surprise. I hate seeing it – but it is not surprising. I am waiting for the day when someone plows into me while on their phone and I’m going to get a zillion dollars because they were an idiot! How this is still legal – to talk and drive – is beyond my comprehension. People can be such awful drivers without adding the cell phone factor into the mix. I don’t get it.

Anyway, the phone talkers were not a surprise … the man shaving, however, was.  I watched a man in perfectly pressed, pale pink trousers pick his way across the very busy, very crowded roadway. I was worried about his safety but he practically glided across … I felt as if I’d witnessed magic! (And he looked fabulous in those pants!)

I saw a fire hydrant painted to look like Snoopy. I saw a lot (a LOT) of people who were passengers looking extremely bored – why weren’t they talking to each other? I saw people arguing. I saw people singing. Funny, I didn’t see anyone laughing. Too bad. As I sat at a stop light I glanced over at three people sitting on a bench waiting for a bus. They all looked as if their dog had just died. I wondered how awful waiting for that bus might be come some cold day in December? Or some wet and rainy evening at any time? My admiration for them soared.  I also wanted to offer them each a ride home.

I am so aware of the changing trees in this area. I’m hoping for a very colorful autumn. I could use one! There were clumps here and there of reds and yellows and a few trees in full color. I could feel my frustrations lessen. Nature does that to me.

And a little further down the road I saw them … an older couple, walking hand-in-hand, along the tree-lined sidewalk, out for an early evening walk with their little fluff dog.

That sight was simply so sweet it instantly melted all the cares of the day away … and without actually being home – I felt like I was.

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Harvest Moon …

Day 240

This weekend we observed the full Harvest Moon … 3 nights of a full moon and I missed seeing it all together. How did that happen?

The harvest moon … back in the day (I always wanted to say that!) … when farmers were harvesting their crops (as is customary at this time of year in the northern hemisphere) they called the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox the harvest moon because the moon was so big and bright they could continue harvesting by moonlight (before tractor lights, etc.).

The harvest moon really isn’t any bigger or brighter or more orange in color than any other full moon but the moonrise is later, making the time between moonrise and sunrise shorter – so it seems like there is less darkness. The “larger than normal” moon size is due to the proximity of the moon to the horizon. It’s an optical illusion called “Moon Illusion”.

Furthermore, the orange, red or yellowish color harvest moons seem to be upon moonrise is due to the blue light that is scattered through the thicker atmosphere at the horizon. Our eyes see red light which in combination creates a more orange, red or yellowish cast to the moon when it is low in the sky.

And, of course, if we are thinking about harvest moons … you are probably already humming this little ditty already … (if not, you you will be shortly) …

In 1903 Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth wrote the song … Shine on Harvest Moon.

Shine on, shine on harvest moon, up in the sky. I ain’t had no lovin’ since January, February, June or July. Snow time ain’t no time to stay outdoors and spoon. So, shine one, shine on harvest moon – for me and my gal.

Personally, I’ve heard better lyrics … but at the time it must have been quite something because it was a big hit! And unfortunately, it is one of those infuriatingly annoying songs that I’ll find myself singing while in the shower, or driving, or going up some escalator; one of those songs that sticks in my head for weeks on end. 

In any case … songs aside, full moons hold a special place in my heart.

Back in the early 80’s Tim and I went to a John Denver concert at Red Rocks amphitheater. It was one of those luscious August evenings when the night was absolutely perfect. The full moon rose in the eastern sky, above the stage, and looked like it could have been the size of Jupiter it was so big and so orange. It was spectacular. The evening sky was almost purple that night and as John Denver sang about Shanghai breezes … it almost felt like we were half a world away.

Fast forward to the summer of 2006. A month before Tim died Mobes came out to the backyard with me one night. It was such a difficult time for our family and around 1am that night, after checking on Tim, I went outside to get some air. The dog was acting really strangely and I had to coax her outside with me; she didn’t like to leave his side for very long. I laid down on the chaise lounge looking through the maple leaves at the full moon. The breezes made the limbs move and the moonlight danced around the yard. I can still hear the soft swish-rustle of those leaves. It was one of those balmy and beautiful nights – practically perfect, except that the man I loved was upstairs dying of cancer. As I laid there, Mobes climbed up onto the chaise and laid her full body on me – nose to nose – in a big lab hug. I think she was telling me that she was Tim’s dog, but she was going to be there for me, as well.

I laid there, for the longest time, with a 100 lb dog on me, crying my eyes out and the dog licking the tears off my face.

So, when the full moon rises … harvest or otherwise … those are the things I remember and I send a little “Hello honey” up to the man in the moon.


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Do-over …

Day 239

Certainly I have never been a squirrel in a former life. After today’s doings I am fairly sure of that.

This afternoon I collected acorns for a friend. Since I have 3 huge oak trees on my property that have been dropping roughly 14,000 acorns daily for the last month – I thought this little task would be easy.

Ha. I am an acorn novice and fool.

Apparently when the acorns started falling earlier this month THAT is when I should have started picking them up. The lawn guys and the local squirrels and Mother Nature (for that matter) have taken care of whatever is left on my lawn and in my garden beds.

The “dregs” of acorns are rotted, holey, cracked or broken, wormy or have already started their germination process with a little red/green tongue sticking out the end. These were not “fit” to send to my friend. Who wants wormy acorns on their table?

And in thinking that I should have done this earlier in the month it dawned on me that in another hour September will be over. How is that even possible? It was just August. It was just May!

Thirty days hath September … it feels like this one had only 12.

So, in thinking that I’ve decided to ask for a do-over. I want to do September over – again. I want another 30 days of the month that is in between Summer and Autumn. The month that whispers fall is almost here at the same time you are wearing shorts.

I love autumn and it could last 4-5 months if I had my way. If I could redo the calendar I’d have 60 days of September and October and about 45 of November. December would have at least 40 days in it … all before Christmas. Snow would happen the week before the holidays and end after the first of January when the temperatures would go back up to the 60’s and flowers would begin coming up sometime in February. It would then be temperate through May with warm, sunny days through August and then we’d start all over again with 60 days of September.

I think that would suit me just fine.

So, I’m calling for a do-over. I was too busy this September to really enjoy it and I’d like to take advantage of it more this time around … more walks, less time in the office … more days outside, less days in … and so forth.

In any case … tomorrow starts October, probably my favorite month of the year. I love the fall colors and the crispness of the air and Halloween and that smell that comes only at this time of year. It’s “sweater weather” and it’s … perfect.

Hmm … October sounds pretty good … maybe a September do-over isn’t really necessary.

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Sweet baby mousies …

Day 238

Every once in a while the dog will smell like a mouse. I don’t mean that the dog has the same sniffing capacities as a mouse, but that she actually smells like a mouse.

Tonight, when I got home and I got my welcome-home kiss … I could tell she had been sleeping because she had that moist, musty, earthy, woodsy, curled up “mousie” smell to her. I can’t describe it, but if you’ve ever had mice as pets – you probably know what I mean.

And I found it interesting that tonight, of all nights, she would smell like that to me … nature’s way of coming full circle and reminding me of what happened earlier today.

I was cleaning out the garage and had moved a roll of carpeting … and several (as in 5) mice scurried out much to MY surprise and that of Oscar’s. He was standing right next to me and I guess his sniffer isn’t what it used to be – so much for his smelling capabilities of late!

Anyway, he thought that was delightful fun … and pounced off in hunting mode.  I’m not a fan of mice but I don’t mind too much because it’s a garage and the area is woodsy … of course there are going to be mice around. As long as they don’t come into the house – I’m perfectly fine with them taking refuge in the garage … as long as they don’t ruin anything or get into “things” that they are not supposed to. And most of my stuff is in bins anyway – so, I’m not too worried. (Famous last words.)

So, there I was cleaning and organizing and moving things around and I moved a stack of bins and a small fake tree that was lying on top and seconds later I saw THEM. I don’t know where they came from – whether they were atop the bin and I had brushed them off with the tree … or if they were next to the bin … but there were two of the teeniest, tiniest baby mousies I’ve ever seen. Both were smaller than half of my thumb, full fur, teeny tiny paws … and sooo cute and (gulp) half alive. One was dead and the other one was barely moving … I felt AWFUL. I FEEL awful.

I am an animal lover and these poor little creatures were so tiny. I would never intentionally harm an animal and it pains me that unknowingly I did. Don’t ask any questions, but I put the little one out of his misery and wrapped them both together in some soft paper towels and put them in a bag in the garbage, said a little RIP sweet mousies and continued with my cleaning … feeling guilty as hell.

Seriously. I know they were rodents. I know they carry diseases. But I’m a sucker for baby animals and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so tiny. They were even smaller than the pinky squirrel I rescued several years ago … and Baby Rufus was miniscule!

In any case … it was a rough afternoon. I know they were just MICE but I’m a softie. What can I say?

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Seeing things …

Day 237

How many of us, as kids, would lie on our backs in the grass, faces toward the sky, searching for animal shapes in the clouds?

My guess would be a lot. Though I don’t have even one single recollection of ever doing that.

I do, however, see faces in textiles. It’s one of those odd things that I’m sure other people also do, but to me, it seems rather … weird.

I remember long hours on the kitchen telephone when I was in high school. Gone were the days of the party line – where another household shared the phone line with our home. (And if you were really bored you could stealthily pick up the receiver and listen in on their conversations! Not that I EVER did that … Mrs. Gilbert was not that interesting!)

Anyway … gone were the days of the party line, gone were my siblings (off to college) and there I was –  yakking away with whomever for hours and hours and hours, night after night after night, on that phone. (I’m sure my parents just LOVED that!) I look back and wonder what we had left to talk about because these were the same people I had spent all day with at school!

In any case, we had an extra long cord on our wall phone and I could stretch it far enough so that I didn’t have to sit at the kitchen table and talk. I could lie on my back, in the hall, legs up on the paneling that ran the length of the hallway from the kitchen to the back bedrooms. I’d lie there facing that paneling and find faces and animal shapes in the grain and whorls of the wood.

To this day, if allowed back into that house and if by some miracle they still had that wood paneling up, I could go directly to all of those shapes and faces … but mainly to that sideways triangular monkey face that eerily finds its way into my dreams sometimes as emblems on shirts or patterns on a dress.

At my old house in Colorado I had beautiful peach and gray ceramic tile that had a marbling effect running through it. I’d wash that floor and find saber tooth tiger profiles, Pokemon, the big bad wolf and demons. There were primitive cave drawings of deer and striations that resembled a summer sunset. It was a very interesting floor!

Today, I was polishing my toes and in the purple rug in the bathroom I saw a bear, a mountain lion, and a tornado. There were so many images in that rug that I began to wonder if the polish was causing me to hallucinate! 

And in our old neighborhood there was a pine tree that was the perfect likeness of Mrs. Butterworth (the syrup bottle). Through the years the kids and I would always remark about it. Earlier this spring, Sam and I were out walking and the tree was still there but it had finally grown out of the Mrs. Butterworth shape. We both felt kind of sad about it.

Well, I’m off … hoping not to dream about triangular monkey faces or bears or demons that might be in the rug next to my bed but instead of nice, puffy white clouds that look like … well … clouds.


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Searching for Utopia …

Day 236

Before I made this move to Chicago … I had searched the country for THE PERFECT new home town. Over 3 years I traveled to 9 states, drove thousands of miles, scoured the areas for just the RIGHT PLACE.

And I have yet to find it.

I made a list of things I wanted of that new home town … rolling hills, orchards, wineries, farms, a slower pace of life, affordable,  quaint/historic walkable downtown – with boutiques and good restaurants, dog friendly, near/on water, centrally located, friendly and educated. Some town with a good library, enough charm to keep me interested, big/old homes, a diversity of neighbors, lots of trees, easily accessible to an airport and reliable hospital, half hour from a major city (via train), upscale but down-home, low crime, good gardening soil, 4-seasons but a milder winter.

It also would be nice if the town had a university, had some tourist influx, was somewhat artsy and held outdoor summer concerts. Fireflies would be a huge bonus. As would a Trader Joe’s.

You know … Mayberry with a Starbucks.


And here I am, list in hand, in the Chicago area … wondering, daily, WHAT AM I DOING HERE?

True … the town is lovely and walkable (but I have to drive my car to get to it) and there were concerts in the park, complete with fireflies, every Friday night throughout summer (they were fabulous) … and there are a few nice restaurants and there are TWO Starbucks AND a Trader Joe’s! 

There are a lot of trees, older homes, good gardening soil, and it is somewhat centrally located (but not as central as KY or TN). It has charm, a nice library and diversity of neighbors, has 4 seasons and very close medical and airport facilities.

But, I’m in CHICAGO!

Ok, well, 16 miles NW but no rolling hills, no orchards, no wineries, no farms. Not a cow in sight. And yes, there is water but it would take me an hour in horrendous traffic to get there. It’s expensive (not affordable in the least), taxes are hideous, the government is crooked, it certainly isn’t a slower pace of life, it has high crime, the whole area is way too big, the airplanes are too noisy, no one knows how to drive OR speak English, and don’t even get me started on the slightest chance of milder winters.

In any case … the more I look at that list and the more I look around at where I am I know this is not the place I am destined for … but it’s rather a springboard to where I’m supposed to go next. The place where my soul will call home.

I’m here for a reason … maybe it’s to regroup my business, take stock of myself, share time with my parents or for another reason which has not presented itself to me yet. I don’t know. I just know I’m here. And until I figure it out, I will be patient because I know life will take me where I’m supposed to go.

Utopia … a place where children are respectful and know how to have fun and the neighborhoods ring with their laughter because they are outside playing and not inside watching TV or playing Wii or glued to cell phones. 

A place where children can walk to school or home from a party without being shot and killed by some gang member out to prove something.

A place where parents are responsible and they don’t abuse or use or neglect the gifts that are given to them in the forms of their children … where they don’t forget them in hot, locked cars or put them in harm’s way.

A place where teachers are part educator, guidance counselor, friend, mentor and parent … not someone who can’t be trusted alone with a child. 

I want a simpler life. I want a safer life. And not just for me – but for those around me. I want those things and all the other things on my list wouldn’t hurt either. I’m not asking for much … just how life used to be back in 1950’s Mayberry … but with a Starbucks and Trader Joe’s.

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Mindless nothing …

Day 235

It gets to be this time of year … the sun sets a bit earlier, the temperature drops, the nights loom long.

And the fall season of television programs begins.

I like to think of myself as not much of a TV junkie … but after having my butt glued to the couch for the past 3 hours, I guess I kind of am. I always say I just watch the food network channel … but give me a good comedy (Modern Family) or thriller (Revenge) and I’m a goner. And if there’s ever a rerun of Friends or King of Queens on … I am probably watching it because they both make me laugh.

And laughter is good.

In any case, I stay away from all news programs (they are simply too depressing) and all reality shows (they are simply too awful) … and just watch a few programs that I deem “worthy”. Worthy of my time. Worthy of my interest. Worthy.

And though there is little substance to The King of Queens (other than I find it riotously funny) I tell myself it’s okay. It’s okay because while I am watching the “boob-tube” I can leaf through the magazines that are quickly piling up in the basket, snuggle with the dogs, hydrate myself while getting a good dose of fiber (tea and popcorn) … and tickle my funny bone or try to figure out a plot all the while in my pj’s (if I so desire) and without leaving the comfort of my family room.

There’s nothing wrong with a little mindless relaxation.

I have to keep telling myself that I don’t always have to be working. I don’t always have to be doing. I don’t always have to be cleaning or organizing. I don’t always have to be productive … and that the ever-present to-do list is still going to look like I haven’t done much (even if I work until I’m 100) because I keep adding things to it.

I don’t always have to be reading. I don’t have to learn a new language. I don’t have to understand my computer.

Sometimes it’s just okay to BE.

I read once that one of the best things we can do for ourselves, at times, is absolutely NOTHING.

“Nothing” recharges our emotions … our spirits … our souls. Unlike sleeping or doing something … doing nothing just lets our minds clear, our bodies regroup, our thoughts wander.

And, as they are doing now, my thoughts are wandering … so, I’m going to go and do NOTHING.

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The Last Tomato …

Day 234

Well, the day has finally come … the day when, alas, I have picked the last tomato from the vine. I could have given it another week … but our nights have been quite chilly and, knowing me and gardening at this time of year, I probably would have forgotten about it had I left it any longer and it would have fallen off, rotten, some day not too long from now.

So, though a little, hard, green globe … I plucked it from the vine.

I don’t know who was more upset to see the end of tomato season – me or Gertie.

Gertie, at 7 years old, is my youngest pug and pet. And, she is BY FAR the veggie lover of the group.

There have been times in the past when I had to rig a fence around my tomatoes. And sometimes the fencing did nothing but get in her way as she forged through like a little fat rhino to pluck the cherry tomatoes off the vine … leaving the entire lower half of all the bushes chomped clean!

This year, my tomatoes were in pots … so, elevation was on my side with the vines growing a bit higher on the cages.  But there’d still be those days when she’d be outside, standing next to the tomato plants, eyeballing those red orbs, whimpering, crying or barking. I don’t know if she was hoping that the sound waves would make those tasty treats fall from the vines … or if she was barking for me to come help her get one off! I learned to recognize the bark … something akin to Lassie’s “Timmy’s down the well”!

(Funny …  that family didn’t have enough sense to stay away from the well but they could decipher the barks of their dog! Go figure.)

Anyway … no more tomatoes. Well, not ripe ones anyway. I have about 7 small green golfballs sitting on my kitchen counter. I will chop them up for Gert as they ripen as a treat in her morning breakfast bowl.

But no more for ME. A very sad day … because if you are a tomato-lover (as am I – even though I am allergic to them!) … you know that NO store tomato compares to a homegrown one. Not even close!

So, as fall arrives I will be, once again, relegated to purchasing tomatoes from the grocery store … the ones that taste almost like cardboard or more precisely wet cardboard even though they claim they are “on the vine”.

I said it before but John Denver was right when he sang, “Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes … what would life be without homegrown tomatoes? Only two things that money can’t buy and that’s true love and homegrown tomatoes.”

Gertie is a very wise dog!


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And they’re gone …

Day 233

Well, I thought their leaving would have been more ceremonious … like the scene of the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz. Flocks of cicada flying off into the sunset … flocks or herds or whatever of those creepy critching things (bugs or frogs, I never did find out!) … walking or hopping off somewhere as well.

But, all of a sudden … without nary a nod of the head let alone a formal good-bye … they are gone.


I imagine that as a newspaper headline in Times Roman bold, 2″ high … smack center across every tabloid within earshot.

But nothing. No parades. No banners. No headlines. No good-byes.

Just quiet.

And, to say I’m a little disappointed, would be an understatement because I thought I’d notice it IMMEDIATELY.

Instead we had a few days of cold weather and clouds and rain and then, I realized, 2 days after the fact that we had also changed seasons and it was now, indeed, AUTUMN and remarkably quiet! 

Maybe those noisy critters die off as the autumnal equinox happens. Maybe they walked to Mexico. Maybe they hopped. I don’t know. All I know is, is that they are GONE.

And it’s not that I MISS them … oh dear, not those obnoxious noisy creatures … but I can now hear OTHER things. Like the nearby traffic or my neighbors arriving home and the slamming of their car doors. Maybe I was oblivious to the other sounds around me, that were happening, because I was so focused on the singing and critching of what was in the trees. Who knows?

In any case … it’s quiet. Blissfully quiet. No bugs. No frogs. Just the occasional acorn plopping onto the roof and rolling off the edge. And those blasted airplanes. THOSE I can still hear!

However, Autumn … my favorite season … has arrived and I, for one, couldn’t be happier. Not only does it mean no more scritching/singing/chirping … but it also means no more sweltering days … no more slobberpuss of sweatness … no more needing 3 showers a day to just function. And there is not even the slightest chance that anyone will see me in a muumuu!

I was driving around these past few days and all of a sudden the trees are starting to turn. There is a forest preserve nearby and a nice windy road alongside it … and the reds are peeking out along with some oranges and yellows. Jack Frost has been busy. 

I am looking forward to a midwestern autumn. The Denver area had some nice falls over the past 30 some years … but, more than not, we’d get some yellows and then we’d get snow and then everything would die and we’d have brown until May. So, bring on the show! I’m ready for it.

I can’t wait to see what my new neighborhood looks like … in the next month it’ll be just gorgeous, I’m sure of it. And the best thing? No critching bugs to distract me from enjoying the beauty!

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It’s always something …

Day 232

Back in the 70’s Saturday Night Live had the recurring character Roseanne Roseannadanna (played by Gilda Radner) as a guest bit on their “Weekend Update” portion of the program. She was a brash, opinionated, loud-mouth who always got things mixed up and ended up talking about “off” subjects in the most open,  irritating, annoying and gross way. And she was funnier than hell. At the end of her spot she always ended up saying, “Well, you know – it’s always something.”

And it is.

This week was one I really don’t care to repeat. My neighbor had to cut down a 100 yr old, huge oak tree … my biz continues to not do so great … a friend died … another friend found out she has breast cancer … and on Saturday my new carbon monoxide alarm registered my house at 400 ppm (normal reading should be ZERO)!

It’s always something.

So, thankfully, the furnace guy came out (ca-ching for overtime and on a weekend – yay!) and assured me it was not the furnace that had the problem. Phew!

It was the water heater. Actually, the water heater exhaust pipe. He walked straight to it, pulled it off and turned it around to show me the 2 golfballs sized holes in it. Wonderful. So, for the past 4 months of me living here (because surely this didn’t happen since May – the piping was about 300 years old – so it’s been happening all along) … I’ve been exposed to levels of carbon monoxide whenever I ran the shower, dishwasher, washing machine, water … anytime I needed hot water. GREAT.

Just great.

I am now wondering if my not feeling great has been a side effect or just coincidental all these months?

In any case … the inspector who gave my house a “9 out of 10” is getting the old pipe smashed over his head tomorrow when I go visit him! Well, maybe not tomorrow … but I will show it to him … and I will report him to the BBB. This “great” inspector failed to notice the old CO alarm didn’t work. Failed to notice the leaking kitchen faucet and bathroom sink and laundry tub. Failed to notice the crack in the basement foundation wall. Failed to notice the Thomas Edison electrical wiring throughout the house and garage. Failed to notice the antiquated and hazardous gas heater in the family room. Failed to notice that the gas line to said heater was also hazardous. Failed to notice the piping on the water heater needed to be changed as it was not up to code. Along with failing to notice the 2 golfball sized holes in the exhaust system of the water heater.

I’m lucky the animals and I are alive.

In any case, it IS always something.

Tonight I put my coat away in the front hall closet and thought it was exceptionally chilly in there. There is a crawl space/attic access panel in the ceiling … guess I’ll have to go check that out and see if I need to add some insulation. Wonder if the house has any itself? Oh joy.

I would just like life to take a break from bad stuff for a while … but you know as well as I do that’s not always how things go. Cuz more than not … it’s always something.

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Hair Apparent … Part II

Day 231

It’s a good thing Halloween is coming up. No one will think too much of the lovely witch-black my hair has become thanks due to contents of the box of Garnier Dark Chocolate. I would have been better off if I had just eaten dark chocolate instead of trying to dye my hair that shade.

Alas … the hair woes continue.

Actually, it’s not so bad … if I was of Native American descent or Aleutian or Elvira … but I am none of those. I’m just glad I didn’t scare my little tutor kid this week!

Why is it that some people feel so compelled to color their hair? I being one of them. WHY? It’s been awhile since my last go at it. One would think I would have called off the experimentation after the peach jello fiasco – where my hair turned out looking like some whipped gelatin concoction from a 1960’s ladies’ luncheon –  and yet no … I’m still out there scouring the aisles at Rite Aid or Target or the local grocery store for “just the right shade”. Which, if you haven’t guessed, I have yet to find.

The week before I moved my friend asked me what hair color I was using. And since I hadn’t colored my hair in a good 6 or 10 months I told her it was a natural product … “Nature’s Own 1957”. I don’t think she got it.

I should have left well enough alone. But, it’s only hair. It’ll grow or fade. Eventually. Maybe.

I read in the paper last week that some groomer in my area offers dye jobs … for DOGS. I think that borders on abuse and is quasi-criminal. Shame on people who have nothing better to do than turn their pet poodles into cotton candy confections of pink or purple fluff. The woman went on to say she shaved a dog once to sport a mohawk. Really? Is that necessary? The groomer said that the dog liked it. What – did the dog tell her so?

I don’t get it. It’s bad enough women (and men) feel compelled to erase the gray or go bolder or blonder or redder or more chestnut to feel more youthful. I find it kind of sad … and yet I am sort of a participant as I color to shake things up … and to cover the gray. It’s one thing to play with colors … blues, greens, purples, and the like just for fun … quite another to dye your hair so you feel accepted or younger. What’s wrong with silver? What’s wrong with gray? What’s wrong with mousie-brown?

I think hair is just an accessory and no one should be judged whether they have orange and magenta hair or brown or none. In the grand scheme of things … does it REALLY matter?

Does a short haircut make you more professional or smarter? Do dreadlocks depict that you are from Jamaica? Does long hair mean you are a free spirit and a non-conformist?

I don’t think so. And I really think it shouldn’t matter. I just want my hair to look decent.

I’m still trying.

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Good-bye Old Timer …

Day 230

I am sickened and saddened, once again. A week full of tears and anguish. Not good.

This morning, as the buzz saws worked their way into my dreams, I awoke knowing what was going on …

My neighbor’s tree was being cut down.

And, that in itself is horrible when it’s a healthy tree. But this wasn’t just a healthy tree … this was a gigantic, towering 80+ foot, 100+ year old oak tree. Its canopy easily spanning 50 feet.

I am sickened. I am saddened. And I’m so mad I could spit.

I’m not mad at my neighbor. I’m mad at my town. My new town. The town my parents live in. The town I have grown to love, over the years, because of its trees.

On my list of “wants” when moving, one of the things listed was … a town with a lot of big, old trees. Park Ridge has them. Or at least it used to. In last week’s local paper there was an article about how this town, a “Tree City USA” town was losing its trees to disease and how the city was “doing everything in its power to retain our magnificent old trees.”

Yeah right.

I moved from Colorado where nature is practically considered sacred. We cherish the trees we have because we know someone once planted them. Denver is a high desert. Trees don’t grow naturally there. We value the land. We take care of it.

This city has an ordinance that does not allow pick up trucks to be parked on the streets. I think the ordinance went into effect to deter people’s old jalopies back in the 40’s from becoming permanent fixtures on the roadways. Nowadays almost every other vehicle is a van or truck. My neighbor has both.

My neighbor also lives in what this area is called … the Southwest Woods. So, obviously we have trees. Lots of trees, big old oak trees. We live in a hardwood forest. People choose to live here. We are lucky to live with such beauty.

My neighbor down the street has a cottage-type home, similar to mine. He has lived here more than 60 years. He said when he moved in there were 3 houses in the forest … his, mine and another one that has since been replaced.

In any case … over the years developers moved in and built up around and under the trees as much as possible. My neighbor’s home had a 2-car garage added within the last 10 years. And since one of the big trees was “in the way” … instead of cutting it down, they worked around it. They made the driveway narrower to accommodate a car and a half. The problem is, my neighbor doesn’t have half a car. He has a truck. A nice, green, very clean truck that is parked on the street from about 6:30 pm until about 8 am on most days.

The neighbors across the street don’t seem to mind – it’s a cemetery. I’m the only one on this street who can see that truck … if I stand in my bedroom, and crane my neck so that my binoculars can see through the foliage to make out the shape of a truck.  Or at most … the front bumper of what might be a truck. Obviously, it’s not bothering me either. We don’t get much traffic. So, why was this such a big deal to the city? I have no idea … but my neighbor has received several tickets for parking his truck on the street over the past few weeks. 

You might ask – why don’t they park in the garage? Both vehicles don’t fit and it’s a matter of getting the baby and toddler into the van without having to lug everyone and everything associated with a toddler and baby out to the curb for her to load them into her vehicle on busy, work-day mornings when it’s so much easier to pop them into the van right out their back door.

In any case … the city wouldn’t give him a variance (although there are plenty of OTHER trucks parked on the streets in our area) and instead told him he needed to cut down his tree and park his truck in his driveway. For a city “doing everything in its power to retain our magnificent old trees” … all I can say is, actions speak louder than words. What a bunch of hypocrites.

And, so, not only does my neighbor have to spend the money putting in a new extended driveway and the cost incurred from having the tree cut down … but a beautiful old tree on his property, that shaded his basketball games with his son, that shaded the backyard for the play set and patio, that provided nests for the local squirrels, birds and bugs is now gone. And our landscape has changed. 

I went out and talked to the guys cutting it down today. They were as sickened as I was … they kept saying it was a beautiful, healthy tree. None of us understood why this was happening.

I’m writing a letter to the editor of our town paper entitled “Good-bye Old Timer”. You can count on it.

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Perspective …

Day 229

Some days are good. Some days are sucky. Some days are suckier than others.

Yesterday was such a day.

And for those of you who know me … I really hate that term. But sometimes it is the only word that works.

The first call of the day was from a very dear friend in Colorado who relayed the not unexpected news of the passing of a dear friend’s husband. He’d been in hospice for a month. We never expected him to last as long as he did. And yesterday he finally succumbed to cancer … after 11 years. I cannot even begin to imagine the suffering, uncertainty and anguish that that family endured for that length of time. It was hell for them all for a lot of those years. Nice, nice, lovely family. Cancer makes me sick.

A sucky start to the day.

The next call was a customer who needed to change the delivery location of her order – which had been sent out a few days ago. No problem, I thought … there is still time to change the order in transit. Wrong. After too many phone calls and emails and hours of frustration we found out that the “new guy” at the shipping dock sent all my boxes hand-to-hand, white glove, special delivery, special courier, overnight, extra special handling … or something like that so that each box (and we’re talking roughly 300 boxes around the country) cost about as much as staying a week in a nice suite at the Ritz … in PARIS.

Lucky for me, the manager figured out what had happened and recalled the boxes … so, the ones that were not yet delivered – wherever they were – were rerouted BACK to Colorado. Leaving me to negotiate the cost of the ones that had already been delivered by special messenger and means. Oh, what a lovely day.

In any case … pretty sucky, too.

And then early in the afternoon my mom called to tell me of a long time friend’s daughter’s overnight death … a massive stroke at 53. Scary … and awful. My friends have lost too many spouses. Her friends have lost too many “kids”. Sickening. Parents shouldn’t have to hold memorials for their children.

More suckiness.

And then came the email from my dear friend up in Toronto. She had just gotten home from the doctor and was sharing with me the devastating news of her being diagnosed with breast cancer. This news on the tail of her husband’s year-long cancer treatment. I hate cancer. I hate what fate or luck or life throw at people sometimes. Good people. Honest, decent, caring, loving, giving, nice ... lovely people.

Horribly sucky news.

And perspective.

I think of my friends who have no control over what life has just dealt them. They will go forward while consciously trying to remember to breathe. They will be hit by that tsunami of fear and grief that comes from nowhere and turns them inside out and upside down just when they think they are doing “okay”. They will go forward with new-found courage to face whatever life holds before them knowing that life is precious and tenuous and worth it. They will know that profound grief is a part of life. For without it – how would we know profound joy?

So, so what if my boxes are coming back and need to be reshipped. They don’t contain live animals – it’s okay. So what if the dog peed on the carpet (again!).  I can wash it out (again). So what if “things” are not how I planned so many moons ago? It’ll all work out.

At least I’m here … going forward … still sending boxes … still cleaning carpets … still planning. All in all … not so sucky.



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Miss America in Walmart …

Day 228

Ever need a little lift of the spirit? Well, I certainly do. Life hasn’t been anything how I expected it to be these past 6+ years … and being one who is hesitant to change, who does not like change, who prefers a routine with ruts that go down as far as China … these past years have thrown me a lot of changes.

I’m trying … but some days I just need a lift. And what do I do?

Do I eat chocolate? Well, yes … but that’s pretty much EVERY day, whether or not I need a boost!

Do I have a drink? Well, sometimes … if breathing is not an issue because I’m so allergic that after a few sips of wine I turn bright pink and my nose stuffs up – which makes breathing a bit difficult. But I do have a nice pink glow to me!

Do I go for a run? What are you crazy? Do you not know me at ALL?

Do I dive for the Cheetos bag? Well, yes but see the answer to eating chocolate.

Okay – so what DO I do that gives me a boost and lifts my spirit?


I’m sorry, but I do. That’s because when I’m there, sorry Walmart customers, I feel like  a million bucks.

I have teeth … well, minus my wisdoms and one molar, I have them ALL. And they’re clean. And decent looking. And no one could tell what I had for dinner earlier in the week by my smile.

I have hair … well, kind of. But it looks quasi-decent. Okay, so I’m kind of hair impaired … but it’s not as bad as some people’s. Like the guy I saw today … the owner of the world’s worst toupee! Oh dear god! It was like a weasel was sleeping on his head. Not good. My hair is not great but it doesn’t look like a wild animal has taken up nesting in it.

I don’t wear underwear w/patterns on them under white pants. I don’t wear sweat pants that are 3 sizes too small that have a smiley face on the butt. I don’t wear a top as a dress. I don’t need a scooter-cart to get around. I come in under roughly 400 lbs. And, as far as I know, I’ve never appeared in one of those Walmart emails.

For all intents and purposes … I am a goddess!

I am, quite simply, Miss America … in Walmart.

The other day I had to return light bulbs, of all things. I purchased what I thought were regular bulbs but when I got them home the base was bigger than small candelabra lamps and smaller than regular bulbs. Go figure. So, standing in line yesterday I had a good long wait and a chance to watch the people coming and going and all I can say is … I felt like I needed a bath by the time I got back to my car.

But it would have been a bath with lots of bubbles and me wearing a tiara … because, after all, I was Miss America.


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Integrity …

Day 227

Integrity … a concept of consistency of actions, values, and expectations. Honesty. Decency. Adherence to moral and ethical principles. Soundness of character.

A zillion light years ago I found myself in a position where I let myself down … I compromised my integrity. And I knew it as soon as it happened and right afterwards I vowed I would be more aware in the future and not let it happen again. I surely will disappoint others along this life’s path … it’s unavoidable as everyone has different viewpoints and values and ideals. However, I didn’t like the thought of disappointing myself, again.

I was very involved with the PTO when my kids were younger. I was president, at the time, and we held a meeting one afternoon and it revolved around voting on how we were going to fund certain projects/issues.

While PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization we RARELY had any teachers attend any of our meetings. Two teachers were supposed to attend every meeting but that, too, rarely happened.

In any case the issue up for voting was regarding funding teacher positions. My stance was clear … parental funding for educational positions was privatizing public education. I was totally against it. Had been from the start. I was very adamant about it. I made my stance loud and clear. I wanted us to petition the state for more funding instead of us digging into our own pockets.

And though I had that opinion I wasn’t ugly or mean-spirited to those that did not share my viewpoint … and very few did. They wanted to raise whatever money we could to pay for the positions and I didn’t … knowing that the precedent would be made and the funding would continue to dwindle with each ensuing year with government thinking that if we could fund it one year … we certainly could fund it the next and so on and so on and so on … until we would, basically, become a private school funded for the most part by attending families. I didn’t like it. It didn’t sit well. We did not attend a private school … but a public facility. Parents should not be expected to pay for public education.

On that given afternoon just about every teacher attended our meeting. Every teacher and 20 parents. And me. We had people stand up and state their case pro or con. I was the only con in the room. Or at least the only con in the room that said anything.

As I looked around the room at those faces that afternoon I saw in those teachers … those women who would be imparting knowledge and help and care unto my children for the next few years … not an acceptance of my values though different from their own, not fear for their jobs … but something akin to pure hatred.

It was UGLY. It was personal. It was scary. And at that moment … when the time came to vote I knew that as the votes were read the ONE nay vote would be mine … and I, in that instant, wavered and threw my integrity out the window, and voted for the funding. I knew my one nay vote wouldn’t make a difference in the overall outcome, but I didn’t want the repercussions of my vote to impact my children’s lives.

So, as they read off the votes I was thinking that there would be all yays and that people would think I was an okay person and that my kids were good and all was blue skies and butterflies.

And then a NAY vote was read. And everyone, except me and the person who voted it, thought it was my vote. And the repercussions ensued anyway.

Everything straightened out – somewhat … eventually – but the atmosphere was never the same after that for me at that school. I might as well had a big red A on my chest whenever I came in the building … standing for anti-funding (not adultery).

In any case … I compromised my beliefs that day because I wanted life to be easier, people to like me, things to be smooth again and I compromised my integrity in doing so. I got bit in the butt anyway … so I should have just stood my ground and voted my conscience. At least I would have felt better nursing the wounds knowing I hadn’t disappointed myself.

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Frog crazy …

Day 226

If I were a southern girl I’d say something like, “Well, shut my mouth.” or “Land sakes and mercy me.” … but I’m not. I hale from the midwest and have come full circle and for the life of me I can’t think of what someone (from this area) says when they find something out and it’s surprising. Probably something astute like, “Wow.” or even better … “Huh.”

You know those critchy, creepy bugs I’ve been talking about … the ones that are STILL making noises well into September (unlike, knock on wood … the cicadas which, I dare to say, have not been heard in TWO DAYS!) … those icky, nasty noisy bugs that are turning me slowly insane?

Rumor has it they might not be bugs.

They might be … FROGS!



And, that my friends, changes the whole story. I LIKE frogs. I’ve always liked frogs. If they can be sweet (except the poison dart ones that will kill you) … they are sweet. And I don’t mean as in tasty (tastes just like chicken!) … I mean in demeanor. I think they’re nice. What’s not to love?

When I was little my brother was a frog-boy. And unlike the actual Frog-Man (Peeping Tom) that was in the area, he didn’t peep or have webbed feet or anything but he loved frogs. He had tanks and buckets and pools of tadpoles in our backyard with every stage of froglet/frog imaginable …. full tadpoles to froglets with one arm or leg to actual frogs. It was frog paradise in our yard and great fun to watch their transformations.

When my own kids were little we got a pair of tadpoles. Porcy and Minnie. By the time we released them – some 2 or 3 years later – we were on our 18th set of tadpoles (unbeknownst to the kids). I just kept telling them that our frog babies were slow sprouters and eventually their little legs would pop out and they’d turn into frogs.

And eventually they did. Well, almost did. They were almost full frogs when one beautiful day we decided to have a Born Free moment and let the froggies go in the creek across the street. The only problem was that it was the day after a torrential rain and the creek was running really high and wickedly fast. But – that didn’t stop us (nor did a modicum of common sense on my part) … the kids dumped the almost-frogs into the raging water and their little brown-green bodies catapulted downstream like they’d been shot out of a cannon! I wondered if they died instantly or if they suffered while having their little bodies battered against the rocks? What was I thinking? It was awful. And, of course, I was feeling absolutely terrible on our way home and the kids were all excited about their good deed and especially about releasing the frogs in such an exciting way … like they’d just given them a ride on a frog version of Space Mountain!

In any case … I like frogs. Even if they are critching and driving me nuts. Mobes and I were going to scope this out earlier this evening by taking a walk through the cemetery … but by the time I heard the critching it was almost dark and a walk by ourselves through a creepy cemetery in the gathering dusk no longer sounded like a good option. I like frogs but I’m not crazy!


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Hair Apparent …

Day 225

Yesterday my mom came by after having her hair done. It looked really nice … and I was waiting for her urging to have something done with my hair … as it is certainly in need of SOMETHING.

But usually the something I have in mind isn’t the same something she has in mind.

The thing my mom forgets is that … she has hair.

I mean seriously. Line up 10 guys and 2 women and my mom has more hair than all of them. Quite frankly she has more hair than the average werewolf during a full moon. And kudos to her.

However, there are plenty of us quasi-baldies who do not. I have never have had a lot of hair. Oh, I’ve had long hair … back in the day when it was the rage to have long, long, long hair and just let it lie there. No updos, no messy buns (a shame because I happen to like messy buns), no styling products – no mousses, gels, sprays, volumizers, waxes or creams … just limp and lifeless long hair. I was in my heyday! I was IN! I was IT!

And then I got past my teens and all that long hair that could almost be encased in one of those teeny tiny rubber bands made for braces (making it look like I had a very slender snake hanging down my back) was cut to shoulder length.

If I curled it – praise be to hot rollers – it looked “okay”. But who has an hour a day to mess with their hair? Not me. If I didn’t do anything to it (still no hair products) it just kind of hung on my head … but it was better than the short, short do (thanks mom) from 5th grade that made me look like a cross between Dorothy Hamill and Ringo – but not even that good.

I’ve had it short. I’ve had it long. I’ve had it in-between. It’s been permed (Little Orphan Annie is NOT a good look on me), it’s been streaked and frosted, it’s been kissed by the sun. It’s also been red and kind of an almost purple black and due to a few mistakes my hair has resembled a frozen peach jello mold reminiscent of one my mother made back in the 60’s for a ladies luncheon. THAT was not a good look. And then there was the quasi-pink phase when I was attempting red but it turned out more … magenta. Not the best look on me either. But the kids at school loved it – I was the ‘coolest sub ever.’

So, now I’m trying to grow it out so that I can put it up into a messy bun but it’s baby fine and wispy and kind of witchy due to it being fuzzed out from humidity and at the same time flatter than a crepe. (I’d say pancake – but even pancakes have some volume to them!)

In any case … the green box of Garnier awaits. I’m not going with Rapturous Red, Blackberry Black or Rich Russet … I will be going with a more “normal” shade … simply, Dark Chocolate. Gone will be the limp and lifelessness (coloring your hair coats the shafts developing volume) and the silver that has crept in over the summer. Pretty as jewelry – not so much on my head.

It’ll still be thin and baby chick fine … but this time it won’t be purple or resembling some old fashioned dessert!

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More ramblings …

Day 224

I was lying on my patio chaise tonight inaugurating my fire pit. It was the perfect night to do so … a tad chilly, no breeze, acorns dropping around me … and as I was lying there the fragrance of the woodsmoke blended in with the gardenia bush and it was just so lovely. After a long summer of non-stop doing something … it was nice to just relax and do nothing. Do nothing but lie there, watch the dancing flames, relax and … think. 

And I thought that some 224 days ago, I had vowed not to let this blog turn into a daily diary of my so-uninteresting life. I mean, at the end of the day I don’t want to read what I did all day … why would anyone else?

And yet … that is what it has become, more or less, a laundry list of my daily to-do’s or did’s and whatever strikes my fancy … all which can be so horrendously boring … and yet I continue to do so.

And why should today be any different?!

So, here are more musings from the Rose Cottage …

It was a beautiful day here … one of those combo summer/fall days … high 70’s/low 80’s … the sun was out, birds were happy, you know … the typical Disney day. Well, without the cartoon birds or animals talking. Although, that would have been fun.

The plantings are almost completed and the Rose Cottage transformation is nearly complete. I finished digging in the hostas, grasses and the lilac this afternoon … and then dug the hole for the most perfect little crab apple on the planet – my darling $4.50 tree from Walmart! It’s perfectly shaped and will look beautiful outside my front family room windows. It will be planted tomorrow. Tulip bulbs still need to go in as do a few mums that are currently in planters but I’m pretty much finished until next spring. I’m sure my whoops and hollers were heard from coast to coast when the shovel was put into the garage!

Tonight as I lay on the chaise watching the sparks fly up (acorns burn nicely!) against the sky I realized it doesn’t really get completely dark here. I could see the outlines of the trees against the sky long after the sun set. The sky never gets black as it does in CO … it’s more of a deep blue. It’s all the orange street lights in Chicago that make the night so light. I don’t know if I like it or not.

I was counting stars … and could only make out a faint 13. You could stay up all night counting stars in a CO night sky. It’s funny what you miss about a place – and it’s funny you don’t realize you miss something until you do … like a starry night.

In any case … I’m a sucker for firelight. I had the candles lit around the yard, the fire pit was snapping and popping the old oak branches that had fallen during the last storm, the air was nippy and fresh. It was a good night. It was just so pretty. I sat out, under the faux fur throw I made for Ted’s bed (back when he was in middle school) and cuddled with the dogs until I was chilled and the fire had almost gone out.

Just wish I had someone to share it with … other than the critters and those 13 stars.

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Duke …

Day 223

It is a beautiful morning here … to be hot later (88 or so) but for now it is scrumptuous; if a day can be called that, it is.

I laugh at my animals … they are the bane of my existence and at the same time they are my lifesavors … they are not saving my life as in saver … but they savor my life. They are funny and goofy and drive me crazy but what would my life be … what would I be … without them?

I’m up in my office enjoying the breezes that are coming through the open windows … I don’t know how long this lusciousness will last before the heat starts blasting in. It’s then that’ll I’ll move down to the other desk … where it’s cooler. But for now I’m up on the second floor with windows that look out onto the shaded streets and it feels, at times, that I am in a rather well established tree house. You Tarzan … me Jane.

It’s lovely.

The windows in this room (the ones that face north … which is to my left) are low. They are two side by side old wooden windows with a beautiful thick wood framework around them. The wood has long been painted white and once I get this room painted it will look even prettier than it does now. I’ll have lace curtains up, too … just small toppers for flair only.

In any case, the windows are low enough for Mobes to look out while just standing around and low enough for Gertie to stand on her hind legs, front paws on the sill, and look out on the streets and yards below.

There are dogs across the street that convey the message (constantly and loudly) that some animal or person will be walking by relatively soon and my guys usually just stand and watch in fascination as a person, dog or squirrel walk past the house. There is an occasional “woof” but usually they just watch.

Unless it’s Duke.

Duke walks by our house at least twice a day – accompanied by his older male owner or a younger female. The dogs across the street know he is coming houses before he is visible. My dogs, even if they are in a dead sleep, will wake up grunting and growling and start barking telling good ol’ Duke and his companion to stay away from our house! It never ceases to amaze me that they know he is near.

If I’m on the main floor and the door isn’t open, I’ll go and let them out. They are wild animals … all running to the door and  tumbling out at once … 3 dogs and Oscar … like clowns getting out of a toy car in a parade. They are at the fence snapping and growling and barking instantly … and Oscar is always in the lead … hissing and spitting. Sometimes he even jumps the fence and chases after the old man and his dog. It is an incredible sight!

I don’t know what it is about that dog – but they do NOT like him. Poor Duke … he looks so sweet. He must be trash talking under his breath or something – no one around here likes him!

In any case … Duke is nowhere on the horizon and all is quiet, for the moment, on the midwestern front with the exception of a dropped acorn now and then hitting the roof and making a loud popping sound. You’d think they weighed tons by the sound they make!

But aside from that – I’m just enjoying the breezes and the quiet and the lusciousness of the morning.

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It was a cold and rainy night …

Day 222

It was a cold and rainy night … the stars were well hidden behind the scuttling clouds and the moon was black …

The howl of the lone wolf rode on the wind through the branches of the old trees and the tapping of the rain on the window panes made me uneasy. The sounds echoed through the empty, cold rooms and I was so alone.

Words are powerful. They can convey emotions and draw pictures and throw you into automatic sensory awareness of touch and feel, taste and smell, sight and sound.

I love rain. I love evenings. It’s extra nice when it is both.

What I just wrote made the rain and night seem sinister, dark, scary and lonely. By changing some of the words I can bring about a whole different feeling …

It was a cold and rainy night … the stars were well hidden by the soft gray blanket of clouds and the moon was already asleep as the sky was black.

The howl of the lone wolf rode on the wind through the branches of the old trees and the tapping of the rain on the window panes was comforting. The sounds filled the rooms with nature’s music and I was cozy and content.

I had a conversation today about word choice. How adding or omitting a few words from a letter or story or any piece of written work can alter the entire mood of the piece.

I am a word fool. A written word fool. I write better than I speak. When I talk the pathways from my brain to my mouth get tangled up and what I want to say and what I actually say are not always the same things. Shortcuts are taken where I don’t want any. Words are replaced by others … and my speech is never as I’d like it or as it would have been had I written it and then read it. Strangely true. 

But when I write … those pathways … different pathways than what I use for speech … are clear and run true and the words flow out of me like the tide going out. It is lovely.

I know I am fortunate to be able to have words flow out of me so quickly that my fingers cannot keep up. It’s a gift. And it’s a curse.

A curse because given the chance, that’s all I’d do. That’s all I want to do. Give me a keyboard and I’ll spend my day typing … let me write my thoughts, someone else’s, papers, speeches, reports, books and dialogues. I don’t care – just let me write. I even once wrote a eulogy for a friend’s dad whom I’d never met. Her family was so touched by her grasp of this man … her insight and clarity. I still chuckle over that one. (Your secret is safe with me, my friend!)

In any case … here I am on a cold and rainy night. No lone wolves howling outside, just the sound of the dogs tipping over the garbage can every chance they get. That isn’t really music to my ears … but the rain is.

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The Final Celebration …

Day 221

Funerals. I am not a funeral gal. Never have been and as far as I can guess … never will be.

I do like the “closure” they afford people. But that aside, I’m not a huge fan. And the whole burial thing just completely creeps me out.

And yet, I live across from a cemetery. Go figure.

Today was another funeral across the street. I watched the back hoe digging away a day or so ago and was working at the table when I started hearing singing. I live not far from the local high school and I thought it was a bunch of goofy guys singing on their way to their car – going out for lunch or something. But as I looked out my front window, I realized a gathering of people was across the street and they were singing at someone’s graveside service.

And that’s not unusual. I’ve heard singing before. I’ve heard Taps before. But this group was singing … “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”!

Now how sweet was that?!

Someone, apparently a big fan, was being sung to during their final good-bye. I thought that was really something.

When Tim died we didn’t have a traditional funeral. We did other things instead. The weekend after his passing we had a thrown- together memorial on some grounds of a monastery somewhere in Colorado. I do not know how I got there. Do not know where it is now. Couldn’t find it again to save my life … and I have no idea why I was driving myself in the first place. I was out of my mind … and yet I was driving. Really stupid.

In some moment of sheer grief-induced insanity I thought that a balloon release would be a nice thing. It was a very small gathering of people Tim wanted present and I thought we could each say something, if so moved, and then release our balloon.

However, somehow between the store and the site the balloons got tangled into this horrible, twisted, knotty mess and I emerged from the car with a huge bouquet of balloons that were so tied together nothing but a miracle (or a pocket knife) could undo.

Thankfully someone presented a knife and after we cut the balloons apart we all stood looking like circus rejects with balloons tethered by 5 inch strings. It was like looking around the circle at 20 people, each with 2 heads.

Not the best of memorials.

We also “Lit the Night”. We sent out a booklet and a candle to our friends and family who were scattered all over the country and Europe with instructions to light the candle on a specific night, at a specific mountain time and in that way, we’d all light our candles together and be together in spirit celebrating Tim. I had some wonderful comments come back on that night. What people did … it was lovely.

As we neared the end of his life, Tim told me one day he’d like either a 2-day drunken Irish wake or a kickball barbecue. Knowing he was amped up on morphine we opted for the kickball barbecue. And if a memorial barbecue could be fabulous … it was. Tim would have loved it.

And isn’t that what it’s all about anyway … celebrating the life of the person who is no longer with us? I’d like to think that most people get a celebration that they had some say in. A regular funeral would have been so un-Tim. And as heartbreaking as the reason was behind any of what we did … it couldn’t have turned out any better. (Well, except the balloons!)

So, whomever was at the gathering today singing the baseball song … kudos to you. Good for you for honoring your loved one in such a way. I’m sure they were with you … wearing their new Angels jersey.

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Homesick …

Day 220

A few years back, sometime after Tim died, I decided that I was going to live in Paris for a few months.

I prepared by taking a French class … where, sadly, the only thing I truly remember is the professor calling me Marie Claire. Since that is NOT my name, I never responded to her talking to me. Instead I sat like a complete dolt until she rapped on my desk with her extremely long pointer-thingy – making me feel like a complete and utter fool. The class lasted six weeks … about as long as my patience … and in the end I had an amazing grasp of almost nothing of the French language … except for my mastery (complete with proper lilting) of … bon jour.

I figured I could get by with that. All I ever had to do was smile, say hello to everyone, and eat and drink and walk my way through Paris. Life would be better. And I’d write a book … Breathing Different Air … kind of a how to keep breathing when your world turns upside-down book.

Well, my world did turn upside-down because the market crashed and the investments I was counting on to carry me through long days of sitting outside Notre Dame and walking the Champs-Élysées and having coffee and a croissant at some small outdoor cafe while studying the extraordinary facade of the opera house were gone.

So, no Paris for me. Au revior.

Pity. I had already purchased enough books and maps to open my own Parisian bookstore.

The last few days the movie Julie and Julia has been on television. I’ve watched bits and pieces of it on and off over the course of its air time. I love the rhythm of the French scenes. The music that wafts from the open windows during parties make me sad I was not invited. The food scenes almost make me delirious … I want to sop up whatever they are eating with the magnificent hunks of crusty bread they are heartily chewing. And everything is carefully wrapped or braised or laced or slathered with butter. I want to be with them.

Over the weekend I’d be doing other things and I’d find myself standing, mail or dog bowl in hand, poised mid-air, transfixed by the movie scene before me … the foods, the cadence of speech, the scenery. It is all so lyrical and it is not just the language that flows – it is life. And unlike other languages it is not harsh or ugly … it is just so beautiful. I’m probably lucky I do not have a French person as a friend because they’d be talking and I’d be crying at the sheer beauty of their words. (And it wouldn’t matter what they were saying because I wouldn’t understand them anyway!)

In any case … I’m homesick. I’m homesick for a place I’ve never lived. I’m homesick for a life I’ve never lived. And as odd as that seems to me … it also makes perfect sense.

I spent two days in a city that somehow seeped into my soul and made me fall in love with it – like no other place on earth.

Someday I will return “home” … but in the meantime I’ll keep studying my books and master the art of (eating) French cuisine. Pass me the butter.

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Mingling …

Day 219

The seasons are changing. It is no longer summer … and yet it is not yet autumn. We are in that time between seasons … when the temperatures vary and we are not sure what to wear so we dress in layers or take a sweater.

The mingling of seasons has started.

I lived in Colorado for 33 years. It was easy to tell when this change was upon us … you woke up one morning to a foot of snow! No, not really. Unlike what most people think of Colorado we never did ride horseback to the grocery store or ski to school. Not once. But we did get snow in September … and also in May … and once or twice I think we had a few flurries in June. Maybe not. Maybe that is just some old folklore tale.

In any case … we knew the seasons were changing because there would be that one day in August you could actually smell the air. It was different from the day before. It had an earthy, woodsy, snow smell to it. It was crisp and it was different. We could tell the seasons were changing.

And then there were the obvious signs … the park would be filled with kids playing soccer and football instead of baseball, the Aspen trees would start turning their golden hues and light up the mountainsides and the peaks would be frosted overnight with the first of many snows.

Here I’m finding it a bit more subtle. The air is definitely cooler at night and in the morning (meaning I really need to unstick these old windows! It’ll be snowing before I know it!) … but it’s a subtle change … almost imperceptible.

The bugs are still singing. STILL SINGING. These blasted cicadas have not shut up YET. All summer … singing away. The creepy chirper bug is still at it, too. They are slowly driving me insane and I no longer am happy with any of them. They can all fly away or die off or whatever they are supposed to do when the weather starts to change.

We are to be up in the high 80’s tomorrow but I’m sure it won’t be that oppressive, sweltering heat we had this summer. I’m sure we’ve seen the last of that. It’s now a softer high 80’s if that makes any sense whatsoever! The humidity isn’t so bad anymore … and I don’t say that because I’ve gotten used to it. It can be high – but it doesn’t make me think: I need three showers a day to survive … it’s now more like: Ooh, my skin feels so nice.

I’m not across from the park like I used to be. The cemetery occupants are not playing soccer or football … so, the change from summer to fall sports isn’t very apparent to me anymore.

The acorns are falling. It is Acorn City here. If each acorn was worth a quarter, I’d be rich. If each was worth a dollar, my family would be set for hundreds of years! It’s a pleasant sound … the plop onto the roof and then the gentle roll into the gutter or off the side to the patio. One would think that squirrels around here would be the size of woodchucks instead of the scrawny runts that they are.

In any case … I’m enjoying the mingling of the seasons … the air is a bit crisper and carries upon it the aroma of woodsmoke, cut grass and dinner on the grill. Mingle. Mingle.

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Six hundred and forty-seven …

Day 218

It only took me nearly 4 months and a dedicated 20 hours in the basement over this weekend to come to the holy grail of my existence … THE LAST BOX.

Yes, you heard me correctly. I have unpacked all 647 boxes. That includes all boxes, bins, tubes, bubble wrapping, trunks, bags and tins. Some I’ve even REPACKED and stored, safely, as I have no need for them at present.

I have only one thing to say.


But the basement looks fantastic. I can actually walk down there and not through a maze of boxes and bins. I’ve scrubbed and scoured and bleached the floor until any nose hairs that I may have had were sizzled off by the fumes of my cleaner. Thank god for rubber gloves or my hands would be bloody masses by now.

Everything is put away in its “spot”. The bookshelves are arranged and orderly, the tutoring stuff is organized and settled in neatly, the craft things have been relegated to a labeled box over the workspace. Extra linens have been washed and dried and put into bins in the laundry room on the shelves I assembled there.

Christmas bins are under the stairs … other holiday wrappings, trappings and decorations are alongside … all neatly binned and labeled with easy access when needed.

The overflow of kitchen items are nestled on the shelves going down the stairs … the extra big stuff is tucked neatly in an extra nightstand.

Did I say I was just tired? Heck … I’m exhausted!

The treadmill no longer has boxes on it … meaning, egad, I could actually now USE it! Oh dear – what have I done?

The boxes have been flattened for recycling, odds and ends have been boxed and stored in the garage. The extra fridge (still unused and unplugged) now can be plugged in and used, if I should need it.

Baskets are strung over the stairs or stored on shelves. The games are tucked in by the books. The extra lamps are stored safely out of the way.

The business packing center has been set up … now all I need is more business!

And, of course, the ONE thing I’ve been looking for since I moved in was in the LAST BOX I opened … my easel. I’ve been wanting to find it all summer!

In any case, it feels awfully good to be done. At least done with this portion of the move-in. I still have plenty on my list to keep me busy … more painting, some fix ups, unsticking windows, figuring out some window treatments, putting up a few shelves. But almost 4 months to the day of moving in  … I am finally unpacked and it feels great!

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Beam Me Up Scotty …

Day 217

I was never a Star Trek fan … but I’m sure I am in the minority with that take on the ever popular TV show/series. Yesterday was the show’s 46th anniversary. And though I can even say I don’t think I ever watched ONE entire show … I know the names of the characters, the layout of their ship (space ship), and the theme song music.

I can also do the vulcan hand signal without so much as a nanosecond of contemplative thought put into it! Weird.

And though it was immensely popular with the fans (aka … Trekkies), Mr. Spock … not to be confused with Dr. Spock the baby doctor, always creeped me out. Maybe it was the slicked back quasi-hair he sported … kind of like the plastic hair on my sister’s Ken doll from way back when. Or maybe it was the pointy ears … or maybe it was his amazing thinness … or maybe it was his eyebrows or that eyeliner he sported. I don’t know … the man-Vulcan just gave me the willies!

In any case … yesterday’s google presented an interactive Star Trek tribute to the show and members of the Starship Enterprise. In case you missed it … google it and see if you can pull it up. It was fantastic! A mini video game of google letters representing the characters and if you clicked on the elevator, ceiling panel or a computer station it went to another scene. One scene was two of the letters getting “beamed up” … which went into the next scene of them on some planet fending off a monster (if you clicked on the rock, log and hillside) … and then they were back, safely, aboard ship. I played it again and again and again I got such a kick out of it!

And I don’t even like video games.

I do, however, love google.

After a long day I like nothing better (well, that’s not true because I can name about 25 things I’d like better … but you get the idea) than to google a few videos and see what pops up.

Last night I watched some idiots being chased by a bison. Idiots. Bison can go from standing still to 35 mph in no time flat. A person doesn’t have a chance if that animal wants to take them out. Luckily there was a fallen tree that a child took refuge behind.

Of course there were some cute dogs and cats doing something cute or funny. I always watch those. I watched some jumping goats, some close encounters with whales footage, and an otter who was very adept at cup stacking. Amazing.

My favorite though are the music pieces. I watch “5 on 1 guitar” almost every week. It is an amazing feat and I love the song. It’s just delicious. And when I want to end my day on a fun note I’ll find the college kids doing their rendition of the Black Eyed Peas “I’ve Got a Feeling” … it’s incredible footage that was done in one take!

My first word was gogg-ee-gl … which still makes me think of oatmeal cookies but maybe I was ahead of my time and I was saying I was a Google-Gal!

In any case … I’m so tired I hope I make it across the hall to bed. I wish I could just say, “Beam me up, Scotty!”


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Walking my way to the basement …

Day 216

After spending the majority of the last two days with my butt glued to my office chair, early this evening I decided I needed to get out of here.

And so I did.

I had every intention of going to Starbucks and sipping on something and reading for a bit – just to get out of this house – but the air was so cool and crisp and moist and it was cloudy and threatening rain (which all made it nearly perfect) … I decided a walk was a much better plan. So, walk I did.

I parked the car downtown (which is now called “Uptown”) and walked. And walked and walked and walked. Unbeknownst to me (I need to get out more) there was a Pizzafest going on downtown and unfortunately tonight was not the best night (weather wise) to be hanging around outside, eating pizza and listening to the live music. A TAD on the chilly side. As I walked I was really glad I chose to wear my raincoat.

I neared the festival area and recognized the music that the band was playing and then saw the sign … Foghat. Tim had a record album of theirs (from the 70’s) … actually it’s here somewhere in some box … and as nice as it was to hear the music, it made me incredibly sad to think that this band went from making a nice album in the 70’s to playing to 40 people at a crummy pizza-fest in Park Ridge, Illinois some 35 years later.

Anyway … I got my frapp and walked past the library that is getting a new facade (very collegiate looking).  The grounds are so well kept. The local garden club is responsible for the lush plantings around the area – it’s all very pretty. I crossed the street and walked past the storefronts … some now sporting autumn leaves and pumpkins. It all made me want to come home and clean out my basement and find my fall stuff and put things up and about.

Autumn … it’s in the air. FINALLY!

Breathing was different in this cooler air. I felt calmer … more ME.

I walked past the boutiques and the Hallmark shop (lots of Halloweenie things in their windows). Past the Pickwick theater with its Art Deco facade that always reminds me of the Daily Planet building and Superman! In my amblings I vowed that the diner on the corner will be my next meal out. I’ve never eaten there … ever … after all these years! Shame on me!

I looked at the windows of Chico’s and the pet food store. Stopped in at Trader Joe’s for some fruit and to nose around a bit. I stopped and picked up some gingerbread/molasses muffins at Jason’s Deli (the best muffins on the planet) and kept on walking … past the park and the lofts and the train depot. All the while I could hear the music playing for the handful of hearty souls  standing about eating pizza in 60 degree weather.

Park Ridge is a very pretty town. It is very walkable and has a New England flair to it. There are columned buildings and cute shops and steepled churches (that always remind me of Vermont or Perry Mason). Those are tucked amongst the big trees – their white steeples popping through the foliage. I put walking on my to-do list from now until the snow flies … this town will be breathtaking in the next few months. Especially with the reds and rusts and yellows that will come soon.

In any case … I’m glad I got out. I needed the air and exercise and now I’m renewed to tackle that basement!

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Today in history …

Day 215

Today is September 6th, 2012 and this day in history …

The first tank prototype, Little Willie, rolled off the assembly line in England in 1915. Not exactly a smashing success … it weighed in at 14 tons, got stuck in trenches and crawled over terrain at 2 mph!

In 1901 President William McKinley was shot while greeting a crowd at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. He was shot twice at close range and survived a week before dying of a gangrene infection.

Around the world in … well, just about 3 years. In 1522 one of Ferdinand Magellan’s ships, the Vittoria, sailed into the harbor in Spain marking the first circumnavigation of the world. (Magellan, however, did not survive the trip. He died of a poison arrow wound 4 months prior to the trip’s completion.)

In 1997, 2.5 billion TV viewers watched Princess Diana’s funeral. The Princess of Wales and the mother of the heirs to England’s throne … she died in a car crash a week earlier at the age of 36.

In 1844, the western explorer, John C. Fremont arrived at the shores of the Great Salt Lake. His mappings of the western frontier were especially helpful to the thousands of overland immigrants heading westward.

In 1995, Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cal Ripken, Jr. played his 2131st consecutive game breaking Lou Gehrig’s record. He went on to play in 2632 consecutive games before voluntarily removing himself from a game in 1998.

And this day in history, back in 1928 … some 30,684 days ago … my dad was born. And today – he put most of us to shame by getting out and riding his bike! Not bad for an 84 year old!

Happy birthday, Dad!

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Hitting 30 …

Day 214

As is the case, with most of us anyway, when we hit a milestone or achieve something we like to share in our joy with our nearest and dearest. So, loyal readers … all 7 of you … I am sharing with you my latest milestone.

Over the weekend I hit 30.

Not years … not strokes on the back nine … but POUNDS. Over the course of the last 10 or so months I have lost 30 pounds. An achievement that I am happy to say I have accomplished, basically painlessly, but it leaves me wondering … where were those extra pounds because the only REAL difference I see is that my earlobes are no longer wrinkled.

I’m serious! I had 100 year old, wrinkly earlobes this time last year … and today I have the earlobes of a well, 30 year old. Otherwise, I don’t see a huge difference.

And maybe it was so gradual that I got used to the new me as I went along … all I know is is that my pants no longer fit. I’ve dropped 2 or 3 sizes. But, if you are a woman, that doesn’t really mean anything because one brand’s size 12 is another brand’s size 16. (I hate those brands!)

In any case … it’s nice to have less baggage on my body. Less stress on my joints. Less junk in the trunk. And due to it – more wardrobe choices.

And meaning … more of my OWN clothes that I can now fit back into! Hello darlings … it’s been a LONG time!

However, I seriously don’t see THAT much of a difference. My arms are a bit more toned … but wouldn’t that naturally come from packing and unpacking 467 boxes and painting an entire house and not just from weight loss?

And though more toned … and I’m meaning ever-so-slightly … if I wave to someone while wearing a sleeveless top I still worry about giving myself a black eye from smacking myself in the face with the arm-dangle flab on my upper arms. You know … that scourge of most women … that loose skin that flaps in a stiff breeze and never mind about waving!

My thighs … a bit less tree-trunky but the cottage cheese is still there. And I’m talking CASES of it … not just a pint or two.

Neck/s and face … there is more definition in the jawline … and I no longer look so much like Alfred Hitchcock though I’m now thinking I’m desperately in need of a collagen booster to fill in the fine lines that seem to have replaced the pleasantly plumped out cheeks!

Butt … the gluteus maximus is probably one of the more noticeable changes. It’s more like a gluteus mediumus now.

Gut … this area, a problem for me for a few years, has seen the most change … and I highly suspect that is due to my not eating foods I’m allergic to. That’s what started this whole thing … the extended gut, the 5 month pg look (not good on a mid-50s anyone) was not a good thing and it all but disappeared once I stopped eating gluten and the other 20 or so “taboo” foods I have sensitivities to. Who knew?

Apparently my doctor who suggested I get tested for allergies/sensitivities! I feel better, I look better and though there are days when I could practically kill for a piece of french toast, eggs over easy and boiled or fried potatoes with a side of cottage cheese and beets (can’t have ANY of that stuff) … I know I’m better off without them.

So, while I hit 30 … I think I’ve got a ways more to go … maybe another 15. And if you see me and I’m not waving – you’ll know why!


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Thunderstorms …

Day 213

Last night I was awakened, from a sound sleep, by a noise I couldn’t quite figure out. I laid in bed, knowing it was coming from upstairs (near me) but couldn’t get my head around what it was … and rightly so … because I’ve never heard a 90 pound lab trying to break into a shower stall before. Mobes was panicked.

I had sprayed bleach cleaner in my shower earlier so there was no way I was going to let the dog in there – so, I draped a towel from the cabinet to the vanity and made a quasi-tent/fort for her to sit under … closed the blinds, turned off the nightlight … and there she stayed hunkered down, in a heavy-breathing panic. She usually does this when it’s thundering out but it was perfectly calm … so, I didn’t get it.

I sleepily made my way back to bed and felt asleep immediately only to be reawakened, a mere 6 minutes later, by the loudest clap of thunder I’ve heard in a long time. Okay – that explained the dog!

We’ve had t-storms, on and off, for the past few nights. They come and go, are fast moving and accompanied by a few moments of torrential rain. They are scattered around the area – one neighborhood getting deluged, the other getting but a drop – are never forecasted and seem, lately, to come at night. Last week I lost power for 10 hours. Tonight I lost power 3x for less than 20 minutes each time … just enough of a pain to have to reboot the clocks and computers and tv.

And then there’s the panicked dog to contend with.

In between storms last night I came downstairs to check windows and to let the dogs out. It had stopped raining and since I was up – why not take the opportunity to let them out, as I know too well what a panicked dog can do to a carpet. Mobes and Gertie went out and Mobes was done in a flash and practically ran into the house. Odd, was the thought that crossed my mind. And while Mobes practically flew into the house, walnut-sized brain Gertie was out in the yard hopping around on her hind legs barking at the sky. Of course, I’m thinking (at 4:30 am) … get in the house you big weirdo! Before I could call to her, again, the skies opened up and big, fat drops pummeled to the ground … soaking the dog who then high-tailed it into the house! Weird … was she barking at the rain? Could she tell something was about to happen?

I love thunderstorms. I thought I’d love them here … as I did in Colorado … except the difference is that here they are upon us before I even know they are coming. In CO I could watch them descend on us … the clouds would form over the mountains in the distance and then they would swallow the mountains up, peak by peak. I could watch the lightning show for almost an hour before it would be upon us and it was always lovely to watch … day or night. Here … the storms come and go before I can really enjoy them. It’s just a lot of wind and noise and rain.

But soon, these thunderstorms will be over and traded for snowstorms.  I can regain my bathtub (there is a dog bed in it now as Mobes is in the tub so often) … and the area under my desk won’t have a quivering mass of lab under it either. All too soon I’ll be the one hunkering down and using the tub and the dog will be sitting outside on her mound of snow in happy snow-dog bliss.

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Well, THAT was fun …

Day 212

Today started out like any other Sunday, except that it’s Monday and Labor Day.

And since it’s Monday (and not the Sunday I thought it was) I’ve already lost a day. Not a good start to my week.

Lying in bed I thought of all the things I could and should do today … none of which I really wanted to do but do them I really should. And cleaning the house was at the top of my list.

However, shampooing the carpets was NOT one of the things on my sublist under “cleaning the house” … but was necessitated thanks to Mobes and new dog food. Let’s just say it did NOT agree with her … and I think this happened the last time I switched to this brand … so, this food is now, forever banned … and in the same breath I’ve come to realize I need to get more dog food.

So, yes, THAT was fun … cleaning up those messes. Yeah, fun times here at the ol’ homestead. I certainly know how to have a good time on a holiday!

After dusting, vacuuming, shampooing and washing floors and the like I thought I’d check on the laundry that I threw in earlier.

Well, the good news is that my basement floor got a good washing. The bad news is that the elbow pipe from under my sink somehow came undone so that when the washer emptied into the sink (as it is rigged up to do) all the water went down the drain and out onto my basement floor. Amazing the amount of water that is used in the average load these days. Huh. Who knew?

Well, I do now … and I tell ya … THAT was fun. Yeah, more fun times had by me today. I swept up the water and disposed of 5 small garbage cans of rinse water as the drain in the basement was not doing anything. My dad came over and did his magic and it’s somehow working again. Phew! In any case … I needed a gasket or something and the minute I was thinking darn, can’t do any more laundry until I get that thing … my dad came over with it and fixed it but good. Thanks and shucks at the same time!

In between the dog disaster and the laundry flood I decided to empty and wash out the trash and the recycle bins. And lo and behold what should I encounter? Something that I have NOT seen in 33 years in Colorado … lovely little insects in the larva stage squirming in my trash can. Yes … maggots! Oh, that was nice. MORE FUN TIMES for me here on the home front. I tell ya … it’s been quite the day.

In any case … I finally made it outside (as soon as it was no longer as hot as the surface of the sun) and spread out 20 bags of bark all the while hoping beyond hope that there were not any beetles the size of baseballs hidden in those nuggets … or shards of glass … or snakes coming to pay me a visit … or spiders.

After all, though girls just wanna have fun … I had all the fun I could stand for one day!

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Aisle 82B …

Day 211

I am a slow learner. It’s not that I’m stupid (or at least I hope that that is not the case) … but just that I have a lot of things on my mind and it takes a while for certain things to seep down and well, register.

I was in Menards (kind of a cross between a Home Depot and a baby Walmart) today getting a variety of cleaning products and my 20 bags of mini bark nuggets (nuggets – I love that word! It’s so fun to say!) for the backyard and I was slowly pushing my cart through the pet aisles, looking for gravy for cats of all things, when a quasi-homeless looking man started up a conversation with me.

He started in by saying, “Who knew that a place like Menards would have cheap milk.” He went on to say he had comparison shopped at White Hen Pantry and 7-Eleven and those two places had much higher milk prices (well, duh – who buys anything at those stores … everything is higher!). In any case – he was going on and on about milk and groceries and how amazing it was that he could find what he needed here and I kind of cut him off (and in hindsight, probably on the too rude or obvious side) and scooted my cart away all the while thinking, “Get lost – you creepy weirdo.”

And I continued on my merry way.

Until about an hour ago when I was thinking other random thoughts and the man’s face popped back into my head and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe he wasn’t a creepy weirdo but just … LONELY.

Maybe I was the ONLY PERSON – other than the check out people (at this store and wherever else he had been or was going) that he might have a conversation with today.

Maybe he just needed to talk to someone. Maybe his dog had recently died. Maybe he was all by himself. All those maybes …

I suddenly felt really awful for dismissing him as a creepy weirdo and not really giving him any of my time … when maybe he was just wanting a little friendly conversation from a warm body … and I just happened to be at the end of the aisle slowly going along.

In any case, it made me think … how often have I done that? In the grocery store or other places? And, for that matter, how often have I been the one on the other end of things – the initiator of a conversation – just wanting to have a friendly chat with another warm body because the warm bodies at my house mew and bark – but they don’t hold a great conversation.

Loneliness is an odd thing. You can be in a room or building full of people and still be lonely. It makes you  talk to yourself – and people you wouldn’t otherwise talk to.

It’s different from being alone. I don’t mind being alone – most of the time. But I don’t like feeling lonely. That emotion seeps into every fiber of your being and makes you feel hollow and empty.

So, I’ll throw an apology out to cyberspace and maybe it’ll find its way to the man I scooted away from … “I’m sorry I dismissed you, mister.”

And, I hope the next time someone starts up a conversation with me, I’ll remember today and the guy in Aisle 82B.

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Adventures in Babysitting …

Day 210

All I can say is … babysitting has come a LONG way since I was a teen.


Of course, it’s been some 40 years since that time – but still.

Tonight I “babysat” which is actually erroneous in wording as the kids I shared time with were far from infants … being 7, 9 and 10.

I was to meet the family at “the club” to enjoy an evening on the beach and then get dinner with the kids while the parents went off on their own. Change of plans due to the weather. We went back to their house where dinner was provided and the kids watched a movie and gave me a tour of the house. We chatted and laughed and it was SO horrendously awful.

Yeah right. They were DELIGHTFUL kids. I enjoyed them immensely, especially the youngest as he was a HOOT! And for this I was paid $60.

I feel like I have committed some act of robbery! Seriously.

When I was a teen I babysat a LOT. Again, erroneous in wording as the family I sat for had no babies – just 3 kids ranging from 5-9 … and they were the sweetest, nicest kids on the planet.

I would sit for HOURS for this family. Wash dishes, clean and organize the pantry, dust, straighten the magazines on the coffee table, get the kids ready for bedtime, play and read umpteen stories, spray “monster spray” and check under beds to make sure no creepsters were lurking, kiss them and their stuffed animals goodnight – and then I’d go watch tv, read and eat whatever snacks they had on hand. Yeah, tough job … and I was happy with the whopping 50 CENTS an hour that I made. The parents would be gone for 5 hours and I would have done all that for a mere $2.50! 

This particular family lived in an old house with dark wavy-paned windows. Their house always creeped me out. It had many levels and nooks and crannies and doors and when the kids were asleep and the parents still gone for hours to come … my imagination would take over and get the best of me and there were some nights I just hoped none of the kids woke up and needed anything cuz I was sure some boogeyman was hiding somewhere!

Too many Creature Feature movies for me!

One night the oldest told me he heard something in the basement and WOULD NOT go to sleep until we checked it out. No big deal – right? Except that the basement was a dirt floor cellar with a pull string light bulb in the middle of the room and a stone foundation … and the only way into that said basement was through an old, creaky wooden door through the garage that let absolutely NO light into the space below.

So, there we were … the 4 of us … me with the oldest, the middle child and then the youngest clinging to my backside like the gang from Scooby Doo, shuffling along the dirt floor, me flailing my arms in front of me hoping I would find the pull string and NOT some boogeyman’s face. I was TERRIFIED. And, as you can guess, I found the string, there was nothing in the basement but dirt and blackness and everything was fine. Except that we had to turn off the light and grope our way to the stairs to get out!

Ah, those were the days! Adventures in babysitting … tonight was a piece of cake!



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Blue Moon …

Day 209

Once in a blue moon do we get a night like this … clear, cooling and if you are anywhere near me … the air is alive with the chirping of a million happy insects enjoying the second full moon of the month.

A second full moon, in any given month, does happen but very rarely. In September 1950 the second full moon that month had a bit of a blue hue (due to smoke, forest fires or volcanic activity) and so it was named a blue moon. And since a second full moon happens so rarely, things that also happen rarely are said to happen … (according to folk lore) … once in a blue moon.

And though the second full moon does happen, due to our calendar imperfectly synched to a lunar month (being 29.5 days) … a blue moon happens only once in every two or three years. The next one is expected to happen in July 2015.

Of course, that is, if the Mayans are incorrect and we continue to exist after December 21st of this year.

(FYI: I wanted to make a Mayan calendar with monthly Mayan ruins pictured and recipes and tidbits about the people and having the 21st be the last filled in date – with all rest of that month’s date boxes empty (to be filled in if we survived) … but I was slow on the draw. Darn it anyway. Could have been my big money-maker!)

In any case, back to the blue moon. Not being a member of the group Sha Na Na, I do not know all their songs. I do know, however, the one entitled Blue Moon. And I have been belting it out since finding out that the full moon overhead tonight is indeed named the same as the song. 

And I am finding it eerily poignant that Neil Armstrong’s memorial service was today. How cosmically perfect that the first man on the moon who said those 10 simple, powerful words … “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” be honored the day that a blue moon should be overhead. Awesome.

And for as lovely as it is … as full moons always remind me of Tim … and they are big and beautiful and peaceful, tonight’s moon’s blue moon affiliation is driving me crazy. Unfortunately for me, I’m one of those people who get a tune stuck in my head and it replays … over and over and over again. So, this week I’ve been singing bits and pieces of the Blue Moon song … bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, ding a dong … etc … while in the shower, in the car, in the line at the grocery store. It’s madness.

And, if for only that reason … I’m really happy this occurrence happens only once in a … well … blue moon.


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Summer Essentials …

Day 208

I was looking through a past issue of Martha Stewart Living sometime last week and pulled out a page entitled … “Summer Essentials”.

Essential for whom? Certainly not me. Nor for anyone I personally know or (I could probably ascertain) for the vast majority of the female population throughout our country.

And I don’t mean just because of tighter budgets and less disposable income (what is that, anyway). But seriously … who would do this?

In any case, the page consisted of 10 items, all pictured, with the information about each numbered item at the bottom of the page …

Summer essentials …

Item 1: A pair of Kyocera knives. Apparently they make “cutting a tomato a pleasure”. They are $50 each. I’m sorry … but does anyone really need a $50 knife to cut a tomato? What are those tomatoes made of … steel?

Item 2: Haruki Murakami’s latest beach read 1Q84. It’s said to be “beautiful and out there.” $18. I’d rather go to the library to get a book than drop $18 and I don’t have time to sit on the beach and read it even if I got it! 

Item 3:  White skinny jeans. $185. Okay, I have several problems with this one. Unless you weigh in at 12 lbs and are practically fetal you cannot wear white skinny jeans. Certainly I cannot wear skinny jeans. I’ve tried but tree-trunk legs do not fit into pencil pants. And secondly, who is wearing JEANS in the summer? I’m sorry … where are these essentials for … Alaska? It was a zillion degrees across the country this summer – NO ONE is wearing jeans. And, excuse me … $185 for a pair of jeans? If I’m buying $185 jeans they’d better be magical pants and make me look like J-Lo when I have them on. Enough said.

Item 4: Taurus eau de parfum. $275. Yes, that is not a typo. Two hundred and seventy-five dollars for a scent. I don’t care if it IS “parfum” … at that price it had better attract really rich guys who want to buy you mansions and yachts.

Item 5: So De Mel bikinis … “practical, minimal and modern”. $185. I’m sorry, again. Practical? Um, really? Have you EVER bent over in a bikini? NOT practical at all. Minimal – yes, they’ve got that one right. And modern? Well, as far as I can tell the bikini has looked pretty much the same as it did when it first debuted in 1946. Unless you are wearing a onesie from 1930, yeah … I guess it’s modern. But for $185? Again, not practical. One dive and that sucker is coming off and ending up clogging the filter system of your local pool!

Item 6: Meyer lemons. $Priceless. Apparently we are all to pick them from the trees in our yards as they brighten any dish and are so readily available throughout the summer months. Yeah – right.

Item 7: A beach vacation to Cuixmala, Mexico … specifically  Caleta Blanca beach. Sure let’s all go … don’t forget to pack an extra $185 bikini.

Item 8: A white tee shirt. $168. “Perfect for layering”. I’m practically speechless on this one. A white tee shirt for $168? Does this woman not eat mustard? One drip and the shirt is in the rag bin to wash the car.

Item 9: Leather equestrian-influenced handbag. $750. Make it big enough ladies to throw your tee and bikini and parfum in for safe keeping. And then hire yourself a body guard to watch it.

Item 10: Designer necklace. $Not listed. Have one of your friends whip you up one in their spare time … diamonds and rare gems are an added plus.

The one item I’m realizing they forgot …

Item 11: MONEY!


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Leftovers …

Day 207

Little did I ever imagine the prospect of being single in my 50’s. Long ago, when I met my husband, Tim (when I was less than half my age now) – the idea of being single 30 years later never crossed my mind. It was not an issue or even a possibility.

And yet, here I am.

Cancer is an awful disease. It takes very precious things from your life. Things that you took for granted. Things that were normal every-day life. Things that were forever … or so you thought.

And apparently it also has taken, at least for me, the ability to put together a dinner that does not involve standing in front of an open, full fridge and finding nothing but leftovers.

My question always seems to be – I don’t remember making this in the first place, how can I have leftovers?

But, alas, that is what I have … a refrigerator full of bits and pieces of whatever that never seem to cohesively combine into anything supremely tasty or satisfying. I watch all the Food Network shows and one would think that somehow (even through visual exposure) that I’d gain some knowledge about cooking. And it’s not that I don’t know how to cook … (okay, it kind of is!) … but that I’m more of a lazy cook. By the time I’m ready to put something together I’m so hungry I don’t want to take the time to actually make anything so I just throw together whatever is closest to the door or that looks still good enough to eat and not on the verge of being a contribution to my compost heap.

Sometimes I’ll put something quasi-decent together … a stir-fry, a sandwich, a veggie plate … being creative with the leftovers and end pieces of veggies I find in the crisper drawer. However, even after these 6 years I still am not used to cooking for one.  I do best cooking for 10. I’m a dinner-party gal. It’s easier for me to find the time for others than to find the time for me … easier cooking for others than cooking for myself.

I do make good salads but, seriously, how hard is it to throw lettuce and a few croutons and whatever into a bowl? But there are many nights, like tonight, when my 10pm dinner ends up being a ramekin of pork and beans, half an ear of corn and a tomato (or some other leftover oddities). Not exactly nutritional. Or appealing. But I guess it’s better than ice cream and potato chips (which has also happened).

In any case … I’m trying to be better. I’m trying to allow myself  to be a priority. To allow myself time to actually make something yummy and decent at a quasi-normal dinner time – even if it is  … leftovers.

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Going to the Dogs …

Day 206

Last night I did something terrible. While trying to scrape off some encrusted tartar off Gertie’s back molar, I broke off part of her tooth.


What could be worse than saying, “Come here, baby, sit on my lap and think I’m going to pet you but I’ll really be extracting your tooth.” Well, perhaps, “Come here, baby, sit on my lap and think I’m going to pet you but I’ll really be extracting PART of your tooth.” Nothing like instilling trust!

She seems none the worse for wear – amazingly. However, I am seeing visions of doggie dentures in her future or high doggie dental bills in mine … if I don’t do something NOW.

If you’ve never looked into (or opened up) a Pug’s mouth it is very akin to that of a shark. Wide and shallow (having no nose does that) and full of rows of teeth … unlike sharks, however, Pug teeth are not necessarily in any sort of order.  They just kind of jut out of any gum tissue, at random, all over the outer rim of the mouth.

Sharks have 7 rows of teeth and when they lose one, another replaces it. Pugs, whose teeth only feel like sharp shark teeth, should have that feature because they are prone to bad teeth and gums and dental issues of all sorts.

Four years ago, last weekend, I made an emergency pick-up for Colorado Pug Rescue and took into custody 2 badly neglected, old-lady Pugs. After flunking foster-hood (by falling in love with them), I adopted those poor babies. Dori is still with me, but sadly  Yosh had to be put down last May –  a week after she turned 14.

When I took them to the vet, that first time, both dogs’ teeth were so severely decayed that nearly half of the teeth in each dog’s mouth had to be removed. Not a good day for anyone in that office that day – except maybe the vet!

It’s amazing that either one of them could still eat – but they were and are little chow hounds and eat anything they can get their few teeny teeth (and mostly gums) into!

In any case … I’m feeling like a neglectful mother to Gert but I know that is just the nature of this breed due to their bone structure. I vow to get those teeth cleaned, one way or another, and much to her happiness, I will give out more hard, crunchy snacks … to help clean off the plaque that tends to cling onto and around those itty, bitty Pug teeth.

There is an Arm & Hammer product (Complete Care) which is a seaweed enzyme that is supposed to “do the trick” of removing plaque and build-up … so, we are going to give it a try.

It’s either that, high dental cleaning bills or … doggie dentures.

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The Not-So Shrimpy Dinner …

Day 205

Tonight, after consuming a perfectly baked potato (loaded with sour cream and butter, thank you very much) and 2 skewers of succulent, delectable, wood-fire grilled, teriyaki glazed shrimp … I realized that I, again, was eating things that I shouldn’t be eating.

I’m allergic (or at least have sensitivities) to potatoes, dairy (sour cream/butter) and … sadly, I remembered a bit too late … shellfish.

I have NOT had any reaction (no headache, swelling, nor tongue the size of Iowa) and I have not exploded – yet. I am alive and well and, as of right now, full enough not to want to eat until sometime next month.

Tonight we were piggies at Red Lobster. And this little piggy thought it was delicious. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … I’m a chain girl. I don’t mind, one bit, eating at chain establishments. I like the continuity. I like knowing what to expect. I like the comfort of familiarity. I like getting what I like. Reliable is a good thing.

Tonight was Shrimpfest – or some festival of shrimp … an all-you-can-eat orgy of plump pink crustaceans that found themselves, not on my shoulder, but on my plate and then in me. And they were delightful! We all did our best to consume as many as we possibly could. However, as hard as we tried, our waitress … who will remain nameless (lest she lose her job for her overzealous, giving nature) … won out.

Halfway through our meals our stomachs decided that we had had enough … that the shrimp gorge-fest had to come to an end. However, our waitress had other ideas. Platters of 2 or 3 skewers (with 12 shrimp per skewer –  I counted!) of oh-so-tasty, wood-fire grilled, teriyaki glazed shrimp arrived at our table.  Those were accompanied by bubbling ramekins of Parmesan and garlic shrimp oozing enough butter to float an armada along with voluminous portions of rich and creamy shrimp linguine fettucine (aka: heart attack on a plate) and those superb, herbed cheddar biscuits that just seemed to melt in our mouths – one after another. It was fabulous. And embarrassing. There were only 4 of us at the table … not 12!

We were wondering if the servers were having a contest as to which of them could serve the most food … or wondered, even, if our waitress was mad at her boss and was giving out as much free food as possible?

We ate until we could eat no more. And then with each of us just one shrimp away from our belly buttons unraveling, we left … with 4 boxes, 2 bowls and 3 shopping bags of take-home goods. Enough to feed ourselves and the neighbors tomorrow night and the night after that. Red-faced we waddled as quickly as our too-full tummies would allow out the door and with a sigh of gluttonous relief – got in the car with our bounty. No one stopped us! Actually no one even noticed!

In any case, dinner was fabulous and our waitress was attentive and sweet and full of down-home warmth that was wrapped in the message that food equals love. And I am perfectly fine with that.

Cuz nothin’ says lovin’ like somethin’ from the oven.

Unless, of course, it’s 4000 shrimp at Red Lobster.



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Sicker than a Dog …

Day 204

Why is the saying as such … “Sicker than a Dog” … and not “Sicker than a Cat … or Whale … or Hedgehog”? Why a dog? And, for that matter, how sick does a dog get? Does it mean that dogs don’t get sick – so a person can easily be sicker than a dog? Or does it mean that dogs get really sick and if you are sicker than a dog – then you are on death’s door of sickness?

And, like I questioned … why a dog? Why not sicker than a turtle, chimpanzee, ox, giraffe or guinea pig? Do those animals not ever get sick so it would be a moot point? I don’t know. More mysteries of life.

For the past 2 -3 days I have been “under the weather”. I apparently ate something that didn’t agree with me and have felt like absolute garbage since Friday. Well, I take that back … I haven’t felt good for about 2 weeks. Something was working on me.

At times I felt as sick as a dog and wished I could go eat some grass, like my dogs, and then come in and throw it all up on my family room carpet … also like my dogs.

And for that matter … why, when the house is 80% not carpeted do they choose carpeting to do their ugly deeds on? I don’t get it!

In any case … Tums, Pepto Bismol, ginger ale and crackers have been my constant companions for the majority of the days I’ve been feeling punky. They, amazingly, do help! And my scale hasn’t seen this number in YEARS!

And then the tide turned.

Last night I ate a miracle dinner. I attribute my feeling “greatly improved” today because I ate PIZZA last night.  One of my completely forbidden foods containing gluten, cheese, and tomatoes (all of which I have sensitivities to). I figured I really couldn’t feel MUCH worse – why not go for the gold and really “do it” and eat what might make my soul feel better, if not my stomach.

So, I did.

And it was HEAVEN.

Heaven that came from a Rosati’s pizza box. Piping hot … cracker thin, crispy crust … a sweet/savory tomato sauce and completely (and I mean – COMPLETELY) smothered in melted, ooey, gooey cheese.

It practically melted in my mouth. And it was fabulous. And not just because I was not supposed to be eating it – but just because it was that GOOD~!

When I was in high school, my best friend lived in a 2-flat that backed onto an alley that was shared by the building behind her apartment. That building housed a … Rosati’s Pizza. It wasn’t until years later that I actually ATE that pizza … but I remember going to her house after school and we’d stand on the back porch and SNIFF that pizza aroma until our nostrils hurt! It, too, was heaven!

So, in any case … I’m feeling better and I am owing it, not to the passing of time and any yucky thing in me, but totally to that miracle dinner.

And, though I’ve eaten today … I think I might have to go heat up another slice. One can never err on the side of good medicine!

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The Call of the Wild …

Day 203

Tonight, while out finishing up some gardening (well, finishing up for the day – not actually FINISHING UP!) in the gathering dusk, wearing enough Off! to warrant a haz-mat suit (which I probably should have had on instead because West Nile is running rampant in these parts and I know someone who died a few year’s back and I’m not taking my chances) … I saw a lightning bug!

I haven’t seen one for over a month now … they usually aren’t around this late in the summer and I was so thrilled I thought, apparently in some Off! induced delirium, that I’d “call” to the lightning bug to come to me.

Yeah, right! (What is IN that stuff?!)

First off … I am not the bug whisperer! If I was, all these critching bugs and the cicadas, who are STILL singing, would have quieted down by now by my politely asking them to do so. So, what ever prompted me to think a lightning bug would come to me when “called”?

And secondly … if, for some reason the squirrel chirping sound that I was making actually was the call of the lightning bug, why would it get within 20 feet of my insecticide dripping body?

In any case … all I know is I didn’t kill it off! I watched it flit away to my neighbor’s yard … and I was thrilled, once again, that I got to see another before the end of the season.

The call of the wild runs through my veins.

Today, while waiting on the doorstep for a women I was to meet (for the first time) to arrive home, I was talking to their lab, Hudson through their screen door. He is a big, field lab and could be a brother to Mobes (however, and I’m not telling her, he was a bit smaller! She just has big bones!). I was talking to him and, apparently, not taking into account the torn screen which looked like a lab might have gone through it at some time, I saw a squirrel and (once again) started making squirrel chirping sounds, calling to it.

And in a nanosecond of consciousness and awareness I realized that that was probably not the best thing to do while also calling out the words, “Here squirrel!” when there is a 90 lb lab on the other side of a broken screen door.

In an apparent moment of angst and quick-thinking, I flung my body against the frame of the screen door – just in case the dog decided to make a trip through it again!

And that’s when the family drove up. Nice. Try to explain that one while you’re interviewing for a nanny position! I wouldn’t hire me either! Chalk that one up!

In any case … on my way home … feeling rather stupid that I like squirrels in the first place (cuz I DO!) … I came around a curve and noticed what I thought was a black cat lying in the middle of the street. So, against the Rules of the Road, I did NOT check in my rear view mirror to see if anyone was behind me, I slammed on my brakes and honked my horn and the thing didn’t move. I got out of my car – slowly – thinking that maybe it had been HIT and was injured or dead and just … there!

So, as I warily approached it, it sat up and looked at me and then scampered away to the nearest lawn. It was not a cat but a BLACK SQUIRREL. I was mesmerized as you don’t see them very often. I don’t know what he was doing – some sort of back-to-school initiation prank, I think!

In any case … the call of the wild keeps calling. And, as is my nature, I keep answering.

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I have a BED …

Day 202

After roughly 100 nights of sleeping on my couch (with at least 2 pugs and sometimes 2 cats) … last night I slept in a BED. My own bed. My NEW bed.

The heavens opened up and the angels wept. It was glorious!

And not one back spasm to account for! I practically wept!

In any case, after 4 hours of sleep the other night, on the couch, with said animals, I got up at the ungodly hour (to me) of 6:30 as the delivery guys were to be at my door by 7am. Who delivers mattresses at that time of day? Apparently Sears! Well, they didn’t quite make it to my door until about 8:30 but they were in and out and up and down and gone in a matter of moments leaving me to put together the new bed. Which I did. While here I asked the delivery guys to please take the box spring upstairs for me (the one that was in the bedroom on the main floor). I’m glad I did as there was no way I could have wrestled that thing up the stairs by myself! I thought I was being “so smart” and using the box spring from my old set. I ordered a new black iron 4-poster bed for the main bedroom (the B&B is open guys … come on over!) and thought I’d use a platform under that mattress … so no need for an additional box spring lying around. Not good planning. I now have a poster bed, a mattress and definitely need a box spring as the mattress is too low on the bed to look like anything more than a really huge, fancy dog bed!

Oh well! I ordered a box spring this morning and some nice guy delivered it to me after hours tonight! Perfect!

In any case, after the delivery guys left I put the frame together and made up the bed. It is higher than I expected so the dogs cannot jump up on it! BONUS! If I so choose, I will have to lift them up. At that prospect, Gertie looked like she had lost her best friend! I might have to get her a step!

I made up the bed with new, soft, 300 count, deep eggplant, 100% cotton sheets. Again, angels were weeping. (I have gone with a higher thread count before but if I have a dog with toe nails on anything higher than 300 count, say good-bye to those sheets within a month!).  Anyway, the bed … complete with a marshmallow soft white comforter, body pillow and 2 plump pillows and enough decorative pillows to make Martha Stewart weep was left, unattended, unrumpled, and untried out until 2:30 last night.

And when I crawled in (albeit exhausted) I initially thought that a full-sized mattress would not be big enough … but it felt like the bed was the size of an aircraft carrier. A very plushy, yummy-comfortable aircraft carrier!

And, after looking at those sad puggy eyeballs on Gertie – I pulled her up to snuggle with me.

And then I slept. And it was GLORIOUS.

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Driving Down Memory Lane …

Day 201

Today while out and about (or if I was Canadian I’d say I was oot and aboot) … I drove down memory lane.

Oleander Avenue to be exact. This is the street I grew up on. And aside from the people being different (because, after all, it’s been 50 years) and a few trees gone … the street looked pretty much the same as it did in the 1960’s. Tidy brick ranches with carports and some newer garages. Far fewer trees than I remember but still nicely taken care of lawns and gardens.

I drove slowly southward from Dempster Street (envision a very busy 4 lane “highway”) down about 12 houses and then drove slower still. There are 24 houses on either side of the street in this neighborhood. And as I approached 8639 (#17 from the busy street) I passed the good house for trick-or-treating (they always gave full-sized candy bars), Dorothy’s house (they had a color TV set before we did so she’d let me come down and watch the Wizard of Oz every year. I’d sit on the floor in their living room with Feathers (the cat) on my lap and watch spellbound. I don’t think I moved an inch in those 2 some hours – any time I watched it!

I passed the house where the kid died of a brain aneurism when I was in 5th grade. Nice kid. I passed the house where my first “boyfriend” lived … we were 5! Next to Dorothy lived the Sebastians … Mr. S. was a very portly fellow and during one block party we were invited down to his basement and he had a BAR! I thought it was the coolest thing on the planet!

Between Mr. S and us were the Freemans. Sue was an only child and kind of an oddball. But less oddball and more lonely than anything I imagine now. I don’t think I was a very nice neighbor or friend to her. Shame on me. Her mom was a dancer and super odd. She wore diamond cat frames and was always walking around in green tights and pink tutus … or she was barely wearing anything and sunbathing. I think all the neighborhood ladies thought it was scandalous! Sue’s dad lost his hand in an industrial accident so had a metal claw hand. He was an amazing gardener but was always VERY scary and I tried not to be around him much.

Across the street were the Knapics … Peggy was my brother’s age but my sister’s best friend. They didn’t have much use for me (the little sister) but let me hang around when they were putting on plays or pretending to be the Beatles. She had the BEST basement because it had a BATHROOM in it! Their house was just like ours but reversed and yet it always seemed so different. I loved going over to Peggy’s room because it was always quiet and clean and tidy. She loved coming over to our house cuz it was noisy and wild and turtles and dogs were running around and the screen door slammed 10,000 times a day.

My house looked the same … sans the brick patio and shed (now a garage) and wonderful silver poplar that shaded the back and the big silver maple that I spent my summers in, out front, reading. But, more or less, it looked the same. I could envision 2 dachshunds lying on the blacktop driveway sunning themselves!

I noticed the mailbox was no longer at the corner  … the one I’d lean against when I smelled beef kidney stew cooking 7 houses north (at MY house) and knew I had to keep walking another 5 blocks to Judy’s house (no way was I eating that stuff!).

As I drove past the houses I wondered what happened to the Browns and the Habers and all the other families that used to live the rest of the way down my block. I’d pass their houses 4 times a day in elementary school, I wiped out on my bike in front of many of their houses as well (I was a daredevil on my bike!).

I drove the route to my old school which is now gone, replaced by a lovely park and big playground. Sad … but at least it wasn’t made into more houses. The prairie is gone … that was made into more homes.

I stopped at the corner near school where I found the dead baby bird and remembered walking all the way home to get a shoe box to put him in for burial. I just couldn’t leave him on the sidewalk – all crumpled and broken. I wonder, now, how many times I was late to school because I had to save an animal or find it a coffin!

And then I had a good laugh when I saw the thing that made my mom – in the middle of one sultry summer night – run around and wake us up yelling that there was a tornado coming. It was the water tower!

In any case … it was a nice drive down memory lane.

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Back-to-School …

Day 200

It is Back-to-School time. Once again, school has begun and I’m left wondering several things …

The first being … isn’t it still SUMMER? I know we are not farm hands (most of us anyway) and the old school year of starting after harvest no longer pertains … but it is ingrained in me and it feels odd that kids go back to school before the Labor Day weekend is over.

My kids did it … and I, as a child, did not … so, I presume that is why it’s feels alien to me. Not natural. Even after all this time, it still doesn’t seem right.

Secondly … where the HELL did the last 20 years go? It was just yesterday when Ted was dressed (literally) head to toe  … well, neck to toe as he didn’t have a hat on but he did have shoes … with ninja turtle outfittings. He was a TMNT nut … so, of course, the first day of school (kindergarten) had him toting TMNT everything … shoes, t-shirt, backpack, pencils, notebooks, pencil case and lunch box … even though he’d be coming home for lunch! Well, why not humor the kid, ya know?!  Then 2 short years later … Sam was on her way in all her mermaid regalia. This time she was dressed from head to toe w/the outfit and the headband and underwear and you name it … if it was mermaid related, she wore it or carried it or had it! All that happened so long ago and yet it seems like it all happened in the span of a blink of the eye.

Thirdly … why aren’t there fun school supplies anymore? I went to find some fun things for my little neighbors and came up empty-handed. Where are the cute pencils and pencil holders? Why is everything plain or pink and black or have skulls on it? I want folders with cute baby seals and notebooks with puppies frolicking in a meadow. I want pencil toppers that are monsters with googly eyeballs or round sparkly fuzzy pom pom balls or animal shaped erasers. I was so disappointed!

And why is it when I think of BACK-TO-SCHOOL … I always envision falling leaves and girls in plaid dresses and puffy white clouds. I don’t know why I think of those things because for as long as I can remember, back-to-school days coincided with 90 degree days! However, it’s the picture I always get (in my mind) this time of year … those things are the visual. The smell of paste and the feel of oil cloth are the sensory memories. When, really, is the last time I felt an oil cloth? Or actually smelled paste? Probably a zillion years ago – back in kindergarten!

In any case, the kids around here and across the country have started back. New classrooms, teachers and friendships are the talk around the dinner table.

And it all makes me want to go buy myself a new box of crayons!


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Sight impaired …

Day 199

I have a question. And it’s probably not exactly politically correct … but it’s not exactly not either. And, I guess, it’s just a question of curiosity more than anything else.

Do blind people sleep more than sighted people?

Okay. This is how my brain works. When I should be doing probably, at least, 100 other things … my brain is putting energy to thoughts such as this. Why? I have no clue. However, it poses an interesting question and makes me wonder … do they?

I no longer know anyone who is blind. I used to have a lovely client who was not sighted and she had a darling assistance dog. It was back in the days when I sold cosmetics and (I bet you are wondering, too) … how did she apply makeup if she was blind?

To this question I also have no clue. But she did it very deftly and however she managed it – she always looked nice. I, on the other hand, would have lipstick smeared across my face from ear to ear looking quite Bozo-esque. It would not be a pretty sight. I can barely get anything on me now without my glasses on – let alone, without being able to see at all.

Anyway … I was sitting here, with my eyes closed, listening. I was taking in the cicada song (which is STILL going on … when do these things finally die off?!) … and it got me thinking that whenever I close my eyes I feel as if I could easily drift off to sleep (not that I’m sleep deprived or anything!). So, if I were blind and it was always dark … would I ALWAYS be sleeping?

I don’t know but I think it’s a good possibility. In any case, I hope I don’t ever have to find out.

My dog, Dori, is sight-impaired. Also hearing impaired. Let’s just say she is a bit challenged. And yet, she gets around quite well.

A month or so ago my little neighbor and his friends were calling to the dogs to come outside and visit. The guys were hanging over the fence and calling into the house (hence my desire for a taller fence). In any case … I was working at the table and though they couldn’t see me, I could very well hear their conversation.

My 8 year old neighbor quickly emerged as the dog expert in the group … telling his friends what dog was which, their names, breeds, etc.

They kept calling to the dogs and I told Gert to go out and see the guys and she obliged willingly. Hoots and hollers and great cheers rose up from the other side of the fence when she went out!  It reminded me of a bull fight!

I heard him telling his buds that I had a deaf and blind pug and they were wondering if she’d come out and so I kind of scooted her outside and there was wild cheering and high fives going on and their eyes were glued to her – lest she walk smack into the door or something. She didn’t and they tired of the dog entertainment but it was pretty funny. Though it does amaze me how well she gets around with very little smacking into things.

As for me … I’d be black and blue from head to toe with a scary line of lipstick across my face … and I’d probably be sleeping.

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Ima Weirdo …

Day 198

I keep thinking of those made-up names that, as kids, we’d sign our notes with or sign as our names in those goofy autograph books at continuation (remember those?)!!!!

“Yours til the tide goes out.” – Sandy Beach

“See you next year in P.E.” – Jim Shoe

“Let’s share a sandwich at lunch.” – Sal Ami

“Let’s do some fun things over summer.” – Timeza Wastin

“I’ll be looking for you under the bleachers.” – Seymour Butts

And what about Paige Turner, Justin Case, I.P. Daley or Hu Flaung Pu? Or Dusty Rhodes, Ella Vator or Al E. Gator?

Stupid stuff like that. Why does that stuff come to mind? Do I not have more important things to think about or figure out or contemplate?

Makes me wonder what happened to my intelligence?

Did it wither away with each pregnancy? (If so, I’ll claim to have had 107 of them.)

Did it fly out the window when I was not engaged in anything more intellectually stimulating than singing tunes from the Sing-A-Long videos that we seemed to have on 24/7 for a few years when the kids were little?

What were we talking about?

Along with my intelligence … which was intact at one point … my memory has also gone, for lack of coming up with a more complex word, bye-bye.

Pretty sad when I can’t remember that I no longer remember what I used to.

In any case … not only are my intellect and memory on sabbatical (one can only hope it’s a temporary absence) … my body has turned into that of someone who is roughly 313 years old.

Aside from still being alive and not petrified or mummified … my years of gymnastics and cheerleading (and the falls that went with all that fun) have caught up with me. If there is a need for an arthritis poster child I would like to apply for the position.

Actually, normally, I am not so bad … if I were 90. But I’m not! However, after 2 days of non-stop gardening and weeding and typing my hands have turned into stiff, gnarly claws and my back into something akin to an ironing board. Yeah … nice visuals!

So, today I bought the giant economy-sized bottle of Advil (and I intend on using it generously). I apologize to my liver every night and ask that it sticks by me until this need for relief passes!

The garden is coming along nicely. I finished the backyard (sans the bark which I have to go get more of) and will finish up the front yard when it’s not 62 degrees out and rainy (as it was today). Am I wrong in thinking that it’s still summer? We somehow went from scorching to needing to close up the windows and put on socks and a jacket!

In any case … the emails are getting done for business and the Rose Cottage garden is getting planted and both, hopefully, will be wildly successful and I’ll be enjoying the fruits of my labor in another month or so … and maybe then I’ll get my brain back along with my memory and agility.

And in the meantime I’ll just do what I’ve been doing …  taking Advil, working, gardening and sadly, singing Disney tunes.

Off to bed – Arthur Itis

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Runaway Bride …

Day 197

After a long day in the garden what could be better than a nice, comfy evening on the couch? Well, a nice productive evening in the basement – sorting through boxes and whatnot!

And that’s what I did and how I came to be watching a movie after midnight. After a nice long day in the garden and a nice productive evening in the basement I decided to do some work at my computer with the tv on in the background. I was lucky enough to find a movie I’ve seen a few thousand times … Runaway Bride … so that I didn’t have to really watch it to enjoy it.

And all I can say is that that movie is totally unrealistic.

Who the hell would run away from Richard Gere?

I mean, seriously.

That would be like running away from Robert Redford or Warren Beatty or George Clooney or any one of those heartthrob hunks!


And then I got to thinking that when I was in college I kind of DID run away from a Richard Gere/Warren Beatty/Robert Redford type of guy.

His name was Ralph and he was my philosophy professor. I could never figure out his age … somewhere between 28 and 42 … and god, he was gorgeous. I think his looks and the uncertainty of his age scared me away – from anything but the most innocent of crushes.

Darn it anyway! How stupid was I?!

We corresponded for a couple of years … back when real mail was the way to write to someone. I still have his letters … all written on vellum or parchment … wrapped in a satin ribbon … in one of the 647 boxes that I boxed up in the spring. They are downstairs in one of the 50 or so boxes left to unpack. Someday I’ll reread them and laugh at myself for my idiocy at not taking a step in his direction or I’ll laugh at myself for thinking that I even had a chance with him. Whatever reason – I guess I’ll have a good laugh.

Kind of nice, after all these years to have some secret letters of intimacy that mean absolutely nothing. No emotion tied to them – not like Tim’s letters that I cannot bring myself to read at all – too difficult, too painful – just letters from long ago between a college coed and her teacher. Flirtatious banter back and forth.

I look back on all the times I went to his office and talked about class with him. Yes, I was blatantly flirting … but I also had NO CLUE as to what he was talking about so I had to go see him! I needed clarification! And though (I’m sure) it was great for his ego, it was probably the only reason I passed the class … all those extra hours of one-on-one time.

Not exactly the one-on-one time perhaps either of us was thinking about – but neither of us did anything … so, whatever. Opportunity lost. Or maybe what I thought was an opportunity never really existed and he was just humoring me or felt sorry for me for my mental state or he liked the attention!

In any case … I’ll give Julia a break, after all she does end up with the hunk in the end.

And, just for the record … if I ever get married again I want my dress to look like the one that she is wearing at the end of the movie and I want to be on horseback, and I want it to be fall and preferably in the rolling hills of Maryland or somewhere out east.

And it wouldn’t hurt one bit if the groom looked like Richard Gere.

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Earning cheesecake …

Day 196

I have a cheesecake waiting for me. Advil and cheesecake. Well, not a whole cheesecake … just one slice.  But I am really looking forward to eating this forbidden food.

And though it’s not made of cheese or cake (why IS it called cheesecake?!) I am still sensitive to what comprises it. But I don’t care. I WANT it. Allergies and sensitivities (and calories) be damned!

I bought one of those packages with two frozen slices the other day because it sounded so good and I can’t remember the last time I actually had a piece of cheesecake … and well, tonight I’m going to eat it because if someone can earn food … I earned this.

I planted like a gardening fool today (hence the need for the Advil and the reward of the cheesecake). I’d even say I was a garden gnome … but they just kind of stand around and I was doing anything BUT standing around! And, I actually got a lot done in a surprisingly not-horrible amount of time. I spent the afternoon in dirty gardening gloves and clothes and was cleaned up and inside before the local vampires (mosquitoes) arrived on the scene!

Before I started this major garden/yard redo the yard was mostly weeds (aka: the lawn) and had a zillion Hosta and quite a few Daylilies all crammed in together along the fence or planted under the big oak tree in the backyard. All were in overgrown clumps and most were not planted in the right places … too sunny or too shady. There were no real garden beds. So, I started in on the Hosta and dug them up, separated them and moved them. Each clump I dug up I cut or pulled apart into 3-5 other clumps. Amazing! I saw these things at the garden center for $10 each … who knew? I have a fortune in Hosta! Maybe instead of a kool-aid stand I should set up a Hosta stand and make some pocket money! Trouble is – not many people come down my street … being across from the cemetery has its downfalls. It’s rather, dare I say, DEAD? Have to give kudos to those neighbors though … they sure are quiet!

Anyway … the other day I dug out the curve of the beds and pulled the garden out even farther than I had originally. Today beside the Hostas and Daylilies that I replanted, I also planted Shasta daisies and Gaillardia (which look like pink and yellow daisies with a fat red pom pom in each flower center), Fox gloves and Impatiens, a Moonlight Hydrangea vine and the Pinky Winky hydrangea bush that I saved from the compost heap. I planted Hyssop that look like tall lavender bottle brushes that smell like licorice and 4 apricot or pink climbing roses … that immediately after planting Gertie got hung up on and I had to go rescue her! Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea putting roses along the fence where the dogs prowl!

I finished up the afternoon with putting in a gorgeous deep purple Butterfly Bush, a Honeysuckle vine and a Sand Cherry.

I’m getting there! Tomorrow I’ll replant more Hosta and Daylilies and the Dwarf Lilac. I’ll put in the Pussywillow, the Azaleas, the Rhododendron, the lavender and the few other things I gathered on my garden center visits.

I’ll definitely need Advil tomorrow … and if I have strength to lift a fork … maybe that other slice of cheesecake!

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The Voice of Nature …

Day 195

At the moment I am listening to the voice of nature … as in the incessant crick-crick of some bug that if I was a naturalist or an entomologist I might just go out and find and study. But since I’m not a naturalist or an entomologist I might just go out and find it and … SQUASH IT.

It is driving me MAD!

I’ve been here for 3+ months and this certain bug started in about 3 weeks ago with its singing. It’s not a cicada song, it’s something else and I gave it a break thinking that maybe it only had a few days’ lifespan. Well, I don’t think that is the case cuz these things have not SHUT UP since they began.

Shut up!

If I could tell that bug anything it would be to … SHUT. UP.

And that’s terrible because I really do like nature … and I hate those words. They are offensive and mean and ugly … but, at the moment, that’s all I want to tell these bugs to do!

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

I never let my kids say that to anyone or each other while they were growing up. It just wasn’t allowed. I’d like to make up for lost time with these bugs, though, by telling them that as much as possible! I would (ever so nicely) advise them to stop chirping, cricking, singing, whatever they are doing (as in it’s time to SHUT UP) because no one is wanting to hear that critching anymore. You are chasing the mates AWAY!

In any case … if nature, other than these rhapsodous insects, were to hand out advice … what would it say?

A waterfall might say … “Go with the flow. Roar with excitement. Let your cares fall away. Create your own music. Immerse yourself in nature. Stay active. Make a splash!”

A firefly might say … “Be full of bright ideas. Pulse with excitement. Have a healthy glow. Delight in summer evenings. Keep a childlike sense of wonder. Set a shining example. Lighten up!” (Ha … I like that one!)

An ocean might advise one to … “Be shore of yourself. Come out of your shell. Take time to relax and coast. Avoid pier pressure. Sea life’s beauty. Don’t get tide down. Make waves!”

A rainbow might say … “Live a colorful life. Be an inspiration. Bring unexpected joy. See beauty in life’s curves. Be someone people look up to. Live in the moment. Reflect your true nature.”

A dragonfly might advise … “Spend time near the water. Be colorful. Enjoy a good reed. Zoom in on your dreams. Appreciate long summer days. Keep your eyes open. Just wing it!”

And a bat might lend out this sage advice … “Trust your senses. Spend time just hanging around with friends. Don’t be afraid of the dark. Get a grip. Enjoy the nightlife. Sometimes you’ve just gotta wing it. Guano happens.”

And maybe they’d all just tell that bug to SHUT UP!


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And so it goes …

Day 194

I lost a season. Actually, I lost two seasons … spring and summer.

I was too busy packing during the first one – too busy unpacking during the second one and I feel the slide into autumn almost daily.

Where did this time go?

If you are anything like me … not taking into account packing and unpacking but more along the lines of “putting off” until next week or some other time … summer is just about over, before I feel I got the chance to really do anything “summery”.


I pulled out an article from a magazine long before the peonies were even in bloom … a “Summer Bucket List” of sorts. Things that sounded great to do sometime during the ensuing 3 months that stretched before me. Things I thought I WOULD do or at least could do if I put my mind to it.

The list read as such …

1. Prep all of your meals without using the stove or oven for a day. Well, yes, DUH. I do not cook. It was 14,000 degrees in this house most of June and July … why on Earth would I turn on an appliance – other than a fan? (Check one for me!)

2. Skinny dip. Well, if you count the countless showers I took over the summer, 2-3 some days, I’d say yes … but that’s not exactly skinny dipping. (So, no check for me on this one!)

3. Cook a live lobster. OMG. NO WAY IN HELL. There might be a lobster on my shoulder … but there will never be a live lobster in my pot. Unless I’m saving him from someone else who wants to cook him. (Definite no check for me!)

4. Reread your favorite novel. Well, yes … I’d have to give myself a check for that. I don’t have a favorite, however, I’ve been rereading my old favorites from when I was a kid. Do it every summer … so, check/check for me.

5. Take more pictures. Okay, this is a tough one. Until TODAY I have not been so great with taking pictures. I was going to visually chronicle every step of my redo of this house … and well, I flunked that task BADLY. But, I have a new camera … so, pictures will be forthcoming. (No check on this one.)

6. Run through a meadow. Hmmm. I walked through a cemetery and in a park … but that’s not exactly the same thing. (No check for this one, but that would have been fun!)

7. Catch lightning bugs. Ha! Yes, a big fat check mark for this one! Woo-hoo! Of course, it helps if you actually LIVE somewhere where there are fireflies to actually catch! (I’m giving myself an extra check for that rhino beetle, too!)

8. Get the room with the view. Um, no. I didn’t go on any other trip than going back to Denver and though I did have a room with a view (I slept on the couch and my view was an 182 lb dog with slobber dropping from his jowls, inches from my face in the morning) I don’t think that’s the kind of room with a view intended. (A big NO on this one.)

9. Take in a music festival. Yes! Check me off on this one. While in Denver, Sam and I went to Red Rocks and had a lovely evening under the stars.

10. Take a road trip. Yes on this one. Not exactly a FUN road trip as it was just me and the animals for 1000 miles, but a 2 day road trip with 5 animals nonetheless. (Yes on this one!)

11. Get caught in the rain. Um, well … I didn’t get caught in the rain as much as enjoyed the rain showers and thunderstorms we had. (So, no … I didn’t do a Gene Kelly even once.)

12. And … eat heirloom tomatoes. You bet! Check me off on this one, too. Not only did I eat them, I grew them (had a BLT tonight!) … nothing like homegrown tomatoes. (Check, check and double-check!)

Well, looking back, I guess I didn’t fare so badly on the bucket list. Guess I should put together one for fall because it’ll be here (and gone) before we know it!

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Happy Birthday, Julia …

Day 193

Today was what would have been Julia Child’s 100th birthday. I say was because she was 2 days shy of her 92nd birthday when she passed in 2004.

Well, I’d say she did pretty well and got closer to 100 than most of us will.

Sam celebrated by roasting a chicken – stuffed with lemons and herbs resting nicely on a bed of root vegetables. I celebrated by making a marshmallow treat. And by making, I mean, I took it out of the wrapper and ate it.

Obviously, the apple does not fall too far from the tree when it comes to Sam’s culinary skills and my own.

Okay, I admit she fell more from my Grandmother’s tree than my own … as far as culinary skills go. My Grandma was a great cook. Me, um, not so much.

Grandma was great even before Julia came on the scene (or so I imagine) but I also imagine her skills expanded because she watched Julia so often through the years, devoured her cookbooks and was so adventuresome in the kitchen. She was not afraid of food.

When my Dad was little, money was tight (being the 1930’s and all) and organ meats were cheap. Nasty but cheap. To disguise the flavor I have no idea what Grandma did … but to disguise what they were (intestines), she came up with the name of Halloween Dainties. I’m presuming she made these first sometime around the end of October and hence the name. Anyway, my Dad and his sister gobbled up these scrumptious treats none the wiser … until about 20 years later when Grandma fessed up what they actually were. Ew.

In any case, I’m staying away from anything that has a name like that just to be on the safe side.

Julia Child is best known for bringing French cooking and cuisine to the United States’ kitchens via her debut cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking and via her television program The French Chef.

She was born in Pasadena, California the eldest of three children and went on to attend Smith College, graduating with a degree in English. She was a copywriter and worked in advertising and wrote for publications before enlisting in the OSS (at 6’2″ she was too tall for the WAC’s) during WWII. Her position took her to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and China and after marrying (Paul Child) … Paris.

It was Paris that opened up her soul and spirit to French cooking. She attended Le Cordon Bleu and in the early 1950’s she joined a woman’s cooking circle and, with a friend, started writing a French cookbook for Americans and well, the rest is history.

In 2009 the movie Julie and Julia (which was the basis for my own blog) brought us not only Julia’s life story … but also her food. I have yet to make her famous beef bourguignon … but some cold, wintery day I know I will. And it’ll be as fantastic as it sounds. And quite possibly better than a marshmallow treat!

In any case … happy birthday, Julia.

And … bon appétit!

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The Secret to Gardening …

Day 192

The secret to a productive evening in the garden is a non-productive day in the office. Better yet … a truly frustrating day sitting at the desk, preferably talking to morons, is the true key to successful gardening.

Trust me on this.

I know nothing about socialized health benefits … but from my day today I think I’d like more information, please! Something has got to be better than what is in place.

I pay nearly $1000 for my family EVERY MONTH for health insurance and what do I get? Increasing premiums, idiots to talk to, the run around, and spotty coverage. Something is terribly wrong with this system.

I spent 3 HOURS on the phone with 6 different insurance “people” in umpteen departments (most of them the wrong ones), in two states and at least one foreign country, and after an eternity on hold (that dreaded terminal hold) I was disconnected – which, yes, made my day even better!

It seems, unbeknownst to me, that when you move, your insurance does not move with you. Perhaps some does – mine did not. Nice to know … 3 months after moving.

In any case … it all ended up with me having to download a form and FAX it back ensuring a complete and guaranteed transfer of coverage. Emailing a signed copy of said form was not allowed. In this day and age I’m shocked that companies are still using a machine that I mastered back in 1979. Well, I no longer have a fax because all I got on my old one were notifications for GREAT DEALS on vacations to Mexico … you know, those ones advertising week-long, all-inclusive escapes for $299 … if you CALL NOW!

So, I will get to deal with insurance, again, tomorrow … and then I’ll have to find a FAX machine.

And I wonder where my days go.

To get the grit out of my brain from the day’s hours of frustration and not getting anything really done … I went outside and got busy with some garden therapy.

Like I said, frustration and non-productivity reaps rewards in the garden! There’s nothing like it. I dug 8 holes, weeded the whole front garden area, edged and dug up the dirt. And, man, THIS is dirt! I have never worked in soil such as this … Martha Stewart could even be jealous! It’s loose, it’s soft, it’s BLACK … it’s lovely! And I can put my shovel into the ground and it goes down 8 inches … without me needing a jack hammer! Colorado is NOT known for its good soil! It is known for its ROCKS. Enough said.

So, I am enjoying the digging and weeding and planning. The yard is shaping up … slowly … but it’s getting there. The purple plums will be against the back fence with the willows and hosta. More hosta are and will be planted around the curve of the new outline of the garden. The Pinky Winky hydrangea (that I saved from the garden center’s compost heap) will go in one corner and a deep purple butterfly bush will go in another. Apricot and pink climbing roses will flank the front and side fences.

I’ve got day lilies and hyssop and daisies and monarda to put in. There’s a dwarf lilac and a pussy willow and a sand cherry. I’ve got fragrant honeysuckles to put somewhere special and hollyhocks and fox gloves.

My Rose Cottage garden will be planted before the acorns all drop from the trees … if any are left to drop because with the recent storms my property is littered with ultra tiny, baby acorns. Not even big enough for the smallest of mousies!

In any case … insurance be damned. I can put up with that again tomorrow because I know later in the day and all evening I’ll be out tending the edges and amending my soil … getting ready to plant everything that is waiting … all the while venting my frustration in a most positive and successful way!


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I Like It When It’s Mizzly …

Day 191

It was a perfectly mizzly day.

That sounds like something Winnie the Pooh would say, but the word mizzly (though I’d truly love to say I coined it myself) is from one of my very favorite poems found in the book Piping Down the Valleys Wild by Nancy Larrick. It is a book I’ve had since my children’s lit class in college … one of those books that you wish you’d had when you were a child, but then wonder if you would have really appreciated it when younger.

The poem is by Aileen Fisher and is entitled … “I Like It When It’s Mizzly” …

I like it when it’s mizzly                                                                       and just a little drizzly                                                                            so everything looks far away                                                               and make-believe and frizzly.

I like it when it’s foggy                                                                          and sounding very froggy.                                                                       I even like it when it rains                                                                       on streets and weepy windowpanes                                                   and catkins in the poplar tree                                                              and me.

Now, how lovely is that!

I let Mobes out a little before 4 o’clock this morning (yawn) and the skies were just starting to spit a bit. By 7:30 we had a nice shower going on and it has continued for the last 12 (or so) hours … on and off … heavy and light. There is still the pitter patter of drops falling from the overflowing gutters (I knew they needed cleaning!) … and it is just wonderful.

I think an early bedtime is in order so I can drift off to sleep by that watery lullaby. 

I’m sure there are those that think I’m rather crazy when I say I love these cool, wet days. Can’t help it. I just do. I love gray days. I love rain. I get productive … and sometimes very lazy … but no matter what I find it soothing and rejuvenating. I’m a water baby … it does something to me.

I lived for 33 years in Colorado … a state that boasts 300+ days of sunshine. Talk about living in the wrong place! Give me a good rain shower over sunshine any day.

I know, throw me up in the northwest for a month and I might go stir-crazy … but I think I’d be willing, at some point in my life, to try it out and see!

Anyway … it was a perfectly mizzly day. The dogs slept. The cats snuggled in. And I worked for 7 hours straight on my computer – getting up only to stretch and feed the four-legged roomies. My kind of day!

The planes were flying today but I could pretend their roar was distant thunder as it fit the day. Now, not so much, but for a while it was nice to not think about what was so closely flying overhead. The lone train whistle I heard earlier echoes in my memory … it was like music on this rainy day.

Why is it that I find train whistles so comforting? Maybe it’s the sound of freedom or going home … or something that is more innate that stirs the soul from somewhere deep within and long ago.

I don’t know. I just know that they sound perfectly wonderful on gray, rainy days like this.

And, I know the sun is coming back as are warmer temps … but for me … I like it when it’s mizzly.

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190 and Counting …

Day 190

I am more than halfway through my experiment of this blog. How can that be? I started out last February, giving myself the challenge to write roughly 500 words (or so) a day on whatever came to mind at the moment I sat at this computer – usually late at night or in the wee hours of the morning.

And so it has been … 190 times.

If you’ve read some of my blogs or know me, you’ll know that I am a numbers person. One of those distracting traits that some people have … the obsession of counting whatever it is in their lives … how many steps to the mailbox, how many days since some event, how many whatever … and the like.

In any case, I’m a numbers gal and here I am on Day 190 counting down – or counting forward – to Day 365 when my year is complete.

And then what?

I don’t know.

I have some loyal followers. Which is oh so fun to think that my friends wake up in the morning and silently share my life with me … the connectedness is real and nice and very welcome and I know somehow it travels beyond space and time and reaches my soul.

Will I continue after my year is up? I don’t know. I might just wrap all of these blogs up into another book. We’ll see.

Anyway … here we are, Day 190. The third day, in a row, of sub 80 degree weather in Chicago. I’ve had pants and long-sleeved shirts on. It is August. I am not understanding this! And trust me, not understanding this is not the same as complaining about it. This is heaven. I am not a slobberpuss of sweat … I am not sticky, or crabby or hot. And, my house has been almost quiet … no a/c running, no fans on … no noise! Even the planes gave a rest today (until about an hour ago) and were using a different runway! It’s been cool, it’s been cloudy, it’s been lovely!

Sam is in town … we’ve laughed and gardened and gone to Starbucks and eaten more than two people should eat in 3 days. My kind of gal! We’ve seen friends and family. We’ve shopped and watched a movie and I got a  (much-needed) tutorial on my new phone … and if we did none of that and just sat and were together for the past 3 days it would have been just as great. Yet, once again, I find myself counting and I only have another 11 hours with her before she is on her way home.

In an hour Dori (my blind and deaf pug) turns 13. Another geriatric fur factory member and though aging, she is still going strong and gets around quite well. We had a birthday party tonight for her … and for Henry. He’s my silver tabby with baby blue eyes and he turns 20 in a week. TWENTY. I’ve never had an animal live this long before. He is sweet and amazingly spry for a centenarian (in cat years) or close to it … and spends his nights walking the couch back meowing at me. LOVELY.

And though I love the constant nightly attention … I will be very happy when that bed comes because I am, literally, counting the days.

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The Bug Choir …

Day 189

If I were an entomologist I’d be in bug heaven right about now.

If I were an ordinary person I’d be trapped in bug hell right about now.

And since I’m neither (an entomologist or an ordinary person) I’m kind of stuck in bug purgatory!

Living in Denver for 33 years makes one forget. It makes one forget that there are zillions of insects on this planet because only a few live in Denver. There were about 12 in the 33 years I was there. Maybe 13.

And here I am … living in Chicagoland … and if the singing of the cicadas and the chirping of the crickets hasn’t been enough to make me want to jump out of my skin … the relentless crick crick of some new bug on the scene is almost doing the job.

I don’t really mind bugs. Unless they’re in the house or on me. If they’re outside, I USUALLY say they’re okay. That’s their domain. But seriously … this is getting to be like some bad Stephen King movie with the take over of the world by grasshoppers and crickets and cicadas and whatever else is making this ungodly racket.

If bugs bothered a person … this would NOT be the place to live. The noise is constant. And it’s scratchy and kind of unnerving. Sam thinks it sounds like they are laughing .. ha ha, ha ha, ha ha. Insidiousness. I’m thinking it’ll be REALLY QUIET come winter. And for that reason alone (and it is the only one right now) I’m beginning to think that winter might not be so bad.

That is if I make it to winter and am not eaten by some insect before the snow flies.

I finally found out when cicadas go to sleep. It’s around 4am. I was up last night to let the dog out … hoping that the skunk was NOT parading around on my patio or anywhere near where it could spray the dog … and not a cicada was singing. Not one. It was BLISSFULLY quiet.

I pictured all those cicadas in red and white striped pajamas with little night caps on their heads, wings tucked underneath their fat bodies, snoring away. Finally.

And it was blissfully quiet … all except whatever was chirping. The chirping/sing-song mating call of Mystery Insect #567 started a few nights ago and they seem to have bug choir practice all day and all night long. No stopping for them. But, they might only have a life span of 17 days or something so I don’t really blame them for not sleeping.

In any case … I’ve never been in a jungle. Except for the Jungle Cruise ride in Disneyland and Disneyworld with the fake animals and there may or may not have been fake insect noises piped in. I now cannot remember! But I can only imagine that this is what a steamy jungle of insects sounds like. Ahh, the wild jungles of Chicagoland.

Anyway … as long as they stay outside they are okay. I am doing my best to tune them out … and am trying to pretend that their chirping songs sound like the soothing lullaby of the waves softly crashing against the shore on the Oregon coast. I have a great imagination and yet it’s not working! Bug calls sound NOTHING like waves!

Whatever. In a few months it’ll be so quiet out there I’ll probably be wishing for some bug songs to drown out the sound of the nearby traffic!

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The Pile …

Day 188

It all started innocently enough. I put a piece of paper atop my calendar (that is sitting, on an angle, on the left side of my very tiny desk. The desk issue still has not been resolved.) … meaning, with every good intention possible, to file it away or take whatever action was necessary with that said piece of paper … in a timely manner.

Somehow in the course of a few days and nights that one piece of paper miraculously has reproduced … exponentially!

I just flipped through over 60 pieces of paper! My one piece of paper is now a SIZEABLE PILE of bills and cards and catalogs and notes and receipts and doctor’s orders and sticky notes and magazine clippings … and a few file folders. Oh yes, and one book.


And I consider myself organized!


So, later today … as NOW is certainly NOT the time to rummage through that pile of whatever (as it is too hot in this office, I have to go eat something, and I just plain don’t feel like it) … I will tackle the job. And the hour I think it will take me will stretch to two or three or five … or more. I will put on Pandora and I will pay the bills and balance my checkbook. I will linger over the cards I received this week and think of my far away friends whom I miss so much. I will sign and address the cards that I pulled out to send for next week. I will put the book on the shelf, I will file what needs to be filed, I will toss what is no longer needed or pertinent.

And while doing all that I’m sure I’ll have an “aha” moment and say out loud, “Oh, THIS is where this is!” … or some such thing!

And then I’ll try to decipher the 9 neon green sticky notes that are interspersed throughout the pile … with such cryptic messages as: Aug – pot/CR CB ck (WHAT?!) … or Illinois 49156 (hmmm – my lineup number?) … or Olga – audio gram (???). I don’t know. And since they make no sense to me now … they will go in a little sticky note purgatory pile for a week and if by the end of next week my brain doesn’t recognize those codes of information … they will be filed in the circular file under my desk. The same circular file that the dogs keep knocking over and grabbing kleenex out of and shredding all over my office carpet!

In any case … the pile will get sorted out. Things will be attended to. Notes will be made. Letters will be written and sent. Bills will be paid. And I will be left with just my calendar looking up at me, once again … waiting for that next one little piece of paper.


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I have a question …

Day 187

I have a question … well, actually I have a LOT of questions, but this one is forefront in my mind.

Why do some people think that the world is their garbage can?

I do NOT get it. I mean, seriously, I do not understand that mentality. I was out and about yesterday, driving and shopping, and maybe it was just etched into my brain after the initial visual so that I was more keenly aware of “things” … but I found it and find it disgusting.

I was walking into Home Depot (again … the 417th trip this summer) and watched a guy unwrap a cigarette package and toss the cellophane top to the wind. Like it was some bit of nastiness stuck to his fingers, he waved it off and it blew away into the parking lot.

Excuse me. I live here, too, and do NOT appreciate your cellophane flying off. Why did he think that was OKAY to do? Obviously there was no thought behind it – like a common thing for him to do -with no remorse.

And here’s another question: What is with the GUM? I am appalled by the amount of dead gum (for lack of a better word) on the sidewalks and streets around here. What is up with the gum?

Do people chew it for a few minutes and then get tired of it and just SPIT IT OUT, at random, wherever they are? And it sits on the sidewalks or roadways, melts down and turns into a big black spot of used, spit-out chicle. It’s everywhere. And I don’t know if it’s just a thing around here? Or if I was just more in tune to it the other day … but I don’t remember that being an issue in Colorado!

And, of course, there are those other questions that pop into my head. The one that always surfaces when I’m in Walmart … and it being … WHY? Only one word but so relative. I can walk around and ask that question at least 20 times during a fast trip in/out of that store … I won’t even go into the reasons for the question. You’ve been in Walmart. You know what I mean.

And why does fresh-cut grass smell so darned good? And why do Rice Krispies go snap, crackle and pop? And why, when the flooring in your house is 70% not carpeted do the dogs seek out the carpeted area to throw up on? And why is it that the one thing you went to the grocery store to get … is the one thing you forgot to come home with? And why does the air on some summer evenings smell like tadpoles? And why, for that matter, do almost all newborns look like Winston Churchill?

So many questions!

These are the questions that plague me. They hound me. And I think I need to go get a frappuccino and relax under some shady tree and put some serious thought to figuring out the answers.


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The $120 Frappuccino …

Day 186

I went to Target tonight to get a frappuccino. I’d been painting all day … and not just painting a room … but I was on DAY 2 of the bedroom project and my third coat of 14 miles of trim.

Whomever painted this house prior to my moving into it did so with what seems to have been MARINE PAINT/VARNISH. Impervious to water. Slicker than snot. Hard to paint over as nothing STICKS to it.


So, here I am, trying to paint and I have the trim finally done, after 3 coats. And the second can of paint used was not the same WHITE as the other can of paint … so, another fun glitch and it was hotter than hell up in that bedroom all day and well, I thought a frapp sounded good.

So off I went to Target to treat myself. While enroute I remembered I needed to get bug spray as the bugs have been snacking on all the bushes and flowers and landscaping items I brought home 2 weeks ago. A nice little bug buffet in my backyard. Lovely. I usually don’t spray bugs … but these guys made me mad so I’m going to spray them until their little mandibles tighten up and they keel over and fall off the eaten leaves … whatever is left of the leaves.

So, I got my frapp and got a cart (always a mistake in a Target) cuz I remembered I had to get kitty litter, too and I was not going to lug around a 20 lb box of kitty litter through the store. So, I got the litter and found the bug spray and then remembered I needed indoor bug spray (for any spiders that might be coming inside when it gets cooler out – if it EVER gets cooler out) and some weed killer … so, those went into the basket. 

And as I passed the linen section on my way to the checkout station I realized I needed a bedskirt for the extra bedroom bed that was NOT polyester or a microfiber fur magnet … and found a nice 100% cotton that will (somewhat) repel cat/dog fur. While in the department I also realized I should look at sheets as I have a bed coming (well, some day … I’ll have a bed coming. I’m hopeful) and have no sheets. So, I found some deep purple sheets. Yay!

And on the way back to the checkout I passed the card section and found some stickers to send to my former neighbors for their notebooks for when they start school next week. Something fun for them from me and the dogs.

I also found a card for $6.95. Excuse me? Why am I not in the card making business?! Egad!

In any case … I then remembered I wanted some brown sugar in my pantry (and got home to find that I already had some. Rats!) … and passed the frozen food section.

My downfall.

Except that I have a very small freezer which is mostly taken up by ice cube trays and frozen chicken and some smoothie mixes. But I figured there was room for a few frozen dinners so they promptly hopped into my cart. Nothing like a Marie Calendar’s 250 calorie, $2.54 Thanksgiving dinner in a plastic microwavable tray! YUM! (And it was good … I ate it at 10:30 pm for “dinner”. I’m having dinner like a Spaniard these days. A Spaniard having American Thanksgiving dinner!)

Anyway … I checked out and disgustingly paid my $120.11.

Man, the cost of frappuccinos sure has gone up!

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Roasted …

Day 185

Apparently it wasn’t hot enough in the house today while I painted (about 145 degrees upstairs in that oven-like bedroom) so after I cleaned up I ventured out to a few garden centers in the nearly 100 degree heat (and the I’m sure … 106 degree heat index).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again …

I am an idiot.

I feel like absolute CRAP at the moment.

That’s what I get … a fair-skinned, blue-eyed, heat-intolerant, burn at a glance at the sun idiot … out traipsing around in the heat in the blaring sun of non-shady garden centers!

Oh and yeah, great idea … let’s go in a GREENHOUSE when it’s 105 out … so that our internal temperature can match the temperature of the greenhouse which is nearing 140 degrees!

I actually stopped and had two workmen hose me down. Seriously. And I’m sure they were delighted as I brought the wet t-shirt contest TO them … and I didn’t care one bit. Just hose me down, mister before I have a convulsion!

Egad it was hot today.

I know, I know. EVERYONE is hot. EVERYWHERE is hot. I wouldn’t feel like this now if I had an ounce of sense … but I have to explain my lunacy.

The lawn guys came and made my yard pretty and nice and one look at it and I couldn’t keep myself from jumping into the (air-conditioned) car and going to the nearest garden center and looking at things. Again. The last time I did this I brought home soon-to-be planted treasures that are yet to be planted and all but naked from the damn bugs eating them!

So, that is what I did. In a weak moment of lawn/yard bliss I went off and fried myself. I may as well have just put honey on me and buried myself in some sand pit. Well, at least ants didn’t eat me … but I was a bit roasted. Too roasted for my own good.

So, I did what any person would do in that situation … thought back to my girl scout days for a remedy for heat exhaustion and sun stroke … and followed the directions to a tee!

However, I think that eating an Italian beef sandwich and washing it down with a margarita and Fritos wasn’t exactly in the handbook. I must have had the counselor’s guidebook!

Anyway, I am relaxing and drinking vats of water and have some cool towels on my neck … and am feeling MUCH better. My sketch pad is at hand and I’m drawing up plans for the yard … the Rose Cottage garden is coming to be! It’s going to look so great!

Now if I can just enlist some elves to help me dig!

In any case … tomorrow I will go back and get some plants … others I will wait until it is cooler  (like next month which is ALREADY … September) and plant those at that time. I have hostas and daylilies to dig up and move to new locations along with my fox gloves … and I’ll get some lavender and sage and some daisies to fill in for now.

And then I’ll sprinkle in the bark so it’ll look exceptionally wonderful and hope that the dog doesn’t dig everything up within the first week!


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Heartbroken …

Day 184

I am, once again, heartbroken.

I came home tonight to the lousiest of lousy emails … my former neighbor and dear, dear friend passed away on Friday. Her son, somehow (thankfully) found my email address and contacted me with the sad and unexpected news.

I don’t know what happened so can only surmise she had a stroke or heart attack.

I called her and left a message sometime last week and sent off a little goodie for her in the mail on Friday … but we never connected. The goodie will probably arrive in her mailbox tomorrow.

On my trip to Denver last month I saw her twice … once on my way into town and again with Sam for an afternoon visit. I am SO glad we were able to see her. We shared a bunch of laughs and it was like old times.

Whenever we’d get together we’d share smiles and giggles just like a pair of 7th grade girls! The 21 years between us dissolved and it was just us … soul sisters … the age difference was never an issue. We were just giggle buddies together.


We moved into our house on Elizabeth on Father’s Day of 1986. Ted was 14 months old. Sam wasn’t even a twinkle in our eyes, yet.

Carole and Mel lived in the house directly south of us and over the years our friendship grew. Her sons were my age and lived away and even from the start there was no age difference between us … it was always just us. We didn’t have a mother-daughter connection we were always just friends.

Good, good friends.

She and Mel were avid bridge players and on days or nights when he might be out at a tournament I would go over and we’d sit in her basement level family room and chat and giggle for hours on end. We talked about everything. We’d laugh about the kids and the dogs and the husbands and the ‘hood. We’d talk about pertinent and stupid things. We covered it all. There’d be times (too often to admit) when Tim would call telling me it was time to come home! I’d even go over in my pj’s sometimes … we were just so comfortable with each other.

Mel died while we were in South Carolina on vacation 16 years ago. I always felt badly I was not home at that time to be there for her. We arrived back home after his funeral and after her family had left. I remember I got out of the car on our return and rushed across the lawn to see her and we stood in her kitchen and both cried our hearts out.

She moved  across town some 12 years ago … it’s one of those things that is forever on my calendar. I hated that day. But as the years passed we’d do lunch and visit and laugh and phone and see each other every month or so … but how I missed those over the fence chats whether they were in her family room or kitchen or actually over the fence.

She loved my family. And we her. She was such a special treasure. And, though heartbroken, I am so grateful she was in my life. She was such a gift.

(Hey neighbor … thanks for the laughs.)

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Homegrown Tomatoes …

Day 183

If John Denver were alive today I would have shared my sandwich with him.

Well, I’m sure he might have thought that kind of creepy … in a weird-stalker sort of way … but, in any case, I would have.

Homegrown tomatoes.

He sang about them … and honestly, after eating one, who wouldn’t?

“Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes, what would life be without homegrown tomatoes, only two things that money can’t buy, and that’s true love and homegrown tomatoes.”

So true.

Today, for breakfast, I had a BLT (bacon/lettuce and tomato) sandwich. Even though I’m to avoid squishy white bread I seem to be eating a lot of it lately (bologna sandwiches and now BLT’S!) … whatever. Some things in life you just have to splurge on from time to time and a BLT on anything but squishy white bread is not the same sandwich!

So, I enjoyed one for breakfast. It was piled high with cold, crisp romaine lettuce (the inner baby leaves), a semi mountain of super crispy, hot bacon, a touch of Miracle Whip (I’m not a mayo gal) and of course, warm, red, ripe, oozing goodness in every slice – homegrown tomatoes … warm off the vine. OMG.

It was SO good … I had another one for lunch!

I think I’ve had my processed meats quota for the day. I’m hoping all the lycopene and other vitamins in the tomato kind of counter act the bad stuff in the bacon! One can only hope!

In any case … my vines are FULL of ripening tomatoes. And it’s wonderful and I’m going to eat as many as I can – even though I’m allergic to them. Again, sometimes you just have to eat what is not that great for you! I don’t care if I’m allergic (I just get sick, my throat doesn’t swell shut or anything) … I’m going to eat them. And I’m going to eat as many of them as I can …

Unless, of course, the dog beats me to it!

Gertie is a tomato thief.

In years past we had to put up a little fence around our tomato plants because the dog would go out in the backyard and pluck off as many little tomatoes as she could gobble up before anyone noticed her doing so! One day we caught the tomato thief red- handed … or in this case, red-pawed! So, up went the fence.

Usually people put up fencing to keep out deer. Not us … we put up fencing to keep out a pug!

Tonight I took Mobes out for a nice, long walk. We got home and she was exhausted and promptly dug herself a cool spot in the dirt (great). Soon after I heard little dog yips coming from the patio. My first thought was Gertie was trying to play with Mobes who was sleeping … but then the barking was more urgent … and I thought maybe something had happened to Mobes and Gertie was giving me her best impression of Lassie’s “Timmy fell down the well (again)” bark.

So, I zipped out to see what she was trying to tell me … and there she was circling the potted tomato plants on the patio barking at them. She looked at me with those watery puggy eyeballs and then looked back at the plants. Don’t tell me dogs are not good communicators!

They are a bit too high (I hope) for her to reach … at least until she gets creative and jumps up on the chaise or rocker to get at them!

In the meantime … I’m waiting for a few more to ripen as I want another sandwich. And, so does Gertie!

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First a tube top, now this …

Day 182

Oh dear god.

I hate to admit it, but yesterday I wore a muumuu.

Well, not a conventional muumuu, of sorts, but a short jersey-knit summer dress thing. I’m not a dress person. But it was so hot (again) and my 2 pairs of shorts were both in the laundry … I was left to don paint clothes, shorts that no longer fit (too big – yay!), capris, or this dress thing.

And I say it’s a “dress thing” because I’m not sure, exactly, that it is a dress. It could be pajamas for all I know! Seriously. I got it off the clearance rack and so don’t know what department it hailed from. Yesterday I could have been walking around, in public, in my pajamas.

Well, that wouldn’t be the first time.

Let me explain.

Eons ago I went out to CO to visit my sister. She was working at a bar and told me to come by when her shift was finished. I didn’t bring any “bar clothes” with me, so I rifled through her closet and came up with what I thought was a really cute outfit.

Okay … before I describe it, you have to take into account that this was the 70’s. The clothing was hideous at best.

I put on (what I thought was super cute) a rust colored long-sleeved, cross-over top that tied at the side and matching pants. It was soft and comfy. Nice! I threw on some jewelry … probably something big and equally hideous and went to meet her and her friends.

I walked into the bar and was making my way through to the table where about 12 of her friends were and she shouted out, “You’re wearing my PAJAMAS!” I never lived that one down. Whatever. At least I didn’t show up wearing a pair of babydolls!

And then there was the time I was out in the park trying to find Mr. T … the elusive wild turkey that was roaming the neighborhood and everyone had seen him – except me! I thought I saw him so I ran out into the wind and weather (in my pjs) only to scare a few runners. Ha!

Anyway … back to the muumuu/pajama/ dress thing.

Janet Jackson had her “wardrobe malfunction” … and I have also. Who cares?

And so it goes … my slow slide into the “don’t” photograph images in Glamour magazine … first wearing pajamas, then wearing this muumuu/dress thing. Sigh.

I had no choice but to wear what I did yesterday … telling  myself that it really wasn’t THAT BAD. Convincing myself that my Katrina the Sumo Wrestler legs that are attached to my torso were not sooo visible. In any case, I am very persuasive. I convincingly talked myself into wearing it for the comfort factor (as I said, it was ungodly hot again – still) and I wasn’t about to wrestle myself into some spandex yoga capris or once again put on my paint clothes if I wasn’t painting … and I told myself that people would be looking at the muumuu/quasi pj/dress thing and NOT my tree trunk legs. Again, whatever!

I was called STURDY as a baby … and STURDY I have stayed. Sigh. Willow-like I am not.

In any case … I moved to the midwest and within a month the fashion faux pas began.  It started with wearing a 1990’s tube top and then a muumuu.

WHAT IS NEXT? …  Curlers in my hair at the grocery store?

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Musings on a hot, muggy night …

Day 181

It’s a good thing I’m not a bird … because if the early bird gets the worm, I’d surely have died of starvation by now.

I’m more of an owl or an owlet as I’m one who stays up … a night owl.

It’s hot again … has been for a couple of days. We had a nice respite and then we zipped back up to the upper 90’s. Too bad. It’s just too hot. I forgot to water my lawn, again, tonight … it’s crispy. I think if I were to walk on it – it would sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies. Not good.

However, krispy treats ARE good. Think I’ll have to make me some!

I went to the concert in the park tonight. It was Frank Sinatra night tonight. I’m not a big fan of Frank … but thought I’d recognize some tunes and enjoy the music. It had cooled down by the time the concert started and though muggy I thought it would be nice to get out. I settled in on my bench and some guy started singing … badly. Darn it anyway! Some guy who thought he sounded like Frank (but didn’t) was singing some song that he claimed to be one of Frank’s famous tunes … but I didn’t recognize it. Same thing with song #2.

Song #3 brought a woman onto the stage … or maybe it was a guy in drag … I was pretty far away and from what I saw, it could have been either. She/he started singing what I know for a FACT to be a song that the 5th Dimension sang. It was NOT anything Frank. I left in the middle of that one. Bummer.

Sad news today … Donna, the oldest living Nile hippo in captivity was euthanized due to her debilitating arthritis. She was 61! Hippos live to be up to 40 years old in the wild … and not more than 50 in captivity. So, given those statistics, she lived a long and happy hippo life at the Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville, Indiana. (They even threw her yearly birthday parties!) When I was little I loved everything HIPPO. I was a hippo-nut! I still have several of my treasured hippo trinkets and it’s probably why I have pugs. I couldn’t have a pygmy hippo so these chunk-babies are the next best thing!

Cinderella … besides being a good thing I’m not a bird … it’s also a good thing I’m not Cinderella. Prince Charming would never find me to put that glass slipper on my foot because I’d never make it home before midnight and I’d be the pumpkin sitting, forlornly, on the side of the road and he’d walk right past thinking I was a leftover piece of produce that had fallen off someone’s cart going to market.

And in thinking that … I am totally WRONG. Cinderella didn’t turn into a pumpkin (as I’ve long thought) … it was her coach that turned back into a pumpkin! (Her groomsmen turned back into mice. and her dress into tatters.) How weird … all these years I told the kids that they had to be in bed by midnight or they’d turn into pumpkins! What was I thinking?!

Cicadas … they do not sleep. I don’t have any proof and yet I’m sure of it because they sing ALL THE TIME. The are constant singers. I’ll wake up at 4 am (after being asleep for 20 minutes) and I’ll still hear them! Except for the night a storm rolled through … I was awake on the couch listening to the cicadas singing and marveling that they were still up and at it and thought the only time they probably stopped was for a tornado. And in the next instant the singing STOPPED and there was absolute SILENCE. We didn’t have a tornado but it certainly freaked me out!


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Walmart …

Day 180

I am up to my ears in clear, zippered packages of curtains and drapery materials … voile, nylon, cafe curtains, lace, toppers, panels, scarves and valances.

One might think it a nightmare … but no, it’s been my reality for the past 3 days … the nightmare of curtain shopping at … Walmart.

And it’s not that I don’t like Walmart … it’s okay. It’s functional. But I’d like it better in small doses and not 3 days in a row and not at 3 different locations. However, that is what has been going on … 36 hours (or so) of Walmart.


However, I do now have curtains up in the kitchen, valances up in the dining room and gauzy tie-backs are up in the family room. Nice! And everything was inexpensive and looks good. Now I just have to contend with the car full of things to take back!  

Funny thing about certain big-name chain stores though … I never really realized how much they vary with what they carry per store/location depending on the demographics of the surrounding area.

Store #1, closest to me, was a bit smaller than the store I was used to in Colorado. Had similar stuff … far fewer garden goods than the one back in CO and aside from the large (LARGE) liquor section I didn’t really notice that much of a difference.

Store #2, where I went to yesterday, was a bit further east of me. Being new to the area I don’t know the demographics of the different areas yet … but by what was in this store I venture to say that there were a lot of seamstresses living nearby! There were 4 aisles of sewing machines and fabrics and patterns and threads … trims and buttons and ribbons and needles and sewing items and accessories and gadgets galore! I was amazed. I was impressed. I was astonished. Who knew? And it was Walmart!

And you may be wondering why was I going to all these stores? To find the last 3 panels I needed to match the gauzy tie-backs that I found for the family room. I have 12 windows in that room … no store had all 12 packages … so, I had to collect them as I went from store to store … like a squirrel gathering nuts … hunting them down in the drapery and clearance aisles.

Today I went further west of where I live … to Store #3.  And, even though the online shopping item finder said they had none in stock … I left with the final 3 panels and an armload of other items to try out in the dining room. Success! While at this store I thought I’d get more ribbon … but they didn’t have ribbon nor did they have the variety that store #2 had in their “sewing section”. Actually, their sewing section consisted of a shelf or two of threads and some fabric paints next to the crafts and tucked around the corner from the oil cans in the automotive section.

This store, however, was big on party goods … 2 rows of plates and napkins and party favors and goody bags and cups and plasticware and trinkets and wrap. It was amazing!

So, I guess the people out east are the industrious workers … toiling all day at their sewing machines and the people out west are throwing a ton of fun parties and eating off of Dora the Explorer paper goods and the people close to me aren’t doing much of anything out of the ordinary other than drinking a lot!

Hmmm … even though I don’t want to I’ll be Walmart bound tomorrow (to return items) … but I’m half tempted to search out a new store to just see what specialty items they carry!

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Bucket o’ Lard …

Day 179

Well, today I saw something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before … a bucket of lard.

Yes, an actual (albeit plastic) bucket (or tub) of … LARD. 

You know, pork fat … that white solid shortening of sorts that people use for baking, frying or as a spread.

Yuck. Ew!

Actually, it’s not as bad as it sounds. And a “bucket o’ lard” sounds pretty bad!

I have used lard, in baking, myself. Eons ago before I switched to “shortening”. Eons ago before I stopped baking. And, as all good cooks know, nothing beats lard for a flaky pie crust.

Seriously. As gross as that sounds … nothing beats lard for flaky pastry. I don’t know what it is … something about the makeup of the fat content … but it works. And it works best. Better than butter. Better than any vegetable shortening. Better than anything.  But that doesn’t mean I’m going to take home a bucket of it. Who does?

I live in an area with a very high concentration of Polish families … is it a common item in their pantries? Which made me really wonder that question. Is this some ethnic secret ingredient? Is this what makes those fried pastries called Chrusciki or Paczki so fabulous and delectable?

There were buckets on the end cap display of the grocery store aisle and there were many of them and it made me pose these questions …

Who is using buckets of lard? Is there a baking competition in town that I don’t know about? Are there a ton of Polish grandmas out there making Babka or Kolaczki this coming weekend? Am I missing out on some holiday here in the ‘hood?

So, I thought I’d do a little research into the subject.

Here’s what I found out …


A big fat (no pun intended) nothing. So … the next time I go to the grocery store I might just ask the customer service desk WHY they have buckets of lard and who is buying said item?

And while I’m on the subject …

In some European countries if someone is said to be “eating bread and lard” it means that they are very poor and have a meager existence.

It has been used as a descriptor in a negative fashion … “He was a tub o’ lard.” … meaning that that person weighed substantially more than an average person. Not really a nice way of saying someone is heavy-set however it does make for quite a visual image.

The Lard Bucket is a bluegrass band from Alabama. They describe themselves as “simple people making simple music by simple means.” Okay then.

And, the big, fat (lard-like in this instance) kicker of them all … I  found that a 25 pound bucket of lard is approximately 105,000 calories and has 11,200 grams of saturated fat. Makes me think that after consuming it … one might be actually, well …

A tub o’ lard.


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Sublime …

Day 178

Well, here I am at 2:20 and getting ready for the couch (still) and realized I had not written this entry yet today … so, here I am. Yawn!

And in just typing that word, I yawned. Why are they so contagious? Even a written yawn is contagious! Weird!

Tonight was sublime. I have no other word for it …

The evening cooled down to a lovely 71 degrees and 86% humidity … it’s cool but balmy and absolutely … SUBLIME. Nothing less than that!

And, to my amazement, at this hour of the night/morning the cicadas are still out there singing! Do they ever sleep? Do I ever sleep?

I zipped over to the grocery store earlier this evening … thinking I’d mosey around a bit as I’m still trying to fill my pantry with items that I’ve usually had on hand before the move, but still do not, and got home a bit later than I expected. I thought I’d eat my dinner outside but it was darker than I expected so opted to eat inside and watch the olympics instead. 

While at the grocery store I caved. BADLY. And sometimes one just has to do that. Go with the flow. Accept what the cart wants. Take home items that are not usually in your basket but that somehow, mysteriously, materialize in your bag when you arrive home.

Such was the case with the fixings for my dinner.

I am gluten intolerant. I don’t do dairy (not by choice, mind you) or eggs or potatoes or tomatoes or beets … or 20 other yummy things … unless, of course, I don’t mind being sicker than a dog … which sometimes I opt to be. Because one cannot live on gluten free bread and salads alone!

Tonight’s dinner was a complete no-no. And it was … (again) … SUBLIME.

I had kettle potato chips with sour cream … YUM! WHITE bread (OMG) with miracle whip, lettuce and (horrors!) … bologna! It was fabulous. I know, most of you are thinking how can a bologna sandwich be sublime and fabulous … but it was. Sometimes nothing can compare to good ol’ Oscar Mayer!

I went to refill my tea, taking my plate with me, but I left the sour cream container on the table and came back to Gertie, face-planted in the container! She pulled her head out and it looked like she’d been in a cream pie fight! Ha! Guess I didn’t need that sour cream, after all!

I’m glad I sat and watched the olympics for a bit as I got to see the girl gymnasts. They always make me cry. These girls work so hard and are so composed and their ability level is so high. I know how hard they work and how difficult even the easiest of moves is (I have the broken body from a fall in high school to prove it!) … they are truly amazing. I was glad they got the gold.

In any case … I had a productive evening. It was lovely out. I watched the US win some medals and I had the best dinner I’ve had in a long time. Possibly sad, but true!

And yes … just about everything about it was … sublime!

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Baking up a nostalgia casserole …

Day 177

Today’s conversation with Sam prompted me to thinking about food from the 60’s. My mom always set a nice dinner table and made whatever she was making for the 5 of us look really pretty … and it was good, too.

Except for the iceberg lettuce with half pear on it topped with a mayonnaise and nut concoction … or fruit and cottage cheese. Both of those things made me want to flee from the dinner table.

That and beef kidney stew. It was one of those nasty things that my mom made for my dad once in a while … and it never failed but I could smell it from the corner of Greenleaf and Oleander (some 7 houses away) and standing at that corner if I smelled anything sinister on my way home from school … I KNEW to keep on walking to my friend’s house instead of going home. There was NO way I was going near that house … or that smell … or that stew.

But for the most part we had good victuals. It was a simpler time and we were in the midwest so there were a lot of mashed potatoes (yum – and that to this day I still salivate over) and beef roasts and roasted chickens on Sundays.

Mom made “pigs in a blanket” … which were strips of round steak rolled up with a slice of bacon and then pan cooked and served with marvelous pan drippings gravy over rice or alongside potatoes.

My favorite was chipped beef on toast. How sad is that?!

We ate our fair share of cold cuts … Sundays after church we could always count on open-faced summer sausage sandwiches on rye bread … and potato chips (Jays all the way).

My parents entertained a lot so there were always parties going on at our house … summer nights on the patios … birthday parties … getting their group of friends together … holidays … neighborhood gatherings … it always seemed like we had something going on at our house and that was always tons of fun. Mainly, because I got to “help”.

Help meaning I got to put things “out” … taking trays down to the basement counter or outside to the picnic table. Sometimes I got to make the watermelon boat (a carved out watermelon with part of the top cut off and shaped into a basket or bowl and filled with other cut-up fruits). More often I had the task of making the relish tray … carrot strips, celery stuffed with cream cheese and walnuts, green and black olives, and radishes made into roses (sliced half way through and then put into water overnight in the fridge so they’d open up and look like roses). It was always those same things … not the snap peas and asparagus spears one might find today.

And there was always some sort of casserole or two or three. If it was a potluck, where everyone brought a covered dish, there would be a lot of tempting things to eat … macaroni salads, macaroni and cheese, macaroni and mushroom soup, tuna and macaroni (a lot of macaroni those days). You could count on things being goopy and cheesy, soupy and mayonnaise-y and always yummy. And everything was probably laden with fat and calories and cholesterol artery-clogging goodness galore and no one cared – because it was the 60’s. It was all good.

And, of course, there’d be a few jello molds in the mix … wiggling and jiggling … some with fruit, some plain, some whipped, some frozen; some in molded shapes and others cut into squares. There was NEVER a party without jello.

In any case … we were talking about food from “the old days” and it got me thinking that I’d just whip up a virtual casserole of nostalgia tonight.

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111 …

Day 176

I heard, on the radio today, about Shelby Harris.

And who is Shelby Harris, you ask? He is a man who died last week. He was 111 years old and the oldest man living in the United States. His secret to longevity? LOVE. He said love was the key to his long life.

Now how sweet is that?!


Way to go Shelby! Mr. Harris was born March 31, 1901 and though he was what is called a “supercentenarian” he was not the oldest person still living. He was the third oldest man alive … and the 51st oldest person! Egad … seriously? You live to be 111 and can’t even get first place in being the oldest?

Besse Cooper currently holds that title at 115. She lives in Georgia and is looking forward to her 116th next month!

I can’t even imagine. 

I remember seeing those yogurt commercials when we were younger … when yogurt was just coming around and it was all those old Russians in babushkas and tams looking older than dirt, sitting around eating yogurt and saying, “Jah.” It was supposed to tell us if we ate yogurt we could also live to a ripe old age.

To me it just said you are going to look like this ancient, old lady with a babushka. Why would I want to eat yogurt if THAT was going to happen to me?

Hmmm. Guess the marketing message didn’t reach to 10 year olds.

My grandparents (my dad’s parents) were way ahead of their time. Grandpa made his own yogurt … back in the 70’s. Grandma was into reflexology and yoga. Her sense of style was light years ahead of the trends. Grandpa skated until he was in his 80’s. They were amazing.

I think of what I would do given another half life. For that is what it would be … 56 more years. What would I do? What could I do?

I don’t think my investments would support another 56 years! I’d better get creative.

I think I’d paint … and of course, write … and I think I’d let myself just “be” more than I do. I’d walk more and try to control things less. Start something I was afraid of doing. Learn more. Fret less.

And in just naming those few things … I realize that I don’t have to wait to look back on a life lived of not doing those things … so, changes start today.

There is a poem written by Jenny Joseph called “Warning” … about what she will do when she’s an old woman and finally able to wear purple. I hate that poem. It makes me sad that that woman’s life went by and she didn’t do what she wanted. Lost opportunities. Squashed self-identity. Stagnation. Worry.

In any case … it’s highly doubtful that most of us will live to be 100 or older … so, do what you might save for later NOW. Don’t wait.

Paint with abandon. Write like the wind. Hang upside down from your tree. Do what brings you happiness and fulfillment and joy. Find your passion and share it. Take up a sport. Learn a new skill. Find a hobby. Teach someone what you love to do. Enjoy your days.

And if you’re lucky enough to be like Shelby, you’ll die in your sleep a happy and contented human with love as your secret to your long and happy life.

Way to go, Mr. Harris. 




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My weird disorder …

Day 175

I wish I could blame my day on some sort of affliction … like my having severe ADHD or something along those lines. Instead I think I’m just going to make up a new one and blame my ways on that … something akin to Chicken Without a Head Abnormal Functionality (CWHAF) or Out to Lunch Syndrome (OLS) or Brain on Vacation Disorder (BVD) … something!

I have on my paint clothes. I have had them on for 12 hours and the closest thing to painting I got today was carrying 2 paint brushes upstairs. That was it.

I did not get the hall trim finished or the bathroom started or my bedroom even looked at. What I did do was on my way to get the paint cans I walked past the main bedroom and thought, “Oh, I really should clear all the extra stuff out of here.” Something I’ve been saying for a few weeks.

So, without giving even a nanosecond of thought to my paint project for the day … I started in on that bedroom.  And in that bedroom were all the decorative items and artwork that was unpacked but had not found a home yet. All of it was carried into the dining room and put on the dining room table.

The artwork had not been unwrapped yet … so, I set to unwrapping all the (very well wrapped) art pieces and framed wall art and wreaths and flower arrangements. Which meant a lot of packing materials (cardboard flats, bubble wrap, popcorn/peanut things and newspapers) that I had to drag to the garage for pick up. So I did that. 10 trips.

While in the garage I realized I hadn’t picked out some of the newer blind slats that I might need for the blinds still in my family room. So, I foraged through the pile of the slats I already took down and came up with the few newer ones that I needed as replacements.

Back in the house I passed the set up ironing board that I was going to use yesterday to iron and then hang the curtains for the family room windows. They are still sitting on the ironing board.

Anyway, I made piles of the framed pieces to put up on the walls around the house. But I realized I was missing some pieces … where did I see those?

I walked back to the bedroom and, now hours later, I was set to vacuum that room. So, I did. And then I thought I’d rearrange the furniture in that bedroom (meanwhile the furniture I’ve pushed out of the way upstairs is still not moved to where it’s supposed to be!) … so I moved furniture around.

And then I didn’t like it any way I rearranged so I put it all back how I had it to start with. Great. Okay … room done. Well, I thought I’d best wash the quilt and heck, why not do the dust ruffle, too? So, I hauled that armful down to the basement laundry room.

While down there I realized that this is where the other artwork was that I hadn’t brought up yet and unpacked. So, I moved a ton of boxes to get to the flats holding the art and lugged them all up and unwrapped them like all the others I had just done. And more trips to the garage with garbage! Now I had all the art together to choose from for my walls in one place. Good thing.

I went back down to check on the laundry and thought, “Well, I’m here … I’ll organize my business boxes and put things away on the shelves. I’ll just do this until the washer is done.”

Longest washing cycle in the history of the universe. 6 hours later I’m still downstairs! The floor has been washed, the business stuff has been organized and put away and I started in on whatever boxes are at hand, unpacking and trying to put things away. But I’ve only made a very tiny dent in this massive basement organization.

So, the dining room is a disaster zone. I still haven’t gotten to the curtains. The basement project has begun and the organizational process always looks worse before it looks better – so, it, too is a disaster zone. None of the art or decorative pieces have been hung or put around. And I didn’t get any painting done!

And I wonder why I don’t “get things done.” 

Yep … I’m gonna blame this scattered day on some weird disorder!

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The Old Oak Tree …

Day 174

What math word did the acorn say when he grew up? Gee, I’m a tree!

Ha … sorry. Bad joke. But today’s conversation with my neighbor was no joke and it has me wondering what I can do to help.

Tim (neighbors on both sides are named Tim) to the south came by today asking me if his truck bothered me? I didn’t know what that meant. So, without thinking too much about it (cuz it was early and I was in my robe and feeling like I probably looked like Winston Churchill in a periwinkle robe with breath like a dragon) I responded, “What truck?”

Apparently, he has a truck … which he parks on the street … when he’s not using it … which is roughly between 6:30 pm and 5:30 am. I wasn’t even consciously aware that he had a truck. So, no … the truck is not bothering me.

But, apparently it is bothering someone else in our neighborhood as he has, in the last week, received two $50 tickets for parking his vehicle on the street.

I live in a town, I’m finding out, that loves stupid, old rules that do nothing but keep nice people from tidying up their property or gaining some privacy or living a nice, normal, quiet life. Kind of like Stepford, but without the robots.

Now, understand, my neighbor and I are both corner houses … there is a cemetery across the street. I am the ONLY one for a full block that can even see a truck on the street … and that’s if I look past the bushes and crane my next out a window. Stupid. His truck is bothering NO ONE.

And why, you may ask, doesn’t he just park his truck in his driveway? Because he has a very narrow 2 car drive … and his wife drives a minivan and parks it in the drive as it’s easier for her to get the baby and toddler in/out when needed and both cars won’t fit. And why is the driveway so narrow? Because when they built the house someone had the brains to build around the 75 foot, 150+ year old Oak tree that is next to the driveway instead of taking it down and extending the driveway. It was here before the house … obviously. It shades his entire house … and my garage. It is enormous … and breathtakingly beautiful in a tall, leafy, acorn-laden kind of way.

We live in the SW Woods … NOT the SW area of Cement and Driveways.

My neighbor has been told to cut the tree down. Make a wider driveway. Pay thousands of dollars to do both of those things. Oh, and of course, there would be a hefty fine if he didn’t get a permit!

The forestry guy came out today. Too bad I missed him. He would have gotten a large piece of this newcomer’s mind. A LARGE piece. Instead of coming over and seeing this gorgeous specimen of a healthy, old Oak tree and saying, “Gee, this is a gorgeous specimen of a healthy, old Oak tree and I will help get a provision to the ordinance to give you an exception so that you can park your vehicle, which is bothering no one, in the street instead of cutting down this big, 75 foot or taller, 150 year or older living, beautiful squirrel and bird nest highrise.”

But, no. He said, “Yeah, when you cut it down just make sure you don’t leave the scraps around for longer than a week or we’ll fine you.” Or something along those lines. Seriously.

I am sickened. Fences, mulch, trees, stupid parking ordinances … the city hasn’t heard the last from me.

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2192 Days …

Day 173

As many of you know I am a numbers person. I count.

I count when I am out walking. I don’t sing. I don’t think. I count.

I find it most aggravating! I could be solving the world’s problems but instead I’m counting the number of steps I can take before stepping on a crack in the sidewalk, or how many steps it is until the next street sign, or how many steps it takes me to cross the park. It’s crazy.

It’s also crazy because some things I don’t want to count … I just do. Like today.

Today is day 2192 since Tim died.

He was 52 years old … had lived nearly 19,000 days … and then he was gone.

Today was the 6th anniversary of his passing.

6 YEARS. I have lived almost 73 months without him. That just doesn’t seem possible.

That first day I didn’t think I’d get through one more hour as I truly felt like my heart was broken. Shattered. Not working properly. I remember, consciously, telling myself to breathe … that I could do this … that I could make it through. 

No one knows what losing a spouse is like – until you do.

I think of my kids … they lost their dad that day. I have no idea what that feels like because, at 55, I am fortunate enough to have both of my parents still. Amazingly enough.

2192 … that is almost 15 times the length of his battle with cancer. FIFTEEN TIMES. How is THAT possible?

From the day he was diagnosed to the day he died … it was 148 days. A drop in the bucket. A blur in the memory. Not even the length of a season. It makes me sick.

And it makes me sad … because there are days when I feel like that life didn’t happen. It feels like it was just some movie I watched a long time ago. I look at pictures of our intact family and wonder where IS that family? The three of us now live in different states … how did THAT happen?

Life is weird.

The other day I found a picture of us at Yellowstone hiking some trail … the kids were younger (as were we) and it made me wonder what happened to these carefree souls? It also made me wonder how I got to where I am, by myself, in a state I swore I’d never return to?

Life is weird … and sometimes it takes you on a journey … or two … that you never thought you’d go on. The path twists and turns and winds its way along and most of the time we can’t see around the curve ahead … but forge along anyway hoping for the best. And sometimes we get it.

And sometimes we don’t. And cancer is your roadside companion and the dead end is looming. And you have 148 days.

And others have 2192 … and counting …

It is what it is.


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The early stages of evolution …

Day 172

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Or in this case, I also need to say … Gracias. Gracias. Gracias!

My new lawn crew arrived this morning at 9am … all 5 of them, armed with the necessary lawn implements to mow, edge, sweep, vacuum, dig, chop, prune, trim … and the like.

It was amazing!

I’ve never had a “real” lawn service before. For the past 33 years I’ve done it myself … with the occasional help from Tim, Ted or Sam. And since my arrival here … I have had my little neighbor do the honors.

However, wow … what a difference PROFESSIONALS make!

5 guys … and I’m not talking about the hamburger place … weeded and hoed and mowed and edged and scraped and trimmed and air puffed and cleaned up and then as if magically … poof … they got into their truck and disappeared leaving behind … PARADISE!

Seriously. If not paradise … it’s close to it as my yard and patio and sidewalks look FANTASTIC!

As Billy Crystal would say, “They look MARVELOUS!”

I never thought I could get so worked up about a lawn service, but this was so great … not only because my lawn, though still mostly weeds, looks green and tidy and cared for and trimmed and my sidewalks now don’t have big clumps of weeds and grass growing over them … but I didn’t have to DO IT MYSELF!

These guys were here for an hour … 5 guys times an hour’s time. You do the math! I’d be out there until October trying to do what they all did in that one hour … and it still wouldn’t have looked as good because I don’t have the right tools. And am NOT about to go out and get them.

I would be crippled … or maimed … or in the emergency room in no time!

So, knowing that my lawn is going to look wonderful … and knowing that the weed care service starts later this week to get my lawn back to a state of being “rich, thick, green, strong and weed-free” … I can concentrate on the landscaping portion of my yard profile.


And so, I will go to that nice garden center I found and take my diagram (also known as a rough, crude drawing) with the dimensions of my yard and what I’d like to do … and start picking out planting materials.

And then I’ll go to Kmart and get the other stuff I need at a more affordable price!

The trellis materials will be picked out this week (Menard’s … which are not in CO) … and their installation will be within the week. Then I can start planting the rest of the yard.


Picture this … from a weed-dominated lawn with a few hostas to sculpted garden areas lush with hydrangea, Russian sage, scarlet monarda, day lilies, foxgloves, lavender and daisies. Fragrant climbing apricot and pink blush roses tumble over the black chain link fence. Pachysandra and sweet woodruff cover the ground (along with mulch to keep in the moisture and ward off the weeds … and to keep the mud from dog toes!) … and also sweet violets. In the shady areas there will be lily of the valley for next spring and come fall I’ll tuck in 100 tulip bulbs, so I can have something pretty to look forward to all winter, when spring finally arrives.

The trellis-work will be planted with honeysuckle and trumpet vine and somewhere I’ll plant a pink flowering cherry tree … so that the fragrance of the blossoms can infuse the house come spring.

It’s starting … the evolution of the Rose Cottage!

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Getting around …

Day 171

I am watching Gertie eat a bug. It is the size of a gnat (and probably is one) and yet she has chewed it like it were a piece of salt water taffy – pineapple flavored – as she is making a face like someone who has just eaten too much pineapple! I guess the bug wasn’t so tasty!

Today was cooler … what a difference 20 degrees makes! I’m not joking! It was 20 degrees cooler than it has been, than it will be … so, I was, again, a painting fool. One would think by now that I’d have painted the entire house 3x with 3 coats of paint! Nope … still at it!

Anyway, I ran out of Manchester Tan (which is lovely, by the way, and more akin to melted coffee ice cream than anything “tan”) and ran off to my local Ace Hardware (thank you gods of retail stores for putting one so close to me!) … because it is to be 102 degrees here tomorrow and I want to get this portion of the painting DONE!

So, at 7:25 I got the last can of Benjamin Moore Eggshell Base 1 549 1x (or whatever it is) … and while I was off looking for brass colored nails and while the girl was using that paint shaker contraption to mix the paint … the can exploded!

Did I mention it was THE LAST CAN?

Did I mention it’s to be a zillion degrees tomorrow? (You can’t paint when it’s a zillion degrees!)

However, the clerk was really nice, called the closest store and had them mix up a gallon for me so that after the 20 minute drive over to the place all I’d have to do was grab it and go (well, and pay for it, too, unless I wanted to spend the evening in the slammer)! So, I zipped off to locales unknown.

I should do this more often! Oh, the things I found!

I haven’t been out and about enough since my arrival to really have much of a grasp of the roads and stores yet and where things are … other than a beeline to Home Depot, Ace and Starbucks. So, I got to drive a bit tonight and figure things out.

I passed Algonquin Road on my way out to get the paint … and realized that that was a diagonal that would take me almost directly back home … so, that’s the route I took on my return instead of the road I was on.

Enroute to the store I passed the ORIGINAL McDonalds. Yes, it’s here … in Des Plaines … looking just like it did when they opened in April 1955. Actually, the original building was torn down, but then rebuilt and is now a museum. I think I’ll have to go take a look one of these days.

On my way home I passed the old Methodist youth camp that always looked sooo desirable when I was little. Of course, then, it seemed like it was hours and hours away from home and not a mere 15 minute car ride!

I passed the garden center that everyone raves about. I will have to go back soon as their flowers are half off and my patio is in need of some sprucing up as my summer plantings have either roasted or drowned … or both.

And, when I was nearly home I saw Li’l Abner’s girlfriend, Daisy Mae, out walking her little chihuahua. I mean, it really WAS Daisy Mae … complete with off the shoulder belly shirt and the shortest of short shorts I’ve seen on anyone in a really long time … they made Daisy Duke look like she was wearing Bermudas!

So, it was a successful and enlightening evening … I got my paint, I found some treasures, I got an (unwanted) eyeful and I’m feeling more confident in getting around.

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Day 170

I am not a reader. Well, let me rephrase that … I do not ALLOW myself to be a reader.

Basically because I get so absorbed I don’t do anything else. The house gets dusty, the animals go hungry, I stay up far too late (or early) … it’s not pretty.

I am one of those that says, “Oh, I’ll just read one more chapter and then go to bed.” And 2 hours and umpteen chapters later I’m still up and it’s 3am and I’m telling myself, still, “Oh, I’ll just read one more chapter and then I’ll go to bed.” It hasn’t happened often, but, on occasion, dawn has found me still reading. NOT a good thing if I want any semblance of a decent day!

It’s ridiculous! So, I, sadly, don’t allow myself the pleasure of reading as often as I would like … or actually should. I have no self-control. I’m a reading addict! I just don’t know when to stop!

I read magazines. I read catalogs. But that’s not reading … that’s flipping through pages of stuff and relaxing before bed.

In one of the magazines tonight I saw a picture of a bulletin board that had a note on it that read: REREAD YOUR FAVORITE NOVEL.

It made me think. What would I read? Reread?

The classics come to mind … but then I hate/have to admit … I haven’t read them yet … so, I can’t “reread” them. They are … and have been … on my list … forever. I can’t count the number of times I’ve pulled out Emma or Jane Eyre and put it on my nightstand … only to put it back on the shelf a month or so later – still unopened.

The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, Mandy, Little Women, Under the Lilacs … those old-fashioned romantic novels of days gone by sound enticing. They are transporters … they take me back to a time of simplicity and lace and lovely verbiage.

The Borrowers, Charlotte’s Web, Pippi Longstocking, The Dog on Barkham Street, all the Miss Pickerell books and the My Father’s Dragon trilogy … all books from my youth. Read and reread and reread again … any of those would be fun. When I was little I spent many summer days up in the front maple reading away in my leafy, cool aerie. Later, as an adult, I used to reread all of my favorite childhood books every summer … but after Tim died I kind of stopped doing that.

I’ve read several Dan Brown novels – devoured those actually. Those were dusty and dog-hungry days! Michener … he’s always good for some scenic adventure, buffaloes churning up prairie dust, wagon wheels creating ruts in the rocks, history lessons painted with words. Grisham … action-packed and involved and with so many twists and turns even the best sleuths are kept guessing. And Crichton … thrilling, heart-stopping books and hey- ya can’t go wrong with dinosaurs eating people!

Then there are the sets of series (which you really should read in order to enjoy them the most) … The Cat Who mystery books by Lilian Jackson Braun. I LOVE those. All 20 some of them! I haven’t read those in a long time and every once in a while I find myself wondering how Quill and Polly and the cats are doing? (Um, they are fictional book characters, you goofball head!) The Goldilocks catering books are great, too … easy, fun mysteries by Diane Mott Davidson. I liked those a lot because there were recipes in them and it was set in a fictional town in the Colorado mountains but had references to Denver. And, a friend turned me on to Jan Karon and the Mitford series. I STILL want to live there. They are LOVELY books.

And yet, with all these choices … I don’t know what I’d reread first. What I should reread first. What I will reread first.

What would you reread?

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Food Network Junkie …

Day 169

Okay, I admit it … I am a Food Network junkie. Plain and simple. I love the channel, I love the shows, I love the people. I am a fan!

If I could only have one channel on my television … it would be that one! Seriously.

And the funny thing is … I do not cook!

I know. How weird is that?! I am an assembler. I can make lasagna and a yummy potato soup, great, gorgeous salads and Pavlova and airy meringues and really good over-easy eggs (that I can no longer eat due to allergies but practically dream about) … but I do not actually cook.

Well, I don’t cook in the sense of like Julia!

I can follow a recipe but I’d rather just throw stuff together and not follow the rules! I am not a braiser or a roaster (though I do make Thanksgiving dinner) … I don’t know what to do with half the spices (okay 7/8ths of the spices) that are in my spice drawers. But I use them anyway … my favorites being orange and flower peppers, cumin and lavender.  I put lavender in everything! Or would if I remembered to do so. I’m also a big rosemary and thyme gal – fresh only, please.

I’m not a big baker either … probably because none of us were ever real “sweets” people … though I can add to a dessert that’s already made and make it into something prettier or more fun.

In any case … The Next Food Network Star just wrapped up tonight with its finale and I was NOT disappointed. I won’t say who got the new title as TNFNS … but I was very happy. I would have watched any of the shows piloted and any of the finalists in a show – they were that good this time around.

I watch Chopped … love it! I try to figure out what to do with the mystery items in the baskets … and in the 20 or so minutes that the contestants have to actually USE the items in the basket for whatever course is the challenge … I’m still thinking about what I’d do with those said items or am trying to figure out what the items ARE! And they are not easy things to work with. Sometimes it’s anchovies in the dessert round. Or octopus. Or tripe. Or some odd fruit from Malaysia! Tonight they had black chicken (I don’t even know what a black chicken is) … guava (who knew the seeds were inedible?) … and peas needed to be incorporated in the dessert round. I find it fascinating.

I watch a handful of other shows on that network, because if my television is on … it’s turned to that channel. Restaurant and Dinner Impossible … Giada … Anne Burrell … Diners … Good Eats … Barefoot Contessa … Ten Dollar Dinners … Paula … you name it, I probably like it!

Anyway, congrats to the winner tonight … I did not vote (I did not want someone’s future/fate in my hands!) but watched it as I ate my romaine salad with grilled chicken, feta and berries with bottled strawberry dressing. Not exactly mystery items … but that’s okay. If I had to wait to figure out what to do with those things … I’d starve to death!

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Problem speculation …

Day 168

I have a sick dog. Gertie has been visibly down in the dumps all day. I think I know her problem.

She can’t sing.

No, that’s not her problem. Her problem is that she helped herself to the Litterbox Buffet in the basement. I usually have a gate up so the dogs can’t access said snack tray … but I was busy in the basement and I forgot and well … sick dog.

But, if she were to be down in the dumps for another reason, it would be because (I’m sure of this) she can’t sing.

Last night the concert in the park was (supposed to be) Broadway musicals. I was looking forward, all day, to singing along with some well-known musical hits! Not WELL, mind you … as my singing is pitchy and off-key and not great. But it feels good and brings me joy.

Well, the conductor was a bit off base because I’m pretty sure Schindler’s List was not a Broadway production nor did it have musical numbers in it! Not the best choice to play a trio of songs from … when the audience was expecting songs that triggered memories of Ethel Merman, Mary Martin and Stubby Kaye.

They did play Somewhere Out There (from the animated film An American Tail) …obviously, it also, was not a Broadway hit but a song from my kids’ childhood that I’d sing to them while they were drifting off to sleep. Whatever! The conductor got to choose the music and we were just there for the ride.

Anyway, while they were playing it it reminded me of when Ted was 3 or 4 and in a daycare program called Mother’s Day Out. One of those once/twice a week programs for a handful of hours to give mom’s the luxury of running errands without having to do the “child carseat buckle shuffle” 24 times in the course of a morning.

I arrived one day to pick him up and the teachers greeted me with smiles from ear to ear. They saw me and started chuckling and told me they couldn’t wait to see me as they had something to share. Uh-oh.

If you knew Ted, when he was little, you might remember he was quite something. He was bright and animated and everything was exciting and he was a little sponge. He absorbed everything and knew things that Tim and I didn’t (like what krill was … which he explained to us at the dinner table one night). In any case, he was a riot.

And that day at lunch, while all the children were seated at their tables eating their sandwiches … Ted stood up, with arms extended and said, “Quiet everyone! I’m going to sing you a song!” And he proceeded to sing the entire Somewhere Out There song to the teachers and his classmates!

What ever possessed him?

I don’t know … but I wish I could have been there for his musical debut!

Music is a universal thing and it’s lovely and soothes the souls of man and beast (and, apparently, 4 yr olds at lunchtime). 

In any case … I’m glad he is a musical being. And I wish Gertie could sing. If she could maybe she’d feel better. Or maybe she’d feel better if I would just remember to put up the gate!

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Sickening day …

Day 167

I saw the post about the shootings on MSN this morning and it was Columbine and Virginia Tech all over again. 

I didn’t know until later that the total of wounded and dead was nearly 75.

Who does that?

Seriously. WHO DOES THAT?

The “kid” is 24. A brain child of neuroscience. He’s not an idiot. I want to know why he thought this was even in the realm of possibilities to do on an otherwise normal Thursday night.

What snapped? And it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing … this was carefully researched and thought out. He purchased items over months’ time. Who opens fire on a full movie theater? Who rigs up his apartment so that when the first responders go in they trip the bombs/wires. WHO DOES THAT?

It’s hard enough for me to grasp how ONE person can take the life of ONE other person. How is that not TERRIBLY wrong in that person’s mind?

It is incomprehensible to try to grasp last night’s violence. Innocent people watching a midnight movie … and then lives shattered, lost, altered forever.


I was in Ace Hardware this evening and the clerk noticed my license plates and commented that someone in the store was from Colorado. I waved at her and said it was me. There were a handful of people in the store and we all stood around for a bit talking about this tragedy.

And, though it hit “home” for me because it happened in an area that I’m familiar with and I know people in that area and Sam knows people in that area … it touched everyone who heard about it today.

And I wondered about the ripple effect.

Did this kid want fame? Notoriety? Attention? He killed (at least) 12 people and injured another 60. WHO DOES THAT?

You tally up the deaths and casualties and then you add in the survivors … they are all victims. Will they EVER be able to go to another movie? EVER? You add in the families and friends of the deceased and wounded … will any of them ever feel safe again? You add in the friends of the friends who knew people affected and the total strangers whose compassion made their hearts ache as if they had lost a loved one themselves … and the tally goes up.

How many people were affected by this young man with 4 guns and a desire to kill? WHO DOES THAT?

I don’t know.

What I do know is that, once again, our security has been breached. Our defenses are heightened. Our need to protect, greater. I want to hug my kids. I want to hug my friends. I want to hug everyone.

Innocence lost. Trust lost. Security lost.

Again … one person changed the lives of us all today.


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Cicada Serenade …

Day 166

I should have taken the time, earlier in my day, when my mind was full of things to write about … because now I am coming up like I’m the Sahara Desert … quite dry!

We had 3 thunderstorms roll through last night and with those storms cooler air. Finally! Respite! Though muggy today, it has cooled down considerably (so, this is what 73 degrees feels like!) … and it is LOVELY!

The air is cool, it smells fresh, there is a light, yummy breeze … makes me wish I had a bed to climb into!

I’ve opened up the windows and turned off the fans. There are no planes even. That, in itself, is remarkable. I can hear distant traffic but it almost sounds like waves … it is wonderful and blissfully quiet.

Blissfully quiet except for the cicadas that are serenading the neighborhood. They are noisy buggers but in a pleasant sort of way. I don’t mind that “noise/sound” (I actually kind of like it) as it’s nature’s music. They are singing or chirping or whatever it is that they are doing … and it’s peaceful and nice.

I do know that people call them locusts but they are not related to that grasshopper family but are more akin to leaf-hoppers. If you don’t know what a cicada looks like google them … they have big, heavy bodies and large folded, veined wings (think folded-wing dragonflies w/fat, long, crunchy bumblebee bodies). Their eyes are set far apart (like horses) and they are kind of iridescent in a teal/black and purple sort of way. They are kind of like the bug of the 80’s with their color combos!

The males are the songsters … using their abdomens in an accordian-like manner squeezing the songs out to hopefully entice the local lady-friend cicadas to mate.

My friend, Sue, had a chocolate lab named Frango (Frango mints are big in Chicago, so hence the name) … Frango LOVED cicadas. I still laugh at the stories told of that dog grabbing those bugs out of the air, mid-flight, letting them buzz around in her mouth, puffing out her jowls, before munching them into oblivion … never to be seen again. Well, not until she puked them back up in a gooey iridescent mess – wings and all! Ew!

In any case … I like cicadas. Not to EAT but to listen to because, to me, the cicada serenade is the sound of summer.

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Jungle Fever …

Day 165

I hear the jungle drums in the distance … at least I think I hear jungle drums in the distance. It might be the airport.

In any case … by the humidity level and jungle mugginess … it most certainly could be drums.


I won’t go into another dissertation about my slobberpuss of sweatness … tmi. I won’t go into the possibility that my dog needs some form of doggie deodorant (though I think she does!) … I won’t even go into how my plumber, who has lived here all his life, came to my house today to snake my pipes (oh joy) and said he was moving to England … or Scotland … or some land where there weren’t jungle drums playing in the distance.

At least that’s what I thought he said.

I was probably hearing things and hallucinating by then. I think that was around 5pm and I had been cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry and decorating the house all day and I was practically in a sweat induced coma. But by the looks of Griff (the plumber) he was close behind me in heat exhaustion.

This is craziness. Too hot. Too muggy. Too gross. Too jungly!

We had two thunderstorms come through tonight … I opened up the windows to let the cool air in … and only got rain on the floor and the sound of jungle drums wafting my way carried along by the raindrops.

When it storms Moby is a disaster zone. She, before we rescued her, lived in a chicken wire pen in the middle of a field in the mountains. There was a board across the top at one end – shelter, I suppose, was its purpose. When storms rolled through the mountains the thunder must have echoed terribly, along with no place to hide from the rain and lightning. Poor baby. When she had her litters (and her former owner bred her 3x in her young three years – equalling 30 pups), she was “allowed” to live in the shed … which gave more protection, but was still appalling. (I couldn’t get that dog home fast enough.)

In any case, when storms roll in and through, since her rescue, she must have residual terrors of the chicken pen days as she is just panicked. Her favorite spot is the bathtub … so, she was in there tonight. If she is upstairs her first attempt is to curl up in the corner which is adequate in size for a large chihuahua! Then she’ll go to my office closet (if it’s open) and try to climb onto the shelves! Not a great thing to do.  And finally she’ll go down and get into the tub.

So, that’s where she spent most of her night tonight … and glued to my side in between storms after being lured out with some treats.

Anyway, I’ve just closed up the house again as the only thing I was letting in now was mugginess and the sound of those jungle drums. Mobes is acting kind of oddly … I think she hears them, too!

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Magazine junkie …

Day 164

I have a secret.

I am a magazine junkie.

Seriously. If there is a title published, I’ve, at one time or another, subscribed to it. Well, maybe not … but it seems like it.

I was dusting tonight (gasp!) and came upon my basket of magazines. Truthfully I’ve been a wee bit preoccupied to give Oprah or Coastal Living even the quickest of once overs in the last few months. Therefore, I have quite the stash of soft-cover reading material waiting for me … and, ahem, literally collecting dust.

I subscribe to about (no snickering) 30 magazines in any given year. Some I’ve taken for a year (can’t even remember their titles they were so unremarkable) … others I’ve had for eons (Better Homes & Gardens, Real Simple, Living) … some I’ve outlasted (Gourmet).

Tonight, in between doing laundry, dusting and watering down the dogs, I flipped through First. I have to admit that I really love this publication. It is chock full of tidbits of wisdom, yummy recipes and every month it tells me what electrolyte or mineral or enzyme I am missing from my daily intake and if I ate/took said “thing” I’d be thinner, my hair would be shinier, my eyes brighter, my liver less fatty … well, you get the picture.

In any case … I don’t think they print anything that is harmful, so why not eat more arugula if it’s going to detox my system?

This is what I found in tonight’s reading:

A recipe for a chunky salsa gazpacho. Sounds cool, refreshing and is also full of tomato goodness. Tomatoes, it appears, help increase the body’s defenses against sunburn due to the fruit’s antioxidant properties (lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin) that protect against UV-induced free-radical damage. Who knew?

In another story I learned that dissolving an Alka-Seltzer tablet in a bowl of water and soaking your blood, sweat or ice cream stained blouse for 30 minutes before rinsing/washing it out will leave everyone guessing as to if you actually were sweating, bleeding or slobbered your ice cream on yourself!  (Apparently the abrasive sodium bicarbonate along with the effervescence of the tablets forces the protein right out of the cloth fibers!)

I also learned that Butterbur helps regulate blood flow to the brain which wards off migraines. (However, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before using any herb.)

And I learned that if I flossed more my arthritis might not be as pronounced because it diminishes gum disease which can make gum tissue permeable, allowing harmful microbes to enter the bloodstream and settle in joint fluid. Where is my floss?!

Another tidbit was that 48% of chicken in grocery stores tested positive for E. coli. Ewwwwww. Can everyone say Veggie Pattie?

And the best thing I read tonight – other than the tip to line your taco shell with a butter lettuce leaf to hold all the ingredients together if your shell cracks … was how to carve an oval watermelon into a shark head!

You’d better believe I’m gonna try that!



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The Slobberpuss of Sweat Rides Again …

Day 163

I have only three letters to describe that first moment when I walked outside the airport in Chicago late this afternoon …


I left Denver this morning, hair fluffed, and though it was 96 or something … I was comfortable. Not an activated sweat gland in sight!

In the airport I was cool as a cucumber. On the plane I was serene and comfortable. In O’Hare I was ignorant of what awaited me outside those automatic doors … until I walked through them.

And … Oh.My.God.

The Slobberpuss of Sweat returned with a vengeance. I stepped through those automatic doors to the outside and felt as if someone had doused me with water. It was mere moments before the rivulets of sweat started down my back and neck and front.


Welcome home!

How quickly one forgets how obscene this climate is here. Somehow, after a measly 4 days in Denver, I forgot how disgusting the humidity is/can be.

I know I have short-term memory problems … but come on!

The dogs are lying around, once again, like those limp Dali watches … and wondering, I’m sure, why I have moved them to HELL.

I kept assuring them after my arrival (and hero’s welcome), as I turned on the air conditioners and fans, that this would pass … that I was not torturing them willingly … that they did nothing wrong to deserve this oppressive heat and discomfort. I quickly hosed them all down, as well … bringing relief – if just temporary.

I myself jumped in the shower.

Whomever told me that humidity would be good for me was a complete idiot. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I do think that idiot was ME!

“Oh, chill out self … the humidity will be great for your skin, hair, sinuses, eyeballs, etcetera.” Yeah, I’m an idiot.

Who wants plump, moist skin if they are dissolved into a puddle of goo, have a heat rash, and are a slobberpuss of sweat?!

In any case … I am back … and once again, as always/usual (it seems of late), am complaining about the weather here. And, just fyi, I will continue to do so. I am just shocked that people who live here and have lived here don’t seem to think it is all that bad … do they have nothing to compare it with? I don’t know.

All I know is that the Slobberpuss of Sweat has returned … and I think I’ll be this way for a long, long time. 

I can’t wait for Autumn!



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Pinball Wizard …

Day 162

Ping, ping, ping … ding, ping! I feel as if I’ve lived inside a pinball game this weekend! Back and forth and over here and over there and then back again and so on. Visiting is a LOT of work! So much so, that I’m looking forward to going home and relaxing! I’m also looking forward to going home and NOT eating! I/we ate a LOT this weekend. I’m also going home to collect my wits! I left them somewhere and I need them back!

I am at the end of my visit and it was so perfect I couldn’t have asked for a better one … except, of course, seeing the handful of people I really wanted to see but did not get to due to one reason or other. Our schedules did not allow it or I just couldn’t add one more thing to my days. I can only do so much! And, by this morning I had kind of hit the wall with visiting!  Too emotional and just plain exhausting!

But, what I did was fun and will give me good memories to draw upon until my return (in a few months).

Maybe by then my house will be (mostly) done. I’ll have pictures sent by then via email and I’ll have pictures up on the walls, too! I’ll have seen Sam and Ted and hosted a few visitors. The calendar will be done and the fence will be up and the landscaping completed and pretty. LOTS to do when I get back! But I am recharged and ready.

In any case, this was a good battery recharger for me. I needed to surround myself with those I love and those that love me back. I needed some face time. I laughed. I cried. I laughed some more.

It was a good thing. And tonight was quiet and relaxing and I no longer am in the pinball machine. That, too, is a good thing!




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The confused traveler …

Day 161

I’d never make it as someone who had to travel a lot. I don’t think I’d be much good for anyone in that capacity … my brain gets too messed up with even the simplest of location changes.

I’m going into day 4 of my trip … and I keep finding myself wondering WHERE I am? And I suppose it has a great deal to do with my living here for 33 years and being in Chicago for 9 weeks … but I’m keep getting the two places mixed up and I’m just so confused!

Which I find humorous and disconcerting at the same time.

Tonight we went mini golfing at the best mini golf place on the planet (Hyland Hills Adventure Golf) … it has a volcano, a fiery tomb and singing skulls! It’s fantastic! While trying to put my purple ball into the elusive hole before my 6th stroke (on any given hole – except the one where I made a hole in one!) I found myself thinking that we should do this again … SOON! And then I realized that that would not be possible because I would be on my way back to Chicago again in a day and by the time I got back here, the place would be closed for the season. Sigh.

I didn’t get the chance to see a few friends while out here … but in that nanosecond of “location confusion” I thought, “Well, I’ll just run by and see them next week.” Um, that is not going to happen when I’m 1000 miles away. Hmmm.

And neither is going to TJMaxx … at least not the store I used to go to as I’ll be in a different state! Guess my shopping day has just been cancelled!


I forgot to make reservations for dinner at the French restaurant that I wanted to take Sam to … and again, not really thinking, I thought to myself that I’d just check her schedule and maybe we could do it next weekend. Hello, confused traveler! I will not be here next weekend … or the one after that … or the one after THAT!

A friend emailed me and said we needed to go play next week. And, again, I thought, “How is that possible when she is there and I am here?” I was not thinking that I would be returning to “there” soon.

I guess I was so used to being “here” that being “there” hasn’t really registered yet!

I don’t know how people who travel all the time do it … I’d just never know where I was … or what time it was … or what DAY it was, for that matter!

In any case, even though I’ve had a hard time remembering where I am, it’s been good to be back … even for a short while … and even in a confused state.

Before moving I always said I was “looking for utopia while living in the state of confusion”. Guess not much has changed!


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Good friends …

Day 160

Tonight the girls of the ‘hood gathered for an FAC (Friday Afternoon Club) … but in the evening. Old friends, good friends … that bunch of friends and neighbors that some people are so lucky to have during their lifetime.

There were 14 of us tonight … all talking and laughing at once. It was GREAT! A regular hen-fest with lots of cackling and clucking!

I had my fair share of these gatherings at my house over the years … and always the same group (about 20 of us in all, though not all of us make each gathering) … and it was always fun to get this group together. After all, why would it not be fun? I have fun friends. It’s a good group. Everyone always comments to me that this group is special because of the fun factor … we always go home with happy hearts.

Well, you know … life is too short so why would I surround myself with duds?!

These ladies are wonderful. Funny, smart and caring … I know any of us could call on any of the others at 3am and get help if we needed. And along with a hug we’d get a pithy comment on how ugly our pajamas were or how wild our hairdo was or how cute our pig slippers were! Humor and caring … a good combo with good friends.

We talk about everything … as most women do. In the course of the evening as we each leap-frogged our way to another part of the patio to get in on another conversation there would be a gathering of others’ conversations … glimmers of insight, tidbits of information, sound advice taken from one conversation to the next.

I was in on or heard stories of childbirth (granted I think the youngest “baby” in the group is 13 and the oldest is 30), how one family transported a dead dog to the vet, the latest book rage, cancer treatments, scorpions, Pandora, pictures of pets, organic farming, physics, an upcoming wedding, a broken heart … and the one common factor, no matter who was talking or which ladies you were sitting with,  lots and lots and LOTS of laughter.

That is always present at our gatherings … and lots of it.

So for hours we chatted and laughed and ate and drank and ate and chatted and laughed and ate and chatted and laughed. And then the group got a little smaller and we ate and chatted and drank and laughed and ate and chatted some more. And then the group got smaller still and yet the remaining few kept on laughing and chatting and eating and drinking … until we cleaned up and went home.

And it was wonderful.

So, a toast to you, my dear, good, good friends. You bring love and laughter into my life … and much light and warmth and happiness. And no matter where I choose to roam … my heart will always be with you and “home”.

Thank you for being such good friends.

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A nearly perfect evening …

Day 159

Had it not been for the moonlessness of the night and the fact that John actually was not on the stage … tonight’s John Denver concert was lovely and nearly perfect.

It was a gorgeous evening up at Red Rocks (if you are unfamiliar with it – google it as it’s an amazing amphitheatre!) … a happy gathering of John Denver fans of yore, a balmy evening, a light breeze, the Colorado Chamber Orchestra and John Adams … who sang (and at times sounded eerily like JD) many of the old favorites.

Sam got us tickets for my birthday and … what a nice night! She packed a fabulous picnic dinner and we sat on our blanket, 10 rows up from the stage and it was sublime. And, at certain times, and during certain songs, if you closed your eyes you might actually think it was John Denver up on stage singing those ballads. John Adams was amazingly good.

The best John Denver concert I was at (and I went to MANY) was right after his Shanghai Breezes album came out. Tim and I were up at Red Rocks late one August.  John was in his element – he loved playing at Red Rocks and he loved Colorado. The concert was wonderful, the sky was purple and a huge, orange full harvest moon rose up in the east and seemed to hang over the stage. It was breathtaking and a glorious evening.

When John Denver died in 1997, he was flying his experimental plane when it crashed along the California coast. As badly as I felt about his death – I was thankful he was doing something he so enjoyed at that time. We should all be so lucky.

I planted an Ohio Buckeye in our backyard the following spring in his memory. It’s hard to believe that tree is already 14 years old. The new owners of the house know all about its history! But where does the time go?!

The day of  Tim’s first infusion at the hospital, we met the couple who was sharing the infusion cubicle with us that day. After introductions I said that we weren’t going to concentrate on dying because there were so many better ways to die than from cancer. I continued on to say that if we had to die – it should be like John Denver, doing what we loved.  The couple stared at me and then asked me why I had said that … and I told them simply that his music was such a part of my life and that I admired him and I planted the tree and about all the concerts we enjoyed as a couple and family … etcetera. As it turned out – the husband of the woman having chemo treatment had been John Denver’s pilot for 20 some years! Now how weird was THAT?!

Anyway, thank you Sam and thank you John Adams for bringing to us both such nice memories of concerts past and long ago nights of listening to song after song of John Denver. (My poor roommates in college … hours and hours and hours of the same album!) And because it was John Adams and not John Denver up on that stage and it was not Tim but Sam by my side I could not hold back the tears – as they brought forth such strong emotions of love and loss and memories of times past. And those tears mingled with the ones that came forth due to the beauty of the evening and the fact that Sam WAS by my side and that she had made this wonderful evening happen. Because of or despite of those things … and the re-realization of how unifying and soul-stirring music is … it was a nearly perfect evening.


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Sleeping with Brutus …

Day 158

Tonight I’m sleeping with Brutus. He is gorgeous … at 182 pounds he is fit and all muscle. He is sweet, attentive, and very loving. He has sandy brown hair speckled with white (or the other way around), has soulful brown eyes and beautiful pearly white, perfectly straight teeth.

He is also a wonderful kisser.

And if he weren’t a dog I might just date him!

Yes, I’m at Sam’s … sleeping on the couch with Brutus checking on me (aka: slobbering on me, pawing at me, looking lovey-dovey into my eyes) every few minutes to make sure I haven’t gone away. He loves me. I mean he REALLY loves me. And that’s a good thing … cuz I’d rather have a 182 pound dog love me than not!

He is a 4 year old Great Dane/St. Bernard mix … and despite his size (which is HUGE) he is ALL lap dog. He is a goober head! If you sit on the couch, he wants to sit next to you – or ON you. And that, at times, can cause problems because he’ll pin you down and until he feels like getting up – you are stuck with this monster dog slung across your lap cutting off the circulation to your legs! I know, I’ve had it happen! I had to convince him that the squirrels in the yard needed his attention more than I did and it took 20 minutes to do so!

In any case, I’m “back home” for the weekend … seeing Sam and the dogs, friends and family. A BUSY weekend is ahead and that’s a good thing too … it’ll be great to connect in person again! I drove by the ol’ house today and oddly felt like I was driving by what could have been ANY house … not the one that I lived in for 26 years! I found it oddly odd … and okay at the same time. I almost felt guilty that I didn’t miss it! Almost.

Sam and I walked down the block to “our place” – a cute, downtown restaurant and had dinner on the patio … it was, as it has always been, wonderful. It was so nice to spend the evening with her … and as much as I’ve missed her, it didn’t seem like I hadn’t seen her in 2 months! Another good thing!

So, here I am … day one of my trip down, four to go … and I’m sleeping with Brutus. Well, he’s on the floor next to me (at the moment) and that is good … but we’ll see how long that lasts. If you don’t see a blog from me tomorrow – assume he climbed up onto the couch at night and I’m pinned under him and I can’t get up!

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Day 157

Pterodactyl Airlines … I think I’d prefer to fly on them than Spirit Airlines (whom I’m scheduled on for my upcoming flight).

I think with P.A. I’d be strapped to the wings and have to flap my arms all the way … but maybe they wouldn’t charge me for my CARRY ON BAG?! Who knows!

I booked flights (round trip) with Spirit about a month ago. Tonight my dad told me that they charge for carry on baggage.

You have GOT to be kidding me. Well, no, unfortunately, he wasn’t.

I got home from dinner and looked it up and yes, though I got a great, CHEAP flight – just shy of $200, I also got … ZINGED.


My once cheap flight now cost me $70 bucks MORE! What a rip off!

Unbeknownst to me (and probably all of their first-time flyers) they charge for, not only, checked baggage … but CARRY ONS, too! Egad people!

And, if you WAIT until you get to the airport you are charged MORE than if you check your bag WHEN you make your reservation (well, I didn’t know that was an option or needed!) … or even online when you are checking in (which I did).

EACH WAY it is costing me an additional $33 to check my bag. If I wanted to CARRY ON my luggage I’d have to pay $35. Go figure! So, for $2 less I will take the gigantic behemoth suitcase that hasn’t been on a trip in eons and lug all sorts of unnecessary items with me to and fro my destination!

How silly is that!


But I could SAVE $9 on my baggage fee if I wanted to JOIN THE CLUB for a mere $59.95 a year. WHERE exactly is the savings there?! I’m still trying to figure out that logic!

Anyway, I shall see how this flight compares to Pterodactyl Airlines … I might not have to sit on the wing and flap my arms for 1000 miles … but I can tell you right now … my SPIRIT has already been dampened!



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You can’t fight City Hall …

Day 156

It is said that you can’t fight City Hall. I think someone in the City Hall office made that up. I think it was the guy I met with today.

His name was Jack.

Jack Ass.

The fence guy came today – measured my existing footprint and gave me a hideous enough bid to make me want to be in the fencing business.

Off I trotted to CITY HALL early in the afternoon to get a permit.

I was told I needed my plat survey. Back home I went to retrieve the survey. And back to City Hall I went, plat in hand.

I met with Jack. He looked at my survey and said that my fence was 5 feet over the lot line and on village property. I said I realized that. However, showing him a picture. I wanted to take down the dilapidated, twisted, black (where the paint hadn’t already peeled off), butt-ugly chain link fence and replace it with a pretty, stained-white, cedar dog-eared picket fence … the kind in movies that sweet old grandma’s have. 


I said that I realized my existing footprint was over the lot line but I would whole-heartedly sign a waiver saying I’d move my fence if the village needed that land for anything.


I said that the village hadn’t wanted that land for the past 92 years … but, seriously, if they wanted it in the future I’d gladly remove my pretty, white-stained, cedar picket fence.


I didn’t like this guy’s attitude. And from his facial expressions and constant scowling – he didn’t like mine either.

I asked him if I could be grandfathered in. 


I asked him, “WHY?”

He REALLY didn’t like this question. And he stared at me.

I figured he wasn’t going to give me this permit anyway, so why not push some buttons. I asked again, “WHY?”

He said that there was no grandfathering in.

I said that my home was built in 1920. Was one of the two original cottages in the Southwest Woods and that it was probably in place before any rules or easements of village property were determined.

He REALLY didn’t like that.

He said that he didn’t make the rules.

So, I asked him, “WHO DID?”

He looked at me like he wished I were dead. Said he didn’t know but it wasn’t him.

And I didn’t push it further … but if you work at City Hall shouldn’t you KNOW who is making the rules? How old are these rules? How does one go about changing them?

Okay … so, forget getting a cute, white-stained picket fence out front. I wasn’t about to move it back the 5 feet from the lot line. I was reminded that that yard space wasn’t really MINE anyway … and I kept telling Jack that I watered it and mowed it and weeded it and made it pretty. He didn’t care.

I said, “As long as we’re talking about village property. I have a big ol’ stump in my front yard that I’d like removed. It’s on VILLAGE PROPERTY.”

He grunted that I needed to talk to “Forestry.” Really?  There’s a forestry department?!

Anyway, back to the fence issue.

I said I wouldn’t pursue the front picket fence – though I didn’t understand why I couldn’t get an exception to the rule since I would sign a waiver and it wasn’t like I wanted to open a medical marijuana dispensary … or that I was going to run a brothel. I just wanted to put up a pretty, white-stained, cedar dog-eared picket fence. Something like you’d picture Grandma in the Tweetie cartoons having! Egad.

Why am I not allowed to improve MY property?

Okay … fence issue. I want a privacy fence running along the back lot line where the existing 2 foot 8 inch old, crappy, chain link fence is now. The one that the neighbor kids walk over to retrieve their basketballs, the one that the kids lean over and wave to me while I sit on my couch, the one that the kids lean over and call to the dogs while they are sleeping in the house. I mean, it’s sweet and all … but SOME privacy would be NICE!

I don’t want to get a ticket for indecent exposure to a minor cuz I’m sitting in my pj’s on my couch!

I told this to the guy and he didn’t care. Told me to wear a robe and tell the kids to have better aim with the basketball!

I wanted to put up a 6 foot fence. My neighbor’s driveway (that my yard abuts) is 8″ higher than my property. So, a 6 foot fence would really be only 5 feet, 4 inches on their side. Great. Even I could see over that!

I was told that only the portion of my yard that has the patio (12′) can have a 6 foot fence. The rest (15′) would have to have a 5 foot fence. WHAT? How stupid is that! I said my neighbor’s said they’d sign a waiver saying they didn’t mind if the whole thing was a 6 foot fence.


I asked if I could extend my patio?

YES! In theory, I could. But, in my case …. NOPE. My ratio of “open space” to concrete or flagstone or pavers or hardscape of any kind was not in correct ratio to green space. What? Seriously?!


So, I told the guy I’d go with a 5 foot fence … for the back only … and I’d forego the cute fence for the front and just go with a nice, cedar lattice for the back.

He said he’d be more than happy to help me if I could PROVE I LIVED THERE.

So, since I do not have an Illinois license yet, I had to go home (again) and get mail to show I actually resided at that location. He easily could have told me that the FIRST time I went home!

Guess he had the last laugh. Maybe you CAN’T fight City Hall. (But, we’ll see …!)


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Making my list and checking it … off!

Day 155

I am like Santa. I make my list, check it twice … and then go the extra mile (or two) and check it again … and then later in the day I check it again. And each time I check off things that I have done.

Or so it is SUPPOSED to go.

I’m a notorious list maker. I make lists because I have no brain. I have a paper brain. I lose my list and I might as well go to bed because I can’t remember what I’m supposed to do! Seriously. I could flounder for DAYS!

And, confession: I have been known to ADD things to my list that I’ve actually ALREADY DONE … just so I can scratch them off! Now, how sad is that!?!

There are days when I think, “Okay, I’m going to put EAT LUNCH on my list so that I can actually have SOMETHING to scratch off at some time during the day – hopefully before it is dark!” Sad. Very sad.

Some days I think I need to join “List-Makers Anonymous”. But I keep forgetting to put it on my list!

Lately, I haven’t been doing so well with the lists. I make them … and then I forget about them until a day or two (or three) later and I suddenly remember (somehow) that I was to do such and such and it was on my list … if only I knew where that list was!

And it’s not always that I don’t know where my notebook is … because I can usually find it – if I take the initiative to go up/down the stairs to one of the desks … it’s that lately, I just don’t care.

I’ve had the attitude that is probably akin to a sloth’s, “Eh, do it tomorrow.” I figure they must say that all the time. I’ve been moving at a snail’s pace because of the heat lately. Well, it’s cooled down and now I don’t have that excuse anymore.

Today I had a friend stop by and we went to lunch. Not too much later I went to dinner with my folks. I ate a lot today and am moving so slowly (again sloth-like) that I don’t really even care what is on my list – or where it is. I know there are things that I didn’t do all weekend … and I don’t care.

What has gotten into me?! This is not normal!

I just think it’s the whole moving thing. I go in spurts with my energy … maybe today I was conserving so that tomorrow I can look at my new list (that I’ll make tonight) and go gang-busters (whatever that saying means) and have a supremely productive day. We shall see.

In any case, I’ll be Santa, once again, and make my list and check it twice (or three times) and knowing what I need to do already I might just have to add take shower, brush teeth, feed dogs … just so I have a few things that I KNOW, for sure, that I can scratch off … just in case it gets hot or if I feel like a sloth-again.


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Breathing different air …

Day 154

I am in Heaven.

We were just shy of another triple digit day when I walked into the mall this afternoon; when I walked back to my car – we were in the 80’s. By the time I got home the cooler air from somewhere north came in and blew all the hot, stagnant air away and replaced it with fresh, clean, cool, wonderful air … you know, the stuff that angels sing about! (If angels were to sing about air – this would be it!)

Seriously … after these past few days of heat indexes hovering around 110-116 … this is HEAVEN.

And it’s a good thing this air came in when it did … because if I had the day I did today and it was hot … I probably, given the chance, would have jumped off the roof or gnawed someone’s arm off … probably my own.

Flashback … the plumber came (an hour late) to finish the job that he was supposed to finish last week (and never showed). He finished up my laundry list of plumbing tasks by “snaking” my line in my upstairs bathroom. He said he got out some dog fur. Gee – imagine that!

Of course he was already gone when I walked past the bath on the main level and noticed that a mud bomb had apparently, without our noticing it, gone off! I’m guessing when he snaked the line … there was some sort of black dirt/grit backup and explosion in the main bath. Great. So, I called him (and left a message) and cleaned up the floor, sink, vanity, everything ON the vanity, mirror and walls. Of course, when I was wiping down the walls, some of the PAINT came off. This is the bathroom that I painted and realized that I was painting over painted WALLPAPER. So, great … now I have to touch up spots. Wonderful.

In any case – I filled the sink, after cleaning everything up, to see if I could get the clog to clear. I filled it up and let it empty several times. And then I filled it up one more time and left and went on my merry way.

I came home to a sink that was no longer clogged … but water all over the bathroom floor. Hmmm. Upon further inspection and upon opening the vanity doors – I realized that the sink LEAKED and water gushed from the vanity … and the drawers and all their contents were SOAKED. Apparently each time I filled the sink – it leaked into the vanity and the drawers. GREAT. I cleaned it up.

Not really thinking too, TOO much about it … it wasn’t until after the dog threw up (after popping the door and eating grass) and I was getting the mop that I looked into the basement to see water EVERYWHERE.

Of course, it went through the floorboards … onto boxes and a dvd player and a table … of course. So, I cleaned that up.

And all I could think of was … thank goodness the cool air arrived or I would be jumping off the roof! (Not that it’s very high – but I could probably break an ankle if I tried hard enough!)

So, here I am with very clean floors and vanity, a dog that seems okay after puking her guts out in three places, and a call into the plumber. 

Breathing different air couldn’t have come at a better time!


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Hot ramblings …

Day 153

I think today’s post coincides with today’s temp … 153! Or so it seemed! We hit another record … so, what else is new … right?! So has everyone else on the planet! It did reach 116 heat index … pretty impressive for the midwest! And my house is currently 92. Nice.

Needless to say the dogs and I are lying around, again, like those limp watches in that Dali painting no matter how much I hose us all off. Disgusting. I even resorted to spending 2 hours in … WalMart … today to cool down! Pretty bad.

Tonight I went to the concert in the park with my dad … and about 40% of the crowd that is normally there on a Friday night. It was tolerable if you didn’t move … but that was hard as it was toe-tapping music!

And though I may be in love with Russell Stover … I certainly have a deep crush on Duke Ellington, the Gershwin brothers, Cole Porter and all the guys of the Big Band era. It was GREAT! Hot, but great. And the cicadas sang right along the whole time!

No fireflies tonight, though … I think they had taken off their jackets and were cooling off in some shady glen somewhere!

Yesterday I watched a herd of dragonflies (actually called a swarm but herd sounds more fun as they were practically thundering along like buffalo) descend on my parkway. There must have been some bugs that they had honed in on to feast on. It was an amazing sight with fifty or more of these mini helicopter flyers zipping in and around my old stump.

We have one more day of high temps and then let the cool down begin. The mid 80’s sounds fantastic! I have two rooms totally shut off to the house as they are just too hot. I brought down my toothpaste tonight and it, too, was hot. Kind of gross to brush your teeth with hot toothpaste!

In any case … the plumber comes early and already it’s too late … I’m hoping to be dreaming soon of dragonflies flitting around to the sounds of Swing.

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Baked, broiled, boiled and fried …

Day 152

I was doing whatever I was doing, today, obviously my mind was NOT on whatever was at hand because out of the blue (in my head, not out loud) I heard Tom Hank’s voice reciting the many ways to serve shrimp … Bubba Gump style! Now, seriously, I am beginning to question my sanity as to WHY this, in particular, would pop into my head, at random, when I’m supposed to be working. I know it’s been hot. I know I’ve been overheated. I know we broke a record today (103). And I know I’m quasi-fried.

But perhaps I’m also … steamed, sautéed, braised, poached, boiled, grilled, and baked!

Yes, it’s been hot. But it’s been hot ALL OVER. The last I heard (2 days ago) the U.S. had over 2400 records broken for new high temps. 2400! That is craziness!

And I think it sounds worse because the reporting is constantly in our faces and on the radio. I wonder if I would feel cooler if the temperature wasn’t flashed across the bottom of my tv screen ever 12 minutes … or readily available as a bookmarked favorite on my computer?

How did the pioneers handle this? Surely this is not the first time that it’s been this hot (maybe not in the last 100 years, but at some OTHER time before records were kept).

Can you imagine … no refrigeration? no ice cubes? no air conditioning or fans? no showers? no pools? no sprinklers? no water bottles? no Slurpees?

And ALL THOSE CLOTHES! Oh my! The mere thought of being Laura Ingalls makes me break into a sweat. I would have been one of those mounds along the wagon trail … with a rock or RIP written in the dirt atop it as surely I would have succumbed to heat stroke in all that prairie garb!

I remember summers as a kid in Chicago … nights could be terribly unpleasant. And throw a hot dachshund onto your humidity-sogged sheets and it was TERRIBLY unpleasant! Gives new meaning to HOT DOG!

I got an article from a friend tonight about cooling off your dogs (and I don’t mean your FEET, however, this would do the trick, too!). Since dogs don’t sweat they release their body heat through panting. If your dog is a snub-nosed critter (like a Pug) then they have to work extra hard to release the heat from their bodies due to their anatomical design. Dogs cool off through their feet … so, if you want to help your pooch cool down, dip his feet in a bowl or glass of cool (not cold) water, supply lots and lots of fresh water and hose down or let him wade in a kiddie pool (supervision needed for all animals). You can even wet down a light towel and put it over her body … Gertie likes this the best. But keep wetting it down as it’ll warm up on a hot little body.

In any case, another day of 103 degrees is forecast for tomorrow and regardless of how well we try to keep cool it looks like we’ll all be cooked, fried, boiled, broiled and baked!

Darn … now I want some shrimp!

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I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy …

Day 151

Benjamin Franklin is my uncle. Well, more like my great-great-great uncle … somewhere on my maternal grandmother’s side.

And, I am inclined to believe, somehow, through the ages and handed down/watered down gene pool a certain amount of patriotism was passed along as well.

I could have your ordinary amount of it, but I like to think that Uncle Ben has something to do with my fondness for the flag and Jimmy Cagney.

Well, not the Jimmy Cagney of mobster films … but the Jimmy Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy. The last time I saw that movie was probably 20 some years ago. Tonight I caught the last 3 minutes of it and my heart swelled and my feet tapped as he danced down the stairs and marched in the parade singing “Over There” as George M. Cohan. 

That movie has always made me want to dance. I missed my chance to dance with Gene (Kelly) and Jimmy (Cagney) … rats. I was never much of a Fred (Astaire) fan … but the other two I would have moved mountains to dance with. I own tap shoes … even in this heat it makes me (almost) want to dig them out and put them on!

There are firecrackers going off around my house. I have patriotic music on so loudly that my ears are practically bleeding. Mobes  hates loud noises … thunder, loud bangs, firecrackers. She is a basket case. I’ve spritzed her down in the shower (cuz my house is now 90 degrees at 11pm) and brought her up to the air-conditioned room of my office (we might just sleep on the floor!) … a sanctuary of coolness and loud music so she can’t hear the bangs and pops! Well, not most of them anyway!

There is a story that comes to mind every 4th of July … one so terribly bad that I don’t dare retell it. It wasn’t horrible, but it was something my dad did when he was a kid to another kid in his neighborhood who was mentally challenged. And though a horribly awful story, we always would end up laughing at how horrible it was. So mean and inappropriate yet innocent (somewhat) as kids sometimes just don’t know what they are doing. It reminds me of seeing a bad train wreck … you don’t want to look, but you keep your eyes fixed on it. In any case – I think of that poor kid every 4th and wonder what ever became of him?

When I was little we lived on a street that had a LOT of kids. My neighbor always put together a 4th of July parade and as kids we went all out and decorated our bikes and wagons and transformed them into horses and floats. It was great fun! Our family would come for a bar-b-que and at night we’d put the picnic benches out on the front lawn and look over the houses to the west and the fireworks that would be shot off at the school grounds behind them. We kids would roll around on the ground, “dying” from the duds (bombs) and would groan and carry on so until the adults told us to knock it off! Again, great fun!

And though I attended a family bar-b-que today … it was too hot with temps around 102 and heat index around 108. Too hot for this gal who is not used to this humidity yet. All the dogs were sick last night and none of us fell asleep until nearly 5:30 am (that was after one of them threw up on me) … so, we are all tired and more than a bit frazzled from the heat.

I am hoping some channel has fireworks on. I’ll spritz everyone down with some water, gather us all on the couch and watch some fireworks in honor of our nation and the people who built it and maybe roll around dying from the duds for old time’s sake. I think our forefathers had a lot of guts. More than I would ever have.

Kudos to them … including Uncle Ben.

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Good-bye Andy …

Day 150

I feel like we all lost a neighbor today. The slow talking, good-natured southern gentleman who lived down the street – who waved as you went by or offered you a lemonade as you passed on foot,  the one who always wore a smile. Andy Griffith died today. He was 86.

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t watched at least one episode of Andy of Mayberry … anyone (over a certain age) who doesn’t remember those days of waiting to see what hilarity Barney would bring to the screen and what soft-spoken words of wisdom Andy might impart … and what pie Aunt Bea was baking?

When I was searching for a new hometown there were times when I longed to find a town such as Mayberry … where life was slower and people knew each other and on Sunday afternoons they’d walk to a friend’s home for a visit and a cold bottle of orange soda while rocking on the front porch.

S-L-O-W-E-R. Sounds nice. And intriguing. And impossible.

But for a brief half hour of black and white tv we can have it all. The caring nature of Aunt Bea … the primness of Miss Crump … the sweetness of Thelma Lou. We can watch Barney struggle to get that one bullet out of his pocket while in some ridiculous predicament  and know he’ll eventually shoot off his gun accidentally. We can watch Gomer sing gospel … Goober pump gas … Floyd cut hair. We can even watch Miss Clara grow her prize-winning roses, Otis sleep it off in the jail and the mayor and the department store owner and all the others do what they did best – give us a glimpse of life when time was slower and there was no crime and kids respected their elders and all was sweet and good and innocent. They did that by bringing us into their lives – all in fictional Mayberry, North Carolina. 

And that show introduced us to Opie … the cutest six-year old ever! What a career Ron Howard has had!

I heard it said once that Andy Griffith, after the first show, decided that Don Knotts (Barney) should play the comedic role and he’d play the straight man. That was not how the producers wanted things but he said that was how it was going to be.  I also heard it said that he treated everyone with kindness and as if they were family. I wouldn’t expect anything less.

During and after all those years of his career, Andy seemed to avoid the “star” or celebrity status that came with his fame … somehow keeping his neighborliness and homespun goodness intact and visible at all times.

In any case, I feel like we all lost a friend, neighbor or sweet uncle today. I don’t know anyone who personally knew him – but I think we all feel like we did.


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Rethinking the bug situation …

Day 149

It was an exciting late afternoon.

I went down to the basement this afternoon to throw in some laundry. Yes, woo-hoo, exciting!!! I was barefoot (I would have made a great child of the prairie for that reason only). I am usually barefoot. I mean, hey – it’s summer, I’m in the house – who needs shoes?

From now on … ME!

My basement floor is covered with a brown and black mottled (super ugly) linoleum tile. I’m sure it was discounted 90% for sale when purchased because there is no other reason why anyone would have purchased this flooring. It’s awful And dark. And it hides things …


I am not lying. I was on my way up the stairs when at the base of the stairs a skittering movement caught my eye. Too small to be a mouse and too dark. I said out loud, “You’d better not be a spider!”

Well, it wasn’t. It was a large rhinoceros beetle. Sure am glad I didn’t step on it!

Now, if you’ve been following this blog you know that I like bugs. I said that the bug invasion hadn’t happened yet and that I was good with beetles and mantids and dragonflies and bees (etc). Well, I may be rescinding that statement … or at least modifying it!

I ran up the stairs and got a plastic container … of course it took me forever to find the correct lid! I need one of those Ronco kits that have the lids attached to the bases of the containers!

In any case … I went back downstairs where he had crawled about 2 feet along the base of the stairs (towards the laundry basket!) and I scooped him into the container really hoping he wouldn’t fly (assuming he could fly as I think all beetles can) ONTO me.

The rhinoceros beetle (belonging to the subfamily Dynastinae  and a member of the scarab beetle family) though fierce in looks, because of the horns (on males only) and hard black body … and well, the size of them, is harmless and do not bite or sting. They are just scary and creepy (in a cool way) just for looking as they do. And besides being large (this one was not quite the length of my house key)  and scary looking, they are proportionately the strongest animal on earth – able to lift 850 times their own weight. Proportionately if an average human were able to do that that human could lift 65 TONS!

In any case, where did he come from? I certainly didn’t bring him from Colorado! I’ve been in the house for 6 weeks now … how long has he been here hiding? He didn’t come up the drain in the floor – the holes are too small. He didn’t come up the pipe into the laundry sink … I have a filter on that. The windows are closed. HOW DID HE GET DOWN THERE?

Hopefully I won’t find out but no more barefoot romps in the basement for me!

I took him outside and showed my neighbor and his 3 year old  who blew it a kiss (so nice) before I took it across the street to let it go. When I opened the lid and (not so ceremoniously) dumped this nice, sizable beetle into the grass, he stood up on his back legs with his horns in the air and his pincer arms flailing. The little jerk was going to fight me!

So, I told him to behave and not come back … and hoped (as I brushed the goosebumps off my arms) that there wasn’t a nice NEST of them in my basement!

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Things I like …

Day 148

I was sitting here enjoying a soft breeze when it made me think how much I really liked soft breezes … and fake cheese.

Well, not together. Or maybe together. Breezes are great. Wind not so much. I was blown through the Target parking lot today … luckily to my car! It was wild! Cheese is great but that fake squirtable cheese that you put on crackers is tremendous! You know … that stuff that is immensely bad for you and probably nothing but trans-fats and chemicals and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever … other than it is ridiculously fun and yummy to eat. How can something squirtable be all bad?

Of course, I could say I like animals … or dogs … or Pugs … or Pug puppies … or anything small and cute … like pygmy hippos or baby rhinos. Even if it wasn’t really cute when something is small it is automatically cute and if it’s cute to start with then it’s amazingly cute. I like things small and cute.

My friend’s niece is staying with her and has a Katrina dog. The poor little thing somehow survived on a rooftop for 3 weeks before someone found her. I don’t know what she is … other than tiny and darling. She is reminiscent of Fran Drescher’s dog, Chester … a little super-soft fluffball of caramel colored fur and big bulging eyeballs. I like her.

I like books … specifically children’s books. I should own a children’s book shop. Ideally like The Shop Around the Corner from the movie You’ve Got Mail. Ideally I’d like to own that shop. I don’t know if I’ve fully forgiven Tom Hanks yet for putting that lovely store out of business.

I like coffee. Well, to clarify that I like all things coffee … except actual brewed coffee; unless it has something in it like a special, yummy liqueur. But I like coffee ice cream and candy and anything that is cold coffee. Hmm … wonder what Juan Valdez would make of this?

I like movies that I’ve seen a gazillion times that I can have on in another room and I walk into the room and I know by looking at the scene or even just hearing the conversation what the next lines will be. Except for the stage fright stuff … I wonder how I would have done in theatre?

I like museums. There is some intangible connectedness that goes on in those places. It doesn’t matter whether it’s art or artifacts, I am one with whatever was and whatever will be. I find it very stirring. I need to get to one here in town … the Chicago museums are wonderful.

I like summer fruits. There is a picture of me, somewhere, eating a huge slice of watermelon. I am probably a year old. My love for it has continued … along with berries and plums and peaches and grapes. I can’t get enough of them at this time of year.

I like the smell of a forest (piney and earthy) and the sound of nothing but wind through tree tops. (That kind of wind is okay!) If you don’t know what I’m talking about – you are missing out on something wonderful.

I like rain. We are to have a chance of a thunderstorm in the near future. We need the rain badly … as do so many other areas. I didn’t get enough of it while I lived in Colorado. I was rain-deprived. It washes everything clean and there is such a great scent to anything that is rain-washed.

I like train whistles. There is something lonely yet comforting about them. It has made me wonder, at times, if I have some sort of unknown history with them. Oooh, cool … there’s one now!

And I like this blog. If for no other reasons than it makes me slow down at the end of the day and do what I like to do so much … connect.

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$416 …

Day 147

Four hundred and sixteen dollars.

I took Mobes to a new vet the other day for her annual thyroid blood draw. I should have done it before we left town – but, um, I was a little busy doing other things and it kind of slipped my mind.

Long story short – the appointment was at 3:00. I arrived 10 minutes early, the doctor arrived 70 minutes late. After a brief, awkward and disconnected “visitation” I was left alone for another 15 minutes. She popped back in and talked to the dog and then left me again for another 20 minutes. I had to ask the receptionist if we were done or if she was coming back. The oddest appointment I’ve ever had. And then I was handed my bill totalling … $416.


I am not joking. I refused to pay it. I paid for the office visit (for which I received nothing but angst) and left still needing blood work done on my dog. Stupid.

FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN DOLLARS. I’m still aghast at the audacity of someone actually thinking that was a reasonable amount for what was done.

What else could one do with $416.00 …

You could get 416 penny gumballs out of a gumball machine. Of course, by then, you’d also have carpal tunnel from turning that little knob. Or if you were back in the 1960’s you’d get gum and small trinkets! Like a troll doll with celluloid hair! Fantastic!

Or you could get 416 double cheeseburgers or small fries at Mickey D’s or splurge and get 104 Starbucks coffee frappuccinos with soy and whipped cream, of course, thank you very much.

Or you could wander into Payless and get 46 pairs of $9 sneakers … or 92 pairs if you go during BOGO.

Or are you wanting flip-flops instead? Hop on into Rite Aid and get yourself 166 pairs and you’d still have money left over. Or better yet – scoot over to Old Navy and get 277 pairs. Those would last you several lifetimes at the beach or gym changing room.

If you were so inclined you could go to Applebee’s or Chili’s and get 20 of their 2 for $20 meals (meaning you’d get meals for you and a friend … 20 times) or go by yourself and take home doggie bags 20 times! 

You could purchase 238 tubes of whitening toothpaste. By then you could smile and light up a room in the dark!

You could save it and accrue interest (hmmm, what’s that again?) … or hide it under your mattress for a rainy day. 

Or you could donate it to some charity that says they’ll feed a hungry child for .32 a day for 1300 days … that’s nearly 4 years.

Or you could buy 139 boxes (almost) of Girl Scout cookies … thin mints, samoas, or do-si-do’s. What is your pleasure?

You could fly to Paris. Of course, you’d have to stay there because you wouldn’t have enough money to get back home. Pity.

You could go to the $5 movie on Tuesdays and see 83 movies and have enough money left over to buy a small popcorn (extra butter please). Or you could see 82 movies and get a large popcorn!

You could get your car detailed (at $75 a pop) 5 times and still have money left over for cheeseburgers, fries, Starbucks, popcorn and a couple of movies!

Or you could get ripped off by a flighty vet who thinks you are stupid enough to pay $416 for a blood test. No thanks. I think I’ll do something else with my money.

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Ramblings from the Rose Cottage …

Day 146

I am the proud owner of a very puffed yet oddly flat, very purple ring finger. I am also very lucky I have a finger that is puffed and purple and flat. I was airing out the dining room the other night and thought I had the (very heavy, 1920’s, broken rope/pulley) window UP and put my hand on the sill to get the dowel that I am using (until I can get that window fixed) to hold it up, when the window came crashing down … on my ring finger. In the split second it took me to get the window up and pop my (still intact) finger in my mouth … these thoughts went through my head:

If the finger is chopped off – do I stick it in my mouth, in milk or in a baggie and drive to the ER? If I put it in my mouth – what happens if I swallow it? Do I have baggies?

Luckily, I didn’t need answers to any of those questions. I had an intact, though bleeding and immediately purple and very flat, finger still on my hand. Phew!

Fires … I’ve mentioned it before … Colorado is literally on fire. I’m sure there is 24/7 coverage going on back there … but here I am lucky if I can find 14 seconds of coverage on any of it. I saw footage (finally) of the Colorado Springs fire and it is too horrific to grasp. As Sam said, it’s something like out of a disaster movie. How do you evacuate 32,000 people? And the smoke was so thick and yellow that visibility was vastly diminished. How horribly scary and traumatic for those people and families. I think of all the animals affected. Those in homes where people couldn’t get to fast enough … those in the surrounding wild areas. All the loss and all the devastation. It’s all too horrible.  The pictures now look like a nuclear blast site. And of 10 houses on one block how does fire completely destroy 8 of them and leave 2 completely unscathed? And the heat! Denver has had 5 or 6 days now – in a row – of over 100 degree temps … maybe that many also of over 90.  They’ve had 2 days of 105. That is unheard of out there. We usually have days and weeks and sometimes MONTHS of 90 degree heat over the summer months. But nothing like what they are experiencing now. It’s horrible. And Florida is underwater. Makes you think.

Chicago was under a heat index warning yesterday … areas reached 110. I found it miserable. How do people function in heat like that? I’d never make it in Sumatra. We hit 100 (or 101) and that was the highest since late July 2005. I personally think someone is messing with the record books because Chicago is always hotter than Denver. Or so it seemed. Surprisingly, not. Just more humid and miserable. Good thing the small room a/c unit was installed the other day. (Thanks Dad.)

Popsicles … I wrote a thank you note tonight (as if Moby had written it with misspellings and backwards letters) to the triplets who live across the street. It was attached to a box of Popsicles … a small token of appreciation for them corralling Mobes when she decided to escape from the confines of the backyard the other day (of course, while I was in the shower). I stepped out to a woman yelling into my front door, “Are you in there … your dog is out!” I arrived on the scene (hoping once outside that the clothes I threw on me were actually arranged properly over certain areas) to find the kids on their bikes surrounding the dog and  bringing her back home. It reminded me of the scene from E.T. when the kids are taking E.T. back to the forest and they are on their bikes, flying over the woods at night with the big moon in the background. I don’t know why this reminded me of that … cuz it was daytime and obviously there was no moon, they weren’t flying and the dog wasn’t in anyone’s bike basket … but it did! In any case, they got her for me and I was very grateful. When I dropped off the box and note tonight you would have thought I had brought them riches from another land they were so thrilled! Made me wish I was 12 again!

In any case, it’s late and I’m rambling …



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It has come down to this …

Day 145

It has come down to this … I’m wearing a tube top.

I know, I know … they went out of style in the ’70’s. Okay, they were never in style … but I still wore them in the 70’s. So, sue me.

Just don’t take a picture.

Seriously. I’m not Wal-Mart photo worthy … but almost.


I know I should not complain because I am far better off than a zillion other people and am only one of millions in this country who have been affected by the heat in recent days. Too bad … gonna complain anyway!

It’s hot. HOT. But if you are reading this in the continental United States you are saying, “Yeah – tell me something I don’t know.”

Well, for one thing … the heat index was 110 today in the Chicago area with the temp around 100-101. I was surprised that today was the hottest day here in the past 7 YEARS! How is that possible? In years past I would come to visit and it was ALWAYS hot here. Hot and steamy, jungle-like in its stagnant air. How could today be the hottest it’s been in so many years? I don’t know.

What I do know is that no matter how hard you try to get the remnants of a milkshake that has spilled in your car up from the carpeting and upholstery – you never quite do. And when you let that simmer in a car that is in the sun, without any windows open, in temps that are over 100 degrees and then open it up … be prepared to meet the smell of all smells.

Akin to what I can only surmise to be like that of a high school boys’ locker room after a hot wrestling match … or football game … or some other sport where they sweat 40% of their body weight off and have sweat soaked everything in a confined area and then mix it with boy smells and hormones raging, too.  Yeah … NICE aroma for sure!

In any case … YUCK! So, out came the baking soda and it is doing a good job in absorbing that stinkiness!

I moved to Chicago thinking I was going to have a hot summer. So far I’m right and still people keep telling me this is “nothing” … yet. Oh yeah … can’t wait! More days a’comin’ for this attire I’ve been sporting!

Denver, typically is hot in the summer. It has not been uncommon to have 40 or more days of 90+ temps in one summer season. But it was that dry heat. Yeah, it was oven-like but not draining and though it could have its hot days it always cooled off nicely at night. In 30 years I have not seen a summer like they have had so far. I never thought that those in Colorado would be experiencing what they have been. They’ve had 6 days of over 100 degree temps (in a row) and things are burning up – not only with vegetation being roasted but literally – with fires all over the state (and the western states,too). The devastation in the Springs area looks like it is straight out of some horrific disaster movie.

So, I sit here and complain about the heat, sitting next to my fan, drinking my iced tea with lemon, with the room air conditioner running, in my black tube top and feel like a baby. A sweaty, sticky baby … but a baby nonetheless.

My heart goes out to you who are suffering discomfort from this nation-wide heat … as it is purely miserable, I’m sure for so many. And with 1000 heat records broken today or yesterday … forgive my complaining as I’m know I’m not the only one who is hot.

Or for that matter … wearing a tube top.

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Old friends …

Day 144

This week I spent time with old friends. It truly was wonderful and, as is said, good for the soul.

Very good, in fact.

Over the weekend and early in the week I unpacked boxes. Yes, I’m still unpacking boxes. I had 60 some for the living room alone! Egad. Anyway, I didn’t look up the boxes on my inventory list (yes, I have one!) before I opened them so it was like opening presents on Christmas morning that the “dogs” bought me. Of course, I’D go get stuff for myself, wrap it up and put it under the tree … and because I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast, come Christmas morning I’d be actually surprised that there were things under the tree for me from … the dogs! How thoughtful of them! And then I’d open up the gift and remember getting it and even though I bought it myself – it was still somewhat of a surprise!

That’s how unpacking has been. I know I packed these boxes (some back in 2010) but as I unwrapped the contents it was like coming home again and seeing old, long-lost friends.

“Oh,” I’d think as I unwrapped the small bronze statue of 3 pigs holding hooves like they were singing Ring Around the Rosie, “I like these guys!” And so it went … the old childhood books, the porcelain cow bowl, the blue dinosaur Sam made in 3rd grade. All old friends. It was nice to see them again and lovingly set them on the library shelves.

Also this week I saw other old friends. Actual people … my two closest girlfriends from the old high school days. They took me to dinner (wonderful Italian place … oh, it was SO yummy) and we chatted and laughed and got caught up and ended our lovely evening with mocha crunch gelato. Now, how much better could that have possibly gotten? 

And today, I had lunch with a sorority sister who drove the 90 minutes to see me and my new humble abode. And she brought me a lilac bush. And she bought me lunch. And it was absolutely soul satisfying to share time with this wonderful friend whom I have not seen in years – and yet we picked up like we had lunch last week and talked yesterday. What an enduring friendship.

I’ve been playing phone tag with my former neighbor … she is 21 years my senior and yet we are soul-sisters. I miss her immensely and she is one of those people who I could sit for days with and never run out of anything to say. When the kids were little there were times when I’d tell my family I was “going to Carole’s” meaning I was just going over to say hi and chat “just for a minute”. HOURS later we’d realize the time and have a good laugh. Tim had put the kids to bed or started dinner or whatever … and they all understood and it was lovely. She moved from the ‘hood 10 years before I did and living next to that house without her was never the same.

Old friends. There’s nothing quite like it.

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One of those days …

Day 143

Today was one of those days. Actually it started 2 days ago! One of those days that goes on for a few …


It started when I had to get Mobes out of the hosta patch after she used the newly de-sodded yard as a Slip ‘n Slide after I watered the backyard (a bit too thoroughly). She ended up upside down against the back fence in the middle of the hostas. Stuck in the flowerbed. The look on her face was obvious embarrassment – if a dog can be embarrassed … she was.

The mud felony that followed was her bounding into the house – one giant mass of mud and leaping all over the new family room carpet as I was on my way out the door with a dead mouse, courtesy of Oscar. It was worse, cuz I thought it was a toy and nearly picked it up!

Today I started off my errands with a stop at Dunkin’ Donuts. I had a coupon for a $2 frozen coffee drink. It sounded good and worth a try. The one sip I had was great. Then I promptly proceeded to dump the rest of the contents onto my lap, my car seat and on the floor of my van. I was already too far from home to go back – so I spent the rest of the day looking like and feeling like I had wet my pants. NICE.

From there I went to the bank and made a deposit … which cost me $9. Thank you Bank of (Rip off) America. Had an ever-so-nice conversation with two absolute incompetent idiots at that bank. That was fun.

On to the bank where I hold my business account. I was told by Einstein the Teller (and of course he spoke broken English) that I could not make a deposit to said account because the name was different for the account holder. I told him, “Yes, my company is a DBA.” He did not know that meant Doing Business As … and we had to get a manager involved. Another brainiac.

After a few more stops and horrid traffic I came home to A&T  at my house (or as they should be known  – AT$T because they are so pricey). I called last week and was scheduled to have the old phone lines removed as they are low and sagging and draped (literally) across my neighbor’s basketball hoop. The tech was to come “sometime” between 8-7 last Saturday. Love that small window of time there … and then no one showed. However, when I called today to make Appt. #2 the gal “helping” me kept telling me that the tech reported the work complete. And I kept telling her that the tech was a liar. Not in so many words … but nearly.

Anyway – I came home to find the guy ready to remove my phone box. He said the orders were for him to remove the phone box and the lines. I never said anything about removal of the phone box because if they removed that – well, I’d have NO PHONE. Hello!!!!! He said it was a good thing I got there when I did. I’ll say.

Then I talked to the electrician who did work for me a couple of weeks ago. He was completely baffled why the work he did in my upstairs office closet was not to my liking. Other than it looked like some 5th grader made a light out of orange juice cans and some tin foil – it was nice. He is coming back. Or so he said.

Then I made an appointment, Number 2, with Sears to repair my gas range. Tweedle Dum painted my igniter last week saying it might help or it might not. By then I wanted him OUT of my house. He thought he was really funny with his one liners (ala: Rodney Dangerfield) … I didn’t find him humorous … just merely fantastically annoying in a creepy – LEAVE ALREADY – kind of way.

The garbage guys didn’t pick up my 2 ton bucket of yard waste … for the second week in a row now. Guess I’ll have to call and find out what the scoop is. Is this a monthly thing? I don’t know. So, I had to wheel this super heavy garbage can back into the garage for another week (or more).

So, to top it all off … I decided to crack open my bottle of Jose Cuervo Light Margarita mix and have a glass as I made myself a late dinner of grilled chicken salad (ooh, yum … w/feta and blueberries and strawberry vinaigrette). The drink kicked my butt! I am so sniffy and stuffed I have to go take an allergy pill so I can continue breathing … yes, it was one of those days!



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The mudpuppy and the mousie …

Day 142

In the eight years we’ve had Moby (our yellow lab) I’ve never seen her as dirty as she was last night. Or, possibly, as crazy-happy.

It’s been dry here so I’ve been watering the lawn. And not being used to dragging the hose around manually and timing myself between changing locations I tend to forget about the watering situation until the area is practically flooded.

Last week the guys came out and cleared out the sod around the house for me – making nice long strips of dirt for future flower beds.

Water + dirt = MUD.

Oh dear. I went out back to move the hose and realized that the dog had made herself a wallow under the tree. She had transformed herself from a lovely, clean yellow lab to a large, filthy, mud-caked, stinky-poo pig dog. I decided before turning off the water I’d hose her down. Well, I hadn’t thought too much about this because my plan did not include putting her into the house and into the bathtub IMMEDIATELY after hosing her down. And I don’t know if it would have mattered because she had a plan of her own.

And that plan was to take off at the speed of light, with apparent glee, at being hosed down and run, like a crazed cow, bounding through this small, little yard and somehow maneuver a tight turn so that she could use the entire de-sodded length of the fence as a giant, muddy Slip ‘n Slide.

And she did. With gusto and flair.

Of course, I was laughing at her idiocy and delight and then laughed harder when she went crashing through the hosta planting and ended up on her back, STUCK, against the back fence. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye with (what I’m sure was) embarrassment at her predicament. I pushed and pulled and finally got her rolled over enough that she could get her legs underneath her (once again in the mud).

I looked at the two of us, mud caked and soaked, and just had to laugh at the ridiculousness of the moment. I decided to let her stay outside for a while so I waded through the dog pool and washed off my feet and headed inside to clean up and change clothes.

Upon entering I saw Oscar sitting on the floor of the dining room with a bunch of his toys sort of “on display” in front of him … including his catnip mousies and a baby hippo (that was Gertie’s so I think he must have dropped the mousies by it). Anyway, he was looking, intently, at the pile and it was right in my path so I bent down to flip them off to the side and as I reached down to  do so, I realized that one of the mousies was not a toy – but a real dead mouse! Ew! The mouser strikes again!

After much shrieking, I got a paper towel and wrapped the poor thing up and was on my way out the back door to dispose of it. Not thinking I opened the door wide to make sure the cat didn’t follow me and that’s when the wild muddy maniac  came charging past me and hopped around, in all her muddy glory, on the new family room carpeting.

What a night!


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Wanda the Weather-Bunny …

Day 141

It’s a good thing I never went into meteorology. A good thing for the public, that is – I probably would have loved it!

I’ve always been fascinated with weather and clouds and up-slopes and down-slopes (whatever they are) and the “high pressure system that is advancing eastward from the NW region”.

I have all the verbage down-pat, however and I would be good at it, if not a bit corny. In that case I’d be living in Podunk, Nowhere cuz that would be the only station that would hire me for saying things like, “Cool tonight, but hot TAMALE.” or “Darkness clearing by morning.”

Ha ha … I crack myself up! Seriously, I’d probably find some way to fit in some cornball oddity or pun or play on words or goofball something and end up being fired before my first meteorological conference in that area.

When I grew up the weatherman had a dumb hat that he always wore. I don’t know but I think it was made from an umbrella. And now I don’t remember why he wore it or what it was but I remember thinking how god awful it was and thanking my lucky stars he was of no relation to me!

I must have been a teenager when I started thinking that guy was supremely dorky – as all teenagers think of anyone over the age of 23 and especially someone wearing an umbrella hat.

This week is to be a scorcher … everywhere I’ve looked on the map. No one is getting a respite from the heat this week. I’ve checked out Denver … 90’s all week and near 100 (again) a couple of those days. Durham … same thing. Chicago … oh dear god, it’s to be 105 on Thursday. I think I will fill the bathtub with water and ice cubes that day and rotate the animals through like a car wash so that everyone stays cool.

Tonight, however, is lovely. So, I went out and planted some new flowers I picked up and repotted some others that were looking a little withered or unhappy. I watered the “lawn” which right now is mostly dirt as I’m waiting for the lines to be marked so I can dig this week and plant in my newly formed beds. Well, I’ll be doing that next weekend cuz I’m not digging when it’s 100 degrees out!

Just after dark I went out to turn off the water. The spigot is out my front door and I don’t often go out my front door and I forgot that the entire area has been scraped of sod and is now dirt. However, I watered. So, it isn’t dirt anymore but mud. Thick, deep, squishy, slippery, oozy through the toes MUD.

Yeah, you guessed it. I did one of those sliding through the mud before falling down into it type of cartoon moves. It was great. I had to hose myself off before turning off the water. And  by the looks of the dog – she’ll be sleeping outside tonight. She is a black lab now if ever I saw one! A happy, wet, muddy stinky poo pig dog.

In any case … it’s cool now and lovely. Cool tonight … hot tamale. And just in case you were wondering … the darkness: it’ll  be clearing by morning.

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Random thoughts …

Day 140

I was feeling great empathy for my friends in CO today as the mercury topped 103 degrees. Too hot by any standards. Just when I was thanking my lucky stars that we were supposed to be cooler this next week, the weather came on and forecast 105 for the Chicago area this Thursday. I shouldn’t count my chickens before they are hatched … or whatever that saying is. In this case they will be hard-boiled in no time.

Why is it that 3 children in the light of day shouting to each other and playing sound gleeful and when the same children, doing the same things, at 11pm sound like a bunch of wild banshees?

I only buy caramel apples and those Drumstick ice cream cones for the NUTS. Why don’t I just buy nuts?

I talked “someone” down off a ledge yesterday. Well, that someone was a baby squirrel and it was more like a limb than a ledge, but I still felt good doing it. It was in distress (where was that mother?!) and I got him back to the main trunk and his nest by making my famous squirrel noises. I thought Gertie was going to go through the fence she was so excited!

The Domino Effect is in full swing every time I turn around. Tonight’s discovery was that the old shelves in the closet were loose and falling down. I took them out and found massive holes in the walls. Need to repair them before I put up new shelves … and need to paint them something but have no matching paint so do I just repaint the whole damn closet? or just say the patched holes will have to be WHITE when everything else is off white cuz it’s only a closet? Either way is not great – I don’t want to paint the closet and yet I know if I don’t it will bug me!

The food in food magazines looks 100x better than the food I make from the same recipe that is photographed. Hmmm.

Tonight when unscrewing bolts and anchors and long screws from the old shelves my mind wandered to, of all places, Denmark. I find it interesting, when you are doing something mindless, where your mind takes you. Tonight mine took me to the Little Mermaid statue and the most gorgeous food shop along the water. WHY would my mind go THERE of all places and all things to think about? I find it fascinating.

How can the blind and deaf dog know where I am almost all the time and bark at airplanes? She is amazing. Sense of smell? Does she feel the vibrations? What and how?

Nat King Cole and Michael Bublé can easily reduce me to tears if I let them.

I heard tonight that the fireflies are early this year and that they usually last a month. Best news of the day!


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Food for the soul …

Day 139

What a difference a day makes. The calendar is done. The trim in the living room is painted. The windows in the bathroom are scraped and clean. The couch cushions are clean – again. And the mercury in the thermometer didn’t get anywhere near 90.

Tonight I went to the first summer concert of the season in my new little hometown. It was the local orchestra … set up on the steps of the city building (which is colonial in nature and which made a grand stage and backdrop). The lights of the building backlit the instruments and musicians and it was absolutely lovely.

There were even fireflies!

I’m in my backyard now – candles lit around my tree and patio table, my well-worn Michael Bublé CD is on in the background, a soft breeze is tickling my neck. It is nearly perfect.

I am not a musical person but I appreciate it. I can’t sing. I can’t play an instrument (except for the steering wheel-drum … I’m GREAT at that!) and I can’t read music. That is my one fault. My ONE fault. The can’t read music part …

I can’t even say it’s like Russian to me – cuz I’m quasi decent at languages and who knows? Maybe I’d pick up Russian easily?  I don’t know. It would be easier for me to talk to dogs (which I do anyway) than for me to read music. I am in AWE of anyone who can do it. It’ a complete mystery to me how someone can look at all those little symbols and make sense out of them and do something with an instrument and form music!

I sat on my blanket at the park tonight, surrounded by hundreds of people I didn’t know, and we were all watching this talented group of people create magic. I don’t know if many others were thinking what I was – but that was exactly what I was thinking … it was magic. Somehow they all deciphered the notes on their sheet music and played what they were supposed to with their respective instruments and it all blended together and it was sheer perfection. Plain and simple and no two ways about it.

I don’t know who or what they were playing but for an hour in the park downtown the cellos and flutes and bassoons and violins and drums were making magic. There were at times those goose bump moments when the music was so powerful that it nearly took my breath away.

And there I was … wishing I was not alone (not counting the several hundred other people) because it’s one of those nights meant for sharing and that I had brought more with me than half of my drink from earlier this afternoon. Next time I’ll bring dinner and a cushion and maybe Mobes.

The people next to me looked like they had been living on their spot for days. Reclining patio chairs and a couple of baskets of food and drink, wine, a small table, a Scrabble board, a candle and their Golden Retriever. I learned from the seasoned … next time I’ll be better prepared. And luckily I’ll get a chance to perfect this concert going thing as it’s every Friday night … all summer! Welcome to Mayberry.

I lasted about an hour until the back spasms told me it was time to get off the ground and go home but it was a lovely respite. For that hour there were no planes overhead, no gnawing deadlines looming, no paint waiting to be used, no yard needing tending, no boxes to be yet unpacked. I feel recharged and calmed at the same time. Funny what music can do for a body. I came home and ate a big salad (enough for 2 people easily) and though tremendously full from that … I am happier and better off from the food for the soul I received earlier tonight.

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Things I miss … (and things I don’t) …

Day 138

Today we had a respite. Cool air came in – thankfully. I woke up, for the first time … in how long? … not sticky and feeling gross. For someone who, for most of my 34 years in Colorado woke up feeling neither sticky nor gross, today was a good morning. I have really missed waking up to that cool, dry Colorado air.

But, I don’t miss the dryness that would make my skin like an alligator’s or me being totally incapable of wearing my contacts because my eyeballs were as dry as the Sahara. Hmmm, maybe the humidity factor isn’t so bad?

I miss my bedroom. Actually, if I had a bedroom now maybe I wouldn’t miss it. Discount this one. No fair comparing apples to dinosaurs.

I miss the fragrance of the freshly mown park … that was always a really good thing. That freshness would waft its way up the hill in through our bedroom windows. Some of my most vivid memories are of Tim and I lying in bed smelling that fragrance early on some summer mornings. 

And yes, they do mow the cemetery across the way … but it’s just not the same!

I miss the regularity of life. The ebb and flow of what was … the routine and normalcy … the constancy that comprised my days. I know that will come in time – but for now, I miss it.

Drops ins … I have a handful of friends that I would drop in on … and who would drop in on me. It was delightful … and it was often. I miss those connections … a LOT.

People have asked me if I miss my house … and oddly, not really. I think I was so ready to move on. Am I comfortable here? Does it feel like home yet? No … but, that too, will come with time. And though I don’t miss my house or my yard, I do miss my neighbors.

I miss the sky. How can someone miss the sky? Well, here there are trees and things are closed in. In Colorado the expanse is amazing. The vistas are grand. The mountains in the distance are beautiful. I miss that.

Bugs … here I am talking about bugs … again! And oddly, too, I don’t miss that CO was virtually bug-free. We had icky spiders which I detested but basically we were pretty much a bug-free zone. I don’t mind what has come my way here … so far. SO FAR is the key word. No flies. No mosquitoes. No roaches. No cicadas. I don’t think the bug invasion has happened yet. We’ll see.

Cool nights. The sun goes down in CO and if you are outside, you’d better be packing a sweater. Here, it was 88 at midnight the other night. Or so it seemed. And I don’t know if I actually miss the coolness as much as I don’t like the claminess that the humidity and heat bring.

My hairdo. I miss my hairdo. Now, after you stop laughing and continue reading (those of you who know me know I have no hairdo!) you’ll understand that I mean a fluffed hairdo. Here my hair is fuzzed out and flat at the same time.  It’s a fuzzy, plastered-to-my-head mess. Totally limp and lifeless. Worse than ever, if possible. Very sad. VERY sad.

Privacy. I miss privacy. I need a fence. Badly. Very, very badly. It’s cute only so long that the neighbors hang over the fence and call to the dogs that are sleeping in the family room to come out and play. And I found out today I also need blinds. I was creeping around my room finding something to wear, avoiding the window that faces the neighbor’s driveway and realized I was standing in front of another window – one that faced someone’s bedroom! Way to go, me! Privacy, I miss.

Though this area is dry (relatively speaking) it rains. And when it rains … it rains. For hours. And hours. It’s lovely. I don’t miss that it rarely did that in CO. I’m a rain baby and rain is good. I don’t miss the no-rain pattern of a high desert.

Quiet. I miss quiet. This is the NOISIEST place. I’d never make it in India or China where there are gobs of people and constant noise issues. Though I’m thinking this is close! Here it is the sirens … the planes … the horns and cars … and the awful yippy dog across the street. It is constant and it is irritating. It makes me edgy. The planes are really low and loud and roaring as the airport is very close and they come in and go out at all hours of the day and night and there is a constant rumble. I find it disturbing. I miss the quiet of my old neighborhood.

And yet I don’t miss the ping of the aluminum bats at 7am in the park and the idiot fathers and coaches screaming at their children (who are trying to have fun and be in a team sport). I’ll take the neighbors playing basketball (almost in my lap) anytime over screaming coaches and pinging bats.

Friends … I might not miss my house but I sure miss my friends. And even if we didn’t see each other all too often, it’s knowing now that I CANNOT see you that gets me.

And don’t even get me started on missing Sam.

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Observances of the day …

Day 137

Since today was in the upper 90’s again my brain is a bit fried. I cannot form coherent sentences or string more than 2 words together without losing my train of thought.

What was I saying? 

So, instead of writing something, like an actual paragraph, I will share with you my most recent observances and thoughts. 

Despite how disgustingly hot I felt today, I was surprised and disappointed that the humidity was not even 40%. Meaning that when the humidity factor really kicks in I will, without a doubt, dissolve into a puddle of goo. Can’t wait.

Men will look always look at a woman who is blonde. Even when said woman is too old to be that blonde.

Women of a certain body type/build/weight should REALLY not wear shocking pink, skin-tight capris. In fact, it should be illegal.

Dogs that jump in water, then roll in dirt will immediately find the cleanest piece of furniture in your house to lie down on.

I need to teach the dogs to roll in the dirt FIRST, then jump in the pool if they are going to lie on my freshly washed cushion covers. Fat chance of that ever happening.

Food, no matter what it is, tastes better when someone else makes it.

Some people, regardless of the weather, always look like a million bucks. (Like the lady I saw walking down the street in a silk shantung dress today. She looked cool and fabulous.)

I am not one of those people.

The soil here is so wonderful I might have to make a mud pie and eat it.

Just when I think I can go another week without coloring my hair, my roots pop out about 2 inches overnight, making me wish I had made an appointment with Lady Clairol a week ago.

Green beans always look so yummy in the freezer section of the grocery store … and never that good in my own freezer at home. 

People in Starbucks talk really fast. Wonder if caffeine has anything to do with that?

Being nice to a beetle rarely pays off.

And, connections of the heart are a wonderful thing.



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The garden faeries …

Day 136

The garden faeries arrived this afternoon. Not to be confused with garden gnomes these were actual men who seemed to flit around my yard for an hour doing what would have taken me an immeasurable amount of time and hard work.

Thank you, new neighbor!!!!

I was out last week getting “yard therapy” after a couple of very frustrating computer days where nothing was going right and I just needed to go dig. So, I started to dig up the sod which was in good soil (which here is ACTUAL SOIL! Black, crumbly soil … REAL DIRT! As opposed to the clay/rock conglomerate of CO!) and expand the borders around my house. I got the north side done and didn’t kill myself in doing so (but nearly) but my new neighbor took pity on me, said he knew a few guys with a sod cutter who could make easy work of this project and that he’d send them over.

So, who am I to turn down such an offer? And today they showed up. In an hour’s time they had the rest of the front done (and they took away what was left of the sod from the area that I worked on) and the side/back yard as well. They guzzled ice water and ice cream bars. I was amazed they were still standing as it was ONLY 97 out at the time they were working. I felt faint and I was just WATCHING! They finished up, raked all the dirt smooth, swept the sidewalks, tidied up and with sweat down to their kneecaps they disappeared. Amazing!

Moby promptly laid down in the cool dry earth and sighed relief. She has been digging up hostas left and right to unearth some soil to lie down in … and now she had a whole wide border of nice cool dirt!

This is not without it’s downside though. The arrival of the garden faeries and the dog swimming pool were almost at the same time. The onslaught of mud on my new family room carpet came afterwards … after a quick swim in the pool and a roll in the dirt and a happy bounding through the family room – by, yes, yours truly, Moby the Wonder Lizard. (Aka: Stinky Poo Pig Dog.)

Who am I to deny the dog pleasure? I have a vacuum. I have a shampooer. I have patience. It’s okay. It’s been so hot, I might just do it myself tomorrow!

Anyway, thank goodness for the niceness of neighbors. All I have to do now is dig up the soil, get rid of a few weeds and plant my Rose Cottage garden!

I told the workmen to come back later in the summer to see the roses and hydrangea, daisies and honeysuckle. I told them in my broken Spanish that I’d have hollyhocks and sweat peas and purple Salvia … lilies and lily of the valley and violets and milkweed and monarda. We’ll see how it goes!

But in the meantime … my hat is off to those hardworking (very big and very sweaty) faeries and my wonderful, generous new neighbor!

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The leading cause of …

Day 135

The leading cause of _________________ (fill in the blank) is due to noise pollution and/or heat/humidity.

I know this for a fact. As of today I have all of the world’s problems figured out and it all comes down to noise pollution and/or heat and humidity. I’m sure of it.

Today was 94 degrees, in the shade, when the clouds were low, under a dark umbrella. You get the picture. In other words …


It’s supposed to be hotter the next few days. Yeah, can’t wait.

The dogs and I are eagerly anticipating the surge of mercury yet again. All of us, cats included, have had 3 showers today. I’m contemplating a 4th wet-down before bed as a nice breeze has started and that would be nice against cooled, damp skin or fur. If I had the nerve and no fears of being gnawed on by some rampaging raccoon in the middle of the night (and if I had a cot, and some privacy, and wasn’t afraid that I’d swallow a beetle) … I’d sleep outside. It’s lovely out right now. Finally. Inside, not so  much.

Even the bowl of ice cubes in front of the fan (on high) did little to help cool off the air where I was working today. The little window a/c unit was trying its best but not doing much. The fans were just throwing around hot air. I was working and the dogs were lying around like those limp watches in that Dali painting. But I felt how they looked. Again, as I said, can’t wait to do it all again over the next few days.

Heat. In winter it’s a great thing. In summer, not so much. Tempers flare. Patience wanes. Blood pressures rise (I’m guessing but it seems reasonable) as do heart rates. Nerves get on edge and are easily frazzled. As does hair. Especially mine. All winter I looked forward to languid summer days. These are NOT them!

Noise. I live in the airport. Well, not really – but it seems like I live in the airport … or on a runway … or awfully close. And I am … awfully close. AWFULLY close. It’s awful. There is a constant rumble and I think that there is a thunderstorm on the horizon at any given hour of the day or night. Seriously. I think I’d like to study crime rates where people are exposed to heat and noise on a continual basis compared to those who are not. Maybe it’s been done. It seems like a waste of money to conduct a study anyway … it seems like there would be an obvious outcome with noise and heat being huge factors against peace and contentment.

My neighbor told me I’m seeing all this year’s extremes … heat, early spring, drought, high winds (my patio table with new umbrella was tumbled today. Crashing through my tomato plants and breaking all the glass candle votives and breaking a rib on the umbrella as it went down. GREAT!) …

All I can say is … I can’t wait for winter!

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Holidays …

Day 134

I am not one for made-up holidays … these so-called Hallmark holidays. However, today was Father’s Day and one of the very few in the last 34 years that I have had the opportunity to spend, even a bit of, with my Dad. And as unusual as that was – it was really nice.

I had Mother’s Day, this year, with my Mom. Also, unusual and really nice.

I am one of the few I know, at this age, who has both parents still and I feel fortunate to have the chance to spend time with them … even if it is on a made-up holiday.

Of course, today made me think of Tim and the kids … how could it not? And in knowing that I was having brunch with my parents … and neither of my kids were having brunch with theirs … it was a day of bittersweet emotions for me.

Which brings me back to thinking of holidays and how dreadfully difficult they can be for some people who have lost family or friends for whatever reasons. Life can be too difficult sometimes and too lonely at those holiday times … especially because there are so MANY holidays these days.

I was working on my calendar and there are an abnormal amount of national days for this and that – not necessarily “holidays” but do we really need a National Popcorn Day? A National Wear a Kilt Day? How about a National Kiss a White Squirrel Day! I’d like to see that. I’d also like to see a white squirrel (there are some!) but that’s another story!

If I’m thinking of holidays … I’d have to say without hesitation that Thanksgiving is my favorite. I know, some people would think that Halloween was my favorite with all my decorations. Fall as a season is my favorite, but for a holiday it is definitely TG. There is no hubbub, no commercialism, no countdown as in “how many shopping days left until …”. It’s about family and friends and giving thanks for the bounty that we have – for we all have so much. Even when we think we don’t … we do. There is always something to be thankful for.

And oddly enough, when deciding on what to write, I looked at the tv listing and starting now is one of my favorite movies … Last Holiday. One of those cute, goofy, mindless, feel-good movies (with Queen Latifah – whom I adore) … so, I’ll watch it … and enjoy one more holiday today.


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The instigator …

Day 133

I had the best of intentions to do business tonight. Needless to say, that never happened. Instead I found myself going to Ace Hardware to get yellow paint for the bathroom. 

I was about to sit down and work when I saw the new toilet paper holder sitting on the counter. I told myself I was going to finish these little projects (this weekend) that have been pestering me for some time. This was one such little pester.

So, screwdriver in hand I marched into the bathroom (with more great intentions) to put this thing up. Which got me to thinking that I really shouldn’t put it up until I painted the bathroom because I’d just have to take it down again when that time came … so, why not paint it TONIGHT?

So, off I went to get paint with the 8 different swatches of yellow (ranging from soft butter to marigold) that I had come to know and love from them being taped on the bathroom wall for the last 2 weeks.

I came home with “dill weed”. Dill weed is not yellow but GREEN. On a whim I changed my mind. In the store it looked fine. Once home, on the wall, it looked insipid. It was not dill weed but more like Granny Smith apple. It was obnoxious in its greenness … and quasi-neon-ness.

Being ever the mixer at heart, I dumped some of the dill weed into an empty paint can and threw some glossy white in with it and came up with what now looks like the color I found on my last loaf of moldy bread. It also reminds me of that green one would find in a doctor’s office in the 1960’s. And since this is not the 1960’s nor a doctor’s office … the color is not so great.

Whatever. I painted a second coat. I painted a THIRD coat. All after I had painted the trim (that glossy white).

In any case, it’s done. My evening project. The brass window handles were taken off and cleaned. New brass switch plates put up. New towels are in place. A wreath of twigs adorns one wall.

It’s okay. NOT what I had in mind … and definitely not creamy butter yellow … but the floor is white and I will paint the cabinets white (now Motel 6 looking cheap oak) and replace the door (which will also be white) … so, I thought I needed more contrast. So, for now – it’s okay but will look better when Stage II is done.

Whenever that may be!

In any case I cleaned up everything and put all the paint away and cleaned the brushes and finally ate dinner and that’s when I saw the damn toilet paper holder sitting on the counter!

I got up and marched back into the bathroom to put it up and realized … I can’t. It’s one of those stick in the hole in the wall kind of holders and there is nothing to hold it in place. Guess that is why it was off in the first place. Wonderful.

So, after all that, the instigator of an evening of labor, the one thing that started it all … is still not done.

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Ode to the artichoke …

Day 132

Artichokes. I think in the culinary world either you love them or you hate them. I’m not sure. I happen to be in the “love” group. I adore these things.

And yes, I know they are basically tasteless but it’s what one puts ON them that makes all the difference.

Last night I cooked one. I was fishing around in my refrigerator bin and came up with a slightly worn looking green globe. I’d forgotten I’d purchased it and it was looking on the verge of being, well, let’s say … garbage. So, I washed and trimmed and plopped it into a copper pot of water and waited for my yummy orb to be done.

And I waited. And waited. And I waited some more. And when I thought it had to be done, I plucked off a leaf to find that it still needed more time. So, somewhere close to midnight I finally started diving into my treat!

I drizzled it with a little butter and that was it. No salt, no pepper, no garlic or other seasonings. I am a purist when it comes to this thing. I’m sure I cooked all nutritional value out of it because it was cooking for over an hour! But it was as close to heaven as I could get! YUM!

I haven’t always been an artichoke lover. Sam turned me on to them while she was in high school. I don’t remember now where she had one but I’m glad she opened my eyes to them. If I’m at a restaurant and there is artichoke in some dish … chances are really high that that is what I’ll order. Weird little edible thistle that it is!

The globe artichoke (the ones you see in the grocery stores) is a perennial thistle which originated in the Mediterranean area of Southern Europe. It grows normally from four to almost seven feet high. As is the case with most thistles the flowerets of the artichoke are purple (some are more pinky) and the base of the flower is what is edible. And yes, though it is a flower essentially, it is the bud, leaves and stem that are eaten and the flower bears no fruit so it is a vegetable in nature.

I don’t know who decided to chop one of these things down one day while walking through some meadow looking at the sea in Southern Europe and take it home and cook it and eat it – but I’m glad he/she did! Thank you mystery person!

While my mom and I were out on a trip to California (now a few years ago) I remember seeing farmer’s trucks with hand painted signs … artichokes 10 for $1. (Further down the road we saw signs for avocados 10 for $1 but that’s another story.) I was thinking how LUCKY these people were in the area … they could have their fill of artichokes the entire season and not have to pay $3 each (as we did in CO)! Lucky, lucky them!

And as it is with most anything, my dad also has a goofy joke about artichokes … and I have heard it about 100 times (no lie) and yet for the life of me, now, I can’t remember it. But it goes something like this:

Artie and his 3 friends were at the grocery store. They were in the produce section arguing about money owed for bus fare. Artie insisted that his friends owed him one dollar. Anyway, tempers flared, Artie went crazy and strangled all three of his friends. The local paper’s headline the next day was: Grocery Store Madness – Artie Chokes 3 for $1.

Good deal!


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Stay clear of Route 83 …

Day 131

I’ve noticed that the traffic is something that is talked about and reported on on the radio constantly out here. Today while driving I was told, by a very informative DJ on some radio station, to stay clear of Route 83 especially near Addison. All I could think of was, “Wow … THANKS!”

However, being new to the area … I had NO IDEA what Route 83 was or where it was or if Addison was a street or a town or how to steer clear of any of it! For all I knew I was headed toward it or on it!

It’s really odd listening to a traffic report, while driving in a new area, knowing very little about the streets and highways because if you felt lost or kind of “not with it” yet … after listening to the report you felt even more so.

The DJ continued to tell me that there was a stall on the Inbound Ryan. Good to know – if I knew where it was. I do know it’s a highway … but inbound from where? What if you are going southbound? What if you are going northbound? If you are going IN (I’m assuming to “the city”) you can go in from two directions. Where is that stall?

He also told me it was “33 to the Junction”. It was like listening to some coded language. Thirty-three WHAT? Minutes? Miles? Where was he that it was 33 to? Where was his “base camp”? 33 to WHAT junction? I told a friend this when I got home and she suggested he was talking about Petticoat Junction! Ha! If so, I’m no longer in Illinois! Or 2012!

I was going so slowly in traffic today – whatever road I was on as all roads were bad and each was worse than the next – that I realized how slow “at a snail’s pace” really is. I know this because I think I saw a snail pass me. Seriously. At one point I considered turning off my car and just letting the guy behind me push it along!

At least if there’s traffic in Denver there is pretty scenery to look at while you are sweltering in your car. Here I was usually stuck next to someone with their bass on so loudly that my heart is still pounding from the vibrations. And have I mentioned that it’s pretty … damn ugly. Yeah, sorry people of this area … I really haven’t seen ANYTHING attractive yet.

In any case … I was driving around today, taking different routes to (and from) where I was doing errands trying to find my way and get used to street names. And I realized … they use a LOT of numbers out here. Route 83, Route 53, Illinois 119, Highway 102. And then when I came upon a street name that was familiar … it turned out to be a different street which just so happens to have the same name. And I’m not talking side streets … I’m talking major thoroughfares. Egad people … get a bit more creative and stop reusing names! This is confusing. Or to the right it’s one name (Highland Terrace) and to the left it’s another (Acorn Court) or Dempster turns into Miner for a while and then back to Dempster 2 miles down the road. What is with THAT?!

I found myself on the west side of the airport today. I didn’t even know the airport HAD a west side to it! I corkscrewed my way for over an hour through neighborhoods and industrial areas and everywhere I went it was hideous, horrible traffic. I kept listening to the DJ telling me to stay away from the north end of the southbound lanes of 42 just past 108th. WHAT? I don’t think I was anywhere near there – but who knows? I could have been. I was going inbound from being out but I was going south before I went east. So, was I where he said?

In any case, one of these days I’ll figure out where these roads are that they are talking about. Until then, I just hope I’m lucky enough not to be in the middle of where they’re telling me to avoid!


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Visa loves me …

Day 130

Visa loves me this I know, for my credit card statement tells me so.

No lie.

I think according to the Chinese calendar this is the month of the Visa card. I could be wrong. It might have been last month, too.

Moving … is expensive. On so many levels.

Who knew I had so many aerosol cans, nail polishes and paint items (that could not go on the truck) that I now am finding I need … that I had to give away or toss back in CO? I also ditched a lot of stuff thinking it would be better and cheaper to buy new here. WHAT was I thinking?

I (gladly and thankfully) got rid of the yard tools. I think they were unearthed from the days of the gold and silver rush (actually decades as the mining of precious metals in the Colorado mountains lasted from 1859-1910). In any case, our yard tools – hoes, pitch forks, shovels and the like – were ancient. If not from the gold and silver rush era then surely they were Neolithic in nature and then eventually cast in some sort of metal (presumably by those miners in the late 1800’s).

Anyway, they were old and I ditched them. Pawned them off on some of Sam’s friends (and Sam) … beggars can’t be choosers. And I was tired of the splinters from the old wooden handles. So, I have a few new tools. Yay. And, they’re pretty too. Again, Visa loves me.

Visa loves me but so does the electrician. And the soon to be fence guy. And the contractor who will remove the ancient gas heater that is defunct and scary. The carpet installers love me as does Home Depot, Lowe’s, Target, Ace Hardware and (of course) Starbucks. I am doing my share to keep the economic community vital and healthy.

Today the gas company paid me a visit because I called about this faulty range. Apparently when you call, even if you have no gas odor, they send someone out ASAP. Evelyn showed up on my doorstep before the phone was even hung up – practically. She was the one to notice the old gas heater unit. Great. Visa will love me for that removal … as well as whatever it costs me to get the range fixed.

Then, just when I thought nothing else could make Visa’s heart leap (if Visa has a heart) … the computer crashed. So, off to the Apple store I went with my old, weary, five-year old macbook in tow. I liked its sleek white plastic cover. I liked that it was handy and not too hideously expensive. I liked that I could sit anywhere and use it. Well, almost anywhere.

The lowest, least expensive new model is expensive and glitzy. (There is nothing inexpensive about a macbook.) I’d like a white plastic cover but they only come in a goldish metal cover that will get scratched the moment I look at it … unless, of course, I buy one of the (expensive) macbook covers. Oh, Apple, you people are so clever! In any case – Apple REALLY loved me today and Visa was pretty happy, too. Ca-ching!

Tomorrow I’m doing damage at Lowe’s … so that I have the necessary items for when the plumber shows up … when I make him happy.

And then there’s Sears … they’ll love me on Friday with the range repair and new glasses as mine are so scratched it’s like looking out of screening material.

Sigh. I know Visa loves me but at this moment … I just wish they didn’t love me so much!

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A woman of reason …

Day 129

I consider myself a woman of reason. And in saying that I don’t mean that I can come up with a reason for doing or getting something (though I can) … and I don’t even mean that I am a reasonable person (though I am). I am meaning that I am a person who reasons with others.

I was in Target a while back and I was in Target again today (they love me) … and while there today I was reminded of the time when Ted had his ONLY temper tantrum. He was 2 and he wanted to lie down on the little shelf under the cart and I told him he could not do that (without explaining why) and he had a full-blown, down-and-out, screaming at the top of his little (amplified so that people on airplanes could hear him) lungs. Red faced, kicking and screaming, worming his way onto the shelf under the cart basket!

And, of course, there I was trying to wrestle him OUT of that little place without getting either of us wedged under the cart in the process. Did I fail to mention that I was 8 months pregnant? Yeah, so we were a sight to see, I’ll tell ya. And, of course as would be expected in a time such as this, someone we knew rolled their cart past us and said hello.


I don’t remember what happened after. I’d like to say that I had a Mother of the Year epiphany/moment and that I explained to Ted that he couldn’t squeeze his little body onto that shelf because I might run over his fingers and that would really be awful and it would hurt and he might end up bleeding or getting a finger cut off and then he’d get blood on his neon green t-shirt with the glow in the dark dinosaurs on it … but that didn’t happen. At least I’m pretty sure that didn’t happen. But I do think after that I was sure to explain things to my kids … to give them a REASON for not doing whatever it was they wanted to do (but that I didn’t want them to do)!

All this flashed through my brain in a nano-second of memory movie time as I overheard a mom tell her kid to stop standing up in the seat part of the shopping cart. (I hate when I see kids do that!) The kid was crying, the mom was yelling at him to sit down and I wanted to stop and tell her to explain WHY she didn’t want him doing that. I wanted her to paint a scenario for him that said that he might fall out and knock his front teeth out in the process and then the tooth fairy might not come and without front teeth he wouldn’t be able to easily eat corn on the cob for the next 4 years until his permanet teeth came in, if ever. (Or something along those lines.)

I wanted her to give him a reason. I wanted her to be as I had been with my kids … a woman of reason.

But she wasn’t and I didn’t stop her and I heard that kid screaming and crying the ENTIRE time I was shopping. Which reminded me of that saying, “You want to cry? I’ll give you something to cry about.”

In thinking back I think we had ONE “grounding” between the kids and I think that was for a few hours! Seriously. Our kids were so good and so easy. They’d reach for a sharp knife I’d been using at the counter and I’d tell them not to touch it because it was sharp and they might hurt themselves … and they stopped reaching for it. When a shot was needed at the doctor’s office I explained that it was for their own good and that it was only going to sting a little. No fussing.  We always had high expectations of manners, behaviors and judgement. And I like to think that they were so understanding and “easy” because we always reasoned with them – from an early age. 

However, as much as I’d like to take some credit, I think we were just really, really, really super lucky and had wonderful, smart, sweet children and it really had nothing to do with me being a woman of reason!


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I am stuck on (not Band-Aids) …

Day 128

Now that I have the “Stuck on Band-Aids” song going through my head, I hope you do, too. Misery loves company.

I laugh, though, because when the 3rd Comcast guy was here last week (before he screwed things up royally) he started humming the theme song from “Lambchop’s PlayHouse” … or whatever that show was called. It was my fault as there is a Lambchop puppet on the shelf and he saw it and well, he told me he hated me and now I hate him because that damn song is STILL stuck in my brain.

Along with the Band-Aids one. Great.

In any case, I’m not stuck on Band-Aids (though I need a few after ripping out carpeting last night and encountering 18,762 NAILS and tacks – thank you very much people).

I am stuck on MY CHAIR. My ball chair.

My big, bouncy, wonderful ball chair. Though comfy, it is not the greatest thing when the  temps get over 90 and the humidity is a major factor and when the person sitting on it is wearing … shorts.

It feels akin to having duct tape on the back of my legs … not really good … and really rather uncomfortable in a sticky, quasi-nipping kind of way.

So, every 43 seconds I stand up and re-position myself so that my legs don’t get permanently glued to this rubber-ish bouncy ball that I so desperately love and need and use and enjoy. That is, when it’s not 90 degrees in the shade and so humid I could grow orchids in this office without any problems.


Humidity. It has been, pretty much (with the exception of a few days when it was 53 degrees and raining) since my arrival … the bane of my existance. My hair is frizzy and flat. I am as clammy as an octopus. I am a slobberpuss of sweat. There. I said it … again.

I am a sweat hog. I find it amazingly repulsive (the sweating and stickiness) and so supremely surprising that I cannot tolerate this humidity. And I was told today that it’s really “rather nice out”. Great. Just great. I’m going to be an awful mess once it gets hotter/more humid. Can’t wait.

Today was 90 or 92 … when it gets up there I don’t really think it makes much of a difference. To me it’s like the difference between 450 and 452. All I know is, IT IS HOT. Damn hot. Damn sticky. I am clammy. I am MOIST. I find it very, very gross … not to mention uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable. I am NOT liking this.

I lived in Denver for 34 years … when we had humidity that reached 13% we thought it was a humid day! Anything higher than 26% and it was downright tropical.

Well, I keep scanning the skies (if I could see them, but I can’t because of all the trees and no vistas here) to see if there are toucans but so far – none. I’m sure they are here somewhere though … with all this warm air there have got to be parrots and the like flying around here somewhere.

In any case … I am at my desk … typing away, looking for tropical birds and getting some thigh squats in every half-minute. Otherwise I’d be literally “on the ball” and stuck on … and not on Band-Aids.

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Banished …

Day 127

Another day of painting. One would think I’d finally have some art pieces done … but it’s not that kind of painting – unfortunately. How I wish I were creating some masterpiece instead of painting window trim and wall space. But that is what I’m doing.

Painting, painting and more painting.

Today was something ungodly like 96 degrees. It felt like 120 to me … the fans were just barely throwing around hot air. The dogs and cats were in the sink getting watered down as often as possible … as was I! Too hot for me.

And in the midst of this heat … factor in the humidity to make it just that much more uncomfortable … I decided I’d rip out carpeting. Yeah … good move. Really smart.

I was on my way upstairs to paint the base trim as the carpeting is scheduled for installation in the morning. I got upstairs and decided instead of painting the trim I’d just rip it out! So, I did. It was ugly and with it gone – fewer things for me to paint. Yay.

While standing on the landing I decided to rip out the carpeting … why not? I wasn’t doing anything at the moment – it would make it easier to paint the base area of the walls … it’s coming out anyway … sure, be like Nike … just do it.

I am an idiot.

Do you know how hard it is to rip out carpeting? Well, it’s not really that hard … but imagine wrestling a manatee while in a sauna. That’s what it was like. A manatee with a zillion little spikes all over it because whomever put this last carpeting down NAILED it to the floor. Yeah, idiots, also.

In any case I got the landing carpeting up and then decided to tackle the stairs … which was 10x harder than wrestling a spiky manatee in a sauna could ever be. But it’s done. The stairs are painted, the trim going down the stairs is painted, the door frames upstairs are painted and I’m pretty much painted.

And I only had one mishap when Dori tried to find me and came up the stairs … and then went back down the stairs … and through the paint … and through the living room … so, she and everyone else is banished from the house until I am DONE and the paint is DRY.

But they are the fortunate ones as it is hotter than hell in here and it has cooled down nicely outside and there is a lovely breeze that every once in a while somehow makes its way actually to the inside of my office. And when that happens it’s bliss. But it’s not often enough and I am, once again, a slobberpuss of sweat. Such a nice visual.

So, I’m going to finish up my painting … still have some wall work to do and one more coat on the stairs … and then I think I’ll banish myself to the patio for a while. I need some cool fresh air.

Banishment never sounded so good!

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Brain ramblings …

Day 126

I’m sitting up in my office … a quite lovely breeze has started up and it is wonderful after the heat of the day. It’s late and my skin is cooled from the THIRD shower of the day (one while I was fully clothed!) … I am not doing too well with this humidity! Especially because today’s humidity hovered around 26%. I figure when that number starts going up I’ll be in the shower all the time!

In any case, I am sitting here pondering my options as far as tonight’s blog topic and too many things are rushing through my head … my brain is rambling … and nothing comes to mind other than a thousand different wayward thoughts ping ponging their way across my brain pathways.

So, here are some of them …

I have more toys than some 3 year olds … toys in my office. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person with: a miniature Lambchop finger puppet, several ET’s, too many stuffed animal pugs to count, a squeaky pig, a small green turtle, a brown squishy lizard, a Godzilla cup holder … and the list continues. What can I say? I like my toys!

I have a bird’s-eye view of my neighbor’s driveway. I have not yet met these people across the street but I can tell you, as well as Gladys Kravitz, what their daily schedule is … or at least how many times they pull into and out of their driveway. From the volume of cars coming and going I’m guessing it’s a family of 13 living over there! Or it’s a very busy couple!

The saying “Home is where the heart is” is confusing to me. Whose home? And what if your home doesn’t feel like “home” yet? Like mine does not. Is my heart homeless?

And in thinking that I know my heart is in several places so perhaps I’m a gypsy. It’s in North Carolina with Ted, Denver with Sam and friends, it’s in California, Ohio and places in between with others … as well as here. My heart is not settled. How dull if it were just here. 

Lesson learned: close the windows before it gets dark out and before the army of bugs comes in to play around the inside lights. I ate dinner on the couch and noticed all the dead little carcasses that had burned themselves up on the light on the table. I’m going to have to remember to close up earlier … and get used to more bugs in my life.

And speaking of bugs, there is a small fly on my screen making me crazy.

The sound of laughter is universal … it always makes my heart happy.

I am needing a water fix. Not just a glass of water … but a body of water. There is something about the pull of the tides that stirs my soul. I am feeling a need for that.

Arthritis is much more apparent in a humid climate than a dry one … ask Mobes. She and I are not doing too well. Glucosamine is on my grocery list for us both.

Burgers … since moving here I have turned into a T-Rex more than ever. Today I got lunch for the electricians and myself at Paradise Pup (seen on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives). I ate half of my char burger for lunch and the rest for dinner. It was fabulous. I’d never make it as a vegetarian.

Lightning bugs … I’ve seen one … or two. For the past two nights I’ve seen one lone lightning bug flitting around my little yard. I don’t know if it’s the same one each night … but I’m glad he’s here! Where are his friends?

Unpacking … when opening up boxes, along with the contents, memories tumble out too making the task at hand sometimes wistfully nostalgic, sometimes painfully sad, sometimes joyously happy. It’s an exhausting job.

The dogs all have new name tags and the metal must be lighter than their old tags as the jingle is higher in pitch. Odd that I’d notice it so much. Wonder if the dogs do?

Got the fly!

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The Domino Effect …

Day 125

The “domino effect” … we all know what it is … (and I’m not referring to pizza)! You do one thing and it affects something else which affects something else and so on.

The electrician has been here (never when he says) on and off for a week or more now … he fixes one thing and that triggers the need to fix something else which triggers the need to fix something else which triggers the need to replace the entire panel. Ca-ching. The domino effect is born and the money pit as well.

But that’s okay … because I really don’t like the looks of these wires he is pulling out of the walls and ceiling and sockets and panels. I’ve said before that Thomas Edison would be thrilled to know that his original workshop was still in place … here in my house! I, however, am less than thrilled.

Today he finished up something … he been explaining what he’s doing until I finally told him not to bother because I wasn’t understanding what he was talking about anyway and I didn’t want to stand there and nod my head like I understood or like I was even interested … because I don’t and I’m not. I just want him to do his job and get on with it. In any case, today he finished something and I plugged in a fan and lost power to half the house. Great. Good thing he’s coming back tomorrow. I think.

And then there’s the stove. It’s gas. Which translates to SCARY to me. The oven isn’t quite up to par. I cooked a frozen pizza the other night and there were fumes and never having cooked on a gas stove/oven before I didn’t know what to expect … but I’m pretty sure fumes are not a good thing. So, I finished cooking the quasi cooked pizza in a skillet on one of the 2 (of 4) burners that work. Guess it’s time to call someone in to look at that.

I also need a plumber … the upstairs sink is fit for a munchkin and if I were three feet tall I’d be in heaven. But having to bend over at a 90 degree angle just to spit out my toothpaste twice a day has my back already screaming, “GET A NEW SINK!” … so, I need to do that. And the kitchen faucet leaks … as does the outdoor hose connection … as does the washer … sigh.

The domino effect is running rampant.

Tonight I was finishing up painting the dining room which kind of blends into the family room. There was an odd metal strip tacked down at the end of the flooring – which I ripped out/off/up. It’s gone. Which made me need to clean that section of flooring. Which was next to the trim piece in the family room that has to come up when I get new carpet next week … so, I ripped that up and realized that the existing carpet is glued down to whatever sub-flooring is in the family room. Great. Won’t the carpet guys be happy with me? Another unexpected glitch and more into the money pit.

Dominoes. More and more dominoes and the effect continues …

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Customer service … yeah right …

Day 124

Well, Comcast is getting the ol’ heave-ho tomorrow from yours truly. I’m a sucker for giving someone a second, third and well, fourth chance and if things aren’t right by then … sayonara!

So, they have screwed me over one too many times … so, they are history.

At least I think so!

I ordered services from WOW (apparently based out of CO, but until moving here I had never heard of them) … they are supposed to have GREAT ratings on services. So, we shall see.

The two guys who came out to do the uninstall of Comcast and the install of WOW were nice but I couldn’t understand them their accents (Russian? Polish? Slavic of some nature?) were so heavy. Great. So, they left and I had questions unanswered cuz I figured why bother asking? I wasn’t about to understand their answers anyway. Lovely. I’d had enough with “service” people for the day so I will call them tomorrow. We’ll see how it goes.

My phone is somewhat static-y and I noticed some wavy/slow-mo weirdness going on while the TV was on tonight. So, the verdict is still out on this company. I am having the same problem I had with Comcast and call waiting, too … so, in that department I am NOT a happy camper.

Which makes me wonder what the heck has happened to customer service?

I am in the service industry and am a good (sometimes too good) consumer. And when I spend money at a store I really think it would be nice if the clerk THANKED me for shopping at their establishment. Same for a restaurant – whether it’s a sit-down place or a fast food drive-thru.

And I’d like whatever I buy – whether it food or goods or services to be of quality and done well and correctly … the FIRST TIME. I don’t want to have to send food back. I don’t want a surly waitress. I don’t want to get home with products that are inferior that I have to return. And I certainly don’t want someone to promise me something and an arrival time of such and such … and then arrive 4 hours late and not be able to deliver what was promised in the first place.

Do your job! And THANK ME for supporting your business.

And for that matter … if I call to request your services … CALL ME BACK. I’ve lost count of the fencing companies and landscapers I’ve called to give me a bid on my outdoor projects. NO ONE has contacted me back. Is business THAT good that they don’t need mine?

The owner of a local blinds company came out earlier this week. His half-assed, lackluster sales presentation (if one could actually call it that … some measurements put on paper and him kind of telling me what they had – though I kept asking if he had brochures or samples to show me … and yes he did but they were in the car) was pathetic at best. Why did he even bother coming out if this is what he had to show people? Even if I liked his product I wouldn’t give him my business.

Where is customer service?

I was in Ace Hardware yesterday and before I could even sign my name to the sales slip the checker was scanning someone else’s items. No thank you to me. She kind of ripped off my receipt and tossed it in my direction. No eye contact. No smile. No thank you. And certainly, no “Have a nice day.”

I hate to think that please and thank you and taking a few extra minutes with customers has gone the way of typewriter or drive-in movie theaters … but I’m beginning to think so. I find it very sad.

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Insecta …

Day 123

I found my old college transcripts the other day and had to laugh. The class I loved the most out of everything that I took (besides figure skating) I did the worst in.

And that class, believe it or not, was entomology. Quite simply – the scientific study of … bugs!

Insects … there are more than a million described species which comprise over HALF of all known living organisms on the planet! Wow … now that’s something! And, off the top of my head, I can probably only rattle off about 30 of them! Pathetic!

Now, to know me, one would think this rather odd (my interest in insects) … because put a spider within 50 yards of me and I have a fit. But, quite honestly, spiders are arachnids and not insecta (a 3-part (segmented) body, 3 pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, a chitinous exoskeleton (nice and crunchy) and 2 antennae).

Insects I rather like … spiders not so much. And I blame my attraction to these little critters, again, on my brother. He was a collector of sorts when we were kids and I grew quite fond of the butterflies and moths that he had nibbling on leaves while in their caterpillar stages in his bedroom. And was in awe of the large rhinocherous beetles and other prehistoric looking miniature beasts that lined his mounts hung on his walls. We had shiny, iridescent aqua beetles – not much different in size than lady bugs – when I was little. We called them Japanese beetles though I don’t know what they really were or if they were only around when we were little as I haven’t seen one in 40 years. They were pretty … if a bug can be pretty.

I like “nice” bugs. Ladybugs and walking sticks, praying mantis (though not really a nice insect as the female eats her mate … but they’re kind of cute), caterpillars of any kind, fat beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, butterflies, moths and bees … and even grasshoppers with their itchy, sticky legs and sappy goo bug juice; they’re all good.

But by far the best is the firefly (quite fittingly named Lampyridae and whose larvae are commonly called glowworms). There is something magical about an animal that can light up the night sky! Bioluminescence is a great thing! Unlike crickets that rub their legs together to make their noise, fireflies just flit and twinkle in the twilight just by letting Mom Nature do her thing! I was reminded, the other day, that they are here (where I am) … how could I have forgotten because “nice bugs and fireflies” were on my “list” of things I wanted in a new home town! How silly of me to forget! I haven’t seen any yet – I think it’s still too early … but I can’t wait!

Anyway … there I was looking at that transcript thinking back to those days in that stuffy science building on campus and listening to some old guy drone on and on about Cimex lectularius (the common bedbug) … and thinking I’d died and gone to HEAVEN!

And I don’t know if I liked the class most because of the actual bugs we got to study … or because of the Latin that was ever-present in the lectures. The cadence of that language was mesmerizing to me. And maybe, just maybe, it was a combination of it all … my interest was piqued, there was a foreign element to the class with the language factor, and it was intensely detailed and scientific. Perhaps if I had a lab coat on I would have gotten a B!

In any case … it’s time for bed and as I’ve said to my children hundreds of times … good night, sleep tight, don’t let the Cimex lectularius bite!

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Error 404 …

Day 122

Error 404 is not something you want to see when looking up a website … especially when it is your blog! Most of tonight I kept getting that message … that the page I was trying to find was unavailable, taken away, deleted … in other words … GONE!

So, here I am again, too tired for my own good but relieved that the page somehow found its way back into favor and cyberspace and that, for whatever reason, the site was just temporarily unavailable. Phew!

My challenge continues! 122 days down, 243 to go!

There is a chipmunk hole in my backyard. At least I think it’s a chipmunk hole. I don’t know what else it could be … but in any case it provides hours of sniffing enjoyment for the dogs and cat. They sit around it, like a bunch of old men at the local Happy Chef, waiting for whatever excitement might pop up.

I’m still sleeping on the couch … no bed yet … and the other morning I had the back door open so that the dogs (specifically Mobes – who is now a Golden Retriever) could come and go as they liked while I was slowly waking up. In any case, I was more awake than they were when I noticed the cat walking through the family room. Mind you, I had two Pugs sleeping on me and one large Lab sleeping on the floor next to me … sound asleep, snoring loudly … and there was the cat walking around.

I put my glasses on and realized, then, that it wasn’t THE cat … but A cat … and not MINE! Some random black cat had walked through our open back door and was making the rounds sniffing things and checking things out. I called to him/her/it softly so as to not awaken the other sleeping critters … but he/she/it turned around and didn’t want my attention. I watched as it sauntered across the patio and over the fence. It wasn’t until then that Oscar emerged from underneath the hostas … his secret hiding spot. Hmmm … made me wonder why he waited until the cat was gone? He’d been the one who chased two German Shepherds, a man and his two small girls down the sidewalk last week … and yet he let a large, fluffy black cat INTO our house? Odd.

In any case, it reminded me of back in CO when the new neighbors behind me moved in and their little poodly-dog, Junior, dug under the fence and came through our dog door and spent the night curled up on the floor next to my bed. I woke up and was so startled to see a little white dog asleep next to my slippers! He showed up a few other times as well, once taking the long way around the block and ending up on my doorstep! Wonder what Junior is up to these days?

In any case, the posts continue and hopefully I won’t be seeing any more Error 404’s in the near future!

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part IX (ending)

Day 121

This is the final installment of The Scent of Lilacs. Part I may be found on Day 108 and the other segments were posted on Days 109, 110, 111, 115, 116, 118 and 119 …

The first drops of rain plopped and popped on the porch steps. I hadn’t noticed but the sky had become an odd color – not gray, not blue – almost green; not like grass, but like seawater. I’d seen this color sky a few times before when I was little and it made Mama nervous. Should I be nervous? I must be, deep-down inside, ’cause my stomach just flipped over like a flapjack and my heart is all fluttery; but from what I could tell this was just another storm. The wind has picked up again and it feels good; it has been so hot and sticky most of the afternoon. The scrub bushes are swaying in the yard and I hope Aunt Hattie has all her laundering in. I put my crocheting into my basket and sit watching the rain and the encroaching storm. How one day could be so hot and then get so cool was beyond me.

It had cooled off quite a bit and I was thankful for the sweater that hung on the back of my chair. It was one of Mama’s – a bit big for me, but that was all the better; and it was the sweetest color pink you’d ever see. I put it on – savoring its warmth around me and somehow feeling Mama’s arms around me, as well. And what was it about the color pink? It always made me feel so much better – and not just on the outside, but on the inside, too.

I feel it almost before I hear it – hear nothing, that is – for everything is suddenly and completely quiet. No singing birds, no chirping bugs, no swaying branches, no fluttering curtains. The sky out west is so dark. I see something in the distance, and instantly my stomach flips again and my heart races – a “witch’s finger” Mama called it. I know now what I had smelled earlier. Twister weather has a certain odor to it – dry and dusty and wet all at the same time, and the air feels heavy and the sky turns that odd gray-green color. My mind starts to race. I realize that I should seek shelter and get off the porch but suddenly, in my mind, I am transported back in time …

I watch, mesmerized, as the peas bounce on to and then roll along the gray wooden porch and flow down the steps like a liquid  waterfall of green unstrung pearls.

I’m much younger and playing in the sandbox out front (Daddy had made it for me) with my twig people. My twig people were just that – people I’d made out of twigs with scraps of cloth, from Mama’s sewing basket, twisted around them and tied on with yarn. They looked mighty pretty and well-dressed even if they were just twigs. I see the memory so clearly … Mama is shelling peas in her rocker, on the porch, when I hear her scream. I think maybe she’s seen a rattler or a Copperhead. I look over to her and see the bowl of peas fall from her lap as she stands up. In one swift movement she is down the stairs and grabbing me up in her arms – racing us across the yards towards the storm cellar. I am looking back over her shoulder and I see those peas flowing down the steps … and the twister, in the distance, getting closer.

I snapped back to the present. Where was Aunt Grace? The finger now reached the ground and the dust around where it met the brown earth was incredible. I sat frozen partly in fear, partly in awe – it was indeed an amazing sight. My fear overtook my senses and I realized I needed to move – I needed to get off the porch! The storm cellar was in the back yard. I could take my chances inside the house, or I could wheel through the house and drag myself down the back steps to the cellar. In thinking this out I realized I would never get the storm cellar door open from lying on the ground – if I got that far.

The wind is amazing – dust, leaves, branches and bits of … fencing (from where?) … fly past me through the air. My breath is caught inside me, somewhere, leaving me dizzy and my brain feels foggy. I wheel towards the porch door and find the force of the wind unbelievably strong against my back. I pull the door handle towards me, but it doesn’t open.

It’s stuck. That latch is always a problem and the wind is too strong.

I need to get inside!

The door is not opening; I cannot get in. My heart is racing. I wheel to the railing and figure I can anchor myself by holding onto the corner post. I’m shielded from the now pelting rain and flying debris – somewhat. Where is Aunt Grace?  The wind is incredible and the sound is so awful. It sounds like a hundred roaring locomotives and groaning beasts.

I am so scared. I’ve never been this scared before – not after the accident when I was in the hospital, not at Mama’s funeral, not even when Daddy left me off at Aunt Grace’s and I hadn’t met her but once before. I put my head down, chin against my chest, eyes closed.

The rain, dirt and debris pelt against me. I’m glad I have Mama’s sweater on, but strangely I am also sad that it is probably ruined. I am holding so tightly to the post that my fingers hurt. I can taste dirt in my mouth and … blood.

I open my eyes just before my chair and I become airborne – I am no longer afraid; I have such a calm feeling. I close my eyes and utter a silent prayer. A swift yank and some cracking and I am sucked up  like a little speck into a giant vacuum cleaner. The noise I heard before, the roaring and groaning, is gone – and I realize, so is my chair. I am twirling, twisting, tumbling by myself … and the only sound I hear is a whoosh and the beat of my own heart.

My eyes open. Everything around me is white, gray, green. I’m lying in a field. Strangely, knowing I can, I stand up – and walk away. And in the air – there is the scent of lilacs.

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I think she’s a Golden Retriever …

Day 120

For those of you who don’t know my pet situation – it is many … and quasi varied. I have two cats, two Pugs and one Lab. And for those of you who have ever seen Moby, the Lab, you would know with one look, if you knew anything about dogs that she is all Lab. Plain and simple.

Last Friday Mobes and I had an appointment at a new vet in town to have a hot spot on Mobes’ face looked at. It was a disappointing and expensive visit … and we will NOT be returning … but it did make for a good story.

I walked in, with Mobes, and said hi to the receptionist – who greeted me cheerily with an enthusiastic, “Hi!” I said who we were and that we were here for Moby’s 4pm appointment. She said a vet tech would be with me shortly.

And sure enough … a vet tech whisked the dog and I back to room number 3 where she proceeded to ask me if I was there to PICK UP Moby. I’m thinking – physically lift her? – to which I responded, “She’s here with me. THIS is Moby.” The vet tech turned and made a little “OH” noise as if the dog had just materialized before her very eyes. She laughed and said that this was weird because they had ANOTHER Moby in at that time and the dogs looked the same and I looked so much like the other owner. Okay, yes, that was weird.

It gets weirder.

I go back out front where the receptionist promptly greets me with an enthusiastic, “Hi!”… like she had no recollection of seeing me 86 seconds earlier. She then said she needed info on the dog. Fine.

As she looked at us she asked me what kind of dog Moby was and since the dog was about 3 feet from her, I thought surely she could surmise this tidbit of information on her own. I thought she was kidding. I then said, “A Lab.” And she mulled it over for a bit and responded, “A Lab? Oh, you mean a Labrador.” To which I responded, “Yes, you twit, a Labrador.” No, I really didn’t say that – but I wanted to! I merely said, “Yes.”

She then asked me the dog’s color. To which I incredulously said, “Excuse me?” The woman was standing so close to us both that she could have touched Moby. Was she BLIND? I responded (a little snarkily), “YELLOW.” To which Einstein said back, “Yellow? A Yellow Lab? I don’t think so. She looks GOLDEN to me. I think she’s a GOLDEN RETRIEVER.”

The (same) vet tech was coming into the area and looked over the counter at Moby and concurred with the receptionist that, “Yes, I’m pretty sure she’s a Golden Retriever.” To which I said, “LADIES! She is NOT a Golden Retriever. She is a Yellow Lab!”

At this point I was wondering if I should just leave.

The vet tech looked at me and then looked at the receptionist and said to her, “Okay (while rolling her eyes and using finger quotes) … put her down as a “Yellow Lab.” Like I was some sort of idiot/buffoon!

Well, at that point the owners of the OTHER Moby walked in … a man and a rather large lady (she probably had a good 100 pounds on me) with a platinum blonde poodle-hairdo. REALLY? This woman and I looked so much alike? These employees were not just stupid they were not very observant!

One look at the couple walking in and I knew they were there to put down their dog. THEIR Moby. One can just tell … or sense this. And indeed that is what they were doing. That couple was led to the back, while Mobes and I were still standing at the front desk, and the receptionist then turned to me and said, “They’re not staying.” And I said, “EXCUSE ME?” And the girl, kind of shook her head and looked at me and said, “Oh, I thought you were the doctor standing there.” WHAT???

So, just because Mobes’ face looked so awful we saw the doctor – but I didn’t let the dog OUT OF MY SIGHT (thinking what if they MIXED THEM UP and put MY dog down instead? Since they couldn’t tell a Golden Retriever from a Yellow Lab?!)

In any case – Mobes now has antibios and some salve and her face is looking better. And if anyone asks me, in the future, what kind of dog she is I think I’ll just tell them she’s a black Poodle and see what kind of response I get!

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part VIII

Day 119

(This is Part VIII of the story, The Scent of Lilacs. The post day for Part I was on Day 108. The story segments may be found on Days 109, 110, 111, 115, 116 and 118.)

Ol’ Jed would be a good dog to have. I remember Ol’ Jed from, what now seems like, so long ago. Mama would say, “Stay clear of that dog, you hear? Somethin’s not quite right with him. He’s mean. If you get bit, don’t come cryin’ to me.” I don’t know why she and so many others thought he was mean. I guessed no one had ever looked into the eyes of that old coon dog ’cause one look would have told you he was noisy and not quite bright, but he wasn’t mean. He was about as mean as a daisy. He certainly didn’t smell like any daisy I ever smelled, but if you looked at him long enough, you could feel a connection with his soul. I figured he was just lonely. So, whenever I passed by his house I’d talk to him.

It was obvious people must have thought I was crazy, talkin’ away at that ol’ dog all the time. Mama told me at supper one night that Miss Violet, from church, had seen me “jabbering away” one afternoon while I was walking past Ol’ Jed’s. Apparently Miss Violet thought I was daft. Mama tried to explain that I liked talking to that old dog but she didn’t think she convinced Miss Violet that I wasn’t somehow “touched” in the head. Miss Violet just walked away giving Mama a look of pity. Daddy had a good laugh over it, but I could tell it somehow bothered Mama. Daddy said if I had that much love to give an old dog, then so be it.

Ol’ Jed’s master, old Mr. Beecham, was mean and crotchety. He’s the kind of man who’d chase you off his lawn with a rake if he saw you. I never walked on his lawn, so I don’t know for sure. I don’t know why he had Jed, ’cause he never paid much mind to him. The only one that I knew of, besides me, that paid Ol’ Jed much mind was Mr. Walter. Mr. Walter was the man who lived right next to Ol’ Jed, and he was nice. Real nice. He never minded that Ol’ Jed came over and sunned himself on his porch or sat in his garden; I think he was grateful for the company. Mr. Walter’s wife died in a fishing accident on their honeymoon (all sorts of stories came up about her – the worst was a horrible ordeal as a ‘gator supposedly got her). But I never asked him myself. Some things you just don’t ever mention.

Mr. Walter was so heartbroken that he never married again. I don’t know why he never got a dog of his own; he was so nice to dogs and people. He was the best gardener in town, and despite that heavy brace he wore on his leg (afflicted by polio as a teenager) he got around just fine. His yard was the most beautiful place. I’d walk out of my way, home from school, just to see it (and Ol’ Jed).  It was just like Paradise … peonies, hydrangea, wisteria and some lilacs; mums and hollyhocks, bluebells and lilies and roses and things I didn’t even know what they were … and in the middle of it all sat Ol’ Jed. Mr. Walter’s roses were known all over our county. He always beat out Miss Ashbury’s roses at the County Fair. Mama said it was a good thing, too, as “that woman needn’t be winning anymore blue ribbons in these parts, anyways.” I guessed Mama had a thing against Miss Ashbury winning all the time as she had prizes for pies and jams, pickles and quilts. I figured it was only fair that someone else should be able to win once in a while, and I was glad it was Mr. Walter. I wondered what happened to Ol’ Jed and all those people I used to know.

I know with the gathering darkness that this is going to be some storm and that Aunt Hattie will be collecting her dried and drying laundry and that she will not be coming by here today. My heart sinks a little … at times I am so lonely.

I wonder about Daddy – where is he? Is he all right? Is he even still alive? No one’s heard from him in so long. A while back Preacher Young told Aunt Grace that Daddy’s probably dead and that he’d say a prayer for him. I think he must be, too, ’cause my heart feels heavy and if he were alive – surely he’d come back for me; or visit or at least send a letter.

“Sometimes grief is too much to bear.”, Aunt Hattie told me that. Aunt Hattie told me she was a beauty when younger (much younger, I think). And while young, she met and married a man who ended up liking the bottle more than anything. She shook her head when she told me, “He was plain no good.” After a few years she couldn’t take it anymore and she ran away from him and that life. She’d heard he was killed sometime after in some deal gone wrong. She’d been on her own her whole life. She was left on the doorstep of a church when she was about three and raised by the pastor and his wife. As a teenager she buried them, ten days apart. One died of pneumonia and the other from grief.

Sometimes grief is too much to bear. Miss Hattie knew.

(Watch for the final post of The Scent of Lilacs – Part IX.)

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part VII

Day 118

(This is Part VII of the story, The Scent of Lilacs. The first part of this story was posted on Day 108. Parts II, III, IV, V, VI are posted on days 109, 110, 111, 115, and 116.)

My mind has wandered, again, and I find an error in my crocheting, so I begin to pull out the stitches. How easily all that work unravels … like thoughts. One thing leads to another along the pathways of our brains. I look up and realize the sky out west has darkened. A storm must be coming our way. Aunt Grace didn’t mention a storm. She usually closes the windows but I know that the two in front, at least, are open; my bedroom and yes, the one in the bathroom, too. I wonder if she’ll get home before the rain starts.

A memory washes over me … everything is white and smells different from what I’m used to. I’m in someone’s bed … and there are bandages on my arms.

Those are the only recollections of the hospital that I have from after “The Accident”. I don’t recall the accident itself at all. “It’s a good thing”, I’ve been told so many times, that I no longer listen.

It was an early May morning … the promise of a beautiful spring day in the air. We were going for a picnic as Daddy had borrowed the car from his boss. We didn’t have a car yet, but Daddy’s boss had taught him to drive and loaned him the car for the day. I imagine for someone to do that they must have thought real highly about Daddy. No one in his or her right mind would ever lend a car to someone unreliable or irresponsible.

All I remember is laughing and singing – Daddy driving, me in the middle and Mama next to me. The windows were down and the warm air was gushing in … and the next thing I remember is a little bit about the hospital, and Mama’s casket, and then Daddy leaving me here … with two broken arms and paralyzed legs. The doctors said I’d be in a wheel chair for the rest of my life – only an act of God would ever make me walk again.

Daddy said he never saw the truck – a lonely country road and only two vehicles on it. How likely is it that they’d collide? Somehow Daddy’s injuries were the least of all of ours – probably because the truck hit Mama’s side. She died the next day. They tried to save her and the baby – but neither of them made it. I would have had a brother. They were together in that white casket covered with lilacs.

I look at my legs – oh, how I used to love to run in the field behind our house! I was a pony – wild and free. I’d never be a wild pony again. How I wish I could get up and walk away from this – away from this chair, this porch, this house, this life – even away from Aunt Grace. Even after all she’s done for me – taking me in and all – I’d walk away, in a heartbeat. It is not that Aunt Grace is cruel or ugly towards me – well, not most of the time – I just know I am a burden and she is old and tired and doesn’t really want me.

The sky has darkened more and in the distance I hear the rumble of thunder. I don’t mind storms. I find comfort in them, especially at night when I’m cozy in bed and the rain drums against the tin roof. Rain’s comforting but a dog would be better. I’ve often asked Aunt Grace if we could get a dog – I’ve heard of those dogs that help blind people; Aunt Grace said I wasn’t blind and all she needed was another mouth to feed. I was a handful, but at least I didn’t have fleas. It’s too bad I don’t have a dog to keep me company. It sure would make the days go by nicer and the nights would be warmer … and I’d have somebody to talk to. Aunt Hattie said she took care of a stray for a while and it was so nice comin’ home to someone else. She said she nearly talked its ears off – and maybe that’s why it just up and left one day. She said she was mighty sad when that critter left. I have a “thing” for animals. They seem to like and trust me. Even squirrels come to me. Aunt Grace says they’re just rats with better tails and chases them with her broom. There aren’t many trees around here, so I supposed they live down by those Cottonwoods and the creek, but why they come all the way up here to hunt for food is beyond me. It’s not like they’re goin’ to find any nuts around here anymore. The last time I mentioned a dog to Aunt Grace she scoffed, again, at the idea when I suggested it and muttered something that I didn’t quite catch. I’m sure it wasn’t anything too pleasant so I didn’t ask her to repeat it.

(Watch for Part VIII.)

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The Money Pit …

Day 117

I know I did not buy a lemon of a house … but the last 2 days I have been feeling like it is becoming a money pit. I know that’s not true … but some little oddities (aka: problems/challenges) have sprung up that will have, well, Visa, liking me. A LOT.

The electrician was here the other day. He put up my beautiful brass chandelier that I brought with from my old house. It’s up and gorgeous but I keep wondering how much prettier it would look if it was actually centered OVER THE TABLE and not 18″ from it? He will be “swagging” it to center over the table … however, it is an acoustic tiled ceiling and I am wondering what kind of whatever is above that tile to HOLD a chandelier? I guess we will find out … however, I think it might cost me!

When in the garage, same electrician, said that most of the fixtures belonged in a museum. They have since been ripped out. By the looks of these things I’m thinking that this was the original workroom of Thomas Edison. Menlo Park, my ass … it was Park Ridge in my garage! Anyway, Tom would be happy to know that his original works were still in existence.  I didn’t say they were working, but they are still up. Or rather – were.

In going through same garage I was told I needed to get rid of the antiquation and ca-ching … get a new panel. Oh joy! JUST what I was hoping for!

I’ve been thinking I want a new sink/cabinet whatever up in my second bathroom. The pedestal that is in there now would make a munchkin very happy. I have to, practically, bend over at a 90 degree angle to spit out my toothpaste into the sink. For someone with a lousy back this twice daily habit has become painful and most annoying. And the fact that everytime I ran water (more than what is used by a mouse to bathe) the sink would clog up. Well, fix both problems by getting a new sink! However, my dad thought he’d fix the clog today and well, the problem is beyond his expertise (yet hopefully not that of a plumber’s) and so I will have to call in a professional. No wonder 2 bottles of Draino and/or Liquid Plumber did nothing! How fast can I say, “Money down the drain?”

The basement. Ah, the basement. It’s actually a decent basement – white walls and some built ins that are super handy and high enough ceilings to put in tall bookshelves and my fridge. I am, however, having some “liquid” on the floor. And, I have yet to figure out if it’s seepage … or if the cats are being naughty! I’m hoping, as disgusting as it is, that it is the latter and that I don’t have actual water coming in from the foundation. More ca-ching.

And then there’s the lawn, that is mostly weeds. And the chain link fencing that is too close to the sidewalk and over my property line. And the lack of a privacy fence in the backyard so when the neighbor kids are petting Gertie they also wave to me if I’m on my couch. (Nice!) And the kitchen sink that leaks … and the windows that are broken or don’t work. Ca-ching, ca-ching, ca-ching.

I think, at the moment, there’s only one thing to do when you are faced with money pit woes … order pizza!

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part VI

Day 116

(This is Part VI of the story The Scent of Lilacs. The story originally posted on day 108 … and continues on days 109, 110, 111, and 115.)

Today’s sandwich is a surprise. Cream cheese and butter with grape jelly on white bread. One of my favorites – but I don’t get it often. I wonder if Aunt Grace has bad news for me when she gets home and is tryin’ to make me feel better beforehand. Not that that would be like her. I never know where she goes during the days she’s gone. She tells me it’s none of my business. She comes home tired and cooks us a little supper and goes to bed. The days she’s home are in some ways worse than the days she’s gone because even when she’s home I still feel alone. She ignores me or sends me glances. I don’t know if she knows I see her, but I do – and she doesn’t talk to me as much as she talks at me. The days when she is here, she’s busy cleaning or gardening – in that pathetic, dried-out, anemic garden; or she’s knitting or sewing, cooking, reading, canning or complaining. She complains loudly and often – about everything. So, even though the days are long when I’m by myself – there are some other days that seem to go on forever. And then there are the days when I get a cream cheese and jelly sandwich. God works in mysterious ways.

It’s hot. I’m guessing it’s about 2:00 … I’ve been crocheting a place mat. Aunt Grace said she’ll sell whatever I make at the church bazaar this summer and whatever money I make, less the cost of the yarn, will be mine. I think that is mighty kindly of her. I’ve never had my own money before and the thought makes my head all dizzy and fuzzy. We never had much money, our family; and there are days that I still wonder, how on Earth did Mama afford those yellow shoes and matching purse?

The slight breeze from this morning is gone and it makes me wonder if Miss Hattie might come by. With the clothes hanging limply on the lines and spread out on the bushes, there’d be little chance of them blowing away … maybe.

Aunt Grace’s house sits oddly on her property which is mostly dirt and scrub bushes. There is a small garden – but it doesn’t produce much except rock-like turnips, which I refuse to eat – even if it’s the only thing we’re having for supper. And mint – it’s about the only thing that grows around this house – probably because when Aunt Grace finishes washing the dishes she carries the pail outside and tosses the water onto that little patch of herbs. But I don’t think it takes a real gardener to grow mint – and even though I think it could grow just about anywhere that has water, I’m glad it grows here ’cause I like it in my lemonade. There are many acres of land, but I’ve never been able to figure out how big an acre is; all I know is as far as I can see, it’s scrub bushes and brown hills and it’s all Aunt Grace’s. No other houses, no trees, just emptiness. My guess is that nobody else wanted it ’cause there’s not much you can do with it. Horses would starve out there, cattle too. A little to the left of the house there used to be a big orchard; but all that’s left now are a few stumps of the old trees. The front porch faces west and a bit north, but not far enough north to actually see eastward. I often think that the house would be happier facing a different direction.

I’ve been told that the house was quite pretty in its day. Wisteria vines flowered and bloomed all over the (then whitewashed) porch railings. Uncle Lester planted fruit and nut trees in with the existing apple trees and there was a large, abundant garden with a variety of vegetables. Aunt Grace even had a little stand, by the road, to sell her extras. There were chickens for eggs and stews and frying, and an occasional hog. Aunt Grace and Uncle Lester never had any children. I don’t know why not – I’ve asked, but have always been told to, “Hush up.”. I guess it was too private or too painful … or maybe God realized that she didn’t really like people much, children especially, and that she’d be better off without any. I doubt that but it makes me think that Uncle Lester got cheated. Surely he would have wanted help for the farm and heirs for the land.

Hard times fell on Uncle Lester and Aunt Grace; then drought came and the garden and the trees died and the vines withered – and so did Aunt Grace. Or so I’ve gathered. I figured she had to be in her late 50’s now (it wasn’t proper to ask a lady her age; nor was it proper for a lady to tell it). Or maybe she was younger and just looked older? Funny, I never knew how old Mama was either.

What I did know was that there were nineteen years between Mama and Aunt Grace. There were five children in their family, three boys, Aunt Grace and then nineteen years later – Mama. I don’t understand how that could happen but I always felt sorry for Grandma having a baby when she was so old. I didn’t know her either; she died shortly after Mama was born. I always assumed she died from complications from childbirth, since Mama was born at home. But once, I heard Uncle Troy’s lady-friend whisper that Grandma died of a broken heart. (Uncle Troy is Aunt Grace’s “no-good”, next-in-line older brother who only shows up when he needs something. Or so says Aunt Grace.) It seems there is some kind of secret about how or why Grandma died. I don’t understand family secrets and even being curious, I’ve never felt it was my place to ask. Aunt Grace doesn’t take too kindly to me as it is and I know when to keep my mouth shut. She doesn’t take kindly to questions, either. She’s said, more than once, that prying is the work of the Devil.

When Grandma died, Aunt Grace, being the only girl, was left to care for Mama – and the rest of the family – until Uncle Lester came along and married her. Uncle Lester was much, much older than Aunt Grace. My guess was that he was her way out of that life and she grabbed the opportunity. I heard it said it was a loveless marriage – maybe that’s why Aunt Grace is so dried up?

(Watch for Part VII.)

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part V

Day 115

(This is Part V of the story I’m posting … The Scent of Lilacs. Parts I, II, III, IV are posted on days 108, 109, 110 and 111.)

So, my independence grew until I am where I am – on the porch – all day. On days when it’s rainy or too cold to be out here, I sit inside by the stove. I’d much rather be outside looking at the sky and feeling the breeze, if there is one, and listening to the birds and bugs talkin’. It gets tiresome looking at that old worn linoleum floor all day.

There’s a path of sorts from the porch door to the bathroom; otherwise the areas are almost too narrow for my chair. When I’m hungry I take lunch out of the cooler Aunt Grace has left by my side – someone at church donated it to “the cause”. I guess that’s us, ’cause we got it. It is convenient, since otherwise, I’d have to wheel myself into the house past the bathroom and into the kitchen. That was just a lot more work, getting into the kitchen, and this seemed to work out just fine. Aunt Grace made my lunch for me anyway, and it was easier to set it in the cooler for me than in the old Frigidaire in the kitchen. It is hard for me to get the porch door open as the latch is sticky and fussy at times and that old refrigerator door is just too big and heavy.

I couldn’t see the clock in the parlour through the window – the lace curtains hid more than they revealed – but I guessed from the angle of the sun that it was about lunchtime. Anyway, my stomach didn’t care what time it was; it was hungry.

What was lunch today? Aunt Grace always called the meal at noon, dinner (I called it lunch except on Sundays when it was dinner) – and the meal that I called dinner, and sometimes supper, was always to Aunt Grace supper. For awhile, after I arrived, it was very confusing – though it didn’t matter ’cause I didn’t feel much like eating anyway, no matter what time of day it was. My guess was that today’s sandwich would be tuna, cheese or peanut butter. Those were the usual sandwiches; on white bread, with butter, of course. Sometimes it was just bread and butter though, when our supplies were low. I haven’t eaten meat in a long time. Aunt Grace says I’m just about the only person in the whole United States that doesn’t eat meat. She says she’ll be damned if I die of malnutrition while she’s taking’ care of me. At least she has resigned herself to my ways and she makes sure I get plenty of food other than from sweet animals. I only heard of one other person who doesn’t eat meat – that’s old man Pasque. It’s  been said that he lives by himself off back by the train tracks – they’re no longer used, so there’s no danger of him gettin’ run over. They say he has no teeth. Aunt Grace reminds me all the time that if old man Pasque had teeth, he’d certainly be eating meat and then I’d for sure by the only one not eating meat in the United States. How did I come to be so stubborn in my ways? It was on account of poor Petey. I stopped eating meat when I realized what probably happened to him.

It was the Easter I was 8. I had on my favorite outfit of all time – the dress was sheer marigold yellow dotted Swiss with white daisies imprinted on the fabric. It had an underlay of yellow voiles with a white banded collar that tied into a big bow at the back of my neck with two long sashes hanging down to my knees. The best part (besides my white gloves and white straw hat with the flower on it that almost looked real) was that Mama surprised me with new shoes and a matching purse. These were not the usual white I’d had before, but also in that sunshiny yellow! I looked like some young fashion model from a catalog. After dinner, Daddy asked me to go to the yard and make sure we hadn’t overlooked any eggs from our morning egg hunt after church. The grass was that perfect Spring green and the sun was warm and there in the middle of the yard was something – something whitish-yellow, something small and fuzzy … a duckling! She was so soft and tiny. I remember squealing with delight and turned to see Mama and Daddy in the doorway, hugging. I do believe Mama had sunbeams coming from her smile. It seemed to take me forever to walk back to the house carefully cradling my new treasure. It was the best Easter I’d ever had … yellow shoes and a matching purse and a duck! I named the duckling Polly until Daddy told me it was a boy duck, then I changed his name to Petey. I sounded like the perfect duck name and it, too, had just the right amount of letters.

Petey followed me everywhere – he must have thought I was his mama. I’d never had a pet before and having him was so wonderful. I took care of him and played with him all spring and summer; it was blissful. By the time the leaves were changing and the air was getting that “change of season” nip, Daddy said Petey was too big and it was getting too cold for him to stay outside. And Mama said that there was no way she was having duck live inside the house  with us so, she and Daddy thought that my darling Petey would be happier over in the next town at Mr. Wiley’s duck farm. I didn’t understand why Petey couldn’t stay outside – I knew other ducks stayed outside all winter, but Mama and Daddy wouldn’t hear of it. I was upset that Petey had to leave us, but happy that he would be with other ducks. And, how fortunate that there was a nice man who let ducks live on his farm, in a heated barn! Daddy arranged to take Petey there one day on his way to work and, after a tearful good-bye, that was that.

Less than a year later I read an article in the newspaper about Wiley Poultry – the largest commercial poultry farm in our area. They sold ducks and chickens to only the best restaurants in the south. I cried for three days. After that, I vowed never to eat meat again. Aunt Grace says tuna is the meat of a fish – but I figured they were okay to eat as I’ve never known anyone having a tuna as a pet.

(Watch for Part VI.)

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Lost and Found …

Day 114

Today is Memorial Day … and though I don’t know anyone who is in the service now and we, as a family, did not lose anyone to war in the past I always get nostalgic and weepy on days like today. I guess it’s a mixture of patriotism and appreciation for such extraordinary sacrifice that these ordinary men and women do.

When I moved my flag did not come with me. I purchased a new one last week and went to hang it up and it was so large I could have draped it over the house! So, it went back but that store had no other sizes and I have still to find a new one. I feel my house is naked without one as I have had a flag flying on my home for the past 30 some years. Even the teeny tiny one sticking out of my mailbox is better than nothing – but not quite what I had in mind.

I joined my folks at the town’s parade this morning … many veterans walking or in cars. The WWII vets are vastly decreasing in numbers. With good reason … if they were even 20 years old at the time that war ended they’d be in their mid to late 80’s now.

My Dad’s Dad was in WWI … the only thing I know about that war, from him (as he always refused to talk about it) are the lyrics to the song It’s a Long Way to Tipperary. He always sang it and I guess I heard it so often that it kind of just etched itself into my brain. I have a photo of him in his uniform and the buttons from same, framed (in one of my boxes somewhere). They will go up on the wall when I finish painting and start hanging things up. A small tribute to him and whatever untold demons he faced way back when.

I walked the cemetery across from my house this evening straightening flags and tipped over flowers as I went along. It’s an old place and I found two headstones that showed birth dates back in 1821 … those 2 people were born 191 years ago. It was amazing to me and I wanted to know about them.  What also was amazing (and horribly sad) were the amount of young men buried there. It made me wonder … were they victims of war? Were they victims of violence? Were they victims of an accident or disease? Some were in their 50’s, many  in their 20’s and 30’s, and one heart-breaking young man was just 14. There were baseballs at his gravesite.

It made me think of all those lives lost … for whatever reason or reasons. And, of course, it made me think of Tim. And my grandparents. And it made me think of friends now who are facing challenges … lost time, lost lives, lost loves.

And … in keeping with things that were lost … Oscar disappeared this afternoon. I just got him home, from some wonderful woman who found him and took him to her home. It seems he took a little jaunt and got lost – was he trying to find me when I went out? I don’t know … but I was a mess for the last 6 hours. Thinking horrific thoughts of him dead of heat stroke under the bushes or eaten by a coyote at the cemetery or hit by a car on the busy street not too far from here.

An emotional day with an emotional end.  A day of reflection of lives and loves lost … and one, very gratefully, found.

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Slobberpuss of Sweat …

Day 113

One good thing about moving to a new area of the country – you find out what you are made of.

And, apparently, I am made of sweat. Yes … apparently so.

It’s hot. Coming from the “High Plains Desert of CO” to the humid, tropic air of the Midwest this is quite the change. QUITE the change.

I’m sticky. I’m grumpy. I’m sweaty. I’m clammy. Four of the seven dwarfs of the Midwest version of Snow White. At least I’m not stinky (thank you Arrid Extra Dry!).

At the moment it is 84 degrees outside. It is nearly 11 pm and it’s 84 degrees outside. We are currently 30 degrees higher than what is predicted for our daytime high for one day later this week. This just doesn’t seem right.

It has cooled down though … I think we topped the mercury at 97 degrees … and now there is a slight swish-rustle in the trees from a faint breeze. Add the high temps and few clouds and bright sunshine and whatever it was in percentage of humidity … combine that with a little house that is like an oven and you get me … the Slobberpuss of Sweat.

Lovely visual, I’m sure.

Seriously. I am NOT used to this. Whew!

I’ve been watering the dogs down all day … Oscar, too. Pouring pitchers of water on them to cool them off and them throwing whatever remained over myself. It didn’t seem to help much. I even filled the bathtub with 2 inches of cool water and plopped each of the animals in it and watered them down that way … they looked at me with eyes that suggested I was off my rocker. Yeah, off my sweaty rocker. The only thing that did was make the majority of my floors wet and muddy. Great.

Today was too hot to paint … so, I thought I’d just “go through the dining room boxes” … I’ve been at it now for 10 hours and I’m STILL going through dining room boxes. I’m not talking about putting anything away, I’m just unpacking boxes and putting things on any empty surface so I can figure out where things go – eventually.

Too much stuff.

But … I’m too hot to do much about any of it at the moment. Maybe it’ll all have to wait for that day this week when it’s supposed to be 56 and rainy!

In any case – I’m still here. Hanging in there and though I haven’t quite melted I sure am a Slobberpuss of Sweat!

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The ways of animals …

Day 112

Until recently I had six animals. Quite a LOT for one person.

I have two pugs, Dori (14) and Gertie (7). Dori is one of the two old ladies I flunked fostering almost 4 years ago. Flunked in the sense that they were to be with me for an afternoon and well … here we are.

Yoshi was the other pug I rescued on that day. She was the one whose little body started shutting down the day I left Denver and before we made it to the highway I had to have her put to sleep. She had turned 14 a week earlier. She had made it longer than I ever expected. She had a stroke a few years back and had lost use of her legs some time ago but was still a gentle, loving, and sweet little  creature.

Both of these little dogs had special needs. Dori is deaf and pretty much blind. Her head is permanently tilted (from abuse, we suspect) and she has some neurological issues. She is needy. And clingy. And has severe separation anxiety. And she is as sweet as pie. And my shadow. And somehow she always knows when there is a “bad guy” or cow on TV as she can go from sound asleep to barking and growling at the set! For a deaf and blind dog – how can that be?

Then there’s Mobes … my 11+ year old (mother of 30 – before we rescued her) big, counter-surfing, cream-colored field lab … and the sweetest, most pleasant dog on the planet. She can do a full body wag and a mean impersonation of The Big Bad Wolf and she loves my singing. I think she is tone-deaf … or maybe just really polite!  She hardly left Tim’s side when he was so sick. I had to practically drag her out some nights and when she went back inside it was immediately up the stairs to him. Before his passing she sat or slept next to him, knowing her body was too heavy on his; right after he died, she crawled onto the bed and laid across his body. That simple sweet act of devotion broke my heart all over again.

When I came back to the car after putting Yoshi to sleep all the animals were waiting for me … probably wondering where their little pal was. Oscar (our 18 pound brown/black 12 year old tabby) was her “boyfriend”. He’d sit out with her while she soaked up sunshine and sat next to her in the dark guarding her from coyotes when I took her out at night. It didn’t matter that I was there the whole time, too … he was devoted to her. He is a strange one who doesn’t like any displays of aggression (spanks the dogs’ butts if they are tussling) or emotion from others (has been known to smack me if I’m crying) – yet he is sweet and cuddly and quite the hugger.  When I came back to the car, a slobbering mess, I thought he might swat me because I was crying but instead it was he who put his little paw on my shoulder and mewed in my ear. I want to think he knew something was going on with his little buddy and he was telling me it was okay.

And then there’s Henry … my silver tabby with the baby blue eyes that hardly anyone knows I have because he has been so quiet and elusive all these (almost) 20 years! Since moving he has taken over this new house. He’s sleeping on the couch (not giving one care to Gertie who would just as soon eat him as her breakfast!), he’s up in my office nuzzling on me giving me welts on a daily basis (I’m so allergic!), he’s made a cozy bed out of a cubby in the stairway, he’s sitting in my lap. He’s all over the place!

And then there’s Gertie … the wonder dog … who will go from porker pug to a svelte little thing in no time from running back and forth along the front fence as she barks at everyone and everything that passes by or flies by or floats by! She is ridiculous … and hilariously funny, horribly jealous and 100% devoted to me. Well, devoted to me and Liver Pops!

People ask how I can have so many animals … with animals such as these … how can I not?

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part IV

Day 111

(This is Part IV of the story The Scent of Lilacs. Parts I, II and III were posted on Days 108, 109 and 110.)

I don’t mind so much days on the porch but when it’s hot, I drink more lemonade which, well, makes me need to use the commode more. I try to not think about it, or drink too much, but sometimes I just can’t help myself. Those days I miss my legs the most – what I wouldn’t give to open the porch’s screened door and walk through the cool quiet of the house to the bathroom. If I ever had a chance to time myself I bet I could get from my chair, to the bathroom and be back on the porch in well under 2 minutes – even with taking the time to run my fingers across the cool black-green marble top of the table in the hall. Two minutes! Yes, if I ever walk again I’ll surely time myself, just to see. And, again, maybe I’ll never have the chance. Who knew that one awful day “The Accident” would happen? Well, it did and now it would take at least 20 minutes for me to complete my task. It took some doing but I had finally convinced Aunt Grace that I could do it all by myself. It was humiliating enough having her help me, but on the days Aunt Grace would be gone, Aunt Grace had the Widow Spurtle come sit with me and help. That was worse than humiliating. (Why didn’t people call Aunt Grace – the Widow Schempp? Maybe they did when we weren’t around? I often wondered how Uncle Lester got through life being Lester Schempp? I’m glad that’s not my name.)

It’s not that I didn’t like the Widow Spurtle – it’s just that she smelled funny; kind of a combination of mustiness and old fruit. She was kindly enough, but quiet, and most of the time she sat, asleep, in the rocker across from me on the porch with her knitting in her lap – snoring or mumbling from time to time. She was always knitting the same thing – I guess she didn’t make much progress because she was usually asleep. Once she had cried out, “Feed the chickens yerself!” I nearly jumped out of my skin, she startled me so! But it was pretty amusing. I giggled wondering what she’d been dreamin’ about and who she was talkin’ to. I knew she wasn’t talkin’ to me – Aunt Grace didn’t have chickens no more.

The air smelled funny. It tickled my nose and my memory. I’d smelled it before, but was having a hard time placing it.

I haven’t seen the Widow Spurtle for a while. Aunt Grace said she’d been put out that I no longer needed her assistance. Too bad. I didn’t know much about her – if she had family or other people in her life other than me and Aunt Grace and in a way when I thought of that old lady, I felt kind of melty inside, sad-like. But I still didn’t want her help or her watching over me, though I mostly watched over her. She had a tiny little face and always wore a bonnet. (Who wore bonnets these days?) She reminded me of an old lady turtle – which would always bring a smile to my lips … Old Widow Spurtle – the Turtle. Aunt Grace would be mortified if she ever heard me say that; I knew Aunt Hattie would be, too. (“No need to be disrespectful.” they would both reprimand had they the chance. They had more in common than they knew.) The only one I ever said anything to about Widow Spurtle was Mr. Bruce and he just smiled that sunshine smile. There were two good things about the Widow Spurtle coming over though … one, she did teach me how to crochet (I already knew how to knit) and two, I so disliked having to be watched over, I taught myself how to go in and out of the house and to use the bathroom without any help. I practiced a lot, because, as I said, she was usually asleep.

So, Aunt Grace finally let me stay alone at the house. At first it was only while she’d be gone to pick wild raspberries down the road from all those overgrown tangles; and then she had Mrs. DeLaroux’s daughter, Angela, come by a few times on her way home from school – which really wasn’t good or helpful. She’s a few years older than me and wears fancy clothes as they are quite rich (after all, they do have that electric washing machine). How Mrs. DeLaroux could be so nice to hire Hattie and then have a daughter like Angela. (Mrs. DeLaroux was even so nice as to give Miss Hattie extra things she’d “over-bought” at the store. Once Aunt Hattie told me it was a canned ham! Imagine – a canned ham as an “extra” and then to give it away! A whole ham – for just one person! Miss Hattie ate like a queen for a long time!) Yes, Mrs. DeLaroux was a real charming woman but Angela was as snooty as could be. I’ve often thought how her name certainly did not fit her. For someone with a name that meant “angel” she surely was not angelic. She’d stop twenty feet from the porch, say she wasn’t coming any closer in fear that she’d ruin her dress or something, and there was no way she was helping me with my “toilette” (she made it sound all fancy), anyway. So, she’d turn around, swinging her book belt and her blonde curls and be on her way home – beaming with the knowledge that her mother, who obviously had the wool pulled over her eyes, would coo over her selfless daughter who stopped to help a poor crippled girl. I begged Aunt Grace not to have her return, but it didn’t make any difference. After the third visit Angela no longer stopped. I’d yell out to her if I glimpsed her as she passed sometimes, on her way home, but she would not so much as even mumble a meager greeting. I didn’t blame her. What was in it for her? I certainly didn’t want her help … but how difficult was it to just say hello?

(Watch for Part V.)

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part III

Day 110

(Note: If you are a subscriber to this blog the last post did not include the final paragraph written. You may want to go to and read it before continuing on with Part III.) This is Part III of this story … Parts I and II were posted on Days 108 and 109.

It was going to be a hot one. I could tell by the way my cotton shirt clung to my back that the humidity was high and climbing. I’d surely need to pull down that roller shade Aunt Grace had the handyman put up on the porch the summer I got here. I nearly died of heat stroke before she (or I) thought of it. I remember Mama reading a letter from her friend, Lydia, who moved all the way to Colorado. She said it could be 90 degrees outside and you’d never even have one drop of sweat on you – the air was so dry. She said that she thought her lips would fall off her face or that she’d die of thirst those first few weeks she was there, she was so parched. She also said how big and blue the sky was and that it was almost always sunny and there was hardly ever a cloud to be seen. Mama thought it would be a shame not to have clouds or cloudy days or rain (I agreed with her because I always liked clouds and rain) … and how on Earth could a sky be bigger or bluer than right here? It was the same sky, after all.

The birds and the bugs in the yard and around the porch were acting strangely – all sluggish and worn-out like. I learned an awful lot from them since I was here. Amazing what you can learn when you just sit back and watch and listen. Aunt Hattie taught me that. She said, “Girl – you are a present from God waiting to be unwrapped. Bit by bit, little by little, the more you learn the more unwrapped you get and the better you, the gift, get. He gave you a brain; use what you’ve got to do your best. Watch and listen, and you’ll learn. God has a plan for you, honey – everything happens for a reason. Be patient, child.” For not having any education – I think Aunt Hattie was the smartest person I knew. I wished she was coming today.

On hot days like this she took in washing. She’d wash down by the creek and hang everything out on bushes and rope lines she’d strung between the big, old trees. Those trees were gigantic – Cottonwoods she called them; they liked to suck up the water from the creek and I was told they lived forever. Once in a while Miss Hattie would tell me she’d heard an owl or seen a hawk up in those trees. How I wished I could get me down there. With luck and a slight breeze the washing would be dry in no time, so then she could fold the items and take them back and collect her pay. She usually washed for Mrs. DeLaroux, and for a few others on an irregular basis; but Mrs. DeLaroux was a good customer. Aunt Hattie told me that the DeLaroux family had an electric washing machine (I’d only seen one in a Sears catalog once) but that Mrs. DeLaroux preferred Aunt Hattie to do their laundering, as it smelled so fresh and clean, like sunshine and flowers, and it was folded with strength and love. Aunt Hattie did have great hands for all the work she did and for as old as she was. Her hands were soft and supple like well-worn leather.

Not like Mrs. Johnson’s hands from “The Agency”. Mrs. Johnson’s hands were all crinkly and claw-like. She reminded me of an old rooster. I didn’t like her much. She came by from time to time to check on “my welfare”. I don’t really know what that means but it must have to do something about my legs and why I’m here with Aunt Grace. She gave Aunt Grave a talkin’ to about me not being in school and all and what was to become of me if I was a cripple and uneducated? Land sakes and mercy me! So, whenever she came by I’d try to use big, fancy words to show her I didn’t need any more education or other people telling me what to do. I was just fine – thank you very much. I had Aunt Hattie to teach me how to learn from life. I have my books from the library wagon, and I even learned things from Aunt Grace (though I tried not to and didn’t really want to as what she said and did was so different than Mama’s way.) And once in a while, Sara from up the road would come by and we’d talk and she’d tell me what was going on at the schoolhouse and in town; and sometimes she’d have news from as far away as New Jersey. Sometimes she’d let me braid her hair. She was real smart even though she was slightly younger than me, but she was pleasant just the same – even with that old doll she dragged along with her.

The library wagon was really just that … it was a small, somewhat rusted, red wagon that Mr. Bruce pulled down the road over to the house whenever he could get some books together. I loved when Mr. Bruce came by. Mr. Bruce was probably as old as Uncle Lester was when he died – at least he looked 300. Even though he was a colored man his hair was gray; and his skin was so wrinkled he reminded me of a tall raisin – with gray hair. The best thing about Mr. Bruce, besides that he always made me laugh, was his smile. It was dazzling. Once I made him keep smiling so I could count his teeth. He didn’t seem to mind (and he had the normal amount). They were so perfect and so white. They just gleamed out from that brown, wrinkled face. He is a friend of Aunt Hattie’s (Aunt Hattie knows all sorts of folks and has a whole lot of friends). He had suffered some sort of spell a ways back, which left him unable to speak. But we communicated just the same through gestures and nods and by using our hands. I kind of like to think Mr. Bruce and I have something in common – a kindredness of sorts. Every time he comes he brings me books he must think I’d like. I think he looks at the covers, which is a good thing I guess, ’cause most of the time I haven’t read them. A lot of times he brings me my favorite, Black Beauty, just in case I want to read it again. I think I’ve read it 9 times already; though the best time I read it, I read it out loud to Mr. Bruce. You see, Mr. Bruce can’t read.

(Watch for Part IV.)

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part II

Day 109

This is Part II of my story, Scent of Lilacs. Part I posted on 5/22/2012 – Day 108

But I was told that white folk and colored folk weren’t friends, especially colored folk that were “hired hands”. Some sort of taboo or was it voodoo? I don’t remember, it all seems like a whole bushel of nonsense to me. Mama told me time and again that some people didn’t think it’s right. I wish they did.

Lost in my thoughts I realized I was watching a rather large ant on the porch floor – it was carrying something. I leaned forward and realized it was carrying another ant – injured or dead, it was being carried home by a friend or family member to be nursed or mourned. I wondered if carpenter ants made tiny caskets for their dead? Mama’s casket was white. It was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. I don’t remember much of that day – just how it glimmered in the sunshine and how I wished Mama could see it because it was so beautiful. I remember all the lilacs on top of it, at one end, and how their scent perfumed the air. And I remember how totally scared and empty I felt. There were lots of people crying and praying, and then Daddy carried me away. I wonder if I looked like that ant on the porch to God that day? Being carried away to be nursed or to mourn?

Daddy dropped me off soon after at Aunt Grace’s. Said he couldn’t bear it: the guilt, the heartache. And what did he know about raising a girl-child – especially one in my “condition”? The postcards came for a while … West Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia … a few and then fewer, and then they stopped altogether. I heard Aunt Grace tell Preacher Young one night after Sunday supper (I was pretending to read but was really listening) that “the man was consumed with guilt – and rightfully so, for crippling and abandoning his child and killing his wife and unborn baby.” She went on about how she had known from the start that he was nothin’ but trouble for her baby sister and that Frenchmen were always trouble – with their fancy names and accents and all. Daddy’s name was Emile – it didn’t seem fancy to me for, after all, it was just Daddy. And an accent? Aunt Grace had more of an accent than he did. I cried myself to sleep that night, again – as always.

I feel sorry for Daddy – he has lost everything that has mattered most to him – his job, his home, his family. The light had gone out of his face when Mama died. I always thought he was a handsome man – he had thick, dark brown wavy hair and sparkling blue eyes. But after Mama was gone – his eyes were hollow and everything about him was gray. I wonder every day about him – and I wonder if he wonders about me. “It” wasn’t his fault. “It” was an accident and “it” just happened – and in an instant all of our lives changed.

I feel sorry for myself, too – because I miss Daddy and Mama so and I wonder about that baby – would they have given him a name with five letters? Mama’s name was Eliza Mae but Daddy called her Wheatie Mae because her hair was gold – just like wheat. I’ve never seen a whole field of wheat but always thought that it would look just like Mama’s hair blowing about in the wind. Mama always said she and Daddy were blessed ’cause they each had five letters in their names – and that’s why I have five letters in my name – to continue the blessing. She said it was God’s blessed number – we have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot, and five commandments on each tablet – so, it had to be a blessed number.

(When I was littler, back home, I heard that the Sheriff’s cousin had six toes on his left foot. I can’t imagine trying to squish an extra toe into an already tight shoe. No one I knew had ever seen those six toes, but I sure would have liked to.)

I feel sorry for just about everybody these days – even, a little, for Aunt Grace for saying what she had to Preacher Young, because surely she will go to Hell for saying something so nasty about Daddy in front of a man of God.

Preacher Young – I shrink a little when I think of him. One would think he was young because of his name but everything about him is old. His clothes are old, his Bible is old, his breath is old. He is as old as Grandpa was when he died, and that was really old, even for around here, where everyone and everything is or seems to be old – except for me.

As for Mama – she’s about the only one I don’t feel sorry for; not one bit. I figure she is in a beautiful place: Heaven. To me it is endless fields of clouds of cotton candy – pure white, not pink – like the kind I got at the fair a few years ago. Mama would have on a beautiful, long, white gown with a gold rope tied around her waist (I’d seen one of those dresses once in a book about Greek goddesses and it seemed like a good Heaven outfit.) And her cheeks would be all pink and rosy and all around the outside of her body, she’d glow. Funny, I never ever picture Mama with wings – it just doesn’t seem natural. Oh, and of course, the air would always smell like lilacs.

(Watch for Part III)

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The Scent of Lilacs … Part I

Day 108

I was at the library earlier and noticed as I was going in that the last of the lilacs out front were fading quickly.  They are one of my favorite flowers and it is always a springtime thrill to have them bloom. The blossoms usually coincide with my birthday but this year, it seems everywhere, the flowers and spring came early … and the spring blooms which usually are still so perky and sweet have already faded and are gone.

For the past two weeks I have so enjoyed the bushes around that building. There are 33 (or so) and all were dotted with the purple multi-flower lilac clusters nestled amongst the dark green heart-shaped leaves. The last of the blooms are very few now, far from the extravaganza of blooms and heady fragrance from a week or so ago. The bushes encircle a courtyard in front of the great pillars out front and when in full bloom it was almost too much to sit in the courtyard or even at one of the side chess tables in the lawn as the air was so perfumed. But today, as I was going in, the breeze was just right and lingering in the air was the faintest scent of lilacs.

One gray, mizzly, perfectly glorious day in late April of 2004 I, for whatever reason or inclination, sat down at my kitchen counter and picked up a pen. For the next five hours I let flow out of me, onto my yellow legal pad, the following story. I don’t know where it came from … it just kind of poured out of me. Here is Part I. Enjoy.

The Scent of Lilacs …

She plopped the pitcher of lemonade down so hard on the table beside me that a lemon seed popped out and landed on the porch floor by my chair. She was in a “do-not-bother-me” mood so it was best not to say anything – not even good-bye.

I sat and looked at that lemonade in its familiar rounded glass container; if I stuck my head over it the sweet-sour tang tickled my nose. Aunt Grace made perfect lemonade – hers was always squeezed fresh with just the right amount of sugar. She always added ice cubes, from that metal tray I had so much trouble with, and sprigs of mint from that scraggly herb patch near the back door – if the ground would give them up – and slices of lemon … paper-thin.

I stuck a finger into the pitcher and swirled the mixture around until a lemon slice bobbed to the surface. I plucked it out, licked off my fingers, and held the slice to my eye. I thought since it was so thin I could see through it – but no, all I could see was yellow.

I leaned over and poured myself a glass. I knew it would have sparkled in the sunshine, but I was up on the porch, and at least for now, still in the shade.

It was a nice porch, considering the size and age of the house. Uncle Lester had added it on soon after they bought the place, eons ago. I never knew him; he died before I was born. Mama said, “Uncle Lester must have been 300 years old, if he was a day.” I missed Mama. I missed her in the early mornings and late in the afternoons when I was alone. And at night, before I’d fall asleep, I’d pretend I could feel her cool hand on my forehead brushing back my hair. I pretty much missed her all the time; I couldn’t but help it. I looked down at my legs – they were my constant reminder.

My thoughts floated to “Aunt Hattie”. Oh, Aunt Grace’s neck hairs would bristle when I called Miss Hattie that – which was partly the reason why I did – to rile her! Mama said it was a good thing I had a lot of Daddy in me because I had the curse of the Elder women – hard, cynical, rile some and outspoken (though I was mostly just outspoken – even when I was really little). It was obvious to me that Aunt Grace had nothin’ but Elder in her. And the other part of the reason was that Miss Hattie was more like family to me than any family I had now. The Elders were not a close-knit bunch. I was closer to Miss Hattie than anyone else I knew. Everyone said Miss Hattie was “as sweet as pecan pie but with more sugar”. She was old and wrinkled and kindly. And colored. That’s why Aunt Grace had such a fit when I referred to Miss Hattie as my “Aunt”.

“It ain’t proper to infer that a colored folk would be of any relation to us. It’s indecent I tell you – downright scandalous. You’ll get people to thinkin’ and makin’ up stories. And it just ain’t right. Hush up, child.” That’s what Aunt Grace would say. (Like she, of all people, would care about scandals!) People were more likely to make up stories about the man in the moon than about Miss Hattie. Everybody knew her and liked her – ‘cept maybe Aunt Grace. But Aunt Grace didn’t seem to like anybody. Personally, I didn’t care if Aunt Hattie was purple, she was good and caring and I’d call her “Aunt” whenever it pleased me. Secretly, I think Miss Hattie liked it, too, because it made her feel like she belonged to someone (because, unlike Daddy, she had no remaining real family).

I often wondered why Aunt Grace wasn’t more kindly towards her. Miss Hattie had excused her by saying that that was how things were. People were not born not liking others – they learned it along the way and regardless of how life was some people could only see what was outside and not what was inside a person; and it was that which was inside that made them special, no matter what was on the outside. Still it bothered me … they’d known each other forever, as they both were so old and about the same age, and Miss Hattie lived only a mile or so down the road. I could hear Aunt Hattie saying “… then you’d go to the fence. When you see’d the sign that you can’t no longer see them letters – the red un, not the blue un – you’d go right and then you sees the path that goes down to the river. You’d just keep a-goin’ and you’d find me.” Miss Hattie told me so many times how to get to her house I could do it in my sleep – and in my sleep, dreaming, I could still walk.

(Watch for Part II.)

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Speed Limit of Life …

Day 107

Today I turned another highway speed limit.

Of course, 20 years ago this age sounded ancient. 20 years from now it’ll sound young. Once again, perspective.

I spent the day with some of the people I love most on the planet – which was really nice. Others I missed terribly. Such is life.

I remember turning 25 … 2 days afterwards I got married. A busy, exciting time.

I remember turning 35 … thinking that my metabolism had stopped cold and I’d never see my thinner pre-baby self. (So far, I’m right with that!)

I don’t remember turning 45 … what was I doing 10 years ago?

And here I am … not where I thought I’d be so many birthdays ago. Life is funny where it takes you sometimes. Just when you think you have it all planned out you are taken, by circumstances more than choice, on a different path.

And sometimes it’s not that it’s better or worse, that path, it’s just different … it takes more time than you think to get used to the road underfoot … those roots that catch your feet, the gravel that is hard on your soles, the dips and hollows that jar your backbone, the overgrowth on the sides that make your imagination run wild and your heart skip a beat. Kind of like walking along a forest path at twilight … one mis-step can leave you tumbling and scraped up … but the setting sun plays on the forest floor and makes the moss and ferns almost glow. The filtered sunbeams shine through the trees and it is breathtakingly beautiful.

Other areas of the path are easy and smooth and you glide along without any bumps or roadblocks or obstacles. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the butterflies flit but there is not much of a view.

Both paths get you where you need to go and each has it’s negative and positive components … and truly, who is to say which is better? I think that is a personal judgement. I think they are just different.

Like people. Like birthdays. Like life.

We have a friend in the “old” neighborhood who has had a rough path – he and his family – for too many years now. He won’t see his 55th and it makes me immensely sad that their life’s journey has been so incredibly difficult.

It also makes me incredibly grateful for the journey I have been on … and though I’ve had “glitches” and heartache … here I am … celebrating a birthday that Tim never made and that our friend won’t see either.

Along the way as I go forward I don’t have much control over where the path leads me but I’d like to slow down the speed of aging and the speed at which life flies by.

Hopefully the years will increase and I will make another speed limit age in another 5 years. I also hope it seems like 10 years between now and then. I’d like to savor more of what I have and to take life more in the slow lane and slow down my speed limit of life.



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Singin’ in the Rain …

Day 106

It’s raining.

Big deal, right? Right. It IS a big deal. I love rain. I love the feel of it, the smell of it, what it does. Everything is washed clean when it rains. I don’t mean literally, though now that I think about it – I kind of do because my car will finally have all that oak pollen off of it – but more so methaphorically. Flowers are happier, grass is quenched, leaves seem to sparkle.


I don’t care if it sounds silly … I just like rain. I lived in the high desert for the past 33 years … kind of the wrong place for rain! This change is GREAT!

Gene Kelly was my boyfriend. Also not literally, but metaphorically. From the moment I saw him in Singin’ in the Rain I was hooked on him and any muscial movie he was in. Unbeknownst to him I was madly in love with him. On my “bucket list” was … DANCE WITH GENE. Sigh. I can scratch that off because he passed away a few years ago. All my boyfriends passed away a few years ago … Gene, John Denver, Tim. What’s a girl to do? No singin’ or dancin’ in the rain with any of them. Bummer.

Anyway … it’s raining. It’s been a sweltering couple of days and all I can think of is that I’m in big, big trouble as it’s to be a very hot summer and today was a tiny teaser of the days to come. I’d better get these storm windows figured out and fast! Rain or no rain I need air in this house. However, a few of the windows work (screens in place and I can get the windows actually open as opposed to the ones that are broken or painted shut) … and the air is LOVELY. Rain softened, cool, fresh … ahhhh. I need to go snuggle down on the couch (aka: still my bed) and read for a bit listening to the gentle pitter patter and enjoy the breezes as they come through those few open windows.

When I was little we had a huge, square, blue tent … The Blue Beauty. I don’t know how but my dad could fold that thing up to fit into a fanny pack (practically). And by big, I mean HUGE. We slept a family of 5 in it … 3 single cots and a bunk bed and still had room to play board games in the middle and have 5 suitcases and a dog or two roaming around the place with room to spare. It must have had a 7 foot ceiling. Anyway – there was no better place on earth than in that tent when it was raining. The soft plopping of rain drops on that heavy canvas roof … ahh, lovely!

Years ago we changed out our shake shingles for “regular” ones as the shakes were no longer permissable by insurance. Too bad. I remember the first time it rained after changing the roof material … no longer did I get that plop-sizzle on hot wood, no longer did I get that faint hint of cedar wafting through my open window, no longer did I get that dust washed off the roof smell. Too bad. Rain on shakes was much better. More satisfying.

In any case … it’s raining and I’m going to go down and enjoy it! I might just sing a little, too!

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Frustration 101 …

Day 105

I have been told I am a calm person and have the patience of a saint. Yeah, right. Surely anyone saying that has never seen me at an unthreaded sewing machine, a clogged sink, with a bug on me, or near anything electronic that is supposed to be doing something other than what it is doing.

In those instances … and others … my wick is short. Really short. Teeny tiny.

Today the saints got several earfuls of un-saintly language all starting with, “Come on … ” usually followed by, “… you lousy piece of …!” My new neighbors may have heard this as well.

I say, “Get used to it people!”

I am a techno dino. As much as I love my computer I don’t understand it so I’m a bit leery of it. The last thing I felt comfortable writing on was my yellow tablet. Even the IBM Selectric typewriter (now THAT was a DREAM) had it’s moments of making me insane. Anything electronic or remotely electronic raises my blood pressure a good 10 points and my angst level escalates as well. Again, short wick.

Today I organized the garage … after finishing planting flowers … and finding things to plant those flowers in the boxes in the garage which prompted the organizing. But that wasn’t done until I swept the entire sidewalk which is equivalent to the perimeter of a football field. (Who said this property was SMALL? The HOUSE is small, the sidewalk, driveway and lawn area are not!)

That’s when the bug flew into my hair.

I, at first, thought it was a leaf or twig or something other than a VERY large, brown flying beetle. When I felt it move, I swatted it off of my head and after much shrieking and jumping around I squished his shiny, crust body to smithereens. “Take that you son of a …!” I’m sure the neighbors 2 blocks away heard that!

Did I mention it was about 112 in the shade with 100% humidity? And there was no shade. And I was, once again, wearing my spandex yoga capris which are perfectly comfortable to wear in Denver but that, somehow, transform into the equivalent of a “keep the heat in sauna suit” when in the Chicago area. Kind of like wearing a wet suit in the Sahara Desert.

Yeah, I was feeling GOOD. Bugs in my hair, sweat in my eyes, every piece of oak pollen in the county had attached itself to somewhere on my sweaty, sticky body and I was a coughing, sneezing, eyes-watering mess.

That’s when Comcast came.

The heavens opened up, the angels sang and the guy hooked up my internet, TV and phone.

Or so I thought.

While waiting for information from said internet service company … I decided to wash off all the pollen from my face and arms and cool myself off. However, the sink that had been clogged since last night, even after 2 doses of Liquid Plumber (purchased via a special trip to get the stuff while looking like a slime pool of sweat in my orca wet suit) … was indeed … still clogged up. I have since remedied that with a pot of boiling water and the entire bottle of Liquid Plumber and some well chosen expletives. I hope I have pipes in the morning and I hope my neighbor’s windows were closed.

I finished up the sidewalks and the plantings and the organizing of the garage about the same time my back went out – again. Lightning bolts of electricity ran up and down  (always fun) my back and legs … so, I thought I’d let the Advil do its magic while I laid on the chaise lounge outside with the Gertie and Oscar while sipping a large goblet of freshly brewed iced tea.

That’s when the bug flew into the side of the garage (Gertie and I both heard it) and ricocheted off the siding and plopped directly into my glass of tea. I am NOT lying. Another one of those big, shiny, brown beetles!

I gave up and dumped the tea and the beetle into the lawn and went inside.

Three hours later the Advil is working, it’s cooled down, I am no longer a sweat hog, no bugs have attacked me lately, and I think I finally have all the glitches out of the system.

However, I haven’t retried the TV. I’ll wait until tomorrow. After all, there’s only so much I can take in one day!



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Bad Day for Knuckles …

Day 104

Last night I was tough on my hands. I did everything but give myself a knuckle sandwich.

I am getting used to my gas range. I have never really (except when visiting my parents) cooked on a gas range – ever. And coming off of an electric range at high altitude to a gas range at pretty much sea level (give or take a few hundred feet) I now know where the term “cooking with gas” comes from. It is speedy and HOT! And did I say SPEEDY?!

If I were a hairier creature – which I am hardly – I would have singed off any unwanted hair on my knuckles and forearms last night while cooking up my zucchini with Parmesan. As it was I did not … but some sizzling oil spit out of the pan and landed on the knuckles of my left hand. Wrong place at the right time … or however that saying goes. I have been good at burning things lately … including myself. Sizzle, sizzle, char. Ow!

Later … I was moving boxes – as I’ve been known to do lately – and managed to quite successfully crush my left hand against the door frame as I was trying to manuever a too large/too heavy box of kitchen utensils that a) I should have, no doubt about it, given to Goodwill when in Denver or b) not used in eons or c) have but don’t know what they are used for or d) all of the above – out of one area into another. The dance of the boxes. Yeah … that felt lovely.

So, add squishing to the burned hand. Nice.

But, as I was licking my hand off (because running it under cool water was not within reach and fyi cool water is good for both squished hands AND burns! As is, apparently, licking.) I thought, “Stop moaning … I’m really all right.”  Ha ha … as it happened to be my LEFT hand and my RIGHT hand was just fine. Stupid joke.

Which made me think of those stupid jokes when you were a kid. Why do I have a memory for these things when I can’t remember any (ANY!) algebraic equations or the symbols in the table of chemical elements or what year the War of 1812 happened?  I mean, seriously, do I really need to remember: Have you heard about the elephant who can’t stop going to the bathroom? It’s all over town! Or the one about jokester Humpty Dumpty … what were his final words after he fell off the wall and split open? Ha ha … yolk’s on you! After all these years – why do these things stay in my brain and yet I can’t remember other, more important/pertinent things. Certainly there is some brain center for stupid jokes and apparently mine is rather large.

In any case … I’m trying to forget the stupid jokes (What was Tarzan’s favorite dinner? Finch and Chimps!) and trying to remember that cooking with gas is speedy and things get hot (very fast) and that heavy, large boxes need more room when going through doorways. However, I’m not sure my brain is wired for learning at the moment. So, if you see me with charred or black and blue knuckles you might want to ask me to tell you a joke – I know plenty!

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On the radio …

Day 103

Whoa-ohhhh, on the radio! I am finding it difficult to find a radio station. Well, let me rephrase that … a radio station that I like.  There are plenty (as in PLENTY) of radio stations blaring out at me while I turn the dial on my ancient blue beauty of a cd/tape and radio contraption … but it seems I can’t find one that is ME.

There are, again, plenty of Latino stations … making me want to sing La Cucaracha with gusto as I hear the fun mariachi players in the background. I envision rainbow donkey piñatas and Carmen Miranda/or the Chiquita banana lady and lovely dark haired children with eyes the color of chocolate pudding laughing amongst large families at fun family gatherings passing homemade tamales and enchiladas.

All that while passing over a number on the radio dial!

There are plenty of soul stations and talk and weather and news and polka parties and redundant 70’s and 80’s. I mean, it was nice in the 70’s and 80’s but I don’t need to hear Weird Al’s rendition of My Bologna more than once a day. Seriously.

So, I am still trying to find a soft rock … or soft jazz … or soft something. But I am not succeeding, so far.

While eating my (oh-so delicious) breakfast/lunch perfectly grilled ham and swiss on pumpernickel half sandwich, with Nacho Cheese Doritos and sweet pickles (none of which I should have been eating in the first place but sometimes you just have to forego what is right and good and cheat on the ol’ diet … and I was paying bills at the time so it was a perfect grilled cheese and Doritos kind of moment!) I was listening to the radio … one of those 70’s stations and started laughing at myself because I’m sure my comprehension of lyrics was heightened from the euphoric state I was in (from eating that ooey-gooey sandwich and those yummy crunchy chips of goodness) that I realized the song I was listening to had little to do with a guy having a cold and more to do with him doing cocaine! “She blew my nose …” Stupid me … I always thought the guy had a bad cold. What the heck was he doing schmoozing on this woman with such a bad cold in the first place? Well, idiot, Les … she wasn’t literally blowing his nose for him … duh!

Which made me laugh at all the times I would be singing at the top of my lungs to some song only to realize later – or be TOLD at that instant (far worse) – that the words were wrong!

Such as … Neil Diamond was NOT singing about a reverend in blue jeans but forever in blue jeans. Hey – I thought he was singing about some hip pastor! I laugh because on the TV show King of Queens they mention the same thing! Ha!

Same thing for Bad Moon on the Rise … my mom always thought they were singing about a bathroom on the right. (We still laugh about that one.) In the movie 27 Dresses they sing Band on the Run … that tune that is about electric boots and mohair suits. WHAT?! Come on people – make things easier for us or sing with enunciation please! What are they singing about?!

Anyway … just before I turned off the radio for the morning I heard Crimson and Clover … where they sound like they are singing underwater. I love that song – though it really doesn’t make any sense and I’m sure I know nothing about what it means! It’s probably some drug message that I was (and am) unaware of! In any case – I went outside and there was a cardinal (crimson) in my yard (mostly clover) … hardly what the song was about, but still!

Funny … life imitating art. And I heard it … on the radio.

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Dreamin’ …

Day 102

I’m a dreamer. Not in the sense of being wistful and looking out into space with a dreamy look on my face while thinking of bunnies hopping through flower-laden meadows with little fluffy white lambies gamboling about … but in the sense that I dream. A LOT.

Lately I have been sleeping on the couch. Long story short: my king sized bed will not fit into my new bedroom. I have no bed. The guest bed is in place but I cannot find the mattress pad nor any of the linens associated with same … so, I’m finding it easier, yet a lot smaller and far less comfortable, than the bed – linens or not. I might change things up tonight and sleep on the naked mattress. Me and 2 pugs and at least 1 cat on a smallish couch do not make for good sleeping … nor for good dreaming.

The other night I had nightmares. Full blown, wake up in a sweat, try to shake the awful dream from your head/memory nightmares. Even now, thinking about those dreams, gives me the creeps.

I am one who, if I don’t like how things are going in my dream … rewind and make a better outcome. That night I couldn’t do it. The rewind button was not working and I was at the mercy of whatever thoughts were warping my dream outcome. And it was nothing too awful and nothing at all plausible or possible … my house was surrounded by grizzly bears.

In that dream my house was no house I’ve ever lived in – it was some little wooden cabin surrounded by a dense forest. It was lovely – except for the grizzly bear part! Of course, there were many bears and of course they were big and shaggy and they knew how to open doors (like the raptors in Jurassic Park) and of course they were wanting to eat me and the animals.

And it was one of those dreams when one of the pugs was suddenly Sam and then Sam was a reindeer and it all made perfect sense when I was sleeping and yet, now, it sounds so stupid and like nothing … but in the moment it was so frightening. I have yet to shake that sense of dread. Even last night before letting the dogs out for their final romp in the yard I paused to consider if it was safe for them to go out … what about the chance of BEARS?! Now, really?! I don’t suspect that there have been ANY grizzly bears at ANY time in the vicinity of my home … at least in the last 200 years!

Anyway … dreams. They are scary or fun or interesting or problem solving in nature. I never fly or fall … though I have been known to have springs (of sorts) on my feet and as I walked along I could spring up and do a twirl and pirouette or some ballet leap. It is fabulous! I’ve had that dream a few times.

And then there was the one, several years ago, when my cat, Emmy, was over my shoulder as I was coming out of some office building and she said, “It’s 9 o’clock, I’m tired.” (in an oh-so-cute cartoon voice) and the lady behind me said, “Oh look, how cute, it’s a talking cat.” Like that was everyday and common place. I still think about that dream if I look at the clock and it’s 9 o’clock!

And even now, I wonder what kind of drugs I was taking at the time when I was in 4th grade (I was a sickly kid and could have been taking some new-fangled antibiotic). I dreamt of my teacher, Mrs. Elvin … kind of a big, scary woman … and somehow I fell down a laundry chute and landed in her living room that was comprised of furniture made solely out of pale blue ostrich feathers! Yeah, I’m pretty sure some drugs were in my system for that one! But it’s when I first realized I dreamed in color!

In any case … I’m hoping tonight I sleep better and that no grizzly bears pop into my dreams and that maybe I’ll be lucky to have springs on my feet instead!

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Communication …

Day 101

Communication. I think I’m pretty good at it. I love snail mail. I adore email. I’m somewhat decent with phone calls. I like correspondence and getting my message across in any way, shape or form. Give me a bottle on a deserted island and I’d etch a message into a palm leaf with my teeth and send it off!

Suffice it to say … communication is my thing. Or at least I like to think it is my thing.

I moved from Chicago 33 years ago. I’ve stayed in touch with quite a few friends during all these years … friends from high school, sorority sisters from college, friends and co-workers from my first job in Denver at the oil and gas company, neighbors who have come and gone through the years – moving in and our of my life, my parents’ friends and my many Mary Kay affiliations from 23 years in that business.

Dear friends in Denver … do not fret. I will not forget you! I have not abandoned you. I am just waiting for my INTERNET SERVICE!

Of which has been DELAYED … AGAIN … for another WEEK.

Can you hear my teeth grinding?

Comcast … I’m naming names I am so fed up. For a communications company they sure are lousy at communication! Today was scheduled appointment number 2. I was to have the service guy come out between 1-3. Fine and dandy. I was ready. I was excited. I had cleared my day. I was chomping at the bit and if I were not fearful of a sexual harassment suit slapped on me – I might have even kissed the guy upon completion of internet installation.

The guy called just before noon saying he would be early. Woo -hoo. Early is GOOD! I said, “GREAT!” Bob Barker couldn’t have said it any better, “COME ON DOWN!”

Well, the noon hour came and went. I thought maybe he had a change of heart and went to get some lunch instead of coming to my place early.

One o’clock came and went. As did the two o’clock hour.

The doorbell rang at 3:00 … thank goodness! Finally!

It was NOT the Comcast guy. Rats.

Crestfallen I ended up calling the company and some guy, who could have cared less and who was probably wondering what he was going to eat for dinner, apologized and offered me $25 off my installation fee.  Big whoop. I wanted to charge him my hourly rate plus gas and mileage for having to get to the library to conduct MY communications until my next newly scheduled installation time. $25 wouldn’t quite cover it.


So, though I’d rather be plugged in and online from the comfort of my own office or couch or bed … I’ll be communicating to the universe from the library until further notice. I wonder if they’d mind if I showed up in my pj’s and slippers?

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One hundred … and counting

Day 100


That is the word for 100 in Italian … pronounced chen-toe. So, why, when I’m thinking of the word for one hundred do I think of the word in Italian first? I don’t know. One of those mysteries of life, I suppose!

In any case … today is day 100. This is my 100th post for my blog. If I dare say so myself, I’m rather tickled with my staying power. 100 down … 265 to go!  Sounds like the unpacking figures but I won’t really go there … 124 boxes down, 523/too many to go!

Anyway … cento. Such a nice sounding word. It sounds even better if you say it out loud. There is something about the Italian language that makes one slow down … you can’t say some things too fast as they are lyrical and have cadence and rhythm and the sounds almost linger on your lips … cento.

Il raggazzi e le raggazze parlano per la strada. (Or something like that. It means that the boys and the girls are talking on the street. The ONLY sentence I remember from my Italian classes of 40 years ago!)

More than wanting to speak French (which I want to SO badly) … I want to converse with someone in Italian … and more than just rigatoni and pizza and al dente. I want to have a conversation where I know what I’m saying and more importantly (as I am known to combine several different languages into my own version of something quite unique) … for them to know what I’m saying! And for me to know what THEY are saying. A real, regular conversation … with back and forth banter and head nodding and arm flailing. I’m very good with the arms already … I’ve got that down pat!

When I was in high school … oh-so many moons ago … I took Italian. I was a senior and had some extra classes to choose from to fill my day and I knew the funny Italian teacher through a friend. I was in my 5th year of Spanish and thought it would be fun and an easy transition. I walked into his class and I was transformed. Italian is a beautiful language.

Even when a mother is yelling out the window at her son Anthony to stop teasing his little brother and to come in and wash up for dinner … it sounds lilting and wonderful!

In those days one did NOT take a freshman class as a senior. Unheard of – unless you were in Special Education – but I was determined to give it a whirl. And I’m SO glad I did. The teacher would always pick on me (good naturedly) and it was a riot of a class. He was such a doll. We kept in touch until he died a few years back and then I stayed in touch with his wife until she died a few years after him. I lost contact with his daughters and always wished they knew what an impact he made on our impressionable minds and souls. I’m sure I was not the only one he touched with his love for all things Italian. I remember hearing of his passing right before the three tenors sang in concert in Italy and thought he probably had a front row seat on the nearest cloud watching it all. He would have loved to have been there.

He was so enthusiastic and so passionate in his teachings. Senor Roberto Grottola … or in later years … Bob. I think back on his classes and he didn’t just teach us this romance language he infused it into us … through pictures and photos and food. His exuberance overflowed into each of us. He gushed Italian and he was so happy teaching us – even though we were awkward teens. I imagine part of why he loved teaching us so much was because it was a chosen class. None of us had t0 take it – we all took it because we wanted t0.

In any case, to this day, my favorite word of all time is undici (oon dee chee) which is the Italian word for eleven … but today is post 100 and all about … cento.


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Day 99

For the past two months (and then some) I have been focused on … ME. Good ol’ me, myself and I. And I tell ya … that threesome is getting old. Well, yes, we are getting older – but the constant focus on ME and my stuff and being totally absorbed in what I need to do and get done and the like is getting old.

I don’t like it.

I’m feeling selfish and well … un-me. I’m feeling like a lousy friend. And I don’t like that either.

So, until further notice here are the answers to the questions about me …

1. I’m fine. Tired, but fine. Exhausted, but doing okay. Fine, fine, fine and … well, fine.

2. The house is really cute. Tiny, but cute. Super tiny, but cute. Really super tiny, but cute!

3. The animals are adjusting slowly. Mobes is liking the bathtub (hiding out), Dori is freaked out by the many stairs and has taken up shreiking (lovely), Gertie thinks the drain in the basement is her personal toilet, and Oscar and Henry think they have died and gone to heaven. They are loving all the boxes – their own little kitty playland!

4. Yes, I miss Yoshi. I cried to the state line and pretty much through Nebraska that day. It’s taking me awhile to only set out 3 dog bowls for meals … I keep feeling like I’ve forgotten to feed her!

5. It’s weird to be here and not have a plan to get in the car and drive “home” (to Colorado) or need to check my flight info!

6. I miss Sam like crazy.

7. My skin is happy, my nose is happy, my eyes are happy. I might even start wearing my contacts again. I’ll let you know how happy I am with this increased humidity come July!

8. I can’t wait for my internet to be established … as I am feeling soooo out of it.

9. Until further notice no one needs to ask what I’m doing as I will be … a) unpacking, b) working on the calendar or just working, c) sleeping, d) at Starbucks, e) at Trader Joe’s, f) making up new curse words for all the stuff I have accumulated over 33 years that I brought with me to fit into this postage stamp sized house!

10. Still not eating dairy, gluten, eggs or anything good. Unless, of course, I cheat. Which, lately, has been on a daily basis. 

So, there you have it. I don’t want to talk about me anymore. I don’t want to dwell on all that I have to do – because I have a boat-load of stuff to do. And, honestly, everyone has a boat-load of stuff to do – it’s just different stuff!

So, I’ll continue on but hopefully will be less self-absorbed and can spend more time looking outward instead of looking inward as it’s just not my nature. I just haven’t felt like “me” for quite some time. I know I’ll feel better.

In any case … that’s it for me for the day. How are YOU?!

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Libraries … Part II

Day 98

Well, I did it again … I missed a blog post. I do not have internet yet at the house and I arrived at the library (totally unaware that it was Saturday) and was greeted at the door with a friendly sign telling me to ‘enjoy my evening’. Rats.

I guess I should pay more attention to closing hours of public buildings! I guess I should pay closer attention to what day it is!

In any case – here I am again at the library. Reminds me of It’s a Wonderful Life … Jimmy Stewart asks Clarence (the angel) where his wife is and Clarence answers (in a creaky old voice), “She’s at the LIBRARY!” (Well, not quite those words, but you get the gist.)

So, though I am not Donna Reed, or a spinster librarian, I am once again … at the library.

I was doing some reading the other day – a break from unpacking and trying to figure out how to fit 23 more boxes of kitchen stuff onto the one shelf that is available – and came across a wonderful article about the Library of Congress.

The LOC was founded in (who knew?) 1800 and is located in Washington, D.C., and has roughly 3500 staff members! Wow! In ONE library system! There are actually three buildings – named after presidents Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison. It is the largest libary in the world, housing some 147 million items in 470 languages on 838 miles of shelving!

Glad I don’t have to cross reference that stuff. Thank you Mr. Dewey!

The Thomas Jefferson building, a crown jewel of America’s arts renaissance, houses books, maps, photos, manuscripts, prints and drawings, digital files, audio and video recordings, sheet music, unpublished works, comic books, muscial scores, plays, scripts and the world’s largest collection of legal materials. (Very cool!) It also is home to North America’s largest collection of rare books. Some 10,000 new items are added daily! (How is that even possible?!)

It makes this library, built in 1977, sans any frescos or opulence or extraordinary architectural features or painted ceilings (just acoustic tiles) seem rather bland … and yet it is cozy and functional and my lifeline to the world at this time. My connection.

And though I think I’d like to be in the Dartmouth library or the Jefferson building … I’ll be here … typing away and trying to stay as plugged in as possible in my given time allotted (9:22 left of my computer time!). Good thing I’m a speedy typist!

So, until my internet gets established or until further notice tell Jimmy or Clarence or anyone else that I will be … in the library!


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Night of the Living Dead … (Days, too!)

Day 97

I am a zombie. Not the kind in that super scary Night of the Walking Dead from a zillion years ago (the original movie) when the zombies were real people and actually really scary. I’m not even a zombie from the new remake of same titled movie. I am, however, a zombie nonetheless.

Perhaps … The Zombie of Park Ridge … or something like that!

I do live across the street from a cemetary now so maybe my chances are better than ever for a real zombie sighting … other than what is in my mirror these days!

I think I need vitamin D. My skin is sagging. I have no collagen left in my system and I look like I have the skin of a 95 year old. Pathetic. Plump and saggy at the same time! No fair!

Anyway, it’s not my looks (well, not entirely) that make me think Zombie-land when I look into the mirror or pass a mirror but that I am living in a fog. I am EXHAUSTED! Plain and simple … I am feeling like a zombie due to lack of sleep and rest.  So, I am allowing myself to sleep this weekend.

I have 637 boxes left to unpack, rooms to paint, carpet to order, a fence installation to schedule, an electrician to call and the list goes on and on and on. And all I want to do is SLEEP!

So, sleep I shall! I think I’ve kind of earned some kind of rest. And I might just have to shove the pugs off the couch (where I’m sleeping lately) and the cat, as well, so I can have it all to my little ol’ self and really get a good night’s sleep. Though I know better and before I doze off their little furry bodies will be snuggling back under the covers by my feet and fitting in behind my back and making biscuits on top of my head! But that’s okay … we’ll just have a long snuggle fest and hopefully one of these days I can catch up on my sleep so that I’m not mistaken as a zombie while walking around my new town.

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The Library …

Day 96

I am in the library … which for some (including me) is practically heaven. The one in this small town is lovely. I knew before I walked through the big columns in front … because the courtyard is encircled with lilac bushes – all in full fragrant bloom! Ahhh!

It’s a nice library … exposed brick walls and high ceilings and tons of books and most importantly … computers for those unfortunate enough not to have one or have access to their own. Again, including me.

I am … in heaven! The connection is super speedy. The keys fly under my fingers. It’s well lit but not interrogation lighting (like at my dad’s desk). I’d sit there and feel compelled to yell out, “I’m innocent, I tell you!” … or better yet, “I’ll never tell. Do what you want to me but I won’t rat out Tony Two-Toes for nuthin’!”

Hmmm … 4 days in Chicago and I’m talking like a mobster! Or like the tattoo on one of my mover’s shoulder – like a … Mobstah. (WHY?!) I did kid him and said the word out loud as I was reading his arm, “Lobstah”. We had a good laugh. I’m sure he thought I was an idiot!

Anyway, here I am enjoying my plugged-in-ness and thinking of libraries as I sit in this one.

I subbed at an elementary school that had an old claw foot bathtub in one corner. It was set up with pillows and a little light … favorite spot in the whole place! I would have crawled in myself but a little girl wouldn’t budge. Brat!

When Ted was looking at colleges (so many years ago now!) we always popped into the university libraries. So many beautiful ones. Vassar was lovely with stained glass and old wood. Dartmouth was fabulous and right out of Harry Potter with a two-story reading room with old books locked behind old cages in old bookshelves. A huge fireplace at one end, floor to ceiling deep crimson velvet draperies at each huge window nook overlooking the quad area, rows and rows of gleaming, polished wood tables with green glass library lamps at each seat. It was gorgeous and the epitome of fantastic-ness.

When I was in Ann Arbor recently we went into the law library on the University of Michigan campus. Huge, (I think) limestone blocks, ornate, stained glass, spires … it was almost as pretty as looking at Notre Dame! But amazingly built in the mid 1900’s and not a zillion years ago!

When I think of libraries I think of Charlotte’s Web. I don’t know why because I always had my own copy of it as did the kids so it’s not like we ever checked it out from a library but that’s what I think of. Good ol’ Wilbur.

I don’t know what the minimum age limit is for getting a library card these days but when Ted was 4 he wanted his own card. So, our local librarian was really nice and let him get one even though he should have been 5. The kid was reading before kindergarten! I think it was all due to that library card!

We were weekly library visitors when the kids were little … getting 20-30 books out at a time. We had favorites and they were frequently in our basket but we brought home all sorts of books – we probably read almost every book in our children’s section at that time! Both kids were very fond of books and reading from early on.

One of my favorite pictures of Sam is when she was about 13 months old. I came upstairs one afternoon and instead of napping, I found her “reading” a book. Contented with turning each page, carefully, and looking at the pictures. I watched her for some time and then went and got my camera and took her picture!

All due to the library!


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Unplugged …

Day 95

I have been on the go – literally and figuratively – as I have just moved half way across the country. Okay, a third of the distance of an actual cross country move but it seems like I moved the entire distance … and then some.

I am at my parents’ house … using my dad’s computer – not always convenient for me or for him – and since everything has been saved to the desktop it is slower than molasses in January … in well, Chicago. Which means this computer is pretty slow! I think I started this blog when the dinosaurs were still alive and roaming the planet!

I am not in my new place yet. I am waiting telephone service … and tv service and (can’t wait) INTERNET SERVICE! Unpack the party confetti and get it ready because I am going to throw some on the installer next Tuesday! I can’t wait as I am feeling SO … unplugged!

I am not much of a phone person – it’s too inconvenient, too inopportune of timing or just plain too late! I do not text – big fingers, lousy eyesight, no patience. I am an emailer. I LOVE to email. Lately I’ve been just too tired to email but would if this computer were faster. I start one email and it is so slow in responding that I am finding myself falling asleep over the keyboard waiting for the next inbox post to come up on the screen!

So, without wireless (yet) at my new place and not having the time to pop into a Starbucks and do some emailing and work on my laptop (as I could, should and WILL) … I am feeling rather antsy to get unpacked and normalized and, once again, PLUGGED IN!

I don’t know when all this emailing started … how many years ago … but I do remember the conversation I had with my friend, Sue, who told me that I really should give it a try.

“Pshaw.”… is what I think I said to her! Imagine what my life would be or would have been, oh those many moons ago, had I not “given it a try”?! Of course, I would be stuck in the Ice Age, speaking of being with the dinosaurs, of ancient snail mailing and phone calls and I wouldn’t be doing THIS (blog) and I’d have several more hours a day to do other things … like buy stamps.

All I can say is, “Thanks, Sue!” for suggesting that I give this new fangled technology a try!

And with that I’m off to bed. To dream of fast connections and the day, soon, when I will be up in my own office, fingers flying, sending email after email into cyber space with a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that I am no longer … unplugged.

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The move …

Day 94

In my infinite wisdom and exhaustion, I did it again. Wrote but saved the post as a draft and did not publish last night’s blog. So, tonight I post 2 … in keeping with my 365 days of lobsters!

The moving truck arrived today … the small truck. The BIG one comes tomorrow. I am in trouble. Big, BIG trouble.

Because, in all honesty, it makes me quite nervous that this tiny little place is practically bursting at the seams already! WHAT is in that other truck?! WHERE am I going to put all that STUFF?

I guess we’ll find out in the morning! Eeek.

I have few cabinets and only 2 drawers in the kitchen … I’m a kitchen nut so this will need some creativity to get my things in there to my liking. And my bedroom has no closet. Hmmm. Nudity is not an option so I guess I’ll just have to put my clothes in the main floor guest room! Not greatly convenient but I’ll figure it out.

I am now thinking it’s a really good thing I don’t have a hamster because I certainly wouldn’t have any room for him ANY WHERE!

Today I did my best to kill off both my parents before I am even moved in. Wonderful.

My dad, nearing 84, worked on his knees most of the morning securing the bottom of the fence so the dogs don’t escape. When he wasn’t on his knees in the dirt he was fixing the cranks on the windows and doing other stuff that handymen do and know how to do and love to do. I was busy with the movers and let him do his thing which was really fixing my things which made me feel tremendously guilty that my 84 year old father was crawling around fixing my stuff but then figured he must like it on some level. I hope so. He must be exhausted.

The killing off of him could have been by the sheer volume of work done and the hours put in and lugging of heavy tools and whatnot. And if that wasn’t going to do the trick … the falling off the dining room landing almost did! Great. (He was not hurt … good thing!)

An hour later my mom missed the step down from the kitchen and flew through the empty dining room catching herself on the pillars before, she too, would have gone head first off the dining room landing. NOT GOOD. (She didn’t fall but is sucking down Advil.)

Steps? Landings? I have to explain. The new house has a sunken dining room (1 step down from the kitchen) and then there are 2 steps down from the dining room to the family room … but the dining room is also missing a wall. I don’t know why there isn’t one there but I intend on putting one up – it’s just goofy. And in any case, I need more wall space!

I have yet to fall down or miss a step … I save that for graduations and the like! However, the ceilings are slanted upstairs and I’ve hit my head several times so far. I’m thinking of wearing a helmet for awhile!

In any case, the move is going well. The animals have settled nicely into “grandma and grandpa’s”.  My mom fed the dogs cat food today and cottage cheese. She thought it was dog food. The dogs thought they had died and gone to heaven! Cat food is sooo tasty! Cottage cheese is almost as good. I think I’ll have a hard time telling them we have to leave tomorrow and go to our new place … they’ll want to stay!

One truck down … one to go. Stay tuned!

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Ode to the grape …

Day 93

We were talking about grapes, for some reason, at the dinner table the other night. My mom doesn’t really care what color or shape they are but prefers them really cold. My dad is a big grape guy – meaning he likes grapes a LOT and he likes BIG grapes.

I, personally, have to be in a mood for grapes. I don’t even know how that is possible since they don’t have much flavor … maybe I have to be thirsty as they are more moisture than anything else … but whenever that mood strikes I prefer ROUND grapes. Green ones or red ones are fine … I need seedless, cold is preferable, but round is a must. If I go to get grapes and they are oblong … forget it. I won’t eat them let alone even buy them.

Grapes are a nice versatile fruit … (as most fruits are, when thinking about it). They are good munching snacks and a nice addition to salads, low in calories yet sweet and tasty.  The juice is yummy but I think I like the fermented grape juice the best … wine!

And speaking of wine … I am way too tired to do anything else so I think I’ll go pour myself a glass and relax before I konk out. A long day of moving issues and I am dog tired!

Long live the grape!

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In a word … cute

Day 92

If I were to sum up in one word the house that is to be mine tomorrow morning at 9am, it would be … CUTE.

Cute. Not quaint and not quite darling … but cute. Very, very, very cute.

The other night as I rolled into town I drove the animals and myself past it and I kind of-sort of … panicked. It didn’t look so much CUTE … as extremely TINY! Postage stamp – dollhouse tiny. I was kind of freaking out.

But having gone through it tonight it is much bigger than it looks from outside. And besides being exceptionally clean (thank you previous owner and my apologies to my buyers!!) it is downright CUTE. No way getting around that descriptor.

Which is really and truly a good thing. A very good thing. Cute is  always good.

It has a lot of potential and yet right now it is downright liveable. I don’t have to gut anything or strip off orange and gold fuzzy wallpaper (as was the case when I moved into my old house). The carpet is not gross and in need of replacement (like, sorry to say, what I just left. Again, J/G my apologies!).  The walls are white and just waiting for my colorings.  The appliances are nice. I am looking forward to cooking on a gas range – a new experience for this always electric range gal.

I feel so much better. I had not seen the property in person yet and well, as I know from previous home and city searches, pictures can be deceiving. I am relieved and pleased that the place … my new home … is so darn CUTE!

Tomorrow is the closing and then a day spent figuring out where my furniture will go so when the movers arrive on Tuesday they will know where to put things. It might be a challenge but I’m up for it. A clean slate. Time to change things up and move pieces to other rooms. The piece that was in the dining room might now be in a bedroom and vice versa. It will be interesting, to say the least, to see what fits and where.

I will paint the walls down the road (sage, melted coffee ice cream, and one wall will be sueded). I will make the place “mine” and “me” but in the meantime we will settle in and start breathing that different air, work on business, and plant the garden. I am so excited to have actual soil!

In any case, those of you who have been along this journey with me thus far … thank you for your kindnesses and support and unwavering confidence that I could pull this off and for your loyal and heartfelt friendship. I am so lucky in my life to have so many who love me.

Thank you for the Starbucks cards, gifts, granola bars and books. Thanks for the hugs and encouraging emails and laughter along the way. Thanks for bringing me sanity when I was practically packing in my sleep. Thanks for the yummiest lemon/poppyseed bread on the planet. I cried all the way to the state line about Yoshi – but managed, between sniffs, to eat half a loaf of that bread at the same time! Thanks for the help packing the art and for the guidance and wisdom and expertise that was given … helping hands make a load lighter. Thank you for it all.

And thank you for telling me that the new home was ME and perfect FOR me even before I saw it. And it is because it is so … CUTE!


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Breathing different air …

Day 91

For a long, long time now I’ve been needing a change. I needed to get away from the big house … the high maintenance yard … the memories of a life that was no longer, of a love that was no longer, of a man that was … no longer.

I needed to get away and out of myself and go breathe different air.

Well, after 3 years of research and visiting 9 different states and countless hours spent in the car driving countless miles hither and yon … here I am and I can’t tell yet how different the air is yet … because I’m just coming up for air from the past 2 months of non-stop packing and organization and being on-the-go.

Part of me thinks that I thought I’d be breathing different air in Paris (oui … fat chance) … or some tiny town tucked amongst rolling hills dotted with black, brown and white cows and orchards and wineries. Where I could swallow enough glucosamine that I could actually ride my bike to the local dairy and talk to the cows by name … the same cows who provided the milk for my fresh cheese … the same cows dotting the hillsides.

Well, that’s not exactly the air I got or the visual that will be mine as no cows will be in sight, no hills, no wineries, no orchards. What I will be seeing from my front windows is a very old (haunted) cemetary. No cheese making cows there!

And I don’t know YET what this air is like … other than somewhat soggy and heavy with moisture. But then, I guess that’s okay because it will be good for my complexion.

I might now be the lady with all the animals … but I’ll soon be the lady with all the animals with nice skin!

In any case … I’m here with the animals and 644 boxes plus furniture due to be delivered shortly.  At the moment I’m too tired to think about breathing different air or different anything or breathing. Good thing it is an automatic response.

But this time next week … when I’ve seen the new house and the movers have delivered the goods and I’m standing in the middle of everything trying to figure out what to do with everything and where to put it all … I can start to focus on breathing different air.

Making a new life. Starting over. Starting anew. Giving my life a jump start. I’m pretty sure this isn’t Paris … and I’ll have to drive somewhere else to find cows dotting hillsides but it’s a good enough place to start to figure things out.

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More lessons and observances from the road …

Day 90

We made it to Chicago … the 5 of us tucked into my van those 1000 miles. Everything, except remarkably ME, has been peed on by the very upset cats! So nice! The aroma in my car was let’s just say … pungent! A detailing is set for next week!

Once again I had time (and 1000 miles) to gather observances along the way and here are a few of them:


1. Eastern Colorado is incredibly ugly. Southwestern Nebraska isn’t so great either.

2. Manure trucks are not a good vehicle to follow.

3. I think John Tesh is stalking me.

4. The new Nebraska state motto is: “Welcome to Nebraska … home of road construction, gray skies and humidity.”

5. In a humid climate my hair somehow gets transformed into a wand of spun cotton candy.

6. “Rockin’ Robin” and “Hang on Sloopy” are tied for the worst song recordings in the history of mankind. (“McArthur’s Park” might be up there, too. Who leaves a cake out in the rain?)

7. The amount of bugs increases exponentially with the amount of trees in an area. The amount of bug parts on the windshield also increases.

8. Each state has too many varieties of license plates. It’s too hard to play the license plate game now!


1. The majority of cars along the I-80 corridor are silver, black, or white (in that order).

2. A discarded McDonald’s bag that held double cheeseburgers for the dogs last night was a handy tool for wiping the sweat from my forehead and armpits (in that order) today while I re-packed the car in the jungle air of Lincoln, NE.

3. Who said humidity would be a good thing?

4. Spandex and its cousin nylon should be banned from any points east of CO.

5. Semi-trailer cabs come in an amazingly gorgeous array of colors.

6. There are 28 billboards between Denver and Chicago with a coffee pot on the sign.

7. Cats do not like cheeseburgers.

8. There are 362,719 cows between Denver and Chicago. I am hoarse from mooing at each of them.

9. There are some really ugly art sculptures in Council Bluffs. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think I’ll make my bug splattered windshield into a show piece in my new home!

And the most important lesson …

If one is sharing a bag of Cheetos with 3 dogs … one needs a bigger bag of Cheetos!

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And then there were five …

Day 89

On our way out of town today with the van filled to the gills with my personal belongings and 6 animals our journey took a very unexpected twist …

I had to put Yoshi to sleep.

She was my nearly 14 year old pug and was having some difficulties yesterday.  At the morning appointment I had for her today I was expecting them to give me some pain meds and antibiotics for her … not a recommendation for euthanasia.

Euthanasia … sounds like a camp for children in Thailand.

And without getting into the ethical, moral, religious, and personal stances on the subject … as much as I am a proponent of it … it still is not an easy thing to do.

However, I am so grateful I had the gift of making that choice for my dear sweet pet and helping her along her way. Her spirit was strong but her little body was failing and I was fortunate enough to be able to not let her linger and suffer. Wrapped in a cuddly blanket I rocked her the whole time and her passing was warm and peaceful and easy (and almost immediate).

I wish I could have done the same thing for Tim. Unless you have been in a similar situation – you do not know how painful it is to sit idly by when your loved one begs you to put them out of their misery. I wish I could have (legally) helped him along as well.

Yosh was one of the foster pugs that I rescued some 3 years ago. She was supposed to be at my house for an afternoon! After a month or so of both she and Dori at my home I realized I couldn’t give them up and started the adoption process. I flunked “fostermomhood” and adopted them both. I never thought she’d live this long … my little oldie moldie!

Friends and my mom could never get her name quite right … so, she was called a variety of closely related names … Sushi, Yucky, Mushy or whatever came flowing off one’s tongue. Sweet Yosh. Through all her old lady problems and inconveniences (for me) she remained gentle and loving and a football-shaped armful of puggy sweetness.

Oscar was her boyfriend … or at least body guard and baby sitter. When I’d set her in the yard to sit and enjoy the sun or nice weather, Oscar would join her and sit or lie next to her. On the loveseat he would cuddle up with her on a regular basis. They were buds. The odd couple of the house … the cat and the pug.

When I came out of the vet’s office this morning without her I thought maybe he’d bite me … from me being such a slobbering mess (he despises displays of emotion) or because I didn’t bring her back out with me. Instead, he put his paw on my shoulder and mewed at me. I kind of think he was telling me he knew what happened and it was okay.

Animals … and now there are five.

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The Journey Begins …

Day 88

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step … one step and six animals!

This will be interesting!

Today I relinquished possession of the house I’ve called home for the last (nearly) 26 years … we moved in on Father’s Day 1986.  And at 5pm today, May 2, 2012, the four dogs, 2 cats and I piled into the car and started the next chapter of our lives.

It sounds magical and like this would be quite the adventure … all of us – cozy in the car – headed off together into the great unknown … starting on the next phase … in a city I have not lived in since I was 22 and in a house that I bought sight-unseen. In theory, yes.

But before I got to the end of the block Gertie (Pug #1) had taken over the pillow meant for Oscar (Cat #1), Yoshi (Pug #2) was panting so hard I thought she was going  to have a heart attack, Dori (Pug #3) had settled into the front passenger seat pillow but was now plastered against the window trying to get away from Oscar who had taken over her place in the car. Mobes was in her dog fort (big carrier) – half in/half out and panting in rhythm with Yoshi … and Henry (Cat #2) was the only one minding their own business snuggled away in his own private carrier.

While the dogs and cats were doing all that I was trying not to run anyone or anything over because I was trying to get Oscar off Dori’s pillow and back into the back area while keeping Gertie from flying into the windshield from the perch atop Moby’s carrier  when I came to the first stop sign.

Let’s just say I think the open road may be a little easier to navigate than side streets in suburbia with a van load of animals.

We are all now snuggled in at Sam’s place, for the night. Everyone has calmed down a bit … even Mobes who was so whacked out she spent the evening in the bathtub hiding!

We are all emotionally exhausted … so, we are off to bed. Tomorrow we hit the highway and so the journey begins …

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Moving Day …

Day 87

The mantra of the day was … JUST DON’T WATCH …though, at times, it was hard not to.

The movers arrived at 9:30 this morning and nearly 9 1/2 hours later I was waving good-bye to these 5 strong men like they were old friends. A nice crew. Funnier than heck. Naughty humor. Potty mouthed. Cheerful, friendly and helpful. And stronger than oxen.

I have packed my life’s belongings since I knew this sale was really going through … maybe for the past 5 weeks. Maybe 6. Not more than that. My 33 years of adulthood and family life were packed into 644 boxes (not including furniture) and packed into 2 trucks today in less than 10 hours.

I don’t know how the guys did it! But, I can tell you for sure, I just didn’t want to watch most of it.

And not because it was my life they were putting into those trucks (emptying my home of my possessions and memories) … the boxes that held the baby clothes and childrens’ toys and photo albums and all my business “stuff” … and all the business stuff of businesses I hope to one day have along with everything else but because they carried 3-4 of those boxes at a time … up and down stairs … down steps and curbs … up into those trucks. Boxes precariously stacked … boxes that I painstakingly packed of FRAGILE items that were being carried as if a bundle of sticks.

I really tried not to watch … the stacked fragile boxes, the pounding on the piano when the last leg refused to come off, the 200 pound piece of furniture being carried on one of their backs with nothing but a small rope to hold it in place …

It’s not that the guys didn’t care about the items (which I’m really sure was the case and they didn’t); it’s just that it’s my stuff. MY stuff. And I knew the valuation of things and how long it had taken me to wrap and pack all of it and what was in those boxes they were carrying (apparently) without a care!

Stuff. I watched all my furniture (sans this computer and what will go into my car) and 99.8% of my worldly goods go into those trucks today and if I had 12 minutes to pick out items to save from a fire or flood I know in an instant what they would be. So why did I just not take those 4 things and WHY am I moving 644 boxes and a ton of furniture cross country?

Good question.

Reason #1 – I am a sentimental fool. I figure I’ve latched on to certain items now for so long that who am I to give them up at this stage of the game? I’ve saved baby stuff for future grandchildren so long now that it would be silly to let go of things when the promise of them is so much more likely and closer than ever before. And who knows when I might get a hankering to play with a bin (or two) of Barbies or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Reason #2 – I didn’t have time to sell what I probably should and could have. Just didn’t. I had 6 weeks to find a home and pack up 33 years (26 of them in this house), go to a graduation, have 2 garage sales, run a business, and get moved. I didn’t have time to pick through as much as I should have – so, I packed most of it up and will take it with me to sort through at that end. Not the best way to do this sort of thing – but it made the most sense at this given time.

And reason #3 – I like my stuff. I like my comfy couch and my antiques and my thousand books (almost) and all dish sets and entertaining novelties that I own. It’s okay. I know stuff is stuff and can be replaced … but I like my stuff and would rather have it than not.

So, I lie here on the floor of my office and though I am totally exhausted, I am also grateful for the workers today for being so good at their job, for making this overwhelming day better than I had expected, and for lifting file cabinets like they were feathers when I can barely get the doors open because they are so heavy. Their sheer strength was amazing to me!

And even though I tried not to watch them do most of the carrying out of my precious cargo … I did sneak a peek now and then and am also grateful they had that job … and not me!

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Frazzled …

Day 86

Tired. Exhausted. Beat. Weary. Sapped. Zapped. Worn to a frazzle.

Whatever a frazzle might be … I am sure I am worn to one!

What an odd expression … “worn to a frazzle”.

It sounds like it should mean a shock of hair that is unmanageable. As in, “Her dyed magenta frazzle stood straight up from her head ending in so many split ends that she looked like a character in a Dr. Seuss story.”

And talking about odd expressions … who came up with “shock of hair”? Seriously, what the heck does that mean?

When I was little my mom would tell us to “pick our poison” … meaning get the cereal out that we wanted for breakfast! Horrible choice of words for a mother to her children! Call Social Services she’s serving poison – again!

Even weirder is the “Keep your eyes peeled.” saying. Now, how gross is that?! Ew!

Though, honestly, I’m almost too tired to care … I looked up frazzle as I felt I needed to find out what a frazzle was … because, apparently, I am worn to one or I am one or something along those lines.

Well, either I’m a bacon flavored corn-based snack sold in the United Kingdom since 1975 … or I’m a Sesame Street scary, fanged monster Muppet!

Hmmm … don’t think I’m either of those things though if I had to chose I think I’m closer to being a scary, fanged Muppet than a bacon flavored snack food!

Maybe not.

Today was THE LAST DAY before the truck or trucks or trailer or whatever is being delivered for the move arrives. The last day to finish packing the final things … kitchen and bathroom items I’ve been using, the tv, my printer, all those things you don’t think will take up time or space and they take up both. Today was the beginning of packing the car, getting the dogs suitcases packed, finishing laundry and rolling up rugs. Another 14 hours of fun!

Loading is tomorrow and we shall see how long it takes. I have plenty of snacks (none bacon flavored, however) for the movers and plenty of Advil for me! I imagine by the end of the day we will all be frazzled!

The animals are acting strangely. I don’t know if it’s the boxes and such or if they are just extra clingy since my arrival last night … but they, too, are acting a bit out of sorts. (And what does THAT supposed to mean … “out of sorts”?!) Is it akin to worn to a frazzle?

The word frazzle was first known to be used in 1865 and means to fray at the ends, exhaust physically or emotionally, be in a state of extreme physical and/or nervous fatigue.


That’s it! I’m not just tired or weary or exhausted but I am 100% frazzled. However, I still don’t know if I’m “worn to one”.



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Thank you notes …

Day 85

I should carry around thank you notes in my purse. I felt compelled to write a few tonight while on the plane but didn’t have the paper to do so – so, I will write them now.

Dear Stewardess … Thank you for reminding me how very far spandex can stretch without ripping at the seams. You really put your uniform to a test tonight and well, good for you! Your well-endowed, ample girly figure was really on display in that thin stretchy skirt and top. Wish I had your confidence to wear blouses cut so low and skirts so tight. You go girl!

Dear Seat-Mate … Thank you for using the middle arm rest the entire flight and those extra jabs with your elbow, from time to time, kept me from dozing off. Thanks for not letting me fall asleep! And thanks for asking me every 20 minutes what time it was as it kept me keenly aware of how long our flight was. That was nice. And also, thanks for showing me that there are still people of my age that don’t really understand the U.S. time zone differences. I mean, it really is SO complicated and difficult. I was happy to explain it over and over and over again to you.

Dear Young Woman in Row 12 … Thanks for chewing your gum so loudly that I could hear it in Row 14. It must have been really tasty and long lasting because you chewed it the entire flight! Wow … it must have been good gum!

Dear Out of It Mother in Row 13 … Thanks for ignoring your 3 year old son on the entire flight tonight. It was really fun to sit behind the two of you with you reading your magazine and sleeping while he was so active and vocal. How cute he was! I didn’t mind his screaming or crying or temper tantrums that lasted most of the flight one bit. And when he spit his drink on me it was fine. I needed a little refreshing spritzer anyway. Thanks for being such a laid back parent. It was so heart-warming to see and I’m so glad that you and Lucifer could be on the same plane as me – and so close, too!

Dear U.S. Air – thanks for not wasting space or seat material on your seats in coach. It was really nice to sit for 3 hours in the fetal position. It made me come back to my roots. And I didn’t mind sitting practically in the lap of the guy behind me. He was kind of cute! Your efficiency in putting so many people into such a small space is to be commended. And your effort to conserve fuel and cost by not serving any snacks was commendable, as well.

Dear Pilot – thanks for the exciting descent into the Denver area and the really fun landing. It was like riding the Wild Chipmunk roller coaster but I didn’t have to wait in line. That bumpy landing and extra little jolt and hop at the end was thrilling! Everyone seemed to enjoy it as noted by all the gasping! Right on!

From now on I think I’ll keep some notes in my purse … for sure!

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Create joy …

Day 84

Create joy.

That is how the keynote speaker from my son’s master’s graduation ceremony started yesterday. Richard Sheridan, CEO of Menlo Innovations, gave one of the best speeches I’ve heard given at a graduation ceremony (or otherwise). And it was simply on the premise of creating joy.

He addressed the graduate candidates and those gathered in the auditorium with those two simple words that carried a message so profound and so direct and so well intended.

And so needed.

What is life without joy?

What is work without joy?

They are interconnected and if you are working and not enjoying it … your life is affected. And vice versa.

I wanted to shout out, “AMEN, brother!” halfway through his speech because I was hoping that these “kids” (not really kids anymore as most of the candidates were mid 20’s-mid 30’s) were absorbing what he was saying. I think it was maybe too simple of a concept to hold the attention of some of these highly educated attendees. Or maybe they were too young and another 20 years of life under their belt would help them realize how important this simple message truly is.

Joy. Create it. Create joy!

I think had someone told me to go forward and be the future and to create (and export) joy (those many moons ago) maybe I would have gone down a different path. Who knows? But, 30 some years after my own graduation I’m finally seeing the importance of this simple message. I’ve known it all along, on some level, but as I get older and life unfolds I feel a greater need to rid my life of toxicity and negativity and import more fun and life into my days and life. In other words … create joy (for myself and others).

And why not?

Can’t we all use a little more joy?

One of the images, from the speech, that may have been lost on the “younger set”, was that of digging for the pony … if a lot of crap is piled on you, eventually – if you keep digging, you’ll dig out the pony. Maybe because I’ve heard that adage before, I thought it was funny and poignant. I’m sure others didn’t think it so clever … but I got the message.

Keep going.

When you want to give up. Keep going. When things are hard or sad or just plain bad … keep going. When crap piles on you. Keep going.

And along the way – infuse joy – because things WILL get better. And things will BE better.

Life is too short not to love what you are doing and who you are with. It is precious. Enjoy it.

Create joy!


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It Depends …

Day 83

I am not one to hide my foibles. Well, some of them, maybe, but not most of them.

Regarding disclosure of such embarrassing moments … let’s just say it DEPENDS.

And I should have been wearing some of those last night because I … peed in my pants.

Yes … it was not a great end to an otherwise lovely evening.

I flew out to Detroit and drove to Ann Arbor for Ted’s graduation with his master’s degree this weekend from the University of Michigan.

Upon my arrival I got to see his “house dog” (finally) and we walked to town and had a yummy Korean Bulgogi dish for lunch. And after that we wandered through a quaint little market that had all sorts of specialty items: the white onions were gorgeous and the size of softballs … the squid ink packaged pasta looked like tiny trilobytes in cellophane! They had European butters and lobster sauce and a fish counter and the most sublime meat market with pork chops the size of dinner plates! I could have lived there!

We gathered his girlfriend from the airport and landed at a cozy, exposed brick bar for  specialty drinks before heading off for dinner. We sipped blackberry brush and hibiscus and peppercorn bourbon and gin concoctions. Strong and fragrant they made me wonder how my Eternity cologne might taste!

Dinner was in downtown Detroit (a far bigger, more cosmopolitan and deserted city than I expected) on the 72nd floor overlooking the Canadian border. It was lovely. We started with salads and giant poached shrimp and then moved on to the lobster corn dogs (more of a tempura thing than corn dog) and then we dined on filet and asparagus and scallops with Swiss chard and bacon. We finished with hazelnut tortes and a coconut bombe.

And then the peeing part …

I went to the hotel’s work space to find it closed. I did not bring my computer on this trip so thought I’d use the hotel’s work space. The attendant allowed me access and then charged me $15 to use the computer! I was not happy … and was looking at the receipt when I walked out of the hotel to retrieve something from my car and thought I was walking down the ramp when I was actually walking down the stairs.

Well, I actually walked down ONE stair and kind of cartwheeled down the rest. NICE! I could have given any olympian a run for their medal! Except that when an olympic gymnast plants their landing they don’t finish it off by peeing in their pants … as I did!

Oh well … what can I say. I have a weak bladder from all those pregnancies and medication as a child. My excuses! And it’s only happened twice … both times after falling down the stairs!

I should keep these secrets to myself … but whatever! One would think I’m more vain to disclose these things … sometimes I am and sometimes it just … depends.


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Woolworth’s …

Day 82

Woolworth’s … does it strike up memories for you? Does it stir your soul?

It does mine.

How can a department/drug store conjur up such emotions in me? Just the thought of a Woolworth’s has me waxing nostalgic and I’m not that old!

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about and think I’m referring to Walgreens … well, it was kind of like a Walgreens … but a million times better and and a million times different. And I’m sorry you never got to experience such a place.

When I grew up we had a mall that was “the” place to go … and when I got to be of the age when my mom would let me wander solo (probably 4th or 5th grade) I would invariably end up in Woolworth’s. I could get lost in that place for HOURS (and probably did!).  And I’ll have you know I purchased many a-fine Christmas gift from that store! Nothing says love better than a $4 amber colored cut glass candy dish!

It was the best of the best of the “five and dime/variety” type stores. They had toys and costmetics, they had fish and those little painted turtles that people got salmonella from, they had mice and hamsters! It was GREAT! They had a ladies lingerie aisle that could rival anything I’d seen … and I guess I hadn’t seen many lingerie departments in my life at 10 years of age – but I was in awe of the styles and sizes … bras and bralets, half slips, full slips, socks, undershirts and panties. (Egad … the sizes of those panties hanging on those racks!) They had hair dyes and bubble bath and mustache combs and all sorts of odd balms and lotions and potions and oils for this, that and any sort of ache and ailment … and you’d never, ever see these anywhere else than at Woolworth’s. They had white gloves and baskets and vases and shoes. They had plastic flowers – that part of the store always smelled dusty – and sewing notions and tools and oil for your car.

They had everything – including a … LUNCH COUNTER!

Payday! Jackpot! OMG … circle the wagons cuz this is where I want to spend the night!

Turquoise booths … I’m talking real, genuine naugahyde … with stainless steel trim. Round, padded counter cushions that spun around and that constant smell – no matter where you were in the store (even by the dusty plastic blue roses) – of a mixture of grease and burgers. HEAVEN!

When I was older, and I’m talking junior high (what we called it then), we’d go and actually EAT at Woolworth’s … my girlfriends and I. We’d pitch in our allowances and order fries and cokes and sit for as long as they’d let us and eat and giggle our cares away. GREAT fun!

When I moved to Denver in the late 70’s there was a Woolworth’s downtown … a mammoth store (with a basement that was almost too creepy to go down into. I think I only did once, by myself, vowing to go back down there with at least one other person – but, sadly, never did.) I’d walk 7 blocks, in my mauve suede Candies heels (that I’m sure only hookers wore) to get a piece of the BEST, greasiest pizza on the planet from the Woolworth’s lunch counter. I’d carry it back to my desk in a waxed paper sleeve and by the time I was ready to eat it the paper and the bag I was carrying it in were completely saturated in the grease. Yum!

In any case – the treasure trove that was Woolworth’s closed when my kids were little … too little to remember the smells and what a real old “variety store” was like. Too bad. It was quite the place! And rats … now I want some fries and greasy pizza!

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Let them eat …

Day 81


Plain and simple, I want cake.

And by cake I don’t mean Angelfood nothingness or though good, German Chocolate or Spice. Definitely not white (ew) or yellow or anything pink. And forget Red Velvet. What is with that anyway?

I want chocolate (and when do I not want chocolate). I want it warm with extra thick chocolate fudge frosting (the kind out of the can is best) and it needs to have at least two layers (none of this sheet cake stuff) … and I want it NOW!

But I don’t have cake and nothing else will fill that momentary desire. So, I will go to bed dreaming of cake with chocolate frosting … and just for the heck of it … sprinkles on top.

There is something to be said about sprinkles. The little nuggets of sugary goodness are not only fun but so festive and make just about anything extra special.

When I was in 8th grade I was on an all-girls softball team. For whatever reason we went out for soft serve ice cream with our majorly hippie coach every once in a while. I don’t know what his story was … I thought about it later and wondered if he was doing some sort of community service. He was the most unlikely role model and person to be a coach ever and yet everyone liked him and seemed to have some errant crush on him! For the longest time I’ve had this feeling he died in Viet Nam … he had an incredibly low draft number. I don’t know whatever happened to him but when I eat sprinkles I think of Bob and remember how the sprinkles on his ice cream somehow wove themselves into his beard. We all laughed at him though it was really rather disgusting (but also quite fascinating for a 13 year old at that time).

The other day I watched a commercial for some car company and they showed a Great Dane in the car … named Mr. Sprinkles. I think that will be the name of my next Pug or Frenchie – even if it’s female. It just has a nice ring to it.

A few weeks ago I was on a cake kick … almost just as I described. Individual pieces of cake are sometimes for sale at my grocery store (or maybe they are always for sale and I hadn’t noticed them before) … in any case, for a few days in a row I bought a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles on it … and each piece was glorious! I might have to stop and get a piece tomorrow morning for breakfast!

And cake is okay for breakfast … it gives you all day to burn off the calories! Better than eating it before going to bed! And life is short … eat dessert first!

I’ve been so stressed lately with packing and getting things organized and blah, blah, blah … ad nauseum … about all things move related. And I realized tonight that I need more desserts in my life … after all, isn’t STRESSED spelled backwards … DESSERTS?

Which brings me back to thinking about … cake!

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Finding center …

Day 80

Sometimes life is so chaotic that we need to take a step back (or two steps … or three …) in order to get a handle on things … to find our center.

And doing so sometimes is through meditation … which I’m pretty sure would drive me over the edge of a very high cliff. I can’t be still … or quiet … that long. And if I have to sit and actually THINK … my mind eventually comes around to counting … yeah, yeah we already talked about that! Anyway, finding center for me does not involve meditation unless it’s sitting at my favorite outdoor restaurant (Delizio’s) contemplating whether or not I should get another glass of Moscato.

I read the book Eat, Pray, Love (by Elizabeth Gilbert) and then saw the movie and for both I could barely (and we are talking sticking my fingernails, if I had any, into my forearms to keep from screaming) stand the middle portion of the memoir. It sounded akin to torture. Sitting for six or eight hours a day, day after day, meditating. I’m sorry I just don’t get it.

I’ll find my center doing something else!

My friend is off at a retreat this week … a yoga retreat. And finding one’s center doing yoga I would assume to be very popular and easy. This retreat, however, sounds more like a grueling bootcamp with sessions beginning at 6:45 (yes, in the morning) with minimal time spent eating or enjoying anything save for yoga poses with lights out at 9pm … with plenty of time to meditate in the dark, I guess. Um, no thanks. I think I’d rather find my center digging my toes into the sand with a little umbrella drink or a salted rim in my hand. “Sí señor, I will have the gazpacho with the shrimp. And sí, another margarita – gracias.”

Finding center … I imagine we all find it in some way … eventually. We go to spas. We work out. We paint. We shop. We find what works for us and continue doing that until it no longer works and then we find something else that brings us back to ourselves … so that we feel good, whole, calm, centered.

In the midst of all this packing and boxes and disarray I have been feeling very displaced. I do not like untidiness … and that, in itself, with so much stuff all about, is making me edgy and a bit “off”.

And then tonight I found my center again. Amidst all the tape and boxes and packing materials I found it. No, it wasn’t in meditation or prayer or a spa treatment or yoga … but mine came in the shape of a pizza box. Granted I’m allergic to yeast and gluten, dairy and tomatoes … but every once in a while you have to say GI distress be damned and give in to an ooey, gooey, hot and cheesy, slightly spicy and oh so nice-y … pizza!

After 3 pieces and an extra morsel of Italian sausage I am good to take on another few boxes of packing. I’ve regained calm. I might be a mess tomorrow … but for right now … I am centered.


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Closing … and opening

Day 79

Closing … it means the end of something, the final act or termination.

Today was the closing of my home. The home I moved into (with my husband and 14 month old son) when I was 29 years old. The home where my children grew up. The home where I spent the vast  majority of my adult life. The home where parties and love and laughter were in abundance. The home that housed its fair share of pets and pajama parties and pantry raids by hungry teen-aged boys.

I didn’t love every minute of being here … but almost.

We had a good run here. We moved in on Father’s Day with the help of a brother or two and a few friends … unloaded our small truck and one car load of goods, the baby and the dog. How times have changed! I just finished packing box 607! Won’t that be fun to unload and unpack!

I remember thinking how BIG the house was! What were we going to do with all that space?  Little did I ever think that 15 years later we’d add on.

Tim was always doing some project. A week before that first Christmas he decided he’d cut a hole in the wall between the family room and the living room. Unlike the same model elsewhere in the neighborhood, our home did not have a cut-out as such, and Tim thought it was a good idea to do it. And to do it THEN. I think I might still have dry wall dust on some of the Christmas ornaments – even after all these years! It was as fine as silt and covered every inch of every surface in the house! The Christmas tree looked like it had been flocked. Great timing, hon!

Then there was the night before our annual 4th of July party. I was putting on the finishing touches of a picnic for twenty some people the next day and Tim decided to remove the windows in the kitchen nook and put in a sliding door. Good for us the weather was decent because by the time the party started we had no window or outside wall … it gave new meaning to dining al fresco!

Through the years we had countless birthday and Halloween parties! I’m pretty sure I had more fun than the kids! And, of course, our annual holiday party was always a memorable evening. We had dinner parties and cat birthday parties and anniversary gatherings and once a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle party. I guess we were celebrating TMNT’s! I don’t remember.

What I do remember is the escaped hamsters and the visiting turtle from the pond, the racoon who ate the tadpole I cared for all winter long on the first night I released it into the wild of our pond. (That stupid racoon also ate the arms off my plastic alligator that was in the pond!) As the years rolled along, I remember the guys playing poker in the basement and then the girls getting ready for parties and dances. But mostly I remember family dinners and holiday celebrations and all the love and laughter and life that was in this house.

It was a good, good house for us. And, at today’s closing … I wasn’t sad or upset as a lot of people expected me to be … because it’s time to pass this lovely home on to another family. The closing signified an end of one thing … but the opening and beginning of others. Not just for me, but for the family that will be moving in here shortly. I hope they enjoy the park and the neighborhood and the wonderful neighbors as much as we did. And I hope they build great memories in this home and fill it with their own love and laughter and life.

I will literally close the door of this house behind me next week … and in doing so I’ll be standing with so many other doors in front of me slowly opening.


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Numbers person …

Day 78

When you are a numbers person sometimes things just don’t add up … like how could I be a member of Mu Alpha Theta and still get D’s in 2 of my high school math classes? (I blame the teachers. If they had not been so boring I would have paid attention to them  instead of the cute guy sitting next to me. Technically, I was paying attention!)

When you are a somewhat overweight numbers person, weight is not something to be taken lightly. (No pun intended.) And in this arena things don’t add up, either. Take for example the sorority sister who is far bigger than you but weighs a good 20 lbs less (I keep saying, “Muscle weighs more than FAT!”) … or the friend who somehow fits into a size 6 and you’ve always considered yourself the same size as she … however, to fit into a size 6 again you’d have to amputate limbs or surgically remove some major body parts.

I am such a numbers person. However … I like numbers.

And I also hate numbers.

I count while I’m walking. Not on purpose, mind you … I’m humming along to some tune in my head and all of a sudden I’m counting the number of steps I’m taking per square of sidewalk. Where’d the song go? Instead of lyrics, numbers fill my head. What the heck is with that? It drives me crazy.

I remember dates. My body knows when it’s the 26th of each month. The day Tim died. It takes me awhile to figure out why I’m feeling as I am … and then it dawns on me. On some cellular level my body remembered the date before I was aware of it. I’m not a fan of this date remembering ability that is within me.

I count days. 148 days was the number of days Tim had from prognosis to passing. We had nearly 10,000 days together; nearly 2100 days have passed since he died. Since then I’ve lived the length of his illness 14 times. How is that even possible? I wish I didn’t count days.

I watch the numbers on the scale go up and down … usually more up than down. I watch the sizes of my clothes increase … and decrease.  And, as is par for this course, more increasing than decreasing here, as well.

When I type these posts I watch my word count. I try to stay around 500 words. Sometimes I rewrite so that it is exactly 500 words. Sometimes I’m more wordy.

In my line of work I write up estimates for my clients’ orders. On some primal level I derive great joy from crunching the numbers to get the best deal for myself … and also for them.

Right now numbers are not exactly my friends. I just finished putting the label on box #587. Five HUNDRED and eighty-seven boxes to move. The only thing worse than packing up 587 boxes?

UNPACKING 587 boxes.

Like I said … right now, numbers are not my friends.

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Yesterday, today and tomorrow …

Day 77

I did it … I missed a day of the blog challenge! Curses! Well, I technically wrote it yesterday … however, in my dazed and totally exhausted state I hit the “save draft” button instead of the “publish” button and … woe is me, no blog for yesterday.

However, I just published it, so even though I wrote it yesterday I published it today but it’s so late that it won’t be available until tomorrow!

“Yesterday” … though credit is given to both John Winston Lennon and Paul James McCartney for writing that song in 1965, Paul was the sole writer. It was voted by BBC Radio 2, MTV and Rolling Stone magazine as the best song of the 20th century.

Hmm … that’s surprising as I always found it kind of a downer.

I guess that’s cuz I’d rather look forward to tomorrow than rue what was or was not from yesterday. You can’t live in the past and you are lucky if you get the future … so, why not look forward to something you MIGHT get, rather than something that you will never get again?

I always look forward to tomorrow.

“Tomorrow” became a smash hit song with its debut in the muscial Annie in 1977 (music by Charles Strouse and lyrics by Martin Sharnin). And though the song gets stuck in my brain EVERY time I hear it and I find myself belting out the damn thing when in the shower or stuck in traffic, I find it equally uplifting and annoying.

But I’d rather sing, if I’m going to sing, or think about tomorrow and not yesterday … songs or days. Which brings me back to me not publishing the post that I wrote and hitting the wrong key.

Stuff happens … it’s no big deal … it’s not catastrophic … life will go on without a lobster roaming about for one day.

Lobster. I think of that word and not only do I think of the crustaceans … and how ugly, yet so tasty, they are but of my son, Ted, who started the whole lobster on my shoulder things twenty four or so years ago.

Talk about YESTERDAY! Egad … it seems like it WAS yesterday! Where the heck did 20 some years go? In the blink of an eye he went from sweet toddler to a man graduating next week with his masters and pursuing his doctorate. How is that possible when he was so little just … yesterday?

Tomorrow I will finish packing and a week from now I will be leaving my home of 26 years. Blink of an eye. Time goes so slow and yet so fast. Some many yesterdays here … so few tomorrows.

And yet, today, I will make sure I hit the “publish” button on this post and not the “save draft” button so that tomorrow you can read what I wrote today – but by then it’ll be from yesterday.

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I’m addicted …

Day 76

I’m an addict. Okay, I admit it. I am. And it’s good it’s out “there”. A lot of my friends will be astounded to hear this news. Sorry, people, but it’s for the best that I go public.

Sudokus run my life.

Damn them!

I’d have at least a half hour extra every day to do something else … like learn how to knit (which I knew how to once because I made a sweater in college that I still wear – but have since forgotten how to do so). Or water my compost pile (which hasn’t been watered since the year I got it – which was 2004). Or perfect my French, Italian or Spanish (which, when in a foreign country trying to talk with a local, I tend to blend together to form a new non-sensical language that no one, including myself, can understand). But, instead, I copy off this silly number puzzle and engage my brain in a mental challenge.

Which is all fine and good … however, a day without a sudoku is like, well, a day without a mental challenge. I would say a day without sunshine – but I prefer cloudy days (sensitive eyeballs) and well, I’d be happy without sunshine but my brain would be mush without my sudoku.

So, even when I’m too tired to do one (and the numbers all blur while I’m in bed staring at it and I’m sure one of the dogs could figure it out quicker than I could) … I still work at it. I go for the Hard and Evil puzzles. If it’s not hard to do – why do it?

I used to be a crossword junkie … a daily crossword puzzle was my addiction for awhile. And then, which is now years hence, I was introduced to the sudoku craze.

In Japanese “Su” means number and “Doku” refers to the single place on the puzzle board that each number can fit into. It’s kind of a “Solitaire with numbers”. Although Japanese in name its origins are European and American – a hybrid creation of sorts.

The puzzles were a huge hit in Japan in the mid-1980’s but didn’t become a sensation in the U.S. until puzzles started showing up in daily newspapers in 2005. They have been all the rage since. There are many variances to the puzzle but the 9 x 9 grid is the most common.

When I sub I give the kids one on the board to work on when they are finished with their work. I think it gets their brains working in an out-of-the-box kind of way helping to hone their logical and deductive capabilities. I know it does mine.

And I guess there are a lot of things that would be worse to be addicted to … drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, donuts … you get the gist. So, I guess it’s not so bad that I’m just addicted to sudokus.

Well, sudokus and Starbucks … and cheetos … and dark chocolate … and …. hmm.

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Where everybody knows your name …

Day 75

Well, everybody might not know your name but pretty much everybody knows mine. And I’m not talking about down at the local watering hole or pub or bar or saloon (hey, we are in Colorado – there are saloons!) … but at my neighborhood grocery store … Albertsons!

Yes … many (many) of the clerks, deli people, baggers, pharmacists, produce guys, baristas, and even some customers … know my name.

And when I move – I don’t know who will miss be missed more … me or them? I’m thinking them.

I started to go to the grocery store almost daily when Tim was sick. Six years ago (already!). We needed something from the pharmacy or from the health and wellness aisles or crackers or something else on a constant basis. So, I started going almost daily to pick up something.

Or sometimes I just needed … coffee. Starbucks is located in this wonderful store and I’d just go to get a daily fix of caffeine and a little pick me up from the not-so-fun daily routine of cancer and treatments and sadness.

And sometimes I didn’t need a product at all … I just needed cool and comfort and as that very, very hot summer wore on with Tim getting worse and worse I found solace and respite in the most unlikely of places … the grocery store.

People were friendly – we learned each other’s names. They made me laugh on days when there was not much to laugh about. They made me feel good. They cared.

And it was cool and good music would be playing and everything was orderly when my life was a chaotic mess and everything, above all else, was NORMAL … when my life was anything but.

I remember pushing my empty cart through the produce section randomly looking at people scrutinize one onion from the next or which bundle of broccoli to take home … wondering if that was the biggest decision they would have to face that day.  Was life that easy for some people? I look back and I know I was upset with the couple who was arguing over which kind of coffee creamer to buy … seriously, I wanted to beat the crap out of both of them for being so picky and trivial when we were dealing with life and death issues on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis … but I craved their normalcy.

But above all else – above the deep need for that normalcy that was no longer ours and the almost jealous feelings I had, at times, when I’d see couples walking together choosing cereal (knowing I would never do that again with Tim) – I found solace and comfort and friendship.

I will miss this extended “family” tremendously. We share history and stories about our families and children. What foods are good and what was the oddest thing they checked out that day. Monopoly winnings and forgotten cat litter (that, more than once, I’ve left in my cart in the parking lot and have had to go back for). And we shared laughter. A lot of laughter and a lot of smiles and every once in a while a well needed hug.

The other day one of the bagger girls pulled me aside and gave me a bracelet she had made specifically for me as she knew I was moving – because I was her favorite customer. It’s a simple little black elastic band with red and white plastic beads strung on it. I’m wearing it proudly. I was and am so touched. Whether or not she tells everyone that they are her favorite customer, I do not know … but it doesn’t really matter … because she is my favorite bagger. Not only for her simple, innocent gift which touched my heart deeply but because she is part of the family of friends at that business … where (almost) everybody knows  my name.

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Crayons …

Day 74

This blog has, unwittingly, become a sort of confessional for me. In past posts I have bared my soul and divulged my innermost secrets (well, a few anyway) … and today I have another.

I am a crayon snob.

Oh, man … I feel sooo much better getting that off my chest! It has been weighing heavily on me for the past 50 years!

And if I can be a crayon snob … I guess I could also be considered, in a more positive light, a crayon connoisseur.

And my apologies to Prang and Elmer’s and all the generic crayon products out there (like trying to color with a candle!) … there is simply nothing like a Crayola crayon.


My heartfelt thanks (and kudos) go out to those creative cousins Edward Binney and C. Harold Smith, the co-inventors of Crayola crayons back in 1903. And kudos to Alice, Ed’s wife, for coming up with the name – a combination of the french words chalk (craie) and oily (oleaginous). Trivia tidbits for your next cocktail party!

And it’s not just that Crayola has the best texture … but they have the BEST smell. Other brands might come close but Crayola has a distinct aroma and it stirs my soul. Seriously. I’m stressed and I open the lid on a pristine box of Crayola 64’s and … ahhhh. My blood pressure goes down a few numbers and my muscles relax and it’s … bliss! SO much better than meditation or yoga!

I think this love affair started long before I can actually remember. I was a big time colorer as a kid. I was also sickly, so being in bed with coloring books and crayons was a wonderful way to pass the time.

I had a favorite coloring book and about a year ago I found a similar one and bought it and have been known to color a page or two in the middle of a work day! The book? Fred Flintstone and friends! How I loved to color Wilma and Betty’s fur dresses and rock necklaces! (I was also a jewelry maniac as a youngster. I was the only 4 year old I know that could (and would) lug around a beaded satchel full of 10 pounds of costume jewelry!) Anyway, those stone necklaces were awesome!

Growing up we lived next door to the inventor of the crayon sharpener in that 64 crayon box of Crayola crayons! My hero! I mean, really … who wants to color with a rounded crayon?!

There are still days when I look out to the sky and think … ahh, periwinkle … and I think of that crayon and wonder how many I’ve used in my lifetime! I liked the names of the crayons back in that original 64 collection the best … Copper, Melon, Orchid, Spring Green, Magenta. Ahhh … my friends!

When the crayons debuted, 109 years ago, there were 8 colors in the box … Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Black, Violet and Brown. Since then there have been over 120 core colors and a few more being discontinued or having name changes along the way.

The Flesh color underwent a name change in 1962 to Peach due to the Civil Right’s Movement. Prussian Blue was changed to Midnight Blue. Indian Red was renamed Chestnut in 1999 due to the misconception that it was named after the color of Native American skin rather than a pigment found near India to color paints.

Fluorescents were added in the early 70’s and they, too, underwent a more kid-friendly name change in 1990 (for example from Ultra  Green to Screamin’ Green).

In 1990 some of the crayon colors were “retired” (and enshrined in the Crayola Hall of Fame) leaving room for newer, more updated and creative names like Cerulean and Dandelion. Around that time consumers were asked to submit new names and 16 new colors were added at that time, as well.

In the late 90’s 24 new colors were added (such as Manatee, Eggplant and Shadow) and a few more in 2003 bringing the number up to 120 colors that are currently available.

Wow … I’m feeling outdated! I think I need to run to Target and get me a new box … I thought I was doing so well with just 64!



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Dinosaurs …

Day 73

I love dinos. I should have a bumper sticker that declares my passion for them.  I have other bumper stickers about how smart my pugs are (“My pug is smarter than your honor student!”) … not really … but it’s still funny … and an array of school emblems and decals and high school parking lot permits (though both of my kids are COLLEGE graduates!) … and so on. I even have one about releasing the flying monkeys.

However, I really should have one about dinosaurs. Like … “I brake for dinos.” or “Have you hugged your dinosaur today?” or “Dinosaurs … the other white meat.” I imagine they would taste like chicken. Don’t all reptilian things taste … just like chicken? I wouldn’t know … I’m not about to eat one. You’d need a really big freezer to house a leg of T-Rex! (Unless it was a front leg then an ordinary freezer would be sufficient, I suppose.)

Anyway, dinosaurs. Or as the guy during the Jurassic Park DNA explanation says it, “Dino-sours.” That always makes me chuckle.

That would make a good sour candy … little dino-shaped hard, sour candies … Dino-sours! Hmmm. (Note to self … call Kraft Foods!)

Anything dino and I’m all for it. If there happens to be one of those old, atrociously awful B-grade dino movies on at 2am some Saturday night … you can bet I’ll be making popcorn and staying up to watch it!

In any case … I’m up in my office, looking westward again, over the verdant park (so very green after these past rains we’ve had) and thinking how fun it would be to have dinosaurs roaming across the street. I get so tickled when the geese are on parade … I’d be beserk if there were dinos ambling about!

However, only nice dinos would be allowed. Plant-eaters only. No one that is going to fight or be mean or eat someone walking their dog! I can just imagine a fine Ankylosaurus trundling by the ball fence or an Apatasaurus moving snail-like across the vast expanse of the soccer fields. I imagine the grounds keepers would be less than thrilled and large beasts like that roaming freely would give new meaning to “watch your step”. But, oooh, so cool!

When Ted was little I painted a T-Rex version on the back of his bedroom door and a pterodactyl on his ceiling … some 25 years later they are still there. One of my favorite photos is of Ted standing against that door, age 3, right under the painted on dangling arms of that T-Rex. Ted is making a grimace like he’s just about to be eaten by the door dino … very cute. He was so small. These days Ted could see eye-to-eye with that painted on theropod.

My aunt has a “thing” for dinos … (maybe it’s genetic)? When she redid her kitchen she had hand-painted tiles of dinosaurs installed randomly in the backsplash. And just like at the park (of my dreams) … only nice dinos were allowed there, as well!

When I move I’ll have 2 bathrooms. I love wallpapered baths (for some reason) and have had flowers and olive branches (loved that one) and frogs and at one time hippos and alligators adorning the papers I hung. Maybe it’s time to put in some dinosaurs of my very own?! And I can put up meat-eating ones, too! The more ferocious the better!

In any case, until that happens I’ll keep my binoculars handy and keep my eye out for any roving dinos at the park … though if I can’t see them without the binoculars I think I’d better go get my eyes checked! (And if I do see some – well, I’d better get my head checked!)

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Lists …

Day 72

I am a list person. I think I have always been a list person. Actually, I think I was born carrying a list in my tiny infant fist (not a great delivery for my mom – think of the paper cuts!) …

In any case … I’ve been a list-maker for a long, long, long time. And I’ve come to think of that trait as more of a curse than anything else!

Seriously. I find myself making lists for house projects, a list of to-do’s, lists for dreams and aspirations and the future, lists for the move, lists for the office/work, lists for the yard, lists for groceries and lists for myself.

Yesterday I put on the list … take shower. Really? I have to REMIND myself to take a shower? Um, no … but I’ve come to the point where I feel like I’m getting so few things actually DONE and off my lists that I’ve started adding stupid, mundane, everyday things to them so that I can actually CROSS SOMETHING OFF!

I know, I’m pathetic. But it’s true. If you are a list person you know the satisfaction of crossing off (or checking off – whatever is your thing) a “done” item. Instant gratification if you have dumb things like “take a shower” on your list. But whoo-hoo … ONE  thing is done! Yay!!!!

So, usually, before I go to bed I look at my list and see what I accomplished that day … sometimes it is a ton of stuff … sometimes I ADD stuff at that time of things I did that weren’t ON my list just so I can scratch them off! Weird, I know. But, true. And satisfying! And, yes, again, I know … pathetic!

In the morning I get up and look at my list and start my day. The problem with this method of living is multi-fold … I tend to lose the lists. Heavens to Mergatroid as that is disasterous! I can flounder for days, aimlessly living life, without so much as a scratching off of anything! And then I start a new list and get going again.

Another problem is that the lists are just so overwhelming … too much stuff to do … so, I sometimes go in the opposite direction and do nothing or, heavens, do something totally NOT on the list! It could be a hot summer day and I have weeding on my list and I just say screw it – it’s too hot, I don’t want to get dirty, I have to clean the house, I have to make business calls … and then I find myself in the middle of the afternoon sorting through an odd box of Christmas decorations. Hmmm. The list failed me … or rather, I failed the list!

And then there’s the reliance factor. If my whole life is on a list … then my brain is numb and unused. I tend to have a paper brain. Not good because I tend to feel the one in my head is slowly turning to oatmeal. (Oh, reminder to self – put on grocery list: oatmeal.)

In any case, I like lists … they are helpful for the forgetful and mush-brained, they are satisfying in a weird OCD kind of way, and I think I’d be kind of lost without them. Which then brings me to think I should seriously consider psychological counseling for my reliance on them. But it would be something else I’d have to add to my list and I know I’d never scratch it off!

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Creature of habit …

Day 71

I slept on the “other side” of the bed last night and nearly did a perfect Greg Louganis dive as I fell out of it this morning.

I am a creature of habit and wasn’t expecting the edge of the bed on that side!

I have a king size bed “all to myself”. I use that term extremely loosely because “all by myself” includes 2 pugs, a nearly 100 pound lab and sometimes a very portly cat (who last week was mistaken for a pregnant female by a passer-by; Oscar is still disgruntled about that comment!) … so, yeah, all by myself does not mean ALONE.

In any case, I sleep on my side … my side … the side I, for some 27 years slept on because Tim was on the other side. When the day came when I had the whole bed to “myself” … I still slept on my side.

Creature of habit.

Until last night when instead of trying to push Moby aside … and we all know that a 100 pound dog when awake weighs about 347  pounds when sleeping … so THAT wasn’t about to happen. So, I crawled in on the other side.

You don’t realize how much a creature of habit you are until things are different.

Nothing felt right. The comforter was short (how is that even possible?), the room was smaller, the bed was lumpier, the pillows were flat … and so on. Princess and the pea … that’s me. Or just a ….

Creature of habit.

Since I started packing I’ve noticed how many things I do during the day that are habitual, second-nature. I wish I had a dollar for every time I looked at where the clock in my office used to be. I packed it a few weeks back. I know it is not up on the wall because I packed it myself! However, that doesn’t keep me from looking up at that damn spot every few hours to see what time it is … even though I am looking at my computer screen and the time is posted on it in two different places! Oh no, I’ll just look at the empty wall … again!

This habit thing is making me crazy!

I find myself going to answer the door and mushing my hair into some other undesirable “do” as I jog down the stairs and I glance in the mirror on the side of the door before my hand hits the doorknob. However, I packed that mirror a few weeks back, as well … and so now as I reach for the doorknob I look at the pine green sueded wall without the mirror and there is no reflection. I’m feeling like a vampire these days.

I packed the kitchen a week ago and have put all my everyday needs into one cabinet. Granted that cabinet was not home to anything that is now in it so I end up opening up 3 empty cabinets and/or drawers before I find the stashed goods.

Creature of habit.

In fact, I’m doing that same thing all over the house … opening now-empty cabinets and drawers in the bathroom. Going for extra TP in the now-empty hall closet. Going into the other bedroom to water plants that are no longer there. It’s crazy!

It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes, in my new place, for me to not notice that I am truly a creature of habit.


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Groundhog Day …

Day 70

Lately I have been Bill Murray. Well, not him but the character he plays in the movie Groundhog Day. If you’ve seen the movie you know what I’m referring to … each day is the same … day after day after day after DAY!

Or so my life seems since I started packing. I’m STILL packing. On box 462 now … even I don’t know how that is possible as I’m selling and giving and throwing away a TON! And if I’m a packrat … then I’m a very organized one because I really don’t know where all this stuff was in my house!

In any case, I get up and I pack … all day … and somewhere in there, if the mood strikes me (which is more than not) I grab a Starbucks and run an errand if I have to and then come home to more packing. I feed the animals and myself and I keep packing. Somewhere around 2am I fall into bed to repeat the process the next day … and the next … and the NEXT.

I know this Groundhog Day effect will wear off in a little more than 2 weeks because that is when I am actually moving and I will HAVE to be done! And then I’ll have Groundhog Day in reverse with UNpacking! But I’m not too worried about that happening as I have a PLAN of action … which is cleaning/painting and a slow unpacking process!

All this repetition has me wondering, thinking while driving (again), thinking while in the shower (again, also) … about people who do the same thing day in/day out for a zillion years until they retire or die. I don’t know how they do it! I need more variety. I always thought I’d do well at a conveyor belt job … but knowing me and my wandering mind I would be thinking about why we don’t have zebras and giraffes in our parks (along with the squirrels) instead of the task at hand. Or I’d be so good at it (yeah, right) that they’d speed up the conveyor belt and then I’d be a modern day version of Lucy and Ethel in the candy company … stuffing whatever I was packing into my shirt and under my hat and down  my pants just to keep up with production!

Come to think of it I probably wouldn’t last very long at a job like that … don’t think I have the discipline or mindset. I’m like the little kid on the baseball team in right field – waiting, waiting and waiting for that ball to come my way … and then, OH … a butterfly! And off I’d go watching that and then I’d be daydreaming about flying or caterpillars or what not while the batter hits one past me!

My grandfathers worked in the printing industry for nearly 100 years (total, not each!) … my dad worked at the same company for over 40 years. I am not cut from that cloth. I admire their dedication and wherewithall … I just don’t think I could do it. And yet … I probably could do it, but I choose not to do it. And in  thinking, maybe they did it more out of responsibility and not having an option than choice. I’m sure they had many of their own Groundhog Day moments.

And I’m off to have more of my own … more packing!

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Rain baby …

Day 69

I am a rain baby. I keep thinking I belong in the NW somewhere with moss growing on me … but then I come to my senses and think that might not be the best accessory for me.

And though I pretty much like everything else about rain … I’m not a huge fan of being wet all the time (as per the constant spitting of the NW).

So, what’s so great about rain?

The smell … so fresh and yummy! Rain is cleansing and refreshing and good! Few things can beat the smell of rain (except maybe freshly cut grass or bacon)!

The anticipation … you know when it’s going to rain. If you like rain, like me, you can smell it/feel it before it starts. If you’re lucky enough to have a vista you can see it coming … that is especially nice. The air feels heavier and you just know … (and if you have arthritis you have a pretty good built-in indicator of things to come)!

The taste … cold and wet and watery. If you’ve never caught raindrops on your tongue, the next time it rains – go do it!

The feel … for me it’s the feeling of summer. I don’t live where we get much rain (high plains of CO) and when we do get rain it is in the late spring or summer … otherwise we are getting snow. So, to me rain is warm and life-giving and quenching.

The sight … rain drops falling gently are better than gale force winds blowing sheets of the stuff sideways but in either case it’s kind of thrilling! (Again, I like rain and don’t get enough of it – so, it’s always exciting!)

The sound … who doesn’t like the sound of rain? It’s exciting and calming at the same time. Rain plopping down onto a tin roof … or a shake shingle … or a tent canvas … fabulous!

Thunderstorms … even better! (Though Moby spends most of her time then in the bathtub!) And then there are the hot summer rains that actually sizzle on the concrete when the drops hit the sidewalks! So very cool!

On my 16th birthday we had a torrential rain. I remember coming home from dinner and picking up all the large earthworms from our flooded sidewalk and flinging them onto the lawn – saving them all from a watery grave.

When I graduated from 8th grade I was in the choir and for (god knows what reason) we sang “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” by B. J. Thomas. I guess the dean of students wanted to have us sing something pertinent and popular at the time … but, seriously? I remember it being a toss up between that one and “Proud Mary”.  Too bad we sang the raindrops one … I think I would have preferred PM stuck in my head all this time instead!

When I was in elementary school my neighbor and I used to ride our bikes up and down the sidewalks in whatever rain storm was happening. It was gloriously fun! I suppose we didn’t have enough sense to come in when it was thundering and lightning and eventually some parent would drag our soggy butts home!

And when I was really little, before I went to kindergarten, I remember lying on our couch, toes touching the crack between the two seat cushions, watching Captain Kangaroo under a red umbrella (that had an elephant head handle!) and eating rye toast. It was probably raining and I was not allowed to go out, so I figure I thought I’d sit under an umbrella anyway. Weird little 4 year old that I was!

In any case, at the moment I couldn’t be happier because as said by Christopher Robin, “Tut-tut, it looks like rain.”

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Love affair …

Day 68

I am having a secret love affair. Unbeknownst to my closest friends or even my kids … I am madly, deeply in love with Russell.

Russell Stover, that is.

Seriously. I am so glad and so lucky Easter only comes around once a year or I’d have a terrible complexion and weigh about 200 pounds more than I do now.

And I mean that in all seriousness. This love affair runs deep.

I am, at the moment, eating the last square inch of a Russell Stover Dark Chocolate and Coconut Cream Easter bunny. I knew, when I plucked it off the half-priced shelf at the grocery store the other day (with its twin), that for 64 cents I was buying pure Heaven. I just didn’t realize just how big Heaven can be!

I have had the RS Dark Chocolate and Coconut Cream Easter eggs before but I think these bunnies are nearly twice the size … meaning, quite simply, double the sweet (teeth numbing) goodness!

And, oh boy, goodness doesn’t quite say it right! But the name of this particular candy does … Dark Chocolate (decadent dark chocolate with a hint of bitterness that lingers) and Coconut Cream (ooey, gooey, thick, sweet cream with a true coconut flavor and texture.) Oh my.

I didn’t used to be a dark chocolate fan. It kind of crept up on me over the years and now it is my chocolate variety of choice. I was strictly a milk chocolate gal for a long time … and then I discovered dark chocolate via a Mounds bar and I was a goner. (And just fyi – this candy concoction is 1000 times better than any Mounds bar!)

From the Mounds I graduated to dark chocolate non-pariels. Trader Joe’s has nice fat ones. World Market has paper thin ones … I haven’t decided which I like better. Think I’ll have to do more taste testing!

I have never been a fan of strawberries and chocolate or chocolate covered strawberries or cherries or Black Forest cake with the raspberries and chocolate.  However, put orange, lemon or blueberry with dark chocolate and I’ll follow you just about anywhere! Throw a nut or something crunchy like granola or crisped rice or something gooey, like caramel, in with the mix and I am practically delirious!

Russell Stover makes a double decker pecan and caramel patty – their version of a Turtle. OMG. And though not dark chocolate, just one of those just about sends me into a diabetic coma! But, I tell ya … I can’t think of a better way to go!

All I can say is … thanks, Russell. I love you!

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Thinking … again …

Day 67

I’ve had a lot of time lately to think. I’ve been packing (box 460 just got taped up!) … in the shower … driving … all places where my mind tends to wander. All good – except while driving, I guess!

In any case … time has been going by and I seem to be measuring it by how many rolls of tape I’ve used up and how many Starbucks drink containers are in my recycle bin.  And, every once in a while some brain cells spark a profound thought … which is, more than not, random and fleeting. And sometimes I remember them and wonder why I never thought of such and such before. Too busy? The cranial capacity has reached its limit? I just don’t care? I don’t know.

But this is what I do know …

Being nice matters. So does sharing a smile.

I’d rather get bitten by one dog than not pet the other hundred who will lick my hand.

I push too much and should listen to my body more. You get out what you put in.

Older people and younger people should be listened to with earnest; we have a lot to learn from both ends of the spectrum.

I don’t know as much as I think I do.

Having soup and crackers can be oh so much more satisfying than any fancy, expensive dinner.

Life is sometimes too short. And sometimes too long.

That making a difference is more important than making a name.

Taking a small step is the biggest step of all.

In all things there is a lesson.

We are in control of less than we think.

In thinking these things I think of Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblume’s character) in Jurassic Park and his explanation of chaos theory. How one slight differentiation – like a very slight breeze from a thousand miles away – can affect and change something and that effect alters the outcome of whatever.

Luck of the draw. Fate. Things happen in life that make me sometimes wonder if it is either of those. Or is it Divine Intervention? Or a universal pull? Or a Master Plan of all things?  Or maybe it’s just a slight breeze from 1000 miles away.

What makes one person an instant millionaire by being in line to get that winning lotto ticket at the right time … and what makes the person be under the highway bridge when it collapses?

Those things are the things that I ponder when I’m in the shower or packing or (sorry to say) driving. So many questions … so few answers.

Which leaves me to think of a quote that I found the other day by Bob Moawad, “You can’t make footprints in the sands of time if you’re sitting on your butt. And who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time?”

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More moving …

Day 66

Moving. It should be easier. Well, it could be easier if I didn’t have every piece of whatever has come into this house for the past 26 years still in it! Well, that’s not necessarily true … but it seems like it.

Egad … do I have the stuff!

Stuff, stuff and MORE STUFF! I’ve said it before … it should be illegal to live in one place for 26 years. This is ridiculous!

And I’m moving – not across the street, or across town – but across the country, well, half-way across the country. I think it would have been easier if I had moved to Indonesia … I would have purged more. Whatever.

I’m in the process of getting bids for the move. Who knew I had 20,000 pounds or MORE of goods? Eeek. I guess baby grand pianos and two-man saunas and armoires weigh more than I think. Hmm.

Anyway, I’ve gotten 3 bids so far. The owner of a fourth company came today … I liked her. I felt she was very genuine and her BBB ratings were excellent. I hope her quote comes in at a decent price as it would be nice to use someone I felt comfortable with. I’m usually a good judge of character and felt she was being honest with me.

Which is refreshing cuz that hasn’t always been the case when I’ve been contacting and talking with these moving companies. There are a lot of slimy people and companies out there! Beware!

Seriously, I’m an idiot. The other night, in some exhausted from packing fog, I unwittingly filled out some “send me info” form online and now everyone and their brother is calling me to offer me a bid. That was really stupid of me. S T U P I D!

I have people calling me from Tuscaloosa! Really? Why would someone think I’d use them? I’ve had people call who I couldn’t understand – if they want me to consider using them, maybe they should speak English. Or English that I can understand. Maybe.

I’ve had “A Man with a Van” call me … “Genie Movers” (cuz POOF – you are home) … and in the same vein, “Abracadabra Moving Company” (cuz POOF – it’s a magical move) … give me a break!

I’m waiting for “Joe Schmo the Moving Pro” or the guy at “What the F**k, I’ve Got a Truck” to call. I figure they’re bound to – sooner or later!

In the meantime, I’m researching – thank goodness for the internet and the BBB and online review sites. They are very helpful! And I continue packing … all my 20,000 pounds (or more) of stuff.

STUFF. I look around and wonder how the heck I accumulated so much STUFF … and yet, it is the fabric of our lives (like cotton!) … and it is what is us. I am not defined by my stuff … but I like it … so, I will take it with me to feather my next nest. It’ll bring comfort in an unfamiliar place and with those trappings I’ll make the unfamiliar mine.

Good luck to me and whomever I choose … we’ve got a big job ahead of us!

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Spring is here …

Day 65

Spring has arrived! Officially, by the calendar a few weeks ago, but also from my personal references of spring …

The flowering trees are in bloom and their fragrance has perfumed the air all around my house … and neighborhood. While taking a walk yesterday I was worried we’d hyperventilate from doing so much sniffing and deep intake breaths! It was glorious. The white trees are fat with blossoms this year and I want to just climb up in one and get lost for several hours. That would be nice! The pink crab out my front door is gorgeous and so fragrant and I’ve pruned a few branches and brought them inside so my kitchen is now equally as yummy smelling! Ahh!

Lilacs. They are one of my all time favorites … a very romantic flower; I had them in my bridal bouquet. Sam brought over a huge purple bouquet yesterday and somehow they are still alive in the vase on the kitchen counter (with the crab blossoms, my Easter lily and the lilacs my house smells like a floral shop!) … they are exquisite in perfect plumpness and heart shaped leaves. We usually do not see lilacs until around Mother’s Day so we are a good month to five weeks early with our spring blooming. Fine by me! I’ve waited long enough!

And with the warmer days I have open windows and  open windows bring the scents and sounds of the outdoors … inside. Being three houses from the elementary school, Spring brings to me the laughter and shouts and squeals from the playground during recess! I love it … all that childhood fun wafts in my open windows and it is pure joy!

And today is opening day at Coor’s Field … the Rockies play the Giants. I don’t really care who wins it’s just the fact that baseball is here and that means warmth and summer and hotdogs. (Even though I don’t eat hot dogs they always sound really good!) When the kids were little we went to a few games – each of us taking on the personality of one of the Blake Street Bombers at that time and whenever that player would do well, we’d congratulate each other on our fine playing abilities! It was really fun. I haven’t been to a game in a long time … since the night Tim and I huddled under the top right field awning in a torrential downpour! But rain or shine … baseball means spring and summer and with today’s opening day … so starts those seasons! Yahoo!

Around here Spring is usually a mixture of warm sunny days in the 70’s followed by, all too often, a giant snowstorm of great depths. March and April are our snowy months but so far … dry and clear and warm. I am NOT complaining! We are not out of the woods yet and for all of you who I’ve seen at the garden centers these past few weeks with your carts overflowing with annuals … I hope you are keeping them cozy in your house for the next month cuz it’s way too early to be planting them outside here in Denver!

On all accounts … I’m going to keep enjoying the sights and sounds and scents … Welcome Spring!


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Hippity hop …

Day 64

Here comes Peter Cottontail … hopping down the bunny trail … hippity hop it’s Easter on its way …

Eons ago I sang that song to my Pug, Molly … substituting Peter Cottontail for Molly – Little Pig Tail. Somehow it worked and the dog loved it (or so I think) and I sing it now to Gertie and substitute her name in instead of Peter or Molly. And she loves it (or so I think). In any case a pig tail is very like a pug tail and those pug tails wiggled furiously when being sung to.

When I was little the EB (Easter Bunny) would come and early on those long ago Easter mornings we’d find our hidden baskets of goodies filled with whatever candy my dad (and us kids) hadn’t already eaten from the stash “hidden” on the floor of my parent’s closet.  We let my dad take all the blame for the dwindling stash cuz we certainly weren’t going to admit knowing about the “secret place”! (Sorry Dad!)

We had jelly beans and the prominent chocolate bunny who would somehow disappear sooner than you thought possible (DAD!) … and malted milk ball “eggs” (the good, big speckled ones from Brach’s) and then there were the peeps. Not the actual PEEPS (marshmallow bunnies and chicks) but those little fuzzy chickens and pom pom bunnies. Some held umbrellas and some just stood there and some were glued all together into tiny little baskets. Each year the three of us kids would hoard our wares and then line up our Easter animals and they’d have their own little non-moving Easter parade.

Oh those were the days!

And then there was the year when our dachshund Marvin (whose real name was Ginger – but we kids changed it cuz she looked more like a Marvin than a Ginger even though she was a female) … found the “hidden” stash and helped herself to something like 2 pounds of jelly beans. Or more. (I should ask my folks for clarification.) Well, what goes in must come out … eventually. When we found her she was lying on her side in her dog bed with a lumpy stomach … you could actually see the outlines of jelly beans against her extended stomach skin! She eventually threw up those 2 pounds of jelly beans – all along the baseboard of the kitchen wall. It must have impressed me immensely for me to still remember that – but when she threw them up – all the color had come off and what was left against the wall looked like millions of clear fish eggs. Super gross. Maybe that’s why I’m not such a jelly bean fan anymore?!

Our other dog was found “guarding” a chocolate rabbit – still in its wrapper. But she was cuddling with it and the heat from her body had melted the chocolate and my dad pulled from her side a cellophane encased chocolate blob. Ha.

Fun times! Off to feed my own dogs – but not jelly beans. And as I hippity hop my way down to the kitchen … Gertie will enjoy my singing as I go.


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Garage sale …

Day 63

IHGS. I hate garage sales. Let me rephrase that … I love going to them but hate having them.  Immensely.

Years ago when Tim liquidated his company we had a variety of things from the shop that ended up in our garage. Time for a garage sale!

So, I lugged things onto the driveway and priced all the goods at what I considered to be an astronomical discount and people still haggled with me.

I guess I just don’t GET it … but I find it insulting when I have a good shovel priced at $5 and someone walks up and offers me $2. Really? You don’t want to buy a sturdy shovel for $5 bucks?  You have to offer me a pittance instead? I want to tell them to go to Home Depot!

That happened at that garage sale (so long ago but it still irks me!) … we had 3 new, large fire extinguishers from the print shop. Never used. Brand new. I had them each priced at $15. I figured if someone wanted that item they’d pay three times that at the store – so $15 sounded reasonable and a bargain at that! Late in the day some little man came by and offered me $1 for all 3 of the extinguishers.

Looking back I hope I was semi-polite in my decline but inside I remember wanting to tell him to get off my property!

Anyway … I’ve had a few garage sales since and each time (EACH TIME) I say, “This is my last garage sale … EVER! I hate these things!”

And, today, I tortured myself once again and had a garage sale. Will I never learn?! And, boy, was it FUN! Yeah … kind of like the root canal I had done or the C-section I had without anesthetic (yeah, THAT was fun) … egad.

And besides all the fun of lugging everything out onto the driveway, I made a whopping $33. THIRTY-THREE DOLLARS. Given the horrendous cost of this move that $33, if broken down by cost per mile, will get the moving van about 2 miles away, at best. Lovely.

However … I made several people very happy!

Some guy, from Steele Street, came by and got the bale of chicken wire (god knows why we had a bale of chicken wire up in the attic all these years!) … and the old hamster cage (how long has it been since we had a domesticated rodent in the house?) … all for his son’s chickens! He also took the “Do Not Park – Fire Lane” sign that was one of my children’s ill-gotten goods!

At the same time, a couple … also from Steele Street, came by walking their dog and the woman said she’d like my pond for her turtles … so, the other guy from their block dropped it off for her. Nice and neighborly!

Meanwhile, another guy – again another resident of Steele Street, rode up on his bike and both Sam and I thought he was someone we knew so we started chatting him up and then realized that neither of us knew him. In any case, I think he thought we were super friendly and he bought a few things and then I gave him the belt sander that has been sitting unused for at least a decade. He left happy, if not confused by the super friendly greeting.

Not too long after that, as I was calling it a day … a guy drove up in his big truck telling me he lived on … (yes, you guessed it) … Steele Street … and took all my garden pots and tools and the frog statue that has been under my plum tree for 26 years. He said his mother would love it for her garden. I was glad the frogs found a new home.

At that time, a friend of mine came by and took Ted’s desk for her daughter. And guess what? She lives a mile south and I just looked up her address and … egad … she’s on Steele Street.

So … even though I didn’t make any money … I got rid of quite a bit of “junk” (one person’s junk is another’s treasure), met some very nice neighbors and made several people quite happy.

And … if Steele Street has a garage sale anytime soon … I’m not going to it cuz it’s probably all MY stuff!

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Feeding animals on a regular basis …

Day 62

I’m busy. To put it mildly. However, I’m not as busy as some people I know. I’m feeling more scattered, frantic-busy than productive and having a lot of things going on busy … if that makes any sense.

Lately I’m too busy to notice the time (and for some reason this year’s time change has me all whacked out!) and I’ve forgotten to feed the animals – again.

I’m late with dinner and the dogs are (ahem) hounding me. It doesn’t matter if they ate breakfast just before noon … if at 6:00 p.m. and dinner is not served they are ready to chew my leg off if given the opportunity.  Well, at least one of them. Mobes is sound asleep next to me having given up the begging, Dori is in the dog bed under my desk licking her leg, Gert is up on her perch overlooking the front yard. Yosh, my old lady, is the one I can hear howling … her version of the dinner bell.

Funny, how they want to eat on a regular basis.

Years ago – which now seems like eons ago or from another lifetime or a recollection from some movie I once viewed … I was in Chicago with the kids for a summertime visit at my folks’ home.

Tim called and sometime during our conversation he mentioned that the cats just would not leave him alone. They were mewing and following him around and sitting next to him staring him down and giving him the “eyeball treatment” … (if you have a cat you know what I mean).  He didn’t know what was going on and I finally asked him what he was feeding them … and there was absolute SILENCE on the other end of the line.

And then a quasi question-statement from him about “them having to be fed on a regular basis.” Gee, ya think, hon?! Who knew?

Good thing I had the kids with me! We all had a good laugh and years later we still laugh over that the pets (and children) have to be fed on a regular basis. Sigh. Poor Tim … he was so clueless at times (part of his endearing nature).

Feeding animals … I had this conversation with my little neighbors the other day. I was invited to dinner and we were eating green beans and I mentioned that the dogs had warmed up frozen green beans as part of their breakfast that day. I had leftovers from the night before and I mixed them in with their regular dog food. Gertie loves veggies. She sucked those beans down like noodles!

Gert is also my tomato thief. The last few years I had to put a little fence around my tomato plants … not to keep out deer … but to keep out the veggie-eating Pug! She would eat the tomatoes off the plants whenever possible. If she could reach them – she’d eat them! Same thing with peppers. She is definitely a veggie-hound!

I recently started giving the cats baby food.  Per my little neighbor (who went to cat camp over break) turkey and gravy is really yummy and good for cats. So, Oscar and Henry have been getting some of that lately … and they do like it. Henry has always been a gravy fan.

Before they start gnawing on me I’m off to make dinner for the animals … after all, they do have to eat on a regular basis.

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Laughter …

Day 61

Marmoset there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my marmoset (marmoset, marmoset) …

Yesterday, via snail mail, I received a card with a marmoset and those words on it.

I laughed so hard I snorted.

Corny, yes … and I loved it.

The card came from a friend of mine who was a client first and friend later.  Our lives have been intertwined for so many years I’ve lost count … in and out … we touch base and catch up and we laugh. She was one of the first to come to our home after hearing of Tim’s cancer. She brought a basket of muffins. It might as well have been gold for Tim and I were so deeply touched by her thoughtfulness and kindness. And in her brief visit, talking about something as awful as cancer … we still laughed. I think she makes me laugh far more than I ever could make her do so. And for that I am grateful.

Laughter is good. In a nice, yet kind of embarrassing way, I have been told (by several people) that they know if I’m at a gathering because they can hear me laughing. I guess that’s good to be known for your laugh. Better than some other things!

I have good friends. When I think I’ll be leaving this area within a month my friends come foremost to my mind (after Sam that is).  They have been with me along this adult journey, some for more than 25 years. And the one thing I do with all of them is laugh.

We laugh a LOT.

Ladies – you know who you are (and I will miss you terribly).

There’s my old Mary Kay group. Some of us still are pedaling lipsticks, some not; some are still buying them, some are not. But we all laugh. We’ve seen each other through deaths and divorces. And we still laugh.

There are the ladies of the ‘hood … the group that gathers for birthdays and celebrations and support. Who will I have Whine and Wine with after I move?  Through it all … the illnesses and blessings, the trials and triumphs of children and husbands, the happy and sad times, the weight gains and losses  … through it all we supported … and laughed.

There is my dinner on the patio group … whether at my house or someone else’s or at the restaurant down the street those nights have always included good conversation, therapy and yes … laughter.

There is my former neighbor … who despite our age difference of twenty-one years whenever we are together we giggle like we are 5th grade girls.

There are my best buds … the ones I could call at 4am if I needed anything. The ones I call on when I need a lift. The ones I rely on to tell me the truth and love me no matter what. The ones who through it all – make me laugh.

There are you – those who I have collected along the way from some business or school affiliation or happenstance at the grocery store. Or we met through a neighbor or something. Somewhere we struck up a conversation and a friendship blossomed.

I am fortunate to have friends here who love and support me and who wish me the best … even if that means leaving them here while I go forward to another place. I have friends all over the country who I have not seen, some for decades, but we keep touch and keep track and the distance and time melts and we are good … and through all the years … we’ve laughed.

In five years I know we all may be in different places … some retired, some homes elsewhere, some here, some moved to another city in this state or another, some (perhaps) not here at all. Nothing remains the same – yet the common thread that will always bind us is the laughter we shared all these years and the promise of more in the future.

Laughter is the confetti or glitter of life … you sprinkle out a little and it goes everywhere. What a wonderful thing.

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Child of the Fifties …

Day 60

I am a child of the fifties. Actually, I was born late into that decade so I really consider myself more a child of the sixties – because that is the time I remember from being a kid.

My siblings and friends of that era were blissfully innocent and trusting and respectful of adults and property. We obeyed the rules or suffered consequences. We shared rooms. We played outside. We had keys to tighten our skates. We had chores (it seemed I was always folding laundry). We had parties – at home!

It was a great time to grow up. If you are a fifties/sixties kid you know exactly what I mean. Dinner was at 5:00 … which seems just after I eat lunch these days! After dinner the evenings loomed large and long. If it was nice out we’d play until dusk – kickball, 500, roller skating, on the swings, riding bikes, freeze tag, spud or red rover. We weren’t a kick the can street … spud or red rover were our games of choice and all the kids from the block joined in.

The front steps (never used) made a perfect Barbie apartment … we’d set up our stuff and she had 4 levels and a rooftop garden – complete with branches pulled off the nearby berry bushes. One time Ken and Barbie had an argument and I accidentally threw him up into the air and he never came down! He got stuck on the roof! I don’t remember how we got him down!

We also played Sheep, Sheep … Come home! I don’t know who made that silly game up but it involved trying not to get eaten by the wolf … sort of a Mother May I version that entailed a lot of running and squealing!

We roller skated our hearts out. We decorated our bikes and wagons for 4th of July and our block parade and float contest. We had wonderful neighbors and we had great fun. And there were a LOT of kids.

I remember hundreds (and I am not exaggerating) of pot lucks in our backyard or basement. My parents were always entertaining friends or family and it was always fun to see the grown-ups dressed up.

I remember, on summer mornings, waking up really early and getting cereal and eating it out on the back brick patio … the dew still fresh on the grass. My brother liked to find critters at the prairie and sometimes I’d go with him and catch tadpoles or chase butterflies.

On Saturday mornings we’d watch cartoons … usually the old Hanna-Barbera ones and we were such idiots … we’d “smoke” stick pretzels using small broken pieces as matches. Smoking was glamourous back then. Neither of my parents ever smoked but a lot of their friends did. I saw a woman the other day with a cigarette holder and I was instantly back at one of my parent’s parties!

If it was Sunday night we made pizza. We’d set up the kelly green card table in the living room and make Chef Boyardee pizza out of the box. It was FANTASTIC! Of course, we’d never had any other kind of pizza! But we’d watch Lassie and the Ed Sullivan Show (I had a one-sided love affair going on with Topo Gigio the mouse). And while the rest of us watched those great shows – my sister would wheel out her giant round mirror and roll her hair on orange juice cans so she’d look good at school the next day. I don’t think she must have had a decent night’s sleep in 6 years!

In any case – life was carefree. We’d leave in the morning on our bikes and play with friends all day – coming home to grab lunch or a swimsuit and then we’d be home again for dinner. No cell phones, no worries … it was GREAT!


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The Rose Cottage …

Day 59

As of 10pm (mst) last night the contract was signed by the Seller of the property that I am hoping becomes mine.

I have not seen this place. And yet I am hoping the sale goes through … and I will purchase it pretty much sight unseen.

Well, I have seen it – in pictures but not in person. I have gotten opinions and some architectural descriptions from my parents, good friend and realtors. And yet – I still can’t figure out what this place looks like (not really) and I will not until the final walk-through before closing a month from now.

Scary? Not as much as one might think. I’m more relieved than anything. I’ve been packing my life away (literally) without knowing where I was going to land after I was out of this house. It was weighing so heavily on me. And now I know!

All along I had this picture of a white cottage-like shuttered lake house in my mind (no, there is no lake but it looks like there could be!) … and when looking online for homes for sale … it appeared. Just for me. It’s been on the market for 8 months … and no nibbles. I think it was waiting for me.

I am a firm believer that things will work out how they are supposed to. The journey may not always be a fun one … or an easy one … but it is how the universal plan is meant to be and what will be, will be. Thanks Doris … que sera, sera! (Forgive my omission of the accent marks I can never figure out how to make them on this pc!)

I will be less than 1.5 miles from my parents … Trader Joe’s … Starbucks … the quaint downtown area of Park Ridge … and a large park. My legs and Moby are going to be so happy!

The new house is on Rose Avenue … it doesn’t have much of a garden … but it will. I have already envisioned the lilac bushes and hydrangeas … the violet patch and the lily of the valley along the shaded north side and the sweet peas, hollyhocks and climbing roses that will cover the fencing. It’ll be my own little English garden.

I’d like to make it look like the Rose Cottage in the movie The Holiday. If I can’t have that house … I’d like mine to look like it but that would include a stone facade and sheep grazing in a pasture in the rolling countryside of Surrey. So, guess it won’t look anything like the one in the movie … except for the plaque I intend to put on the door … The Rose Cottage.

I’m a visual person. The home inside has white walls now … but by this time next year it’ll have a black and white toile bedroom and the walls will be the color of melted coffee ice cream. I’ll bring my olive, peach, teal, black and cranberry back in as accent colors. It’ll be alive and happy and beautiful … and MINE.

I’ll settle down and settle in and expand all at the same time. And I will start to breathe again. Breathing different air … it’s been a long time and I have needed this change so badly. I’m looking forward to a new chapter. One that centers around joy and going forward with life and not grief and sorrow and memories every time I turn around.

Of course, I will be back here often … Sam is here … my “grand-dogs” are here … my good friends are here. So, I’ll be back. Try to keep me away!

But for now, here I am, 1010 miles (1626 km) from my new home. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well until The Rose Cottage is actually, really, truly … mine.

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27 years …

Day 58

Twenty seven years … 324 months … 1408 weeks … 9862 days … 236,688 hours …14,201,280 minutes …

The age of my son as of today. Happy birthday mister!

It’s also 302 days longer than I knew my husband.

Twenty seven years … a lifetime … in so many respects.

We moved into this house when Ted was 14 months old. I do not know where the time has gone – but I do have the artifacts that chronicle those years … all in the garage, attic and basement … which I am trying to pack (yes, I’m STILL packing) … and having trouble purging and putting things into the goodwill bags.

Twenty seven years. It’s a long time … and yet … it has gone by so fast. There are words to a song by Juice Newton … something about the days going so slow and the years going so fast … that sometimes is so true. Some days seem to go on for hours longer than others … and then all of a sudden I’m serving Thanksgiving and it was just July.

I was 3 days into my 22nd year when I arrived in Denver – oh those many moons ago! I grew up here. I came out to visit my sister for the summer … the oil and gas company she worked for needed a receptionist and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life after college graduation – so, I came out here.

That first day I met Tim. And, well, the rest is history.

He was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen … his ruddy Irish complextion and his rugged good-looks with that shag of deep brown-black hair and twinkling brown eyes. I was lost.

I had been dating a guy on/off for eight years and within two weeks of being with Tim I knew that he was “the one”. I knew we would marry and I would be with him the rest of my life.

Funny how life has other plans sometimes. But for the 9560 days we were together … it was pretty darn wonderful. Yeah, we had our ups and downs and we fought like cats and dogs sometimes and disagreed on quite a few things and always flunked those compatibility tests and games … but, in the end, we were the ones still together … without a divorce or affairs or ugliness between us.

It’s been 2077 days since we lost him … sometimes the days go so slow and the years so fast … and sometimes they just all blur together and nothing seems to move and yet everything has changed.

And all those years ago … after we were married and after we got our first house … we had Ted … and our lives changed again. I laugh, now, thinking how enamored Tim was of the size of Ted’s toes when he was a baby. We had so many pictures of toes! Tim called them “baby pea toes” … looking at the bottom of Ted’s feet the perfect balls of his toes looked like little peas … (but not green). I did turn Ted orange once, though, too many sweet potatoes! What can I say … the kid liked his veggies!

Happy 9862nd day, Mr. Ruxpin!

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April Fool’s …

Day 57

April Fool’s! I get my penchant for corniness from my dad … the one with a gazillion stories, riddles, mind puzzles and corny jokes. The cornier the better.

However, the prankster in me comes from ??? … I think perhaps my maternal grandfather … my mom’s dad … Grandpa T. He was a Barney Fife type of guy in looks and growing up I adored him. He had a quiet love of humor about him. When little I’d stay with he and my  grandma on overnights … LOVED those overnights even though he made me eat waxed beans. He’d come home from work and open the front hall closet and put his hat away (he always wore a fedora style hat). However, it was the way he put it away that was a constant whenever I was over … because he’d hand it to the Closet Monster who lived there, carry on a short conversation and thank the CM for taking care of his hat! So, you know that whenever I had to pass that closet I would get as far on the other side of that 30″ hallway as possible!

Pranking me … and it wasn’t even April Fool’s Day! I loved it!

When I was in high school my friends and I would do stupid stuff to each other … those chums of yore that would not judge my lunch of a hot dog every day during freshman year (every day!) or a Hostess Hoho and a carton of milk every day as a sophmore … those that shared inside jokes and teenage angst … all now scattered to the wind like the seeds of a dandelion puff. Wish I could pull some stupid prank on Bob or Guiermo Bill … I know they’d appreciate my efforts and lunacy.

When my kids were growing up I’d, without fail, pull out the FAKE BOLOGNA slice and put it in someone’s sandwich. It was from some kitchen playset we had and it was a perfect plastic replica of good ol’ Oscar Meyer. I never heard more than, “Thanks for the BOLONEY, mom!” when we’d discuss the day over dinner … I’m sure they groaned every year at my idiocy and persistence (and repetition!).

Over the years I’d wake them up and tell them there was a raccoon on the roof by their window, or a purple moon expected at night or some other non-harmful goofiness which always ended in an “April Fool’s!”.

This year I did NOTHING. I am so disappointed in myself! No saran wrap over the toilet seat (I’m the only one using it and it kind of defeats the purpose) … no salt in the sugar bowl … no shaving cream in the palm of someone’s hand (we used to do that at sleep overs – great fun!). How boring!

So, I bid adieu to this April Fool’s with only thinking that the joke’s on me this time … packing and packing and packing … I didn’t take time out for some fun. And there should ALWAYS be time for fun!

I’ve got about 3 hours left of the day … wonder who I can still get?!

April Fool’s!!!!


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Out like a lamb …

Day 56

It’s Saturday, March 31, 2012 … the last day of March and it’s currently 70 degrees outside. This is wild!

When I was little I paid special attention to the old adage about March … in like a lion, out like a lamb. Or vice versa. And I have no idea if that was true or not during those childhood years (I had better things to think about on March 31st those days … like pranks for the next day!) … and I have no idea if that has been true these past years or even this year as I can’t remember what our temperature was on March 1st and I’m (currently) too lazy to look it up! And, quite honestly, I don’t really care. All I care about is that today it’s going to be nearly 84 degrees! WOW!

Out like a lamb, indeed! A lamb with sunburn.

But all I can say is … bring it on! Wooo! I am so sick of winter! And it wasn’t a bad one … or a snowy one … or repulsive in any way … and yet it seemed interminable. The older I get I just really want milder winters and green! (Yeah – that’s why I’m moving to CHICAGO!)

I suppose by the time I’m 80 I’ll be basking in the warmth at some southern sun-drenched retirement village looking like a wrinkled old alligator and not worrying about snow or cold. Sounds good to me!

March is typically our snowiest month here on the front range with average snowfalls of 11.7″. April comes in third snowiest with 9.1″ on average. No wonder I’m not such a fan of springtime here and why I’ve wanted to move for a long time. I like spring but CO doesn’t really get a good one. Some years are beautiful and long … but most of the time they are snowy with a few teaser days (like today) thrown in for good measure thanks to Mom Nature and some high pressure systems. And it’s not like we get rain, either. It’s snow or pretty much nothing!

I have a big, beautiful crab apple tree out front. Some years the blossoms are so fat and fragrant I want to just pluck them from their low branches and eat them … like in the book The Boy Who Ate Flowers. Yum! Those are the years … if the winds don’t blow the flowers from the trees within 24-48 hours (which also is normal) of their budding time and we don’t get snow and things don’t refreeze  … I get crab apples.

I don’t know how old that tree is … at least 15 years and in all that time I think I’ve had 3 years of crab apples on it! Last year was a bumper crop and I enjoyed sitting out on the front porch last fall watching the squirrels scamper around in that tree eating the apples and doing their natural pruning of the branches.

This weekend we are to have record breaking temps … and so March will go by peacefully and gently with no roaring snow lions in sight. It’s supposed to be 68 degrees up on the ski slopes. Sam is boarding this weekend … in the sun and slush. Such fun!

Yeah … good-bye March and wear your sunscreen Lamby!


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Going crazy …

Day 55

This morning I wrenched from my dog’s mouth a beanie baby. A little red bull that she was happily carrying around the house. It wasn’t until after I used the Jaws of Life to get the thing separated from her that I realized it was NOT a beanie baby … but her dog toy.

Ugh. I think I’m losing it.

Losing it … going nuts … packing my bag to go off to the funny farm. I’m going over the edge, bananas, beserk, bonkers, haywire and off my rocker. I’m loco, loony, cuckoo, daffy, and batty. I’m bugged out, freaked out, cracked up, whacko and a mental case.

Plain and simple, I’m going crazy!

Stress, too much stuff to do, not enough good sleep, not eating right, no fun, no activity (except packing boxes) … all contribute to my current mental state. I keep saying my next book will be “Searching for Utopia … While Living in the State of Confusion”.

One is always advised to write about what they know … and, sadly, I know this well!

I have a business to run. I have a product (yet) to make and design and put into my computer … transfer it from my personal computer (brain) to my laptop. It takes hours and hours to do this. And what am I spending my time on?


Packing, packing and more packing. I’m on Box 317. Oh dear god. It should be illegal to live in a house for 26 years. I knew SOMEDAY that this would be my reality … packing up our lifetime of things and memories and trinkets and treasures (and a few oddities – like the Godzilla drink holder … that I just packed because I LOVE it!) … but I am embarrassed by the amount of STUFF I have in this house.

All of it – the excess, the gluttony, the over abundance, the sheer volume of things I need to go through is overwhelming and is … making me crazy!

And, though I say that, I don’t think I’m a clear candidate for the loony bin … just yet. Come mid May I might be a few steps closer but right now, even though I think I’m losing it, I know I’m not … not really … it just feels like it.

I think I’d like to go on a field trip to a padded cell … just to blow off some steam! Scream a little, run into a wall … sounds like a new therapy center. I might just open one up in the Chicago area when  I get there … if I make a zillion dollars it’ll pay for the taxes on my new place for the first year!

In the meantime, I’m packing and stealing dog toys from my poor, confused animals!

It’ll all get done … and two months from now things will have all settled down and will be fine and dandy and all the anxiety I feel now will be just a distant memory and I’ll be able to laugh about it.

But for now, I’ve got to go and get busy. More packing to do and I have to find my marbles … seems I have lost them!

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Pantries …

Day 54

I have a thing for pantries. I do. I think it must stem from my childhood and staying with my mom’s parents for overnights and such. They had a walk-in pantry and it was fabulous.

Now, to anyone else it was probably a larged size closet full of household items and canned goods but to me it was Paradise. And it had a certain smell … that from time to time I still get a whiff of and am instantly transported back to the apartment on Nashville … a combination of spice and age and Cracker Jacks.

My parents have a very small wall pantry. I have two – one built into the wall which is so shallow that  a large can of chili beans can barely fit on … and a two door space which used to house the washer and dryer in the days before we added on the laundry room.

None of these pantries bring chills to my spine like the one in my grandparent’s apartment.

My big pantry is cleaned out every six months or so … or sooner if I see signs that the cats have not been up on their mousing duties! (Living by the park brings such visitors!) However, it amazes me at what I find in that pantry upon each cleaning. Similar to my cleaning of my parent’s cabinets when I go back home to visit. I’m sure they have a secret stash of salad dressings in some vault in the basement all dated to expire in May of 2003. Every time I go back there is another bottle in the fridge with such an expiration date on it. I threw them all out before? How does this keep happening?!

Well, I’m not sure … but it’s happening in my pantry, as well.

Last night I cleaned out the big pantry. I was on a mission. I purged. I scoffed at the contents. I was ruthless. It was great.

Besides pantries I have a penchant for specialty foods. The problem is I’m more a collector of them than a user of them. Last night I found fancy chocolate covered marshmallows on skewers (to dip into hot chocolate) in an unopened package. Circa 2006. Really? How the heck have I not noticed them for the past 6 years? Egad.

And maybe it’s just because I am alone. It was hard for me to go from buying groceries for a family of four (and my son’s friends who would come and raid the pantry every time they were over … and we were the “hub house” so that was pretty often!) … to just buying for myself. It still is. A large can of soup can last me days. I usually end up giving it to the dogs! So no wonder things keep accumulating in the pantry!

In any case … I don’t even think the property I’m looking at even has a pantry … which might be why the universe is not giving me signals to buy it yet! In the meantime, I need to get back to packing up and purging the rest of what’s in mine … I’m sure there’s an ancient box of  Lucky Charms at the back somewhere!


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Day 53

There is a forest fire burning in the mountains. And I use the term forest rather loosely as it is and has affected thousands of families in residence in that area (as there are homes and it’s just not forest land). The smoke and ash was heavy and thick across the southern Denver metro area that first day. I love the smell of campfires … but knowing that this time that smell was due to burning homes – um, not so much.

As I write there is still 0% containment with 28 homes burned over 4500 acres (roughly 7 square miles) and 2 fatalities.

I walked down to my neighbor’s yesterday and when she answered the door I knew something was wrong. She told me the couple killed in the fire were the parents of her friend here in town.

How does a family deal with that? That is one call you would never expect … however, living in a region such as ours and if you have a home in the foothills or mountains you have to know that the risk of fire, especially during very dry years, is a good possibility.

But still …

It seems, with our changing climate (warmer, drier) these past few years, our risks for all things pertaining to Mother Nature are greater.

Every year we have a fire or two or five here in the mountains. We had a dry winter and so, it is rumored, that this “fire season” will be especially devastating.  Unfortunately, it already is for some.

A few years ago I made a list of all things I would take in case of an evacuation. If I had time … not everyone does. Some people can grab the cat and get in the car and go – some are not even that fortunate. But some are given fair notice … like the evacuees in these areas right now. Friends and strangers gather to help load trucks with personal belongings – treasures of lifetimes – and carry the cargo to safer ground.

Along with the family valuables are the animals. Our shelters are filling up with everything from hedgehogs to llamas. I applaud those who are so generous with their time and effort and care.

In any case, while going through my house I made an inventoried list of what to take, what was what, what wall a photo was on, where the file was, etcetera.  If I had time … to gather those things that I held near and dear.

And after I compiled the list I looked at it and went through it again and if I remember now I put a star next to maybe 5 items that really, given time, I’d grab. Of all my possessions it came down to 5 things. (And it now makes me wonder why I’m packing up 400 boxes to move somewhere?!) Some items were the usual ones people would take … the external hard drive from my computer, my laptop, jewlery, some photos. And then there were those irreplaceable items that have special meaning only to me … the dinosaur statue that was made in some elementary clay class by one of the kids … my grandmother’s tea cup that I have never used but have lovingly dusted for 25 years, the stuffed animal otter that was one of a handful of things my husband brought with him from his youth.

Of course you want your family and pets to be safe – so they are the first to be taken to safety. The living get first dibs on that. And when you think about it … the rest of your possessions are just STUFF. You can always replace stuff. Yes – it would be nice to have certain things … but when it comes down to it … what is really that important? What would you take?


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Perspective …

Day 52

Just when I was considering slicing a rotting cucumber to place on my puffy, swollen cried-out eyeballs … (stress from all that revolves around moving) and thinking about donning a party hat for my little pitty party I was having, I received a call that put my day into …


I almost didn’t answer the phone as I did not recognize the number on my caller ID (and thank god for caller ID – I have screened many-a-call with that fine little gadget!). In any case – I stood in my office contemplating answering the phone (because I was on my way out the door) and thought, finally, on the third ring – why not? It might be a business order (fat chance these days!) … but no, it was a friend from a lifetime ago calling to catch up.

And we did.

I filled him in, briefly, on what was going on with the move. He had received the email update I had sent to friends a while back and he wanted to see how things were going. It was nice. But I was feeling antsy (as I was trying to get out the door) and was not my chatty, usual self.  But I asked him how the kids were and he said the older two were good and fine … the grandkids were good and fine … and his 18 year old was caught (by he and his wife) doing crystal meth.


All my worries and stress revolving around moving and packing up what I have left to do (which is a LOT) and making my business product (which I have yet to start that is usually online by this weekend under normal circumstances and years) and selling this house (and getting all the issues ironed out before closing in three weeks) and finding a house (which is harder done than said … or easier said than done, surprisingly in this market) and physically moving across country with six animals … and thinking about WHAT IF I can’t find something by the end of the week (with evacuation date of early May looming and smacking me almost in the face) … went out the window.


None of that mattered. My heart broke for my friend and leaving the house seemed such a trivial matter – at that moment and the whole move itself.

My kids are healthy and good and fine with great futures ahead of each of them. I am healthy and good and fine with a great (although uncertain at the moment) future ahead of me. But aren’t futures uncertain anyway?


I thought – okay … so what if this house offer is not considered (I’m on offer #3 for the same house. The woman is not even considering it. I don’t think she wants to sell.) … on to Plan B … or Plan C … or whatever. It’ll be okay. I like camping.

In any case – it’s just moving. It’s just packing. It’s just STUFF. I’m not going off to war. I’m not going off to chemo treatments. I’m not going off to see my kid/s in prison or the hospital or on some tarmac with an American flag draped over their coffin. And I certainly am not watching them crumble under crystal meth.



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Dog sitting …

Day 51

I am dog sitting. Sitting, sometimes literally, with dogs. Actually sitting with dogs on me. Meaning, really literally, ON me … as in lap dog.

The only problem is that the lap dog that is on me is 182 pounds.

Yes, meet Brutus. Big boy Brutus … Bongo Brutus … King of the Kouch (okay, I’m getting carried away) … Brutus.

Also known as Slobberpuss.

Sam has two dogs (small ponies) … Brutus and Carli. Total dog weight, on a thin day, is roughly 314 pounds of canine muscle. And slobber. Not quite sure which outweighs the other … maybe it’s even.

Brutus is a Great Dane/St. Bernard mix … he looks like a very, very large beagle with an extremely sweet face. I have dogs that have faces only a mother would love. Brutus has a face everyone would love. He is all dog and power and sweetness bundled together. But that’s not to say if provoked he wouldn’t bite your head off.

Tonight, when he was sitting on my lap, on the couch, I was petting his velvet barrel-chest telling him what a fine animal he was … and I know he knew what I was saying – I could tell by the way he was looking at me or maybe he was trying to tell me to feed him dinner? I was looking at his teeth and was amazed that they weren’t bigger. I mean, for a dog that size, he should have really giant teeth (one would think).

And so, if provoked maybe he wouldn’t eat your head off but he’d certainly do a bunch of damage. And he’d not even have to use his teeth – all he’d have to do was turn around and whip you a few times with his branch-like tail! Yeow!

Carli is the other dog in residence. She is a true black and white (Harlequin) Great Dane with baby blue eyes and at merely 132 pounds, she is the petite one of the family.

And the attack dog. Well, maybe not for people but for squirrels, small dogs, books, magazines, CD cases and whatever stuffed animal babies might be lying around and within reach (or not quite within reach but within a stretch)!

And for being so big (and yes – they really, really are big) you’d think they’d need a lot of exercise and attention and oddly they are known as apartment dogs! They are fully content to curl up tightly and sleep on the couch (if allowed … or well, even if not allowed) or lounge on their beds – gently sucking the eyeballs off of stuffed animals all day long.

Which is a good thing because trying to walk 132-182 pounds of dog can be hazardous … ask Sam. She took BOTH of them out a few weeks ago and has the scabs and wounded pride to prove just how difficult it is to walk them both at the same time!

As for me – no walking of big dogs, thank you. I’ll just dogsit and talk to them and feed them and toss their babies around … and enjoy every minute of big dog loving. Of course, that also means I’ll be sat on, shed upon and sufficiently slimed … but that’s okay, with six animals of my own – it’s not like I’m not used to it!

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Fifty is nifty …

Day 50

When I turned 50 (many moons ago) my lovely friends drew a 3-sectioned poster of me in a convertible and put it in my yard. The girl on the poster was cuter (and younger) than I’ve ever been. But it was great! I don’t remember now what the slogan was  – something like, “Wish Happy Birthday to Les as she drives off in the sunset of old age.” or something along those lines.

I remember my dad saying, “Fifty is nifty.” Of course, at the time he was 80 … so, I imagine fifty sounded really nifty to him.

It sounded OLD to me. I felt old and alone.

Tim died the summer before that eventful birthday and when that day came around my friends were there to help me celebrate in grand style. They were so wonderful. We gathered at a friend’s backyard, as usual with the girls on each other’s birthdays, for drinks and munchables.

At some point during the festivities a super long, stretch (very stretchy) limo pulled up and the driver came to the back patio asking for me. My first thought was, “Oh dear god – they got a stripper.” And thankfully they did not. But we all piled into the limo … and were whisked off to my favorite little restaurant for a private dinner in the front room of the renovated old house turned restaurant. I think there were 13 of us. It was fantastic.

So, if you are reading, ladies, thanks again for a very memorable 50th birthday bash. What a surprise … and you did make fifty quite nifty!!!

What comprises 50 years?

Without taking into account leap year days … 50 years is roughly 18,250 days or 438,000 hours or 26,280,000 minutes. Hmm … I thought it would be more than that.

In the last 50 years we’ve seen the birth of Rock ‘n Roll and we’ve gone from playing those songs on record albums to listening to them on our portable phones.

We’ve seen man walk on the moon and space stations and satellites that house such technology as to see into our homes from that distance.

We’ve seen too many wars to mention … Korea, Viet Nam, Persian Gulf, all that has happened in the Middle East, the many civil wars … too much hatred towards one another as people, and faiths, and ideologies.  Too many victims … too much loss.

And no one will ever think of September 11th in the same way, again.

We’ve seen politicians come and go. Some on their own terms with grace and honor … and some in shackles with imprisonment as their future. Do you remember Watergate? I was a junior in high school. The only thing I really remember about that time was Nixon saying he was not a crook and the movie All the President’s Men and thinking that Robert Redford was the most gorgeous guy on the planet. Obviously, I had my priorities straight!

Some officials died … some were taken from us: Stalin, Osama bin Laden, Mao Tse-Tung, Tito, Saddam Hussein, and so many others … and where were you when JFK was shot?

Animation went from single cel drawings to the amazing technology (so real!) that it is today.

We’ve seen fashions go from bobby socks to neon minis to glitter to goth and everything in between. If tie-dye, shoulder pads and polyester ever make a big come-back I’m going naked.

We’ve seen hair and nail polish colors go wild and become anything … or nothing. A shaved head is still in fashion (even for some women) as is gray for teens.

We’ve gone from burning our trash in our yards to recycling, reusing, and rethinking what we dispose of.

We’ve gone from a healthy, booming post-war country to a nation that outsources its jobs, is critically in debt, and has the highest incidence of disease and obesity of its people.

Yin and yang … good and bad … happy and sad. Wonder what the next fifty will bring?


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Laundry woes …

Day 49

Today I did something I’ve never done before – ever. Chalk it up to doing too many things at one time or being rushed or not paying close enough attention. No, I didn’t rear end anyone or slam my hand in the car door … I included a roll of toilet paper in my load of laundry.

Yes, TOILET PAPER. A whole roll of white, squeezably soft TP. And as you can imagine … it made quite a mess. QUITE a mess.

I was restocking toilet paper in the upstairs bathroom when I suddenly remembered last night, while tidying up under the sink, a roll tumbled down the laundry chute into the basket below. Thinking I’d go retreive it I closed the cabinet door and the thought of that TP never entered my head again until I was restocking today  … about 20 minutes after I started a load of laundry.


I ran downstairs to see if I could pluck out the intact roll and when I lifted the washer lid I found something akin to watery, cooked oatmeal. Seriously, I just needed to sprinkle in some cinnamon and a few raisins and I could have had oatmeal for a crowd! Rats.

So – I scooped up what I could (not as much as you’d think … that stuff dissolves well!) … and continued the cycle – hoping that when I put everything into the dryer the lint trap would catch the rest of the mashed up paper bits.

And it did … for the most part. I do have to wash a few items over again and had to pick off random pieces from a decorative pillow but it wasn’t too awful.  Just stupid.

And when I cleaned out the lint trap it looked like sheep had exploded! White fuzz an inch thick!

And this little lesson (in sorting out the laundry instead of dumping it into the machine!) made me wonder a bit about this product …

Josephy Gayetty is said to be the father of modern day toilet paper. His papers, introduced in 1857, were medicated, flat sheets and water marked with his name. Ooh, fancy! The introductory TP was marketed as “The greatest necessity of the age!”

Yeah, ya think?!

Toilet paper … or TP … is known by other names in countries than the U.S.. And though toilet paper may sound a little crass … it is also known as loo roll, bog roll, toilet tissue, dunny roll, 4 inch, TP and bum wad. BUM WAD? That’s terrible!

Good thing I didn’t throw a roll of bum wad in my washer! Egad.

About 26 billion rolls of toilet paper are sold in the U.S. each year, worth roughly $2.4 billion dollars. TP is made from chipped wood or recycled paper products. A single tree (virgin source) produces about 100 pounds of toilet paper and being that the average American uses 100 rolls per year (more than other countries) and at about 8 ounces per roll one is then using up about half a tree each year – for toilet paper! (Not great – but better than using a whole tree … or corn cobs!)

I guess I should do my part to try to conserve trees/toilet paper … I think I’ll start by not putting the rolls into the washing machine!

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Someday …

Day 48

Someday I’ll actually go through and use what I’ve been packing into these cartons. I’m moving … not across town but across the country … so, it will be expensive. However, there I was, last night, holding the (pretty) green bottle of eucalyptus and rosemary foot cream like it was my newborn child and vacillating between dumping it (heaven forbid) or keeping it (which I did).

Now, that specific (pretty) green bottle of lotion does not carry any special memory (have no idea where or when I got it) nor can I honestly tell you, even within a 5 year window or with any certainty, the last time I used it … IF I have ever used it. Maybe it was in the reject pile from Sam’s bathroom?

I don’t know. All I know is, it is going with me! It and about 100 other bottles and jars of lotions and potions and creams and gels and balms and other girly smelly stuff are now packed into the (I will not divulge the number) boxes marked simply: Bathroom – Me.


The house I am (hopefully) moving to has a bathroom the size of a peanut. I’ll be lucky to fit 5 items into the space allotted for such “necessities”. Oh dear. I have a lot of work ahead of me when I get to my destination … cuz, as I told a friend this morning, “I ain’t doin’ it NOW.” Weight and number of boxes be damned. I just don’t have it in me to determine the fate of the half used container of Sweet Clover Body Butter and all the other stuff that is in the bottles and jars that have been residing in my bathroom cabinets.

I packed 3 sets of rollers. Actually 4 – if you count the plastic velcro kind. I have electric rollers for long hair – to be worn in spirals, rollers for shorter hair to fluff up, rollers for some other style unbeknownst to me. I do not need rollers because I am hair-impaired.  It is sparse, thin and short. I don’t even know what to do with them – other than heat them up and throw them onto my head and hope for the best. Why do I need 3 sets? I do not. But they are packed and will probably end up in some Goodwill box in Chicago.

Someday I will learn how to not save everything I have/get/buy. I’ve always thought I’ve been ridiculously organized. Ha … joke’s on me! As I cleaned out my bathroom last night I found the Little Mermaid Bubble Bath that Sam had when she was 4. The bottle is 20 years old. It belongs in some museum – NOT my bathroom cabinet. (It is not coming with me!)

Someday I’ll be discerning in my spoils. I’ll be able to, without any guilt of waste or future need, throw out what I am not using for whatever reason. If there’s an expiration date on something I’m pretty good about getting rid of it … however, I have make-up from the Pleistocene Era. I know it’s probably past it’s time … but who knows when I just might need emerald green eyeshadow again? I mean, really, who knows?

Someday I’ll be able to look at that (pretty) green bottle of eucalyptus and rosemary lotion and say … it’s time. But that time is not now as it’s in box 268 … but someday!

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Glasses …

Day 47

I wear glasses. Have done so since I was about 7.  As I’ve been told (because I do not remember) we were somewhere and my dad asked me to read a sign and I couldn’t see it. Not something a parent wants to hear, “WHAT sign?”.

So – off we went to some eye doctor to pick out my first pair of glasses. After the exam, where I said, “What E?”, I got to pick out my frames. And they were beauties … Sugar Plum Fairy Pink. I have no idea why on Earth I remember the name of those frames … but I do … all these years later! They, obviously, made some deep impression on me. Or maybe I just liked the name – who wouldn’t? At Christmas time I wouldn’t just have sugar plums dancing in my head – I’m have them on my FACE! Cool!

And yes – I’m sure I looked radiant in those pink, somewhat sparkly (not quite glitteresque), cat-eyed frames. Yes. Radiant.

Just like Wilbur.

As the years progressed I got more pairs of glasses … there were (again with the cat-eyed frames) soft rose shiny ones … then the same frame in a soft blue shiny metal. Then when I was in junior high I grew up and got tortoise rimmed frames. Very cool. Problem was they were oval and my sister called me BEN … as in Ben Franklin. Nice.

The summer before high school I got soft contacts … the first pair that my eye doctor ever sold (or so he told me). I was so cool. So chic. And I’m sure my parents wanted to kill me off that first year because I went through about 7 pairs.  This was not in the time of disposable lenses. Nor the ones you could sleep in or extended wear. Or cheap. These I had to disinfect every night – but in a steamer of sorts and cook. Yeah – try that when camping!

Anyway – I ripped one with my mascara wand (ow) … another grew some sort of fungus or had some sort of protein build-up on it. The next pair I contaminated by spraying Right Guard into my face instead of into my armpits (probably in a hurry from gym class to get dressed and to my next class in the allotted 3 minutes!). The next pair I did the same thing – but with aerosol hairspray. WHY was I using hairspray in the first place? My hair was stick straight and to my butt!

Years later I tranferred to hard lenses. Not as comfy but they lasted eons. Then I had gas permeables … more comfy and they, too, lasted eons. I had one pair (don’t tell my doctor) for 12 YEARS! I loved that pair of lenses.

And then as I aged my eyes dried out and being in Denver that didn’t help either … too arid. With a drying up body and humidity lurking around 13% wearing hard plastic discs (no matter how breathable) became too much of a discomfort to endure.

So, I am back to glasses. And I hate them. They don’t fit correctly, they are crooked on my face, they are always dirty, and they are so scratched it’s like looking out of waterford crystal. If only …

In any case, moving to a more humid climate might help with the contact situation – otherwise, I’ll be looking for new glasses soon. Maybe they have an adult version of Sugar Plum Fairy Pink?

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Packing …

Day 46

Ah, packing. I’ve been doing it for a week now … all day long, all night long, in my dreams! Well, or so it seems. In reality, I’ve been packing several hours a day to about 10 hours a day. Some days I get a ton done … today I worked for 9 hours and got 3 boxes packed.


Well, during those “packing hours” I ran errands and made phone calls and wrote emails and then made more phone calls. Ran to the grocery store and returned something else and dropped off a shipment at the post office and got some packing stickers at another store and picked up lunch.

Then, after more phone calls and a few emails, I fed the dogs and myself and took a walk around the pond with my friend.

And, well, I’m lucky I got those 3 boxes done!


However, I am getting a system down. I’ve got a lot of boxes from my business … good thing! I’m dwindling down the pile I’ve had for a few years out in my work area of the garage. Using them (aka: getting rid of them) is even a better thing!

I’ve an assortment of packing materials, sharpie markers, scissors and tape … and extra cardboard to cover the glass of any pictures. Funny – never really realized HOW MANY pictures or paintings or framed pieces of whatever I have on my many walls! It’s like an art museum in here!

In any case … I’m packing like a fool or packing my fool head off or I’m just a packing fool. Whichever – I’m packing. Or at least I should be packing.

Which made me wonder how that term came to be … packing …

Packing a tooth, packing for a trip, packing a rod … hmmm. Who thought that carrying a gun should translate into “packing a rod”? Weird.

And wondering about that – my brain jumped over to considering other idioms of the English language.

English must be a horrible language to learn considering this is just a drop in the bucket (ha) of idiomatic expressions:

Pulling one’s leg. Speaking one’s mind. Cute as a button. Jump ship. On the double. Hit home. Good-for-nothing. Hopping mad. Last straw. Take a hike. Take the plunge. Take your medicine. Takes guts. Pain in the neck. Hands down. Queen bee. Half baked. Safe bet. Walking on eggshells. Wallflower. Screw loose. Safe and sound. Save face. Save your skin. Bad egg. Bag of bones. Babe in the woods. Face the music. Lead someone down the garden path.

And, then there’s sweating bullets and jumping the gun … which both lead me back to the inital thought of packing a rod … which makes me think I’d better … well, get packing!

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Spring …

Day 45

Happy Spring! Yay … it is finally here. FINALLY! And I say that with such emphasis that I’m nearly shouting it outloud as I type. And it wasn’t even a bad winter. Yeah – it snowed – but it wasn’t bad. No real blizzards … a couple of heavy wet storms … no tree damage … nothing awful to contend with and yet … it seemed to go on FOREVER.

And maybe it’s not the snow factor but just the TAN factor. In Denver we have 5 seasons … winter, spring, summer, fall, and tan. Tan is the season that lasts the longest … or so it seems.

Just when St. Patrick’s Day rolls around and everyone is wearing green you really realize how BROWN it is outside. Tan roofs on tan buildings (to make them blend in with the landscape), tan tree limbs and trunks and branches on tan grass. Not much is green here.

And yet – there is a glimmer of hope. The other day I was out driving and I was on an unfamiliar road and there off to my left was a stand of trees with the faintest haze of green. It was almost fairy-like in it’s lightness and soft hue. Almost ethereal. YAY!

Spring officially arrived at 1:14 a.m. this morning marking the vernal equinox for 2012 … when the length of daytime and nighttime are almost equal being that the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined neither towards or away from the sun … with the sun positioned directly over the equator. Meaning that day and night are pretty much of equal length.

It is also the day when folklore states that the world is in balance and that a raw egg can stand on its end without falling over. Give it a try. Sorry to disspell any claims to fame for accomplishing such a feat due to the equinox (as that is a myth) … your chance of standing an egg on its end is just as good today as it might be sometime this summer. It’s possible, not because of worldy balance, but with luck and a steady hand!

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal, bunnies and robins and the warmth starts creeping in to the earth and flowers start blooming.

If you are in Denver … it also means snow. March is our snowiest month … followed by April. So, peeps, we are not out of the woods yet! I might be 74 tomorrow but we could have 4 feet of snow by the weekend. It does happen!

Today I miss Emmy. She was our lovely gray cat who was one of the sweetest creatures on the planet. E. Normous the Wonder Cat … Emmy for short. Without fail she would bring me a gift on the first day of Spring. Not the day before – not the day after … but always ON the first day of Spring. And usually is was a worm. How and why she did this remains a mystery but there it would be … lined up perfectly straight on the living room rug (always in the same place!) … a very large earthworm. Nice! Thanks Emmy!!!! Such a gift!

Some years she’d bring me a robin (along with the worm) and one year she brought me the worm, a dead robin and a baby bunny. Well, part of a baby bunny. In any case – it was the thought that counts.

Worms or no worms … Happy Spring!



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Eyebrows …

Day 44

I have a thing for eyebrows. Well, actually, I have a thing against eyebrows. Not that I think anyone should look like Clara Bow (who I’m pretty sure shaved off her eyebrows and then penciled in new ones) but I’m just not a fan of eyebrow hair. Not on ME, anyway.

I know, that sounds really weird. Sounds that way even to me! But it is what it is.

I, personally, have been known to – let’s put it mildly – overpluck. I get a little zealous with the tweezers and then, damn … I look like Clara Bow! No E-B’s (as my Dad calls them).

And it’s not that I have none … they are just rather sparse and short and well … I definitely make good use of my eyebrow pencil to fill in.

I, normally, have a very pointy arch … so it looks like I’m perpetually surprised. I don’t favor that look much … so, I thought I’d soften it a bit. Hence the zealous tweezing and … oops … no more E-B’s. Or at least far fewer than looked good.

For years my eyebrows were a non-issue. They were just there over my eyes minding their own business. Then one day I realized I had my grandfather’s eyebrows. I don’t have his actual eyebrows (ew) but rather somehow, and pretty much overnight, my eyebrows suddenly looked like they were those of a 90 year old man.

Um, not pretty.

When we were in Chicago last fall we were on the el train coming home from one of the museums and the gentleman sitting next to us had the most enormous eyebrows I’ve ever seen. He made my grandfather’s bushy, overgrown tangles look trim and tame. If there was a contest for growing eyebrows, and if he entered it, this man surely could have won. They were impressive. Gross, but impressive. It was as if he had a pair of gray wooly caterpillars lodged on his forehead … waving their antennae, as well. Yeah … not good. But, again, impressive.

And then one day I realized I had a younger version of those E-B’s. Reminiscent of my grandfather’s. Bad on a gentleman of ascending age … worse on a woman of mine! Double ew!

So, tweezers in hand I decided to get rid of the bushiness that had (somehow) taken over in the space above my eyes. And clearly – no one else noticed this eyebrow situation other than me – but it was staring me in the face (quite literally) every time I looked in the mirror and … pluck, pluck, pluck … oops. Surprised caterpillars no more.

So, now … having done the deed of over-tweezing I am hoping that the hairs grow back in and that the brows I have will no longer look like the tufts at the ends of owl’s ears. But, it’s been a long time and I don’t see anything happening or filling in. I think I startled them into a non-growth pattern. Whatever.

Good thing I have my handy-dandy light brown eyebrow pencil and that I’m getting good at feathering on fake ones.  I could give Clara Bow a run for her money!

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Getting to the gym …

Day 43

We all have 24 hours in the day. Except, I’m sure, my friend – Sue – who has at least 30 cuz she does more than anyone I know on the planet! But, for the rest of us we have 24 hours … and I’d like to know how it’s possible for me NOT to find time to get my butt to the gym!

So … I decided to figure out where I spend my time on a daily basis. And in doing so – will find out how much time I actually have to get to the gym and do something!

Up until now (since currently all I’m doing is packing) I had roughly 9 hours of “in bed” time. Break that down to 1 hour of reading, 5-7 hours of actual sleeping (not all at one time), 1/2 hour listening to foxes and coyotes having jamborees at the park and to the dogs snoring or wimpering while sleeping, 1/2 hour getting up and getting water/bathroom rites, the rest of the time tossing and turning like a chicken on a rotisserie spit. I swear – I’m JUST like that that I expect to get up in the morning a nice basted golden brown!

Okay – do the math … 24-9 = 15 hours left. Oh my, plenty of time to get to the gym.

Pets … now they take up a LOT of time. I bathe Yoshi almost daily and then do “her” laundry and change her bedding. I feed the cats and then tend to my litter box duties. And I feed the dogs 2x a day … sometimes making it “extra special” (but not like my dad who has Jacque’s Fancy Restaurant only for the dogs!) and put cheese, veggies or warm broth in their bowls. And there’s always garbage duty – where I spend a good half hour picking up the garbage or recycling or cat food dishes or whatever that Mobes got into and has spread around the house and yard. So – let’s say 1-2 hours for pets.

Hmmm … 13 hours left. Still PLENTY of time!

Eating … well, I’m usually eating while I’m doing something else. One of my bad habits … multi-tasking. I know I should sit and enjoy but sometimes when I think about eating I just want it NOW which sometimes means eating it out of the pan (if I’m actually cooking something). Sorry to admit that! Let’s say 1-2 hrs for all meals and cooking, doing dishes and clean-up.

Okay … now I’ve got 11 hours left. That’s still a LOT of time.

Errands … I’m always doing errands … running to the post office, grocery store, bank … starbucks! 1/2 – 1 hour.

Phone and emails … oooh, this could very well be my downfall! I’ll  say 1 hour on the phone … and (dare I be truthful?) 3-5 hours on emails/blogging and correspondence – personal and/or business.

Okay … I’m down to roughly 5 hours a day. Okay, time’s a wastin’ but there’s still more than enough time to get to that gym!

I guess I need to include housekeeping and laundry. I’d say 1 hour a day is good. It balances out … some days it’s 2 depending on what I’m doing … other days, special projects replace other things on my list as they take a longer time to do. 1-2 hours.

So … that leaves me with 3 hours to … oh dear … WORK! 3 hours are spent actually procrastinating about working … but I do that while doing housework and bathing animals or emailing. However, some days it’s 2 hours and some days it’s 12 hours of actual work time – depending on the season (and my motivation). So, I guess it averages out … to about 6 hours a day which leaves me with …

UGH … -3 hours.

Huh. Guess I know now where my time is going! But you can be certain I’ll be going to the gym tomorrow … to get a refund!

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Luck o’ the Irish …

Day 42

I’ve often wondered why the saying is … “the luck of the Irish …”? In my mind they don’t seem very lucky … snakes taking over the country, war raging on for centuries, cobbled streets where you are more than likely to turn an ankle with every step. Maybe Kermit was right … it’s NOT easy being green.

But there is the beautiful countryside, the alluring accent and well … Guinness!

I’ve never been to Ireland and I don’t drink beer … but the accent does me in! The closest I’ve gotten to anyone with a true Irish accent was my vet, Dr. Tony. I think for awhile I’d make up illnesses for my pets to just go listen to him talk to them/me!

And while I am Irish, by marriage only, I don’t count that as being really Irish. I’m pseudo Irish. But my kids are part – so, they can be wearin’ o’ the green as a true descendant.

And what I thought I knew about St. Patrick’s Day is pretty much myth and urban legend.

The actual St. Patrick’s Day started back in the early 1700’s as an official feast day honoring the Irish patron saint Patrick (c. 387-461). The morphed excuse to party with goofy outfits and parades that developed over the years was mostly of American origin.

Saint Patrick was not Irish as he was born in Scotland. He was kidnapped and put into slavery as a young boy – (somewhere in Ireland, so that’s how the Irish thing came into play). And surprise-surprise … NO snakes were involved except symbolically. While a priest he converted the local pagans and druids to christianity … and since serpentine images were used in their worship, when SP converted them he basically … got rid of the snakes. Who knew?!

Regarding leprechauns, according to Irish folklore, they were cranky little pranksters that you didn’t want to mess with. The image of leprechauns changed to cheerful sprites when Walt Disney’s Darby O’Gill and the Little People came to the movie theaters in 1959.

Leave it to Walt!

Also according to folklore people believed that if you wore green you would be invisible to these mischievious sprites and they’d leave you alone. If you didn’t wear green you’d more than likely get pinched – or worse – kidnapped! So … the wearin’ o’ the green was more of a protective measure than support of all things Irish … until it morphed into pretty much that, too!

The original holiday color was blue, way back when, but sometime in the 18th century it turned to green representing the lush countrysides, the nation’s symbol of the shamrock and the green of the flag.

Kissing the Blarney Stone is said to bring you good luck … if you are agile and can bend upside down holding onto what seem to be ancient handrails over a great precipice. No thanks! I wonder how many people have fallen off that ledge trying to get that good luck?

Some guy (no doubt) decided that not everyone could kiss that stone – so kissing an Irishman was just as good. Hence, “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” came into play and caught on … big time!

The shamrock is the nation’s symbol … but (again with the folklore) it is said that the 3-leaved clover is to symbolize the Holy Trinity (as it was used in St. Patrick’s teachings) … not good luck (as the 4-leaved clover is associated with).

And so, today, March 17th, is a day to be an honorary Irishman (or woman) … go wear green or a button or shirt that says, “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” or don a light-up shamrock antenna (always such a sophisticated touch to any outfit) and enjoy all things Irish.

If you’re in Chicago you can look at the river – dyed green every year for St. Patrick’s day since 1962. It used to be dyed for a week … now, more Earth friendly, it is dyed only for one day.

And today gives everyone an excuse to partake in a parade and enjoy a green beer. Or if you’re like me … you might just have to head down to the nearest McDonald’s for a McShake (which originated in 1970)!

In any case, I’m going to go cook up some corned beef and cabbage .. but I’m still looking out for snakes. Slainte!


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40 Days and 40 Nights …

Day 41

I could be Noah. I have just about as many animals as he did – though what I’m lacking in variety I am making up in quantity. Well, almost.

For 40 days I’ve been writing this blog. FORTY DAYS (and forty nights) of sitting here (or elsewhere) – usually surrounded by little furry bodies – and typing as fast as my little fingers will go as my thoughts tumble out of my head. It is always amazing to me how my head can go 400 mph and my body about 3 mph. Why is my head not somewhere else? And yet I sometimes think it is.

Short term memory … it’s a nice thing. I don’t have much of it. I don’t know if it’s hormones or stress or residual effects from grief or that somehow those brain cells have left town … or if I’m too busy with other thoughts that whatever I’m doing “in the moment” is lost as I’m not really “there” to take whatever I’m doing all in: to collect that data, put into my brain’s memory bank and keep it. It’s disturbing to me. And I’m going through a lot of shampoo … (because I can’t remember if I already washed my hair when I’m in the shower!).  And no, I’m not going to talk about being in the shower anymore. Well, not today.

Today I’m rambling. Letting my thoughts go wherever they please. It was a very spring-like day here … well, spring-like if you were in the midwest or Maryland or somewhere other than the Denver area. If you live here you know our spring-like days are sometimes very snowy. I’m glad we are having an atypical March (our snowiest month and so far not one snowflake). Spirits are higher … steps are springier … more people are smiling. It’s a good thing. Martha Stewart coined that phrase and as much as she annoys me – I like it. Because, well, some things just are a good thing.

Like turtles. And zip lock bags. And pink fluffy socks. And freshly washed sheets. And peach wine in a pretty wine glass. All good things.

I must still be tired from my trip to Kentucky cuz pink fluffy socks and a glass of peach wine while snuggling in freshly washed linens sounds really appealing to me. That would be a very good thing.

But I’m up here working … typing my fingers to the bone. Trying to figure out the next phase of my life, trying to figure out if I washed my hair twice or just once today, trying to remember what I went to Target for yesterday and came home with just dog food.

Which leads me back to thinking about the dogs and me being Noah. I love that movie Evan Almighty where Steve Carell is called on by God (Morgan Freeman) to be a modern day Noah. He builds an ark (with the help of all sorts of animals) … and it’s just cute. It’s one of those silly, feel-good movies I watch whenever it’s on.

At the end of the movie Mr. Freeman explains what the ark stands for … and it’s really quite lovely. One doesn’t need to have the resources to build an actual ark … nor the the animals to fill it (though come to my house and you’ll see that I’ve got a good start on things). However, anyone can be Noah in a way (with a virtual ark) … by employing, into their life, the simple act of ARK … Acts of Random Kindness.

And that takes me back to the blog on Day 30 … getting out of myself, reaching out more, making more of a difference. Yes, I think I’d like a real ark; I could get my animals (and more!) together and be more like Noah. But this way might be better and I can start now … and it won’t take me another forty days and forty nights.

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Purple People Eater …

Day 40

I am not a fashionista. Far from it. I no longer have fears of the Fashion Police hunting me down – they gave up on me long ago!

I’ve never had a sense of style … yeah, I was cute in high school but after that, well …

The early 80’s I worked downtown and had a closet full of really cute “office clothes”. After that job ceased to exist so did my stylish wardrobe.

“Comfy” came into play soon thereafter … as did the “Mom Years”.

Yes – you mothers know what I mean. You wear stuff that can easily be washed cuz you are being spit up on or pee’d on or have food thrown on you … or you are on your knees cleaning aforementioned substances off the floor, chairs, dog, etc!  If you were nursing you had those issues – if you had formula spit up on you you burned the clothes. So – no sense wearing anything fashionable or NICE!

And the wardrobe morphed from there. Gone were the pre-pregnancy cute pants. Cuz you still had a “few extra pounds to go” you got pants with (omg, dare I say it) … elastic waistbands. So attractive and fashionable. No, can’t even  joke about it!

Then came the 90’s and seriously, if I can find my photo albums from that decade I am ripping out every photo of me in them because everything I owned had: enormous shoulder pads (I’m talking rivaling an aircraft carrier enormous), glitter, gems, sequins and studs (thanks to the ever-popular Ronco Diamond and Stud Setter), or was black, neon pink or green, or purple … or all of the above. Hideous. Top that with BIG HAIR and oh dear … the 90’s were just NOT GOOD.

Then with the turn of the century – and still having some of those “extra baby pounds” – came more elastic and (heavens) stirrup pants. I look back on photos and swear it’s not me – but Tweedledee! Awful … simply, horrifyingly awful.

Which leads us to today. I know who I am … I work from home … I’m still getting pee’d on (by dogs, not children), I clean up furballs and garbage on a daily basis … why should I wear anything that I can’t strip off my body and throw into the washer in a moment’s notice? And dry cleaning costs? Forget that!

I no longer worry if that is ME in the Glamour magazine’s “DON’T” column … the faceless picture of some poor woman committing a fashion faux pax. Been there, done that. (Well, not in Glamour but everywhere I went!)

So – here I am … wearing comfy clothing. Elastic waistbands and all! I’m like the gal in the commercial who says she wears yoga pants because she is so busy biking and hiking and doing pilates … until her friend calls her on it and she confesses she wears yoga pants because she is too lazy for “real” pants. That’s me!

And today I have on what is known, fondly (or not) – as the Purple People Eater outfit. Sam nicknamed it for me. And yes … I do kind of look Purple People Eater-ish in purple yoga pants and a plum colored long sleeved tee. Hey – I’m cozy! At least I am not wearing any glitter!

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Catching up …

Day 39

This morning I met a friend for coffee and we “caught up”. It’s not that we don’t chat via the phone or email … but today was a face-to-face “let’s meet for coffee and catch up” hour.

Funny how wonderful those 60 some minutes can be.

We talked about everything … the kids, the parents, the families: The kids … a more in-depth of who is doing what and where. What colleges they are hoping for or what colleges they are now almost graduating from. Who is working and where? Sam graduated last May and has several jobs … Ted is finishing his masters/working and going off to a PhD program come fall … her son is a junior in college. WHERE did the time go? We were just at the zoo with all of them toting diaper bags and stuffing them into the wagon! Twenty some years gone in the blink of an eye. We laugh at how simple life was.

The parents … how are they doing? What are future plans? What are the health issues they are recently facing? The families … the good, the bad, the forgotten, the clueless … we talked about them all.

Then we caught up on the animals, the jobs, the expanding waistlines and our deepening wrinkles:

Animals – I have 6. She has none. We are both respectful of our choices and know we could never live as the other one does. She would freak out over the care needed and all the fur … I would be so lonely.

Jobs – neither of us knows what we want to do when we grow up … but we suggest and showcase each other’s strengths and think maybe something else is possible … down the road.  We talk about our weight and our wrinkles and our thinning hair and laugh cuz we are still here and can talk about those things … all those things that don’t really matter anyway.

We talked about the state of the economy and the depressing housing market and the pathetic choices we will have at the next election. (None are good – but would WE want that job? No sir!) We talked about memories … vacations we spent as children and those with our own children. We talked about dreams – the ones that visit us at night and the ones we envision for our future … her moving to some beach town – me opening up a dog spa, boutique and bakery.

We talked about missing Tim. He always sneaks into our conversations … it’s too hard not to talk about him. He is missed. Plain and simple.

And for a few moments as we sipped our coffees – we were connected, as one, and no time had gone by (though a lot had since we’d done this previously) and we knew we’d go back to our lives and we’d chat on the phone and via email and that sometime – months from now – we’d catch up again. And it’s all good.

And … in the spirit of catching up …

The purple pillow is still missing. The dogs have NOT learned how to use the bed stairs yet. And my hair now looks like I’m a member of the rock band KISS … Darkest Brown – Sweet Cola my a**!

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For the Birds …

Day 38

I have birdfeeders. Several birdfeeders. They hang from the trees in my backyard … a frog, a white gazebo, a flattened stone with a hedgehog on it, a suet cage, a basket. I smear peanut butter on my trees … I put out leftover muffins and bread. I watch in the spring (under the feeders) where the millet has taken root and baby shoots reach their way skyward.

When the kids were little we used to put lard or peanut butter on pine cones and roll them in birdseed and put them out for the birds as special gifts. We stopped doing that when I heard a friend’s dog had eaten their pinecone treats and ended up with a $1200 surgery for removing the little peanut butter/birdseed laden spiny pinecone pieces out of his intestine!

I enjoy my bird feedings … and squirrel feedings … and extra dog feedings (when they receive dropped goodies) … but recently I read an article about keeping the coyotes and foxes at bay which recommended getting rid of birdfeeders. WHAT?! Not feed the birds? Sorry, I’m not doing that. (They also recommended replacing any (4 foot) existing fence with a 6 foot fence to deter “wildlife visitations”.) Um, sorry. Just got a new fence … and it’s 4 feet … and I’ve seen a coyote jump a 6 foot fence anyway – cleared it like Bob Gaza in my high school’s high jump competition!

Anyway – coyotes and foxes be damned. I’m keeping my bird feeders … and my 3 bird baths and my butterfly bath, too (a little turtle planter with a moist sponge). And I have Moby – the bird feeder guard and wildlife deterer. Sorry neighbors – you’ve heard her barking a lot lately – at night. In the MIDDLE of the night … when the foxes (next door) are slinking around and when the coyotes have their jamborees at the park across the street. Just doing her job – keeping them out of the yard as I’m not not feeding my birds because of them.

When my kids were little I’d sing Feed the Birds (from the movie, Mary Poppins) to them when they were falling asleep. I guess feeding the birds – in one way or another – has always been something we’ve done!

Though my feeders get a lot of attention I don’t know what birds come by. I know Blue Jays, Sparrows and Robins. I actually saw a Robin in January – he must have been lost! Everyone else is just brown … flitting here and there, singing me songs of thanks from the treetops and from deep inside the fir branches. We have crows –  though they usually stay at the park foraging garbage. We have, somehow, (too far from the coast) Sea Gulls! We have Junkos that are huge and really pretty with their peach breasts. (My friend, Karen, had one stuck in her sunroom one day and we eventually got it out withoug getting our eyes poked out! Yeah, THAT was fun!) We have a lot of birds … I just don’t know what they are.

Which makes me think that a lot of other people DO know what kind of birds they are feeding. Have you looked at birdfood lately? There are 100 different varieties … or more! It’s so overwhelming! Thistle and millet and black-oil sunflower and specific kinds for specific birds. Song birds – don’t they all sing? Wintering birds – aren’t they all wintering? Food for wild birds – are these the party birds? Or in another light – aren’t they all wild? It’s not like I’ve got parakeets in my backyard! … I don’t get it. And my birds don’t and won’t either.

I can’t afford the expensive bird foods – so they’ll just have to be content with the odd muffin, crackers, peanuts and whatever I put out for them. I just ask that they be nice and share with my squirrels … and Moby. I guess they are happy with what they are getting … I haven’t had one complaint yet!

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A Change of Heart …

Day 37

I’ve been doing a lot of searching lately. Well, for the last few years at least about a variety of issues in my life … finding a new location, new hometown, new house has been forefront on my mind and in my actions.

I’ve gone on a lot of trips. A LOT of trips. I’m sure people think, by now, that I’ve got a few screws loose in this ever-changing color of hair head of mine.

And  maybe I do. But home is important to me. And I know the saying “Home is where the heart is.” Yeah … okay … but …

I’m a nester. I like to gather and feather. It’s what I do. It’s who I am and it’s important to me. I don’t need a big place – though starting a B&B in a big old victorian has always been on my radar – but a small Cape Cod or bungalow or cottage or farmhouse would work equally well for my life at present. I don’t need a huge yard; don’t want a huge yard … but some place to garden a bit and let the dogs chase squirrels and for me to drink lemonade under a shady tree that resides in it – would be wonderful.

It doesn’t have to be updated … I can do that myself. Like to do that myself. I just need good bones. A house that I could call home – wherever it may be – in a well cared for area of whatever well cared for city or town.

How hard can that be to find?

A LOT harder than one might think given the zillion options out there in this country! My plight would be easier if I knew what city I HAD to move to … but the options are extensive and my time is running out.

I want a quaint town … something hilly, green and with trees would be ideal. Pretty falls and springs are a must.  Some sort of nearby water would be great (river, lake, ocean, stream, puddle). One with older homes (nice older homes) would be even better. I’m a visual person. Environment – whether I’m in a restaurant or looking out my kitchen window – are important to me. I don’t want to look out on garbage.

I was in Kentucky the past four days … me and my rental car kept great company as we zipped and zig zagged around the central Kentucky landscape some 1400 miles. And besides being tired and weary … I’m equally or more so … frustrated and disappointed. At people, in general, and myself, too.

In all the areas I came to I couldn’t find one that met the criteria I had in mind. Was I being too picky? So, I zig zagged through the towns one more time – taking deep breaths and telling myself to buck up … I could DO THIS. I could live here. That my expectations were too high for these people and their towns and homes. That good enough should be well, good enough.

Why should it bother me so much that most of the homes and towns I was looking at needed extensive repair and landscaping … and sidewalks … and garbage control … and ordinances that said one’s truck should not be parked on their front lawn. Who am I to demand such things as fences that are intact and trees that don’t have dead hanging branches on them or towns that have half their stores boarded up or empty? The Bargain Bin and Pawn Shop have every right to be in business … along with the Dollar Stores.

It was then I realized I was dreading what was to be the next phase of my life. Why move to a place that you didn’t really like and BUCK UP if you really didn’t have to?

So … I came home. A day early. With a clearer understanding of what I want … and what I don’t. I’m not going to buck up. I’ve looked all around and though I haven’t yet – I WILL find it. It’s been out there waiting for me to come to my senses and have a change of heart.


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What’s in a name?

Day 36

Day 4 of on the road travels brings me to pose such a question. What IS in a name?

I’ve driven 1300 miles on this trip … and have seen my fair share of signage along the way … highway signs, town names, street names, shopping centers, stores, state parks and the like. And I have a few questions and thoughts …

Who the heck thought that Dress Barn was a nice name for a woman’s clothing store? Either it was a guy who didn’t like women or someone incredibly cruel and stupid. Just the mere thought of going to a DB makes me feel like a heifer. Seriously. What were they thinking?

And who named the state park in northern Kentucky … Big Bone Lick? Fred Flintstone? His dog Dino? Are there dinosaur remains there? Who said, “Gee, let’s name the new state park this … “.

While driving and reading all the town names on the map and on the signs it made me think of where I grew up and where my folks live now … they live in Park Ridge.  Pa … Park Ridge … say it aloud and it’s soft and pretty. Kind of like how it is. Whereas Niles, where I grew up, sounds not as refined and nasally …. Niles. And, well, kind of how it is.

I passed a store called the Regal Beagle. What the heck was it? A sports bar? A pet shop? A place to buy a crown for Snoopy?  Turned out it was a men’s clothing store. I wonder if it had been a pet shop prior to the clothing store and they didn’t want to pay for a new sign. I didn’t get it. Bad name.

And then there were the towns I passed or saw on the map … Milford’s Nob (kind of liked that one) … and Leiper’s Fork … made me think that if you weren’t Daisy Duke or married to your cousin you’d be out of place. (It’s supposed to be a really cute artsy community!)

Ah names. I go out with 2 friends and we laugh at our genderless names … Les, Pat, Marti. We could be 3 guys out to dinner. Might as well bring along Sam and make it 4!

I had Gertie’s name all picked out for her long before I set eyes on her … I wanted a baby pug and her name was going to be Princess Gertrudal the Wonder Poodle (who was not a poodle)!  Along came Gertie!

Moby’s name was Silver until one day I found her in the pond – all 100 pounds of her with goldfish marooned on her back. She was making soft woo-wooing noises (so happy) that she reminded me of a whale … and … ta da … Moby the Great White Whale (lab) had a name change!

We had Sam’s name picked out before Ted was born. He was to be an Andrew or Troy or Nicholas or Graham.  However when people kept referring to him as Andy or Nicky those names went out the window. When my Dad kept commenting that he would be named after a cracker – we threw that name out as well. He would have been named Troy except when he popped out he looked like a Teddy … and well, the rest is history.

In any case – if you are needing to name something choose wisely. I just know I’ll be thinking second thoughts if I have to go to Dress Barn.



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On the Road – Again … Part II

Day 35

Oh … road trips. Here I am … in Winchester, KY trying to find that (still elusive) new hometown. I am NOT having a successful time of finding a new place to live. It shouldn’t be this hard! I’m not asking too much … just a quaint town that isn’t half boarded up, that doesn’t have items from when I went to prom (1975) in their display windows and a grocery store that I don’t have to drive 45 minutes to. And when I get there it would be nice if it were better than a Speedy Mart.

But nevertheless, road trips are good and I’ll find my town. And I have seen some really pretty, rolling hill countryside and  I do like driving and the gypsiesqueness (good new word!) of road trips. Ah – the open road! Miles of uncharted territory (well, not so uncharted as I have maps) … wide open vistas (sometimes) … wildlife (mostly cows – so not so wild) in abundance … and a blaring radio (most of the time).

Which brings me to more “on the road” findings:

1. The frequency of which you hear a song rises exponentially with how much you hate it. You love a song – you never hear it. You hate a song – and that is the one that they play over and over and OVER again. I can now sing the theme song from Grease better than John Travolta or Olivia Newton-John.

2. If I ever have the chance to meet John Tesh someone better hold me back because after these last few days of listening to his drivel I am ready to kick his ass.

3. Radio people must have a cush-job. I’ve been driving all over this state and have heard the same songs, in the same order, for 3 days now. Egad people! Mix it up! Change the tape!

4. When stopping in at a fast food restaurant – trying to find something that has some semblance of nutrition to it and not so much salt as to have Bambi start licking you … you notice that whomever is in front of you ordering the supersize fries and soft drink REALLY should not be doing so.

5. Time disappears. It’s 1:17 and the next time you look at the clock it’s 5:40 and you still have a zillion miles to go and you are sure the highway has turned into a large treadmill because you seem to be going nowhere.

6. The exit you get off at is the wrong exit for your hotel. It does however have a nice selection of restaurants and services.

7. The exit which actually has your hotel has NO restaurants or services so you have 2 choices: go back to the exit you got off at originally … some 4-10 miles away or hope you can coast to the nearest gas station the next day and then you clean out your purse and eat whatever is in the bottom of it. Dinner last night was potato chips from the vending machine and a handful of linty raisins from the coin section of my wallet.

8. By Day 3 it is quite apparent that John Tesh owns all the radio stations. How does Connie stand him? He’d better watch out and have good body guards! All I’m sayin’.

9. No matter how much you wanted this trip … there’s no place like home!

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On the road … again!

Day 34

Another day, another 300 miles of local driving. Here I am in the Hampton Inn in Bardstown, KY … again, wondering how did I get here? What am I doing? Why can’t I find the town I have in my mind in reality?

And while mulling over the answers to those questions I’ve learned a few lessons while on the road:

Lesson #1: Skunks are invisible.

At least in Kentucky they are invisible. And if not invisible then they are overly sensitive road shoulder dwellers. I KNOW I did not run over any little black and white striped rodents tonight in the inky blackness while on Highway 150 – however those skunklets sure made their presence known. I think they must have seen my car coming or felt the ground shaking or had some inate sense of my approaching vehicle and when I got close they’d Pffffft … spray! All I can say is … P-U! I think I drove the last 45 miles with skunk smell up my nose! Either there was a skunk convention on that highway or there is a very dead skunk plastered to the back tire!

Lesson #2: Never overestimate the capacity of your bladder.

Bathrooms are never available when you need one. Seriously. If I had some way of counting fast food places (with public restrooms) in this part of the country I’m sure the total would almost out number the Waffle Houses in this part of the country. Not quite – but close! And WHAT is it with WAFFLES anyway?! However, think you are good to travel and you pass what quickly becomes the last semblance of civilization and suddenly you realize you need a bathroom and, of course, there is NOT ONE for miles and miles and MILES. Needing a bathroom usually coincides with needing gas – see Lesson #3.

Lesson #3: Never overestimate the capacity of your gas tank.

See Lesson #2!!!! Gas stations are numerous until you really need one. Word to the unprepared: when driving and your gas tank drops to half full – go fill it up again. (And use the bathroom.)

Lesson #4: Fast food and junk food don’t taste all that great on Day 2 of traveling.

Yesterday I enjoyed my Subway Spicy Italian sub loaded w/veggies (super messy to eat when driving even when cut in thirds), Snapple Peach Tea (bring on the diabetic coma after that drink – jeesh! Sugar city!), Hostess Cupcake (I need to get my fill before the factories close!) and Russell Stover Dark Chocolate/Coconut Creme candy egg (10x better than a Mounds bar) … YUM!

By this morning I was craving carrots.

I don’t even LIKE carrots.

Lesson #5: Being a long-distance truck driver isn’t as glamourous as it seems.

Not that I ever thought it was glamourous – as much as “what a life” kind of sentiment … the open road, endless natural beauty, new experiences, wanderlust. It all seems so carefree and romantic … until you are on the road the second day and Lessons 1-4 stuff up your nose and slap you in the face.

So, here I am looking at not another 2 days of on the road woes: 300 year old geezers going 18 mph in the left lane, punishing rain, the lack of street signs, Herbs Today as the only receivable radio station program, needing a bathroom … but then there’s the wind in my hair (if I opened a window), endless expanses of hills dotted with cows and horses punctuated by a few sheep – all held in their pastures by miles and miles of that famous Kentucky fencing, and the beauty of Spring just starting to show her new growth.

Can’t wait for morning to get on the road … again!



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Signs …

Day 33

They are everywhere. Signs. No not stop signs and other notifications of traffic control or historical markers or advertisements … but SIGNS.

Signs from another realm … another place … another well – whatever.

After Tim died I had several friends suggest that I be “open” to signs … from him. Okay, so I was … and as odd as it seems I/we did notice things that were out of the ordinary … coincidental … eerie.

For months after he passed I’d turn on the radio to hear a part of a conversation – the last bit of someone’s sentence and it was something like, “she’s my bride.” How Tim used to introduce me – even after 24 years. Or I’d turn on the radio and Petula Clark would be belting out “Downtown” … Tim’s 7 year old boy crush on her never waned! Or I’d be flipping through a magazine and I’d come across the words (that are now taped to my computer monitor) Plum Crazy … the name he gave his first car (that he painted purple!).  Stuff like that.

Those little nuggets that pulled the heartstrings and made me think that perhaps he was around … perhaps somehow, someway he influenced the DJ to play that song or say those words … something that made me think that whatever little oddity I was experiencing, hearing or seeing was due to his other-worldly communication rather than sheer coincidence and happenstance. At least I liked to think that … it brought comfort. Those moments brought a LOT of comfort. They also brought reassurance that maybe – just maybe – I wasn’t in “this” all by myself. That he somehow was out there sending me a sign that he and all was good.  Like I said, at least that’s how I took those moments. And I’d respond back with a, “Hi honey – thinking of you, too.”

And then they, those signs/oddities of the moment, bothered me … out of the blue reminders of what I had lost. I didn’t want to hear Petula … I didn’t want to hear songs that sang of some mournful guy “wanting to come home” (thanks tons Michael Buble) … I didn’t want to have my heart broken when moments ago it was minding its own business and trying to beat and not notice that it was still shattered … and then a sign would come along my path and I’d be upside down again. Comforted yet deeply pained.

But then Sam and I went to Oregon to sprinkle some of Tim on the beach where we were engaged … and that all changed.

It was Sunday … a cloudy, foggy-ish day and the wind had picked up and the tide was in further than we expected. There is only one way down to this beach – the stairs from the resort’s parking lot (Otter Crest Cove at Otter Rock, near Cape Foulweather) … you can go north a bit along the shoreline and sometimes see sea lions sunning themselves on the outcroppings when the tide is out … there are tidal pools and it’s great fun to explore.  Or you can go southward along the shoreline to a rock extension and if the tide is out you can go around the rocks and further along the coast to the Devil’s Punchbowl … a carved out “bowl” that is accessible with low tide and under feet and feet of water otherwise. Cool-creepy.

Anyway – Sam and I saw another family far off to the north so we went southward … and as we approached the end of the beach there in the sand was written, “I (heart shape) Tim”. Sure – the family could have written it … but how weird is that?! The exact beach where we were engaged. Eerie.

Later that afternoon I asked what the goofy moose was that we kept seeing all over town on billboards and in shop windows … it was the town’s mascot – unveiled that weekend – named … yes, Timothy. All I could whisper was, “Hi honey.”

Sam was with a friend on a trip and the only boat in the harbor was named Timothy. 

Signs. Coincidence. Weirdnesses. Whatever.

And last night after I just turned on the radio, on my way to the airport for a red-eye flight to find a new hometown in Kentucky … what should come on but Neil Diamond’s “Kentucky Woman.” Hmmm … sign? I’ll take that as a yes!

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Gentlemen start your engines …

Day 32

That announcement has been going through my head this week, “Gentlemen … start your engines!” I feel like I’m getting ready for a race … not quite set to take off yet but getting ready. I’m starting my engine.

I’ve been thinking about this move for 3 years. For 3 years I’ve been thinking about moving away from the house I have now lived in for nearly 27 years. For 3 whole years. And in a very short 6 weeks I will be gone from it. Packed up and moved. Lock, stock and barrel.

Well, I will leave the locks, I have no stocks (not the old fashioned kind anyway) and nope, no barrels either. Good thing – fewer things to pack and move!

In any case I just was reading that for a successful move one should “dump” (give to friends, donate, sell or toss) ONE THIRD of their household belongings. If that is the case … oh dear … I am in trouble!

A year or so ago I started boxing. Not sparring but actually boxing things up. I have 70 boxes in my garage that with few exceptions I do not miss the contents at all. Granted a lot of it is childhood stuff … things I will be saving that were the kids’ (toys etc.) … I mean, really – I’ve held on to the Barbies and Ninja Turtles for this long I am not about to let them go now! But I think – what the heck is in all those other boxes?!

In any case I have 70 done. 70 down … 200 some to go! The guy who came to give me an estimate on moving said I’d probably end up with 300 boxes. I have a feeling he was low in his estimate. Egad I hope not but I have a feeling …

As we await the inspection and appraisal I am revving my engine … making my plan of action once I get the green flag and then I’ll be a whirling dervish! I will be racing full speed ahead in the packing department of moving. I need to be speedy as time is tight.

And as I’ve been gathering my thoughts and making my lists in anticipation of really going forward … it dawned on me that whatever we face – whether it’s moving or a new job or an illness or a divorce we all need to get ready for that race – whatever that race is. We need to start our engines … get our heads in the race. Clear our minds and focus on what is at hand.

We need to ready ourselves – for the good and bad; the downturns and the unexpected. For whatever sand gets thrown in our face or flat tires we may encounter on that journey. Life is not a smooth road so we need to prepare ourselves for whatever it throws our way. And sometimes we cannot see clearly due to unforeseen circumstances that present themselves – those jags in the road of life – or because our emotions are so high or because we just don’t want to accept what is happening … (denial only works for so long).

So, just thinking … whatever you may be facing – clear your windshield, fill your gas tank, check your tires and fluids and get out your map. Make your plan of action and then follow it. Start your engine and then … go!


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Gator Girl …

Day 31

I have a confession. I have an infatuation with alligators. Well, not just alligators but crocodiles and well, pretty much anything that is gator-ish I like!

You might ask – what’s the difference between gators and crocs (the animals not the rubbery shoes)?

Gators made their first appearance during the Oligocene epoch – some 37 million years ago! I guess that’s why they are sometimes called the LIVING DINOSAURS!

There are two kinds of alligators these days: the American alligator found in the SE United States (up to 18 ft long and 800 lbs.)  and the Chinese alligator found in China (usually not more than 7 ft and weighing significantly less than its cousin).

Each have large lizard-like bodies, strong tails, are nearly black in color and have ~ 75 teeth hidden in the jaw in a U-shaped snout.

In any case I’d rather not be too close to either of them! Other species are known from fossils but are now extinct.

Crocodiles are also large aquatic reptiles but appeared on the scene during the Eocene epoch, about 55 million years ago. They are more widely found around the world and range from 3′-16′ in length and can weigh more than 2600 lbs. though most weigh in at under 500 lbs.!

Crocs are more of an olive to khaki color with black markings and have a V-shaped snout with prominently displayed overlapping teeth.

Both alligator and crocodile gender is not determined by sex chromosomes but by the temperature of their incubation, have a life span of up to 80 years and have been or are on the endangered or threatened species list.

And while they are scary and kind of creepy looking – in an awesome, primordial kind of way, I still think they are remarkably alluring. And I’m pretty sure my being drawn to these creatures all stems from watching too many cartoons in my youth.

Yes – blame it all on Hanna-Barbera and their cartoons back in the ’60’s! Good ol’ Wally Gator … what a guy! He was one of my favorites … along with Yogi Bear and Hurricane Hippo, Quick Draw McGraw and Magilla Gorilla. Ah, those were the days!

In any case – I loved Wally and think my love affair for all things gatoresque started around that time and I think it coincided with a gift my brother received from my Dad while he was on a business trip in Florida. He sent my brother a box of chameleons! Let’s just say that the pencil hole punctures in the shoe box allowed for sufficient airflow but somewhere between his mailing the package and us receiving it – all the little ones inside perished – leaving us to open a box of brown mummified lizards! Gee, thanks Dad! In any case, I was fascinated (such a morbid child!) … but these little dessicated creatures were just too dinosaur-like and too creepy-cool to be ignored. The love affair flourished!

Along the way I’ve collected pictures and cards, trinkets and bracelets with a “cute” gator guy on it. When my kids were little we read picture books of gators. I have a puppet I use in tutoring. What can I say? I like them!

I have several friends who “winter” in Florida (Peggy has named her place “The Gator House”!) and they all have had gator sightings … some a little too close for comfort (a gator sunning in the middle of the golf cart path, one on the back patio, another in the driveway)! And a new story, as of this morning, about Joe and Dave (aka: Idiot and Super Idiot). They saw a “gynormous” gator sunning on the course and got out to take a picture with it! They are alive to tell the tale but neither will ever wear their pants again … shredded by an alligator swipe and well … I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. Super Idiot claims he thought it was a fake gator. Yeah … a 12′ rubber gator on the golf course … in Florida … by water. Smart guy.

Now, while I think gators and their kin are very cool – I respect them too much to mess with them and do not necessarily want one in my yard or eyeing my golf clubs. I’d much prefer to carry one … as say a handbag. (Only half kidding all you PETA people!)

Several years ago my daughter and I were in Orlando  before we were to zip off on a cruise. It was like Disneyland and Christmas all wrapped up in one. Okay, well, it WAS Disneyland cuz we were near the Magic Kingdom but what to my wondering eyes should appear … but a miniature golf course … with the best flashing neon sign announcing they had … ALLIGATORS!  (Wrestling and babies to hold!) With hearts aflutter we were off before we could say – Blue Cross Blue Shield. (Are gator bites covered?!)

That night we played miniature golf (poorly at best as I was too excited about the gator part of the evening yet to come) … and then we watched in awe and disbelief (and kind of a general consensus that the guy doing the wrestling had one too many screws loose) the gator wrestling. The gators lost every time. Thankfully.

And then, in all his splendor there was Albert. He was a four year old gator, 40 lbs and 4 feet long. Not as big as you’d imagine (about a cantaloupe width’s around his belly) but he was hefty. And soft. Oh, was he soft! We covered his little ear slits and said what a beautiful belt or shoes or purse he’d make. (Again, to PETA people, my apologies … we were KIDDING.) Kind of. Anyway – Sam and I got our pictures holding him – our own gator wrestling! (He had his mouth banded … no need to worry about fingers snapped off or insurance coverage!)

And if I’m getting your gator juices flowing … there are plenty of gator farms around the country. If in CO you needn’t travel too far to get a gator fix … check out Colorado Gators Reptile Park:! Might be worth a summer field trip!

Or if  you’d like to see gators from the comfort of your own couch … you might want to watch Lake Placid I , II or III.  These are enormously awful mutant-alligator thriller movies but Betty White is in the first one (which isn’t so awful)! So there is something redeeming about it!

And while I am still enamoured by these prehistoric beasts and think they’re cool – I don’t want one as a pet (anymore). However,  I wouldn’t mind seeing one crossing the road once in a while … as long as I knew it couldn’t get me or if it was willing to sacrifice itself for let’s say … a pair of nice shoes!

Later gator!

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Me, myself and I …

Day 30

I … ever notice how often you say the word I in a day? I use it a LOT in these posts … of course, it’s kind of hard not to cuz I’m writing about ME!

I (there I go again) was watching, a few weeks back on some Saturday while doing house-stuff, The Princess Diaries movie. (Yeah, I know – not exactly the History Channel or National Geo but hey – it was nice and entertaining and it made me smile … and want to go to Europe!) And oddly enough Anne Hathaway’s character (Her Royal Highness, Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia) made a speech about being self-centered and egocentric and all things selfish … and that instead of  spending her time and energy on thinking about herself, she should think of others. Nicely put, Princess.

Made me think.

And it brought back to mind a website ( that a friend had told me about and it was one of those “aha moments” when you realize – AGAIN – that life just isn’t about YOU.

So, here I am talking about myself (again): id (self-gratification/impulses), ego (self identity, the realist) and superego (the contradiction of id, the moral babysitter of one’s self, the socially appropriate one) and well, all things me, myself and I! Thanks tons Sigmund.

And again … it made me think … what if I did one thing every day that wasn’t about ME? What if I did something selfless? Something for someone else? Every day?

And, in saying this, I’m not saying I don’t already do these things but maybe I need to be more conscious about them and do them more often. It’s not about the huge gestures but the small things. All those random acts of kindness that make such a huge impact on someone else’s day and life.

Like the story about the starfish … (original story by Loren Eisley).

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a   boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference.”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

So, I’m going to, metaphorically, throw some starfish back into the ocean. Do something every day that doesn’t revolve around me … whether it’s letting someone go ahead of me in line, or using less gas, or sending a note to a friend, or complimenting someone … or whatever. One selfless act every day.

I know it’ll make someone else feel better … and it’ll make me feel better.  And, oh rats, full-circle, here I am back to me, myself and I!




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The NOT-SO Elusive Mr. T. …

Day 29

Okay … joke’s on ME! No sooner had I pushed the “publish” button on yesterday’s post than I looked outside and what did I see?

Yes … MR. T!

Right across the street … standing sideways so I could see his elongated feathery body … perfectly framed by the pane of glass in my office window … standing there, in the park, looking directly at the house … at ME … as he may well have done a hundred times before.

Somehow I felt taunted. Like he was thumbing his turkey nose at me (no turkeys do not have thumbs – but if he had one he would have been using it) saying, “Here I am you poor pathetic creature of this neighborhood – the last human in this entire area that has not seen me yet. Here ya go – look out your window. I’ve been here all along!”

And so I had a good, long look at him – through the binoculars I keep on my desk (for just such an occasion) – and there he was … in all his wild turkey splendor … just as I thought. Thrilling!

And in finally seeing him I realized something while looking at the no-longer-elusive Mr. T … turkeys are damn ugly! Egad. Bad, bad, BAD!

I believe in reincarnation … kind of a nice thought to get another go of things here on Planet Earth in another shape and form. However, on certain days I am pretty sure that if there is such a thing I will be unlucky enough to come back as a vulture or an elephant seal or a Moray eel or any number of poor, unfortunate-in-looks creature. Well, add turkey to the list. Not good. If there is a prayer for reincarnation – let it be known I do not want to return as a turkey!

And, who knows, maybe Mr. T is just a very unattractive turkey in the turkey kingdom? Maybe he’s like Poindexter from the Barbie game and just really unfortunate and was not in line the day they handed out the “good looks” cards? Maybe that is why he is all by himself – no other turkey friends nearby – and hanging out with all the geese? Maybe he is lost or an outcast from his group? His rafter. While geese travel in gaggles … a group of turkeys is called a rafter. So maybe he is rafter-less … trying his luck with the geese-babes … looking for some new friends while nibbling on the long-dead grasses over at the park.

Hmm, rafters. I didn’t know that before just now. And in saying what kinds of groups these creatures are associated with it reminds me of a game I’d play with the kids when they were little. I drove around a lot – delivering cosmetics (Ted could sound out the ingredients on the boxes by the time he was 4! I should have known the brain capacity then!) – anyway, while driving we’d play a “who belongs to what group” type of game … I’d throw out a multiple choice question and they’d guess … so we learned our “animal groups” … herds of cows, gaggles of geese, schools of fish, pods of whales, flocks of birds, bands of gorillas, prides of lions, knots of toads, coveys of quail and so on … but never once did we ever question what a group of turkeys was called. Hmm.

In any case, now we all know. And for whatever reason Mr. T. is going solo these days and away from his rafter – I’m grateful he finally showed himself to me … turkey nose-thumbing aside … and I’m glad I didn’t have to be out in the park, in my bathrobe, in order to finally see him.

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Fowl Play or the Elusivity of Mr. T. …

Day 28

Okay, I admit it. This morning I was in the park – in my bathrobe. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. Although I did kind of look like a wild, run-away mental patient from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” due to the gale force winds blowing my hair all over. Well, that and the bathrobe thing.

But, I was on a quest … a mission. I thought I saw the wild turkey that has been prowling our neighborhood for months … so, I ran outside into the wind and into the park … in my robe and slippers!

And no turkey. The only thing I saw were two walkers eyeing me suspiciously.  And it didn’t help matters when I shouted (against the wind) that I was looking for the turkey … and it probably helped less that I started giggling nervously. They were probably wanting to tell me the only turkey around here was me (or the one in my freezer in a pot pie)!

But seriously, there is a turkey out here. I have yet to see him, but I’m named him … yes, I’ve named him … Mr. T.! And no he doesn’t have a lot of chains around his neck!

And there IS such an animal out here. My neighbors have all seen it. They have pictures of it lounging on their porches, strutting across their backyards, sitting in their driveways. They’ve munched their Cheerio’s on early mornings while filming it sitting with their dog. I think I’ve even seen a picture of it at a kid’s birthday party – wearing a little Dora the Explorer party hat!

I tell ya, it’s like Angelina Jolie’s leg after the Oscars … pictures of him are popping up all over the place.

And yet – he remains unseen to me … the Elusive Mr. T.

Just this morning Ted sent me a photo he’d taken, during his escapades in NC this past week, of a whole FLOCK of wild turkeys … and he wasn’t even trying to see them. Cool … but no fair!

Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo – for all you fowl enthusiasts) is the heaviest of the Galliformes (otherwise known as game birds). How do I know this? The miracle of the internet AND I have a 22 pounder sitting in my freezer left over from the holidays waiting to someday be my dinner! And he’s heavy! Wild Turkeys are native to North America and lucky for us Uncle Ben’s suggestion was voted against and the Bald Eagle was chosen for our national bird over Mr. T’s ancestors. I think I like knowing that our country is represented by a majestic eagle rather than by a turkey! (No political jabs intended!)

In any case – when the time is right I suppose I’ll see him. There he will be in all his Wild Turkey splendor hanging out with the geese over at the park, nibbling on god knows what they still find in that grass. And hopefully when I finally DO see him … I’ll have more on than just my bathrobe!

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Ponderings …

Day 27

I am a goofball. I like silly things and stupid trivia and corny jokes. I blame it all on my upbringing as that was customary when I was growing up … and word problems.

If having to eat broccoli or Brussels sprouts was not torture enough … having to wait for my dad to ask us one of those word problems at the dinner table – was. And I always got the god awful one about the trains.

You know the one I mean. Train A is departing from New York and  speeding westward at 324 mph … Train B is departing from  California and is speeding eastward at 287 mph. They are on parallel tracks. In what city will they pass each other?

Ugh … I don’t know. You expect an 8 year old to know this? You expect a 13 year old to care? I always feigned a stomach ache and left the table at about that time!

Ahh, the irony. Having had to endure those moments I subject the kids in the classrooms where I substitute teach to do the same. Nice! It’s a wonder I’m still known as the “fun/cool sub”! I have put a twist on these horrid little tidbits of torture for just those students! After a few times in the same classroom – the “thinkers” catch on to my tricks … the other kids, not so much!

I give them something like … Train A is leaving New York speeding eastward at 387 mph and Train B is leaving Florida and speeding northward at 124  mph. When will these trains pass each other?

Most of the kids try to figure this out … figuring out the distance between the states, how many hours it would take and when the trains would hypothetically pass each other. The ones who catch on realize I said the New York train is speeding eastward and would be in the Atlantic Ocean long before any train from Florida would arrive in the area!

Oh, stop groaning.

Some of my other gems are … if there are 3 roosters sitting atop a chicken coop and they are facing west and the wind is coming from the east – which direction will their eggs fall?

Come on people … roosters do not lay eggs!

Okay, now concentrate! If a plane from the United States crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada … where would the survivors be buried?

Well, if you said wherever their families wanted … you are NOT getting this! The survivors SURVIVED! They do not need to be buried!

Anyway … it makes the kids think and isn’t that the idea of school in the first place? Teaching them to THINK? So many times I see kids so bored with school and what they are doing … so, I whip out my handy dandy notebook full of goofiness and brain teasers and spice things up.

And, without having to figure out when the trains are going to pass each other … here are some more things to ponder:

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are dead?

Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard if he lives in the jungle without a razor?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Whose idea was it to put an “s” in the word lisp?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto is on all fours? They are both dogs!

And, if corn oil is made from corn and olive oil is made from olives – what is baby oil made from?

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Having a ball …

Day 26

I’m having a ball. Well, I’m not having a ball as much as I’m sitting on one! Yes – I have a new office chair. I finally caved and bought myself a BalanceBall Chair (from Gaiam … It looks kind of sci-fi (ish) with its black chair back and rounded open base – where the gigantic air-puffed ball sits atop – and where I “balance”.

So far, so good. At least I haven’t fallen off of it – yet (as I’ve been known to do off a too-fast treadmill and the oh-so-elusive-can’t-get-the-hang-of-it-and-I-don’t-know-why elliptical)! But the day is young and I’ve only had it a week.

Anyway … I like the look of it. Sturdy black, molded plastic – so it is lightweight. It’s on casters (but they don’t roll as easily as my last office chair) and, for obvious reasons, it’s bouncy. So bouncy that I don’t feel like I’m sitting … sitting and bothering my lower back – the site of fractures and infinite, stupid, on-going, annoying and sometimes debilitating pain.

I’m rather liking this new chair!

The chair is noted to: relieve stress on the spine (yes!), help prevent back discomfort and repetitive motion disorders (yes!), help prevent issues related to poor posture (not my problem as I’ve been told I have a “dancer’s back”) and is said to help develop flexibility, balance, and strength if I work out with it (we’ll see)!

The chair (on sale – now!) came with a workout DVD (yeah, like that’ll even get out of the plastic packaging!), a stretchy workout band (I’m more likely to use that as a pony tail holder for my 2″ long pony tail), a stretchy resistance cord thing that looks so cool I might have to give it a try and 2 (two!) books – a workout guidebook and a desktop guide book (stretches and exercises I can do while sitting at my desk!). Amazing! All for under $100 and free shipping!

The ball is removable from the base – so if I want to use it somewhere else – or use it as an exercise ball, I can. Yeah, again, like that’s going to happen!

But it’s pretty. I got a bronze ball … my choices were something like sage green, charcoal, dusty purple, sea blue, and bronze. I chose the bronze one. It makes my office look really hip – even though I may not be!

The BalanceBall chair was developed by a chiropractor, Dr. Randy Weinzoff (out of Santa Monica, CA for all you Californians!) … and was based on his philosophy of “Vitality through total alignment of the whole being.”

Wow … way to go Dr. Randy … sounds good to me! I’ve seen a few chiros in my time and well, I’m a believer in their practices and the benefits they bring.  So, seeing this in (one of the many) catalogs that I receive, I decided to give it a try. Why not?

I’m almost to the place where if someone told me that to feel better while working at my desk I should wear antennae and surround myself with frogs … I might just do it. Seriously.

But for now I’m giving the BalanceBall a go of it. It’s stable and supportive … a gigantic bronze shock absorber of sorts and supposedly it’ll help the core muscles and ergonomically align me.

As far as I’m concerned they had me at bouncy!

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Take a flying leap …

Day 25

Lizards do it. Squirrels do it. Even baby lemurs do it. So, I am too … taking a flying leap, that is.

It’s Leap Year Day … so, I’m leaping. I’m leaping at the opportunity for change and a new chapter of my life. I received an offer on my house yesterday and I’m being a froglet and taking that flying leap into the unknown.

And it’s scary as hell!

But it’s also exciting. If all goes as planned I’m to be out, gone, packed, off on my way by mid-April. Eeeeeee!

Lucky for me, it’s Leap Day which gives me an extra day to get my head around this new adventure and get me organized … or maybe I’ll just check it off as a play day and leap into a frappuccino or an ice cream cone or I’ll take a walk with the dog and add some little leaps into my steps. It only comes around once every four years – why not?!

Leap Day … an extra 24 hours … an extra day. Well, it’s not really an extra day just one we stick in to catch our calendars up with our rotation around the sun. It actually takes 365 1/4 days each year to accomplish that feat. What happens to those extra 6 hours that we don’t count? We put them together every 4 years to make up an extra day … welcome Leap Day!

It is said that the Egyptians probably were the first ones to incorporate a Leap Year Day but Caesar was given the credit when it was added to the calendar, way back, in 46 B.C.. And a little known fact … this added day doesn’t really correct the offset of rotation/calendar year as it’s off by about 11 minutes. So, Pope Gregory XIII came to the rescue and decreed that leap year would be skipped 3x every 400 years. I don’t know when we will skip the next one … guess we’ll leap over it!

And though Leap Year Day is to keep our calendar aligned with nature, folk lore states that babies born on February 29th (called leaplings or leapers) are unruly and difficult to raise. Probably because they only get a real birthday once every four years! I’d be unruly, too! And if you are a Leapling … you are one of roughly 187,000 in the United States and one of the 4 million worldwide. Your chance of being born on this day is 1 in 1500 and today, 2012, about 10,000 leapers will join us in the United States. Happy birthday all you Leaplings!

And thanks to good ol’ St. Bridget (an early feminist) some 400 years ago in Ireland love is now associated with Leap Day, as well. At the time women were not allowed to propose marriage to their sweethearts. She complained to St. Patrick about this disparity and he allowed the reversal of proposals – but only on one day and yep, you guessed it … Leap Day was then noted as a day of opportunity (for old maids) and LOVE.

In the 1879 opera The Pirates of Penzance, the character Frederic is apprenticed with a band of pirates until his 21st birthday. When that day arrives he goes ashore, falls in love and plans to marry. UNTIL … (du du du dun) … the pirates realize that Frederic was born a Leaper and (due to the Leap Year cycle) wouldn’t finish his duties until he was well into his 80’s. Poor Frederic had to leave his love and go back to sea. Argh.

Today Ted and his girlfriend, Leah, are actually at the Duke Lemur Center in Durham, NC. I’m not sure if they get to pet these creatures but no doubt they are getting an eyeful of some actual leapers!

So, whatever you do today – leap into it. Do something you’ve never done before – take a leap at something fun. Enjoy these extra 24 hours and well, I say – with only niceness and good intentions – go take a flying leap!


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Czeching in with my Bohemian knees …

Day 24

Thanks Dad. Thanks Grandma. It’s really sad when the defining characteristic which determines your heritage is … your knees. Sad. Very sad.

And sadder still is that when standing side-by-side with your friend (who will remain nameless for her sake), both of you in shorts, you realize you share the same ancestral connection – as far as ethnicity – due to knees alone!

It has never mattered what my weight has been … the knees prevailed. They were there … no matter what. Massive, strong, square. Cute as a plump and pudgy baby or toddler … um, not so much as an adult! It didn’t matter if I was waif thin (like when I got married) or 9+ months pg or if I exercised like crazy … I still have that defining factor … my large, sturdy, slow-pitch softball-sized  Bohemian knees.


Bohemia … was a historical region in central Europe (bordered by Germany, Poland and Austria) that no longer exists (on its own) but the genes connected with that region sure do! At one time it occupied the western two-thirds of what were the traditional Czech Lands (as noted in pinks, greens and yellows on the globe I remember as a child). Shortly after WWI it became the core of the newly-formed country, Czechoslovakia. Years later after the dissolution of (same country, in 1993), the territory of Bohemia was incorporated into what is currently known as the Czech Republic, with Prague its capital.

Despite political changes and territory incorporations one thing has remained constant … these people are/were a sturdy lot! It is said that the Czech people are the most beautiful on the planet. (I just made that up.) No, really, I’ve heard that. Somewhere.

Prague is called the “City of Spires” (due to all of the spired buildings) and it looks like it belongs in a fairy tale.  I’ve never been but I’ve been told. When Ted came home from a trip there I asked him about the spires. He didn’t even notice them – he was too busy looking at the most beautiful women on the planet. See?!

And though they are beautiful, they probably have big knees!

The diet of the peoples of this area hasn’t really changed much over time as it is comprised mostly of meats (pork, beef, poultry including organ meats), root vegetables (potatoes and carrots), cabbages, soups and a variety of sweet and savory dumplings. Not many fresh fruits or vegetables are consumed due to their high cost and salads are rare. The national beverage is beer and the people of this country also have a fondness for sweets. Knowing the typical diet it does make sense to say that, generally, one from that region might have a hefty build … and if one has thighs like tree trunks one should surely have knees like Paul Bunyon.

And so, I thank my father for his genetic input (his knees are bigger than mine – but who’s comparing?!) … and to his mother, my grandmother, for her Bohemian DNA, heritage and connection.

Too bad I was bestowed this attribute and not say, one that could change paper into gold? Yeah, thanks Dad. Thanks Grandma.

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The Cosmetics Counter …

Day 23

Oh dear. Yeah … that’s about as nice as I can put it at the moment.

I decided, on some ridiculous whim, to take a jaunt over to the local “mall” this past weekend. It’s not much of a mall anymore – in the traditional sense – more like a location of stores close together as nothing is enclosed anymore. In any case – there is an anchor department store that has a rather large cosmetics section and I thought I’d go in for some advice.

Oh dear.

You have to know something about me … I sold Mary Kay Cosmetics for 23 years. I started before I was even pg with Ted … so, a LONG time ago. I became a director in, at that time, nearly record time. Had my unit, got a car, things were good. And then I got tired of babysitting women who didn’t want to do their business and just wanted to chat over coffee and I was pg and blah blah blah … I decided to let go of the unit and just sell the products. And I did for a long time until I didn’t like the direction the company was taking after Mary Kay’s passing (and more blah blah blah) so I retired from hawking lipsticks and cleansers. In any case, I kind of know about this stuff. Kind of.

And well, oh dear.

I approached a rep (from a brand that will remain nameless) and asked for a skin and color consultation … and any ideas she could possibly throw my way. And I picked a rather normal looking gal. Not one that looked so made up I could dig my fingernails (if I had any) into her foundation, knuckle-deep, before actually reaching skin. So, she was pretty “natural” in her made-up way.

And I was not disappointed in her sales ability! I was shown every conceivable piece of inventory they had on hand – whether or not it was for my skin type or coloring (my guess is sales have been low!) … told I NEEDED (as in I could quite possibly DIE without said products) this, that and many other things.

Huh – who knew I couldn’t live without a “moisture surge face spray thirsty skin relief” spray on hand at all times – just in case my skin got … well, THIRSTY!? (And it was only $21!! And we are not talking Costco-sized bottle here … this was a “tuck in my purse and then forget it’s there cuz it’s so tiny” size.) I asked her why I just couldn’t use WATER on my face? I didn’t get an answer that made me believe I couldn’t live without this. Huh.

After about 40 minutes (and her still not really telling me much about my skin type or anything I didn’t know – which in all honesty has kind of sifted out of my brain) I decided I had to go … and would consider what she had suggested. (Not really.) Would I like to have a list of all the products? Sure, why not! So, she made one … a nice long one and if I ever sell my house the money I make on it might just cover the cost of the cosmetics she suggested.

For now I think I’ll stick with what I’m using … I think the brand is called “Good and Cheap”!

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Thank you friends …

Day 22

Today is Thank a Friend Day. No, it’s not. But for me … it is.

Friend: ally, buddy, chum, companion, pal, playmate, sidekick. However you say it – it still means a friend.

Friend: a person whom one knows, likes and trusts. One who supports and sympathizes with another.

To all my friends, my pals, my buddies … I say thank you.

You know who you are. I know who you are. You are a kind and generous and loyal friend.

Thank you for your sweetness, your thoughfulness, your love. Thank you for your kindness, your hugs, and your regard.

Thank you for your time, your treats, your gifts, and your words of comfort and encouragement. Thank you for your positive vibes, your flowers, your concern, your counsel.

Thank you for coffee and lasagna. Thank you for holding me up when you knew I couldn’t stand. Thank you for having my back … and for letting me lean on you when my spirit was broken.

Thank you for all the big and small things … for coming to my rescue, more than once … for finding the dog when she was lost … for making me sit and talk … for making me lunch … for making me cry … for making me laugh.

Thank you for letting me complain and thank you for listening while I did it. Thank you for not judging me and for always being there for me – no matter when, no matter what.

Thank you for putting me first and for thinking of me – when you didn’t have to. Thank you for showing me that I am loved and cared for and special.

Thank you.

Yesterday I received a yummy scented candle from my “newest” friend. Her thoughtfulness deeply touched me as it arrived when I was thinking there is too much bad news … too much weirdness … too much sadness … too much whatever for people I know.  TOO MUCH. Coincidence that it arrived to lift my spirits? I don’t know … perhaps divine intervention or a cosmic coordination of efforts? Whatever. It was wonderful and made me want to thank my friends for always being there in my life.

Today is the 26th. Tim died July 26, 2006. My body KNOWS when it’s the 26th of every month before I am even aware of the date … those cells that mingled with his know that, no matter what month, the 26th resonates pain and sorrow … and they react with sadness and involuntary distress. I can’t explain it but here I am 67 months later and my body still knows that something REALLY, REALLY bad happened on a day such as this.

And it did.

And for all of you who helped me through that time – I say thank you. I hope you never know the outpouring of compassion we were gifted. Such good friends.

In my book (“148 Days ~ A Journey of Love and Loss”) I quoted Mohammed Ali as saying, ‘”Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”‘

Very true. Good observation, Mr. Clay.

You, my friends, have learned well.

Friendships are priceless – whether they are for a reason, a season or a lifetime – they are always of value. Something is gleaned from them … no matter how long they last. Cherish what is.

So in good times and in bad … I hope I can be the kind of friend you have been to me. I am so very fortunate to be loved by so many. Thank you my dear friends!




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When Cancer Comes to Call …

Day 21

I hate cancer. Plain and simple … I do. And I can’t do anything about changing my view. I know hating something is toxic … not good for the body … definitely not good for the soul. But this, I can’t help. I can do nothing but hate it. And I do. 100%.

And not just because I watched first hand what it did to Tim. What it took from us: my husband (lover, friend, companion, partner), my children’s father, a good friend of so many, a brother and son to our families. I watched it ravage his body and wrack him with uncontrollable pain as he endured treatments and side effects. And if this was a war – cancer won. He lost. We lost. We watched it take him from us – ending his life … and changing ours.

It’s just not because of that. It’s because it affects everyone. Somehow. It’s hideous. It’s like one of those horrid little wind-up circus monkeys that clank cymbals together. Just when you think it’s dead/done … it starts clanking again … all the while with that  creepy, disturbing monkey grin. And just when you think you’ll never see that thing again – there it is – on the cover of some catalog or in some store … staring you down.

And just when you think cancer can’t happen AGAIN to anyone you know. You find out it has.

It’s too prevalent and I hate it. Yesterday I got news regarding three friends. HOW can this continue to happen? Confirmations that life is not fair … that bad happens to good people … AGAIN.

One has a double masectomy scheduled … breast cancer. Another’s lung cancer treatment is not working and the cancer is advancing – again – devouring his body and options. And then there’s a friend’s son … 29 years old. The poster child for physical fitness and wellness and health. Mr. Muscle. The Golden Child. Mr. Fit. Mr. Health. Mr. I’ve Got It All … Looks, Brains, Personality, Body. And cancer.

It makes me sick.

Here it is a beautiful Saturday morning and I should be outside making a snowman with the dogs … enjoying life … reveling in the heavy snow that Mom Nature brought our way this week … and instead I’m inside – thinking of cancer – and how lives are changing for no fault of their own. It’s not right. Nothing about any of this is … right.

Cancer knows no mercy. It is cruel and uncompassionate. It is a bully. It is ugly. And I hate it.

And I miss Tim. Horribly.

And yet – I remain optimistic. I am not a doctor nor a psychic but I know in my heart that my friend’s son will be okay. HOW do I know this? I don’t know … I just feel it. Somehow. For whatever reason … I see this as just a blip on his radar screen. Something he and his (soon to be) wife will look back on and say it was the “PITA” (pain in the ass) time of their lives – a few months of stupidity and inconvenience. I usually have good gut knowledge. I trust it. I rely on it and I will go with it … because I can’t stand thinking and not believing that all will be okay.

So, as I said when we were first facing Tim’s cancer, “Watch out cancer – we are going to kick your ass.” Well, it didn’t work … but we tried. And that’s all anyone can do … give it your best shot. Keep positive. Believe in medicine and miracles and the power of prayer and love.

And when cancer comes to call on you or someone you know … tell it to hit the road. It’s not welcome. Not now … not ever.



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The Comforter …

Day 20

I am sleeping. Well, not at this moment – wouldn’t that be a trick! But, at night, I am sleeping! Sleeping like a baby! Well, not sleeping like any baby I’ve ever had –  my kids didn’t sleep through the night until after their second birthdays – so, I guess I’m sleeping like a toddler. Or a teen-aged boy with a growth spurt. Or a college student on a Sunday. Or someone with supreme jet lag. In any case – you get the picture … I am sleeping!

Now you are probably thinking, “Big deal. What’s the fuss?”  The fuss is that I don’t sleep. Well, not never sleep … I just don’t sleep well! For the past (almost) 6 years I have not been sleeping well.

And that is not a good thing – lack of sleep. I go through my days in a fog. I get out of the shower and don’t remember being IN the shower. (Yeah, there we are again … in the shower.) Sleep is good. Not sleeping – not so good.

When Tim was sick, I’d be up late at night researching our treatment options or avoiding going to bed so I wouldn’t lie next to him and cry about what was going on and what was to be. And when I finally slept it was only for a few hours.

After he died I’d avoid going to bed until I was thoroughly exhausted – sometime after 3:00 in the morning. I was like one of the zombies out of The Night of the Living Dead. I couldn’t bear the thought of that big bed without him in it. Even with the animals (taking up most of the room on the bed) it was achingly empty. I’d cry myself to sleep … and then when reality smacked me in the face in the morning … I’d cry myself awake. Not a good sleeping time.

Then there were the years of not being able to turn my brain off … worrying about business, how to keep us afloat, what to do, how to do it. I’d go to bed early begging for the escape of dreams and would still be lying there, awake, hearing the clock chiming the hours away … 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. I was a mess.

And for the last year or so I’ve been that rotisserie chicken – turning round and round and round all night – due to back fractures and sciatica. I just couldn’t get comfortable. The only position was on my stomach – the only position (if I could get into it without scaring the dogs off the bed) that didn’t cause lightning bolts of pain spiking through my back and legs. The only position that didn’t cause back spasms to grip my lower back and take my breath away. And if I moved an inch – the bolts and spasms would start. So – yeah, not so much of a good night’s sleep during this time, either.

And then last week I changed out my comforter. I had a well-worn, pretty flattened, down comforter on my bed for years. Cozy, pretty, but maybe past its prime. I had purchased a down-alternative comforter for Ted’s bed over the holidays and decided to put that on my bed one night as I had washed mine and it wasn’t dry yet. It’s puffy, it’s light yet super cozy, the dogs and I get lost in its plumpness. It’s comfy and comforting … and omg … it’s a COMFORTER! (Light bulb moment!) I get it! I am comforted!

I am thinking that soon (very soon) the menopausal night problems will creep into my bedroom and cause me discomfort at night. But for right now with the dogs and me all snuggled in and the window open 5″ (regardless of the weather) and this cozy, comforting, non-sneeze inducing, pile of luxurious comfort all around me … I am sleeping!

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Winds of …

Day 19

Saying, “It’s been windy.” would be an understatement. Yelling out, “IT’S BEEN WINDY!!!!” … would be closer to the truth.

And one thing I know for certain … I hate wind.

I was out last night with the dog in the backyard – watching  her search for the “right spot”. Dori has a tilted head and for whatever reason (brain damage? balance issues?) she goes in a circle about 67 times before getting down to business. It had been windy all day – for two days and I could hear the house moving inches off the foundation (or so it seemed) with every blast that hit the house. It was so gusty that I felt I needed to be outside with her just in case the wind picked her up and carried her over the fence and away – I’d know in which direction to start looking for her.


While out there, in the backyard, at 10pm it was still 53 degrees. Our weather has been weird lately. The winds that blew around me brought with them something … of one thing I could be certain … they were the winds of change.

Living for 30 some years in Colorado I’ve learned one thing … be ready for anything. Any weather … as it can be 60 one day and 4 feet of snow the next. Or it could be cold one day and warm and balmy the next. The winds bring those changes.

But last night’s winds were different … they weren’t just gusty and a lot of air blowing around … these had a life to them – a sinister quality that howled and groaned and slammed into the house wailing as they went past the windows. I was getting quite uneasy while standing out there watching the dog – as she circled and circled and circled.

My yard isn’t dark … I’ve got white lights on the fence, I’ve got lights on the house. Dark, yes … pitch black, no. But it wasn’t the darkness that made me uneasy – it was the wind. Mournful and menacing … it rushed through the tree tops … the howling of evil spirits raced past me while I stood out there (while that damn dog still circled!). It was downright CREEPY.

I was more than glad to get back into the house! And as soon as we did so – I turned on some music to drown out the noise happening outside. The winds swirled around the house and made me edgy … seemingly prompting me to jump off a high building. Good thing my house is a 2-story … worse thing I’d do is break a leg if I tried to jump out a window! (Not that I’d actually try to jump out a window – I’m afraid of heights and not a fan of injury or pain!)

I would certainly have perished if I had been born a prairie woman. I’m not violent, suicidal or unstable … yet I’m pretty sure I would have killed off any Indians or prairie lions or wolves that came my way and then run, hair blowing wildly in the winds and thrown myself off a cliff just like the buffalo herds pictured in my 5th grade history book. The winds would have driven me mad.  Mad, MAD I tell you! (Muuhaaahaaahaaa!)

Only joking. About the evil laugh part … the prairie scenario I’m pretty sure would have happened.

The highest wind gusts in Colorado, on record, were recorded atop Long’s Peak (14,259′) in 1981 at 201 mph! Wow. Put on a babushka! (Look that one up!) Makes the winds clocked in the city of Boulder in 1971 (147 mph) and in Denver last December 2011 (98 mph) seem rather tame. The gusts of last evening were a mere 88 mph. In contrast – they now seem rather mild! Evil but mild!

Mount Washington’s weather station (in New Hampshire) clocked gusts of 231 mph and held that record for six decades until Cyclone Olivia’s arrival in 1996 (253 mph) in Australia. Tornadic activity and hurricane force winds are in a different category (as they are not surface winds) when used as data.

In any case … the winds of change transformed us from a balmy spring-like day and plunged us back into the depths of winter. I awoke to a Currier and Ives wonderland scene with 9″ of new snow on my back deck. I’m hoping the next winds bring palm trees!

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The Purple Pillow and the Socks …

Day 18

I have a labrador retriever … Moby. Queen Mobius. Mobius the Wonder Lizard. The Wild Nibbler. Mobes. She is the mother of 30 babies … 3 litters in 3 years by some breeder up in the mountains. We rescued her 7 years ago and doing so was one of the best things I’ve done in my life.

She is a wonderful creature. Mellow, sweet, does a great impersonation of the Big, Bad Wolf, keeps the foxes and coyotes out of the yard, is the resident baby sitter and guard of the pugs, my buddy and bed companion. She also drives me crazy because she is a counter surfer … to her defense, I forget and leave things within her reach! And if you have a lab or know of someone who has a lab – they are food sluts. Whores. Gluttons for garbage (or food) of any kind.

My girlfriend, Sue, had several labs. She warned me. I dismissed her advice thinking … not my sweet baby. Not MY Mobius. Ha. Again, if you have a lab – you know, eventually, that they turn into food mongers and do naughty things … like get into the garbage and spread it house-wide. Or eat a brisket off the counter. Or take your possessions outside.

Anyway – Moby is all lab. At one time she was 108 lbs (not looking good) … but we’ve whittled her back to a svelte 84 lbs and she, again, has a waist. She is a big, happy girl … a white-yellow field lab and pure sugar-cane sweetness. Or honey sweetness. In any case – she is SWEET!

Labs, in general, like mouthing things … she is a retriever, after all. She has more toys than my kids did when they were children. And still her favorites are the tennis balls … sometimes it’s the pink pig … sometimes it’s something squeaky … but MOST of the time it’s the tiny pillow off the chair in my bedroom!

I have – it’s missing at the moment – a tiny, deep purple, rectangular velvet pillow with gold fringe on the shorter sides. A tiny, decorative trinket. Moby LOVES that thing. In the morning she’ll go over to the chair and get the pillow and come to my side of the bed and present it to me – my daily morning gift. Now how sweet is that?

Well, of late –  the pillow has gone missing. It’s been missing for some time now – and I know where it is … I just can’t get to it. It’s in Moby’s “fort”. Her fort is the area south of the garage … it’s kind of wild and has the warmth of the sun off the garage wall and the front split rail fence (which she has never once jumped over – though she could practically WALK over it if she tried!) that gives her the open view of the park. It’s a jumble of grapevines and climbing roses and a great hiding spot for a large dog. Warm in winter – cool in summer.

Anyway, the pillow is there … somewhere under all the snow we’ve gotten lately. So, without the pillow she has been lost in the mornings. She has been coming to my side of the bed – empty handed (or empty-mouthed in this case) looking so apologetic that she has no gift for me. And so, lately, I’ve been putting out socks for her! At night before I go to bed I’ll put a sock on the chair or on the floor and in the morning – there she is in full body-wag, sock in mouth, bringing me my present. And, as is her tendancy – she takes these offerings back from me and then outside to her fort … where they get stuck to the snow and I have to lay a new sock out at night for her.

When the snows finally melt my yard is going to look like a slum …  littered everywhere around my yard will be socks and one tiny purple pillow! Lovely! And though I don’t look forward to that extra cleaning up and laundry – I hope the snows melt quickly because I’m running out of socks!

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Oiling wrinkles …

Day 17

Hmmm … if someone asked me if I knew how to oil wrinkles I’d tell them, “Sure … I oil my own nightly. I’m a pro at this!”

Seriously, if putting WD-40 on them would make them less apparent, I’d do so.

But what if that person was not talking about my OWN wrinkles … but those of a pug? Or to put it precisely … nose wrinkles … on 90 pugs?

This past weekend I volunteered at a “Pug Tune-up” for the CO Pug Rescue group. For a $10 donation a human brought their pugster in for a nice spa treatment where the puggy got ears cleaned, nails trimmed, wrinkles washed and oiled, a light massage, nose balmed, a good de-shedding brushing, and a treat! What a deal! And, when waiting his/her turn for the spa treatment the darling had the opportunity  to cavort and play with 89 other puglets!

Early on I made the “mistake” of kneeling down to pet an old pug tottering by. Instantly pugs were all over me … licking, climbing, fawning over me for attention! It was like that commercial from awhile back when all the puppies climbed over the giggling child – except, at that moment, I was the giggling child! It was HEAVEN! Word to the unaware: if you don’t want pugs climbing all over you – don’t bend down when they’re nearby! They’re very social and affectionate!

I have never seen so many pugs, in one place, at one time. It was Pug Paradise!

So, there I was for 3 hours on Sunday – the official Ear Cleaner and Wrinkle Oiler. (Try saying that 3 times fast!)  I don’t know if all 90 got spa treatments or how many pugs actually came to my table … but there were many and most were typically puggy in their cuteness … big eyes bulging, pug-mugs gleaming with snot. Lovely!

Most didn’t mind the ear cleaning (a crumbled treat under the chin was the key to success) and wiping out and oiling the nose wrinkles was fairly easy and the dab of balm on the nose and the light body massage before they went off to play was most welcome. I was thanked, more than once, by PDPA (public displays of puggy affection) … slurpy kisses all over my face! A little slobber never hurt anyone!

The youngest pug was a mere 4 months old – a darling baby that I wanted to pug-nap so badly! Who would have noticed me smuggling her out in my sweater!? The oldest was 15. He was a big beauty of a guy and lovely in all his stuffed animal perfection. And then there were all the other pugs … big, roly-poly, chunk-meisters (desperately needing a diet), the ones that were just BIG BONED (always my favorite personal excuse) and larger in build and size, the ones that were petite and on the thin side (it’s odd to see a thin pug – recent rescues?) and the rest were just normal-sized goofball-let’s-go-play pugs. And (phew) I didn’t adopt anyone or bring home a foster!

When I arrived home, my critters thought I smelled fantastic as I was given a very excited full body sniff-down by everyone … pugs, lab and cats! But when I said, “Let’s oil some wrinkles!”- everyone disappeared to the far corners of the Earth (or house). I should say that more often – I sat down and had the whole couch to myself!


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TJ’s …

Day 16

TJ’s sets hearts aflutter, sends tingles down the spine, has been known to make grown women (and men) swoon and drool. TJ’s … (not to be confused with JT aka. James Taylor, although he might do all those things) … is Trader Joe’s. A grocery store. That we, here in the Denver area, still DO NOT HAVE.

We are slow in these here parts of the Wild West. This past year we finally we got an IKEA (seriously … it took THIS long to get here) …  an H&M and a Steak and Shake! Wooo … move the cattle out of the way, Cookie, cuz it looks like we are finally gonna rustle us up a TJ’s.

Finally … (and I mean, really … FINALLY) it was announced on one of this week’s news broadcasts that finally a TJ’s is coming to Colorado. NOT Denver … but up to Boulder … a good hour drive (on a good day). But hey – that’s okay. We will take field trips up and not complain in the slightest because it is closer than Santa Fe, NM (which gets to be a pricey run to get $2 (buck) Chuck because it takes 5 hours – one way + cost of gas + cost of the inevitable speeding ticket). Seriously,  Santa Fe has a TJ’s and WE don’t?! But soon we will and we’ll be able to buy $2 Chuck (by the case) and enjoy it here in town … without all the other hassles!

For those of you who have been living under a rock (sorry, but true) and are wondering, “What’s the fuss?” or “What is Trader Joe’s?” … all I can say is, “OMG people. Where have you been?”

Seriously, it’ll change your life. It isn’t the grocery store of all grocery stores … not like Wegmans of the east coast. THAT one you walk through and think you died and went to grocery store heaven (and I’m pretty sure there is such a place). If you ever get the chance to walk through a Wegmans – do it. Make it a destination! I was in Virginia one lonely Friday night and it took me almost 4 hours to walk through the place and take everything in … from the commercial bakery to the locked, lucite truffle case in the exquisite produce section. And don’t even get me started on their 10 coolers of cheeses!

I digress.

Trader Joe’s cannot be compared to Wegmans because it is not that kind of store. Trader Joe’s screams out (in a very friendly way): organic, fun, healthy, yummy, custom, convenience, pre-made, wholesome, supreme variety and … cheap. And they have free samples.

And don’t even get me started on their flowers or heirloom pumpkins! Botanic gardens and Cinderella would be envious and thrilled with their selections!

Ok, you ask, “What is the deal with TJ’s?” Did you not hear the aforementioned $2 buck Chuck? It is wine. Good wine. For $2 a bottle. We are not talking about wine you’d steal from a wino in a back alley and hide in a paper bag and cringe while trying to swallow it – it’s GOOD wine. And, though I’m not a wine connoisseur, and can’t drink much due to allergies, it’s tasty … and it’s TWO DOLLARS.

Okay … put the wine down.

Take a trip with me now: picture us walking into a Sunflower Market type of place … homespun meets farmers’ market meets you. It’s a small place: intimate, comforting, cheery. The produce section: fruits and veggies are crated (how cute!) and you can find pretty much any vegetable you can think of … and actually afford to take them home. And things are pretty. And things are fresh! And let’s say you are craving guacamole but you don’t want to have to get 3 avocados, a lime, a tomato or two and an onion … you walk over to the display where they sell guacamole kits … all put together, for your convenience, and put one in your basket for some ridiculously low price … like $3.

So, we go through the store and gawk and giggle over the prices and the quality and the choices! You pay for your basket of goodies without having to take out a second mortgage and go home – happy.

And now you’re home (drinking your $2 buck Chuck and eating your $3 of guac) and you remember the frozen and prepared food aisles. (Seriously, I can hardly stand it!) You couldn’t decide on which selection to fill your coffers with so you did an eenie, meenie, minie, moe thing and just filled your basket at random, knowing whatever you picked up would be wonderfully delicious … and can I impress this upon you yet … CHEAP?

So, now you’re drinking your (second bottle of) $2 buck Chuck (cuz hey, it’s $2 and it’s good) and your $3 guac and your $4 lobster ravioli is so completely amazing you don’t know how you survived without a TJ’s for this long.

Well, dream no longer Denverites … finally someone got some sense into them that we really are not just a cow-town nor do we have to ski to the grocery stores or arrive on horseback and that a TJ’s would be just the thing for us out west … here in the wild country.

So, keep watching for upcoming info on the new Trader Joe’s coming to the Applebee’s location up in Boulder, April 2013. Mark your calendars, give me your lists or get in the car with me, point the car to Boulder … and get the hell out of my way! I’m drooling already!


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Yoshi’s piano …

Day 15

There is a piano on my stairs. Well, not a real piano and not exactly a keyboard, either. It has no real keys and no sound comes from it … but nonetheless there is a piano on my stairs.

A few years back, I adopted Yoshi (my old-lady pug). She is tiny and football shaped and at the time still had control and functionality of her back legs (which she no longer has). And when she was no longer napping on one of the dog beds on the main floor she would stand at the bottom of the stairs, back legs on the slate of the entryway and front legs on the first step of the staircase going up to our second floor and yip at me to come rescue her.

For days, for weeks … and probably for months I’d hear her, each afternoon, calling to me to come get her. And then I’d see her there – wanting to come upstairs but unable to (due to age, fright, inability?). So I’d go down the stairs to get her and carry her up to join the rest of the crew (usually snoring away in my office) but before I could get to the bottom of the flight – she would be hobbling back and forth along that bottom step in excitement and anticipation … and yipping like crazy.

She just looked so funny. And one day I had an idea … and painted a piano keyboard on that bottom step.

And for a month or so afterwards, Yosh “played the piano” daily … as she went back and forth along that bottom step waiting for me to pick her up; because now with the keyboard painted on it – it looked like she was playing the piano.

It was hysterical … hilarious. Riotously humorous. Our own little Ray Charles or Liberace – in pug form – tickling the ivories!

And I say she did this for only a month or two because not too long after the piano was “installed” … she had a stroke and lost the ability to stand on those back legs. They turned to wobbly little sticks that sometimes hold her upright if someone else is holding onto her … but for the most part they are useless.

But she had a good run. And she was wildly entertaining as she played her little puggy heart out.

I have had several (ahem) comments about the “piano on the stairs” but I don’t have the heart to get out the paint remover and take it off – just because she can no longer play it.  It was Yosh’s claim to fame and brings back fond, if not silly and funny, memories to me of the smallest percussionist in the family.

And … every once in a while I’ll look down and see Oscar or Dori standing at the bottom of the stairs: back feet on the slate, front feet on that bottom step (contemplating their journey upward), all the while going back and forth along that bottom step … playing Yoshi’s piano.

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Help wanted …

Day 14

I need a housekeeper. I’ve been saying it for years now. It’s not that I don’t do it … and it’s not that I don’t get satisfaction out of doing it … and it’s not even that I don’t like doing it … I just don’t have the TIME.

And I don’t want to make the time. If I’ve got free time from animals and work and house projects and the yard and everything else – I’d prefer to do something FOR ME and not have to spend that time cleaning the house.

Years ago when I wasn’t working as I am and it wasn’t just me as care-taker of family stuff, home, critters and livelihood … I liked nothing better than to be Suzy Homemaker. I was a Martha Stewart wanna-be and did a pretty good job of it, if I do say so myself. But not anymore. I just want it DONE. The pleasure factor goes out the window when I open it up to air out the place!

I do my best thinking when vacuuming … and in the shower … and while driving and in saying that it really is a miracle that I haven’t (yet) sucked up an animal while pushing around my Dirt Devil, turned into a prune, or run someone over. Yeah … YET.

In any case, I spent the last hour or so cleaning and primarily vacuuming … and got to thinking that I should give up trying to teach the dogs how to vacuum. First off – they hate it … they run from the room if the thing is even wheeled in. It doesn’t even have to be turned on and they flee from the beast like they were in Pamplona. It’s kind of hard to teach them to use something (like those bed stairs) when they hate the tool that needs to be used. And they’d never be able to tie their aprons on. So, I’d be stuck tying aprons on and emptying out the vacuum canister … and they are not allowed near the outlets – so, I’d have to plug and unplug when they moved to a new room, etc. Easier, in the long run, just to do it myself! Rats!

Actually, I don’t mind cleaning – dusting is rather soothing in an odd kind of way. There are times when I get out the heavy duty “good” furniture polish or oil and at the end of several hours my home sparkles like an English museum … woods gleaming, their luster stirring hearts. Yeah right. In any case – the house looks good!

But it’s the vacuuming that gets me. I mean it really does actually GET me … I have sciatica and back fractures and after using the vacuum I can (more than not) feel the spasms starting and the shock waves beginning to go through my body. Lovely! I’ve been told the WORST thing I can do is vacuum. Well, I never asked if bull riding would be worse … or mountain biking … but I imagine. But for MY activities … vacuuming seems to be the worst thing I can do. Makes my life (and activity level – or lack thereof) sound kind of pathetic!

But – I endure and my home, once again, is a fur-free zone (at least for the next half hour) and my wood is gleaming, my bathrooms are sanitized, all counters are sparkling and my floors you could eat off of. (Yeah, well I wouldn’t really suggest that unless you wanted dirt and extra bits of rocks and leaves in your food because I didn’t wash my floors today.)

In any case … a housekeeper would be really nice. I could spend my time painting … or making soap … or body scrubs … or candles … or something! A live-in housekeeper gets (on average) $37,000 a year here in Denver. I definitely am NOT getting paid enough! I will have to talk to my supervisor!

In the meantime, I have to go feed the dogs. And me. Considering in the past 3 days I’ve eaten a handful of Twizzlers, a box of Rice-A-Roni, some peanut butter and crackers, and some left-over Valentine candy (and washed it all down with gallons of tea) … maybe I should forego thinking about getting a housekeeper and get myself a CHEF!

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“R” words …

Day 13

Our family traveled a cancer journey for 148 days … with a bad outcome. “Bad” in the sense of meaning … awful, devastating, life changing, horrid, putrid, heart shattering … BAD. My husband and my children’s father, Tim … died.

Yeah … pretty bad outcome.

We heard a lot of words and terms thoughout that journey but never the one I heard today, from a friend, who has also been traveling the journey that cancer takes one on … REMISSION.

Our family didn’t get that word. That was never in the vocabulary lesson. It was never mentioned because Tim was given “one month, maybe two, if all looked good … and nothing looked good.” That he survived as long as he did with all his complications was a miracle in itself.  That “R” word was never even a remote possibility for him so I wasn’t quite sure what it would feel like if it came up for someone else. Now I do. And it’s wonderful.

I read Andrea’s email today and saw that word in the subject line and even before my computer (processing at lightning speed) could display her words, I had goose bumps and was crying my eyes out. Yeah, pure out sobbing; it’s how I roll – I cry when I’m happy, scared, frustrated, sad, angry. Take your pick. This time it was from pure joy and elation!

She shared on her post at My Life List ( … saying that after 183 days remission stands for: recovery, rebuilding, revitalization, renewal, rethinking, reprioritizing … and relief.

Things – maybe, we all should do every once in a while – without all the cancer crap.

All those “R” words … rejuvenate and relax (ahh, sounds nice), regroup and rewrite (goals and dreams = doable). Maybe it’s time to take stock of our lives … change some habits (we tend to get sloppy in our ways) and recover some healthier ways of living.

Rebuild … a friendship, a portfolio, a savings account, or simply our confidence in ourself and our abilities and talents.

Revitalize … who wouldn’t like to jump out of bed and feel great? I’d like to jump out of bed. I’d like to feel great! Putting them together would be AMAZING!

Renew … a faith, a hobby, a tired looking room in your house, your wardrobe, your library card.

Rethink … what you think. Sometimes I don’t think and that bothers me. Rethink what you say and what you do … introspection may not be fun, but sometimes necessary.

Reprioritize … what REALLY matters? What would YOU do differently today – if you were told you had cancer?  What would you do differently today if you were told you were in REMISSION?

The tears I shed before even reading that remarkable post were of joy and relief and an odd mix of selfish sorrow – for me, for Tim, for our kids and all who knew him. We didn’t get that happy ending – that blessed R word; but I can honestly say I am so thrilled that my friends did.

The “R” word that comes to mind for me?  Rejoice!

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Postal delivery …

Day 12

I am a catalog junkie. In nicer terms, and according to my postman, I am the Catalog Queen. I can go days without getting nary a one … and then there are days when the post office truck practically backs into my driveway and my ever-patient delivery person lugs out a box of them … all for ME!

I pitch most of them – flipping through some, not looking at others on their way to the recycle bin. And then there are the “lucky few” … the CHOSEN ONES … that I’ll share some time with – maybe it’s just standing in front of the TV watching/listening to the news or while my dinner cooks or while the dog food is softening before the dogs get to eat it. Or maybe I’ll actually SIT DOWN with them. Those few, the serious catalogs of interest, get more than a quick perusing or casual flip-through. I’ll make tea, get a cookie (or two) and sit down, legs up on the stools – or on the couch (even better) and actually, LEISURELY, look through them. These catalogs usually contain gardening things or books, jewelry or personal spa/gifty items or music. I particularly like the ones that I would never order anything from in a million years; I just like to LOOK at what I would never order in a million years whether it’s absolute garbage or fit for an estate. And then there are the ones that have a zillion items and I look at them all. It’s not really like SHOPPING … more like window gazing from my  comfy couch.

However, a week or so ago a product caught my eye. Oh curses … every once in a while this will happen which means I actually BUY something and the catalog company’s advertising disguised as nothing more than a magazine for grown-ups with pretty pictures (and item numbers) … has worked … and I am now buying what I may or may not need. Usually what I do NOT need but sometimes something is key to my whole plan of action and betters my existence.

And that day – such a thing happened. There in the catalog of whatever it was … was the foldable bed stairs I’d been thinking about so that the dogs could get up onto my (high) bed without me needing to lift them on/off and without one or more of them blowing out a knee when trying to jump on/off without these stairs. Wonderful news … sturdy, foldable and affordable. Bingo! Sold! With the click of a mouse – the order is … done!

And yesterday the stairs arrived. I was so excited! I unpacked them and in one swift move unfolded them and set them up next to my bed – where, in all honesty, they did not look as hideous as I imagined.

So – now to get these guys to USE them. I tried the pugs first. Dori  was my first victim as I have to lift her up onto/down off of the bed all the time because she is so small. I thought this would be a great way for her to have some independence and be able to get up/down when she wanted. Ha! She squirmed away from the stairs like I was putting a snake into her face. After several attempts (on my part) of trying to get her up the stairs – she fled from the room and hid in my office; probably wondering why I was torturing her.

Okay – so, I tried Gertie. She usually uses the wing back that is near the bed as step one and then takes a flying leap from the chair to get up onto the bed … and then takes a flying leap from the bed to the floor to get down. Did I mention she has bad knees? Patellar Subluxation … more commonly known as “kneecap instability”. However you say it – she shouldn’t be taking flying leaps anywhere!

I got her started up the steps (now mind you there are only 4 steps – I’m not talking about walking up a Mayan ruin at Chichen Itza – it’s just FOUR steps!) … and she got up 2 of the steps, did a twist and somehow flipped off the little steps onto the chair and in a springboard fashion flew (and partially bounced, Tigger-fashion) onto the bed! I have NO idea how she did it but she would have gotten an 8.9 for style and execution if in a gymnastics meet! She was NOT about to try those steps again. I actually think she growled at me.

Okay … on to Moby. The real one I got these (now stupid) stairs for in the first place. She’s been having problems getting up onto the bed lately and she’s not getting any younger (11) … and after a long day of naps and lying in the yard and lying on the various dog beds (which are lying around the house) and eating and warding off foxes I felt it would be nice for her to have a cozy bed to get up on – without straining her big-dog body.

All I can say is if there had been a whale by my house I would have had an easier time getting it up those stairs than Queen Mobius. And that Gertie was barking and snapping at her while I was trying to get her up the stairs was not helping matters. I gave up after Mobes, somehow, nearly fell off the side of the steps. Seriously  … she turned every muscle to stone and every cell to lead as I tried to push her (now 300 lbs.) up those 16″ to my bed. It was ridiculous.

I quit! Forget it! Return them!

And then a miracle happened. As I was sitting here earlier today working, I happened to see Oscar (my cat) walk into my bedroom and practically GLIDE up the steps onto my bed! The only animal of mine who can jump up onto and down off of my bed without a problem is the one using the steps! Animals! Go figure! Maybe he’ll teach the others!

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Not so green thumb …

Day 11

It’s that time of year when the Home and Garden Shows, like early spring flowers, start popping up at convention centers across the country.

It’s also that time of year – a mere 35 days until Spring (unless you are in Denver then it’s a mere 96 days!) when I get the “planting itch”. Not just spring fever – but the urge to get my hands dirty … dig into some soil … plant something. And I don’t know why because I’m not really very good at it. Actually I think all my plants do best when I just leave them alone!

My Dad plants tomatoes and his yearly yield is well over 400 … big, gorgeous, luscious, home-grown tomatoes (the ones John Denver sang about). Last year I got 7 (1 golfball sized red one and the rest were green marbles). I can’t even grow zucchini! How is that even possible? My Mom is a Master Gardener and her garden mirrors that of some botanical paradise. It is not a structured garden but a wild jumble of everything – a haven to bird and bee and butterfly. My daughter is a grower at a greenhouse – the designer.  Sigh. All I can say is all that inherent ability must have skipped a generation and was completely lost on me. Let’s just say I don’t exactly have the greenest of thumbs. Mine is somewhere in between green and brown … more like … KHAKI.

And even though I’m not good at it –  that’s not to say I don’t have a beautiful yard. Thank you Mother Nature … because 90% of what happens in my yard is despite my efforts not because of them!

In front I have Lavendars, Foxgloves, Irises, Tulips and 104 giant Allium (I counted last year) … all thriving independently of my efforts (or neglect).

We moved into this house a zillion years ago (okay, nearly 26; almost a zillion). At that time the house was 20 years old and we were the 12th owners of the place. No one paid much attention to the yard except for whomever planted the roughly 300 trees and shrubs that are here today. Thank you whomever you are! I think, again, Mom Nature had her hand in a lot of them as much of my yard is on a volunteer basis – meaning, I didn’t really plant or nurture what is here – it just kind of took hold and grew.

Which is really nice when you have a khaki thumb!

I have a big, rectangular yard with the back third of it being quasi-terraced up an incline to my back fence. Lilacs hang over that fence and though aging – are quite lovely.

The north side of my yard is the “preserve”. It used to be grass and a brick edged flower bed until I realized that the 3 enormous pines that border that area were responsible for killing off most of anything I planted – including the grass; too shady, too acidic, too something. For awhile I thought the shady area would be lovely as a woodland garden … Tulips, Violets, Hostas, Astilbe and Bleeding Hearts. They all died. One by one I held silent funerals for my deceased green children. Then I planted Red Twig Dogwoods – small, compact bushes that have red stems and looked nice against the gray siding and the well placed bark. Those, too, were gone after a year or so. So – that area is mostly just bark now – hard to kill that off!  And yet the ivy remains. Creeping, ever slowy, inch by inch each year, snaking its way along the ground and up the fence and around the tree trunks. That area is the “wild” area of my yard containing the log pile that I refuse to go near due to the billion spiders that I imagine have taken up residence, my volunteer forest and the area that the dogs parade around in sniffing for the foxes.

I have cherry trees that sprang up from a huge cherry that died shortly after we moved in (sign of times to come?) that make my backyard more aromatic than a vial of perfume come springtime. There are Russian Olives that, despite losing a quantity of limbs every year, seem to hang on – somehow defying the odds. And there is the Honey Locust that took root on my side of  the fence. My neighbor gets the shade, I get the 3″ long, thick, mutant monster thorns on my side! The snowball bush I planted eons ago is about the same size … barely hanging on after all these years. The volunteers do well, the things I plant … um, not so much!

Up on the hill we used to have more spruces and firs … lost long ago when the weight of spring and autumn snows were too much to bear. But, unfortunately, the fitzers continue to survive. If you have a fitzer you know what I mean by unfortunately – they are ugly and they grow like weeds and yet they are green and “filler” plants and so I keep them. Each year they shrink in size thanks to my long handled pruning shears. I wish I did, but I don’t have the heart to take them completely out.

My hill has the “wild flower” area as well … every summer a wild profusion of surprises spring up there under the Sumacs.  The Sumacs started further north and migrated as the years went by and have taken center stage on the hill. People think they are “weed trees”; I think they are beautiful. Lacy and open and absolutely breathtaking with their yellows and oranges and reds come autumn. They somehow placed themselves in perfect alignment for viewing from my kitchen window!

There is a huge Silver Maple in the middle of my yard. It used to sport a treehouse but we took that down a few years back;  it was fun while it lasted. It makes for delightful shade in the summer and piles and piles of leaves later on that all the animals like to burrow in and pounce onto.

The south side of the yard is a wild tangle of raspberry bushes and more volunteers. I planted 3 lilacs along the fence years ago – they are pink and pale, pale lavendar and are very late bloomers. I love lilacs and when all the others have long faded and dropped their blossoms mine are just coming around – so I get a second wave of them which is so wonderful. More volunteer trees flank the fence line … I don’t even know what they are or where they came from … along with the Oregon Holly and about 15 bushes on the hill that I have no clue what they are or when they took root! There are Aspens and an Ornamental Pear, a Chinese Plum and the Ohio Buckeye that is my special favorite with its spiny husks and smooth nuts. And thanks to the squirrels and the whirlybirds falling there are baby maples from my tree … the biggest one is now about 10 feet tall.

The areas closest to the house hold the majority of the perennials – Bachelor’s Buttons, Scarlet Monarda, huge pink Peonies, lilies and roses and if it’s a wet year – mounds and mounds of Violets. There is Cat Mint and every year more and more Hollyhocks that reach  skyward with their 8 foot spires. I throw annuals in every year – somehow they last until fall, no thanks to me.

For the most part the plants in my yard succeed (or not) on their own. I water them, I prune them, the dogs trample them, I talk to them … and that’s about it. If a seed wants to make a home in my yard – weed or whatever – it’s got a good chance of a long and happy life as long as I don’t come near it!

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Roses are red …

Day 10

I am a sucker for a holiday … ANY holiday. Ground Hog Day (Februrary 2nd) is lovely (but I’m still mad at stupid Phil this year for predicting more winter as I don’t want any more winter). Bunsen Burner Day (March 31) is always nice … one of those “get cozy with someone over the flame of a highly flammable gas canister in the lab” type of days. And who doesn’t love National Thriftshop Day (August 17th), International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th) or National Repeat Day (June 3rd) – (I said, “Repeat Day is on June 3rd.”)?

But today is Valentine’s Day. The holiday most associated with LOVE.  Tolstoy said it this way, “Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love.”

NECCO said it this way, “I C U R A Q T.”

However, many people protest that it is a “Hallmark” holiday … manufactured by the greedy business owners of flower, candy, lingerie, jewelry and card shops portraying love by dollars spent and fueling consumerism and commercialism; striking guilt into the hearts of the people who forget, causing quite a few arguments for those who don’t buy into this manufactured holiday of love and romance, and heartache into the hearts of others: the forgotten or unattached.

I, personally, am tickled with the thought of a holiday that honors all that is love and romance and matters of the heart. (And it breaks up the winter doldrums!) However, in doing a bit of research … the whole Valentine’s Day thing does sound more like a ploy by commercialists than an act of unfailing love by some dead guy. Read on.

Saint Valentine’s Day (according to the infinite wisdom of the internet) is a holiday observed on February 14th honoring one or more of the early Christian martyrs named (yep … ) Saint Valentine.

In one rendition: Saint Valentine was persecuted as a Christian and, after Roman Emperor Claudius II failed to convert him to paganism and Saint Valentine failed to convert the emperor to Christianity, was executed. However, before his demise it is reported that he performed a miracle by restoring the sight of the jailer’s blind daughter. Nice but not too romantic and it certainly doesn’t make me want to get out construction paper and doilies and start making hearts.

Rendition number two comes closer to providing a connection with romantic love: Here we have Roman Emperor Claudius II, again, ruling the lands. And wanting to grow his army he allegedly ordered that all young men remain single; believing that married men did not make good soldiers. In steps good old Saint Valentine – heralder of conversation heart candies and singing telegrams (not really) – who in defiance of the edict and in the name of love secretly married the young men and their betrothed. When the emperor found this out he was not pleased and he threw Saint Valentine in jail … and soon thereafter had him beheaded. Which also does not make me want to get out the glitter and glue and red shiny heart stickers or eat chocolate covered cherries. (Actually, nothing makes me want to eat chocolate covered cherries!)

Version number three … this is where the card companies come into play … has Saint Valentine, for whatever reason, in jail and on the eve of his execution he (got out the glitter, glue, red shiny heart stickers, construction paper and doilies) and made the FIRST EVER … “valentine” card and sent it to the jailer’s lovely daughter … signing it “From your Valentine” … leaving her with his heart (not literally) for all eternity and opening up the gates for the modern day greeting card industry.

Ta da!

And so … that’s where we get Valentine’s Day from. Or not.

In any case … give of yourself … your time, a love note, bake cookies for your sweetie but if you are not a baker or the crafty glue and glitter type … get crackin’ – the day is still young!

And, if you are thinking of getting CANDY – you are not alone.  Roughly 47% of Americans will exchange some type of candy amounting to a gastronomical (ha!) amount of $1 billion in sales; chocolate being 75% of that amount.  You don’t have to go expensive, fancy or chocolate – though 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are given to sweethearts each year –  you can give a bag of pink and white Good and Plenties or cinnamon hearts (or whatever) tied with a ribbon;  that might just be the way to your love’s heart (or stomach)! (Or your own!)

Or maybe flowers are more you. Red roses (symbolizing passionate love and 71% of all roses sold) are the flower of choice being 43% of all flowers sold during this holiday. Nearly 110 million stems are sold for Valentine’s Day,  with men purchasing 75% of those thorny love tokens. Sales for flowers at this time of year are more than $1.7 billion!

The U.S. Greeting Card Association (yes, there is such a group) estimates that 190 million valentines are sent each year (in the U.S.) with half of those given to children. If you include the elementary school traditional valentine exchanges that number climbs to well over 1 billion valentines exchanged each year.

And for all of you who think you know the entire poem stating that roses are red … well, think again. This “modern” poem found in a collection of English nursery rhymes in Gammer Gurton’s Garland dates back to 1784:

The rose is red, the violet’s blue. The honey’s sweet, and so are you. Thou art my love and I am thine: I drew thee to my Valentine. The lot was cast and then I drew, And Fortune said it shou’d be you.

Commercialism and consumerism be damned … any holiday that promotes showing your love to someone else and eating candy all day long is a good day! So, make it special …  give a kid a valentine, smile at a stranger, get out the glitter and glue, and do something nice – even if it’s for yourself! Happy Valentine’s Day!





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Sound off …

Day 9

I like music. I remember dancing in my living room when young to Peter, Paul and Mary or Harry Belafonte. Those records were played over and over and over again. Old favorites. My dad had a reel-to-reel tape recorder, a mammoth of a machine, and played all the musicals when he was painting or working on the house. At an early age I could belt out songs from Guys and Dolls or West Side Story like nobody’s business!

I sang to my children when they were little and falling asleep. I sing to the dogs (they don’t seem to mind that I cannot carry a tune or that I’m singing the theme song from the Wonder Pets) and I sing in the shower, yet I do not consider myself musical. I do not play any musical instrument (though I do play a mean bongo drum – steering wheel at stop lights) as learning to play the piano was worse than trying to teach me Russian (which I never learned either).

Growing up I never had a transistor radio (look it up, all you youngsters!) but I did have a turntable (still do) and liked nothing more than in my pre-teen days to buy 45 (rpm) records for a song … ha! Meaning they were CHEAP! (No pun intended!)

I still have my 45 record collection and occasionally pull out the large flowered shoebox of these treasures while in some supremely nostalic state and listen to the super scratched croonings of Fess Parker singing “Wringle Wrangle” (some old western song from the late 50’s),  “Was Judy There”  or “Yogi” by The Ivy Three, “Sneaky Snake” by Tom T. Hall or other moldy oldies! (And we are talking FINE music here people! Google the artists and you, too, can listen to these masterpieces.)

My first album was everyone else’s first album of girls my age … Tapestry by Carole King (1971). I still have that album and am surprised it doesn’t have holes in the vinyl from wear as I must have played it at least 437 times.

In between Carole and those golden oldies I longed for the white go-go boots that Nancy Sinatra wore (and apparently walked in cuz that’s what they were made for … walking). She wasn’t much of a singer but oh how I yearned for her damn boots!

Michael (Jackson) was my age and even at that time we recognized his talent … basically because everyone else our age was watching the Ed Sullivan show not singing ON it! There are days when the only song in my head is about that stupid rat, Ben.

I was that generation that saw the beginning of the British invasion and in there somewhere I (and 4 million other females of all ages) fell in love … with Paul. His friends John, George and Ringo were nice but Paul was the heartthrob of most everyone I knew. And, of course, those songs are still some of my favorites … 45’s or now on Pandora … “Devil in Her Heart” still gets me every time.

Through high school and beyond I was a John Denver fanatic. I have albums of his, tapes, CD’s and even possibly an old 8-track. I’m amazed I haven’t worn out any of those either. JT (James Taylor) was also a well-played favorite. Unbeknownst to him we do a mean duet of “You’ve Got a Friend”.

Then came Chicago (fabulous in concert), Jackson Brown, Steven Bishop, Bread, Hall and Oats, The Eagles. And then I went country and the Judds were commonplace companions as were Garth and Kenny and Brooks and Dunn.

Years later and currently – Josh Grobin, Michael Buble, Harry Connick Jr. and a smattering of jazz, soft rock and a variety of artists are who I turn to.

For several years after Tim died I couldn’t listen to music, at all. It spoke of heartache and tragedy and I just couldn’t handle the sweet sorrow those lyrics brought with them … especially about the guy standing in the rain watching his girl and dog pass by in some other guy’s truck. It was too painful. But I missed it all too much and slowly found my way back.

A decade ago Tim and I went to see the Moody Blues in concert. We always loved their music – each having the same well-worn album from years before. We were so looking forward to that evening and when we got there, I don’t know why, but we were so stunned to see a bunch of OLD GUYS up on stage! Yes, they’d aged and were now nearly 300 years old, so why did we expect them to sound young if they no longer were? It was so disappointing and much worse than that … we just found it somehow very sad.

I see nothing wrong in aging:  badly, gracefully or with some alterations (Kenny Rogers – what the hell were you thinking?!). However there comes a time when your face may belie your age but your voice does not and you just don’t sound like you did. I think a LOT of those aging “stars” in the entertainment industry don’t know when to quit … and don’t realize that though popular once – they just don’t have that sound quality that they once did and that the voice just isn’t “there”. Stop. Cherish what you had. Retire.

I watched the Grammy awards show and found it difficult to comprehend that the Beach Boys are having their 50th reunion. Their Five-Oh my god they are ancient reunion! Sorry guys – it was nice back in the day – when you were 17. Um, now – not so much. You had your time and it was fabulous … don’t ruin it. Just don’t do it.

As the show was ending, with Whitney and her amazingness and waste of a life still on my mind, I saw my old flame looking older but not hideously retouched.  But when he started to sing, I thought, “Oh Paul … you lovely old hearthrob.” I still want to hold his hand … but I turned the sound off.



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The Happiness Project …

Day 8

The other day I was in the shower and as is usually the case all sorts of things came to mind … including the question: What makes me happy?

Whoa … where did that come from? Pretty deep for not quite being awake yet! And yet I thought that was an interesting question and have not let myself think about it until now … knowing if I had thought about it in the shower – my answers would have all gone down the drain like the suds of my apricot body wash.

So – here I am plunging into what I’m going to call The Happiness Project. There are tomes of scientific findings that say people who are happier live longer. Well, since I don’t diet or exercise (much) – why not give this a try?  So, I will figure out what brings me happiness and then LOOK for those things in my daily life and appreciate and enjoy them (more consciously than I do now) when they come about. And then in a few weeks I’ll revise my list and do it all again.

The Happiness Project: 25 things that make me happy … (in no certain order … flying off the cuff, typing as I think, nothing prepared) … generally and specifically:

1. Puppies … any kind but I really like young puppies – baby babies;  preferably under a month old and Pugs, Frenchies, Bulldogs, Shar Peis or Bostons because they are so darn wrinkled and cute!

2. Freedom … I’m not political, but I am patriotic and think too many of us take our lives and the many freedoms we possess for granted. I have flown our country’s flag outside my home since I moved into it 26 years ago.

3. Chocolate ice cream … (Breyers) and at times a few toppings (nuts, whipped cream, non-pariels, crunchy bits … yum!) for extra decadence.

4. Butterflies … for many reasons but here are three: 1) for a week or so this summer I had a visitor to my window every day – a Tiger Swallowtail butterfly would flit past my office window at precisely 10 am; it was uncanny. 2) My brother was a budding lepidopterist when we were little. (My mom was so tolerant!) We had a veritable insect farm at our house. I grew up with all sorts of things hatching a room away. 3) A few years back my best friend’s mom, who liked butterflies, passed away and the day of her memorial gathering a Monarch landed on my friend’s hand.

5. Twilight … the time of day (not the vampire stuff). In the summer I usually take my dinner out to my front porch rocker and enjoy the dwindling twilight … watching my neighbors on walks and the sun setting behind the trees and creek. The bats come out then – it’s so serene and lovely.

6. Purple  … deep eggplant, plum, violet, orchid. I’ll wear it, eat it, paint my walls with it … or dye my hair that color!

7. Silence … true, deep, in the middle of a pine forest, miles from anyone but Big Foot silence.

8. A diner breakfast … eggs over easy, crispy bacon, crunchy hash browns and waitresses calling people honey and sweetie.

9. Crickets on a summer’s evening.

10. Old photographs … sepias and/or old black and whites. It doesn’t even matter if I know who the people are in the photos … I am mesmerized by the souls that the camera exposes.

11. The smell of fresh cut grass. Nothing beats this aroma. (Not even bacon!)

12. Rain … from a light sprinkle to a violent thunderstorm; let it rain!

13. Dinosaurs … and all things dinosaurs – from gummy fruit snacks to wishing I could actually go to Jurassic Park.

14. ET. … I love him. We’ve been to the studio ride a few times and each time I am thrilled and excited to be there. I have a photo of ET and myself on my fridge, side-by-side, hugging. Years ago my niece asked me if he was nice.  It was just the sweetest thing.

15. Out of the oven chocolate chip cookies … with coconut in them. YUM!

16. Cows … I love Belted Galloways and just about all cows. They have the sweetest faces. Moo.

17. Mail … I love getting my mail from the mailbox and getting a handwritten, mailed letter, card or note.

18. Cheesy disaster movies. The more disasterous the better … volcanoes, tsunamis, ice storms, aliens, gargantuan dragons; lots of explosions and drama! GREAT fun!

19. The laughter of children … nothing beats giggling children unless it’s the giggling of 7th grade boys. They are a riot!

20. Whipped cream. Seriously – I’d put it on a pork chop if it wouldn’t make me sick!

21. Scissors – thank you Uncle Ben (we are related). One of the BEST inventions of all time.

22. Zip locks bags – the next best invention! Thank you Uncle Zip Lock!

23. Snow globe snowfalls … soft, pretty, gentle, fat flakes swirling down to earth and covering everything.

24. The sound of the ocean … something about the crashing of waves stirs my soul.

25. Autumn … everything about it. The smells, the crunch of leaves underfoot, pumpkins, the colors, the foods, the sweaters … ahhhh.

I know my list will change, as some of these things are seasonal … but for now I will be more open to what makes me happy in the days and weeks ahead and relish and cherish those moments.

What are your 25?

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Thoughts while in the shower …

Day 7

I think my best thoughts while in the shower. I don’t know if it’s the aromatherapy from the shampoo, body wash and soap or if my body consists of more water than is normal (which is roughly 60% for the human body) … or if I’m part mermaid or tadpole (yeah, it’s probably because I’m part tadpole!) … but for whatever reason I think best when in water (and more usually while in the shower)!

If someone could come up with a computer I could use while in the shower – now that would be great! (Without getting electrocuted, please! Yeah – not as easy as it sounded originally, huh?!)

Well, anyway, I was in the shower and was thinking, as I am usually doing while in the shower about random things – things that just pop into my head … long lost images from childhood vacations, favorite passages from books, how the sky looked the day the winds made huge waves in my friend’s above-ground pool (with us still in it!), ideas for books, memories of Tim … they all flood back to me as the water rains down on and over me.

Our family is big on using phrases from movies in our everyday language.  These otherwise common or nonsensical phrases have no real meaning to anyone else – unless that person is a fan of whatever movie the quotes came from and recognize their origin.

My daughter uses, “Looking good, Billy Ray.” with her co-workers at the greenhouse. The co-workers who “get it” respond back, “Feeling good, Lewis.” They crack-up over this banter … others are merely confused because no one in that conversation is named Lewis or Billy Ray. (Those phrases are from the movie Trading Places.)

Over the course of years these phrases have been woven into our private conversations and add a bit of giggle to our days. So, while I’m in the shower thinking of all these odd and obscure tidbits that come to mind, I’m also having a private chuckle because those three words are one of our family’s commonly used phrases from the movie Legally Blonde.  In the movie, Reese Witherspoon is questioning a witness and she says (about 12 times) that the witness was IN THE SHOWER. So, if I get a phone call from my mom and I said I missed her earlier call because I was in the shower … my mom responds back, “You mean, you were in the shower?” “Yes … I was. I was in the shower.” And so it goes. We giggle and carry on. NO ONE else is going to think that funny – but we do and these things have been incorporated into our conversations and lives.

So, there I was in the shower thinking about all these things that so usually flood over me with the water and I got to thinking about  something – other than goofy phrases from movies that add to our connectedness – which I will share with you at a later date.

And all due to my being … in the shower.


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Chain girl … or not

Day 6

I’m not a gourmet. I’m not a gourmand. Far from either – however, I do like to eat. And though I’m pretty simple in my tastes it doesn’t mean I’m all plain and simple or that I don’t appreciate a fine meal. And whether it’s plain or fancy or somewhere in-between one thing remains constant … I want it to be GOOD … and I want someone else to make it.

And GOOD, in my book, means … good ambiance, good food, good service, good enough prices (so I don’t feel taken advantage of). You know, GOOD!

And while 80% (okay, maybe 90%) of the time I’d rather stick with the popular local haunts I know and foods I’ve already tried (and liked) … the other 10% of the time I really don’t mind trying new foods or places.

I’m not much of a cook (more of an “assembler”) and if I’m at home I want something easy because by the time I realize I need something to eat … I NEED SOMETHING TO EAT.  I want it quick and I want it yummy and I want it NOW!

And, if I’m going out, for the most part, I want those same things and don’t want to have to yell across the table to my  companion because the place is too noisy or get something that I could make at home or have to pay for my portion of the meal in 3 (easy) monthly installments.

And so it comes to this (possibly sad) revelation and realization that I’m (more than not) a “chain girl”.  I go to these tried and true institutions of munchables and libations simply because they are familiar and I know that economy and consistency are key factors in their success and popularity and I’m not going to be disappointed. Cuz if I wanted to be disappointed I would have stayed home and cooked MYSELF!

Well, I wouldn’t have cooked myself (ew!) … I would have done the cooking myself! Let’s make that clear! And though I aspire to someday be Julia … I am (now) best known for my good water and frozen peas.

And, since I am not a vegetarian (which I clearly could not be – as a human or a dinosaur – because I need meat), the mere thought of a big hunk of steak, grilled to perfection at one of those “down under” places or Applebee’s or somewhere else sounds MIGHTY good and sets me to drooling (well, almost) and keeps my pocketbook happy, too.  And I know that whenever that urge strikes … it will be, if not exactly what I want, close to it.

So, though I refuse to go to the Heifer Barn or the All-U-Can Eat Buffet (for $4), I still prefer the chain places … however, on certain nights a “regular” (chain) restaurant just won’t do.

Which brings us to tonight. By sheer luck Sam and I happened upon a lively French bistro, near the concert hall downtown, while looking for a (pre-orchestra performance) bite to eat. And though it was a delightful venue and a lovely (though rushed, on our parts) “bite” … that’s about ALL I was given of my carmelized onion tartlet with Gruyere fondue on a shortbread crust with an accompaniment of (1 forkful of) salad. (The French, as a whole, must be REALLY thin!) But it was okay as we only went for a BITE.

I wished we had had more time to leisurely enjoy what we had ordered … but we did not have that luxury as we were running a bit late. However, the company at my table was just lovely (Sam is always an enjoyable companion), my “bite” was tasty (though small in portion), it was fun to share in a new place (very Frenchy), and the servers bent over backwards to accomodate our time crunch (big, fat tip). The only down side was that it was pricey for what we got. An onion tartlet appetizer, a ramekin of onion soup (veal stock) and two glasses of (not so great) house wine left me wanting a large pizza and more change back from my $50 bill than I got!

But sometimes you have to forego familiarity, throw caution (and your visa card) to the wind and have the attitude of “cost be damned”! We’re out having fun … this is new, I’ll try (just about) anything, and we won’t pass this way again.

We can go to a chain anytime.


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Choose …

Day 5

It’s nearly midnight and I choose to write instead of getting ready for bed. Not necessarily sleep – because I haven’t been doing much of that lately. I have back issues. I have six animals. I have fur floating around my house. And because I have six animals who are not hairless which makes for the fur floating around my house – I need to vacuum. And when I vacuum … well, let’s just say the back issues become very loud in their displeasure and I can’t sleep. I might be in BED – but I’m not sleeping.

But that’s my choice. I choose to have six non-hairless animals and I choose to have a clean house (which means a LOT of vacuum detail) and I choose to endure the discomfort and sleeplessness that that chore brings (because I am not having surgery) and yet … instead of being grateful for the choices I have made (bringing six wonderful (non-hairless) animals who love me and bring comfort and sweetness into my life, living where I do and how I do, and doing my own vacuuming) … I grumble about them.

Choices. So many choices.

In any case – my desire to write this was primarily initiated by one word … (yep – you are so good at this) … CHOOSE. Odd how you hear or see a word and then it’s in your mind for that day or for a week afterwards. I saw the word CHOOSE three times in the last two days – the last while I was sitting down, in front of a nice roaring fire (thank you junk mail – it burns so nicely), reading a magazine. I was flipping through when there it was in 2 inch letters, staring up at me from the page, the word … Choose.


I didn’t think anything about it the first time I saw the word. Who would? But the second time I saw the word I thought, “Oh, look out … this is one of those words I’m going to keeping seeing.” And well, I was right. (Again! Imagine that!)

And so I was thinking most of this afternoon about choices … and how lucky I am (even though I grumble about things) and how lucky we are, as a society, to have the choices we do. And then tonight, all cozy in front of the fire, those thoughts swirled, again, around in my head when I saw that word again. CHOOSE.  And it made me think how much we (I’m speaking generally and collectively) take those choices for granted.

Most of us.

Ever think about it? Most of us choose our mood. We choose to be happy. Or not. We choose where we live, where we work, how we travel. We choose what we wear, how we worship, how we play, how we wear our hair. We choose our friends, our lovers, our mates, our habits. We choose how to spend our money, what we eat, where to go, what to do, what to say.

Wow … so MANY choices. And so many times those choices are made impulsively, rashly, stupidly. You hear it said often, “Choose wisely.” But do we?

I’m now wondering what was the last choice I made that I was really wholly aware of. We make an infinite number of choices every day – mostly without thinking about them. I am just as guilty as the next person about not being conscious when I choose things in my life. There are so many options (choices) that I think we tend to automate things. We are “there” – but not really.

We (me, too) grumble about a million things – the snow, the heat, the weather, the traffic, the cost of whatever, the rude bank clerk, our finances, our jobs, our families, ours bosses, our weight, our backs (I know I’m not the only one out there on this one), our … WHATEVER.

And it dawned on me that for having so many choices I should be grateful. SO grateful. And I shouldn’t be grumbling. And yet – as noted – I don’t (usually) even give “things” a second thought and grumble along.

Until yesterday.

A friend of mine (thanks Sandra) sent me the most incredible link. A dear friend of hers, Sara, passed away recently and the family is publishing Sara’s blog. I’m including the link here. I really hope you choose to open it up and read some of it. It made me rethink things. I need to be more aware of my choices. I need to choose wisely. I need to be more like Sara. She had such a difficult life … and yet, amazingly – she decided every day to … Choose Joy.

Just think what our lives would be if we all consciously decided to choose that, too.

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Squirrels on the brain …

Day 4

It’s refreshing when you can laugh at yourself … especially when you freak out … for no good reason. Today I did just that.

I hate squirrels. Let me resay that … I HAVE squirrels. And let me rephrase that as it sounds like some sort of disease … as in, “Oh – did you hear? She’s not doing well … she has SQUIRRELS.”

I don’t OWN squirrels but rather have them in my backyard like most people do who live in the suburbs. However,  I LOVE these creatures. They are an extension of my furry family.  I have friends who share my same outlook regarding these sweet, bushy tailed rodents and others … well, not so much.

My friend, Robin, feeds her squirrels … as do I. I was thinking of her today as I was smearing peanut butter onto the trunk of my huge blue spruce that is just off my back patio. She recommended this to me a while back and I thought it was pure genius! However, I have to make sure I put it up high enough as once I looked out the window expecting to see my little friends lapping it up – and instead I saw a 100 lb. lab, standing upright, having the time of her life licking peanut butter off the tree trunk! She smelled like peanut butter and pine sap all day!

I usually feed my squirrels roasted (unsalted) peanuts, stale bread or crackers, dog biscuits or a variety of fruit scraps. They like apples but not strawberries – but the blue jays do and they pick up what the squirrels leave behind.

I have a basket that hangs down the trunk about 5 feet off the ground … and fill it when I think about it … which is every few days – unless the little ones come to the sliding glass door and peer in. I cannot resist a begging squirrel!

This year, early on, I noticed how BIG they were. I have four that come around regularly and with the ever-present goodies in the basket they have gotten even bigger. They have nice fur coats on them this year and are the size of small marmots!

Gertie hates these invaders. She goes crazy if I go out and fill the basket and if the opportunity presents itself – she will chase the squirrels for hours and hours – until she has to lie down from exhaustion.

All my other animals don’t seem to mind their company or give them much notice. Mobes doesn’t care as long as they drop things for her from the tree now and then. Oscar lies regularly out on the deck, sunbathing, and a squirrel will be less than a foot away from him eating a peanut and he just keeps soaking up the rays. Maybe he doesn’t care cuz he doesn’t eat peanuts! Who knows!

A few years back we had a terrible windstorm. Oscar was outside meowing loudly so I went out back to investigate and found him with a baby squirrel IN HIS MOUTH! Apparently it was thrown from its nest from the big pine tree. I made the cat drop the squirrel and after taking the cat back inside the house, I got paper towels and retrieved the baby. I thought surely the poor little thing would be dead or maimed (and THEN what was I going to do with it?!) … but there in the grass was the tiniest “pinky” … totally naked and totally FINE!

So, I picked him up and took him into the laundry room where I made him a cozy little nest with cotton balls and a wash cloth on top of a heating pad in a plastic shoe box. I called Squirrel Rescue (and yes, amazingly, there is such a group) and they told me to watch him and keep him cozy and if he survived the night to bring him to the rescue location.

We named him Baby Refus and he was just the cutest little thing – no bigger than my pinky finger and he had the LONGEST “fingers”. Actually, they were kind of creepy! But he, himself, creepy fingers and all was darned cute!

I checked on him a few times during the night and each time I peered into his cozy nest he was in a different sleeping position … and as darling as could be! In the morning I drove him 2 hours north to the Squirrel Rescue location where they took care of him. Two months later he was released to the wild where he was promptly hit by a car, while crossing the street, and killed.

No, sorry, I just made that part up! I have NO idea what happened to him. If he survived … if he grew up to have a long and happy squirrel life … I have no idea. But I felt good that, at least, I had given him the chance to do so. I still have his picture up on my bulletin board. He was just the tiniest, cutest little thing!

So … today, while feeding the marmot-squirrels (dog biscuits were on the menu today) I was just thinking about all the families of squirrels we’ve had over the years. Not all were NICE squirrels … we had one family up in the roof – causing major damage – as enclosed rodents would do.  But we’ve had really sweet ones, too. (If a squirrel can be sweet.) I had a mama squirrel who was VERY sweet. She’d come and stand at the back door … her six or eight full breasts hanging down her front. She came to me for nourishment so she could go feed her babies. I loved her. We had her in the yard for several years and then she was gone.

So, there I was this morning with squirrels on the brain and as I was walking through the house I thought I saw Gertie sleeping on the chaise lounge in the living room. Seriously – I didn’t take good notice as I have dogs everywhere! Up the stairs I went to my office and as I neared the landing I starting hearing a soft growling, chirruping sound coming from my bedroom. WHAT THE HECK?

So, I crept down the hallway with this NOISE coming from my room and all I could think of was … THERE’S A SQUIRREL IN MY BEDROOM! (Squirrels on the brain … not a good thing.) Now, I’ve been here 26 years and I have NEVER had a squirrel in my bedroom. I’ve had a squirrel on the back door screen … down the chimney … in the family room … on top of the ironing board in the laundry room, and in my kitchen (yeah, bad habit of leaving out the bucket of treats and leaving the back screen door open!) … but never have I had one upstairs in my bedroom! So, why would there be one today? I have no idea … but it was the only thing that came to mind that seemed reasonable and what else could be making that noise?

So – there I was creeping down the hallway, majorly freaking out, peeking around the door to my room fearing a scene akin to Christmas Vacation. I like squirrels but I didn’t want one flying at me and getting stuck to my chest! And then as I was looking around trying to find the source of all the grumbling and chirruping … I saw … HER!

It was GERTIE. She wasn’t downstairs on the chaise in the living room but was instead nestled deep down in amongst all the pillows on my bed, in all her portly puggy splendor, sound asleep and snoring like crazy!

Squirrels are good. Squirrels on the brain … not so much! But – worth a good laugh!

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The happy failings of a foster mom …

Day 3

I’m a foster mom. A PUG foster mom to be exact. Well, not anymore … cuz I flunked fosterhood. Read on.

Three plus years ago I must have had the word SUCKER tattooed onto my forehead – invisible to all except the Colorado Pug Rescue group. They are a worthwhile group and angels on earth … who also have an uncanny ability of finding people who have a soft heart. You know – people like me – SUCKERS! If you’re quick – you will see where this is going.

I was minding my own business that fateful day in August when I received a call from the rescue group – could I do an emergency evac and could I foster two older pugs for the afternoon?  The key word here is … AFTERNOON.

I was new to the group and being in/sane when it comes to animals that need help I jumped at the chance to help out some four-legged babies in distress.

I drove the hour south, picked up “the girls” and stopped at McDonalds and got them each a no-onion cheeseburger (onions are toxic to dogs) on the way home. I think that was my undoing right there. Watching hungry pugs eat cheeseburgers is not for the faint of heart; kind of disgusting actually … but, even then, in between the snorts and the grunts and the food falling out the too-wide-to-contain-anything mouths and the visibility of (baby needs an ortho) displaced and rotting teeth – I found myself falling in love with these poor neglected creatures.

The older of the two is Yoshi (aka: Mushi and Sushi by friends and family who can’t remember her name!). She is a sweet old gal – a rotund football of a pug with a graying face and black eyes. She looks very much like a cross between Yoda’s ghost and ET. When I got her the end of her tongue was cracked and hard … from having it stick out of her mouth. A lolling tongue is not a good thing to have when you live where the humidity is rarely above 13%! So – we (Sam and I) would push it back into her mouth whenever we’d see it out … and now it stays inside – except for the tiniest bit, at times, a fine pink sliver peeking out of pug lips.

And then there’s Dori. Everyone thinks she’s a puppy because she is so tiny. She is nicknamed “Tilt a Whirl” by a friend of mine due to her constant head tilt (we think she was beaten). She was mostly skin and bones when I got her. Her family fed both dogs one small bowl of dry food (one bowl for two dogs in 24 hours) … and well, Yosh (at the time) could muscle her way through a pack of wolves for food (she is quite the chow hound) and though neither was getting enough Yosh got the majority of the food offered and Dori was basically starving.  At the time her name was Doodle … and well, you can see why we changed it. It was a stupid name and she reminded me of Dori in Finding Nemo because she had such a positive spirit … so, Dori it became. And the rename made no difference to her because she is pretty much deaf … and couldn’t hear me call her anyway. She has enormously large black eyes and has very little vision in one of them – totally blind in the other.  Tiny tilted head, BIG eyes and long squirrel-like toes … she has got to be a mix of something as she is not your typical pug; her build is slimmer, taller, and her nose is not smushed into her brain but she does have the pig tail and the snorting qualifications. She is my sweetheart.

When I picked up “the girls” we had an hour of travel time – the whole of which I wondered what I was doing bringing home two more animals to two cats, big dog (lab) Moby and (uh oh) wild and crazy (pug) Gertie. But Mobes – mother of 30 (another story) and Gertie welcomed the two newcomers in and all was good … cuz the new girls were just going to be with us for the afternoon. Key word again … AFTERNOON.

Well, plans changed … and the afternoon turned into a few days … which turned into the weekend … which turned into a few weeks … and then months.  After the initial few days I took them both to our local vet. Neither of them had fur on their tummies or legs (from sleeping on cement) and both had wicked ear infections. So, we left from the vet that day with all kinds of salves and balms along with appointments for each of them to have their teeth looked at. Those appointments came later as did the extraction of most of each of their teeth. Ow.

And, months later, there I was (again) minding my own business … being kind and sweet and fostering pugs when Dori looked at me, one night, with those gigantic eyes and all sweetness and my heart melted and I realized that there was no way in hell I was going to give them up. So, I flunked being a foster mom and started the adoption process.

They both turn 14 this year. Dori screeches if she can’t find me – or if she can’t get up or down the stairs … she needs help maneuvering them. She is my shadow and is constantly by my side and when I come home (even from taking out the garbage cans) I get a hero’s welcome! She is a sweet, sweet being. Yosh had a stroke a couple of years ago and has since lost the use of her back legs. I carry her everywhere and she has a comfy bed made up for her where she spends most of her time. But she is a happy little dog and always lets me know when she needs something and shows her gratitude with plentiful licks by that crispy-ended long tongue! I couldn’t be happier.

Note: Please be kind to your pets. Spay and neuter as suggested by your vet. And if you are thinking of bringing a new pet into your life/home consider contacting your local breed-specific rescue group and adopting an older animal in need.

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View from my window …

Day 2

It’s snowing. I’m up in my second floor office looking west onto the park that lies within mere inches of my windowsill. Well, from here it looks like it’s mere inches – but in reality – you have to walk through my yard and across the street to get to it.  And though it’s a public park – part of our vast park system where I live – it is MY park. The extension of my front yard, my home, me.

Quite simply I am spoiled. I spend a lot of time up here in this office. A LOT of time … at all hours of the day and night – looking out onto that park. And I have to admit I like evenings and nights best because the townhomes that are just beyond the trees, just beyond the walking path, on the other side of the park look magical at that time of the day.

It’s hillier here than most people think and those townhomes are nestled into a nice little hillside on the other side of the creek. In the summer the whole area is transformed into a gnome village – porch lights twinkling on and off with the swaying of green branches.  I can just imagine a fat, vested badger getting his evening paper from his porch stoop … nose to the sky sniffing the rich scents that the breezes bring. I never picture people living over there … I guess too many readings of Wind in the Willows for me!

In the spring and autumn the trees are more sparsely leafed so my view opens up a bit and I can start to see rooftops and chimneys and more homes nestled in with the trees. I watch the leaves come in … which trees turn yellow first, which show their green fringe next. And then when the air turns crisp – which trees drop their leaves quickly and are the first to be naked and which, if no snow, stay and give us a show of color until that inevitable snow that comes far too soon.

But it’s winter when my view opens completely and I can see all of this end of the park, all the porch lights and the mountains in the distance (that are swallowed up by leaves at other times of the year). The sky even seems bigger – more expansive. It’s really a beautiful view.

Tonight, as I type (without any lights on thanks to Ted who got me a new light-up keyboard – which I adore) the whole landscape is a gray-white-pink. The pink cast is undeniable and it really is quite pretty. The snow and sky are that same shade, the little lights are shining in the distance and I can see every branch and limb on every tree as they are standing out so black and clearly against the snow. It’s an unusual light. If a person or animal were to be walking anywhere out there – I could surely quite easily see them.  And that’s probably why I don’t see any coyotes or foxes out – too easy to spot. There is no cover of darkness tonight.

We received 21 inches of snow over the weekend. A bit much – even for us! And tonight’s light dusting of sugar-frosting snow is nicely softening up the edges that were shoveled or plowed – making everything look like a vast expanse of gray-pink marshmallow creme.

Time for cocoa.

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Dying my hair … aka: why are my arms spotted?

Day 1:

If I didn’t know better … and if the bottle of hair dye was still not on my bathroom counter … I’d think I had leprosy. Seriously. How hard is it to dye one’s hair without also getting splotches of color on their forearms … neck … shoulder … forehead … and somehow – upper thigh? I am a mess and have 10 minutes left to go before I can wash myself off.  Good thing it’s cold out … I can wear long sleeves. But how to cover up this nice drip line down my face?!

I’ve been dying my hair for years now. More so in the last 5 or so years … and always an in-home version (I’m not a salon gal). I mean, for $8 I get a totally new look, spotted arms, and a surprise ending cuz the color stated on the box is NEVER the color I get! I started off with a rich ruby, then a garnet and then moved on to more red tones … Autumn Blaze, Auburn Dream, Red Red Head. But, with my fair skin and extra 35 lbs I’d gained after my husband (Tim) died – it was not such a great look! AND, I cut my quasi above shoulder length hair to an almost Peter Pan pixie style (a moment of GREAT weakness which must have included an extra glass of peach wine, major grief, and a spare pair of sharp scissors at 1am one morning) – which really did not help in the hair department/category of looking good/decent/ok. Sigh.

In any case – I have had MANY colors. For a long time I wanted purple … not Violet Haze or Lavendar Locks … but deep, true, eggplant purple. I (luckily?) could not find it – well, without stripping all color out of my hair and then redying. No thanks – not THAT desperate for purple hair!

I’m not sure people know my original color – except if they saw me yesterday when the brown was giving way more to the silver strands and blahness than I could take. So – here I am, once again, armed with a box of the flavor of the month (or in this case the color of the month) and we’ll see what we get!

My hair is porous and baby fine. And what I have on my head is also very, very thin (my mom did ask me once – I think at the Thanksgiving dinner table – if I was going BALD). Lovely. Thanks Mom. But, it’s nice to have ONE THING on my body that is thin … too bad it’s my hair … and not my thighs! Or calves. Or upper arms. Whatever.

Years ago when I first came to Denver I had a crazy notion to perm my hair. Let’s just say  that Little Orphan Annie was not a good look for me! It was god-awful. REALLY, really bad. And even though I cannot carry a tune (in or out of the shower) I could have landed a part in the Broadway musical hit HAIR with all the poodle-poofiness going on on my head!

So – after that attempt one would think I would have left well enough alone. Noooo – slow learner. I permed my hair several more times – always with the same result. Tight little fuzzy poodle curls with shoulder length hair is NOT a good look. I was never asked – but I’m sure there were a few people who wondered if I’d been electrocuted! Finally I came to my senses – some decades later – and now only dye my hair. And in really lovely colors!

And, as I was saying, I have been several colors: garnet, ruby, chestnut, maple, dark ash, hickory. I finally decided to stay away from the gems and trees and went with the darker brown tones … more “natural”. So, one day I tried Deep Black Brown thinking it would be subtle and pretty.

That morning after coloring my hair DBB my neighbor advised me not to take any apples from old women. Nice. Yep – I had turned myself into Snow White. Deep Black Brown was Ultra Utter Black Hole-Depths of Nothingness-Snow White Black on me. Great. Another failure.

So … time’s up! I’m off to wash off my leprosy splotches (I’ve been known to use an SOS pad before as this is not the first time!) … and see what hair color I come up with today! It’s supposed to be Darkest Brown – Sweet Cola. I’ll keep you posted.

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Hello world!

Hi and welcome to my blog!

Yay … I’m finally up! For a long time now I’ve been playing with the idea of writing a blog … and well, finally here I am! I am challenging myself to become a better writer and what better way to do that, than to write – a LOT! So – I’m going to give this a year shot and see what I come up with. Daily musings and ponderings … a variety of this and that, tidbits and snippets, stories and facts …

And I’m sure you’re wondering … Lobster On My Shoulder?

In case you don’t know … I have two grown kids … a son (Ted) and a daughter (Sam). When my Ted was little, about 3 years old or so, he woke up in the middle of the night screaming from a nightmare. When I got to his room I could see his eyes wide and white and he looked in horror in my direction and screeched, “What’s that on your SHOULDER?” (with an increase in volume and octave with each word). And before I could answer (or look – to check to make sure there wasn’t some huge spider on me) … he screamed out, “It’s a YOBSTER.” Well, at the time, he had a few letter pronunciation difficulties and I KNEW there was no LOBSTER on my shoulder! I guess too many days at the local grocery store talking to the lobsters in the tank – scarier to him that I thought! He had been dreaming that they had escaped and traveled down the road, through the park, into our house, up the stairs … and one happened to somehow perch his little crustacean body on my shoulder!

So … twenty some years later and whenever there is something formidable going on or something scary … or if we just happen to see a lobster … that story comes to mind and we all get a good laugh. Poor Ted … he’s never going to get relief from that dream – ever!

And, in case you were wondering (or not) … there are over 42,000 species of crustaceans living, world-wide, in both fresh and salt water. There are basically two groups – the larger animals are shrimp, crayfish, lobsters and crabs and the other group includes much smaller varieties ranging from microscopic (mostly found in plankton) to a few inches.  They all have an exoskeleton and when in danger or bothered they roll up, armadillo-like, exposing that crusty outer shell.

And on a futher note … they’re more common than you may think on land … most often seen as roly-polys.

Wishing you a lovely day. Be nice and watch out for lobsters. I’ll take mine with drawn butter – thank you! Enjoy – les

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